-m ' - - - - GEORGE B. GOODLANDER, hitiir and rnorniKTon. CLKARK1KLD, Ta WUllNKHDAY MOHNINil, MAY 0, 1874. OI'fr-ICB REMOVED. Tho offio of lbs Clkahvikld Rhi-hulioak will keroaftor bo In Plo'i Opera Homo, on Market ilreot, hetwoon Second and Third. Tho bii.lnea omr will b found to tlio loll of tho nin on. trance, on tbo leoond Hour, whom nil our old nnd now patrooi ro Invited to oll. Tho prom nnd aomuoiing roomi roon tho third floor. LiukhaL. Baltimore contributes 825,000 to the ovorflow sufforors on tlio .MinBinsippi rivor. Ex-Prosidont Johnson announcos himsolf as a candidate, for United Slatos Sunntor in Tonnossco. Ho can not rest. Brotlior Guss, of the Jlunlingdon Globe, who is now in prison for tolling tho truth about a doctor, is kooping a diary, and announcos tho number of bis visitors rrom ton to thirty daily. Hk Won't 1o. Since (ion. Grant has mounted tbo Pomocrntio platform on tho curroncy quchlion somo L'adi cals havo bocomo alarmed for foar bo might bo nominated by our party frionds. Have no fears on that seoro, gontlomen. It gives us pleauiiro to learn that Potter connty is to have a Democratic nowspnpor at hifit. Thero is a good opening for light in that benighted region. It is the darkest spot in the State, and wo are glad to know that an effort is being made to reclaim thoso political heathens. A Dkad Faimjrk. An attempt was ma Jo in the United Stales Sonalo on Tuesday last to pass the Currency bill over tho President's veto. Tho voas were 31 nnd the n.ivs 30. As j - it tnkos a two-thirds voto to pans bill over a veto tlio bill in question failed to bocomo a law. Gon. Hurnsido wants to go to the Unitod States Senate from .Rhode Island. If he has no moro capacity to bo a Sennlor than ho hod to bo a gonoral, be will savo his credit by stay ing at homo. Wo rather suspect that his constituents will not allow him to forsake bis family fireside Somobody remarked long ago that tbo Povil mado a great mistnko whon ho bad John I'unynn nrrostcd and im nrisonod. If wo aro not mistnken United States Sonator John Scott com milled a similar blunder when ho bad the editor of tho Huntingdon Gluhe thrust into a "calabooso." Fun ahead, says Guss. Engaged roa tub Season. A num bor of nowspapor editors nro just about Iheso times estimating the quantity nnd valuo of tho grain and fruit crops for 1871. They seem to know all about it. The wisdom of some men is incomprohonsiblo to ordinary mortals, Tho prico of wheat, corn and ponchos bns not been fixed yet. Aloxander Ellis, colored, has recov ered J100 from tho Nnrrngansclt Steamship Company for rodising him a seat at dinner In the dining-room of the steamer Providence. That right "Aleck." It is the policy of blackguards lo force themselves into society and associations wbero they are not wanted. This plan may e.U ratr the negro, but it would bo very degrod na In a white to crowd himself in O i, whero ho is not invited. IIowaboism. It has been ascer tnincd that the Freedmnn'i Savings bank of Washington has beon ron dcred nearly bankrupt by such white "Christian Statesmen and Soldiers" as Gov. Cooke and (ion. Howard. "Our colored brethren" are very much ex cited over the matter, and now begin to think that these whito philanthro pists have only used tho colored race to rob them. Gon. Howard at one time took $33,000 out of tho bank and gavo it the Young Men's Christinn Association. Bankkbs in Cocncii.. A conven tion of bankors met in Bethlehem Northampton county, on the 281)11111., in inka the currency nuoslion into consideration. The association com nrisod about one hundred nntlonnl banks, located enst of tho Alleghonics, in this Slalo. Amonif tho business tranutotod the following was adopted Knehtit. That Ihli Automation forora a qodi fleatibl of tho National Onrrcncj not w a to authorlM free banking nndor nuonahlo roilrio. tiona, allowing circulating oto aquni lo mo oor ront atarkot ralua of tbo kondi plwlgod fr thoir ndtmnUon lot cieooding thoir faoo Taluo, and nurh a ohango in tho law relating to rrnrre a will render tlx amo lloxibla and arailahlo for uno 1 tinn of groat ttnngoney. HARDLT A C'OMPKNSATION. All loy. nldom is in cxtacics over tho fact that Speakor lilaino, ono day last wock, called tho negro member, Itainoy, to presido whilo an unimportant bill was boing considered. Now thoso philan thropio souls exclaim "an ox-slave pro- oidos ovor tho Amoricnn Congress. Who would havo thought that, fiftcon yoars ago." There is something elso going on in South Carolina, where this negro congressman hails from, fif teen years go tbo pooplo were happy and prosperous. Now property has depreciated 300 per cont., the State Is forty millions in debt, all small proper ties are boing confiscated for the taxes and the State and every county Treas ury is robbed annually by carpet-bng gers and scalawags. Now, what Is tho difloronce between freedom and slnv cry, morally, financially and socially f Among tlio numorous morilorioiiH bills Introduued in tlio LoyltiltUiiro this bosh on bv Mr. Wallace, wo doom rmno moro o Utan tlio hill ontitlud i "An u,wn r;nuitxln and Crciwon, on tlio Stumor, wlio partiiMpatod inn Imlf rnil aot nnllinriKlnff tlio formation of part- l'iUHljiu-,;li Divinion, yculoiday morn, lion rol.bory at l'otrolonni Xoi.lro, Vo .1.1 nn!,T. in,,- in whirl, tlio rniil- Imr. nHUltini in tlio ioHtantanonuH n,tnKo county, in 1HI.H, and who it. now " , . , . , ,,, lin ' di Inland Milmidioii rJiiill alono bo ro- "l RpoiiHililo for tbo tloliln of tho riinociu- lion, oxccpt undor cor tain circiim- KlnI.ou,.. " . . .. , Tho b,H conlompmio. " ol llrmH upon mo twigi... ......wu ..... liillitr I, m. nnd ilH advocntca claim as.livj . 