THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAKFJKLD, I'A. WKDNESDAT MORNINO, MAItCIl, 11, 1874. TUB CHURCH SPIDER. T splderi, to tho itory foal, Upon a living bnt, Entered Che noetinghouie one day, And hopefully were heard to aej, "Hare wo ih.ll have at loaat, fair play, . With nothing to prevent." Booh cboie hit place and went to work f Tito light wobe grew apace One on tho alter ipun hie thread) .' But shortly oama the soxtoa dread, And iwvpt him off, and to half dead, ilo sought another plaoe. "I'll try the pulpit noxt," laid ho, : "Thorn suroly li a prlM i Tho dosk appear! io neat and olean,1 '' I'm lura no ipldor there hi been ( Beildei, how often hare I toen ' 1 Tha pastor brushing flies." 1 He tried the pulpit, but alas I Hie hopae proved ri.ionar? l With dusting brush tho aeuon oama. And spoiled hie goomotrlo gamo, Nor gava hiiu time or ipaoo to oleim '' The right of sanotuary. ' At length, half fUrred, and weak and loan, lie Bought hie former neighbor, Wha now had grown ao ileek and round, Ho weighed a traction of a pound, And lookod ai if the art he'd found Of living without labor. "Bow la it, friend," ha aaked, "that I Endure mob thumpa and knock, , While yon hara grown lo very grow?" 11 'Tie plain," he aniwerod "not a lou I've met, einoo flnl I apan aoroti The euutrlbation box." - A Saddening Disolosure. . Tbo womon's war on the whisky sellers in son thorn Ohio has most per- Sic singly mixed np tlie saloons and tbe rag stores..- Wo have novor accepted the torms saloon and drug stores as synonymous; but perhaps wo Bhall have to after this. It seems to bo about six of one and half a dozen of tho other down there. In all of our accounts from tbe seat of war, we are told how many snloonists and how drumiists signed the pledge. In tho popular idea the druggist is a chap who smells strongly of camphor, chlor ide of hmo, creosote, carbolic acid, and other handkerchief perfumeries, and who is always on hand to soil you twonty-flve cents' worth of strychnine to kill rats with. In southern Ohio, howover, tho torm druggist appears to be a pleasant euphemism lor gin slingcr. ilind you, we do not Bay that the druggist of southern Uhio is a gin slingor; wo merely say that the cflect of tbe dramatic telegrams which reach -us from that ronion is to pioture him to us as such. Nothing would pain us more and we say this calmly and con scientiously than to do or say aught that might in tho tannest aogree in iare, in body, mind or business, tho noble body of apothocaries, who are as puro and self-sacrificing a body of moo as our wicked world can boast, if it is on record that people havo been htiBtlod into earlv eraves through a slip of tbe prescription clork. Still tbo tone of the dispatches from southern Ohio reflects unpleasantly upon that portion of the fraternity residing bore ho other conclusion can bo drawn from thoso breezy telegrams than that the druggists of southern Ohio keep their bank accounts np to a living point by dispensing the gentle cock tail, tbo mirth provoking sling, tbe care-dispolling smusb, and those youth wnowers ana conveyers ol joy and oon tontmont to the domostio boart, the bittors of all brands and makos. AVe do not indulgo in those remarks re proachfully, but more in sorrow than in anger. The Idea that the gentle manly boing who will sell you a dose of bed-bug ex torminator,or ".Railway's Beady Itelief " for your poor mother- in-law, may the very next instant be "nuttintr ud a nreseriDtion" for John Smith that will give him tho "jim- jams" at tbe word go, is depressing and hoart-crushing. We should rather have pegged out the remaindorof our peacoltil career in the blissful convic. tion that druggists of southern Ohio wore attending strictly to tho legtti mate trade and that do persuasive flask of old Bourbon ever left their shelves except for "medicinal pur poses." Now that we know just how the thing has been going on our fuilh in human nature is on its last legs. Cleveland 1 laindealer. A young man in Detroit who was married about sis months ago was re cently finding fault with tbe prices at the market. He said he could not understand how it was, for they used to figure it out as bo sat with his arm round li or waist on Sunday nigbls, and all it would cost them to live was 12.75 a week, and now ho spool 915 and was hungry hall the time, . A drunken Irishman was found by liis friends tho other night lying In tbe snow, with bis boels upon the fence, warming bis toos