THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. ' - WBDMKSDAT MOHNINO, FEB. it, 1874. . RINQ THE BELL SOFTLV. - IT D1ITH SUIT. Boat rat has com rrom hii strange world of ours, Ms aor t gather It moral with it noer.r.j No sort t linger wher sunbeams mutt lido When, o ell beentT, death 'a Sogers are laid Wearj with mingling life's bitter with sweet, w'earj with parting ud never to toeet, Bom m hu font to the bright, golden short I Rin the bell eofilr. there! orape on the door I Ring the bell lortir, tb.r.'l ortpe oa the doer I Borne one It rastlng from lorrow and lin, lleppy where Mrtb'i conflicts enter not lot Joroue birds, when the moraine ie briffht. When the tweet iunbemi bare brought ai their light, Weary with lowing and nerer to reap, Weary with labor and weloomiog alwep, fionie one'l departed to heaven s bright shor, ' Blng the bell loftlr, there's orape on the door I Ring the bell lTlt, there' orape on the door I Anreli wer amloislr tontine to meet. One who waiki with them in heaven ' bright itre Loved onei har whimpered thai lom on i ' blest Free from earth's triali, and taking iweet ml, Tei I there ii one more in angelio bliss One leai to cherish, and on leee t kisif . .One more departed to heaven bright shore, Ring the bell aoftlr, there'! map on the door I Riog the bell aorrLT, there' orap on tb door I How Tyrone Received its Name. - A correspondent of the Bellofonte Watchman elves the following amus ing account of how tlio village of lyrona ootainod us name. .We would not vouch for its certainty, but it worth roading. anyhow : "Wo might say volumes in favor of ton one town ana its good people. 'mere nas oeen consiaoraoio doubt in the minds of the people as to how and irom wnnt lyrono derived its name We will settle that point hero before going limber i Many years ago an old roao might have been soon riding to the store (this being the only store for many miles around,) upon an old roan mare. His son, Ebon, walked alongside. I don't know uhu be walk-od, Unless it was because his dad- ov wouldn't lot him ride. Aa I Raid they were going to the store for pro- cerios. Across the old maro's back vena a m rt Willi a rr a 1 Lin ! n !n r I kn. " A HI I Vll lug I II V I V 11 V. 1 end, which they intended to have filled with groceries. Some called it whibkey. They arrived at the store, bought one pound of crackers and two gallons of liquid groceries, tbon started for home, the old man astride of old roan. They went but a short "distance until tbe old cent discovered the supply of whiskey was not equal to the crackers, when he alighted, oanaea toe reins to tbo boy and start ed for another quart. Ashe did so. he said to the boy, "Tie itoan." Tbe boy was tnougbtleus and leu tbe animal stand, whilst be went off to sip some sap irom a sugar ireo near oy. Upon returning, the old man saw the mare loose and making off with the crocer ies upon ber back. lie yelled to Eben, earing, "lou microti! young scoun drol, Tie Roan!" Tho boy merely looked up from Lis sap sipping and said, "Oh, for a thousand tongues." The father yelled and swore and said, "Why the devil didu't you Tie Roan?" Becoming cnra&cd he threw a stone at Eben, which might have bit him, had ho not boon too fur off.. This racket frighlcnod the aniinul, when ho started on a run down the hill, tumbled and broke her neck, and, of eounae, epilled the oontonts of tbe IU2. The old man became deranged over mis mmtortune, and lor a whole day and night all he could say was "Tie Roan." The morchant, wbo was on illiterate sort of a man, tho next day bung out a shingle with the words, "Tyrone Grocery Store" painted opon it, and the name bus never been changed from that day to this. I merely mention these historical fads for the benefit of the young." A Canons Law Suit, Two mill owners on the 'Wmsaliick on creek, above Chestnut Hill, says the Philadcnhia Ledger, engaged in a curious law suit, which was decided last week nt Norristown. Tbe mills are three quartors of a mile anart,nnd the stream between them has not much full. In 1823 tho owner of the upper mill brought suit againts the lower mill for having backed tho wa ter up Into the raco of the upper mill. Under decree of the Court, the sheriff put op four permanent marks to estab lish tbe lawful surface of tbe water. At places holes drilled in fixed rocks, a marble atone was Bet in the tailrace of the upper dam and properly marked, and a pio was driven into a button wood tree just thirty-ono inches above the surface at tbe