Nil N J i : i ' ! i t ! t i i ! I ill HI !' I THE REPUBLICAN, . ' :,CLKAKKIKLD, PA. . WRDNEHDAV MOHNiNta, MAV IX W4. . NIGHT. ,. J 0 nlicltt I most beautiful, inert rare! Thou glv'st Ik hnnu lhlr haliext hue And through the uih nobis of air . i . llriags't down the more ilow I . For thou, with breathless llpa apart, Dtd'al aland In tbal din age afar, ' And hold upon that troubling heart '1 ' Meealnh'a herald start .. i, .ii For thU 1 love llijr hallowed reign For more Mian tbrloe bleaard thou art !' . Thou gain'st the. unbeliever'! brain t 11? enuring it hit heart. . d, i I i Tho Peril of theUnited States, j Lot iir hnncbtl v admit llio truth, fiml manfully npply the remedy: The peril of our Amci'lRftn lift) in ilirilioiiuHty. . This produces tho luck of confiilonoo, ' which is tho root of panic. Shivery Involvod at In n civil war, ' Hotter it should Burvivo Ic pormh horonftor in ' . corruption .Tho urn in leR olfenHive than tho putrcHConCo of tho cravo. .'. Our very existence in nl stuko. Amcri " can life presents nn anomalous speetn ' ; cle. -We aro noeinlly, paro nnd com " inorcially dopraved. , Mun who are . upright in tho neighborhood nnd ud mirablo in their homeft will hnlitualty and knowingly and systematically do . wrong io thoir business. ' Nny I evon ' churcuos, to draw crowd, ront pews ' and raiso rovonuos, will resort not only to sensationalism in oboir and ' pulpit,butmakooarthblushandboaven weep ovor tricks which oro degrading, and insulting to all manliness and religion. 1 Nor is the " malady confined only to mon in dis tinguished . position. It ofTects all cIuhsos or our republic, tho tainted 1 streams of tho summit porcolnto tho entiro mountain. Of all tho sins of humanity, bribery is perhaps tho moanost. Most othorcrimos are' pos sible to a eunglo lrans;rosBor. Here tboro must be two pnrtics to tbo guilt, tho man who gives and tho mnn who takes, liolh are debasod. Thoromay bo dannir in robbcrv. and eouniiro in mnrdor. Tho peculiarity of bribery is Us cownrulco. It snonKS. it enngos, it hidoH, it winds, it twists, it wrigglos, it skulks, it is not a lion, roaring and ' rushing on its prey,' but a Borpont lurking in tho grass to mluse its poi son before crushing with its coils, A man who abases bis office, warps his judgment, and twists his conscience for u bribo, sells his soul by his nut, nnd ovor after livoscxpoctinga higher bidder lor himsolr; and ho is, liko L'lvccrino, clangorous to his purcbasor. Now it is a painful and mortifying fact that neorlj cvoryllmg in our country bus, in so mo way, directly, or indirectly, been controlled by bribes. ; Jloclianics, oterseors, builder, contractors, archl tecls have been bribed.' Constables, policemen, collectors, inspectors, weighers, measurers, gnugcrs, post masters have boon bribod. Juclgos, juries, legislators, governors, huvo been bribed. , Wo huva sometimes feared thut it would bo dillicult to place a slono or a limber or a lock or it screw ... or a nail in your; house that has not somewhere in Us passage loll tlie slain of a bribo. It is iloubtltil whether the food which supports our lives, or the coffins wLicb will convey us to our "graves, can wholly escupo contami nation. The consequence is disturbed . , faith in each other, and sometimes a ' distrust ol our country and humanity, with A fear like a shadow that on all modern Kuropoau and American soci etics is but tho; old doom of ancient Babylon and Homo. Our fiiiib alone save from despair. That is sufficient, but not hero to be discussed.; Certain it is that panics and the olhor evils we have named are but eruptions of dis ease on tho surluco ol tho body politic . Our nation from our civil war has been proparing for our oommorclal disasters The timber of tho cdifico of onr public . credit had been decaying long before the weakened structure was threat ened with its crash. Many under lying sands must bo washed away to make the mountain lull. the inter national Review. Pbutixts. The Philadelphia Age thuscauslicly remarks: "JSIessrd he the man who invented pretoxtsl What ' troublo nnd blushes they provent and , bido! What personal pride they mol lify I How Cabinet officers dolo on thorn, whon having disgraced them solves, tboir Presidential chief and their country, thoy feel or aro made to feel that it is linio to, resign! , It is a foreign mission offered, a judge ship in the Court of Claims, bad health, ortroinir intoprivato Dusincss. When such pretexts are mado for tho Kccro tary of tho Troasury, for