by moonlight He was muttering :' ' "What a cowld fire ye have got, Biddy, darling ; bave on some carrysaoo or my luts will iraKO." ITi Knows. The editor of tha Ci cinnati Commercial (Radical) remarks "Tbe political fact of the times is thnt the Republican loadors must put Presi dent Cirant in the course of ultimate extinction, or allow their party to be destroyed." It is possible that Cowles, postal route agont on tbo Chicago and Kock Island Hai I road, would never bad an opportunity of stealing $90,000 from the mails had be not boon a brother- in-law of Schuyler Colfax. Rathks a Jokc M. J. AY Lite, on of the proprietors of the Heaver Star, went off on a bridal lour last weok, whorcupon his partner put the papor in mounring, and wrote an editorial ooaaod "roor IsonodictI" A nowspapor paragraph savs tha A Chicago girl complains to the polioe that she has been robbed of 224 cold rings. hereupon a paragraphia! ub orves that, probably, at least 200 oi mora wore engsgoraonl rings. Von somo man seh laps me on i shoulder, nnd say, "I vns glad to h you vns so veil," und don sthick po fiindt my pack his fingor to his nose a naio my opinion ot aol tenor. The town of Huntingdon is in its eontennial year, having been laid out in 1774, and the Monitor suggests that u co appropriately celebrated by tbe uiueen. A westorn journal odors tbii duocmonti "All subscribers pa in ing in auvanoo will be entitled to a first- class obituary notice in case oi doalh," One of our fashionablo dressmak er s signs spells the adjoctive, "fashin ablo." Noah Webator don't i but No b was an old fashioned man. SHAW 1IOUSK, (Cor. or Market A Front stnols,) CLBAItFIKLI), I'A. m j i i v.. i.. .k.. .,... r Dili A uv unuvraiff ......... ....... n Hotel, would roaneetfullj .ollolt nubile patronage. ootrrs . MtwroN hhaw. T EONABD HOUSB, Oppoilta Kallroad input, f . l,i a u a I 1.1 I. II . P A. Ploeianlly lueated and a drit-elaii hotel In all rupooM. Uraakfaat lur paieiigere loaritig on morning train. , , VYJi. B. ilKADLKY, , June 11, 1873. rroprwMir. WASHINGTON IIOUSK, KKW WASlllNUTON, PA. Thli and woll furnlihed house has boon taken by the undersigned. Ho foeli oonndent of being able to render latlifaotlon to tboio who may favor him with a oall. Mays, 1873. 0. W. DAViB, rrop r. MONTOUR 1IOUBE, . Uppollie me uouri iiuueo, LOOK II AVBN, PK.NN'A. JoH'Jl , IUVSEAL 4 KROM, Prop'i. JKOtkUKIIDl K HOUSE, B. JOHNSTON A SONS, octJS'Tl Proprietor! oyd nousB, - ., I Mnln Htrcot, PHILIPSUURO, PENN'A. Table alwayt lunnlted with the belt the market anorui, xua vavotiug puuuo i. uivueu tunmu OOVl, 79. HUUMII ijUlll. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Second and Market Stroetl, . (LBAHHI1.I), PA. THIS old ud oommodloul Hotel haa. during tho pait year, bees enlarged to double lu former eapaalty for tho entertainment of straa geri and gueite. Tha whole building haa beoa refurnlihed, and tha proprietor will iparo no palni to render hll guests esmfortabia while laying with htm. M-Ihe 'Mnnaion liouio ' umninna rnni to and from tha Depot on tha arrival and departnra of aaeh train. JUI1CI vuuuii&rvii, , aprll-70 tf - Proprietor. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market St., bet. Second and Third,) l.,r.sinrir.i,i, Tbe lubiariber having bcooma proprietor of tbii hotel, would roipootluiiy ailt a liberal inare ol puMte patronage. apUT79 UKUIIUK l.KU'ULDT, CJUSQUEIIANNA nOUSE, O CURWENSVILLK, ClearBeld oounty, Penn a. ' old and woll eitahlilhed Hotel, beautifully lituatd on the bankl of the Huiqucbanna, In tha borough of Carweniville, hai boon leaiod for a term of yaari by tha andonignod. It hai bean entirely retitted, and li now opon to tho public generally and tna traveling community in par ticular. No palne will be ipared to render gueeta ooufnrtable wbilo tarrying at this houia. Ample Stabling room for tha accommodation of teama. Chargee moderate. Sept. IS, 1870-tf. " ELI BLOOM. gra oodj, (GTorrritj, tt. WAV. GRAHAM, ' ! DEALER IN ' GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQURE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Hai juat opened, at tha KEYSTONE BT0RE, a oompiote itock ot t II a O O D 8, : of arary description. DBY GOODS, 1 GROCERIES, UARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, rf-c., rf-c. IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR, MEAT, . - SALT, ' - RYE, OATS, COIIN ALWAYS ON IIAXD AND FOB SALE AT A SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR Reaelvad by tha