breast of tho dam. .The mills have changed owners since that time, but rcceutly the race of the uppor mill has been overflowed by buck water, and the owner brought suit for damages. Careful surveys were mado, and the water was found to be four inches above the marks in fixed rocks and on the marble slab, but exactly thirty-ono inches from tbo plug that had been driven into tho button wood tree forty-eight years ago. The question for tbe jury to decide was wiietbor the upper mill and rocks sunk four inches, or whether tbo base oi tne Dunonwooa iroe oau ocon nucu that much. Notwithstanding inproni ous arguments to show that trees only expanded in size and sent out new growths from tbe extremities of branches, tbe jury, composed of farm ers or those bred in tho country, de cided that tho buttonwood tree bud boon elongated, by giving a verdict for the plaint'ff for (150. Counsol for the defence will file reasons lor a new trial. The English troops employed in the Ashantoe expedition are supplied with Mexican pocket hammocks. They Cisaist of a hammock of stout Manila hemp netting for support of a person itber lying or sitting, two ropes and two scrow books for attaching the (11 to boards where buildings are met with. Tbo woight of the wholo when nocked fur carrying is only one pound. ThcRO hammocks are availablo for a variety of purposes. Slung from a pole, they can be used in liou of Sedun chairs upon the liuo of march for the sick and wounded, -er for general pur poses of transport. Suspended by their ropes from two contiguous trees, they are especially adapted for sleep tng In, oither to form an opon-air hos pital, or for officers and men upon, the line of march, and io thoso latter ca pacities thiy were extensively used during the Franoo-Prussian war. When trees aro not obtainable, two frtoutiah stakes driven into the ground at opposite angles will form a sufDci nt means of support. Another ad vantage of this form of hammock Is that it can be used as a foraging net, und carried over tbe shoulder with, the grcatesl j'nultilc te. SHAW HOUSE, (Oor. of Market t Front itreeU,) CLKARFIELD, Vk. Tb nndenigned baring takon charge of thli Hotel, would reapecUuMy aolloJt puMlo pstronag. Mtl'7S H.NBYVTON bUAW. LEONARD HOUSE, Oppotlte Railroad Depot, CLUAMKIULll.PA. rieaiantlr located anil Srst-daH hotel in all nwpeet. Braaklait for panaengeri tearing on morning train. - WM. H. DRADLKY, June II, 1873. rropneior. WASHINGTON I10USB, NKW WA8IIINUT0X, PA. This new aod well fiirnlehed hour hai been taken by the nndenigned. ile frels confident of being able to render eatiifaotion to tho who may raror him wun a call. May 8, 1871. - 0. W. DAVIS, r-rop'r, jJ OMTOUR HOUSE, r Uppoiile th L'ourt lluuie, LOCK HAVEN, PE.NN'A. JelOl HAl'SEAL A KROM, Prop'i. JltOCKERllOFK IIOL'SC, BlvLLEFO.NTK, PA., D. JOHNSTOJf k EON?, oot2i'JI Proprleton LOYD HOUSE, k Main Htrcet, -- rUILIPSUURO. PENN'A. Table alwayi niiiplied with th beet the market auurui. jqi vaveunj puouo la invitea lornu. novl,73, HUUlilli: 1,0111. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Becond and Market Street!, tlliABHLlI, PA. (TMIIS old aid eommodioul Hotel baa. daring in pan year, uen aniargeu lo aouble lu former capacity for tb ntrtainme&t of itran gen and gueati. Tb whole building ha been refurnlihed, and tb proprietor will apart no paini to render hit gueita comfortable while itaylng with him. -Ihe 'Munaion llouie" Omnibua roni to and from the Depot on th arrival and departur oi taon train. JVUU DUUU1IEKTV. pr8-70 tf Proprietor. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market 81., bet. Recnnd and Third,) i LcinriKiiii, ra. The subaoriber baring become vroprietor of mie ooiei, woma rcapeetiuiiy ask liuoral iliare ui pumio patronage. apl.'TS UKOKUB LEIPOLDT. QUSQUEIIANNA HOUSE, O CURWEKSVILLIS, Clrariield county, Pcnn This old and wull aMIi'IimI llrlnl tia..t;r..l1. situated on th bunks of tbo Susquehanna, in tbe linpnilh nt Ha I.--.. I - term ul years by tbe undersigned. It ha been entirely refitted, and 1 now open to the public Rjauerauy ana iae traveling- eoinmumty in par ticular. No paina will be spared to render guests comfortable while tarrying at this house. Ample isoung room iodine acconiniuuation or I'-auu, burg. nwleratA. SoptJH, 1870-tr. ELI LLOOM. 