THE' ''REPUBLICAN.1 CLKAKKIKLl), PA I ' fc WtUNKHDA V MORIING, MAY II, 1874. Terms of Subscription. If pnld In advanco.or within three months . lipoid after throe and before six months.. If paid after the expiration of lit month.. I .1 00 , 1 M ,. 8 00 iti'.i.icioua NOTitr.H. Eplecnpnl (hilrill Rev. A. V. Yori'i, I'aetur. Public, Service every Sabbath it 111, A.M..aml7 P.M. l ' ' ' i I 3ulibaili School at V A. M. ' Prayer Mooting orory Thuraday, at ft P. M Communion Kurvica, llrit Hahbalh of every month, at ll A.M. I Proaliylerlnn t'liiiirli.-Hr.v. II. fl. IIiiti.,, .,.rvl,t. mornln ami evnnln- Sah- lmth School at 8 P. M. Prayer Mcollog IVcdnee day oventug. HI. I'rancl tniir1i-.Cntliollr.-Ror. P. J. Biikiiiiuh. Mass at lilt n'olonk A. M on Ilia iieoonil ami fourth Himtlii ya of each month. Lutheran 4'linrTll. Rev. A.J. HatraooK Preaching every Sabbath, morning anil evening. tSaliliath Hohnol at 0 a. m. Prayer mooting every Wedncailay evonlng. If Mr. .Tolui Lnii); will rail at Iho ro.toftloe in Cleavllelil, he will receive informal ion if Inlereal to him. Jumps Wijloy. Y- i exotivnling for (he purpnao of creeling a roc.iilencoon rJccopa etrei'l, immediately in front of hi. present one.1 Our young fi-lcnil, Joint V. Wi'igley, wo are sorry In elate, hue liecn quite ill lor uie past ten dayt, ami le still roulinnl to hit room. Wo nro requested tti ntinoinice tlml Rev. Jl. S, Butler expects to return to Clearfield 'thie week, and will All kit .ulpit . next Sabbath (17th,) morning anil evening. Mr. S. W. I.ooinls, having returned la Clearfield, and recovered from hie lale Illness, I. ib-sirnua if giving lessons, in in.truinealal Persons who uVfiro to Inko loom will please oil on Mr. I., at the Slmw Iloutc. mm Diki). At Milioy, MilHin county, on the 0th of May, nt Ihe residencu. of hit .on, George C. Ilrcon, Jacob llrrn,6r aged77 years. Hi. body was conveyed to anil Inirlrd at Spring Mill, Crnlro county, whore the ilrc.on.rd formerly resided. ' J A Weighty Lamii. Mr. A. U. Tiilo, of 1UII township, thii county, bin a Cotiwohl I mull furly-llve d:iy old, thai weigh, forty-two - pound.. Tho ewe had only common fore with itho real of hie flock , Such stork must he encour aging f" a fanner. Why don't other fanners mhim their common Hock with thorough-bredi -.And procure good grade .lock 7 i i o ow ' The Williuincport boom id said to contain uioro tig at prv.cnt, than ever befure. This argue, well for the prosperity and business prospects of our elty, . It will necessitate the full running rapuritlcs of onr numeroui taw mill. nlino.t day anil night, to n Ihe Iniincn.e amoant of log. in the boom before tho .citing in uf cold weather. Sum. ' Heavy Emigrant Travel Two way passenger trninl, westward bound, now pa.a through tho city almost every afternoon. The second train yesterday was composed of eighteen car, -eleven iif which were psstrngur ears and worolniien with over livchunJred emigrants. The remaining .even ears contained their baggage. Among the number wore representatives of several nationalities. Alioona TriLmt. - m t m Important .Arrest. Win. Broin- by, who is charged with the murder of William I'lialun, In Morton township, Elk eounty, In Juno last, and for whom then was a reward offered of $1,001), was arrested at Camden, N. J., a few days ago, and is now oecupylng a cull in Fort Oyster, Klh county, where it is likely he will remain until . 1 1 . , r 1 -. .!, lia anil his aeoomplicci will rcoelve their trial. Brook eiVe Jrffrrtotiiatt. m 1 Information Wanted. Daniel Sny. der, aged about IS years, son of Mrs ltosanna , Snyder, of MiOlinburg, left the Womelsdorf (Berks eounty) Orphans' Hehool some time during the . holiday, without Hie permission or knowledge of Mhoso in charge of said school. Where be is, .whether living or dead, is unknown lo his poor grief slrloken mother, anii she would five all she to know of bis whereabouts. Any one 'who tan fnrnish information 'bat will lead to his liscovery, will confer a very groat favor by ad dreoilig this almost heart-broken widow Mrs. ltosanna Hnyder, Mintinburg, Vnion county, Pa. m July JUckh. Tho annua! July nicot- 'ing ol the Clearfield Park Association will be held this year on Ihe 2d, 3d and 4th dnya of the month. The A.aneialian llila year offer larger perse, than ever before offered amounting In Ihe aggregate to fl,.',lin. Tlii. will no doubt attract great com petition for Ihe dillemnt purses, and consequently a large number of horses will be on hand to eoro iete for Ihcin. Pureo No. K open to all amounts to t .,25, This purse will be competed for by some of Ihe best horses In the Slate.' Any amount of fun may be expected, and nobody should miss toeing It. Pee advertisement in Mother column for entire premium liat and other particulars. tm mm In Position. His Honor, Judgo Drvis, was per telegram ruled into our court on Wcducsday last, and although translated from Ihe bar lothobenoh since helasl appeared In our court, ke deported himself iaiie mil manner, lie was aent for to tty a babuas eorpusin tho case uf a lit tle twelve year old girl, who aeems to bo without father or mother, but has the fortune to be claimed 'by two parties, who soctus to bo very willing and -amply able to sopport and educate her. Vo mother appearing in the eo.o, the Judge eould not assume the role of Holotnon,but after hearing the eridenea, promptly remanded the child lo the oaro of Mr. Amos Itend, who has oared for it fur a number of years. , School Hooks. We call tho niton 'tion of schdol directors to Ihe following provision of Ihe school law upon the subjeot of a uniformity -of text books. As the school year la about oom--mcnuing It is important that diroctorr understood 'the law and govern themselves aooordingly. On page 57 of Prof. Wiekerrhain's digest of the school laws of this stoto appears the following scotlon i Ohm rO fl, I.n..tU..lp rtn.(l.. ajnrm.,1 (. tion of teachers in each school district of the state, and before the opening of the schools for Ine en auing term, there shall bo a meeting of the direc tors or controllers and teacnors of each district deeido upon a sericsof school hooks, in Ihodifferent L branches to bo taught during the ensuing sohool year) which books, aod no other, shall be n.ed in the schools of the district during said period. 1 Tub Normal .School. 