Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 18, 1874, Image 1

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    . TUB .
rniusnan inn wDnnir, it
The largest Circulation of uy Newapaper
la North Central Pennaylvaula.
Terms of Subscription.
If paid la advance, or within I months.. OO
It paid after and before I months 9 611
If piud after the expiration of months... 3 IX.)
Bates ot Advertising.
Transient advertisements, por square of 10 llnesor
less, 1 timet or loi (1 60
For eaeh subsequent insertion 60
Administrators and Eieoutors' notioes. i on
Audi ton' notice. I (0
Caution, and Etreyl.. .............. 1 60
Dissolution notioes - I 00
Professional Cards, i line, or less,l jrw,.,. t 00
Looal notioes, per line.... 10
1 square $8 00
I squares .......... .14 00
t qutni. -..20 00
(column.. tZt 00
i Column.. 45 00
1 oolumn 80 00
Job Work.
Single quire. tt (0 I 0 quires, pr. qutre,fi 75
quires, pr, quire, 1 00 Over 0, per. quire, 1 00
I ihoot,15or less,ll 00 I ) sheet, J 5 or loss, 00
ft shoot, 16 or leu, 1 00 1 sheet, 16 or lex, 10 00
Over 15 of each of above at proportionate ratal,
ClearUeld, Pa.
Will attend to all builnen entrnited to him
promptly and faithfully. nov!3'7
(Su-Mcssors to Wallace A Fielding,)
1113 73 ClearUeld, Pa.
. V. WILSOS, U. O.
nearncia, s-a.
Offioe In residence of Dr. Wilion.
Orrica Hours: From 12 to 1 r. a. Dr. Van
Valiah oan be found at night in hli roomi, noxt
door to llartiwick A Irwin'i Drug Store, up
lain. novjo a
Will promptly attend all call. In the line of hit
joiBra i. a'asAM-r.
riAKlBL W. B'cOBDr.
ClcarHeld, Pa.
$9 Legal business attended to promptly with
fidelity. Office on Sooond itroet, above tbe First
National Bank. 0:11:71
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
clearfield, pa.
Having resigned hii Judgeship, hat resumed
the practice of the law In hit old office at Clear
Held, Pa. WHI attend the courts of Jefferson and
Eik oountiei when ipeoially retained In oonneotion
with resident oouniol. 2:1-1:72
Clearfield, Pa.
eT-Offlce op itairi in Western Hotel building.
Legal business promptly attended to. Rrsl estate
'bought and sold. Jell'73
Clearfield, Pa. .
t-SuOltce up stairs In Western Hotel building.
All legal business entrusted to his care promptly
attended to. July 2, 1879.
Prompt attention given to all legal business
entrusted to his care in Clearfluld and adjoining
counties. OOioe on Market St., opposite Naiiglc's
Jewelry Store, Clearfield, Pa. . JeU'73
Clearfield, Pa.
'tesjVOfln In the Court Ilousa. dea3-ly
tl:l:T8 Clearfield, Pa.
Oflet em Second St., ClearUeld, Pa. novJMS
Clearfield, Pa.
T-Offlce In the Court House. Jyll,'C7
Clearfield, Pa.
Office on Market St., over Joseph Showers'
Grocery store. Jan.3,1873.
And Real Estate Agent, Clearfield, Pa.
omee on mird street, bet.Cherrj A Walnut.
-Respectfully offers his servioos In selline
and buying lands in Clearfield and adjoining
counties j and with an experience of over twenty
years as a surveyor, flatters himself that ho can
render satisfaction. Feb. iS:S:tf,
Saw le-og ami liimibor,
'0 (lice In Masonic Building, Room No. 1. 1 :25:71
MS Osceola, Clearfield Co., Pa. y-pd
VVallareton, Clearfield County, Penn'a.
1 Alt legal business promptly attended to.
I Market llreet, (north side) Clearflold, Pa.
) ?" All legal tusiness promptly attended to
i Jaa. W, 'J. "
- Offloe on Market Street, Clearfield, Pa.
sWOflSc hours: 1 to 11 a. m., and 1 to 1 p. a,
noMEOPATnio pnygiciAN,
Office la residence on Market St.
April 14, H71.
Clearflel.l, Pa.
'II attend professional oalls promptly, eugl Of 0
HeUefnnte. Pa.
1 practice in Clearfield and all of the Courts of
jiii uu. noiai district, itoal estate business
oolleotion of claims made speolaliUs, nl'7l
1 CtRARPIMM), PA. ft.
71LLIAU M. ItEXJlY, Jubtich
f of ran Pbacn aan HcaiTanRB, I.UMBRR
. Collections made and money promptly
over. Articles of agreement and deeds of
yaaoa neatly executed and warranted nor.
Ofnce In the Court House. ClearUeld, Pa.
Will always be found at home on the SECOND
and LAST SATURDAY of each month. 2:6
John II. Orvls. 0. T. Alexander. C. M. Dowers
llellel'oute. Pa. Jan29,'47-y
J. H. KLINE, M. D.,
TY AVINO located at PennOcld. Ta.. ofTcrt his
11 nn.rA.uinni.1 Snrvlflia to the tieonle of that
place anu surruuouiug wuu.i; -.
attended to. Oct. 13 If.
Justice of the Peace, Surveyor and Conveyancer,
Lulhertburt;, Pa.
