GEORGE li. GOODLANDEIl, inrron and I'lioi niKTon. CLBAKF1ELD, Ta. WEDNESDAY MOKNINfl, APBIt l W. LI- . 1 OFFICE REMOVED. Tho offlco of tlio Clearfield Kei'UB mcah will bcrcufior Lo in I'io's Opora ' House, on Market street, between Sec ond and Third. Tlio business offlco will be found to the left of tlio main entrance, on the Bocond floor, wlioro nil our old and new patrons are invited to call. Tho press and composing rooms are on tho third floor. A tcrriblo flood hag prevailed in the Mississippi rivor,tho past week. That tst renin, from the mouth of tho Ohio to tho sea, averaged 0 miles wido. ' ' A joint resolution has passed tho Legislature authorizing tho Governor to appoint three Commissioners to investigate tho condition of tho bitu minous coal mines in this Common wealth. Throo more ontlomcn pro vided with soft places at tho cxpenso of the labor of tho country. Waking up. Thcnpparont squoam ishncss of Congress, oor tho Cen tennial business lias fired up tho pat riotism of rbiladclpbinris. The coun cils of thut city have voted lion of dollurs out of the city Treasury, and nearly as much moro has been subscribed by individuals, within the past ton days, toward erecting the necessary buildings lor tho Exhibition. Lieutenant Governor. The voters of this Commonwealth will, next No vember, vote for the first time for this officer. He is lo be sworn into odieo on the third Tuesday in January after his election, and hold his office for four years. .Ho will bo the presiding officer in the Senate, and is to have a salary of $3,000 por annum. m A Tbue Index. To show what Radical reconstruction is doing for South Carolina, -we need but refer to the fact that tho "Mills House" hotel, in Charleston, which was built bofore tho war, and cost 8200,000 in gold, was sold on tho 2d of April for ?27, 000. It is ono of tho finest hotels in tho United States, but reconstuction Las depreciated its value wonderfully. Good Atvice. The New York Ra tion, an excessively loyal journal dur ing and since tbo war, wants Gen. Grant to rid himself of his "wicked 'partners." This is good advice, but rather sweeping in its demands. Should "the government" act opon tho suggestion of I ho journal in ques tion, it would send all tbo leaders of tho Radical party adrift, and conse quently broak it up. A Dead Lock. Tho MaEsachusetts Legislature has been trying for three weeks past to cloct a Senator to fill tho vacancy cau?od by tho death of Sumnor. Tho Democrats, about 75, volo for Judgo Curtis; tho refined and educated .Radicals, about 80, vole for Judgo Hoar; and the Houghs, headed by Bon Butler; from 83 to 90, vote for Congressman Dawes, while General Banks, Mr. Adams and several other candidates receive from, ono to ten votos each. An exchange states that "Vice-President Wilson leaves Washington for his homo in Massachusetts a few days hence. After spending some time there he intends going to the Hot Springs, Arkansas." This govern ment official is compelled to do a good doal of tramping lo get the Credit Hobilicr fraud out of his stomach. "Smilor" Colfux, is tho only great criminal who "takes tho world easy." m At "Work Again. The Legislature having adjourned over from the 27th Of March to tho 7tb of April, fur rcsl and recreation, is at work onco more. Tho safary of tho members seems to bo tho most interesting, although up to tho proscot tbo most trouhlesomo, question thut lias been before that body this winter. AVo liavo no doubt that an attempt will ho mado to draw tlio $1,000 salary and call tho past sitting a session, and then chargo $10 per day for the balance of tho session., In for Business. An exchange ro marks I "It is proposed now to coin silvor twonly cent pieces. A bill pro viding for this has been favorably re ported from the Scnalo Finance Com mittee." This new govornmont on torprir,o is scarcely necessary. Why ongage in tho 20 cent business when Wo liavo not silver enough to make a few 5 and 10 cent bits. This ecliemo is on a par with tho government at tempt of resuming spocie paymont by paying out $3, at ono sweep, lo each cmplojo. Tho Philadelphia Press says: "Com missioncr Douglass, of tho Internal Jlovonue Bureau, testifies thot he bo Jiovcs all tho moneys collected by San born and his agents could l.avo been collceted by tho regularly appointed and salaried internal rovenue officers without expense to the Government. This doos not improvo the comploxion of tho Sanborn business" This is cer tainly rough on the govornmont and Ben Butler, who have brod and now together defend the worst band of I'ublio robbers that ovei dingractd Tuui ah I'ueacujnu. Civil war al most exists in Pittsburg and through out Allegheny county on aocount of tho recont assessment made by tho Assessors in that county, which has bcroloforo boon assessed bo misera bly low that tho County Commission ers were compelled to lay 10 mills for county purposes, although tho richest county in the Stato. Tho Pittsburg Leader, in refcring to tho now assess ment, remarks : "Assessment is not taxation, but only tho basis for it. Give us fair and honest assessment of property without fear or favor, and it will bo time to object when more rnillago is put upon tho pooplo than is necessary for the county expenses. If the taxation levied on tho now assess ments be exorbitant, we will join in denouncing it, but to denounco tho at tempt to muko honest assessments be cause the taxes may bo raised on thorn, is puerile." It Is seldom thai wo find upon this Bubject