. TUB M CLEARFIELD BEPBBLlCArV - reiuinirJ Jiirnav wibntspir, if . OOODIiAIfDOR UAOERTTi " CLKARFIBLD, PA. Efjf AlJLISHED IN 189T. The largest ClrcwUUoB of any Newopajier U North Central Feuniylvauia. . - 1 Terms of Subscription. if tld ta advance, or within I monthi.. If paid after S and before ( monthi If paid after Iho expiration of 0 monthi.. Bates ot Advertising, 9 so a 00 Transient advertisement!, par equate of 10 11 net or lait, I timaa or lest....... .....II For eaeh eubiequent inaertloa 60 Admlnlitretort and Bxeoutort'netloee. ! 00 Auditors' notlooa 1 00 Cautions and Bstreyi. 1 00 Diliolutlon notloei - ..... J 00 Professional Cardi, t lino! or lesi.l year.... t 00 Loeal notloei. per fine 10 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS 1 aqaara.. I iqaaraa. I iguana.. ..$8 00 ..10 00 -10 00 J eoluma.....,..t3S 00 i eolumn........... 40 00 1 eolumn........... (0 00 Job Work. BLANKS. - - f Ingle quire- tt 00 I 0 quiret,pr.qnlre,$l TO Z aulroi, pr. quire, I 00 Over 0. par quire, 100 HANDBILLS, i iheet, 15 or tea,) 00 I i iheet, IS or leu,J 00 I ihaat, 10 or loot, 1 00 1 sheet, 14 or lou,10 00 Orar SO of eaeh of above at proportionate rates. OEORGB B. GOODLANDBR, GBORUB UAUBRTY, Publisher. tv FRANK FIELDING, ATTOltNEY-AT-LA W, Clearfield, Pa. . Will attend to all butlneii entrusted ta bim promptly and faithfully. novU'73 WltUA A. WALLAC. Biear a. Wallace. DATID L. (Riaa. jos w.wriolit. WALLACE & KREBS, (Suxiasiori to Wallace A Fielding,) ATTORNEY 8-AT-LAW, ii-irrc Clearfield, Pa. a. r. winoa, v. D. . ta vauam, m. . DBS. WILSON & VAN VALZAH, Clearfield, Pa, Office In residence of Dr. Wilion. Orrtci Hours: From 11 to 1 r. a. Dr. Van Yaliah oan be found at night In hit rooms, next door to Hertewick A Irwio'i Drag Store, op tain, torim DR. JEFFERSON LITZ, WOODLAND, PA. Will promptlj attend all oalli in the Una of hit protesiion. nov.lv-73 joibfi t. 'eallt. AiaL w. a conor. MoENALLY & MoCURDY, ATTOBNEYS-AT-LAW, Clearfield. Pa. fttgtl baiineu attended to promptly with fidelity. Offloe on Sooond ftreot, abore the Firrt National Bank. t:U:ll Q. R. BARRETT, Attoeniy and Counselob at Law, clearfield, pa. Having reilgned hit Judgeship, bat returned the practice of tha law In hit old office at Clear Held, Pa. Will attend the oourtt of Jofleraon and Elk oountlet when ipaoially retained in connection with reiident eoumol. 1:14:71 WM. M.' McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. j-0fflce ap tuirt ia Wee tern Hotel building. Legal builneu promptly attended to. Real ettate bought and told. Joll'73 J, W. BANTZ, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Clearfield, Pa. Vft-Office up ttairt ia Woitern note! building. All legal butinott antruitad to hit care promptly attended to. , July 1, 187S. T. H. MURRAY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Prompt attention given to all legal buiinetl entrusted to hit care in Clearfleld and adjoining eountiet. Office on Market it., opposite Naugle'l Jewelry Store, Clearfleld, Pa. Jel4'73 ' A. W.. WALTERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. k$.0fflce in the Court Hone. decl-ly H. W. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, tl:l:fl Clearfield, Pa. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' Oflee on Second St., Clearfleld, Pa. noTll.DO ISRAEL TEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfleld, Pa. Offlce 1b the Court Home. Jyll.'C? JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. Office on Market St., orer Jotoph Shawert Uroctry ttora. Jaa.1,187. JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. And Real Estate Affent, Clearfleld. Pa Offlea on Third street, oat. Cherry A Walnut. Respectfully offen hit services In telling and buying landt In Olaarfleld aad adjoining eoantioat and with aaexparienee of over twenty yeara at a surveyor, flatten himself that ha ean render satlslactloa. iron. xs:na:u, J. BLAKE WALTER8, REAL ESTATE BROKER, and maun r Haw XiOgs and Ijumber, CLEARFIELD, PA. Offloe In Masonic Building, Room Ho. 1. 1:10:71 J. J. LINGLE, ATTOJRNEY-AT - LAW, 1:1 B Oaeeola, Clearfield Co Pa. y:pd ROBERT WALLACE, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, vVaUtucetoo, Clearfleld County, Penn'a. TjevAU legal busineas promptly attended ta. CYRUS GORDON, .ATTOitNEY AT LAW, 'Market it reel, (north tide) Clearfleld, Pa. .TV-A II legal basineai promptly attended to ' Ja. M, '73, DR. Tt J. BOYER, .PUYSICIaN AND StJKOEOU, Offloe on Market'Street, Clearfleld, Pa. y-umot boon i S to 1 a. m., and 1 to 8 p. m JJR. E. M. SCHEURER, , HOMIEOPATUIO PHYSICIAN, Offloe ip rasidegoe on Market it. I April 14, 1871. ffleerfleld, Pa. : DR. W..A. MEAMS, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ' LUTHERSBURa, TA. Wlllattanii profoitlnnal oalli promptly. aug!070 J. S. BARN HART. ATTORNEY - AT . LAW, nellel'iinte, Pa. rm practice in Clearlleia and all of the Courts of A i . . ,Q'""- Ileal e.tste btfslneM v"i.po..u oimhi maae etieetalllct. nl'71 JAMES CLEARY. . . ' BARBER & HAIB DRESSER, SEOOND BTRKMT, . Vl CtEABFIEM), P j. u 17ILLIAM It. HENRY, JtiRiwE VV oe rnn Praos ako Scaivnata, LUMrtRR Tr. Collection! made and monev promptly Hd over. Artfclet of agreement and deed! ef veyaooe neatly cieeuud tad Warranted eor. at or po chargo, Jyl J'jl .in im a ttk "irir-iTr ttv w?.4s -.r ttiv 1171 tfvtt t ttk it tt n a ta r 7 J 1 J 11 y 1 II II 1 J II J II 7.2. aV 1 U) W'l U J V J II 17 tt 10 . . . , : , . - ; - : ; . . . . Q00DLANDER & HAQEETY, Publishers. VOL. 48-WHOLE NO 23(13. Cards. JOHN A. GREGORY, COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, Offloe in the Court Itouie, Clearfleld, Pa. Will alwaye be found at home on tha SECOND and LAST SATURDAY of eaoh month. 