All business Intrusted to him will be promptly
attended to. Persons wishing to employ a Sur
nvnr will do well to live him a coll, as he Batters
himself that he can render satisfaction. Deeds of
conveyance, articles of agreement, and all legnl
papors, promptly ana neatly execuiea. -uungvis
Ju.tloe of the Peace and Scrivener,
CurweusvUle, Pa.
Collections made and money promptly
paid over. leo-a mm
Manufacturers A extensive Dealers in
Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, do.
JT-Orders solicited. Bills tiled on short notice
anu reasunauie usriu..
Address Woodland P. 0., Clearfield Co., Pa.
jo26-ly W ALUKKT A UKOH.
FreiichvlUe, Clearfield County, Pa,
Keeps constantly on band a full assortment of
llrv liooiis. liaruware, uroceries, anu eTcrjuiiiiii
usually Kept m a roiau store, wnicu win uv eviu,
for cash, as eneap a. eisewnore in toe oeuniy.
FrenchvUle, June 17, 1907-iy.
Also, extensive manufacturer and dealer In Square
Timber and bawod Lumber oi sn ainus.
rOrders solicited and all bills promptly
filled. I'jylOJl
ClearUeld, ra.
TTAVINQ rented Mr. Entree' Brewery he
H t. mtwlt all.ntlnn tn hnilnn. and
the manufacture of a superior article of DKKR
to receive the patronage of all the old and many
new customers. - t25aug7t
Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. .
NEGATIVES made Is cloudy aa well at In
clear weather. Constantly en hand a good
assortment of FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES and
STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. Frames, from any
style of moulding, made to order. apr28-tf
House and Sign Painter and Paper
ClearUeld, Poim'a.
Will execute jobs in bis line promptly and
in a workmanlike mauaer. at'r4,07
" G. H. HALL,
f-?yPumpB always on band and made lo order
on short notice. Pipes bored m rcasonaldc ,i rms.
All work warranted to render satisfaction, nnd
delivered if dcirod. myS5:lypd
Dr.ll.ErtS 1.1
and manufacturers of
dealer in
Eeal Estate, Square Timber, Eoards,
:10'73 Clearfield, Pa,
Square Timber & Timber Lands,
Dealer In all kinds of
Market Street,
Ona door east Post Ofnce,
n L I II A K M A H,
Agent for the American Doul.le Turhlne Water
Wboel anil Andrews A halltaeh tthool. I'an fur.
ni.h l'ortahle Crlit Mills on short nolice. Jyll'71
Late Surgeon of the 8;id Regiment. Pennsylvania
Volunteers, having rourned frrnn the Army,
offers bis professional servlcat to Iheoltiteus
cfl'learAeld county.
jeayProfossional calls promptly attended to.
Office on Second street, foruiorlyoceiipled by
Dr. Woods. Ipr4,'0e-tl
' H. F. N AUGLE,
and dealer in
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver
and Plated Ware, sc.,
Watchcu, Clocks and Jowolry,
ffralsa'. Rim, HnrWt Slrttl,
CI.RAKPIi:i.l, PA.
All kinds of repairing In my line promptly at-
euuco to. April IK, 187.1,
wholeiisla (IftKlmri ta
Have removed to, 1X7 Church street, between
rranann ana nnnests., Mew J ore.. Jyl '72
Miss E. AslTRTnde
Abb ht roa
Cklckerlng'stelnway'send Kmerson's Plenoa)
oMj.iu nason iiamiia a aco) reioabet a
Organs and Meledeons, and O rover A
Baker's Sewing Macblnea.
Piano, Guitar, Organ, Harmony and Voeal Ma
lic. No pupil taken (or less than half a term.
Rooms opposlt Mnllrh's Furallure Slora.
C'learield, May , Itfly if. . ,
I am wandering, backward wandering, to the
sunny days 01 yore,
And my heart is vainly beating, for it throbs In
them no more t
Never more oan life's swcot morning, or Us clear
and orystel dew,
Giro the flowers that lay beneath It such a bright
and winning hue t
For the sun has risen higher, and tbo dew Is off
ine nowers,
And the morn's sweet breath has withered eiaee
. it swept through ouUdhovd's hours.
There are paths my yoong feet threaded through
tho wlhlwood and tna doll,
And the weight of other footsteps on the shaded
emerald li-ll,
And the shouts of friendly rolces woke reipon
siva to my own t
Now I speak, and eoho only sends ma back an
answerlna tone.
And the leaves a hollow rustling at my every
movement sond
But there wakes no more tho rustling IVum the
loouaji oi a iriena.
There were hearts as well as ruloos In the days
of early youth t '
Hearts whose every pulse was faithful, and whose
every throb was truth l
Hearts whose wealth of kindly flashes lent Its
light to dearer eyes
Then again will shine upon me, suns that uever
more snail rise
Xamps whose light, indeed, Is hidden by the lids
deatn s nngcrs pressed,
Or, still saddor, light averted from the eyes we
joveu ine uesi.
Oh! those long lost tones and glanoet backward
still on mem'ry roll.
Wakened by the chastened radiance of that
moonlight of the soul.'
By Its light I yet am searching for the sweets of
vanisnod nours ,
For the breath as early morning breathing life
on witliorcd flowors l
And these mem'ries I am tracing while this
moonngni round me plays,
And from out the gathered darkness beams the
light or other days.
Further Supplement to the General
bchool Law.