1 HI) III (It IHMIIII'J WM a HIV - I...I li .illl mmlilo c!ii)italiHt8 to ndnnt M,,,.;.,!..! Tlmv .mitinuml un tlioir at .i !... n ll.n nroflU nf thoir biiHinow banod upon tbo 'diatonoo of about ighloon miles below of IiIh tmfcu, in wl.iob I... kept nr. enor of thoir biiHinoss, uaauu fMn,.i,,hl who o tbo rail wuh stiandod, mous Btim of money.- Tho old man tt.iiouni oi unpiu . t.. ...v. , an fthn. wi Lhnut involving tbo rmU ol . i - i' : i i i .un a t'i nnin in an 11. thoir ruin In case ol milurc. u ib alxo t.aid that Its provisions will invito ... i i oop.ial to i onn,y.va..,u ... ..- We notice that a largo numoor oi loudinir manufacturer throughout tho Stuto are advocating tho passugo of this measure Tho IVicnds of tho bill .! ...:n ... olunn Hint a .aw o wus n. tract moro capital to our btnto than ny other measure .that couiu no o- vised, and that it will open a largo our i.mi.i ....i inlim-nra ... I at romunerativo wages. j mo .- now stands, men of Bmall means are roallv deterred from forming assoein- lions of this kind, bocauso in tlio ovont . r-:i.. i. imiinlk. tho firat . , , , ,. . , , ...i-i.. m;i , lionairo, in a greai, measure, sum im esponsibility upon some ono elsos shoulders, from tho fact that thero is no q. m-ral law on our statute books , ,. . .. . ,. !. ,.i,.,. egululing associations ol tlio c harac-1 tor indicated. o navo wagon ioiui of special ''"M "I""' tliosubjoet, which :........ i:,,. in I, mL-un nml ri'iul I . . I than it does an artmin lo learn bis ' The Slute Hoftfcff-. ktitioN AMM.VNiG FollTllB BKNKKIT of 1 tiik insoi.vf.nt ACT statf.mknt or TliK kx waii claims AdKNT- what ncmtir n Tint monkv rol.l.r.CTKP iiinM Tint national (lovKHNMKNT. im er..mn P.e.M n. Tho petition of GoorgoO. Evans np- plying for tho advantages of tbo insol- vent act was liled in court ycHtcrday by his counsel in this city, Messrs. I . . . , . i I lfIl T.l l,r. Mr, LVfiniiin. nnnltlA I rt lA nrAflonl. ntviniT tn ilia r i,!. Lonlil. prootMu... ....U...W.. '"'"' t. ... n,. iim,i.in Mnnir : r,A nnlltlnn wllifll WI1B flrawn' nnhv William L Hirst. Em., -r ni.:i. i.fi.: r.ib that l.i.l U. XMIIUUU.,....., n..n ... f, 1 1" mnnnv n linnpp.l exeent 8500. tho ninnn.i i,t. i, mi a,. 1, ol .1 r. l ..,. 1 ' Tl,n ,wii;nrf.irihnr shows that ho 1 000 in.iin.inni cfpili. UWim uuuin vi.,.,.,., .............. . r -.1.1:: 11. . ciur. niiii .i,,ni, lorn 111 iiuuiiiuii i-u bnu fi"tf'j" - ...v.. ho is indebted to tho Stato by reason OI IUO lilrifc VCrUiCb Ul INO JIM V I" t-"U I enso of tho commonwoaUh tigninst l.lm PnllnorinA- an islnt Mr. ' vans' ..n.i in iU neii. .... ' ' . non. hwntn in ronl oilate Inroitmont in patent! ....... .,.,. o 71 lino 110 l4,omi 00 Kxponaoa or agvocj oi.n nn btk rain. 4'0M 1,0 II. I.ewin ... ; Fint National baok, Waahington e,miu DO 1. N. Walker Konon K. W. II utter Henry Aider.. itio so M. M'tranagbon.... Morgan, Orr A Co. 41111 Oil I 2,3 ill t2 m-iiumrioiKTu in wAauiNoTon. S. P. Prown.. 20.on on D. C. Forney n.ono 00 OTIIKIt PATUawTH. J. II. Dungliion...... 2,500 on Bstraoriliniirj eiponaea connected with proiUH'Uttiin Kvinnei of litigation Family, trareling and buiiinoM e- icnaei for rerun jrrmrp..... 12,0110 00 211,01111 no I 75,000 00 .inc T r.o 115 ...1 ... r..'Ci.i This, wo prcsumo, is w Wllilli JjA-l?l(.l.V Treasurer Wm. II. Komblo would call "addition, division and silence." His patent investments and family ex ponscs have been liberal. Thiscxhihit shows that Evans was about as well fitted for "State ngent as tho J'v'1 wnuld bo for a Bishop, nnd Kemble, I (iearv A Co. must havo known that ho v?as utterly unfit for llie position nl I tlicjr oppoiiiloJ bint. '. scnooi noah. Wo Inst week look occasion to veto the School Book Commission bill, then before tho State Semite To our mind itlookod like "a job," nnd open to sec tnriun influence and political abuse. Tbis was no doubt tho design of those anhomers wliO oriainftted the bill. But the enemy's works wcro slorniod by Sonator Walluco, when tho bill came un for consideration in that body, nnd .1.. i.:n .m,u,i l.n l.im tl.nl. .. . , its inemis uiu . ov w u -..... r instcaa oi tno i ui......r.n.uM u,..8 wholly partisan, sectarian and corrupt, passional inquiry to go further to Tho value of a careful law of this lho Governor is roqnirod lo appoint prove that lho present Government is kind will bo gnon al a "Juiioo. it ni an cvon number of Democrats and l!o- failure. Tho ( 'apitnl has beon adorn- lows the employment of capital for ii- -i ti, ti t!r.n.-ini.n.l oil mi.' improved, il is true, but at nn fixed purposes and speciliod times, publicans, nnd tho Stato Supoi.ntcnd. i.V.innlv monstrously will, sm h curtailed or limited liability cnt.all of whom must ngreo. Anil tho books adopted aro lo bo of lhck.nal(,r,i,,v'a nroectlinifS in tho Com- samo tho nnd oualily and to cost ifw A r .1 ,m Rl,rfl,l il,nl,il!r,ns paying for thorn. Should lho bill pass tbo llouso and bocomo a law, groat benefits will result lo tho people, in tho cost ol books nlono. t- t JlRrONHTRtTCTIOIf AND Tho partixans of tho two Governors o( Arkansas bavo had a conflict, llie reports lrom Little Itock aro lo tbo r..i il,t o llrnnU. mnn Imvo been . ... . i on i.i ...Li!