SBBSmlL -"!! (Continued form first pagt.) swearing by any peroon In reUtion to njr matter or tb:n oonoorninfj wnicu they (ball l lawfully interrogate!! ny , any of oulcera or overawa, shall i oe perjury. . stfiiu or AsBiaaoa and otbkr I . tion owiccita. Sco 13. The assessor! shall each ro ' oeive tho came compensation for the ' tituo necessarily spent in performing " tbe dutioa noroby enjolDod aa is pro i vidod by. 1st to assoesors for making valuations to be paid by tbo county commissioners aa in otlior casos, and .it elittll not be lawful for any assessor i to assess a tax against any person - whatever wttb'.n sixty-one days next . "preceding tue annual oiootion in Jo . vomber. Any violation of this pro- - vison shnll be a misdemeanor and sub ' ject the ottioer so offonding to a fine, oo conviction, not exceeding ono hun - dred dollars, or to imprisonment not : exceeding thi-ie months, or both, at me discretion oi mo court. v Sec. 19. Any nssossor, oloction offl ccr or porson appointed as an over socr who shall noirlect or rofuso to per- ; form any duty onjoiucd by this act, - without ronsonable or legal cause,shall bo subject to a ponnlty ot one hundred dollars, and if any assossor shall know ingly assess any person as a voter who is not qualified, or shall w ilfully ro fuse to assess any ono who is Quali fied, ho liball bo cuilty of a misde meanor in office, and on conviction bo punished by o'fine not exceeding ono thousand dollars, or imprisnraont not exceeding two years, or both, at the t discretion of tbe court, and also bo Huujuct 10 an action lor damages uy - ino punv aggriovea j ana u any por son shall fraudulently niter, add to dofaco or destroy any list of voters made out as dircoted by this act, or toor aown or romovo the snmo lrom tbe place whero it bas been flxod.witli fraudulent or mischievous intent, or lor any improper purpose, tbo porson so offending shall bo guilty of a mis '. demeanor, and on coi.viction shall bo punished by a fino not exceeding fivo hundred dollars or imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both, at the discretion ot the court. And if any porson shall by violence or intimida tion drive, or attempt to drive, from the polls, any porson or 'persons ap- poimou Dy ino court to act as over seers of an clootion, or in any way wilfully provont said oversoers from performing tho duties enjoined opon thorn by this act, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall bo punuihod . by a fino not execding ono thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not ex ceeding two years, or both at tho dis cretion of the court. Any porson who ahall oo the day of any election visit a poiimg pince in any eloction district at which bo is not entitled to vote,and shall use any intimidation or violence for the purpose of preventing any of ticer of oloction from performing the duties required of him by law, or for xne purpoBO ot preventing any quali 1lod voter of such district exorcisinc his right to voto, or from exercising me riguv io cnunonge any person offer ing to voto, such person shall be deem ed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall -be punished by a flue not exceoding ono thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not ex ceeding two yeara, or both, at tho dis cretion of the Court. Any clerk.ovor neer or election officer who shall dis close how any elector shall have votod, unless required to do so as a witness in a judicial proceeding, shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic tion thereof shall bo punished by a fine not excooding ono thousand dol lars, or by imprisonmont not exceed ing two years, or both, at tbo disorc tion of toe Court. ISSUI Of FRAUDULENT NATURALIZATION PAPERS. S0. 