I I', :Vf.rr.r Kv,,;..Wr-i . i. THE REPUBLICAN. . CLEARFIELD, PA. Wednesday morning, march, is. nu. Terms of Subscription. If paid In advane,oi within three months... $J 00 If paid after three aud before six months..... S 60 If paid after the expiration of sis montln... S 00 RELIGIOUS NOTICES. Methodlit Episcopal Churcli Rer. A. D. Tooim, Pastor. Publio Service every Sabbath at 10, A.M., and 74 P. M. Balibath School at 9 A. M. Prayer Meeting every Thursday, at TJ P. M. Communion Berrien, grit Habbeth of every month, at 1 A. M. Ht. Andrew's Church EplcopalRev. Gbjorou Hall. Publie Hervtco Bumlay morning mt 10 o'clock, and at 7 P. M. Sunday School at I P. M. Prater Meeting Wednesday evening at T o'olock. Presbyterian Church--Rev. II. 8. Bcti.br. Sabbath erviees morning and evening- Sab bath School at 8 P. M.Preyer Mooting Wednes day evening. Hi. Francis Church Catholic Rev. P, J. Shkridan. Mam at 104 o'clock A. M., on the ecennd and foarth Sunday of each month. Lutheran Cluirctu Rev. A. J. Habtsoci Preaching every Sabbath, morning aud evening, Fabbath School at 9 a. at Pray or meeting every Wednesday evening. I The Central Pennsylvania Confor- vooa of the M. B. Church meu at Altoona to-day m A caution notice la published this "week by Mr. 1'bilip Dott, which may bo of in terest to some of our reader. The proflBos, trponnd other material tf tbo defunot Williaauport Standard U to bo fold at Assignee' tale on the 20th of this month. We notice by the liarrisburc Patriot that the Mayor of that city has appointed Edward Do Beck, formerly of this place, a member of the .police force. Miss Phoebe Couzins, the lady law yer of St. Louis, Mo., lectures In Pie's Opera House this (Wednesday) evening. Subject "Education of Women." Death op Judge Wiliielm. The many friends of the Hon. Jacob Wilhelm will with sincere sorrow, learn of his demise, which took place at his home in Graham township, on Monday morning last. Wo are unable at this writing to give his age or the eaise of his death A. Boyd Iionderson, Esq., formerly of .book Haven, and wen kuown as toe correspond ent of the New York Herald In North Carolina. and Cuba, is now in California. His present ad dress Is San Francisco, care of Geo wry A Co. Wonderful 1 Somobody was at Harrisburg last week and was Introduced to Mc Henry, of Cambria, and a whole host of other members. He rode from Philadelphia to Harris burg In a Palaoe oar and then dedicated the new Masonic 11 all, assisted by Mr. Vaux so we infer. Thanks. Superintendent Gregory has our thanks for a bound copy of the annual report of tbo State Superintendent of Common Schools. The State authorities hare murdered his annual report of this county. When he said "papered," they say "prepared." Prolty good after all. Three cop lei of the report in question for eaoh school district can be bad by some direct or or teacher calling at the Commissioners' office, Literary Entertainment. Our community will no doubt turn out in good num bers to hear Miss Phccbe Cousins deliver her leo 1ure on the "EJuoauon of Women' this (Wednes day) evening. The lecturo especially Interests the lady portion of our com m on it y, sod the la dies, at least, should go to hear her. She Ico tured in New York a few days ago, and the pa pers of that city speak of her in very fluttering terms. She is now on her wsy to her western home, St. Louts, and it may be a long while be fore we have another opportunity of hearing her, hence all should be present on this occasion. Court. This is court woefc with us, tot it is a very small affair, carried on by the Associate Judges, Messrs. Foley and Read. The business consists chiefly of swearing in the new constables, some of whom opened their eyes when requested by their Honors to gira $3,000 bail, or be qualified that tbey were, the owners of that much property, clear of all encumbrance. Here tofore it has been the practice to demand only $1,000 bail, but It seems that the court requires now In the future not less than $1,000 nor over $3,000, thus requiring the parties sleeted to furnish ample security fur funds thst may come into their bands. itiatiT. There is a bill before our Legislature authorising elergymen or justices of the peace to administer an oath to parties apply log to them to be Joined In marriage, as to their age, and if tbey swear falsely they are to bo punished. As the law now stands, the responsi bility U all with the clergy and justices, and the youngsters can Ha with a good grace under the! eircuniitanocs, and after the parties art united and happen to be under-age, the enraged parent presents himself for the penally, which is often nothing more than blackmailing. A trick of this kind was playod off on us once and it eost us $60. Had this law been in force at that time the parents of the lying pair could not have robbed as, bo cause their child would have been sent pri "on ward. The laugh would bavi boen on the other side. The Derby Coal Company Cask. This elebrntcd ease is being contested in our State and in tbo United States Circuit Court. The Pittsburgh Leader, of the 7th Inst.f ro alluding to the case before Judges McKenna and McCandless lays i "The arguments are npon a motion for an In junction in the ease efW.A. dibscm, Y. Casanova and U. Titus vs. The Derby Coal Company. No less a personage than the Hon. Jere. 8. Rluox appears for the plaintiff's, together with