gruf tlwtisrrarnt0. Slit fiff!: 131113? GEORGE B. GOODLANDEK, annoa and raomiaros. CLEARFIELD, Ta WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH, II. I8T4. OFFICE RSlt-OVED. Tbo offloo of tho Clsarfield Kefub licam will Lereuacr bo in Tie' Opera House, on Markot street, between Seo ond and Third. Tbe business office will be found to the left of tbo main entrance, on the second floor, whore nil our old and now patrons aro invited to call. The press and composing rooms are on the third floor. Tike Stale Otbt. According to State Treasurer Maek ey's report for tho year ending on the 30th of November, 1873, tbe Slate debt was twenty-five million seven hundred and ninoly-clght thousand eight hundred and twenty-one dollars and ninety-four conts,($25,708,821.04.) Oo th. lit day of December, 1672, tbe debt .. 27,J03,494 tl Redemption during year, rit: S percent. Ioani...$l,8,e00 00 163 112 40 Cb.mberib'rgow titcatei 42,700 24 1,(04,072 70 Debt December lit, 1873 $-S,7M-t M The total receipts paid into theSlalo Treasury during 1873 amounted to be sum of sovon million sovonly-six thousand seven hundred and twenty, thrco dollars and twenty cents, ($7 070,723.20), and together with tbe balance 1,482,455.G1 in the Treas ury on the 80th of November, 1872, .rnado tho total receipts for tbe current .year eight millions fire hundred and fifty-nine thousand one hundred and seventy-eight dollars and eighty-ono cents, (S,559,178 81). Tbe balunco in tbo treasury on the 1st day of December last was 11,825, 151.24, nearly tico million dollars, ly ing dead in the treasury, whilo over twenty five millions of debt is awaiting redemption. Tbo interost alono on this sum should save tbo taxpayers over cm hundred thousand dollars if applied to. cancelling our indebtedness This Is not all; notwithstanding this tremendous revenue, the Stale author ities are making an effort to impose a Slate tax upon all the real cslato in tbe commonwcullh. Butler Did It. Such is the "slur' put on MajorGenorul I3onjamin Frank lin Butler, by his .Radical brethren, when anybody alludes to tbo recent Deniocralio victory in Now Hamp shire. Grant's majority ovor Greeley in 1872 was 5,743, and last year tbe Bads carried the State by nearly 8,000 and had a majority of six in tho Sen aio and GO in tbe House. This year the Democrats carry all. Weston, Democrat, for Governor, falls about SO0 behind the other two candidates, and fails of an election by tbe people, but ha will be elected by the .Legisla ture. All the leading Radical organs are pitching into poor Bon, and if ihey dunt keep quiet the'peoplo will think that Butler carries tbe opposition party and the President and his cabi net In his breocbes pocket. Highway liounEitY, Since the war oloscd tbo Secretary of tho Treasury has been compelled to employ spies and detectives to see that the internal , rcvoriueand tnriffdutica wore properly collected." A Congressional commit tee is now investigating this branch of tho government sorvicfl. One of those spies, named Jay-no', confessed before the committee that he bud with in two years collectod $270,000 as bush money. Roador, recollect this was his portion. What freebooter over acquired half that sum in a life time. Yot, bore we have tho spoe taclo of a rolined loyal gontloman plundering tho merchants of an enor mous sum of money while not a single dollar inures to .the Troasnry. Sumner Dead. Charles Sumner, L'nitod Stales Senator from Massa chusetts, died suddenly in Washing ton, on Wednosday lust. He was born iu Boston, on the Gth of January, 1811, and was thoroforo in bis G4th year. Jlr. Sumner was without doubt the intellectual giant of the Amorican Senate, although under a cloud for several years past, because ho had in curred tho displeasure of tbo Grant and Dont families. Tublio respect, second only to that paid to Kx-Prcsi-dent Fillmore, bus been awarded to him throughout the country. Woman Suffrage. Tho legislature of Rhode Inland has passed a resolu tion submitting to the pcoplo an amendment to their Slate Constitu tion authorizing woman sufTrugc. This is the right Slato to begin in. The peoplo of that Slato rido every lobby to death that comos to tho enrfaco. Mow they Pass A way. But a short time ago grout men like Soward, Gree ley. Chase, Fillmore and Sumner were amongst us, but they have passed life's Rubioou. What a galaxy of bright and shining lights, but they aro do more. ' The Democrats of Camden, No Jorsey, opposito Philadophia, elected tbeir .Mayorand a majority of tba city 4,'ouneil last week. This is .the first iotory for 14 years. . ' Things are working" right. Christian Sharpe, the inventor of tha famous Sharpe rifle, died euduluiily mt bis residenco In Vernon, Coon., of bjnuutrufy Of lbs Inng, tttd B3. The Board of Rtvitlon. At least an hundred times bavo we hoard tho remark, "where is the use in elootlng Assessors and paying them if tbe County Commissioners make tbe assessment V Tho answer to this ango (!) question is answorod by the legislature in tho following words : The County Coinnilnlun.ri of (neb eounly ball oompoi. hoard to b. died Bowel of R.vl.ioa, of which the County Conim .. un.r holding the oldeit .ertiucte of .lector, ihall ho Preildent. The membere of the Mid Hoard (lull each Uke nd lubieriho in oth or Isrintlon in the following word., to-wlt i "I doewcar (or ifflrai) tint I w,ll faithfully, nd to the belt of my knowledge nd Judgment, reviio, oorroot and cqu.Iim the valuation of ell properly taiable by lew Id oounty wd fellhfully perform .11 the dutiee of member of the Board af Roymon fur oounty, according to the lwe of thli Com monwealth," which oath iball be depoiitcd In the offloe or the Reourdet for tho oounty. Fam pbl.t Uwi 1843, pige 440. Tho same authority whioh imposed tho foregoing duties and oath upon tho County Commissioners.also points out tho dutios of assessors in language like this: It thill be the duty of tbe i.veral alienors nd iilUnt aiieiiora, to eiw, rate and value .11 ohieoti of taxation, whether for Btate,oounty, eity, diitrlct, ward, lowmhlp or borough pur poiei, according to the actual valu. thereof and at lucb ratea and price! for which the eame would tell for at a bona Ode mle, and on tho re turn of each auciimenti of valuation, to the of floo of Iho County Commiliionere ; after tbe lame thai! have been carefully ...mined and corrected It .hall ha lawful for laid Couiininioneri if they believe any property or thing niadn, taxable ha been anveiieil and valued below ita actual value Ibereofi or If tbo aauio bee ben, aeeeeeed and valued above ill actual value, to reduce the lame thereto. P. L.,Muy 