instance, - tho courtoons publio bows nnd niur . mors politely ''.Naturally of course" Jiut at tho sumo timo, that courtoons publio baa common sonso and thinks "Sanborn, Sanborn." I hnco precious Stioklng-plastor of pretext, that will cover tho gangrening Sanborn wound ! How to do it. The New Jorsey Legislature passed a law last week that no liquor sollur should be liconscd in tbo town of Orango unless bo paid (100 per year, and received the en dorsement of 12 property holders ou his-application for license, and no cm Ken to sign but ono petition for Buch license Tho application must bo printed in a newspaper two wcoks, with tho names of those endorsing it. There is somo common sonso in that kind of legislation. Could not our legislators try something of that sort. JJdselton fievt. ". In Council. Tho following named , railroad klngi met in cw York on Friday last: Col Thomas A. Scott, of the Pennsylvania Central Kuilroad; Mr. Vandorbilt, of tho Now York Cen tral Railroad ; Mr. McCulloiigb, of the Bit it more and Ohio ' Jtuilrond. ami President Watson, of the Krio Jtuil rond, have bad a conference on tho subject of passenger and freight rates between the west and I'-asi. ,Tho Congressional Senate Commit teo on Finances bold a long session on fuinrrlnv nn the rnrrencv nnostion. There is no difficulty among members on tho general icaturcs oi iree uans , in ha nlanan nf whiuh thov are in favor, but theft Is no agreement on tho othor branches oi me nnnnciai win upon which members differ widely in their opinions. . . Thu Nonrotary of War sent to Con Srcss on Tuesday tbo report of Major lorrill on the extension of tho Chesa peake and Ohio Canal to the Ohio fiver. ADO UlSianCO tmrty ran, aiiu the estimatod cost l,j)b,w. Tbe "later bugs" are soon to appear, tbi;eo hnnurea inousana strung. io, are now resting on their oars, await ii..onnin nf the first man to de posit thoir favorite fruit. That' wjiot one who Knows sy- , EON A 111) HOUSE, (Noarthx llallronil I)flol,)' mr thn llallrni CLEARFIKL ill, I'A. A than of nublie imlronnxe l renierlTuHy llnitfU. t!li74 H. II. HOW, I'mp'r, SHAW HOUSR, ' ' , (Cor. of Alarhol A Trout ttreoln,) '., ' L'LKAllUKI.Ii, I'A. . , i , Tho unlirl,rntd bavliig lukrn ohario of tlilt lintel, would KtiH)trull,v aolieltmililie patronage. ooll 13 .. it, pibw iun niiAn. WASIIINfiTON 1IOUSK, v - NKW WASIUNUTON, TA. Till now ami well furnlfhoil houe hat boon UVi'n liy the unJorniRncil. II o fi-nln ennfiilenl of holnn able to renilor eatlnl'iuition to thoae who mat favor him with a call. Mare, 1873. 0. W. PAVIS, Trop'r. M ONTO II II, II Ol' HP., 0iioiie the Court lloiine, ( LOCK 1IAVEK, TfNK'A. JeU'71 lIAl'KlvAli K110M, I'ron'i. JKO( KIlRIIOl'l' IKIIIHI IIKI.I.HKOIIITK, I'A., ' .";d; J0I1N8T0JJ BOOT,'. oo(2V7l .i.iH. j im.v. Protrletora r oyi) iiousK," i r Li Main Rtreol, ' ' rillUr.NHUKU, 1'KNN'A. ' Tulile alwnyi luiiiilled with tbe lieat the market alW.l. Tbo IrLToling public it inviteil to rail. nori,7a. iiuiihht i.ui u. r 1 1 THE MANSION HOUSE. Cornorof HeoonilanilMarkotBlrectt.' (LKAKFIl.l), PA.', . ., '. 1I1I9 old ad eommodloui Hotel hat. during . the pait year, boon enlarged to doable lie former capacity for the entortainment of etran (en and guoiu. The whole building hai booa refurniihed, and tho proprietor will (pare no palm to render hli guoiti eomfortalile while itaylog with him. r . JO-Ibe 'Moolon llouio uuimtnn rani to and from the Dopot on the arrlral and departure of each train. , . . JOHN DOUUIIKIITV, apre-70 tf Proprietor. ALLKGURY IIOTKL, ' ; (Marki-t St., lict. Second and Third,) ci.i.iti ii:i.i. i-A. Tho aubacrilH-r hitvinir become priinriclur of thla hotel, would rcapcetlully ak a liberal anare uf pulilio patrnnnge. api73 oeuiiiiH Ll.irui.Lii. USQUKIIANXA llOUSK, ' , cunn KaNhvillk. : , Clcurtloltl countv, l'cnn'tv. This oM nnd woll uiiiihlilhrnl llotol. bortulifiilly niltiatcd on tbo liankf of 4 ho URat-'hatum, in tlin iHirouKi ui Curwt nfViIle, nan bucu linmil for ft tonn of yenn ly thn umlcrwirnrtl. It Imn boon entirely riHitttl, and U now ion to tho ullic generally And tho t rmeung com in unity In jr tiralnr. Nn (ininfl will 1o fjidrod to rerult r gm itu enntftirtrildo while Urrylnj? At thlR lion no, ' Ample 8tAtiling room far tho uceoinmadittioii nt teuini. LhArgt'f inotjrratn. Hufleomurfi U t -u i : t KHVDKtt A CO. mo TIIOSR 1NTKKESTKI IS TUM PI R- X t'HAK OF A fciTIUCTLY rURE RYE WHISKY, Fur Mdioii.l PurjtuMi we ulTr ICailtN lnro It j v9 Price $2 In $1 pur (fn. Ion, and will