Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 25, 1874, Image 2

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inmii and rnorntiToa.
t - - - , - - - Jg
TbO ofllOO Of tho C'LEARriELD Rei'UB-
uoas will hereafter lie in Pie's Opera
House, on Market etroet, between Soo
ond and Third. Tho buninoas oftlco
will be found to the Jolt of tho main
ontrnnco, on the iecond floor, whore
all our old and new patron are invited
to call. Tho preoi and composing
rooms aro on tho third floor.
Nashville, Tenn., was visited by a
evero firo on tho 1 Stb.
Tho offices and material of the Boa
vor Radical, (Sonator Rutan'a paper,)
and lh Arpus. vrero dtutrojod hy firo
on the 20th.
St. Georgo Tucker Campboll, a prom
tnenl Philadelphia lawyer, died in that
city on tho 20th. II o was a nephew
of vice-President George M. Dallas.
A torrifio thunder storm passed
over soibern Illinois on tho lSlh,
destroyinga large amount of property
Cairo, nt the mouth of the Ohio river
Buffered tho roost damn"0.
Tueib Friends. The doath of Clim
Fumncr caused muuh weeping among
the sons and daughters of Ham. He
was the god-father of the negro raco
in this country. The question is,
who will lalio his place."
Massachusetts loyalists are work
ing thomselvca into a fever heat over
tho election of United Stales Sonator
to succeed Sumner. Wo havo no
doubt, from tho look of things, that
Uiutlcr's man, whocrcr he may bo,
ill succeed.
- s
Scuunr., the Orator. Tho friends
of the dead Sumner have selected
Hon. Carl Schurr, United Stales Sen
ntor from Missouri, to deliver an ora
tion in Faneuil Hall, Boston, com
memorative of tho life, character and
public services of tho deceased Sena
tor. Hard to "Bust." "Tho govern
ment" and tho Quakers have made
liuge efforts for over three years to
riroak up the corrupt Indian ring,
which annually robs the pooploof the
United Slates of millions of dollars,
nnd tho poor Indians of a like sum.
The latent information from Washing
ton, is to the effect that the "ring"
will triumph over Grant, Congress and
tho Quakers. What confessed weak
ness and demoralization 1
lion. J. Tringld Jones, who ; for
many years acted as President Judge
of tbo Berks district, died at London,
.England, on the 19th. Judge Jones
will be remembered as one of the
most gifted and genial of men. lie
-was the contemporary of tho Muhlon
bcrgs, and one of the very best speci
mens of old-time Middle Ponnsylva
aiians. A man of culluro and society,
'full of wit and humor, his momory
will always bo recalled with pleasuro.
Cuurcii SrKF.PLKS. Tho highost
church steeple in Philadelphia is that
on the Presbyterian church, corner
of Spruce and Seventeenth streets,
which is 248 feet high. The Masonic
Templo lower, on Broad and Filbert
slroots, Is eight feet loworV Next
comes St. Peter's Roman Catholio
church, corner of Fifth and Girard
Avonne; this is 235 feet, followed
closely by the M. E. Church, corner
of Broad nnd Arch, which is 233 feet
li'gh. ,
Tin Unnatural War. For one to
go back to I860 and look at tho fact
tint -Lincoln bad bat 1,807,610 votes,
while 2,831,500 were cast against bim,
H is no wondor that war followed, be
cause the fraud was tod apparent.
The popular vote cast for President in
I860 was ns fallows :
ui,hm a. Douglass.. .j,.iss,tre
John C. llreckeuridgo 874,v3
John lioll 4(10,631
Abraham Ltnoolo had.,
Koarly one million in tho minority,
yet be was mado President.
Pubmo Plunderers. It is no won
dor that the leading Radicals through
out tho country are becoming immense
ly rich, while tho government and Ihe
people are becoming poorer and more
in debt. Her is a "specimen brick,"
developed by congressional investiga
tion l
fn the division of the moiety spoils Informer
Javoe credit (Icneral John A. lJli with receiv
ing ! 10,0110 with HI,.
000, tnil Mr. Henry A. Hmythe with. l02,00t)
from Bnea, penalties and forfeiture!."
How much bolter is this mothod of
bocoming rich than by tho old plan of
piracy or highway robbery f Will
some modern minded moralist point
out tho difference f
Not Quits. A number of our last
week's exchanges contained the fol
lowing: ' ,
Speaker McCorrnlek, of tho noma of Rrpre.
ecntetlvea f thin Plate, has own appointed United
H'atee District Attorney for the W eeiem District.
toade vacant hy the death of Mr. Rwoona, upon the)
roeoinraeodatloa ot Benaiore boott ana Cameron
This was premature. The Dams of
Mr. MoCormick was sent In by Sena
tor Camoron, but it began to thunder
eo loud in the western portion of the
State that Simon was compcllod to
withdraw bis tool, Mac. A Mr. Hoed,
a Pittsburgh lawyer, appears to be
Ihe liifky man. ; -
ncmocraHc C'omhm Contention.
' In accordance with the aolion of
the County Committee, the delegates
elected in the soveral boroughs and
townhlpa of Cloarflold county assem
bled In tho court room, on Tuesday,
tho 17th InBt., at 1 o'clock, for the pur
pose of changing the timo of holding
onr primary eloclion. ... -J .'" , ' .
The delegates wore called to order
hy Mr. McCuIlough, Chairman ot the
County Committee, who stated that
he wns ready to rccolve motions. Mr.
Jaoknon moved that Aaron C. Tato
nnd W. 6. Luther act as tellers or soo
rotaries.whlch wasunaniroouslyngreed
lo. The boroughs and townships were
then called over in alphabetical order,
and tho delegates present answered to
their names and handod In the returns
of their election, as follows : '
Breoerle Philip Dotti, K. W. Reed, Samuel II.
Btll Robert MehatTey, 1. B. Bunderlln, II.
Bradford Jaoob Prarco, 8. P. Wilson, B. A.
Caldwell, W. I. Curlay.
Brady W. 8. Luther, O.C. Kirk, A. M.Drauk
ar, K. U. Ilays, J. Bh.ller.
Ilurniide Daniel Uortuan, Wn. Qorman.
Cheat John U. Miller, 8. Williama, C. B.
Covington L. M. Coudrlct, Dr. QUIItand, J. J.
Clearfield A. J. Jackion, Vt'm. Tucker, M.
Kettleberger, A. O. Tate.
Curweoaville J. D. Thomnion.W. P. Chamber!.