1841, Page 394. The Board of Koviiion in each oounty ihall, on reoelv ing the retuini of the uiwr, prow J to axamine and inquire whether the taoia have Wn made in oonlormitv with the luwe of thii tiommonwcaltb and whether all property to l0 valued for taxation for State and county pur- poaci hai boon valurd at a lum or prion not leu tban tbe lame would bring, after full public no tice, at a public lalo, supposing enoh leparate lot or piecu of tncta of land.with the improvement!, or the perional property ol each ludividual,oom pany or corporation only, were to be lold. And fin the dov aonuiiited for determining whether any property bal been reauoeu loo low, or reuiiue tbo uime, if too high, they iball prcceod to raiie tbe prioo or valuation of any property which they ibull believe to have been reduced too low and if thoy cannot, on the day appointed rcvlie.rsi". and eauiliie tho valuation of all property which ihev thai I believe to have been rcduord too low, thev nil adlourn from day to day until the whole of inch valuation ihntl hav been reviled railed ind equaliied. P. L.,May ISil.Fig. 3KJ It will bo observed by this that tbe law-making power designed and called into requisition the combined wisdom and labors of the County Commission ors and tho Assessors, with tho hope that all should use their bcMendoavors jointly and mutually to bring about correct assessment of the property in each county. It is very evident from tbo forego. ing enactment that tho legislature de signed that each Assessor should vul uo and assess the property in bis bor ough or township at its real valuo,ao cording to the best of his judgmont and ability. How near tho present assessment approximates that stand ard is not now nocossary to stuto, be cause our design on this occasion is to show to our readers the utility and necessity of having Assessors and Board of Ilevinion. The thirty-two Assessors in this county bare made and returned thoir assessment for 1874. Individually ihey are, literal!', "miles apart' thoir valuos, even iu adjoining townships, and thoir work when kept soparato and each held to his owa in dividual viows is about as unsystemat- io as it is possible to make it, an wholly useless without the interven lion of tno Board of Revision. Now, we do not want tho reader to infer that wo are disposed to censuro our Assessors for tbe work they bav dono. The revcrso is tho fact. Let the citizens of our county to-morro elect thirty-two other men to tbe po sition of Assessor and let the Commi sionerssond them noW duplicates an nut them to work and tho result will be the same. Without the interposition of lb Board of llovision the cilizons in somo townships and boroughs would pay three times the county tux that naid in other equally as well im proved and as favorably located The best way to euro un individual who constantly complains about as sessments and taxation, and quarrel or upbraids Assessors and Commis sioners, is to make him an Assessor clup tho harness right on him, an put him to work in a practicul way Some mon have a vory nice theory about assessments, but when Hint Ihoory is practically le.ted it falls to tbo ground. The Urch Hands. The Harrjsburg Patriot furnishes tho following summary oi mo cm nlovees now on the pay rolls of tho L - w T.efrialature : Tho Honuto. wliieh is composed oi thirty-three members, has ofllcially employed, Clerka Sergeanta-at-Aruia Doorbeepera ana meMengere Pnitmaelef and aililtalit Poldern. ' Watchmen and Jaoilori Pairee Librarian (who duel the heavy work).. 40 Attached to tbo House of one bun dred members are tbo following: Clerk Pcrgfaolj-at-AruilM ilourkeepera MeiiengeraM Pout iua ten Librarian (about J"0 booki) Palter, ete Waiobwen and Janltori Pagca .-. V.T...... The cloiks appoint an engineer,and lhat brings the list of employees up to the roundsum of one hundred. Those cost '.he Stato, without extras, abou S75.000 a veur. That less than one hall this number of employees would bo amply suflioiont to do all work- an to do it woll no one wuo is won I formed will deny. A Complimf.nt. Tbo new collector of tho port ol Boatou, bcinc congrst lilted by Zack Chandler on his confl mat ion, inlormod his uonrera that on fifteen year aeo be was a knife oleano in a Boston hotel. "Well," said tho jolly old Michiunn (Senator, "between your knives and Butler's spoons, you uavo aonv a a wen." Mutual Affection. It Is roportod thai aftor Simmons was confirmed as collector oi Boston if lion. Simon Cameron called upon him to odor his ooofrralulations, predicting tht Sim moim would ono day become a United Sulci (senator. 11 is said that previou to his appointment Simmon had inn Jo flZono at a government spy. The VnloatMnt Frotf. The attempt made last full, by Grant and his Cabinet, to put Ben ullor into tbe Gubernatorial chair of tho "blarney-stone" State, arousod many of tho journals and Icadors of the "decency and morality" party, be- mcm r.t tlis "immoral tondoncy of our politics," as they then assertod. This vain boasting is nevertheless truo in practice Our national politics were ncvor so debauched as now, and still beooming worso, booauso Butler has triumphed, through tbe assiBtanco of "the govornment," over "docency, morality" and all. Harper's Weekly, BobIoo Advertiser, and a number of tbe organs ol tno docency and morality" party, have called upon Grant to "unload" Butler, Cameron, and at least throe brother- n-laws, before the "loyal" cart breaks own. Bon's victory in soouring tho appointment of bis man Friday (Sim mons,) Collector of tbe Port of Uos- ton, has brought those organs to the surface strain. The Weekly, In an laboralo editorial, ooncludos as lol lows: General Butlor il. wa lay, the reproientatire of the immoral tendency of our politioa. And If the Adinlniitretlon, aa seeuie to be now plainly .vl rfnnt. to loilain him .eainct the repre cntatlvea of polltleal decency and aioraiuy, n will ruin the party. The Bopublleani of Mm- cbuaettl will not accent Geueral Butler ai their leader; and if by luitaining him the Adminitlra tion piercei the line of the partv in that State, it will be broken everywhere. H homer nr. Dim mom be Collector at Boiton or not li oompara lively of little importance; hii nomination li the erioul ihlng, for it ahowa that the Administra tion either doei not ioe the llgna of tbo tiiuca, or duci hot care for thcin. We have no fvar, indood, that thli barer tendency In our poiitlea will pre vail. The nubile dlizuit and writh with corruption of every kind are quite ai remarkable at thii mo ment ai tbe corruption ItMlt. ine country ii ai- viiling into thou who believe In