uliip In park go In mil jiiirx'hiiiUT. - V uUu beiiidlw liirn"! ft . tOPfER DISTILLED WHISKY, Price fmia M to $1.7''. ; We import FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, And re fttro msnuffieturf-nt of Dfl SKEVKlfS TONIC HERB BITTERS. Bend for prlofl liit. HDKY & CHRIST, apr.I2 Dm 121 North Third ft., I'liiladclphia. Down I Down!! THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COUKSK THE CIIEArESTI A Proclamation against High Pricesf "IITE are now opening up a li-t of the heat and It moat acatonable (Inoda and narea erer offered in thia market, and at pric-e that remind one of the rood old dava of chenp thinga. Thoae who lack failh niion thia point, or dreni our allo- attiona luperflumta, need but itl.I. IT Ol'H 8TOIIK, Corner Front and Market itreeta, Where they can arc, feel, hear and know for thrm elvea. To fully underatand what are cheap gimlet thia muat be done. We do not deem It neceaaary lo enumerate and llemire our Block. It la enough for na to atate that We Lave Evervtliing tliat is Needed and eonaumod In thia market, and at prlcea that aatomah both old anil young;. deo2l JOHKI'll MIAW MIH. JOHN TROUTMAN, DRALF.R IN FURNITURE, MATTItKSSKS, ' AND ' ' ' Improved Spring Beds, MARKET 6TIIEKT, NEAR P.O. The undersigned brga Icarc to inform the elli aeoa of Clearfield, and the publio generally, that ka baa on band a One aaaortnicnt of Furniture, ruch aa Walnut, Chratnut and Painted ('hnm)nT Huitrt, I'arlor Huitca, Heclining and Extenaion Chaira, Ladlce' and Uonta' Kaay t'halra, tbe Per forated Dining and Parlor Chaira, Cane Hrata and Wimlaor Chaira, Clolhoi llara, Blrp and Kstrn ilon Laddera, Hat Racka, ttcrubbitig Ilruahea, Ac MOUI.DINO AND PICTURE FRAME. Looking Olnaaea, Chrotnoe, Ac, which would bo auitable fur llaeicay prcacnte. doclOTS JOHN TROUTMAN. MARRLE AM) ST0E YARD ! . M r r. S. S. li 1 1) I K L I, llavinf engaged in the Jlarble huaineaa, dcairoa to inform her frlrnda and the public that the baa now and will keep cnnatanllyon hand a large, and well acleeted atork of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARIiLE, and la prepared lo forni-h lo order TOMIICTONEfl, , , P.OX AND CKAbLK ToMIIH, t MONUMENTS, Curlie and Poale for Oi-motory Loir, Window Rilla and C.npa, alfo, 11IIREAU, TAIil.K AND WASH STAND TOI'B, Ac, Ac. ' i,Yard on Rwd alrrel, nrortlie R, R. riopot, Clearllold, Pa. jtT.JS j. loLLowiuan . . i . a. niria cantr HOLLOWBUSH & CAREY, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, AND STATIONERS, ' aiH Jllarkri St., Philadelphia. kfa.Panrr Flour Sacka and Dag, Foolacnp, Letter, Note. ' Wrapping, Curtain and Wall , fcbM.JO Jjpd Paperi. T1 IIR HALiiV The undcralgard olT.-ra for X "le a ealaable Iowa property in the borough of Clearneld. lot Coalni foot, with a good two. atory plank houee thereon erecteil, with three rooana down atalra and four bed roonia up flairt. Alao, lowing room and hath room on aceond floor. loiie tniahed complete from ridlar le alhc. Uood doable porch and good water, Price rea sonable and payments eaay. ' M.ng7.1 WM. M. McCIILLOItOII. , Jiry (fioedi, CrnffrifS, f(. AH THIS I i: -1 J; !J W t-Ji if'. .v -.1. I.:.l I .1 FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I li -: ' " ( The allentlnn of the eltlacM of ClrarneM ai.l vii'lnlty la ilirorlud to tho (not that llooilfellow A Hon aro Ihe ajrrnl" of M. Nieoe A Co., and bre jut received a half down rar loadi ef Klour and h'eed, which they nflor at tbe lewi'it pnioilile tig MS. A large ituck of : .i , I i 1 . (.. . ;-.. I I ' FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BPCKWHEAT VI.0UU, 1I1UN,, Potntnea, Shelled Corn, Corn In ear, Ac, 4o. i Farliculor altentiow le eallrd lo M. Niere A Co, 'a brand nf Kuniil.v Floor, which la I lie beat In tlie ulak4't- M Jm.i. L ,li ""' I I v Flour and Fend can and will bo aulil chenper than It can ho obtained -elrcwhere In Clrartield county. . 1 w " --8Uire on Market atrect, next door fo 11 an. Alexander Irvln'e realdnnce. - - 11 I 1 I UOOIIKHM.OW A ROW, ; JanlOif ,,,., .,1 Agenta for M. Nlrce A Cq. 1? a. & w. d. iuviN,r:i: CORNER STPHE; CURWENSVILLE, FA., IIKOKIVR FLOUR AND SALT I1Y CAIt LOAD, . ' i . i And nidi Dk t'm.'iU'ndviinro. .'1 i: 4 r K i i, n Y T 11 R CO I li, I I AVl PACKAGE GOODS in n LUMliEUMEN'S: "SUPPLIES .SOLD CUE A Auguat 13, 18137:11:1 0. 