Hun. William A. Wallace, of Clearfield county, and John II. Dailoy, Eq. For defendant appears j Judge Barrett, of Clcurfleld oouuty, and Ucorgej P. Shiras. The Messrs. Casanova, as the name Implies, area brace of (Spaniards, Casanova the! youngest possessing a characteristic jutlincas of hair and darkness of eyes and complexion. The ; President of the Derby Coal Company, A. M. Sol- teldo, is also a Spanish gentleman, and was rep resented by his son, A. M. Solteldo, Jr., a droid cdly ban duo id a young gentleman. The intercut of the crowded room was chiefly centered ia the Honorable ltiack and Hnrret. Hoth gentlemen were blessed with impressive appenrance, Judge Barrett being portly, eloquent, and full of fun, nd Judge li lack's ooumauding form and power ful figure made bim a conspicuous object on the Boor. Reduce the Mills. Tho moat sons!- ble mo rem on t yot made in relation to assessments nd taxation, Is that looking to the reduction of the number of milts, or percentage of taxation. As the taw now stands, the county commissioners oan assess ten mills, rnporvltors and overseers of the poor the same, and school directors the enor mous suru of twenty-six mills. The Legislature should reduce these rates Just one-half and there by force publio opinion Into the support of al ienors, and assess property at Its true value as H now contemplated by law but can never be done until tba other track la taken. The miserable policy of assessing lands at two and throe dollars per acre when it will sell for twenty and thirty, and then imposing from ten to twenty-six mills for tax purposes, li the worst commercial folly ttow p radioed upon the people, union we axocpt the Custom House robborios carried on in sea port cltioi. A high rate of mills daproclatrs .property while a low rat finds the true value, what everybody seems to desire, yet nobody strives to practice, nor will it ever be reached un til the LegiiUture reverses the law upon the sub ject. So foxy are the people In some loculitlrs that they bad to obtain special legislation, and bad the road rates raised to twenty and twenty ire mills, and to kcrp their schools open the legal length of time tbey would n from four to eight mills building fa to pay their teachers. By violating their consciences and the law in this manner they lueoeodod in keeping their roads in repair and their schools open, but tbey did not pay one-third of their proportion of either State or county taxes. The moral degradation is ap parent and the obstacle should bs removed. We aay to the Legislature, ToddM the mills and this dirty work will soon be abandoned and the true ii of errry county In tbs Srale reached. A Rash Act and Fatal Conbr- QtrxKCX. In our last issue we made brief mention of a horrid accident which occurred at T. C. Helms'e saw-mill, about one mile and a half west of this, at nine o'olock on Tuesday morning, Id Inst., In which a Mr. Jacob C rut hers, of Bell's Mills, Blair county, was tawed entirely In two in two or three seconds, and are now enabled to give the particulars. We are Induced to refer to this ease again, not through a disposition to aggravate the mind with the relation to such sickening sights, but that It may be a warning to others em ployed in the dangerous avoeatlox-1 of all kinds, in this region, where the loss of human life has become so alarmingly fearful, and where wo oan trace so many of these fatal oonsequenoec to the reckless aots of the mangled victims. Mr. John Hays ts the sawyer employed at this mill, and was In charge at the time. It was noticed that something was wrong with the oar rt ago a nut or something of the kind was loose on the under side of It. The carriage woe standing la front of the saw, and Mr. Hays bad crossed over for the purpose of adjusting whenever was wrong. Mr. C rut hers, who was his setter, took the sawyer's ; side of the carriage, threw himself flat upon the j floor, within a few inches of the whirling saw, and endeavored to assist the sawyer in adjusting the difficulty. It Is said that Mr. Hays warned him of his danger but he paid no attention to it j and Mr. Jack Spocce, who is the engineer, and who was watching the efforts of the two men, told Mr. Cru there of bis proximity to the saw, but he re marked that an Inch was as good as a mile. In his endeavors to reach whatever was wrong with the under part of the carriage, be had to lay flat to the floor and partly across the carriage, and in this way his feet would be very near the lover which is used to gig back the carriage, and It ts reasonable to Infer from this that his feet struck the lever and started the carriage forward. After the carriage had started two seconds could hardly elapse before the saw would be whirling into his body. Mr. Hays sprang from the position he was in and rushed for the lever Mr. Bpeoee hur ried below and stopped the engine; but all was of no avail. Two unearthly shrieks were uttered by the expiring victim, the saw passed entirely through the body, severing the upper from the lower extremities, and he was dead j and no power on earth could have saved him, considering the position he was In, after the carriage had once been put In motion. Dr. Bloody was at once sent for and done all that could be done attach together the two parts with needle and thread. Mr. Cruthers Was a young, unmarried man, his parents living in the neighborhood