1:0 John H. Orria. C. T. Alexander. C. M. Bo Wert. 0BVIS, ALEXANDER & BOWERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Beltefoute, Pa. jan:8,'47-y J, H. KLINE, M. D.f PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, HA VINO located at PennSold, Pa., offcra hit profetflonal tenrioet to tha pool do or that plaoe and turrounding ooantry. Allcollt promptly attended to. eel. II tf. GEORGE C. KIRK, Jutloe of the Paaea. Samyor aad Canvayaneer, lutliertburg, Pa. All builnott intruttod to bim will be promptly attended to. Pernont wl.hing to employ a Sur reyor will do well to giro him a cell, at be Uattert k:.r th&t he ftn render tatiflraelton. Dccdt of eonreyanoe, artlolot of agreement, and all lepnd papert, promptly and neatly executed. tl0no74 JOHN D. THOMPSON, Justice of the Poace and Scrivener, Curweneville, Pa. fco-Collectiont made nd money promptly paid over, fobJJ'71tf io. ALaaat aaaar .uRT. w. ALaanr W. ALBERT & BROS., Hanufaoturert A extcntiva Dealeri in Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, &c, WOODLAND, run , r-0rdort tollcliod. Billt Hied on thort notice and reatonabta termt. Addreea Woodland P. 0., Clearfleld Co., Pa. jelO-ly W ALBERT A BROS. FRANCIS COUTR1ET, MERCHANT, Freuchvllle, ClearUeld County, Pa. Keept oonttantly on hand a full eeeortment of Dry Ooodt, Uardwaro, Orocariet, and everything n.,,.ll. kent in a retail ttora, which will be told. for euh, at oheap at elsewhere In tha eaunty. Frenchville, J una 27, tooi-i j. THOMAS H. FORCEE, iiialxa ia ' GENERAL MERCUANDISE, CRAIIAMTUN, Pa. Alio, axtentiva manufaeturer and dealer In Square Timber and Bawea liumoeroi bu kiqu. rtrOrdert eollclted and all bills promptly Slled. tJ'IB" CHARLES SCHAFER, - LAGER BEER RREWER, Clearfield, Pa. TTAVINO rented Mr. Entret' Brewery be I 1 .nM h etriet attention to buiinetl and the manufacture of a auperlor article of BEER to receive the patronage of all the old and many new euttomert. eui,ug7H J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Market Street, Clearfleld, Pa. e-CR0M0S MADE A ErECIALTY.-S4 NEQATIVES mado la eloady aa well at in dear weather. Constantly oo bend a good assortment of FRAMES, STKREOSCOPKS and STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. Frames, from any style of moulding, mado to order. apr28-tf REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfleld, Pcun'a. to. Will axeeuta Jobt in hit line promptly and in a workmanlike manner. afr4,7 G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP. MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. C-Pumpt alwayt on hand and made to order on short notice. Pipoi bered on reasonable terma. All work warranted to render lati.gfaotion, and delivered if desired. ' myzMypd E, As BIGLER 4. CO., DRALiai H SQUARE TIMBER, and mannfactunri or ALL KIN US OF SAWED LUMBER, 8 771 CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. JAS. B. GRAHAM, dealer ia Real Estate, Square Timber, Boards, SUINQLES, LATH, A PICKETS, 1:1018 Cleerflold, Pa, JAMES MITCHELL, ; naAtaa i Square Timber k Timber Lands, oir?8 CLEARFIELD, PA. JOB, TIIO-JTMAN, Dealer In all kinds of FURNITURE, ' Market Street, One door eatt Post Office, augl S'TI CLEARFIELD. PA. in L I H A H M A , PRACTICAL MILLWRIGHT, LUTHERSBURO, PA. Agent for the American Double Turbine Water Wheel and Andrew! A Kalbach Wheel. Can fur nish Portable (iri-it MIUl on short entice. Jyll'7l DR. J. P-. BURCH FIELD Late Surgeon of the 8.1d Heglmant, Pennsylvania Volunteer!, having returned from the Army, offen bis professional tervlcti to theoitiient of ClearlaU coaaty. " "Profenlenal oalli promptly attended to. Office en Second itrest, formtriyocoupted by Dr.Woodt. apr4,'l-tf H. F. NAUGLE, WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, and dealer in Watchcfl, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver nnd Plated Ware, &c, aim CL'BARFlEIiD, PA., I, SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AMD DIALIB IX Watohos, Clocks and Jewelry, (Iraham'l Hint, ilarUi Strut, (LEAHa'IF.LI), pa. All kladl of repairing In jaj line promptly at ended to., April 13, 1878. HEMOVAL. REIZENSTEIN & BERLINER, wiiolofalo cloatftri la GEMS' FIRISI1IQ GOODS, Have removed to 1H7 Ohareh ttreot, between Franklin and White eti,'Niw York. fjy31'71 Miss E. A. P, Rynder, Aoiat roa Chlekerlng't, Stalnway'i and Emerion'i Planot, limllk'i, Mason A llamlin'i and Pelonbat't Organs and Melodeoni, and Orevtr A Baker's Bawlag Maehlnea, a alio TiArsin or Piano, Guitar, Organ, Harmony end Voeal Ms tie. No pupil taken for lost than half a terra. , : sHooiur opposll flullch't Furniture Bloro. (loarflold, tiff A, 19'jJ U. s. THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY MORNINO, MAROH, 15, 1874. -I- - . -- - I - - -i NO MORTOAQE ON THE FARM. . Mary, lat't kill tha fatted ealf end oolebrate tha day, For the last dreadful mortgage on tho farm It wiped away i I hart got tha papert with ma, they are right at rightoan be , Let at laugh and ting together, for tha dear old - farm it free I Dont all tha Yankee! celebrate tha Fourth day of July, BrctuM 'twas then tha Freedmen'l tun lit up onr natlon'a iky I Why shouldn't we than celebrate, and thli day - ne'er forget I ..