- 7 ic.iicu ana wohi.i.c. , .., linxlor mon wore wounded. Itsoonis that the Unitod States troops took no hand in tho fi flit but allowed tbo two factions to dovour each other. Such tion. Robollion in LoaiBinna: anarchy in Arkanifta : and tho pooplo of South Corolina and MissU-ippi robbod and :mAw.;.l...1 htf wl.iU nn.t hliirlf rnc. I . J ..... , amumns until ono thiraoi tno popuia- tion aro approaching utarvution f What a borloequo on "freo govern- montr Tho Domocralio .Slate Central Com- milloe met in I'hiladolpbia on Monday evening, and fixed Pittsburgh as the place and the 2.rth of Aagust as the timo (or holding tbo Slnlo Convention. I'.irhin.l Hniimad .trclilcul. The Alloonu Tribune, of tlio INUli ulL.tmytii Uiio of tlio moHtdihlrcHsing ,i mi,iu.ov - nlli ol four men and tho Horioun in- ,,,,. ' fin (ho njnotctm;h 0f jiarcli Itwt fivo mm nmod Anion nnd Jauob I'ardoo, (hvotbors.UVrsifor Sniitb Irwin and iuiiii... ir r..u.i.i niiviiiu.1 nnd jfchowdo ' aloni will, -cvcral ol)cr ttcqllnin,ttllC0, cft Cl.orry Troo, ,,,., '.,. .. i,A,ln,l tor iniiriuiv without Intoriuiitlon until n - t wli.di . t wuro C()ln ..., mill Akin (uinlu illtlMlltr to romain four weokB. durinif which ,;, n on boui'd u,0 raft dusiirloa it norco. flu mo iiiiiuhcs uro rnnuureu and returned to their homes, nvo tho Hon mmi iifdrfl.noiitioned. . - . . fl . ,.,i.,,i i(.Bv nd ......i,, nPria,i tt. Aiuriottn. Pa., its destination. Tbo raftsmen then look passugo by rail on thuir return home, nrrivimf in this eitv vcslerdnv morn- . tiU nl(h boa-,flj tho Jof))Hl0W1, Accoiiimoduiiun train nnd apon their arrivol at O'ullilssin alighted thorofrom lor tho purpose of pursuing t.lmir iniiriiov aLiot across tho mouii- ti.It - In ll.oin hnmn in tlin vu.lniltr rtfl - ...;,, , . , v ton d ' ., 1 0 m(li, 0 anv nropress ,i.cv ,.0irnod to (ialliuin and started to walk down tho railroad to Crcsson, whoro thev intended to tnko tlio llranch train lor Khonsburg. Midway between ualblBin and t res- H0 in ft f oinimrativoly deep cut, there hHa Ml0rt, curvo nnd while tho livo men named wcro passing through it they observed the second through coal irnin npiironuiiiiifr mem un mo muiin pomJ ud imm0lli. aiciv Hipm,j over to tlio north track t0 ot ji, ,,,,. jH t,oy di.J H0 tlio Pit- nlm exnrcss train westward hound . . - . . I , rounded iheciirvc like a streak of liht- ning, nnd before nil opportunity was niton cil tho eni'iiioer to iiniind the dani'or signal iho pilot of tho loenmo- t vo struck tlio live men at llie snmo time, iiiHlmilly killing lour ol thorn nnd brenkina tho let? of tho IIRh. As previously slated, llie curvo is very Uhoi - I. an ii.nili ho. iii fui-t. thnl it is 1 iinooBHililo lo see but a short dixtnneo wbon tho const is clear, whilo on ibis wuon tlio const is clear, wiuio on inn occasion tho view of tlio engineer was obstructed by tho eastward bound coal train. Tho five men wcro all knocked r flir I 10 track, t ll'CO Ol tlltMH bcinff thrown to tho liL'la of tho track and two to tho left, lint ono of tho nartv , , hid liix led arm almost torn from the sockot. whilo another wns thrown nndor ft truck standing on ft siding. Wm. W. Irwin, tho man who had . ;..,.' vcyod m a n . vf li oro li s i n u t cs w c ro n rope r I v nttonded to bv Dr. Pay. of this cily. Tho four men who wcro killed wcro convovod to tho Crcsson station hotiso ... , ...... ,r nn n "nnsnor and earr en into one u - 1 - .:, . the rooms of that building. j day niternoon nnd was permitted to viow mo oouies oi uio tour ui-nu iiii'ii Uh thov lav in tho station houso. It was a Lrhiisl v siLf it. The room was " . .. .. ... .. . , iir-nrfin v vu ti nninifr i loi ow l qioi r j ..... --- . norncn 10 na laid in n row. conso- quontly tho body of ono nf tho unfor- tunato mon wns plnce.d nlong tun loci of tho other tbreo. Between tho Par- , LM..i,na i,. ,...,..- Irwin uu uiv.uuia . r kiiw tvuiiil". .1 " '"i scarcolv sDvctccn years ol ni;o, while tho body ot iSowdon, the only ono 01 tho lour who lull a wilo and children to mourn his tcrriblo fate, lay in a position antaironislio to tho otlfors. The latter had his left arm almost severed from his body, whilo an uirly cash over his right eye wns plainly visible Ihe other threo were all moro or less cut and bruised about tho bead nnd bodv. whilo the blood was oo.in'' frorn the cars, 11OH0, eves and moiilh ; in fact, pools of blood dollod tho floor of lho room, whilst tho clothing of the . . . , I, .,. Ulliurtuliaiu lliuil wun turn niiir mil tun, lho Boles lorn from their boots, and in the Cttso of two of them the boots wronched from their foot. The officers of the railway company turned the bodies ol tlio four dead men over to Iho county authorities. On tlio (rinciniiali oxproHn ttairt cntwonl hound, Cambria county's cnroner.Jacob llarrnld, nrrircd at I'reHson nnd sum. mon nir a urv. proceeded to liolil un in- " .' '.! . . . . .. J niipnt. A verdict ol accidental (lenun . ... . . . in accordanco Willi llie ini'ts as nonve tntr.il tv-na rninli-icil 'J'ho Panleo brothers resided somo ton miles distant lrom Cherry 1 reo, and the Irwin brothers only four miles distant, isowuen resiuen in mo town. Tho Irwin brother.! were first couains nf Mr.JohnSmilh.ofthiscilv.alroii'ht enirinecr running on Iho J'iltburgh ... Division Tiib Natwnai, Capital Tho Now York Tribune, in alluding to lho out- rft(j001ls rollerMi pet pcraled by a band 0r v,jCvos al Washington, says : The aininmniit Lhat n bill lo root'L'aniise tho (;ovornmont of tho Dislriot ot.Colum- bj n Btion wil, iIlrpri(l0 no. . . i. jo not noP(,Hnrv f,,r iho Con- . ' XC0M 0f ti,0 rcul cost. During mitloo of Investigation, for cxamplo, il I . . a .i . al 1. .1 1 cd street work was moasurodso as to l .ftn,Pftl!,nr. fmm r.Hv to ono J1)nflrcj onj fifty per cont moro than Cy carnod, On a single contract tho Hoard r.ngmeor measureu up ox- cavalions in such a way us to mako U:t.fl(l(l vans ainienr to bo MS.OIMI ' v..l..l.. ...;ll l.n a..,., A., ' ' 1)0fI0 Llat tl.o contractor in such . C.H0 wng tho only person bonofitod whilo tbo citizens wcro cheated. Who shared in tlio Uivision ol tlio piunuer is not lilllV known, il covoriiniuii i. wllicb pcrlit9 8UCU f, luil- In its Lro 'mjBsion. , - Low Fake. Tlio 1'ittsburg J'osf says: Inducements in lho way of low faros, are now miuio uy niuuniiiip lines tu mmii.mn o. ntoiirnrrn linAaiinfrpra nn- iri(. tmttr itnft,Pt fvom I.ivornool to York for filiecn (Jollnrs. -r-r --i t AiioriiuiUHU war nini.ii u.u. ... Julv.1873. botwoon