Decatur J. F. Btelnar, Muiea Owane, Kiohard
UirardF. II. Jordan, R. B. Stewart.
Graham Jaoob C. Paoo, I TOtea.
Oulieh J. 8. McKiernao. Jaa. Flvnn.
Jordan Slrcater Weimar, D. W. Wlio, Peter
Kuoi Rolit. Wllberow, t.ewli KrhnrJ.
Lawrence Matthew Ogden, W. 8. Head, A. Q.
Kramer, J. R. Parka, L. C. liloom.
Murria Jamea Stewart, A. I. Thorn, Daniel
Beam, O. L. Buhoonoror.
ow Washington A. D. Bennett, II. Nolman.
Penn John 11. Haffert;, W. V. Juhuaon, l'ater
1'ikc John Owcai, Foreiter Bloom, W. M.
Uninn John Drearier, Thoa. Broekbank.
Wullaoetun Jaa. 11. Turner. A. J. Kleur.
Woodward Samuel Henderaon.
Tbcro were no delegates present
from Bloom, Boggs, Ferguson, Goshen,
Huslon, Ksrthuus, Lumber City or
Osceola. Whether elections were hold
in thoso districts we aro not informed.
Tliu convention being fully organised,
Mr. Brelli, ot Bell, moved that our
primary election bo hold hereafter on
the Saturday previous to September
Mr. Millcr,of Chest, moved to amend
by making it tho second Saturday in
August, and Mr. Luther, of Btady,
and Mr. McKicrnan, of Gulich, also
offered amendments, but we failed to
hear the timo they 6xcd. At this
point tho chair stated that but one of
tho amendments hod been seconded.
Mr. Tucker, of Clearfield, then arose
and offered tho following resolution,
which wns seconded by quite a number:
Remind, That Hale 4th and 17th of our party
code be ao amended aa to read t "That the time
for holding the Demncratie Couhtf Contention to
make county nominations be the third Tuesday of
September In each Tear, at tbo Court llouaa In
ciearoeid, at 1 o cluck p. m , and that tne primer;
election, for the election of dolegatea to said oon
rentlon, be held the Batardajr preceding laid
Tuesday, at tbo aereml eleetion bonsea in the
oounty, between the boure of 1 o clook and 7
o'ulock p. m."
At tho conclusion of the reading ot
tho resolution, the original motion of
Mr. Brcth and all the amendments of
fered were withdrawn, and the resolu
tion was adopted without a dissenting
voico. Un motion luo convention ad
This was one of tho most harmoni
ous conventions we ever witnessed,
and the dologatos, it will bo observed,
aro all intelligent, representative men
from their respective localities, and
aro a credit to any county or party.
itemocralie Jtltttlng.
In accordance with previous notice
the Democrats of Clearfield oounty
assembled in the courtroom on Tues
day evening, the 17th instant. The
meeting was called to order by Wm.
M. McCuIlough, Esq.," Chairman of
the County Commiituo, who stated
tho object of the meeting on this oc
casion. Al tne conclusion ot Lis re
marks Mr. J. B. Walters offered the
following resolution : -
IIikM, That Dr. A. D. Bennett, of New
Washington, J. B. bhaw, of Clearfield, and J. A.
Blattenberger, of Osceola, ba and are hereby ap
pointed Senatorial Confereea to onset like Con
ferees from otber aountics in this benatonal Dia
trict,to eleot a Senatorial Delegate to the approach
ing Btuto Convention, with power of aubstituting
in aaao of tbair inabilit j to attend.
This resolution was unanimously
adopted, as well ns the following, which
was offered by J. W. Bantz, Ksq. :
BaoletJ. That Abraham Humphrey, of Law
rence towuship, bt and is hereby oleoted Repre
sentative delegate to the appniaohirig State Con
vention, with power to substitute If unable to at
tend the same.
After some remarks from tho Chair
man and tho delegate elect the moot-
ng adjourned.
Tin New PosTornce. Philadel
phia is to have a new posloffice
building crcctod at the corner of
Ninth and Murket stroets. Tho jury
appointed to view and assess tbo dam
ages, on the proporty condemned for
puhlio use, fix the sum st 8025,348.09.
One single property, No. 1)0 1 nnd
906 Market street, ownod by Eliza L
Hoffman, Is valued at (08,000. Tho
building will be erected by the Gon-
eral Government, and will be of an
imposing chsraotor.
Tho Massachusetts Stato prison has
had a (200,000 fire, and tho concern
is pretty well used up. Ben B tiller
will, therefore be allowed to remain in
Washington at the hoad of tbo Radi
cal parly unlil tbo shebang is pot In
trim Again.
Tho Democrats of Allcubeny county
want the nest Democratic Stale Con
vention to meet In Pittsburgh. I
InnM Wnnua KtiantMntn Tim rtiA.
prietors of tho Cambria Iron Works
nave susnendod ntwrilions In rnnaa.
quenccs of the probability of a strike
nmvug vi.v . v-iniiii liltsro lur lllgner
wages. The fact that tho Company
have not boen booking orders ol any
imponanoo lor some time, the gen
oral dullnoss which pervades in the
trtvdo, and the compulsory piling up
of manufactured material at a loss,
doubtless had considerable weight in
forming tbs conclusion to shut down.
Tbs Boston Pott says Napoleon IV.
attains bis majority to day. It isa't
tne majority tni elects, however, .
Compuliory Kdmnlion.
We last week laid bofore our read
ers a supplement to the common
school law, now before the Legislature,
looking to the Prussian method of ed
ucation. If this bill becomes a law,
poor parents ,wil forfeit the' control
of their own children. Tho State be.
comes the guardian Angel, and com
plete Russian serfdom will be inaugur
ated, so fur as education is concerned.
We call tho attention of our readers
to the following excellent article upon
this subject, which wo find in tho
Hurrisburg ratriot, of the 21st, which
deserves an attontlve perusal by every
ono who loves free govermont. Com
pulsory education is as illy adopted to
tho soil of this Kepublto as a brace
of Kings or Kmporors, and the foster
ing of the formor will breed the latter.
The following is tho arliclo ulluded to :
Wo have already laid before our
readora the full toxl of the bill bufore
tho lctfieilulure to scoure tho lultor at
tendance of childron nt school. There
scorns to be an intense dcBire on tbo
part of philanthropic people to bring
10 Dear tue powers ot government in
noarlv ovcrv department of human ef
fort. The old doctrine that the world
is governed too much is discarded by
thoso thoorizcrs, They think that
the world cannot bo governed enough.