political honeity and who mean to eeoure it, and thoie who laugh It to icorn ai impracticable sentimentality. What Inoere Kepublicana aik, and do not receive, ia imm nnmiatakable aiirn from Waabington that their Administration la with tbe former and not with the latter. They do not aee that aign in the eppoiuttuent or Uovermir r-bopherd, in mo pan born eoutraota, in the nomination to tho Boiton I'ollcotorihin. aa thev did not aee it in the ap proval of tbe "enlary grab," in tba rotontion of Mr. Caaey, in the tendency to Inflate the ourreney and in the healtation to retrench. That demand, however, will not be relaxed. An attempt in tbe White llouae to Jehnaoniae Iho Kepublioan party failed, and an effoit to llutleriu it will be equally naoleia. Col. Forney, of the Philadelphia VtM,aftor quoting tho foregoing, con tinues in this manner: Men in euch a criiii aa th. preaent ire ..thing av. a. Indexea of a eyeiera. It il not Ueneral Butler, nor Mr. fMmmona, nor Mr. Panborn, nor. Mr. Caiey, but th. policy or which they are in. reprrientativee. Thii policy li tbe burden that ii breaking th. back of the Republican party. The Credit Mobilier waa the ft rut blunder, because it not tli. wbol. partv un tbe defemiva, and weak ened publio eonfidenc. in many of th. leader! of botn aidea. Then earn, the aaogeroui praouo. 01 making appointtn.nU only to plcaie longreutneo and Senator!, in utter deflanee of the public will Service not for the partv hut fur a politician. Bat trv of power. Dot ounipetency for office, were the road to office. Kxpcrienced men were driven to retirement by jobber, and .peculator.. Corrupt Lcgiilaturce in th. Bt.tea aua uunooeii local government., Illuilnueil Dy in. auuaen wcauu u the worat character!, led to a final couaolidatioi of the officeholder! and their dependenta agaimt the great body of tbe people everywhere. 11 I in vain to dmoune. meaai lung ai in. lyium 1 allowed to remain. Muiachuielti leeli the bnrden and reaolvea to throw it off. PeoDiv lvania bal born, it for yeara, and .very independent Republican in the Htat. bat pruwited agaiuat It ; hut in lar in vain. 1 ntr 11 .ot a Hcpttbtica ptimr in J'kUndrtpkia to-dt. thnt hat act oYfcrJ it, Dut the praient power of th. wimblnation 1. greater tban It ha. .ver been ; never ba. the gvneial danger been o imml nint : and vet. a. if to prov. thia lUtement, neve baa th. aubmiiiion to thii dtinotiun bwn ao oom plete. Th. cbaina are drawn ao tight, and rivet ed to cloie, that the victimi are alraid to groan and to Durchaa. relief by praieea of their oppreai- ora. Preiident tlranl doea not heiilata to do- nonnc. tb. reckleii men who are bankrupting tin Houth. Senator Carpenter declare, againat the wretched adminlitratioi of Lou'aiana, aud Mr Daw.a po,nta to tb. decreaiing revcnuei and in creaaing dclil ot ine ueneral uovernmenu 41 1 thia eyitcm that eruihca th. heart! of the paopl Eeadcr, theso sayings are not nilor ed bv Iiomocrats or outsiders, but friends within tho camp who spca from personal knowledge and expori ence, and their testimony can bo re lied on, becuuso it is moasurubly against thomsclvesand isan additional proof of what is transpiring all atoun us. Yet, the pcoplo do not seem to realize tho fact lhat tbo selfish, vena corrupt.and depraved to-day common and control the whole Kationnl Gov ernmenf machinory as effectually as did tho Southern masters thoir slaves previous to tho advent of that murder cr and horso-tbiof, John Brown. An Infamous Mf.asuue Tho Pitts burgh Post says: The Apportionmon Hill now before tho l-iecisiuturo is on of tho most unjust measures of the kind ever proposed, and it should be dofentod. It is mndo exclusively i tho intorcst of tho Badical party, an in dclianco of every principle of justice and if it becomes a law, it win aoo lulclv disfranchise moro than oiio-tlnrd lol tho JJomocralio voters ot tno iMiate, Districts aro made in every conceiva ble shape, so as to muko it impossibi lor Deniocralio maionties to count 1 the election of Senators and Uepre scntativcs. ,lt is so arrangod ns to tfivo tho Itadicals forty majority i tbo Jlotiso and sixteen in too senate, or fifty-six on ioint ballot. Under no circuiustnnccs, with a fuir apportion ment, would thore be a difference the nnmcrical stronilh ol tho Loins! turo of moro than six or oiht. Of nil the Infamous schemes of gerrymander proposed by the Jtudicals or tins stato. tins Is tho most glaringly iniamous. Tim Only Subvivob. An cxtraor dinary circumstance in the history of tho country occurs on lhu death of Mr. Fillmore. Never bofore since tli administration of Jefferson has it ha oeiicd lhat only one person was alive except the inoumlient, who bad fillod tbo rrosldontial oiilco. Anurow jon son is now the only ox-President li inir 1 and oven ho wnsbot olected to thut oflice, but came to it as Vice President on (lie assassination of M Lincoln. Whilo the younger Adam was President, tho elder Adums, Jo lerson. Mndison, and Monroe woro livinir. Whon Buchanan was eloclui Van Buron, Tyler, Piorco, and Fill more wero alive. Whon Lincoln was inaugurated Van Buron, Tyler, Piorcc, I' lllmoro and 15uchnnan were livin Within the past tliirl y-seven yon seven Prcsiduiila havo been elected besides Grant. Il is an extraordinary fact lhat not ono of the seven is now alive. t m m Bewabped.- C. P. Bamsdcll, somo fifteen yoais airo editor of Iho onn ao CitUrn and a prominent politicin has been appointed United Stales Msr shall for the Eastern District of Vir ginia. Mr. Xtiimsdoll was tbo Radical onndidale for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia last full but failed of an dec Hon. Oenonil Orant lias taken ra of tho wounded in bis ense. Th man Itnmsdell was one of the cheapest mombera that ovor bold a seat in the j Pcnnsylrsnia Llgiilatuie. IMtrr from UarrUtur,. HARR.S..UH,,, March 14, 1874. ll I,' . . Tl... n n a Ilia. I iua. j-.uiiub . luv , tho evening ot Marcb .u" 4tb, mot to resume consideration o the bill making, an appronn.won , ono million 01 uouar. lor in. ri.ou of a permanent conionniai ou.iung. " fw ifiirvmlirBVB imiiounced n msclt in ,"?W"t?if"hn ..,?1.7T,m2 gnarnntoo that no additional demands would be made on the State .or mon- - ey to further tho progress 01 in. position, iiomoveaiogt . mittoe of tbe whole lor the purpose of amending the bill, so as to muko meappropnanon coou.uu - appropriation 01 inree mii.tuu. .ro... from Mr. Hum- iur. uiu.0 ""- phroys thut this one million, with the contribution of five hundrod thousand K iK would en- y .h y. ,i Jt h building SUM the erection Of tbe building Mr. ilotlure assured "-" !. . fore-Congress moves in tno mauer, but he thought prompt action was necessary and lliai luo oenoiu wa ..l.ll i .l h tin unliAn luat. vnar to " . . J i . j.'l. ,i moot tbo issue. Ho had no doubt that if the Senate come up to the full measure of their duty and pass ii.