To secure (lie atteudance of children at
Section 1. Le it enacted, etc.. That
ovcry parent, guardian or oilier per
son, having control of any child, bo
twee n tho aires of oiirlit and fourteen
years, residing in any school diutrict,
in which a school is taught fur three
months or tnoro, annually, within one
mile by the n en rout traveled road of
the residence of such child, shall in
struct or causo such child to be in
structed in reading, writing, geogra
phy ana arithmetic : and every per
son having such control Of any child,
shall cause such child to attend some
school at least twelve weeks in each
yoar, eight weeks of which at least
snail be consecutive, or shall cause
such child lo be instructed at home,
or else w hero, at least twelve weeks in
each yoar, in tho branches above
oamod, unless tho physical or mental
condition of the child is such as to
render such attoudanco unlit or im
practicable; or unless tho child shall
Lo reasonably proficient in said
Bko. 2. It shall be tho duly of the
school" directors or controllers having
control of any school, to proscento
tor an violations ot section one ot tbis
act in tboir district, and any person
who shall violalo said section one
shall bo punished by a fine of not loss
than fifty cents and not moro than
five dollars, payable into tho school
treasury of tho district in which ho
resides, for every woek not exceed
ing twelvo weeks in any ono year
during which he shall havo failed to
comply with tho provision of snid
section, said fine when recovered to
be paid into tho school treasury of the
district whoro tbo penalty or fino was
urn I incurred.
Kkc. 3. The school directors or con
trollers having control of any school
where a written notice has been served
by any tax payer upon any two or
moro ol them, stating by whom, and
how anv such rtonallv has linen in-
j i r
currod, who shall ncgloct lor ten days
after tho service of such nolico upon
tnem to institute a suit tor tho recov
ery thoreof, unless such penalty shall
soonor te paid without suit, or unless
upon investigation during that time
they shall he satisfied that no penalty
has actually boon incurred, shall for
feit and pay tbo sum of not loss than
fivo dollars nor more than fifteen dol-
lars'for each noglect, to bo rucovcrcd
as may horoaftor bo provided in any
court of compotont jurisdiction, such
ponaity when rocovored to bo paid to
tho school treasurer for the use of tho
district in which tho ponaity was in-,
tiEO. 4. It shall be tbo duty of the
directors or controllers having the
chargo of any school, upon applica
tion, to furnish any child botweon tho
agos of eight and fourtcon years of
ago, residing in their district, with
the necessary books, when it shall ap
pear that tho parent or other porson
having control of said child is in in
digent circumstances and dosirous oi
sending such child to school, and such
books shall be paid from tho treasury
of the school district by orders drawn
thereupon ty iho proper olllcors.
Bec. 6. Tho directors or controllers
having charge or control of any pub
lic school shall rondor annually a re
port to tho county siipuiinlendont,
showing tho number and 'result of
prosecutions under this act, tho num.
bor of children, if any, botwoen the
ages of eight and fourteen years of
ago who nave noiauemlod any schcol,
or who bavo not boon instructed in
accordance with section ono of this
Sua. 6. All suits undorthiB act shall
be an action of debt in the namo of
the poople of the blate of l'eiinsyl
vama, and tor tbo uso of the district
where the olTcnco bIiuII havo boon
com milted. .
Rutler Clubs aro all tho no In "Mits-
flnchusetts just now. The' hero of
Hutch unp Is already In the field.
Botiiumin U aiminif to bo Coeornrir nf
Massachusetts, the PrcKiilnnt n
partnership wilh William M. Tweed,
tho "rclirod statcBtnnn,"
The Courier-Journal call .Bridget
O'Oornmn, "tho escaped nan," a
"charluian In petticoats."
' fit dPpyI
The Evils of onr Patent Systom.
Probably tho greatest evils which
assail our system, after tho gross im
moralities and frauds practiced upon
us ny uongrossmen nnd other high
officials, are the wrongs arising from
our Patent Office Systom. Tho poo
ple of tho Unitod Statos are annually
robbed of millions of dollars, while in
ventors, in nino cases out of ton. are
cheated out of their inventions, by a
sot ot suarpors who liavo their head
qnartors in tho Patont Olllce at Wash
ington. We aro glad to notico that
Congross is taking hold of tho matter,
and that some check Is likely lo bo
placod upon sharpors, providod the
suarpors uo not souuee ijongreMt-aea
from tho path of duly and recti tmlo.
A Washington toleirrum to tho Now
York Tribune, gives an inside viow of
tho question, as tollows :
It has been so loni; taken for grant
od as a matter which admittod of no
doubt that onr present patent system
greatly bonelited the people at largo,
by encouraging inventive genius, thnt
it is rather suprising to hear this idea
seriously controverted. Durinc the
buiurauy Bcssion ot tho ilouso Mr.
bnylor of Indiana delivered a carefully
prepared spooch, in which he took the
ground that tho existing systom of
patont laws was exceedingly burdon-
some to tho peoplo and practically
of small benefit to the inventors.
whilo enabling powerful manufactur
ing corporations to reap immense
profits. To show how heavily the
peoplo are taxed by the manufacturers
who hold patent nVMs on articlos in
goneral demand, Mr. Saylor presented
a striking array of facts and figures.
Iho India rubber industry, bo said,
accord in i? to the census, raid BD nor
cent, profit upon the capital employed.
ino caoinet organ businoss paid til
por cent, profit. In 17 months, tho
capital invested in tho manufacture of
sewing machines doubiod itself, bosides
paying for all tho materials it usod.
and the labor employed, tho profit on
a ?G0 machine being (24. Iho profit
on patcntod agricultural ihiplonionlH,
according to Mr. Savior, is o2 per
cont, and on patent medicines 118 per
cent. In these five branches of indus
try, tho aggregate capitol invested,
according to tho census of 1870, was
150,000,000, and tho profit e37,800,000,
whilo tho samo amount of capital in
vested in producing pig iron would
net only cteven and two-thirds mil
lions, and in munufucturinL! cotton
goods only ten millions.