'f ho C'loar- field County Normal Behool, which opened in Cnrwensvllle tbe beginning of last week, seems lo ' be gaining in opularily and number of students each yoar. Much of tlio progress and prosperity or the scl.ool may he attributed to Ihe energy and ability of our efficient County Superintendent, Prof. John A. llrrgory, and hi! assistants, who are lnressnl In their labors for the promotion of t its intarrrti. Pupils are in attendance from I nrarly all of Iht surrounding counties, better to prepare Ibsmselves for the duties of their profs. sion. Grery Tuesday tvening literary exercises take place In Arnold's Hall, under the auspices of the Normal students, to which Ihe public is in Tiled. Ninety-six students were enrolled during the Orst week, and it Is quite likely that there vill ycl be otbort enter tbt school. It-SMKiNRD Hid 1'orition. Mr. t'linn, m liroom, for a number of years past a passenger wnductor on Ihe Pennsylvania railroad, running twecn tin. elty and Philadelphia, ha! resigned is position lor me purpose of accepting the lee of Atsistnnl Superintendent of Ihe Delaware allrosd, running from Wilmington to Hrtakwator. Thomas Groom, Krq., formerly of our neighboring tounty af Clearfield, and- father of the young gentleman In question, was recently appointed Buperlntendent of Ihe Delaware Railroad, and Charley goes with him lo assist him In his duties. Fur a period of right years Mr. C. L. (Irooio has been employed on the Pennsylvania Railroad, i half of whleb Hint ht has been conducting a i liHHsenger train, and In Ihe best nf our knowledge t has conducted it soeceMfiilly. Oar best wl-bcs go with him la his new Held uf labor. Jfnrni'w RIPORT OF A MtUMINADV MttVCV OF THC ' K LATINO AND KAHTHAUl HAILROAO. , , , t Utlltlr Mai 1st, 1ST4. j L. A. Waushv, Ksqso-1 kateitkalaaor la aab nil to yon the following report aanaarnlng taw contemplated railroad between Keating atation M the Philadelphia Krk Railroad, la Clinton oouuty, and karthaua, oa the West Branok of the Susquehanna river, in Clearneld eounty. The distaaea between the bore points , was eerelulty chained ana fouuH to ls ill milae) the topographical features of each mile were carefully observed and noted. van iitt I was coinuaenoed at a bolnt on tho Philadelphia A Krle Railroad, a few hundred feet east of Keating elation. The lint from thence follows tho left bank of the Weal Branch of. Ut SuaonasbMna, in a southwesterly direction, over groand generally favorable for tha construction of a railroad. The river runt very terpentine the road will there- lore require numerous curves, nut none or very short radii. About one-half of tha lint will be over very favorable ground, upon which a railroad can be euuatruetod at small toat, but at tvtry loop or tbt ttreaea narrowt occur, and generally an ateep tide-hills, abounding In large, loose ttonat and often tolld rock r the gvadlngpoa aunt, parts oi tna lint will ot eosnewnat txpanelvt, owing to the ebaraeter of Ibo material and tbt dettntttioa of tht common road thai will bare lo be rebuilt. Only two trust bridge! will hart to be built, oat of all foot apan orer liirch Island Rnn, and one of 00 feel apan over Upper Thret Runa ; tht real of mi streams will nt oroiita uy .mioaat ot atrtager bridges, boi and open culverts. . i nxu otiuani . will no doubt bo very light, as tbt lint seldom pastes over arabla land j feoeea will be required at a few poinla only, and as ibt railroad, when completed, well eubanot Iho valet of land a hun dred fold, tht owutn no doubt will cheerfully donate as much land as will bt needed for Ibt use of Ibt road. tun ciAota ,' ' I i' i I will bo vary easy, averaging about Irt feet to the mile. Sonit pointa may require level gradot. In that ease the grade! at other point! would hara to bt aligbtly increased, but under any circum stances Iht grades will bt vary light, and will titfatr bt level or deaocoding, whiob wiU bt in favor yf the heavy transportation. This will be emphatically a road for heavy freight, that will consist principally of eoal, iron, lumber, bark. Are-brick aod iruu ort these arti cles abound all along the lino of iho road. From Karthaus lha road might bt txlended along Musquito Crook tntu tbt greenwoods, (so called) Ibt very heart of tbt greatest pine forest in Pennsylvania, from which .point no doubt a largo amount of lumber would find Its way to market nvor this road. tun sxowauoi coal a in as are but ten miles south of Karthaua theat two points might also bo oounected by railroad, and much ol the Rnowshoo ooal find an outlet by way of the West Uranch roads but independent of ine above extensions lucre will be ample business along this lino to sustain the road. run rcaaAi't at XAaraAus went to ruin limply for want tf an avenue to earry ita product! to market. Itog ore la fuund at num erou! points on tbt waters of alusqnito ereck,and coal and iron 'of superior quality, and in great abundance, are found in theimmediatevioinityof Karthaus, and no doubt as soon at this railroad baeouica a 3xed fact the furnace at that poiat will again be put in blast. At lluttermilk Falls, four miles below Karthaus, bog ort is found in great abundanee. Much nf this ore was formerly taken in tanoes and soow boats to the furnace at Kart haus. Mr. John Jones, a gentleman residing In Lock Haven, has spent much time and labor in openiug the mines and investigating Ibe'mioeral resources of Keating township. In his itatement to me be spesks as lullows: "I have opeoed in elost proximity lo Ibt con templated railroad (and ouly about seven miles above Keating station ) the following veins of eual, Vein. Thickness. Character. No. I, i 4 feet I inches, t , CoaL . , " J, ; 1 4 " J " " w 3 A H 0 M M "4,' - t " Fire Clay. , J " 0 " , Iroa Ore. ' 1 "0, 8 ' " ' " ' Limestone. . " J, " CoaL ; " 8, J " I " ilt .. : ol'nuor Vein The ooal, iron ore and ire-clay I found In tht above veins I consider of superior quality." i Extensive vein, of eoal and iroa were found with in tho last few years upon the waters af aenatiaa honing creek, In oensoquenoa of which a tompaay was organised and baveeommeuoed operations for the erection of two furnaees at Wistar, two miles above Keating station. . That eoal aud iron ore along the line of Ino con templated railroad is inexhaustible there tan be no doubt; and as toon as a railroad it constructed thest vast sources of trttltb that have been lying dormant in the bowels of the earth will toon be dovewped; capitalists will direct their attention to tbeat mines of woalln, and in a few years furn aces, saw mills, forget, ete., will spring up, the4 resources along tbt lint of tbe road bt more fully developed, and tbe West Branch of tbe usquo hsnna teem with Industry and prosperity. . ncspeclluny submitted, P. JAKRKTT, Civil -engineer. NEWS ITEMS. , Huntingdon hat four mile! of tlrect!. Bo aayi the Monitor. The hut Juniata county court wal held in the M. E. Church, at MifDintown. Reason new court house being erected. "We hear nothing yet of rye beads staking their appearance. We have scarcely missed onoe, during the past ten or fifteen years, in receiving full blown beada la the month of April, from tome of onr ftrmtr friends." Comma. Wasn't II from some of your distiller friends 7 The Sunbury and Lewistown railroad has been sold to a committee of tht stockholders for Iht sum of $550,0110. At a meeting of the Directors uf tbe Peunsyt raoia railroad company a dividead of Ivt per eenl. wis declared, payable on and after the SOth of this month. Altoona markets Whiskey first with occa- alonal activity. The transactions In beer art light demand active, but Bona in Iht market. c'sccaaags. Tht temperance womea of WiUiamspvrt bare established a eoffeo boost In that tity. It la estimated thai over tlx hundred rafts have "run around" the timber Jam at Lock liar en. udge Campbell, of Clarion, Is a candidate fur the Republican nominntlon for Congress. On Wednesday algbt last, aa attempt was made lo destroy tbt Independent engine house, In Witllaiasport, by fire, but wilhoul success. This is the third effort that hat boea made to barn this tngint house , . Cumberland ooutty hat a etetr for which 1750 are offered. Ho' weighs nearly 4,000 pounds. Pitt. ton saloonlsts annonaea "Irian Lager' for sale. Petition! art being circulated for signatures in Tyrant to htvo that burg divided into wards. The following wedding aotleu was published by the Hnntindon ocaf iVsies ; ROBIN REDBREAST. On tha 5th Inst, by Hev. I. A. 