5ry (Bocflu, (ftmttltt, (tt. ED. W. GRAHAM, DEALER LN GENERAL MEECHANDISE, - SQCARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Hai juit opened, at tb KEYSTONE STORE, t complete ituok of jr e it noons, of erery Ueacrlplii n. . DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, BOOTS AND 8H0ES. CLOTHING. fc.,fc., . IN GREAT VAIUETY. FLOUR, MEAT, , SALT, - BYE, OATS, . COIiN, AL WA TS O.V UAXD AXD FOH SALE AT A SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR RcocWtd by tU car to id, and told ot I ma II ttdtouce. A "rpl of r.OPfi ounrtautly oa ban J. fecial inJ-iocmont offered to tbiii getting out Square Timl'cr n Log, ai w deal Urg-.l in Lrnnbnrjoti'i Supplici, and aro pro pared at ill timci to purchaio Um ber and lumber. ED. V . GRAUAN, "KEYSTONE STORE" Second Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. 0 U S3, IIUEY ii CHHIMT, Succceaor to KRTDER A CO. TO THOSE ISrERESTErf IN THE Pl'R CHASK OF A BIKICTI.V PURE RYE WHISKY, For Mf Jicinal Pttrpoei wo offer Itailcy'M lu re Itjo, rrico $2 to $fl pt iffwllon, and will iltln Io pack ago to luit purebftier'. Wo ilo handlo largulj a . OPPER DISTILLED WHISKY, - Price ffutn $!.30 to $1.71. - We Import INE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, And aro alio manufucturori of Bit. STCEVEUS TONIC HERB BITTERS. Bend fer price liaf. 11UEY k CHRIST, ian.2l-?J . 121 North Third fit., Philadelphia. . Down I Down 1 1 HE LASTARillVAL AND OF COURFK TUB CHEAPEST! Proclamation against High Prices! WE are now opening np a lot of tbe beet and mort maMinnhle Oimdi and Warei vr offered in thia tnerktH, nd at phrei that remind one of the fond old cUji of rheap thin hi. Thoea wbo laok fMth upon toil point, or deeui our allo gationi luporfluoui need but (JJ, Ot'it STOMIE, Corner Front and Market itroetn. Where they en tee, feel, hw and know for tbnm lelvea. To fully undrrit.imt what art cb rep gnode tbii ni out Imv done. We do not deem It neouiuiftry to enumerate end itemite our took. It U enougo fur ui to tte thai We have Everything that is Needed and consntned In tbli Market, and at prlcei that aatonlth both old aod fnmnf. d20 JOHKHII fill AW A BON. l,M. Tbe uaderitgned often for Ml a vjiIuaIjIo town pmperty In lite borough of Clenrftrld. Lot iHlilKi feet, with a god two lory plank Jinvea lliereoa ereotrd. with three roomf down ttalri ami four bed roome np ttnir. AUn, itwlng routn and bath room on peeond Boor. Houa flnUkod eainplrte from t-rllur to altlr tiood doable porch en 4 jroaj wutcr. , Pnee rea onai'le and pnytn ni ftff. auaugn wm. m. yonnxoroK. Jon fhintiko or vvvnx ncfcRtr tiu neetjr eiecuif'l e,t (Ijii oftirt, Sri! tioodi, Croirifj, tt. It BAD TUISI FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The attention of th eltlicna of Clearfield and rlolnlty la directed to the laot that Uoodfellow Bon are the aa-imta of M. Nleoe A Co., and kaTe jnat reeeired a half doien ear load, of Floor and feed, wliloh the uner at in loweii poi.ini Dg or.. A large a took of FLOUBj cobn meal, chop, Bl'OKWUKAT FLOUR, EUAN, t , rutntoea, Shelled Corn, Corn In ear, do., lo. Particular attenttnn la culled to M. Klea A Co.'. brand of r iinlljr Flour, which I th beat In th tuurkou Flour and Feed can and will b .old cheaper than It eun b obtained elaewher In Clcarftold oountv. JTsTStore on Market itreot, next door to Hon. Alvxander Xrrin reldonce, f UOOUFELLOW A SON, J.olOlf AgouUforM. NleoA Co, J J V. BIG LEU & CO.'S -SPECIALTIES BUILDERS' HARDWARE, MECHANICS' HARDWARE, LL'MLER.MEN'8 HARDWARE, FARMING UTENSILS, MILL BUPTLIES, IRON 4 NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTERS' FINDINGS, CALCINED PLASTER. Majr 18, 1873. A. & W. D. IRVIN, CORNER STORE, CUKWENSVILLE, PA., RECEIVE FLOUR AND SALT BY CAR LOAD, And sell at small advance it o i i; BY THE COIL, AND - PACKAGE GOODS tor LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES BOLD CHEAP. Auguit 1.1, 1.4717:1:71 JRATZER & LYTLE, MABKET STREET. CLEAR FIELD, PA. Dualeri id DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, Hardware and Quf.e.nswarc, Boot, ShocR, Huts, Cnps, ic. a-Rhoeniakere lupplled with LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS at reduced rate.. SALT I SALT I 6ALTat whoic.el. aid retail rorjr cheap. PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTER, Ao A liberal diaoonat to builder. IIOUSEUOLD GOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTUd-ln larg. quantltlei. - FISn, FLOUR, BACON, OHN HEAL and CHOP, lra Bad""' r-AH of 111 abor good. nr. f uroliaa.d icIosItcI for caah, and therefor eua and lei'l b iold .1 chiap ai th feb 11-78 SAWS! SAWS1 SAWS! DISTAS'3 CROPS CTIT, WILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR BAWsl. Boynton's Lightning Cross-out Saw. ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For ial by Mil 1,70 H. T. DIOLRR A CO.' rji hViia u it m u J t PERFECTION IN CANTHOOKSI Th ClearDiH Execl.lor Canlliook will not wear out or break, being eon.tructed with on wild band from clip I point. It la pronounced by .'1 practical lumbermen who bar xamined It to be th mo.l p.rfMt Canthook r loeenUd. Amoj Kennard, Patentee. - Uawifaatured bj knot Kanaxu A Co., al , CLEARFIELD, PA. rtT All order! promntty ittetidf' to. S'7I We, desire to cull the attention of tho citizens of Clearfield huvo opened a MUSIC r . Where we intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of , PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. J. ' : . . . . I , . . . : Our stock of PIANOS will consist of , , ; ' RAVEN & COMPANY'S PIANOS, ' ; - ; STEIN WAY & SONS' PIANOS, We are prepared at all times fa voraulo terms as to prices anu Our stock of ORGANS will consist of the new and popular ; . . i i ...... . RYNDER ORGAN, (with Rynder's Kneo Tremolo nnd downward The SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S NEW HAVEN MKLODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides theso we furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. '.Wo sell on every plan known to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the POPULAR f ND EASY LEASE PLAN. On our easy terms everyone amount will tend so much to LtZTWe shall be glad to have ocl23-'72-ly PidrrUanfou. JF ECONOMY IS AN OBJECT, Bl'T YOUR CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, &o,, - AT D. STEWART & SON'S CLOTHING STORE. X They keep a full line of Men's, Youths' t Boys' Clothing. Also, Umbrellas, Sntvhclls, Overall', LUU, bliifls, Lndorblnrts, and Drawers, 4o., Which tbey will loll at moat reasonable prlcea. Call and examine their e-ofii befnr pureLallni laewher. Heuni in Manaloa building. ClcarOeld, Pa., October S, 1873. OOK AND READ! SADDLE & II AR ESS SMklXG! ' JOHN C. HAIiWICK, Market St., CLEARFIELD, Ta., Tb 0e man lo go to if voti AQt lot of new II A H.N kiSS or ivDcw 8ADLLb., ur i)jttiin(( Iie in tbfti line, lie farm out m kooI work i If dom in any ilmp tn PcDiilriiiio. nnd bu prlcvi are vry renonaUlt, touttantly on kind a full lin of TROTTING GOODS, iucri a Trolling Pn-1lle,Qtiurtrrandl Hfain litxttn, Trotting Kollcrt, H lit, Y m llrnKhn nud t diuU, la. A flue annirluntit of Ntt, llorita Co rem, Kneo Ulanket. Buffalo liolxa, Ac, Ao.. keut in canon. In laot any i bin tlmt horse moo itanl in nwil of It alwfiyi n baml. All of wliich will li sjU at vbokkala or retail at the Tory fuirtt raic-. Uepuirirj promptly aunica tn. All work gitarjiiloe l. d!mi iu room formerly occupird tvi f'oit UOicc. April II, 1H7.1. i:iltiovai.. l.RANK SHORT, of Iho "Short 1 8h thnti." rivra not Ira that ha hai ra- mi'Ted fron Urahatn'i How, on Market treat, to next ilnnr to the Allcahmr Hotel, on Market Mrect, where he ii prepared to make and mend BOOTS AND SHOES, itltrhcd, lewnl or pfrerl. with tha bent I'nrk the oa i torn market afl'urri and at a reasonable pricei aa thej can be bought for eUowhorn, anj where ha ii prepared to aroim module all hia old ouitom tn and a many new ooci aa mny favor him with a rail. Thankful for pait farora, he would re peel full roliclt a continuance of their patronage. Clearfield, October 22, 1871.-6ai THE CLEAliFI ELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE ! Manufactured especially for TUB CLEARFIELD TRADE, loiittur an3'79 n. F. Birti.rn a r. OB BALKI A lam ami well Oniilicd Click Direlllni, aitu- ate on the rirer bnnk, In the borough of Oar- livld, containing clcren rot. mF, villi guud cellar, water in the kitchen, and all th modern eonre niencee. Fantrlea, Ratb-room, Clo'bca refe, Ae. Lot .lite Tret Tront anil two hundrnd and thirty feel bank, with a twenty foot alky on the teat aid, baid hnil.linjc, wi.n all tn apnnrtenaneea, ill b Kild eli.jli, with payraenlllu tuit purcha- .er. Apiicntion ean he uiado ti the under- rlneil, or to A. laic, r...., . no win i;ir. an nooeeMary inroruintlon tu tbuno wbo to in ppeot the i.roporiy. T1I0S. J. MoCl'LLOl'an. M .y Jlat, tsn, tf. Beale's Embrocation, (l a t powbll's,) For all dlna.ei Incident to Horace, C.ltle, and Human Fleth, reo,-!rlng tb ua of an iternal application. Thia Embroca.lnn wai utaoalrely aied by tbe aorernment during tb, war. For i.l, by Hartawlck A Irwin, Clearfield Jo.eph R. Irwin, Corwennlll,. Ilanial Oood ander. Lotheraburg. tf. Atlcution, Lumbermen: WE aro now mnml.eUirlng our IMPHWrD Nl'KKI,.ri(ICKb.r