Mr. baylcr has a bill to permit any
person to manulucturo a patented
articlo by paying a royalty to the
owner of 10 por cont. upon the mar
ket ruluo of the article. This, be
thinks, would give tho invontors as n
rule moro money than they now re
ceive and protect purshasers against
the overcharges of patent monopolists.
Tho following aro tho main features
of his bill :
Tho first section of my bill provides
that whoro a machine or other articlo
is manufactured or compounded by
virtue of A singlo patent, it may bo
manufactured, used, or sold by "any
poron, whether in nil individual or
associalod capacity, by paymonl of a
royalty to tho ownor of the tnarkot
value of tho article manufactured, and
that ho shall protect the owner of the
patent right by filing in tho Pntont
Utiles a bond In tbo sum of f 10,000,
conditioned upon theaeconntin,ovcry
six months, for this royalty and tho
payment thereof, lie is also to give
notice through the Patent Office of
his name, place ofrosidonco, and placo
of business.
Tho second section provides that
whenevor any article or machine has
in Its construction or composition an
mprovomont protected by letters pat
ont, or whore it is constructed or com
pounded under and by virtue of a
combination or consolidation of two
or moro patents, then any person in
bis individual or associated capacity
may go into the Unitod States Dis
trict Court In tbo district whero the
owners of those patents or tho majori
ty of thorn may rosido, and by pro
ceedings such as aro now providod in
civil causes therein, havo tho royalty
determined by tho Court, and that
this first proceeding shall bo at tho
cost of tho applicant, he protecting the
owners of the patent by a bond, as I
have boforo indicated, and it boing not
altogether impossiblo that the first
adjustment of tho royally would bo
inudequnto or unjust. Tbo bill further
provides that in tho cvont it is desira
blo, tho owners of tho patent, on ilO
days' notice, may havo a readjustment
of tho royalty and that readjustment
shall be at their own cost nnd final.
The samo provision applies to copy
Washington, Feb. 8. Tho House
Committee on Palonts will probably,
at their noxt meeting, adopt a series
of rules lo govern thorn in the consid
eration of the business boforo thorn.
Tho rules wore considurod on Friday,
but there was not a full altoiidaiico of
members. It is known that, hereto
fore, bills hato boon reported from Ihul
Commiltco Tor extensions, and passed,
when tho persons interested hnd littlo
or no standing at tho Pulcnt Olllco in
tho morils'of tlicir claims; or when tho
cases did not dourly come under tho
Patent Office law. In other words,
thero has boon In former Congressos
special legislation for tho benefit of
particular persons, irrespective of its
effect on Jho public at largo. Rut tho
prosont Committee propoeo to give
tho pnlcnlco who has not realized
money on useful Inventions, and whoso
rights havo bocn Infringod, an oppor
tunity to havo It fair hearing beforo
tho Patent Olllco in behalf of an ex
tension of his patont; and whero it is
shown that an Inventor or patentee
has boon lurgoly or roaSonully com
ponsalod, and not presenting Budleiunt
reasons for an extension, they will ol?
courso report adversely.
' Hiram Liysscs (i rant, now presi
dent of tho United States, was born
at Mount Pleasant, Cl'rmont county,
u., April srjipsx.
A fcdoral nnlon 1 of the " various
Prosbytcrian denominations Is Said
to bo under dvWmetrt.
Tho power Of habit is somothinrr nl
which we aro ovory day conscious.
i.-vuyu so uiuuu una uuen eaiu BOU
written conoorniug it, we nocd still
"lino upon lino, precept upon precept,
here a little and thoro a" groat doal to
keep' in our minds tho importanoo of
lorming in our children and strongh
uuhie in uurscivos goou habits. It is
sodilit'ultto break up long ostnblishod
modes of action, and turn tho channels
of oio's activities in now directions,
that It is not surprisinir tho mature in
life, Vho havo suffered from not bcinir
"""K nun Hi satcveepsnoDld
lay, as they are inclined to, grcut
stress on the importance ot making Id
all thing a good beginning.
Thoro on a few habits which form
a protty god foundation for success
in lite and iiuro tho friendship of tho
discerning unl virtuous. First among
thoso we wousjplaco tho habit of solf
holp. This nuy and should bo formed
in a child, boforo it can walk or talk,
by providing resources for its amuso
mouiandleuvinj:it,wilhin duo bounds,
to depend upon Uose resources. Then
as it grows older it should be taught
and gontly compelled to perform in
its own behalf all (hat it can do. Fow
of us but know young men and young
women perfectly bulnless for all the
ordinary usos of lite. If they alone
wore the sufferers it wouldn't matter
much, but they are sociul loochos, al
ways demandine; service end novor
rendorir.g it. Good husbands, good
wivos, good parents rarely, if evorrc
found in this class of Deonlo.