of Bell's Mills, In Blair county. They were telegraphed to at once, and on Thursday the remains were interred in the burial ground outsideofour town. Oieoola IteveiUe. Sad Bereavement. The publishers of the Osceola Reveille hare lost the best friend this earth affords to living mortals, as Indicated by the following: ''We have Just returned from the sad duty of conducting the remains of our sainted mother to their last long home. After an illness of fifteen weeks, during whicn time sbe endured the great est of human suffering, she sank to everlasting repose on the morning of tne second or March Catbabimb Mvtihqrr, daughter of Jacob My ti Direr, was born in Philadelphia, on the 2Mth day of April, 1703, and wot In ber eighty-first year wnen sue died. Five months alter her birth, her father and mother died of yellow fover, within a week of each other, leaving six children, the oldest of whom wss but eleven years or ago. As there were none to care for the orphans' interest during the prevalence of the dreadful scourge which desolated the city in that fatal year, the property was all lost, and the children scattered among relatives, the being the youngest, was taken charge of.by ber graudmothcr, who cared fur her until ber oldest sinter married, with whom she then lived until sbe whs married to Samuel ttrisbin, at Alexandria, Huntingdon county, in 1814. In 1826 they moved to the western part of the Mate.living in 1'ittsburgh and Its vicinity until lH5o, when, alter her bun band s death, she moved with some of her children to New Orleans. She remained there during all the stirring events of the oity s defence and capture, anl sailed for uiiauciptiie lo tne mil ot io2, subjected to all the privations and losses Incidental to the times aud events. Iu 1804 she came to Osceola, with one of her sons, where sbe has resided until her death. lo her early infancy she received from loving friends the rudiments of Christianity, which grew with her strength, and strengthened with her decline. fib lived to see nine of her eleven chil dren reach their majority. She leaves a lame circle of friends and relatives in the State, all of whom will say that if she had a failing on earth, it leaned to virtue's eidei and we are firm in the belief that she is now Sojourning in the house of many mansions, in that city not mate with bands, but whose builder and arehiteot Ood f for, If it is not destined for such as she was, for whom then is it V Died At Lick Run Mills, Goshen township, March 11th, 1874, Clasa P. Inwin, daughter of Lewis J, and Amelia M. Irwin, aged 17 years, 9 months and 2 days. The deceased was a member ef the M. E. Church, and from her early childhood a devoted Bible School scholar. A complication of diseases had been preying upon her for years, and although ber sufferings were great, she bore them with un murmuring patience and resignation to the will of hor Heavenly Father, at whose call she was perfectly willing to go without a fear. Thus sho passed away, leaving the comforting aisurance that sho has gone to dwell where "flowers perennial grow and angels have their home." m. a. Doubly Rj.fased. "Glory enough for one day t" exclaimed an exoited l'ennfielder,on the 1 1th lost., when ho heard a prolonged locomo tive whistle, Just as the dedicatory services in the Presbyterian church at that plaoe closed. The track of the "Low Orsde" railroad Is therefore laid from the Allegheny river as far east as Penn field, In Huston township, and the residents of the Sandy Lick and Bennett's Branch Valleys rejoice thereat. This road will be opened Its entire length by the first of May next, and will open up the finest bituminous coal field In the United States. A Nice Chunk The Ilollidayabnrfr Standard says i "Mr. Richard Langdon, of Hunt ingdon, proprietor of the Dunbar mines, Clearfield county, has on exhibition at his office a lump of coal weighing 1,11)9 pounds." John Cutler publiuhcs something of interest to rafttneft this week. Lint of letters remaining unclaimed In the Postoffice at Clearfield, for the week ending March loth, 1874 I Beach. Henry Horn, Linda Knarr, William Branncf, Philip Bamfield, Mis A. L. Unnks, Jumet L. (2) Cramer, Mrs. Louie J. Conaway, Delila (2) . Crimmins, Denis Daily, John Dunlap, Felix Dixon, John O, (Uay, John W. Ornv, William Onffin, N. J.(2) Kline, Will Kenney. Johnson Mandon, Uforge Marshall, Adam M nines, Daniel Mays, W. p. Smut, James Thompson, Mrs. . S. Wole, C. K. Wright, Celia P. A. OAULIN, P. M. Specials LANn Vi.ARTxn. A car load just received front Huntingdon, by mar!8 t KRAT7.LR k LYTLE. NO EXCUSE FOR UK I NO 8ICK. No person can use Bosch' German Syrup without getting Immediate relief and euro. We hare the first ease of Coughs, Colds or Consump tion, or any disease of tbs Throat and Lungs, yet to henr from that has not been eared. We novo dittrtliuti d evory yoer for threa years over 3 (ton in top I boltlw "rHRX nr riiAtiua" by drug gists in all parts ef the United States. No other manufacturer sf medicine ever gave their prepara tions such a tost as this. Un to your Druggist, C. D. Watsov, and get a bottle for 76 cents and try it two doses will relievo yuu. 2Vaug7uy Flegal has just return I from the city with the largest lot of Uoods in his line ever brought to this county, which ht is offering for sale at small pro tit i. in 11 -.