UKIVINO CANT IIOCIKR. innerior to any other in uae. W, ha. l.o in nork a large quantity of Canthooki aalla ble fur railing purpuae.. whlrh we ar aelllng heap Tor enafl. .nune ii. aajiiiAnj. Clearfield, P Waruh IS, 187.J. QUNSMITIUNO. Q. W, WOLFE, rnictiCAL GUXSMrrn.. Pbon nn Third atreet, OTr Hlley'i blaekamllh ihop, CLEARFIELD, PA. Ail kiota or nine ana mot unni on nana. Repnlrlnf done In a 8ret manner and at fair MARKET : S T R E E T, -CLK ABF I K L 1, P EN WA. -i:o:i- STORE I,N CLEARFIELD, to furnish any of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most terms oi payment. - MASON & enn have a good instrument, MAKE HOME HAPPY. you call and see us, whether you desiro to purchase or not. JlYM)EItS MTTNIC STORE. pisrrltanrous. QLEARFIELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. TUB nnderaigned. fuewsori to BFKD k l'OW KM,, have nnrrbaied tbo CLKAR FIELU FLA NIK i MILL, and refuted ft for dointf an extrniiTa bnaioesi. All tha mnebJnerj will lie added neoeMnry to make) it one of tbe no it complete eatab Uhtoenta ol tha kind In tbe Stale. Tliey are now prepared to reccira onion for any work in that lioe. Tbcy will gireipecial attention to all material! for houae building. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASU, DOORS, BLINDS, u rackets, jioii.tti.ra, t. OF ALL STYLES, alwayi OB band. WORKED BOAItTtf, and all artlcli noonn. rr for huilJin. will b airhanged for DRY LI'MIIKR, ao !hnt peraoni at a distance uiny bring their lumW, exvhanfa It for, and return home with tha manufactured art Idea. The Company will always hare on hand a large st'k of dry lumber, no at lo be able to fill an fider oa tlie shortcut noMce. Only the beat and inont alt it I Tu I bnnde wiil be employed, ao that the public may rely upon good work. Loml'tr will rve worked or told aa low aa It can be pure haed anywhere, and warranted to give satitifaetioo. Ai the buainena will be dna upon tbe caah prlnoipla wt ean aflbrd to work for email profile. DRY LUMBER WANTED J Especially one and-a-half and two Inch panel atuH, for which a liberal prion will ba paid. The bat.Dtea will be eon ducted under tha nam of tha "Clearfield Planing Mill Co." 0. D. il.rrell will permaally auperlnt.nd thb baiiaeai. Order, rtpctfally lolioited. 0. 1). MFRRTLt. II. II. TAYLOH. KAVID MrQAl'OnRT. M. U. BKOWN A BKO. Clearteld, Fa., January i, 1874. READING FOR ALLII BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market ft., ClearOrlil, (at tha Poat OlDcc.) flMI K underiigned beri leaT, to announe, to 1. tb, eltieena of Clearteld and rlolnlly, that h, baa fitted np a room and baa Jnat returned Croa tb, olty with a lar( amount of radio matter, con.latlng In part of Eibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Booka of .rery da orlntlon t r.rer and Enrelnnei. French nreaaed od plain l'eni and l'encij. Blank, Legal tSperi, IMdi, Uortgagei) Judgment, Stamp tlon and Promii.ory notei Whit, aod I'arebf meat Brief, Legal Cap, Keeord Cap, and Dili Cap, Sheet, Muat for either Piano, Hate or Violin oonatantly on band. Any book! or itatlonery dealred that I may not bar oa band, will be er ordered by tret apr.i, and (old at wbolual or retail to luit ou.innierl. I will alia keep periodical literature, inch a Hagailn., n.wi. paper., Ae. t. A. UAUL1M. Ulareld May t, OSHANNON LAND AND.LUMBER C O M P A H V, OSCEOLA STEAU MILLS, atiaurAcTvnii LUMBER, LAT1I, AND TICKETS a iSiitccif it Talent Bibbed Shingles. II. n. SHILLING FORD, Pmident, Offloe-FofWt Dim, No. I2J S. 4th at, Pbil'a. JOHN LAWSHF, General Bup't,, Oaoeola Milla, Cktaraeld wanty, Pa. A tao TOWN LOTS Ut la). In th borough f Oloeola. Alio Keen th LA RUES X ASSORTMENT of Uooda In Clearfield eounly at their Mammoih Stur lo Oeeeola. Jn-74 Limo tor Sale I THE nneVoralgned, rraiding near th depot bai mad Muiplet krcMRweaal with Lime iiurnari aaat of the tnountain, whereby h Ii ena bled to keep oonatantly on hand a large g, unuljty of PUKE LIME! which he offer, to farmer and hulldori at trifle aboro coat. Thoa, in need of the axtlela would do well to giro ae a oall, w addrell ua by letter, be fore egottaling tbelr line. URO. C. PABSM0R1. ' ClearBeld, Pa., June I, 18(10, BAUOAIKS IN MUSICAL IN rlTRUMSNTSI Organa, both new and eeoond band, at tho Mull, Htnr,, Quitch' Farnitnre titora. All perioni intereeted are Inel ted to call and el amine a new ityhr of Organ low oa aahihitlun. facet Muii, and Nail Honk eoaalantl on hipl J'U 7J'f county to the fact that we HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS. . Octave Coupler,) OUGANS, HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the - ; and no other investment of like County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Maeonie Building, on door north of 0. D. Walaon't Drug Htorw. Paaaag Ticket to aod from Liverpool, Queens town, tilaagow, London, Peril and Copenhagen. Alao, Brail, for aale on tb Royal Baiik of Ireland and Imperial Bnnk of London. JAMKS T. LEONARD, Prca't. W. M. SflAW, ,'..h!or. . 