Noxt it importance to tho habit of
soii-hcip wo would placo that of per
sonal tidiross. We do not care to
guess how many American men and
women set down to breakfast ovory
morning with their toilota half mado,
the mon without collar and cravat, tho
women with unkomnt hair, and the
children resorabling tho parents in
dress as muoh as in feature "Hut you
see there aro so many things to do in
me morning stock to leed, cows to
milk, firos to make, milk to skim. chil.
dren to dress, breakfast to got that
ono can't spond much timo fixing
thomsolvos up." All vorytruo; but
ono doesn't go round barofootcd in tho
morning, or without washing face and
hnndi, bdeause a hnbit the reverse of
all that has been formed. "My hair
is combed in tho morning for all day
before 1 lcavo my chamber," said an
elegant housekeeper the other day,
and she keeps no girl, and wo couldn't
help thinking tho happiness her hus
band must havo had just in the ono
particular of Boeing her ovory morn
ing f twenty years with smoothly
combcj hair, and neat linen collar,
opposilo him at the brcukfust table,
and. too order and clealincss in tho
housoliold of which that ono littlo
item was an index. That "cleanlines&
is next to godliness," should be carlv
and deeply impressed on every child,
and it ehoull bo taught to shrink from
nnclenonessand untidiness ns it shrinks
from vieo.
Anothor habit of groat valuo is that
of courtesy. If a child is properly
trained to asK tor what ho wants and
make mcot acknowledgments for favors
rocoived, to reoogniro the rights ond
respect the fcclings,of olhcrs.ho will be
ablo to win frionds no matter what oth
er faults bo may have. This habit ho
win acqtiiro, or absorb, rather, from
thoso around him. Courteous chil
dren aro but tho reflection of courteous
parents. Genuine courtesy flows out
from tho heart and can never be pat
on as an oulsido garment.
Another excellent habit is that of
helping others. In fact wo aro in the
world for tho oxpress purposo of doing
that vory thing, and if wo fail in this,
it matters littlo to any but onrsolvcs
how long wo remain horo. It is na
tural lor tho loving parent to do ovory
thing for his child and requiring noth
ing in return, but the sooner tho child
is taudit to deny himself in order to
serve nthors, his parents, his brother
and sisters, tho moro cortainly will
whatever is noblo in him bo developed.
We aro all selfish enough, and there
are voryfew who ore not improved
by having thoir impulses of bencvo
lonco stimulated.
Tho habit of improving ono's time
is of importance that oun hardly bo
over-estimated. Not that children
should work all tho timo, but that
they should spend vory fow hours
in moro idleness nnd timo-killlng.
One ot'cupution should sncceod anoth
er, so as to givo duo variety and exer
cise tho menial and bodily powors in
narmony. juio cmidron aro apt to
mako Idlo grown folks, and thoro are
too many drones in society for its
good, ni wo all know.
Tho last habit we will mention Is
that of pcrsovtranco. Lifo, from bo-
;mning to end, is rull or obstaclos to
ie overcome, of probloms to ho solved.
of mountains to be tunnclod and vnl
loys to bo filled up, and wo can hnrdly
oegin too soon our endeavors to mas
ter destiny. Ho that overcomes In
little will ovoroomo in much. A child
should not bo givon a task beyond his
powors, hnt within that limit hpshould
bo required to do what iB assigned
him. Tho stimulus of praise or re
ward will often bo sufilciont to secure
tho performance of a given labor,
though tho pain of consuro may some
times no necessary.
With theso habits of self-holn. nor-
sonal tidiness, courtesy, helping others,
improving ono's timo, and persever
ance, It matters littlo how- noor in
purso an Individual may bo loft, ho or
she will possess a buoyant powor that
win miso mom aoove adversity and
pluck victory from the arms of defeat.
-IV. 1. Unbune.
A ntlftrrotnnmn rmmln trnre i1!arnea.
lug tho subject of epitaphs and tomb-
stonos, anu tho husliaiid said : ".My
oar, what kind of a slono do yon
tipposo they will givo ino whon- I
io I"' "lli'imstone. mv lovo." wan tlm
affoctbnale reply.
A proposition has bocn made to
erect a lower in Leicester f-tqnnro,
London, fifteen hundred foot high, tho
summit to ho attained by means of A
hydraulic, lift.
A Novel Light.
Tho London Mining Journal of a
late dale spoaks highly ot an appara
tus roccnlly devised and tcstod in Lon
don for thp manufucluro of Illuminat
ing gas. It is doviscd as simple in
construction, yot extraordinary effi
cacy in accomplishing its work oi
doubling tho voiumo ot gas now ob
tained Irom a given amount of coal,
rendering tho gas of a much higher il
luminating powor, whilo its purity is
increased, tho procoss also cflecting a
great saving in labor. Tbo virtue of
tho process is In saving much of tho
refuse which now froes to waste, de
composing It und uniting the constitu
ents with tho gas given ofT by tho usu
al process of roasting tho coal in tbo
rotort. Three retorts of iron or clay,
though a greater number may bo cm
ployed, if required, aro placed in the
ordinary manner in a setting.and coal
is charged into tho bottom one, the
rotort being filltid with chalk, and tbo
uppor one with coke. The throe wore
connocted, so that tbo gas eliminated
in tho lower one is mado to pass
through tho chalk and coko, into tho
hydraulic main. Tbo gas, as it issues
from tho bottom rotort, coming
through tbo incandescent chalk in the
intermediate retort, has its constitu
ents, tar and aramonical water, lost in
Iho usual process, convortod into il
luminating gas. A steam boiler,
heated by tho samo furnaco which is
used for the retorts (and tho fuel for
which may be said to cost nothing,) is
placed alongsido,and is conveyed f rom
it Into tho intermediate retort through
a pipe placed in tho firo and of suffi
cient length to thoroughly decompose
tho steam, resolving it into its gaseous
constituents, which act ns carrying
gases. This drives tho tar and liquor
out of tho chalk, tho carrying gasos
and tho dry steam ro-absorbing thorn
and carrying forward the highly ilium-
muting properties iney are Known to
possess. Iho coal gns and waler gas
combined tboo pass through the incan
descent coko in tho top retort, where
tho steam, having facilitated the union
of all the illuminating eloment elimin
ated from tho coal, passes on. The
tosts mado at tomporary works show
inai tue illuminating powor is greatly
increased, while the gas is almost
wholly frco from sulphur and without
ammonia. Tho labor is diminished
one-half, and part of the plant and ap
paratus is dispensed with, so that tho
cost of works is essentially cheoponod
and tho wear ond tear greatly re
duced, Coal gas consumers will ro-
joico that thoy stra to ba freed from
tho cbronio evil of poor gas and have
a material lightening of gas bills.