1. c. T HERB to buy my PRY U0fT?. OIIO Not ion Confection eric, Ac, chcup fur oh. Tho fubmibtr brRt lenvt lo in form bi old and cw cuitumort Ida b u opcni'd i A VARIETY RTOHK IN OLEJI IIOI'K, PA Anl will iwll rnoitfl at prim In full Hi timet. A libcrftl rntoHton will be ntadt lo rmlomcrs buy inf nt whtlrnlo. Call and examine tny nUn'k before pan-bniiing elucwhere. A libertii nlmre or iuttlic pnlronafo l o lotted. , C. J. KRAOY aim Hope, I'., June 1 1, 1871. JJ F. BIGLKU & CO.'S SPECIALTIES 11U1 LDKK8' HAllDH ARR, MECHANICS' IIAHDWARK, LUMIIEUMRN'S IIARDWAHR, FARMING IITKN8II.S, " MILL SlIFPLIKS,' IRON f- NAIIJ1, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHKS, .. PAINTKHS' FINDINOfl, CALCINKD l-LASTKR. lay M, 1873. The nmlcriilfcnatl are bow full prrpnrcd ! carry on tho buainei of lTIi:itTAKIX,J, AT RKASOHAIILK RATKrl, Ami reieellull aolioil tlio patniaago nf Ihive nemllng aurh aervlena. JOHN TROUTMAN, JAMBS l LKAVY. Clrarlielil, Pa., Feb. IH, 174. DISTAN'S CROSS CUT, MILL, CRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS. - Boynton'u Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ' "also, PATKNT l'KRFORATKD A KI.ECTRICSAWS, Few mat t '" '' onu.r it. r. RIHI.KR A CO, rjio i. ii Mn i:k mt. m PKRVKCTION IM C A NTH 0.0. K, S I ... ' i, . i. . t The ClearAeM Kanelaier Canthook will ant wear out nr break, hflng ennatrncM with one enllil hand from elip to point. ... : ' It le mnounceil hj alt praetiral lunjbermra who have eaainiiied It lo be Ilia enmt perfeet Canlhonk erer Inrrnlcd. - i i Amos Kennard, Patentee. "' .."'7-..'i ' MannfarlumJ h Amu Kaln A Co., at, PA. j ! ! MTAtl orden rrompllr attended lo. U'7 JJNJlKttTAKINi;. ' I Md W A 1 ' : illlt -.a. I .. I ...".-rWfl ilfisiro lo rnll flm nlloniion of tho cilijjn.t of. CIciulioM rnuniy to llio fact lliot' we ' . V- .. ..v-i... ..-.; IH'VO OpCnMl .It'. V'; -;.e -. .;,!. . i - -ll r-ir lit II t .'II' i I' . ' ', - I'' ' , ' ' ' 1 t- ' , I . ... MUSIC S T O R EI N CLEARF I ELD ,7. : Wlioro w inlrml lo ronnlnntly kcp on hand n full mijiply of ; 'f ; ; 7'.";' . , " . .',, ' iPIANOs! ORGA , VVe nro nrepnrcil nt nil limos lavoraiiio icrins na io prices niin uTiiia ui jmyiuuiu. ; ,,-,..!!:... '.'!' '," , ' ' '' ' ' j it . ' - ' f Our stock of ORGANS will consist of tho new nnd popular ! ilYNDER ORGAN, (with llynilor's Knno Ticmolo nnd downward Tho SMITH AMKRICAN ORGAN CO.'S ' NKW IIAVKN MKLO)IX)N CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLK nnd CIURCII ORGANS..;!; ..' 'i ' ., '7 ''..,' " i. !! 'i '-' .I - , . I!osidf!8 llicsn wo furnish to order Orgnjis from any factory desired. , ; ; ; ( Wc sell on every plan known POI'DI.AU AM) EASY eraA.-M' I I. On our easy terms everyone amount will tend so much to t ' , DCJ"y hhull he glad lo have nrl.'7!y ; . pijfcllaiirous. " YALIIARLE FAini FOR SALE I i IN MM Altl TOWNMHP. Tli utidripni d ollVri for tbe farm on whioli lie now reKl.lm, ihintr in (liruH tiwnlii, rienrfii'M wmnfy, !'.. ioritnrly owned by JiihIiii J. Vie. Die fiirm frhfftinn llM- mrrrnt and (every itoinilily kienU'd. Tb' buildtntrx are all nrw, and nlH of a lnrji frame htiune, baitK et liar nttdrrnt-ttlh, ami kwhI walvr'eunvemunl ; mre fniuie (mm, blnoltMintili ilxiti. wacn bd, spring hdiife, Tho bntdlinff on (hi form are nt ymnl. if not bottor, th:in mi any ftrm in OlearAetd po iily. 'I lie lend if of Miprrior ittlily nnl la a jjfun flate ol rollivftlion. , . . Ko-M-ntinn willl-e (fir-n in tlie nuftt or nt any lime mit rnnvenint l I be pun hitwir. Tl.o tetinnwtll lo r'noii:i1.lf. Vi-r-t'OH ilriroe of pun hawing run aeiftn- Ino .iiil.fcnWr nl leeontoi MilN i. ., t'learKebl eonnly, Pa., nr apply t petnon on tbe prfniiw?1. Any wrtwini wauling any informal ion Id roard In llni iunlity of Hi land, Ihe kind of huihling Ihirrun, run p-1 tw infurmaf ion by eall in(j on Khcnfl I'ie, in ('irnrlirM, nf he owned tbe fium for a aomher flf vrnrf, nntl of eonrw know? nil about it. TfENI-KMi KNIHK3, Lpconto'a Mill-. Cleaifteld Co.. Pi. .Unnnrr 21,' 174. FAIRBANKS' ' ?TAKIAI'.n - wvTp H C A I- li Ht or am. iciann; , Ba(jKO Hnrrcwi, Warfbonfe Tmotts, Cipyin rrif-M?, Improved Meiiry prawcr, Ac ma fiAi.r at 11. F. IlIOLKll & CO., . Dcalera In Hardware. jrl,10 7(l If ' Fi-i.01,,1 Slrret, CleainrU, Pa. J OOK ANT) head: SADDLE tUI (RI.SS M1KIG! JOHN C. HAEWICK, 1 MarltPl Sl.C'liKAUI'lKliI), Pa., , la thn ainn logp to if yum want a eel of new IIARNK.Sfl or a new HALiDl.K, or anything elae la that line, lie turna nut aa g'.J work aa la alone in an ahcip in Pennarlvania, and hla prlcea are very rraaonalile. 