011:1:74 J. D. M'Glrk. Edward Perk a. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE Ob- McGIRK & PERKS. Bucceaaore te Foater. Parke, A Co., Pbillpebnra;, ft nt re County, Pa. W HE It Ball tha hnalneai of a Banking Uontt wil' oa (ran vac ted prvmpUy and upon the moat faroraole terra a mar7tf DREXEL & CO., Ko. 31 ihiath Third Street, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mall will reoair prompt atten tion, and all information chrfu)ly furniabed. Order! aollotcd. April II If. rjllIE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OP STOVKS ! STOVES ! ever brought to the eounty, are being rcevfred at the Hardware Kitabliahment of II. r. IIIUI.I.K o. CO., eomprtaiiig tbo following Cook Store : SPEAR'S CALOniFIC, SUSQUEHANNA, KEOULATOB. NOBLE. EXCELSIOR. TKIUMPH. GOV. PENH. READING, NATIONAL RANGE, AC. AC. Alao, th following Hooting Store t SPEAR'S ANTI CLINKER, SPEAR'S ANTI DUST. SPEAR'S ORBICULAR, SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, MORNING LIGHT, BON TON, OIPSEY, VULCAN, SUNBEAlf, RU3Y' IAUPHIN EGG, v CHESTER EGO, VOLCANO, ' PHOENIX, HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE ROOM STOVES, C. Clearlold, Sept. J5, 187t. rjJO THE FRO N T ! REAT EXCITEMEKT N . AT TUB CLEARFIELD BAKERY ICE CREAM SALOON I ' Tbo un lrralgned haying luit fitted np new large and comfortable room on Market street, near Third, rcaper-tfuliy inform, th publiethat h now dreparrd to accommodate them with everything In liii lin on abort notioeand ataij bour vf th day. lie keepi oa band ERESH BREAD, RUSKS, ROLLS, PIES, CAKES, all kind., ICQ CREAM, and a general aiortmnt of CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, NITS, Ao, Allofwhirh will b to euatomen at their reeidencea, wba requcated to do iote ICS CREAM, by th diih, lerred in a aoatly fur- nlahed roofll. Thankful for th geaerou. patronage beetowed in tlie pad, h, hope, to merit and rooelr, a eon. tioueace of lb, am from hii old cuato m.r, and thera ' , , JOttN STADLER. Jnn, ll.TS-tf. rpiIK nndenlgnid bega lear.U Woro) tbepeb- X that he ti now fun prepared to aceoro mo dule all In the way of furnlahlng, lluggiea, Saddle and Ham.., on the .horteet notioe and on rwronabl terma. Reeldenc oa Locuat atreet, btwn Third and Fourth. ()K0. W. OBARIIART, TlearfleM, Feb. 4, 1H7. T)INK. WHIT1 A ROAN LININO SEIN8- I Jnat reeetre, aa ror eeie ny April t. )bJI, J. F. DJOLFR A CO, v SilktTT & SCHUVVER, i ... m. ...:M . . k v.' ' tlALllt II HARDWARE, and mannfaotgrera of Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Beoond Street, . ' CLEARFIELD, PA. Hating largely lnereaicd onr itock of Hard ware, we luvit tb publlo to exaiolna our .tock and prlcei. . . , . Carnentor. and penona who contemplate build ing will do wall to namln our TOOLS A BUILDISO HARDWARE, which Ii new and of th beat manufacture, and will b iold low for wh. NAILS, - , . CLASS, ' ruTir, GLUE, LOCKS, ,. . LATCHES, HINGES, . BCEEW8 All ktncjf of Denoh Planfti, Sawn, Chlwli, Pqarif tIimoiri, lUtcheti. Pluinbi ftnd LTeli. Uortifted A Thumb tiuigei, Herein '' Urei A BitU, Wood mui Tron ' linrh Bcitwh. nnd tbe bftt orinf Mivbine In tbo market. Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, Ao. Agents for Burndl's Iron Corn Shelter, warrulcd. Alio, ngenti for Richards' GOTHIC FLUE TOPS, wblcb eifeetuallj euro Binokj Fluei. Ftrmpri' Implemeoti tnd Garden Tuolt of orory OeJCriptlOD. A largo Yarlety of COOK STOVES, which w. warrant to glr. aatlifaction. Portable Mlattfts and Fitrnaeta. lML.Ro"fitiic, Snouting and Job Work don oa reaaonahl term. All order will receir prompt attention. - June 11, 187). BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (3acenaor to Boyn'.Dn A Toung,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Uanafaotonrt of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Conor of Fourth and Pin Street, CLEARFIELD. PA. i..-r h. ".' 