'Iree, Sir. A. Mweet llobm lo SI 1st r. Relty Redbreast, all of Ureen Tree, this tounty. Tht Mountain Park Association ofBraokville, Pa., propose having a terlet of races, to take nlace oa lot 17th, 18th and 19th nr Junt. Pre mi urns amounting to $1,200 art offered. Olio lielly, proprietor uf tbt t nlon House, at Uemlvok, Cambria eounty, committed suicide on Sunday of last week, by shooting himself through tbe bead. Standard, ' ' A Cambria tounty tportsman killed a wild cat a few days ago which ateaturcd fifty-two Inches la length and Km nineteen Inches high On the 4th InsL, a man named Andrew Hotll, wis drowned while attempting to erosa tht Coat- maugh rlvtr In a skiff, near the village of East Coaomeugb. Three others were In the skiff whs it capslied, but they succeeded in reach the shore. An explosion of flrt-dtmp occurred near Irwin Station, Westmoreland eounty, on last Frl day morning. Two men were killed, named Jona than Wllliama and Wan. Neemlth. The.e wtre Iht only two men In the abaft at Iht tiiat. Had It taken place at a later hour when nil Wert at work, many more would probably bava btto killed Democrat. Fatal Accident. The Brookvillo HtpbiiemHt of last week, says t "Last week Arthur Wann. ton of Mr. J. P. Wane, formerly of this place, wae killed by the explosion of a boiler aear Kerns City, Butler eounty. lie, with bit brother nufene, were run ning aa engine used for pumping a well, gas being need for fuel. Tbe governor of the engine was out of order, and It is supposed that the un fortunate young man had fallen asleep, he having been troubled with Iho toothache for tome days and lost considerable rest, the result being a fear ful explosion, demelisbiag tbe engine-house aad throwing young Wnaa fully fifty feet late Ihe air, he kdgiog la tbt lop of a tree, where most of his elolhiuar lewsnititd. Horribly weaeoed -and bruised he Heed la nntuld torture for an boar and forty minutes after lha eeeldent Ot Monday his frirads brought his body to this plate aad gart It burial in tbt cemetery.'' The deceased his a number of relatives residing la this tatnty. ' . . . I , i , liullufonte last week,j9roKn'j .W leaa. "Fiastclal dtmetltltt wal tbt cause of Ibtdlia.ttr. ' " ' l Tm ISioro School Bill. The tU rMnaat latt wtt feksi 4 att revealing U toluol lews authariaJusJ Vehtvt IlxiWltrs to .up port separate schools tor the tdutatltl of aegrotV and throwing all schools open It Ihra a pot an equality with Iba white children, and thott whits parents wha do Dot wish tbtlr children to mix with tht "national wardl" tan ataka tha btsl oT ft. Tht meaning of Ibis li that separata schools for tht education of tbt races .ball at longer txlet. For any violation of tbla act a tat not txeotdlng Ivt handred dollart, and Imprisonment aot ex tetdlng out year, or both, may bt iulioltd at tht discretion of tht court. There you hart It, "whlto trash." Boelal tqutlity with tbt African or Int and Imprison meet, which 7 The following is tbt rott on tbit bill in tbt Benatt I Vast Messrs. Anderson, (Allegheay,) Andtr- ion, (Crawford,) Cooper. Cutler, Davis, Fitob, flrahaaa, Hellmaa, llumpkrtya, Laaow, Lemon, McClurt, Mckinley, Mac lay, Hutaa, WarftL Weakley, White, Yeakle. Htrang, Speaker. 10. Nava Messrs. lleebtel, Cbalfant, Collins, Hill, Grmentrout, M'Sbesry, PUyford, Rowlaad, Wal lace, Wareaa, and Verhet. II. , A lltlla more legiilatlon gf tbla kind, logelhor wit Iho f taxation Inipi.ed.' will mo. I aaturedly break up tht system, or wt art greatly mistaken with tha temper of Iht people now abroad throughout tha Btatt. ' j A Milooburg statistician informs the Btllefonlt tvafeasura that that burg wai visited by twenty snowi thii season, April being a match for Fubruary, vli ! , t I iniiwai I SWIS.. I '.J, Pf-iOf tW!( Ootobor, I 0) Inches. November, Uoeembar, on January, February, March, April, Total, I 1 1. io a 20 10! 20 6tl Inches. List of letters remaining unclaimed In the Poitonlet at Clearfield, for, tha Dock adding M.y 11th, 1874 1 ,, Baket, llatlle-' ' i 1 Lybargor, Jamael O.I Uirna, .;,'!.') I l.ogarjs.jtaae Uavla, William' ' Mctlillls, tlillii Franco, Oeorge Gordon, Henry llutlon, K. K. Hiles, Lorento Lendburg, N. Ncltonald, Oliver Btephent, John P. Bhaw. A. M. Treadell, Henry p. A. GAULIN, P. M. Life and Adventures of Kit Car- lot Writttm 4y ii's Comradtand FrUmd, Dt Witt O. Ptttrt, frrrei it. IWeaef nad Srf, V. S.A. The name of Kit Carson, in the Rocky Mountains, has been fsmiliarly known for more than forty years, and from its association with tho names of great explorers and military men, it now spread throughout tbe world. Ilia sober babita. ttriot honor, and great regard for tht trnlb, endeared him to all that called him friend; aod among suoh.tmae bs- tauinorated aaajei belonging- to Some of Ihe moat diatinguisbed men, whose docd. are recorded on the pegee of American History. lha Hie was a mystery wuien ibis book will un veil. Instead of Kit Carson, a. by Imagination a bold braggart, aod reckless improvident here of the rltte be will appear a retired man, and one nan was seservcu in-nit latereourte entaotners, and one lo whom II needed not a second introduc tion, or a friendly panegyric, to enable one to discover those) traila of manhood- whithr are esteemed by tbt great aad good, to be distinguish ing osaameote of oharaeton t In olden timea there aalated in the Hoeky Moun tains, a raeeof men familiarly kaownaa"Hnnters and Trappers.'! They art bow almott talioet. Their history bet never been fully and accurately written. This volume, now offered to the public. gireo Ibeir history aa related by out whose atme at a Hunter, Trapper, Indian Fighter, nad Uuide, stood aeuond to uoott by a man who for Aturn years law not Ihe faeo of a white woman, er slept under a roor. un aooounl of their originality, daring, and absorbing interact, tat real facta con cerning this brave rates of huuttrt aad trappers, win be aanaeu aowa to posterity as aaatieri be longing to history. . , It also oootatna n full aad eothplett descriutiot of all tha various tribes of Indians inbabitlug the "Far West," with a full, reliable and vivid aecoant of Ihe late Modoe War, and tbe Modoc warriors. It contains thirty-four superb full-page illustra tions, next over 000 pagea, tbt mtojianiual txten tion of whiob is beyoad pralee. ' . Tbt Agent for the above book, for Clearfield and vicinity, will call Hiea the citisens in a few dsys, and will be pleased to lake their order! and furnish any further information desired, t . ' KprcinlM. On Wednesday of tbil week A. I. Bbaw lays he will have the best soda water ever drauk in Clear field. . 