THE REPUBLICAN. crjKAKKIKLl), PA. WKDNUSOAV MORN1NO, MAY . 1874. Terms of Subscription, IT paid in within three, months AO IT paid after throe ami huforo nix month I If paid afUir the oniratian of six aiunthi... X 00 ltr.lJ(.0IM NOTIM.M. MHtiodlttt lplrnial Cluirrh Rer. A. VmM'H, lftstir. ViihHn (Service every Sabliu at A. M., an. 1 7) r. ni. HiihUtli School nt ft A. M. 1'raycr Mooting ww Thursday, at 71 P. U Communion Henrico, first Hnhbath of every month, at m J A. M. ProHbyterUii Chiirrh Krr. H. 8. But in Kiihlinih service morning and evening Hal hath Kcbtml nt H P. M.-Prayer M .-cling Wedne. .lav "veiling. HI. Praiiclft Mmrrli mtluillr Kcv J. SiiKniiuM. Mima at 111 o'clock A. M n th second aiitl fonrlli Sunday of orh month. l.ulhernii C'hurrh. Kor. A. J. IUhthock Preaching every Sabbath, morning and evening. tSahliath Ho boo I at 9 a. m. Prayer wetting every Weuncsu&y eveutng. The LtfriHlnlura has ngroetl to ad Jotirn on the 1M11 tnst. Tyrono pnoplo hnvo their water works disturbed by a lot of big floater on SI u king Itnn, who It forma render it riley and unfit for us. Dkpkatkd. Tho two dollar fox bounty hill which paused the House, waa indvfin Itely postponed in the Bonnie on Wednesday taut. This is equivalent to a defeat of tho bill this session Senator Walluconml UcprcnoriliUivo . Potior have our thanks Tor eontinucu favors 11 (lie way of public documents and department report. Tho fu st number of a now jmper, to no calk'd Me Xuntltiy Mlerrury, will be published In Williamsport, the latter part of May, by Messrs. Itutithard A Holmes, young practical print en. It motto will ho, "Indi-pendiiil tn ill things neutral in nutliing." Terms, $1 per year. imm 1 An oxchnngo wiyB "tho newest thing in glove-boxes Is ft miniature trunk, divided Into compart mrnt for morning, afternoon and evening glove. It if of Kussia leather, bound with (Ire- gilt, and will do in country houses for mantle oruainent. Kmpty, tho boxen cojt fifty dollars (tiled, the whole affair will demoralize a hundred dollar bill." .Hoaxed. Old wotithor "Probabili lie," if he ha not fooled himself recently in hit prognostications, had fooled a groat many other people In tin latitude, where we have bad several twelve hour snow storms within a few day of cfth other nud a number of February froetci. Saturday, April 25lh, and Tuesday, the 28th, will long bo remembered a the stormiest dayt of tho winter of 1X71. More snow fell on cither of these two day than on any othor day during tho win xr, Sumo of tho people of Columbia - manifest a very selfish feeling In regard to the fih question. From tho very start of tho agita ' tion of this question thoy ojiposcd overy effort to proingala and Inorease fish, which might Inter- fero with their dam and their monopoly. They ', ridiouled the hatching process, they ridiculed the appointment of fish commissioners, and they rid! c u led tho making of fish-ladders In their dam; and now they are raging because they cannot flch within half a milo of the dam. How we pity them ! Srlinurore rimes. ttllOOKVII.I.K Sunday .School Inhti ti th. The citizen of Luthcrsburg and vicinity earnestly sidieit all Runday School workers to attend tho Jtrookvillc District Sunday School In stilute at l.nllarflbiirg, Pa., May lUth, 20th and 21st, 1874. Her. C. limit, President and Con dnelor; ltiv. 0. Wilson, Assistant Conductor. Programme: The ten lessons prescribed fur the Convention at Chautauqua Luke, August 6th, fr whieh sen the J. K. Sunday 8vkmt Journal for January, February. March, April and May. AM the minuter of Urookville District are expcctei to be in attendance during the session of the In slihite. , . t lUv. D. W. Wahplrr. ' a - John W. AVuionr, Jr. Tho muMcn and unexpected demise .cf our neighbor, at !ock llaron, on Wednesday night, the 2Utb ult., an nonneed by telegrnph, startled our entire com munity. ll lrlt his home but a few days before ' in the full vigor of manhood, to superintend the removal of a number of hii rafts whieh had been driven into the great jam at Lock Haven ; but now he is ilrieken down, and he who was daily virihte. orfour business avenue, with a promise of a long nnd useful life, is no more. He passed away calmly and apparently without suffering, and was annncious until just before ho breathed his lat. His wife and brother, William V., with some other relatives, were at his bedside when he expired. "Jack" Wright, as he was familiarly called jind known by every raft man from the Cherrytrce to Marietta, was an active business man and a very clever neighbor, and should havo lived forty years longer, but the decrees of Provi dence muct ho obeyed. In the middle age of man hood (-15 years) he is borne to the tomb and and buried beneath "the clods of tho valley." A wife and little son and an agej mother are par lii'tilarly grief strlnkon hy this sudden loss of son, liiixliiind and father, tiucb Is life. In Oi'Kiiation. Wo ttotico that the internal arrangement of the Clearfield Planing Mill has undergone an entire ehango recently. The cnUtrprining proprietors have greatly enlarged 1 he capacity of the Mill. Among the niw ma rhiiiery introduced is a very expensive Planer, which will plane on four sides any piece of stuff from one foot to an inch square, or any odd sites, such as two hy Ave Inches, or any other site of timlcr used in the erection of a houso or bam. A Rplitter Is n1o a new machine, by which an ordi nary hoard or plank can be eut into thicknesses varying from a quarter of an inch upwards. The building h.if also been greatly enlarged and a new office, disconnected from the Mill, has been erected during "the vacation." Ky the addition of now machinery and the enlargement of the building, the Mill has been nearly doubled In capacity, besides having nearly one-half a million foot more dry itufT on hand than at any former lIoRRiiiLR Calamity. Tho dwelling copied by Henry Pennington, In Houtidale, took fl renin d was destroyed on Wednesday morn ing last, about two o'clock. The bouse belonged h, Cutnpltell, and was situated on Qcorge street, "hreo persons were burned to death. A dispatch a tho Harrisburg Patriot says t 1 "The names of the parlies burned to death rare Elijah Pennington and his wife and Westley 'ennington. The mother and daughter were aved but were slightly burned. The lire Is sup ed to havo originated from a defective stove, he three bodies were found together below the irner room of the house. The bodies were not isoovored until the house had fallen in. A man's tot appearing among the embers led to the dis ivery nf (he bodies. They were almost totally tstroyed, the features not being recognisable. nn skulls were opened by the beat and tho nins drawn nut. Four Inches of snow on the Bases prevented a general conflagration. The Mse fell in alwut throe quarter of an hour after ie fire was discovered. The building, being amn, burned very