"B THE -REPUBLICAN. y CLEAHKIKLD, l'A." i . fBDNESDAT MOKNINO, MARCll,4, 184. - Terms of Subscription. If paid in edrusoo.or within three nwniht If pals after three aad before ell month..,., I 60 If paid (tar tie .xplretioB of six month. ... I 00 BELHlIOUS NOTICES. i ' Mathndlet Episcopal CUurch K.r. A. D. Yuen, PmIois-i-PuWio Scrvlof every Bsbbsth at li A. M., and 7 P. M. ; rlabbeth School at S A. M. Prayer Meeting every Thursday, ht 7 ) ?. M. Communion Service, trst Babbetb of srery anonth, st Mr A. M. - Ht. Andrew't Cliurch Uivliconal nT. -Snonan ILtu. -Publlo Sorvloo Hundsy morning t 10 o'clock, snd tlJ P. M Sunday School at I V. M Prayer Mooting Weduesday evening si f s'elook. Presbvtorlun Churrh Rot. II. 8. II oti.uk. Sabbath service morning and evening flab beth School st S P.M. Prayer Moollug Wednes dT evening. Ht. Frauds' Churetl--Cathollc- Rev. P. J. suramin. Man t lot o'clock A. M., on the eoond sod fourth Sundays of esoh month. Lutheran Church. Hot. A. J. IUrthooic Eabbath Souool at 0 a. m. Pray or meeting evcrjr Wednesday evening. - n - - - - - i-'- - - ", Frightful Accident. We inci- xientally learn that a man, named Crowthor, was Instantly cot to two by s law in tlie mill of Woll. 'A Helms, at Oaoeola, yesterday rooming. ' m . mm ' A 8a Kat. Tha Tioga Record ay. that Marry Ward, of Towanda, who ha. keen St the Surgical Initltute of Elmlra, fur aotne tine p.at, iu taken to the t'LIes Imana Asylum, s Aw day. .inco. , ' ! The "bliud" musicni concert given In the court room, on the 25lh alt., wai well and ably supported by the lueal talent, otherwiea It wai s total failure, except to him who "couldn't we It," t ' Protracted meetings Imvo boen in jirogrc.. in the Metbodi.t and Pn.bytorian churches la tbii pluoe, during the pait week or (woj alio, In the West Clearfield M. E. oburcb, where quite a number of persona bars been ooa orerted. ' Removed. Mr. E. V. Graham has removed from the Keyatone building, on Second street, to the room lately occupied by F. O. Miller, and formerly by James B. Graham A Soaa, on Market atreet, immediately weat o f the Clearfield County Bank. mm m Opera House March 19th and 30th. On these eveninga the people of Clearfield will hare an opportunity of feeing and bearing tha Sil.by Minstrel Troupe, of Huntingdon. Tlcke. be p rooured at A. I. Suiw'e Drug . Btore. A DamnableOutraue. Some cow- srdly aooundrcl entered tbo orchard of Mr. J. E. E alter near Curllsvllle, Clarion oounty, and peeled about forty of bia ehoioeat trees. A re ward of tU0O ia offered for the arreat and oonvlo tlon of tho villein. Clearfield is nothing if not original. The Preabyterlan ohurch there baa had a corona of gas jets pot up ainoe the town baa built gaa work., sod we aro duly luformed that thi. corona was deaigned by an ex-Governor and baa been named the "Clearfield Corona," by the manufac turer. Pkilipabmrg Journal. Well, what are you going to do about It t The Willinmsport Bulletin says: "Rev. Dr. Reily haa tendered fala rcaignation aa pa.tor of the Pine atreet M. E. church, and goea to the Baltimore Conference. The roverend gen tleman haa mads many friends In Willlnmsport, who will learn with regret thia sction." Suowkiis' Ghockby. The attention . of our eltiaena la direcfed to the sdrertUeueut of . Mr. Joacpk 8. Shower., who advertise, a full line -of choice and treeh Orooeriea In to day'a paper. Jos keepa a full stock, and a better fellow to deal with eannot be fonod anywhere. The Globe. This is the title of a monthly periodical, devoted to niuaio, drama, literature and art, which de.ervea the patronage f the public. Subeoriptione, $1.60 per annum, or 16 eenta a number. Chaa. A. Atkinaon A Co., proprietor., J Liberty street, New York. Agent, wanted in every town. A Doa Law. A Dog-Sheep Rogio 'try bill is now pending in our Legislature, whicb compels the owner of every dog to have It regis tered, numbered and tninately described, with a collar around the dog's neck and the owner's name thereon, aud taxed one dollar. We will lay the bill before our readera next week.. Attention, Farmers '. Mr. Riobol, Chairman of the Executive Committee of too Clearfield Agricultural Society, givea notice that s meeting of the Society will be held in the eourt room on Monday evening, March 16th, (court week) for the purpose of electing officera of the 6oeiety, fe'r the ensuing yoar. Let all atUnd. Dickinson Seminary Rov.Edward J. Gray, of Baltimore, has been unanimously sleeted Principal of the William. port Dickinson clemlnary. Mr. Gray hi the eon-in-law of Joaiah Emery, Esq., of Willlauieport, and both be and bis wife are graduates of the Institution! At preacat be la paator of Grace Chapel, Baltimore, lie la a native of Half Moon, Centre county .fan. The Funxsutawney ispirit says : "P. W. Jenka, Esq., left Iwl Thurtday for New York, bis business being the completion of sr rsngeuonte for theesriy construction of the Ms honing sod Susquehanns Railroad." If Mr. Jenka auooeede In getting that road built within the next three yeara, tha eitlieaa of Puns etc., abould vote hiu a handsome pension. A Mark or Kkbpect. Owing to the fast that Ws. Camarun, Esq., presented Lewia- bnrg with a $10,0110 gtcstn Fire Engine, the olil sens, st ths recent election, eleoted him Burgass by s unanimous vote. Such generosity deserve, to be rewarded. I.. there anybody in our borough who would like to have s similsr mark of respect . shown them at our next municipal election F If so, ist them do likewise, or only half ("5,000) as well. ".oninva " A TTrarioa Pnra Ana t sisotea is the office of Juatice of the Peace, and a who deaiM-ta obtain a abnimiaaion. must fits In l ana Protkonotary a omoe, withta thirty days after their eleotion, a written notloe of their soceptanee I of the office. Where they are elected to fill s t vacancy, tbey must inform the Protbonotary bow t such vacaaov occurred i whether bv death, remove I -sr otherwise. Attention to fbis will prevent the Asielay and trouble tbat often oeours In lbs issuing f eommlssioni. A Lock Haven Jitt-il i vk. Mendrs, J. i. Svcrett A Co., proprietors of Bleel's Bce- Biva store la Lock Uavcn, by an advertisement is this