1 i Biiooiki Foa 8alu. K. Newton Shaw keen, a full lupply of Fredonia Bugglet aod Platform Wagoni for salt. To bt seen at tba Shaw Hoese yard. Cell oa or address him at Clearfield Penn sylvania. '- This warm weather make! It necessary fur all classes of persons to bart some tooling beverage witn wniek tt qteaen tueir mirau rer inn ptr post there art many things that might be reoom meaded, but belt or all it tbt Aretit Soda Water that lowi from A. I. Bbaw's fountain. It will commence to tow to-day, (Wedneidey.) Tbe haver of tho firm of Miners, Kratatr A Lytic la la Ihe elty leleetiag gooda for tbe Spring and Bummer trade, ine mock win nt large ana will bo ready for Inspection in a few days. Doa't fail to tall, as all Ihe good! are to he sold al bottom prieei. President Great baa vetoed the iafialioa bill, which leavea an opening for Flegal lo Inflate Ihe eountry-with Hats, Cape, Hoeu, Shoes, Trnnkt, Vtlisea, Umbrella!, e al panic prices. New Goods and aew prieea at Flegal'l. Call aod see tbe large ttoek of goods al Flegal's. Ladies tta get genuine French Kid, Button and all kinds of walking Shots at L. r legale, at bank rupt prieei. Lata style of Hats at Flegal's. Flet-al it Mllinc the celebrated Boots aad Shoes of Waldo M. Claflia and Kara Verklus. You will find tba best aaanrtmcnt of Ladles' Trimmed Hals and Bonnet! at T. A. Fitch A Co.'i. Only 25 cents for- the Windsor Tin at T. A. Fleck A Co.'i. - Hoi aa row Rant. A now bouse, containing six roams, with good cellar andomtatk. Apply to tbt uuderturned al kit furniture wnreroome. may , . - JOHH UULIUII. Horse Paiti8 aso Papi:w Haxoho. Mr, John Trontiaaa having reeumed the buainess of bouse taial Ine and paner hanging, in connection with bis furniture businesi, take! thii method of to Informing the public. Person! wishing good work, al fair prieea, .boa id girf him aealL 0-1 I .- r-n r-r 1 Go and see the Trimmed Hats A Bonnets at T. A. Fleck A Co.'s, before purohaaiag elsewhere. The place to buy good Parasols, of tbe beat qualities and latest styles, is at T. A. Fleck A Co.'s. P. B. No trouble to show Ihe stock. Please call. , , . - !. ,,''4', ' Wood and Willow Wan of all descriptions for sale ny ll. jr. Digier a uo. Alls. Seventy-five dosen Clearfield Wood chopper! A lea at tr.i5:71. II. F.BIQLKR ACo't, Lorillard'i celebrated Smoking aad Chewing Tokaeeot. Kratatr A Lylle, agenlt for Clearfield teaaty, will wholesale to deolera at tity prieei, apHi Pl.tltadv - Rbab Tuia I Persons whoeoalemiilale building will do well lo eall and examine onr stock of BUILDING MATERIALS. We bare in slock a full line of Builders' Hardware, Nails, Paints, un, mass, rutty, I'alolued riasler, at. myl'71 H. F. Biutna A Co. A full line of Household Good!, Japanned Wart, i.., tor saw oy tt. w. uigitr m co. BoAtneaa Waurtn. Two or three dar board era tan be accommodated in a private family. Boarding good aad eharges reasonable. For further iaformatioa apply at thii efuce. Nortot to Waoo aid Caroiaob Makbm We have Jnat received a general assortmoat of Wagon acq carriage nooas, also a lull una of Bpiiags anu axiee, wniea we oner eneap rer easn, I). F. Btstaa A Co. Moatour Bittt Palate, for nelntloff house. la sldt and outside Cottages, Vara. Buildings, Aft. oeauinui, uuranio ana oeonomieni. uround la pure l.lneeod Oil, , , y2'71 II. F. Biqleb A Co, Bird Cages a large attortmtat at IT. F. Big Itr A Co.'s. : . I O i i 1 Baws lUirat! Crose-tut Haw, Great American saw, noyaioa I sjtgntaing Haw, al 0-I5-J1 , - . . a. F. BitLta A Op-t. 1 e . ... : I , H. V. Blgler A Co. hart boea making eilenslve addltieni to their ttoek of Hardware Iho last few dayi, HvtrythlBg aew) la Shelf Hardware. Bad- dlara Hardware, Farmers' Hardware, Builders' II am ware, ana Hardware ot all kinds, can nose at their store. May 11 R. R. Wheelbarrows, Baby Carriages, Tt Kx press Wagnai aad Wheelbarrows, at 1 myirj-Vn - I it H. F. Broun A Oo'e IHVLATIUHI INPLATIOIII Janes Ken A Oa.,,rarardlist or tba aetlea of Ike frearteat, ere ; Ufiaesrat, and hart Inlated tbeit alrakdf lareyaioohatf Viotblog, untU II now embraeei the fineal assortment of Clothing and Furnishing Goods la any retail atort In Pennayl vania. Btlow please find reduced price liat of a few or Iht trliclei embraced Is Ibelr stock I MEN'S COTTONADE BI'ITS, ONLY $0 40 MEN'S CASHIMKRI BUITH, ONLY I 00 MEN'S ALL-WOOL CASH. SUITS, 10 00 MEN'S FINE BLUE 1IAU. BUITH, It 00 .YOIIIHB' Bl!lX, w . , tojo 0 CHILD'S FIN BbfJK CBOT BUIT8, - Ot CHILD'S FANCY DIAIi. SUITS, 10 00 CHILDREN'S SUITS, all prices, ft J.eO to 12 00 Uabrellat Bilk, Glngbam, Cotton a large and ine assortment. as I -I 1 : .1- Tl. ... -I ailk Oetton aad English luper-iroal hose, which will bt sold at from eealt up., n il lllrtsh Our itock of shirts is large and com plete, embracing lha Universal, French Percale, ColUm, Oasilnicre aed;oolorod flirts, In great variety. We would lay to our customers that having bought goods al la per cent, less tba heretofore, wt are prepared to tell tlisra at prices lhal will really astonish everybody. Call early and sec for voarsslves. JAMES KG UK A CO. oia ntsiera.uow;oruer, umaruuiu, rs.w A Calelnea Vfalter'To sale by H. F. Blgler A t Paists An Painviiiis' Fixkixsn. Our stock of Paiolt field Paiatert Mtlorlali is ooniiilel,.rhr eluding J. T. Lewis' Pure White Lead. John Lu caa A Co'a Pure White Lead, F. It. A Co's Buck Lead, and a number of obeaner brands of White Lead; also, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Varnl.hosof all kisdt, a fell Mae of Dru.Wvand a fuliiiaeof eolors, dry and in Oil. mjt& ri ll. r. maitu -o i RK04PITULATIQN. , 'Bird Cages. " T" I' r r '"' Wood and Willow Ware,, f Household Goods. All kinds of Hardware. I -ui'l) , Jaoanned W are. -il ' j Ji ..-li- l!i i' Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Calcined Plaster. Wagoaaad Carriage 11 skin' supplies. All of tht above for sale at tbe mammoth Herd- rare Store' of 11. F. Biglof A Ce, Buoond street, Clearfield, Pe.v st Fata t Fasa I Fhak '-Aisong tbt many prepa ration! that we have for Coughl, Colds, Croup, or any throat or long difficulty, none of them are equal to Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and florohounJ. If yen are afilictod, call al out store and we will give you a sample bottle ree of eknrgt t Agents l Hartswick A Irwin, Clearfield ; Holt, wood. me a itoit, nanaaeion I in ft. vii litmt, Willitm'i Grovt. .March Il ly. FROM OHIO. The woiuen'i ttmptrance war now raging in different parts of the country, particularly in Ihe west, with luah utpacallelrd sucoeis,roeommiudi for iierioni wbo olaim whisky a necessity for me dicinal purposes, lo use Green's August Flower, which nontaiae at iBttaicating epiriti aad Is a gentlt laxitire aad a certain euro for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Costiveness, Sour Utomaeb, Bick Headache, coming up of ths food after eating, purifies the Blood and System. Just what It needed la the spring of the year by every body. Try IL Sold by CD. Walton, Clear field, Pa. ''(' -1 -1 - j..- . aug20'73y la Clearfield, en Tuesdty, May 6th, 1H74, of croup, Al, ton of St. S. aad M. J. Ounax, aged two years, two months and one day, , tn Pike townahln, an M"S.IT, Aaril 27th, 1st. CALEB WAY, In tbe aevcntielh yoar of bis age. In Pike township, ou Tuesday, April 28th, 1X74, tbe wife of Lxwia Staqk, aged about twenty-five years. .... lenntylvaninllaIlronI TYRONE k CLEARFIELD DUANC1I. ON and after Monday, NOV 3d, 1871, the Paeaentar Trains will run daily (except Bun- days) between Tyrone and Clearheld, as follows CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVE SOUTH. ' LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 1.40, p. is Tyrone O.JO.A.u, Osceola.. 