so much law and common senso in tho samo num ber of lines. A Riout About Face. Tho tax payers of South Carolina having been robbed of nearly all they poseosscd by tlio black and white froo-boolors who have ruled in that State for tho past ten years, bnvo mado an appeal to the President for relief, through a delega tion of property ownors, who repaired to the White House- on Fridoy lust and laid their grievances beforo "tho govornmont." The President respond ed that ho was glad to meet the dolo- rgates and very sincerely deplored the alleged grievances with which they, in common with tho taxpaying com munity of the Stnto, wero afllictod. IIo did not, however, bco wherein Ihe cxecutivo or legislative branch of tho government could interfcro with State affairs. This is decidedly cool, whon we lake the conduct of Grant in the Louisiana caso into consideration, where ho removed the Governor and Legislature elect, and pluccd a lot of scalawnss in power through a mili tary order. Wo should say, after this last act, that the Presidential compaBs is pretty well boscd. The Senate Disgusted. A Wash ington despatch to the Boston Globe, speaking of Chaplain Sunderland's prayer over Mr. Sumner, says: "By special request of tho Committee of Arrangements, it was agreed that no publio address or sermon should bo pronounoed at tho exercises. As shown above, howevor, tho chaplain of the Senate took occassion to offer a prayer, after tho reading of the Scrip turcs, wherein ho injected not only a sermon, but a stump speech. It waff the general opinion that tho chaplain not only transgressed the bounds of propriety, but inflicted alike upon dead and living a discourse from which there was no escape. His prayer continued for nt least half an hour, to tbo utter disgust of tho cntiro audi ence, itio popular verdict was that tho Senate should at oneo soled a new chnplain. Not only was tho length of the prayer entirely out of place, but tbo tone in which it was dolivorcd was as affected as if it had proceeded from a common actor on Ihe stage." Gen. Hawley on Butler. One of the sovcresl paragraphs uttered by the press on Butler is tho following by General Ilawley's paper, the Hartford Courant : . "Tho Washington corros pondonteannounce lhatGenoral Butler will bo among the eulogists of Mr. Sumner when his death is announced in tho Houso. If thocsscx statesman had nny rogard for the fitness of things or of tho wishesof tho American pooplo, he would hold his tongue on this occa sion; but it offers him anothor oppor tunity to keep himself before tho public, and for this purpose he will speak hollow words of eulogy for one who, in tho purity jf his public and private lifo, was his anlipodo, and whoso virtues must scorn to bim incom prehensible - He will pruiso tho doad Charles Sumner, whom Iivinghohated. Ho will mount tbo coffin in ordor that the public may see B. F. Butler. It is as if a charlatan should cover Sumner's gravo with posters of his quack medicines. Senrirle Views. John B. Gougb, tho celebrated tempcranco orator, is not pleased with tho woman crusado on tho saloons. Jie says: "1 would be unwilling to sco my wife or my nioces going ubout among tho saloons, praying, and singing hymns. I think tho movement would help tho woman suffrage cause very ranch, and I have always had a sort of dislike to tho wo man sntlrago business, ihe luoa oi a band of ladies going through the slrcots singing hymns and praying, is repugnant to mo. Jt is tho tiuly oi policomcn to clear away a crowd of men obstructing tho pavement, nna J think that women come under tho samo restrictions. A "Loyal" Judge. Judgo Duroll's orders in bankruptcy proceedings in Louisiana have boon unoarthed. They are models of judiciul logerdomain. By a sorics of ukases ho conslilu'.od ono fortnnalo gentleman universal assigneo of bankrupt estates, gavo bim full swing in tho matter of fees, fixed thoso who remonstrated against high charges so that each man was fined fifty dollars foracomplaint, and finally, liod np tho whole business in tho hands of ono or two men. The ostato that onCo cot into tho hands of ihcso jugglors was squeezed as dry as on orungo. Something licsiuos inuuslruvl prostration ails Louisiana. Down, Down. The Chicago Tribune says: Wo advanced tho opinion, a day or two since that it probably would not nt present bo prudent for skilled or unskilled laborers to immi grate to this country. A proof of this is found in tho fuel that first clans car penters in this city, who wero employ ed a year ago at 83 por day, are now glad to get tl.fiO. So great has been tho decline In the cost of labor that tho Board of Kduoation has just let for 88,200 a contract for building a school ho u ro after tho model of ono built last year for $",000. Matthias i Koss, proprietor of the Whistle.'' in Philadeli.hla. "Pig and who was sentoncod ono venr turn to undergo imprisonment fur two years and six months in the penitoniury for keeping a camblinir houso. has Limn pardoned by tho governor. He ts relcased 00 Sunday. letter from llarrluburg. Hauuisuuru, April 7th, 1874. Mr. Editor : The following, writ ton to a country paper, by a goutlo man of somo exporionoo in Stato af fairs, who had visitod Harrisburg, un dor both the old and the new Consti tution, is as good evideuco of the salu tary boifffit tho new Constitution has conferred upon tho work of legislation horo, whon it prohibits tho assistance of a lobby, and tho introduction of special legislation lor the benefit ul