car load, and told at a amall advance. ..... A lupply of ROPE oonitantly on hand. Special induoementa offered to tboio getting out Square Timber and Logi, n wa deal largely in Lumbcrmen'i Suppllei, and ara pra parcd at all timei to purohaia tim ber and lumber. ED. W GRAHAM, "KEYSTONE STORE," Second Street, CLEARFIELD, FA. Oct. , 1871. I1UEY A tlin 1ST, euoeciiori to KRYDERAC0. no TIIORB INTEUKSTKD IN THE PUR. L CUA8K OF A STRICTLY PURE RYE WHISKY, Foi McHlioinal Purpooi w offer Itailey'ft Puro ltye9 Price 12 to 8 per xntloo. nd will iblp in pack g to iuu parcbuun. We alio handle lnrgdy ft COPPER DISTILLED WHISKY Trice from $!.80 to $1.75. We Imtort FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN And tra also uanafoturer of DR. BTUiVKR'S TONIC HERB BITTERS. Bend for price Hit. 1IUKY & CHRIST, ju.:t-74 1 21 North Third St., Philadelphia. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST AHRIVA AND 0V COUIISB THE CnEAFfiSTJ A Proclamation against High Prices: 1ITK are n4w opeolni np a lot ef tho beet and TT moit tcaikinftlile Uoode and Ware erer o0red in thii market, and at pricfte that remind one of the grwd old of eboap thinxii. Tbo who lark faith upon thii polut, or deem or alia gallons lupeniuuut, need out CfX .ir OVR BTOHE, Corner Front and Market atreelj, Where thrr oan ie, feel, btar and know for them1 lelvee. To hilly wndnritanu wnat araeneap gnodi tbii mult ba dona. Wa do not doom it neoa.Hr; to enumerate and itemlaa aur itock. It ll anoug for ui lo itata tnat ' We have Erorvthing that is Needed and aonanmM In tbii market, and at prloaa that aeioai.n eota via aaa yonng. . aeo2U JUHKl'U 8IIAW A BON Tv" IIAI.K. The undersigned oflVri for X lale a ralaabla town nmperty In tha borough ui binarneia. 1.01 EH1IIKO loot, witn a good twi iwrj piana aonia wereon areetad, wtta mi roome down atairi and four bpd room, up itai Alio, arwlnr room and hath room on aooond noor. liouea Inl.kad anmplete frma oollar to atUev uoou aouuie poran arn good water, fnoe ,a eonaoia anaj payment. a..r. JOaugVJ WM. M. ModUtl.OUOn. Ion PHIHTIJiO OV EVERY DE8CRIF ' (ton neatly axaewtad at thii affioa. Jli'M Soo&$, (fixwUt, 5tf. It Bad ihisi. . -; -r ' LOUR & FEED DEPOT I Tha attention of tha eltlienrnf Clearfield and lelnlty li directed to the fact that Uoodfcllow A Sim ara tha airenly of M. Nlooo A Co.. end have Juit recelred a half doien car load! of Flour and Feed, which they onor at tna loweii pomuio ng urai. A large Hook of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOr, BUCKWHEAT FtOUIl, BKAS, "j i Potatou, Sholled Corn, Corn In aar, Ac, Ac Partloular attention li called to M. Nloca A Oo.'i brand of Family Flour, which ll tha bolt In tha market. Tlour and Feed nan and will ba lold cheaper than It can be obtained aliewhora in Cloartleid eountv. Jt-er-Ktore on Market itroot, ncit door to lion. Alexander Irvin I roei.ienea. OOUUFKLI.OW A SOW, ' JanlOtf AgentiforM.NleoaACo, H. F. BIGLER 4 CO.'S -SPECIALTIES- BUILDERS' HARDWARE, MECHANICS' UARDWARE, LUMBERMEN'S HARDWARE, FARMINd UTENSILS, MILL BUPfLIES, IRON KAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTERS' FINDINGS, CALCINED PLASTER May K, 1873. A. & W. D. IRVIN, 011NER STORE, gUEWENSTHLE, FA., RECEIVE FLOUR AND SALT BY CAR LOAD, ' And Boll at small advance hope BY TUB COIL, ' AND TACKAGE GOODS FOR LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES SOLD CHEAP. Auguit 13, 187S M:7S K ItATZEK A LYTLE, . MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD. PA. . .'" Dealer! la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, Hardware and Queenbware, Boota, Slioos, flats, Caps, &c. Shoamakari inppliil with LEATHER and 6I10K FINDINGS at radnaad rata a, SALT I SALT I SALT I at wholaiala an retail rarj aheap. PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTER, Ae. A liberal diieonnt la billdera. RODSEIIOLD GOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW SUADES, OIL CLOTlIS-ln large quntlti.l. FISH, FLOUR, BACON, CORN HEAL and CHOP, alwaji an hand. r All of tha abora gooda ara pnrehaied exoluilrel for eaih, and taer.fore eaa and "ill ba lold aj eheap at tha ehi.peit. flMJ-73 SAWS 1 8AWS1 SAW8 DISTAN'B CROSS-CUT, MILL, DRAO AND CIRCULAR SAWS. ' Boynton'B Lightning CroBS-cut Saw, ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For aala by oellJ.70 II. F. RIOLER A CO. mil LUMBER MEN I TV PERFECTION IN CANTHOOKS Tha ClaarOoU Eimliler Oanthook wilt wear snt ar break, baiag amiUuetad with aolid band from ellp to point It If pronounced by all practical lumbermen wha ban eianlaed It lo b tha molt perfea! Caataaak eref Inraatod. Amo Kennard, Patentee, CLEARFIELD, FA. J)aT"AU orderi prompllj atl.nded to. nlJT Wo desira to call Uic attention MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Whcro we intend to constantly keep HANOS, ORGANS Our RAVEN & COMPANY'S PIANOS, . " - Wo aro prepared at all times P I 1 . . . I lavorauio icrins us iu pnuuo uu iima ,u.juivm. Our Btock of ORGANS will IYNDER ORGAN, (with Ryndor's Kneo Tremolo nnd downward r. . mT. w... ar ar . varnnij-v a . T M1 n I T .