u CLEARFIELD REPUBLICAN"! j,J , ' (HLHinn Tnr wtnmfiur, r , ' . 'OOSOMKDER A nAOERTY; ' " CLEARFIKLD, PA, '" ' ' I laratTaasi at ,v;-r 1 1 It'll '? ESTABLISHED IN 191. he largest Circulation of uy Newspaper i la North Central Pennsylvania. ' Terms of Subscription i Jf paid In advanoe, or within 3 months., ..B'l OO T paid after 8 and befora 0 months 3 ftO j If paid after tho expiration f 4 months. 3 OO jt I't.-UM, ..lit' . QOODLANDER & HAGERTY, Publishers. PRINCIPLES!' NOT. MEN. ii : .i ) , .TEEMS $2 per annum in 'Advance. . ' Bates ot Adyortifling, . Transient advertisements, par square of 10 lists or , : less, 9 llmee or las l u i For Mh subsequent Insertion...... 60 , Atalnletrstors' and KoouUrt'noUoea....... I 60 .Auditor.' aolioes ... S 60 i Cautions and Bstraya. . 1 60 Dissolution notices.................................. 3 00 .Professional Cards, 6 linos or leaa,l year.... I 00 Local notions, par Una.................. SO YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. ' . ' 1 aqoart.... 00 I I column... ...,..J3S 00 VOL. 48-WIIOLE NO iMEi CLEABF '.'lit If! ; UlU.t' ll NEW SERIES--VOL.. 15, NO. 14 .1.! . I 3 Iquarea.. I tquajoi.. 16 00 ......... 00 column column.. 46 00 I 80 00 M t Job Work. '. ..' j I a " BLANKS. " . ',- ! Single quire. tl 60 I qul.es, pr.qntre,l T6 4t quires, pr. quire, 1 00 Orer (, per quirs, 1 60 ; ' - HANDBILLS. ', ' '. Jalwet,16 sr leaa, $1 00 I ) aheot, J5 or laaa.tS 00 ahont, 25 or leaa, S 00 1 aheet, 36 or loss, 10 00 , , (Ter Ji oi each or abore at proportionate ntei. .: 4 .. ' OEQRQK B. QOODLANDER, . a - ' PubHahera. ; , FRANK FIELDING, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, v . ..... . Clearfield, P. ' ' Will attend to all bualneea entruitad to him .jiromptlj and (allhfull. novl 3'73 ; JOHN A. GREGORY,5 COUNTY SUPKRINTENDENT, Omce In the Court Ilou.e, Clotirllcld. Pa." -Will alwnya be found at homo on the BKCOXD I and LAST SATURDAY of caoh month. 2:6 I John II. Orvla. C. T. Alexander. : C. M. Boitcra. 0RVIS, ALEXANDEE & B0WEES, ATTORN EY8 AT J, A IP, THB : HEPUBLICAN.1 CLEAHKJKTjD. Pa. if u . . ' ; WEDNESDAY MORNINO, APRlt, l,'lS?t. H plaoe and aurroundinff oountrjf, attended to. " WILLIAM A. WALLACaj. ARnT . WALLACI . DAVID L. KRKDS. johx w. waiuLEr. irifj plants aro rhroly ohjeotionnblo, but on tho other, band'oflon aro ad- VAritAgoous, bernueo cnrtnlo plantu piirify tho wn tor by liberating oxygon, ozenired -osygen, which Is tho boat kind. .. Living ttuimals . in . wntor lire raroly objoctlohabla.', . I'spouk now oi "the belle or the season." ; pond or ciooU wator, and it is Impos- I daelare mj head Kama hunting, ud tij brain I alblo tO got Water that U06S not COn in auiu a whirl. i, i rt- I. . .. . . . .. Uetletoute. P. , tJan28.j Theao won aro ao provohlng-'tia a pktfue to be lm "vlng nimBIB, DUl Moy r0 gon r j 5 ' , . L ; : . u"' 1 "10; : orauy . narraiosa. . raraHitio worms I don't objoot It hollo-hood, to hemtr er to I. . . . . bcaui, . .. ,,, , . , iirnve oeen miroaueea into Iho body Papa la looking turloua, and mamma, it looking mated Ihftt Ono-siXtU of all tho deaths Thero'a a world of awfol warnlnain AanlTabbv-bf " 'COinnu Br OUB to tbIS Can8e. iw.'i'A- Ll 1,M',ih:tJto; inarch oC ibs, JFrBnehaiiol; ijio, and kind; J diors in Algiem, lour hundred caBOB ....-.nlJ.nann...ui,iori cant make tjp 0f sicknof.fi wora oanno.l hw thn lrlnk. tuj miou. . r. M.fi.;' .- . J 1 J ' 1 1 inn e BMi Innnl, nr, ...I. nk a.,vA mm Thf. -f- . , , . i ,UK vi Dim ii Avuvuuoa nuicu wvru ao his untamed, enffie ffUnM. . corta.Dod to bo in tb water. ' Sunt. - la.. in ,- ..t li i. . , .''.1,-1 Bm-T T" Tn ln "' Color in water, from ncatv matter. '"htakOTi Iadorodhin, suchasisoftonBecn in lakes, rivers Ana men ii somcnow struck me ho had rather too nnu croeK8, IS not ODOCUOno,DIO. XllO lis unugoruus J. H. KLINE, M. D PHYSICIAN. & SUEGEON then 'ti. ,f,n,Mnt .h.. th. bonid by drinking well water, and it is est. profestlonal sorriofti to tbo pcoiU of that fcodiurrountlingoountry. All cU promptly GEORGE O. KIRK, t JuAtke of tho Peace, Surreror and Convojancer, Lutlieraburg, Pn. (. ,: All bstlnesa Intruatod to him will be prompt; attended to. Persona wishing to emptor a gur Toror will do well to sire bim a call, aa he Batters himself that he can render satisfaction. Deods Tf oonreranee, articles of agraoraent, and all legal papers, promptly and neatly exeeutod. tS0nov7t Coolte's Swindling Bank, ; WALLACE & KREBS, (Suieeesora to Wallace A Fielding,) 1 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, 111373 Clearfield, Pa. . " ' . T. WILSOiC, n. B. I. TAX TALXAlt, . D. DES. WILSON & VAN VALZAH, Clearfield, Pa. Ofloe ln residence of Dr. Wilson. Ornci Hours From 13 to 3 r. u. Dr. Van- Valsah ean be found at nlgbt in his rooms, next door to JlartawKt, Irwin Drug btora, up auura. novxo id Ii. JEFFE11SON LITZ, , i WOODLAND, PA. Will promptljr attend all calls In the line of his profession. nor.lV-73 Josnra a. 'bhai.lt. diicisl w. a'coaor. ' MoENALLY & MoCUEDT, ; ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Clearfield. Pa. Legal busliioss attended to prftmptfr with flilolity. Office on Sooond ttroct, Huore the First MaUonol Bank. 0:11:73 G. R. BARRETT. Attobnit and Counselor at Law, clearfield, pa. Having resigned hia Judgeship, has resumed tthe praetice of the law in hia old office at Clear i6l. Pa. Will attend the oourta of Jefferson and 'fclk eoontiee when apeciallj retained ln connection with rdsident oounsol. , 3:14:73 WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ,'. ATTORNEY AT XAW, Clearfield, Pa. 0flM la Court House, (SheritT's Offloo). Legal business promptly attended to. Real estate nought and sold. joU'73 J . .'W . B A N T Z, . ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, Clearfield, Pa. , ,4.Qfflce on stairs In Western Ilotcl building. All legal business entrusted to his care promptly .aiienuea to. . , 1 JOHN D. THOMPSON, Juitioe of tho Peace and Scrirentr, Curwenarille, Pa. k.Colloctioni made aad .money promptly I paid over. organio matter which in water is sowago. " No mattor bow clean wator mav appear to bo. if it feb.3'7ltf "nosiuaies ino its though I were aome problem tontains CVCn flltorod SewagO, it highly objeotionabio, and many and frightfully Fulfil disoasos aro tracod to Then the famous Lawyer Morton, who'e ao witty sad i. kain. l Who lays so many eloYOT things I don't an 0KO. ALBcnt nsattr iLBEnr... w. A mint uut 1 couldn't have the lawyer, he has mil In . . . . . - n A A I . nu 1. 1... n..A I i ' ' W a I Ht-KI Ki HK11N I """"" Manufacturers A extensive liealcra in ci 3T I O rp. l , I shining eve, oaWBU UULUUBf, ouuait) Aliuuui, utu,, And hia fortune floating somewhere In a WOODLAND, PKNN'A. r0rdcra solicited. Bills filled on short notloe and reasonable terms. Address Woodland P. 0., ClcarV.d Co., Pa. Je36-ly W ALVlKRT A 11ROS. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MERCHANT, Frenchvlllo, Clearfield County, Pa. Keeps ooDSttkntly on hand a full assortmont of ury uoods, Hardware, urooerlcs, and everytning usua'.l; kept In a retail store, which will be sold, lor oasn, as oneap aa eisawnere in me oouniy Fronohville, June 37, 1887-ly. I n w mn 1 1 . i wnvubj DBALia IB ' GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CiRAIIAMTUK, Pa. Also, extenalve manufacturer and dealer In Square Timber and Hawed Lumber or all Unas. ttr-Ordera solicited and all bills promptly nned. fjyioi. CHARLES SCHAFER, LAGER BEER RREWER, Clearfield, Pa. TTAVINO rented Mr. Entrea' Drewery he II bones ny atriot attention to business and the manufacture of a superior article of BEKK future skv, They aay a poet's worahip la each woman'! le- erot goal i But I'm of "earth, still earthy" ho hoa rather iuu moon soul. i - And (Hero's well, yot another, who is noble, brave and true, . i Who wooes with simple earnestness as almnle men will woo. . Whose lore la deep and tender of hia very life a J.nn my dreamy poet-lever, with hia starry, this great source of impurity. Ty UtJlphoid fever has again and again been prouueod by Ibis causo. Cbolora, al though it haa no origin in polluted wutor, is ofton greatly intensified by wator tainted with choloraio excreta Weils must always, in towns like ourssbo viowed with suspicion. Ev. orv woll is liable la lia rnnlnminntH BU iS"to'i''r Nearly every bouse in the borough t..ii,.i"' ' iJ- . . t has s woll and cesspool, or, in tbe ror I must haro loco and diamonds, and I must , ... 1 have stylo and dnh. BDSenCO of the latter, whnt U al III Anron!inucl.k,;,or"i,',,"',,r I0"1'' " fotksl worso, a guttor or top-drain, rookintt i vow i ii take old Ooldlog, though they any he's Willi 111 111, and A privy. The usual Bui he's worth at least a million, and what bct. i"' c-Mots being sixty by ono bun ........, urea to two nnqareu loet. in raanv ins mind is gettius shaky, to he won't h Ovir. I . . " wise. inHtailCCS 0110 Of those lots rnntnininrr And 'tia time hia aoul waa tending to a home be- turn thp.. . f.... yond tho skies: Uut iviiuiuuii. iiuunvn, lie but neither heart nor lirer, and his lungs are and it is ubaolutely impossible to place far from strunv I.. .. . 1 Poormsnlhe quits adores me. and he ean't I weu BO tur irom IIIO Cesspool or aaoremeiong. ...... privy as to escape tho duniror of con. tamination T. H, Ml) RR AY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Prompt attention given to all legal husinosa .entrusted to b if ears in ClemrfUud and adjoining -wuul.u.. vwin vn marset su, opposite naugle a vowcir cwnj, uicarneid, la. jeM To A. W. WALTERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Clearfield, Pa. W-Offloe in. the Court Hons. dec3-ly H. W. SMITH, - A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A , tl:H Clearfield, Pa. ' WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OBcs on Second St., Clear Said, Pa. noT31,8 ISRAEL TEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Clearfield, Pa. ayOHlce la the Conrt House, Jyll.'et JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. floe tn Market BL, over Joseph Showers' Orecery store. Jan.3,1873. JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. .nd Ileal Estate Agent, Clearfield, Pa. ones oa inira street, oet.unerry A Walnut, -Respectfully offers hit services In telling TOtT AT WP TTJTaTTr ua iuisjk. Besides, woll water is stairnant. and This question cannot be discussed not subject to niovcmont that can to reoeive the patronage of ail tho old and many too much in this community, because brinir it in contact with tho air for new customers. etSiaus:? -- ' uI,on ' uepouas we goncrai lioullb oi punlication. This objection cannot J. K. BOTTORF'S 1110 borough, moro than all olso com. apply to rivor or pond water, because PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, bmed. Give us plenty of pure water, nature has provided moitns.for the Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. and we will bo firo-proof, and it will purification of theso. Sho sunnlios a J 1 I . - . ' soavengor lor the atmosphere by aup. tho effluvia STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. Fr.m... from any ... , Wy mere, anu B Similar style of moulding, made to order. alr28 tf Dr. JJpycr, Is stiuarcly to the point, foto matter in stroams. -cromos made A 6PECIALTY.