A Spider's Appetite.
In order to test what a snider could
do in tho way of eating wo oroso
about daybreak ono morning, to sup
ply his fine wob with a fly. At first,
nowover, tho spidor did not come from
his retreat, bo wo pcepod among tho
leaves, and thero discovered that an
earwig had been caught, and was now
ueing leasied on. 1 ho spider left the
earwig, rolled up tho fly, and at once
returned to his "Brst course." This
was at half-past fivo A. M. in SeMeni-
ber. At seven A. M. tho earwig bad
been demolished, and tho spider, af
ter resting a little whilo, and proba
bly enjoying a nap.came down for tho
fly, which bo had finished at nino A.
M, A littlo after nino wo supplied
him wilh a daddy-longlegs, which
was oaten by noon. At ono o'clock a
blow-fly was greedily soiled, and with
an appetito, apparently no worso for
bis previous indulgcnco, bo com
menced on the blow-lly. During the
day, and toward tho evening, a great
many small groon flies, or what arc
popularly termed midges, had boon
caught in tho web ; of theso wo counted
ono hundred and twenty all dead, and
inst prisoners tn tho spider s nest.
Soon oftor dnrk, provided with a lan
tern, wo went to cxainino whelhortho
spider was suffering from indigestion,
or in any other way from his previous
meals; instead, however, of boing
thus affected, ho was employed in
rolling up together tho various littlo
groon midges, which bo then took, to
his retreat and alo. This procoss he
ropentod, carrying up the lots in littlo
delitchmonts, until the wholo wob was
oaten, for tho web ond its contents
wcro bundled up together. A slight
rost of about an hour was followed
by tho most industrious web-making
process, and boforo daybreak, another
web was ready to bo used in tho same
way. Taking tho relative sizo of tho
spidor and of tho croatureo it ate, and
applying this to a man, it would be
somewhat us follow : At duybroak,
a small alligator was eaten ; ot seven
A. M ., a In ni b ; at nino A. M., a, young
camel-leopard ; at ono o'clock, n sheep;
and during tho night, ono hundred
nnd twenty lurks. This, wo believe,
would bo a vory fair allowance for
ono man for twenty. four hours; and
could wo find ono gifted with such an
nppolito and such a digestion, wo can
readily comprehend bow bo might
spin fivo miles of wob without killing
himself, provided ho possessed the
necessary macliinory. Eng. rajier.
The AitcnER Pish. This singular
fish, which wo do not think has ovor
boon introduced Into this country, do.
rives its namo from tho manner In
which It secures its proy. Not being
possessed of tho slender form and mar
volous muscular power which enables
tho trout to leap into the air, after flics,
it Is obliged to resort to strategy.
Whon it observes a fly hovering above
tho water, it slowly approaches tho
surface and so directs its course thai,
whon Its noso rises above tho wstor,
it will bo in a direct lino with its prey,
and at this inslitnt it discharges a drop
of water with such forco as to bring
down tho insect, oven at a distance of
threo feet. Thnt its aim should bo so
accurate, notwithstanding tho refrncl
ivo power of tho water, is certainly
romnrkablo. This fish is found in tho
fresh water hikes of Japan, nnd It Is
snid easily domesticated, nnd will
practico its art in tho aquarium." It
seldom reaches six inches In length,
and is known lo naturalists ns Terolfi
jacutafir. ' '
TEEMS $2 por annum in Advance.
SE1UES - V0L. 15, NO. 12.
Polish Convicts in Siberia, -
A St. Potorsburgh loiter lo tho Lon
don Standard, contains tho following;
"Tho convicts in Siberia aro divided
into two categories, thoso condemned
to hard labor, nnd those who aro sent
as sottlurs, and wilh vory few excep
tions, tho exiled Polos uow belong to
the lalter division, in consequents of
tbo froquont occasions on which their
punishmont has been mitigated withiu
the last ton years. As Bottlers, they
aro frco to do as they like, so long as
they romain within tlio limits of the
locality to which they aro assigned.
It is now proposod that thoso among
them .whose conduct has bcon ialU
factory .liould bo allowed to go back
to their natlvo oountry, provided they
can roturn at their own cxpenso, and
aro ablo to find the moans of subsist
ence at homo. Thoro is ono other
condition namely, that the head of
the administration of tbeir native
district should not objoct to tboir re
turn. The Poles in exilo sro vory
different from thoir countrymen at
homo. Once in Siboria, thoso who
aro not kept at bard labor soon bo
come useful members of society. Po
litical agitators forget tboir dreams of
personal ambition and thoir plans for
making pooplo happy by putting thorn
through u courso of ooustunt agitation.
Tbcy have to work and they do it.