- .,...,-. . Where it there any freedom like being out of dobtl I'vo rii up many mornln'i an boar before the ran, And night hai overtaken ma befor the task was dona. When weary with my labor, twat this thought that nerved my arm i Eaoh day of toil will help to pay the mortgage on tha farm. And Mary, yon have dona your part tn rowln' to the shore. By takia1 eggt and hatter to the little village ttora. Yon did not tpend tha money fn dressing up Tor thow, ' But tang from morn till evening In your faded oalico. And Bessie, our tweet daughter Qod bless her loving heart I Tha lad that gctt her for a wife mutt be by na ture imart Sho'l gone without piano, her lonely honrt to eharm, Td bare a hand in pacing off the mortgage oa the farm. , I'll build a JIUlc eottage toon, to makoyour heart rejoice I'll buy a good piano, to go with Benle't voice. Yon aball not make your butter with that np-and. down eonoeru, For I'll go tbit very day and buy the finest pt- -ent ohura J Lay by your faded eaUeo, and go with me to town, And get yourself and Boiiie a new and shining gown Low prioot for our product nood not give ut now alarm Spruce up a littlo Mary 1 there! ae mortgage on the farm. . While eur heart! are now joyful, lot us, Mary, not forget To thank tha Hod of Heaven for being out of debt. For ha gava the ruin and tunthlne, and put strength into my arm, And lengthened out the dayt to toe no mortgage on tha farm. Superfluous Lying. was onco said after A Sunday It lay ieb morning sorvico in uosion, at wu Kdward Jitcrott oulcialod, that he offerod up the most eloquont prayor ever listened to by a Boston congre gation. Mr. Evorott's prayers may have boon nore eloquent, but it would have been difficult for bim to make thorn more pointed than tbnt which was recently delivered by tho Chap lain of the United Suites Senato. II is words are reported at follows : "0 Lord our God, we come In thii plaoe to de plore before Thee the spirit of lyiog which ii abroad, and wa beseeoh Tbea to rebuke tha giant demon of slander that atalka forth, easting upon all tha earth a fearful ihadow ; paralyie the band that writes the wilful detraction j palsy the longue that etten wanton calumny, the thingi whiob tend to undermine all the oonfldenoe In tha good and clve a maliirnant power to all the bad cle ment! for the demoralisation and deatruotion of Duman toclety. Let Tby flaming tpirit take vengeance upon the false aoeuser and oonsume this spirit of ruin from all of the land. This we eak in the neeae and for tha sake of Him who wat truth itself. Amen.'' This was pretty sharp ; but we do not think the reverecd gonllomnn performed his wholo duty on the sub- joot of lying by simply offering a prayor, Let bim ao to work now and preach a Bcrmon about it; and in order that bo may do bis subject full juhiioo, we will take the liberty ot suggesting one point of view from which we think it may bo treatod witli peculiar aptness. Ul course he will begin by announcing lying in gonoral. and with somo other commonplace remarks, xiioso no can make to suit bimsoll, anil as liioy are not likoly to attract attention we shall not dwoll upon thorn. It ia when be comos to treat oi iy ing about this administration that our advice may sorve him. And tho point wuicb wo should mako. It we wore preaching on that subject, is, that wbilu in point of sinfulness it ia wicked, and in tbia rospoot like an otbor lying, it la also entirely void oi ovory oxcuso, and worse than useless, bocuuso tbore is no lie wblcb can be told or invonled about Ibis Administration wbicn is half os bad oa the truth. Tolioagainst the present Administration, thoreforo, Is to lie witbout any object, and more ly for tbo sako oi lying. Lot the Chaplain put all this into his sermon, and we think it will be a very good sormon; and wo will print it for bim in the Sun, and will put ovor it in big letters, "The Sunlight of Trutb on JLying. ' The Chaplain will tbus clear bis conscience aud do publio service. iV. Y. Sun. Telkorapbio Clocks. In Pitts burghj Pa., an oloctrio clock bas been eolablisbea to niovo the hands of sev enty dilTorent clocks, scattorod all ovor tho city. The motive clock is poworful. and has a pondulum com posed ol hollow coils of coppor wire. Thoso swing to nnd (ro over tho polos oi borsoshoo mngnots, and evory time they pats from one polo to the oppo site a current of electricity U called up Inductively Jn tbo ooils, Hows up the wire, and thence to the sovonly diulft, giving a enrront of opposite na ture at evory swing. Bohind each di- al is an aslatio pormanont magnot, snsponded on tt pivot, and surroundod by a coil of wire, and it rotaloi under the elootrio Influence irCn tbo wires. A small weight may .be used to C.h dial If the hand are boavy, and tho pivotod mngnot may merely xogu lalo tho timo. Of courso every oloek will be aliko, and will run with vory little attention.. To provont tho pen dulum of tho motive clock from mov ing too fast by tbo inoioaso in tbe length of vibration of the poudulum, a magnotio bridling nparutut.is at tached. i It was a jNorlu Carolina landlord who poslod the notice in his dining room that members of the LegisUtuf o would btr fli-st seatoi, out cTlet wa.-'J Iho gcnOcmcp. PRINCIPLE81 CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1874. Life in Portuguose Country Towna. Tbore ia nothing that would strike a travolor frosh from England, Ger many or Fro n oo moro tbau tho great rarity of ronl conntry houses in Por tugal. It is entirely ajjninst the genius of tho pcoplo to live a country lifo. The Portuguese ia too oooiablo to en dure to be surroundod only by wood and fields nnd mountain!. . lie baa many of our northern taBtoi ; be likes field aporUi in moderation j bo ridoa in hit own stylo, better than any na tion in Europe exoopt ourselves ; he haa a sineoro delight in country lifo and country aoonory, but bo cannot long support tho otter soiitudo of the country. A Portuguose nobleman," if bo b nob enough, lives in .Lisbon or LXT?l?ol will visit it for a month or two in tbe autumn ; evon thon lie will ofton rath or endure tho misery of a seasido lodging among a crowd than go in land. Tho larger of tho country towns have streets full of gentlemen t bouses ; and bore vogotate, from yoar to year, familios who aro just rich enough to live upon thoir incomes without working. To livo, indood, as tbe Portuguoso