'JaJ. ' ' a4 - A4t .. -1 7 HAVING engaged tn th manufacture of firet claa MACIII.NF.RT, we reapeclfully Inform tbo publi that wa ar bow prepaaad to 111 all orderi aa oheaply and ai promptly ai can b don in any of tha citiaa. W, manufactur aod deal in Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Dead Block, Water Wheel, Ehaftln, Pulleya, Oilford'i Injector, SUam Oaugca, Steam Wbiitlaa, Oilert, Tallow Cope, Oil Cupe, Gauge Cock, Air Cock., Olobe Valre, Cheek Valru, wrought Iron Pipev S'.eiun fumpa, Boiler Feed Pumpa, Antl- Frlctlon Metre, Soap Stone Packing. Oua Pack ing, and all kindi of KILL WORK) together with Plowi, Sled Sole., COOK AND TA RL OR STO VES, - V and other CASTINGS of all kind. ftr-Order, ollcitd and tiled at city price," All letter of Inquiry with reference to machinery of onr manufacture promptly anawered, by addr ing ui at Clearneld, Pa. J.ol74-tf BK1I.ER, TOCJid A HEED. rrERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, v Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept oonatantly on haod. STOE AM) EARTHEN -WARE OF KVERV DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTS! CHOCKS! flaher'i Patent Airtight ftclf - Kealliif frnit a. ami BfTTER CROCKS, with, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, Arrl.K- HI TTKR CHUCKS, t Drnit o u L' FLOWER POTR, tlB DIBITS. And a groai many other things too nvmoroni to nioniion to m oaa at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE -A7ARE POTTERY, Corner of CbrrT and Third Streoti, CLKAJttlKLD, PA. auR FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOB SALE BY It. F. Iliglor A Co. IRON IOVBLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD DOtBLK-SIIOVEii TLOWS. WOOD BINQLK-SIIOVEL TLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. OOWAN'DA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. riTISBURQ STEEL TLOWS. HACPT'8 BELLEFONTE PLOWS. ROBESON'S and IllOMPSON'8 FLOWS. or-Sberr for all of tb abor Plow tn ll.iiUy on band. mj?-JS H. F. BIG LEA t CO, h fur u CARRIAGE & WAGOX WOODS, SHAFTS AND P0I.E8, nuns, spokes, 7 elloes, to. Carrltjte aid Wagoa Maker aboald auk a note of tail and (all and eietni Uiem. 'Aey win n loip ap tair rieei, iptjtl 1 Dr. J. Wiilker'H tuiiloinin iu fRnr llillors mo n mro!y.Vccctab! jufpnmlloi), niailo cliiclly from Iho oa livo licibi fimnd on tlio loner r.irtR of Iho SiciT:i Ncvmln nlonutaliia oft'alifnr n.a, tho medicinal lii'opcrtlM of which' mo cxti'iictod tliinchuiu without tho uf.i' tif Alcohol. Tho question ii ulmost t!:iily itsUcd. " What U tiro cniiao of .llio tiniiaralleled fncccss of Vinf.oah Bit TKits V Our nunwer Is, tlmt llior rcniov) tho cauao of disease, iindUio patient re cover, hi health. Thoy mo tlio Rrcat blood piirilinraiid a lifo-fe'it lnff principle,, n porl'ect Mcnoviitor nud IntiKOtatur of tho system. Ncror befoto In th hiatory of tlio world ha a medicine be-i cumiiiiumlcd noencning tlio rcmnrkablo; qaalilia, of ViNHOAH Uimtml In healing th lick of rcry ilwoaxo niaai heir to. '1 hoy ar, gut!o I'uriiuliva u vei a a Tonic, rclioving Congeatinn or Inflammation or tl.o Liver and Vuceral Organ, la Uilion . 1twaiet Tlie propoi-tles of tn. Walxeb's Vixkoib iiirrita arn Aperient. TiaihorctM,( Cnmiiniuiro. Sutritiona, Laxatiro, Uiuretic, . Sedative; Cunntvr Irritant BuiloriOo, Altcra tivn, md Anti-Uiliou. .... Grateful Thousands proclaim Tnr boar Bitters tbe most woriderful In Tigorant that erer ttutained -tb liakiog yatein. ' 'o Tcrson can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral paison or other . means, and vital organ wasted beyond repair. ' Vilions. Remittent and Inter miltont levers, which are so preva lent In the valleys of oar great rivers throughout the Cnitcd States, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, lied, Colorado, Hrazos, Rio Grande, I'ear!, Alabama, Mobilo, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, tu4 many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat nnd dryuess, nrs Invariably accompanied by extensive do rangcineuts of tlio stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. Iu their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful inlluenre npnn theso various or gans, Is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as thoy tvill spcodily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which tho bowels are loaded, at tho sarao time stimulating the secretions of tho liver, mid generally restoring tho healthy functions of the digostivo organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying nil its fluids with Vixegar Hitters. No epidemic can take bold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, nead acbe, J'aiu iu the