tlio low and tho injury of tho many, as bus over met my eye. Aflor de scribing our cily, speaking of our now water works, the valuable- and per fect machinery turned out by our largo manufacturing establishments, iio., tho writer says : "Although our business was nut 'on the Hill' or in tho hotels, whoro legislative wisdom and lubby impudonco wero wont to congregate, wo could not fail to bo im pressed with tho mnrkod contrast bo tweon Harrisburg under the new and tho old Constitution. Tho faces so familiar around tlio 'Lochiol' in tho prosperous days of the lobby wore not to bo soon at the dinnor hour. They were also invisible on Ihe floor and in the lobbies of tho Senate and Houso. In lh former we were ono of tho only two oulsidors prosnnt, and a prominent Senator assurod us that what wo saw was a fair average of the prcsont session. Tbo consequonce is that tho Senuto is rising to tho dig nity of a deliberative body, and wo have no doubt that by tho lime the machinery of tho now Constitution is fully in operation tbo improvement in tho House will bo no less marked. It certainly will bo if tho peoplo at tho next election of Representatives take as much interest in ulocting good mon as they did in changing their funda mental law. Tho old ring-masters still show their hands and their power in shaping legislation to suit thoir high prcssuro parly purposes, regardless in many instances of tho wishes and in terests of the masses, and this evil will not be curod until the pooplo elocl new men of a more patriotio and con sequently less selfish nuluro men who aspiro lo be statesmen rather than politicians." Following is the text of the bill be fore tho Legislature to secure tho at tendance of children nt school. Section 1. Every parent, guardian or other person having control of any child between tho ages of eight and fourteen years residing in any school district in which a school Is taught for three months, or moro, annually, with in ono milo by tho nearest traveled road of tho rcsidonco of such child, shall instruct or cause such child to bo instructed in reading, writing, ge ography, and arithmetic, and every person having control of such child shall causo such child to attend somo school at least twelve weeks in each year, eight weeks of which shall be consecutive, or shall causo such child to bo instructed at home or elsewhere Al least twolvo weeks in each year in tho branches abovo nnmod, unless the physical .or mental condition of the child Is snch as to render such attend: ance unfit or impracticable, or unless the child shall bo reasonably proficient in said branches. Sec. 2. It shall bo the duty of the school directors or controllers hav ing control of any school to prose cute for all violations of section one of this act in their district, and any ono who shall violnlo said section one shall be punished by a fino of not loss than fifty cents and not moro than five dollars, payable into tho school treas ury of tho dislrict in which he rcsidos, for every weok, not exceeding twelve woeks, in any ono year during which he shall have failed to comply with the provition of said section ; Baid fino, when recovered, to bo paid into tho school treasury of tho district whoro tho penally or fine was first incurred. Si:o. 3. The school directors or con trollers having control of nny school wbero a written notice hns been sorved by any taxpayer upon nny two or more ot them stating ly whom, wbcre and how any snch penalty has boon in currcd. who shall ncvloct for ton days after tho service of such notico upon thorn to institute a suit for the recovery thoreof, unloss snch ponalty shnll sooner be paid without suit, or unless upon investigation during that time they shall be satisfied that no penally has actually been incurred, shall forfeit and pny the sum not less than five dollars nor moro than nllcen dollars for each neglect, to be recov ered as may herealier bo providod in any court of competent jurisdiction ; such penalty when recovcrod to be paid to tho school treasurer for the uso of tho dislrict in which the ponalty was incurred. Sr.o. 1. It shall bethodutyof tlio col lector or directors having tho chargo of any school, upon application, to furnish any child between iho ages of eight and lourtecn years ot ago resid ing in Iheirdistrict with the nocossary hooks when it shall appear that the pnrcnt or other person having control ot said child is in indigent oircumstnn ces and is desirous of sending such child to school, and bucIi books shall bo paid for from tho treasury of tho school district by orders drawn there upon by tho proper officers. Sec. 5. The diroclors or controllers hnving chargo of any publio school shall render anuully a report lo the county superintendent, showing the number and result ol prosecutions un der this act, the number of children, if any. between tho ages of eight and fourteen years of ago who have not attended any school or who havo not been mslructod in accordance with section one. Sec 6. All suits under this act shall be an action of dobt in the name of tho peoplo of the Stato of Pennsylvania and for tho use of tho district whore the ofTonno shall have been oommillod. Tho opinions of newspapor mon are decidedly hostile to this bill wborover it has been tho subject of notice in thoir columns. Thoy mostly claim that tho timo has not yet arrived in the history when mon, paionls, shall bo dictated to by a Stale Legislature in regard to the schooling of their children. Prof, llorno, of