1,'iunUnlly on hand a full line of TKOTTINO GOODS, n. h aa Trotting SailiHra, Quarter anil Shin Tlnote, Trolling Rnllera, Whipa, Fine llruahnand Coailia, In, A line aaanrtinent of Nela, llorae Unrera, Knee Manama, Buffalo llnnea, An., Ae., kept in aenron. In faet anything tint boraeaaen aland in need of la alwaya on hand. . All of which wirl he eold at wholpaale or retail at Ihe Tery faireat ratea. Repairing promptly attended to. All work guaranteed. Shop in room formerly nneaplni aa I'oat Offieo April II, 1873. T1IB.CLKAKF1KL1) ; j WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! i " Mannfiielured capccially fur THE cr.KA IMF.I.T) Til A rK, ; run aat.a ar , II. F. RUlLfcR A Co. S, A li K ! augii'in o n A largo anil wi ll finished llrli'k IlneHinR, itu ate nn Ihe river hunk, in Die borough or Clear Belli, containing eleven rmtllia, will, H'md eellai, waUir in the kilchen, and all the ninilern enB nienora. Panlrlea, llalh-rooia, Clulliea preaaea, At. Lot aitly feet front and two hundred and Ihirly fi'et haek, with a twenty foot alley on Ihe eait aide. Said building, with all Ihe appurlenaneel, will lie Bold eheap, with payinentalo anil pnreha. or. Application can lie made lo Ihe under eignnd, or lo A. (!. Talo, Ki., who will giro all neeetaary Information to thoae who deatra to in prot the property. THOS..I. M.CHLLOIltlll. ' Mny a I at, I87S, ir. Bealo's Embrocation, ' (1, ATX I' OWK LI,' 8,) For all diaeaaea Ineldent lo llnraea, Cattle, Bar Unman Vleah, reiplrlng the nae nf an . teraal application. v Thia Kinhroeatien waa eatenalvety uaed bi tbe Uoeernraenl during the war. For nl by llartawlek A Irwin, ClearKeli Jnacpb R. Irwin, Curwenaville. Dauiel flood ander. Lutheraburg. , if. Attention, ; Liiniliernirn ! 1TR are now maonlarlnrlng our IMPROVRt Y HTEKIj - SOCKKT IHllVINd CANT. HOOKS, anperlnr to any olber In nae. We havi alao in atork a large quantity of Canthnnka anila ble for rafting purport, whirh we aro Belling -heap for eaah. AMOS A R. KKNNAR1). , Cleardolil, I'a., Marrh 13, l7t riUNSMITIIINfl. Q. W. WOLFE, Pl.ACTIOATi GUNSMITII. - Simp nn Third alreel, nrer lllley'a blaekemilb ibop, PA. All klmla or Rillea and Shot llunaon band. Repairing dona In a Orat-elaaa Banner and at fair prima. :1'7I o nnn ,,,s op wimh. wanted, 6,J)) lly Arnold, Hnrtaknrn A Hippie, for wbleh they will pay eaib, at their factory, near Curwenarille, or at tho atore id Arnold A llarta born, In Cnrwenavllle. frh41lm AHNOI.D, UAKMUOHN A IIII'l'LK. I r'i 1 1 .I i : niT i ji l.i, -II ; -i J V I' MARK E T; , S T, ft It V. I K X D, : 1,,E ' 1 -!:!!- i.n. Our stock of PIANOS will consist of STKINWAY & SONS' PIANOS, .......!.. .. IIAINK-S nROTIIKHS' to furnish finy of ihrt cheaper ninkcH of Pianos to onlor on tho most . MASON & lo llio "trade, wilier OlIKAP FOR 111. j.,. ' - . i 1 .i '. it..ti can have n good instrument, MAKE HOME HAPPY. - j ; , j , , , , ,, . , . . i you call and see us, whether you J I Y N I i ''51U5ffltanfouj.7- QLKAUFIKLD . ; PLANING MILL C O ,M PA N UK naderftlifnett. enerenari KKKD A 1 lMiWKI.l,, have purrbaaed Ihe t'l.KAR MKI,I VI.ANTNt! MUt. and rrntti-d it? for doiaj an ettensWe bnlneM. All Ihe miebinery will be adtbd wntumry lo ibaho It nue of Die uiot com plrto eilab iabateata el Ihe kind in llio State. They are now wrepared to receive orden for any work in tbal line. X bey will giveipe.'i alleulion to all matcrialx for h.Mo building. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARMNG, SASH, POOUS, BLINDS. 1 iliUICKETS, JIOMJLMit.rai r. OH AI L HTVI.rOS, alwaja hi k.d. WORKED COAltDM, and all artirlei arna ry for huildiofc, will be asebaaKed for 1KT lel'MItKK, to thai fiertoni at a dittaaea nay brinf( Ibiiir luinbcrt exchange it for, and retura homo with the manefarlurrd articlcj. , , . The Company will always bare oa band a large atork of dry tanner, an aa to he ante to AH aa order oa the ekorteet notice. Only tbe boet and wont killfal banda will be employed,, aa that the publio may rely upon good wotk : Laaiber will be worked or eold aa low aa It aaa beparobaeed anjwborv, and warranted give laliffalion. Ai tbe bnsineM will be done upon the raoh priori pit we ra al-ird to work fur iiaall promt. DRY" LUMBER WANTED! Especially one and-a half and two loch paael muo, lor wiitcu a liberal price will be paid. The tuuineae will be eoadurtrd ander tbe name ef the "Ctcnrfirld Planliif? Mill (o O. n. Merrell will peraonally inperlntrnd the oaaineaa. Orders rcrpeelfully anllrilcd. ' - 0. H. MKRRKLL. R. II. TAYLOR. DAVID MHIAI'Oim'. M. U. DROWN A lino. Clearneld, Pa., Jnnaary S, 1174. , READING FOR AlLTi BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market