-0 do moro tn kcop off ditctieo and ren- July 3, 1873. "E"JS"lJi " . dor us healthy than score of nhv,,. nlvin,? . i H.i. ' t......s. ...,.eio... uu hiiuii - 6U - It I I O -veww luWill exeoutv) job&.n hi Uo promptly und GTH7 H ALL, PRACTICAL PUJIP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PKNN'A. ff4rPumpa always on hand and made to order on snort notice, ripea bored on reasonable terms. All work warranted to render satisfaction, and delivered If desired. myz6:lynd E. A. BIGLER & COT, ugb designed for local consutnp- purification. - Tho matter in thorn so oxiJiisod that it beoomos hurmloss, and benco tho great difforonco between woll water and rivor, creek or pond watc. :. This article, Mr. Editor, is not writ assortment of FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES and Clans can nCCOmnlibh. Tho follovrimr that fiiwU il. . article on this subject, from tho pon of romody is gi von to got 'rid - of tho ef. Til H(-lf Ate sB annn..,.1ri i a I. . All-a-.i ... rnnrn uArMutm I "' ""J v' " iiijt iu ine point, 1010 matter in stroams. ThoHo Don. iiluulii nnwrmniii I ,i ,i . , -, 1 . r Houss and Siim Paintfir and Panpr . ' " eDorui perusal, bi- soss wimin tuomselves the power of nousB ana.aign rainier ana raper thoUL,h dusinP(1 , ... ., L ,-. . , Manger, t. lesrueiu, t-euii'S. , v., t i i i iiAuii j loua nrounu our stroets and alleys Just now.'nnd if it wero not in bad tusto, or in fact im- portinont, a peep at some of tbo back doors and yards, will snggost the ton to alarm anv on ,i;0.,.n great importance of renewing tho dis- .nylearning.for to the intelligent mind cuss.on on pure water, which I bave U olTor. nM now or ovoL , uupurueu aruesiro iocngngoinnow. sUte it as plain common sense, and avnt Bn.l In i.i' . l ' Bjru Btuv.ng a as such urge its candid consideration fnw nirnmi-tn mnnan tntttm ...Ml Ht I .... .V.a v.A0v IWVW, TT.il II VIB- QDOni Rhn VIII1A t.A. La lit SQUARE TIMBER CDM tho ma".r, beyond defending, if tho well-being of the community If and manufacturer, of necessary, what I may horo state. you would iruard the health ami lin. . - - -7 I ' A eT. s.sM . r i " ' . Aa.x.KiwSursiAyi,ii.uMiii,H, -w u,.u,o gu . ,uw i cases oi of our pooplo, appoal to thorn to re. t'ti rr.pinprvin ni'Mvi I B ti. Hi I tin r mat Aft i mrwt. nf nnnin I ... . wites - vMu-iA iiiuii aAli n I 1 s wwa w VI I MS il I W I Vapiin f Itnl te miollAn . A ' A . . . -. - .. I v, i iinoarvou vuru.Ub VII JAS. B. GRAHAM, . "u," VW,n net mat qucstion which( if much , dealm Id , . .,r Rloctoj mny d j b,, ... BUINOLES, LATU, A PICKETS, . I ., " , J J " Oi :1073 CicarBeid, Pa, . ... ' danger. Unliko tho usual wintor, for .v uy v..e.r uosu -cats, toads, many vcarg ,Lo roun(l hna not hnn ' ' o a no . Tho CoramittQo on Banking and juurroncy,. acting undorB resolution of tho Houso of lionreBontutiven. lmrn Just concludod an investigation into yuo nnairs oi tuo f irst XSniional Bunk at Washington, which was, chiefly owned, by Jay Cooko & Co., and closed iU doorj on thelglh of lust Soptora ber, wbon that concorn lod off .in tbo punio yhich 80 seriously disturbod confidencB and.orodit. ., '.,,. .- . The capital of this bank was JS500, 000, and JLonrv D. Cooko. a momhor of.the house ot Jsy Cooke 4 Co., was it President. Tho bank and tho firm. which woro substantially ono. ncou- nicd tho snmo building in WuBhing tOrlj (Jlrcrtly.ln front of tho Treasnry Deptti'tmom. Tho First National was B depository of pubno monoys, a finan cial agent of tho Treasury in tho con version of a portion of its bonds, and i no ngontoi a largo number of national banks tor tbo exehango ol mutilated curroney,. to which it was indebted 1750,000 on tho day of the colliipso. , Those various rotations and tho in fluences arising out of them wero util ized, in flagrant dorlanco oflav, Treas ury roguiutions, and good luith to de positors and othor creditors, solely for inu uuiieiit, ui jay tooito 8, VO., and 10 prop up Uiotr tottering tortunos when ino crasn enmo, ln lact tho bank was a contrivanco to attract public ana private deposits, and a conduit pipe to carry thorn into tho firm of Jay uoolto & (Jo. Its Trcsidcnt took the money out of the vaults of ono and put it into thoso of tho other, and tbon, after making this fraudulent transfer, drow out about one-half of it for himself. , According to tho CWonty-ninth seo tlon of tho Nallftnnl Currency act, the total liabilities of any person, com- nany, corporation, or firm to anv na- lionul bank for money borrowod. should at no limo exceed ono tenth part of the amount of tho capital stock acta ally paid in. Consequently, if the Cookc8 had owned tho whole stock of this bank they could havo borrowed out SJU.uuij. ln prcsenco of this ex press and emphatic restriction, the committee say thut from tho boi'i nlng of its business, and tbrouuhou tho whole onrocr of this bunk, no at tention was ever paid to tbo limitation itie report shows that Jav Cooko. Co. not only drow out the entire cap ibi, dui nearly as muclt moro. Th figures aro worth studying. On the lHth of September Jay Cooke & Co. wero inaeuiea to ino Dank in tho su ot f74M,iiou.ou in current acoount. Tbcy also owed $100,000 as endorser or tho Aortbern racifio Railroad for loan moro than two vcars old. An Henry I). Cooke, tho resident, was indebted 8 19,078.42 on a noto which dated back to January, 1808. Tho total of theso various items is 8898 9;iJ.ll, duo by the Cookes to tho banl at tho time of abutting un tho shon. But this docs not tell the w hole story oy nny means, lor mo irauduleitt mis application of this money is traced down to the very cvo of tho failure when tho vaults were cleaned out to aid iho overloaded and bankrupt firm r . .. .. . lXJiwccn mo isi oi August and the 18th'of Soptombor, tho current ao- count ot Jay Cooko & Co. was issued: by tho bank for 1185,400 and cashod. On the 1 3th of Soptombor n transfer order for 46,000 was puid. On tho day of tbo failure there was a Daluncs duo the treasury of 187.782 45. Of tho lust certificate! 