dp in such towns, need cost but little. A largo house, with a plot of cabbages a kaleyard behind it ; with whilo-wasbcd walls, floors nncarpolod, doron woodoo chairs, one or two doal tables ; no pic tures on the walls; no mirrors; no tablos pleasantly strewn with books, magazines, nowspapers and ladles' work ; no suoh thing visible as a pot of cut - flowers ; no rare china, no docks, no bronnos none of tbe hun dred triflos and ouriosities with which, in our housos, wo show our taste, or our want of it, but which either way give such a 1 charm and individual character to our Knglish homes. All these negatives dosoribo tho Utterly dreary hubitations of the middle-class Portuguese For occupations, the women dd noodle-work, gosaip, go to mass doily and look out of windows by tbo hour. Except the ono short walk to church at 8 o'clock in the morning, a Portuguese lady hardly ever appears in the streets. As for the men, they lounge about nmong the shops, they smoke innumerable papor cigarettes, and thoy .take a "siesta" in the boat of tho day. If tbore is sunshine, they stand in groups at tbo street corners, with umbrellas over their .heads; in winter, they wear a shawl ovor Choir shouldors, foldod and put on threc-cor norwise, as a Frennh or Knglish woman's shawl is worn for this is a fashion in Portu gal, and the Spaniards laugh fx good deal at their neighbors on tho score. of tboir being a nation who Invert tho duo order or things, and wttose wo men wear cloaks and tbo man srjawis. In these towns there is novor any news, and if two men are Scon in cagor discussion of somo matter of apparently immense importance, and if ono happens to pass near enough to overbear tho subject of conversation, be sure that ono ot tliera te piungeu in despair or kindling with enthusi asm at a fall or rise of a half-ponny in tho prico of a pound of tobacco. An American jreotloman of my ac quaintance told mo that be had never passed two rortugucse in conversa tion without hearing ono of two words spokon, "tostno" or "rapariga," fi nance or love, lnore aro not oven fashions for them to think about; yonng mon and old men dress alike, but tho younger ones wear exceeding ly tight oools, and "when thoy take their walks abroad," it Is obvious that they do so in considerable discomfort. Tho voune mon. however, have ono occupation moro important cvon than wearing tight boots, nnd which, al most, in fact, goes with it that of making the vory mildent form of love known among mon. Tho procosp, In dood, la carriod on in bo l laionio a mnnnor, and with so much proper fooling, that I doubt if even the strict est Knglish govorness would find any thing in it to object to. Tho young gentlemen pay thoir addresses by simply standing in front of tho house occupied by thn object of thoir nlToo tlons, whilo the young person in ques tion looks down approvingly from an upper window, and thoro tbo matter ends. They are not within spooking distanco, and have to contont thom solvcs with oxprossivo glances and dumb show; for it would be thought highly unbecoming for tho young la dy to allow a billet doux to flutter down into the stroot, while the laws of gravitation stand in tho way of the uppor flight or such a documont un weighted, at least, with a stone,' and this, of course, might risk giving tbe young Indy a black eye, or breaking hor fothor's window-panes. So the lovers there romaln. often for hours, fooling no doubt very happy, but looking unutterably foollish. Thoso silent courtships tumetiiuos continue for vory long poriods belure the lover oan ask the fatal question, or the lady return tbe final answer. The Acw Quarterly Magazine "Head tjs, Somebody !" A corres pondent of a neighboring journal tolls of a oour.try clork in a rural town who had a pot oaif which bo was training up in the ways of nr. ox, Tho calf walkod around very peacenik J under I - r . i , . l:i i , -,!' one uiiu oi vno yotto wnuo Jir. lura hold up the other end, but in an unfor tunate moment tho manconcojtrd tho idea of putting his own nock into tho yoko, to lot toe ealf see how it would work wi'Ji a partner. The frightonod mister ealf, elevating ills &il and Jiis voioo, struck a "dnael ran" for tbo villogo, and Mr. Clerk wolit along with his head -down and his plug bat In band, blru1"in overy nerve to keep up, and orylng ul the top of his volco, "Uoro we como, darn 00. f fool souls; head us, somebody!'' 1 LF.OIHI.ATIVI DgflrlTTtON.-Thoro Is' a bill before tho Logiclalure defining the Corrupt solicitation of members of tht legislature slate, county, elootion, municipal or othor publio ollioors and porscribing tho punishment therefor. A socio ly for promoting meditation hat a ruli! bat whoovor breaks 'tho gcnoi al nilouu) shall puy tho damages. fiOT MEN. A Fallen Hero. The Itrlo Dispatch, of February 2G, says : "Fifteon days in jail for vagran cy"(wns tho sentenoe imposod on James Lafl'orty, a gray-headed, wan dering vagabond of the happy go luclrr stripo, who is scarcely ever so ber, out wbo, drunk or sober, is harm less" to all except himself. He was a hero once j one of the men in reality thrtt John Day must have imsginod wherl be wrote tho graphio linos of tbe engineer of the Prairie ilollo ! "I'll told bar noisle agalnat tbe bank Hat tha bit galoot i ashore." Oft the 0th of August, -1841, the steam boat Krie, then tho finest on tbe lakes,and which had only made hor trial trip previously having then on boar,! Marge number of tbe oitisens Hrio,witb their families, and also the "Presquo lale Band, which bad stayed on from the timo of tbe trial excursion left Buffalo for this port. It was a bright, sunny day, and tbe lake was almost doad calm. When noaring Dunkirk the boat was discov ered to bo on fire, and the flames spread