. Wl im jrH mwwi .aw, hswWi .. THE REPUBLICAN. CLKABFIKLl), I'A. WEDNESDAY MORNINO, MARClf, 18, 18T4. What are Election Expenses. Tbo bill "to define the necossnry and proper oxponsos incidental to tbo nom ination and election ot Sonators, Hop Tonontntive", Statejudicinl and county officers," camo op, and was passed finally. It provides "that no porson who shall borenftor be a candidato for tho nomination or oloution to tho Son oto or House of liopresonlati vos, or to any olHct of tho judioiary, or to any State or county office in tho Common wealth, shall bo allowed to pay or contribute, eilhor directly or indirect ly, any money or other valuable thing, or knowingly allow it to bo dono by others for bim, eithor for tho nomina tion, olootion or nppointmont, except for bis tickets, and distributing tho same, for publishing his card, for print ing circulars, and lor circulating tho Bamo." Tbo second section makos it a mis doraeanor to violate tho foregoing pro visions, punishable by a fine of not more than five bundrod dollars, "and imprisonment by soparato or solitary confinement at labor not excoeding two years." ' Tho third section follows the lan guage of tho Constitution, and de clares that any porson who shall re fuse to tuko this oath shall lortoit bis ofilco, and if convicted of swearing falsely shall bo guilty of porjury, and punisbod by fino and imprisonment not to exceed flvo yoars, and "bo for ever disqualified from holding any of fice of trubt or profit in this Common wealth." Tbo fourth section provides that in trials under, this act "no porson shall bo permitted to withhold his testi mony upon tbo ground that it may criminate bimsolf or subject bim to publio infamy, bnt such testimony shall not afterwards be used against him in any judicial proceedings except for perjury in giving such toslimony." An Old Joke in s New Dress. An old lawyer of tho city of Now York tolls a good joko about one of his clients : "A fellow had been ar raigned before the police court for stealing a set of silver spoons. The stolon articles were found upon tho culprit, and there was no uso in at tempting to dony tho charge. Law yer G was applied to by tho pris oner as counsel, and, seeing nocscapo for bis client, except on the plea of insanity or idiocy, ho instructed the fellow to put on as silly a look as pos sible, and, wbon any quostion was put to bim, to utter in a drawling man ner, with idiotio expression, tho word 'spoons.' If successful, the fee was to bo twonty dollars. Tho court pre ceded to business; tho charge was read, and the quostion put to the prisoner: "Guilty, or not guilty ?" "Spoons I" ejaculated tho culprit. Tbo eoart put sevoral questions to him, but 'spoons, spoons 1' was all tbo answer it could elicit. "Tho fellow's a fool,"said tho Judge; "lot him go about his business." The prisoner loft the room and tbo lawyer followed cIobo in his wake,and when thoy bad got into tho ball the counsellor tapped bis client on tbo shoulder, saying : "Now, my good fellow, that twenty dollars." The roguo looking the lawyer full in tho face, and, putting on a grotesque and silly expression, and winking with one eye, exclaimed : "Spoons !" and then made tracks. lie Understood It. Thirty-five years ago Thomas II. Benton, "Old Bullion, as ho was called, says the Boston Journal, delivered a speech up on finliiiccs in tho United States Sen ate, in tho course of which bo made some remarks which sound very much like tho utterances of to-day. One passage was as. follows i "One of the highest functions of money is to moa euro values. Tbat Is a function which paper cannot perform. Tho moasure of values must itself be free fromsud 1cu or matorial variations of value -It must bavo a nnilorm and a univer sal value. As .woll might you attempt to mako a measure of lengths out of that which has no length ; a moasure of weight out of tbat which has no weight, a moasnro of quantities out of tbat which has no capacity to hold any quantity, as to endeavor to mako a moasurt out of that which has no intrinsio value. The precious metals alone can conBtituto a measure of vnl nos; paper monoy can moasuro the value ot nothing, not even of itself; its own value is eternally measured by its reaction by its convertibility into spocio." Water tor Children. It Is par ticularly with those who have been accustomod to water drinking, tbat it 'would show its good effects in after lilo. During tbo first nino months tho infant is to be nourished by its moth er's milk, which torvos ns food and drink; it Is gradually accustomed to olhor sustenance during tbo poriod of weaning. Alter tins is accomplished, liowovor, the