Ht., Clearfield, (at tlie Font Offlre.) rnilK anderaigned here Irare leannoa J. theoitl.ena of Clearfield and rleinlty, that bo kae llted Bp room Bad aaa jaet returned freaa Ike eiiy with largo Baaoaatof reading attar, conaiating la part or Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Aeoount and Paaa Hooka of (Tory do aeriplien Paper and Knrelopea.Freurh pmaaed and plain I Pent and Peneils j Blank, Legal Tapera. Deeila. Mertgagea i Juilgnent, Kxeaap Hob and Fromlaaorj aolea i White and Pareh: went Ilrlef, Legal Cap, Heeord Cap. and Bill Cap , Hheet, Maale for either Piano, Flato or Viol la eonatantly oa band. Any book er aUtloaery desired tbal I Bay not Kara on naad, will bo or ordered by Irat oipreii, and eold at wholoaalo or retail to anit eaetonera. I will alao keep .rleel! Kaepolove, awek M HH."ai paper), Ao. V. A. UAUL1M. t'iearaeiej may I, lana-u . MOSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER C ll M P A N V, OSCKOI.A fTKAM MILLS, xtanracniaaa LUMIJKH, LATH, AN.l) I'ICKKTB Snwrd of- Patent Ribbed Shingles. II. H. flllll.LlNOKOHD, Prealdent, Offia-Farcat Plane, No. I2i 8. alh at., Pbil'a. JOHN LAWSIIR, General Eup't, Oaeeula Mill., Clearneld eoonly, Pa. Albo-TOWN LOTS Li aala In tbe borough fOaeeola. Alio Xrrn Ihe f.ARllhBT ASSORTMENT of Oooda In t'learfleld eoanty at their Mantmolb Hlnre la (lieeola. Jnntl 74 Lime for Sale I THR nnderelKned, reatdlnff noar the drpot haa nade eowiplete arranironentt with Lime I.arner eat nf the mowntaln whereby he la ena bled to koep eonKtanMy on knnd a large qaawttty of PURE iLIUEI whleb be offrra lo farmers and bulldert at A trifle above on at. Tboae la need nf the artlels would do well to giro mo a rail, or addraai no by lettof, be fore negnltatlng their hme. ' (1K0. C. PASSMOHS. Clearneld, Pa., Juno , IMt. ' ' "' . Bi AnO.UNS 1 MVSICAt IN STRHMKNTH I Organs, both an and aeeond hand, ai tho Mualn Htaro, uppusito uialiob a Furniture Utora. All persona tnloreated aro lni ted to eall and eiaealM a new stylo of Organ bow ob eahilillkiB. Shoot Maale and Ms ale Book a eoaataatly on band, apiat lllf soon .1) l.r ' I "-1 .' 0 1 J I N N A . -ft , -111!)'. , I I I.. I 1, IMANOS. i , ,...,! ! . St . - .. c Octavo Couplor,)"" - ; t ... t ORGANS, HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the CASH, OrTNOTIS, or on the , - m:, . ' f . ... " i.;.ji. . autl no. other, investment of like - " . 7: ' : ";; ' ' .i -" . - ii h ' : desire to purchase or not. WH : 91 VH iV NTOltK. '7:;, .. faults. : ' County National Bank, OF CLKAUFIKLI. PA. , .7 i 1 OOM la Maaenle llulliling.uBa door aorlh ol Wataon's Brug Wure. I'aaaageTieketa loand Iron LlrerpooL C)ueeiba. tiiwa, Ulaairow, LoadoB, Paris aad Copenhngra, Afean, Drallaaar salo on tlie Hoyal llanhu Iraland and Imperial Hank of London. JAJuKH T. I.KONAKD, Prea't W. Mi 8IIAW, Caahier.. - otl:,74 J. D. M'Uirki ' i KJaard l'.rke. BAHKINQ & COLLECTION HOUSE : McGirk & perks. Koeeeamra In Fnater, Pnrka, A Co., ' I'lilllpabure;, l eulre Cotiuty, I'a. WllKIlK all the l.u.iai-an ofa Uauking lloe wil1 oe Uanaai'loil promptly bai upon Mm aioallaroranleu.raia. ., , , . - Mai7-u DREXEL & CO., No, II awaiti Thlrtl Mtret, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities Aiinliralion br nail will reeeire prompt atten tin, and all tnfornatiea cheerfully furnished Orderi aclmtid. April ll lf. rpiIE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OK . NTOVi : ! NTOYKN erer broaght to tbe eouuty, are being rreelred at the Hardware Kelabiiebaieat of II. K HIUI.BH SB Cll.. eompriaiog the following Cook stores RrEAIl'S CALORIFIC. v ' , ,, .SDi-tiUEHANNA, KKOULAToR SOBLri KXCKI.SIOR, TRinitPit. t)OV. PENN. NATIONAL IUNaE, 4C. AC. Alao, tho following Heating Slnrea:' . KPKAK'S ANTI CI.INKKU. 8r EAR'S ANTI tJST. PTEAR'S OltniCULAn, Xl'KAU'H PAULtlR CIK1K, ,. . MOUSING UOIIT. ' HON TON, ClirsEY, , . RUDY : , 7 mum in son, . C1IESTKK EflO, .. . . .. VOLCANO. ' . '. . rnoENix. ' 11 ! HEAVY RATI ROOM AN D STORK UOOM 8T0VEH, AC, Clearleld, Rept. t&, WI. rjx THE F It 0 N T ! ; i:xt itkmknt , 1 ' 1. AT TUB , . CLEARFIELD BAKERY .AND ! I ICE CREAM SALOCN I . The Baderalfrned having juat ItteJ wp new, large, and aomlortahlrt roonia ob Market etroel, ear Tklrd, roapertfully laforma tbo publietkat ha bow drrpared In aeeonaiBOdalo tbess with everything In his line on short nolle and at all boars of the day. Ha keeps on band KRKSIl BREAD, ' - , RUSKS, ROLLS, I'IKS, , , , CAKES, all kinda. ICE CREAM,' and a general aeeortment of CONTKCTIONERIKS, FRUITS, NUTS, Ae., All of which will be delivered to aualomora at their realdaneea, whoa reojuoatod to do so. ICR CREAK, by thsdlah, served ina nestly fur Biabod room. Thankful fur tbe grueroaa patronage bellowed Is tbo past, be kopea to merit and reeeire a eon - tlnneeineof the tamo froaa bis old easte ' ' fears, and other. "' JOHN stadler. 