issue, invites the citiaens of Clearfiold county to f ke Ibeiu s call when ia that eity. This firm is well known to our people, to the raftmen in particular, are honorable dealers, and deserve publle patronage. Those of our readers who happen In Lock Haven will find It to their sdvsatage to sell upon them. Fire. We regret to learn that the Swelling of Louis Couderct, of uirsrd township, was destroyed by firs some ten days ago, togetber with three barrela of dour, fifty kaahels of cata, "Urly beekeli'of buckwheat, and nearly all bia household goods. A Sea; daya previous, the bsrs of Messrs. San derson Covington township, was destroyed, em tailing a loss of near f J00. Wc were nnsbla to lesrs the causa of Ibe firs Is either ease. FiiiLipsncRd Komance. The Jour- sal relates the following lovely affair now on tbe boards in thai town; "A singular case lately earns Wore one of our Justices, snd, the defend nt having baen bound over to appear at court. It ia likely is become quits notorloue. Tbooireutn aUnoea are about th.e ; A young man, enamored ef one of tbe daughters of men. presrntcd her with g"ld watch chain, ADer s time tbe little affair el love same lo an end bsl lbs young lady re uincd the jewelry, and ralusrd to give it up on "Ml- And near the swain is endvevoruig to f M si the presents b; due coqrr o ;aw." Uaitod f'hrisllsu lCflbrt lu tlis Promotion of llibie-Mcuool luatructiou. I. In KsvsesiTV.v-lst. The number of union or undenominational Bible Schools In the northern central oouutles of our Stats is nearly equal to tbat of all the denoulnstlessl schools. Id. Mo religious denomination, ss sueb, feci, roaponalble for tbii largo number of schoos,whieh, at present) art noooasarily undenominational, i' ad. It Is ocrlsia dial mr-tctlal for many Kvsa- gellcal Churches lo be formed In this section sf the Slate, a few years bunco, arc sow maturing in union Bible-Schools. itb. In soures of communities around us there sis hundreds of families snd ttioussnde of precious youth having no other publlo means of obtaiuing religious knowledge exocpt what is furnished them through the agency of the BIble-fichool. 5th. Other facts might be given to show thai all ministers of the ao.pel, Christian people and cltl.ens, desiring the highest good of the rising generation, should use their Influence, aa far as tbey can, to rnoourage snd strengthen this large number of schools for Bible instruction on too Lord's Day. i 0lh. Tbe few laborers, upon whom Is , thrown the chtof responsibility of this work, earnestly desire tbs ss-opcratlcn of alb , . II. OaJki'TS TO is AccoMPl.nnr.ov lit. To establish a Blbls-Sohool in every neighborhood. 2d. To visit Union and Mission Blble SoUools fur their enoouragomcst snd improvement. ' 3d. To circulate cvsngcllosl snd unsootsrlan rellgioua reading i to provide every deatitute fami ly and poraon with a copy of the Sorlpturea either at ooat or without oharge to thoss who cannot buy j to furnish limited donations in books snd papers to Union Biblo-Schools tbat cannot sufficiently provide for tbomsolvss. 4th. To hold occasional Institutes for Ibe bene fit of Bible-School teachers and other Christian workers. III.' PlA oi OrtsaTtoiil. 1st. The work un dertaken by these agesoiee is preserved In sll the departments of their operstions. 2d. The Missionaries of the Amaricsn Sunday- School Union are required to observe this prinoi pie, propagatiog only those essential truths of our holy religion, which arc bold is common by tbe entire Cnrisllan Cbnroh. 3d. Tho affairs of the 'Society arc supervised and dlreoted by s Board of thirty-six Managers, with a President aud other offioore. In scleotiog these care is tsken tbat the evangelical denomina tion aro reprceonted. - IV.. Rxbults. The American Sunday-School Union, now in tbs 501b year of its existence, can show a glorious account of Its stewardship. It haa eitabliehed ovor 60,000 sohoole In "destitute neighborhoods and frontier settlements. It bai gathered Intothese schools over 2,600,000 neg. looted ohildron. It baa aeourod over 400,000 Cbria. tian men and women as teachers. It baa laid the foundatluna upon which hundreds and thousands of Cburehea have been built. Its work kas reached destitute or frontier places, is nearly all the States. It bos done a work that cannot be moasurad lu its results for good. , ... R. CniTTRna, Bellofunte, Pa. A Train I'lunoerer. A corre spondent at Biglcr station, says : On ths 35th ult., on the arrival of the local freight train north, Conductor McFarlaod opened one of tbe cars to get some freight out for this station, wben he discovered a keg of whisky with bung out and whisky runuing over tbe floor of ths car. ' Tbe brakemen then weut Into the ear and soon discov ered a box of aaraaparllla and a barrel of crackers tbat wero broken open, showing plainly that some one bad boon playing the "dead head" to some purpose. Tbey knew the gooda had been all right at Pbilipaburg, consequently the depre dation bad been committed between there and here. Tbey began wondering where be or they bad got in or out of the car, one door of which would nut luck at Pbilipaburg and was not closed tight when tbe other door was opened at Digler. ! Some said perhaps be bad got off tbe train ainoe they had atoppod here. John Fitagerald, a brake man, went on the other aide of the train, and saw where some one bad jumped out of the ear. He tracked bim around behind some board piles, where be eame upon a snaa whom ho took In euitody and brought around tbs train to Ibe de pot. Tbe man waa pretty well dreaaed, of medium aise, and apparently about 22 yeara of age, Wben questioned be acknowledged being in the ear, but denied tampering with tbe gooda and alleged tbat there had been another man In the oar with bim who had dune tha miechief, and who had jumped off the train s mile or so from tbs station. Con ductor McParland telegraphed tbe cireumatanoea to Superintendent Blair, at Tyrone, and took tho man with bim to Clearfield, where, OS arriving, Officer McClellan waa in waiting, baring been telegraphed to by tbs Superintendent. He took charge of tbe young man, who gave his name as Winfleld