1125,000 wont to Jay Cooke & Co., in Philadol phia. When those largo certificates wore oasnea at the l'reasury tho bank was already indobtod for a sum much largor than the Amount of securities on doposit with tho Treasoror. " I. It may well bo asked how it came to pass that the Treasury made these advances ot the piiblio money upon tbe mere drafts of B bank which the Socretary, the Tronsuror, and the comptroller of the Curroney' must oave Known was on tbe eve ot bank- rnntovf ' Win '. tn vokad from tbo White House, or who is responsible lor tins criminal ouoncor The committee shed no light on this subject. They do not af.peur to havo examined the witnesses who could tell all about it, or to have inquired whoth cr Gon. Spinner protcslod. as has been alleged, against this daring outrage when I he Socretary of tbe Treasury uuiumunucu it to do aono, ' - . Tho forty.fiflh section of tho Cur ronoyuut provides that "the-Socre tary of the Treasury shall require of the associations thus desiirnatod satis factory security by the deposit of untied mates bonds and otliorwise.lor tbo safe keeping and prompt pavmont oi mo puullo money deposited with thorn, nnd for the faithful performance of thoir duties as financial agonts of Government." Mr. Richardson treated this pro vision bs a nullity, and advanced the pooplo's money to these speculators as if tbore was no responsibility. In stead of arraigning him for this un lawful conduct before tho House, tbe committee condono bis crime by say ing that immediately after the failure of the bank the .Secretary of the Trea sury took effectivo steps, through wnicn ne was enabled to obtain lull and amnio guarantees and security by men iuc uuvurninent wouia oe Bave ' The Great Colorado Desert, 9. Senator Jones, of Nevada, has re eeived a full report of the result of a seioDtiuo exploration made at tho ex penso of himself and a private citizon of California, ' last' summer, for tbo nnrposo of ascertaining tho practica bility of reclaiming . or submerging the groat Colorado donor t by turning iniu ii, ma waters oi mo uoloraco rivor or the Gulf of California. Tbo report of J. E. Juntos,' the engineer who conuuoiea mo expedition, and an elaborate commentary upon it br U. E. Slouch, an eminent civil engineor of Sun Francisco, furnishes tbo fol lowing very interesting information, uiuun ui vt men is entirely now : - The exploration shows that th. greater portion oi the Colorado des ert, and JUoiave valley and Death val- Icy which lie north of it, ore from 40 to 100 feet below the sea, and that this great dosort,! stretching from Lower California to Intro county in the Stalo of California, and from the base of tbo const range mountains to ino Colorado river, comprising an area of about 300 miles long by 150 miles wido, may bo converted into a chain of lakes . or . irrigated by the method abovo mentioned, and also that a Iarcro portion of this desert really consists of extremely fertile soil, being a deep alluvium suscepti ble of the highest, cultivation. It is further shown that tho nrcra. lenco of whut aro known as sand storms and hot desiccating winds and the deficient rainfall, the evils suf fered by the surrounding counlrr.and as far north as the Tulare valley of California, aro directly tracpublo to tbo existence ot the desert from which ns from a great furnaco, constantly rises in tbe summer time, a vast col umn of hooted air without appreciable humidity. JAMES MITCHELL, CMLIS IB rats, lirzards, worms, Ac, is a fearful L.rifWi h f.., I T . I ... r-.."-- vj a vuv, miiu UWUVUj II UO urrur. l musi DO understood that Hirlw.nnn KnM.li. ..t...!... inr..u.u7 oners ni semoes in telling o rp. , . m. T s iu:.,,.:ii.r n . , -"v -i "a") vuhubiuhiuviiii; and baying lands la OlearSeld and adjoining Square TlITlbor & Timber Lands, tbe ""POI-ltlOS of Well Water are all in Qllh, ready when tho snrinrr riin, eonntitai and with aatinerlencsofovtrtwtntl UnlutinnVnw .n ' rluu7.non IIIO spnng rains - . - vvbwiuiiai i;u. Ul toontlet and with aa tiperlence ofovtr twtnty laars as a torvsyor, Oatttra himself that be oaa render satisfaction. Feb. J8:dS:tf, J. BLAKE WALTERS', REAL ESTATE BROKER, ABD HBALKB aw XiOgs mid Ijiimbor, CLEARFIELD, PA. tDlllae III f)r.ll.n,'a Saw I.e... . J. J. LINGLE. ATTORNEY-AT -LAW, tiis ttseeola, Clearfield Ce., Pa. y:pd jell'73 CLEARFIELD, PA. T ROUTM A Jf, Dealer In all kinds of FURNITURE, Market 6treet, One dour eaa( Puat Office, e augH'7t CLEARFIELD, PA. jlLI HARMAX, PRACTICAL MILL'WRIGHT, LUTHERSBCRO, PA. Agent fur the American Double turbloe Water Wbel and Andrews A Kall.acb Wheel. Can fur. l.fc r.n.1,1. Crl.l alills oa .hurt .olio.. JjlH'71 come to porcolato it into our wolls. somo such trifling mattor) and not in tf wn nn.M h K,, . ' J I .....(. P. . t ; , I ,v mwi H ljT JUUb UI : . . 1 a is f'ost oniy can Pn us iuidi a irot, mineral, uortvetl from I H:r : i. ... ... ,, . . "i we woum bi ioasi not navo to .uUi...o.ui uuiinwiueuiB oi vne WOIIS : nn,lr H.Vl t ik. l....:..