7 JuneH.TJtf. , I-l very Ntable. TH H sJBdeeaigBed beg leara to In Am the pub lie that bo Is bow fully prepared to aeeonsao dale all In tbo way of furniaaina Hones, Baggies. Baddlsl and Uaraesa, on tho shortest Boties and on reasonable terns. Residence oa LoeustotMoL bolweea Third and Fourih. . UKls W, UKAUUART. . Oloarleld, Feb. 4, 1874. . T)TNIT, WRIT! A ROAW MNIrJO HKINS I J. Juat resslved and far sale by April M, HT. ,. n, r, BIULKIi ft CO, SACEETT & MIIU1VER, HARDWARE, M f t 'II '-I , j ftA'l winufuflurer ut . i , t t. ii ....' -- . s i' ' Tlii,Cnppcr&Shert Iron Ware, i i -h ..... . '" ' ,;' Second Street, - "i i'"1 ' i . CI.F.AHr'IFil.ll, PA. Ilavlag largely loorennnd our Block of Hard. ware, wo Invito tho nubile toexaailna aur stork Bad prices, i -i nr i. . - . Carpenters and Dorsum who euntontplale liuild- leg will do well to eiawina our , i -. . . T00L8 ft BUILDIHO HAKDWAKE, which la new and ol the- bait manufacture, and will be aold low ferea-h. . i .. ' . nails, ' 7. '. ;. ;. , .. . ' GLASS,-" " 7:' : 7 ' ruTTVa "" ,.. CLUB, LOCKS, ' LATCH Poi, -' -' 11INGRS, -: All kin Ja of Bench Piano, Pawr, Chiarla, Fquarca, liaintnera, iiairneu, riutnna anil iivi-ia, j Mortlai d A Thumb tlmigca, HerV-la, .llraeea A Rilta, Wood and Iron P.eneh Serewa, and the heat ' Poring Machine In tho " J " . market. ti - Double and Single Bitt Axes, 1 POCKKT C1ITLEIIY, Ae. Agents fur Ditrnctl't Iron Cum Shelter, , . . wnrrantcl. . Alan, agents fur llieharda' 7 ' 7 fttn iiic 1'i.nii tops. , ' wlitoh eiriYtually euro Smoky Flue. Fatmcra' luiplraienla anil llanlen Tool" nf ct ery . w-aeripiion. A large rark-ly of ' COOK STOVES, " wlili'b we warrant lo giro Bill fielion. ' Portable It anre anil t'nrnaerH ' -fl. .Ronring. Pnoirlirrjr and Job Work done on reasonable trrma. All or.liTa will reeeiro pprnn atlentlosj. ' June II, IH7:i. B1GLER, YOUNG & REED, tSncr'eori to n)ub)n 1 Tuun,1 ' FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Uauufarturera or TORTABLE & STATIONARY Steam-engines Corner of Fourth and Pine Streets, xrAHi iri.i, pa. T T AVINO engaged In the Bianufacture of Aral. 1 L elaas MACUIN KUY, wa renprrirully liifurni tho public that we aro now prepared to til all orders as cheaply end aa promptly aa ran be done in any of tbe eiliei. ITe manufacture and deali " Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Mocks, Water Wheel., Fhifling l'ulleya, tliirord'a Injector, Hteam tlangea, StcarN Wbiallea, Oilers. Tallow Cups, Oil Cup., Ilauge Cock a, Air Cocks, (I lobe Valves, Cheek Valvea, wrought Iron Pipea, S'.eaJU Pumps, Roiler Feed Pumps, Ant! Friction Metres, Fonp Stone Packing, (Inm Park ing, and 111 kinds of MILL WORK,- toRolher with Plows, Fled Soles, COOK AND PA HLOIt STOVES, and other CASTINUS of all kinds. psJBOrders solicited and tilled at city prices All letters of Inquiry with reference to machinery of oar wanufacture prompt Ij answered, by adilrea- Ing us at Clearneld, Pa. ' janHl tf BKILKR, TOI'NO A RKKD. ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, . HANGING VASKS, Stove lifning ami Fire TSrick,' kept eonatantly on hand. STOXE AXD EARTlVn - WARE OF KVKRV DESCRIPTION! CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! KUtirr'a I'aleut AlHlght Self I'rult ( anal Sealing RI'TTER CHOCKS, with lids, CRRAM CROCKS, r MILK CROCKS, Afl'I.K- lll'TTKll CKOCKM, I'ICKI.K CROCKH, FLOW Kit POTH, FIR DISHES, UTKW POTS, And a great many olhor things too numerous to , ...ii, i.. a - FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE,- WAKE IOTTEItY, Corner nl Cherry and Third Streets, CLKAIIFIKI.D, PA. augl FARMING IMPLEMENTS ', ',' FOR SALE 11V II. 1 ltlKl r A Co. 1R0S Doflbl.K t!IO KL PLOWS. . WOOD DOIIIILEIIOVKL PLOWS. WOOD FINOI.K PIIOVFL I'LOWH IRON CULTlVATORfl. WOOD CULTIVATORS. UOWANDA A IRON HKAM Pl.OWH. PITTMBl'Rtl BTKEI. PLOWS. . HAUPT'S PKLI.KFONTI I'LOWM. RODKSON'Saad THOMPSON'S PLOWS. WKkarea fur all ol the abavw Plowa eon laaily on hand. uijiS-7J H. P. HIGI,ER ft CO. .' haVo for tale CARRIAtiE & UM .WOOM, fill A ITS AND rfiLF.P, ' Huna, sroK na, KKU,oKa,&o. ; .1 Carrl "e'T m Makora ikonld make of this and rail and eiamlao them. Th.v III bo told Bl fair prices, ayiii ri ,.W. W. IBTTB, ' CLKAUFJELD, PA., .,, -' . - ."'i ... i..,. - Are offering, at the old atjnd nf II. L. Reed A Co., ' . ' ' . I ' i ; t their aloek nf gooiU, ennaialing of ' ' ii.