tho 1'onrBylvnnia flnj j)atim0ro iV Ohio companiori, hus imi toon amicably arranged, and freights and fared will bo again ruiHcd to lho usual standard. Hovontocn years ago it wns "bleeding Kansas." Now tbcy aro blooding each I other in Ar kansas. Hadiealism has played numerous freaks the world I ovor. .1 A'olorlon Mlonurr avgnu Tlio vimt oi uio ciiiui oi nouco m jvuuhviiio to mm cmy on ionu in ciiHtotly at Uonvor, uoiiii-ituo. no rcnuinition bns boon urnntod. and tlio otlltior is now on bin way to In inu tlio prinonor to ronnylviiiuii. A history of tlio robbory i intoroHtiiiK. Jivo moil livinir in Saoirorlownix ihiIch Iron, Moa.iVdlo, c.toivd .ho l,.,o or a woaltiiy man . named isoniiolioti, whilo tho I'umilv wm-o at Hiipnor. tind llnut ----- rf - ( , i II 1 tlio iiuizkIo of llio iiinlol compelled llonnoliofl' to dolivor up tlio koy ofonti wus compolled to succumb to superior helpless uy the gagging process, wnon the robLiers opened tho safe and so- j ovor i5i, 000 n Ulliloj Stnt(,H notes tho nrofils lionnehoff derived from tho louso of oil Innds in the noich- borhood. After securing thoir plunder thoy appropriated his Meigh and drovo several miles into tho country, whero llloy ,fl tl0 ,10ril0, , ,.ulmlled to places of safety. iho robbery wus conimiuou on u winter evening and was planned ny Sacner, wlio, with bis aircomiilieefl, livnil II limit IWOIllV IllileS frill 1 1 lIlO tmnn. H.iin,liolTdid not umihi lo do posit tho larco amount ol money in the banks and concluded that u sale would ho tho most secure depository. J o render it still moro seen ro ho em ployed a man to wiilch tho premises. This individual is supposed to have been bribed bv tho rnbbcrR in uhbinI them in their operations. Alter the robbery tho money was secreted for Un co days, it being tho understanding nmuiiji m iuhui in v..i. n.. .-...v. moct at n specified time and "whack up, as tho maimer ol division ol spoil is termed in IhievoH' ulung. lii l'ore lite lime ciaener sidle mo wnoio uinnuni . i . t .i . ...I . . from the hiding placo and jumped llie country, leaving Ins cunipaiiions with no monev and llie ciiiii oi iieiiiir par ties to the iMif irlnry . Two of tho rob Dors are Nerving out, mug it-rum m im- pmonntenl, ami now the prun-ipm nits beennrri'Hledtilierheingulugiliveiroin jiixtieo six yearn. The arrest was matin liv the cliiil id tho uoiky Momilaiii detective assm-tntum. Tho prisoner lias recently eonlensecl xiiopn that o robber, bi armed tin il.. und I lwv i.t.m I ictil iiiMinnlwin but (.verm, tliut ii'hu i mu'it to olllccrrt wouKI novcr havo UkOI. Illlll. It WUblllO IlfHl iiino, no said, in un interview had with nun, llml ho had ever beon taken unawares ,,,, ,, hn !, n.llowo.l and wnlehed for si x yoars. Ho afso rolat od somewhat ol his life sinco llie time of his robbery. Alter leaving Saeger- town with tho money winch ho h ,,, ,.l11.lml1no1w ! rv-rs- ' , liner on tho Ohio lopping placo wns P i Its hu r 2, n f tc r which ho went to Now Orleans, nnd from that city pass cd over to Cnbu. Un did not stay thoro lontr but went on to iloxico. ...1 :'..l. l. r...n.l ....In rum wiih:ii luimn y nw ..mu ..P , ., . :.i.A..ni Toxas and has been Micro in tho calllo - , sequel to his trip lo Colorado is now unown. ... ...tv. noso of bis herd en routo to this tern torv and m) back Botith. llonlsosnid .. r.. i . i . .1 1 in na 11:111 uuun cuhhjiwi V . , . .... ., t timos uciorc. inn uu ihwhjh hiuhk to gel away through tho freo ubo of money. 1110 money, or me uihk oi h, which was stolon, ho said, is placed ii ..on m-vnp ha Iniiibeif. IIn nu. tu - - - .... had always intended 10 pay Dcnnciioii in lull, IriiBling 10 spectiiauon 10 rem izo money cnotisn 10 uouuto ins piio hut had had rovorscs and lost a good denl Notwithstanding Iho largo sum of monev stolen from turn by hanger and accomplices lionncholi wanslill wealthy and ollcrcd tintywu rowaru tor 1110 nrrenl of Iho robbers. It is now doubt rul however, il bo can moct the obh if ntion, his means Imvintf creally niiniHlioil. frrrtifiMriy lUi mt. I.I 111 if rd t'o-pn r I ntr h , Tho llarrinburg Patriot, of tho Rfltli nit., snvs: An important bill wasinlro diici'd in tlio senate by Mr. Wallaco on Monday, nntliortaing lho lormatioii o nnrlnershin nNsociatinus In which the liability of individual members is in triol-tl to tho amount of their suh- ncriplions to tho capital stock. Any three or more person, r.nn enior into nn nssociauon 01 mi" kihii mr i nn . .. i-.-i'i : p . iinciina nny niwitii diihhiohr ior aierin . , Wi - not longer man i-weniy jenrn. inn nff-reomcnt nnd Iho nmount nl r'apital subscribed by each individual are mat tors ol record. J ho word "limited ih to bo ft consiuni nmx 10.1110 name 01 mo 1 iiuw 1 houwhiviiii of whatever kind, to bo puinted on lis siiril, printed in Us advertisements, and appended 10 1110 signaniro nno ....,1 l ll nnir-inl I ! n.M in,,. 'PI,. omission of this word "limited" enr- J ries Willi it liability above and beyond tho cspitnl ol tho enncorn asinordi nury pitrltinrsbips. Tho bill provides for the transfer of interest in the stook; (or elet lion of ollieers t division ol profits; iiho of its credits, nnd disno lllion or win(JinR ,lp of il.s nlTairs, will, other matters nt detail. that lho investor can only loso what ho invests. I npitul ctnlinrkod in an undertaking based on tho limited iia I I 'III - .IaI.Ia am n nnlianln Irtdl but tho Joss is monmircd by tho original inveslmci.l : and with this surolv vorv mnny nndortakings may bo enrriod on from which investors now bold pru- aonuy ouhh irum nuu. iuinunm knowledge anu lear oi intioiinito nn- bilitv. Tl.ia i.lnn nf nrrrnfiirntirln linn hron satisfactorily tested in England and has worked well., It is not to bo doubled that liberal legislation of this kinti in