-t second, nrcnnln imn.,,1,1... J....J " " ."u .," ,', ". llesnoetfii Uv rnnr. From thfl flohria ftf inim.t. ..J.l i. I 1 V ' .. nuiuiHi.AuuiilUlllS. Either organio mattor from ordinary vegotation, or the artificial organio matter derived from the rofuso of T. J. Boyer. lUB AtcUINEKC. Manv nnnnln I,...: i . ' . '. iiuviiiii ivuu ireiniein uosnatciics In men, or organic mattor derived frnm h0 papers about tho Alchiiioso, will ----- i i. - t i i i . . : sowago. In b town compactly built ZS - i ."i? . l"Dy "V0, , . , ., .ii . Atchin forms tho north-wostorn nor na loaatea on level plane, with so tion of Hu matra 1 it rnvnr. nn nr Urt. J. r. BURCH FIELD. uraiungo : wnoro mud nolosscem about citrht hundred irr.rrnnl,ir..l Ute surgeon of the 83d Regiment, rsnneyivaiiia I ' be the rulo all summer, and cess- square miles, and has 2,000,000 inhftb. .ff.,.Tr. PV.fV,.io;i7. necessity j a soil the Tory "nis belonging to the Malayan race, of oiearteid county . nature of which is calculated to ab. ? . lohlnoR,e Bre ', "Irongly built, rroioaaionaloalla promptly attended to. -orb .11 ,. fl, . . I Hud oi B Violent and haughty tom- oa Second .treat, form.rlyoc.unl.d by orD " lue fillh D1 rofuso j cvory noratnent. tl.nn.rh m..i. Cjmmi foot of which is rooking with tho loul more intelligent and skilful limn most W. P. MAIlni c . iUi tbroutth which tho wator in nnn. of the othor inhaliitnnls of Snmnirri WITf ll Hii ro v iiMi iirn stantly percolatod to the wells, which y ?r. mostly Mohameduns. Tho a..v.a MA.n 1,1.1.1., yo w,u Bnd variously located ton tn "l .T bout 8'P.?. hon!" . ROBERT WALLACE, ; ATTORNEY -AT -LAW. Tallaeetoa. Clearfield County, Penu'a. Bk.Aii itgai ontinata promptly atttndtd to. CYRUS GORDON, ATTORN EJ AT LAW, t Market street, (north aide) Clearfield, Pa. "'f All legej business promptly attended to Jan. 31, Ii. nH I I DnvrD ........... euusiusiui mn nn, i, ,. -- I x .1 i , I - - ' ' , .ubH.vu tun LI, , on l ! . ' . . . . . ?nofl8ICafIlsANISUROEON' WaClTckTjclry, Silver T 1 Offica on M.rlrM fllM.1 Pl....l J t. I . ' ,v DriVV : thn Woll irnnn.. U rAM . i r..-.:i . ' uses and OHIos on Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. rOOot hours i 8 to 13 a. m., and 1 to 8 p. m. R. E. M. SCHEURER, noMcnopATnio pnysiciAn, ' Office la residence on Market at. prll 31, 1873. Clearfield, Pa. DR. W. A. MEANS, IYSICIAN & SURGEON, LUTIIERSBCRU, PA. 1 attend professional oall. promptly. augl0'70 I. 8. BARN HART, ATTORNEY. AT-LAW, ' Itellelbnta. P.. ' '"Jl? p'rfrtold and aU of the Conrls of .iiJT.i 7 "'""ot. nasi est sis business .llectloa of claims made speciaiHm. , , JAMES CLEARY! VBBEB & HAIR DRESSER,' SBCOIID STREET, I C IE A R FIELD,. PA. n, anil Tlated Ware. &c. )etl'73 CLEARFIELD. PA.. S. I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCIIMAKER Ann nsAi.ts in ' Watohos, Clocks and Jowolry, f7ronsi's K9m, Mnrlt.l Stmt, CLEAR I'll.I.D, PA. All kinds of repairing tn my Una promptly at "d"1 Aprll3.1, 187.1. A. REMOVAL. , REIZENSTEIN & BERLINER, wholeMla dealtri In GEMS' FlBMSlinu GOODS, Have removed lo 1ST Church atroet, helwetn "aits na., new lark. Jy81'73 Miss E. A. P. Rynder, riLLlAlt M. nENRY, Justice of raa Psacs Ann Sonivsaaa, LUMBER .. uunm.iiona mads and mi vsr. Article, of agraenient ryauet neatly tioxmted and p so Ruaro.- Jy33'M Chlekerlng'a. Stelnway'a and Emerson's Planosi nd Peloubot's . Organs and Melodtona, and Qrorer A oa.sr t Be. log Maehlnes. . . Al.ao tBAOBBB OF , l.i iarmony aad Voeal Ma- lots Use half a term. OntlO.il llnll,.!.. C1.arl.ld, Mat , is.l-i; Dwr-. monty promptly piMOi 0iri Zt, "hZ i and deyl. of .. N, , u,"" .VT. ""'i.T- 0"n oppo.it , 'iu privy j tho well generally from two to lour foot deepor than theso rccopla- ciosoi nun ; mcse nuisances aro so rapidly augmontcd, that unless an in tolligont view is taken of tho mattor, it will bo no easy task to contemplate tho trout misory wo may bo collod npon to endure through this proliflo sourco of disease Heretofore wo havo providentially escaped sorious conscquonces, yot every physician in tho placo has often suspected and known tho impure wator to causo groat troublo in tbo treatment ot bis caso. I ine uiiieront kinds of wator and thoir impuritios, wbother ohjoctiona blo or not, nood .not bo disscussed bore. Should An intelligent judiment docide to abandon our wolls, wo have b source of supply at once pare and abundant. .Itroquirw a very lureo quantity ot mineral Impurities in flow- ng watoriomakoilobjootionablo. Of thoorgnnlo Impurities in-witter, liv- ncly fortilo t pepper., coffee, cotton. tobsoeo and vegetables irrow frr.nl and produco abundant crops. (Jold and precious stonos aro also found in great quantities. Although part of uumiH.u is nnuor ino tquulor, the cli mate is very modorato. Tlie air is hoalthy In tho mountain districts', but not in tho plains or on tho const. Atchin abounds with wild .animals there nro elephants, tigers, bulTuloos rninocoros and orang-outangs. Tho lattor are novor killed by tho natives, an wcy uunvTc initi mo souls of thoir ancestors havo passed into thoso ani mals. Among tho allies of tho Ainhl. noBo nro tho UuUhb, oheorful pooplo, ""' wnimiuttiH, ana always take salt and lemon juiee with them when they go to war, so as to be ablo to ro gale thomsolves on the flush of tboir dead cnoioios. The gamo law of Missouri forbids tbe dostroying of bird's, nests, but has no protection for the birds. The Rudtlor and tho Rock Thoso who will not bo ruled by tho rudder aro likely to be ruled by tho roek. crousod from 23!;082 to 8748,000, without n dimo of security. That is to say, they carried off bodily over half a million of the nublic and nrivato deposits In six weoks in addition to tho quarter of a million which thev owed before. Nearly $1100.000 of this ggrcgato was takon aftor tho 1st of woptombcr, and fl'10,000 on the 15th and 10th ol Soptombor, two days before mo explosion, xo bo more accurato. 