Scott McOuire, sf Brllefonta. He la now in priscn. After the train left Blgler, a Mr. Williama, who bad been at the station when the train was there, went around behind the pile of boarda wbers the man was found by Fitagerald, and there found seven saraeparilla botiles filled with whisky, evidently put there by McUuiro. There were also found on his person three bottles of whisky and somo erackere. Tue Grand Opening. Those who love to witneaa Nature embellished by the aitiat, and the dramatic performances of tho artiste on the stags, will repair to Pic's Opera iluase on this (Wednesday) evening aud witness tbe dedica tion of this new and spacious Hall, by Jennie Carroll's Selected Compauy, who will appear Ip tbe character of tha "Working Class ; or, the Rich and the Poor," "Eaal Lynne," "New Magdalen," Uncle Tom'a Cabin," etc., all of wbioh will be produced during Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Tbeas performances will be of s nature that even the most refined snd fastidious oannot object to. Besides, th artistic display whioh will bo brought to view upon the stage during ths several sots, will impart a lesson to the mind which will never bs forgotten, and will prove men of a feast than an offense to all who understand and enjoy that whioh is rare and beautiful in srt and nature. Without an occa sional transverse view of our surroundings, It is mpossible for ua to fully underatand tbe designs of our creation bouoo, the church and tbe stage aWeis to act in harmony. Prominent actors lo both sometimes moot with shipwreck, but this ia tbe fault of the individual and not that of the oburob or tbe stage. More, social enjoyment is as eeacntial to our bapplnoas aa breathing la to ani mal life. Thoas who wiah a real fraal, here in the backwooda, where auoh are rare, will of oourse repair to Pie'a Opera Ifouae on thia, to-morrow. Friday and Saturday sveninga. Admlasion, 60 cents ( reserved seats, 76 sents. Tickets to bo bad at tbs Poatofficc and Shaw's Drug store at any time, or at tbe offloa in tbe Opera Houae to tho evening. Democratic Election. It will be observed that the County Committee kas ordered an election ts be held in tbs several boroughs and townships of this county on ths 14th instaot, for the purpose of electing delegates to s County Convention, for the purpoia of amending tbo rales governing Ibe holding of our Primary Else Mons. Tha rules la the time on tbe Saturday previous lo June court, which would ba the laat Saturday In May, while the Cooalitution fixeethe general oleotlon in November. Tbia would really make cur campaign ais months. It was si least six weeks too long before ths change, snd now, II la four weeks longer. Many Democrats from sll sections sf the county bavs called attention to this matter, deeming tbe Has too long, and advising Ibat the primary be held In September hence ths action of tha Conaty Committee In the premises. Wc hope that tbe Democrals in township and borough will send ths required number of delegates, so Ibat the matter may be properly tested and settled. Wa notion by our caohaoges tbat the Republicans as well as tho Democrats are mov ing In this (nailer In other sounties, whioh Is pretty snoelusiveovldenoetbst the movement is not dictated by s "ring," or, If so, tbe "ring" is s very Isrgc one, snd exists in both f srlles, in counties where they arc in tbe majority. A ttvntion, Ladies 1 Tho Now Cas tle (I's.) CWoal ssys, "two men are now ia jail ia that city for dressing in female altirs snd ped dling patent corsets. Tbey practiced their little game In ibat city for about six weeks, and fitted most sf tba belles of New Caslte, st well ss elder ladles, always Insisting Ibal they should tt Ibe article lo the purchaser." , UDUCATIUNAX. , , '. - aisunji rowHMBir. , ., : IJIIHnrhara school, taught by M. R. Ogden Report for Ant month, ending August 6th, 1873 : W bole number in attendanoe, 10 j average attend ance, 13 1 por oant. of attendance, 60 i number studying drawing, 4 arithmetic, 1 1 geography, 4 1 grammar, 1 j visited by Directors. Second month, ending Sept. 4tb, 1873 i Whole number of pupils In altendanoo, 23 ) average attendanoe, 16 1 per cent of attendanoo, 06 number studying drawing, T l arithmetic, S j geography, 6 1 gram mar, 2 j visited by Directors. Third month, end tug Oct. loth, 1H73 1 Wbule number of pupils in attendance, 24 i average attendance, 14 ; percent, of attendance, TO uuuber studying drawing, S ; arithmetic, 10 j geography, 7 1 grammar, 2 1 visited by one Ilirectur. Fourth month, onding Dec. ttth, 1H73 1 Wkolo number rn attendanoe, 26 j average attendanoe, 18 ; por oenl. of attendance, 72 ; num ber etudylug drawing, 13 j arithmetic, 22 geog raphy, 13 i grammar, 4 1 not vi.ited by Directors. Filth munlh, ending January 1 Kb, 11(74 1 Whole number lu allendaucc, 30 t sieratta ullendauoe, it; per cont. of attendunoo, Ho t number eluding uiu aic, 26 drawing, 10 1 arithmetic, 26; geography, 10 ; gratninnr, 8 ; not viaited by Directors. Bald Hill school, taught by J. T. llurUborne. Report for first munth : Whole number in attend ance, 14 f averago attendanoe, 12 ; per cent, of attendanoe, Boj number studying drawiog, 2: arilbiaotlo, . 2; visited; hv D rotors. Second month, ending Sept. 4th, 1873 : Whole number of pupils in attendance, 14 ; average attendance, 13; por cent, of attendanoo, 86; uue viait frum Di rootora. Third luuntb t Whole numbor lu attend anufy 1 2 j average attendance, V ; par cent, of at tendanoe, 76 ; viaited by one Direotor. Fourth month, ending Deo. loth, 1878 : Whuls number in sttendanoe, 13; areruge attendanoe, 10; per oent. of attendance, 00 ; viaited by Dlreeturt. Filth month, ending January 201b, 1874 : Whole number in attendanoe, 10 ; average attendance, 12; por oent. of attendance, 76 j not viaited by Dirotore; vocal music, drawing, geography, and grammar not taught ; roviewa weekly. OHABAU TOWSsniP. Orahampton achool, taught by Mlas Mary A. Waring. Report for first month, ending Nuv. 28th, 1873 1 Whole number in attendance, 42; average attendance, 83 ; per oent. of attendance, 78 ; number studying drawiug, 22; arithmetic, 21 ; geography, 