10.40, " Philipsbarg.,.IO.ti, " Clearfield ..... 1 1 .60, " Pbilipsburg....4.S5, " Oeeeol..,..4.40, Tyrone fi.OO, CLKAKFIKLD EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield. S.40 a. . Tyrone 7.00 p. a, Intersection...?. II " Osceola S.I0 " Phlllpsberg ...S.IJ " Clearfield, ar..(.2t Philipiburg.. .! ' Osceola 6.50 Inleraaetioa.. 7.40 ' Tyrone.. 1.00 PARK FROM CLKAKFIKLD, TO BellefonU, Pa $9 i Middletowa $i 00 Marietta. t !0 Lancaster ft Oft PHILADELPHIA 7 Oi Altoona I 0ft k Haven 1 70 Williamsport. 1 0 Huntingdon M 1 00 Lewtltewa. ........ 1 00 Maryivill 4 00 HAKRISBURG. 4 74 Johnstown........... 1 00 PITTSBURG ( It Clooa eennectlona made by all trains at Tyrone and Lock Uavoa. i B. 8. BLAIR, ylT-lf. . BaperlaUadcnL lUartrts. Clearfield Markets. CLBAnrmLn, Pa., May 11. 1974. Applee,greea,00(9 I IS, Hog., dressed I Dried, mm iz inuee, green.. I Anultbatui.Wgal, 1 HO llama Ita 1(1 Butter. Uil(a) 40 Shoulders..... ID(o) 12) Ueana.......$U 00( 1 Oil Sides.. 00 wo li Btckwheet... 1 00 Lard 12(e) It Bnekwheat lour fit, Mess pork,V bbl...22 00 Beef, dried.. S Oata ti Beef, fresh ((, 10 Onion lot Boards, M 11 00(a) 14 00 Potatoes 00($ loo I 10 Peaches, dried, lb.. 16 Cora , ear 00(a) 00 Floater, fl bbl 1 00 Cora meal, sack, 1 SO Ryt. 1 10 Chop, S cat 009 1 10 Raga, ) lb Cloveraetd.'.. 7 to Salt, K iaek.260(a) I it Chetto. 8hingies,18in.$4(a)6 00 Cherries, lb. 10(a) IS Shlngles,26 InltQy 10 00 Chickens, drsd, lb, 121 Timothy seed ft 00 Kggi ' Taiitw.,..... 124 Flaxseed...! i 001 Wheat 171 Flour I 000 t 00 Wool 40 Hay 00 I0ra)20 00 Waod.W tord 4 60 .' COtT&T FEOCtAXATIOV. . . 117 H8REA8, Boa. 0. A. MAYER, President V Jadgo of tho Court of Commoa Pleaa of tht Twsaly-fiflb Judicial District, ttmaottd of tht tounllet of Cltnrfitld, Centre and Cliatan and Hon. William C. FoLtr aad Hon. Joaa J, Rata. Asttoiato Judges of Claarltld tounty, havt Issutd tbsir, lo mt dirtctsd, for tbt htldlng of a Court of Commoa Pitas, Orphans' Court, court or viuaner res. ions, uouri 01 oyer and Terminer, in 4 Court of uenaral Jail Dsllv. err. at the Court flou.e al Clearfield, In and for the toantf of Clearfield, eommeneing on tht flrat nouaay, tno sai a ay 01 uno, mi, ana to eontlnoe two weeks. NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby tlrtn, lo tht Coroner, Justices of the Peace, an) Constables, la and for said sounty of Clearfield, to appear in their Kroner persons, with their Records, Rolls, Inquisitions, Examinations, and other Ksmeia branees, to do those things which to thslr tflcti,' and la tnelr bene!!, pertain re be done, GIVEN aadtr my hand al Clearfield, this 11th day of May, In tht year of our Lord ont thousand tight hundred and seventy. four. ' W. R. McPUKRBON, Sharif LEATHER BREAST-STRAPS j SUPERSEDED BY I COVERT rATENT MITTAM.1C BREAST HOLD-BACK Made of the beat Mallea ble Iron, and la attached . ) to Ihe Uamei by tht best Snap ever invented. It li easily aad quickly put on, and prevents Ihe whipping ol Iht horses by tht poll. Not llnblt tn get out or repair. Will last for years. All wt ask li a fair trial, lo eonrlnoe all partial us . lug them that they are .. unsurpassed In value for tha purpose for which Ihey are Intended. SACKKTT A SCHRYVER Clearfield, April li, 1874. . NOTir a& Paraeni Indebted lo Ihe suliscrlh ar for services rendered while noting ss Sherlg of Clearfield eounty, are requested lo call al my etleo, la Pil'i Opera llouae, aad mass payment. Ia my ab.once from tho office, Mi. A. G. Kramer will have charge nf my books an I it autktrited to receipt for tie. Persons knowing themselves indebted, by making prompt pawneit wiU greatly oblige. , J. J. PIE. , aprll Mm I NOTICBU Notlrt ll ksreby glvta that tn application will bt mada to lha Court f guarler Beasloa or Clearfield county, lo be hold oa Ike first Monday tf Junt next, for a ehartiv to Incorporate Ihe village of Harnridt, tu seel eounty, Into a borough, with all Iht powtrt and privileges eee Served by the earioui Aeti of As tastily ptlatlew to boroughs la the Common woalih of Peeatylvaala. WM. M. McCULLOUOH, I apUtle All y for Pettlloatrs. TREXSU'RER'S SALE or UNDATED LANDS 1 IN , I Cleartteld County, Pa Air lfT aad 1829 Notice It hereby glvta, la puriuanee of aa Aet of Assembly approved tht 12th day tf June, A. D. is to, entitled "An aot to amend aa Act di recting tha mode of selling Unseated Lands la Clearfield eounty," tad Iht ttvtval supplement! thereto, there will be txpoaed to sale or outcry, al Ibe Court House, in tbe borough of Clearfield. ou Ihe SECOND MONDAY, fith day or JUNK, A. I. IH74, Iba following tracts or pieces of un seated lands la said counfy, for taxtt due and unpaid, vis: , , ' ' nerrarla. At. Ptr. Warranltt. . , . Frederick llubley. ...... Al "' ' Joha Mailer.... 0 Frederick Uowmaa. till Philip Mysencope bt 80 Michael,....., 410 , j ' John Ursdyx. i',t 1 ' William. Brady 1., 601 J. Blair and I. Blair... SvD John Whitmur 84 ' Henry Whltmer , 181 William Wllsoi I.H4 Jacob King ll 40 ... It Ot .. 21 80 .. tl 81 ... It 18 .1 1 68 62 ... 22 80 ... 84 81 ... 61 00 ... II tl ... 26 84 ,.. 8t 40 1(14 , John Gibson..,.,,, lit "12 Robert Wilson... ,24, 82 I4 01 8 80 lit 80 4 84 11 14 10 4 40 40 H 6(1 81 62 t to 22 80 2t 10 tt tt ,21 12 It 24 02 80 28 11 11 7S 11 41 29 04 4l IM 4:tS 153 tt HO 101 lit 04 01 44.1 ,16.1 Mo William Gray John Miller John Holland Peter Gelt- Jeremleh Mo. her David Barton... ...,., Jacob King 174 :'; s Adam Myseneopo., 1....- I7A 47 Jeremiah Moaher. 1011 . , - - Keaggy 140 . Wm. tt John Brown........ 4:il 163 14 t7 8t ' 320 li3 Frederiek Beatea. .., Thomaa Billingtoa. John Bean . Martin Fonta , Jacob Mussersmith ..... 23t L. D. Weld oO . , Jacob Fauts. 118 ' Thomas Groom.,... Itell. No. At. Vtr. Wattamltt , 42 1000 Henry Beok......l....$.178 Ot 6(120 6(rt " 314 to t7f4 1000 " t7t) 00 6020 Ml 1 " " 17t 40 42t7 HO - 10 " " 80 14 6010 102 10U ' - 1 41 t8 6010 100 " " 80 24 6(119 lit - ' 42 18 61118 101 !.! " ,.,.!.... 80 (4) 42871, 7 120 " , - it 04 670(1 1000 " 1 161 00 42K4 6llt - 1V2 20 420 1 tilt' ; '' 1 40 6018 ' tot Nleklla A Griffith..... 138 bt 6UW W u " ..... 21 Oi 4287 V3 07 Henry Beck. 21 14 6810 101 08 " 22 88 69(14 102 82 Nlcklin A Griffith..,.., 8) 08 6(1111 lot 118 Henry Beck..., .., 20 40 4288 MO f w..,... 3tf 24 4287 400 ,. lil 20 4287 100 , - SO 14 al7 201 5 , ! . H ,n 7 44 6818 it " ,, ... 4 30 bSIO 122 ' " '.. It 11 60111 241 20 " " tl H ' llloom. A'e. At. Ptr, ll'arreniss, 8010 03 . Roberts A Fox $24 84 I HUH 804 tt " " ......... 71 44 3011 00 ...... 24 SO lt It - " " ......... 21 00 1001 880 tt " " 124 20 6028 OS Nichlin A Griffith.-... 18 20 iu:fi lUfi ...... 48 80 822 J, W. Smith 2i 2 idil 63 A. K. Wright. It 08 4UL' 478 fit W. 8. Roberts ., 17 00 3811' 111 Roberts A Fox. It 20 36U8 1006 lit " " ........ 81 00 8018 100 Jacob Bilger It 20 807 , David Irvia (est.) 23t 22 8.1 John P. Hale... 88 82 .181 1 60 Roberts A Fox. t 10 220 A. L. Tosier 108 00 80 Milton L. McClure..... It Bogga. At.- Ptr. Warrant. 