rcnnsyivaniu win navo mo ei- icci oi si 1 111 ii la ii ii l- miiny new enter- prises, by tho introduction of outside capital. Jlr. Wallnco is onli'.lnd to crcat credit for lho industry nnd Intel liironco be has used during this session 0f lho legislntnro in pcrlucting and developing requisuo logisiatiurr in ro- I i.neil in f.r,rr.nrnlif.tia .Viirifvinci Tkndknoiks of Limit. If lho purifyii) lomlcncici of liK!it ,uyv " ,w ""uimu.ut. llicro would lo lower rooms, kept daik Such roomn aro not fit habitations ior human bcir.gfl. nnd lho houso-kcepor who exclude lho light from hor (;ham- bor mid other apnrlmonts in common use may savo lho color of her carpets and possibly deter flies from entering ttiom, but sho aceomplinhes this at lho expenso ol tlio purity or lho- atmos phcro and conseipiontly al tho risk of tho lionllh of the inmates of her hnupo- hold. IJriv dvtrtlitfwnitii. T in lW CAimKH ,t down f..r trll t T li Juno Torm. IH74 t I J I ruioT wnmt Irvin. , Irvln Tuto Uonlor mmard All.ert A II r II Ucok Fluo... IVnti.. !llaKOW - m IU.lii.1 Wlillonido . Joy. va, t'lmiiiliera, , ' v. Hiinokinnn. " ' ti. ')'liiiuii'on. ' ' vn. Oalluitlier. . vi. HeiMir A llilnimn. va. l'iiinoy .... VI. Cnlwi'll, V. Oorley. vn. MtniHon. vi. l'ariiiiiiio. vi. MoKiih. vi, Win. Lulhor. VI. Alherl A llro. I,. I A. III. Iliilirh rlohool llonrd OroHDinnw 1, l.twlr. nii:uxi wkkk. vi. Hinilh. vi. Corley. . vi. rbano.. vi. Hloiii'T. ' v, Cnniibell. vi. Krlnird. i Aboofoltorm Aibeufoltor luidup.H doRi ritrow Slay ,..... Uooll Hluoin Wing Mulop.H McVurlniid uo vi. lit Nnl'l Irk I'm'll. VI. Kiiina. VI. Diekormiill. ,.. vi. Hoover. v. l.ighlner. va. Knuio. .v va, Byori. , t VI. Caldwell. vi. I.lghtnor. VI. Woolridgn. VI. Ilarter. vn. Ilimlle. vi. Arthuri. VI. King et a-l. vn. Hoad el al. vn. Forest. VI. Wnrrrtll. VI. Tata. rn. Heed. Hnuio. .,...,.... I)yn Flirno MoFurlnnd Laniborry Irvin.M Halo UnMoiti i ..... Arthurn Arthurs Ulirk... luvd .M.ilivHt HuuhIcI 1'uney, JoncK A th.. U.iIk.t llriiltin vn. Heed. vn. Miirrimin A Co. vn. liny, vn. I'uy. vn. Itlimin. II immorly 1J- Mountain Echo Cornet fond, CT HWENHVILbR, PA. m-rti. Lwiturei'. Af -i on rnanoituinr innF. iSK.it Kit, frp'y. may t( tlin MITCHELL WAGONS. Tho Best is tho Cheapest. Th.mini. Ueilly ban neeivid a her large lot of "Milehtll Wagoiin, " wlnen aro ninong ..... bert mnrnelure.l, and nhieh he will m il at die .,u. ,.,...,l.l ...'en. lliii .t ..-k inelii.im aim. ..I all diirriplli.nn of wag'Ar large '"' nod narrow trai-k. Call an 1 nee lliem. arK'T 4 INOJlAr) ni.ii.i.t. TIN'KII AII B ITT I'. US. IM KHI.Y VKilKT.lltl.K. V i V.Y, FHUM Al.COlinr..' I) II. WALK KII'S CAI.lFollNIA V I N K (i A H li I T T K It S. Ur. J. Walker'l California Vinegar Hitler! nra a purely Vegotublo nreiaration. made ohiaSy Irmn the native herbn found on tho lowor rangea 0f th Hirrra Nevada nonnlainn of I'aliforuini ha tnediolnal nroi.er'.iea of whieli art extiaeted . herefrom without the una of Ali-iil.nl. Thequet 'Ion li alinont daily aiikod, "What il the cau of tho nnparallelod nuorm ot visania uirraen r Our uur in. that tbev roinovo tbo aiinw of dia- aao. and the Imliout reeoverl hil health. They ara tho groat blood purifier and a life giving prineiplo, a ptrfect Koanratot and lnvigorator ol loo tyntem. never hckh-o m h.i.v.j ... die world nan a meilieine been eomnounueu p" nennint tho remarkable nualiliea of VllfaoAa lilT viaa lo hoalmg the tied of every diaean nian In heir to. Thev aro a tentlo l'ulgatira al well on i. Tonie. relieving Conirenlion or Inflammation of tho Liver and Vineeral llrgank, In llilioun Pin- oaten, Tho .ro!.r,icn of Dr. Wnlkt-r'n Vini'Ktir Hil (pra nro Aperient, liihrtic, I'uriuinalivp, Nd Iririoui. l.maliv, Murrtic, Hflilniirn, I'Miiitlvr- Irrilnt, ttu.lorifirt, Alterative. hm1 Antl-Kil.MU. R. II. W. DONAI.I A (.0, DruiiKiit miJ (!. Ait., Ban Kraitriwo, Cnli- fiirma, and rnnir nf Wnnliiiifitnii mid t'Uarltun I irtrniU. New Yurk. H"M Uy nil l)niiciri"- nU i,mln. orllu 7S-ly. hi bortliy ftiton Ihnt lot torn itf mhnininlrnlion on lbs tnU uf JAt'HII ILIIM.M, Ittl u t.mlinm tunhln. .'lorfllil pomilr, I'tv., d.cM ha, ing born tlnly KraaUl to tho utitleraiffti") b'1 iMTKnnii iniliitc( to in itl exUt wilt Ioahc tunko iiniBiliiit mymon), ami ttiti baviK Haitna r tli'iiianilii will (.rrnrnt tlirin irfinrly miiih ntirulrrl tor arMfiim'ni wiumu. iifinr, W. II. WILIICI.M, May ft, H71. fit A.lmiitiKtnlnr; 1 ,;lTK.ItV rSOTIC V-N..liii.ibrrfl.y V Rivrn thnl tbn fullftWiiiK acrotiiita hv Imh-h uxiumnt'il ann im until hy uir, and remain flli'il nf rwiinl In thia ortt.-o fr lha ittfitcftifin uf heir. l alfwii.crftliliirF,anil all otturn in any ni hot wny iiitt!ivilfl, anl will ho nrcxrnlni to ihr nvt i Or phani' Tourt at ClfartivM ri.miiy.tit tm hvl at Uut Court iuuw, I a luff noniiitfii i i tttirtiwd, --m nx'iiciutt thi 1 t Mofttlity (Wiii th Intitiiy) ( .luni, A. 1). IS74 i Final arr.nmt of John il. Donn-M ami Murv Cil- irmvo, AiltmnirilralorD ol unry tultfroru, U d r kirI arf (iuul ol j. r. Mhiiht an Aixlrfw tirarliart, Kx?autoii of John l.earhart, ilcriAiit, laU if Icatur tcvnibip. PiNtriuutinn norumtl m i. r. Slein-r antl Art Jrt Hanrbartt Kiifutors of .(..hit l.arhart. Ha nt-a), Ute uf iJei'ntiir Itivrnohip. I'idiI aviint uf Hantnt-I I. hunt, Aimiha tor of Jaoob Wunolil, tlfpfancd, lal of Hrady rowiiftiiip. rinal rvrotint of Jmnci r ivon, Ailinini Jrulttr of A. B.Hturtavnnl. ppram'l, latanf tlullnh twn. Final aopnunt of A, C. Tat. Admini'tralnr of Wm. Lninadiitt, tlvtw&i-v'l, lute of li'in lownrthip. Amount or Mn. Kmily rnht, A.hninmlratrix of A. K. Wright, dru'J.ln.f'il rrmrlirM lMtniiih. Final aoi'nnnt nf llro. W, MoCully, aiirvivinv Rxorutor of John Whitc'lde, di'cnaird, Into of Giilich townnhln. rinal twvnuia or Jihm Moriran anl 1-avnl Hnrnl. A'ltninittratora of OtnirRn Morgnii, ilee loir itl lrabnn totinhin. f inal account of fatrinK 1'iiify, Huarilinti flt Mnrda Mrrlrr. Final artimtnl nf Pnlrick Utilry, titmnlirin of Jamrii Mrrlrr. ICRdUTRii a Ornra, I A. W. I.KK, Ckartiohl. 