Their labor is woll paid, und if they
do not livo comfortably as honest
workmen, it is thoir own fault. Tho
long journey is always a painful trial
to thorn, and when they' reach thoir
place of destination they find labyr of
any kind a roliof. Some of thorn, ii
is trno, continue their old babiis of in
trigue for a limo and try to work out
tho political and social problems which
thoy consider it their mission to solve;
but in a vory short time they become
convinced of the utter inutility of such
a courso, and settle down into good
subjects. Those who have any skill
got on vory woll. As artisans they
are prelcrrcd, for they always show
suporior knowledge nnd taste, and
"Polish work" in Siberia means super
ior workmanship. Seeing this, those
who do not know any trade soon learn
one. Wo havo beard of a Polo who
could do nothing; -but as bo must
either bo content with the miserable
pitlance allowed by tho Government
of two cents a day, or turn his bund
lo soino useful occupation, he tried
boot-making, but that, did not suc
ceed ; .then bo turned bis attonlion to
sausages and made thorn so well that he
sold as many as ho could manufacture.
At Irkutsk tho best shops aro kept by
tho Poles. There aro undoubtedly
many who cannot become sausage
makers or shop keepers, but for those
who would more willingly work with
their hoads than tlicir bands thoro are
careers open, Erginccra and doctors
find ready employment, and indeed
Polish medical men havo a' high repu
tation in Siboria. Authorship in any
shape is, of courso, out of the question.
The only remaining enroer, that of
loaching, is according to the law strict
ly forbidden; but, notwithstanding
the prohibition, it is well known that
oducated Poles aro engaged as teach
ers in tbe families of some of the most
important functionaries in Siberia, and
they aro nevor known lo abuso the
coufidonco reposed in them."
The Original Granger of the United
Tho Chicsgo Times rocently pub
lished a sketch of William Saunders,
the man who inaugurated the Order
of Patrons of Husbandry in America.
The correspondent who visited Mr.
Saunders at Washington gives an in
teresting account of his labors in con
nection with tho organization.
Mr. Saunders is a genial, unosten
tatious, eensiblo Scotchman. He is
upward of sixty years of ago, a man of
large iramo, something abuve medium
height, with gray hair, a beard almost
whilo ; and, although his complexion
is rather dark, bo has the lightest
blue eyes I ever saw eyes which
would delight the transcendental Al-
cott, who believes that tho blue-eyed
win innera ino earth, no has a lugs
and somewhat retreating forchond, a
nose which evincos strength of charac
ter and a rather sober expression of
countonanco, as oi a man ot thought
rather than of man who is controlled
by his feelings. -His bearing is such
that be elicits good will from others,
thoso who aro associated wilh him
holding him in profound and even
tondor regard.
Mr. Sawndors camo lo this country
in 1847. Prior to that tiino had been
cngngod in horticultural and agricul
tural pursuits in and about London,
where ho organized Boveral societies
of persons engaged in occupations
similar to his own. Forsovoral years
past ho has been as bo is ot present,
tho Superintendent of tho gnrdons of
toe liepnrtmrnt or Agriculture, nnd
tho boauly of the gardens, considering
tho brief por'.od they havo boon in ex
istence, certainly docs credit to bis
skill and tasto.
Tho order of tho Patrons of Hus-
bnndry was first ooncoivod in hi mind
somo sovon years ago. . Tho grand
objects ho had in viow wero gonoral
improvoraont In husbandry, the pro
motion oi tbo wolfare ond happinoss
of those engaged In agricultural and
ki ixl rod pursuits, nnd the increaso con.
sequent upon theso of tho goieral
wealth and prosperity of tho oountrv.
Ho had observed that tho popular
modes of creating an Interest In hus.
bandry, and of securing a diffusion of
Knowledge with a viow to Us applica
tion for the Increaso of the products
of tlio soil, wero imperfect and wholly
inadoqunto. lie saw thnt. for tho
welfare of tho great producing iiuisbos
oi tr.o country, and for ctlioioncy of
their labors, two things were essential
oduontion, especially instruoiion In
relation to tho best methods of pro.
ductlon, and unity of action, and thoso
two essoniials ho kept and still keeps
steadily in view.
An embryo noet. Who Is frrtnlnlv a
close observer of human nature, ro.
mrtrkst "Timo murcbwi on wilh the
slow, measured trend tf man work
ing ny tno any."
An Historical Frayor,
G'ovornor Letcher tlio other day
gave an anocdoto on tho convention of
)8(i0 that must go Info priut. Whon
Mr. Janney, the president of our con
vention, was absent, Mr. Valentine
Southall, of Albemarlo, was always
put in tho chair. "Old Vol" was in
iligestivoly thin and irritable. Jan
noy had boon indisposod for a week,
and tho Chitrlotlosvillo dyspeptic pro
sidod. During this time tbore wo
no "Opening the session with prayer."
Several delogates oomplainod of- the
omission. Southall said sharply that
it was not bis duty to hunt up preach'
crs; that was tho business of tbe sor-goant-al-arm.
This officer was Nat.
Thompson, of Hunover, a cbaracloi'.
Nat. defended himself by alleging that
Mr. Janney always attended to gel
ling Iho parsons, but if Mr. Southall
thought that tho sorgcant ought to
havo a preacher on band ho would try
to got one.
That cvoning Nat. strolled down
Main slroet in search of accrtun "par'
sing," an old acquaintance of Nat's.