- The SMI ill NEW HAVEN MELODEON . CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides these wo furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. . ; , t We sell on every plan known poruLAK . AND EASY LLASL 1 LAIN. On our easy terms every one amount will tend so much to DC7We shall bo glad to hovo oct23-'72-ly Usrcllaufous. F ECONOMY IS AN OBJECT, BUY YOUR - , CLOTH I N O, Furnisliing Goods, (to., AT D. STEWART & SON'S CLOTHING STORE. . They koop a full lino of Men's, Youths' & Boys' Clothing. Also, Umbrollas, Hatchells, Overalls, llats, Slnrta, Undornliirts, ana ' ' . . Drawer, ic, Which aj will aall at moat reaionahle prlcaa, Call and euro me tnelr (ooai neiore purcuannf alHwhera. Hooa la Man.loa Building. Clearleld, Pa., October 8, 1873. OOK AND READ! SADDLE & II VH ESS M1KOG! JOHN C. HARWICK, ; Market St., CLEARFIELD, Ta., Ii Ihe man to go to If yon want a eat of new HAltNKSS or a new bauuub, or anftning aur in th.t line. He tnrni out M coud work al U dona in any ihop In 1'ennijlrania, and hu price! are very rraponatiie. Conitanlly on nana a lull una oi TROTTING GOODS, inch ai Troltlna- S'lilk-. Querler and Hhln Hood, Trotting Holleri, Whip., Fin. Hra.hei and 1'omhe, lo. A fine Mturttamt of Neti, Cor.ra, Knaa Ulankeu, Buffalo Hohei, Ae., Ao., kept in eaion, In laet anyming mat norwmen aiaua m need of ii elwayi on band. All of which will no lold at wnoietaia orreian at tha rery faire.t ralel. kemiirina nroMutlr attended to. All work guaranteed. 8bon ia room formerly ooaupled al I'OII UIDCa. Hrii , KEMOYAIi. J "17 RANK SHORT, of tho "Short nM UI Ck.. - .1... nnllfl that Via ! M mi.vaiit tmm llrnhmiu'l RilW. OB Mrltt tf, to oil door to tbo Allvgbtny Jlottl.oo lUrkot itroet, wbirt M n prproa 10 i3 mu wnn BOOTS AND S IIO ICS, tltobed, aewed ar pggd, wllh the belt ilock tho .altera market afforila and at a. raaeonabl prion aa tney can na nougni ior eimwum, mvi h i. .Mittmi til an ni. tira ou.ioiu AM i n. .n ... nnu a. m T f.ror him with ' vail. Tnanalul for pail laron, ne woma rv neciia it oiiciiaoonimuaooo ui umii n-gv 1 F. BHORT. Clearleld, October 11, 18TS.-m "THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! H annfactnrad aipeahtlly fat THE CLEARFIELD TRADE, roa tALi ir'T II. F. IOLKR A CO. F Oil BALE! A l.raa and well-tlnlihed DrMt Dwelling, iltn at. on ih. river bank. In the borou.h of Cloar told, oontainlng eleren room., with good cellar, wntnr in the kilohon, and all the nioitorn conTO nlenoM. Panlrie.. Ualh-room. Clo'.haanraaiea, Ac Lot lixty feet front and two hondred and thirty foot hack, wllha twenty foot alley ao the eaat Ida. Bald building, wlia all tna ippurienancoi, will be lold cheap, with payment! to mil pnrona. er. Annlicatlon on ha mada to tho under. .Igned, or to A. C. Tata, Eq., who will gir. all neoaiiary tnmnnation to inoia wnoaeiira 10 m ipoet the property. TnOS.J. McClfLLOUOn. Mnyllit, lA73,tr. Beale's Embrocation, lh ktx rowiLL'O For all dliaaaaa Incident to Roraai, Cattla, and JlHinaa Jia.n, r.i( inn.; .u. aw VI mm Thll Embroeatlon wai .it.nilrely med by tha QoT.rnroent daring tha war. For aala by Hartiwlok A Irwin, ClearAeld R. Irwin, Carweantlla. Ilanial UooaV ana.r. bain.r.nnrg. u, Attention, Lumbermen! "1TB ar now maanlaoturlng onr IMFROVEI) BTERL - HOCK KT UKIVINU CANT HOOKS, luportor to any other In naa. Wa hara alM In atok a large qaanllty of Caathooki .ulta- bla for rafting purpo.oa, anira w. ara irinn -hen for oa.h. AI168 A K. KKMNAKD . Clearleld, Pa., Maroh 11, Wt. . Q.UNSMITIIING. ' Q. wfwOLFE, TRACTICAL GUNSMITII. Rhop on Third .tract, arat Riley'l blaekaaa .1 ht vinvl.l n ti . .Ilk Mwi,vupnnjini,,n, aii luj. -t u .a... I ni... n .. . I. land. Repairing done la a Brat-alan manner and at , . fait prioea, .ui'; MARKET S T R E E T, e l i: a n f 1 1: jj , i e jr of tho citizens of Clearfield " havo opened a ; on hand a full supply of AND MUSICAL stock of PIANOS will consist