It Is for this reason that, like barnacloe.
upon a shin, every year witnesses nn
oxtonding area of bureaus, commis
sions anu E)uurinionucncicg lustcnea
upon the public sorvice, to examine
inlo education, ogriculluro, statistics,
coast lines, liquor consumption, con
iUr service, freight tariffs and the
liko. 'Theso cncroathmonls upon the
propor domain of private enterprise
have already swelled our civil service
beyond that ol any civilized nation on
the earth, and art) fast approaching, if
they have not already attained, a point
where, by tbo mere magnitude of
numbers, our oOicials whose bread and
butter stands at constant hazard, have
beconio themselves a menace to tho
pnblio wolfuro. They are abstrnclod
from tho number of citizens who havo
a mind of Ihcir own.
We are led to this lino of remark,
not by any special enormity of the
hill upon which wo are commenting,
for it is ono of the thousand harmless
expedients which cumber tho slain to
books, but fail to do groat mischiuf
for lack of the necessary machinery
in a free elato to carry tho aims of its
projectors inlo practice. Tho assump
tion embraced in tueso compulsory
education schemes, however, lies at the
root of the evil of paternal govern
mcnt. It bus been the entering wodge
which we have seen in our own lime
drag into its widening rift all the lib
erties of a people until even the con
science of tho individual has bocome
a mailer of stato regulation. Prussian
despoliam is the full grown tree of
I f. L 1 J .!.. .1.-
wuieu jvumpuisurjr euuuuuun nastue
seed. Its advocates blandly assumo
that, becauso of the sad delect ot ig
norance, and becauso ignorant poople
are more apt to commit onmes than
others less ignorant, thorofore the
stato has the riirht to stop between
ignorant childron and deliver over the
littler to taskmasters and trainers of
its choico. This is tho rough, plain
stntcmont, divested of philanthropic
platitudes. It is prod icu ted on the
idea that the state in tho matter of ed
ucational training is authorised to
supplement individual effort and as
sume a power and responsibility nover
delogatcd by tho people and not ac
cordant with right roason. On the
same principle, because of the sad ex
igoncios of. wsr, and becauso soldiers
untrained in their youth make but in
different bendwav against troops bred
to tho use of arms, the state has the
riirht to protect itself against antici
patod menaco by compulsory military
servico. 1 no stato lias tne sumo rient
to protect itself against over-heating
and over-drinking whicu result in dys
pepsia, delirium and ungodliness, all
unmitigated evils. It follows, logi
cally enough, that tho slate may
protect itsoll acnints human depravity
and original sin, up to such a point ns
where the quantum ot sinlulncss in
the state and in the people nt large
miL'ht be evenly balanced, when we
do not seo that the principlo obuld go
fnrthor. - i
But aro the premises correct upon
which compulsory education isground
ed r If it is assorted that vico or
crimo is in any certain ratio to tho
ascending or descendiug scalo of in
telligence, we deny it. Our own
country furnishos convincing proof ot
an ascending intolligeiico coupled with
descending mortality. Who thai com
pares the government of Thomas Jef
ferson nnd Ulysses Simpson Grant, or
tho people of 1776 with the peoplo of
1874 in this country will lail to agroe
with us f And yet, gratuitous slate
education is sn institution at oenen
cent work ninontr us.
We nro not denying that intolligonce
is a irooU thin ir. Jvnowlodife ispuwor,
but a power to do evil as well as good.
It is very lur Irom Doing ino correia.
tivo of either goodness or honosly so
fur from it that such an assumption is
not a sufficient ground on which to
baso tyrannous exe'roiso of authority.
There is a scale, however, by which
vico may bo unerringly moasured. It
rises with Die decay ol private ana
public virtue and sinks as virluo flour
ishes. But virtue is a plant of home
growth, flourishing but coldly in our
oommon schools, and unfortunately,
as all history proves, not to bo meas
ured by the delusive scale oi what is
usually callod intelligence, nor to bo
nursed into activity by subsidies or
oompollod to grow by torce.
National Shams Crant is not tho
only Individual who "leathers his fam
ily nest" at tho nublio experrso. The
publication of the following order,
llrtlR' u iur mo nxing up ui yitiuiuuj'
General Williams' lot, in Washington
city, at the publio exponso, has given
rise to much comment:
' Boauo or Prni.ic Wosits, Drat. Coi.rtii, I
WmatatiToa, October 14, 1873. J
Htm: Ril'l at Clark l
(lENTl.KMRff I You are hereby requested to fll
and trade tho property of Attorney tleneral Wll-
liama to the aatiafactlnn of Mrs. Williama. This
work must b oommeneed and fintahed without
delay. B J order of the Board. Very reaneotfulljr,
" ait II ill,
Oeneral Superintendent.
Tt Is stated, liv a con torn norarr.
- , j . j i
that the publio funds expended nndor
tills order amounted to iimi, ana
had no connection whatever wild the
improvement of the streets and alleys.
A part of this 92,139 was charged to
an alloy at somo distnnoo,' and the
rest to property two squares distant.
A cellar to suit Mrs. Williams was
dug and walled at an expense of 114,
000, wbioh was charged to tho public
account, as was also $1,150 worth of
tilling up or lots.
' Paner cuffs are said to have origl.
naled in newspaper attack. '
' HarrUburg lAttrr.
Mb. Kditoh : A bill providing for
tho imposition of additional tux on
railroads in this Slate has beon intro
duced, and as those corporations were
opposed to the bill, and wore anxious
to discuss its morits before tho finance
committee of the Sonato, a hearing
was fixed for them on tho evening of
the 12th instant. The Pennsylvania
Railroad Company was represented hy
W. J. Howard, tboir solicitor, who
said the bill destroyed uniformity in
the taxation of corporations ar.d bore
with especial severity on companies a
portion of whore road only tinvorsod
this Stato. Such a tax as is proposod
in tho bill would tako from railroad
companios about one million dollurs
more than they now paid into
tho Slato treasury. The result would
bo to inlerfero detrimentally with tho
business of corporations, and neces
sarily to inorease the burdens of tho
pulio at largo. He considered tho
bill unjust, and rend from tho Gov
ernor's meseago and tho Stato Treas
urer's report to show that it was un
necessary that the ordinary expenses
ol tho Commonwealth could be mot
without increased taxation.