1 ho preacher was oil duty, and was
"serving tables" by somo scoulaf pur-,
suit in 1'ichmond. lie was of the
Hard Shell persuasion. Nut. found
him told him of the need of a "man
liko him" to lead iu pi-nvcr at thu
Convention noxt day. The minister
was ticitieu at tho request, but hinted
that his Sunday suit was rather rusty.
Nat. covenanted lo loan him tho pvoi.
cr garments. Iho Hard Elicit was at
IN at. s room tho next morning and
duly arrayed in clovor clerical clothes.
Tho two started for tho Capitol. Nat.
remarked on tho route, that tho Con
vention had been without any wor
ship for a week, and it was expected
that tho lost devotions should be made
up that morning. Tho Hard Shell
brother, even in his shortest invoca
tions, novcr could reach amen under a
half hour, and this suggestion ot thu
sergeant fell in with tho inclination of ,
tho windv, and as he loved to call him
self, "wrestling Jacob."
Old Val's gavol tappod to order ex
actly at 11. As soon as tho parson
hud swung ofTinto the regular "Whung
doodlo" uole, nnd was beginning to
weld ins sentences with "nrra, JNut.
quietly slipped from the hall, lockod
ihe doors und went down to Zelellu's
for a lunch. Ho spent an hour at tbe
restaurant,and slowly returning to tho
capitol and finding iho Hard Shell in
full swing, be wont down to Hockott's
and dined with Dick Haskins, saun
tered back about 2 o'clock, and still
bad a quartor of an hour to sun him
self on tho capilol steps before the
swelling tones of tho parson began to
taper to the lower key of tho conclu
sion. Nat. unbolted the doors as thu
prayer endod. It bad lasted threu
hour and a quarter.
Tho Convention was far from a de
votional framo of mind whon tho regu
lar business began.. Old Valentino
Southall never insisted upon that ser-geant-at-arms
furnishing ministers any
moro. n
"Milky" Collins.
Poor Philip, says tho Washington
Cipital, was taken considerably aback
by a now member he invitod to his
house lo an entertainment ho gave to
Wilklo Collins. Tbo lion. Lyourgus
Lcathcrlungs, from tho Mill Creek
bottoms of Pennsylvania had bocn to
a dinner party at Wclckcr's, and was
considerably "sprung" when he
reached Mr. Philip's palatial residence.
A few glasses of choico old winetbero
completed bis utter ruin. When he
was prosonted to tho celebrated
lish novelist ho seized his hand, and,
holding it firmly but affectionately he
gazed with intense earnestness in the
face of the novelist. At last, finding
words, ho said :
"How aro you, Milky 7"
"I am quito well, sir; how do you
' Oh, never mind mo, Milky; I'm
all right; member-elect from Mill
Creek Bottoms, und glad to sco you."
IlcroWilkie made an attempt to
escapo, but tho M. C. hold on.
"1 say, old Milky, I know you. I've
got all your books and read ono every
day. I've got 'Hard Cash,' the 'Last
of the Barons,' tbo 'Lay of tho Last
Minstrel,' and all of 'cm."
At this stunning information, Wil
kio Collins put all bis strength into a
frantic endeavor to 'make his escape.
This, howevor, only resulted in the ,
newly made member of Congress
throwing his arms around tbo neck
of tho novelit-t ntid kissing him on tho
end of hi intellectual nose. Tho spoo
taclos disappeared in tbe slrugglo,ond
tho entire force of tho festive throng
was brought to bear to throw poor
"Milky" into tho Commitlco of tbo
Noxt day, on Mr. Thilip proposing
to escort his distinguished guest to
tho Capital that ho might sco the
Senato and House of .Representatives,
Wilkio Collins turnod palo and said,
wilh a shudder:
"No, thank you, rawthcr not."
' ' ''nniilat.BBaTefrw.i, is j
Food That Gives Enpluasce.
Years ago somo philosopher advanced
the opinion that Ireland could not
successfully resist English rule so long
as tho peoplo of the former country
relied on potatoes for a diet, while,
thoso of the latter country havo plen
ty of beef. And now on English pa
per explains why tho French wero
so easily conquered by the Prussians,
on the ground that tho former were
only provided with starchy fure, whilo
tho latter had an abundance of nitro
genous food. It saysi "Tho light
messes of tho French troops' diot havo
not enough stamina in them, and with
but fow exceptions they cut up very
badly as pedestrians in their Into war :
whereas the Germans, on their hard
but nutricious fare of pea ond bean
meal, mado tracks so fast and so well
thnt whonovcr marching on parallel v
lino with tho French they could out
flunk them." It nys tho English
soldiers of tho Crimean war wcro tho
superiors of all others becauso they
wore provided with better rations.
Lesseps found that a bcof-oaling Eng.
lishman could do far moro digging in
tho Sues Canal than a man of any
nativity wore their food wits rico or
othoir starchy food. British sway
will bo easily maintained in India so
long as tho English soldiers oat corned
beef, and tho Hindoos subsist on rioo.
Wo met with this witty and unan.
swerable rotort in tho sketch of a
short trip through a portion of Iroland.
Tho writer in conversing with his
car driver asked him t "Yoo are a
Catbolio, Jimmy f" "Yes, yet honor."
"And yoo pray to tho Virgin Mary f"
"I do, yor honor." "Woll, there is
no doubt she was a good woman t the
Bible says so. But she may have been
no bolter than yonr mother or mine."
"Thnt's trno, yor honor j hnt thoQ
you'll allow thoro's A mighty tliflor
eiico in their children," ...-.,