STE1NVVAY & SONS' PIANOS, HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS, to furnish any of the cheaper makes Aima eT no trmnnl - consist of tho new and popular aM.uii;axn ukuapi iU. a MASON & lo the trade, either CHEAP FOR can have a nood instrument, MAKli 1IUMU HAITI. you call and see us, whether you desire to purchase or not. . . ' IIYXDER'S MUSIC STORE. UisrfUattfous. QLEARFIELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. TI1R ondrriignad, inooeuon to EFFD A POWKLL, bar pan-hewd the CLKAR KIKLD I'LANIKO MILL, and rofittad it for doing an exten.ive bajiineaa. Ail the machinery will be added necfiiary to make it one of the moit complete eiub iihmraU of tha kind in the Stata. Tney ara now prepared to reeeiro ordari for any work in that line. They will gircipccial attention to all material! for bouaa building. LOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, BRACKETS, jnOlLMiljrU, e. OF ALL STYLES, alwayt on band. WORKED BOARDS, and all article! nacmna- ry fur building, will ha aiehangad fur DRY LI'MIIEH, an that parinna at a dutanea may bring their lumber, aicbange It for, md return homo with tha manufactured artialea. Tha Company will elwayi hara on hand a larga ItocK or dry lumber, ao aa to oa aoia 10 nil an order oa the ibortaat notie. Only tha bait and mott ekillfol hand, will ba employed, aa that tha puulte may rely apon good work. Lumber will ha worked or told aa low aa It eaa be nurcbawd anywhere, and warranted to glra latiifaction. Ai tha hoilneii will ha dona upon tna eaih pnnoiple wa oaa auurd to work tor amall pronu. DRY LUMBER WANTED! KipoeiaJlr out nd-ft-half and two loob. panol ttoB. for wbioo t tiboru pnoo will b puo. Tho bmtoou will bo oondooted nndor tho namo of tho "Clearfield Waning Mill Crf." 0. B, Merrtll will peraanally auperlntand tha Dunnaii. Order! respectfully aollcllod. . 0. R. UERRELL. R. n. TAYLOR. DAVID MfOAI'GHBY. ' VI. Q. 1IR0WN A BRO. Clearleld, Pa., January 1, 1S74. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATIONERY,. Market ft., Clearfield, fat the Poat Offlre.) fllllK andenlgnad baga leara to announce to X tha elti.ani of Clearleld and riolnity, that ha hai Ittad ap a room and hai jut returned from tha aity with a larga amount af reading utter, eeaaiitlng In part or Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, ' ni.nkh. Account and P. 11 Book! of erer. da orlptlon 1 Paper and Knrelopei, French prened and plain I Peni and Pancili I Blank, Legal rperi, uceai, Mortgage! : juogineni, nxemp' Hon and Pramliiory note! 1 White and l'aroh; man! Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, and Bill Bap, Sheet, Nolle for either Plana, Flute or Violin aonitantle on hud. Any hooka or itationen deilred that I may not hare en hand, will be er. ordered by Snt aipr.ii, and lold at wholesale or retail to in it euitomeri. I will alio keep periodical literature, inch aa Magailnes, New.. paper i, a c. r. . ui.arn.ia mayr, innn.i MOSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER xx OSCEOLA BTEAht MILLS, iwiiricTcnti LUMBER, LATII, AND TICKETS Sawed & Talent Bibbed Shingles. n. n. BHILLINOFORD, Praildent, Offlea Forait Place, No. 196 8. 4th it., Phil'a. JOHN LAWBIIR, General Sup't, Osoeola Villi, Clearleld county, Pa. Alio TOWN LOTS for lale la the borough ef Oioeola. Keep aha LARUE8T ASSORTMENT of Ueodi in Clearleld oounty at their Mammoth Btore In oioeola. . janane Lime lor Salel THE ondrilfrd, midinjt nw tho dopot hu Bado oompleto ftrranffemonU with lilno Burner oot of Uio roounUlo, whorobr ho Ii ooo- kltd tokerp oonitutlj om hud a lorgo qnaatitj ot PURE L I M E I which he odera te firmer, and hwlldara at trila above aeet. Thoee ia aeed of the artiole would do well te give me a oall, or addreee me tiy katter, bo fare negotiating tnelr lime. UEO. 0. PABBMORI, Clearleld, IV, June t, IMt. TpAUOAINS in musical in- A.3 RTRI'MENTflt Organi, bith new and Moond hand, at the Muale Blare, op joille llulieh'i Furniture Store. All penoni Intereeted ara tort ted to call and efamlne a new ilylr of Orgnn now on eihibition. Hhaet Muale, and Muaic Bnoka eoniuoiiy oa nana. , , fu-T2u : " county to the fact that ; we ' ' . . ' . , ' , MERCHANDISE. of ; ": ' - ' of Pianos to order on tho most " ' ' Octave Coupler,) rfV I 1 kin uhuaivs, HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the CASH, ON NOTES, or on the and no other investment of like County National Bank, : OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM in Maaonic