20. If anv'nrothonotarv. clork. or the deputy of either, or any other person shall affix tbo seal of any court to any naturalization paper, or permit the same to be aOlxed, or give oat, or cause or permit such naturalization paper to be given out in blank, whereby it may be frandulontly used, or furnish a naturalization certifi cate to any pet-son who shall not havo boon duly examinod and sworn in open court in tho prosonce of orae or tuo juugos incroor, accord ing to tho act of Congross, or shall aid in, connivo at, or in any way per mit the i&sao of any fraudulont natur uliantion oertiGoato, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, or if any ono shall fraudulently uso any snch certificate of naturalization, knowing that it was f raudulently issued, or shall voto or attempt to voto thereon, or if any ono shall vote or attempt to vote on any certifioato of naturalization not issued to bira ho shall bo guilty of a misde meanor, and either or any of tho per sons, their aiders or abettors, found guilty of either of the misdomeanors aforesaid shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, and imprisoned in the proper penitentiary for a period not exceeding thrco years. Sm. 21. Any person who, on oath or affirmation, in or beforo any court in tho Stalo or officer authorized to udmlnietcr oaths, shall, to proouro a certificate of naturalization for himsolf or any other person, wilfully depose, declare or affirm any matter to be fact, knowing the same to be fulso, or shall in like manner deny any matter to be fact, knowing the sums to be trne,shall be doomed guilty of perjury, and any Verliflcalo of naturalization issued in pursuance of any such deposition, de claration or affirmation shall be null find void, ond it shall be the duly of tho court iwiiiiiig tho same, upon proof being made before1 it that it was fraud ulently obtained, to take immediate measures for recalling the same for cancellation, and any person who ahall voto or attempt to voto on any pa por so obtained, or who shall ln any way aid in, connivo at, or have any Hgqjicy whatever in tho issue, circula tion or unoof any fraudulent naturaliza tion certificate shall bo docmod guilty of a misdomeanor, and upon conviction i heroof shall nndorgo an imprisonment in the ponitonlinry for not more than two yours, and puy a One of not more than ono thousand dollars for every Fuch offenso, for either, or both, at tbe discretion of tbo oourt. forms for election blanks. Sro. 22. It shall bo tho duty of the Secretary of the Commonwealth to prepare forms for tho blanks made nocessary by this act, and furnish copies of the sumo to tho county com missioners of the several counties of tuo Commonwealth j and tho county i'Ommissionors of each oounty shall as noon as may be necossarv after receipt if tho same, at the proper expense of rno county, procure nnd furnish to all tba election officers of the election dis tricts of their respective counties oop. J?s of such blanks in such quantities as may be rendered necessary for the Cifcthftrgo of their duties under this aot, and shall pay all neoossary ex penses for lights, rent, fuol and station err on bills certified by tbe election oJloera. SPECIAL AND MUNICIPAL MICTIONS Sxo. 2.1. Spooiul elootions for city, ward, borough and township officers for regular terms of sorvlco, shall be regulated and oonduotod in fixe man ner aa general" elootions, and by the sumo oflloors, who shall perforrurtbe same duties and be subject to tbo same penaltios as are provided for con oral elootions, unlosa otherwise provided for In this act. Seo. 24. All tho dutios imposed by this net upon oounty commissioners shall beperlormbd In tho city ot fhila delphia by tbe city commissioners. DISPOSITION OF VINES AND PENALTIES. - Seo. 25. All funds arising from fines imposod and oolloctod in pursuance of tho foregoing soclions ahull bo appliod to the common schools of the county in wnicu said linos may nave boun collected, and to bo apportioned among tuo govorni school districts according to ino population tnoroor. Seo. 26. All acts or parts of acts In consistent with this aot bo and tho same aro hereby roneulod. ArrovED Too thirty-first day of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. JUJUJN f . UAKlttAAiFT. SOtfliJ. Siiaw house, (Cur. of Morkot A Front itraati.) CLEARHliLD, TAv '" ' Th. undersigned having takon ohargo of thl llotol, would reFpoclfully tollnit nnblie patronng.. OCll lo K, flAn 1UA MIA1I. T EON A HU HOUSE, -I-i Opposite ILiilroml Depot, CLIJAIIIILI, II, P A. ricauiiHv locotod and a flril-olun hotel In all re'ptct-u liroakfant lor pa..cnger. Ituving on morning train. vt il. S. UKADLr.V, Juno 11,171. Proprietor. WASHINGTON UOUSK, Nl'W WASIIlWlTOV. PA Thi new and wHI rurnlshcil houo hal IxKin tnhon liy the unjcrriiijifil. lie feel- confident ol being able to render ta:i.r'tioa to llioso who ma) ii i in wiin a oa.i. M.iy o, 1873. 0. V. DAVtfl, IVop-r. jyONTOUK HO III) 13, Oppojito tho Conn Iluua, , LOCK II A V EN, PEXN'A. Jel47t . HAT'HEAL I KIIOM, PropV. JJUOCKlillllDUr HOUttlC, BKLI.F.F0XT1S. PA., ' ' ' ' I). JOUNSTON A ocl2.Ti 1 " ' ' Proprietors LOYU I101SE, Miin Str-rt. i PHILIPS III. Ito. f'ENN'A. Tahlo alw.iva upi'liid iili tlio I. I lie marmot aiiora.-. luo tmvolioz iiuljlf i- m ned loon 1 1, nvl.'7-l. ' H'.iBL'UT I.OVD, THE WiANSiori HOUSE. Corner "1 Second nn.l Market StrocH, CI I. AKKII I). p.. " T1H3 oil gad commodloaa Hotel b.i. daring the ra t boon tnlrgod to doul.lo its u.i-rnpr rnpa-iiy for tbe entertainment of atran tter, na-1 guobt?. The whole building bas beea r. t'lnncii, ana me proprietor will spare no r-ii.i to runJor hit guesta comfort-.blo wbile tny n wlib n-.m. .fir- fho 'M.-ineion Hour-o" Omnlbm rum to and oui the Depot on the arrival anil 'lor. inure oi eirn tram. juna DOUU II EH I r, - apr'l 1 0 It l'roprlotor. i.lix; 1. (Mjr' I.LlXiHENY HoTHfi. et SI.. I. S.,. H, Tlprd.l i. a-a-.Ait i i i-.i.if. ia The caUfc-onU-r b.-ivtng Iwroma ii -ourleinr of urn n.."-i, ,.,n. i rr.-pccttaiijr R a hurnil li.ire vi "inne patiou-ige. 'i tiKOHtiB LKirOLDT, SUWUEUAXNA HOUSi;, ci invt:x.sviLLE, Cle.irlirld roiiiil'-, I, nn'.l. Till' old and well rltahlilhrd llntrl. h.lolir.ilt situated on the h.,nfc of tbe Huf)itehunnn. In tbe bomvgu oi Ciirwc-n:'villo, hac born lr.i:rd lr a term nl yran by Ihe under anr.l. It hni been entirrly n-littcd. nnd 1;. now open to the public generally and tbe traveling rommuntty In par tieulir. No palnn ivilj 4e fp.irr-d to render tjnetti eonil'ortable while tarrylnital lbi hnuo. Ample maonnir room tor me artoromniiatinn or te.ttn Chlrg'! mo'.-rto. b'-pt. 23. lS70-tf. EI.I RLOOM, Jry ooitj, tSrortrfrf, tt. ED.AV.G11AHAM, ' DEALER IN GENEEAX meechandise, Sail E TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., ; Hal Juc-l opened, at the KEVSTOXK STORE, a cuuipleto Itoek or e tr ti o o o m, of ovcry dccrlptloa. DRY GOODS. - GROCERIES. HARDWARE, T5O0T3 AND SHOES, C CLOTHING, .r-ccf-c., IN". GREAT VAUIETY; FLOUR, MEAT, SALT, ' RYE, : , . , OATS, ' , , COIJN, ALWA IS OA 1A' AKI) ron SALE ATA SMALL ADVAXCE. r L o u r the ear loid, and told i advance. Recclvod by the ear loid, and cold at a l mall advance. A lupply of ROPE ennibintly on hand. Speelnl Indiieemcnlt offered to thoin gelling Out 8iuar Timber and Logi, a we deal largely Id Litmherinea't Bupplloo, and aro pre pared at all tlinei to purchaKe tint ' her and luuljor. E D. W, G R"A HAM, "KEYS TONE STORK," 6ecint Btrcot, CLEARFIELD, TA. Oct. 23, 1372. . II LEY A CIIKIHT. Hucoegiori to KllVDER it CO. rT0 THOUK INTERESTED IS THE Pl'R- CIIAKK OF A BTIlll tl.Y PURE RYE WHISKY, l'ur Modirlnut ,uro.(-i wo oiTcf Pr,rii$j to M per ft-ilton. ami win liin in hack- i(o to hi it iui"cfiiorri. i (OPPER DISTILLED. WIIISKY, Price from l.:iO to frl.7. Wo iDiporl INE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, i And are al.o tuaniifix-lnref. of " J . , DR. ST(EVEIiS , ' TONIC HERB BITTERS. Send far prko 71 I. ; " ; 1IIIKV A- rilRlar Jaa 51 71 131 Kortli Third 01., TbUadelpbta. Sr Cooilii, Gttttltt, &tt. JHAD THIS! : , ; FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The attention of the eltltene of Clearfield and rlelnlty la dlreetrd to the fart that Ouodlellow A fli.n are the agent! of M. Niece A Co., and have jur-t roeolred a half doieu oar loada of Flour and feed, whleb they offer at the lowoit ponible Ilg urei. A large atook of FLOUR, CORN" MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, 1 Polatoei, Shelled Corn, Corn In ear, Ac, Ae. Purtleulor attontlon Ii called to M. Nioee A Cn.'i brand of Family Flour, which la the heat In the market. Flour and Feed ean and will be told eheaper than it ean he obtained elMwhere In Cleardold county. -Btare on Market itreet, next door to lion. Alexander Irvln'i ronldrnee. , .. GOODFELLOW A RON, janlOtf ' Agental'orM. N'leeeACo. JJ F. B1GLER 4 CO.'S -SPECIALTIES- BUILDERS HARDWARE, UECIIANICS' HARDWARE, LUMUERMEN'S HARDWARE, FARMIN'O UTENSILS, . AltLL BUPl'LIES, IRON t- KAIL8, PAINTS, OILS, VARKISHKS, PAINTERS' FINDINGS, CALCINBD PLASTER. Alay SS, 1873. . gTEYENSON & CO' .8 EXCELSIOR BAKERY, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. ' H.n ing rceontly fitted up a new Baker)', and procured thoacrieei of a nret-olana Baker, wi are prepured to furnish FRESH BREAD, . ROLLS, CAKES, &C. very day. Wo will deliver II read, RolU, Cakox nf all kiiiiU, frctli evvry morning, at tbo dun of onr cm-tomcT, f defirtMl. V rcipcfltfullf licit ahuro of publio pntrnafr, mnd feel mr thnt we eno give onllra wit i sine tiun. We alo kern on bund a rhoina ftriurtmriit of CAMUKS, NI TS, OIIANUIJH, LEMUMS, TO BACCO. CKiAKS, Aa. lrc.UFRt IT.Sftnd VI'aETABLES rweivtrtl d:illy and Fold nt n a.-'oimlito rict (. Jh-ith tTKHS, in ira(n,hjthoc&Dorquart. ' It K CHKAM nlwayi on hand. (itv ut a eutl. Wo itrivr t plraM. Aug. 0(l7 Mf. KTKVkiiSUX l CO. 1 7" A. & W. D. 1RVIN, CORNER STORE, CURWENSVILLE, PA., RECEIVE FLOUR . AND SALT BY CAIt LOAD, And sell at small advance. ROP?., BY T II E COIL, AXD PACKAGE GOODS Fon . LUMBERMEN'S : SUPPLIES SOLD , C II E A P. Ani(uwt 11, lr.ra T:I:TS . JJtATZEU &. LYTLE, SfABKET STREET, ( I. E A n I' I Ii I, I), PA, Dealer I. , DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, . GROCERIES,, Hardware and Qukenbwarf., Bool", Shoes, Rain, Cnps, &c. -6hoemekri tupplled with LEATHER and fiHOK FINDINU8 at redueed ratea. SALT I 8ALT1 8ALTI at wholesale tnd retail rery eheap. PA1STS, OILS, OALCI.VED PLASTER, Ao. A liberal dlaeeant (o bulldera, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTIIS-ln large quantlllei. Fisn, FLOUR, BACON, CORK JIEAL and CHOP, alwari en hand. Alt f the abore ( ooda are pirehaaed lolmlvely for eaah, and therefore eaa and fill he aold aa eheap ai the eb.apeiL fobll-71 3AW8! 6AW3! 8AW3! DIStAN'S CR0H8 CUT, MILL, DBAS ASD CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton'8 Lightning Gross-cut Saw, , ' . ALSO, PATENT PIRFORATED A ELECTRIO SAWS, " ' ' Por iklt if ni,T' ' . . H. P. RICHER. CO. We desire to call the attention of tho citizens of Clearfield county to the fact .that we , havo opened a MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, ' Where wo intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of TIANOS, ORGANS ?AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. RAVEN & COMPANY'S We are prepared at all times tavorablo terms as to prices ana terms oi payment. Our stock of ORGANS will consist of tho new and popular HYNI1KR OTiOAN, ('iih njndor'. I'o Tromnln i.n.1 nnrentniwl Tho SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S NEW HAVEN MKLODECN CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides theso we furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. We sell on every plan known to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the poruLAR and easy LEASE PLAN. " On our easy terms every one amount will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. t !DVVe shall lie glad to havo you call and sco us, whether you desiro to purchase or not. ocl23-'72-ly ' ItYWIEHS M1JHIC NTOI112. pisrfUantos. n JF ECONOMY IS AX OBJECT, . BUT VOIR C L O T HI X G, Famishing Goods, (Sec, AT D. STEWART & SON'S CLOTUINO STORE, They Iicop a full lino of Men's, Youtht' it- Bnijs' Clvlhiny. Also, TJmlirt-lIu, Suffliill-; Ovcrulls, IlutH, Sliifts, I'tidcrHliii'to, und liruwors, &c, Wbleh thi-j will fell at must ri .iaot'abln prior- Call and uaai.iioe their fp.oda purclia?li.g liewbore. Room tn Munition lluildinj. Clvarllold, Pa., O, tohrr S, 1873. OOK AND MUD! SADDLE & H1RESS MikIG! JOHN C. HARWICH, Market Sl.jCLKAItFIELD, Ta., In tli unit to gu i if yo-i uaui srt of new H tir n w HAllLI., wr njiliin)C lif tn t!.at line, llo tttrnt out m (f"iJ wt-rlt i. dene in iy Iio In I'Liirt'ylviDiiOv uJ hU ri' ire very rr ttrtoimliic. (.'ouaUntljr on !mnd ftill lino rt TKOTTIXG GOODS, nv-h ai Trutling S.tIiMch, fjunrtr r i i SMn B tntm, Trotting Itll r, lii, Fnm ltruplt- tn J Comb, A fine ansortimnt f Ni-tf. Ilorno i'mrrn, Koi t Ulfttikr'tt, UulT:lti ll-U i, Ac, A-h' .t tn ia n, In fnt an) tiling tl.ut hur1 in- ti ftai j la not (I nf nlwftyn mi hun I. All nf which will b at whol"ilc or n tall lit tho tctj rircnt rt s, - lUjmirinj jrin ptl al(rnl'.l to. Ml wrk runrant'cl, SNoji in rvotn form rly o upi J PoitOPlec. Am V, IS73. TRANIC SHORT, of llio "f-lioi t Jl Shoo Shop," givoi ntift that tie bni re moved from (inihain' ItoiT, on Market itrrt. to ooxt dKir to tho Allrtjchfny lintel, on Market ftreat where he is re)ri-i to make end mend LOOTS AND ffllOKS, ftitrhMl, tewnl or ffgrd, with the bt atock the eatrra market aHuMi anl at ao renoneblr prtctv ai thry ean be btfuhl fur rlrcwherr. aoJ where be ii prejiered to aoommoilnte all hit old cuf lum en and ar ninny now ono af mtty favor him with a cell. Thankful f r part favor, ho would re ipoctfolly nolioit a continuance f their natnmHgo. F. B1I0HT. Clearfield, Octohrr J2, 1873. Am the cLiunriELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured eapeelalljr for THE CLEARFIELD TlAl'E, TO Hit IT au17A B p nMl.nn r. F 0 R 8 A L El A larrxe and well-flninhed Hrlck Dtvrllliitf, situ ate on tho river bunk, in the borough ot Clenr fkld, containing oh vvn rtim, with good cellar, water In the Mti-hcn, and all Ihe modern oonvr niniorn. PnntricB, Ilalh-roont, C'loMici pn'fr. Ao. Lot mty root iront mii two htin'irtHi nt thirty fort bark, with twenly fo. alley on tho en t ni'l Hnil buiMinp, with nil the uppurteiiuTirr, will hr kold ol'rnp, with p.. latent to uit purchn nor. AppMrntion (tin ho nuidn to the umler Migned, .r to A. C. Kmj., who will gie all rtsnry infnnmitiun to thu-c who dcslro te in- ppeot the pmprrt. Moy 21ett IHM, tf. Beale's Embrocalion, (LATH POVKLL'b,) For nil dlaoanot Incident to Horaon, Cattlo. and liumaa vietn, retiring ma ate ol ao itornai application Thli Embrocalion waa eitenitralr naed be the Uoyernment daring the war. For lata by flartiwtrk Irwir), Clearfleld Joaeph H. Irwin, Curweniville. Daniel Good ander. Lurberibnrg. if. Attention, Lumbermen ! WE aro new manitfnetnrlnir our IMPROVED BTEKL. f ifKKT HHIVINU CANT. HIKiKH, euperlor to anr other in nan. W bar. alio In line a larfo qunntltjr of Canlhooha aiilta- m. lor ratting purpo.e. wbirb wn art filing ihrnp for eauh. AMOS A 11. KbN.NAKU. Uloarneld, l'a., Mard 13, ln,I. G UNSMITHING. Q. W. WOLFE. PltACTICAL GUKSMITTI. Rhnp on Third alre.1, or.r HlleVi Uaakamlth Aop, CLRAHFIKLI), PA. All klDili of llifloi aod Shot Cluni na hand. Rrpalrln done la atrlt cli." Manner and at Kit MARKET" ST RE" E T, ; : , ; CLEAItFIELD, PEXX'A. ::o::- Our stock of PIANOS will consist of PIANOS, STEIN WAY & SONS' PIANOS, HAINES .BROTHERS' PIANOS. to furnish' any of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on tho most MASON & am have a good instrument, QLEARF1ELD . PLANING MILL COJir A N Y . mm? J t" R imib rii;ncd, auocrori to' IlKKl) A OW KI.L, hove piirt ii4Kcd li o I . K V t - I ll-.I.U I'UM.Mi All LI, and n-.-i .. t. for lu. un i". i 'I'tvf ItiixincKii. Atl the iii eh i".y H'li Ii? r-l.tfd n'pr-'v to ninke ti our i ? he tni i I' lt i-ii jc r pb i hmrnt oi the Mni tn'tht 't hi eie inw prcpincd ttnt'iiv tr,ipri ii. in.v nn-V n thil ItnO. TlfymM prtf. n-clitl t na on to atl material for b"u-c ltilliu FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH," DOOUS, BLINDS, OF ALL STVliKS yhv :'y, on hnnd. V ni'lH l) BOARDS, and a'! artio'w oerrf 'a- rv ; .r t.tiiittinf. will be'.l for l.iMI!i;il. .n rhil pr'vn at a di t.inec m.iy liri-t; i In t ki-iiiff. m-httnj;r II fur, nnd return iiniiic a idi i ho iiiuniifiK turcd ailiil a. The rTip:tiy will always bar on hand a large ti it y I mo W mi aa to be ahle lo fill no I. mi kit- ,-tta'ir. notice. Only iho b-l nnd in - i t-iMuil li.tnd wilt be employed, no that the pu' 'c tiny rc upon fuod aork I.nti.' t.i'l l,r ,rl rd or Bold as low a It onn he ,ii ri'.t u 'ivhpre, nnd warranted 10 ifivr 'l i the huino will b dna uimn tii--. hp iu pto u can al.ord tojrk ior suiitli J)lIY LUMBER WANTED! 4 I. 'ITy on' a- n hntf nnd two lir h panel "ii'. mr iin n a ihmhi price win oo piud. The Utjriiu will he eohdnt-lrd un J or the name ' bi' .ho ... "(leiirlidil rianins Mill Co." . Tl. Mi-troll v. Ill p itlj iuperlulcnd Ihe Oi,l- ri rupm-Lully aoli, I; n. ?i. vi inirr.i,. t; ii. i .e. nut. 1 II Will U.i! AI -OIIKT. m. ;. iihown mm. .T.imi.M.v I,;7 rkiin.M, p READING FOR ALL 1 1 LOOKS - ST AT I OXER Y. M ii bd St., Clcarlirlil. (nt (lie Pot Oilier. 1 Ml K bepa kara to announce 10 tb ii f Clc arfl"l,l and Vicinity, that ho ban fliird up a rcmi and ban Just rotii"Ti d tiom tbcilijallh a larjo amvuut of rvadint aiiucr, roiifictltif In part of Eiblcs and Miscellaneous Bools, ' C'nni,, Acronnt and Pasa Dooki of otoct d' ' i n ; Paper and Envi lopoi, From h pro.-' oil and plain : Toot and l'cnvil Dlank, r ik liccu.', Miiriniti Ju.liaent, Lxeup ti.ii iod Promiiory nulrl ; VVhito and 1'arali: mi nt Urlrf, Lri-al Ci.,Hrm.rd Cap, aid Uill Oat. ih -ct, Mttiic lr olibcr Piano, Ftuie or Violin c. n inilf on hind. Anv boobs or atationcry d. sirrd iiint I may not hava on band, will be or. or lcod by (rrt cspren, and aold at wholrra'a or rrt'iil 10 iuit cuaioincrt. 1 will alio bcop p,iK"., dr. P. A. OAl'LIM. f..!,l Miv 7, I"..1."! If OSHANNON LANd"aNO LUMBER Ctl'l ! A M V, OSCKOLA STEAM MILLS, VARFrAOTURIa . LUlir.KJl, LATH, AND PICKETS S'tH'td f- ralihl Hibbeil Shinght. II. II. PIIII.I.INU FORD, Preiidont, OBioa For.t Plaoa, Ko. 125 g. 1th at., PhU'a. JOHN' LA WIS UP, U.aeral 6uu't., Oiceola MilU, OInrfteld oounty, Pa. A i,o TOWN I.OTb for rale in lha borough l Ot-(ol,t. Ai.o-K rp lh t.mtJKST APSOltTMKNT ..r (io...l in I I i II Id ooi. nl jr at Ilieir Mninmnib .i.iit in 0 c"ri'it. j.inS :i Lime for Sale I , TMK nndoraltncda n ciding near the depot tiai inde oomptcta arrangement! with Lima It mow eaft of the nmunUin. whemby he la ena bled to keep eonatautlyon band a large quantity of PURB LIME! which ha offora t. fannm and bolldrra at Irlfl. abov. ooat. Tboa. In nd of th. artlcl. would do woll to (Ira n. a oall, or addren m. by latUr, b fora n.gotlatlng lima. R0. 0. FASPHORI. Cl.ara.ld, Pa., Jun.l, I8n. , V BARGAINS IN MUSICAL IX PTRl'ME.NTS ! Orgoni, bolh n.w and wcond hand, al lha Mnrlc Blnra, oppoilt. flullch't Furnitur. Bira. AILp.rtoni tnt.rralrd tn la. I trd t onll and cXatnina a new ityl. of Orgi low on rihihltlim. gb..t Muai and Mmi. Pooka tonitanllyot haid. iol( Ht OcfnvA Cnnnlnr OUGAN8, HAMLIN'S ORGAN?, and the and no other investment of liko Clearfield Counly Bank. rpjlE CT"' ge'-l Ciiniv Cn). ai nn inrnrrr t. ici i . II. f;o"C out v nrc hi Ino nt- citl 'ii i ..If .c, on l.i 12 t:.0' AM oi;ir .!! t ... ui, c he'who n '1 . 4,.i, tU t f ' -f i i Iiu "fc nt iro time I1.- .-.;.S r. v. i N . u iIt tho 6 a nam h- "ft :i r,. '.I i on i v U U'o are re in? L u'-.onj nip pay tie ' "in, r.. llp.jtj ' h iic -J ((:: v in teu lor '.(. ijtl a- t'l-rtcnt. .iiirtn hl'' Tor t U(- t. if t v no':? un d it r . n rn tvcil and it.u i .,i a fiod iimr. Vi-pc hf r-.:i.."'.f j, 0r i-'u-m' h.' . I. i it il:; ! fr n'lJ'tH. i. pv c'l bt. n n n-: t t l. A CPM lilt. " 0 f.." i llC IK"-ll p;l- ; - of ,U- lM .me- n rn .r i ho ( -irn n re . . .ltr rMfle-'o-l. A IVr ido,,(t h.-fand . " j r e laio t!m hold Coun. ? nn (l;,wt un. f ihe fit.-h of taiii Lack, tu l.( 'c.tntetl .r.i-n. .fin . t. i.i (i'iAi:o, I'm: n:,!, .IAS nrri'Min 8itw, .1 U. il l A tl, tu. V.' V . A. WALL CI'V i. r. .11 l.c to'iti'M t I l.i 1 ii.rr. 'III 71 i.. ;:. :.(. J o I... ni-of tl.o I!j in M- I...., -., I i. r County national Bank, ot i i.i: m;kii;i.1), pa. UOOM In ,M.innlr llnH lmj. unc door north Ol C. II. M';'ii llruif Sturf. .cTi.-li lono.l ir.m Liverpool. O'lrna- ...wn. M.i-tf'.w. I.on.ti.n, 1' irii nnrl t.'opr nlin rcn A' ... linn' f..r i:,ir on ihr ttank ol li-lan .id luiM-ri il Bin1.' .r l.iod'.n. J lia T. Ul.ONAUU, Pr..'