8) grammar, 4. Beoond month, end ing Dec. 20th, 1873 ! Whole number in attend ance, 48 ; average attendance, 30 ; per cent, of at tendance, 86 j , nntubcr studying drawing, 22; arithmetic, 28; geograhy, 12; grammar, 7; not visited by Directors. Third month, ending Jan. 28tb, 1874: Whole number in attendance, 4V ; average attendance, 43 ; per oent. of attendance, 88 ; number studying drawing, 22 ; arithmetic, 2; geography, IS; grammar, 7; all pupils sing, but tbe principles uf inusio are not taught ; tbo teach er, assisted by the pupils, cleared up the play ground, framed the mottoes, decorated tbo scboul room, snd procured waab-basin, towels and mir ror; disadvantagfa scbool-rouin too small, poor desks and blackboard, and no apparatus. Palestine school, taught by Thus. G. Archey. First and aeoond lnontiia not reported. Third month, ending Feb. Otb, 1874 : Whole number in attendanoo, 40; average attendanoe, 41 ; percent, of attendanoe, 82 ; number atudjing arithmetic, 27 ; geography, 10 1 two vialts from Directors: take the Educator and School Journal ; review daily ; disadvantages no outline maps and ap paraiua. Fairview achool, tauuht bv D. E. Bottorf. Re- on for first month, sndiug iiov. otli,- 1873 1 I'bole number in attendance. 43 1 avcrac-a at tendance, 31 1 per oent, of attendance, 72; num ber studying arithmetic 23 j geography, 10; grammar, 4 viaited by Direotora ; reviow dally. Second n"l.th, ending Jan. ilh, 1874 Wbule number of popila in attendance, 42 ; average at tendance, 30 ; percent, of attendance, 80 ; uuniber atudying arithmetic, 23 j gcogruphy, 13 ; gram mar, 4 ; ml visited by Directors. Third month. ending Feb. 4lb, 1874 : Whole number in attend ance, 30; average attendance, 34; per cent, of attendanoe, 87; number studying aritbmolio, 31 ; geography, 15 grammar, 4 ; viaited by two Di rectors ; no Institutute organised in tbediatriot; tbe teachera of Graham township attend liradford Institute; diaadrantagea no outline mapa, nor apparatus, poor blackboard and furniture. . . DieraicT lasrirura mbbtimus. Brady and Union Institute will mt-ct at Luth- ersburg, on Saturday, March 7lh. Three seeeione will be held. A eoruial inviuttlnn la extondod to teaehera of otbor towaahipa to attend. nae, renn, Knox and lurwenavills Institute will meet at Pennville, on Saturday, March 7th. Three sessions will be held. All are invited lo attend. Chest end Bsrnslde Institute will meet at Kurn- eide, on Saturday, March 14th. Three aeaaiuna will be held. All aro invited to attend. Clearfield and Lawrence Iuslituls will meet at Wolf Run Scboo!-houe, on Saturdav March 14th. Three sessions will be held. Geo. W. Snyder will bare bis school in seaaton during forenuoo. All are invited to attend. TnE New Store. An advertise ment In this journal indicates that Messrs. Lytic A Mitchell have launched their bark on tbe mer cantile sea, and intend to purauo the grocery bust nesa in Ibis borough. Tbey occupy the eastern ruem in Pie's Opera Hunse, directly opposite tbe Postoffice. This firm bas an entire new stock of goods and offer tbem at prices tbat really astooisb old buyers. Go and take a look st their besutiful new labels, anyhow. A . sharp directory man, named Clark, awindled brother Senium out of twenty-fire dollara. Other Indianians bad their eye teeth cut, too. List of loiters remaining unclaimed in the Postoffice at Clearfield, for Ibe week ending .March 2d. 1874 t Hers, Samuel Robinson, R. C. (2) Itaub, Edward Spcnoer, Ktta Woods, Will. W. Wells, Josephine Young, Julia R. Crabb, William Dcwitt, li. Deoda, Joseph Huston, Robert iMtiran, Edward MoGuinty, Miebaol P. A. OAUMf . P. M. Specials. Lever Flegal, Esq., Is now lo Philadelphia for tbe purpose of purchasing a line of spring goods. About tbs beginning of next week persona will And it to their advantage to call and aee bia new atock. They will be sold cheaper than the aamo guoda can be bought at retail Ui Philadelphia, BoAnnani WiKTBD. Two or three day board ers can be accommodated in a private family. Boarding good and ohnrges reasonable. Fur further Information apply at Ibis office. Stobb Room ron Rbmt. The Store-room on Second street, lately occupied by J. M. Kratier, is lur rent, l tie room ts izxm, wun warorooia 22x40, and cellar underneath wareroom. The lo cation la among the best In town, and suitable lur any kind uf business fob. 18-8t. JA.WKa L. LEA VI. . Mr. John Tronlman has gooe into the Under taking husineaa in oonnootiua with bia Furniture bueiuess. Imported Walnut Caakela and Cufhna alwaya on hand and furntahod promptly. Funer als attended. Rbmotal. Dr. B. M. Scheurer has removed his ottice from Masonic Building to his residence, on Market street, formerly the residonos of U. D. Watson, Newspaper Decisions. 1. Any person who takes a paper regularly from tbe Poat Offloe whether directed to bia name or anotber'a, or whether he haa aubacribod or not la reaiHinalble for the navment. 2. If any person ordera bia paper discontinued be mnst pay all arrearages, or ibe publisher may continue to sand until payment ia made, and eol I rot the whole amuunt, whether tbe paper ia taken from the offloe or not. 3. The courts have decided that refusing to tnke nowapapere or periodleala from the Post Office, or removing and leaving them uncalled fur, is prima faoio evielenae of intentional fraud Pxit n Paimtkhs' Fmnnns.-'-Oor slock of Painta and Paintera' Materiala ia complete, in oluding J. T. Lewie' Pure White Lead. John Lu caa A Co'a Pure White Lead, F. It. A Co'a Ruck Lead, and a number of oheancr branda of White Lead; also. Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Varnirbcaef all kinds, a full line of Brushes, and a full line of colore, dry and in OIL my3'73 II. r. Bioten A Co. A Cabs. Mlas McAlplos, teacher of Muale, Painting, Crayon snd Drawing, Kooio st ibe Aosdumy. sug27 Bars Time! Save Labor! Bare Money I Save t iomeai ine- novelty wringer" Is tbe best la inn morsel, ouy li ; try It. Fur sal. by 11. F. Irtnus A Co. Montour Plate Paints, for rial aide snd outside Cottages, farm Buildings, Ao. iicauiiiui, uiirsiiie anu economical. Ground I pure Linseed Oil. my2s'73 11. F. Biolbs A Co. Bird Cages a large assortment at H. F. Blg- II. F. Bigier A Co. have !veen making extensive edditions to their stock of Hardware the Isat few days. Everything new in Shelf Hardware, Sad dlers Hardware, rarmers' Hardware. HuiMers' Hardware, snd Hardware of all kinds, can be seen at their store. May 23. Rtw. Distan's Cross-cut Ssw, Great American Saw, Boynton s Lightning Saw, at I 26 71 II. F. Biolbr A Ce'l. R. Tt. Wheelbarrows, Baby Carriages, Toy Ex press Wagons and Wheelharrowa, at my26"73 II. V. Uiohb A Co't. Calcined Plaster for sale by II. F. Biglcr A Co. ' A full line of Household floods, Japanned Ware, sc., for sale ty 11. i. I"j'r o. TUT THIS OUT. . r " It May Have .cur I-lft. " ' Thsrc is no pcrvin liviug but w liat suffers more or less with Lung Diseases, Coughs, Colds or Con sumption, yet sonic would die rather Ibaa pay 76 oents for s bottle of medicine that would curs them. Dr. A. Boeobee'a German i4rrup baa.late Iv been introduced ia tbia country from Usrmsny, and its wondrous curea astonishes svery one insA try It. If yos doubt wbst we say in pnni, eat this out and take it to vuur Druggist, O. D. War son, snd get s sample buUle!free of ohargo, or s regular eiao (or 76 oents G. G. GKbiKN, -s luaugray r - - n uwuuurj, .i, . To tnn CimiM or Pbkksvivasia. Your at tention is respectfully Invited to the foot that the National Banks arc now prepared to receive aub aorlptlona to the Capital Stuck of the Centennial Board of finance . Tbe funds realised from this suuroe are to he employed ia the erection of the buildings for ths International Xahiblllon, and the oxpenscs connected with the same. It is con fidently expected that the Koystono State will ba roprracntod by Ibe name of every cltiaen alive to patriotio oommcmuralion of tho one hundredth birth-day uf the nation. Tbo aharoa of .luck are offered fur f 10, eaoh, and subscribers will receive a handsomely steel engraved Certillcslc of Stuck, aultable for framing aud preservation as a na tional memorial. lnturesi at tho rale of six por sent, per annum will be paid on all payments uf Centennial Stack from date ofpayinont to January 1, 1870. Subaoribera who are not near s National Bank can remit s cheek or postoffloo order ta tbe un- deraignod. tllKDK. IKAI.NJ, ireaauror,. sug'O 004 Waluut St., Philadelphia, ItBADTnial Persona whoountrruplals building will do well -to rail and oxaraino our stock of UUII.DIiNU MATERIALS. Wc have in stock a full line of Builders' Hardware, Nails, Paints, Oils, (llase, Putty, Calcined Plaster, Ao. my28'73 II. F. Biulbs A Co. NoTtca to Waooh ind Cannuan Mai bus We hove just received a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of Springs and Axles, which we offer cheap for oasb. .. .. H. 9. Uiona A Co. Just received, s large lut of noo-cxploslve .Lamps and Lanterns at 9-26-72 .. H. P. Biotas' Ce'e. - , i RECAPITULATION. Bird Cages. , Wood and Willow Ware. f -.' f Household Goods. ' All kinds of Hardware. Japannod Ware. Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Calcined Plaster. . Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies. '.'t'l of the above fur sale at the mammoth Hard ware Store of U. F. Bigier A Co., Seoond street, Clearbold, fa. 't The friends and customers of Kx-Sberiff F. G. Miller will nw find bim in his new quarters in Pie's Opsra Houeo, where be has removed during me last lew days. Paints, Oils and Varnishes for . sale by II. F, Bigier A Co. Wood and Willow Ware of all descriptions for sale iy u. r. uigier to. . i r Axes. Seventy-five dosen Clearfield Wood' shoppers Axes at 0:20:71. n. r.'Diai.ER a Co's. On Thursday. February 2Clh, 1871, by Rev Ws. M. Bi!iicnrir.i.D, Mr. ALEXANDER II A V. of Knox town.bip, to Misa LYDIA A. HYtltS, oiBurnemo. In Lawrence townihin, SotuninT, Frbrunry 28th, lhTly foroup, DAVID JAMbi lUN'IKL, Oil Of ) A Til AN 1st L ft-itl llAIKL niHUBL ftjfUll 1 yetr, 0 uiouttii ftud IV dayi. At OsveoU, CI Mr A eld county, MoorJaj morning, Murrh Sit. 1 H74. nlinr ft liniftrinr illootji, Mr. CA11UHINK MYTINUKlt UlUbiU.N, aged bO yuftri and 10 months. u ytartftj. Clearfield Markets, Corrected weekly by RirnAsn Meaaor, Wholesale snd Kotail Dealer In Dry (Jonds, Groceries, Pro. visions, Ac, Market street, Clearfield, Pa. 4l.XAriBLn. P., March I. 174. Apples. green, 00(J 811, flogs, dressed Dried, 19, lb 12) Hides, green Applebuttor.Vgal, 76 llama. . 0li(,n 1 Butler uous anouiuera.H...uo((c ut Boana...,.2 Jifcs 3 00 Sides.. 0K u 12i Buckwheat.. 1 00 Lard 1-jv 16 Buckwheat flour b, 6 Meaa pork.fl bbl...22 00 Beef, dried- 26 Oata C' Beef, fresh v(,i 10 Onions 2 00 Board i, M 12 00(0,14 00 Potatoes Oil (,4 100 Corn. Shelled 1 00 Peaches, dried, lb.. 12 Cuqi,ear Otird) 60 Plaster, V bbl 3 00 Com meal, V sack, I 30 Ry 1 10 Chon. cwt2 Oofm 2 40 Ken. lb Cloveraeed 3 0(1 Salt, aack.2i0(4) 2 60 Cheeae 20 Shinlea,18 ln.4(u6 00 Cherries, lb. 1(1 (&) 26 ?hinglcs,2l) Inl0& 16 00 Chickens, drsd. ft. 121 Timothy seed ' " Kiirs 20 Tallow is Flaxseed 1 00 Wheat- 1 76 Flour 604) 10 00 Wool . mm 40 Hay 00 Olir22 00 Wood, V cord...... 4 60 I'einiMylvnnlnltntlrond TYRONE k CLEARFIELD BRANCH ON and after Monday, NOV 3d, 1873, the Pasaanaer Trains will run daily (except Sun days) between Tyrone and Cloarftold, as follows CLEARFIELD MAID. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 3.40. r.u Tyrone O.r.O.A.a, Osoeole 10.40," Philipsburg...l0 65, " Clearfield 11.60, Pbilipaburg 4.36, " Osceola 4.60, " Tyrone ,00, CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Tyrone 7.00 r.n Intersection ...7.12 " Osceola 3.10 Phllipshurg...3.26 " Clearfield, ar....2C FA MS FKOM CLUAHFIBLL), TO Btllefonte, Pa tl 06 Middletown 26 00 Lock Haven ? 2 70 Marietta 60 Williamsport. 3 00 I.anea.ler .- 66 Huntingdon- 10 PHILADELPHIA 7 06 Lewistown- ........ I 00 Altoona -.. 106 Marysville 4 60 Johnstown.. ISO UAKR1HBUKU... 4 76IPITTKBURO...... 6 16 Close connections made by all trains at Tyrone and Lock Haven. 8. 