rapidly. Mr. Pennington, tlhor of the deceased, who was nt Hollidaysburg t the time of the fire, returned this morning. A try was empaneled and tho matter Is Wing in ifttigatcd to-day. The mother and daughter npcd by leaping from tho bed room window of second story. They were all asleep when the ms eaiijrht llro. The exertions of the vented the destruction of other property," " e A Car Load. What coimlilului n r load 7 Asa general rale, 20,nfl pounds ; nr barrels of salt, 70 of 1ltn, AO of Jhur, 60 of Isky, Jim sacks nf flour, fi cord of hard wood, U 20 boad of cattle, 60 to 00 head of bngs, 80 100 head or sheep, V.lOO fret nr M, intf 00 fent of siding, 11,000 feel of flooring, 40, ) shingles, I less of hard lumber, J less nf green nher, 1-10 less joists, scantling and othet large ib. r, lUn hiihd of wheat, ACtf of corn. Ami of s, 400 nf barley, Mft of flax seed, lie" II nf apples, I of Irifh potatoes, 410 of sweet potatoes, I, Out) hels ot bran, ' fhe foregoing table, which we And tn the 8t. is Timn, may not he exact ly correct, for the ifton that railroad d.i not axaotly agree in their ios and estimates, but It approximates jroolosoly the general average, that liippors will lad it reat ronrenienco as i matter of reference. A. Colatnunltfatatl. THE IUNDAV SCHOOU Tin church trvc hai manjr llmlii. The SunJujr SchiM.I I, nnc of thou. It U . limb which ut nurar hi loxil off wllliout (rc.ll uiiiuln Ih, Hro of th. Ire. TI1I1 lluib b.i two brmiilici. Tbo flr.l knno! Ii the niinion, or union guuiUjt Rabool; Ibo ra out) Ii th. dunointnatitinul, nr church Suntlnj pchiMil. TI10 uiiuluti BumUjr Srlioul in It, flnbl uf l.hur ii oombinttlaa iinil aubitllul. of th, fumiljr, pulpit and )Mlniitl,, It goci In idvonco of Ibc eborah lnt the "wlldcrueM,hrdKi and dltehei,' KHtlicr, toypllior and tearhoa tlia untaught ani nrglmlcd children. It it tho forerunner of Hi eburch, and II, lit. John the llaptlat, ever crlci "Ilt'hold! ' while pointing the untaught multitude to the Lamb of llud. It la tho truo godmother of tho church, foldine; to her boaoui the nrglectcd orphaned onra, and giving theiu In holy consecra tion through the church In Uod. Thua, in Hi aggreaalve Veld of labor, we repeal, It haa tbe lhree.fVld dutjr that nt the pulpit, Hie fu unh and the church school. The denominational, or church Sunday School ii quite another Institution. It la not intend. to tie a substitute for the family, the pulpit, th pastor, or even the secular school, nor Is it de signed to be exclusively a ehildren'i institution. What, then, Is a denominational, or church Sunday School 7 First, It is not an indcpendeiil self organisation, sectarian, Iguurant and bigoted in Hi character and nature, as It Is said to be, however, by those only who aro either hvpooriti en I, Ignorant, or bigoted, concerning the di tic rent missions of the two schools. The denominational or church Sunday School Is simply that depart ment of any orthodox leal branch of the church of Christ, in which tho children, the youth and adults of the church and community are thoroughly trained in ohhstian knowledge, christian expert once and christian work. It eo-operntes with the family and the polpit j It depends upon the min istry of the Holy (.host ; It takes for its text-bouk the Holy Scriptures; It is the training department of the church. It Is not merely fur conversion If that work has been neglectod in any case, then conversion is the first thing to be sought. But tho main thing In tho church Sunday School Is the development, training and growth of tho dii- ciplei.old and young. It ts not merely a biblical school for intellectual furnlrhing of divine truth ; it Is for spiritual edification. It Is not merely for children, but for christians of all ages. In uch as preaching and Its accompanying services in the sanctuary aro fur children as well as adults, so also, the church Sunday School Is for adults as well as children. In the church Sunday School the instructions of tho family, the pulpit and the ocular school are supplemented by class recita tion, discussion and conversation. Verily, In the church Sunday School the activity tho attrition of brain and heart take plsoo by which the truth ts mado clearer to tbe understanding and more deeply lodged in tho affections of the heart. And this, we affirm, Is indi'penrable to the highest form of christian life. In the great battle bctweun knowledge and g no ranee, right and wrong, good and evil, Christ and Satan, tho church by means of tho mission Sunday School souks and enlist soldiers; by meant of the ehurch Sunday School it drills the recruited and by means of the pulpit It informs and incites them to tm modi ate action. Tbe mis sion Sunday School, the church Sunday School and the pulpit have their individual missions, agencies and Itclds of labor; therefore, when all aro In tbolr proper sphere uf action they do not with one another. In the same field of labor tho church Sunday School co-operates with the pulpit and the family ; In the amo field of labor tho three-fold duty of the mission Sunday School oollidos with duties of tho family and the ulpit; therefore, the dure Sunday Srkwl should (ircoMjHiMy, and the mimio Stinting Schoot should go in m franc a tk ekurck. The denominational and the anion Sunday Schools, howuvcr different in their means, modes and places of labor, do not, in principle and dc- gn, Interfere, but encourage and co-oporate with one another In tbe great mission of saving souls. Therefore, all collision or difficulties whatever and wherever, between the two, have been local end of a local character. The fault has been in the people and not in either of the school. I It has not only been, but It is, and it ever must be in the people, having each time ant) every here Its specifie local tinge. This tinge may be touch from the brash of Ignorance, popularity, timidity, or tclflsbncss, le. The ignorant cry, This is the rut in which our fa fliers drare and In will we ever drive,' The popular see numbers and honor, but not the salvation of aouls and the future Interest of the church. The timid ever lirink before the cry of the world, "Sertariahisra 1" The sctfi.ib cry "I'nion now, but not forever," in order to accomplish some self Interested motive. Truly, history, experience and facta unitedly (firm that every branch uf the christian ehurch berever It has a auf&clrney of membership to organ i 10 a society, found a pulpit and support the gospel, should have a church school which is only an important part of Itself; and the pastor of a people tn their pulpit without it. Is like a steers man on deck aside tbe pilot house without a rudder. He can neither guide nor bold the ship, and soon the storm of contention will dash It upon the rock of ignorance and sink It beneath the wave of prtVlon. Noma ad Umbra. Dean, Frank rown, John A. urly, July Freel, John utton, K. K. otlenstino. Willism