1'a.. My 0, 174). U(islr. liKATIl K It II K K A HT-ST t Vti fitiPKRHKDUl) l.Y fVi:HTJ PATENT MI.TAIJ IC BREAST HOLD-BACK Ma.l.of tlia boat Miillaa ble Iron, anil 1 attnrlirt! tn tho llamri Ity (lie beft. 8nap avor lnvnntr.1. It la eiicily and n,iil..ily put on, ami pnivmti tlio whi..inir nf lit. lion.' hy Ilia m.I. ..t llal.ln tu trot out of rr-nair. . Will lait f..r yrari. All wo auk li a biir trial, to minrlnno all parlinl ni 1 vi ax thm that they aro nninrpriMi'd In valnafnr tho iurmo ft.r whii-h thoy aro lnlr.mta.1. 8ACKKTT HCllltYVKIt. ClrardrM, Anrll In, I8TI. TTOIISK AND LOT FOIl SALK! X L. Tha 1 1 nunc and l.ot on the onrnarnf Mnr- ketand Fifth direct, (Nrarfild, it for nnin, Tho lot eon to in nfarly an anre of groun). 'lho hoaaa i a larftn dottlite frame, containing nlnn room. For tormi and othor inlormalloi. Appljr to tha anhfort'Kir, at tut ron uitmr. Dorl3 P. A. (1 A t'LlN. iiKAKFIKO I'A II K ASSOCIA- TIOS. NoTii'i tft 8rw unnti-nta. Tho Clrnrflrld Park AoHalloD Ii In drht to tlto amount of about Ir.PHfl, nrH anlfi tha itork holder ooiuft for w aril promptly and Invrona thair nltaffiptionn to tho atork the property will proh ahlj Im aoM and thrrrora limt lo the AMnolatlon. Ily order of tha Knoentlr INimmittr. prH K. A. nitlLKK, Hoa'y. o nnn rnH o wawto, (C9JJJ lj Arnold, lUrtuhora A Hipplo, for whtch thoy will pay ah, at thoir fantia, naar CnrwrnnTtllo, or at ilia it oro ul Arnold A 1 1 art it horn, in Cnrwniiilla. frM Urn AUNOI.D. llARTRHOIlN A lllf rXK. J Wo hava printed a lata aihar of bm r KK HI LI., and will on IM roooipt of twanly flra fntt, mall a oopjr lo anv addrom. aiySS 1T OK JIUIOIt DHAWN Fon JUNE J Torn, W4, rnninnnlii on tho llrr Mon duy tho I Mt i linAas Jiim.iiit. It. B. Woll.l. ll"ll A. H. Midden .Illnom Hoott Plegtl Ilorlieu John ll'dl tlnhain Ah a. Mi'Murrny..lliilli i Thin. Ilowttu JlimUiD It. Kennedy... Karlliam. ti. J. Cutbftiirt...,Krux (J. II. Hull hnwrenea h. Howtei " I. Jirdiin..liiiNiher City .lima. ICineit-b Morrli J, W. llninerlr..,Oiemila II. M. Iliiovor.'. I'enn H. P. WiUiin,..UriUiinl L. 11. Cotlilc lirady Id,,.. Movoniuin.lliiritildo J. h. Allloll. .... Killli.il Choil lliigiiony..l'oringlnii Win. lliKler....Clonrllelil W.lliarhart " U. A. lll1,.le..0iirn. lie Jim. OI.1111 rorgumn TiiAVmins juiiuua miar wkks. Martin Flegal H3 llro, Jordan....f.'lear(loi J.H.Culllngworlh " Ilia. l'urlnliv,...Pufa.!iir t'tniiry Owoiin..l''iir;iieon II. I. Wllxill lierben .Ineoli (liltler lliilieh ijeni'gn lllinn Ilunlon P. I'. rttraw Jordan llnn'l Moorn...Kurlhuiin .lonn. Wulkor Knox .llio. liitterion....M " M, lltir-t Lawienoe .1. II. byllo..... J. A. U. Whlto...0.ei',.la Heubon Wall. I'enn Thui. Hill l'lko ilurvov lllooin ' C. C. Sbnir.,.. Woodward J. A. Wulnon...Ilriidrurd II. A. Hall..... " W. Ili arhorl.Jr " 8. II. Kuiinti Urody J. F. tlnwnll. " II. Ilarlpfi'lt " D. I'ondoiBwaitn.. " fmiiie Lee Itiirlial.il- .1. W. Nugent.. " I,'. I'utrlek...... " Tlioiuaa Hiird Clioal rl. Coilderut... Covington M. Ivralaer... " Jim. Aduinn.....Cloarnold 0. D. Watton. " Frank Smith... " II. A. Kratior. nnrnmi WKKK. I. Iliadiniui....liwearl J. W. Ohiun m Hhnir J. W. I lav in " ' . . ' ' ...ilrftlmm Jen". Houdorlin Hell (Je-irgo Hem Hogg Vul. Flegal " J ini. Kvlor Wm, H.'olt i.ull'h .litoob Arnnlil Hnnx II. J. Hli.iiy iiuob lloree.,.llm.lford Then. Wayne lirady J. I Weaver " lleo. Hebwem " Kti Onrriitk I.rTrt'iiii Un hi. t'onner...lltirnniio .l.V.Tbin)n fl. Ini.i"lf H. II. Kullon... .ftinlun ItriMl... il. M. Wittnon.. Wm. iMiiyi. Ulijiih WuNtun.. II. II. N.-ir. ' It. K. WllnoH... " II. K. Mliyder..Clenrflelil .Inn. Irwin ..Orti-noU iUteroii rgtmun llulibnn John Kom.... WiillttJeton A. Klinu W.MnlwHnl lttKiimrtl (lii'iinl kit AT.KIi & 1YTLE I Turpentine, 'J WILL PRM. VOII j Nniln, lllann, I'utty, 1'ainln, Oil., French, Richards & Co.'s Buck Lead AND, Calcined Piaster VKItY CIIKAF. TlulUf nue l k nn hand. I'learll.il.l, I'd., Aril I !7...1in !' IX'UNOMY IS AN IJIIJKCT, nrv Yoi ii V Ii O T II I N Un . Furnishing GooiIb, (to., AT ). STEWART & SON'S CLUTIIlMi STOUK. Tbcy Iteep it full lino of Men's, Youths' ( Doii' (lathing. Also, I'mbrollas, Suti bolls, Overalls, lliiU, ShirtR, rmlcrrthiriri, tun! Whloh tbPT will Mil at mnst rromiiiol-lo pripte.. Call and exaimii thi-ir f-MM wioro pun:nainjf cliMjwhpro. Hofiin in Mtumioa itutiiinift. t'lirficl.l, Pa., A.ril I, 1H74. T.A.FLECK&CO (Tw.i i....n cnt uf the Pliaw lt. l i: viil'll'.l . PA. Millinery nnd Fancy Hoods AND NOTION'S. NKt'K KHIF1.IN). LADIES' I NliKIIW KAR. ' . f " III.OVIIS, all kimh an.l t'te. COTTON HTOi blNciP, oii.arpa.ii ,1 l.nh In tlinli1y anil flirnpin-ni. WIIITK AND HWIfl U.HHirt, all nrltth-a. ClIllVKTS AND IKIIIP HKIKTS, ..f llio litlral Ballivn anil li.wor lliaa lho lowtint. H A I It HOODS, i.r.-ill varlrlira. Cull and rvainim. nur nl.M'k hor..rn yon bu Hrwherr. ' Mlad to mIii.w our )r.M.i. on all no nt.ii.ni Our ni'.tln ia "SMALL PROFITS ii QUICK SALES." "A Nimble Sixpence is -Better than a ' Slow Shilling."- lifinr-nihrr lho liliw oi.imitn MmOIi'a( til Win. K.narf ohl aUntK - T. A. Fl.Kt'K, arillVr A. M. Ill l.i.