Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 22, 1874, Image 2

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    , . ,. , , , -,v . -J .
1 i'i
annua amd rnorniiToa.
;' Tht oIm of tha Ci.iiiriiui Rin ihcau will
hereafter be in Pie's Opera House, on Market
etreet, between Second and Third. Tha business
cffioe will be found ta tho led of tht main en
trance, ob the eeoond floor, when all our old and
now patrons art invited to call. Tha press and
oom poiing rooms aro on tha third floor.
., . .. -
The lower branch of the Legislature
has agreed to adjourn on the 15tb of
May next. The Senate haa not passed
, upon the question yot.
' Pullman, the palace car man is
building a 875,000 "cottage by the
sea," at Long Branch. - It is to bo
- even more stylish than Grant'a.
.' It is roporUd that "tho government"
' will move to Long Branch about the
; njidJle of June. Washington is "too
' -dull and prosy" for the tanner fumily,
"The rot.ult in Connecticut," troubles
our Radical exchanges wonderfully.
' Never mind, gontlomon, affairs of that
kind will happen in three-fourths of
the States during the year.
Somo of our Radical exchanges have
heard that thoro was an election held
'in Connecticut this spring, bat they
aro nnable to ascertain the result.
.Well, some of them are so purely local
that thcyjiever know what happens
away from Lome.
. One Confessor.- -The Pittsburgh
Gazette has come to the conclusion
that Secretary Richardson is not the
right man to bo at the head of tbo
Treasury Department. No doubt a
'wise conclusion, though the Gatette
was a little lardy in roachingit. There
are scores of other Radical organs
whose editors enjoy the same opinion
but they are afraid to speak out.
The Centennial The House of
Representatives at Hnrrieburg passed,
Ly the docisive voto of sixty yeas to
thirty-four nays, the appropriation of
1,000,000 to tbo Centennial funds, to
be expended in tho construction of tho
International Exhibition buildings, at
Philadelphia. Within a few weeks
Congress will no doubt pass a bill ap
propriating not less than three mil
lions for the same purpose.
a e aw
"Wonderful Some of tho Radical
organs "take on" wonderfully because
the Captain-General of Cuba has sup
pressed a rebel newspaper and impris
ooed the editor. The editors of some
of those organs talk of going to Cuba
and assisting in shooting or banging
forgotten that this was Seward'and
.Stanton's plan in this country, about
ten years ago. This Spanish free
booter is only following American pro
rodents. aw
.Settled at Last. The long con
test in the Massachusetts Legislature
over the eloction of. a United States
Senator to succeed Mr. Sumner, end
ed on Friday by the election of Gov.
Washburn. Hoar was dropped, and
tie friends, together with a number of
Dawes' friends, jumped on to his Ex
cellency, throwing Bullor & Co. high
And dry. This is just what the same
party did lnt fall in the gubernatorial
contest. Hoar and Washburn com
bined and dofoatod the beroio Benja
min. This defeat will make the boro
of Fort Fisher roar. Tbo Democrats
during tbo whole contest manfully
cast tboir votes for Judge Curtis.
A Small Rebellion. The State
f Arkansas is troubled with two Gov
ernors just now. Tho Mexican stylo
of deposing rulors is becoming fash
ionable down South. Both the would
Le Governors want tbo President to
loan them the United States troops,to
enable tbem to maintain their posi
tions, but he at latest dates refuses.
Strange that be did. not follow the
Louisiana precedent! Reconstruction
will yet prove a fur worse curse to the
South than slavery. Look at the con
dition of South Carolina, Mississippi
and .Louisiana. Through robbery and
bad government property has depreci
ated 75 ner cent, since tho close of tbo
war, and if there is no change soon
revolution will bo tbo rule instead of
the exception.
PbettY Plain and True. Gen.
Gray, who hoaded the South Carolina,
delegation of taxpayers, who called
upon President Grant rccoiitly, for
relief, in a speech at Charleston, on
the return home of the coinrailteo,
among other positive remarks said : "I
for one am unwilling to be knocking
at the door of the White Houso for
political or other favors; I am willing
to concede that Grant is a great sol
dier, fit to have stood by Ciosar, Na
poleon, William the Conqacrer, or
Washington, if noeds be, and given
directions in b&ltloj but by accept
ing presents' of a great value J in vio
lation of bis oath of office, in throw
ing the responsibility of his specula
tion with Fisk A Gould, whereby be
made twenly-five thousand dollars,
upon bis wife he has tarnished and
thrown away a fame that might have
perpetuated his name for all tine. I
am not sufficiently sanguine to bope
for some sympathy, much less prao.
ticsl. aid, from Congress. The sym.
rtbv and aid will rather be extended
U tbejr (.puMMfttcs in crime. "
Tbi St ati Sin ati. A dead lock
bat set in at Ilarrlsburg over the
con8rmation of tbo now Associato
Law and President Judgos sent Into
the Senate by the Governor. Tho
Constitution requlro a two-third voto,
and but 18 Senators out of the 83 hav
ing voted for confirmation, of oourso
the wholo batch were rejected. Tho
Democrat withheld thoir votes, and
they say they will continue to. do so
nntil the Radicals .agroe to pass t
proper Apportionment bill. The Gov.
ernor has sinoe re-appointed tho snmo
gontlomon and sent tboir namos to the
Sonato again. What tho result will
be we are unablo to coniocturo. The
Apportionment bill, as reported, is the
most infamous moasure ever preBon tod
in a legislative body. The bill, it
passed as reported, will in effect dis
franchise one-third of tho Democratic
voters in the St a to, and will giro tho
Radicals a huge majority both in the
Senate and in the IIoubs.
Approaching Justice. Tho lowor
House of Congress, on the 14th, pass-
od the bill for the free exchange of
newspapers between publishers aifd
free transmission of newspapers by
mail within the county of tboir publi
cation. Tho text oi the bill is as follows :
That from and after the passage of this
act, tho following mail matter shall be
allowed to pass freo in tho mail :
First Newspapers, periodicals, and
magaftineB reciprocally interchanged
botween publishers and not exceeding
sixteen ounoea in weigbt to be con
fined to a single copy of each publica
Second Newspapers, one copy to
eacn actual subscriber residing or re-
ooiving tho same within the county
where the satno is published but car
riers shall not be required to distribute
such papers unless postage is paid
upon thorn at the usual rates. ,
The vote on this bill stood yeas, 178;
nays, 41. Wo should like to see the
namos of those 41 Representatives.