infant should havo fresh water as woll as milk. - By water drinking in childhood and youth, the foundation of a durable stomach is laid, and thus a healthy body throughout lifo. Tbe nervous and blood systomsaro.ovcr-exoitcd by spices, boor;, ' winc.'ohocolato, cofl'eo, oto., and thus a constant artificial stale of fuver Is maintained, and tho process is so much accolorated by it, that chil dren fed in ibis manner do not attain, perhaps, half tho age orduinod by na ture. Besides this, experience has taught that they generally become passionate and willful, having noithor tho will nor tho power to make them aelvoa or olhors happy. Morii Soothing; Strut-. AftorMrs. Winslow, Congress Is manufacturing about the noxt best artielo, though it is to operalo differently. The infla tionists havo gained a victory in the United Stales Senate. - By a voto of 28 to 25 an amondmont proposod by BenatorMorrlmon was adopted. This amendment provides for an' Incroaso of the National bank circulation to the oxtent of fHG,000,000, which will make the niaximam of such notes $400,000,000.; The wotes in favor ol inflation camo chiefly from tho Sonlh and West. Our Honntora divided, Camoron voting aye and Scott nay. -It is not certain that tbo Senate will stand by tbo position It has taken, though it Is considered likely that the inflationists will be able to carry their projects through both branches ofCon jroBS. Moro "greenbacks" postpones ipocle payment, and puts tho country in shnpo for another panio, after tho commercialjjimMi.-ra make tbclr piles, gotfU SHAW HOUSR, (Cor. of Market k Front street!,) CLEAIU'IELD, PA. The undersigned having taken eharge of this Hotel, would rcspecllully solicit publio patronage. ootl'tS H. NEWTON 6IIAW. LEONARD HOUSE, Opposite Katlroail Depot, CLUARVI ISIiUt PA. Pleasantly located md a llrst-olase hotel In all respects. ISreakfast for passengers leaving on morning train. WM. U. DUADLUY, Junoll.mx . Proprietor. WASHINGTON IIOUSK, NEW WA8UINUTON, PA. Till, new and woll furnished house ha. bean taken by the undersigned, lie foal. eonOdont of being able to render satisfaction to tlio.e who may favor him with a call. MayS, 1871. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. M ON TOUR HOUSE, Opposite tbe Court Houi., LOCK HAVE N, PK.NN'A. joH'71 HACSEAL k K110M, Prop's. B HOCKERIIOl'P HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PA., . JOHNSTON k EONS, oct2i'7l Proprietors. LOYD HOUSE, , Main Rtrcet, PIIILIPSmJKO. PENN'A. Table always eupplied with the bent the market auvrus. x ue irat eiiog puoiio is inrncti in can, novl,73. HOllhHT LOYD, THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Second and Market Streets, . CLHAReVII.I, PA. THI3 eld and commodious Hotel bas. during the past year, beon enlarged to double Its former capacity for tbe entertainment of stran gers and guests. The whole building has beon refurnished, and the proprietor wilt spare no pains to render his guests oomforuble while staying with him. -Ibe 'Mansion Ilouse" Omnibus runs to and from the Depot on the arrival and departure oi eaen train. juim ixjuuuutu r, aprS-70 tf Proprietor. ALLEGHENY nOTEL, (Market Bt., bet. Second and Third,) tLIiAllt ll.M), PA. The subscriber hnving beoomo proprietor of tn is notol, would respccUuily ask a liberal share et putno patronage. pl2'73 GEORGE LEIPOLDT. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Cl.'RWENSVILLB, Clearfield eounty, Penn'a. This old and woll ostalililhcd Hotel, beautifully situated on the banks of tbe bus'tuohanna, in the borough of Curwonivillo, has buen leased for a tenn ot years by the undersigned. It has been entirely refuted, and is now open to tho publio generally and the traveliug community in par ticular. No pains will be spired to render guosts comfortable while tarrying at this houfe. Ample -tabling room lor lu. accotnmouattun oi teams. Charges moderate. Bept. So, l0-tf. ELI BLOOM, 1IUEY A CH INT, ejuoeessors to KKVDEft k CO. TO THOSE INTERESTED IN THE Pl'R. CHASE OF A STRICTLY PURE RYE-WHISKY, For Medicinal Purpowi wa offer Builcy9M Pure Ilyc, Prlee $2 tn $9 par gnllon. and will chip Id pack age to wit parobascrfe We alio handle largely a COrrEIt DISTILLED WULSKY, - Prica from fl.liO to H.75. We Import FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, And are also manufacturer! of DR. 8T03YUirS TONIC HERB BITTERS. Bead fr prioe Hit. HUKY & CHRIST, Jan.21-7l 121 North Third St., Philadelphia. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OP COUttSK THE CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices, "1TTE are now opening np a lot of the bent and Tf most BCMoriRhle Qooda and Warm ever offered in tfati market, ami at prtcei tbat remind one of the jjfod old da.vi of ehoap thingf, Thore who lack faiib npos tan point, or deem our aUV gatiom upernaoui neea but C1LL T oriS STORE, Corner Front and Market itreeti, Where thrv can aeeyJooJ, hear and know for them1 lolrei. To fully understand what arocbeup goods thii n.OBt be done. Wa do not deem It nocwiary to enumerate and itemiae our atotk. It ii euoagb for ni to state that We have Everything that is Needed and consumed in thin market, and at prices that astoDisn train out and young. deoSO J O.S K I'll fiirAW 4 SON. JOHN TROUTMAN, . DEALEE IN FURNITURE, AND Improved Spring Beds, MAUKET STREET, NEAR P.O. The ttB'lerslirnDd btrn lcare to Inform the fill zans of Clearfloldf and tho pubtie gonerally, that ha hal on Rand a fine iMRurtinrnt of sV'iimUiiro. FU'-h as Walnut, Chcilnnt and I'nintod Cbamdcr Suites, Parlor nuttof, Keclining and Extension Chairs, LaduV and Penis' Kn-y Chairs, tbe Per forated Dlninjr and Parlor Chairs, Cane Merits nod inUfMir Limtr, timhoa H.irs, Mfp and l.xlrn lion Ladders. JJut Rncks, Baruhliing Uruihos, Ac MOULDING AND PICTUIIB FRAMES, Looking AIasics, Chromof, Ac7 which wooU be sur.tblfl fur liolioay presents. docl0'73 JOHN TROUTMAN. MARBLE AD ST0E YARD ! Mas. S. S. LIDDELL, Ilarlng engaged in (he MarMe lutincss, desires to Inform her friends and the publio that she has now and will keep eonsLantty on bend a Urge and well sclocM stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARDMy and ll prepared lo farnl.'b to erder TOMliBTONtS, ' - i ll.' COX AND CRADLE T0ME3, MONUMENTS, Cut and Ports far Cemeter; Lois, Window Kills and Caps, also, EUKEAU, TABLG AND WASH STAND , - , , TOPS, o., a. - , . . TiVard on Heed street, near the II, A.'Prpnt, virarnrid, I'Oi ' Je7,7I i. BIOLLOWBI'Sa n. mvib cantr HOLLOWBUSH & CAREV . BOOIiSELLEIIS, Blank Book Manufacturers, AMIS tfT ATIONER8, Sl Market St., Philti4rlpMn. W.Pajpor tmr Backs and Dags, Fioljran, UMw, Hote, Wrapping, Certain and Wall rP,rl- , . u M.24.tO-lTnd FOR HAI.K. The omW.ljncd e(Ti.r fr Sale a ralaahle town (irnperly in the Iwrmijrh of Cleertlcld. lil fmt, with a s"'M two- story plank house thereon ererM, Wild three rooms down stairs and ftmr hid mom. p sialrs. Also, eewlef roomnd hath room on wM floor. House flnl.liod oerepl.l. frnta eeller tn attlr. Ueod douhie poroh and geod water. Prioe re sonable and pevmcnts easy. 4lng-J.l ... . . WJkt. M. MoCl'tLQUOH. 5rB Mite, (tiwtxltt, tt. JKAD THIS I FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The attention of the citizens of ClosrlWItl and vicinity is directed to the fnet that (loodrellow k Son are the ae-cnts of M. Niece A Co., and bare just received a half dosen oar loads of Flour and Food, whlou they oner at tbe lowest oossiuie ug eros. A large stuck of FLOUIl, CORN MEAL, CHOP, I DUCKWUEAT FLOUR, BHAN, ' s Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Corn In oar, Ao., Ao. Particular attention Is sailed to M. Niece k Co.'e brand of Family Flour, which is the best in the market. Flour and Feed can and will be sold chopper than It can be obtained elsewhere In Cloiirucld eoonty. sVSlore on Miirket street, next door to Hon. Alexander Irvin's residence. ' UOODFELLOW A RON, JanlOtf AgontsforM.NiocoACo. JJ F. DIG LEU & CO.'S SPECIALTIES BUILDERS' HARDWARE, MECHANICS' HARDWARE, LUMBERMEN'S HARDWARE, FARMINO TJTKNSILS, ' MILL SUPPLIES, IR05 Jb KAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTERS' FINDINGS, CALCINED PLASTER Ma 18, 1S73. A. & W. D. IRVIN, CORNER STORE, CUEWENSVILLE, PA., RECEIVE FLOUR AND SALT BY CAll LOAD, And toll at small advance R O P 13 BY T II E COIL,' AND PACKAGE GOODS FOR LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES SOLD CHE A P . AOs-nit 1.1, 1873 M.-M Jr.ATZER k LYTLE, i , MAIIKST fTHKIT, ..... : . i c . . t CLEARFIELD. PA. ' Soalers la DHY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCEK1ES, Hardware and Queensware, Boot", Shoos, Hats, Ca8, &c. f . I O-Sboemalieri supplied wltk LEATUEll and 8U0K FINDINUS at redueod rates. SALT I SALT I SALT I at erbolesale and retail rcry eheap. PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED I'LASTEH, At. A liberal dlsoonnt to builders. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CAB PETS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS-ln Urge quantities. FISII, FLOUR, BACON, CORN WEAL and CUOP, alwus on bond, jrtr-AM of the abora goeJs are purehaned exoluslreljr for oasb, and therefore cum and i7 b. sold as eheap as the cheapest. fab 1 3-73 GAW81 SAWS1 6AW3! DISTAN'S CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAG AND " CIRCULAR SAWS. Eoynton's Lightning Crpss-cut Saw. ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED k ELECTRIC SAWS, For sale by . octll,7 " H. F. RIOLKR k CO. T0 LUNIlliHMGM rjl o L l PERFECTION IN CAN'THOO KS I The Clearfield Eioelsior Conthook will nit wear out or break, being eiin.tniaUid allh one solid band from elVp to point. It Is pmeanoed hp all practical Jumbernen waa bar eaasnlned It U be the eao.t perfect Cantheok e.sr Inrentcd. ' Amo Kennard,' Patentee. ' ' !..-.. ; . . Mannraotered hj Aircie Kiaxako A Co., at CLEARFIELD. PA. ' ' " -All orders projatiilT alieaied to. 33'7I G Is 12 A It F IE Id D, PENlir,A. . t f Wo tlesiro to call tho attention of tlio citizens of Clcarflold county to tho fact that we .. liavo opened a MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Where wo intond to constnntly keep PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL Our stock of PIANOS will consist RAVEN & COMPANY'S PIANOS, Wo nro prepared at all times lavorabio terms as to prices nnu Our stock of ORGANS will RYNDER ORGAN, (will. Ryndcr's Knco Tremolo nnd downward Tho SMI Hi NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides these we. furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. We tell on every plan known POPULAR AND EASY LLAiL 1 LAIN. . On our easy terms every one amount will tend so much to MAK1S JIUMU HAITI. DCPWc shall be glad to hove you call and see us, whether you desire to purchaso or not. oct23-'72-1y ItYXlEKW MUSIC NTORE. $U3ttUancou$. JF ECONOMY 18 AN OBJ KCT, EtV VOIR CLO X II I N O, Furnishing Goods, &o., D. STEWART & SON'S CLOTHING STORE. Tlicy Itcop a full lino of ' Men's, Youths' cfc Hoys' Clothing. Also, Umlirollsis, SatchoDfl, Ovcrallw, liats, Shirts, Undorsliirts, nnd Drawers, &o., Which thet will sell at mo.t reasonable priors. Cull and examine tb.lr i.iods before fiurrhasing elMwbere. Hoom In Muu.lon Duildlng. . ClearAeld, Pa., Ootobor S, 1873. OOK AND READ: SADDLE & HARNESS SMKKG! JOHN C. HARWICK, ! Market St., CLEARFIELD, Ta., in tho m!tn to ro to if Ton wnnt ft lot of new or now HAJJbLK, or anythlnj cln Id tliat lint. Jle turn out w gouil work m it Jnn In tiny ilip tu renm.y lrui. tnd hit jrice CoDitantly on hand full lint of TROTTING GOODS. inch as Trolling FadiKci, fiulrfrr anJ Hhin Bmiti, Trotting KollorP, W titpr, t inc HruKhraand torn., An. A flna annrtnirat of Nuta, Ilort-a Curcrif, Knca BtAbkvt Jiulllo liubet. Ac. Ac, Uit In toajon, lit tuat an) tiling tbat bortmo itauj In d1 of ii ulwnyi on barij. Alt of which will be at w tibial? orfotail at the vcrv fuirrit rntft. Hpii.iirint DMinirtlr atteD'Icil to. All work gnarattteed. bUop In room furmrly ocrupird Kf rust uiiioo. April v, Ji.i. IIKMWVAI.. ' 17 RANK. SHOUT, of tho "Hiort Shoa 8hop," gives notira that ho hai ra in n red from (irabam'i How, on Market rtrrut, to next door to tbo A.IKiitny llutol, on Alaikwt ttrveti whore bo in prepared Lo m.iko and to:n BOOTS AND BJLOKS, itltrhcd, ww-hI or fiefued, with tho hrnt o.k the cawtern majkel wtlordj and at at reuponablo price? ai they can bo bought for el few here, and where ba la orenarod to aroum module ail nil old cu'toin- ori and ai many nwoaeiui nay favor bin with call. Thankful for past favor, bo would ro- iMieclfullr solicit a continuance of thoir pnlrmmgo. F. fcllOKT. Citarflild, October 22, IH7:l.-6m THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! ' Mnaafoeterei especially for " ' THE CLEARFIELD TRADE, . roe tAt.a r mvi 1 n. r. Bioi.Ka c po K SAL El A la rue and wrlir,nil.r.l ririrk Dwelllnr, llu ate on the rivrr h.ieV, in the Lo'-onh of Clear. Grid, containing eleven room., with goud cellar, wator in the kitchen, end all the modnrn aonvo nionruH. Patitries, r.dth-rooro, Clo'hofl-prrBrtt ., Afl. Lot sist feet fiojit sod two hundred and thirty fret laik, with a twenty foot alley on thoen.t iile. Hnid hnlldinir, with nil the nppurtrnunoes, will be sold eheap, with payments to suit purcha ncr. Applisetiun esn he made to the under .Idneij, or to A. C. Tate, Esq., who will give nil neeeftRnry iiifurtnation to thoce who dcxlre to in hpect the property. rnoa.j. MccrLLocan. May Jl.t, 1ST.1, If. Beale's ; Embrocation, (lATI r O W I L L ' B,) For all diseases Ineldoat to Horses, Cattle, and Human Flesh, roq trine; the use of an eilernal applioatloa. This Ctalirooatinn wee eatenslreljr ised by the OoTernment durins; the war. For sal fry Hart.wiok k Irwin, ClearMd Jaeeph B. Irwin, Carweasellle. Daniel UooaV ander. Lathoreburg. tf. Attenlloii, Lumbermen! - WK are now mnonfwturlng our IMPllOVKP BTCKL. SOI KKT LUIVINU CANT TIDOKS, fuperior to any 'other In ma, Wo have alio In tloett a large quantity of Cantbonki nit ta ble for raftinx taipwof, wblnh wa are filing cheap fnveifK. AMOfl K. kKNNAKD. VJearUeld, ro., Attn a is, ia. , QUNSMITJIINa: -1 f . ; G. WiTTwolfe, , PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. 