85 10,000 wont from tho bank up stairs io jay uooKe co. down stairs in six teen days I It is impoflsiblo thut this pillugo oouiu navo oeen curried on without the collusion of tho Troastirv oflleiuln Tho act of March 3, 18GII, requires thai tho nations! banks shull mako five reports annually to tho Comntrn! tor of the Currency, and that bo may call for Bpociul reports from any asso ciation whoncvor in his judgment tho samo shall bo necessary to a full and complete stnowiodgo ot its condition In addition, ho is authorized to an point cxaminors to rtitjuiro into Iho af- mim ui every association. wilD nowor to put tho agents and officers thereof under oalli, who shall muko a full and dolailod report lo tho Comptroller. In view of thoso mandatory stututna the Comptollor of tho Currency must navo Known that tho r irst National had not only violated the limitation act, but that tho capital, llio surplus, and tho deposits woro corruntlv and criminally annronrintod to thn nan nf Juy cooktf & Co. ili rough the manipu- iuviuu ui tuo i rosiuoni oi mo nana. iio sttinds In tho light of having tao itly conspired to defraud the creditor and to dely tbo law. Lot us now turn to tho connoolion ol tins bank with tho Treasury Do partmont, in ordor to discover how tho publio money was treated and what tho head of that d uliiirtmntit Hid to favor a conspiracy to abuse its un- nuuiortisou trust, as b public deposi tory tho bank issued its certificates to tho Treasurer of tho United Kim lor iractional currency, to bo forward ed to tho banks which mniln tlinir nr. dors for this currency through tho First National. Ordinarily those cor tificntos would bo limited in amount, and tho balances In bank would bo kept down by transfer orders, mado as soon ns tho reports of tho hnnk could bo cxamlnodj so that in tho courso of regular business thoro was a chock upon excess. On tho u:id ol August, 1873, ilbont thrco weeks boforo tho fall, tho btil ance to tho credit of the Tronnnrer in mis bank wns 81.11,103 45. During tbo following week certificates woro insuod by tho bank and cashod by tho Treasurer to tho amount of $118,750. Thus tho balance tn tho err.rli't of Mm Troaureron the 30th of Aitirtist had ran up to $-'51,858.45. Tho hoxt week moro certificates Wnre nnid fur $40,521, making an aggregate ol $1.1)2,. 382.46. Transfer ordors wero paid amounting to $145,000, thus reducing this balance to $147,882 on t,be 0th ol Septombui'. , Between tho 8lh nntl Jiiu of bcplombor, certillcatcB were from loss. Tho facts micht havo boon told other language When Mr. Richard ion and others now concoalod from view found that they had become lia ble to prosocution and impeachment in this business, an appeal was mado to save mem irom exposure and ruin men lb was, and not till then, that these parties through a next friond furnished theso securities, though pro tending to have given np alt thoii proporty for tho nse of plundered cred itors. ' ' - With tho snmo peculiar reserve an forbearance which this committee hav matiifoated throughout their report, when speaking of the "manacetnunl Of the bank," they say it "has been, to say tne loast, unfortunate' And al most in tho sume breath thev ndmi "thore is a differcnoo between the baL- anco'shcot prepared by tho committee and the statement actually shown by mo ooohs on mo. mm, tji September last In the htettilatcd curroney acconut lor siu.dUH. A thorotch exuminaiion snows that tint deficit Cannot be ac. counted for ln olhor words, th money was stolen. Tho ooramitie recommend somo lit tlo modification of tho existing laws, but do not utter a word about prose cuting the swindlors who stripped this bank of its valunblos and filled their own pockets by barofaeod robbery. They ignore soction 65 ot toe Cur rency act as if it had no force. It en acts "that evwy president, director, cashier, toller, olork, or agont of any association who shall embexzle. ab stract, or wilfully misapply any of iho monoys, lunus, or credit ol tho associ ation, , shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic tion thorcot shall be punished by im prisonment not loss than fivo nor moro than ton years. hen Honry 1). Cooko ns rrcsidont of tho First National turned over lo Jay Cooke k Co., of whom ho was a partner, $540,000 botwoon tho Island lbth of beptomber. ho wilfully misan- plicd, abstracted, and ombetr.lod the money belonging to tbe bunk. Ho knew il well at the timo, just as he Know mat ne had willblly violated ino taw iimiiinir tho loans to stock. holders. Ho is now livine in luxurv and pomp at Washington. Yot not a finger is ruisod by tho authorities to mako him answerablo for theso and othor crimes, whilo they hunt down poor creatures who are tar less guilty, out noi proiocied ny the nowor and mvor oi mo l'rcsidunl as Henry I). Cooko is. Tho samo hund which recklessly broke Into the Treasury is now stretched out to keep him and his confederates from tho penitentiary, whore ou'.raired justice and a swiii. .11... I ".... ., uiuu I'uiniiiuiiiiy cntim uioir Drcseneo -iV. Y. Hun. Gkn. Siiermam on Dancino. Tho ionorul, says a Washinirton letter, in an odd genius, yot a ureal favorite with old slid young. Ho Is extrava gantly fond of dunging, and somo ono wiituy remarked:. "Jlo nover steps owor than tho back of a r-hnir. or higher than (ho chandelier." Ho la thnr. onghly nngracofiil, but ontors into tho piihtimo With such real rolish and earnest cnioymont thnt Ono can ek. cuso his wnlking half way np ono's train, or in tho height of his doliirht carrying tho greater portion of ono's prutiiost uounce nail way across tho