(t . - Go to Flegal's for Ladies' and Children's Shoes. Late styU of Hats at Flegal's. Fane ! Faxa ! Frrr 'Among the many prepa rations that we hare for Coughe, Colds, Croup, or any throat or lung difficulty, none of them are equal to Dr. Morris' Syrup of T.ir, Wild Cherry and Hnrehoand. If yon are efllicled, call at our tore and we will gie you a i Triple bottle free of tknrge t Agents: Hartswfck A Irwin, Clearfield f Holt, Woo.Lide A Holt, Wallaoeton U.K. Vt tl liams, William's drove. (Msrch Il ly. Fancy Shoes can be got at Flegal's. Ask Flegal the price of Furs. It will pay yon to buy and keep them over. Flegal bss qnlte an assortment of Trunk. Va- t lifer, and L 'lies' 3stcbtli, Newspaper Decisions; 1. Any person who takes a paper regularly from the Post Office whether directed to his name or another's, or whether he boa subscribed or not is responsible for the payment. S. If any person orders his paper discontinued he must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may continue to send until payment Is made, and col lect the whole amount, whether the paper Is taken from the oltioe or not. II. The court! have dnolded that refusing to take newspapers or periodicals from the Post Office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima fade evidence of intentional fraud Kratser A Lytic have Just received another In sUlmeut of New Uoods, and are opentug a full line of fancy goods end notions, carpets, oil oloths, etc Alio, a full stock of Groceries aud Provisions. The whole to be sold at the very closest prices for caih. marl a zt Paint aud Paihtrrs' Fiauiiroa. Our stock of Paints and Painters' Materials Is complete, in cluding J. T. Lewis' Pure White Lead. John Lu cas A Co's Pure Wblto Lead. F. H. A Co'a Buck Lead, and a number of cheaper brands of White Lead; also, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes of an ainas, a iuii une oi unuaes, sou a iuu line oi colors, drv and in Oil. my2B'73 H. F. Diana k Co. Mr. John Trout man has gone Into the Under taking business in connection with bis Furniture business. Imported Walnut Caskets and Coffins always on baau and furnished promptly, t uuer als attended. BoAnnani Watmcn. Two or three day board ers oan be accommodated in a private family, Boarding good and charges reasonable. For further Information apply at this offiae. Notici to Wagon akd Carriaok Makrri. We have just received a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of Bpnngs and Axies, wnicn we oner cheap ror oaen, 11. F. Bmtnn k Co, Flegal bos now on hands Perkins k Atwater lioots and ohoes for driving. Flegal Is buying all kinds of furs. Just received, a largo lot of non-explosive Lamps and Lanterns at 8-j-72 H. F. BiGLia A Co's. Bare Time' gave Labor! Save Money! Save Clothes ! The " Novelty Wringor " is the best in tbe market. If ay tt J try It. For sale by 11. F. Diolxr A Co. Montour Slate Paints, for painting houses In side aud outside Cottages, Farm Buildings, do. Beautiful, durable and economical. Uround in pore Linseed Oil. my28'73 H. F. Biona A Co. Bird Cages ler A Co. s. -a large assortment at H. F. Big. Sawo. Distan's Cross-out Saw, Great American Saw, Boyoton a Lightning Saw, at 9-25-72 U. F. Diai'KR A Ce's, II. F. Bigler A Co. hare been making extensive additions to their stock of Hardware tbe lost few days. Everything new in Shelf Hardware, Sad dlers' Hardware, Farmers' Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, can be seen at their store. May 23. P.. R. Wheelbarrows, Baby Carriages, Toy Ex press Wagons and Wheelbarrows, at my28'73 H. F. Biqlbr A Co'i. Calcined Plaster for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co. A full line of HouseholdGoods, Japanned Ware, o., lor sale ny a. r. mgier uo. Read Turn ! Persons whoonntemplnte bulldioK will do well to en! I and examine our stock of BUILDtNO MATERIALS. We bare in stock a. full line of Builders' Hardware, Nails, Paints, Uil. uioss, rutty, t'aloined n niter, Ac. my2873 II. F. Biqlir A Co. Paints, Oils and Varnishes for sate by Bigler A Co. II. F. Wood and Willow Ware of all description for saie Dy ji. r. isigier vo. Axes. Seventy-five doscn Clearfield Wood- choppers Axes at V::7J. tl. r. HIULKH A Co s. To thb Citixkns or Pkhsstlt Au. Toor at tention Is respectfully inf ited to tbe fact that the National Banks are now prepared to receive sub scriptions to tbe Capital Stock of the Centennial Hoard oi rinance. ibe funds realised from this source are to be employed in the erection of the buildings lor the international exhibition, and the expenses connected with thosame. It is con fidently expected that the Keystone State will be represented by tne name of every oitixen alive to patriotic eommemoration of the one hundredth hirth-dav of the nation. The shares of stock are offered for f 10 each, and subscribers will receive a handsomely steel engraved Certificate of 8 took, itabia for framing and preservation as a na tional memorial. Interest at the rat of six per cent, per annum ill be paid on all payments of Centennial Stock from date of payment lo January 1, lB7fl. (subscribers wno are not near a National Bank can remit a check or pontofnee order ts the un dersigned. rKr.l'K. r KALKY, Treasurer, augl'O 1)04 Waluut St., Philadelphia. RECAPITULATION. Bird Cages. Wood and Willow Ware. Household Goods. All kinds of Hardware. Japanned Ware. Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Calcined Plaster. Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies. All of the above for tale at the mammoth Hard ware Store of U. F. Bigler A Co., Second street, ClearfMd. Pa. At w- giftl. Tn Lawrence township, on Tuesday, March Id. 1874. Mrs. MARY C. OGDEN, wife of William Oanxn, aged 27 years, 0 months and B days. parfcft. Clearfield Markets. CLiAxriBi.n, Pa., March IT. 117. Apple. ,rn,00(g 80 Hdff, drMled t Dried, fltt) 121 HiiJ.., grMn t Apple butur.VK.'i ?s Kami 00f) 1(1 Butter.. (io Si Hhouldor.....t0(, 124 Bona 175(iS J do Kid... 0 (! 121 Buckwheat 1 U l.art I24 15 Buckwheat flnar lb, 4 Men pork.Tft bbl...Jl 00 Beef, dried JS Oat. tl Beef, fre.h... tft, 10 Onion J 01) Board., M 12 00(414 00 Potator. 100 Corn, .helled... 1 00 Peaehel, dried, 11 Corn, ear 00(3 .0 I'l.iler, t bbl t 00 Corn meal, V aack, I 0 Rjr. 1 1 Chop, flewtl 00(d) J4 R, f lb t Clnrenr.d. OH Salt, feck.50(d) 160 Chee.e. tn'HhiriRlea.lH in. tUii) t 00 Cherrlei, !t. 10(. !5 8hlti(le,2fl In 1 0(g, 1 6 00 Chiok.nt, dnd, lb, 12Timothj teed t 00 Extra 21 Tallow 12i Flaneed z Wheat 1 19 Flour... 9 10r10 00 Wool 40 Har 00 0022 00 Wood, f eord 4 60 Pen imy lyunlaltnl 1 road TYI10KX A CLKAUF1ELD BRANCH. OH and after Monday, NOV Id, 1879, the Panentor Train, will run daily (except Hun- dey.) between Tyrone and Clearfield, at follow. CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVE 60UT1I. LEAVE NORTH. CI.arH.ld 1.40, p. Tyrone .S0,.. ()ceol.......n.10.4W, " Phillp.hurg...l0.io, " Cl.artleld II. SO, Phillplblirg 4.85, " Oiowla 4. to, Tyron ., " CLEARFIELD EXPREHH. LEAVE BOUTU. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield...,,, ft. 40 a. II. Tyrone 7.00 p. I Intmotion...7.12 " Oweole S.I0 " Phllipilmrg " Clearneld, ar....!0 Phillnnbunr... D.aS " Oiceola l.6 " tnieneotioo... T.4K ' Tyrone .00 FA KB FROM CLKAKFIKLD, TO Ilellefonte, P. ..3 0.1 Mid.llotown $J 00 Marietta.. 6 60 Ltnk llaren Willlam.port.... IIimtlnrion ... I.ewlat(iwnH Mary.vill. UAHIMHBUKU .. 2 70 .. 8 00 .. 1 RQ .. I 90 .. 4 60 I.anea.te r 6 K6 PHILADELPHIA 7 06 Altoona. ...r 1 46 John. town S 80 4 76 PITTriMinO 16 Close connections made by all trains at Tyrone and Look Haven. 19. 8. BLAIR. witTT tf. Hnporintcmlent. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. TUB WINTER AND SPRING TERMS will oloie May llilh, 1874. TERMS Of TUITION, Reaxllng, Orthography, Writing, Object Lm eoaa, Primary Arithinetio and Primary (leograrihy 7 01 nitlory, Local and deeorfntW. Geography with Map Drawing, (Irammar, Mental and Written Arithmetio to Algebra and th. Boieneea 11 00 Instruction In In. truu.ntal auiio 1(1 oo Oil painting, 24 lenon II 00 Wax work , I 00 For full particular. .nd for Circular. Cltartlrld, March II, IK, I. t '.H j gjrv (Soofls, 8mtttt, (tit. ED. W.GRAHAM, DEALER 15 GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Hal Juit opened, at the old ttand, In Graham', How, a osmpieu noon el JTEtr a OO D M, of erery detcrlptloB. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, dv., t-c., IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR, MEAT, SALT, ItYE, OATS, CORN, ALWA YS ON HAND AND FOR SALE AT A SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR R.eeired by the oar load, and Kid at a imall advance. A lupply of ROPE constantly on hand. Special Inducement, offered lo thoie getting out Square Timber and Logi, ai we deal largely in Lumbermen'. Suppllci, and are pre pared at all time, to purchate tim ber and lumber. ED. W. GRAHAM, Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. OoL 13, 1871. QROCEIUES & PROVISIONS. J. S. SHO WERS, CLEARFIELD. PA., Glre. ootloe that a freih apply of the follow ing good, hae Ju.t been received and are nUered at extremely low ngurei: MEATS, Ao. New Surer Cured Hami. Shoulder.. Sidei. Dried Beef, Ham Sauiage, Lard and Cbeeae. FISH. Mackerel. Hcrrinr. Booth Rcrrinc. White Fl.h. Cod Fl.h, Fre.h Columbia Hirer Salmon, Spiced Salmon, Smoked Salmon, Smoked Halibut, Uioaterr, bardinea, Shadinea and Fre.h Leb.terl. SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, all klndi. SUGARS, all kind. RICE, Carolina and Rangoon, COFFEES. Rio, Java, Maracaibo, Nectar and Turkey. TEAS. Vounr llrioc. Imnerial. Gun Powder. Oolonr. Japan and Enili.h Breakfaat, SPICES, of all klndi, itiictly pure. SHAKER CORN, FARINA, OKKKN PKAS, CORN STARCH, 8 PL I I' PKAal, PKA11L W1IKAT. 1IKANS, WIIKATEM OR1T8, PEARL BARLEY. Nl'TRIN A. MACARONI, HOMINY, TAPIOCA. HOMINY GRITfl, MANlOCA, Ac- Ac, Ac. FLAVORING EXTRACTS, all klndi. A full line sf Canned ftfrlablrt, Frullt and TURKEY PRUNE3and DRIED FRUITS. SUCKLES, la Jen and la barrel.. CRACKERS AND CAKES. Oyeter, Soda, Wine, Butter, Sugar and Fancy. SOAPS, Laundry and Toilet. VINEUAR, Cider and Wine. PEACH and APPLE BUTTER. flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal. COAL OIL and LAMP CHIMNIE8. Caah paid for Butter, Kin and Potato.. A liberal .hare of patronage 1. lolleitcd. Good, delivered. Clearfield, March 4, 1874. GROCERIES! NEW STORE, Oppoilte Pott Otic New Goods I- New Prices I CHOICE LINE OP TEAK. OOLONGS, JAPANS, IMPORTED, YOUNG DYSON, ENGLISH BREAKFAST Puree! la Market. DVTTER AND EGCiN ' Will he kept and told at frit eoit. Caih nald for Couatry Produce. GERMAN CHERRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA IIAMS. FISH. Mackerel, Lake Herring, Cod, Ae. V PICKXKfl. Barrel Picklei and Engllah Piaklec. Fl.Olin AND