rapidly. She was hoadod for shoro, and tho horror-stricken passen gers orowded the forward part of the boat as she clove through the water. Two men were standing at the whool. Almon Fuller, of Wesleyvillo, and James Lafforty the drunkon vaga bord sent to jail yoslerday of Erie. It ssomcd almost certain that the boat oould not reach tho beach, and every thing that would float a humon, being waa made use of as passengors and ore ? throw themselves overboard, but whilo there was life there was hope. Almon Fuller dropped where ho stood, dying at his post. James Lafl'orty stayed, though bis clothes were on fire, his hair burned off, and hands and face crisped by tbo scorching heat, and only abandoned his post when the Erie was sinking. A number of persons wore lost in that appalling disaster, but the great majority wore saved. The wheelman who had bare ly escaped with his life and the mem ory of tho one who diod where bo workod, were honored ,tbon, but that is upwards of thirty years ago, and the surviving hero of that day is now only a drunkon vagabond, who must soon drop unnoticed in a pauper s grave. Legend of a Bad Indian. THE FLATtlEAD WAY OF ACCOL'NllNO FOR Till HOT WATEB IN WASSWIILER's SPRINGS. A long, long time ago, according to the traditions of tbo Flathead I ndiuns, they went once a yoar to bunt buffalo, juot as thoy do now, and their trails were the same up the Hon t.ate and Little Muck foot and down Ten Mile. The present site of Helena was a fa vorite camping placo. "In those days," according to ono of tho chief's of said tribe well versod in its legendary lore, "thore was one of the Flutheod braves who waa a bad Indian ; he bad no re spect lor the virtue of tbe beautiful Indian niuidonsj ho was a regular borae jockey mado racos lor pomes and butlalo rooos, ail on llio square, and thon "dropped" tho opponent's fleet broncho ; be played that ancient and respectod game of "old aledgo" in such a dextrous manner ae to vanquish all bit, adversaries, who never could ao count for the manner in which ho "turned Jack ;" he had a way of "hold in cm ' at draw poker -that mado bis rod brethren swear in tbo most op- proved Flathead jargon ; in short, ho waa a "very Dad Indian." unco upon a timo, whon they were camped on tho little stroajn whore Holena is now situated, on their way to hunt buflulo, tho Uevii "called lor tbe wickod bravo, and told him his time bad como, and Lhat ho must accomnanv him to tho unhappy hunting ground oi bad Indi f . . : . ans, lb Indian told the wickod Spirit lhat bo had somo business mat ters to arrango witn otnor braves ol the tribo, such as 'A few collections to mako, etc, nnd that if his Satanic mnjos'y would go out to tho prosont site of Wass waiter's hot springs, bo would come as soon as tho wind quit blowiDg. Tho devil agreed to the terms, and deportod to await tho lull ing of tho wind and the eorainirof the bravo. As the wind has never quit blowing, his victim has novor iipponrod, and the Indians say tho dovil ia still oampod thero, and that the hot wator of the springs is takon from tho wa ters of Ton Milo for use in his camp, from wlionco it omorgos in its prosont heated state. The Fate of an Koo-eatino Hen. A way to prevent bona from eating thoir okki is to fill an cga with a solu tion of pepper, and put it back in the neBt. ; A Uanbury roan bas tried this, and says it works liko a charm. lie put a pretty good doss of pepper in the egg, and placed it in the nost of the oriminal. rrotly soon tho bon como around and took hold. It was a brin- dle animal, with long logs, and soino- what oonooited, It dipped its bill and inhaled tbe dolicnoy, Then it came outdoors. It didn't gallop, wo don't mean, but it oatne out camo cut to took at the scenory, and soo if it was going to rain, its mouth was wido open, and tho foal bora on the top of its head stood straight up. Then it commenced to go around the yard like a ?ircus horse, Once in awhile it would' stuj; and push out ono log in a lone of astonlHlimoni, nd thon holler "tiro," aud start on again. The Olhw bono camo out to look on. Soon tho hens from the neighbors camo over the fonoo and took np a position of obser vation. It was quite evidont tbo por formrtii? was somotbing entirely now and unique to them. Thore is a good deal of human nature 3 hons. Whon thoy saw this hen idanoo and !.?ve Bli the fun to Itself, and heard it hont "rlrC," and couldn't see the conflagra tion themselves, th'y nl,d ttP with wrath, and with One accord sprang npoo It, and before the Danbury man could inlorfcro.ttio brindlohon with tbo long Jogs Was among .the things that were. Ho says tbo reooipt is offeotuoj. Danbury JS'wi. " " . . i. Wbnt ll that, which, whon it is thrown out, vou' may always. catob .without hands ? A hint. . An Almost Forgotten Hero. A writer of tbe Chicago Tribune rendors tributo to tho memory of Col onel Jonathan P. Miller, of Vormont, of tbo volunteers in tbo cause of Gre cian indopondonco. Miller, then a young man in tbo university of Ver mont, was ono of tho first to go out witn JJr. . u. iiowo, who was city years youngor than ho is now. Mil lorarrivod at Missolonghl a few months after Iho death of Lord Byron, and greatly distinguished himself int' the war, finally onduring all tbe horrors of the seige of Missolonghi tho long est and most temblo siege or modern times. The issue of it, it will be re momborcd, was the assembling of tho women and chidron of a population ol elifht thousand in one place, where they themselves applied tlio match to tho train that insured their destruc tion, whilo their husbands and fathers bowed through the Turkish lines, one thousand out of throe thousand surviv ing. Colonel Miller, after tbe peace, bought tho sword of llyron from the family