Building, one door north of C. I. WaMnn'a Drug Hlum. l'.ainge Ticketi to and from Lirarpool, Qnaeni. town, tila.gow, London, Paril and Copenhagen. Alio, Draft! for tale on the Rqyal Rank of Ireland and irnporial Hank ol London. JAMr.B I. A-bUAAHU, rrei t. W. M. SnAW, Caabiar. tl:l:M J. D. H'Olrk. Edward Perk a. BANHNQ & COLLECTION HOUSE r OF McGIRK & PERKS. ' Buooeiiorl to Foitor, Perki. A Co., ' Plilllitibnrr. Centre Comity, Pa. "ITTllKKK !I tbe buniDtiai of o Bank ing Honm f f will u umnMMnva prompu ua upB mi - DREXEL & CO., Ko. 31 8011th Third Street, Philadelphia BJ.VKERS, And Dealers in Government Securities Af plication by mail will raceire prompt atten tion, and all information ohaerfully furnished, vruer. .oiicicu. .urn 11-.1. TU1 E LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF STOVES ! STOVES aver brought to the county, are being rccelrpd at tha Hardware Kitanilanmentor it. r. IIK.I.I.H dk CO., eompriiiog the followiog Cook btovea SrKAR'S CALORIFIC. ' SUSyUKHANNA, REOULATOU. NOBLE. EXCELSIOR, TRiuarn. GOV. TENN. READING NATIONAL SANG E, AC. AC. Alio, tha following Heating 8toreit SPEAR'S ANTI CLINKER, STEAK'S ANTI DUST, BrEAR'S ORBICULAR, J Sr EAR'S PARLOR COOK, MORNINO LIGUT, BON TON, - " . GIP6EY, VCLCAN, -SUNBEAM, '. , RU3Y DAUPUINEGG, CHESTER EGG, . VOLCANO, mOENIX, HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORK BOOM STOVES, AC. , Clearleld, BrpU U71. rpo THE ' JL F 11 0 N T! CHEAT EXCITEMENT at Tns - CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON I Tbi onirl((nwl hiring juit flttod np now, Urn nnd eomftu-ubl rtioini on Morket itrort near Third, rffpprtfiitl Inform tho puhlio that bo wow dratvarro to ooommodolo tbom Wit rorrtbinpt in hit lino oa -hort ontiooaad oioil houn 01 tho dy. iio koepi oa bond ERESB DREAD, . , - HUSKS, ROLLS. PIRfl, CAEK9. all klodi. ICE CREAM, and a general )aaiortment of CO N FECTION K It I KS, FRUITS, NUTS, Ae. AH of which willbedcllrered to cuatomen at their reifdencci, when reqnaeted te do ao. ICR CRKAlf, hy the ilUh, eonred In a neatly fur nlahed room. Thankful for tka genenrai patronage he. towed the pact, ba kopoa to merit and reoalre a oon tlnaenoa of the fame from bit old enito men, and othrre. , , ; JOnN STADLER. Jon. ' Ielvery Stable. THB andarilgnad boci loan to Inform the pub lic h.t he ii aow fully prepared to erootnmo. date all In the way of funtthing Horiei, Bugglea. Baddlee and Harneii. en the iherteit notice and on reaannable termi. Raaldenoe on Loouitetroetj netweaa Third and Fourth. UKO. W. Q EARS ART. Hearleld, Feb. 4, 1HT4. TJINK, WniTB A ROAR LININd SKINJ- A i a.i reeeirea an iot .ai. oy . AarUM. 187A, Al. F. SIULRR A CO. garflu'nr, Urnm, tit. SAtKETT & SCHRYVEB, 1 : DiaaaM ia HARDWARE, and manufacturer! of In.Coppcr & Sheet Iron Ware, Second Street, " CLEARFIELD, PA. ; Il.rlnr larealy tncraaied our atook of Hard ware, wa Inrito the puhlio to ezamina our itock and pricei. . :, Oerpenteri and penoni who enntemplate build ing will d' well to examine our TOOLS ft BUILDLIirO HAEEWAKE, hleh li new and ef tha bait manufacture, and ill ba lold low for eaih. ... nails, . ' , UI. ASS, rUTTY. GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, ; HINGES, SCREWS All kinde of Bench Plane!, fl.wi, Chlieli, Squarea, iiammeri, llatcheta, Plumbi and lvela, Mortiied A Thumb Quagai, Berela, , Bracel A BitU, Wend and Iron , Jicnoh ficrewl, and the bent Boring Machloa in tha market. Double and Single Eitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, Ae. ' Agents for BurntU's Iron Corn Shelter, warranted. Alio, agenta for Rlchardi GOTHIC tXlIE TOPS, which effectually euro Smoky Fluoe. Farmera ImplemenU and Oardan Toole ef erery dvaoriptioiu A large Tatiet of ' t COOK STOVES, which we warrant to glre utlifaction. Portable Ranfta and BHtrnatea. );,Roofing, Sponting and Job Work done 01 rna.uo.ble tormi. All orden will rocei.a prompt attention. . . dune 11, WIS. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, ' (Sncceiton te Boynton A Young,) 'OUNDERS & MACHINISTS Mansfacturera of PORTABLE ft STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Comer of Fourth and Fine Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. n A VINO ngaged in the manufacture ef Int eleu M ACUINKRT, we reipectfully Inform the nubile that we are now prepared to fill all orden al cheaply and ae promptly ai eaa be done in any of the eitiei. We manufacture and deal in Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blacki, Water Wheal, Shafting Pulley, Gilford '1 Injeotor, Steam Gauge, Steam Whlitloa, Oilara, Tallow Cupi, Oil Cupa, Cocki, Air Cock, tilobe Valrci, Check Valrea, wrought lroa Pipe, Steam Pnmpi, Boiler Feed Pump, Aoti Friction Metre, Soap Stone Packing, Qum Pack ing, and all ktndi of MILL WORE ; together with Plowi, Blod Sale, COOK AND riTtLOR STOVES, and other CASTIKQS of all kind, . raj-Ord.n aoliclted and filled at any prloe All latter! of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly aniwered, by ad dree ing ui at Clearfield, Pa. JenlTI-tf BIQLF.R, YOUKO t RKEo. TERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, ' UAKGIG VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, - ' kept oonotantly oa. hand. - STOVE AD EARTHED -WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 1 CUObKS! TOTSi CROCKSI Pl.her'a Patent Alrtlg-ht Relf - Beallrif Km It I anal ' BHTTKR CROCKS, with lid., CREAM CHIT KM, MI1.K CROCKS, API l.R - HFTTKR t IIDOai, l'ICKLB CROCKS. FLOWER POTS, PIK DISiIER, ISTKW POTS, And a great many other thing, too rjumeroui to mentton, to be bad al FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WAKE POTTERY, Corner ol Cherry and Third Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. augS FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE BY It. F. Blglcr A Co. IROS DOUBLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD DOUBLK-SIIOVEL PLOWS. WOOD SINGLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS. ' WOOD CULTIVATORS. OOWANDA A IROJf BEAM PLOWS. PITTSBURG STEEL PLOWS. "HAUPT'S BELLEFONTB PLOWS. ROBESON'S aad THOMPSON'S PLOWS. Mr-Share for all el tbe abore Plewa eon itaotiy en hand. myag-TS II T. BIULEIt & CO. . hare for lale CARRIAGE & Wkm MOODS, SHAFTS ANDrOtEB, HUBS, SPOK ES, FELLOES, &o, i''I -t .t ilekl-UM m.mA We.-. l.t.u A.a.tJ - . weaw "n"" nawaallTal HUTJICI WelllelaS not of ihit ud Mil ud iiwlBi Ihoa. Tho :..-;..i.iie.ii.J jit ... AeaeBaawaawwawawaBaaaaiaejaaaaMnajaeMBaak Dr. J. Walker's Culiloniiu Vln- rgnr Bitters nro a puroly Vcsctablo picpnratlon, raado chiefly from the na tivo limbs fouud on the lower rnnget of the Sioira Novada mountains of Califor nia, tlio niodicinul tiropcrtics of which aro extrooliid therefrom without tho uso of Alcohol. Tho nuestiou Is alruost dally asltcd, "What is tho cnuee of tbo unpanillulcd success of Vi.veoau Bit ters tn Our answer Is, that they romova tbo causo of (liscaso, and tbo paticut re covers bis health. They nro tho great -blood pnrifler nnd a life-giving principle,; n, perfect Heuovntor nntl Invigorator' of tho system Never beforo in the) hiitory of the world hu A medicine beerr ooninouuilcd puueing tlio roiiinrkalils' qualitio of VlXKoas Uimas in healing tha Kick of every di urate man ii heir to. They ere a g'utlo FurpatiTO aa woll u a Tonic, relieving Conpcstum or Inflammation of tlio Liver and Visceral Organs In UiliotU' Disrates The propcrtlfs of Drt. Walker's" ViVROAR Hitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutrition, Laxatiro. biurctio. Sedative, Counter. Irritant Budorilic, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. Grateful Thonsnnds proclaim Vn egar Hitters the most wonderful In viprratit that ever snttained tn- sinking syitem. 1 No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bancs ore not de stroyed by mineral poison or other moans, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. ISilious. Remittent and Inter mittent I evers, which are so preva lent In the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, lted, Colorado, Vrazoa, Uio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, lto nnoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country diirin? the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, ara invariably accompanied by extensive do rangemonu of tho stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. Iu their treatment, a purgative, exerting a potv-. erful inUucnce ukii theso various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily rcniovo the dark colored viscid matter with which tha bonds are loaded, at tbo samo time stimulating the secretions of the liver,' nnd generally restoring tho healtby functions o!4ho digestivo organs. Fortify tho body against diseaso by purifying all Its lluidsvrith Vinegar BiiTHits. No epidemic can take bold of a system thus fore-nrmed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Tread-1 nchc, Pain in tlio Shoulders, Coughs,' Tightness of tho Chest, Dizriness, Sour, Eructations of tho Stomach, Had Tnsto IU tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpira-t tation of the Heart, Inflammation of the) Lungs, l'ain in the region of the Kid) iieys, nnd a hundred other painful symp toms, nro the olfepringa of Dyspepsia One bottlowill prove a better guaruntco of its merits than a lengthy advertise- ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, WUito Swelling, Ulcere, Eryiipeiaa, Swelled Kock, Goitre, bcrofuloua Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affection, Old Soma, Eruptions of tho Skin, Here Eyeo, ttn In these, as in all other constitutional Ilia.' eases, Walk BR a Vinsoar Uittkss have shown tbeir first curativo potrcra in tho Uirat olutiuAte and intmcUblo case. . For Inflammatory and Chronic Ithenniatisin, Gout, miious, Kcmit' tout and Intermittent Povers, Diseases of tbe IUihkI, Liver, Kidneys and Il'.aJdor these Hitters liare no equal. Such Diseases re causcil by Vitiated lllood. Met hanical Diseases. Persons cn fnged ia Paints and Minerals, such as lumbers, Type-setters, Guld-ueattrs, and Miners, aa they advance in life, ere subjeet to paralyti of the iluwcli. To guard apainst thia. take dose of Walku's Xix Esai IIittfr occasionally. ForSkin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Kheum, Hlotches, Spots, Timplei, Pustules, lioils, Carhnncles, ltinf-wormi, ScaJd-liewl, Sure Kyoa, Krysiwls, Itch, 6curts, Discoloration, of tbe Skin, Iinmors and Disease of the Skin of whatever name 01 nature, are literally dog tip aud carried ont of the system in s short time by the use of these Bitten. Piu, Tape, nnd other Wormg, lurking in the system of so many thousands, aro cUucttmlly destroyed end removed, ilo vstcm of niedirino, 110 venniingea, no an theuninitlce will tree the system from worms like these Bitten. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or siiijiio, at the dawn of wo manhood, or tho turn of life, these Tonio Bitters disnlav so decided an influence ihAl improvement it soon perceptible. ' Cleanse the itiated Mood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Bores: cleanse it when yon find it obstructed nnd sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul , your feelings will tell vou when. Keep the blood putt, and the health of tbe system will follow. . u. h. Mcdonald co., PnunrlMi and Ore. A utt . Snn r'Tnneiepn, Cnliforale. end (r. vf Woihuigruin nnd rbarllon St... K. V. old mm all UrasalaU wad Daaleis. ),.lnlu,r 11. jy E A C E I N EUROPE! OREAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHVILLEI Th blood T oonOitt Wwnon Pmnfle tntl raiptft If at an OQil fi t)t prtfnt, Mt fkr m the Ittiffl. terion of men and th ditrolii of property Is OODMrneri. Th Roral Jujcgten no doubt prltW ihrmsclrei nd rtjotoj over ll result, bnt how InilftnifloMit li tWr work when eompftred vltW the boiune and ebrlntian effort! of L. M. COUDRIET,. who hM indertaken to mpply all the oititeni hi' the lower end of the oonoty with food and raiqtent at exrwdinjr low rati from bi mammoth it tire la Ml LSOMtl Kt,, where be fan alwtje b foand ready to wait upon eallert and tnpply the to with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Sack as Clothi, Batinatti, Caiilmeraa, Maitlns, Delainei, Linen, lirillingi, Calieoaa, Trimming., Ribbon., Lace, Rearljr-inaila Clothln(, llnots aud Bhofi, Ilati ni Cap. all uf the beat malarial and mad. In ardrr Hum, Berks, UIotm, Millca., Lacai, Rlhboni, A. QR0CRRIR3 OP ALL KIN" 1)8. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rlre, Molasses, Fi.h, SsH, I'orb, Llneawl Oil, Viik Oil, Carbon Oil. n.rdwara, Queeniware, Tinware, Ca.tlnK., PI Mrs and lMnw r.illnfi, Naill, Spikaa, Cora CultlT, tors, Cider l'raii.i, aad all kind! of Ates. Perfumer;, I'ainU, Varnlfh, Olasa, and a general aiMrtwcnt ef Stationery, GOOD FLOUR. Of different brand., alwayi on h.nd, aad will to lold at tha loweit possible flguros. HQUOTtfl, snrh aa Rramlr. Wine, Oln, Whlihy, Jarna's Medicines, linittters and Uooflana's Rittera. 600 feunda of Wool wanted for which tie higho.t prioa will ha paid. Clurerimd en hand and for lata at the lowest market prloe. Alao, Agent for StrattonTllla aad Curwensrllta Threshing Maehinea. ,rl and aee for joimelrrs. Tna Will In everything usually kept in a retail line. ' L. M. COUDRIET. Frenrhrllle t. 0., Mareh I, Ml. JimTK kh'" co SST a B L I viv.n WS hara printed a larira nnmbar of the new rBH RILL, aad will aa the remit ef sweatr In eaau, auil a eenf t aav addxaas, , Bl3M