-S. Jiarauarf, linirnrr, Cftf. i:oNsiDi:s stoi:k. G. S. FLEGALV DRAI.KIl l!f II A H I) W A H E, STllVKS, IIRATEILS, ' ' IIANUK.S. IIOM.OW-WAKK, TAINTS. Ml US A VAUNIHI1, I'UTTY A fl l.ASS. llorRrt, : NTKI' l.ADDl'.KS, ' ' .' . - ,; i- WOOD AND WILLOW WARM '. .: ..: ... .: .... The cdi'ltratcl Tolrdo Anti Vrorilng OaltanU.'d IRON-LINED- WOODEN PUMPS. ' No licttor Pumiii il lk niarkot. ' I.AMl'f, CIIANIiKI.IEIIH, I.ANTKHN3, ' LAMP ri.UHa, of all kin.la, ' LAMP mTHMtrt, . -All t lwwl prlraa. , I-U'74 Pira.iirl.lr Mlrrrt. Plilllbiirr, P.. I Mi Till? CITIZKN3 OF CI.HAK- FIKI.K AMI VIClNITYl I wonld ei.re my liniwra llinnki for your kind piilrnimgo, no tar rtlimlrd, and would ak fur fi.iilliinnneo of lhaianf. A. IIIIINIIIHIII. IIKIIVWDOM.V 0K 1MUCE! A. GUINZ13U11G, One dnr lieL.w lb Firt Niilloniil Hunk, l lear- lield, hill jil"l reeeived a Tilll rni.IJT 01 iNKW ANI KA.SIIIO.NAUf.H SPRING CLOTHING, Foil MKN A Nl HOV-, Cent's Furnishing Goods, HATS A HP CAI'X, rnr.rifi, tt-r. all of whirli will W wl.l ill lh l..wet earh .rl. en, wilhollt ubaleuianl. npllll-lm I7 1. 181. UNDER FULL SAIL! T1IK KEVSTONK TO THE FRONT! llp;tdiiiarim for Dry Am opi ning my iwin.l Inrg. iprlng anil lam nwr ot.H k of Kor. ign and Uomorlir )UY GOODS, Carpels, Oil Cloths, LAIUKS' .V CIIILDItKN S niioks f-c., if c, ifr Tho nriros will ho snch si will n"t I oxrllo.l hv anv ollii'r ilar in Iho Slate. Call and lot- Tor yournplvoi. WVT IlKHD. mar25 Si-oond itrnet, '.'toarliold, I'a. CJUOCUU1" ES! NEW STORE, Opponitr Po.t OIK New Goods I New Prices I ( iiiiii i-. i ivKiiKri:i. nni.nrwn, J A I'A NH, mwiiuTKn, VOI NU IIVSOV, KN.1I.IHII miBAKMST Piirmt in Mtrkt. HI TTI H Wti r.;Ci Will ho k. pt an.l aol.l at lrl roil, t'arh paid for Coantrv I'r.nluro. t) V. It XI A N CIIKHUIKS TI' UK KY l-KI'MK.-t, PHRrtKHVKIl PKAKS, riiiL.uiia rniA hams. KIXH. ' .-knrrl, I.nko Plt-rring, Ooil, li- I'M KI.I.M. Itiirn-I l-i. klfi" an.l Kn;;lth Plfl.li. I l.lll lt AMI I icon. Flirar, Porn M. al, Oat Mchl, Ar. fnialitl : . LTTLS I MtTCIIBI.r. . IN Till; COIJUT III' COMMON PI.UA nf Clearuold Oountv. VVillinm t'onllor ) No. 110 Mnrrh T., 1.174. Agnoa Coaller. j iofri'iHH.Hi. Tho n.tli'Mignod having Uernappointrd ly Uio Court onmniliiionor to take toallniony in thealioro naro, givri noli... thi4 ia will 4uoot tho parliri for Hint pmpopo, at the ofli.'O of tl. R. rtarrett. In tho l.oroiigh nf (M.-nrftold, on Tuewliiy, the 2nth dny of Mar, 1 87 1, at III o'clock A. w. J. !.. CITTt.K, apUfl 31 . Atlor.nj at Law, In tiii: rociti H' common rrr.A of 'loar(icl I county. Clciirficld L'o. Hank Knitri Frin9. Pavld TyK-r. J 5o, 1 Vi, Jan.mry T. 1871. Tha Biiicrfiffnnl aiiililnr, appointrd hy tha t'ourt to iliiilrihuto tho procorilii Arising from tin Hlicrtrt 'n Rnle nf drfondunt's ri'nl putnto. rieH no- tiro that lie will attond tn tho dutim of hi p poinimrnt, at nn oirtpo. in ( lafirnr-id, on indny, tho I 'Hi dujr of Mnv. 171, at 2 o'elork p. h., nhrn and whoro at) prtii InlrrMiMl mnr ftltrnd if IhoT 'o pn.por. WM. M. M t'l Ll.ttl'd II, npl2uat A u.l M or. Si.Ai r.i) rnoroArM,-ThofMii in. rwlorn of Iiftwrrt-tt fiialHnt will rtwivo M'aloil proponoU on the l.'Ul dny of hiny, IH?, for tho buihliutf of a rVhool llonso, near J. I, Mi Phcriion'i fiiw mill, 2lx:)4 fort, U frot to lha oriling. Iwo-inoh plank and wpathrr honrdod, to rciMiira throo ooali uf paint. Iniido nf hoane to 1)0 wninxnolcd to tht window illo and to ho oaii pid un a lino wilh tho inmr, tho balni to ho Well jtlftilfn-il. Haiil hnutto to Ih Oomplelftl by llto limt day or w-'lclx-r, 1871. l-ir plana and rporil,'Atloii iH on or ftililroM, , My onli-r of lho Hoard, apiryni w. P. tatk, Hor'y. ' FIRST CLASS II A k FRY ! "-' NOTH'i: TO RAFTMKX. Tbo lubaoriWr hnl ftltfil up a Arol-elaim Ttakory, an. wilnoa tn inform rallmon lliat Im will onpt.ly Hiom wilh UltKAU, Plfcrl, CAKKM, A.-., nn rraionalilo tnrnia, lliikory wt .nd f hrldgo, .r tho "Llok, Qlcarlitl'l, mnrlH :im JuIlN Cl'TXFR. gfntistru. ANNO UNCEMKNT OF TIIR (IIIKAT ' REDUCTION OF PRICES I IIV M. i'oit ri:.t HIIAW, l. I. M. IMl'iiKTANT TltUTIIHi llnvlng ruoooo.IihI In iP'tring a li(liliir tarifl' nn matiirial, linro I ho Ltw aii'l woipriid rhar(n fi.r pnrtial anil full irtl tt( Teutli. 1 ute tlio hort iiionurai'lurn nf torth ainl other matcrinl. All o porulh.ii roiriftfrnl and warranlttl to fvo aor vlw an.l aalii.lai.iion. Friiinilr, rolliirl that my eliargo fi.r tho Iniirr tion of artifl.ilal an.l tl.o laving of Iho natural troth an now tho mint rraii.nal.li. fn IV nnylvanla, Pri-rrrvo yoitrtiMilll ami you pn-rervo ynnr hralth. Tutting of tlio natural tot III in a lioallhy, pro-ii-rvutivoanif uiiilini.lillon ii maJoaaperiully. Dirriirt-iand mnlloruiationi...iiiui..n to th mouth, jiw ami araorialo arl; ara treati .1 anU mrrwua wilh fair ouoi'iiil. Uxoniinaliona owU oomulta tlm rnnK. ' It woulil ho wbII for pationli from a iliatanr. to lot mo kmlw l.y ninil a few dnyi Uforo ooming tn tho olllco. It II very Important that oliildrrn hotweon Iho - of ill and twelv. yoara ibould havo thoir loolh onaroinod. Amrntlii'llri nro adinmlitored and Troth r tnoroil wilhi.ul palu .... lllHpoiill.ini nnd oliararlcr aro Jndgoilliy.il lho world hy tho oprl..n of lho rai o, hrnr. how vrry diiiulroni may It thoroforn Lo for por ion to imliilgo an oxpn.lii'in of dinlnrti d Ti aluroi, oven apart from a hygiimio vii-w. Now, In onjoy nlur:U (not artifioiitl) ooinfortu and pliarurci, ri'MMv t and ul-r nalurnl aimpllrilica and iimliurt. H. l-OHTIill HIIAW, D. II. H. OOlro in Now Maaonia Iliiilding, Hicoiul ulrort, Clrarfirld, I'a, niajM'l:! DENTAL CAED. Iu. A. M. HILLS Would nay lo bin patient ami lha pub lic k. ii. mil. v, thnt, having iliKm.lvnt purtiicrfbip wi'h Ir. Hhnw, hr. ia now doing the enllra work of liii ofTio hitiirti lf, w Out palUnt nrrd not frar heinx put nndi-r lha hun! ol any oth-r operator. J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S., Oflit-fj over Trwin' Prnj Rlore, CVBWKNPVII.I.R, PA. All dvntul op.r:itioni, tilhor In Hie inrrhnniral oropiirntivo hrnnrh, promptly allond.il to and i:it. Mixtion gll:iranlrr. npo.-ini auennon pMni to tins troalliii-lit of ilirraKoi of tho natural treth, mm and inoiilh. Irrogulnrity of Iho lirrlh ruc- nti "fully onrrwlwl. Troth lrnrtrl mill. ...I pain hy tho iimi of Klhi r. an.l irtllirial lonn inirrtril of (hr- .lent nirttcriul and warrnnt.