-1 os will respond iber.Hy" then rclusod to ao'ltito IUVI bill, Congress The senate committee sa .lablo bonofit to tho State: it would cu uttract capitalists from ai parts of lulistS from a.1 parts Ol opresentingmmy millions lie spoke of tho ability ' .... : l"VT "' B Z .h ; r.ZZ A.. -,i . oi inisotatoio meui. uw IT"T tion. and said it could b mado with- n.,. InernaHimr tbs bu-dons of the . . . i f .r.m ark ami a unnflv mfluini? i Mifleulation. anido frorr tbe patriotic 1 . .! ,. .... . I ,l momorius ll wouiu re?ive aim uuiur onnsideralions it wocld pay ton-fold, and ZShl ?.nsvlvania could carry the whole Ihiirg through to a i nr nni tr nmnri. even li v.oncresa Fefuscd to come to ita assistanco. Mr. Kowland opposed tno bill oil l. o-rnnnil tlmt tha money could be .. nml r,.M l.nltAf nnmUOl I HA n IIR should bo just before being genorous. lie read Irom tiio repori oi ine ooaru of publio charities a numbor. of in. aln..nna ahnminr, ha tn I BA I W A 1 1 Rf 111 IT OIOHVUO, Oliunii-K Mia- w- D I in hosmiaU. and thought tin million do nm should bo onnronnaUia lor the .ma.:: t iin:. n iii;nn nnH timi I UIICV lUtlUIl UI KIOII WllUlkiv" a...w . ot other sunenng people Iran success of a mero show. wr. anace quoteu :ne ku i . . -a a r I S . 1 C I i .i. t rne in ih centennial to prove that the exhibl lion was to bo international not na tional. Six foreiin nations had so re coifniied it. This mat'.or was import ant becauso it gave prominonce to ine idea of comparing our own works and industries with those ot the old worm it would teach us mailers of pracli cat utility in the aria and scioncen,and would inspire Iho world with a proper appreciation ol our manulacliirtng and social progress under froo inetitu lions. Mr. Rtitan areed the importance of passing the bill by a decisive vole. It would help the project crcaily. Ho expluinod lhat the ISlate treasury was fully ablo to meet the appropriation Messrs. Yerkes, White uud Gruham vigorously advocated the possago or the bill. On tho final pas.OL'0 the volo was 24 yeas and 7 nays. Mr. IUyburn, In tho House, on tho strenglhof the report of tho usury bill scandal, Ollcrcd tho lOllOWing joint resolution: Jt.iri, That if tb. g...t. wnenrth. At- torney Ueneral be directed to eonineace irooeed- ingi agninit the Union national, Manutactiireri Naliooal, and Wet.ra National Uinha of rhila- delphla, Hecond National Hank of Titol'llla,.nd Urexel A Co., Uaokera of rhiladelpbia, or th. oflicera or egenta tberMf, who .ent or ca.aed to b. aent, remittancea for the purpoa. uf aiding In th. paaiagc of Houa. bill No. IN, for the offence of offering, directly or indirectiv, t. brib. tbe mcnibera of th. Ueneral Aaieinblv. The llotiso has boon for some time debating House bill So. 21, entitled an act to reduce and equalize the tax on air.liracile coal, iho bill is drawn 0 p- d . so as to hold the owner, Ickhoo or op cralor of a mino, and tax is asaoascd upon an coa. m. eq. :u,y uomsi. alio pri'suil. voui u ipiaiiunw uuu liiuu with'.oino parts o. the bill, and are . i , r 1 r 1 expected hero in a few day. en masse to try and bavo it mado more acccp. tublu. On Tucsduy, llouso bill No. 27, re- lalinir to the payment nl cosls In canes of felonij, passed finally, us follows: lie it enacted, etc., I hat tho coats ol prosecution accruing on ut 1 bills of in- diclmcnts charging a party wilh fol- ony, ignored by the crand jury shall Ssaid'twor K Mr! K V k.g- witf (v nl$&tol.buo quarter of . century before hi. own iJl tdrt rrrof Millard Fillmore re. ro. be paid by tho county, unless it shall rounded wilh the comfort, and luxu appcar lo tbo grand jury that tho rics of life, and respcvled and revorcd prosecution was maliciously instituted, by all. His partner in tho law prau- in which case the grand jury shall have power lo impose the costs upon Iho prosecutor. And i 11 nil catcs of conviction of any felony all costs shall be paid forthwith by the counly, unless tho party convicted shall pay inu nrao, aim 111 an cubub id wiih ii 1110 county paya.tbe costs, it ahall have tno same, ana in an casos 10 which mo itiu jiuwer iu iv vjr nnu wnvub 111c nuinw from tho parly convicted ns cohIh in similar vases aro now collectable Section two provides that all laws or parts of law. inconsistent with tbo l..Hnn:im .aaI Ion k. mil tint nnmA n u eld.. .nvuhii .nniin nil .. . House bill iNo. oil, rrivfnr a bounty on fox and wild cat. culpa in tbo sov. oral counlios if thia Commonwealth, i fln.. rri.i. khi .,. i dollars as the 'bounty on full crown aoalna of Ihi kind, and ona dollar on scalps of animals not funy crown. lbo joint committeo appointed to ascertain tho changes required to ac commodate tho 201 Kepresentatives and 60 Senators, to bo elected next fall, reportod to the.Senato on Wodnes- duv. as follows: "The undermiiicd committeo respectfully report that In the discbnrKO ol their , duty, tbey found il iiecossnry to otnyloy un arch- itccl, to consult wilh, and to prepare plans of Such changes and alterations as wore agreed upon, and for this pur pose toctiroil the services ol Mr. M mon, a llarrisburg architect, of expo rienee and ability, upon whoso iudg merit your committee havo largely re lied in arriving at Ihuir conclusion. We are of the opinion that the only alteration nrcc.sary in the Sonnto, will bo to replace tho present desks similar to those In uso In Concrcst. By lessoiiinir- the space between tho rnnanf ilimka a fuw Inphna flltv ilnaks ran ba nlni rd In iho stikra now occu- :.'..... . piod, and give two root six inches to each desk, thus civinc each Senator a dok lurirer llian those used in tho United Slutct Senate. We recom- mend tho chief cleric to follow this nlnn and narrv it Inlri nvuniilirin bo. lore Januurv.iK75. To alter the House of lifiirnHPnIutlviia. a now liiiildinrr must be erected Hi the diroction ol the Land Department ; lo bo one eto ry in height, with entrance and ro- ttinda fuuiniv tha Land Denartmoiit. This addition boing one story, will re. i scmble a jioilivo or entrance; will not mar the iJM5.wp . a m . I bu.iu ng no .oa --"" HUH W I BCUUIUIHUUC'V ui v. . , , , . . "r'". ""' " . --" 'TT .HI I ---- 7- -r ""-,.., L ' " ..i..i - - . - - 7-7; " ru" w,x hBi fr its nurnose the vnai ii wouiu uo uhwi.o w much money on this building. We propose toanpropriate 10 0( ( I It - -a : . , hnlll i" " , " ixou.. ........... , r L" R' MUtard MHIImort. o ftnd wh Mt l ..I . . H.,(rl Vdi Ynrtr. nn s,ln.i. the 8th leaves Andrew on Sunday, Hie Bin, leaves annriw Johnson as tbe solo surviving ex-Prosi- dent of the Kepublio, who, like Mr. I'lllmore, was e evated to tho Presi- Illimor , w a b e 10 . . :j ui ..7Vi,. , r ;n-","-,. " : , ' i.. ironi lOOU IU iokw, now uw.. rn. i;r An.l ilth tliAtn. too. near- rom 1. 