8karon Third-atreet nvar Uilcy'i Uaakimith J bop, t LKARKI KLI), FA. All ktndn of Ktflefi and Shut fluni on band. Itepalriaf dooa t a Irat-olaaaUianiier and at fair MARKET STRE-ET, on hand a full supply of STEINWAY & SONS' PIANOS, HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS, to furnish any of the cheaper makes icrms oj payment. consist of tho new and popular AAlbiUltAIN UKUAW lAJ.'S MASON & to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR enn have a good instrument, yUjirrUanrouj. c LEARFIELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. THfl nnilTwigTiC!, mrewsorf tn .HFTT) A l'OICIsI., hn tiurrbaneit tho (,'I.KAR ! 1EL1 I'LANlKtl .MIL!., and refitted It for Uuing an oxtfiikiTH buiura. All tbe mjchiniry will bo a-Mcil m-wanr to mako it out of tbo moft eomplrte Ub inhtncnt o( tho kind In the Htatu. Tlit-y are now prtitund to receive oMor? ioi any work In tbftt lino. They will giveiecluJ attcotiun to all water. all for h-uo building. FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, -DIMCKETS, JIOlLniA'C,tsc. OF ALL 6TTLCS, always on hand. WORKKT) BOARPS, and all article neceifi ry. for building, will bo exchanged for DKY LI SHiKR, to that pononml, a diflUwoo may bring their lumber, eirbange tt for, ind rctun borne with tbe manufactured articloi. Tho Company will alwayi bavo ot. hand a large (torn or dry lumber, to a to bo aide lo nil an order on tbe fbortext notice. Only tho beM and most nkilllal bandi will bo enijiloyod, m tbat the put. Ho may rely upon good work. LamW will bo worked or tub! at low aa It enn be purchased anywhere, and warranted to give UiiBiiUHiUHa f 9 tut outnucns win in u" upnn tbe cash principle' wo can afford to wtirk fur iinall profit!. DKY LUMBER .WANTED ! Krpeelally one and a hlf and two Inch panel ituB, for wbioh a liberal price will be paid. The lu.lness will be eondurted nnder the name of the "Clearfield rianlnir. Mill Co." 0. Q. Morrell will personally superintend the bn.iness. Orders respectfully solicited. ,, ; 0. n. MFRRKLL. K. H. TAYLOH. DAVID Mefl.U'tillEY. hi, U. IiKOWN liltO, ClearOeld, Pa., January 8, 1074. READING FOR ALLI1 BOOKS 6 STATIONERY. Market ft Clearllvld, (at the PoetOfflrs.) rpll K under.lgaed begs leave to annonuee to X the eiti.ens of Clearfield and Tioinity, that he has fitted up a room and has Just returned from the eity with a large amount of reading matter, eoniutiuf In part of Bibles aud Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Pass Books of' every de scription Paper and Envelopes, Preach pressed and plaint Pens and Pencils Blank, Les;al Pipers, Ueods, Mortgages! Judgment, Exeup' tlon and Promissory notes ( White and I'arebj incut Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, and Bill Cap, Khoet, Masiofur either Piano, Flute or Violin constantly on hand. Any books or stationery desired that I may sot bar. en hand, will be or ordered by first express, and sold at wholesale or retail to sail eustomert. I will also keep periodical literature, sueh as Magaxine., News, papers, As. 1 A. UAULl. Cl.arMd May T, Uri.-f JJOSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER C.O M P A N V, OSCEOLA STEAM JUILLS, ountirACTURci LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS AMD Sawed & Patent IMbcd Shingles. II. 11. BlIILLtN'OFOKD, Treiident, OfEcaForoiit I'Ue, No. 125 8. tb at,f l'bil'a. JOHN LAWFlin, (Joneral Sup't., . Otrcobililli, Clear fl aid coonty, Ta. Also TOWN LOTS f.r tulo tn & borouifli ef Uereola. i n s s n i' p mw smnii bill nnuuii lamii of (Jowl i in Clearfield eounty at their Marnrooib Kture in Oaoeola. Janl 7i Limo tor Salo l THR nndorfflgpd, reniding near lho dppot hal piada eompteta arrangcmenti with Lima Humeri oait oi tha niQiuitain, whereby ba Ii ena bled to keep oonetnt1y on band a large quantity of PURE L I M E 1 which ae offers to farmers nnd hnlUere at a trlde aboe nost. Those In need of the article would do well to giro me a colt, or address me by letter, be fore negotiating their llaao. uiid. c, rASM.MUHS, Clearfield, Pa., June , 1609. BARGAINS IN MUSICAL IN HTflUMKNTP! Orranl. both new and .pound band, at the Muslo Store, opposite Uulleh's rurnhure More. All persons Interested are iavt ted to enll and examine a new style of Ori;.n now on exhibition. Hhovt Mush? and Mu.lo ll'oki Qnstanl!;on hand. spUt TJlf , MERCHANDISE. of , of Pianos to order on the most Octavo Coupler,) UUUAK5, HAMLIN'S ORGAN?, and