408 78 II. S. Drinker $50 81 413 William MoCormick 62 08 4 to Nancy Bogg , it 44 420 41 Nathaniel McDonald.......... tl 78 420 41 JohuByora. il 78 llio Barbara Snyder 14 80 132 George Uortmaa II 84 231 74 Joeeph Drinker ,. tt 08 427 St Michael Reekie tt 72 TO - Hoary Feaaer t It 427 Feorge Ayere il 78 , 427 II William Troutmea-. tl 78 ti 144 Richard Thomaa. It tt 40 Barbara Snyder t 40 2i Thomaa Hmilh....m 14 40 . loo Joha KepherL. 10 tt 401 Blair McLanahaa 67 20 437 1 Jones Blelnheiaer.. 71 40 loll John Hn.ter 11 40 PA lil Richard Waple.. ...... .......... li 04 214 Watson A Muton. S 11 400 ' ' John Keen tt 40 Bradford. H'firraaree. Ptr. 221 Hugh Ely.. $2t 20 1112 3( John Campbell. 41 80 ISO Hall A Huc 18 80 175 John Vaughn 08 71 100 Martin Hualon. 14 10 Ibt Blair McLanahaa , 61 70 lot Andrew Petit It 61 48 ' Matlhiaa Blaymeker.... It 74 80 l.eac Wilson. t 48 lilt Francis West, 14 It 183 James Dnnean. Si 26 81 David Means 11 60 180 Josepk Powell 14 10 to Horatio L. Hale It 84 86 Joka llaana. II 7t 44 John G.Gray II fS 182 David Aakey . 18 01 80 . Andrew Petit St 48 Brady. Warrantra. William Kirkpatrlck.. Conrad Long ,. Jonathan B. Smith.., A. 408 (1.18 i8l IH77 H7t ! I1S6 260 At. 808 Hi 844 Ptr. $08 00 4t 44 167 42 Henry Wyeoff Itl 60 221 8:11 ' lot Robert Carry Joha Dnnlap Caeper Stever KobtrU A Fox........ , 74 16 , 87 80 , 17 84 , 11 68 177 40 14 12 l.'it 40 221 84 Lit tt 6t 16 St 04 108 60 It 04 , 41 14 , 13 01 It 84 8 tt 12.1 lot lot 77 "Slim . 1 10V4 21)10 8680 2000 ; 27 lit 276 ! 01 16t ' 604 ti tit 2j8 I3i 471 83 178 ti lit tt lot 100 106 6.0 67 260 181 210 141 tl Benjamin Henry.. Casper Stevar Casper Stever, Br George Shaffer. J. W. Smith, w. part... Charles II. Preseott.... Christian Lower w Adam Weaver.. Josiab W. Smith. Hnlopelar A Brubakor. Kelly A Co Wright A Darling Roberts dV Fox. 61 I lit 17 84 18 tO 24 14 1.10 66 t tl 44 20 St 04 40 80 41 41 218 3611 3813 3814 1VUT iiivs rVe. 61102 860.1 1(104 fluraeide. rYe;PmNfM, Joha Nichol.oa. At. lot 114 a:4 l 81 114 284 424 111.1 847 SJI 2110 824 811 ,208 ' 1110 Ala tt Ptr. $6i 76 74 18 121 tt tt 40 16 40 74 16 171 tt 178 64 67 68 228 t6 111 68 IHt It 104 40 111 18 114 86 60 tt 80 tl 41 74 Joha Mailer..... Abraham Whilmer.... Caeper Shaffer Jr Daniel Whltmer John llubley Mary Roberts ., John Tressler. .1 Casper Shaffer.. Jeremiah William soa. Mary Crawford Towosend Bpaokaaaa. Rebeeea Brewa Leonard Hollia. Fred Kuha.. Henry Roper, (Hugh nioaie tract;. Craliaas. ' Wtrronfee. Thomas P. Cop,..,. Joha Skyroa Joseph Simons. Bernard Grata,. " Joseph Henry Charlet Hull. C.J. Allporb, r..... Israel Copt Gullrh. Warranltt. 27 148 840 104 180 848 lilt 41 146 $60 00 It 60 170 tt 10 tt 81 1.11 tt to It li to 18 0 Ac. 48 84t 134 166 2 tt 124 114 134 tlii 1611 124 IH3 16 76 10 Ptr. 114 04 Gtorp Mnert..,,, , $16 St 261 It Itl 11 ...... Ill It ....... 141 tt it tt 21 It It to 6t It t? 10 , 14 tt tl It Philip Glamlagor, Joha McCahaa ,. u . - .1 ..,.... . Lampblack Ben jam la Wllsoa Joha Whltmer Pigott Shaw.. George Baker Daalel Fulkereea Pigott Bhaw Ed. Hand Pieajaaata Wllsoa,, .... Richard Rennlel Richard Alhertoa II tt I to fit t4 A I At. 1,13 414 lot lot ,481 161 481 tt tot Ivw tot 4.11 48 483 4:il SH6 141 84 171 411 2.14 180 87 . 68 246 11 too 4118 10 lit 1 1 74 lift 111 . .-, Ptr. lil tt IW 143 lil $161 tl ..... Ot 14 74 81 ...... 24 10 Id I1 74 41 124 81 14 40 ...... i7 00 i ' 67 40 M 40 tit CO 241 40 141 60 ...... I4 tt 04 (It si no 42 24 104 14 104 14 104 10 lot 44 14 60 21 no tt 84 ' 1 nt 78 60 ..... 24t 4 ...1.. 1 24 00 ...v .14 00 28 St ...... It 40 210 24 Ml lil lit lil 164 Mebaffy A Mitchell. Matthias Slimgb Joha Brenemaa Joseph MeMurray Patrick Nobli Hugh Baatly Jonah Uayntt ' CovUigton, i Ptr. Warranltt. -, j George Mead .. $7 So. 1368 At. 1181 1100 1100 not 1048 not not . loot : dm 825 tm not 100 ....$134 tt ...,178 24 .... 178 li .... 17.1 25 .... 1115 20 .... 1.14 75 .... 173 25 ..167 t0 75 Vi .... 51 10 .... 64 Oi .... ITS 26 .... 17 8 6.173 1374 4408 i36t t37l 6411 64117 6871 1 : ."ft ,.t. 6401 1H1I Morris A Btewart... George Mead. Morris A Stewart.,, 6.177 1801 , Dcfatur. . Ptr. " 1 Warranltt. -' 71 Thomas Kdmundson.. lit Joeeph Hamilton. 1611 Thomaa llillington Char lei Risk Patrick Moore. Mary M'Lanahan. Ana M'Lanahan Stacy W. Thompson Mary M'Lanahan... Robert Hainey...M. $38 00 66 00 176 00 IHl 60 64 110 , 60 00 120 00 .10 00 li 00 180 Ot 145 00 SO 00 62 60 03 60 17 M 45 00 , VI 65 , 100 00 120 00 . 60 00 , 29 60 114 50 t 00 , 24 60 , 28 00 lot SVI 404 111 101 44 100 to 4 Ot 241 tt V0 lot ' 64 lilt 144 401 200 100 . 74 11 264 1 00 il At. 233 433 74 loo Si 14i to 433 11 William E vena.. ...., Thomas Slewardiou a Joha Drinker.. Joeeph Matloch , 1 Robert llaltsingcr.. Daniel Kay 147 Tbomal Kdmnndson. Samntl llauiblintoa Casper Haines. Wiliinm Hoover , Dnvid Stewart..., Thomas P. Copt. Tbomal Edmundson... Jgba Holliday., Daniel W. McCurdy ........ Vcrfuaiiu, Ptr. Warranltt. 16V John Htmbrighl.,.,. 163 Utorge Riiss.,,,,,,, Lewis Jordan..,,.,, Abram Ogdea., Joba Sterner. Daniel Frank..... . Joha Graff... .......,..... Benjamin Gibbs Cirard. $75 36 , 2H7 20 , It 20 , 24 00 7 68 . 45 12 t 08 , 187 20 ' Caawt,' '! IKerraMfec. Martha Worlagtoa James Page. William Bauimaa , Joha Boyd.. . iThomat Hamilton,.... Jamas Ron Joba Cunningham. .... Charles Gohia Robert Fleming Isaac Ricbardsua Jonathan Walker........ John Cook Jasper Earing William Cook Alex. Hunter I.aac Kirk A Co..., , McCord tract , Joseph Piper George Page Henry Page. , James Noble. Christian Ron ran John A. McPhorron..., P. Blanchard. Miller A Christ. ,. A'o. At. Ptr. Warranltt. 6364 1061 George Mead $101 48 6.165 768 - 74 it t.'l2 1101 M Ill 20 1871 141 65 28 tS7l 10H1 ,.., lit 16 6360 1100 Ill 20 8368 1048 Ill 84 5364 1086 - 103 36 6861 10(14 " 102 U0 36i 1100 ........... 112 20 t.166 1104 " 112 20 8371 1(182 , ' M . n 1371 1100 ' ' " Ill 20 1024,408 114 Morris A Stewart. 4148 5352 I 70S; George Mead 162 62 6376 1100 " 224 40 8361 1101 - 224 40 i.147 1100 " 224 40 1830 161 87 Morris Stewart. 4 80 1448 12 64 " - - II 0 ISIrO 187 Franeli Bertha. St 08 1V34 lit Justin PlubelL- li 08 Gaehcu. A'u. Ac Ptr, Warranlta. 6318 153 George Meed ....! 6J It t.117 1040 148 68 6.118 Itvt 258 1.1 i.llt llVt e;, 0.1 i.12t 1 100 " - 248 80 6321 101 " 134 88 1.125 1101 - 258 60 6814 760 " "InJ 16 t.lli lOOt " " 141 10 6314 1000 - 141 tt 4328 1100 " " 410 20 13.14 1100 - 210 20 6314 lot William Mspea... ....... 20 TO 1VI2 431 . Morris A Stewart. tl 13 1008 178 14 24 68 1115 i3 148 " " - M 11 i.124 121.1 47 George Mead 848 10 1.126 1180 " " SIS 20 8327 1113 - ' lit 20 i-12 llt m Jio , t.13t 1100 " " 811 21 1355 200 ' tl 70 1023 6.12 Morris A Stewart. 70 tO 1011 100 " 14 10 W. A. Wallace...... 4 10 HuetoM. H'arrnaree. Wilbtlm Willink.. Moore A Delenty., 11 1 William Powers..., M M Jamet Wilson..,.., i . . . 11 '" Wilbclm Willink"! James Wilson...., AV 4V02 6873 6674 i67i i066 i067 4234 4215 4.10 48V0 4135 4226 422 42.11 4061 4890 t 8 I 11 10 12 14 16 488 4002 487 1062 406 4231 4234 40UI 4064 de. Ptr. 420 1041 1041 1141 otn ' 871 400 741 .171 114 081 V0 06S to; ins lot ti lil Vt 104 lot : 01 86 41 01 144 VI 141 100 It wt ti lit t0 Ml 638 tf V23 lit 375 ,,..117 76 ... 841 i.1 ... 841 43 ... Ill 4.1 ... 824 72 ... 2X8 2.1 ... 160 72 ... 164 16 ... 124 77 ... 40 t ... 32.1 (18 ... 824 72 ... 116 62 ... 164 lit . .164 til U II William Powers!!'.!! Hammond A Jon. 32 80 Reynolds sub. Nicklia SI 16 " jo 42 - 1 ". 84 44 il 11 a j, j, " " - 7 88 30 81 " " 2 62 81 80 .... 