F, B. Gowen, Presidont of the
Philadelphia & Heading Itailroad,
maintained that tho revenues were
sufllciont to meet the current expen
ditures of the government with a
handsome balance to spare. In liis
opinion tho State Treasurer had p-cat-ly
underestimated tho revenues which
will be derivod from corporations dur;
1871 undor oxisting laws to the
amount ol about 8670,000. .Bnsidos
tho State Treasurer 'had oVo'rslatcd
tho sum that would havo to bq ap
plied to the liquidation of the Stato
debt by 8000,000. According to his
(Mr. Gowcu's) cstimalo, tho amount
in tho treasury nt tho end ol tho
year will bo 81,100,000 or $1,200,000,
making allowances for tho 875,000 to
be devoted to tho payment of tho
Slnte debt. A tax should bo imposed
.on corporations that is oquititblo
making no discrimination against
railroad companios. Tbo proper
method would be to tax gross receipts
and drop all oilier taxes, lie said
that tho adoption of the bill ponding
would increase l ho tax of his compa
ny from $800,000 to $1,000,001). He
thon slated that his company last
year employed nearly 20,000 men and
paid them over $10,000,000. Such a
company he thought should Iks protect-'
ed from all unjust legislation. JIo re
ferred to the luct that his company
had agreed to give $150,000, and tho
Pennsylvania company $250,000 to
ward the centennial exposition. If
these companies were burdened .with
an additional tax tbey would bo loth to
conlribute the amount. He said if
tho bill - passed, tho people living
along the line of the road would have
tbo burden to put on them. An at
tempt hud been made, ho said, to cre
ate a feeling against railroad compa
nies, and in favor of Ihe centennial
that unless tho bill paused the opposi
tion would fail. He said Mac key, the
Stale Treasurer, had reports circula
ted through tho press t.ial such would
be the case if increased taxes were
not Imposed. Gowen is smart, and
mado an eloquent and lengthy speech
which was listened to by an appre
ciative audionce with rapt attention.
He was followed by tho Presidents
of tbo Lehigh & Suaquehanna, and
tho Philadelphia, Wilmington and
Baltimore Ituilroads. Senators Wat
loco, llutan and MoClure, of the com
mute, propounded a number of ques
tions to the speakers which were
promptly answered.
The following bills on third reading
psssod tho House this week : House
bill, No. 107, roquiring rsilroad or
canal corporations, organised or doing
business in this Stale, to maintain an
office therein for tho transnction of
business. No. 74, joint resolution for
an appropriation for painting a por
trait of Ihe Governor. An act author
izing tbo purchaso of ground for a
New Stato -Arsenal, and the abandon
ment of the old ono on the Capitol
grounds, Senate Bill, No. 2. to provido
for the payment of the expenses of
advertiaing tho new Constitution came
upon 3d rondiug and passed finally.
On 3d reading, bills woro taken op us
follows : An act to provido for the ex
penses of tho Hoard of Charities. By
an amendment the sulary of chief
clerk of tho above bturd was mado
$.'1,000. instead of $2,000, as heretofore.
Tho bill then passed. A mumber of
bills passed 2d reading, each making
somo appropriation fur the relief of
hospitals and other places ol charily
I provided by voluntary contributions,
n the Senate bills woro introduced as
fullowsi Providing for final adjourn
ment on April 15th." By Mr. llutan,
to crento a commission for the pur-
fioso of examining and procuring uni
ormily of school books in the several
school districts of this commonwealth.
Mr. Cooper offered a resolution provid
ing for adjournment of the Legislature
from 27th of March to April 14th.
Mr. Wallace thought ten days ample
timo for persons to transact all tho
businoss incident to the 1st of .April,
and amended tbo resolution so as to
fix tho timo for reassembling on April
7th, The amendmont was agreod to,
but the resolution fell. The follow
ing passed finally: No. 75, in rolation
to suits for wsges, preventing stay of
execution on judgments obtained there
for. To provide for payment of can
vassers appointed by election oom.
missioners in Philadelphia, No. 47, ta
provide for the imprisonment of per
sons whero sentences shall be com
muted by the Oovornor, No. 05, to
correct the coat of arms of the Com
monwealth, and to have tho same re
corded in tho State Archives. The
following woro upon second reading:
No. 125, to regtilato the manner of
advertising for the Stato and the issu
ing of Warrants for the same ; passed.
No. 111,10 provide for a Geological
survey of the State. Mr. Wallace
favored a Geological survey. Tho bill
was a step In the right direction, but
it should be thoroughly ventilated nnd
forfoctod in all its important parts
t was tho duty of Senators to give
the subject their most cartful and
earnost attention, as the exponso of
such survey would roach probably
$300,000. Ho did not believe in the
niggardly economy of closing the
treasury to tho demands of a thorough
development of the great Minora! re
sources of the Stato. The Bill was
postponed for the prosont. Cqunsol
arp-uod tbo Guss oase bofore tho com-
.mittoe on Thursday afternoon. Will
givo committee s decision in my no I.
t Yours truly, U. L. II
Jorxis Dcnt, brolhor of Mrs. Grant,
wife of the Prosidont, died In Wash
ington on the 22d. He had Won oon
sidorablo fame sipoe tbo war by the
firominent part ho took in publio af
airs.and will bn romemered as the Con.
snrvalive candidate for Governor of
Missislppl against the present Senator
Aluorn, la 1859.
fncrrau of Safari re Then, JTovf.
From the proceedings of the House
of Representatives at llarrislmrg, on
Thursday lust, we take the following.
The Appropriation Bill being nndor
consideration i
Mr. Mitchell moved to Increase the salary of
the (fni ernor's mesaenger Irom fVUO to fl.Itlt
Agreed to. Also,
To inereaaa the paj of the Plate Librarian from
$1,200 to $1,000. Agreed to.
Mr. Croaa moved to make the ealary.of the
Rouse tneaaengers $S00, Instead of $6011. Agreed
Mr. Christy sieved to Inereaaa the salary of
the Deputy Hooretary of the Commonwealth fruin
$1,250 to $1,600. Agreed to.
Mr. Cross snored to Inereaaa the amount here
tofore appropriated for takiug care of tho nublio
grounds, which waa $5,r00, to $S,U0 1 Agreed
to. Also,
To add $1,000 for furniture for tba Eiecutlte
Mansion. Agreed to.
Mr. Orvia moved to reduce tho number of
watohmoo of the publio grounds from tour to two.
Aui Afrud to.