Pretty Plaits Talk:
Tho World discussing the probabili
ty of the impcachmont of the Secre
tary of the Treasury, Ricbardson.says:
Had the President of tho United
States possessed the slightest sense of
the decencies, and not to say the du
ties, of his high position, bo could net
possibly havo allowed twenty-four
hours to pass after the testimony of
Air. uanneiu was given without re
quiring Mr. Richardson either to con
vict Mr. Banfield at onco and oponlv
of perjury or to vacate bis seal in the
Cabinet. This it was a matter of
mere docency for him-to do. It was
a plain duly lor hi in to request the
resignation oi Mr. Kicharsdon long
before the appearance of Mr. Banfield
on tbo stand, simply anon the ovi-
donoo given by Mr. Richardson him
self in regard to bis own conduct in bis
office. W bona Secretary of the Treas
ury is not ashamed to stato solemnly
in public that he is habitually ignorant
of and indifferent to tho most impor
tant transactions which go on within
hisDcpartmcnt.the President by whom
that Boci clary waa appointed booomee
a partner with bim in bis guilt If be
permits tbo avowal to pass unpunish
ed. Presidents of the United States
have not hitherto been accustomed to
make up their Cabinets as if they
were making up a picnic or a whist
party. It may bo, and very possibly
it is, much more azrcoablo to Presi
dent Grant to associate himsolf offi
cially with dull and carolcss and inte
rior jnon than with cluvor. laborious
and superior men. But when in order
to provide those men with tho means
of living near his person he calls them
to high public trusts, the poople have
a right to bold him responsible if they
utterly and imprudently negloct to
I Li Hill tbo duties of the trusts bo con-,
fides to them. Secretary Richardson
distinctly declares this to be the case
with regard to himselt. Ill course his
dopendent and shadow, Mr. .Sawyer,
could do no less than imitate tho inso
lent candor of his chief. It was not
Mr. Banfield who nut these imputa
tions upon the heads of the Treasury.
No possible confutations of Mr. Ban
field can reliove thorn of thoso impu
tations. As soon as Mr. Richardson
publicly charged himself with this
scandalous ignorance and indifference
it was tho duty, the plain, imperative
duty, of Prosidont Grant to request
bim to vacate his post. This duty
President urant railed to do. iso ac
tion on bis part now can relieve bim
of the discredit be thus incurred.
Cremation. The N. Y. World is
publishing a series of articles in favor
of cremation that is, burning instead
of burying the dead as was the cus
tom among many of tho ancient na
tions. Tho press of the wbolo country
Is agitating the subject, and cremation
promises to be a popular theme though
we doubt if tbo custom bocomes prev
alent at least in the present age. How
ever societies aro being formed both
in this country and Europe, tbo mom
bors of which plodge thomsolvos that
their bodies shall be burned after death.
At first thought, cremation sooms
barbarous. But the nioro it is con
sidered tho nioro rcnsonublo it appears.
It was pruclicod by the most enlight
ened nations of antiquity. Scientists
have established beyond doubt, that
animal matter passes from decomposed
bodies and forms to the growth or the
living. It is asserted that the poison
ous gasscs arising from the graves
and decomposing bodios, cause cpidom-
ics, Buoh as cholera ; and that tho water
in wells, is impregnated with dangerous
substances, boing tho washings from
Hie almost sacred associations oi
tho cemetery, and the mcmotics cher
ished by visitinir and decorating the
graves of the beloved dead are not
rudely to D" intorieroa wun. cut
could we look down into the grave
and see tho fostering corruption or
ghastly skolotons, the mind would
turn with satisfaction to tho prospeot
of scoing in the future the remains of
tho dona pfosorved in the shapo ot
ashos in nn urn or occupying a place
in the centre of a marble monument.
The compulsory education bill Intro
duced In the House of Reprosentalives
of this Stato, by Mr. Oliver of Crawford
oounty, was defeated a few days ago,
only receiving thirty-four votes in its
Tbe light for tha Radionl loadors in
tha House is between Butler and
Maynard. The worst man will to
doubt wis provided always there is
any difference) between two peas that
art exactly alike,
"ft ml ."
Another vessel of the Fronoh lino,
the L'Amorlque, baa boon lost. The
steamer sallod from Now York on the
4th I". tn tha 14th sho touohnd at
Brest, landing ber mails and a num
ber of hor passongora. Sho then pro
ceeded on her way to Havro, and. on
the same or the following day she
sank, the crew and nassongors fortu
natoly boing saved, but tbe vessol and
cargo were wholly lost. This la the
third disaster that has befallen this lino
in fivo months. By tho first, tbo sink
ing of tbo Ville du Ilavro, of the 24th
of November Inst, two hundred and
twenty-six lives wero lost, among thorn
those of soveral distinguished Ameri
cans and Frenchmen. It is just two
weoke since the Europo was aban
doned in mid-ocoan with ber bold full
of water, and nflor a gallant effort by
a brave and skilful salvago crew to
keep nor ailoat. an that instanoo, as
in tho ono reportod this morning, the
crew and passongora wero rescued, hut
In both cases It was a 1'roviUontial in
lerposition that saved these pooplo
iroin a watery grave.
It is easy enough to draw a losson
from this accnmulation of disasters,
but it has boen done so often, and
with so lltllo effect on other occasions,
that we bositate. The heart sickens
at these dreadful disasters and hair
broadth escapes. It Is easy enough,
too, to join in the hue and cry against
this uniorlunate lino, to stop on tho
dock of whoso vcssols is like to en
tering one's coffin i but which of its
rivals offers absolute safety, or has
been exempt from accident in tbe Inst
year or two f Previous to the Ville
du Havre disaster, and even after it,
tbo Franco line was one of tho most
popular of tho ocean ferries, and partio
ulnrly so with Americans, its voasois
wore splendid specimons or moacrn
naval architecture, their appointments
magnificent, and their officers as cour
teous and capablo as thoir crews were
courageous. It had suffered no loss
es, and bad established as good it not
a better record than its contemporar
ies. 'It has-been unfortunate of -late,
but so have the other lines. Not a
stoamship has crossod the Atluntio in
the last six weeks that has escaped
unhurt the lury oi tho wind and waves.