of a Grock officer, to whom liyron bad given It, and who was sub sequently found doad on tho batllo field, with tbe sword knotted to bis wrist. Tbo valuable souvenir, after somo vicissitudes, returned to the pos session of Colonel Millor, and is treas ured by bis descendants. According to tbe Chicago Tribune writer, the lady in whose possession it now is, was obligod to floe from ber rcsidonce on tbo night of tbe Chicago fire, and only saved a small box of plate, tho shawl thrown over hor head and the sword of Byron. Millor brought borne with him two sons or Madame Milliades, whose husband claimod a lineal descent from tho horo ot Marathon, and was slain on the same field with Marco Hozarris Hor fortuno boing ruinod sho entrusted her boys to him : one was adopted into his own laraily, and the other into that of a friend. These two bavo sinco, grown up to success sb A morican citizens. Colonel Millor himself married wealth, and settled down to tho practico of law at Mont polior. As a member of the legisla ture be introduced the first resolution on the subject of slavery, and became ono tho treo soil party in that tnato, A granite obelisk there marks tho resting place of his remains. The Son of Peter tho Great. Alexis, the ill-fated son of Kudosia and rotor the Great, bad long incurred tbe resentment ot Ins lather. Of a tall and commanding appoarance, be was looked up to by a nation among whom colossal stature was particular ly esteemed. Around bim ho had collected associates who plungod into every sort of vioe and lieentiousnoss ; be oponly opposed tho reforms of bis father, and, foaring his displeasure, lolt the country. Peter, discovering bis retreat al Naples, ordered bim to return to St. Petersburg, promising forgivonesa if he did so; on the other hand threatening him with tbo most drcadlul curses if he refused. Alexis, relying on his promises, relurnod, and bad barely arrived lielore be waa surroundod and imprisoned ; and thon bogan a most fiainlul ordeal, which was carried on or five months. Petor daily visited bim, and working on bis woak mind, prevailed on him to aecuso himself of the most dreadful crimes, and to name all the friends who were in any way implicated. Ho thon nominally con sulted the priests and nobles what course to pursue; thoy, in awe of his power, pronounced sontonce of death against Alexis, and Potor, in snito of his previous protestations, confirmed it. Seated in a prison at Moscow, by a dim light, we sco the unfortunate princo bouring tho soutenoo from tbe lips of bis fulbor, who actually mm clod bia tears with his. The door opoos, and a viul is handod to the monarch, who pours out tho contonts and prollers thorn to his son as a sooth ing draught. Ho then retires. Al exis raisoa to bis lips the poisoned cup, be drinks, convulsiona of the most dreadful nature follow, and before morning he lios a corpse Potor gave out that tho nows that sontonco of doath hod bcon passed upon him bad operatod fatally on (its fboblo constitu tion. Thus perished the heir to tho Russian Empire. Potcr aflorward al altor tho order of sucoossion in favor of his oonsort Cathorine, wbo reigned for two years after him. At her death she bequeathed her crown to Petor, tho son of Aloxis, who ascended the throne at tho ago of twolvo, nndor tho lino of rotor II. Ollio Dutlon is the post of tho ho tola and shops in Woatorn Now York. ho is young, prolty and bigh-lonod of address. She goes to the host hotel and takes one ot tbe best rooms, aaa ally tolling tie enraptured clerk that sho wants to stay thore a few days until tho arrival of her father, She is timid and shy at being loft alono, and sweeny aikeu vo do looked altar bo- cause she is so inoxperienoed. Thon she gooB to the dry good stores and sal eels some valuablo things, which she asks to have aot asido until her father comes, when she will call, pay fur,and take them. On second thought wonrn, sno is in a hurry tor tbe silk as sho wants to wear it as soon us sho can get it made up. Won't Abe dry f roods man send it to the hotol, where to can find out all rbout hor, and when hoc father comos ho will call for the rest u' tho purel:ro and pay the bill. Just at the mon'.cnt Ollio looks truly good, and tho dry goou'a man Bars bo will sapdtlt right around. Hbf?re the effect oi hor grateful smile bas led bim the silk ia at the hotol. Whon sho bus got alt tho goods that .can bo had she packs up and slips off. But Ollio has boon arrested at last in Buf falo, RTid bow sho may practice at smiling llie Cftrs off hor coll. r - 1 i lM I tatflT 1 1 I I ' CotlLDN't Tbihc Oi' It.A gontlo man was admiring a young lady' hair the other evening, ufiiss Di please give me one little cUrl justons, won't you I" hi ploadod. "Couldn't think of it, Mr. .couldn't thin V it .for a moment," Jvpiiod tho young Inoy, tr1Tcly. "Thoso curl cost uie livo shilling apiece." TEBM8 $2 per annum in Advanoe. NEW SERIES-V0L. 15, NO. 13. - The Efficacy of Prayer. ' . Tbe Gilded Ann toll bow Undo Dan'l and the cbif'n first saw a Missis sippi stoamboat. They were Bitting in a row on a log in a warm evening telling about spooks, after tbe manner of southwestern negroes, when Unole Dan i said Impressively, "Chu n, dors sumfln a oomirj.'" A doop coughing sound troubled the stillness, way to ward a wooded cape that jutted into the stream a milo distant. All in an instant a fierce eye of fire shot out from behind tbo capo and sunt a long, brilliant pathway quivering athwart tbe dusky water. Tbe coughing grew louder and loudor, tbo glaring eye grew larger and still larger, glared wilder and still wilder. A bnge shape developed itself out of tha gloom, and from its lull duplicuto horns dense volumes of smoke, starred and spang lod with sparks, poured out and went tumbling away into tbe further dark ness. Nearer and nearer the thins camo, till its long aides began to grow witn spots oi light wbiub mirrored thomselves in the river and atlonded the monster like a torchlight proces sion. "t;iuld n," Bald Unelo Dun I. it's do Almighty. Git down on yo' knees." As the noise and the lights drew nearer Uncle Dan'l prayed : "O ijord, we a ben mighty wickod, an we knows dat we 'zorve to go to do bad plaoo, but good Lord, deub Lord, we aint ready yet, we aiut ready let dcsepo'chil'on had but ono mo'chaoco, jes one mo chance. 