The House, aflor this labor of love,
How easy it Is to have salaries In
creased at llarrisburg I The Carlisle
Volunteer asks, Is it not wonderful
that members of the legislature can
havo the fuco to vote away the taxes
oi the peoplo in this way at a lime
wlion business all over tho country is
almost at a standstill, and when ten
thousand mochanica and workingmen
are out of work, and on the verge of
starvation J What a commentary is
this upon the sterootypod resolution
heretofore adopted at all ltadiacl State
and County conventions in favor of
"oconomyl Increasing salaries at
this particular lime is an outrago upon
the peoplo and upon deconcy. Two
thirds of the officers now under the pay
of tho Slate eould bo disposed altogoih
.or, and the other third could have their
salaries cut down instead of increased.
Formerly when such men as Shunk,
Bigler and Packer were Governors,
with a Democratic Legislature to
assist them, wo had none of this reck
less extravagance 77ii-n the Govern
or's salary was $3,000. Now $10,000.
Then tho Governor's messenger re
ceived $400. Now $1,200. Then the
Slate Librarian's, salury was $000.
Now $2,000. Then we had no House
messenger, tho Deputy Door-keeper
performing tho roesongcr's duties.
Aow we pay to tins nrio otucer ?00.
77ien the Deputy Secretsry of the
Commonwealth received $l,200ayear.
A'ou? $2,500. Then we had no pages
in cither House. Now about iSI
Then tbo publio grounds about the
capitol were cared lor by an old man
for $300 a year. Note we pay for the
duly $8,000. Then our Governor
rented a houao to live in, and paid the
rent out ol bis $3,000 salury. Now
we provide a $00,000 house for the
Governor, and mako a yearly appro
priation for furniture amounting to
inoro than the uovernor s lormer
salary 1 Then to inaugurate it Govern
or cost $300 or $400. Now $4,000 or
$5,000. Then when an ex-Governor
d'ed be was bnrid at the expense of
his lamily. Aow to bury an ex Uov
ernor it costs tho poople between
$4,000 and $5,000. See last Auditor
General s Jteport concerning the fu
ncrul ot ex-Governor Geary. Then
tho whole expenso of tho Adjutant
General's office when we had a military
organization to feel proud of, was $300
a year. Now, wilb about one negro
company in each county, Ibis office
costs us over 81 a, (Kill a rear.
But wo will go no farther. Webave
four office holders now whore we bad
one formerly, and the expenses of (he
State government are now six times
greater than lormerly. I Ins is lie
putlicaa against Democratic rule.
Thus fur the people have said amen to
this extrvsganoo and villainy. But,
Ihunk God, they aro getting their
eyes open at last, and when tbo oppor
tunity arrives the deceivers of the
people will be hurled from power.
Tax-payers aro beginning to feel the
pressure, and are anxious to apply the
The New Vebsioi. Chaplains a
a rulo ore un ccccntrie class. Curious
stories aro told of tbo antics of those
who followed tho army during tho
late war, somo of which reflected not
very favorably on thoir sacred calling,
Occasionally wo are also surprised at
iho actions of Chspluins who officiate
over tho senate and llonso ot Jtepru
scnlalivcs at Washington in tho freo
and easy stylo lliey adopt in Interpol
aling in their prayers advice to mem
bers how to vote" o a measures that
come before them ; but the most
unique specimen ottheucnus (Chaplain
thai basyet turned up isheof tho State
House of Kcpresonlulivcs who on
Monday last alter spouking in repro
bntiun of tho act of a member which
compelled him to resign his office,
onded his prsyer with the following
quotation irom Jirei Jiarte s An bin
"Fur ware that are dark
And tricka that are vain"
Uood lord deliver ne.
Comment is unnecessary.
Out on Bail. Gcorco O. Kvans
was released from prison to-day on a
oonu oi to appear at a ncaring
on an application to bo discharged ns
an insolvent debtor. Tho counsel for
the Commonwealth were perststontin
demanding that his bail be fixed at a
very largo sum, but the Court ruled
that tho security was not for the pay
ment of money, but meiely to insure
the appearance of the prisoner to show
why he could not pay tho sum which
a iurv had decided he owed the Com
monwealth. Joshua Moran, of Phila
delphia., and James Inbbons, ol Balti
more, are on the bond. Mr. Evans'
health is as bad as it could possibly bo,
and be will not bo able to leave llar
risburg unlil the wealhor moderates.
Suits aix Tastxs. According to
the i (i(riuf,the ladies and gonliomon ol
Hurrisburg go to soo "Hivoreo" for
the following reasons : Happy married
peoplo go to learn what connubial
misery looks like. Wretched married
pooplo go there to discovor what
moans tney may tnke for gotting out
of thoir trouble Divorce lawyers and
agents go there to dutoct whero the
dramatist has caught his points Irom.
Voting poople go (here to know what
lios beforo them."
It is n curious fact that tho biogra
phies of Prosidont Buchanan and
Chief J list ico Chase aro not yet in
course of preparation, owing to diffi-r-nliids
between the noraons emnlovod
to write thorn and tbo executors of
the rospeclive estalos.
Gonoral C. W. Liven, of Lawrence
oounty, who eorvod with distinction
during the lato war as colonel of the
Twoliih Pennsylvania Jioscrves, has
been appointed by Governor Hart
ranft Sunorintondoot of the Stale Ar
sons! at llarrisburg.
"I profer it to tho guillotine," said
Thsophiie Gaulior, whon asked if be
liked A piano. , ,
Cheap happiness Going without
one's dinnor to be happy ' whqn sup
per time comes.
Jt Warning to Public Robber:
Tho local of tho Harrisburg Patriot
of the 23d Inst., in alluding to Bill
Kemble's "Addition, Division nnd
Silence" subjoot, says: , '
I'The fine weather on Saturday Indnoed lis
friends to remove Qeorce 0. Kvans from prison
to Philadelphia. Owing to his ftlile health he
waa oonveyrd to the Pennsylvania railroad de
pot in a oarriaga, aooompaoied by bis daugher.
Tha train whion bore hiia to hie deatinatlon waa
the l'aeifle expreae. Unless ha should show aigns
of Improvement at bia home In a short lima Mr.
Kvana will be taken to one of the milder southern
Staloa probably Florida."