0.. Ana w.u. -;-. ly all lle questions vnat, men Biaewu tiiA r,l,li m nil have beon consiirnou to the grave, the subject, of finance and taxation in their ovr varying ilntinna of the w . I ., .. ... , -J- viving. ainiaru rinmum - mor Hill, Cayuga county, ew ork, in 1800, and wne consctpjently in bis .A.nnlr l,.iip VA OS h HII llO UlU(l. in 1800. and wn. consequently in hi. ..wnmr - Lmrth veor when ho died. , ' . e .L. a uen a Doy, uis mmor him to a wool-carder, uo comuineu nonrlir u tl.ri HiiU.r. w mm t ho usuu sustenance ui " Li.. I,.... ..r.ii.ilit atiH ihirsl liirlrn.itt'l.ln.ui liiu uvo ui t-ui . - edge witu lus inausiry, aim ut, u , U.rle in allrantKll t.llO IlkVOrublO UO - v --o. . , , . "s- , lice ot J udgo ood, an ominoni ibw- yor'whogeiTerously offered to educate young Minara in me proieesio... ii utucivu uv i.. B Judgo Wood's ioBlructions wore con- cBniou,miniijiiui wu uuuoi. v ing sciiooi. t 1o.,l All county, wnere no.ooniinuou inu io n- piuv.u 6"' -;- - alter a inorougn training, LUU W til" iji wvklVyV. , . .... i I 1 wreuujwn pm... r ww www w ru i.wwi -rr'.v in the State Leimlature. In lHiZ he . y. I il IM u " .. . . VnhndmiAlil I XT tftl am nuiTiiinr II I Vl'Iim I , -""-j "I "'.-.T" no a ternatod oeiween noiiiic. aim mo r i.:. . f..M.i.n .....i ..b r. L.... - .ki.i....e,l l. r. UlUUblUU UI II ID llWIVlwtwu, " - I . . . . . . r ... I cneniied and trnsicu icaaer oi ine v . . t v i. I Wbig party in western iew iora. Tn 1S17. anlectod to tho hiL'hlv responsible position of Comptroller of case of tion. O. O. Howard, the the State of Now York, and, in 1818, "Christian statesman," is now in ses had the honor of being nominated by .ion. His friends will spare no efforts (he Kationnl Whig Convention for the Vice-Prcsidency, on tbe ticket with Geueral Zacbary Taylor, n hen the latter died in July, lSoO.Jir. i i imore was installed as rrosidont, and mat, loo, in a very oriucai penou political bislory. it was ut in i iime ofthe Jjopea cpcuiuon ogansi i.uca. and the period ot extreme bitterness in iu. uikiiwioii oi i ..i; tion between tho JNorin ona ine ,?ouin. r . i . i a i c l. t-pon ms w doncy he sought to atror.Bthn and popu.r. ,. . " " -I- popularize ins pointing Daniol Webster as bis Sccro- tary ot Mate, in 111s mcasages w M - ongrea, air. ruiniuiw .um.u Compromise Measures of l?o0, np- proved by Ucnry Clay, including ine li'iioiiiria K'nr T.anr. Ha nlno advo n ave liw. cated a protective, but not prohibitory tariff. During , bis Administration California was admitted as Slate into tho Union. Ilia finnl mnaani'B contained a elow- . . , , . .L inir tribute 10 uamel Meosier, wuo tllt'U III 10J. Wll toe tiu ui lum . . ., ... I If .. 1853, Mr. Fillmore delivered up bis high oflice to bis Democratic succcs- or, Franklin Pierco. In 1853, ho was tho candidate of the American party for President, but a. tb. con- lest lay mainly betwoen Col. J. l. r. . t n 1 I. . rromont and James uucnanuu, no re- ceiveu BUI a amuil miliorny 01 liiu vote, cast. During tbe of W. ... . ? ! . candidacy in 1850, ho was making the tour of Luropo, and was receiver with distinction by all the sovereign's whom ho visited. Fox-hunting at Homo was ainonir his amusomonls. Aftor 180C, Mr. Fillmore rotircd from the political arona,crowhcd with the highest honors tho nnlion could bestow, and up to tho limoof Lis doalb continued to reside at llulliilo, sur lice was the lalo District Judge Hull, of Buffalo, so recently deceased. Mr. Fillmore sustained an unlarnishod reputation throughout his long aud active and useful lifo. He was upon tbo political slngo before iho present reign ol oluciul corruption and vcuai reicn 01 on cilil corruption aim cuui- ity aet in, and if tho closing years of! Dig 1110 wore ai ul ClUUUL'U, IV vino from solicitude for his country , fu- Mure.. ittsburgh J'ost, ..-- . Qur.Kn FaxAKS. Our financial doc. I tn Ulnl. mil Cnra linn al I V I ' "I I r.nt n(T inm. JinnnB litHDB nl B hltMITinn. 1 fi. . ....t .. ,. . Bhin. At iiarrisbure. as wen mm Washington, financial and revenue nuostions are just now absorbing lbe ,!i.i.. oii,;r. Hi. I., Trnnmiene Muckey declnro's that the railroads must mibmil to further taxation, and m.iat nnv ihnir taxr nromntlv. too. ... . ........... r , ' olsoitwillbe necessary io impose a four mill tax upon all real ottalo m tho Commonwealth; It seems dilTl cult to account for this sudden strait, sinco tho last annual reports showed a bulnnce of 1.8'.'a.lni il in the Iroas nry November 80, 18711. Mr. Mackcy has prepared a etaiemcni, wnorein no puis the esiimaled expenditures for 1874 at (i,(K)U,UUU. In IS7S lh. dliburaemenU for ordinary .xpenM. were.. s.sa5,!24 And for intereat on loane., l,Ma,03t Total, .icpllng loam rede.m.d 6,829,844 Th. i.w require, the pavmont annually upon ia. principal of in. mm i.u,iiuu ., ... ... Even wero the amount of Interest to be paid this year as much as last ... . " a .wj yenr, ana It Is somowliai icbs, live millions and a half should cover l h he ordinary expenditures for 1874. Tim rnilrnuil nnmnanlna. hv their at. Itornori arA virrnroualv onnosinff tho ' o ' L new tax bill. I -" Will Fail. Tho effort In the Leg. Isluliiro to Instruct tho Attorney lion- ernl to Institute proceedings nguinst Itlm Itiink and ltnnkora who sent money lo Ilarrisbarc to) procure leuis- Nation, is "soundina brass" and will amount to nothing, l no oew consu- tution makes clean work of tbe offense of bribing members of tho lienors! Assembly. Thev should be taucht a lesson as well at tho acape goats who buvo alfady been disgraced '"'.S'T connected i " 1 U.Kro Tie lob to pas. niH .... - - - m . - i ., hi -nrflu a antaleot morals 1 I ot business men that usually ascribed to leg- .tor. alone. That some banker. .nc.d to a call to nass an In i. . further oppression of business men I. -"-3 corruption - , . ..d commentary upon tbo A. KBrv bunker who for Vded money to tho treasurer and gVcreury of tL usury pool la a. de- .orvinir of nublio execration a. tbe leg- iha Inh " Tlie best ov donee of tbe laoic 01 bm fuct that merit in the usury bill is tno uoi inui tho strongest arguments to be pro- duccd in '.is favor wero the chocks ard . ft . ,,. l)BllUeri who (Hv,h. hn rudelv taken by tho ;" . .:;,,. un80runUou. i,i.. who woro clamoring J si. Ml "" - ""J r:"'" of nifleronoe a. . - - -- Detwcon tno rotwter, mo iUUuT.o. the banker in thU i entire eh, transaction. In the investigate roinr on. the ontiro list ol o I 1 : anliru BlmmplOAH --ion ution now bankors AV',,r.. . Coupon JTtw, Mra. K. Cadv Sunlon docs not in , :i ,i aorse -poripaiouo ., " tho(0 01 ner sex wuo muuigo iu n iiiiu. SOmo men never ioso moir ,.rnu.,v nf.lnd In MilwaukoO, last Week, a .'