Shoulders, CourIis, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Tasto in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palplta-J tation of the Ilcm t, Inflammation of tha Lung9, I'ain hi tho regiou of tho Eld ' licys, and a hundred other painful Bymp toms, are tho offsprincs of Dyspepsia One bottle will prove a octterguaraiitco of its merits. thau a lengthy advertise ment. - Scrofula, or Klne's Evil, Whito Swollinge, L'li'flri, ErvicjM, ciivolled Keck, Goitro, bcrolulou InllaiiiiiiaiKm, Indolent Inllainiiiatiana, ilurcunnl Atlnctiona, Old Soro.1, Kmpliiin, of the bkin, Sore Eye, eto. In tUc-o. u iu nil other cunatitntiunal Iiaw euei, Walkks's ViMio HiTTtina bar bowro their treat curative power, in Ui limit obstinaUi aud hitraulablo cane. Tor Inflaiiiniiitory and Chronic . lllieunintisni. Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tlie IiicxkI, Liver, Kidney, and Bladder, tlioe Ilittrr, liavo no equal. Such Uiicucs tire caused by Vi tinted lilood. - Mechanical Diseiuses. Porsons cn. caged tu l'ain ts and Minerals, such as I'lumbero, Trpc-srttem, Gold-beater,, and Miner,, a thoy advance in life, are ubo to aralyai, of the Dowel. To- guard atraiunt tliia, take a dote of WiLlu'i Vl kQAR BiTTF.n Kcciuioually. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-lthonm, llliitrhi, SjMita, Piniplol, 1'uMiilcl. Bulla, Carbuncle, King-worm,, twald head, Scire Eye, Eryeipela. Iteb, Bcurfi. Dikoolorntione of the Skin, Humor and Diaraaoi of tlie Skiu of whatever nam or nature, are liiorally dng np and carried out of the avatein In a short time by th, dm of then Hitter. Tin, Tape, and other Worms lurkinar in the aretcm of ao many thousand., are elleotually a octroyed and remoTed. Ko vsU-'Ui of ainlicine, no vennilugea, no an., thchniuitlci wiil free the iystota hum worms like these Bittors. For Female Complaints, tn young or old, married or tingle, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, tbeae Tonio Bitten diaplay ao decided an influence that improvement is oon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated lilood when ever you find it, impurities banting through tbe ckio io Pimple, Eruption,, or Soreat cleanse it when you find it obttructed and tluggiah in the veini; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell roa when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of th lytMn) ' will follow. it. h. Mcdonald co troirirllt. end Gen. A fta 6aa Francisco. California eat! cor of Wnehinrton and ('barilon St... N. T. Sold kjr all Uraa:I.U aBd Deal.r. October It, 187S-1J. pEACb' ID EUROFEI GREAT EXCITEMENT . IN FRENCH YILLE I Th. bloody eotiteft bttwee FrmtiM and Fnifit I at n Md for tt, nrRfnt, ao fr m tha rangh trioft of on avad tn deitrnettoB of property ta eon earned. Tfta Rayal Jagglert no doabl piida themwlrM and rajuiva ovar Um vaajiU, bmt how ttirifrnlfteaot la their work whao com pared witlv tha kin man a and christian affurU of L. M. COUDRIET who haa andciiakan to ppljr all tho eltiiMia t th lowor end of tha oounty with food aad rainatki at aiM-adinir; low rata ftoa hia mamnoth atora t MCLSONBUKtf, where ba ran always o foaad nady to wait iipoa call eta and aupplf than with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Snch Clothi, Satinetti, Caaalmeree, Mnitla, l,llnei, Linea, Iirtllinga, Calleoei, Trimfllinge, Kibbon., Lao, Ready-inade Clothing. Boole and Shone, HaU Cpali of th beat malarial and made to order lioe, Socks, U lot ea, Mittens, Laoea, Ribbon, A. GK0CKIUE8 OF ALL Oolfee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, AlolajM, Fish, halt, Pork, Llnieed Oil, t'l.h Oil, Carbon Oil. . Hsrdware, Queen.ware, Tinware, Castings, Plewa and Plow Caatinca, Nail., Snikea, Cora Cultiva tors, Cidor, and all kindi of Ai. Perfumerj, Paints, Vaml-h, Glass, and a geaaral aasortsoejit of Statioaory, ( GOOD FLOUR, Of diSerent brands, alwavi on hand, aad win to old at b luwoet (loasibl Igitre. LIQUORS, aa.h a Braady, Wins Oln, TTblsig, - JasoVj Madiola, Uo.teUsir'd' ttd ,' P Moorland'l illlUra. . . tfttlt founds of Wool wanted for which tha hlgheat price will ho nald.' Clortreeed oa bead and tor sale ,t th lowest aaarkm prle. ' ' Also, AgecH for SlraUanHII aad CarwM.rlU, ThMshing Haebiaa. kaVCall and Me tor yoaraalre. Ton will la4 v,r;tbin aauallf kept la a retail star. , . , . L. M. 0VURIKT. FranobTlll P. OVaroh i,lTl. J" I'WTlt KB' d CiOWIITABl.tW KKE W. r printed a larg Mnbr of th a.w FRB BILL, aad will oa tb reoelpt of twmtv Irs tejiti, BAall I top; 1, av tfpHh ?)f