8. BLAIR, my17-tf. Superintendent, D' IttOI,UTION OV PARTM.HHIIIP, Nutio If hereby given tiiat the oo-part nernhlp haretarnrt cxmling btwen Daniel Mo Mnnagla and Fulton MoMoaiiU in tb laluoH tod lea pit alley at JlouUJaU. ha tbia day h diPaolTed by tlia innlual withdrawal of Pultun MoMnnagla. All prona knowing thmnr)vot tndtibted to tbe laid nrm, and thoie having cinimi againit tha Mine, will ilea call and iittla Uiir aoeounif imtntaiaieiy. D. MrMOXAGLB CO, IIoaMfllf., Fob Ji. 1S74 I N THE COURT OF COMMON PL LAS X of Clearfield county, Pa. Pat Uallaohcb 1 f, Ko.SOS, January TerraVl, Hnwian Uoonwii. I Tha omlfrvgnml Autlltflr, appointed by tlia Ctiurt, to dintriuta the prorerdi arising from HheritT'i onle drfondant'i nal entata, glvei notice that be will attend to the dutiei of hit appoint ment, on Friday, the 0th dttjr of Marolt. Ia74, at I o'clock, p. ni., at hii oflioe, tn the borough of Clearfield, when and where all part lot intereited tnaj attend if thej fp proper. VM. M. McCULLOlHin, Feb. IS St Auditor. SPECIAL LEGISLATION. No tine li beret. glren to the public nttd all parHee Uitemted, tltat epplieetlon will ba made at the present letvlun of our State Lgitlature to pen an act authorising the orerKem nf the Poor of Lawrence tawnihfpi in the etiunly of Clear fields to levy a tax for poor purpoaoi upon the unseated lande n raid township, at the etmn rata per eents ae may be kvied ttptaj iettt-d property, M. F. WALLACE, J. It. SHAW, JOtiKPU OWENS, and others. Lawrence Te., Feb. IS, lr4-4l . ORPHANS' COU1-T SALI5 y virtue of aa order lasued out of tlie Or phans' Court of Clearfield county, there will be sold at publio aale, on the nretaiaes, in thobnr ongh of Curwensrille, at 2 o olnok p. m., on Sat urday, March 14, IS74, the following valuable real estate, lale the property of Isaao liloom, Jr., deceasi-d, to will A II tbat certain houle and plane of land, known aa the American Hotel property, situate in the bornngh of Cnrwansvllle, county n'f Clearfield, Pa., on the east side of Filbert street, beginning at about 60 feet north from aaid atreet, containing 160 fret front on Filbert street and extending bach (0 feet eastward, and basing a large TAV RRN snd atable, and other outbuildings thereon erected. TKHMHi One-lblrd cash at confirmation of sale, and the halanaa In two equal annual In. talk. Bents, with Intereat, to be secured en the preml sec by bond sad mortfege. LIAH BLOOM, Feb. JVSt.j Am'x et Jiasc Hloom, dee d Clearfield 6.40 s. . Philipsburg.. 0.36 ' Osceola 0.60 " Intersection.- 7.43 " Tyrone 3.00 " liUflUJllWOttS;,. ,.r N EW ADVEirriSEMENT! SPECIAL .,'( ANNOUNCEMENT! T. A.' FLECK cSt'cb. would announec thst tbey srs sow opening for the Fall Season the moat attractive and complete stock of , ' Millinery and Fancy Goods ever before offered In Clearfield, In our Fancy Ueodi Department we are oflerinj full llnei of Hosiery, Woolen Goods, Hoop Hklrts, Corsets, ' Uslr Cooda, Csnvsaa Patterns, Cloves, Ties, 1 Laces, Ribboua, Drens Trltnmiunja, ' Worsteds, afcc, ' all sf whiok wc are offering at attractive prices 1HLLHTZLY SEPAETLIEITT. ; ' . ' . i . We are now opening tbe latest stylet and novel tics for tbe ?ail Season. BONNETS, . , HATS', ...... . FBATUERS, PLUMES, VELVET RIDDO.VS, TIPS, ' ORNAMENTS, ' FLOWERS, Ao. 0UE TRIMMING LEPARTMENT li In charge of a UriUoIue Trltcmer from tha city. We lolloU aa Impeetlon of eur itylea by the lad tee of Clearfield and vicinity. Htore raon the eauie a now occupied by Wa. Heed, on Market atreet, nova 71 T. A. FLECK A CO. REED I REEDI REED! MARKET STREET, C L EAR PI E LD, PA. DRY GOODS! CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! Centlcmrn'sFuriilsliIngCoods, Ladies, Misses & Children's Shoes! The coderaigned, having teased again, will oontinue to represent the above lines of gooda in all their braoobea, and having reduced my ex pensea to one-third leas, I can afford and WILL SBLLgeedast A CLOSE MARGIN I I shall continue to sell for cash, so that cash buyers need not fesr bslping to snake ap fur losses. I will, as heretofore, keep s Jleliahle Class of Ovode, . and will Is sll cssos try to give you the value of your money. I am receiving a fine line of BLACK ALPACAS THIS WEEK Tt li my Intention fe mnJtt fAinr iWr Buy eri Uiroubeat the oounty, give tbia attention. WM. REKDf Market Street, Clearftold, Pa, Febraary 4, 1974. 'That from tha above no one may exneet toe oiucb, I will Juet here etata that there will be no hrotuoi or prrmiuma given, and will further guarantee tbat no one will (el more valne tban their money inveetele O. I. c. TtrnBRR to buy my PRY 0001)8, OTtO- eeriee, Qneensware, (llsasware, Drugs and Notions, Confectioneries, Ac., cheap fur cash. The subscriber begs leave to Inform his old snd new customers that be baa opened - , A VARIETT STORR IN WLKN HOPE, PA. And will sell goods si prices (oeult the limes. A liberal retraction will be mads to customers buy ing at wholesale, Call and examine my stock before purchasing eleewhere. A llbersl liters of publlo patronngo Is solicited. C. J. KEAUY. Ol.n Hope, Pa., June II, H7I. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY FTtHF ssderelsned. bavins sstabllahai a Ku J. seryes tbe 'Pike, about half way betwsss Clearteld asd Cnrwenevllle. la nrenared to fur. slab sll kinds sf FRUIT TREKS, (standard and dwarf,) Evergreens, Shrubbery, (srepe Vines, Oooseberrles, Lswtoa Blackberry, Strawberry, and Rasbsrry Via... Also, Siberia Crab Trees, tiuises, and esriy scarlet Rhubarb, Ac. Orders promptly attended Is. Addrsee, J. D. WRIGHT. svSO (t f Csiltivill Ft liarflwnr, Uiaivarr, Cftr. H. F. BIGLEJt &.C0., PIAtIM II Also, Mannfactursrsof- Tin und Sheet Iron Ware. ' OLCAltritLD, PA.'' pARMIJSO IMPLEMENTS of all kinds fur sale by ' , ) il. F. BIGLEtt ci). JAILKOAD WUEELBARIiOW'S i.i . Tor tale by -.... ,: . II. F. BIOLER i CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Kails, etc., for sale by 1 II. F. BIGLER & CO. JJARNKS3 TIUMSIINGS 4 SHOE Findings, for sale by ' U. F. BIOLER 4 CO. G UN8. PISTOLS SWORD CANE3 .'. M' ' ' '" . "- ' ' tot talc fc IT. F. BIGLER t CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Sites, for tslt by H. F. BIGLER 4 CO. JRON! IRON 1 IRON1 IRON I ..: Tor salt by H. F. BIOLER k CO. TTORSB SHOES k IIORSE SU03 JUL . ; ' NAILS, for sals by II. F. BIOLER k CO. DULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES sv. , T .' And best Msnufacturs, for sale by H. F. BIGLER & CO. HIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXKsi for sals by '. U. F. BIGLER k CO. RODDER CUTTERS for salo by CH30-70 IT. F. BIGLER k CO, I UONSIDES STORE. g: s. flegal. DEALER IN IIARDWxVRE, STOVES. 