FEED. Floor, Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Ae. f.1.16'74 LYTLE A MITCHELL. N D E R T A K ING. '' Hi. andenlgnrd are new fully prepared to carry on the buaineli of UMIJ.IITAKIXC., AT REASONABLE RATES, And MipectluHy lollolt the patronage of tkoM needing auch aervleca, JOHN TROtJTMAN, JAMES L. LKAVK. Clc rnl,l, Pa., Fib. II, H74. CAUTION." All peranna are ticreliy tiaiitliiiw ed not to purebaae or In any Way meddle with two bay tnaree, new In poe.er.ioa George Hill, ai they bt'loof to an. and are aubject to my order. M.u.ra, Mnrch 4, 7 3ia ft. WARING. tsrtUanrous. N EW ADVERTISEMENT I 6PECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! T. A. FLECK & CO. would ainonnse that they are now oriealne for the Fall Seaaon the moat attractive and eomplcte took ef Millinery and Fancy Goods ever before offered In Clearfield. In our Fancy Good! Department we an offering full llnee of llo.lery, Woolen Gooda, Hoop Sklrta, Coneta, Hair Gooda, Caurnaa Patterna, Clovee, Tlei, I-acea, Rlbbona, Dreaa Trlmminga, 1Voretr.de, Ac, all of which w. are offering at attractive prioea. TaTTTJaTTTEBT DEPAHTHE2TT. We ere now opening the lateat etjlee and novel tie. for the Fall Seaeoa. BONNETS, . HATS, FEATHERS, ' PLUMES, VELVET RIBBONS, TIPS, ORNAMENTS. ' FLOWERS, Ac. 0UB TRIMMING DEPARTMENT U ia ehe-rg of flrit-eUfi Trimmer from tt city. W tollrlt an IntpMtloii of our tjl br iho iani ot LiMiHaid od Tiflinitjr. mm room tbo utmo is now oocupiea by nm. Re4, on Mrkct ft root. T, A. FLECK. e.oro'73 A. U. HILLS. REED I REEDI REEDI MARKET STREET, I ' C L GARFIELD, PA. DRY GOODS! CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Ladies, Misses & Children's Shoes! The nndereigned, having leaaed again, will continue to rcpreeent the above line, of gooda in all thalr trench.., and having reduced my ei penae. to one-third leu, I can afford and WILL SELL gooda at A CLOSE MARGIN I I rhn.ll eontinnt to toll furomih, w that eoak bayori need not fan b.lplng to tank up for louei. I trill, u horatoforo, koop ft Reliable Class of Goods, nd will In all earn try to giro yoa tho ralao of your moBoy. 1 am rMeivinf a fiuo lino of BLACK ALPACAS THIS WEEK! Tt la my Intention fo Mae. lAVite. firey Buy. era throughout the oounty, give tiiia attention. WM. BE ED, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. February 4, 1I74. X4F-Thet from the ahore no one may aipeet toe much, 1 will ju.t here atate that there will be no cbrorooa or preiniuma given, and will further guarantee mat vo one win gel more value man their money lnveated. O. I. c. WHRItR To Uy my PHY GOOPtS, QKO. eorio, (JuMtiaware (ilMnfM, IroM and Notion!, Con feet loner it, Ao., cheap for caih, Tho Rubi(r.hr Iraro to Inform his old and new cnil omen that he haa opened A VARIETY 6TORB IN GLEN 1I0?K, PA. And will HI Rood! at nrloot to nit the time. A liberal rmlnetlon will be made to onitoman buy ing at wholeeale. Cell end exnmlne my (ttook before pnrvhatlng Iftewhere A liberal share of publie patronage li oiiBiioq. C. J. KKAGT. 11n Itnpo, P., ane'U, 1871. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE ItOME INMISTRY. fTAIIB anderalgned, having ertabliahed a Nui M. eery an the 'Pike, about halfway ketweet Olearleld nd Curwen.vllle, la prepared te fur niah all klndi ef FRUIT TREKS, (alaudardand dwarf,) Kvergre.na, Shrubbery, tirap. Vlnea, Oooeeberrlea, Lawto. Rlaekberry, Strawberry, and Raaberry Vlnea. Alas, Siberia. Crab Tr.ee, Quince, and early tetrlet Rhubarb, A. OrAen promptly attended to. Addreaa, i. D. WRIGHT. epll.'S.. Ciruintrille, Pi Bariliwf, linwarr, tr. H. F. BIGLER & CO., eilLlaa in II Alt I WARE, Alao, Hanufactureraof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. OLIARflKLD, PA. F ARMING IMPLEMENTS of all klnJi for tale by n. F. BIOLER ft CO. RAILROAD WUEELBARROVi'S for aale by H. F. BIOLER A CO. QIL, TAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Kalla, etc., for aale by ( n. F. BIOLER A CO. JJARNESS TRIMMINGS 4 SHOE Ilndlngi, for aale by II. F. BIOLER A CO. Q.UNS, PISTOLS SWORD CANES for aale by II. F. BIGLER A CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Biaea, for aale by II. F. BIGLER A CO. fRON I IRON I IRON I IRON ! L For tale by n. F. BIOLER A CO. TTORSE SHOES & IIORSE SHOE JJL BAILS, for aale by II. F. BIGLER A CO. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And beat Manufacture, for aale by H. F. BIGLER A CO. T IIIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for aale by II. F. BIOLER A CO. J70DDER CUTTERS for solo by CB30-7O H. F. BIGLER A CO. fRONSIDES STORE. G. S. FLEGAL, DEALER 15 HARDWARE, STOVES, II EATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW-WaRE, PAINTS. OILS A VARNISH, PUTTY A GLASS, ROPES, STEP-LADDERS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! The celebrated Toledo Antl-Fraeatng Gelvaniaed IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. No better Pumpi la the market. LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, LAMP FLl'ES, of.ilkinda, LAMP FIXTURES, Ac. All at loweat prioea. 