THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNINfl, APRIL 19. 18T4. , FORQET I LOVED THEE I Thon bIJJ'st me crosb. It out, nl lirt It down Bump out III meiu'ry from my tolling brain J Forget I loved, remove the thorny orown That presses ou niy brow with maddening pcla. Poll think thoro lurki wllhln the human breast So littlo of tilt holy lira of lore That wordi uu ipunua It t Tbinkest thoa that Mil Cu come with yean, or e'en In realms above I I'll tell thoe, thoa hut never foil the fire ' Of Love'i Impassioned tlame, or thou would'll ' know That hope deferred, the anattnined desire, But fui the euibers late brighter (low. Forgot I loved theol Almost bid Die oease To dream of kcav'a as bury thought of tbeej Doit think uiy heart oau aver beat in poaoa Apart -from thine J doit think that thou art free? I tell thee, while we hold our earthly away, My every pulse ihall boat respousu to thine Ay, more, when from the earth we pass away i Thy spirit's baunt thai! still be sought by wine ! iTintlryt' .louusiaa, ' Dr. Lothrop and Dancing. .' ' A better story thun tho many told of Wont Springfield's occontrlo parson, the Kov. Dr. Lothrop, at, tlie centennial putherinff, lusl weoU in lold by the Kov. Mr. Nightingale, of Groton, Mast. If it is not true it is good enough to bo, not only in itself but in tho tolling: A young may wuo was a member ol Dr. Lolhrop's church went on a visit to a neighboring town, wliilo there at tended a party und dunocd. Tidings or ucr sin reached home Dulore bor. On her roturn eho was visitod and called to most sevoro account for the disgraco sho had thus brought upon herself and .' upon tbo church, and which had boon lound out, notwitb standing it had been dona among strangers. Odo staid maiden was specially earnest in her rebukes, and mndo tho poor girl loci very bud "What shall. I do?" Bho askod. "You bud bolter go and sco Dr. Lothrop." Mieuia go, ana lold hi in all abouut it. "And bo. my doar, yon went to the party ana danced, did you V ho said : "Yes sir." "And did you have a good timo P, "Yes sir." "Well, I am glad of it, and I hopo you will go again and enjoy yoursell. And dow I want you to tell mo the name of tbo woman who lias boen making you all this trouble." Sbe told. "Go to that woman, and tell ber from me, that if sho wants to get to heaven she bad better make more use of bor feet and less of ber tongue. Boston Journal. f ; , . How Coffee came to be Used. .' It is somewhat singular to trace tho manner in which rose the use of the common beverago of cofl'eo, without which few persons, in any half, or wholly civilized country in tho world, now make broakfast. At the timo Columbus discovered Amorica, it bud never beon known or used. It only crew in Arabia and u pper Ethiopia. The discovery of its oso as a bovorngo is ascribed to tho superior ot a mon astery in Arabia, who, dosirous of pre venting tbo monks from sleeping at their nocturnal services, mndo them drink the infusion of cotloo, upon the reports of shepherds, who observed vhut their flocks were more lively after browsing on the lruaot mat plant, Its reputation spread through the ad jacent countries, and in about two hundred vears it bad reached Taris A single plant, brought there in 1714, became the parent stock of all the French coffee plantations in the West Indies. The Dutch introduced it into Java and tho Eust Indies. The extent of the consumption now can hardly be realized. J. he United states nlone annually consumo it at tho cost, on its landing, ot Irom Ullccn to sixteen mil- tious of dollars. A Butter Mill. News of tho latest thing in butter conies to us from Wisconsin. .Near floloit is an establishment conducted by a company wbo purchase of tho neighboring lurraors butter fresh from tho churn, unsallod, and the product of over Z,H)U cows is obtained, -from 500 to 1,000 pounds of this butter is put into a vat mado of 2-inch plank, 8 inches deep, 24 inches broad, and 8 foot long. With a wooe'en instrument the butler is thon separated into small pieces, wben moderately cold wator let in to cover it, and then a wooden boe stirs the whole thoroughly to. mother., Thon tbo buttor is put into another box with a screen bottom, through which it is forced by moans of a levor, at tho rate of 1,000 pounds in loss than five minutes. Winter butter being white is colored; tho Bait is added, after which it is put through another machine, by which tho salt is evenly distributed ; and thus two men can handle and pack:, ready lor maruet from 3,000 to 6,000 pounds a day, and the buttor Is of uniform quality, sound and sweot. This proooss, which is said to bo patented, is looked upon with lavor, and it is predicted trial in all large butter