-. ' - . ..... . ... . .. i. - DRY . COODS, GROCERIES, i . . i. i . ' ROOTS A RH0K8, IIATSACAPS, HARDWARE, - ' QIIKENHWARR, , ilOUE, FEED, SALT. &o., Ac, At tbo moit resjonabla rates for CASH tir In exrbange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. rAdranees made to those engaged In gr. ting out irjunre limlicr on tho most advantageous terms. - pdlljan73 T.AFLECK&CO. (Two iloora ea.t iif lherhaw Ilouae,) t l.i; tiii'if.i.l). I'A. Millinoi-y and Fancy (loods AN H NOTION'S. KECK Kl I KI.IN I... LADIES' t'NDKR WEAR. tl LOVES, a., kind" sn.l aiara. COTTON fiTOCKINUH, uoroipal l.,.lh i0 rinality and ebenpneaa. WIIITK AMI S'VI.-'rl (KKili., all raiirlica. COILSKTU AND IIOOP FKIRT..o! Ibe laiirl patlcrn and htwer ihnn the lowtt. II A I It (H)iiIlS, of all varii-lica. Cull and examine our stock before y.a buy elrcirliete. 4 1 to rbov our good' un all in. ea-iona Our inotlo la "SMALL PROFITS & QUICK SALES." "A Nimblo Sixpence is Better than a Slow Shilling,' ItrmruiLi-r Ihe oppi.nile Alo:.90p'a, in U ia. K.-I-.I', old Elaml. T. A. FLECK. aprill'.'TI A M III1.I.S. KRATZER & LYTLE, MARKET UTItCKT, v 1. 1: a it v 1 1: 1, ii. i a. Dealers in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GKOC.HKIKS, Hardware, and Qiif.fnswarf, . I'iDoIh, Slmt'.u, UiiIh, Ciips.Ac ,XO-Shoemakers rupplied wilb LKATIIKR and SHOE FINDINHS at reduced rates. SALT I SALT I SALT! retail vory rhritp. at wbnleaale and PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED TLASTER, 1c. A.liboral diaeouat to builders. IlOUSEIIOtD OOODS, CARPETf, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTflS-ln large, quantities. FISH, FLOUR, BACON, CORN MEAL and CHOP, always nn hand. fr-AII of Iho above goods aro purclisaci eselualvcly for eaah, and therefore ma and ,7f ho sold as eheap aa tbe cheapest. aprill-71 1 ) I-. A V K IN P. II 11 tl r I OREAT EXCITEMENT FRENCH VILLE1 IN The Mooily tvtnlMit Wlwin Frnnrean.I fm"'" If nt nn end fr tl.n prrfcrttt, m fnr th fiUafrh trin)( of men and Hit ilentruptitm nf pntprrtj Annovrnptt. Th HttTiU Jntrfflfru nn d.-uM thvininvci anil rrjoi ovrr lb rontilt, lmt hv hiiiRiiifiorant in llnir wurk wlirn Tomjtsntl titfc llt humane ami rhriMian ctTtrU of L. M. COUDRIKT, ho had iinl.Tt:.kcn to 'Hiilr all ihr rilin Hia Inner end uf ili ronnt v with fWJ and raiMfat at tnffiinr Inw mr frnw hi niaiiimilh rtorc t Ml'LSONIlVlKl, tvhrre he can alwnrit hr (vpnl rcftily to wait iijxtn fuller ami fjl llicoi Dry Uoods or nn hinds, Such as Clolha, Satlnclls, Caaalmrrra, Munaa, Dc!lnee, Linen, Drillings, Calicoea, Triniminga, Kilibons,'e, Clothing, RihiI. and Shoes. Hal' sa Cups all of the heat inntcrial and made In onlrr llo.e, Snka, lllovea, Millena, Lacea, Hihboua,Aa OROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Cnlfce, Tea, Sngnr, Rice, Mnlarsea, Firh. Ka Pork, Linseed Oil, Fiah Oil, CarUn ml. Hardware, Qucenaware, Tinemro, CaaliiiK. I''1"" Mow r,.lirn, Moil.... Porn I'ultirS- tors, Cider Piesaea, and ail kinds nf Aea. Perfumery, Paints, Varnirb, tllaaa, and s if'snJ asanrtmcnt of Slstlnnery, a 0 01) FLOUR, Of different brand., always on hand, and ill es sold at the lowest posailde (gurea. I.IOJ'ORS, anch as Rramly, Wine, flln, lVlii'la. Jkyne's Mediclnea, llnatrtlrr'a and lloodand's Hittera. AnOO ponnda nf Wool wanted for which l hlRbeal price will be paid. . Clovrraec.1 na kae' and for sale at the lowest market price. Alan, Agent for Slrnllonvllle and CuirnMu Tbreahlng Mnchiuee. -.rll and aeefor .Touraelvea. Vnueill everything uaually kfpl In a retail atore. I,. M. COI'DIIIKT- Frenebville P. 0., ilnrch I, IS7I. To'liK K E EP K ilATT K X T 10 X ' Wo de.ire In enll)iiurallinliiintiiourclie'" Commlasini buainraa and to onr facilities f'""J' poaiiig ef anch produce as our eonalgnora aend si. Having a large trade wilh oil alorra, ae are as ahleil to make quick returna, at full pricea. Slorekerpers having Cliii kcna, llullrr, htr. or olher pmduee, will do well lo give na a l" Where llroeeries are taken in esrhange, an d ie ml.. Ion will be eharged. - H. I.. KIRK, SON A CO.. Wholesale tlmcers and Cemmii.lnn Hrrehsnrai No. IJU N. Third atreet, I' hi lad's. sprir i imrioicM'" i iiNstTAiii.!'!' "' l Wa bare printed a large number of lbs ne FKN BILL, and will on tho receipt of !"', Ivo eents, mail a enpy to snv addrsaa.