. Such Is the last acoount wo have of
tho man who robbed tbe taxpayers of
Pennsylvania of t20,000. An intel
ligent, halo, hoarly man, tortured to
death by a pack of venal political
dogs who havo used Evans just as tho
burglar docs his "jimmy," for a vory
hard purpose. W hy doos Evans not
toll what he did with the money he
collected and pockotcd ? If he gam
bled it away In regular black leg
stylo, and probably he will nevor win
back a dollar of it, why not lot tho
poor dovil alone, and let bis broken
spirit and doathly appearance stand
us a warning to all evil doers iu tho fu
ture. . A man tortured to dcnlb by
bisfriondsisapioceofsuch refined and
unheard of meekness, that ordinary
mortals can only contemplate, but
nover realizo, and can only be endured
by thoso versed In "Addition, Divi
sion and Silonce."
Professional Witnesses Thore
is a class of men at Washington who
make a living by acting as witnesses
bofore investigating coin mi ttees. The
pay of such witnesses is $2.50 a day.
Thoso professional witnesses manage
to get tbomsolvos subpoenaed early
and thoir examination delnyed until
near tho end. As these investigations
often run through three months or
half a year those fellows draw a snug
sum of monoy in each case. When
called tbey have nnevidonce of import
ance to give,-but are paid the same as
il they had. 1 Ins is only one ol a thou
sand petty ways in which the tax
payors ol tho country are being swin
Hon. Henry Wilson, Vice President
ot the United Mat, is In I'htludel
phia, the guest of George W. Childs,
ol the Jjedger.
gnu gaflvfrlisf meats.
Second Street,
I have thie day leased the above room. I will
represent tha PUT. QO0DS BUSINESS to better
advantage than formerly, la having sufficient
room to display my goods. Tbe room la eommo
dloue and well looated for the particular line of
goods t reprrseat, and sny ejtpensaa for doing
busineas being vary light, I will snake tha Key.
stone one of tha boat plaoee la Central Peansyl
vavla to buy goods. An ealire new Una of
just received. Call and see.
'Second etroot, Clearfield, Pa., March 25, 1874.
OHIiRII-'F'S HALF By virtue of sundry
s3 writs of Srn'iMios issued out of tne Court
ol inmmon rieaa or Clearneld oounty, and to me
directed, there will he exposed to public sale, at
the hotel ( Jama MeLanirhlln, In tha bnrooih
or Claarfteld, on SATURDAY. MAHC11 3Mh,
1S74, at i o'clock p. m., tha following property :
1 sorrel Iloree, g black Ilorara, 1 black Mare,
4 bay Ilorsea, 1 grey Horses, I Coll. t Wan-on a.
1 paira twin 6 Ma, arts llarneas, I barrel of
Alolasaes, I barrel of Mesa Tork, 2 Cook Storca
and I'tenaila, 4 ll"H". half ton liar more or leas.
17 lleda and Holding, lot of Camp Futures, a
nousee ana a jiarns ai upper camp, l House and
I Darn at lower camp, lot of Cantbooka and Cant
hook Stocks, lot of Urahe, lot of Spreads, Single
trees, Trailing Lines, lot of Iron, Steel, new
Horse Shoos, 400,000 feet of Logs, mora oi maa,
lying In woods on land bought by Cbarlea T.
Roberta from K. S. Stewa-t, JiO.OUO feetor I.nea,
mora or leas, cut on said land and piled near Hob
erta' dam, and a great many other articles not
herein mentioned.
Seised, token in elocution and lo be sold as tha
property or Charles T. Huberts,
maris W. K. MfTllERSOX, Sheriff.
Lire Insurance on a Kew Plan!
The Best and Cheapest Life Insurance
In the World!
The object of tbo company tt to aware the
CASH PAYMENT to the widow, husband, or
phan, aeir or legal representative or a daooaaed
member, at tha and of ality days after proof, of
aa many dollars as there are meuibera belonging
to tha Division In which the deceased waa in
sured, i.
It is prnpoerd to make the number of uicmbera
in each Division HV Ii THOUSAND, so that
when completed each member's life will ba In-
eared for tbe sum of
Any person In good health, male or female
between the agra of fifteen and sixty-tve, shall
oa eligible to membership, and unua the nay
ment of an entrance foe of fromSIO to fit), ac
cording to ago, ahall receive a life-lone policy,
subieet to the rnlee of the assoeiation. tipoa the
doaih of a metnhnr, an aeaeeamenl of one dollar
and lea oenls ie levied upon tbe survivors, to ba
paia at tne omco or the company within forty
days. One dollar from each member goes to the
family of tha deceased, and tea eente for the
workiog einenees of the Company, for full par-
ucmera auurosa or can on
R. M. MrKNAI.LT, Agent,
ClearK.Iti, Pa, Maroh ii, 1S74.
CAUTION. All pertoni are hereby warned
against purchasing, ar in any way meddling
with tbe following property now In the possession
or John Uoaa, of Wallaoetoa, viai One bay mare,
one bay bursa, one wagon, ona sled, and two Beta
nf harness, aa tha said property belongs to ma
no is leu wiw aim oa loan only, swKJeect to my
order. ' JAMES II. TURNER.
Wallaeeton, Maroh IS, 1874-Sl
CAUTION. All fHireoiiean cautioned against
imrebaalug nr in any way meddling with a
lot ut leather purchased by ma at rherif '( sale,
now In possession AT laaae (loon, ks Ihe same be
loontome. JANES DUNN.
AlaruS l, UTi-lt.
)f.v di'trtistmrats.
RF.POHT of tha condition or tba COUNTY
NATIONAL BANK of Clearfield, at the
oloaa of busineaa oa Friday, February IT, 1874i
" aBSDuaoaa.
Loans aad discounts... , .....$ 1 5S.9M Tt
Overdraft 4.0KS 64
V. H. bonds to sue ore circulation...... 74,000 so
Other stocks.. 4,000 00
Due from redeeming icaerve agenla, 13,493 01
Due from other National Banks.- 6114 13
Due from State Hanks and Bankers.. 10.U1 1 21
Furniture anil Allures 1,37138
Current eipenaaa &7 00
Taiea paid
Chocks A Cash Items, tnolud'f stamps I, ITS M
UHle or national Hanks I,"l
Fractional eurreney,ineluding nickels, 04S SI
Legal-tender notes.. IS.Slft 00
..f'lKo.SUl IS
CapIUl stock paid In. $100,000 00
Surplus fund 14,0t' 00
I'rotil anil lose 10,1141 jv
Circulation outstanding. SJ.4IIO 00
Individual deposits 114,437 Bo
Due to other National Hanks... ....... J,67t 87
Due to State Banks and Hankers..... Til 2b
Total .......fSMl.nuj.