room, or in the Lan'ors, for Instance, persistently going tho wrong way in tho grand chain, thereby causing tho most laoghublo confusion, mid tho en. langlomont of his lowor proportions in tho surrouhdinir (loulincr ilrm.mr of the littlie,, Hi, wifo and daught ers disapprove Ot round llimninir. ami he ono day uil to mo: "I wish wo had dancing at our Jiouso 1 liko to seo young people skooting around." A Boston Imly, sitting in hor parlor and engage! in dreamy contemplation of tho moustache of tho young gentle man vho was to osoort hor and her sisior to the festival, wnl suddouiy Bwakencd by an ominous whisper in B Juvonilo voice at ihe door i "You've got Ann's tooth, and she wants thorn." A J cvknile Monster. A Kentucky paper gives tbo following account of a huge infant, ramod Dero Edward Chambers, and born two years and a half ago, in Barron County, that Stale : "When about thrco months old bo began to fleshen, and soon attracted tho serious attention of his parents and immodiate frionds. His accumu lation of fat has been uninterrupted, and now bo exhibits an obesity of hugo aldcrmanio proportions. Wo visited bim and mado a careful exam ination ana measurement, winch w givo to the curious publio. Ill parouls are Iho reverse ot their infunl iU representative, so far ns physical proportion is conccrnod. The fulhor. .Smith h. Chambers, is a dulicato. sparo-mado man, of not vigorous look and weighs 127 pounds j tho mother is mall, dulinatnly.biiilt,and weighs 144 pounds. l)oro,theyounggiant,tands in perpendicular measurement,' 87 inches. 1 he measurement around th wrist is 10, inches, and abovo tbo Iho elbow, 10 inches. Tholegoroond ino can gives a iircnmiersnco of 18 inches, and tlie thuh 'tho enormous Iffngth of 28, while the hips take full .i inches oi tope to circuit their bugtS' iii-bm. vtrounu ino waist bo shows i ginth of 42 inches. His avoirdnnoi pulls down the scales easily at 118) pounds. The child is quite Intelligent, can walk with much cabicr locomotion than his ponderous, unshapely form would indicate, and enjoys vorv irood ii cm in. According to tho orthodox creed of Islam, women will be saved with jnen and all bo made young again on except ono woman. Joseph, when Viceroy of EitVPt. was ridin-r one day,whonanold woman seieed his reins and demanded alms. Ho tnrned to look at hor, and was so shocked at bor appearance that ho involuntary ex ciuinieu, "jtow vorriblo homely you are 1" "Then," said tho old woman, "Why don't you pray to God, who answers an your pryors, and ask him to make mo beautiful f" Whorennon Joseph lifted up bis bands and prayed im iiur, anu instantly uehold her standing by him, younir and lovolr. so lovely thai bo lovod her and mado nor his wifo. She lived lono- aftor him, and died very aged, and went to heaven, and is an old woman there now, and tbe only old woman thore, for God mnkos all tjood women young again onco, and sho can novor be made young again. Newspapers Doiriesticajlv Coasadarid; Too loWnn estimate is opt to be eot on tbo domcsiio vuluo'of newspapera. After reading them, antj putliiig our selves, through their agency ,Jn t'jon tal correspondence with tho world; they 'are thrown aside and forgotten; But lo suppose their pscfuluoss bound ed by thoir newt 'columns anil thd Waste-bag is a thriftless mistake. , . In the first place,, thoro are tils' house hold recipes, lo bo found iff Btfly cornets, ofUii excellent, and do-' serving a reliige on tho fly leu f of tho family cook-book. Then come thfl pretty verses, the strange and droit stories, the brief biographic! and re miniscences which, pusicd in a strop look., are. a source, of novor-endinif pleasure not only to those who do not care for richer intellectual food, but ii thoso who have only odd' minutes fyf reading. .Notwithstanding the squibs loctilnr. journalists have penned on tbo use of nowspupurs for bed clolhing, we know from cxporionco that these are not to' be despised, i 'i hey , may not be as comfortable as your blanket, but cer tainly they keep- out the cold. Two' inicknessos ot papers nr bettor than. a pair of blankets, and in the case pf persons who Giolilio tua weight or many bod clothes, they are invalua ble A spread mado of a double luycr of papers between a covering of cuTico and chintz, isdcbirabioih pvory hou6- noiu. tne papers should be tacked together with thread, and also basted io mo covering to keep thorn frort slipping. Ao objoctio'n has been msdd on uccount of tho rustling, but if soft papers be chosen tho nolso will not bb annoying, especially should the spread be laid between a blanket and the counterpane. '. As a protection to plants acrtinit cold, both in and out of doors, nothing in nuiicr. ji newspapers aro pinned up over night at a window between pot'S and clasfc, the flowers will not only not bo frozen, but will not even get chilled, as they arp so liable to bo at this season; in the same way, if taken to cover gsrdeo beds, on the frosty nights of early aiitumfi, they will allow the plants to remain safely out-doors soo timo la'fer than is com mon. . . Ono of tho oldest services to put our journals to is tbe keeping of ice in suminor. An ingonious housekeeper recontly discovered tbot hor daily ump of tco would last ncaly twice as long when wrapped in newspapers. and placod in any kind of covered box, as whon trusted solely to a reMgertor. This is vory convenient, sinco it is possibla to have tho bent and cheapest refrigerator constantly at band. To poliBh all kinds of cIubs after washing, except tablo L'lass. no cloth or flannel is half so good as B newspa per j and for a baker's dozen of olhor