124 71 .... 18 04 .... .16 08 .... 124 71 .... 824 72 .... 200 1 .... 172 21 .... 302 t8 ... SU7 it ... 12.1 00 .... 8.1 21 81 00 ... 164 00 ... 70 08 ... 141 111 .... 166 60 341 61 .... tt 1.1 .... 17t IT .... 4.1 88 .... 371 66 ... 180 5 .... 68 IT 84 Ot .... 84 01 181 05 .... 334 66 .... 857 11 .... 104 10 .... 1M) 63 .... 82 01 .... 15H 41 .... lit 40 .... Tt lo .... 324 72 .... 334 14 .... 143 40 .... 1V4 10 ... 140 16 ... 107 66 .... 8.14 66 .... 191 16 .... 124 68 3.14 16 .... 134 64 .... 13 IT .... 17 17 .... 30.1 II .... 11 16 Wlllhelm Willink.. 4t 4 t"J M William Power...... N .4 Jamot Wilton Willi Pwn K. HhoemEker..M. tt Jamet WilaonZ'. . 101 lit tot 114 ! 1041 1041 847 647 147 1041 400 847 tot 600 666 1620 1081 4214 42.1t 4308 4265 t7t 6671 1671 1676 6677 8678 4677 6671 4674 4677 858 loot toOl 851 . IH8 4183 4163 4264 4lt 4261 S6V.1 161 8600 Ii7l 8671 154 867 1407 8584 156t 8604 1068 411 4266 4284 t67t lil T II IS I I It Moore A Delaney.. Roberta A Fox...... Moon A Dclsnsy... 21 Roberts A Pox. 42 tvt tot tvt 44 0V0 1020 18 James Wilsoa.... Roberts A Fox. 437 IVt . 141 7S3 too lot 1021 I 881 Si 688 68 Kltt S4 1011 14 66 134 27 1 ; 127 It 8N8 Hi ttr it 1041 81 lot . eeu 18 10 lot 4 I lit William Powers.".'! James Wllsoa...... 803 II 841 6.1 47 05 14 ee) 31 14 t 61 84 44 I 11 I tt 34 tt Moore A Dtlaaay...... Joha Uunlap.......,., ireooie A Low Reynolda sub. Nicholas Jordan. hYasraefet. Thomas MarUa, Robert Martla.. Philip Loeat- William Jokattoa..., Jonathan Jonot Richard Martin...,, Daalel Smith M a Richard Peteri...!..'!! At. 431 181 tl 4 ltt 100 tt tot ltt Ptr. lit ....'.....$231 6.1 152 12 13 12 II 47 17 ti .11 10 14 ti 43 7 6 tt tt 134 land a!fi I atarlliaua, , er, Warrwnree. ,1 Oeorge Mead..... A'o. 4400 6411 Ac 11(10 ....$22i 40 ..... I2i (it .... 158 ft 213 61 225 tO 328 to 84 03 31 li 4 10 It 31 not 747 1 1041 1100 1100 167 i:iu et tit 1 121 60 127 , 7(10 i 68 I 74 61 167 144 -700 6411 4411 64114 6414 64 Oi J7 14.10 107 I06S William Smith Charlet Willing Myers A Fishtr Willitm Smilh ., Hugh Motlonlgal,.,,,,,. : Kratrieli A Reiter...., . Edward Mctlarvey... li 17 11 .10 IS 8 f, II 7.1 , 2 05 3652 " ' '' ' " William V. Keatiag... John Mctlarvey......... It 17 11 71 84 85 .10 Ji 43 01 Willard...... ' " 1 Kuoi. ' Warranltt. Benjamin Poullncy...! Israel Morris.......,,. Martin Pcrrie... Isabella Jordan. Henry Trout John Perrir.A. John Bogle Susanna Ward , William Hunter John Dorsy.. Benjamin Poultney.., Nancy Kobison I.awreucc ; If t li Ptr. 163 161 153 163 431 4.13 17.1 43.1 ino ,1(6 vx 80 4.13, Sit 184 13 A"... 8211 iStle) illOl iWl i30.1 4304 i.105 630t 6307 63111 6JII 6310 i.1 1 1 62V1 5JV-4 6205 6'..",t8 t23 62HU IVVi 10113 I2V3 62U6 62V7 $1 1-1 20 ...,... 200 f.8 172 H4 '.. Kb 28 84 80 ,..,... Ill 12 .46 24 , .17 V8 106 34 77 14 127 01 1 32 1.1 Of 163 163 At. 1100 not 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100. 1100 not 1100 not 1100 not 1100 noo 1100 11(10 874 83t 88 1020 726 1117 1213 221 113 42 285 46 488 not 74 176 241 37 Ptr. , H'orrouree. Georgt Mead,, .$181 40 . 1KI 60 . 181 441 . 1.H1 40 . 181 40 ., 181 60 . 181 40 . 181 40 , ' , .,. 181 tO 181 It " i 181 40 181 40 " " 181 60 - 484 00 - ,. 484 0 " " 484 00 " 44 00 60 60 " " . 64 45 Roberta A Fox, e. part 20 V0 jiz zo . 811 00 413 15 George Mead... " " 433 60 Hugh Jordan John Read........ Rudolph Lits.. Win. Montgomery John B. Garrison George Mead 8 It 7 fiO 114 t 40 3 Ot 6 60 263 40 605 I0 , 4 2ft It 26 26 40 4 44 62110 621 105 108 1W07 118 At. 4I2 206 327 372 411 440 440 340 42.1 3110 433 433 4.1.1 38 433 433 43.1 43.1 438 4-13 4.13 433 433 2H3 433 16 131 2UH 4117 217 231 III 16 1 137 400 38 97 7 26 210 t 6 136 62 440 40 431 400 yt No. 62 4862 itil Kills Irwin... lorin. WarroMrc. George Wetlel. William Wena. Chriltiat Wert! David Lanicb icsse Vernal........ oseph Tumor.....'. Ptr. ....$2f.i 31 .... 134 Vt .... 107 tl .... 246 18 138 3 115 20 .... 146 20 ... 112 20 .... 13 M .... Vt ot .... 85 80 .... 85 80 .... 85 rUI .... 72 eo 15 80 85 80 .... 85 80 .... 88 80 .... 85 80 ... 85 80 .... 85 80 ... 88 80 .... 85 80 .... 66 IV ... 85 80 21 44 ... 28 05 .... 105 69 .... 62 80 .... 35 64 .... 30 36 .... II 21 ... 34 V8 .... 3 61 .... 12 44 ... 7 20 , 7 14 ... 16 60 .... I 65 .... 6.1 13 24 40 .... 1 V8 ..... 14 84 , 17 82 T 06 64 00 ... lit 17 George Hobaoker Peter Yarnal Clem Striker Joba Vanghn Jonathan Nesbit Tbomal Morris William Morris.. ,........ Samuel Meredith.......,., William Miller........... Hetty Morris....,,,.,,,,,.., Thomaa Fittaimmoaa..,.. George Clymcr. Robert Grey Patrick Moore.. ' Mary Morris. Magnus M iller. Nalbua Frexey Blair McLanahan.......,, Jacob Graff William Stewart- Richard It. Smith 181 163 153 163 103 153 153 163 153 163 153 153 153 163 168 13 Walter Stcwert Christopher Baker... M. George Gales 40 Conrad Swarts. 17 John Graff. N. Reidenauer.. Fred llubley. Malthiaa SlouKb... ...... M 1. Henry Drinker. tl Joaepk llubley,..,,....,. 143 Jacob Graff John Graff.. Joeeph Potter Francil Jobnaton........ .4 M Joarph Turner. George Haybaker... ., 95 I Robert Carson 1 .. 8v n 7 20 17 81 .... 8 76 117 J N Reidenauer 1 . John Huston Patrick Ilay Robert Glenn........ Peun. Per. Warrantee. . 14 Joha Nicholson....,, Greenwood Bell..,,,, Elijah Heath ,., Nichlin A Griffith..,. 11 At. 641 168 63 138 66 43 At. 23 too 323 057 176 410 ti 150 276 440 301 150 187 , 174 V3 Ac. 27 183 1041 WO. 88 1041 WO 10 45 44 18 Wt 323 Ac. vo 604 791 125 140 ti7 ..$257 10 ,. 67 20 .. 25 20 , 44 tt ,, 1.16 40 ,. 158 00 Hi Joseph Boon..., Pike. Warrantee. James Wilsun. A'o. 42.0 42.1 4250 4252 6776 8777 Ptr. ... $17 16 .... 45 00 ... 14 08 .. 41 17 .... 46 44 .... 66 88 .... II 00 .... 22 40 .... 24 10 ... 38 71 ... 61 81 .... 26 40 ... S3 44 45 76 .... 24 42 11 John Nicholson.. John P. Hoyt Joeeph Bailey.... Joha Nioholson., 6779 677 4776 426t 4777 42i0 4777 A'o. 4254 4256 4670 4261 4266 6670 3264 4263 419 41 4251 425 4261 Ac. 3603 35V 1582 8581 4251 4262 At. 116 464 433 104 412 420 110 433 60 16 80 479 401 70 311 100 111 118 164 lot 4.13 43.1 433 lot 168 40 1110 150 100 161 VI 72 176 66 444 100 147 I no 201 .18 161 17 lot James Wilson John Nicholson...... James Wilson........ John Nicholson Pine, Warrantee. Jamea Wilson. . . ........ Moore A Delaney James Wilson......,, w ei w Moore A Delaney Jamet Wilion. , 41 rr. 28 118 81 80 ,.$18 to .. 107 48 ,. LIS 14 , 121 16 ,. IV 16 .. 23.1 14 ,. 121 76 ,. 221 16 " " no 83 " . " ; 110 88 " " II 84 " ........ 7 10 " " It 48 I'nioti. Wnrrwafre. Robtrts AFcx .....$427 13 " 184 81 " " 174 tl Ptr. lit 66 30 t7 ti 63 76 39 48 50 49 James Wilson..,, . Woodward. Ptr. Vfarranltt. lit Joha Vaught 15t Jonathan Weles... $234 80 4VI 10 . 401 14 , 21 tt 428 48 , lit 44 , 124 10 , 225 11 1 11 , 131 46 . 61 40 , 111 II SI8 71 , Tt It , 141 II , II 40 , II 46 , 45 11 , 17 16 , 10 40 , 225 14 , 338 t , 135 10 , 76 00 . 