. .a. I "'' - . . . ' .. . i . . r . I mBn turow bis motuer-in-iaw om . u Lin(low j the fifth .tory ofa burning building, ana carnou uu" "'" ..paddy," soye a Joker, why don't jj,,,, .our , croppea iue sra ontirol v too one for a man. "Ana enKlbened ; tbey are too short lor an ass. ' mo vyumu jj t..vv-v j i "il iH0 If tho woman's prayer movement . be nble to cet a aa lila I n nnw. i twt: ul two classes of Deer lor nve cents Another blessing in disguise. Tbo expenses of the government t. n,n v,. L 1R71 wflro 8134.000.000. Mr. lS7iH,orrnnltte.d at 172.000.000. J ' - I - ---r -- - - an increase ol aj,uuo,uuu in louryea. . . This is tho rotrenchmein ana ccono- m.r rf lh liilHil'nl InfllllTS hVC v r .. , Lmn l.i inn iia in miifh nl lnl(l. - Tbo Court of inquiry to try the to secure for him a thorough whito- washing. Whether the job tail bo ac compli.bed remains to bo seen. B Butler's defense of Sanborn ... , b . bjm jn the ,CBHt Evron namoni. , croal many of the Radicals u creale(j the most inlcuse disgust. ,. - ,. b) fact lh(lt crin,ina u vef bro)Kbl beforo lbo uoueo and tni, -vnr venli ttted but UlldS - - - 1Juter cli for the uo(on,0 In 1700 the Post Office department . . l7:t il eont 23.U8t. 0.5 67. U Would keep a fellow busy one year, ono month, and twenty-one days counting ton hours each day, and ai ine) raio 111 u,uuu ivr uuui, count the difference. to A bill brftro the Legislature to roliove porsons who rengioa.y oeneve in the Tin aay 01 ine ween as uie Sahlmtb, Irom tho penalties ot ine law of 1794, wa, defl ated ia tho House by a VotO of 00 to J4. . n .. n . ttt, trr r ,L. tn orecn reeoivcs -,uuu irom vne I... n . I ' r ,1. . . . I. . . oiuio 01 l uuiiej iv uiiiu iwi m 'ffi"1 use his patent shad-bulching boxes for lb rco years, jt j. thought J thought prohaulo that tbe do- po,ilor. 0f t,0 K.iional Trust Com- ,Bny w,l be paid in full before the 0nd of the your. e Th(j glfll0 Sen.t(J of CB,i(,,rllUt on . , ....J . hill autlinrlaiiur inrina in trials lor mnracr 10 say in inoir whether tho penalty shall be doalb o. imprhonmon for ,(ftf. prison The Laramie Sentinel, printed six hundred miles west of Omaha, aays that tbo pcoplo thoro laugh at and ridicule the idea of Indian troubles. "Tho Man with two wives" is said ho bo a "drama of great interest. That may bo, but it must bo without any domestic principle The Huntingdon Monitor reportod frog concerts in that vicinity two woeksnco. e II beta thousand there !ut " f'g concorU 0 lbe Tho committeo of the Legislature to examine and report upon the en largement of the Hulls and the ex- . , Min Pen' tllcreof' " U wl" C08t l",'50ft FnETTr Fat. Tbe Pittsburgh Tele graph, In alluding to the fees or .alary ofthe United Stales District Attorney, the position held by the lalo Mr. I O WOOPO, BUT S I II Ia l.n n nlilnnnena ,1 I 1 1 c I V 1, 1 1 1 ' U(l I a u mi . . v. . . . ... I nnJ nnnnmm imn,a..!iin!n llli. Ifif it II ll 11 vir-' concerning mo iiicraiivene-a u. i H- Attorney a ollice. It may obscrvod that tbeprofll. of red the be ont incumbonls have rarely reached C,000 Ver "nam, iho maximum anowca Dy H'O Uovernment, and Very frequently ,, ,,,, -,. U'k.,. il.n ni - c v..,i " bent is thelosor.anil'whcre the receipts exceod that amount, the excess, less the necessary expenses of the Depart moot, is required to be turned ovor to tho Government. Tho only extra, outside of this, allowed tho District Attorney, is a fee of two per cent. of tbe gross recoipls accruing from the tales ol a certain class ol soixures. I Tiio revenues trom this source varies from 11,000 to (1,800 per annum, the I.IBn. U:.- .1... ..:. I., A..,..n II ill "" ""."a. , ,,K m V . be seen, thorefore, that the oluco is not nearly so proiaauio as me private praolice ol many attorneys in this oily, ouion ine oincr nana ii may oe siatea iL . nttl... ! . n ll.a. 1 n. U A aa mi win Kive. m .n,umu-... . I tn trt minnnl w-i.l it ial unrl 1 n ru 1 atoltta i-" i""-.. "l--""i ana Dnnps inoKiontoiiy large ana iu crativo praolice. Substantial ltoasons,-The adminiS . .. . , ... ii ii irnuon organ in new jiBmp-mro, 7A Concord Monitor, altnbntes the defeat of the Ilepubliean party in that siuto to ine shortcomings oi vno n- tional Government. It snyt tbe party "WUS too heavily haildicnppod With Sanborn contracts, Jayno and Ding bnm blackraailint'S. western inflation schemes, me moieiy sysiotu aim mo failure of congress to meot the wants of (he masses by legislation demanded T)V iho bard limes." Good enough I reason these for tbo defeat of any , rf'T' fWI aV WTmaM M jMfVaTI afflaTiBail I 111 law aalMJilla'v""r' MORTAGE NAIL WORKS DUNCAK8VILLK, BLAIE Co., Pa., NAILS! Tb aboT. work, being again owratea 07 .u. i L .1. und.r.lg,,i. offer to th. Uad. '"' '"Pt F tbeir juetlF ..ur. " MrA V. Dnncanivlllc, March IS, I74-m -w-etiTu a v r.m treinanlna' on the preaiiaee 1 of th. aobicrlb.r, wilding at th. Tunnel, in Huiion townibip, on or abo jt th. luth of Octo ber laat, a .rumpl.-horned, roan no lured ow, aup poied to be Bv. year. old. Th o. l. reuue.t d to Mm. forward, prov. property and take her away, or aha will Bu.lib, War, m.-ai ADMINIMTR ATOK'M NUeitr notio. Ii given that letter! of aduiinietratlon onTh.eitni.oikouKKrf.PATTKRBow.aeco, lau of Jordan towmhip, Cl.arB.ld county, P... uu, ot j r Bn(tor,l a , ,.id .tUt pl ,. .... J .d tbol, h.if or demand. -ill ore.cnt tb.u. properly authentic. edfor ict- tlem.uL DAVIU KHUARU, AumiuiitistBii Now Millport, March 1. 1874.-01 iP arm: for sale i nth. auhacrlher offera at private eal. hi. Farm, .I...... i. rn.,i.n inwnihln. Clearfield Mionty, I a.. Ithin about on. hundred roa. oi in. vmega Anaonvlll Bald faro nt.ln. KM) ACRES. about M re. of which are cleared d and., ,utl,.Uon, with a h.wod log hou.. and a r. . .rMl,d thereon, uoodorci chard ... a .nln nf excellent water lie urvuiiavo. " - nAar I h AlHif. inia larm am wi ual.l. onai in Jordan townanlp. and ia I II. I.-, I IxltO bOltt ICDOOI DOOM MW euM.v... published In ... f ., -,rriM ,h. l.od. Th.cieaeed por- il nl the land a a moat .nureiy oieareu oi ... in i.mi Aa.. bddIv on th. nn-miaea, or aidreia tl lubaoriUr at Anionvill. V. 0., Claarlleld wiunty, l'a. -,.w marl8-St r. CAOTH)N-A woundrel calling himielf John rrauklin, i. wiling around the county, forg ing order, and note! on mo. J uooenian.i baa imuoeed n rd.r on Mr. MoMurray, of Kew w..klncrinn. fur forlv dollar., and a not. an a ........ . r.rmllnan. Canibria county, for filty- two dollara. There may b. oth.ra. Ib. raical .... -: l . I e.ll I... An.lin . ... J- me awone in in, not earn hia wigea, 1 let him go. He man. of good .ddreie, about twenty- three yeara of age and about five feet nin. or Un iuchca in ncignt. i-aei mis irain. Olea Hope, March 18. rumr uuiio a. rum, a. M. BILL!, T. A. FLECK & CO., Agent, la Clearield county for th. lale of E. niTTERICK CO.' ri 1 . .v. Tv.ii -e n tasnionaDIO rauerue oi uuriucuw. I 3:1$ Market Mtreet Clearflld, Pa. j,, .on R VPRV T t L A & & li A H ft I NOTICE TO EAFTilEN. Th. lubieriber bal fitted op l tra'.ilara Bakery, and wiibea to inform raltinen that he will .apply tbem with IIHKAl), nits, CAKIvS, c, on rc.ionabl. terma. Jtak.rT nut ul of bridge, near in. --i,ic, Clearfield, fa. uarlS-Sm JOII LLTLtll. CAUTION All perrone ar. hereby warned againat purchasing, or ia any way meddling 1 11 in. lunuwiiiH uruimr.T, i v. u . v-( two Pin, tbree aerea of Wbe.t in tb. ground alao. all th. household furniture low in poeeeiaion of T. A. Smith, of Bloom townibip, ai tb. lain. belong! to ma, and ia aubject to my order al any tin.. jnitb.iiiAU acrAvuiiii Forrt, March 19, 1874-31 OR hALI Th. andereigned offer! for - .ale a valnabl. towa property i. th. borough i ..i r' ClrarSeld. Lot 861 lbo feet, with a good two. tory Blank houe. thereon erected, with three room, down "."'" a autre and lour nea room, vp nam. g room and bath room on leeood flour. iT'.t.r Pri re.. bed eompiet. from eeli.r to atoe ionhi. .na .jy. 2Jl MeCrLLOrqit. T. M. ROBINSON, Mwafftetorer and doalcr i Harness, Saddles and Bridles, Collar.. Whim. Prnih.a. Fir NeU.Trimmlngi, uiankcii, ac. Y"" 'Ji?.011 I Order, .nd repairing promptly attended to Rhnn nn M. vlrn.1. r'.rflnlil. 1C In riWD r fc" V' .7::: "d., r, I 1 n.v... nK.-- - J 1 - , -wjrRip RROCERIESI V LUMBER CITT, PA Th. nndemgned announce! to hia old frlendi "tX??LS,!?J iKkMrklX" patrenaga. II. w. bPBNCKH. t t r. f i. nn Lumber CiLV, P.., March 50-lf. .. ... , . lot of leather purchased by m. at Fhoriff'a .ale, now in poareailoa of laaa. Uoon, el the tame b. long! torn.. .All&n maa. Inarch II, IS.I-at. mr.ACBKBH WHO THINK OF ATTEND I Ing Khool th. coming Stimmer,oroCteachin primary nthacriptloa echooli, will Inern eom- thlng to tneir auvemnge oy eonntng imtneaiaieiy for a circular of the Kiveraid. Normal Initltuto, at Campbell'. Cburrb, on th. Itrenrh, four mile, below ifurnaue. lerm opena amy nin, lor 16 weak.. Circular, giving full particular! an pointing out th. ahorleit .nd belt known method 01 WA"ZB., u w pale, March ll-lt Lumber City, Cl'earlield io.. Fa. BRICK 1 BRICK I BRICK I A SEW BRICK YARD. T 8. PLUMMER A CO., hiving itarted tl n a n.w and .it.niiv. jtrick 1 .nt Clearfleld, are prepared to makoonntraete for flrat clan Kml Briok, in large or .m.ll ouantiti.., Orderaand eorreenondene. Mlicited. Inforrea- tion can b. obtained by calling at Kinder, Mu I .to Blore. or by adrtrewing w.s. pLCMMKR a CO., Clearfield, Pa. Mercantile Appraiser's List. Mil of Wholeeale and Retail Dealer! of For. elgo and Domrrtlo Merchandiie In th. eownty ol Cl.aroeld, tor tb. year A. V. 174, vie: ci.a'i. arrcARu vowaimr. ri 13 rlimon MoKarlaaa, dry goodi, grtie.rlM..IO 00 1 jno. u. uiavgow, dry goodi, groceriei.. 10 4 " " patent medieinea 14 W. S. Dickey A Sua, dry goodi, previa. 7 14 C. J. Kengv, dry goodi, grooariei...... 7 14 W. V. il.u, druggiit 7 li, rownnoir. 14 Robt. Meh.fley, dry goodi, gtocriM. 14 II. L. Il.nder.on, .roacricl 7 00 7 00 14 K. L. Hoover, grocorie. ' T 0 14 David il.ll, grooeriei and dry good..... r B.ADrORD TOWRIIltr. 14 11. 1. Willlami, grocrlci, dry good ... 7 14 f. B. Reed, drii.i and grecarioi 7 00 14 P.I. A Co., groceries .nd provision..,. 7 11 Ke.ler, XloMath A Co, gen'l m.r'dii... IS 00 " M ' patent meiiicin., 14 C. M. C.dwalad.r, groo i and .i nfeo'i, 14 Carl. A C.ldwell, .grioul. imp kaiit Towannir. II D. Goodlander, g.t' m.rchaailii. 15 Moore A Hamilton, gen'l tnerohandiie. 13 L. B. Carlila, g.n.rnl mwehandiaM....n 13 C A G. pVhwcm, gen'l merohandlM 14 J. II. Edlnger, hardware 14 Chriatian Bntkhart, confectionery. t K. K. Arnold A Co., bankera... 14 Kunla A tluinter, gon'l m.rch.ndii...., 14 J. W, Carllla, dry gooda aad grooeriei. 14 John Rcheurieb, dry goodi, gruMriea.. 14 J. li.barllng A Co. dry goodi, gro'tel, 14 til.rgow A Trolel, g.a'1 m.rehandlf... 14 Thoa. Montgomery, dry gooda, groo'rtM, 14 Mr.. Ida b.naett. milliner 14 0. P. Evan. A llro.. g.n'lmrcbndiM, 14 J. M. Carlila, groewiM and dry gooda, 14 J, A. V.rpf, dry gooda and groacrtM.., li K. J, Mr llro re, conleclten.iy I 00 7 so 7 00 io oo 10 00 10 so IV 00 7 00 7 J5 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 on 7 00 cuaa. spsmips lowaipir. rn 14 John Canon, grooeriei 7 I'ti 14 A. W. Palohiu, dry g'ooda, giooeri,, 7 OH 14 J. C. Connor, dry guoda, .to 7 M 10 Jaekaon I'alchia, gun'l niercbaudiie.... ltf I'll 14 John 11. Heed, oonfedionery.. 7 Qi 1.1 Horace Pathin, general mcrchandia... 10 110 14 John Kjao, eonfeetlonery I 7 OJ 7 0" 7 00 7 7 0 Q 7 H 7 ') f 00 enast iowxihip. 14 If. 11. Ilarq. grooerlc. and notion! 14 Jamei Lurry, dry gooda and gneriei, 14 Wm. Hunter, gen.ral morvhandl.e 14 J. A A. Holan, grooeri.i and eon(M'i.i, 14 J. K. McKea A Co., gen'l m.rchandiae, " M patent medicine.... 14 J. P. A J. S. Fry, dry gooda, grooeriei, 14 Iloody A Uro., dry gooda, grooeriei.... 14 Juhu llockcnbcrrj, grocer'i, dry govda, covixotos row.anir. 14 OlllllarJ A Hnokeodorrj, grooeriei, dry g-oda and drogi f O'l T M 10 00 t t l fltnry Yothera, dry gondi, grooeriei.... L. M. Coudrlet, general roerobandie.... L.igey A Khawny, dry gooda, queenl're 14 Jupuu Plubell, dry gooda, Hour, ale. 7 14 Pranoii Condri.t, dry gooda, groe.riei. T O'l crawr.xlvti.Li Bonovon. E. A. A W. D. Irvln, uervhandii...... 40 CO 14 Mia, I'athario. Uroff, onfeotionery..,.. 7 00 Wat. 11. Tboumaon, grocry 7 t"' 13 Tbompion A Co gen.rul m.reb.ndia., 12 b' 14 W. It. Alci.nd.r.druggiit 7 tin " paunt m.dicinw C'J 14 Joieph K. Irwin, druggiil T " " patent medioiuM 6 bn 13 F.nit A fioodwin, gen'l mdia. 10 CD 14 V. W. Fleming, clothing.. 7 C ' 1 Snrenkl. A bweeney, lancy gooda....... Hi on 13 Abraham (latea, hardware 10 tn 11 Arnold A Hartshorn, geueral m.reb'a.. IS 14 E. T. O'Friel A Co, ooulcotioniry. 7 0 14 W. A. Ial., hardware 7 0-1 4 0. A. Itorabaugb, ooafca. and (rocry. 7 0l 14 A. J4. liiik, jeweler... 7 SI 12 John Irvln, general mercbaadiien. 13 CLBnW.IKI.Oa . . 