1-1474 Prt.quclale Ulreet, Phlllpaburg;, Pax, FAIRBANKS' STANDARD 3aiEii, or ill tna; Daggage Barrowa, Warehooao Trucka, Copying Pre. m, Improved Money Drawer, Ae. roa am it II. F. BIGLER & CO., Dealer. In Hardware. meh.10 70.tf Second Street, Clearleld, Pa. JJANIEL GOODLANDER, Ll'TIIERSBURd, PA., Dealer In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, IIOSIERT & GLOVES, BATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SHOES, Tobacco, Oroeeriee and Flah, Nalle, Hardware, Queenaware and tllaaaware, Men'e and iloya' Clothing, Druga, Painta, Oila, Hchonl Hooka, k large lot of Talent Medleinea, Candlea, Kula A Dried Fruita, Cheeee and Crack era, Rock and Kill. Powder, Flour, Grain find Potatoes, Clover and Timothy Seed, Sole Leather, Mnroecfta, Llntnga, Binding, and Thread, Shocmak.ri' Toole and Shoe Fiadinge. Ko greater variety of gooda fn any (lore In th eonnty. All for aal. very low for nib or eonntry produoe at tbe Cheap Corner. Aeg. 27, 1873. KRATZER & LYTLE Turpentine, 1 Paint., WILL SELL" TOO Oila, J (Kail., Hlane, Putty, French, Richards & Co.'t Buck Lead ANB - Calcined Piaster VERT CUKAP, tmmenee itock on band. Cle.rfl.ld, Pa., June 4, UTS. - The Lightning Tamer. THE anderalgned are the enle Ag.nta In thla ennnty for the'North Amerlean Oalvaniard LIUHTNINU RODS." Tn.aa .re the .nlrear. rode now I uae, and are ondoreed by all the lci.nune men in ine country. We hereby notify the eltli.ne ef th. aounty that we will pnt them ap a better rod, and for leat money, than la eharged by the foreign agenta who annnally ireveree the county and carry on eur uiue caan, never to return. ENCOURAGE UOMK LABOR. Thoie wlahlag Ll.htnln Rode erected on their building, need bnl addreaa aa by roller, or call In perron. We will put them up anywhere in ia. county, ana warrant team. The ttoda and Fliturea na be aeea at any lime by ..Ulnar .1 car .lore. II. r. HIUL.Il UV. Cl.arl.ld, Merck ), l.Tfcli I MH4I W. W. (ITTt. WEAVES A BETTf CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, at tbe .Id itand of 0. L. Reed A Co., their a lock of g oedi, eonalatlng of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUKEXS'rVARE, FL0UB, FEED, SALT, &o., &o., At the moat rcaaonabl. ratal for CASH er la exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR C0UKTRT PRODUCE. SgVAdrancea made to thoa. engaged la get ting out equare timber oa tbe moat advantageoue term a. pdtljanTJ I HE LATEST MOVE! THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, T. their new building on Second Street, nearly oppoaite the atore ef Weaver A Bette, CLEARFIELD, PA., Whrt thej Will eantiniit) to Mrptr their t14 ltd u mvay new cuitumeri m nj oome, wim PUKE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATION'S, (Iacltt4.bg ll bow reBMliM,) Ptnt Madielno, Pftfati mti Oil. GUn ami fatty. School Boofc-, Put ion ery, Ftpor, Ac.) 41m, a full li of Drag gilt'. Bftndriet. Half Toaict, Coametlea Perfaneriei, Tollst Article, Brtnhe mii9 ooap roctM oooi, mo., mi ( tk belt quality. PURE WISES ASD LIQUORS, for medical A tamniental parpotei only, Pan Whit Lat. Color of all It I odd, Raw and Jloiled LiDawd Oil. Varniihe. Tarpn tin, Coal Oil, Paint k Varaiik Urnsliar, fJarorihg Extracts, CosftctfoaeriM, Clrd 8H, Pptra, groni and SMOKERS AND CUE WERS Will Dnd our etoeh of Chewing and Smoking Tobaoeo. Imported and Bo- meatio Clgara, boen and Fine-eut to be of the very beat br.nde In the market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, ' AU binda of GLASS WAR E GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Hueical Trimming, tt every variety. Raving a long experience In the bniineea, and an extenaive and well aeleeted atock of medleinea, we are enabled to All Phyaioiana' preecrlptieae at the ahorteal notice and .a the auoat reaeonable terma, day and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIS. Clearlreld, Pa., May II, 1871-tf. BISEL'S BEE HIVE STOiti; LOCK HAVEN, TENN'A. Havlag added tfty feat lo our already eana- eloua Store Room, aud with aa enlarged atock of everything la the line of DRY GOODS, we Invite the people of Clearneld county to oall and Inapect the tame. Our gooda were bought at the low price, daring tbe late panic, and w. are now prepared to offer inducement, aucb aa were never before offered la Lock Uarca. ' Buyvin till find II greatly to lht.lt advantage to call oa ua before making their pareheeee. 1. 1. KVKRETT A CO, Prop're, Look Harm, Feb. It, U74.-3m , s TONE'S SAW CUMMERS AND SAW UPSETS. We hare recited the agene, Air the alinre and Fill 'ell Ibem at ananufaolunr'a nrioee. Call and i.ialn. them. The, are the li-.l. Jam-H , U. F. D1ULER CO. TI'"TICEH f'liaiaiTant c - . rm ..u.w m-mmum vk mi rEB BILL, and will fti the rwelpt ef Iwrnt.. - - . , .... " .. . i.ir. v. iwvniv. recent, ail teor te aay (ae. mfU 1. 1. wairan... ANNOUNCEMENT OF THB GREAT ' REDUCTION OF PRICES! DV B. POSTER IHAW, D. D. t. IMPORTANT TRCTIISi TJavIni auoced.d In aottlag a lighter tariff ea material, benoe the Urn and rn.aV.ie ekarge for. partial and full aet. of Teeth. I aae th. baat manofactur. of toeth and other material. All . perationa regietered and warranUd ta give ear vice and aatialaction. frienda, reflect that my ebargee for the inier- lion of artificial and the eaving of the natural teeth are now tbe moat reaeonable in Penneylvenla. Preecrve your teeth and yoa preeerve your health. . Puttine of the natural teetn in a healthy, pre aervativeand uaeful condition la madeaapeclalty. Diaeaaea and malformatione common to the mouth, aw and aaaooiato porta, are treated and corrected with fair enooeea. Examiaatlona and oonaelU lion. rati. It would be well for patient, from a oialanc. to let me know by mail a few daya before coming to tha office. II ia very important that children between