10 80 1 08 , 41 60 , It 60 , 10 40 , 168 48 , 16 It 3 64 , 17 63 , 13 08 , 17 66 , 104 00 76 44 , tl 10 143 Joha Roll William Wilion , John Cannon , Henry Drinker....... William Drinker Isaac Wheeler. Eli Hoot man Mary Neal Benjamin Johnston... Hegerly Matihiat Barton. Nary Neal John McCachtUw...... Roland Kvantu Kit Hoottnan., Chauncty Riokotts... Jonph Clark Joha McCl.llan,. Philip Loa.t Jacob R. Howell , William Johnston George Brockham Samuel Kmlea. William Wilson Mary Shaffer Joha low Isaac Goes Joha McCachen Jainel Alexander Roland Evans. Peter l,ouder Charles Louder John Hnnson. ,.. Benjamin Jobnaton..., H. J. Praner..., Thomaa M anion William Sharp. Su.anna Ward...,..,,,.. William Parker I'barlas Lender,. ..,. Mary Sandwich 153 145 36 11 166 tt 1 18 I tt t tt 43 16 SEATED LANDS. Alio, Ihe following lots and parcels of lands re turned by the col lectori of taxei of Ihe several township, and boroughs hereinafter mentioned lo Ibo Commitsiontri or Clearfield eounty, for tha non-payment of taxei, aceordlnw In the nra.u. loae of Ibe diet taction or aa act of Ammbly or April 10. 1844, P. L, paga Ml t ffi e. . ' 0W"," " TWP. TAX. 136 Rakestraw A Arthurs Beoearla....$i tt 14 Jonle, M. M , n 18 Poater, H. hoaae A lot,.... .... 1 II 71 Kirk A Spencer Bell..,,,,.... 1 tt 104 MoCluro, Alesander . I 18 " " I 41 C 4 sr. . onxxua. 100 McCllmcy, 11 ..... sot. 4,tWP. Tt X. 3 7IT 1 4' i 2d1 8 IT I if 4 41 74 ft il I 45 1 Vt " " bou.c A lot. j...... 40 Duller, Vsleilne... ...... Bloom.... It Brillen, William....... .....Bradford .1..11. 14. II. I lt l.enaberry, Benjamin jr.., 11 " ' Rblrey, Jason Langdon, William. Langdon, Jamet Gilhgan, William... Swan Henry...,. ..I Merger, J, K..m.. Post, Henry. ,u ..Burnside., .Chest...... ........ ...,,.. ....... . 84 u. Decatur-, ...I I 40 ' I "'' t -I....V..V.W, Hoover, Jsoob .... Holt, T. M. , Irwin, William Miller, Miles..., Kwoopo. H. B Fox, J. M..... , . . " .' ....68 It .Graham..... 81 i. ,1. . 1 14 ,..... ' ' ft 15 ......... Goshse...... 00 ........ .. ...... 4 14 1 ,(lullch....38 15 .Huston .,.. I 44 vr,..,Kuw,wmrf t 41 Nulph, Adam...., 40 - Dunltp, J. K .ern a Jirnry, Juno.,..,,.,.,... Urn. ('tty.- 6t ' Mrs.i 1 lisU.u' ; 1 " IV - ct ' -e. 3 iiwt ft ' ., 4ft ...,'t It I 74 Willltuii, Gtorgo, llou... " .i .ii Loonerd, J.T., I lot......u. i! .,, . Jine Hreil, I lot... i. ,...; V ' Young, Nelson I lot...,,...1 , " 10 'Parks, Thomas.,.',:... Boggs. 64, Lwi....J.. " . 100 : Slull. Samuel. .... " . 4 It 44 Path, Giirdnr........,.......lirrllord 1 60 100 Shirty, Jacob.....,'.... " 3 It 1 ' Clark, Warren, I lou..,..nurn.ldo.... ' 4i 41 Brenntiuab, Jacob... Chatty 1 71 li McCully, Joaoph,.,..,..,, " r..t.', 14 40 Dodridgo, Jacob Knox... J 74 ' 4 Galea, George, (thof ).... Decatur ..... I A) 100 Flegal, Klluuelb..........Goihet 1 44 Irviu, John ei I I0UU-...N. Wain.... 1 60 17 Alexander Robori. ..Woodward. I ti Barrow, Wm. house A lot. " . 1 i . ' '! Bums, Jai. house A lot., i.i ' ; . I 64 .,, Bumbeiaer, G.buuie A lot. ,.'. " .j, 1 15 , llradley, M. A lot.. , " , . 1 86 Bigley, Jno.aouse lot, ' ' " ' . I V5 . a CarL Michael '' :w 4) 14 ('arson, Jamet..., v... j , M ' Cox, John, bouse A lot.,,. . " , . i It ' Oircn, Ba'ml house lot. " . 1 60 I ('auroras, G. hease A lot. ' . 1 74 . (Irs ham L. house A lot... H , . .1 11 80 McKee, Jsmcs......... " .4 17 Hit Taylor, A. B...... " - 4 74 41 ' Wolf, John... ' . 1 30 220 Shoff, C. J ... - - : . 4 60 100 Holmaa, Solomon... " , . I 00 Davis, John, 1 lot! Osoeola 1 47 ' Mchenry, Mrs. I lot....... - ..... 71 40 Hoover,Palton..............Pike.... I 34 64 Michnell A Cathcart...... 1" ..... 6 40 13 McKee, John..... : .. 88 10 Rowlel, D. R, P : " I 67 64 Lunt, 0 " ....... 1 17 70 Holes, Chas. A O.boro.... f'i'oa.... 1 41 64 Holes, Oiborn... 1 44 D. W. WISE, Treasurer. ClearDclJ, April 1, 1874,-Vt 11 ' . QLlURFIKLIf ACADEMY. . MALE DUfrMRTMIiHT. . THE SUMMER TERM of fourteen weeks will commence MONDAY, MAT 11th, 1874. , , ' Terms or Tuition. ' Reading, Writing, -Mental and Writtea ' Aritbmeie, Urummer, Geography aad History.... t tt) Natural Pbilosopny, Pbysiolugy, and Bin-" ' git Entry Book-keeping, er cither, will) ' ! Iht above .!. ....., It Oj) For Instructions' in Double Entry Book keeping and Commercial Arithmetic, spy. eial terms to bp arrspge'di. For particular! respecting tbt school apply tq Bug-instf R. M. MiiKNALLf MISS H. 8. SWiVN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. rpilE WINTER AND SPRING TERMS will Xclo.c May lath, 1874. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Wr'Hing, . tone, Primary Arithmstie and Primary Geography-.,..., , $7 01 Itiatosy, Looal and descriptive Geography with Map Drawing, Grammar, Mental and Written Arithmetic t tt Algebrn and the Soiences II tt Initractionlo Instrumental music,.,,..,,.. It II Oil painting, 14 lessons 11 tt Wax work ( tt For full particulars lend for Cireular. Clearfield, March 11, 1874. :7:J0-yO The Bell's Run Woolen Factory Penn township, Clearfield Co, Pa. BURNED II If Tl "tiT not ' B U R N E D U PI Tht subscriber! hart, at great expense, rebuilt a neighborhood necessity, In the erection of a first ela.i Wootea Manufactory, with all the modem improvement! attached, and art prepared to make all kinds of Cloths, Catsimtrti, Satiptttt, Blaa. bets, Flannels, do. Plenty or goods oa bind to supply all onr old and a thousand pew customers, whom wo ask to eome and ixamlae aar itosk. i The basinets of , CARDING AND FULLINO will rcoelve our espeoial attcntioa. Proper arrangements will be made to receive and deliver Woo, to suit eustomers. A II work warranted and done npoa the shortest notice, and by strict atten tion to business wt hope to realise a liberal shin of public patroaage. lOrfMMI POINDS WOOL WANTED 1 We will pay tbe highest market prion lor Woo and sell our manufactured goods as low at similar good! emu be bought ia the tounty, and wbeaever we fail to render reasonable eatiefactioa wa eaa always be found at komt ready to make proper explanation, either in person or by letter. JAMES JOHNSON A SONS, iprlllatf , t 1 Bower P. 0. JhJBW BTOKE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Havt just opened . Nl? Stois, on MaiDSt.,CLirnLD, Fa. latelr occupied b; Wm. T. IRWIX. Their stock consists of LDliiy GS3'CbcDa Giocitiia of tbt best qualily, Queknsware, Boots and Shoes, And every article teoessart for ont'i cotufort, ' Call aod sianiina our slock before pur chasing elsswhere. May 9, 1866 If. CUKAP GROCERIES! LUMBER CITT, PA. Tbt aadtrsigntd aaaoaaoes to bit aid friend a and patroni thai ha hai epened n good lint of GKOCKKIKS A PROVISIONS at the old ttaad of Kirk A Spencer, for which be solicits a liberal patronage. II. W. 8PKNCKR. Lumber City, Pa., March lt-tf. J. II. M'MURRAY WILL BUPrtT TOO WITH ANY ARTICLR OF MKRCIIANDISK AT Til K VERY LOWEST PRICK. COMB AND BBS. (l:t:73:y) NEW WASHINGTON. J 1ME1 LIME! The undersigned Is now prepared to furnish the publio with aa excellent quality of . Bollefonta Wood-Burned Lime, for plastering parpoaet, by the largt or small quantity. Can be round for Use pre eenl at Pie'i new building, on Marhtt street, oetl-tf L. I. MrCULLOUGB. Mountain Echo Cornet Ear.d, 1 CUBWKNSVILLE,,PA. .,' , 1 ... Ml'SIO rurntshed for Phwilcs, Testlvats, Coa- certs, Lc::-ci, rcic-iiLU : : Address, - K. V. BRGNRR, Beo'y. may tm Ctrweaavl; , . AI)MINlTHATRfl IIOTICr Is hereby given lhal letters of adm tn Ibo tsuta of JACUH WILD ML. Graham towaihlp, Cltarleld eonaty, I having been duly granted to Ibt uade Rersons Indebted lo aaid estate win nmeilliti naymeat, aad those hevl ditaaads will present them property' for seuloment withoat . Mey4,1871. tt ' ' A-'l f