the CASH, ON NOTES, or on the and no other investment of like Counly National Bank, OF CLEAKFIEL1), TA. 1) OOM in Masonic Ilniliiing.one door north of X V C I). Vi stson s Drug blure. Pas.ngo Tickets to and f rom Liverpool,.Queens town, (ilasgow, London, Paris and Copenhagen. Also, brails for sale oa the ltoyal liank of Ireland and Imperial Bunk of London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Pres't W. M. PHAW, Cafhie. tl:l:J4 J. P. 11 (J irk. K.I ward Perks. BAKKIKQ & COLLECTION HOUSE McGirk & perks. &uccc.Hrf to TottrTf Pckst A Co ri,IUp'uur. Centre County, Pa. "11 T UK ft K all tbe bu'inesi of a nankiuff Uoum wil oo tranatocied pruuiptlj aiid upun tbt mofi l ivftm.ito trrma. mar-u DREXEL & CO., Ko. 31 rWuth Third Street. Philadelphia iui.rHF.ns, And Dealers in Government Securities Appllentioa by mall will receiv. prompt atten tlon, and all Information cheerfully fumi.hed Orders solirted. April 11 tf. rpiIE- LARGEST APPOUTME.VT OF STOVEM ! STOVES ! ever hroaght to the ooontr. are heing received at thellardwareli.tabli.hmeotor II. I-'. III;.KI eV CO., comprising the ftd'.owlng Cook tituves : srEAR's CALoniFrc. SUSyUEIIANNA. KEGULATOH. KOPLE. EXCELSIOR, TK1UUP1T. CiOV. TEXX. KEADIXG. NATIONAL RANGE, AC. AC. Also, the following Heating Stoves : SPEAR'S ANT! CLINKER, SPEAR'S ASTI DUST. PPEAR'SOUniCULAR, - Sr EAR'S FARLOIl COOK, MORNING LIGHT, DON TON, ' x. OirSEV, VULCAN, SUNBEAM, ' RUBV DAUPHIN EGG, CHESTER EGG, VOLCANO, rilOENIX, heavy kan room and store Room siuves, ao. . Clearfield, Rept. Ii, 1071. ' riO THE F It O N T ! CnnT F.XCITF.MEXT AT THR CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON I Tbt wnrlerpipned bavintr just fitted up new, largo and com for table rooaii on Market ttreot, nenr Tbird, impectl'ull inform tbo publio tbat bo now dreriarvd to accuui in o ditto them with everything In hit Una on hnrt nottoa nod at all hour of the da. , 11a keeps on band EUUSU BUEAp, 11V8KS, KOLLS, TIKM, CAUUS, all kiadi. ICE CREAM,- and a general assortment of CONIECTIONKRIE.S FRUITS, NITS, Ao, All of which will be dcllvcrod to riirtoincr. at their ros'.dcnees, whsn requ.lctl to do so. rCE CRBAM, by the dith, serred iu a neatly fir , nishod room. Thankful for the grnerons patmnnge bestowed lo the past, he knpes lo merit and receive a eon tUuenoo of tho lame fi-om hii old onsta . . . , men, and others. ..; ; -. : JOHN BTADLKIl. June 13.'T3 tf. Idlvery. Ntnblc. ' , TUB undersigned begs leave to Inform the pub lic that he ta new fulLr prepared to sveeommo. date all in the way of furtWilog Horse., lluggies, Raddles and Ilarnosr, on the shortest notice and on reasonable terms, Resldenoo on Locust street, bet wen Third and Fourth. (IKO. TV. OKAHIIART. IWrfleM, Feb, 4, 174. PINK, WHtTi k ROAN L1KIKO PKIttS Just received and for ssle by April U, into. U. F. D1ULK 1 CO. SACKETT & SUIIUYER, HARDWARE, ud maDoraotnreri of Tin,oppcr& Sheet Iron M are, Seeond Street, . ' CLEAR!' I ELD, PA. Ilurlng largoly Increased our stock of Hur l- war., we Invite the public to examine our stock and prices. Carpenters and persons who contemplate build ing will do well to examine our TOOLS & BUILDING HARDWARE, wbtflb li new and of tho boat manDfaottire, and will ba sold low for oath. NAILS, UJLASS, TUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, SCREWS All kinds of Bench Planes, Saws, Chisels, Squares, Hammers, Hatchet., riumbe and Levels, Mortised A Thuiob Uuages, Itevels, Braces k Bitu, Wood and Iron Bench Herews, and the best Boring Machine in tbe . market. Double and Single Bitt Aies, . POCKET CUTLERY, Ao. Agents for Burnett's Iron Corn Shelter, warranted. Also, agents for Richards' GOTHIC FI.UE TOPS, which effectually cure Smoky Flues. Farmers' Implements and tlardea Tools of .f r description. A large variety of COOK STOVES, vhicb we warrant to gire latif faction. Porlabie Mian gen and Mtmacea V-SuRoofing, 8 pouting and Job Work done oo reasonable tcrmi. All orders will receive prompt attention. - J one n, ibm, BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Successors to Eoyntoa k Voung,!. FOUNDEKS & MACHINISTS Manufacturers of rOETABLE & STATIONABY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pine Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVIKO eegaged In the manufacture of fint chus MACHINERY, we respectfully Inform the publio thai we are now prepared to fill all orders as ehonply and as promptly as eon be done in any of the eitioa. Wo manufacture and deal i Mulny and Circular Saw-Mills Dead Blocks, Wator Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, GilTord 's Injector, Bteem Gauges, team Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cnps, Oil