Staf of Pniffiltmnla, Cltarfleti County, KS 1
1, YV . M. Hbaw, Cannier or the county JVatlonel
Rank of ClearSelil, do solemnly swear that the
above atateinent is true to the best of my knowl
edge and belief. W. M. BHAW, Caahier.
Hubecribed and sworn to before me tbultth day
of March, A. I. 1S74.
Correot Attest! JAS. T. LEONARD,
O. L. REED, ,
Marsh Ii, 1S74. . Direotora.
REPORT of tha condition of tha FIRST
NATIONAL BANK of Clearfield, at tba
oloaa of busineas on February 27, 1 S74 1
Loans and DIsoonffta. $160,922 04
Overdrafts 1,013 01
U. B. Honda to aeeure circulation 100,0110 00
Duo from redeeming A reserve agonta 11,128 74
Due from other National Banks. 4.S4S 60
Due from State Hanks and Bankers... 0.514 01
Furniture and Fixtures.. 1,260 60
Current Espenaes IS 90
Taiea paid iti 66
Checks and othereash Items... 22 00
mils of other National Banks. I6 00
Fractional currency, rnelud'g nicklee. 774 81
Coin II 60
L;gal tender 13,760 00
Total $2(I5.1JJ at
Capital stock paid in. $100,000 00
Rorplua fund 21,000 00
Interest and exchange.
2,25 16
front and loaa..
Circulation outatanding
Dividends unpaid
Individual Deposits
Due to otber National Banks
Due to State Banka and bankers...
Total. ..........
2,24ft 06
89,100 1)0
6 00
D9.6S2 TO
fl.3r. SI
44S 74
,..$296,123 S5
.Sln( 0 Peaasyrvauia, Clrarfitli Count, SS 1
I, Jona. Boyanton, Preaident of tbo Firat
National Bank of Ciearflald, do eolemnly swear
that tbe above statement ie true to the beat of my
knowledge and belief.
JONA. BOTANTON, Preaident.
Subseribed aad sworn to before me this 24th day
or March, 1874. WM. RADEIIACH, N. P.
Correct Attest: ROBERT MITCHELL,
March 26, 1874. Directors.
J virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court or
t'learneld oounty, aou to me directed, there will
be expoaed toaublle aale, In Lutherahurg, Clear
field eounly, Pa., at l'o'eluek P. M., oa SAT
URDAY, APRIL II, 1674, tha following real
estate, late tbe property of William Kiik, de
ceased, bounded and deeeribed aa follows : All
those two certain tracts or pieces of land, situate
ia Brady township, Clearfield county, l'a., tha
first thereof beginning at tha eleven mile stove
on tbe Husquebanoa and Erie turnpike ; thenee
west 76 perches more or less to a post ; thence by
land of William Brisbin north So perches more
or leaa to a pine ; tbeoce west 62 2-10 porehes to
a red oak ; tbenea noitb 24 4 10 perchea to tbe
north boundary lino of traot No. 1VIH) 1 thence by
the same 91 2-10 perchea more or less to a ehest
aut at tha turnpike; thenoe along the aama by
tha various courses and distances thereof to the
place of beginning, containing TWENTY-FIVE
ACHES and 166 perchea.
Tba second thereof beginning at a poet on the
Suaquehanna and Erie turnpike, aod the lino be
tween tracta No. 19tS and 367 j thence along
aaid turnpike north 27f perchea. mora or less, to
a poinli thence still along tha aama north 331
degreeo, weet 71 2-10 perchea to corner af land of
Jamea Taylor; thenee weat 61 perches to a stone
on land of William Kirk 1 Ihenoa by Kirk'a land
south 96 J-IO pa robes to a Una or Warrants No.
3677 and ISSf ; thenee along eaid boundary line
east 91 perches to the beginning, oontaining
FORTY-FOUR ACRES and 144 perchea, except
ing and reserving out or the above premises a
certain lot or laod heretofore conveyed to
George Arlok.
Tha Improvement! on the above described
premises are a two-etory plaak house, barn and
other outbuildioga, and having thereon ono of the
beat orchards la tha county. About 60 acres are
cleared and ia aa excellent state of cultivation.
TKKMH OF SALE. One-third eaea and bal
aneo in three equal annual peymenta, with inter
est from data at aix par aeat., and ta bo secured
by bond and mortgage on the preiniaee.
march26 St J. II. KIRK, Adm'r.
MAY 1, 1ST4, TO APRIL 20, 1874.
Tba law of December 24, 1872, requires every
person engaged in business, avocation or employ
ment which renders him liable to a Special Tax,
to procure and place oonspionoosly In his estab
lishment or place of buaineaa a stamp, denoting
tba payment of aaid Special Tax lor tha Special
Tax year beginning May I, 1S74, before com
mencing or continuing businoaa after April 30,
1874. Tba taiea embraced within tha provi
sions of the law above quoted are tba following,
Rectifiers. $200 00
Dealers, retail liquor 26 00
Dealers, wholesale liquor... 00 00
Dealers in malt liquors, wholesale ...... 60 00
Dealers in malt liquors, retail 20 10
Dealers la leaf tobacco 26 SO
Retail dealera in leaf tobacco. 600 00
And on aalea of over $1,000, fifty eente
for every dollar In axoeae of $1,006.
Dealers in manufactured tobacco 6 00
Manufacturers of stills n0 00
And for each atill manufactured 20 00
And for each worm manufactured. 20 00
Manufaoturers of tobaeoo , 10 00
Manufacturers of cigars 10 00
Peri'Heri of tobaroo, firat elaas (more than
2 horaes) 60 00
PrdHlera of tobacco, 2d clasa, (2 horses). 26 00
Peddlers of tobaeoo, 3d olesa, (1 horae)... 16 00
Peddlers of tobacco, 4th otass, (on foot or
In publio conveyance).. 10 00
flrawera of leas than 600 barrels..,,..,..... 60 OS
Brewers of 600 barrels or mora. 100 00
Any person, so liable, who shall fail teoomply
with the foregoing requiromenu will be aubjeot lo
severe penalliea.