1 ako do olo qtg- gah if you got to hob somebody. Good Lord, good deah Lord, we don't know wbab you'aagwyno to, we don't know who you s got yo eye on, but we knowB by do way you's a comin', wo knows by de way you's a tiltin' along in yo' charyot o' liah dat some po' sinner's guyno to ketch it. But good Lord, dese chil'en don't b'long bean, doy a I ro Ubedstown wban dcy don't know nuffln, an' you knows, yo' own self, dat dey aint 'sponsible Oh Lord, spah ds little chil'n, don't tar do little chil'en away, I'm doy frons, jost' let 'em off jes dis onco, and take it out n de ole niggah. iletsh 1 is, Lord, heah I is ! De olo niggah's ready, Lord, do ole " Horo the steamer's whittle screeched fairly in the faees of tho awe struck group, and Undo ian I, soiling as many ot tbe okil'ns hands aa his own brawny ones would bold, scoured off towards the wood. Looking back thoy saw that the boat was rounding a point out of sight. "Well," said tberolioved Uncle lan I, "dercs somo folks dat say dor ain't no 'Gcioncy in prab. Dis chile would liko to know whah we d a bcon if it warnt fo' dat prab. Dat' it, ual it" ' A Peculiar People. - Tbo Cologne Gazette not long Binco ravo an accouut ot some ot the pocu iar customs and usages of the natives of the African Gold Coast. It seems that all the mon born on a certain day of the week aro callod by tho uiaculino appellation of that day, and all tbe womon by tho femlliine name for lhat day. Thus, all girls born on Sundav are named Ai-eiia. sauk ; all boys bora on Sunday aro namod Auassio ; girls born on Mon day are named Adjuah ; boys are named Cudjo. Tho choice of names being thus vory limited, nicknames aro much in vogue. Se a fat man born on Monday is not callod simply r....lt !... V VUUJO, UUl VUUJO J1U1UUIUB. An appalling custom of these na tives is tboir babit of pawning thoir sons and daughters and wives, with very much tho same Indifference as that with which a Gorman student wonld pledge bis watcb. A woman wbo has been pledged becomos tbe absoluto slave of .ho person to whom sho if pawned. When a plodgod per son dios the body is fustend to tho bough of a tree, high in the air, be yond the roach of animal. The na tive tribos butiave in tho irumortalilr of tho soul, but they thiuk tbo dead one cannot comuienco bia wanderings to tbo eternal realms until bis mortal re mains have boon consigned to earth. For this reason tho relatives mako' ovory ofTbrt to redcoro tho body of a pawned porno n as soon as possible af ter doath. The Fun toes rejoice lathe possession of two devil Abousam, wbo prosidos ovor the souls of the wicked in tho noxt world, and Sassa bousam, a largo, rod-colorod, long haired dovil, who ruloa on earth. The lattor resides in tho deep ravino of a gloomy forest, and near a gigantic mulberry tree. The mortality among tho ohildren on tbo Gold Coast is very great. This is duo partly to the sudden changes in temperature, and partly to tho early loss of milk by mothers, who in lieu thereof nourish their children with a liquid called lauki, which is vory apt tooauao inflamation ot tbe bowels. Scandal. Tho story is told of a woman wbo freoly uaod her tongue to wo acanuai oj oiiiors, and mado a confession to the priost ot what she had dono. He gave hor a ripe thistlo top, and told her to go out in various directions and scatter tho seeds' one by ono. Wondorlng at tho penanoe, sho obeyed, and then returned and told bor confessor. - To her amaze ment, he bade ber go back aad gather llio scattered soods ; and whon she objoctod, that it would bo impossible, ho replied that It would bo still more difficult to gaUtcr np and destroy all the evil reports which sho had circu lated about olhors. Any thoughtless, careless child oan Realtor a iiandful of thistle teed, but the strongest aud wisest man canuot galhor tbem again. Cr.srrnF.s. Atn';tltor President, bo sides Fillmore, is dead Manuel Cos po.lcs. of tho Cuban Kopublio. Tl'Oitgh the "Itepublio" 4tM huon ratbor t shadowy institution, it ba, evQriba. less, lor four years past, maintained an organization and enough of a mili tary fcrce in the field to give the Spaniard trovblo. It hnsloen a ro publto a tho Unllod Ftato waa whon ,its lil,tlo army lay barefoot at Valloy FcVge, or routed after Whilo Plain, nnq lospouo I only Q unsucoeuful W aaliinirton. Will the republic sunriv iiaPrceidctlJ Kvpnjs mut answer.! Finance! of the United EUten In brdor to give our reader a ofe ndorstandihg of tbe financial eondU tlon of the frovernment of tbo United State, and its expenditure and d. manda, w most revert, y ue ja.w York Ilerald, to the report of lb Be retary of tba Treasury at tha meeting 6f the present Congress. Tbe Seer tary did not pot tno estimate oi wo fiscal vear from June 80. 1873.10 Jund SO. 1874, in a lump, bat take for bia exhibit tbe first quarter, and then tbf remaining three quarter aeparately Putting tbem together wa find tbe oivil and miscellaneous estimated x fienditures, Including pubtie bailding,' itrbt-housea, and collecting the rover Uies, to bo 100,577,233 ; for Indians S8,bOS,713 ; for pensions, 3U,4V,ido; for the military establishment, Includ ing fortifications, river and harbor improvement and arsenal, 147,795,-'. ' 053; for the naval esUblisment, in-' eluding vessols and machinery andr improvements at navy yards, 27,792r', 451. In addition to these sum thero is set down, 11,100,000 for foreign In,' tercourse. This give for the Current expenses of tbe government,lndopond entof interest on thepubliodebt,182..' 