-d to ri'iiilor lat iafaption. prll2fi71:Iy 'ijfcU;ittfou5. iTONK'S SAW (UIMMKKS AND SAW UPSKTS . Wo havo reroiva.1 tho ai-ny for tho a!xn p and will aril llmm al maiiafaeluror'a pricci. Call and inmino tlicm. Ilirj aro tlio l.i.t. jclU-73 II- V- Bliil-KIl CO T. i. pi int. . "i' i . T. A. FLECK & CO., Agrnt in CloartiiM eoitiity for lho ralo of I'. UI'TTI'.ltirK A l O.'H Fashionablo Patterns of Garmeuts, ALU (VYLKI mi. litn. .US Market Street Clcariilil, P.. V)MIITH TOHl' WITH 1- N'ulire U horehy givon that lot ton of aduiiaii'tratiiin onilioontat. of MAKTIN KUNK, docoaard.lal uf liawrrnro lowmliip. Cloarnitld oounty, rrnii'a, having hooa duly granted to tho an.lorMf.ntd, all poraona indobtod to aai.l ntato will ploaio mako immodiaM payaiont, and thoio having elaiina or domand. will proarnt thorn properly aathentiratcd for actlloment without delay. J. II. HIIAW, April 15, 1971 M A.liniuirlrator. JOOT ANDKIIO OOT ANDKIIOK AIAKINC. Jii.-KI'll II. 1 1 K i: It I N 1 1 . on Jiaikrl itriet, in Sl.aw'a R..W, Cloartlold, haajosl roevivo.. a n. lot of Krenrh Calf Hkina and Kip, lho hett in tho market, and i now prepared In man ufacture everything in lii lino, lie will war rant kii work la bo aj rrpreirnted. Th. cltiieni of flearlicld awl Irani! j aro rtsf-oolfully invited to give him a .all. Work done at abort notico. 7: 1 plIIST MILL! OTICR! I toko lliia motho.l of informing the pnldiolhat I bate purvhewd lli adwnljfuli r liri-l Mill. had il thorou-hly rrpairwl, and am now reaJr t grind any kind of grain on short notico, ia Ibe l t manner. A aharo of your potrona i n-lirit.-d. V.mra llrrnvollully, (1. K. r-l.KU M.. Oit.ar.nr W. Fi.kiiil, Miller. I'h.lipil.urg, Ph., I'm. 10 dm. ir iii:sK AND LoT FOR HA IX - Tlie umlerfigncd otTerfl for mlc a valna- l.lo l..wo tir.tino.1v. in the bor..i:h ot I narli...l. I,t iiiU72, rill ate on Pino itrn I, with a g..d Iwn-stnrV plank llnliw thrrcon erclrd. ll.nlP Bnifhod'comiiWcr"o.l ecllar ami good waicr. Prico rram!tll and payuiont earv. tVi.r for Ihcr purlin. Inn. inijuirc of Iho mihicriber. I'm friion given on rhort nolieo after lr. I. tl, I'.AIIllKK. Clearfield, March J., 1S7I. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOUUAC.F. IIOMU INDl iSTRY. TUB nndonigned, having .ntahliihed a Nut arj on the Tike, about halfway hetwee. Clearfipld and Curwennvllle, lo prepared to fur niih .llkind.of FKUT TKKRS,(itandardand dwarf,) Krergroeni, ghmlibory, Urap. Vinei, Uooioberrioi, Law to. Illackherrj, Strawhorry, and Ronborrj Vinei. Alan, Siberian Crab Tree., Qninee, and earlj lerlet lthnbarh, Ae. Ordcn nromptlj attended to. Addreii, 1 i.V. WRIOnT. epl M-j Carwtnaville, I'a ORPIIANH' '6iiiVi"''sALK.-ll.v virtue of an order liwurd out of the tlrphei.' Curl ot I'lcartlcld oounty and to mo dircctd. tbcr. will Ihi rol.l at fnildio alo, o Ibe prcmiws in Ituriiiile townsliip, Clcurlicl.l county, Pa at .1 o'clock p. m., nn Satunliiy, May II. ISit, llw Inl lowing dct.cril.ed vat.ialtlo real entato, lituatc ia tho liiwntiliip al'orcanid, and ltiio the proporly of John llnliinu-l, iIcomwI, 1 ii : Hounded on the norlh by Innde of V. Mailer, nn the cant hr landi of Willi. Nugent, and on tho wet l.ylan.lrot Sntnuel ltr.tliM.rt i hein, containing .t.T acrcn, mure lei, with nliont 20 acre, eleorcl. llieim- prori-nicntl aonnilt of a plank dwelling houe nnii all the ncooptaary natbuilillnga, yuuog .rchar.1 of ohuic. fruit tree, in bear.ug oon.lilion, Ac. Taiiua. line tlllb at aiile, one-hnll ol the at .onlirmalinn of nolo, and tha balance in n montlm thereafter, wilh inlereit, to le eecliro.1 by bond an.l mortgage on tlto premise!. W. 1. LA .Militia, (Villi r. (Irani, April 21, IS74. M C1RA FTIMi rcruonn having Inul H treeit rihould hav. them grafted wilh choice fruit. C. II. I'.ailey, nf Anaonvilli, ii in the gr id ing liuines,and i prepared tn graft troo with Hi ch.itcciit vnrictln of fruit. Karmera and olhcn who employ him art aaiilrod that Ihey will get J"'' Iho kind of fruit ho repirientl I. thorn. Frail grower! nro enntiinicd againrt palroniiiog irrr ipom.ll.ln parliea who may call upon Ihcui ani ack lo graa thoir truci, at In ninny lntn worlhlcaa grnni are pnimeit orr. lormi mow. ato. Any ono ibing grafting don. en. ean call in penon or addreii him hy letter at Annonvillr C. II. IlAIl rV. P. 0., Charficld county, Pa. ap!2'J -3t' DIMMOI.IITION Ol' PAWTM.IIMOI'. In Clearfield County. The firm nf Win. 8. IMckcy A Hon l Ihi dt diwolveil hv mutual conioiil, l.y the Unal wiiN drawal of Win. 8. Dlckcv. The busincM will o..nlinn. .l by Jamci iMchey in f.itun. liar In.."' and olher oceoinili will he acHlcd l.j either the parlcr, rU tlio homo fan of Wm. S. Inekry or at Ih. ollico or S. C. Pntchen, li. , where p i' tiuo am rorpioitod to enll and eoltle and mve lr thor onat and tniulde. WM. H. IHt'KM. .JA.MKM Ult'KK. Tbl dlnolntlon li for (Uearti. lil et.uniy '. Wo mul cmillnuc a while langtr In Canibna Ulen Hope, April II, 1871. aj.lJJ I 1)AY Ul'. All poiuons Intlilil'-'l 1,1 mo for ci.ata while aellng ai Sherill are o lilid to come forward and make inuntdialo pr menl, or rltect In pay od.lill.iHnl li. w-' Irooka are In lho bi..ll of . II . K ramer, Ml . for eollecti.iH and I am determined that lheie eonnta ihall Im innared np w.lhout any furt" d.lav. CVKKNU rl IH'Wh. Cl.arllcl.1, April 2, IH7L II ICl rherilt. CA I ITION. All perwtn. are herd y eanllonea againul truling or barliorlog Pmnb tlra). Ih.nn.l girl, between l.'i an.l lit ye,tr or at'-. ' my nceonnt, oa rhe l. n .n the JlUh ol Marc parla unknown lo me, without any Jul oc prnnwallon, and I am determined lo pV d.'l.ll of her contracting after tbii date. JOHN W. KI'NTo. Lnlh.r.l.iirg. Pa., March Mlh, IS74 -W