producing districts it will take tho lead. He Learned It. A firm dealing largely in coal in one of our V cetern cities bad in thoir sorvico an Irishman named liiirney. One day tho bead of the firm, irritated beyond endurance atone of Barney's blundors, told him to go to tho oOlce and got his pay, and addod, "You are so thick beaded can't leach you any thing." "Uoiror ra," said llarnoy, "I larnt wan thing since 1 vo beon wid ye I hat s that? asked bis employer. "That sivinteon hundred made a ton. Harney was roluined. A Republican exchange paper says that "Daniol Webstor't signature has more of honor in it than that of ail tho Tieonle of anv State." And vol.. llnnic . j j i - - said that if tho infernal faualitsbhould got possossioD of tho govorninout, they wouia raiso up a swarm of ottico-scck era, bankrupt the country and dolugo it wnu bluou. jJuiiicl was a true prophet. In the Slale Sonata, whon tho salary bill was up, Mr. Wallace moved to re- uuco all salaries. 25 per cent. Tho proposition was voted down by a striet party vote the Democrats votingfor tho reduolion and the .Republicans against It. Tho Republican party is ineroiora on record as the promoter and susiainer bf extravagant salaries uu salary gratis.- -A woman at Kernville, Pa., is aai to have got an egg into a demijohn by ofloning tbe shell with vinegar and then tO hive hlLtrlin.l I La M.I.L... which sbo is rearing to maturity in that aiiaab . tX i . uosr nwp. ioagtj story, tuau , The funeral of Dr. Livingston, tbo Aii leuft explorer, took plaoe in London on !art Pa'tirdar a week, April lth. s HAW 1IOU&E, '"' , , (Our, of Market A Front street!,) . , CLliAllt 1U1.U, J'A. , The underilgnod having taken charge of title otel, would rcijiogtl'ully solicit public patrnrtnge. eoiiia . . - it. rtoH tun piiait WASHINGTON HOUSIV NEW WA91IINUT OS, PA. This new and well furnlihed houie km been taken by the undersigned, lie feeli eontdont of being able to render latiifaotlon to thoie who may favor him with a cull. May 8, 18J1. G. TV, DAVIS, Prop'r. jyON TOUH 1IOUBE, Opposite me uourt uouie, LOCK HAVEN, PK.NN'A. JoU'71 IIAUSKAL A KHOM, Trop't. JJItOCKURIlOl I' HOUSE, EKLLKtUIUE, t'A., P. JOHNSTON SONS, Proprietor! OCII571 T OYD HOUSE, , XJ Jlnln Street, miUl'SUUlUl. i'K.NN'A. Table alwayi supplied with the bust the market SUUIIII. AUVUiateilUK VUUHO l l.lllfU Miunih norl,'T3. ,. llOlilillT 1.0YD. THE MANSION HOUSE. Cornerof Second and Market Streets, CLliAKl'U.D, PA. THIS old and eommodloui Hotel bai. during the past year, been enlarged to double III former eapaelty for the entertainment of stran ger! and gueiU. The whole building hai beet refurntihed, and the proprietor will spare no palm to reudcr hii gussti eomfortubio while laying with him. ' E-lbe Mention Ilouie" Omnlbui rani to and from the Depot on the arrival and departure or each train. juun uuuuinnu, ipr6-T0 tf Proprietor. ALLEGHKNY HOTEL, (Market St., bet. Swoml and Third,) . tLinribLif, r a. Tho eubicriber having beooiue proprietor of thia hotel, would respectfully ask a liberal ihare BI pubho patronage. apt? i 3 U&OHUU ULIVUUVI. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CllllWICNSVILLM, Clearlield eountv, Fcnn a. This old and well eitahlilhrd Hotel, beautifully tuatrd on the banks of the Huaquehanna, In the borough of Curwonaville, haa boen leiucd fur a term ol yeara by the nnderaigned. It haa been entirely refitted, and la now open to the public generally and the trnvcllng community In par ticular. No peine will be apared to render gueata comfortable while tarrying at this bouae. Ample Stabling room for tbe auooiuinodation of tcaua. Ihnrgca moderate. S. pl. 28, 1970-tr. l.Ll 1JLOO.U 1IUEY A CHRIST, tjuooeaaori lo KRYDER A CO, mo TIIOSK INTERKSTED IS TUB PCR- J. CI1A3K OP A STRICTLY PURE RYE WIIISlvY, For Medicinal Porpoaoi we offer ICniloy'M I'ure Ityo, Price 2 to to per gallon, and will ahip in pack age to auit purchaaurs. - We alio handle largely a COPPER DISTILLED WHISKY, Pries frum $1.30 to 91.75. We import FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, And are also manufacturer! of DR. ST(EYF.HS ' TONIC HERB BITTERS. Suid for prbe list. iiuky k cnnisT, apr.22-(m) 121 North Third tit., Philadelphia. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COl'USB TUB CHEAPEST) Proclamation against High Prices , VT7E are now opening np a lot of the beat and f most eeasouable Goods and Warea erer offered In thia market, and at prices that remind one of the good old days of cheap things. Those ho lack fuilh upon tula point, or oeeut our au gattona aupemuous, noeu out luill .r orn store, Cornor Front and Market etreeU, Where thev enn lee, feel, bear and know for them' iclvol. To fully understand what areoheap goodl, thia mult be done. We io not deem it neoeaaary to enumerate and itomus our etock. It il anough for ui to atate that We have Everything that is Neoded and consumed In thia market, and at prloei that btonKb both old and young. de;o JOSEPH Shaw a bu.i. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P.O. Tbe uodersiirne'l beffi leave to Inform tbe clt. una of Clearfield, and the public generally, that be has oo hand a line assortment of Furniture, sucb as Walnut, Clteatnut and 1'ainted Chamber Hiiites, Parlor Huitee, ltrcllning and Kxtonimn Cbnira, Ladies' and tlenta' f.ttj Chain, tbe Per forsted llinmi and Parlor Chairs, Cane Sots and Windmr Chairs, Clotbea liara, Step and Kiten aion Ladders, Hat Racks, ftcrubbtof Brushes, Ae MOULDING AND PICTURB FRAMES, Looking dlntsea, Chromos, Ao., which would be suitable for Uollea presents. doc 10 73 JUlin i nuif j ro a.i. MARBLE AXD ST0.E YAKU! Mrs. S. S. LIDDELL, Hiring engaged I tha Marble buaineea, dealrea to Inform her frlende and the public that ibe baa now and will keep constantly on hand a large and well selected etock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARflLK, and la prepared to furniib to order I0MB8I0NE3, BOX AND CRADLE T0MI1S, MONUMENTS, Cuibl and Tosta for Cemetery Loll, Window Sills and Capa, also, BUREAU, TABI.R AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ao., Ao. a. Yard on Reed street, near the R, R. Depot, Clearlield, Pa. Jo7,71 I. bollowiuii . Dine ciaar EOLLOWBUSH &, CAEEY, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, AND STATIONERS, 2 IS jaarktt St., FhltadtlpMa. trtvPeper Plnur Racks and Baga, Foolscap, Letter, Note, wrapping, uartain and nail Fapere. leoi4.7Q-lTpu I70H HAI.Rr The nnderaigned offers for I ' aale a Taluabla town pi ale a Taluabla town property In the borough of Cloarllsld. Lot 811x185 fust, with a good two story plank honaa thereon ereeted, with three) room a down ataira and four bed rooma np autre. Alao, aewinc room and bath room oo aeeon J 6oor. Iloua. Inlshsd eomplet. from cellar to allies. uooa ooanie porck and good water, rrloe rsa aonatiae ana paym.nte easy. SUaagt WM. M UeCULLOl'OII. CTOB'a SAW UUilUElia JlSD SAW UPSETS. We bare reoeired the agency for the above and will aell them at manufacturer's prlooa. Call and eiamine them. I hey are tha best. 1 TJ U. F. BIDLER CO. 5fU Coudu, (BroffrKs, (fit. 11 BAD i TUISI FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I Tha attantlon at the allluini ftf ClearMsld and vlelnity li directed to the fact thai Uoodfellow A Him an the amnti of M. Nlwi A Co.. and have just rtoalred a balf doten oar load! of Flour and reed, whion they oner at iowoii poiimie ug ursa. A large stock of , . FLOUR, COEN JiEAL, CHOP, BUCKWtlEAT FLOUR, BRAN, rotatoei, Shelled Corn, Corn In ear, lo., Ao. Particular attention la aallei to M. Nleoa A Co.'s braud of Family Flour, which ll tha belt in th market. Flour anil Feed ean and will be lold eheaper than it oan be obtained elsewhere In Clearlield oounty. ' cWStora on Market street, nut door to Hon. Aioxandor Irvin'l resldenoe. UUOLlFEIJ.OW A SON, JanlOtf Agent! for M. Nieee A Co. JJ F. BIGLEK 4 CO.'S -SPECIALTIES- DUILDRKS' HARDWARE, MECHANICS' HARDWARE, LUMBERMEN'S HARDWARE, FARMING UTENSILS, MILL BVPl'LIES, IRON A NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTERS' FINDINGS, CALCINED PLASTER. Way 18, 1S7X. JjV A. & W. D. IRVIN, CORNER STORE, CURWENSVULE, PA., RECE1VB FLOUR AND SALT BY CAll LOAD, And Boll at small advanco. hope BY T II E COIL, AND PACKAGE GOODS FOR LUMBERMEN'S . SUPPLIES SOLD C II E A P Auajuetn, 1373 7:1:73 O. I. c. "ITTIIKKE to buy my DRY OOODS, ORO , V eerles, Quernsware, Glassware, Drugs and Notiona, Confeotioneriea, Ao., cheap for caab, Tbo subscriber bega leave to Inform bis old and new oustotnera that he haa opened A VARIETY STORK IS GLBN HOPE, PA. And will aell goods at prices to ault the tlm.a. A liberal redaction will be mado to customers buy ing at wholesale. Call and eiamine ray stock before purcbaalng elsewher.. A liberal share of publis patronage ia solicited. C. J. KRAOY. (lien Hope, Pa., June 14, 1971. IJNDEJITAKINO. Tht nndernijunrd hn now full prep ire J to curry on tho butineii of UtfttERTAKWrG, AT REASONABLE RATE3, And respectfully solicit tha patronage of those Beetling auoh aorrlees. JOHN TROUTMAN, JAMK8 L. LEAVV. Clearlield, Pa., Feb. 1, 1874. SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! DISTAN'B CROSS-OUT, MILL, DRAO AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw, ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For aale by ctl,70 H. F. UI0L8R A CO. LUMBEHNUlll PERFECTION IN CANTHOOKSI . Tha Clearfield Kieelilor Cantbook will not wear out or break, being eonstmeted with on. olid band from ollp to point. It la pronounced by all practical lumbermen wbo have examined It to ba tha moat porfeot Cantbook erer Inrented. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manufactured by Aoi IUham t Co., at CLZARFXZLD, PA. TAII ardori promptly attended to. kll'7( D'tr'cj'Don .:(! We deaira to call tlio attention or tho citizens of Clearfield county to the Tact that we ' 1 .... navo opened a ' MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD,- Where we intend to constantly keep riANOS, ORGANS Our GEORGE STECK & (JO'S PIANOS, . - We arc prepared at all times fa vorablo terms as to prices and Our stock of QRG ANS will RYNDER ORGAN, (with Ryndcr's Knee Tremolo and downward Tha SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. .. .... ...... t Besides these we furnish lo order Organs from any factory desired.- .:.''' . . We sell on every plan known rOrULAR AND EASY I..C.AOU 1 LiUH. , . On our easy terms every one amount will tend so much to 0C7VVe shall be glad to have oct23-'72-ly pt5rrUanroti$. YALIABLE FARM FOR SALE! IN C1RABD TOWNSHIP. The undersigned offeri for aale tb. farm on which h. now reaidca, ailuatein (lirard township, Clearlield oounty, Pa, furmerly owned by Justin J. I'le. Tbe farm eontalna 120 acres, and la Tory dealrably located. The buildinga are ail new, and conilal of a large frame bouse, baring good collar underneath, and good water eonrenientl large frame barn, blaoksuiith shop, wagon shed, spring house, Ae. Th buildings on this farm are as good, if not better, than on any farm in Clearfield oounly, Tbe land il of superior quality and in a good state of cultivation. Possession will b giren In the spring, or at any time most convenient to the purchaser. The terms will be reasonable, l'araona desiroua of purchasing ean ad. Ire. s tha subscriber at Leconte's Mills P. O., t'learheld county, Pa., or apply in person on the pre mines. Any persons wanting any Information In regard to tha quality of the land, tbe kind of buildings thereon, Ac., Ac, ean get the information by call, ing on Sheriff Pi., in Clearfield, aa he owned tbe farm for a number of years, and of course knows all about It. W KNDKLI. KNURRS, LeeonU'a Mills, Clearfield Co., Pa. January 11, 1874. jOOK AND HEAD! SADDLE & HARNESS M AKIXG ! JOHN C. HABWICK, Market St., CLEARFIELD, Ta., Is the man to go to If you want a set of new HAKNE8S or a new SADDLE, or anything else in that line. He lurna out aa good work aa is don. in any shop In Pennsylvania, and his prices are very reasonable. Constantly on hand a full lineof TKOTTINO GOODS, such aa Trotting Saddles, Quarter and c'hln Boots, Trotting Rollers, Whips, Pine Brushes and Combs, Ae. A line assortment of Nets, llors. Covers, Knee Blankols, Buffalo Robes, Ac., Ao., kept iu season. In fact anything that horsemen stand in need of Is always oo baud. All of which will be aold at wholesale or retail at tbe very fairest rates. Repairing promptly attended tn. All work guaranteed. Shop in room formerly occupied as Post Office. April , lt73. KEMOVAI,. RANK SHORT, of tho "Sliort Khoa Rhon." ire notle. that ha haa re moved from Uraham'a How, on Market alrcct, to neat door to the Allegheny Hotel, on Market street, where he is prepareJ to make and menu BOOTS AND SilOKS, stitched, sewed or pegged, with the best stock the eastern market afford, and at aa reasonable price, aa they ean b. bought for elsewhere, and where he ia prepared to acoommodata all his old custom ers and as many new ones aa may favor him with a call. Thankful for past favors, he would re enectfully aolioil aoontlnuanc of tbeir patronage. r S. SHORT. Clearfield, Ootober 11, l7.-dm THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured especially for THE CLEARFIELD TRADE, roa mi it augS'T II. F. BIOLER A CO. 7 OK SALE! A large and well finished Brick Dwelling, aiti ate en the river hank, In the borough or Clear field, containing eleven rooms, with good cellar, wator In the kitchen, and all the modern conve niences. Pantries, Bath-room, Clothes-presses, As. lxt slaty feet front and two hundred and thirty feel back, with a twenty foot alley on tbe east Bide. Said building, wilh all tbe appurtenances, will be sold cheap, wilh payments to suit purcha ser. Application can be made to the under aigned, or to A. C. Tate, Esq., who will girt all aeocasary Information lo those who desire to in pcot the property. ' TIIOS. J.McCULLOUQH. May Slat, 1H71, tf. Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POWELL'S,) For all disease! Incident to Miraoa, Cattle, and Human aTleab, req, Irlng tn. use ol aa external application. Thia Embrooatlon waa citenalvely lied by tbe Government during the war. For lale by Uartawiok A lrwln, Clearfield Joasph R. Irwin, Curwenavllls. Daniel Uood- ander. Lutherabnrg. if. Attention, Lumbermen ! "IX TE are now manufacturing our IMPROVED IV HTKKL SOCKET DH1VINU CANT HOOKS, superior to any other In use. We hate also In stock a large quantity of Cantbooka suita ble fur rafting purpuaea, which we are aelllng cheap for oeah. AMOS K. kHMHAHD, Clearfield, Pa., Marok II, 1811. QUJiSMITIIING. Q, W.WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. Shop an Third street, ov.r Riley's blaekemlth jbop, CLEARFIELD, PA. All kinds ef Rifles and Shot (luna on hand. Repairing don. la a Irtl-elass meaner and at fair prieee. I:J8'?I 2(C( I.RH. Or WDOl WANTED. ,UUU By Arnold, Hartahora A Hippie, for which they will pay cash, at their factory, near Curwansville, or at tha ttore of Arnold A Harta hora, la Cnrwenatllla. feh4 His ARNOLD, HARTSHORN HIPPLE. s imm MARKET, S T R E E T, CLEARFIELD, lEV?rA. ::o::- on hand a full supply of AND MUSICAL stock of PIANOS will consist "STEIN WAY & SONS' PIANOS, HAINES to furnish nny of tho cheaper makes terms of payment. consist of the new and popular ' MASON & to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR enn have a good instrument, MA Kb hum M.U'i'X. you call and see us, whether you desiro to purchase or not. RYKDEU fi MITsic STORE. $U5Uanroit.s. QLEARFIELD " PLANING MILL COMPANY. rpiIR nnforvlfrnod. oooflorf to RKED k JL POWJXL, have porcha-wl tho 4.LKAR FIKT.D ri.ANtNO MILL, aud refitted it fur doing aa xtct.v biuincw. All tho mnehiner; will b addod aeeenarj to aako it one uf tha moat conpleto tab iihmentf ol tht kind to tho Ktato. Tory are now prepared to receivt ordepi for any work in that Una. They will Kvpecial atteotioD to all taatoriali lor Aotuo tmuduif . FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, BASn, DOORS, BLINDS, unatKETS, .noiLitura, Kc. OF ALL STYLES, alwayi ca haad. WORKED BOARDS, aad all articles necessa ry for building, will be exchanged for DRY LUMIIKH, so that persons at a distance may bring their lumber, eicbang. it for, aad return home with th. manufactured articles. The Company will alwayi have oa hand a large itnck of dry lumber, ao aa to be able to nil an order on the shortest notice. Only the nest and moat skillful hands will he employed, so that the public may rely upon good work. Lumber will be worked or sold as low as li can be purchased anywhere, and warranted to give satisfaction. As tbe business will be dona upon tbe cash principle we can afford to work for imall profile. DRY LUMBER WANTED! Enptjciatly ono aml-a-balf and two Inch panel Hun, lor a hboraijmco win oa paia. Th bailnou will bt conducted under tho nam of tho "Clearfield Tlanlng Mill Co." 0. B. Merrall will personally superintend tbe business. Order! respectfully solicited. O. B. MEHRKLL. It. B. TAYLOR. DAVID MrHAUUHRT. M. O. BIIOWN A BRO. Clearfield, Pa., January 8, 1874. READING FOR ALL! I BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market St., Clearfield, (at the Poet Office.) flAliK undersigned begs leave to announec to X the oitiseni of Clearfield and vicinity, that he hei fitted np a room and bai Just returned from the oily with a large amount of roading matter, conilsttng In part or Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank. Account and Pass Books of er.rv d.1 aorlptioa Paper and Envelope!, French preased and plain) Pan. and Pencils Blank, Papers, Deeds, Mortgagee f Judgment, Eiemp tlon and Promisaory note, f Whit, and Peroh; ment brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap.andBIII Cap, Sheet, Muiic fur either Piano, Hule or Violin couatantly on hand. Any noon a or stationery desired that I may not have cn hand, will ba or- crdared by first aipress, and sold at wholesale or retail to ault ..sterner.. I will also keep perlodieal literature, lack aa Magaalna., News. pap.ri, o. r. a. UAUiiiia. Clearfield May T, llfil-tf AIOSHANNON LAND ANO.LUMBER C.O HPAKV, OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, mxcrACToaai LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS Ant Sawed 4c Talent Jiibbed Shingles. B. II. SniLLINOFORD, President, Office Foreet Plaoe, No. 13a 8. 4tk it., Pbil'a. JO UN LAWBIin, General Sup't., Osceola Milla, Clearfield county, Pa. TOWN LOTS for aala In tha borough ef Osceola. Also Keep the I.AROK8T ASSORTMENT ofuoode In Clearfield county at their Mammotn titore ia Usceola. jane-re Lime for Sale! THE undersigned, residing near the depot bai made eemplote arrangement! with Lime Humera east of the mountain, whereby he Is ena bled to keep constantly oa hand a large quantity of PUKE LIME! . which he offer! to farmers and builders at a trifle above coat. Tboae la need of the article would do well to give me a call, or address me by letter, be fore negotiating ineir lime. UKO.O. PASSMORB. Clearfield, Pa., June V, III oil. Tf A HO A INS IN MUSICAL IN 8TRUMKNTH I Organa, both new and second hand, at the Muaio Hit, re, oppoaita Oulleh'a rurnuur store, ah persona interested are inrl tcd to cell and examine a acw style of Organ now oa exhibition, Sheet MtUlO and, Mualc Bnoki eonitantiyoo haad, epUt-Jlif ' .sens, MERCHANDISE. of BROTHERS' PIANOS. of Pianos to order on the most Octave Coupler,) ORGANS, HAMLIN S ORGANS, and the CASH, ON NOTES, or on the and no other investment of like , Haul:. County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. 1 OOM in Masonic Building, one door north ol X, C. D. Wstson'a Drug Htorc. l'aaaage Ticket! to and from Liverpool, Queroa- town. Glascow. London. Paria and Copenhagen. Alan, Drafts for aale on the Royal Bank ef Ireland and Imperial Bsnk of London. J A Jits l. LevoiBV, rreet. W. M. 6I1AW, Cashier. tl:l:74 J. D. M'Olrk. Edward Perks. BACKING & COLLECTION HOUSE or McGirk & perks. ucceori to Poiter, Perki. A Co., Phlllpaburg, Outre County. Pa. finiERE all tha butineu of a Banking Honn If wil1 oe transacted promptly and upon tht mit larormote tnrma. war 7 -u DREXEL & CO., No. 34 ftouth Thirst Street, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities, Application by mail will reoeiv. prompt at ten tion. and all Information cheerfully furnished. Order, eolicted. April ll-ttV rpiIE LAKQEST - ASSORTMENT OF STOVES ! STOVES ! ever brought to the county, are being received at the Hardware Katabliabment of H. F. HK.LtR As CO..'oompriaing tb. following Cook btovca : SPEAK'8 CALORIFIC. SUsyUKlIANNA, BEGULATOR. NOBLE. EXCELSIOR. TUIUMril. GOV. PENN. HEADING, NATIONAL RANGE, C. AC. Alio, the following Heating Stoves PrEAR'9 AKTI CLINKER, SFEAR'8 ANTI DOST. SrEAR'S ORBICULAR, Br EAR'S PARLOR COOK, MORNINO LIGHT, BON TON, G1PSEY, VULCAN, BUNbEAH, RU3Y' DAUPHIN EGO, CHESTER EGG, VOLCANO, rildENIX, IIEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE ROOM STOVES, AC. Clearfield, Sept. 25, 19?!. rjX) THE F 11 O N T ! GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THK CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON I The undersigned having Just lilted up aew, large and comfortable rooms oa Market atreet. Bear Third, respectfully tnforma the public that be now drepared to aeoommodato them with everything in his line on short notice and at all hours of tbe day. lie keeps on hand ERLS1I BREAD, RUSKS, ROLLS, PIES, CAKES, all kinds. ICE CREAM, and a general )aasortmcnt of CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, NUTS, Ac, Allofwhlrb will be delivered to customers at their residences, when requested to do so. ICE CREAM, by the dlah, served In a neatly fur nished room. Thankful for tbo generous patronage bestowed In the past, he hopes to merit and receive a con tinuance of the same from kli old custo mers, and others, JOHN FTAOTRR June H.'71-tr. Elvery Stable. THE undersigned begs leave te Inform the pub. lie that ha ia now fully prepared to accommo date all In tha way of furniahlng, Ruggies, Haddlee and Harness, on the sherte.t aotioe and on reasonable terms. Residence oa Locaat alraet, between Third and Fourth. KO. W. OEARIIART. Ilearfleld, Feb. 4, !.!. PINX, WRITI A ROAN LINING SEIBS Juat reoclvad aad for lale by AprU U, 137v. H. r. BIQLEB t 00. 8ACRETT & SCflRYYEB, HARDWARE, ' anl manufacturer! ef Tln,Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Second Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. ti . . t..w lnAMutd one stock of Ilard- ware, we Invite tbe public to examine our stock ana priori. Carpenter! and perlonl who contemplate build ing will do well te eiamine oar TOOLS ft BUILDING HABDWARE, which Is aew and of the beet manufacture, aad wiU be sold low for eeuh. NAILS, ULAS3, PUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, SCREWS All blade of Bench Planaa, Raws, Cbiaels, Squares, Uainmera, Hatrhets, Plumhl and levels, Mortised A Thumb (iuagci, Bevels, Braeea A Kit la, Wood and Iron Bench Screws, and tbe best Boring Machine la the market. Doable and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTLEUT, Ac Agents for Furnell's Iron Corn Shcller, warrantoa. ' Alio, agent! for Richards' GOTHIC FI.UE TOPS, which effectually cure Smoky Flues. Farmeri' Implement! and Clerdea Tools of every uoscripitvu A large variety of COOK STOVES, which we warrant to give satisfaction. Portable Ilanfts and Furnaces, 'tan-Roofing. Spontlng and Job Work done on reasonable terms. All order! will receive prompt attention. June 11, 1B7J. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Sueeeaaon te Boynton A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer! of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Comer of Fourth and Pine 8 tree U, CLEARFIELD, PA. ;wt'ivM.ti itfaaauMHaaru4- TT AVISO engaged la tbe manufacture of Irst- XX class MACHINERY, we respectfully Inform the pobllo that we are now prepared to III all ordera ai eheaply aad a! promptly ai eaa be done la any of tha eitiec We manufacture and dealin Malay and Circular Saw-Milla Head Block!, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, Oilford'i Injector, Steara Gauges, Steam Whiles, Oilara, Tallow Cnpa, Oil Cups, Oange Cocks, Air Cocks, Jlobe Valves, Check Valves, wrought iron Pipes, S'.cam Pumps, Boiler Feed rumps, Antl. Friolioa Metres, Boap Stone Packing, Gum Pack ing, and nil kinds of MILL WORK; together with Plows, Sled Sole, COOK AND PA RLOlt STO YES, and elker CASTINGS of all klnda. rT-Orders solicited and Oiled at city price! All letter! of Inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by addrei ing us at Clearlield, Pa. Janl'74-tf BIOLER, Y0UN0 A REED. ERRA"cdTU HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept constantly on hand. stoxe AxTiirno.wARE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTS 1 CROCKS! Klaher'e Patent AIHIcht Self - Sealing Fruit i'anel BftTTKR CROCKS, with lids, CREAM CROOKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLK-BI'TTKR CROCKS, PICKLK CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, ISTKW POTS, And a great many other things toe aamcroai te mention, to be had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE TOTTERY, Corner of Cherry and Third Street!, VLi&AKril'.L.l, fA aogS FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE BY It. F. Illglcr A Co. IRON DOUBLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD DOUBLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD PINtll.E-SIIOVKL PLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. O0WANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. riTTSllCRU STEEL PLOWS. HAUPT'S BKLLEFONTB TLOWS. ROBK.SON'S aad THOMPSON'S PLOWS. Jeer-Shares for all ol the above Plows eon Unity on band. aiyjs jj II, . BIGLER A CO. kare for aale CARRIAGE & WAGOX WOODS, SHAFTS AND FOLEB, . HUBS, SPOItES, FELIX)ES, Ao. Carriage aad Wagoa Makers should make a aote of Uli and call aad euualiie them. They will te isld at fair price. majJl TI Dp, J. Walker's ialiloi nln Vln ogar Jtittcrs mu n pnrcly Vopetaijlo prcpariiiioii, mnilo chicllv tho nst tivo liorb found on tho loner rancea of tUo Sierra Novndamuuntnlniiof Caliror- ' ilia, tlio medicinal jiroportics uf which, mo c.vtrnctod tlicrcnoiu n Ituout tlio mo of Alcohol. Tlio fiuostiim U nlmost daily naked. "What Is tlio cntiso of tho unparalleled i'.ieccsg of Vinegar Bit 1 Kitot" Our nnancr is, Unit they rcniovo tbo cntmo of disease, mid Ibo )iitlcut re covers bis licr.lth. 'I'licy mo tlio Rront Hood pin lllor mid a lifo-gi vinj? principle, A perfect Kouorntor mid Invigoiator of tlio gyetcm. hover befuro in tho liittory of tlio world baa a medicine boen cuinKur.Ucrl ptmcaking tho rcmnrkabla qualitina of Vixkujii Ui ttfiii In liculing tin tick ef every dicao man il heir to, They oro a (ntlo I'uipitivo oi well ae a Tonic, relieving; Cungcation or Inllammatinn of tho Liver tad Visceral Orgiui ia Dilioui ' Jjlseitc! Tlie npopcrtlns ef Dr. Walker's Tfxroxn llin Km rn Aperient Diaphoretic Carmiuatire, Kutritioua, Liiative. Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant Sudorific, Altera, live, and Antl-Bilious. Grateful Thousand's proclaim Tnr egar Bitters tlio most wonderful In rigoraut tbot ever tuitoiued tb nuking tjriteiD. " No Person can tate these Bitters according to directions, aud remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Jlillont, Remittent and Inter mittent levers, which aro to preva lent ia the valleys of our gient riven throughout tbe United States, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Itio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ho nnoke, James, and many othors, with, thoir rast tribuutrlcs, throughout our entire country during the Bummer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons uf unusual heat and dryness, nrs Invariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of tho stomach aud liver, and other abdominal viscera. Iu their treatment, a purgativo, exerting a pow erful intliH'iice njioa these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is uo cathartic for tlio purposo equal to Dr. J. Walker's Viuegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter wilh which tho bowels are loaded, at tho snmo timo stimulating the secretions of tbe liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the hotly against disease by punfjiug nil its fluids with Vinegar . Km Kits. No epidemic can tuko hold of a system thus forearmed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, rtead nche, ram in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness. Sour Kructations of the Stomach, Had Tasto in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, 1'alpita-: t.iUm of the Heart, InllammatloD of tho Lungs l'ain in tho region of tho Kid ' neys, and a lmiidred other painful symp tom, aro tbo otU'.priiigs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will piovo a better guarnntco of its merits tbau a lengthy advcrtise- went. Scrofula, or Kind's Evil, White Swelhufrs, L'leen, Eryiicla, Swclletl Keck", Goitre, fk-niluluQ! luflumiiiati'ins. Indolent Inflaaimatiuua, klercunal A flections. Old kurea, brujilinus "f the Skiu, Sure Kyea, etc In tlioiie. at in nil other cuiiKtitntional Dii etiars, WaLkKit'a Vixkgak IiiTTKU bare eUuwii their great enrativo power! iu the most obttiiinte and intractable ciwce. For Iiitiiunmntory and Chronic IUieuniiltisin, tiout, Bilious, I!cmlt tcntand Interniittcnt Fcvora, Diseases of the llliMuh Liver, Kitlneys and li.aJdcr, Uiese Iltttcrs have no cntioi. Such Discoid ire caused by Vitiated lilood. Mt'i hmiicnl Diseases. Persons en caged in Paints and Minerals, such as Humbert, Type-acttcni, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, aro lubjret to paralysis "of tlio Bowels. To piard nrninst tl'ii.i, tuke a doso of Walebs ix tOA UlTTKiis ocTuainlially. For Skin Diseases, l'rnptitins, Tet ter. 6nlt-Hbetim, lllntrhea, Ppi'ta, Pimpln, I'uitulva, Udl Is, Cm Inmclcs King-wormi, Bcald-hend, hiro tyo. Erytiiielo. Ilcb, Bvurls, lJiwulomtiona of the Skit), llnmnri mid 1'ibco.sos of the Skin of whatever name or naluro, aro literally dtifr np and carried out of the system in a short tiino by tse use of these Kilters. Tin, Tape, and other Worms I'.irkmd in tho Horn of so many tbonsauds, are ciluetnally destroyed and removed. Ke avstein uf lucditiue, no vermilugoa, no an thclininitlra will lieo the systoui fruui worms liko these Hitters. For Female Complaints, tn young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or tlio turn of life, tbese Tonid Hitters display an decided an influence Uiat improvement ia loon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever yon find its. impurities bursting thrones the tkiu in Pimples, Eruption, or Sorei; cleanse it wheu yn find it obstructed and slue pish in the veins ; demise it when it u fiiul ; yonr feeliniM will toll rou when. Keep tbe blood pure, and the health of the eyateia will lullnw. It. II. SlrDONALD ti CO., Pfflffirists nndttrn Airts.. Snn Frnneison. Califoreia, anil oor. of Waslimclon atitl Cltantnit Hta N. Y. a Hold by all DriaKsiUta anal Dcal.ra. October li, 1873-ly. ) U A C E IN EUHOFKI SST ORKAT EXCITE MINT IN FRENCHYILLEI The bloody contest betweea France anil rVassli Is at an end for the present, lo far as the slaarfe tertns; of men and tbe destrnetion of prcpertf h eonorrned. The Hovel Jugglers no douM lrilh tbemselrei and rejoice ever Ibe result, but hew Insifrnifloant ll their work when compared ils the humane and christian efforts of L. M. COUDRIET, who has undertaken to supply all the eilitew hi the lower end of the eonnty with food and raicnal at exeeedine; low retee from bia mammoth iters ia Ml'l.POMlURri, where he oaa alwayi Im fsaad ready te wait npon eallera and supply tham with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Sueh ca Clothi, Satlnetti, Caaslmerri, Muill's, Delaines, I.inen, lrlllini, Calicoes, Trimmings, Ribbons, Laee, Ready-made Clothing, Boon and Shoes, nsls aai Caps all of tbe beat malarial and made tcrder Hose, Soea.1, Ulerea, ilittena, Laces, Hibbona,. OROCKH1K3 OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Hufsr, Rlee, Molasses, Fih, Wb l'ork, Llnaeed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Qoeenawara, Tinware, Caatlnc", T' and Plow Castings, Nails, 8ptkes, Corn CnUrr tora, Older, and all kinds of As. Perfumery, Tainta, Varnish, Olui, a P" assortment of Stationary, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, alwaye en band, and ID nM ai h towe'poaslhle fleures. LIQUORS, ineb as Brandy, Vint, OI, Jayae'a Mcdloinos, llastittar'a and Uoofland'a Dittars. B00 annnda of Wool wanted for whirl i highest price will be paid. Clowreeed and for aale at the lewcat market price. Alao, Agent for Slrattonvllle aad CureePivll Thrashing Machiusa, . Ha-Call and acs for yourselves. Ton ' ovar thing usually kept in a retail itore. I. M. C0llnIEl Prencbrllle P. 0., March I, ISTl. . TL'TICEal, A COilTABl.l' t' We have printed a large number of the FEE BILL, and will oa ibe receipt ef t"J Ira eeuti, mail t ecpy te sr HJreu.