Pernona or firms liable to pay any of Ihe Spe
cial Taiea named above must apply to DAVID
KASON, Drpuly Collector of Internal Revenue,
at Brookville, and pay for and proeur the Special
Tax Stamp or Stamps they need, prior to May
1st, 1874, aud KtfAeatarfier anfi'ee.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
Orrtcs or lavxnaaL Ravxxra, 1 ,
Washington, D. C, Feb. 16, 1874. J S:2i-U
The nnderaigned offera for aale a valua
ble town properly, in tha borounh of Clearfield.
Lot 60x172, tin ate on Pino struct, with a good
two-story plana, llouaa thereon erected, llouaa
finished oomplete good cellar and good water.
Price reasonable and payments eaay. For fur
ther particulate inquire of the subscriber. Pos
session given on short notice after sale.
' 1. 0.BARUKR.
Clearfield, March 26, 1874.
ia hereby given that letters of administration
on the estate of JOSEPH UltlEY, lata of Cov.
ington Umnrhlp, Clearfield county, Fa., deceased,
having been duly granted to tbe nnderaigned, all
persons Indebted to aaid estate will please make
immediate payment, and thoso having olaime or
aemamie will present them properly authenticated
lor acttloment without delay,
J. J. PIK,
Clearfield, Mar. 3i.-6t . , Administrator.
Turpentine,) l( Kails,
Paints, WILL SELL YOU (Haas,
Oils, J I, Putty,
French, Richards it Co.'t
Buck Lead. .
Calcined Plaster
Immense stock hand.
Cltartald, Fa., Jint 4, ml, ,
Ufiv SLtlmtiSfmrats.
The above works being again operated by Ihe)
nnderaigned, oSur to tba trade a full supply of
their Justly oolcbraltd Nails at the lowest prices.
Duncansvllle, March IS, IS74.-Sm
1 he .aubaerlber offers at private sale his Farm,
situate in Jordan township, Clearfleld eouoty. Pa .,
within about one hundred rode of tfie village of
Ansouvilla. Bald farm oontainf
IOO A t it lit,
about 60 acres of which are eleared and under
good cultivation, with a hewed log huase and s
hewed log barn erected thereon. Uood orobard
an the prewleea. A apring of exoeilent water
near tbe door, Tbls f4tiu ia ona of tha meat valuable-ones
in Jordan townanlp, and ia convenient
to both achool house and ohurch. A three-foot
vein of coal underlies tho laod. Tha eleared por
tion of the land is almost entirely eleared of
slumps. For forma, Ae., apply on tbo prcmlaes,
or address tha aubscriber at Ansonrille F. 0.r
Clearfield oounty, i'a. v
mar 18-61 A. P. STRAW.
CAUTION. A scoundrel calling himself John
Vrauklin, Is sailing around the oounty, forg
ing orders and notes on ma. I understand ha
has Imposed an order on Mr. MoMurrny, of Near
Washington, for lorty dollars, and a note on a
person at Carrollewn, Cambria county, for fifty
two dollars. There may bo others. Tha rascal
worked for me aabile in the fall, but finding
that he did not earn his warea, I let him go. Ila
Is a young man, of good address, about twaoty
three years of age and about five feet nine or ten
lnchee In height. Paaa him around,
(ilea Hope, March IS. PHILIP DOTTS.
t. 1. ri ICR.
a. at. IIUI,
T. A. FLECK & CO.,
Agsntf In CUrmrfivli eouotjr for the f
Fashionable Patterns of Garments,'
all irvLie iwn aitxe.
.1:18 Market Htreot Clearflld, Pa.
Tba Subscriber has fitted np a Iral-claee Bakery,
and wishes to inform raftmen that he will supply
them with BREAD, P1E8, CAKES, Aa., aa
reasonable terms.
Rafcery eaat end of bridge, near the "Lick,"
ClrarGeld, l'a.
maris-3m JOHN CCTLER.
'ih nDdarifgoet. tt aow prepared U furnish
the public with aoioellnt qtisUitj of
Bellefonte Wood-Burned Lime,
for plaitcrioff porno, hj tba largo or in til
quantity. Can be found for tbe present at Pie'i
aew building, on Market etreet.
ootl-tf I. K. McCtLtOVGH.
Ing eohool the eominc Pnram.-r.orof teaching
primary laHtwription tehooli. will leara .tome
thing to tbeir edrentfive by tending immediately
for a circular of tbe Rireraide Normal Xnitltote,
at Campbell's Church, on tha West Braoch, four
milee bnluw BornniJe, Term opens AUy 6th, for
14 weeks. Circulars firing full particulars and'
pointing out the shortest and best known method
of becoming sudoessful Uachert, will be sent free.'
AdJre, ?. W. DALE,
March 11 3t Lumber City, Clearfleld co, Pa-
Alto, Manufacturers of
Tin and Sheet Iron Ware.
kinde for eala by
n. F. BIGLER ft CO.
for sale bv
Kails, ate., for tale by
- H. F. BIGLER ft CO.'
findings, for eala by
t II. F. BIGLER ft CO.
For eala by
. ' II. F. BIGLER ft CO.
, .; - Sitae, for aale by
for sale by
BAILS, for eala by
And best Manufacture, for tale by
BOXES, for talo by
-' ' H. P.-BIGLER ft CO.
J70DDER CUTTERS-for sale by
iicn3o-70 n. r. bigler ft co.
, i- : Dealer in - 'J J . S
Tobacco, Omoerlea and fiab,' Kails, Hardware,
tjueenswara and tllnaswere, Men's and
Hoys' Clothing, Prur. Patnta,
fills, School Uooka,
a large lot of Patent Medicines,
Candies, Nula A Dried Pruila, Cbeeaa and Crack
ers, Hook and KiAo Powder, ,
Flour, Grain and Potatoes,
'' Clover an! Timothy Seed,
Sole Leather, Mornceoa, Linings, Bindings and
Thread, rhoemakers' Toole and
. . Shoe Flnilinga. , . ,
Ko greater variety of frnoile In any Itofa In tk
oounty. All for sale very low for cash or eennlry
produce at tbe Cheap Corner. Aug. S7, 1973
eloee May Ivth, 1874.
Reading, Orthography, 'Wrlllna.OI'left Lea.
none, Primary Arithmetic aad Pritnnty
1 Oeagranby.... ' "
History, Local and deaoriptlva Geography
with Map Drawing, Urammar, Mental
. and Written Arilhaaetle...... J JJ
Algebra an the Solencea ' .
Instruction In Instrumental nuslo J, "
Oil pointing, U lessona "
Waa work,.-
Per full particulars sand for Circular.
Clew laid, March II, 1M. t-U-i