uses, quite foreign to its primal pur poso, il is without a rival. ScriOner's. A passionato man ridel a horse that runs away with Lint. Oldest Fortification im Amfrica Tho Spanish fort of San Juan do I inos, now cnllcd Fort Marion, nt St Augnstine, Fla , is tho oldest fortifica tion on tbe wostorn continent still used ns a placo of defense. It covers about an acre ol ground, and would accom modate n garrison of 1,000 men. with 100 guns. It wns beirun In IS 20 and complolod in 1750, the Indians being compelled to do the work of building. Over the onlranco is tho Snnnish mm ui urine nun mo name or the thon Gov ernor, tho chief engineer of the works, anu mo uoio oi tho completion of the fort. ' In 18.')5 a dune-con was diamw. ored by the caving of a wall from above, and in it wore two iron caoe. just largo enough to admit tho body u. .linn, miu cacu contained a hilmun skoloton. Who the victims wsraihs Is no traditions to toli. In ono of tho dungeons Osceola was chained pre vious lo his removal to Fort Mouluio. The fort is now gnrrisonod by an old sorgoant. Whoopinci Couuii in tub Last SrAtir. A writer in The Medical Journal, London, states thut irt cases of whoop, ing cough in tho last siaio. Hint i. alter tho third week he has hnd ono ounco oi tno strongest liquid of am monia pul into a gallon of wator in an opon pan, und sioam kept up by rrfoans of a bnek mado red hot throughout, and pul into tho boiling water boo taming tho ammonia, tho pan boing placod in tbo middle of a room, into winch tho patients were bruugbt as tho ammonia steam was nn..in. Ibis method, ho says, was used in tho ovoning, before bodrtmo. and it nm-i so efficacious in abating the attack Hnd nflor Uireq o four dy leiuiina! ting the malady, as to establish, beyond doubt, the value of this modo of In haling ammonia ns a thorapoutio agont n trunquillsing the nervous system in Ike whobjjiliigcoulh ' ' , Tue Sebator from 3fiSsniiai. Whon Carl Schurz is scon ail tin r in is scat bo docfc not impress tho spec tator with tho idea ot a tall man But when he arises, you wonder when his head will stop going up towards tlie clouds. Afler ho has "towered" to a certain allit'ucd, and all tho links and kinks and hinges rerm Straight ened, ho gives his shoulders another twist upward as much as to say ".Shades of Iho mighty Schiller! if ono only oould louch tho top of space V Then thcro is n shake. of (ho long, brown, curling locks as a lion tosses his mano, for all tho rdytil animals of creation "uso similar signs and symbols. . Tho moulhnpons.' (ll is notagrowl. Tho ear is greeted witli tbe swoclcdt and softest strains of the human voice. Who has ever read Oliver Wendell Holmes's description of those velvet and flute-like tones that ravish, tho soul liko hoaveniy melodies of Beeth oven ? Carl Scbuhs has a voico like thb wind sighing through tho sugar cane, and his classical English floats In a sob of rhymical measure. In manner this distinguished Gorman or ator wpuld not attract notice for eilber awkwardness or grace. The person ality ot tho man is lost, because his mind is fully chcaired in following his subtlo thread of argument, which is fairly embroidered with pearls of thought. rresa. A Sketch or a JIiLli'onairb Wm. B. Astor lias walked Broadwav tor thrce-iVjore years without indicating any sympathy for mankind. If von wish to mako a.lriaj, call at the olh'oo in Trinco street. It is woll under stood that charily is not tolerated mere. Mr. Aslors property enabled him fifteen years niro lo nnv a tax of $10,000, and at present he pays about $05,000, whicl is a small sura in pro portion to his unmensoestato. When no was a boy his father's property was won h about $1,000,000. Tho old gon. tlcman 'died in 1848. leavlnr? SO.tlOO.. 000, and tho cstato has much more than doubled sinco that lime. Six hundred houses acknowledge Astor as landlord ; but with all his wealth, why, try him for charily I Thirty list thousand woiiion havo been driven htr poverty Into prostitution during tho timo thai Astor's proporty haa thus grown into a colossal pilo, and now, whilo poverty grinds the musses more bitterly than ovor, tho goldon moun tain increases still more rapidly under its careful management. What a con trast to behold $00,000,000 in the bunds of sn bid of tho gravo, whilo tho direst povorty, reaching oven to starvation, is the lot of thousands. Rochester iAinocruf. Mrs. Sinclair t Fnuiirs-M ttr dorstand ttut. tho executor of Hit. Into Edwin Forrest have effected a Bottloment with the divorced wifo of tho deceased by paying hor $05,000, sho agrceinc to foreini nil lir, ii. for this sum. It was doomed proba blo that bor divoroo in New York would not prevent Mrs. Sinclair from laying claim to all of I liri'l.At'. ..ul .1 n Bs ho left no heirs by consanguinity. ' "otllomcnt, therefore, may bo re garded as a wise and reasonable method of clonring tho ostato niid iiistnln,r tl, execution of (ho great tragedian's will r-prciing mo ..fetors' Homo," for he erection and suniioi t of i.;,.i. u npni.til.t. . ...I .1. gives Mrs. .Sinclair euftluiont to keen hor handsomely during tho rest of her hto. Philadelphia Doy. A Bubm-ban mllllstep applied to a ticket agont od ono of the railways for a "clergyman's tMol," ,nd fMUt, offloml expressing a doubt as to his blortru characlet- oxclaimod ; "If you don t believe I'm a tlorgyman I'll road you one of my sermons !" The agont passed ovor tho ticket, but did not Insist upon tbe proof. The CeMI Whig nay lhatw"ork oa tho Iort Deposit and Columbia raU road continues in progress. Tho com. pany oxpeel in tho spring to lay tho track ai fur up as I'cath Bottom.