The passagos of all have been length
enod, a number have been compollod
to put back to their starting-places,
and eovoral othors would now be at
tho bottom of the ocean but for cir
cumstances that were almost miracu
The truth is, there is no absolute
nor even reasonable security to life
ana Dronertv in snv ot the ocean-en.
ing steam vessels ot the present day.
I - D
even the tunardors have bad narrow
escapes of late. Our own American
line has, in the last year, made a hot
ter name for itself than any otbor
company, and its steamers built for
safety as well as speed, for service as
won as show have in their bnof ex
istence survived storms that would
have swampod many a fleot of scom-
ncly stanncher ships. 1 lie statistics
of ocean disasters in the Inst two years
aro appalling. Tbe l'aoiflo Mail Com
pany has lost three vessels, the Wbito
Star lino bns sustained an equally
heavy loss, and few or none of the
others can claim entire immunity.
J. no number oi lives Bacnuced will
probably never be known until Christ
comes "to judge tho quick and the
dead and the sea gives np its secrets.
Th lima ha fnma wlian the old
mothods of building ocean steamships
must bo reconstructed. It is not im
possible to build a steamer that will
bo absolutely safo. Tbe storms of the
last year or two have boen pbonomenal
n their seventy, but the great In
crease in the number of disasters Is
directly traceable to tho criminal prac
tice of longthoning old stcamsphins,
and to tbo insane plan of building new
ones, in whiob the width of beam is to
the longth of the vessel about as one
is to twolvo in mathomatics. lue
mprovements invented in tho lust
twelve years can be counted upon the
angers ot one hand, and tuoy aro
nearly all in machinery for increasing
tbo speed ot tho vessel without adding
to its safety.. Tbe mechanical genius
of the ago now has its greatest oppor
tunity. IVii'tiJcjjAia Press.
Another French Steamer Lost.
The startling news comes to ns from
Havro that anothor of tho vessels of
the French line of steamers plying
botweon New York and Havre has
boon lost. Tho steamer Amerique, of
that line, sailed from Now York on
the 4th inst. touched at Brest on
tho 1 ith to land the mails and such
passongers as chose to go ashore, and
sailed on tho 6ame day for Havre. On
that day the disaster, of which as yet
we havo only brief particulars, sooms
to have occurred. Happily the pass
engers and all on board, except tho
second officers, were saved.
Thus in the briof space of less than
five months, three vessels of tho five
composing this French line have boon
lost, as follows :
The Villa do Havre, November 22d,
TbeUurope, April 4th, 1874.
Tho Ameriqno, April 14th, 1874.
Thoro remain only tho Pereiro and
the St. Laurent, which, we believe,.nro
tho oldest of all tho vossels that the
company lias owned. At this rate of
dtstruction the lino win do extinct in
tho course of a fow months. Such
fatality would ruin its business evon
if tbo two remaining ships were not
wrecked. ;
What Gen. Grant Ofmbed to
Jupoe Black. One day during the
unpleasantness conocrning the Cinoi
Justiceship, wbon among the wild
rumors that aro flying about tno now
and the hotels, was ono to tho effect
that after Gushing would como Jcro.
lifack,I mot tho famous Ponnsylvanian
pacing up nnd down the corridor in
tho Ebbitt House, ss is his wont aftor
dinner Said Is ' Judge Black, is it
true that the President has signified
his intontion of nominating voursolf
for Chief Jus'.ioe in case Mr. Gushing
is rrjoctod f"
The Judgo raisod his hat, adjusted
his wig, and proceeded to say : "The
President has tondcrod to mo and I
aoceptod tbe highest and moat honor
able position mat can no nciu unaer
his Administration that of a private
citisen." YVash. Cor. of the St. Loui
Inflation. On Monday of last
weok the House of Representatives
passed the Senate bill increasing the
legal tendor circulation to 1100,000,
000, and also the House bill Increas
ing the national bank currency to
141)0,000,000 making the paper cur
rency ot tha country 1800,000,000 in
stead of about 1700,000,000 as hereto
fore. Tbe Senate bill now goes to tho
Presidont for signature, and tbo House
bill to tha Sonato, when tha whole
question whether or not we are to
bave an Inflation of the currency feats
with tbo f reidoti '
William Furl, of Look Haven, owns
a Bible printed in Germany in 1(170, i
Tha nnmber of boatmen on tbe
Pennsylvania Canal is 8,200. . .
' A Georgia papor promisee to pub,
Ueh a "thrilling cereal." Its readers
will doubtless mnko an oat of it.
Tbo throe commissioners of Craw
ford county weigh 600 pounds and
moasure six loot in height on the aver
According ton Knnsat deolslon, a
husband and wife can enter a show on
a ticket rending "admit one." Most
righteous Judgo t
Blsmarck'B wlfo wears tbe largest
shoos of any woman beyond the Rhine,
and bis daughtor lollows In tno moth.
or s footsteps.
Tho sheriff of Northumberland
county, Pa., is again advertising Jor
sale lhelnnvillo,liarlclon and Wilkes-
bsrro Kailrond.
A Custom House man writes that he
has hoard ladios of refinement, wealth
position, and oducation lie a customs
officer out of oountenanco. . :
Mr. G. W. Childs, the proprietor of
the Public Ledger, and Mr. J. Droxol
tba bankor, have given 910,000 each
. - . k. - . . ' I A
iu mo eeiiiuniiiui. ( j
The divorced wifo of the late Sena
tor Sumner has fllod a potition to re
sumo her maiden name, Alice Muson
What has becomo ot the,. German
Trlnce? hi !
It is said that tho fumes of sabsi
snuffed up the nose will euro ordinary
cases of nenraliria. ; Put a Btnall qnhn-
tily of sugar on a hot shovel and. try
it as directed.
A. Waltman, of Skinner' Eddy,
Lycoming county, is reportod to hade
secured a contract to furnish 2,000,000'
feet of hemlock to ko used In the Ccn
tonnial buildings at Philadelphia.
Judge A. S. Arnold, of M'Kcan
County, died at Port Allegheny on
the 1st inst. II was aicstimnble and
useful citizen and formerly represented
tbn district in tne legislature.
The flood in Tennessoe continues,
tbe rivers are still rising, travel is
partially or wholly auspcuded on most
of the railroads, and tbe planters are
sutloring licavy losses.
A school girl in Newark, N. J.
jumped a rope 300 times in succession
nnd then diod. Kill tbon tbia lact will
not prevent other school girls from
killing themselves in the sumo way.
Lucy II. Hooper gives her experi
once in Paris in Appleton't Journal,
Sho says : "The purse of Forlunatus
the wisdom oi Solomon, tbo patience
oi Job, and the cunning ot alox such
are the qualities necdod by thoso who
go shopping in raris.
A. T. Stewart has fixed the price for
board at ins lirand Union Uotol.Sara
tcga, at three dollars a day for tbo
coming season. Uf course tbo land
lords of tbe otbor hotels will be com
pellod to adopt tho same tariff.
The Farmers' Stato Convention of
Oregon mot at Salem on Thursday,
and nominated the following ticket :
Congressman, T. W. Davenport; Gov
ernor ,Thomai F. Campbell ; Secretary
ol State, J. IN. Jiargbott.
W. W. Smith, of Washington. Ta..
has sent to General Grant's farm, near
St. Louis, Mo., his mares Kilty and
Gipsy. The President is to return
this oquino conrtesy by sending Smith
a pure olood Ilamblclonian stallion.
Tho Huntingdon Monitor rep-rots
that thn orphans' ai.Knnl ahnnlit b re
moved from Cassvilleand sorrows over
the reflection that tho innocent orphans
have been ground bctweon tbe upper
and notbor nvillslonesor partisan hate.
J. J. Walborn. a well known iuslico
of the peace aud notary public, died
in middiotown, Dauphin county, a lew
days ago. Ho held tho office of iuslico
ever euico 1840, and was appointed
notary under differont administrations
without regard to politics.
Tbe Pittsburgh Post says : To cure
the country of Radicalism, Butlerism,
urentism, and kindrod aihirtions, ad
minister Jayne's "wormifuge" and
Sanborn Pills, in full doses. The ef
fect is magical. See 'the certificates
from New Ilampsbireand Connecticut
tor sale by all itadical office-holders.
"Shall we gather at the river f" So
song some Ohio temperance ladios in
front of a "mm bole. ' The old ropro-
bate who kept the place poked bis
head out oi a window, and told tbem
ho was too busy,' just then, but be
ould meet them down there, after
dark, at any lime they might mention.
Tho Clovoland Jlerali (Radical,)
talks or the defeat in this wise :
"We have been worsted, whipped,
most outrageously whaled, there is no
use denying it. figures wont lie.
They speak for themselves, and their
voice in tho table of election returns
is so soul-harrowing that we would
fain stop our ears, turn over and go to
slocp for a whilo. I lie comparison
between the Republican situation as it
is, made in the parallol columns ol
former majorities and present minor
ities, is enough to turn tho strongest
Death or the Peaches. Wo Bre
informed by gontlomon who ore largo
peach growors that recent cold weath
er has destroyed the peaches, and
nothing liko the crop anticipated will
bo pickod. Halo's Early and Mixon
varieties are all dead ; while a variety
callod tho Smock havo stood the sudden
chances romnrkably woll. Nonet' of
the lulo varieties are damaged to any
extont. Seaford (Dol.)CiVi'wn. ;
Action. Tho subjoined letter from
a prominent lumber merchant of this
city needs no explanation. It is of
that brief, pointod character Which
speaks clearly to the purpose : .
Col. John W. Font)!
lliil Sir i Ai a lunber aorahant I naluralljr
hoi a aria iotamt ta tba lomu of iba Cantan
nial. Will yon ba m kind a to band In to tha proper
offloor my aabaoriptroa of $3,60S for tbat aoKuat
of oUiok.
You will ticnn tha llbrrlj I hara takoa la td
droMin: yoo, hot your identiflnation with tba
pmjaot froai lt rarliatt luorpiioa laaifi to do to.
Vary truly youn,
William H. I.irrisootr. ,
Mr. Lippincott's example will un
doubtedly be followed by others.
Philadelphia Is in earnest. Tha bar
den is on her shouldors, and ebb will
prove herself able to carry it. Phila
delphia Press.
T)AY UP. All porsons Indebtod to
.L for oU whlla astiaf Bharilf art a,
litid to rama forward and aaaha Innxliat pay
ment, or aipeot to pay additional aoeta. My
book, art la tba bandi af A. O. Kramer, Beq.,
fcr aollaotlan, and I an detarmlaad that tht ao
eonati taall be squared or. without aer farther
delay. rYKKNILo HOWB,
Cloarttld, April ,1S74.-Si ' Ei-Sherllf,
CAUTION. All pereont are hereby oantiofied
aiatntt traitlni or harboring Barak tfray, a
bond, flrl, batwaenlt sad It yaara of aga, oa
BT aoaount, at the left aa the ltk of Marrh for
parte aokaowa to me, wltkaut any loot eaaN of
prorooattoa, and . I auj detatnlptd to pa? s
debtee bar aoBtraotlog altar tiira data. ' '
i' . JOHN W. KT7NT2.
TstsankBrj pa.( Xtrtk. mb, JTMt
$f r di'f rlisrmf uls.
vlrta af aa order litued oat of tba Orphani'
Court of ClearSeld oounty and to e dtreeted,
lb ere will be told at eublle tale, an tba nramleM.
la Hurntide lownthlp, ClearSrld oounty, Pa, at
o eioea p. ai., oa oamroay, stay a, l7t, tba tol
low In deeorlbad valuable real aetata, eitaeie la
tha luwniblp aforoeald, and late Ike property of
Jobs ttuamel, aeeeased, Til t Boaaded oa tke
aortb by ItnJe of V. Bailey, on tke aaet bt laadj
of Willie Nugent, and aa tha watt bylaadaof
samuai nruaari e atln. containing it aaraa, mora
or leae, wun aooul ZD urea altered. Tha Ira
prortajeau eoneiit of a plank dwelling koute and
all tba aeoeaaary autbnUiilnga, a young orohard
of eholoa fruit traet la bearlnc condition, ao.
Taaat. Oaa-tftk at tale, one-kalf of tka whole
at eonsrmation of tale, and, Ike balance In ill
monthe thereafter, with intereit, to ba ttcurtd by
bund and aiortgan Oa tba preraleae,
i " W. W. LANabOK, Adra'r. 1
Orent, April , 1874.-SI
... Ia Olearlald County.' '
Tba Una of Wm. 8. Diokay Boa It tblt dty
dluolrad by mutual content, by tha Inal with
drawal of Wm. 8. Dlokey. The bueinett wilt ba
continued by Jamei Uiokey In future. Oar bookt
and other aeoountt will ba tettled by either of
tbe partneri, at tha home farm of Wm. S. Ilickey
ar at tka offloe of S. C. falohon, Eiq., where ptr
tiei era reqaoetod to oali and tettle and tare fur
ther ocet and traabla. .
Tblt dlitoluUoa la for ClearSeld oounty only.
We mutt oontinue a while looger in Cambria.
(lien Hope, April 14, 187. apl2J 1m
IARM FOB SALE. Tbe under
. signed ORV-ra for tela kit farm, situate la
t'ovlngtoa towntblp, containing IDS ecrei, of
whiob SO aeroe an oleared and in a good state of
cultiration. This Is one of the rary beet farma
ia tba county, and any ono wishing to buy a good
farm cauuot do bettor than to purchase It. Tha
improvements eontist of a good hoaee and barn
tba fvooes all good ao orohard of eboiea apple
trees, among wbiak are a large number of young
grafted apple treat j good garden. Ao. A spring
of exoollem water near tha houss. Timber su&l.
eiont to make one raft on ths promises about
line nuie irom me river. Ten aores of wbeat la
the ground. Any ooa wishing further informa
tion can address mt at t'ranohrilla 1. O., Clear
Quid oounty, Pa.
pun anno of aa order of the Orphani' Court
of Clearfield oounty. tbo andorangned tvlftitniKro
tort of tbo oitato of Juhn Btrmo, late of Cor
Irtffton tuwonbip, Clearfield oounty, deceased, will
ell at public lale, at the publio houio of John
MuUorj, ia tho Tillage of Mulionburg, on Thurt
dny, May 7th, 1H74, at 1 o'clock p. n., tbo follow
ing described real oitate, late tbe property of said
decoued, Til t One pieoe beiog all that certain
traet of Itnd eitua'e Id laid townibiD. and do-
oribed ai follow, iit Beginning at a poet and
ftuupt then oe louth 163 p relief to ben.lerk :
thenro eait 80 porobee to poit; thenee ioutb 33
p ere nee to pom inenco east 49 perches to pott j
tkenoe tootb 39 perch ee to pout i thenoe eait 04
perches to poat I tbenootoutb 104 perches to post:
thence east Htf perches to white oak ; thence north
1 23 perehef to stamp ; thence east 42 perches to a
enesmoi, me nee sown idjf percnes to a post ;
hence west 39 eercbes to a post i thence south
42 perch?! to a post j thence east 82 perches to
post tnene seum ei percnes to aa Iron wood ;
tit e nee weit 81 pcrefaei to pout i thence south 94
perches to port ) thenoe west 147 perch to post ;
thenoe north 38 perches to post; thenot wt 36
perches to hemlock and post; thence north 111
p ere hoe to post, thenoe north 34 degrees oast 34
perches to post, thenoe north 33 degrees west 34
perches to post ( thenee north 270 perches to whit
oak t thenoe west u percnes to place oi beetnnlor.
containing 410 acres aad 130 perches, more or
less. Tbe improvements ooniist of a large three-
story dwelling ouse, SOi.lo feet, frame, with
stone kitchen, ono fend a half story high, 16x20
feet, attached, a Urge and well finished store
room, 14x40 feet, a bank barn, 80i40 feet, and
other outbuildings. Also, a water saw mill, in
good running order, on the property, with an ex
cellen water power. Tbo property is wl tim
bered with pine, hemlock aad oak. About 30
acres Is oleared and in good ordei. Also, all tho
interest of decedent in one other lot auiolmn
tho aho re, known as tba J. Beaumont lot, and
coot i in log 40 acres, mora or Icps. Also, all the
intrrent of decedent In one other lot adjoining
tract nret described, known as the A. Uiglemao
lot, and containing abont fifteen acres. Also, all
tho Interest of decedent In one other lot, adjoin
ing tract first described, containing 10 acres, mora
or less, ana known as tbe Miller tot. Also, all
that certain lot of ground, containing S acres and
42 porches, mora or less, sltuata at Shaw Bell's
landing, said township, and nsad as a rafting
iirii or nun. une-m.M oi ino purenaso
oaey eaaa on confirmation of tale, one-tnira in
one year and tho betanoo In two years thereafter,
tbe latter two payments with interest from date
oi sale, to dc secured by bona and mortgage on
me p remiaoa.
4;14-t FitANCKS BARMOY, J Adna r
(Two doors eait of tbe Shaw House,)
Millinery and Fancy Goods
O LOVES, all kiads and sites.
COTTON STOCKINGS, aosnrpassed both 1o
quality aod eheapoeta.
pattern aad lower than tha lowest.
HAIR GOODS, of all rarletiaa.
Call and examine oar stock before Ton bur
eisewoere. uiaa 10 mow our goods on all oc
casions Oar motto it
Nimble Sixpence is Better than
Slow Shilling."
Remember tbe all
pposita Mossop's, In
Wm. Reed's old l land.
AlTTIO)l All pertona arc hereby cau-
V J tloned aealott purohasinr or in aor war
meddling with the following nronerlr, purchased
by ui at Khefif't Sale on the id day of March
lal, aad now in laa potiession of Juhn A. Roo
ter, of (Imhcn towathlp, as the same belongs to
mo and Is left with said Kooser subject to my or
der, vis : Two sorrel hortet and harness, two
horee wagon, timber sled, Kooier's internet in
!, reel or loge at Hoott riegal'a mill, a lot
of sawed hnabor at aaid mill and all tha house
hold furnitara of said Kooser.
April 11, 1874-Hpd
virtue of an order of the Orphani' Court of
Clcarflnld county, and to mo directed, there will
be sold at piihlie tale, on tbe p.emitet in Rrll
township, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1874, the
following described Talualile real tttate, lata the
property of benjamin Balrd, deceased, situated
n alorrsaia towmbip and hounded and described
ta follows: llraioninc at BORt oorncr of tract
warranted In lbe name of Darid Kennedy thence
north by Una of No. 1560, (7 degrees wen 8
rnhea mora or ke to a pott; Ihrnra north 11
II) degrees cast 100 perches mora or lest to a
healoek ; thence by line formerly of A. D. Read,
north 86 c-10 decreet west 100 Dtrohrl mora ar
lees to poat j thenot by Indiana county lino aouth
1 a-tv aegreca watt lit percbet to poat thenoe
south M degrees eaat 42 nerchee mora ar lets to
pott thenaa soeth 161 degrees aaat N) perches
mora or last to post thenea south il degrees
east 714 perches mora or lees: thenoe north It -IO
dorreae tast 10 perches mora or lest to hriinnlna.
apataialag 60 aeree, mora or lata, aad baring
about urat clewed aad la a good state af
eultiralioa. Tha improvements tomtit of a two-
story frame house, log barn and spring house.
A nerer-failing sprint at tba door and an orchard
of choice apple aad pnerh treee.
Tanas ar kali. une hair cash and balance In
one year, with intcroet, to be secured by bond and
mortgage aa tba premltet.
JAman A. VAMIUK1.L),
prlS-Ht . Admlniitraw.
2nnn ,B- nr wr,M)L wanted,
,UW Uy Arnold, Harlshora A Hippie, for
which tbey will pay task, at their factory, near
Curanjasville, or at tbt store af Arnold A Harts,
bora, la Cnrwensville. frh4 8m
... . DIALER zar - -
STOVE8, " ' . '
HEATEB8,-- .
RANGES, . .,. .
::t FAINTS. .. , i;
Tht celebrated Toledo Aatl-Froeslng OalTaalsad
No batter Pumps la tka market.
LAMP PLI ES, of all kinds, ' !
AU at lowest prices. 1-1474
Presquciale Street, PUillpaborg, Pa.
JIiTlnc Juit opened ft new store In PhUiniburt7
at tb lUod formerly occupied bj Wighamtn
Krooerjr. oexi door tu urtal tlouie, Front itrtet.
wt MR bvb txaminfttlon ol tbe itoclt or
Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing Goods,
" TltVJTKS, isc,
All new and recently pureheted. Intruding to
remain in Philipiburg aod eitabltib our butioess,
we snail mate ti a point to sell at
Confident the public will feel diipoted to giro us
a snare or tneir patronage, ana making it oor am
to render eomplota oatislaetioo in ovary partieu
lar, especially In tha one just named of dispoiiog
or our goooi cheap.
at represented. To tbt ladles wt would especial
ly mention our lino of -
pt- Don't forget tbe place, next door to tbe
Urant House, f ront etiwt, rmitprhurg, fa.
Philipiburg, Pa April 8, ltf74.-3t
Notice to Taxpayers I
IN accordance with aa Act of the General As
sembly of this Commonwealth, approved tbe
J.'d dsy of March, A. D. If?", and tha supple
ment approved tha Id day or April, A. II. 1872,
Mrelatiug to the collodion of taxes in tha aoanty
of Cleartield," notice is therefore hereby givoa to
tba taxpayers residing in tha districts betow
named, that tbe County Treasurer, in accordance
with the eeuond eeeUoa of said At, will attend
at the places of holding tha borough and town
ship elections oa the following named days, for
tha parpota of rvoeiviog tbe County and State
taxes attested for the year 1874 1
For Clearfield and Lawranoe township, Friday
aad Saturday, May 1st and 3d.
For Kartbaus, Tuesday, May alb.
For Covlagton. Wednesday, May (ta. .
For Uirard, Thursdiy. May Jib.
For Guhen, Fri lay, May 8th. '
For Bradford, Saturday, May tth.
For tirabam, Monday, May 1 Ilk.
For Komi, Tneeday, Mav lltb.
For Decatur, WednesdayMay lltb.
For Oeeeola, Thureday, May 14th.
For Hoatadala, Friday, May 15th.
For Rntgt, Saturday, May 14th.
For Huston, Tneeday, May tilth.
For I'nion, tVedneeday, May 20th.
For Dredj, Thursday, Mav list, at Rumbargar.
" Friday, May ild, at Troutvilie.
" " Saturiav. Mav Md. at Lutbenburt?.
For Curwcntville, Monday, May 25th.
For Pike, Tui-sday, May Sfith.
For Bloom, Wadnesdar, May J7th.
For Psnn, Thuredar, May 28th.
For Lumber City, Friday, May 10th.
rtr Ferguson, Saturday, May luth.
Ipon all taxet paid to tbt Treasurer then will
ba a reduction of ne acr eraf., wbila five par
oeni, win oe ttttaea ajrrr tut Jlrrt rtny July ntrl,
to all unpaid taxes, making a difference uf TKN
per cent to prompt taxpayers. Parties can, from
the 1st of May, pay their Uses at tha Treasurer's
omoe. The balance of tha districts will ba visit
ed alter June Court. '
IMVID W. WISE, Treasurer.
Treasurer's Offlca, 1
Clearfield, I'a., April 8, 1874-41 j
Baggaga Barrows, Warehouse Trucks, Copying
Presets, Improved Money Drawer, ha.
roa tan it
Dealer In Hardware,
mchJ0:7fi:tf Peoond Street, Clearfield. Pa.
Clearfield Nursery.
npilE anderslgned, having asubllsbed a Nut
L scry oa the 'Pike, about half war batweea
Clearfield and Curwcntville. ie prepared to fur-
nut aiiainusei mt ii Tr.KKS,fitandardaud
dwarf,) Svergraane, Mhrubbery, drape Vines,
Gooseberries, Laa ton Blackberry, Strawberry,
and Raaberry Vines. Alto, Siberian Crab Tress,
Quince, and early tearltt Rhubarb. Ac Ordcra
promptly attended to. Address,
i. 0. WRIOIIT.
tsplfi lt-y Curweusvills, Pa
jL Close ay in,
Reading, Orthography, Wrltlng.ObJeet Les
sons, I'rimary Aritbmetio and rrimary
QeoxTiiphr IT M
History, Local and desoriptiva Uatigrapliy
with Map irawtng, urammar, Mental
and Written Arlthmeti ft
Alfcbra and tbe Scienoas...,M II 00
Instruction la Instrumental music II 00
Oil painting, 14 lesson 11 00
Wax work 00
For full particulars sand for Circular.
Clearfield, March 11, 1874. :7:T0-y
(Near the Railroad Depot,)
A .bare of public patronatc It rcsnectfullv ao.
Netted. 4:1V?4 t). R. ROW. l'rop'r.
Tha under.lgned offers for sale a valaa
blt town property, ia the borough of Clearfield.
Lot 10x172, tin etc on Pita ttiert, with a goad
two-story plank Moose thereon erected. House
finished complete goad oallar and goad water.
Price reaeonable and payments easy. For fur
thsr particulars Inquire of tht subscriber. Pae
seaeioa glvta oa short aotltt aftor sals.
Clearfield, March 14, 1874.
OHTt A psomiHory anta, dated December
J loth, 18TS, payable at tha County National
tnk, Clearfield, for IMA, Hiram Woodward
drawer, aad payable to tht order of Lyaa A Bra.
AS persona are hereby cautioned not ta negotiate
or pareheee tha said lata, at pavmeel of tka aama
haa been Mopped. LYON A BBO,
routlH, April , U74.-I,
grj 00fli, (RmtxUi; (tu.
t. r. wiAvaa..
Mae aaaats aaMtatt H
' - - CLEARFIELD, PA., '
An offering, at tie old itand af 0, L. Retd A Co.
tbtlr stock of goods, aonslitlng of
FL0UB, FEED, SALT, fec,r &o.,
At tha most reasonable ratal for CASH or Id
' xchanga for .. ... 1
Square Timber, Boards, Shingles,
aVAdvanee made ta these engaged la get
ting out square timber on tha most advantageous
terms. . ' pdtljanfl
S T O It E,
ITavlng added fifty feet to cur already otpa-
cious Store Room, and with an enlarged slock of
everything la tba Una of
wa invito tba people of Clearfield oounty to call
and Inspect tht tama.'
Our goods wore bought at tbt low prtett during
tbt late panit, and are art now prepared to offer
inducement! snob at were never btfort offered la
Lock Uartn.
Buyers will find It greatly to tboir advantage
to call oa us before making their purchases.
J. J. EVERETT A CO., Prop'rt.
Look Haven, Feb. II, 874.-3m
Opposite Post OBoa.
New Goods I New Prices I
Purest la Market.
Win ba kept and sold at first eoat. Cash naid
lor vwwuiry rrouuoe., : i i
. i. i 1
Uaekeral, Lake Herring, Cod, At.
Barrel Picklet aad Engllsk Pioklat.
Flour, Cora Heal, Oat Meal, Ac
Dealers la
Hardware and Queenbware,
Boots, Shoes, Hots, Caps, Ao.
-Bhcemakere suppllsd with LEATHER
aad SHOE FIN DINGS at reduood ratee.
SALT I 8 ALT I SALT I at wholtsalt and
retail very cheep.
A liberal discount to builders.
CHOP, always ta band.
JsArAll of tht above gooda are purthated
exclusively for task', aad therefore can and tn'ff
he sold aa cheap at Iht cheapest. eprill-Ti
Turpentlae,) f Nallx,
Paiatt, 1 WILL BILL T0U I Olaaa,
OIW J I Putty.
French. Richards & Co.'s
Buck Lead
Calcined Plaster
TmmenH ttook ct haol
Clearfield, Pa., April 1, 1174.4
OTlCEPtrwat ladebted ta tha eubseriki
J.1 ar for servicei. reads sett while, aailng aa
bherllTof Clearfield county, are rrquettad to call
at my otioa, . nt; Optra lltusa, aad aiaka
payueot. In my abtauet from tba omea, Mrs
A. O. Kramer will hare charge of my boose and
suuteris.d to receipt forme. Persons kaaaiagi
''""l"? lJd, by making prompt payment
will giwatly oblige. ' j, rj; sji
april Mm . .
. A, Q. KRAMER,,
Rial Eitatt and Collactioa Af eat,
a CLEARFIELD, rA , , ' .
Will promptly attend to all legal katinaM tat'
trasud tt bit tare. ...
er-Om.. in V; Opera Ilousa. teeond tot
april l.m ,
JEAD Til 19 1 ,
House, Sign and Ornamental Painting,
Tbt undersigned, bavlca ttartad to ewlaa- blf
own brush, resncetfnllv offort bis sarvleaa In tha
chitons of Clearfield aad vicinity at a Hawsay
Strn and Ornamental Painter. . ... i
- Paper llnnrinr and Olaslnr does aa tbe abort.
ttt cotlcc, with neatness aad despalob.
Ail won aona wun oare, and at prtett to nit
tht tiinee.
Shop oa Market street, opposite tht Alle
gheny Hou.e. J. L. KRAQLR.
April I, 1874.-IB. -
We desire ta callrourattcntion toourtxteosiva
Commission business and to our facilities for die-
osing of snob produce as our ooaslgaors send us.
laving a large trade with oity storeo, we are an
abled to make quick returns, at full prices.
Btorekeeprra baring untenants nutter, Eggs,'
or other produoa, will do well to giro nt a trial.
Where (Jroceritt are takea ia exebaage, ao tern
otlssioa wili bo charged.
S. 1. KIRK, FOR A CO..
Wholtsalt Grocers and Commissloa Merchants,.
Ho. UK K. Third straat, fhilad'a. aprly .
1. . BILLS-
T. A. FLECK (Sc CO.,
Agents la Clearfield touaty for the talc of
Fashionable Patterns of Garments,
all sTrlas Aan sirxs.
J:I8 Market Street Clearflld, Pa.
la hereby given that lettersof admlnistratioaF
ooibaaatau of MARTIN KLINE, deceased, lata
of Lawrence township, Clearfield aoanty, Peen'a.
having been duly granted to tha nndercignsdr
alj persona Indebted to said-estate will plena
eke immediate paymsnt, aad those kavini
oiaimt or demands will present tbem properly
authenticated for settlement without delay. '
4. n. PUAW,
April It, 1874 St Administrator.
David Kephart, deceased.
Tba undersigned Auditor appointed by tha
Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, to hear aad
ani disnoee of the axcentions filed to the account
of tba administrator of David Kephart, deceased,
hereby givee net too tbat ba will attend to the du
tiet of bii appointment on Wodoeeday, May 6tb
1874, at I o'clock p. m., at hit omoe in tbe bor
ough of Clearfield, where all percent interetted
may attend. T. H. MURRAY,
Clearfield. April 15-t Auditor.
BV ft. PORTER 814 AW, D. D. ft.
Having laeeeaded la getting a lirbter tariff oa
material, btnoe tbe lew and moderate charge for
partial and full aats of Teeth. I use the beet
maaafaeture of teeth and other material. All
a perations registered aad warranted to give ser
vice and eetisfaetfoa.
Frieade, refieet tbat my eb arret for tht Inter
tioa of artificial and tbe taviag of tbe natural
teetn erenow tne moil reasonable la Penneylvania.
Pfeeui ve your teeth and yon preserve your health.
rutting or tba natural teeth la a healthv. pre
servative end useful condition ie mads a specialty.
Diseases and mal format ionsoommoa to the mouth.
)aw and aetooiate parts, are treated and corrected
with fair tuoeett. Examinations and consulta
tions rate.
It would ba well for patients from a distance te
let ma know by mail a few dayt before coming
to the omoe.
It is very important that tbildrta bctweta the
agee of tlx end twelve yean should have their
toeth examined.
Anertthetics are administered and Teeth re
moved without pain.
Dispotitioni and character ere judged by all
tba world by tbe txpreasione of tha face, hence
how very diaastrous may it therefore be for per
sons to indulge aa expression of distorted features,
even npart from a hygienic view. Now, to enjoy
natural (not artificial) comforts and pleasarat,
respect and obey natural eimplicities and inttinct.
8. PORTER 811 AW, D. D. 8.
Office Ia New Masonic Building, Second .treat,
Clearfield, Pa. mayl4'7J
Would ear ta Us natienta and tha nub.
lie generally, that, having dissolved partnership
with Dr. Shaw, ha is bow doing tha entire work
of bis office himself, so that patients need not fear
being put nuder the hands of anv other operator.
Clearfield, March 20, 1871-pd20mcb71
J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S.,
Omoe over Irwin's Drug 8lort,
All dental cptrationt. either In the
or operative branch, promptly attended to aad
satisfaction guaranteed, ftpeciel attention paid
te tbt treatment of di. caret or tbt natural leech,
gams and mouth. IrroeularitT of tba teork aa.
caasfuily corrected. Teeth extracted without aaia
by tha use of Kther, aad artificial teeth Insert
of tbe best material and warranted te reader ee.
(election. anriUft l,I
in biRARD Township.
The undortixnod offers for e.l. th f.-m m.
which ha now resides, situate in ir.n.KU
Clearfield oounty, l'a formerly owned by Justin
J. Pia. Tba farm contaias 12 acres, and is vary
desirably located. The buildings are all new, aud
eontist of a large frame bouse, bavin good cellar
anarrneain, aaa good water ooaveaienti large
frame barn, blaoksmith shop, wagon shed, spring
house. Ar. The building! on this farm are as'
good, If not better, than on any farm In Clearfield:
county. The land is of superior quality and ia a
good state of cultivation. . , , , ..
I'oeseesioB will bt given ia the carina, er at
any time most eonrtnient to tbe purcbatcr. The.
tarmt will be reasonable. Persons detiroal ot
purchasing can address the subscriber at Lcoonte'a.
Mills I'. !., Clearfield county, Pa, er apply in.
person oa tht premlsts.
Any persons wanting any Information In rertrdj
to tha quality of tha land, tbe kind of bulldlege.
thereon, Ac, Ac, can get the Information by call
ing an Sharif Pit, ia Clearfield, aa he owned the
farm for a lumber of veart. and of course known
ell about It. WENDELL ENDRRS,
Iconta't Mille, Clearfield Co., Pa.
January II, 1874.
is hereby s-iven that letters of adminittratioa
on the estate of ROBERT C. PATTKRAON, dec'd
late of Jordan township, Clearfield enuniv, Pa.,
having been duly granted to tht ondenhxned, all
persons indebted to sH estate will please make
payment, and tnose naving oiaimt or oeuiauas
will preeent them properly a-lthcutlcated for tat. DAVID ERHARD,
New Millport, March 1J, l74..t
JOSEPH II. DKRRING. ea Marhat atreet, la
Sbew'i Row, Clearfield, Pa., hatjuit received
Ine lot of t rench Call Skins aad kips, tae
best In ths market, end is now prepared toman-
afeoture everything ia kit Hat. lit will war
real hit work te be at represented .
Tbe cltltcnt or Cleerleld aad eteitiiy are
reirectfully Invited to girt him a tell.
wora done at sbort notice. file Jay
t Uka tblt method of Informing the pebllo tbat
I have purchased the Cadwallader Grist M ill, hsd
it thoroughly repaired, and am bow ready to
grind any kind of grain on abort not lot, ia the
beat manner. A share of your palreaage it 10
Holted. Toare Respeotfully, .
G. g. TLafiAl
Giiaaat W. Fiaeak, Miller.
PhlHptber-, Pt,, Dei, IMi,