1J EATERS, . RANGES, HOLLOW-WARS, TAINTS. OILS k VARNMSU. I'DTTY 4 GLASS, HOPES, 8TF.P-LADDEUS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! The celebrated Toledo Anti-Freeslng Galvanised IRON-LINED WOODEN PUMPS. Me bettor Pomps In the market. LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, LAMP PLI ES, of all kinds, LAMP FIXTURES, Ae. All st loweal prices. 1-1474 Prcaquelale Street, Pbilipaburg;, Pa, FAIRBANKS' STANDARD 2 SCALES, or an gwnti negC'g Barrows, Warehouse Tracks, Copying Presses, Improvod Honey Drawer, Ae. ron ems ar II. F. BIQLER & CO., Dealers lu Hardware, mch.KiTC.tf Second Street. Clearfield. Pa. J)ANIEL GOODLANDER, LUliitllbBUKU, TU., Dealer In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY 4; GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A 6I10ES, Tobacco, Oroeerlec snd Fiah, Kaila, Hardwara, vueenaware ana uiaeswers, Mea l snd Boya' Clothing, Drugs, Paints, Oils, richuol Hooks, s large lot of Patent Medicines, Csadles, Nuts A Dried Prutla, Cheee and Crack ers, Hock and Kill. Powder, Floor, Grain and Potatoes, Clover and Timothy Seed, Sole Leather, Moroccos, Linings, Bindings and inroau, fboeinaaers loots and bhoe Findings. No greslar variety of soods in anr store In lb oounty. All for sole very low for cash or oountrj prouuoe at ine uneap uorner. Aug. 27, 1873, KRATZES & LYTLE Turpentine, f Nail,, faints, WILL BULL VOU (Haas, Oils, l Puny, French, Richards & Co.1 Buck Lead AND Calcined Piaster very cheap. tinmenao stock on hand. Clearfield, Pa,, June 4, 173. The Lightning Tamer. Till snderslgned are Ike cole Agents In this count? for the "North Ameriesn Uelvenlsed LlllllTNlNli RODS." These srs the only aafc rods now in use, and are endorssd by sll the eeiennno men in ine country. Wc hereby notify ths cltlseas sf tbs connly tbst ws will put then np a better rod, snd foe less snsney, tban Is charged by the forelga agents who annually traverse the sounty sad esrry st car little cash, never ts return. ENCOURAGE IIOMK LABOR Those wishing Lightning Rods ere.ted si their building, need but address st by letter, or call in person. We will put them p anywhere In theeounty, and warrant them. The Hods ssd fixtures can be seen at any lime by calling si onr store. H. V. BIOLKH A 00. Cl.aiu.ld, Merck 30, lsli M ootl5, (Srcrrrlr, $tr. i. r. wxavta..., w. w. urn ..vi -Mat i j ' ' j ; ...... . I,' ..I . V ; , L ' ' ' ' .11 WKAVKIt A BUTTM ' CLEARFIELD, PA.,' ., Are offering, st the old aland of (J, L. Reed A So, their stock of goedi, consist log of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, : ' ' BOOTS A SHOES, " ' HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, ' QUL'ENS'iY AMR, v ,; ' , FLOUR, JEED, SALT, &c, to., At ths most reasonable ratca for CASH or in exchange for i Square Timbor, Boards, Shinglen, ' OR C0UKTBY PB0DUCB. ft-Advances made to those engaged in get ting out eauare timber on tbe most advantageous terms, . pdtlianTS MARBLE AXD ST0E YARD ! Mrs. S. S. LIDDELL, Having engaged la the Marble business, desires to Inform her friends and tbe public that she has now and will keep constantly on band a large and well ccleoted slock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and i. prepared to furnish to order TOMBSTONES,. , , .. BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Curbs aad Posts for Cemetery Lots, Window ' Sills and Ctps, also, BUREAU, TABLE AND WAKU STAND TOPS, Ac, Ac fjTard on Reed atreet, near tbe R, R. Depot, Clcarbeld, Pa. jcT,71 JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, .. MATTRESSES, . - - AVIV Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, -NEAR P. 0. Tbe noi1pr.(rntxl bpi .cart to lnforo the elti Mm of Cletirfieiii, Rnd ib pobiic itefiertUly, tbat he boa oo hand a line aisoruncot uf ForoUurf, laeb t Walnut, Cbeatnut and Plntel C Limber Puitea, Parlor Suilrt, Itrchninjj and Exteaiioo Cbain. Ladiea ar.d Grnti' Ilupt Chatrt. tlie Per forated bio In aad Parlor Cbain, Cane Scuta ami tndMir tbairi, Clothei Barf, step and r-xten-lion Lad tie ra, liat Riki, Scmbbing Ilruihei, Ao W0CLDIN6 AND PICTURK FRAMES. Looking Olaanea, Cbromov, lc., which wo aid be tnttanie tnr UoIica pretenta, doolOlS JOHN TROVTMAV rpiIC LATEST MOVE, THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DKTJG STORE, To their new building on Second Street, vearly . cppoalte ins atore ef Weaver m celts, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where they win eon U nut to rupply their eld and aa nacj new cuitomfri aa may oont. with PURE DRUGS! OnEillCALS! PBAtMACEUTrCAL PREPARATIONS, (Including til new remedies,) ' Patent Medicines, Paints and Oils, Olass sad rutiy, oenooi uoRe, niaiionery, reror, Ac.) alee, a full lias of Drug gists' Sundries, Hair Tonics, Cosmetics, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Brushes, icuci eoeps, rocket iinoks, sc., sll of the bost quality. rURE WISES AXD-LIQUORS, for medical k aaoramcDtai pnrpoiot only, Pure Whit Lead, Cnlnra of all kinds Rw d liolifd islnaerl tin, Varnialifi, Turpeo tine, Coal OU, Paint A Varniah Vruabet, Klaroring Kitraoli, Coo fee U on of I aR, Bird Petri, Pplret ground and iigivuiius vi an aiaua. SMOKEKS AND CllEWERtfl Will find cur acock of Chewing ' and Smoking Toltaeeo, Imported and Do sneatio Clgsrs. hnuiT and Pine-out lo bs of tbe very beat brands in the market. LAMPS ASD CHIMNEYS, All kinda of OLASS WARE HARDEN SEEDS, Ml'SICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimmings of rvsry variety. Having a Inng extierlenec In the business, and mi iiwumi, in. wen seieciru afOCB OI meulcmCS, we are enanico. 10 nn rnyaiciane preeenpuuns at the abaetast imiLIm ins am Ik. ....... terma, day and nlgbL IIARTSWIOK A IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., Mar 81, IRTl-tf. I 1MB! LIME I ine unuersignru ia now prepared to furnish me puouc witn an sxeellsnt quality of Bellefonte Wood-Burned Lime, for plastering nerposec, by tha largs or small quantity. Caa be found fur the pre seat at Pie's ' L, K. McClLL0l'8H. A X N OUNCE WENT .;.: of tub oiair REDUCTIOlt OF . PRICES I i .1 , '- s--a-r-' . '5'' UV . rORTI'.R HBAW, D. li. M. IMPORTANT TKLTIISi , " Ifavlne aucoceded In eeltliir a licbler tariff est material, benoe tbe tow and eWes-aie charge fee partial and full sett sf Teeth. 