14 A. Oulnibnrg, .lothing T ' K. W. Orabain, gen'l mercbandlie 11 l Kobt. Mitchell, general m.rcb.bdi...... 7 On 14 D. McUaugU.y, confeotion.riea 7 00 " billiard room, 3 tab lei 40 00 14 Henry Bridge, nwrch.nt tailor .. 7 00 Wright Urol., general m.rchaoJia. 7 00 II. F. Iligler A Co., Hardware, etc In 00 13 Ja. Kerr A Co., clothing, fancy gooda. IS 09 14 Alex. Wat ion, tobacco and elgara. 7 Oil Mtae rlyndrr, murie iu,r , 7 uo 14 Tbo.. Itobini, eonfoctioneriea. 7 00 14 1. I). Hunk, coufecliooeriei,. 7 0 14 P.vid Adimi, Sour and feed .. 7 00 S Weaver A Betti, general merebandne. 30 00 11 Racket! A Bebryver, hardware, 111..... 15 1)0 14 llartawiek A Irwin, druggiiU 7 On " patent medieinel... 0 00 I,. Flegal, boot, and iboei. 13 Mi 4 C. I). W.Uon, dmgl, eonfeoliuoeriei.... 7 00 4 patent medicine! I 00 14 R. H. haw, tobaooo and ciran 7 00 .1 T. A. fleck it Co., notion!, Iineygoodi lt oo 4 Mn. T. K. Wation, millinwy. 7 Of 14 Uulich A Jackmn, furoitura 7 0- 4 Joaeph Sbow.ri, grooeriM 7 00 8 Kratter A Lytic, gen'l merebandiM.... Zt 01 14 P. A. (laulio, book, and Itatlonerv ...... 7 00 14 John Troutman, furniture 7 I'. 14 John Bladler, bakery and aonfectionery 7 0 i 14 F. Leiliinger, bakery 7 0 4 Cleo. A Jordan, Sour and feed 7 . It Jul. Pyaart, tour, feed aad grooeriei... 10 ' 3 IS Wm. Heed, dry good . 10 ( 14 Kteveneon A Co oonfeotioneri.. 7 f ' 14 O.D. Uoodfellow A Bon, lour and feed 7 ' 11 Joe. bb.w A Son, ges'l m.reh.ndiae... li (t S Hich.rd Monnp, gen.rml mercb.ndiMn w V: 13 A. I. Shaw, druggiit . 10 U plteut BMIOIML. i':' 14 II. F. N.ugl., jeweler 7 0. 14 8. I. SoyJer, jewslor. 7 0 1 F. ii. Miller, gen.ral merchandiM. It 0' S Clearfield Co. Bask 30 Ot 14 11. r'tewart A Bon, clothing. 7 0 1 10 J. M. Kretler, general dry gooda- 50 t 14 Ellii Irvin, onfctionria 7 f . C. Leipoldt, brewer B I C. Bbatler, brewer. t ( 14 LvlU A Mitchell, grocenei I t aix.Tia rowaiiip. 13 M. J. Jaekeon, dry good!, groc.rrel.nd patent m.uioiu.w....m Ii t -' 14 Maoauley A ltam.y, grocerle., proVll 7 e. 14 lioover liroa., gen.r.l uercb.ndiMM... 7 0. aiamD Towaiair. 14 Carolm. Leeonte, dry gooda, groeeriea. 7 I 14 Kubt. Stewart, groeeriea, dry goodl... 7 l j ooaue! TOWJBHIP. 14 Ellii Irwin A Bon, grocarin, dry good! 7 I . eai.ia rowsiair. 14 Xhoi. H. Forooy, general merchaodii.. 7 t ' 1 p.t.nt mediciaaa. ? srLicn row.iiir. 14 F. A. Pvirleann, dry good!, antlom...... 7 S 10 P. A A. Flyna, general emhujil.. 30 t u patent medicine. I t 14 Henry Allemao, dry goodi, grooeriei... 7 I au.Toa TOWXIglP. 14 P. Prlndable, clothing, dry goodi. 7 C C. II. Coryell A Co., gen I mercbandin I. l 14 C. P. Wood - 7 I ' druga and patent medicine. C i 13 Lyon A Bro., geueral merchandiM 10 f-C 14 Jame. Brunaw, groeeriea. 7 0? 14 W. II. Litouch.. eooleclionery 7 f 14 II. W. lirtwu, grocery, fine good!.... 7 OCTtPtLn. 14 RaJ rirol., groceriu 7 CO patent meuieinM. 0 14 McCauley A Louther, gro. and previa. 7 Ol 13 Frank, Liverigbt A Co, g.a'1 mdae.... 13 t . 14 Mnlthiai May.r, grocrie., ooulectiooi. 7 l U ilea, llagcr, grooeri. .nd Sour. t 00 14 Harper A Co., grocerie., dry goodi..... 7 I' 14 Levi Htroup. groceries. T 1 ' 4 Mr.. H. r. llendreon, millinery I 14 Cbarlea Kenney, grocriel .... 7 tv 14 Iniwi. Chence, grocery... 7 t Iiani.l McMonigal, 3 lea pin alley..... 40 ' 14 Humphrey A Co., drvggiiti.... 7 0' p.teni, meaiciuM.. . w 14 Jame. Dunn, general merchandiM..... 7 S 1 1 W. Charlton, notion, and groeeriee 7 t 14 W. C. Langlord, groeeriea, aonfootlonl. 7 t. jokdah ow!Htr. 14 Jamei McKeehan, dry goodi, groceriu T C 13 J. C. A P. Jobnitoa, dry goodi, grooer.. 10 0 ' " patent mediotnM. a v kinrmii rowirsnir. 13 I. C. McCloakey, gen'l merebandil. 10 00 U J. W. Foller, general merchandiM..... IP 00 14 W. J. Holler, general merchandiM T Ofr caox Towaiair. 14 D. J. Barbara, greoariea, dry (rood.... T Ot Lraiiacirr. 13 Nutter, Pavii A Co., gen'l merchandiM 10 00 ' 14 11. W. Bpenoer, groeeriea, proviiioni... 7 00 4 w patent aediotnec... t 00 15 John Ruiael A Boa, gen'l merchandiM. 1 ( 14 Jno. Ferguaoa A Co., dry goodi, grac'a T 00 aoaai. rowii.air. 14 Jaa. ThcmpMn, notiona, oonfectloneriM T to 14 1'cter Mover, flour, feed, groeeriea. T CO 14 Jonaa Mone, dry gooje, groeeriea ... 7 00 13 Irfon.rd Kylcr, general merebandiM... It CO i Murriidal. Coal Co , gen'l mcrch.adin 30 00 nil rows.nip. 14 i. B. Rnferty, dry goodi, grocorie. 7 Of rxioK vow.snip. 14 P. K. Brubaker, general merchandiM... T 00 13 J. K. Arnold, general merobabdno It 00 Saw wnnmoTos. 10 J. R. MoMurray. gen.ral merehandiik. 30 0(1 14 Jama. Innll, drugniit " 00 4 patent madioinw 3 Of 11 M. Arnold, general merchandiM 14 C 14 John Mark, eonfectioo.ri... 7 0 14 John P, Frnth, oon'eotionery. 7 0 14 John A. Nrff, eonfeetlonery 7 0 14 Johniton A Dale, hardware 7 waiiirTitToa. 13 Holt, Woodildc. A Holt, gonl mJia... 10 Of 13 Ellii Smcal A Co., gen.ral m.rchaadiN 10 OC . OiTCOLA. It Oallaghor A Holt, gen.ral merchandiM 10 CO 13 Emroit rtavera, general m.rcbandiie.... 10 to 14 Foreman A III. kill,. furniture 7 00 7 Moih.naon Land A Lumber Co., ge. aral m.rohandlie. 40 0 10 T. C. lleiina A Co., general merohan'M 10 to 14 O.o. E. Junea. Jewelry. 7 d' 1.1 llartman A Frie li f 13 Lloyd, Caldwell A Co., banker.. li l 14 D. il. Uood, drugi, fancy gooda. 7 00 4 M patent medicine! 4 40 Llrerlght, LiugV. A Co., general tadia. IS Of 14 A. Myare, notion!, fancy goodk 7 pai.nt medlcin.a. 4 0' 14 It. Znnilel, watchmaker J ' 14 Mn. 8. A. tlatea, millinery T " 14 Jamei llabenhon, green groer. t " 11 W. J. Keller, dry good., A. 11 ' 14 J. H. nrowo, grocery ..... 7 a 14 A. Seofl.H, oiinlectlnnerv 7 0 14 Mn. E. Uuckrl. millinery... 7 t" 14 T. t. A J. U. laelt, grocery, ree I, tour. 7 S) 14 J. C. Akard, grocery. 7 14 W. II. D.noer, wmleetiunery- I M 14 Oeo. W. Aaderaoa A Co., boou,.lio.a 7 M 14 Mn. (loo. Uualieh, mtllln.ry, notion.... 7 00 lleo. Iloallrh, billiard room) t tablM.... 40 00 Hen), fiwigart. tan pla allay, I alleys... 40 00 14 Pani.l Colwaoh, groaari.i 7 0 14 J. 11. Friday, boots and ihmx T woonwARD TownsRir. 14 Hillman A Smith, grocery, provlilotn. f JJ 14 J. P. Maftit, grocrie., Ac - 14 W. II. Philip.. Hardware, groceries T ' 14 Baaiucl ll.g.rty, dry goods, grooeries. 7 patent mnlicln.1 V" 14 Oe. W. Lamhorn, -ouf-ctioiierlM 7 14 James Co., gent merchaa m 7 I oerllfy that the abov. Is a wrreot Hit of the aames of perion. aud Srms awewed fof th. . rent year. Notic Ii wwehy given that an appeal will U held at th. t'onnly C.mml.llnn.ra oSio.. la ClMrtleld, on FRIDAY, th. iotbday af Meres .at, where all wh. fl th.mielve! -(TS"'" can lltend if Ih.y sm proper. Ka .on.rallo r rrdiHillom aan b. made after " v""" flrabamton, I H' Cl B.LE,... Feb. , 'i l-ll i Mr' Apr"''"-