Cnps, Oooge Cocks, A I Cocks, Oloho Val6s, Check Valves, wrought iron Pipes, S.eora Pumps, Doiler Feed Pur.ps, Ai.ti Friction Metres, Soup Stone Packing, Gura Pock ing, and nil kinds of MILL WOHKj together with Plows, Bled Eoles, COOK AND rARLOR STOrES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. "Orders solicited and filled at city prioe. All letters of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by addrea ing as at Clearfield, Pa. Janl'74-if BIGLER, YOUNG k REKO, riiFCRA PfiTTA CTAwniwr; UAcre I ..in mi vv i in wirinviisu r nuLU) IlAXGIJiG VASES, Stove -Lining and Fire Brick, kept constantly on hand. ST0E AXD eTrTIIEX-YAP.E OF EVERT DESCRIPTION I CHOCKS! POTSI CHOCKS! t'ielicr'a r fi it Airtight Scir Sealing I 'in It lane! T!TTTKR CROCKS, wllh lids, CREAM t'Hiit'KS, MILK CROCKS, APPLE - BPTTKIl CKdCK.S, PICKLE CHOCK?, FLOWER POT?, 1'Ig DIST1KS, 6TEW POTS, Aud a great many other things too numerous to mention, to be had at FRED'K. LELTZINGER'S STONE - WARE TOTTERY, Corner ol Cherrv and Third Streets, CLKARKIKLU, PA. aug) FOR BALK BY It. V, Blglcr & Co. IRON DOUBLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD D0ULLK-SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD FISG LB-SHOVEL PLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS. ' WOOD CULTIVATORS. flOWANDA IRON BEAM PLOWS. riTTSIilRa STKEL PLOWS. HAUPT'3 LKLLEFOXTK PLOWS. ' ROBESON'S and THOMPSON'S PLOWS. ortakh.rea f,.e .11 l Ik. .... K. jr. - .. . .. ... ... nvv,u nuw, rnn- st.ntly on hand. tnj'Ji 7.1 II. F. E) ci LEU & CO. for sal. CARRIAGE & WACOS WOODS, SHAFTS AND rOLES, UUBS.SPOKKS, FELLOES, &!.' Carriage and Wagoa Makers should make a ao a of this .,d call and exsmlne them. They will be luld at fair prices. mayJJ J Dr. J. Walker's California Via CRar Hitters nio a purely VoRotublo preparation, nmdo chicllv from tfio lia tivo bcrbs found ou tho lower rPRcs of tLo Sierra Novnda mountains of C'ullfor nia', tbo nioUiciual rnopcrtics of which nro extracted tlmrcrrom witUotit tlio uso of Alcohol. Tlio nucstiou Is almost dally risked, "What ! tho cnuso of tlio unparalleled bucccm of Vixeoau Bit TKitst" Our answer is, tliat they rcinovo tbo cause of disoaso, nnd tbo patient re covers bis bcaltli. Tlicy aro tbo great blood purifier and a llfo-givjiiR principlo, a perfect Kcnovittor and Iuvigonitor' of tlio system. Norer befuro lu tbo" history of tlio world has a medicine been compounded possessing tho remarkable qualities of VlMiGaiUJiTTKtis in healing lh sick of every disenso man is heir to. The aro a gotlo Purgativo as veil as a Tonicr rcliuving Cungustiou or Inflammation ol tha Liver and Visceral Organs in liUiou Diseases Tlie properties of Dn. Walker' Vistula ijirrsns aro Apertent, riaohoroiior Carminntive, Nutritious, Laxative, binrotic, Sedative, Conntnr-Irritant BuJonlio, AlWra Uve, and A-uU liiiioua. It. II. MriMtw.ir.rt ; n DHifirUts .ml Oo. Art... -.n lYrvtcSv,. 'l-lir.r.la, and U.M-. ttf VeM:a. nn.; rhm!.,i, ,-t.. :. Void by aU li w(Klte std l alor October 15, 187-ly. . pEACE IS EUHIIPEI 'act GREAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHYILLE1 Th blfiojT eontfgt hotwea Frftnee tnd Fruil Ii at n end for tt. prent, to fr m the lUugh- tcriog of men and tbe d out ruction of property It concerned. Tbe ltnjfcl Jugglen no do a lit prtdd tbrmtelrci And rj dee over tlie result, bnt bow iniijrnificftnt i thrir work when compared with the huiuane and christian efforti of L. M. COUDRIET, who has undertaken to impply all tbe ettiaeni In the lower end of the eonnty with food and raiment at exoeedini; low ratea from hit mammutb atore In Ml LfcOMiLKO. where he ca.o aJwaji be found reaJj to wait upon cullon and sappl them with Dry Goods of all Kinds. Such ai Cloths, Satinctt, Canjimcrf , Musflni, lclatnni, Linen. DriMinfti, Calieoei, Trliomirig, Ktbboi.it-Lace. Readj-niade Clothin.;, Boots and Bhoea, Cati and Caps all of the heft material and made to order Hone, trockf, UloTCi. Wilteiw, Lacea, Kibboni,sfc, GROCERIES OF ALL KJKDS, Coffw, Tea, Pujrar, rite, Molrunea. Pinh, fcat 1'orky Linieed Oil. Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Ilardware, Qacnnware, Tinware, Castlnn, Plows and Flow Cutting, Kails, fijiikes, Corn Cultiva tors. Cider rrcsms, and all kinda of Axes. Perfumery, Paint!, Varnlfh. Olaes, and a general aMortineut of btationcrj, GOOD FLOUR, Of J.tTeront brndr, always on hand, and will v sold at the lowest possible figures. LIQCOUp, snch as Tlrnndy, iVinc, Gin, WhUlvj. Ju.vne's Medicines, Has letter's and Hoofland's Uittert. 