tho K up town normal school, disapproves of Iho bill, and says as follows: "Tho compulsory altoudunce bill institutes a system of polico cspionago and burthening of conscience, which even the most unlimited monarchy would not daro attempt lo carry into execu tion a bill which, in its proposed shape, will prove a doad loiter, inas much as a fine of $00 imposed, as tho bill contemplates, upon poor parents for failure of sending their children to school twolve wocks in a year, cnnnol bo collected, in nine cases out of ton, from the persons whom the luw pro poses to reach a bill which holds out inducements and temptations to dis honesty and provarications, and it is Ibo first stop In a froe country like ours to force men to education, moral aod rsbgious, in oppositioq lo consci onltous convictions and freo will, un initiatory to a union of Church and State, from which "proservo us gra cious Lord and God. Messrs. Urvls and -Reynolds, who mnko a minority roport in the Cnss villo slandor, recommend, "that tho proprietorship and control of the Sol diers Orphans Schools should be trans ferred lo the Stato and Stato authori ties. That tho girls hud boys bo edu cated and maintained in sclioolsscpa- rately sot apart for each other. The separation of tho sexes at the age nt which scholars aro rccoived and cared for in tho Orphans Schools Is a measure of reform which wo boliovo will com mend itself to tho gonoral judgment without argument. Iho unlortunato scandal at Cassvillo, only enforces the propriety ol a change in this rospoct without originating tho reason for It." I lio purchaso of thoso orphan school buildings by tho Stato can't bo objected lo on Iho score of economy, nono of the proprietors ot thoso schools are generous enough to furnish tho build ing gratis nocossary for their business, although owned by Ilium, tho build ings are nono tho loss a part of the Mate charily, and some of the proprie tors have managed to sccuro snug for tunes out of the difference which tho State pays and the poor orphan cols. It is true that beforo many years thnro will bo no orphans of soldiers of such lender years as to require Stato aid, but tho time is yot long enough t warrant the stoppago of tbo present vicious system ot (arming out children to anybody, lours truly, E. L. R. .,.. Rests from His Labors. Rev. Thcopliilui Slork, D. D , an eminnnt Lutheran divine, died in Philadelphia on Saturday a week, aged about- 00 years. .Tho Press says : - Ho was a native ol North Carolina, but camo north early in lifo, and was for many years pastor ol tho churches ol M. Matthew and St. Maik.rin this citv. lie was subsequently chosen prcsidont ot cowberry tollego, in Houlli Caro lina, but on tho oulbroak of tho rebel lion he came North, and becamo pastor r,f yt tti.i,. i'k.i. : u..i.' He remained in Baltimore about six years, being during half that period editor of tho Lutheran Observer. In I8li8 Dr. Stork again came to Phila delphia, and assumod tho pastorate of ibt. Andrew s church, winch he held until about two years since, when he was compelled by ill health to resign the charge. At tho time of bis death be was editor of tho Lutheran Home Monthly. Gold Toom picks ron Senators. Quito a spicy little debato, full of indignation against what Senators flippantly characterised as"newspapcr chargos, took placo in the Senate on un editorial of ihe Boston Advertiser alleging that gold toothpicks, car tickets, sponge, Ac , had been pur chased al tho publio expense for Senators and Representatives. The officiul facts do not make tho applica tion qnito so personal as alleged, bul they do show that a gold toothpick and car-tickets and funcy articles have been purchased for tho uso of tho American Senate, as a roference to the report of its own Secretary will show. Overboard. Col. Robert Harlan, colored, of Cincinnati, has been Special Mail Agent for some time, but his official hend has been remcved to give place to Mr. G. W. C. Johnston, of Lobunon,Ohio, who married a niece of Mrs. President Grant. N o have long felt that Grant has been neglecting his relations, and we are glad to soo bim going back to the good old prac tice of putting them in offices as fust as they are discovered. But who will care for Harlan now f Capitol Arabs. An exchange says: Ilarritburg hotels, Ac., are dull placos this winter. Tho flashy jeweled Ira ternity no longer hover around the pluces wbero Senators and Represen tatives aro wont to gather between sessions. The new Constitution did tho business, and tho Arabs of the Capitol havo "folded their touts and silently stolen away." And their banishment will save moro to the pooplo of the Stato in two years than tho entire cost of the instrument which drovo thorn from the cupitul. Tho Now York Sun makes this caustio hit at Iho cily of "hrothorly lovp :" It is a curious fuct that there is now among the statutes of Pennsyl vania a law prohibiting non-residents from selling goods by sample, card, or otherwise in tlio city of Philadel phia under a ponalty of $300 fine, one iiulf of which goes lo tlio informor. A license for a non-rosident to sell goods costs 1300. Of courso this statute will havo to bo ropenlod beforo the Centennial. All liicn Now. An exchangs says: The passage, of Mr. Morrimon's amend ment, which provides for tho Issuing of $10,000,000 moro currency, Is re garded as a setllomonl of tbo currency fight in Congress for the present ses sion. If this increase of currency doos not make everybody happy