251,668. Tbe Interest onvpo ami is near about a nundrea mfllforiS that is, on $1,218,729,150, at six per cent. in gold, 178,123,698, and on 1503,478,, 800, at five por cent. In gold, $25,173,. 940, and in addition tbo fifpall amoant' of interest on tbe three pef cent. Navy Ponsion fond and tbe four per cent - cortificato of Indebtedness. Let Ol any, tbn. In rnnnrl nnmheru, vb ham ' ' dred millions of interest on tbe debt. This, added to the $182,251,668 fof current expense, makes a total bf $282,251,668. The interest op tbe Paciflo railroad bonds, amounting to nearly four millions, must be added. Tbe amonnt required for tbe sinking fund, which is estimated for 1876 at $29,918,856, is not inoludod. Includ ing the interest on tbe Paciflo flail road bonds, tho revenue required for the fiscal year of 1873-74 amounts to little over $316,000,000. The Sec-, rotary's estimate for 1874-75 is $319,. 198,736. f or tbe first quarter ot tbo prosont fiscal year the receipts from all sources were $81,843,492, and the ostimatod receipts for tli other three quarters, were $187,100,000. Tbe to. lul is sii(i,Uba,4UJ. TO this must bo added the premium on the sale of gold, which for the year will hardly amount to more than five or nix mil Thus wo soe that tho actual and es timated expenditures exceed the in- como forty millions to forty-five mil- lions ol dollars at least. Beauty Everywhere Somebody bas said that beauty la not local, but purely a question of taBto that tho eye form it own idea - of beauty, and ao on and now an huropcsQ traveler discovers lhat Hin doo women aro pleasing to look at. "Thoy attract the most," he Bay, "by tnoir graceful carnage their pictur esque drapery, consisting of a full skirt and a sort of brunous, which passes over tbe head, almost complete ly veiling the facs. Tbcso vary in color, being somotimcs bright blue, and pink, and yeilew, the skirt often bordered with a hem of some other color, often very gaudy ; but the dark skin harmonizes it all. Tbe most artistic to my mind is tho doop indigo blue, but it is more rare In tbo north west than in Southorn India, where almost all tbe lowor class women woar it. It is pleasant to watch the easy grace with which they walk, bearing round red earthenware or bright cop por water-jars on their heads, steady ing thoir bunion with ono well-shaped, smull-wrisiod.duBky arm streached up to it lull loanglhi and covered almost to the elbow, and Sometimes above it, with numbers of bracelets. Those are sometimes silver, but oflenor plated metal or rod and greet, lace. Their easy graco of motion is well worth copying. The pale-faced race may , perhaps pride itself on its superiority in tho oso of the contents of its bead, but those dusky daughters of the sun certainly outdo their moro favored sister in tbe use thoy make of '.be outside of thoirs. They carry every thing on their beads jars of water, baskets of vagctablen, peice of cloth huge bundles of sugar-cane, fuol, any thing, and everything, leaving their hands froo for any additional burden. They do not even carry their little black babies in their arms, but cither balaneo Lbom astride on thoir shoul der with Hieir Utile hands on tboir molher'a head, or else astride on one hip, encircled with one strong? arm. They sometimes woar large nose rings through tho loft noBlril, or else a small star liko nail passe dlhrough the nose." "Takino UiiL&AQc" Geo. Hunt ingdoo took umbrage at an article that appoared in tho Middlcburg (Vt ) Rcg ister, and wont for tho editor with an opon jacknifo. The editor cordially (the habit of tho craft) mot bim at tbo entrance of tho sanctum with a-two-quart caji of Lightbody' boat book ink. It was a very "fat take." Tho "open jackknifo" gentloman made for the "ink man ;" the latter dumped tbo content of his can upon the head and bairof tho "jackknifo" gontloman, and very thoroughly rubbed it in, which, as Mr. Huntington bas rod hair, well fitted him for tbe loading, sensation at the moat eifllasivo "keU ' tie-drum" of Middlcburg. The news, paper man gave himself up to the job, and vory beautifully embellished the "opon-.jackknifo" jgontlcman, , who, shortly after this littlo bit of pleasant ry, took a cab for homo, where, oa his arrival, hi good wifo, eooing- such a head and countcYianoo cmorging from the cab opposite her rospeclablo dorjoioilo, and, making for bor front stoop, lockod the doors, and, mounting to the secod story window, screamed "police 1" which brought all tho neigh bors, who were finally mado to under stand that the "minetrolizcd" appli cant had a right to tho houso be was endeavoring to outer. Mr. Huntington thinks ho won't "lake umbrago" any wore, specially asitoost him ono gid. Ion of the boat bonzino and six hours ot Mrs. liuulington a timo to cradicato tho effects of this last proof of tbo efficacy of piintwra' ink. Quid vko Quo. Though, when ia London, a great deal at Lady JJIqs, sington's, It scorns the late Emperor Napoleon III. never got on vory well wiilrthe hostess. At tho height of bis vwcr he met bor In Paris, and .ooolty said,' "How long do you tay hero, Lady BlcaJInVon T" "I dot Qow,fiosai. "iivwionguoyotu' ' f . , i r!af ' f i . Not mi ,OniR. A mac bia railway season ticket uoarly a yf&? ago. Last wcok he found It in hi Bible. He bas thought Ittwocawiry to publish in the nowspapcra a laUi-: M4.'iuJ. Jjit jt kvsu'l bit other Bible"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers