GEORGE B. GOODLANDER, i' CDITvll AID mOPRIMTOB. , WtttKKSDAY MOMNI.'TO. FEB. IS, 1814. 1 L ... . . Wnntt)pnl ElreUon. Aa wo go lo press (Ttrcsdiiy altcr noon) llio pooplo aro voting in every oily, borough Rntl lownsliip in this Common woallli for tlioir locul officers. l'li9 lias not occurred for many years, ,if ever before. Thcro is no particu lar excilvmenl anywbero outsido of llio largo citiest. ' Tilings. aro lively in Philadelphia, Tiltsburgh, Harrisburg, '.Reading and a few oilier cities. In the former tily a vory vigorous cam paign bus been carried on for iliroe . Tito uiiiivHss :ias not been equalled by the moHt exciting IVeni Jenliul clction. Tho light is a square no between tho pooplo and tho rob ber. Ih (utter aro few in numbers, ll is truo, but they havo been doing the voting and counting, fur tho peo ple, for years. Tho fuw, (corrupt ut that) havo ruled tho many. Slokcly, tho present Mayor, is tho ring nomi noc. Such corrupt Democrats as Sum. Josephs, Alderman McMullon nd Al. Sohofield, and their followers, Jill support him. lion. Alexander K. AlcCIuro is running as an Independ ent candiduto, supported by the Dem ocrats and the licformcra. For our elf wo would havo preferred, a straight Democratic cnndiihilo, but as nearly all our most worthy and prom inent Democrats in that city saw fit to pursue a different poliey wo have not meddled in their affair, and now hope they may succeed with Col. Mc Cluro, who is without doubt tho ablest rtali'smnn in Pennsylvania. Combin ing his tnlont, energy and experience, he has no equal in tho State. His election to tho Mayoralty will break up a "Iiing," as infamous, l.lthough with less brain, as llio Tammany J-ing, nnd furnish llio EiiBtcrn l'eni tentiary with at least n score of con victs within the next twoyoara, who aro now sitting in high placed, to the tlixgraeo of the Stalo and llio city. '' 0) a The Revenue Lous. Eighteen months ago Congress was foolish enough to take llio tariff duties off tea and coffee It might as well jo taken off whisky and tobacco, thci. the four leading luxuries would be exempt from taxation and would rouko the action of Congress consist ent, anyhow. Although the govern ment tax of twenty five cents a pound on tea, and Cro cents a pound on cof fiee, lias been taken off for over a year e.e fiouftckccpcr hero in the backwoods has discovered it. . . Hut the revcrso is llio fact. Coffee is now higher than ever. Henry L. Dawes, Ch'm of tho Ways and Means Committee in Con groKg, who is now looking around for tax and revenuo enough to keep the .government inachino in running order during tho next year, declared in a speech the other day that if the JIovc nue kept falling off during tho next year us it had in tho past, thoTreasury would lo rendered bankrupt. Among tbo losses during tho past yoar is sir teen million dollars on tea and nine million on cotTeo. Hero we havo a loss to tho government revenues of twonly-fivo million dollars. Now,wuo bus pockolcd that sum T The gov ernment has lost it and tho consumers of tea and coffee havo failed to reap the benefit.' How much of that mon ey wont into tho pockets of the Credit Mobilier Congrosstncn, bestowed upon Jl-eiii by tho lea and coffco ring, for rcpealinir the Tariff! '. Mr. Dawes cloaca with this pertinent question : "If there .bo -ftuy value in this state ment, I ask tho attention of tho House a moment to this qncstion wholhcr it Lo poesiblo for us in tho discharge of our public duly, lo leuva the Treasury in thin condition ? Its obligations must go to protest unless it can bo re lieved." Wo simply ask Mr. Dawes, why did you depleto the revenues of llio Treasury by taking tho tax off of luxuries, while you never rolicvo the people tu Uio umounl of ono cent Wo say, quit your infernal tinkering Kith tbo rovenuos,assuind tho rolo of a Mftlosinnn and divost yourself of your ilcmugngnclHli garb, und you will do tho government somoservico and fill' fill the design of your creation. ' t acancy llLt.KU llio vacancy caused in tho , Ohio Constitutional I'onvcnliuii by tho icsitriiation of Chief Juslico Waite, has rcuii filled sby tho election of (iuaorul James B. fStcu Jinan, ltMnocrtit,' who defeated llio regular lladicul nominee. Ccn crul Steudinun is a brother to Mis Judgo Barrett, nnd porstnnlly known o many bf our citizens, llo is an iihlo ninn nnd will add much strength do iko iVmocrutio sldo of tho Con VcnUon. ; i : i i Kv-amh'b Shadow. Tho Jlurrisburg fatriot ndUs : "Aro w novor lo know llio dexterous gentlemen who pul Ibis nur walking shadow, Kvans,botweon us an4 Alt light of Ihoircountonanou Now that tho lo.i Is safe and tbo poo plo reconciled, why should bashful merit longer, hide llsolff" It is not this shadow that tho people want. It is tho money ho illegally withholds .1 Urlght future. The political ly begins to shed rays of light and the future of tho Demo cratic party is bright with bopa. On every sido can bo soon tho evidences of docadonco nnd disorganization o( llio .Radical party. A long period of extravagance and unneccsanry publio expenditure) of tho people's money, and repented aggressions upon tho cardinal doctrines of our democratic form of government, and tho palpa blo mismanagement of its finances, aro rapidly producing tho oonviolion In tho minds of tho people that thbao who havo governed them havo had too long a loaso of power. Change is it law of our individual being, and it is equally so with tbo existence of administrations. ' It is not only that; In Congress, tho liadi onl leaders in tho Houso, of whom Dawes, of Massachusetts, is chief, ha just struck tho key-noto of tho open ing campaign, end warned his loyal associates of tho coming wrath of tbo pooplo who aro about calling thorn to an account for their evtravnganco and misrule in our national affairs, as well as within the States. . This is not all; locally tho enemy is aim worse disturbed, in tho two great cities, Philadelphia and Pitts burgh, oar opponoule aro torn, dis tracted and divided, and as wo writo, their condemnation is buing'sealed by tho peop'o- Peculation, defalcation, onerous taxation and corrupt "ring rulo'' has accomplished its work, and tho people once more mado to rejoice. However, it matters but litllo should tho Philadelphia and Pittsburgh rings succeed in counting themselves ir. again, tlio seeds of dissolution aro so thickly sown in tho enemy's fallow that tho tromendous struggle, which is now in progress, is a sure harbinger of dissolution, oven in these their strongholds. ' ' No organization, whether political or physical, can sustain itself under a condition of distraction and diversion within 1 and constant assaults from without. In this wo see the real con dition of tho Radical party, nnd in it wo can, if truo lo ourselves and our principles, 'see and feel the day of our triumph npproai hing. A disor ganized and corrupt army needs but to bo pressed by a pnlriotio and dis ciplined force, infeiior in numbers though it be, to bring dismay and do feat to its demoralized ranks. Is ibis notour opportunity? Friends, tho hour is propitious, und unity and har mony aro duties wo all should incul cate. Strife and distentions aro as fatal as corruption and decay.for theso produco divided councils and aimless encrg3-. Thercforo, let a spirit of concord prevail from tho borough or township meetings, np through our organization until wo roach our Slate and National conventions. Organized and syslemalio efforts, spiucd with pure teal nnd vigilance, must win tho next battle in this Slato. Judicial ttpporlioumfut. Tho Scnato Committee on tho Ju diciuiy General has fixed tho number of judicial districts in the State at forty, with two additional law judges for Philadelphia, one for York and Adams, ono for Luzerne, one for Dauphin and Lebanon, ono for Clear- fluid, Centro and Clinton, aud one fur Butler and Lawrence. Tho hill pro posed increases tho number of Judges tifloen. It has been reported from the eommiltco in the Senato and will doubtless puts both Houses, eubstan- tinlly as follows: 1 Phllsdelphia, two additional Judges, . 3 Ianeasior. " 2 Deliwere. i 4 CbttUr. , ' 6 York and Adams, one additional Jatlga. 4 Cambrlnn tint Vtrry, 1 Franklin and Vullnn. s Bedford and omener. Huntingdon, lllair and CanWia. ID Iudiina ' I Luieruc, ona additional jaJg. 12 Diuijibin aud Ltbauyo, uue additional judge. II Ilrrki. , 14 FajHla. 15 Hcbutlkill. ' -IS Hueka. ., 17 MonlKomer. 18 t.ehiirh. IV Nortbainiton. : 20 hajucbanna. 21 Wayne, 1'ikt, Monroe And Carlos. 22 !lra.llurd. - 23 Columbia, Kulllraa and Wminlug. s 21 Nortbumberlund aod Montour. ' t'j V'nion. hnjder, Mitllin and Juniata. 26 Ucartidd, Outre tod Clinton, one addition al jude. 27 I.)evnniiir. 1 . 2 Tioga, I'oilpr, H'Eni and Cameron. 2B Krie and Warrvu. 50 Crawford. 1 31 Venango and Foreet. 32 Jrflereon, Clarion aud Elk. 33 Armstrong. . , 31 Hatlrr and Lawrence, one additional Judge ti Mcroer. . ' it llvaver. ,( ... : 37 Orreno. , SH Wa'hingtnn. 311 Allrghan. . ' 4d Wi-itinuivlanJ. n Under tho bill, judges for those dis tricts in which none resident tbo timo of its passage, and alno in tho districts in which additional judges aro autho rized, will bo elected al llio next gen oral election. If tho act becomes a law as 11 now if, this district will bo required to elect ono additional law Judgo iu November next A Uio Family, The lisl of voters in Philadelphia, when completed by the iiKsossors last week,1 numbered 15:1,420, lo 107,091 lust year. The oily has therefore lost nearly 11,000 voters in ono year, or tho rooster had enrolled Hint many repeaters and baK lot box aluffers. Luck Kditorh. Tho Venango iWefrtfor stales this : "Kdcnr Cowan, Of the Warron Mail : W. A. Ituport, of the Conneatitvillo'Couri'cr; Kd. W. Smiley, of the Venango Citizen, and . Jl. IMiiin, of llio .forest JirMiMi aw, havo been appointed tranacribinr; clerks at Unrrisbur Uowanand Itu port in lho Senalo, and the others in tho House. All these uenllunicn, ex cept Mr. Smiley, opposed lho now Constitution, and olinoat all tho elect ed aod nptioinlwd o dicers in both Houses, from Speaker, down, were Its opponents'. Tbo King inanogra un that from lho lait.but ihoRingiound tho Constitution too formidable to ro sist and it yielded wisely lo the ncce. eitieaof lho eituatioii." , Ct.1. Mcf -lure aUlcd in lho Senalo rom lho pcoplo ireusury, ana wnicn t . , . , . Ul.r0 wo UOi0uo olins divided among lho "ut'dilion. L,,,,, u,noa on tho Philadelphia division npj ileucM" Vi'tV of State registry list. No Uepuhlicaii Senator Litter from ICarriaburg. llAnniHiiLiui, Feb. 14, 1871. Ma. Editor: Tho argument on tho reserved point in tho Evans caso was heard on tho 10th instant, before Judgo Pierson oT thin county. Tho point as mnde by Mr. Hall, defend ant's attorney, on tho trial of (his case and which tho court reeorved, was, that tho act of March 80, 1811, for tho scltlomont of publio accounts having provided tho plaintiff a reino dy, it must be pursued and lho judg ment of tho reserved point must bo entered on tho vordict in favor of tho defendant. Thocounsol for plaintiff look tho position that the Commonwealth had a right lo tho common law remedy, and wore not confined to the act oi ls) 1. Judge l'ierson's docision was reserved for a future day. . In lho Senato, this week, lho judi cial apportionment bill has receivod much attention. On second reading of tho bill Mr. Wallace amended the first sootion thoroof, by strikikingoul 'to which tho counties of Perry and juniata nro uerooy attached." Mr. Wallaco said, "I desire lo stato the reasons for this amondmcnt, as it may, perhaps, become proper on this consideration of tho subject matter of tue oiii, to ma no other amondmend monls. My view of lho Constitution differs somewhat from that of the Senator w ho has this bill in chargo (Rutan)." Ho tlion continues, Btuling that counties having forty thousand inhabitants shall bo separate judicial districts under lho provisions of arti cle fivo, section five, of the new Con stitution, and that where a county that is contiguous to such an one, and having less than forty thousand inhab itants, it can bo attuched to any olher county having less than forty thous-' and inhabitants. W.o cannot attach such county to a county having forty thousand, as tho Constitution requites tho attachment of such county to an other county of lho same character as itself. Whenever a county having less than is requisite to entitle it to a separate judgo, and is surrounded by counties having each tho rcqusito for ty thousand, then, in that ovonl, the minority county must bo nnnoxud to ono of lho majority counties, as lho Constitution will not allow that two majority countios shall be thrown to gether judicially when separated by a majority county." Mr. 'Wallace urjrcd able arguments to prove his in terpretation of lho Constitution the correct ono. The bill is exciting a irreat deal of interest all over tho Stato and many protests havo heou received from counties asking for a change in lho dinlricts in which their own county is located'. Tho following bill was introduced in tho Houso, Ibis week : "That the payment of interest on deposits by privato bankers, Stato banks and Na tional bank-, is prejudicial to tho best interests of the people of this Com monwealth, represses privalo enter prise, and yields to capitul therein employed a return greater than thai employed in any other form, Jlesolord, That lho committee on lho judiciary bo and are hereby inslruotcd lo pro paro and report to this Houso. a bill consistent wilb lho Constitution and laws of this Commonwealth, and of the United States, bv which payment of interest on deposits shall be forbid den, and such penalties imposed ,as shall prevent tho snmo." If such" a bill should be reported and pass,and bo coino a law, it would undoubtedly ere a to tho greatest chano in financial alTair that could possibly happen. On Thursday last, Senato hill No. 41 was taken up in tho House, it be ing a bill explanatory of certain parts of lho new election law. It cites in tho fir I section that lho assosors ap pointed in tho election bill, sections fourteen aud fifteen, ore hereby do clarcd to bo assessors only lo perform such duties as are now rcquirod by law of assoesors incident to the hold ing of election and registration of voter', and that the office of assessor for purposes of valuation, with all the duties incident thereto, shall conlikuo and remain as are now provided for by law : provided, that iu townships, boroughs and wards comprising but one election district, the axsossors for purpose of valuation shall be assessors for tho holding of elections und ihoreg istration ot . voters. Section second provides for the returns of tho elec tion of township or borough oftlcers to bo sent lo tho clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the county, in stead of lo the prolhonolary of the Court of Common Pleas. Tho bill was tbon amended, inserting a third scelhn relating to naturalization pa pers nnd their content)), and in this condition passed second reading. Brock way, of tho House, read in place lately, a bill which if passed, will bring to grief many who have been dead-heading it over our rail roads in tho past. Tho first section provides that no railroad, railway or other transportation company shall grant free passes or passes at a dis count, to any person except an officer or an employee ot llio company whoso nxmo is borne on the pay rolls of tho company, ns a regular ofllccr or em ployee thoroof, and any person sign- llixr or iseumir suuu iiiim, except 10 thoso heretofore mentioned, shall bo considered guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction Ihercol, shall nay a fiuo not loss than ono hundred dollars nor moro than fivo hundred dollars for ach offenco, lo bo collected as such fines uro by law collected. Any ono Using such a pass except thoso hereto- foro mentioned, shall ho declared lruil lv of lho snmo enmo. aud sutler ibo Minio penally, A resolution was road in the Houso, requesting tho United Slates govern ment to donate Hie use oi me ar lisltt barracks to tho department of soldiers' orphans schools of the Slato. Also an act lor the purpose ol pur chasing ground whereon lo erect an Arsenal, and tho tearing down ol ibo prosout Arsenal locatod on the Slato Capitol grounds. Yours, Ac, ' K-1" Skhvm ' tii km RitniT. Tho Su preme Court, in two cases In whioh J. P. Benjamin and John Slidoll were impleaded, hosdocided that lho con fiscation ol rcbol property only passes a life estate, uifd that thu heir of at tainted persons inherit nllur thoir deat h. Thus perishes anothor of tho JUdiesI rcconslrution acts. Thous ands of cstnlos will thus revert to thoir rightful owners, and lho carpet baggers who went South and bought plantations for a'mcro song, will be compelled 10 give up thoir Ill-gotten woaltb. ' The Democrats of tho Ohio Legisla te ro aro aHtcking Ut economize by abolishing all unnecessary Slalajpfllces. In caucus, tbo olher liiuht. they ap pointed aoommittea tn prepare a bill abolishing dieoQieos ttf Railroad Com missioner, (ins Comnittioner, and tl Insurance. - tlerommenttal lout of the Survey' or Ucntrnl. Tho roport of lho Surveyor Genoral for lho yoar ending November 30, 1H7U, showa the total receipts of tho oillco lor purcuuso nionoy, tees, etc,, to be 855.015.43, on Increaso of $7,4(10 ovor 1872, and larger In amount than for any your sinuu 1H.J8, excepting tbo years 1804 and 1870. Nino hundred aud thirty-niuo patents wcio issued during the ycar.covcring l)il,8-ia acres. Tho matter of bringing suits against land owners for moneys duo tlioCom monwoallh for unpatented lands has boon postponed for the present, on ue oount of lho fiiiunclul trouhlos, and in tho belief that a largo majority of those so indebted will, It lurtlior timo be given, pay without being compelled lo do so by suits. It is strongly urgod that all owners of uitpatonleil lands should mako prompt payment there for lo the State, and perfect titloty application for patent, thus saving in terest accruing us well as cost of suits. Spcciul attention is csllod to tho neces sity for additional legislation for the heller protection of land owners Under the present law persons mako it a business to search for defects or what thoy supposo to bo such in the titles of others, and in many such oases they havo tho roquired applica tion exocotcu in aomo distant piaoo, wboro lho real owners oan havo no knowlodgo of tbo preliminary slops to dispossess thorn ol thoir lauds, 4wd as the Ijand Department has no connect ed mapa to show wbethr"tho land has boon previously lakon up or not, expensive and tedious litigation has boon entailed on many pontons who supposed that all their rights were covered and protected. To roinody this evil it is recommended that the witness, as to the land being improved or not, should bo a resident of the im mediate rioiuity of tho land applied for, and that at least thirty days' no- tico should be required by publication in one or mnro papers of lho county of the fact of the application, wilb a description of lho land, its location, and boundaries. The Surveyor- Uon eral believes that Ibis will not In any way intcriere witu applications for vacant lands made in good faith, and in cases whero lho lauds bolong lo others it will enable them to cavoat against tho iseue of a warrant, as well as lo perfect any defect shown to cx iftl. A further recommendation is an oxtonsion of the pre-emption right so as to covor all cleared lands actually used by tho party in possession, and for which ho pays taxes, but by over sight or want ot 'knowledge has failed to ported title by warrant and survey. V anions. Tho Board of Pardons under the new Constitution has roado the follow ing regulation : 1 1RKT 1 he board shall bo furnished with proof thai notico of application for pardon hns been published onto a week, for two consecutive weeks, in nowspapcr printed in the county or city iu which conviction was had. Sr.coND That notice of the applica tion shall havo hcon given In tho judge who tried tho cause and lo the district attorney who prosecuted. i uiiiD-r-AM applications fur pardons must bo accompanied with lho follow ing papers, written in a clear and din Unci hand : J. A cortifiod copy of the whole re cord, including docket entries, min utes or tho court, copy of mdiotment, pleas, and all other papers on tile in llio court relating to the caso. A full ataloment of Hie reasons upon which tho application is based, setting forth nil tho facts ; the notes of evidence taken on lho trial ; letters from responsible porsons in the com munity whero tho crimo was committed. Focbtii No application will lo considered if presented to any individ ual member ol lho board. Fifth All application and corres pondence must be uddrottHod to or filed with tho recorder of llio board, al Harrisburg, so that tho suruo may be prepared for presentation lo tho board at lis next sonsion : and no application will bo heard or connidured unless llio same, and paprrs upon wliich baaed, havo been bled at least bvo days be fore said sesfuon. . Sixth The foregoing rules will bo. strictly enforced, and relaxed only when good reasons shall be lurnialiud for so doing. M. S. (jiMY, Secretary ot tbo Commonwealth. Sauuil E. Dimmick, Atlornoy Geneial. By order of the Board. A. AVilson Noiiais, Recorder. TUR COLOUKU Sl'KECU .MAKER. Tbo cdiior of the Montgomery (Ala.,) Ad vertiser ass-ns that it was Hie Judical Hoar of Maitsaehusults who prepared tho speech delivered by lho nogro Congressman, Klliott. Tho general impression heretofore, has been lliut Beast Butler and Senator Sumnor wcro lho authors, but lho Advertiser says s "And so it happened that no sooner had 'Congressman Blliolt' read "with fino voico and cll'ecl" Hoar's labored bnranguo than all tho telegraphic wires wcro put into requisition lo herald the sensational circumstance throughout lho land, of lho wonder ful intellectual dinplay of Africa's son of elonuence and l'ciiiusI It ill i roba- bio that I ho ro have boon' hundreds of thousands of ordinarily intelligent nowspapcr readers imposed, on by this shameless piece oi uongrcssionai im posture. Theio will bo without qucs lion, at least half a million of Northern and Western Idiots who will always believe that tho Boslon darkey repre stinting lho old District In South Caro- ma ol John C. Callioun I a miranio of "eloquence and force" But the ho has now been exposed and behind it as a matter ol course, stands a radical Yankee ready to sing psalms, to lead a prayer meeting, to steal irom mo Treasury or to rob tbo Custom Houso; to bo insolent whon ho cannot be kicked, or again to lie, directly or in ferontially as may bo needed, nt the first opportunity, and cither or all with equal intliliorencc. Vf.M.Saio. Tho Cleveland Herald, Administration organ, makes the lot lowing confession : We have donoour nest lo excuse lho l'rcsttlont lor sign ing that Iniquitous nalary bill, but never mado the attempt hut that al the end or our nrguinnnt wo lull our opinions giving way. Tho President was not blameless, and our Republi cans in the Legislature should havo had the tense either lo keep mum or to go tho wholo figure, and include in the same category Congress and tho President. Tuc Diirzaimi .. A reporter of lho New Orlean VicayMM overheard ton boys make the following remarks : "My father is in the Custom House." "Mine's in lho station bouse." "My fuibur car) keen on stealing and vuurs chu'i." VrauV iHtornnj Vtnerat. Williainsstautlsattholieadofw.hiitis termed in luw, tho Department of Jus lico. Tbo Washington correspondent of tho Boston Post, (n alluding to this official, aaya : "The Administration and tho frlonda of Attoriioy-Gonoral Williams aro get ling very uneasy in view of the dis closures relative to the latlor's loiior lo tho Senate Judiciary Committee and the committee's biindlo of testi mony against Williams. Tho fuel is Williams holds his plnco by vlrtuo of partnership and bv sulluranco of Sun. ator Kdinunds. Senator Kdmunds is now sedulously hiding and concealing from the publio a mass of incontrover tible uvidenco against lho Atlorncv- Uonoral, tbo publication of which would bo followod by a resolution of impeachment within twenty-four hours.' A momborof tho Senate Judi ciary Committee hat boon hoard to say that upon any ono of aoveral counts winch tho comtulttoos investigation dovelopod Williams could not fall to bo Impeached. Mr. Nesinith of Ore gon authorizes your correspondent to say that 11 senator Edmunds will give to Jiouse oi Jioprosmiiauves the testimony in his hands Just as it was lakon by me committee, he will guar antee the impeachment of (he Attorney. ucnerai." What a revelation 1 Tot, we believe it Is truo. When will the American people rooover their moral sonsosf That Williams should be in tbo pene tentiary, instead of the Attorney-Gen eral's office, lliore oan bo no doubt. And yot, there ho tits, and smokes and drinks wilb Grant.) RECEIPTS AM) LrKI)ITlHCS OF CLEARFIELD CO. FOR 1873 Coupon .tirf. Bismarck says: Liberty is a luxury which not every one can afford. General Pillow is said to have de clared himself "a Grant Democrat of lho first walor." Wrong side of tho ditch again. Tho funeral expenses of men killed in the Hoosau Tunnel, and paid by the contractors, have amounted to $10,000 in five years. The Judieiary Committee of the Maine Legislature hesitates whether lo aboliali the death penalty entirely or to have it more rigidly unforced. Goon. Justice Haines of Chicago has decided that editors are profession al men, and that their Bcissors, paste pot, &u., cannot be eoizcd for debt. A thousand men it is stated are out of employment at Brady's Bend in consequence of lho failure of the Brady a Bend iron worka. A great deal of sufloring is experienced by lho familes of working in on. General Harnoy, whoso military ox- porionce among the Indians it more extensive than that of any man living, thinks that if tho Indians aro treated honestly und not plundered tbey will live peaceably on thoir reservations. B. K. Bruce, the negro Senator from Mississippi, was born a slave '.n I'n nee Edward county, Virginia, .-".nd was a porter on Mississippi rivcrstuam-, boats. Hoaltondcd school in Oburlin, Ohio, and has an ordinary knowledge of grammar. Ho is a favorito with lho colorod mon of Mississippi. Mr. W il 1 in in Osborne, late Superin tendent of Puhliu Works in Washing ton, under. "Boss" Sheppurd, bad a conscience after all. Ho was found hanging lo a tree near tho great City ot i'lundcr. How longbheppard will bo able lo resist th&compunclions of conscience that drove J udas Iscariot lo commit suicide, it problematical. New License Law. A now license law has been, or is about lo be, intro duced into the Legislature. The first section repeals all existing Local Op tion laws; the second placosaunilorra license fee throughout the Slate, in three classes first 8!)0, tho aeeond $150,andlhe third JI100; the fourth sec tion repoule all eating houso licenses. In the Minnesota jjegislature, Sat urday, tbo Committee of lho wholo, after a lonir discussion. fv a large ma jority, recommendod lho passago of tho till regulating railroad transpor tation through a board of three Com missioners similar lo that of Illinois, except thst the hill fixe a maximum above which the Commissioners shall not ostablish rates. The Republican Exoculivo Commit tee of the Thirteenth Ward of Phila delphia has adopted resolutions de claring it Inexpedient to run any wo men candiJatcs tor School Directors, and ousting from the ticket tho two womon nominated at the primaries, The women declare that they will run all tho samo, since the I'ominitleo has no right or power to annul '.he action of tho primaries. . 1 PL - - ...!' ".' 1 .1 ..L-.1 $w cMi'f I'tUf nuatj. S'i tint 1$ hereby civ en Ui the publifl nl &1I tr. ticl fnterfixtmi, tbi in nl left! Ion will h mtdo at th prvient itiiion or nar mult l.efci mature tu pau an Ant drciaring Monijfnrnory urns, with It brnticlir. In CIrarfirld ooubly, publio high way lur tbo t'Urpojo ot noming rw iof on tu tnatn. WM. 1'OWKI.L, KKIIDKN M.I'UERHON, lablS 4t (J. L. KKKD, CAUTION. All pfrtooi are hereby faction d hratnit trading for or buvtnff tba follow ing propartrt Onaeuw. S bolri of potato, a lot of corn fodiW, 1 cook move, S Letli and bedding, 1 onptioani, I clock, 1 hog, 30 bmhala onrn ran, now la BORaaiiiua of Hubert M. Itanay, an tha anw balnngN to tu and U left with bus luhjtat to mjordfi at anjr lima, fell IS St JACOB A. DHETH. 1 UOAD I'CKU FOH 1813. HAML'KI. P. WILSON, En., Treniurrr tt Clwirflcld oounlj, In lb Common KMlib of Pausey! vaula, lu aaiomil wctli tut luutU ul llie utieral Uiwueliijit la ealq aouutjr lur 187 J 1 I CSSDITOt. , I . llr amount uncollrotcd...., iS,lB3 27 llv amount paid diitrict treasurer C,u?S VV 11 eioueratioDi , . 854 US 1 paiiTon To amount uncollected leer IST3 10 Tit ti lo amount aoreaocl fur l73 18.S5J 81 Tu adJilioual IT1 37 Tu suit. In Treaiuror'l baatle Jan. J4. i Total.., Total.... 41,6S4 31 STATKHENT OF KOAD FUND IN DETAIL. lo balanua tine 2Jlu T Jan. IK73. To amount AJdltl. IfxrefiU fly nra'ntjbyeioD. Ily amonnt Townihlp aaereead oaal for amount, paid lHi'l aratioui. UneollMtact On band. UnoulMted fir 187J. JS7I. Treasurer Ueeearis.. 60 44 169 UK 1 S3 80 &j 7! """stl S4 tO 41 tit 40 Hell 14 II' 140 77 l.OoS 0 1,41 V'J 3i 12 24 0 ,I71 07 liloutn..... " 13 44 201 10 212 III 427 74 ,.. 427 74 Hoirri 1S 91 170 31 I 40 S40 S2 34 I Bradronl. 7 74 172 34 121 71 471 72 St 13 22 Brady II 17 7 14 178 IS ' 767 32 II 17 24 1 76S 20 Burnilda. 203 74 . ISO 33 . fit VS ; 1,234 03 203 74 1.030 28 Chelt v3llt 44 674 00 173 10 ,.,, 1,743 44 SV9 44 la 1,31(140 Corlngt'n 331 72 424 30 424 30 1,173 32 323 72 a0 60 Deoatur... 181 10 !V 30 623 4S 2 SO l,l6 6" 181 10 J,n4 48 Feriueoa 30 80 ' M 40 137 40 9 00 824 10 40 10 274 SO tllrmrd.... 474 6S 841 II SOS 06 7 34 l.O.'O Is h 474 6S 1,464 41 Uoihen... 88 40 .1,127 40 1,118 40 2,334 So 8 40 1 00 2,244 80 (Irahara... 43 44 1K4 40 178 SO 1 00 ' M4 84 : 4S 44 678 28 Oulloh.... 8 41 . 473 80 468 20 ..., 1,1.18 81 21 43 1,1 18 OS Huiton... 2,744 26 4,864 80 1,698 81 18,788 S 1,884 78 268 17 8,446 01 Jordan.... . 16 84 78 36 91 60 ......... 184 80 1S4 60 Kartheul 238 6 672 9t 68 88 .-. 1,616 28 238 68 1 64 1,168 86 Knoi. 34 48 446 06 ' - 488 80 686 49 88 49 906 06 Uwrsnee 401 48 1,301 71 1,299 20 2,102 49 801 68 1 01 2,499 10 Morria ... 403 19 ' 846 86 1,036 48 . 2,344 42 461 19 46 1,881 8 fens - 111 68 461 40 ' 393 20 16 10 1,203 1s 118 68 ...'.. 88176 Pine 914 60 816 80 818 66 l'lke 204 02 289 18 163 251 842 66 204 62 1 22 446 41 Union ; 391 90 1.047 30 1,439 20 1,438 20 Woedw'd. 194 44 1,219 70 1,308 90 .'2,613 86 19 1 46 16 80 3,411 89 Total... $8,337 tl' l,748 ! 818,854 84 1133 87 141,684 16 28,026 09 8354 99 136,183 27 .-kxx:t -Twwmrrrr-.T-. y.-. , - .-r - - - SCHOOL MJHD FOH 18T3. SA31DEL P. WIL10X, Iq., Treasurer of Clearleld eoantr, In tne Commonwealth of PoBniyl vaala, In aeeonnt witk the fands of tbe sereraj eohool distriou In said aonntjr, for 1873 neBTon. - I calDlroa. To amount nnoolleoted 15,496 9JI By eioneratlom.. 391 66 Te eask in Treasurar'a handa Jan. 26. 4,934 (14 Br amount paid diitriot treasurers..... 4,718 84 To amount assessed for To addltloaal for 1872. 873 ... 18,098 70 43 96 Tstal ...3.574 43 11 amuunt unoolleoteuU. Total... 33,483 63 ,..83l.474 42 BTATKMENT OF SCIIOOL FUND IN DETAIL. Term i -i -it-Esa.j t..ra Tu bauute da 24tb Jan. 1873. ; DiiraicTs. I'nooleotedl On band. I Tlswaria... 279 266 19 Bell 6HI 64 ' 66 87 II loom 202 10 96 37 Hoggs 191 64 69 86 Mr.drord... 3x7. 101 Ul 4K Hradj 378 J6 19.4 6.1 Uurnslde.. 393 74 43 17 l'hst 4S9 20 roTin(loD. 424 80 380 72 Ilsoatur.... 7 NO 60 964 23 Porguson... 69 VI 18 82 Uireid-... 841 12 3(8 12 (iolhen.... 663 70 122 94 Qrahtim... 344 24 30 IU (iulieh 666 20 248 83 Huston.... 3,432 60 736 03 Jordan .... 142 60 Kartuaas.. 6,2 92 . 36 42 Knox 624 tu 26 60 Lawrence. 1,5112 66 . 807 13 Morria..... 1,027 81 61 88 I'.nn ...... 1D2 SO 72 99 Pine- I'ik ' 413 40 75 70 Unien 783 80 423 74 Woodward 1,219 70 43 78 Total.... 115,406 931 84.9.14 66 1 I I To amount Addl- Breion-I Bj am'nt By amount assessed tlonal. ToUL erntions.jiaid Dis't uncuUoctcd for 1873. I i Treasurer KMtav j 384 60 . 919 86 6 98 265 19 6S 48 1,161691 1,918 47 40 65 67 1,796 83 254 62l 662 99 96 87 466 63 194 64l. 44 63 1 60 99 96 3S4 08 806 34 1, 78 82 46 00 104 Ox 678 74 629 541 1,198 ti 24 198 6.3 907 41 633 101. r6 21 .,, 42 17 ' 828 04 6SS 88 1. 1.077 7fi ' 64 1,077 12 680 4 1,488 81 86. 72 1,104 78 1,244 96' 2,979 78 73 03 964 33 1,952 44 137 40 2.3 40 238 4A 16 62 219 84 ' 806 04 1 7 36 ' 1,806 84 346 12 1,464 63 1,118 40. 1,801 13 60 123 06 1,681 60 60S 20 1 943 60 28 40 30 18 88 4 04 738 9j . 1,3.34 49 248 33 1,288 16 3,044 46. 6,201 9 182 84 812 )9 4,396 35 153 3411 305 00 305 60 , 438 0". j. ....... 1,146 63 3 04 36 42 1,108 66 624 00i. 1,374 60 26 60 1,248 60 1.429 12! 3,498 2I 1 31 407 12 2,889 86 684 35 1,763 26 64 41 88 1,710 83 294 90 13 20 483 60 . . 71 90 496 90 1,008 88 1,006 20 1,008 26 - 182 60 871 10 ' 1 74 74 76 493 68 1,047 30 . 3.264 84 122 27 1,932 47 1,208 90 2,471 16 16 80 43 78 2,411 80 116.098 70 143 85 $38,674 42 $391 86 ' $4,719 84 $33,483 62 ; t T ' -i r- T r' Hurnsldo 1), UnlitJItf 197 ti WliiUm in a, Clrarflolul J. JliiClellan....69 na I'Urwensrille.ll. IJ. Millor...43 11 Ilrolnr...,.,..l,., o 8(j !' Fei(usu...vB. Owens, irj 1, 2irvd i-y-ii- -m..:..i". J Oenbejn A. II. Hlilr...,, M "raliam J. 0. l'aoe,.....' 1 jlout.dal.....ll. W.tu.M..4 II ''urtu llra....446 78 Jordan s. WeiM,w )7J Kartbaos.,...tJ. l-i.oer.. 28 U L. iliokok... S3 27 Lswrsnoa.....T. Kowleeu 'M Jv Lumbar t...J. II. 11 1 U it Morris J. 11. TMIlun 441 J8 . Wasb....Win. Mobrf,;: t Oseeela.,..A. Kinbarl 51 J tt l111" John Peuti..,.26l 89 Pike.. J. H. llloou. .,.348 9.', Union H. M. Ilailey,,.. 47 jy Woodward ...II. II. ilili.,.,371 10 Wlleina,..A. Klter. y n Nora. Ttiosa markod with hat paid since settlement, and n Isrre number of eonitsslos bare tiuce , paid on acQount.) 'V amount rfiin frnm ....u t . .) . He aliatuiAnt l li v. l t ..... h '' 125,871 60 BjTroaaurrrs eomaistlon, (i 1 utt unl nn Stl III .j 1 ' By Treasurer's commission, (U, 2 per oent., on $17,830 63 ........ By nmounl dun from aoflevtws'fniurba Jialane aim aonnly.4 ,104 61 25,176 68 .. 77 1,367 23 434 92 248 8 931 27 Total.. ....$82,684 67 COUNTY FUNDS FOR 1873. SAMUEL P. WILflON, Esq., Treasurer of Clear field oounty, In the Commonwealth af Pennryl rania, in aeooont with tbo funds of said county from tha first day of January, A. D. 1871, Uj the Mb. day or January, A . 137 BaBTOtv To balance due oounty ai last seltlem'l $2,464 26 To binount due from collectors 4,793 69 To am i due from unataud lands, 1H72 10,708 00 To era'l due from unseated lands, 1873 16,187 60 To iayoisul en atd phsou lot To amount of scaled duplicates fur 2,192 08 673 29 9 66 18 33 9 66 8 86 13 29 6 38 63 27 1873, is: Beccaria $1,658 44 $108 43 Hell 1,800 4 6 9 1 91 Bloom 413 96 26 28 Bogis 1,167 82 60 23 Bradford.. 1,490 10 82 47 Brady.... 2,903 It 228 16 Burnrlde-. 2,163 66 111 91 Chert 1,382 46 91 10 Coeinrton 719 84 66 87 Cleart. Id 1.171 61 173 13 Curwcnerillc... l.59 94 66 98 Docstar 1,746 49 96 81 Fer(un 784 91 ' 45 73 nirard 697 63 43 83 Ooshen 884 84 48 29 Graham 633 32 46 94 tlulieh 608 60 88 66 Houttdalc 188 12 13 26 Huston 671 9! 95 31 Jordan. . 864 66 66 86 k'arthaus 651 65 41 18 Knei 717 74 49 91 Lawrence 2,406 44 186 II Lumber City... 334 65 16 36 Morrlr 1,6.34 46 83 86 New Washin'in 286 14 22 61 Osceola. 1,183 69 64 61 I'enn 946 31 48 49 Pike. 1,731 31 101 47 Union..... . 469 26 37 24 Woodeaid 70S 14 42 64 Total... $.34,111 1513.208 84 17.313 90 IJNDEItTAKINU. Willi1, rmmto i fc i i rniit '-'i Tho umlervlgned aro now full prepared to carry on tbo buaifiei ui UN I KUT A KINUi, AT HKAS0NAIILK BATES, , And respectfully sollcll tha patronage of thoia needing sucn aervicea. JOHN TUOUTMAN, ' ' JA.MK3 L. LEAVY. Clrri-ld, Pa Ms. 16, 1874. -I N THU MA I I Kit OF TUB ACCOl'b I of Ororire Lelltch, Aitmlniatrator of the estate nl Jacob Uroirier, of Brady township, CWrSeld oountv. deceased. m Tha C'outt having rcfrrrtd tbe report bank to llto Auditor forre-adjuatinfnland correction, no lioe is horohy giren thst this duty will ho at tended tn hy tun undersigned, Monday, tbe 9lhdayr March, 1871, at I o'clock, p. m , at his other, in the borough of ClenrAeld, when and when all parlies Interested may attend If they see proper. n M. St. uutii.i.ui uu, . lt-8t 1 fluaiw I N TUB 4 URT OK COMMON FLEAM J f t'learAeld county, Pa. Pat Ui.t.outn ) vs. Xo. 301, January Tsrm,'?3 Enwann Uonnwts). I Tho undersigned Auditor, appointed by tho Court, to distribute the vroeoeda (rising from Sheriff's sale driendanl's real rstatl, givea notice that be will attend to the duties of his appoint snent. on Vrldar. tho 6th dse of March, 1874, nt I o'clock, f. an., nt his cmoo, in tha borough of Lionrneid, wneu ana wnora an parties iniorcneu may attend 11 titer o proper. . M. V.cfl LOUiill, Feb. J .lu'ltior To amount uf militia tao for 1871. To amount of bank tea for 1873. ..... To amount of Juno regiatry tax.M.... To amount of October registry tu... To oof I refunded by llippa To cash from Walters for matting aad fuel ........ To cash for old stores. Tu cask from Curweneville bridge loll houss , To cash from llinhard's nole...........m To cash from Thorn for brirk To cask from llrndroed overseers........ To cash from Qulieh overseers Toossh from Uro. C. Kirk,eomrnissiou. cr for Courtney. To cash from Goo. C. Kirk, com mission- or far Kirk To rent of Court House, visi By Coleman Troupe.. By Dorftr do liy other ' do , Tn rent of arbitraUon room.., To costs refunded per Tata 10 rodempiion, Ytsi un H'O acres in Bngg v 13 On 60 acres in Brady 2 14 On 75 aeres In Fox 18 P0 On 100 cores in Lawrence.,,.. 6 19 On 1ST acres in Pike 46 96 On 80 acres in Chest 1 40 On 2 lots In Osceola 1 66 To jury and reporter'e fees To fines and forfeitures To amount of prison heads issued, from NO. 319 to Ho. 261 Total.. Do Kncs.. 36 86 Do O'Leary........... 36 36 Do ....Pierce. 14 44 Do. .Hadebaugh at... 113 06 io.........Kuirthila at Do. Fmitk.. Do Btcinman Do. ......BtoTana. ..... Do . Taylor o Thimar.... Do ...Tomer..,....... Do V adders By election expenses By sxprass nod talsgrami.. By inquest fees. Hy jauitor's wages... By Justice feor........ ...... ........... By jurors' wsgoa, vis : Urand jurors Jan. term.. .3704 86 Do June term.. 237 40 Do... Kept, terns.. 3.38 48 Tmvla jurors Jan. term... 663 23 Do June term.. 642 39 Do ..Sept. terra.. 459 6) Do.... Nor. term.. . let weak.. 417 66 2d week... 422 16 Id week.. 399 34 By Jury commissioners and clerk By Western 1'onttentiary..,...,. ., By county printing, via 8. J. Row.. . Ooodleador Uagerty.. By postage, visi Letter Registry list , Collctors' doplicutes..., School transcripts- Ry Prothouolary's fees.... By publio records, Tit: Frothonotary'a office..... Register and Reoorder.. Prison register. Tax books. 2 copies J'urdun'a Digest. uy county prison, vlll Architect,. 476 66 On contract... 1,474 71 Clothing for prisoners...., 23 66 Bedding for prisoners 137 73 Furniture for oells.. 177 86 Fuel.... 172 39 New fern Painting fenco....... Pavement.. Pump. Stoves W' ashing for prisoners Physician for prisoners..... Removing rubbish Rent of old prison.......... Oil cloth for hall By refunds... a. .J" registry expenses...... -OiHy road damage , I Be wolf and ( analnt "By aiationary '0 11. in....... ..... . . 11 J" By miscellaneous. A............. 4 "" By road siews.. Ity bounty bonds redeemed Uy male account, Tin Personal property 2,227 22 Bank lax 1,419 10 By exonerations on unseated land By exonerations allowed collectors By bounty coupons redeemed By prison coupons redeemed. Tit : For IS72 M ..1,401 06 1,094 90 By common schools, vis : I Amount paid teaebers' Institute.,.. 4,000 fOi Uy unlum gQej awsu . rers, Til : Beoaeria. 64 88 1,26 66 1,488 12 813 to 348 60 87 33 1 89 0 34 90 IB 00 30 00 t 60 158 8. 179 30 181 30 8 1 10 ... 111 46 ...619 96 7 91 IS 33 6 64 8 86 $82 26 . 89 16 .' 12 08 72 82 27 76 498 98 75 06 1.S8 25 14 66 106 25 66 68 106 08 36 06 46 41 21 11 1,84$ 77 1,613 66 II 80 18 63 176 66 81 27 874 46 2,804 14 127 46 1,104 48 $22 80 21 IS 4o8 90 263 87 I 4 CO, 104 74 69 00 8,776 87 169 T3 43 79 363 74 347 46 43 42 166 50 41 66 746 90 609 00 1,46 33 ' 118 40 1,037 36 185 00 6,086 86 'l6t 88 ..$87,064 67 raanirosu By county orders redeemed, til : By Agricultural Society........ Hy assessors' wages 11 j auditors and rlerkr Uy auditing Prothonotary and Regis ter and hecorders acoouats By District Attorney foes. By lunatic asylum, via; Harrisburg $583 31 Dsnrllle 95 60 By bridges, six: Amount tn Hell township bridge $1,569 08 Amount to Clearfield cr'k bridge.. 608 08 Amount to Union bridge... 800 06 Amount to Pike bridge...., 686 66 Amount to (lien Hope bdg 68 26 By nmoi nl paid bridge vlsws... ......... 1 By New Constitution By County Commissioners' wages, vis 1 $l6 60! 1,617 7 164 00 36 60 134 60 677 $1 1,144 75 41 41 740 84 P. P. Couleret 0. S. Toior J, D. Thompson Clark Brown , By amoant paid olerk Hy amount paid court erier.... Ity court reporter Ity Commissioners' eonaHl.A.i By constables' returns Br Court House, vis 1 Fuel...... Repairs Hi ores. Laatps and oil Rand for pavement Cleaning yard aod gntter..., Cleaning water aloaet Repairs at well Matting for jury rooms Winding A repairing clock, By Commonwealth eosts, via t Com'th re. Agar Do Hrenneman.....! ' Do Bnrns.....,.......i Do....,,... Phaser Do Defer., 403 48 8.32 46 .402 48 . 17 40 ;i Bell. Hloem... Hoggs llrailford Hrady Burn side Chest Covington. Cleerueld..... fjurwanarilla Deoatur- Ferguson.... Hirord. ........ 1 Uoshsn...... ...,.,.. elraham tlnllth... Huiton. .., Jordan ,,..., Karlbans Kaox Lauren no Lumber City Morria New Washington.. Oseeela.. ...,i Prnn Pik Union Woodward 1.219 601 1,0110 ooj 7 8 801 154 60' By Rheril 's fees, rll! . 68 15 . IS 60 . 16 78 . 41 49 ..17 76 .. 45 68 .. 63 40 . 41 36 i .. 99 06 .. 16 06 ,.103 6t .. 36 74 .. 31 69 .. 67 60 ,. 40 68 ' .. 46 76 .. 31 60 ,. 19 60 .. 88 60 30 18 ,. 66 60 .. 14 68 ,. 85 30 , .. 18 38 .. 66 2D .. 34 78 .. 70 36 .. 14 66 ,. 69 86 160 60 144 18 Do,..,,flallagher... Do.. tie ..Hon A Johnson Holmes m. ,..,,'bnn. ., $.387 33 435 38 274 76 18 28 29 76 , 48 69 26 60 14 76 . 28 46 . 66 86 , $31 77 48 86 , I 76 8.3 64 a as 6 63 18 83 6 Sit 19 9J 1,181 19 Hoarding prisoners......... 1,6.37 86 Herring jury notices . 131 00 Costa tn Ceiasaw'th esses... ,78 68 By amount due from collectora, yIi i For 1871. Chest Benl. Kllnger.,.! 63 Cnrwensville.a. H. Tarlor.... 74 39 Morel R. Bwarti 79 76 For 1871. Bell T. P. Lee 61 tl Cheat....,.., J4. Wlltiemi...i.. 3M 98 CnrwenavlllcVorloa Clart.... 18 Ot Olrard Dan'l Krise 14 6t Onllcb Reams ,. IS ft Herton If, W. Hrwn...llO 34 Knrtbans Thol. While. For 1671. 7leorerl..,...J. Klneald.. 1,481 86 1,744 30 Hell . Rlootn, . Boggs nradlnrd ... Ill s.l i- , .11. Broth .rt, A. W'aoili.., .tasee IMeh.,., J. W. Antes.., Mil.- .. 68 80 ' ..203 01 ..197 7 .. 11 87 ..lit 68 . 317 4 . .'W 4. S '''' January 21st, 1874. Received of Bemud P. Wllsoe. former Treasu rer of Clearfield eeuatr. the earn ol nine kuodr. and thirty-one dollars nnd twooty-aerea eenta, la fall for tbe nbor balnea due the county. 831.27.. I). W. WItfK, Trejj. ESTIMATED BXP1NSES FOB lS74. " ' To probable srdloiry expenses....... $24,086 6 To bounty bonds redeemable..,., 4,600 80 To prison bunds redeemable.'. ',jrj en. To Interest on $75,006 prison boads 4,49 8 To exonerations allowed collectors....' 973 OS To exonerations on nnaeated lands... 1,423 00 To abatement nUowed taxpayers , 2,1 It 90 Til probable expensu for bridges...... . 6,0o 6t xu xrcaenrers pur oeneage,.,..,.,.,.. , t,i60 to Total..... $56,866 1 0 By balance In Treasurer's bands. . , 831 lr Hy amount due from oolIeatora...,M.fc A 6,lu6 9a By amount due from unseated lauds. 24,79 lu Hy third payment on prison lot...... IJ07 17 lly doScieusy lo be raised from tkn .r . scaled dupjicotai for 1B74 ..r. , .32,421 81 ToUL....... ....$60,366 80 COMMISSIONERS' CERTIFICATE. Wo, the undersiencd Commissioners of ri. Acid eonuly, la the Common wealth of J'eansylra. nia, baring met aetordinc to law. and havo,. exautoed the aoveral accounts and vouchers ef iiamuel 1. Wilson, Eq.,Treasurcrof said county, lor the year A. D. IbTS, do certify that we fio i them as set forth In tbcforcgolugsutemeut. We tnd the amount due the county from him to he nine hundred and tnirty-ona dollars and tweutv aeren cents The aggregate amount 'of Bounty Bonds still unredeemed is fonr thousand dollars ($4,000). The amount of Prison Lot Bonds outstanding Is fonr thousand two hundred dollars ($4,800). Th, whole amount of Prison Hoods issued was seventy-five thousand dollars ($76,000). The amount due the county from en. era ted lands ia twenty-five thousand eight bun. dred and eeretrty-firo dollars nnd sixty cents (825,875.60) and from colleotors sine tbousaad one hundred and aiz dollars and three cents (19,106.93). Tbe amount due tbe road fand from unseated lands appears lo be thiry-iee thousand ons hundred aud eighty-three dollars aad twenty, seren cent ($4,1,183.37), and the amount due tho school fund from the same source is thirty-throe thousand four hundred and sixty-three dollars and sixty-two cents ($33,4f.3.62). For statement ia detail of both, see tabular statement, showing amount due oeob township for road per peers and tne amount due the as rers I school districts. Witness our hands at Clearfield, this twenty, first day of January, A. D. 1S74. F. F. CO IT E RET, . J. D. TUOMl'bON, .'...; . 1 (-LARK BROWN, AiTasr t Commissioners. . U. U. OouDLinntn, Ckrk. ' aU-DIIORS' CERTIFICATE-. We, the undersigned Auditors of tbe county of Clearfield, in the Co mmonwe<h of P.i.n.l...l. . beting met at tha Court Douse, in the hoeeoek of Clearfield, on tbe first liondar of Januarr. A. D. 1874, according to law, and baring examined taasereral accounts and vouchers of Samuel P. Wilson, Ksq., Treasurer of said countr. for tha veer A. 1). Ir8. itn rrt,ar 4 . i . abore luxled. The balance ia his bands due the county appears to bo nine hundred and thirty. one aonars and twenty seven cents (3931J7).-. He apprars te owe Uulieh n balance of nix dol lars aud Ifty-ona cents (W.61, Jordan aiilaen dollars and eightr-fire cents (116.86) aad Union . one hnodp ami ... .1 ,. M. . . lt,ui. on road rands, while Hoggs township owe iir. Wilson nine dollar! and ten cents ($9.19) read funds, aad Chest owes him fifty-two dollars aad fiar-two cents ($63.63), Jordan twenty dollars aad twenty-one cents ($29.11) and I nien one hundred aud one dollars and forty-one cents (3101.41). . In testimony'whcreif we bare hereunto sot ear hands, this twtnty-first dy of January, A. D.. to e. REUBEN Mi PHERBON, " JAS. H. IULE, t L. C. BLOOM. Arrrsr: - ; " Auditors. J. W. llowu, Clark. 2i4'74 RCfaxTliRfJ HOTICEU Rotice is kereby given that tbe following accounts bare been examined aod passed by me, aad remain Sled ef record in this omen tor the inspection of heirs,, legstors, creditors, and all others ia any other wsy intoreeted, and wiU be pretcuard to Ike next Or phans' Court el Clearfield conntr. to beheld at tbe Court House, in the borough cf Clearfield, com mencing on tha Sd Konuoy (being the 16th day) of Karoo, A. D. 1874 : Account of J. E. and F. E. Wrigley, adminis trator ef Was. X. Wrigley, administrator ot Joak Rider estate, lain ol Covington township, dee d. Partial accouatof Mrs. Kmlly Wright, udiaiu Istralrix of A Oram hi. Wright, Into of Clearfield borough, deceased. , Account of Q. C. Passmnre, administrator of Wm. klokalgkl, late ot Clearfield hot. droeued. Final account of Susannah Troy, adminiitra tnx of John Troy, late of Noma l.'wustiip, ds oeescd. v Final aoconnt of (loorge Willlema, admiaiitra tor of John tircen, late of Jordan lowasbip, do oeaaeel, .. . Final ai-coont ef Willis J. Kngcnt, admiaiitre lor of Elliott King, late of Uurnslde township, deceased. Final aoconnt of O. TV. MeCulrv nnd Susannah McCully, ndmiulstrators of J. C. Morally, late of Uulieh township, deceased. ' Rxitarau'a Ornrn, - A. W. LKE, CleerfieH P-i Fal.. 18, 1 874-tc. ) Register IXKClTTOR-et NOTICE. Notice is hero. j by giren that letters testamentary baring been granted tn the subscriber on the estate of SAMUEL IKWKN, doceased. late . of Chret township. C-lreeftold eonutr, 6'eeinsrlrania, all persons Indebted to said estate are reqneeled to make immediate paviuent, and those baring oieims aKo'oet the some will present tkem duly authenticated for aatllcinent. . SJSUV WUltSMS Hunl, Jan. 14. 1874-Ol.e Bxeontrn. nOUSK AUD LOT FOKSALK! The Houae and Lot on the corner of Mar ket and Fifth streets, Clearfield, Pa., la for sale. The lot ccntaini nearly an acre or ground. Tha bouse -la n large double frame, containing nln rooms. For terms and other InfortnntlDn appl to tha subscriber, at the Pott Office. norl.3 P. A1GAULIN; DISSOLUTION Noth-e Is berel.y giren la all persons Interested that the eo partner ship heretofore existing between Isaiah Wail and W'illiam 3V. Mayes, trading under the Bras name of Wall A Msyes.wns dissolved by mntnsl consent on the 25th day of Norembcr last. The books and aoeountx are ia the hands of William W. Mayes, and all persons having unsettled aooounts are requested tu ootne fotward and settle the same without delay. The real estate Interest of Treiab Wall waa purchased by W. W. Mayor, wh Witt continue tbo business as htretofnrc. k ' ( ISAIAH WALL. - M i 1,1,1AM W . M A i ES, Glen Hops, re., Jan. 21, 1874 3t ' .ai.VV--l.-e, . 1UST MILL! XOTJC'K! G1 I take this medied of Infbrralng the pnblicthal I Lave purchased the Ca'lwslladertlrlst Mill, bad it thoroughly repaired, and am now ready te grind any kind of grain on short notice, In tbe best manner. A share of ynnr patronaga is so licited. Tours Rcrpcwfullv, '. 41. . F LEGAL. 1 ' flit sunt W. Flsoal, Miller. ; Philtrsburg, Pn , lee. 10in. ' . Clearfield Nursery, i ekcovragb Home imdiistry. fllHR aaderelgned, having ectabllsheej a Vi X. tery a the 'Pike, aboal halfway between Clearfield aad CurwoaerUle, la arepeeed to fur nish all kinds DfFKCiT TRHfer3,(ateoderdaei dwarf,) Erergreaai, 8rubbery. tifepa Vines, QoeeenerriM, Lalon Rlaokbcrry, Slrawbcrry, nnd eUoborry Tinea. Alio, Siberian Grab Trees, Quins, and early taarlet Rhubarb, Ao. Ordari promptly altendei) to. "J""' WBt0,IT tpU 63 T sfn8rtfietllJ, .!'