and and suddonly rich it will bo easy to inflate to the extent of a hundred mil lions, or two or three times that much, il nooa bo, at tho next Bosion. ' Tho California Loirislalurn in inn o sidoring a bill to licinso gambling. It coniompiuics a graduated scale, based on Ihe business alono, ranging from $2,000 in San Francisco to SlTiO in Sue. mm on to, and $100 in smaller places. me argument in us lavor is that gambling cannot bo suppressed, and thai il can bosl bo kont undor control by lioensing and severe punishment ol rauu. The largest Baptist church in the world, wo eupposo, is Mr. Kpurgoon's, which returns a membership of 4,306. Tho second lariroel cliuroh is said In l the First African, in .Richmond, Vo., and too third Is, curiously enough, in India. It would seem that sovon yeurs ago last Soptambor there wero bul two nalive christians in the citv of Onirnln. India; to-duy tbe church numbers 2,857 momuors. A colored debating club at South Hond, Ind., at thoir last mooting do bated the question, "Who'dono the most to libeiole tho slaves. Abraham Lihooln or Jeff Daviaf" The Confod. orale I'rcaidont was awarded the palm, ins pariisans arguing lunt, it it liaon t boon Tor Jeff Davis, Mr. I.incol.i couldn't have issued any emancipation pruuiBiiiHuun hi. uu. Heavy DrrAUirrn. Knvnrul mnnil,. ago pension agent II. C. Bonnott, of oun rranciBoo, uisappenroa myslon OUslv. 1 1 Was then sLntnd tlmt !.! accounts with the lovernnw ntwnrn all riL'lit. but further invrsLiuuiinii Hi..! closes a defalcation to a large amount. ,1 tVood index. Somebody hns furnished the editor of Iho Look Haven Democrat with a copy of tho New England Journal. published in Boston, datod April 8th, 1720. Ihe following advertisements show pretty conclusively ono branch of businots that was foliowod by the ancestors of Charles Sumnor and Bou Butler; " M-A vary llkoljr Negro Woman, who can do houiehuld wurk, and u fit for .itber town orooun try ecrvloe, (bout 71 yean of , I it uU, in qulro of Ibe printer boraof." Aln i 0A mi likely Nisro Girl. W 13 ur 14 Tun of R, ieki (noil Kniliib, liu bnn In lh oouutrj tome youra, lo 6 told, inquire oi ino printer ncreoi. - The editor of ihe Democrats remarks: "With what holy horror the canting uauioais oi tlio not-bea oi "isms 'and their fullowors elsowhoro. behold thoso ugly skeletons of tho past taken out ol their closets r 1 ho prcsont iron or ation are apt to think these hypocriti cal freedom shriekors woro lirnorsnl of tho business of negro selling, while, in fuct, thoir nncostors wore full of il, ana mado all out ot it llicy could. They got rid of their negroes by sell ing them. Thoso advertisements re call tbo story of the puffed up aristo crat, who in his ignorance and vanity wanted to prove himself hotter than his superiors, and prop his pomposity anu, Dy tracing his origin irom uiooucu siock. a couple ot (ton orations brought his historian to the painful spectacle of a urandnarcnt on rii lug a inrgo crowd and satislying ononucu justice "sianuing on nothing sireicuirg dump r Americans who pat' a thousand dol a rs ahead fur about twenty thousand useless soldiers may envy tho fortune of Sir Garnet Wolseloy. who has hired all the soldiers ho wants from the two African kings at fifty dollars per thou- sonu. Mrs. Ada M. Noycs, a woll known actress of Charleston, S. C, died in Now York yosterday of hydrophobia, caused by tlio bile of a tavorito dog. Her maiden name was Ada Claro.. There are said to bo two or three thousand outlaws in tho mountains of California, who live by robbery and violonco. They are quite secure from arrest in thoir mountain fastness. TO THE PUBLIC. IUring jatt optoed anw iturt la Philipil.nrjf at the ftftbd formerly oecupird by Wifthimaft'i grocery Dit door lo Grant 11ouh, Front atrett, w uk an xain. cation of th itock of iiiy ;oois, Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing Goods, TRIMMINGS, CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, TilVrK89 c9 AH new and wently porobaitd. IntenJiojf to rtmtin in rhilipiburff and titblii b our buaiucsi. wt iball otak it a point lo sell at T1IK LOWEST PUICI.3, Confident tlio public will feel diipoted to fire ni a ibare of their patronage, and making it oar aim to render oomplate latiafaotion in every purlieu Ur, especially in tlit one juat named of disposing of our good i cfarap, ALL GOODS WARRANTED aa represented. To the ladies we would especial ly mention our line of RIBBONS. LACES, FANCY GOODS, GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, el. pM" Don't forget the plane, next door to tbt Grant House. Front strett, Pbilipsburg, Pa. STROUSK. LEHMAN k CO. Philiptburg, Pa.. April 8, 1HM.-31 Notice lo Taxpayers I IN accordance with aa Aot of the General As sembly of this Commonwealth, approved the 2ii day of March, A. D. 1H7P, and the eunple mrnt approved the 8 J day of April, A. I. 17S, "relating to the collection of taxes in the eouoty of Clearbcld," notice is therefore hereby given to the tax pavers reaiding in the district below Darned, that tho County Treasurer, in accordance with the second section of said Act, will attend at the plares of holding the borough and town ship elections on the follow ing named days, for tbe purpose of weiring the County aod tiiate taxes aaaesaed for the year 1374 : For Clearfield and Lawrence township, Friday and 6aturdayt May lit and 2d. For K art bans,' T-jeeday, May 5th. For Covington, Wednesday, May 6th. Por Irani, Thursday, May 7th. For ttoflhen, Pri.ay. May Hth. For Bradford, Harurday, May 9th. For Jrahatn, Monday, May 1Mb. For Morris, Tuesday, May U'tb. For Decatur, Wednesday. May 13th. For Otoeula, Thursday, May 14th. For lloutidaie, Friday, May )6tb. For Hoggs, Haturdny, May I0tb. For Huatou, Tuesday, May I9th. For lrnionf Wednesday, May 20ta. For Brady, Thursday, Mav Slat, at Rambarger. " 11 Friday. Mut 22d. at Troutrille. u Saturday. May 2Xd, at Lutbersbarg. For Ctirwens villa, Monday. May Kiln. For Pike, Tuesday, May i'Uh. For Bloom, Wednesdsy. May 27th. For Peon, Thursday, May 2Htb. For Lumber City, Friday, Muy 29th. For Ferguson, Saturday, May 30th. Upon all taxes paid to the Treasurer (We will be a reduction of Aw per ea(., while five ner cent, will be added after r fir day cfjmly next, to an nnpaia taxes, making a dinreooe ot TK.i per cent to prompt taxpayers. Parties ean, from the 1st of May, pay their taxes at the Treasurer's office. The balance of the districts will be visit ed after June Court. DAVID W.WISE, Treasurer Treasurer's Office, Clearfield. Pa., April fl, lR74-4t J (1A1TION. All person! ar. hereby Botiflfrd 1 not to mt J 'IIo ih the followloi n.noD.I property, in One lorrol to are, I bijmui, 1 hay nnrnn, i Drown Horn., I two-borp. wagon .nd . lot of r.ot hook, and e-rah,. in tti. nouenion of lamei a. nari.y, ai tn. .am. na. oeen parcnaeea nj m. and lift with laid Jam. A. llarley, on loan, .uhjeet to my order. epr-t- , 11. T. IIAKLKY, JR.. TOHT A promlnory not., dated lomfnber 1 lOlh. 1873. nevanle at tho Connie National Hank, Clearfield, for tilQ, liiram Woodward drawer, and payable t. the order of Lyon A ilro. All penonl ar. hereby eautionad not to negotiat. or purohaeo th. laid not., al parmmt of th. iam. hai born itupped. LYON A 1IKO. l'enaeld, April 8, lS74. lt CLKAKFIKO I'ARK ASSOCU TION. Notion to Brod hoi. iirai. Th. Clearfleld Park Association i. in debt to th. amount of abont $7. 000. and nnleu th. .lock- holderioome forward promptly and inoreaae lubeeriptloni to th. itook Ih. prop.rty will prob ably be auld and therefore loit to th. Anocialion. Dy order of tb. Kxeentir. Committoe. aprS K. A. BIHI.EK, Seo'y. FIRST CLASS BAKERY! SOTICE TO RAFTMEN. The mbiorib.r hai fitted up a DriUclaii Bakery, and wtih.. to inform raflmrn that he will inppiy them with BREAD, PIES, CAKES, Ac, on reaaonablc terma. Bakery eait end of briJga, near th. "Lick," Clearfield, l'a. marl8 Sot JOHN CUTLER. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Tht omlvrilgnfrtl olTart for miff ft Tlg bla town propurty, la ths tforonjrh of Cleftrfield. Lot 60x172, itt.tfl on Pino ttraot, with good tw-tory plunk Houm therwm rwtod, iloutt ft n tubed eompl. flood eollftr ind good wttr. Prleo reaioniiblo and pjrmnti fy. For far thr pftrtteuUri of Ibo uhtoribar. Poi oofiion flvcn on short bo t loo oft or tale. 1. O. DAROBtl, CloftrtUM. Month 2&, W4. AIMINITRATOH'fl NOT1C 13. Notl to horebr siren thnllHtflranf odminifltrollon on tbo aUto of JOSKPII KMKf, lo or Cor ing Uto townnhtp, ClMrtleld oonntj, !',, dtonAod, hovinic bwn doly grmotwd to tho nndersiftiod, oil orponi Indobtod lo loid oitftto will pi mm nolo LmmHtH- normool. ond thoio boring cloiini or demoniU will proarnt them proporl ftulhcntioattd lor Millomcnt without Urlti. J. J. PIK, Clfirfttl Uor. J5. t idviniitrolof. , UONSIDE3 STORE. G. S. FLEGAL, DEALER IN HARDWARE, STOVES, HEATEKS, HANOES,- 1J0M.0WWAKK, . FAINTS. OILS & VARNISH, FUTTY 4 GLASS, ROPES, STEP-LADDERS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE Th. eeltbrat.d Toledo Anti-Freeiing Oalranlud IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. Na belter Pump, la th. market. LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, LAMP FLUES, of all kind., LAMP H J TIRES, A.. All at prloei. 1-1474 Preaquelalc Street, Phlllpiburp, Pa. lUisrfUaucous. K JEW ADVERTISEMENT I 6PECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! T. A. FLECK & CO. won 14 fiqnunr tbfct tbcjr ar now ontnloff for tbt Fill ba th noit ttrttiv anil oomplett noes oi Millinery and Fancy Goods v.r before offered in ClearRtld. In our Fancy uoodi iieparineni w. ar. on.nag lair lloea or lloaiery. Woolen Cuoda, Cloves, Hoop Bklrta, Tie., Cornets, Laces, Hair Good., Ribbon., Canrai. Pattern!, Dreas Trlmminfra, Woratcxla, eVc all of which w. an offering at attractir. pried MTT.T.TTTSBT DEPAETHEITT, W. are now oprnine the ityle. and aoe.1- tirl for th. y.U Seaion. BONNETS, UATS, . FEATHERS, CLIMES, VELVET RIBBONS, TIPS, ORNAMENTS, FLOWERS, Acr OUE TRIMMING DEPARTMENT il la charg. of a Brit-clai. Trimmer from tb. cily. W. .olielt an tmpeotion of our ityle. by th. lani.i ot and vicinity. Store room th. .am. a. now occupied by Win. Reed, on Market .trcet. T. A. FLECK, noeVTX A. M. HILLS. Clearfield Nursery. EXCOtJRAGE HOME INDUSTRY. THE andarilnned, haelng aiubllih.d a Nui lory on the Tiki, about halfway betw..a Clearteld and Curwenirllle, Il prepared to fur nish allkiadi of FRUIT TKEKS.ritandardand dwarf,) Erergr..n, ebrnbbery, Orap. Vine, Sooieb.rri.i, Laatoa Blackberry, Strawberry, aad Raibarry Vinei. Alio, Siberian OrabTreee, Quince, and lirly icirlet Rhubarb, Ac. Order, promptly atund.d to. Addr..., 4 . V. WK1UMT. aaplO.of-y Carw.nivllle, Pa . MISS H, S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. THE WINTER AND EPR1NQ TERMS will cloio May 3'Jlb, 1HT4. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Writing, Oliject Lei. ion i, Primary Arithmetic and Primaiy Oeography )7 0 Hi.tory, Looal aud deaoripttr. Ueograpliy with Map Drawing, Urammar, Moetal and Written Arithmetic 9 AO Algebra and th. Hoienoea 11 00 10 00 Oil painting, 1 l.uon II 00 Wai work I 00 For full particular, lend for Clroular. Clearfield, March 11, 1074. O.TitO j QLEARFIELD ACADEMY. MALE DEPARTMENT. THE BUMMER TERM of fourteen week I will ootemeroe, MONDAY, MA V 11th, 1874. Tnraa of Tuition. Reading, Writing, Mental and Written Arithmetic, U ram mar, UKgr.phy and Hi.tory 00 Natural I'hilo.nphr, Phyiiolugy, aid B'.n gl. Entry Book keeping, or .llher, with th. anon. ' ; II 00 For Inilrnetloni in Doubt. Entry Book keeping and (.'ommerei.l Arithmetic, pe. eial t.rm. to h. arranged. For particular, rriprcting th. echnol apply to .flr';it( H. M. MoKN41.l v. gru 000(1, Cwrrtfj, (tit. i. r. WIAVSB.,. ,.W. W, SITTfl WEAVER & BETTIH CLKARF1ELD,TA., An offering, at th. old itand of 0. L. Rred k Co., thuir .took of goods, eon.liting of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS I 6IIOES, ' HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUEBN'SWARE, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c, &o. At tho moat roaionablo ratal for CASH or In oxchango for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. wT'Adranoai mad. to tboeo engaged In get ting out iquar. timber on tho moit adrantageou. terma.- pdtljan73 BISEL'S BEE HIVE NTOItll LOCK HAVEN, PENN'A. Having added fifty fe.t to our already eapa- eloui 8ton Room, aad with an enlarged itock of r.rylhiug lo th. lin. of DIIY GOODS, wo invito tbo pooplo of Cloorfiold oonoty to coll ond Inipoot tho onto. Our goodi woro bought nt tbo low prtooi during tho Uto ponie. ond wo oro now prepored to otter imJocomcnti inch ai woro novor boforo olfe red in Lock Ilitren. Buero will find It greatly to their odraoUge to call on m boforo makiDg Lhoir purcbaioi. J. J. EVERETT A CO., Prop'ra. Lock IUrtn, Fb. II. 1874. -Sm GllOCERIES! NEW STORE, Oppoitto Po.t OflSc New Goods! New Prices I CHOICE LINE OF THAU. OOL0NOS, . JAPANS, IMPORTED, TOUNQ UTSON. ENULI8U BREAKFAST Parent la Market. BUTTER AND EGG Will h. kept and .old at firll out. Caih paid r Country Produce for GERMAN CHERRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, rillLADELrniA HAMS FISH. Mackerel, Lak. Il.rrlng, Cod, A.. riCKLK. Darnl Ploklel aad Engllih Pickle.. FLOUR AND FECI). Flour, Cam Meal, Oat Meal, . feblitd LTTLE A MITCHELL. KRATZER & LYTLE, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIE1D, PA. Dealtn In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, OBOCERIE8, Hardware and Queknsware, Boot", Shoos, Huts, Caps, io. -Shoemak.n lurnlied with LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS at reducd rattt. BAIT I SALT! SALT! at whol.ial. and retail T.ry cheap. PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTER. Ac A liberal dlioonal to bulld.ra. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW BUADES. OIL CLOTIIS-In largo qtiantitl... FISU, FLOUR, BACON, CORN MEAL and CUOP, alwayi on band, -All of the above good an Burahaaad eioluilvely for oaih, and th.rcfor. ean and will oo aoio ai cn.ap ai ia. cniap.iu aprlll-74 KRATZER & LYTLE Turpentine,) r Nell., f emu, WILL BKLL TOU i fllaw. OH. J I Putty, French, Richards & Co.'s Buck Lead AN Calcined Plaster VERY CUBAP. laimenw (lock el hand. n.erlleld, Pa, April l( lM, la gnv Q&vtttlstmmt. VfOTICK. Penonl indebted to th. nbacrib r for Mrvicr. rendered while acting a. BherilTor Clearfleld oounly, an requeued to call at uiy office, in Pie'. Opera llouie, and mako payment. In my ahienc. from th. otic, Mr. A. U. Kramer will have eharg. uf my book, and li autboriicd to receipt for me. Potioni knowing IhcinMlee. Indebted, by making prompt will gr.aUy oblige. J. J, apnl 1 2m "VfOTIt li I. hereby given that wa hate loaned ll to tiylreater Hunt, of Pennfield, lluiton towmhip, ou. black bone, on. black mare, ono double aet of tug karneiand two, lultjeet to our onlen. C. II. COKVtl.L A CO. Ponnfirld, March 10, 1874-ll Al lll lOH'a NO! It li In the Orphani' Court of Cleirfleld oounly, Pa. Iu tbe mat ter uf the ciuie of Joab Rider, lot. of Oirard toworhip, il'M-aN tl. Tbe uiidmignrd A'Klllor, appointed by laid Court, to diilnbute the balance ia th. handi of the Adinliiiitnitiui i.f Ihe e-tulc of W. K. Wrig lc,v, diwcaied, bp per accoattt filed by tbem in tbo eiut. of laid Juab Ridr, die'd., to and among tb. pitrtiec entitled thereto, girri notice that h. will attend to tb. duliei of tb. appointm.nt at tin office, in the borough of Clearfield, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, I5TH DAY OP AIRIL, A. D. 1.74, at 2 o'clock, P. M., when and where partiea in iutereit may att.ud. CYKl'B GORDON, aprl -3t. Auditor. A. Q. KRAMER, ATTORXEY-AT-LAW, Real Eitate and Collection Agent, C L I:I1FI F.I. I), PA., Will promptly attend to all Irgal buiinen ea' truited lo bil oar.. j-0(Bce in Pie'. Opera llouie, leeond toot. .phi l-6m SELECT SCHOOL. BY A. TX. READ, A. B. 8rH00L TKHM, of olrrra wookt. to opon on Alonday, April 13th. 1874, In weat lido of iho eld U. E. Cbarcb, Clearfield, Pa. TERMS OF TUITION i Orthogripby, Reading, Writinif, Aritfame tio, Urftiomir, Oonirmphj, Iliftorr, Not nrol i'bilooopbj. Conipotition and Vocal Mutio 93 (XT Algebra. Geometry, French and Latin, extra, each OO Text Book, in tho common branch el, lame aa (dim now need in the Publio Behooli. Hpecial attention gtren to elementary train inf. Fur further information inquire of A. IX. READ, april 1 2t Clearfioli., Po. JEAD THIS! House, Sign and Ornamental Painting. The undersigned, harinc star to J to iwtnr nig own brutb, respectfully offen bit lerrioet to tho eitiiebi of Clearfield and vicinity ai a Uovte Sign and Ornamental Painter. Paper Hanging and dating done on tho ihort eat notice, with ncatneaa and deipatcb. All work done with caro, and at pricce to intl tho timet. 6hup oo Market atroot. oppoiito tho Alle gheny Uuuee. J. L. KRAtiliE. April 1, l74.-om. QTOREKEEPEHS, ATTENTION t u Wo deilra to eallyonrottenttoo to oar ex ten tiro Comtniition buiine and to our faeilitiei for dit- oitfg of pooh produce at our eoniignon tend ui. laving a largo trade with oitj ftorea. wo aro on- abld to make quick returne, at full prieei. aStorckorpera baring Chickens, Butler, Eggi, or other produoe, wilt do well to giro ui a trial. w nero Urocenea ore taken tn exchange, no eom miaiion will bo charged. . li. K JBK. UH A CO., Wholesale Gmceri and Conmiifion Merehawtl, Ho. HO a. Ibird atroot, i hi lad 'a. eprly T. 1. FLBCK. a, h. aa w. T. A. FLECK & CO., . Agent, in Clearfield oounty for tho aa). of F. nUTTERICK CO.'S Fashionable Patterns of Garments, Ai.L lltlll ADD IHtl. J:ld Market Street Clearflld, Pa. gjrntistrit. ANXOUXCEMENT OF TUB GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES I BY S. PORTER SHAW, D. D. V. IMPORTANT TRCTH8: Having luceeeded in getting I lighter tariff oa material, hence the tow and modiratt charge for partial and full eets of Tooth. I uae tho brK ULanoracture or teeth and other material. All operation! registered and warranted to giro ier- rice and auti it action. Friendi, rerlett that my ohargoi for tho Inier tion of artificial and tbo earing of tho natural teeth are now the moat reasonable in f ennrylvania. 1'rewrro your teetn and you pretervo your health rutting or the natural toe lb la a neaitny, pro- frratiTeand nieful condition II made a ipeoialty. Diceaaei and mallormatinm common to the month, faw aud aMociate parte, aro treated and corrected with fair luoeeii. AXaminationa and eoniulta- tiona PREt. It would bo well for patienti from a distance to let me know by mail a fow dayi beforo coming to tho oflico. It ii very important that children between thm agea of lix and twelvo yean should baro their teeth examined. Anaesthetics aro administered and Teeth ro- mo red without pain. Difnoeitions and character aro Judged by all the world by Iho expressions of the face, hrnco how rery disastrous may it therefore be for per sons to indulge an expression of distorted features,.' eren apart from a hygienio view. Now, to enjoy natural (not artificial) comforts and pleaiires, reipoot aud obey natural simplicities and instinct. Office In Ksw Masonic Building, Second street. Clearfield, Pa. may U 71 DENTAL CARD. Dr. A. M. niLLS Would say to his patienti and the Dub- lio generally, that, haring dissolved partnership with Dr. IShaw, he it now doing tbo entire work of his office himself, so that patients need not fear oetng pnt undr tho bands or any other operate. viearuciu, in arc a jv, lot i-ptuvvacbii J. M. STEWABT, D. D. S., Offioo oror Irwin'. Drag Storo, CIRWKN8VILL8. Pa. All dental oneratiani. allher In t. kh. .i..t. or operalire branch, promptly attended to aad. aatiifaetion nuaranteed. Speoial attention paid to the treatm.nt of dneaiei of the natural teeth, aumi and niouth. Irreenlarirv nf ft. M,k eeaar.llyeorreeted. Teeth eitraelrd without pain. .v . .... ... ttuior, iuq aiiiDaiti i.otn loierteAj of tho malarial and warranted to render at- OnPHANS COURT SALE. By rirtua of an order of th. Orvhana' Canrt of Clearfleld county, aad to m. directed, there will ha eipoled to public ial., in Luthanhurg, Clear. Held county. Pa., at 1 o'clock P. M., on SAT UK DAY, APRIL II, UU, th. follow, e, real eeutfc lata the property Of William Kirk. de. eeaaed, hoauded and deacrihed ai follow! t All tnnpe two oertatn traeti or pieoe. of land, lltaato in llrady town.hip, Cleartl.ld oounty, Pa., tha tr.t thereof beainnina' at th. mile itona n tha Suaquehanua aud Bri. turnpik. then.. weei id pen-nei lo-ire or i.ii to a poit theiioo oy land of William llilibia north HO perehu mora or leu to a pine ; thenr. weit oi 110 perehei to a red oak thenoa noith St 410 perehe. to tho north boundary lin. of tract No. 1 VV8 1 thenco by th. aame 111 1 11) perehei nor. or Lie to a eheit. nut at the turnpike t thenoe along th. uto. by tbo rarioui eoureea and dittanee. thereof to tho place of beninelnir, containing IWEMV FIVK ACItKS and lit perehtw. Tb. looond thereof beginning at a poit on th. Suaquehanna and Kri. turniilke, end th. lio. be tween traeti No. Itlttg and fill I thence along ' aid turnpike north ?7ft perehei, more or leu, to a point thence Hill along th. earn, north MJ degreei, wut Tl 1-10 perehei to corner of land of Jainel Taylor thence went tl perohea to a Hon. on land of William Kirk tbenoo br Kirk'i land eonth .0 3-1(1 perohr. to a Una of Warrant! No. iin and I OS? thmeo along aaid boundary lin. eaat ill perrhe. to th. beginning, eontainlng FORTY-t'Ol'K ACRKX and 144 perehei, except. Ing and roMrring out of tho abora pr.miiM a oerlaln lot of land h.retofor. oonreyed to UeorgoArlck. Th. Inproremanti oa th. ahora dmrlbed -preraliei are a two-itorr Dlank houaa, barn aad other outbuilding!, and hariag thereon one of tbo beet orchard! in tho eoanlr. Ab.ul Q aero, aro eleared and In aa eseellent itato of oultleaiioa. TaHMH or 8ALK. On. third oaih aad hat. anee In three equal annual payment., with Inter, eel from d.M at .ia per eetil, and to bo aeoarod by bond aad atortfogo aa tb. premieea. aitriuiit i. II, Ilol.