5000 pounds of Wool wanted for which tbt highest price will be paid. Ourersecd oa hand and for aalo at tbe lowest markot price. . Aim, Aff nt for Strattonville and Curwvnsrilsw Threshing Wwhinr. 1t.Call and sec for yourlres. Tow will Ind erery tiling usuaMy kqn in a retail store. L. M. C0CDKIET. FrenehTille P. O., March l,ltl. VILLI ELE FARM FOR SALE! , IN Gilt AIM) TOWNSHIP. The nndcrsigood oers for sale the farm eo which he now residrs, sitnutvin tilrard townnbip, Clearfield er-onyf Va.? formcrlr owned by Jmtiu J. 1'te. The farm conlainn 120 acres, and isrery JerttbT looted. Thv baildintrs are all new, and eon fitt of a largo frame bouse, baring food cellar ttDdrmrath, and good water convenient ; larjpe franc baro, blaekpniith fhop, waffon shed, spring house, Ac. 1'Uo builUinps on this fannareas good, if not better, than on any farm in Clearfield county. 1 be land is of superior quality and in ft good date of cultivation. Possession will be given in the spring, or at any time most eourenivnt to the pwrebaaer. The tcrmjwiil be rcASonble. Persons delrous of nurchatlng can rddre; (be fubicrilwr at Leconte'i Mills P. O Clearfield eounty, Ta,. or apply in person on the premises. Any persons wonting any information in rfftsrd to the quality of tbe land, tbe kind of buildings ihcrcoti, Ao., dcM can get the information byeail ing on ShrrifT Pie, in Clrarlirld. as he owned tbe fanu for a number of years, and of ennrra knows All about it. WENbiiLL ENDUES, Leconte's Mills. Clcarlitld Co., Pa. January 21, 1874. Store House for Sale or Rent. That well known Rtoro and dwelling Home, sltnated in Glen Hope, Clearfield eennty, is offer ed at private sale or for relit. The beam is two sti-.es hih, 66 lie .0 feet, with good back build in : a No. 1 well of water in liart building ; ellicr aull'uil.linr", .noli as ice bou.o. riuoke houw. eorn crib. Mablin and lirgc shedding, all In good order. This property Is tuitsblu for any kind of bu;lii(. and will be sold at private sale or rent ed on reasonable terns to a responsible party. Th. properly!, good and in a pleanuit place to do I ufiticee, and i ill be sold or rented on easy tenns. Tbe bad lienlth of tho subscriber com pels him lo eloso hi. bu'incs fcr the present. Thi. houre has done n good bu.iiness, and a good huMne. tnnn en do wrll here. Pop-tcssion given no Ami! I, 1SJ4. l'oe fuitbcr Information call in or write to WM. 8. PICK BY k BON. OUn Hope, Cleartlol t Co., Pa. (JanS8-2m VIVtlMRTH TtH! NOTICE. Notlea 1' hereby ijlvenlhat lottcrtol ndmlnlstralioa onibeertaleor AIIKA1IAM R.I'KOHLES.dee'd., Iste of Kns township, Cleartlold eounty, Pena'a, having been duly granted to the Undersigned, all persona Indebted to said estate will please vak. Immedlste pnymont, and those having e'.sinis or demands will present them properly authcnllcaicd for sou!tn.ent without delnr. N. D. 1'Kopi.Kc-, P. A. BOWLES, Administrators. New Millport, Feb. 11, 1871 At 4 IHMSTRTOR'M KOTICI5.-Nolice X i hon-hycivrn Ihnt lettert of ndministrstiul on the e.-Uto r ALKXAMlKlt tll.SSKV. Isle of Morris township, l learfiild eennty, I'a., deeessrd, having lui -i duly granted to tbe uiidrr?lgneJ, all person. IndehttJ to said estate will pleaw nske iinmedlnio payraeot, nnd thos. hat in t elaimi or demands will pn vnt them properly aut hintioated lor scltlciiKut without delay, A. D. JOHNSON, Kyl.rtown, Fob. ll.-tlt Administrator. OOT AKD SUOK MAKIXO. .1 (IMP I If ft nPl'UIVil a -a 1 !.a Kliavu'a tin rl..-n.,1.l 13. L.. l-.a l-J " " v.vsaiisini, m.t UII JM rvvvil o a Una lot of Fronch Calf Skins and Kips, the best in the anaiket, and is now prepared1 toman efaotre everything loins tig., lie will war. ru, ui. wora in oe a. rcpreseaioa. Tb. ettilAO. .if ll.lrli.il.1 nn.l tlntl resreetfully lnvlu-d to give him a call. . or. none ai snort notice. T:io 7 y G ilUST JI1LL1 NOTICE! I taVo this uelhcd of Informing thr nnWIethat I hara pnrcha.-ed the Cadwollader Orl.t Mill, had It thorouirhlr renaired. and am new resdv to griud any kind of grain on short notice, in the best niniincr. A share ot your patronage Is so licited. Tonrs Henicelfnllr. (1. 8. FLGtlAL. OiiaaaT W. FtaiML, Mnler. rhiKpil.urg, I'a., lice. 10-era. HOUSR AKDLOT FOR SAI.K! The House and Lot on tho enrner of Mar ket and l inn .tree la, ClearBeld, I'a., Is for sale. The lot ecntains nearly aa aer. of ground. Tha houe. Is a large double frame, containing eii'e rooms. Tor irtiu. and other information apply to the subscriber, at the Post Office. ovIJI P. A. (1AUI.1H. 2nnn ns- f wit wasti-.d. ,UU II A in. ,1.1, Ilarlsluirn A Hippie, for hich they will pavea.li, at their fnclorv, ecsr t'urwensville, or at th. store ol Arnold k Until horn, in 'urwen.ille. r fi M .1m AllMJl.l, HARTSHORN A JIIPl'LH.