ill, John awrence, John (2) an g ford, Ilenjamin aot, John Maguire, Scott M oiler, C. K. Norton, William CAPruitKi) a Uai.d Kaulr. At Ty. rone, a few days since, a lad named Kshhaugh, aged about tliirteon years, orlpplcd a monster bald eagle by shooting it on the wing, and subsequently captured It alive. The eagle was shot off hand a long range whilst soaring heavenward, and mean a red fire and one half feet from tip to Hp. ben it was taken into town there was considera ble speculation Indulged tn at to what kind of a bird It was, some of tho residontere contending at it was an owl,othert an inflationtst,and still oth ers a oremationist, while about the time the question wat becoming Interesting Mr. Dave Caldwell put an appearance and quieted the controversy by declaring the bird to be a genuine bald eagle. He new it was a bald eagle, having raised many a one from the eggt when he was a farmer, but the eggs nover did well unless planted in a marshy II. It was a bald eagle sure. AUwna Tribunt. Litst of loiters remaining unclaimed the Post office at Clearfield, for the week en din f iy4th, 1874 : Notley, J. F. Newcomer, Marg't A. (2) Roium, Hieilosloski Snyder, John Sullivan, John Stevanson, 1. Smith k Powell Shaw, Sarah A. Saxton, Lyman Staub, John Veneas, John A. Wells, Josephine Wolfe, C. K. r. A. (J A IT LIN, r. M. On Monday next (May 4th), tho trains on the Hennett'1 1) ranch, A. V. R, R., will lie run through from Red Rank to Driftwood, the cntlro length of the road. Tho new time table has not been made public, but we understand that our mnll will arrive from Pittsburgh several hours slier, and that tbe eastern mall will arrive early in the afternoon'. The opening of the road will add to the accommodations given our people, and bring about the consummation of the long-looked for connection with the eastern cities and the in duration of a thnmrh t raffle over the reat Low Orade route. lirookvUh lUpnhliean. ThkSiirvicy Madr. Wolo&rn that Col. Jarrett has completed tho surrey of the Keating A Kartbojus railroad, The distance from the mouth of Sinneinahoning creek to Kftrt hautlsllr miles. Tho feasibility of tho route has agreeably disappointed the most angulne,nnd establishes tbe fact that a rend can behuilt along the river between tbo points named with very little expense, when we tako Into consideration tho usual cost of railroad. It will not bo long until the rich treasures of coal, Iron and Are elay of Keating township, Clinton county, and Knr Ihaus township, In Cloarfleld county, will be d voloped, boAauso tbo pytiee engaged In this en terprlse know exactly what they aoa after. Thanks. Mr. Goo. M. Hriohiri, per Sheriff McPheroon, has forwarded us a new map be borough of Huulidale and its surroundings. ho map Is well executed, and valuable lo all who may be owners of property In that thriving bor ough. The price is 11,1ft, and we preromacan be had hy addressing Mr. Itrlsbin, at MUIsP loarfleld county, Pa. NEWS ITEMS. fit. Paul on Inflation "lie nut pufTod up." tlorhetler iryrtat. Fent Is drummers aro among the latest mts slonarlea of merchandise. Tho seven-year locusts, If "on time," will put In an appearance some time noxl month. Tbo contract has boon let for the erect ion of an Irou bridge to span the Juniata rtvor at Lew latown, Dr. Paul Phappo, colhjeted of forgory li Chicago, was sentenced to ibf.-e years hi the pen itentiary, Tho Pennsylvania Sunday School AimocU lion will hold Its annual meeting in Scran ton. June 91 b, 10th and I lth. -Silas J. Marlin, Exq., of Urookville, an nounoes hiuikelf at a Republican raudidate for Congress In this divtrlet. With some people cremation Is only a ques tion of time. If It don't come In this world it Is sure to do to in the next. Tbe Harrisburg Patriot says that lumber bus gone up over two dollars per thousand feet since the great Are In Williaiusport. The Sunbury and Lewistown railroad will be put up at public sale, at the Merchautt Exohange in Philadelphia, on the lHth of May. On Thursday, Thomas Hill bad his legbrukon at Mothannon Colliery by a large rook falling upon hi in from tho roof of the mine. Tho fifty-uflh anniversary of the establish ment o&the order of Odd Follows In the United States occurred on the 20th ult. Tho Tyrono Lead and Zinc Company, whoso works have been in course of erect iou for some time post, will commence operations this week. Democrat. Tho Williamsport Lumber Exchange bat re solved to curtail production by regulating tho amount of logs slockod uaeh year in tbo Susquo-haiina. A pack of wolves In Sherburne county, Min nesota, chased a oouplo of lawyora five mi let. We aro glad to beliove that such a lack uf pro fessional courtesy is rare. Bellow Falls, Vurmont, ha no graveyard, and the Timet says : "The question for this vil lage is to burn or bury, and as we have no place to bury, we must aooossarily burn." An Oil City man threatened to commit sui cide because somebody stole bis umbrella, He compromised by getting drunk a distinction without much difference. Someone wants to know whether blacksmiths, who aro making a living by forging, or carpenters who do a littlo counter-fitting are any worse than men who sell Iron and stout for a living? The first white vest of the seasoo appeared at Clearfield, last Sunday. Centre Hrfmrter, It must havo boon worn by mother earth, or , who are the most ftoklo characters wo havo in (bit section. Failing to ralso the price of oil tho producers of tho oil regions have resolved to "shut down" for ninety days. This will no doubt bonoflt tho rodueort, but the employees who will bo thrown out of work will 00 doubt suffer thereby. Mn. John MoMahon, of Rloomfiold, this coun ty, Is tho mother of triplet children all littlo wee babies two girts and a boy. Tho Tribuu a terts that one ttole a march on its daddy and mam mJi by getting away, but that Isn't correct. 'trald. A family of six persons were inurdorcd at Homestead, near Pittsburgh, on the night of April 20tb, and the house tot on fire and tbo bodios burned up. Suspicion rested on a hired man, and he has sinco-eWen arretted and mado a confession of the crime. The annual session of the Grand Lodga of Pennsylvania, I. 0, 0. P., will bo held at Musical Fund Hall, Philadelphia, on Tuesday, May tilth. The annual session of tho (Irani! Encampment ill bo held at the snmo place, on Monday, the 18th of May. Occasionally there is to be fouml a man moan enough to tako a paper several years without paying for it, and then attempt to discontinue by sending bark a copy to the publisher marked "re fused. " If the devil don't get such fellows what thenseof having a devil 7 AIhmiI half pant one o'clock on Saturday af ternoon, as the first through coal train east was assing Tyrone, a boy about slxtren year of age attempted tn jump on and was thrown under the cars, and both legs were rut off and he was othcr- ise to severely injured that he cannot possibly recover. No one at that point knew him or where be resided. Tribune. INFLATION 1 INFLATION I James Kerr A Co.. regardleol of tho aotton of tho President, aro inflating, and nave innateq their already large stock of Clothing, until it now em braces the finest assortment of Clothing and Furnishing (Joodt in any retail store In Pennsyl raiita. llolow please find reduced price list of a lew or the articles embraoeU tn tneir liocKl MEN'S COTTONADK SIMTS, ONLY Pi 0 MEN'S CAHHIM KUB SUITS, ONLY a 00 MEN'S ALL-WOOL CASS. SUITS, 10 00 MENS FINK HI. UK I1A0, SUITS, Id 00 YulTTllS' SUITS, SO. to 20 00 CHILD'S FINE HLU1S CLOTH SUITS, ft 00 CHILD'S FANCY DIAtl, SUITS, 10 uQ CHILDREN'S SUITS, all prices, fr 1.60 to 12 00 I'nitirclln. Silk, Oinghaut, Cotton a largo ami 6110 assortmont. HoNlery,--Fifty doseiia Lisle Thread, Silk, Cotton and English super stout hose, which will be sold at from 0 cent up. MlilrU Our stock of shirt Is large and com plete, embracing tbe Universal, French Porcale, Cotton, Cttssimero and colored Shirts, lu great variety. We would say to our customer that having bought giHtil at Ifi per cent, leas than heretofore, we are prepared to sell them at prlcut that will reullv astonish every bod v. Cull rally and sou for yourselve. JAMES KKltll A CO. OI4 Western llolol Corner, CMrlicld, Pa, BoAnimna Wahtkd. Two or three day board ers can be accommodated In a private family Hoarding good and charge reasonable. For further information apply at lint omco. NoTM'R TO WaOOI AND CAIUIUilX Makhhs. We have just received a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of Springs ami Axles, whicn we oner cheap Tor casn. it. r u 10 1. ku vo. Montour Slate Paints, for painting houses in side and oiilslde Cottages, Farm Buildings, Ac. Beautiful, durable and economical, Oruuud in pure Linseed Oil. iiiyx 7.1 11. r. nidi, ic a vo. Bird Cages a large assortment at H, F. Big. ler A Co.'t. Saw. Hislan's Cross-out Saw, fl rcat American Saw, Boynton's Lightning Saw, at V -ltj-7i it. r'. JllOLKB Uo'l. TREASURER'S SALE OK UNSEATED LANDS IN CIrnrllolil to wily, for IhI-I ami h?: Notice Is hereby given, In pursuance of an Act of Assembly approved the U'th day of June, A. U. Iti, entitled "An Act to amend an Act di recting the mudo of selling I'lfeatcd Lands in Clearfield county' nod the several supplement thereto, there will he exposed to sale or outcry, at tbe Court House, in the. borough of Cloaillehl, an the SKCONO M"N 1'A Y, mh day of JUNE, A. 1. IK74, the following tracts or pieces of un seated lauds tn snld county, for taxes due and unpaid, vtti Iterrarln, H. F. Bigler A Co. havo been making extensive additions to their stock of Hardware the 'last few days. Everything new tn Shelf Hardware, Sad dlers' Hardware, Farmers Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kind, can be seen at their store. May 22. - - e -- R. K. Whoelbarrowt, Baby Carriages, Toy Ex press Wagons and Wheelbarrows, at ntyzv 73 it. K. inuLUB to s. Calcined Plaster for solo by 11. F. Blgtor A Co. Just received, a large lot of non-explosive Lamps and Lanterns at uj-7i 11. r. iholk co's. Nrw Advertihkmknts. CurwmiH- rillo Mountain Echo Cornet Band. Picnic, Fes tivals, Ac, furnished with music, A. Ontftihurg advertise a new line nf Spring Clothing, Furnishing flood, A"., "to be sold at the lowest cash prices." Call and see him. Wm. Reed advertises tbe Keystone as being "under full tail," and the "headquarters for dry goods." Thomas Riley announces a new stock of the celebrated Mitchell Wagon. Fun Ahead. Tho Agnes Wallaco Troupe will exhibit at Pio't Opera House, on Saturday and Monday nigtit next. This troupe has traveled over three-fourths of the State, and tt declared a success by theatrical critics. The company numbers twenty persons, who are mat ters of their profession, rendered so by long ex perience. Those who wish to toe a good per formance will, of course, go and tec tho Wallace troupe. ItitusiiiNa Up. WounderHtnnd that Mr. John Moflaughoy hat purchased Mr. Joseph S. Showers' grocery store, on Market street, and will hereafter dovnle hit attention to that basi nets. He has refitted and painted the room and it just now receiving a full Htock of (Irocerlos, and deslrot the public to oall and take a look at thing. He will charge nothing at all for show ing goods, and hut a trifle for packing them up. Tho Clearfield Co. Normal School, under tho charge of County Superintendent tire gory, assisted by 4. W. Weaver and J. F. McKenrtck, Esq,, opened In Curwcntvitlo on Monday last. You will find tho best assortment of Ladies' Trimmed Hats and Bonnettat T. A. Fleck Co.'. Only ftft cent f.r the Windsor Tic at T. A. Fleck A Co.'t. Fan 8am, Horse, Buggy and Harness. Ap- fly to T. M. Robinson, Market street, Clearfield, cnsylvanta, Hoi'SK roa Rrst. A now houso, containing six rooms, with good oultar underneath. Apply to the undersigned at bit furniture warernnin. mayfl JOHN UULICII. Hoiian Painting ano Papkr Hanoinq. Mr. John Trout man having resumed the business of house painting and paper hanging, in connection with his furniture business, takes this method of to Informing tho public. Persons wishing good work, at fair prices, should give him a call. 0 2 R. II. Shaw has a large stock of all tho loading brand M Tobacco, which ho will tell at very low prioet and guarantees satisfaction. All ho wants it a trial in price and quality. His stock of Ctgan tt without competition and will tell by the wholosnle at factory prices. (In and tee tho Trimmed. Hall A Bonnett at T. A. Fleck A Co.'s, before purchasing elsewhere. The place to buy good Parasols, of the best and latest styles, is at T. A. Fleck A Co.'t, P. H. No trouble to show the stock, Please call. may 6 4 w You can buy handsome Summer Hulls for l, at tbe Keystone. flood Marseilles guilts, $1, $.JS, $.J10 and tl.tiO, at tho Keystone. Save Time! Save Labor! Save Monoyl 8 Clothes t Tho" Novelty Wringer" is the best In tho market. Buy it 1 try tt. For talo hy II. F. Biolicr A Co. Paints, Oils and Varnishes for sale bv II. F. Iliglor A Co. Paint ash pAiNTKita Fimusa. Our stock f Paints and Painters' Materials is complete. In eluding J. T. Lowis' Pure White Lead. John Lu cos A Cu's Pure White Lead, F. K. A Co's Buck Lead, and a number of cheaper brands of White Lead; also, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes of all kinds, a full line of Brunci, and a full lineof colors, dry and tn Oil. uiy2S'73 II. F. Bioi.Ka A 0, RECAPITULATION. Bird Cages. Wood and Willow Ware. Household Oood. All kinds of Hardware. Japauned Ware. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Calcined Plaster. Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies. All of the above for sale at the mammoth Hard ware Store of II. F, Bigler A Co., Second street, iieartit-ld, l a. St Fiikh ! FnKR ! FnuK ! Among tho many nrena rations that we have for Cough, Colds, I' roup, or any throat or lung difliculty, none of them are equal to Dr. Morris Syntp of Tar, H 1 let Cherry and llorebound. If you are afflicted, eat) at our store and we will givo you a sample bottle frt 0 ennnj 1 agents; jiartswtcK a irwin, 'Jlearlield ; Holt, Wimdside A Holt, Wallocoton ; H. K. Mil liAins, William' Orove. March Il ly. FROM DRUUOISTS. There it no case of Ilytpepsla that Hreen't August Flower will not euro. Cutue to tbe Drue Store of 0. H, Watson, Clearfield, Pa., and in- in ire about it. If you tuner from Costiveneot, isick Headache, Sour Stomach, Indigestion, Liver Cuinpluiut, or derangement of the system. Try it. Two or three dose will relieve you. Bowhee'a Herman Syiup fs now told In every town and city in the United States. We have not lest tuan five hundred letters from Druggist, saying it i the beat medicine they ever told for Consumption, Throat or Lung disease. Regular site 74 cents. aug20'7ly miarrtra. At U10 nmIuViic. of IluwARh Ci'rri.aa, In Ma ilsra, on Weilnr.ilar, April 221. I74, Ii, J. I.. Hiiaw, K.n., Mr..lOIIN t'l TI', Miltlinoou.ilv, I'a., ami Mint AMANDA II I Mi, nt Mailrra, Cli-arfirM eounlr, I'a. sua. In Clearfield, on Monday, March 27tb, 174, JAMES K., ton of J on? and Carolisb Md- UAi dim, aged 2 years, V months and 12 days. In Boeifs township, on Friday, May 1st, 1874. JACOB HANKY, aged about HI years. In Hoggs township, on Friday, May 1st, 1H74, Mrs. NANCY JANE CHASE, wire of William A. Cn ask, nged 27 years and 6 months. yinrkrts. Clearfield Markets. ' 0i.iAnriiLD, Pa., Maj 5. 1 974. Ailca, green, 90(i$ 1 2.VIIt;a, tlrit.aotl Uricd, H lt 12)' II Ulna, groon. i A,il.bulUr,HKiil, 1 00 llama 0074 IH Dutt.r 00(4 40 Hhouiar....IO(i 12) llean til 00(4 I 00 Hide OOb, 12) lluckwheat.. ,. 1 00 l.ara 12(4 li llurkwhoat dour )ttf S Meat pork,$l htl.,.2t 00 llo.f, dried J.VOal l lloor, fre.h 10 Onluna 1 00 lluarda, M 12 0U(uiU 00 I'citatoea 00(4 loo Oom,auollod. 1 10 Peaoh.,, dried, lb.. 16 Corn, ear 00(4 0 Pinter, l bbl t 00 Com tneal.y aack, 1 .10 Kro 1 10 Chop, V ' 00(4 1 10 HR" V t'lover.eed- J 40 Halt, V aaek.60(4 160 Cheeae fl Shlni(lea,l8 in.4(d)6 00 Cherrlea, It). 10(4 IN Shingle,, 20 !n!6((0 10 00 Chick on l, drad, Hi, 12) Timothy a.ed t 00 KKK Tallow.,.,. JZ) Klniaeed 00 Whoat 1 li Flour 0 00(4 Wool 40 llajr 00 00 ((till 00 Wood, $1 cord 4 CO lcniiKylvniiinIlnIIroitl TVBONK A CLEARFIELD MUNCH. ON and aller Monday, NOV id, 187.1, the PaMunirnr Train, will run dallr (exeept Run. dnj.) bolwoon Tyrone and Cleardcld, aa followi CLEAHFIKLD MAIL. LKAVB SOUTH. ClearOold S.40, P.H Philipaburg 4. HA, " O.oeola 4.60, " Tjrnn .00, " LEAVE N0KTII. Trron. 0.30,a.k. (laeeola... 10.40, Philipahar(...IO.t, Clearfield ...... 11.60," CIiRARKIKLU 8XPRKRB. LKAVH SOUTH. Clearfield 6.40 A. Phllipahurt;... A.M " Oaeeola 0.60 Inleraoellon.. 7.48 " Tyrone H.00 " LEAVE NORTH. Tyrone 1..7.00 r., lnteraeolion,7.l3 " Oaeeola h 11.10 ' l'hili.Urg...8.J.' ' Clearfield, ar...0.i0 FA UK KltOM CLKARFIiai), TO llelli-rnnte, I'a 3 0.' Lork Haven... Wllllam.l.ort..., Huntingdon hewiatown Mary.ville HAIlUl.MUIilKI. t 70 00 1 HO 1 00 4 60 4 76 Mlddletown 15 00 Marietta 6 60 l.nneaater $ 86 l'llll.ADKl.l'IIIA 7 tti Altonna I 06 John. town S 80 IT'rsnilllli t 16 Wood and Willow War. of all dniwrliillona for aale by II. V. Ulgler k Co. A. B.T.nly Or. dnun Clearfield Wood elioppera A lea at 0:6:71. II. F. nrolKU I Co'.. I.nrillard'a eelebraled Hmoking and Chewing Tohaeroa. Kralur A Lytle, agenla for Clearfield etinnty, will whideaal. to dealer, ateily prior.. apl22 fll.tliadr . - ItnAnTuia I Peraona who eonUmplal. building will do well lo rail and aiamlno our .look of HIULIMNII MATERIA I.R. Wo hare In .toek a fall Una or rloildera' Hardware, Nail, Paint., Oil, (ll.aa, Pnlty, Calcined Pl.Her, Ao. , Byain. II. F. Uioi.aa k Co. . A full Una of tlowaehold Hood, Japanned Wan, ke., fof aala hy II. F, Bigler k Co. Cloae oonneotlnna made hi all tralna at Tyrone and Lnrk Haren. S. fl. DI.AIR, mrl7 tf. Saperlntendent. NOTU I-.. I'er.oni Indebted to th. aahaorlW er for (wrrlcea rendered while aollng aa Hherlff of Clearfield nounty, are requeal.d to rail at my oflioe, In Pie'a Opera Hooro, and niak. payment. In my ab.eno from lb. offii, Mr. A tl. Kramer will have charge nf my book, and ia aulhorlied to receipt forme, Peraona knowing thcmaelrea Indebted) by making prompt payment will graally oblige. J. J, PIN. april 1 Sm NIITICP Notlea la hereby given that an application will ha mad. lo the Court ot Quarter Heaalon nf Clearfield eonnty, to b. hrld on the flr.t Monday of Jan. next, for a charter to Incorporate the village of Rurnalde, In tald eonnly, Into a borongh, with all th power, and privHegM conferred by th varlona Act. of Aa. aemhly relative to bornugha In th Commonwealth of P.nnaylvania. WM. M. Mi UIILLOHail, apl2le Att'y for l'elltlon.ra, 611 81 OK s:u Mi 410 1 00 6V1 3V0 84V 1HI 1.14 104 216 4:1.1 4:i:t XII llll 04 43.1 son 174 170 loo lit 4:1 iHfl 80 .l:i0 M0 60 118 No. 42X8 61120 6701 620 4S7 511 1 U 6il0 6010 6AI8 4287 6700 4280 42K9 6018 6010 4287 6010 6U0II 6010 42 42S7 4287 427 611 1 8 6III0 6010 47 15.1 Wurmntrt. . Prederirk llubley John MnilcT Frederick llowioait Philip Mv.eoito,e Micliai'l AliiH.rr , John llrnily William llrndy J. Illair and E. lllalr John Wliilnier , Henry Whituier M William Wilaon Jacob King John (lihaon ....,.., Roltert Wil.nn , William (Iray John Miller John Retland Peter Melt Jeremiah Mchrr David llarlon Jacob King Adam Myaenoope Jerouiiali Moabor Kongity Win. John Urnwn Frederick llcnte Thomna llillington John liran Marlin Fuiiti Jacob Muaaerainilb I.. . Weld Jnoob Fuuta H Tlioiun. (J room Ar. 1 000 600 1000 600 110 10 1011 no 101 70 1000 600 600 BOi. 07 0.1 101 102 lf.l) 100 400 100 201 60 122 241 I'tr. IK II. Worroafre. Henry Heck.. 3d 100 Nlcklln A OrifHib.. i 11 Henry lleck.H Nlcklin i llriftit'li!! Henry llcck 20 ffn. 8010 IOU, Mil 1009 2004 60711 6V20 6051 4020 .Kill .16011 MM Ar. 408 411 410 420 42U 100 1.12 2:i4 427 70 427 427 06 40 206 100 401 427 100 OA 210 400 ilc. 224 102 15U 175 100 2:. I Oil 48 80 100 10.1 (II loo 60 86 40 1.12 80 Ar, 01 304 V0 70 380 01 200 S22 61 470 III 11106 100 .107 8.1 60 220 80 Prr. i:. IIIOODI, H'arrtf.tce. Roberta k Foi., Nlrhlin k Grifllth... 11 11 J. W. Rmllh A. K. Wright W. H. RoWrla UoIk ti. A Fi Jacob Ullger Iinvid Irvm (iat.) John P. Hale Roberta A Pos ' A. L. Toaier. Milton I.. MoClore...... Ill 40 10 00 22 80 6'i 82 10 88 68 62 21 80 84 61 00 61 68 25 81 .10 40 24. .'12 40 02 118 80 08 80 4 84 18 21 10 (II 40 40 AI 60 .10 62 .10 00 22 80 2(1 lo IS 62 21 II 10 20 0:1 80 38 12 II 7 II 40 20 04 .178 00 .... li 00 .... 78 00 170 40 80 2 .... 41 68 .... .10 24 .... 4.1 08 .... 110 00 .... 60 04 .... 252 00 .... I0:l 20 .... 10.1 40 .... 180 V2 .... 22 06 .... 28 14 .... 22 08 .... ill 08 .... 20 40 .... M 24 .... 151 20 .... K0 21 .... 7(1 44 .... t ,10 .... 75 12 .... 01 14 24 84 78 44 24 .10 21 AO 121 20 10 2o 48 AO 26 2 10 08 27 00 10 10 81 00 10 20 2.10 22 ;;it (ij 8 10 108 00 20 110 A. 18.1 41(1 III 100 4:1.1 258 4!t 60 200 200 200 4.1.1 4.'l:l 4H:l 4:i:l :i!-n Mil 88 271 411 2:il ISO 87 8H 2111 2a 200 4:1 ion 160 74 116 SI3 gntut JPalri. Clie.U ' Vr. irrrnli,. 16.1 Martha Worlngton $101 7A .10 Jainea Page 00 HI Willlan'tn 7il 80 161 John It") . 1 21 00 16:1 Thoiuaa Hamilton 100 (18 Jainea Ilora 71 40 U, John Cuiinlnglmiii 121 HO , (Mi.ili.a llobin II 40 Robert Fleming 57 00 Jau.c Ulcliardiion........ ... Jonathan Wnlkur. John Cook Jn.pcr Ewiog ..,. William Cook Alex, Milliter ,. lHaec K irk A Cu MeCord tract , Jocph Piper Ileorge Pago. .., Henry Puge Jainea Noble ,, Cliriallon llohren John A . Mrl'herron P. lilaiichurd Miller A L'hrlal ar Hanmak-Ji t t aV4 tOTOal fii 11 16.1 15.1 15.1 104 07 Mcnairy A Mitchell. Miillliiaa rlloiigh , John llreucinan. Joaeph McMurray..,, Patrick Noble. Hugh Ilantly Joaiiib Htiynea CuvIiikIuii. 67 00 , 67 no , 210 00 , 210 00 , 2411 60 , 210 AO on no , K.i no , 12 21 . llll IA 101 10 , 101 in 100 41 . I I 50 21 no U!l 81 II IH 78 811 lit AO 21 00 10 00 18 80 14 40 210 21 No. .VI HI 64 1 1 6413 64 l:l 64110 6411 6105 I CIO I0U7 inn;. 36 V' Nn. Ar. Prr. ' H'orroftfre. 6:108 108.1 lieorg Mead 1110 14 6.17:1 1 100 " ii 171 26 6:174 1100 ii I J.I 25 6108 1 1 00 ' " 17.1 15 MOO 1018 ' ; 105 20 6.170 1100 " " I.ll 75 6410 1 1410 i 17:1 25 6407 1000 157 60 6.17H 481 " " 76 05 6401 .125 " 61 10 I SO I 11 Mi.rrla A fllcwart 61 05 5:177 linn . Ileorge Mead 17125 I8u:i .100 Morn. A rUuwart 17 85 Pfr. 31 147 A. 73 100 8U1 404 111 203 404 100 60 400 241 60 00 2.4 60 114 24A 400 200 101) 74 SOI 2114 100 47 4 c. I'tr. S.'l.l 150 4.1.1 151 74 loo 86 145 60 4:i:i Dccatiir. IKarraiilec. Thouiaa KdiniinJaon. Joaeph Hamilton Thouiaa lllllingloii....... Charlea Riak Patrlok Moore. Mary M'l.annlianMM. Ann M'Lnnnhan Stacy W, Thompaon Mary M 't,anahan,.M, aiobort Ruinoy William Evana Tbomaa Stewardaon John Drinkor. Joaeph Matlock Robert llnltaingcr Daniel Kay Th&ma. Kdinundaon Samuel Hamblinton Caaper Ilainca.... , William Hoover I'avid Stewart Tbomaa P. Cope Ttiotnna E.linunilaun John llolliday Daniel W. McCuidy Fcrguaou. ' Warrantee. John Uambrigbt Ileorge Koa...,., Lewis Jordan Abrara Ogden John fileiner Daniel Frank John (IralT. Benjamin tiibbs Glrard. $.18 00 60 00 170 00 181 60 III 00 60 00 120 00 .111 00 16 00 1X0 00 115 00 .10 00 52 60 n 50 17 no 45 00 02 65 100 00 120 00 AO 00 20 60 140 60 00 00 21 AO 28 00 7S SA 2.17 20 10 20 24 00 7 A8 45 12 0 08 187 20 Ar. .10 216 AI4 N. 404 Bin 6801 6877 6870 6881 688A 250 821 106 106 1 1il .1 1004 lloirr. Vrr. H'uOntre, 70 II. S. Drinker ; William Mcl'ormiik Nancy Ilogf. , 41 Nathaniel McDonald... 41 John llyera Barbara Pnyiler tleorge Ilorlman 7A Joaeph Drinker... :iu Michael Kunklc Henry Fnnncr. Feorge Ayera 31 William froolman... ItO- Richard Thomas. Ilarbara Snyder Thomas rlmitb. John Kephart. . Illair Mol.anahan Jone. Htelniieiser John Hotter. Richard Wapl. Wataon A Muann John Kean .llrailforil. HorrnMfre. Tlutth Kly.H , John Cnmpbell.. Hall A lluck John Vaughn.... Martin llu.ton Illair McLanahan. Andrew Petit Mattbina Hlaymakcr.... laaae Wllaoiu Francia Weat. James Duncan.. David Means Joaeph Powell Horatio I.. Halo John llanna. John (I. tlray David Aakcy , Andrew Petit..... Ilrady. Prr. Warrantre. William Kirkpalrick. lonrnd Long Jonathan II. Smith..., 157 35 84 A 220 .1:11 100 77 Henry Wyoou Robert Curry John Dunlap Carper Htever f 11 iloborta A Fox.... 2010 1580 2000 27 156 27A 02 110 118 .1012 3AI.1 3014 1007 1008 Na. 6002 6AII3 6A04 3A5 0H4 005 All 2I'A 472 h:i 178 65 116 60 100 100 10A 550 67 2A0 183 210 14.1 04 f50 01 62 08 65 44 6.1 7 A 63 70 IA 80 21 84 110 Oil 72 6 10 5.1 7A 63 7A 1 6 W'. 8 40 4 40 10 60 07 20 71 40 12 AH 15 OA .10 13 60 40 2 20 42 .10 18 80 "08 70 14 Iff 61 ll 20 A I 10 74 ' 8 4A 14 10 .15 25 13 no 14 10 10 14 11 76 12 no 28 03 30 48 , I1R 00 40 157 42 106 50 7A IA 67 80 17 .14 12 68 377 40 84 32 1:i0 40 220 84 1:18 A2 6 I A 30 04 02 Benjamin llonry Uiper Ster.r 1,'aaper Stover, Sr 108 Hli licorgo rhatTcr. J. W. Smith, w. part... Charles II. Prcscott.... Chriati.n Lower.. Adam WrlTOTm Joiiah W. Smith Holopctcr A Urubakor. Kelly A Co Wright A Darling Roberts rf FoxHM . 100 114 8.1A 70 HI 114 2A0 421 10.1 347 Ml 300 324 311 208 100 316 OA Ptr. Iluriialdc. ITfirrnNfce. John Nlcholaon., John Mnilrr , Abraham Whitmer.. Caapor ShafTor Jr.... Dnniol Whitmer John llubley , Mary Roberta John Trcaalor Shaffer Jeremiah Williamson.. 180 00 Mary Crawford 104 40 Townaend tipackman.. 118 88 HelHmea Drown , 114 6A Leonard Hullia All 00 Fred Kiihn..... HII 00 Henry llopor, (llii;li Riddle tract) 41 7ll 0 04 41 14 1.1 01 25 84 8 60 17 .14 28 110 24 14 1.10 6A 62 44 20 30 01 40 80 41 48 306 7A 74 88 121 TA 88 40 88 40 76 3A 171 AA 278 84 07 08 228 on 211 08 Vr. 207 148 340 1A4 1.10 348 100 41 145 Prr. 114 00 draliam. Warm.'.. Thorn. a P. Cope... tionn psyrop,, Joarph Simons. Bernard llrntt ii ii Joawph Henry Charles Hull C.J. Allport. 1 I.rael Copo CJlllirli. Wnrmnlrr. tleorge Moor..,..,, II .1 Philip fllawlngcr"'.'.!!! John McCahan 11 11 Lampblack Benjamin Wllann John Whllin.r Pigott Shaw tleorge Baker Daniel Fulkersoa Pigott Shaw Kd. Ilund Benjamin Wilson., .... Richard Rnnnlel Richard Alherton toil 00 20 60 170 00 102 60 HI 00 1:11 00 60 00 1.1 60 18 00 1A 30 201 26 100 10 118 25 146 76 , 66 00 2.1 10 30 00 , H 10 67 10 4 95 94 06 61 It 11 00 8 80 M 94 No. Ar. Per. FnrrniWc. 5:11; 1 lOHA (leorge Mead (103 46 5:i6 762 " " 7 60 6:2 lioo " 1 1 J 20 5:170 nil " " " ni 2 6.171 108.1 ' 110 IA 6.IA0 1100 - Ill 20 6.168 1018 ' " 110 84 6.H54 1008 " 101 .1(1 5369 1000 - ' 102 00 5355 1100 . 112 20 6.16(1 1100 " " 112 20 6175 KIS2 " " 110 IA 5:173 1100 " 112 20 1024 408 100 Morris A Stewart. 4148 6.1..2 703 Ileorge Mead 1113 62 6.17A 1100 ' 221 40 6353 lino ' - 221 40 6.167 1100 224 40 DCO llll 87 Morris Stewart A 80 1018 22 6A " ' II 00 laoo 187 Francis Berlho S3 OS 3U2t 110 Ju.lin Pluliell 16 08 Ar. 4:1.1 4:1:1 871 4::3 loo 8IA 08 80 4.13 818 18A 12 A'o. 6200 6.100 5.101 61102 5,1o:l 5:il4 6:105 5.I0A 6307 5.108 5.100 5:illl 6311 5202 6201 62115 62US 6203 62S0 1005 2003 6203 620A 5207 Ar. 1100 1100 717 104:1 lino lioo K17 2.10 80 350 122 1:11 127 700 68 74 A2 1(17 145 700 Prr. l;..l I VI 1.1:1 153 Per, Warrantee, lieorg.. Mind $223 60 " " 225 60 " " 163 75 " " 213 AI " " 225 60 11 " 325 60 " " , :ii 0:1 William Smltl 38 06 Cbarlca M illing 4 III Myora A Pi. her.., Willimn Smllh Illl'll Mcllonigol Kincricli A llcili-r..,,, Kdward M.llnri'iy..,. Willinm V. Keating... John Mcllarvev 153 163 5290 5201 1005 I00H 1007 1013 Ar. 1 101) 1 1 00 11011 11011 11(111 1 1 Oil I loo 1100 1 1. 10 lion lioo lioo noil lion lioo 1 1 011 lioo .174 8.10 38 1020 72 II C7 1213 221 213 62 236 4(1 488 1100 74 I7A 241 87 Willar.1 Knot. WnrriiHtre. llcojiiiolll I'oiillney Irrmd Mornr M.irtiu Perrie Iritl.cllt. Jordan Il.'nry Trout John Pirric John BokIc Su.anua Ward William Hunter John Doray Ilenjamin Poiillucy Nanny Hoblaon I.awmirc. H'orTlin'rc. tleorge MrnJ,.., Prr. 80 All Rolierta A Fox, . part 11 11 (Soorgo Mond Hugh Jordan... John Risd Hndolph LIts. Wui. .Montgomery.. John U. Harrison... tleorge Mead 1. ,i Kills Irwin..."'.!'.!!! 12 .10 15 17 13 .'III 16 Mi 21 7.1 2 05 15 17 II 71 31 86 30 75 42 00 ,.t 1 4:1 2d .. 200 lis .. 172 t.4 .. 125 2H ,. 34 1-0 .. 211 12 . 45 24 .. 37 08 . 100 84 . 77 14 . 127 01 . 2 32 tm 50 181 50 111 60 181 60 181 60 181 60 IM 50 Ihl 60 IM 60 1M 60 181 60 111 60 181 50 484 00 484 00 484 00 CI 011 All 60 64 45 20 00 112 20 319 00 613 16 633 50 13 15 17 CO 6 40 30 05 A AO 2A8 40 005 00 8 26 10 26 20 40 4 40 Ac. oHKtii. .on. avail, 100 SltCliaaey, II ,... ' .., " house A lot. 60 duller, Valcuiine Illootn 10 Drill. n. William liraillord.., Jolly, M. II. I lot ... 103 l.un.l.rry, Ilol.jiinihi jr.., " 100 Sbirey, Jacob ,., , 10 l.anxdoii, William...., I'orfirldc.,, 70 Lnugdjii, Jiiinna , , 100 A5 00 It'll lino lo 70 1111 60 60 000 60 100 3 tlilliiraii, William , Chert., Hwnn ll.nry " ., Ilorgir, J. It ., Po.l, llonry.,, 1 D.cHtur... ii l.tlnilifliu. 10 04 I oil 44 100 Hoover, J ii-oh. Iloll, T. 11 ..., Irwin, William ' Milii-r, Miles..; (loahen Swoope, II, II Fox, J. M flulirh , Nulpb, A. lain Huston Dunlap, J. R Kuux Henry, John hum. City... Ilurlehorn, Mis.1 loi.,.,H " Williams, Ileorge, 2 lots... Leonard, J. T., I lot " Juno Reed, I lot " Voiing, Ni-lton I lot.., M P.lika, Thoiuaa ,.Bogga,H Setly, Lurl , ' , SUill, Snuiui'l " Pnrk, (lanlner Bradford ... Slurry, Jaooh ' .... Clark, Warren, 1 lots Burnaide.... llrcnncman, Jacob ,.Cbat.M...,i. 1 7ft TAX. . 70 . I 00 . I 20 . H6 . .17 . 3 10 . 4 41 74 . 6 61 . ( 46 . ,1 05 . 1 86 .81 All .68 20 80 . 8 23 , 6 24 , 90 , 4 14 ,88 24 1 46 3 68 nil 20 no 30 26 46 1 10 I 74 4 16 1 AO 1 It 44 No. 6.11:1 317 5:1 1 8 6:il0 5.120 5.121 6323 6314 6115 5.1 1 A 6323 6.1.14 63I4 I ! 1 2 1 003 IS84 l loll 6.124 632A 6.127 6:120 6.130 5.125 102.1 1011 A'c. 4001 607 3 5074 6(175 5IMA 6007 42.1A 4226 4.109 48W0 42.15 42211 4229 43:10 60(11 4809 8 1 II 10 12 14 III 48S0 40O2 4807 6002 60(10 4231 4131 4000 60114 4326 423A 4308 42A6 6070 6C7I 6073 6070 6n77 61178 6n77 6(172 5(1711 4A77 36S9 211011 1001 3601 1WS8 4IH3 4283 42114 4109 4201 3603 3110 1 3A0II .1678 .1670 3594 3607 snu7 3584 3685 3O04 60A3 4103 426A 4261 51170 262 7 II 1.1 A 8 15 Ar. 433 183 01 49 100 100 60 300 109 yle. A6.1 1059 loot I0V9 1100 1003 1 10 700 luoo 1 000 1100 lioo 800 4:13 I7A 4.10 1213 1100 111.1 1100 1100 200 n:u too Prr. (flaliciu H'ltfTnrilee. tleorge Mead.. 91 163 'f.7 William Millies. Morris A Stewart... floorge Mead.. Ar. 420 1041 1041 101 1 000 -H79 400 740 370 124 08A 900 9(16 607 1113 100 95 90 106 01 86 02 01 100 900 66 no 900 900 A:m 638 023 10 375 101 350 600 2IA 889 1041 1041 847 647 147 1041 400 ,147 600 600 8AA 1020 10S9 000 420 9IHI 900 900 405 0011 1020 437 809 733 908 1020 H83 AH 5 1020 1020 hoa 297 927 HS8 927 1041 20A 600 05 80 106 4 8 110 Prr. Morris A Stewart.... 1 11 W. A. Wallace."!.! Ilii.tnn. Warrantee. Wilhelm Willink Moore A Dclanoy...., 11 11 . 11 William Towors 11 ii James Wilson... ..AI53 32 .. 148 113 .. 258 03 258 03 .. 268 60 ., J.lfl 88 .. 258 60 .. 107 IA .. 141 00 .. 141 .. 310 20 ,. 310 20 .. 20 70 ,. -61 2.1 .. 20 08 .. ' 40 70 ,. 313 10 ,. 310 20 ,. 310 20 ,. 310 10 . 310 20 ,. 61 70 ,. 70 60 . 14 III ., 4 70 15.1 104 Wilhelm Willink. JVmos Wilson William Powers Hammond A Jones...,. Reynolds sub. Nicklln 43 144 141 20 Willhclra Willink 11 11 11 kti'ti William Towers 11 11 J.tnos Wilaon William Powers.. R. Shoemaker..,. James Wllson., Moor. A Dclaney... Roberts A Fox.... Moor A Del.ney. 22 Roberts A Fox..,, 23 Jamc Wilaon.. no 20 161 109 no 86 nt 04 04 1:11 23 116 23 81 Roberta A Pol..,, if- William Pnwerl.... James Wilaon..,,.. Moore A Dctan.y John Dunlnp Dnllols A Low Reynolds snh.Niefcola Per. 163 136 Jordan. S'ltenXfifrt, 4 Thomas Marlin.'....., J., Robert Martin Philip Least. William Johnaton . Jonathan Jone. . Richard Marti... Daniel Smith, . 11 11 Richard Pat.. ' I37 7A 841 63 311 63 811 63 331 72 288 1.1 inn 72 1..4 in 131 77 40 tO 828 03 824 73 8IA i2 1(111 06 3A4 90 32 80 31 10 20 62 34 44 29 62 27 SS 30 84 30 62 31 80 824 71 .... 18 04 .... 3A 08 .... 824 72 .... 824 72 .... 200 III .... 173 20 .... 302 63 .... 307 60 .... 123 00 .... 3.1 21 .... 81 00 .... 104 00 .... 70 93 .... Ill 10 .... 180 AO .... All 63 .... 99 A.I .... 179 17 .... 6.1 88 .... 371 AO .... 180 93 .... 68 17 .... 84 00 .... 8 00 .... 1H0 95 .... 314 6A 857 1 1 .... 206 10 .... 150 A3 .... 82 00 .... 158 40 .... 168 40 .... 79 20 .... .124 72 .... 834 6A 1 13 60 .... 206 20 .... 210 2(1 .... 207 nn .... 3.14 60 .... 201 III .... 224 A .... 334 tA .... 8.14 60 103 97 .... 97 17 .... 803 81 .... 201 10 .... 803 H .... 84 1 68 17 05 104 OA 31 IA HI 84 44 I 1.1 I t 3(1 08 ....1231 A3 162 22 ... 23 21 .... 12 47 .... IT 26 .... SO 10 .... 14 06 .... A3 Tt .... t 90 Murrliu Ar, Per. frarroiilee. 401 (leorg Wctsc!.... $2A5 32 20A William Worts. 1.15 OA 827 Chriati.n Wert 107 91 872 David Lanich... 24A 18 412 Jcaao Vernal. 138 93 4411 A6 Joseph Tumor 146 20 440 109 " 146 20 810 20 " " 112 20 423 (leorgo Hohackcr 1.19 A3 300 Peter Varnal 99 00 433 183 Clem Striker 86 80 433 163 John Vaughn 85 60 433 153 Jonathan Ncabit 85 80 858 163 Thomaa Morria 73 AO 4.13 1113 William Morria 86 60 4.13 153 Samuel Meredith. 86 80 433 153 William Miller. 85 80 433 163 Hetty Morris 85 80 4:1.1 163 Thomas Fitssimmons. 85 80 4.11 153 (leorgo Clymer. 84 80 4.13 153 Robert llray 85 80 433 153 Patrick Moore 85 80 433 153 Mary Morris 85 80 23 163 Magnna Miller 6A 10 43.1 163 Nalbua Fi-asey. H4 80 86 Blair McLanaban 2141 1:10 Jacob (IrntT 28 05 2118 William Stewart 105 AO 407 1.19 Richard H. Smith 63 80 217 Walter Su-wart H 35 04 211 Christopher Baker.. 811 3A 125 George llatea 12 21 I'jn 40 Conrad Swnrts. .. 34 08 10 17 John tlrair. 3 03 1:17 N. Rci.linaucr. 22 41 400 Fnd llubley 50 20 .18 Miillliiaa Slough.. 7 2(1 97 " " . IA 50 7 Henry Drinker. I 05 2119 ..III Joseph llubley 6.113 210 14.1 Jacob llrnff ! 40 A John llrafl. I 98 011 Joseph Poller 16 84 l lll Francis Johoaton 17 82 f.2 " " 7 Oil 440 . Joseph Turner AO 00 400 (Inirgo llabaker 115 17 481 951 Robert Caraon I . , 117) N. Rridcnaiicr 0 MnCuIly, Joaorh Dod ridge, Jacob Knox.. Galea, tleorge, (ahop)...,, Decatur .... l'lcgal, Kllaabrlh.. Uoshen I run, John ea 1 lutt....N. Wash Alexander Robert Woodward.. Barrow, Wm. bouse A lot " Burns, Jas, houso A lot... " Bumheiser, 11. house A lot, " Bradley, M. house A lot. " Biglcy, Jno. bouse A lot. " Carl, Allohaol , " Carson, Jamos 11 Cox, John, bouso A lot..., " Given, Sa'uil house A lot. " Gauiuras, i. house A lot. " Gruhaiu L. houro A lot.,.. " McKc, Jamoa " Tnvlor, A. B .'. Wolf, John " ShofT, C. J " Iloliunn, Solomon. M l'aria, John, 3 lota Osceola Mcllonry, Mrs. I lot.... Hoover, Pstton Michaels A Cat heart.... McKeo, John Bowles, i. R. V Lunt, 0 . Holes, Chsi. A Osborn. Holes, Oiborn. D. W. WISE, Treasurer, Clsarlleld, April 1, l74.-9t 17 ..Pike ... ,. (Vaioa. 24 f 7 1 AO 2 40 1 All I 06 .110 . I A6 2 35 2 85 - I 90 90 . 1 10 . 1 AO . 1 74 . 1 10 .4 17 . A 74 1 3 . AO . 1 on .. 1 47 .. 73 .. i 34 .. AO 80 .. 1 67 .. 3 37 .. 2 61 .. 1 46 ytisrrllaufous. c I.KAIiFJELI) ACADEMY. MALE Dlil" ARTMIiVT. 400 90 272 No. 6002 5PC2 6051 No. 42.0 4250 4250 4252 577A 4777 6770 6770 6770 4250 6777 4250 6777 .V. 4251 426A" 6079 421.1 42(15 6n70 3204 428.1 4109 4109 4250 4259 4250 IA John Huston.., Patrick Haya... Robert Glenn... 79 20 17 82 89 70 Penii. Ar. Per. Warrantee. AI3 14 John NichnLon ...... 7 20 IA3 Greenwood Bull 07 20 A3 ' Klijah Heath 25 20 115 Nicklin A llriOith 64 00 6C0 " ..... 130 40 4:19 1.15 Joseph Boon 163 00 IMkc. Jr. Per. Warranleo. 203 James Wil,on 3 1 7 IA 91(11 " " . 65 00 32.1 " ........ II OS 057 " " 41 27 I7A ' " 4A 01 410 12 John Nicholson.. 68 88 25 John P. Iloyt 22 00 250 Joaeph llailor.-... 22 00 27A John Nicholson .. 24 20 440 " 88 72 801 " ,., 62 80 j 150 Jnmca Wilson 2A 40 1S7 John Nicholson......... 3:1 44 175 James Wilson.. 45 7A 02 48 John Nicholson 24 62 Pine. Ar. Prr. Warrantee. , ' 927 23 James Wilson. 3t!8 80 88.1 115 ' " 207 4S 1041 81 Moon A Dclaney 2:13 24 900 James Wilaon. 221 70 880 " " - 109 08 1011 80 Moore A Dclaney 233 21 0011 James Wilson. 221 7A 000 ii ......, 221 70 495 110 HS 405 " . 110 HS 208 ii 21 84 900 70 00 328 ' 18 48 Union. . No. Ac. Prr. Wnmiafcc. 3(103 900 160 Roberta A Fox J142T 23 .1690 AOA CA ,S4 H2 3682 799 30 J76 63 3681 126 , 53 75 4251 840 57 Jam.. Wll.on. 39 43 4262 96T 85 60 40 W oodnnrd. Ar. Per. rl'urronlce. Sit 15A John Vanght $280 80 46A 14 Jonathan Wale ., 602 f-0 433 163 John Roll 603 A4 100 William Wilaon 28 00 412 41 John Cannon 428 43 420 120 Henry Drinker 218 40 H William Drinkor. 124 80 433 153 Isaac Wheeler. 223 IA AO Eli llootman t 12 1A0 Mary , 131 6 00 Benjamin Johnaton A3 40 470 llagcrly Ill IA 401 Mntlnta. Barton. 8IK TA 70 Nary Neal 72 80 fill 146 John McCachon 112 82 100 Roland Evan.'. 10 40 121 HII llootman 12 40 218 Chaiinc.y 46 24 1A4 Joseph Clark 1 J IA 100 John McClellan 10 40 433 103 Philip Loast 226 IC 433 163 Jacob R. Howell 838 00 4:i3 163 William Johnston 225 10 100 A3 (leorgo llrockhan 78 00 203 Samuel Kmlen. 20 HO 40 William Wilaon 1 08 100 Mary ShatTor 41 AO - 150 John Low 16 AO 100 laaao Gnsa 1(1 40 103" 3 JohnMcCochen 108 48 91 James Alexander I A 20 ' 73 Roland Krnns.. , , A4 171 Peter liOnder 17 A3 OA , Charles Louder 13 00 444 John Hanson 197 110 100 ' Benjamin Johnston. 104 00 147 22 R.J. Primer y 44 Ion Tbomaa Maralon.,..,... 62 00 2O0 William Sharp i;,8 0 38 Susanna Ward f 03 160 William Porker t 20 27 Charles I,onUcr. , 9 00 100 . Mary Sandwich ... 43 10 SEATED LANDS. Also, tho following lots and parcel, of lands - tnrned by the collectors of taxes of th several townships and boroughs hereinafter mentioned to th Commissioners uf Clearfleld count v, for th non payment ol taxes, according to the provis ions of tho 41st section of an aot of Assembly of Airi su, ia.., s-. Ai. pag 6UI1 A I". 130 A4 owaans. oa-1 twr, tax nakostraw A Arthurs Bsoew'... s 1 , M- M ... Foster. B. hoas A M....u - , , Kirk A Speweer. ,.. 1 . MaOlir. r..i. , - , 1 THE SUMMER TERM of fourteen woeka will commune. MONDAY, MAf 11th, 1874. Icruia ol Tulliou. Reading, Writing, Mental and Written Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography and History tt Natural Philosophy, Physiology, and Sin gle entry uooa-keeping, or either, with the abovo 12 00 For Inatructions In Double Entry Book keeping anil commercial Arithmetic, spo eial terms to be arrsnged. For particulars respecting th school apply to auK27'7.1tf R. M.JfcENALLV. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. rilllB WINTER AND SPRING TERMS will X clos May loth, 1874. TERMS OF TUITION. P.eadlng, Orthography, Writing, Object Les sons, rrimary Anlbmetio and Primary GconroT.hy. 17 00 nistory, Local and descriptive Geography with Map llrawing, (.raniniar, Mental and Written Arithmetic t 00 Algebra and tbe Scionces 12 00 Instruction in Instrumental tnasio 10 00 Oil painting, 14 lessons..... 12 ( Wax work S 00 For full particular send for Circular. Clearfield, Mareh II, 1874. - 9:7.70 y The Hell's Run Woolen Factory, I'enn towns-hip, Clearfield Co.f Pa, 11 1; k n-i-: 11 o ir Tt BURNED UPI ThesuUsorlW bare, at great exncnsa.rebuilta neighborhood necessity, in tbe erection of a first-cla-i Woolen Manufactory, with all the Modern improvonients attached, and are prepared to mall all binds of Cloths. Cass i meres, Satinet.!, Ulan keti, Flannels, Art. Plenty of goods on band to supply all our old and a thousand new customers, whom we ask to come and examine oar stoeb. The business of CARDING AND FULLING will rood to our especial attention. Proper arrangements will be made to ruceire and delirer Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted and done upon the sbortcst notice, and by striet atten tion to business we hope to realise a liberal share of public patronage. IMMH POUNDS WOOL WANTED! We will pay the bigbest market price for Woo and sell our manufactured goods as low as similar goods ean lie bought ta the eonnty, and wbenorer we fail to render reasonable satisfaction we ean always be found at borne ready to make proper explanation, either In person or by letter. JAMES JOHN BON A BONA, april26tf Bower P. O. JtEW 6 TO UK AND NEW GOODS .JOS. SHAW & SON liar just opened Niw Stdsi, on MainSt.,CLAritLD, Pa, . Uloly occupied by Wm. F. IRWIN. Their ilock oonsi.t of G&ot-IR.!! of tlie boat quality, QllKF.NSWARE, BoOtS Mid SllOCp, nnd every Article necroaarr for one'o com Tort. Call od axaniiue our (lock bafor par- chaaing eloiwhore. May 9, 18C0-tf. ("STikaFg uockuiksT" J LUMBER ClfT, PA. Th undersigned announces to hi. old friend, and patrons that be haa opened a good line of UROCKRIKS PROVISIONS at the old stand of Kirk k Spencsr, for wbleb h eollclta a liberal patronage. II. W. Bl'ENCER. Lumber City, P.., March 10-tf. jiltelfMIJIlRAY wn.i. bvpplt von with ant articlb of merchandise at the vert loklkst PRICE. COME AM) BEE. (l iTjy) NEW WASHINGTON. j 1 M I'i 1 LIMR1 The nnJ.nlgned Is now prepares to furnish th public with aa acell.nt quality of Bollefonte Wood-Burned Lime, for plaalering purposes, hy th large or amall quantity. Can be fonnd for the prsiit at Pie'a now building, n Market street, ootl-tf L.X MiCCLLOtJOlt. The Lightning Tamer7 THE undersigned ar th. ol Agent. I M( eonnty forth, i. North Aaierloaa aalvaaid LIUIITNINO RODS." Tbsse ar ta uly w- , rod. now la ass, and ar. a4Vart4 y aJi t acientlle ia la th xsiatry. W h.rebv aotin U aitl. if IS that w will pal a kt- less money, thaa It chart" k ' agents wk aaaaally tra aarry f oar IIUl - i T wtiV' It-.. a p- Ml