1 use tbe best manufacture sf teeth and other material. All o aerations registered and wanautoa to give ser. vice and satisfaction. I rlenda. reject that my eharget for tbs inser tion of artificial and tbe saving sf tbe nsturel teeth are now the most reasonable in J'ennsyivaniii. . Preserve your teeth and you preserve jour health. Putting of the natural tecib ia a healthy, pre. servativeaad ascful sondlllou Is made a special! j . Diseases and uiailoruiatlons oummon lo ttie mouth, aw and assueiate parts, are treated and corrected with fair success. Examinations, snd consults tiont mis. It would bs well for patients from s distance to lot ine know by mail a few daya before coming tc the office. is la verv I moor tent tbat children between the ages of six and twelve years skould have their teem examine'.. Ana-tihellos are sdminhtcred tad Tcetn r pjcv.il without pain.. ' J)i. position, and character arc Judrcd by all lha world by the expressions of the face, bene bow very disastrous may it therefore be for per. eons to indulge an expression of distorted features, even apart from a hygienic view, ifow, to enjoy natural (not artificial) comforts and pltssoret, rcspeot and obey natiirel aiff.plU-ities end instinct, . PORTKll SHAW, D. U.S. Office In New Masonic Uuilding, Beeond street. Clearteld, Pa. maylt . DENTAti CAED. :, " Dr. A. M. I1ILL3 Vfould say to hi. patients and the pub lio gotiorivlly, tbat, having dissolved partnership with Dr. Shaw, he is now doing tbe eutirs work of bis offios bliuaelf, ao that patients need not fear being put under tbe handa of any other operator, Clcartieiti, saarcn i", iff. pa-uincnu J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S., Offloe over Irwl&'f Drag Store. CURTTBKfiVILLB, PA. All dnnlal operatloni, eitbrr in the meoba&ioaj or operative brant b, promptly attended to aad ativlaotion guarantwd. bpecial aueuiton paid to the treat mi: nt of diacaxea of tbe natural Ueib. rum i and mouth, Irr-'trularitT of tbe teeth aoc- evnfully oorreoted. Teeth extracted without pflih by the use ol jt.tt.er, and artificial teeto intenra of tbe beat tnatenai and waxraattd to reoder aaU lifaetlon. anril26'71:1y rpilE MITCHELL WAGOX, '; : ' v. . FOR ' ' ' Farm. Freight and Plantation Use. CDtrernll; In own a the ' ' ORIGINAL RACINE WAGON., Made hr experienced workmen out of a rood material aa tnoDer caa bur. We deoot claim to build the loweat prtrtvl Wagons, hat nar atn. it to build a well proportioned wacota io all lie parta. and ewel iu durability and libt dralt. Fur the paat q utter ot a Diury the Mitsbell Wi-u haa iueotvwfiilljr maintainoci (tie reparation of beinr; tbe bot waxoo in umo. Tbo rapidly iuorssaatUK demand fcr tbcm provci their iuperkritr ovtrall other wagona, Mitobell, Lew: sfe ! , ManufaoturrTf, Bactnt, WinoDiin. fur eule by THOS. RF.ILY. Aug. , 1SJ3. Clearfield, Pa.' The Bell's itun Woolen Factory, ' Peon towmhip, Clearfield Co., Fa. BURNED OUT) lit IOT BUR NED U PI The tub writer hare, at great expeaae, rebuilt a neighborhood ntceetity, in the erection of a flrat elaaa M'ooren M ant. factory, with all the aaodern intprovesweute attached, and are prepared t make all kinda of Clotba, Caaimerei, tiatinetta, filan- keta, Flanneli, Ac. Plenty of pood a on hand to auppty all oar eld and a thoueanf neweuatoneri. whom we ask to eoiue aad exauino ear itoek. Tbo batinose ef CAIIDIXQ AND PULLIXa will reoeive our eipecUI attention. Proper arrangementi will be made to reoriro and delirer Wool, to aatt cut toner. All work warranted and done up9fl the ahorteat notice, and by at riot atten tion to bufineaa we hope torealiic a libera! there of pubtie patronage. ; 10,XM POUNDS WOOL WASTED! We will pay the btffhrit market pri?o for Wool and aell tmr manufactured rodt aa low aa similar arooda oan be bought io the eountj, and wbeneTer we fail to render reaflooablc aativfactioa we can alwaya he found at home ready to make proper explanation, either in person or by latter. . JAMrj.3 JVliybVn 08, -oprilgtf Bower P. O. v JEW BTOKK MiD NEW GOOD3. JOS. bHAW & SUN Hare juet opened Ntw Sto, on slain St., Clisstiild, Fa. Ulely ocoupied by Won. F. IEWIS. Their Block ooneitii of ' OsOcttiEt of lha best quality, QuEtNBWARE, Doots and Shoes, and every article tecesssrr for ont'i comfort. Call and siaminw our ttock befors pur cliasing el.ewheire). May 9. lPC6-tf. QLEARFIELD ACADEMY. ' MALE IlEPARTMEiT. TI1E WISTRIl TERM of fourteen weeks will commence MONDAY, dANliARIf 4th, 1871. Terms of Tallinn. Reading, Writing, Menial snd Written Arithmetic, Urammar, Uoograpby snd lli.lorv. f fl Natural Philoeophr, Physiology, and Sin gle Kntry Book-keeping, or either, with the above II t( Por Instructions in Double Kntry Hook keeping andComvaer.4el Arithmetic, spa- ' cial terms to be arranged. For particulars respecting tbe school apply to aug277ctf R. M. MctNaLLY. . MISS H. S.' SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CI.EARFISI.D, PA. rpiIB WINTKR TKRMor fourteen weeks, will JL commenoe Monday, Januarj ilh, 1874. TBR.MS Ob" TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Writing, Objeot Les sons, Primers. Anthuwtio and Primary Qeogrenby J History, l.ooal and descriptive tieograpky with Mp Drawing, Urammar, strulal snd Written Arithmetic.. CI Algebra and the Sciences 11 00 Inatroetion in instrumental mueto 10 ta Oil painting, 14 lesions. ii aa wsx work Por full particulate send fur Cironlsr. Clearfield, Aug. a, 1S7S. :T:tl-y BRICK 1 BRICK 1 BRICK1 A m BRICK YARD. W". PMJMJIKR A CO., b.vlng .tartest n . ",w " ''' Briok Aard ia f.learnl,l ar mmmbu. .a r . . . w MIBnw ovuuaois lor nrsi Class Ke.1 Drink, in large or small quantities. "t,,l" n owrrrsnonaenee solleltee. Informs-' tlos esn bs obtained by calling at Binder's lis. tie Store, or by addressing . . 9. I LVM.HKR A CO., say (. if Clearteld, ffc