the agea of ail and twelve year. aLould bar. their teeth examined. Anaeathetiei are admiaiaierea ana Icetn re oved without pain. Dl.noiiliona and character are Judged by all the world by the eipreaaione of the face, bono, how very diaaatroua may it therefore be for p.r eone to indulge ao expreeaion of diatorted fcaturea, even apart from a hygienic view. Now, to enjoy natural (not artincial) eomforte and pleaaureo, respect and obey natural aimplicitiee and inetinct. d. ruriicn buavt, a., is. d. Office In New Muunie Building, Second atreet. ClearScid, Pa. mayl47 DENT AL CARD. . D. A. At. HILLS Would lay to bli patient and the nub ile gen orally, that, haring diiaolred partnership with l)r. Bhaw, he U now doing tba entir wort of bit office fatmM.f, ao that patient need not faar being pot under the band of any other operator. 1 1 ear bet J, Karen zu, loa-pa.umcD J. M. STEW AET, D. D. S., Office orer Irwin 'i Drag Store, CrRWENSTILLKPA. All dental onerationi, either Id th mechanical or operatir branch, promptly attended to and at Uf action guaranteed. Special attention paid to the treatment of disease of the natural teeth, gam and mouth. Irregularity of tbe teeth ue- ceiifully corrected. Teeth ei traded without pain by tbe uae of fit ber, and artincial teeth Inverted of th beit material and warranted to render taU ii fact ion. aprilJo'71:Iy rilHE MITCHELL WAGOX, FOR Farm, Freight and Plantation Use. rnireraally known at th ORIGINAL RACINE WAGON. Made by experienced work men out of as rood material a money ean buy We do not claim to build tb loweit pricod Wagon, bet our aim ii t build a well proportioned wagon in all it parte. and excel In durability and light draft. For the pact quarter of a eentury the Mitchell Wagon haa uoceiifully maintained the reputation of being tb beit wagon n vie. Th rapidly Increasing demand for lb cm prove their superiority overall other wagon. Mitchell, iewi C., manufacturer, Kacine, Witcomin. For sal by THOfl. REILY, Ang. , 187S. Clearneld, Fa. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Pena towniblp, Clwarteld Co., Pa. BURIED OUTI OT OT BURNED UP! The lubaertber bare, at great expense, rebuilt a oeiehhorbood necessity, in tbe erection of a first- m$ Woolen Menelartorr, with all the modem Improvement attached, and are preperad to mnkm all kind of Cloth, Cassi uteres, 6atinette, Dlu kct, Flannels, 4)0. Flenty ef good vo hand to supply all our old and a thousand nw customers, whom w ask to com and examine our stock. The business ef CARDING AND FULLING will receive oar rvpeclal attention. Proper arrangements will be made to receive and deliver Wool, Ut suit eas towers. All work warranted and done npon the shortest notice, aol by strtet atten tin te business we hope te realire a liberal share of publie patronage. 10,000 POINDS WOOL WANTED! We will way the highest market price for Woo! and sell our manufactured goods a low aa similar goods ean be bought ia tbe county, and whenever we fail to render reasonable na lis fau tit a we oan always be found at home ready to make proper explanation, either in person or by letter. aprilMtf Bower P. 0. jEW STOKE AND NEW GOODS. JUS. &11AW & SUiV Hare jtut opened a New Gromc, on Main StCttiiriiLD, Pa, lately oeooplcd by Wo. F. IRWIN. Their itock ooosiati of Gnoctiix of the bt quality, Queenswarc, Boots and Shoes, ad eyery article neoeasar? for oae't comfort. ,. Call and xamfne our stock before pur ctiuingelMwbere. May 9. 18G6-tf. G LEA INFIELD ACADEMY, MALE DEPARTMENT. TUB WINTER TERM of fourteen weeks will eommenoe MONDAY, JANUARY Mb, 187J. , Term or Tuition. Reading, Writing, Mental and Written Arithmetic, Urammnr, uevgraphy and llnU.ry.-...., tl W Natural rhilonophy, Physiology, and Hia- gi R 11 try uook-keeptng, or ettner, wua th above 11 M For Instruction la Double Kntry llook- keepmg andtommerotal Arithmetic, spe cial terms to be arranged. For particular respecting the school apply te ng'17'7fltfJ M WrK.NALLV. STOKE ROOM AND OKMCE3 FOR IlBNTT. Th Store Room en Second street, known as the "Keystone tureV' lately ee copied by E. W. Uraliam, Is for rrnt. The store room Is 22x4, with warwroom 21Si, good watr and pump la tha building. The outre room hare out lid e trance, second toot, S2xt8 aad 12x3t feet. Building in good order. Known to be well sit sated and suits, I I for any and all kind of buittree. For further particular address D. U. MY LING. kayjMd, IMarrh 4, 1874-tf S' VEOI A L LEU ILLATION. No. tiee I hereby given to the publie aad all parti- interested, that application will be made at the present session of our State Legislature to pass an act authorising in overseer ot the Poor of Lewreno township, ia the euoty of Clear field, ta levy a tax for poor purpose epos tha unseated land In said township, at the same rata per cent, as My be levied npon seated property. M. P.WAIXACB, J. H. 8IIAW, JOSEPH OWENS, aad othara. T.awrenw. Tp., Feb. 15, 1A74-4U J. 11. M'MURRAY Will. 81'Pn.T YOU WITH ANY ARTICIB OF MRKC1IAND1SK AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICE. COMB AND HMK. (I.tlte) NEW WASHINGTON. I I ME I LIME I The underln.J la .aw i.v , , n - - r ' ". w luraue the public with aa eio.ll.nt quality ef Bellefonts Wood-Burnad Lime, for retorla aerpner., hy tb larf. vt a aaantlly. tea Va fo.ad for tha art M a new builjlng, na Market atrwt. wtl-tf L. K. KcCT " mi hunting or r: Uoa aeatl; uecat.4 M t. t