(. V. M. fHW, t'3-birr. .l-l.;4 J. )i. M'Uirh. i i: inr-l IVrki. BAKKIKG & COLLECTION HOUSI Or- McGirk & perks. Suctraiorr lo Fortcr, Pcrka, A Co., l'liillbui'C I'liilro touiity, l'a Y.r III-.IIK nil ih biifiocr. of a CanMnt Hbnm nil' c irm-.c. ted iiiuiupily and upon ibi mo t rnur.i.tlc let in-. ni:ir7-tf DREXEL & CO.T Vo. 31 tiuulh Thlnl Hlierf. I'hiludelphli -K.I.IVif.rt.S, And Dealers in Government Securities. A..t!- ?, .'.n bv nn'.l Hill ri.iiv pr mi.t rril.-n- J'.n, arid II ttiKiruiatioo cbwrrullr in" I bed OMera lolictcd. April II. If. 'jlllE LARGEST ASSOHTMUXT OP cv.- I,.t.ui(lit to lb,' roonlv. arc W'titf ccwivnl a. i'ir I. In.,,. I, .Inhl, I,. ii. in ... Ii. I till. I.I l( w C .. i-uiiipi iio ll.r lullvw t',; CooL lorc. sPEAR-X OAUiRJFI':, bU.-LKIIANNA. liKuUtii Tor. NOl'LK. HXCEI.SIOR. TKJLMnr. liuv rEXV. UKAKIXC. NATION A I. UANGK, AC. J.C. y Alro, llio !"..t:.ti.,. lu'uiiiff Si'.vti": (. ' SI KAUS AM I CLIXKIiR, Sl'KAII'S ANT! Dl.sT. r-l'KMCS ul!;itl'l.Al!, bPEAlf-S PARLOR COOK, MtHtXINO uuur, llt'SJ TON, (iii'M-y, ' VL'LCAN, 8 1) X UK AM, RlllY' DAI IMIIX KOQ, ' ci i lis i' t: d;o, Volcano, . PlloiiXiX, tlKAVV nr. i:oom AX n STOKE J."tM MiiViis, ,'.C. C'. n'Ciii, s. pi. s r pi. i. ti m it i: i; ii u in i rBitnicaios is CANT HOOK SI Tbo Cli-nru.l.l l-.jocUlnr Trinil mil tiul wrsr cul or bruik, IiJuk coiiilrucltd wlih one ii.lid band fmm clip to point. It In phinr.,mcr. by 1 practical liimbcniirn ubo hnvi xamlhiil It lo bo Ilia moil wrvi CanthiMtk ever Invvntcd. Amos Kennard, Patentee. llonufa. turcd bjr A-tna Kt.tARn k Co., al CLKAItKIELD, PA. -All ordora fromplly ntt. nd, d to. n2.i'7 ldlvcry Klablo. TH R underlined be,. Icav.t. Inform thrpub lla thai be If now fullt nr.nar.rl u, vn.n. dotoall In th. way of furnlihlng llorii, Ilujtgl.a, Bad. lira and HarnMa, on Ih. ihortf at aolio. and on rmronablc term.. Hildano. ol Loouat a tml bttWMi Third and Fourth. . . w . ,,lt0, W- OSAIIHAM. SAC&ETT & SCURYVEtt, IIALIII II HARDWARE, aid manufacturer! of TIu,Copicr & Sheet Iron M arc, . "" Second Slrott, ' . C1EA Kl'l EtI). PA. , Having Inrirctv Incrcna.d nur "look of Hard war., wo Invito lha rubllc to i-xamln. our atwk and prlcci. ' and i.roni who wmLuiplate build log will do well tu oaamln. our T00L8 & BUILDING HAEDWAKE, which Ii orw and of Htf toil manufacture, and will bo aold low lur oa.n. NAILS, GLASS, rUTTY. GLUE, LOCKS, . LATCHES, HINGES, SCREWS All h'mdi of Drncli PIid, Sw, Chirtt!, Squarei, Jlninincrr, llntrheu, Plouiba and Latvia, Morlund Thumb Uungc, Ilovola, lliurn A lll't., M'ood uud Iroo Jtf licll Pi'rrlo, uuil lb. Ii.ll U.iring M-bin. In tbo market. I " Double and Single Bitt Axe8, POCKET CUTLERY, 4. A'jenl fur JJurncll't Iron Corn Shelter, warranter. Alio, ageuU for Hichaid' ' -;TIIIC FI.IIE TI'H, which ctToctuully cur. Fluca. Farni.r.' Implement and Uardco Tooli of av.ry dvioripUon. A largo varietr of COOK STOVES, which w. warrant to giva aatlifaollon. I'ortable ilangt and furmnets. ii..Roofinir, Hiutlng and Job Work dona on rraunableteruia. .All ordcri will rweiv. prompt attention. ' Jun. 11, 1.73-! EACE IN EVIIOPEI OREAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHVILL.EI The bloodvoontosl btwecn France and Pmrtla iff at an rod f.rr tl.e prudent, ro fur ai the hlaugh terlnjrof men nnd lb. rlc.rriiclion of prop.rty II ootlrernid. The Itr.val Jur;.;lcra no (Iniilil prid. tltcmwlrca ulI rejoice over tba remit, but how inyiitniMcinl Is their work irucn coatparcd with tbe humnne and cbrl.tian tnorta of L. M. COUDRIET, n-ho hai UTi-Uitukfii lo Pit''1y all (lie cttitwit tn thn lnwt'r cn'l !' tlic coniily with food unrl rnimnt t c Tcf-i -liri-f Ictr rn(o frm bU mninmotb utor in Ml I.SO.MSl.'KO, wbfro bo ctva ulnnyi W to und r.ftily to Dji'in caller nil supi'l tbcui wit Dry Goods cf all Kinds, Such n ClottiB. Bittlnetls. Casfiiorr, MoMlht, JJelntnei). Linn, I)ri1lhip?, Calieoet. Tritnuiingi!. Kibhonn, Luce, noruljr-inailc ClothitiK, Booti timt StiiK-f, Unit ftnd flips nil f the tht malerinl and nado to c.rder liuko, bock?, UlMtef, Mittcn.1, Ltvcen, HibUtoi. Aa. OR0CKH1ES OF ALL KINDS. - C"lT rp, Tm, fiotrnr, BWt Multtaw, Pl-h, hmH, rorh, LinMvd Oil! Yi.k Oil, Carboo Oil. Harlware, Qufnwair. Tinwivro. Catior, riowa oa now tntungff. ftaii!, hpikca. (Jurn tultir wrt.i.iior rrcte, and all ktnaa ot Axoa, Perfumer, Taintf, Varnirb, Ola, and a fenarai uiortaafni oi BUttonery. GOOD FLOUR, Of different l.ramls, alwy. on band, and will w uld m tba louaal potoililo nguirs. LIQfORS, aeb at nroodT, Winn, Qln, WbtiLf. ja;nea .nai.rtnr noitetiora and Hooflnnta'a liittrri. 500ft pontidii nf Wool wanted fur which tlw olbm price will be paid. Clovrmod on hand nnd for Sdlo at tha low-t market prica. AUo, Ajf- nt for 8traltonille and Curwouivil Ihroning A. act in ca. .L-Call and pre for yourrtrlvrn. Too will find ererjrthitig ununllj- fcipi in a Mull utore. L. M. COIDKIET. Prenfbrille P. 0., Marrh 1, IhTI. rJERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, 1IASU1SG VASIiS, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, ' hept comtnnll- on hnnd. 1 STO.AE AM) KAPiTUO-MAIlE OF KVICltY Dli.-rCKIPTlON I CfvOCKS! TOTS! CROCKS! l-it-hcr! Pnlcnt Alrtl:;lit Pelf . Settling I'Ynit l urisl PVTTKH t'KOL'K.S wilb lids C11EAM IlilCKS, mh.k CROrKS, APPI.K- II ITT Ell riidi'KS, I'ICKI.E mCKfi, FLOW Kit POtS, PIB DISHES, ' t-TKW POTS, And a great mnnv mber tiling too nutnvrouf to nieniinn, to bo hnd at 1 . FRED'K. LEITZiNGER'S STONK - WARB POTTERY, Cwrner ol Plirrrv nnd TlilrJ Simln. t'LKAHKlKI.D, PA. aor FARMING " IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE ItY It. F. Ulster A Co. inON I)0t'BLE-110VKL I'LOWil. WOOD UOmLF- SIIOVEL ri.o'ivs. WOOD FIXDLK-RIIOVEL TLOWS. IROX CI LTlVATons, WOOD CI LTIVATOllS. OOWANDA A InON BEAM PLOWS. PITTUIWIU PTLKL PLOWS. HAI PT'8 BEI.I.ri-ONTE TI.OWS. ROBi:S.ON S and TUOMl'SOX S PLOWS. r-Sharca for all ol th. ibuvi Plowi eon-Biv'is-ri Iioilljr .n hand. JJ" F. 15IULEU & CO. havo for lal. CARKIiGE & V KMX M OODS, SHAFTS AND POI.EH, HUBS, SPOKKS, FELLOES, io. Carriage and Wairo Mnkara ahonld m.k. . aot. of thia and call and '.lamina them. The will b. i.ild at fair pricai. nj2J Tl l. lOLLowaaal ..... ..i,,,.. HOLLOWBUSH & CAEET, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Book ManufartnrriN - .-. ,A N D ITAII0NBR8, . , Sl JHnrhet ., rhlladrtphta. Flo;ir Sack! and Baga, F.licp, Uur, hu, Wrnrrlng, Cartaia and ap.ra. - - fvi,rt lyjd (i rat (iii I 'llionsiindu proclaim Vin- eoar llirrKits the niot wonderful In viK'iraut that ever itutiuued. Ui ruukiog avuii-in. ' No Person run take these Bitters nciwrilinfj to dtrertlunn, nnd remain long unwell, piiivldt'il their bones aro not do Rtroycd by minora) poinon or otuer means, uud vitttl oi guus wuotcd bejoud repair. JillioiH. licmiUcnt nnd Inter niittcnt l-evcm, which nro so prcva lout in tho vnllina of our great river tliroiiliiiut llio United Stati-s, especially lliosuuf tho ,Misjis.iiii, Ohio, Missouri, Jllliinis, Ti'niu.wwrCuiiiuerhind, Atkiui' as. Hcd, Ciihirado, lliitzos, Itio Grande,. 1'enrl, Ahiliaina, Muliilo, Surnnnali, Ko niioke, Jainri, nnd many otlinni, wltl tltoir triliulnvipa, tliroiigliont our ( ii'iio tommy tiuriiiK tho Siiinincr aui Aiitiiin:i,iiiid l eiimi h.'ibly so during lea--toil, oi muiiuil licit and dryneM, aro invnri.'i'rly actu:npiuiled by extensive de-i-.iiiKiitnents of tlio stomacb and liver, nnd other aduiiilnitl viscera, lu their trenitiuint, n p.iryalh c, exerting a pow erful iiidiii'iiio upon tlieso various or pans, la essentially, necessary. Thorn ih no rut hart id fur the purH60 equal to l)lt. J. W'AI.KKIt' VlNWJAIt HllTKIlS, us the)' "ill Sceilily reuiovo tho dark eoloivil iniil niatier with which tho tionxlti mo Itimhtl, nt thu saino timo i-tiiiiulatiiirr llio sciiretiixis of lha liter, and t.'iii rally ro.iiunm; tlio beollhy -fiiiKituMis nt the ilir'hliva organs. Foil if.v (lie body against tliocaso 1 y piiril'vinr; nil iiu IhniUHitli Vinkuar J;iiti-.i:s. No eiiiluiiiic can tuko hold uf it 'I'Ktriii llivn lore-armed. . i Dyspcpsiii or India's! ion, ncad-' sihe, I'aiu In the hlioulders, CotiKhs, T!hlnc. nf H o (.'hot, Wiziiness, Sour Ijiii'liiliiiim of I lie Stotiwh, Had 'J'asto tit tlio Mmitli. lli.l. ins Attacks, l'nlpita t.U ion nf the Ili'iu t, Inllatuuiation of tho J.tir.j, Tain it) tho legion of tho Kid ' ne.i, ami a hundred other painful nyuip-' loins, nro the ollnprius of Uysiicpbia. One b.ittlrvtill pruvo n beller nuaranteo nl iu merits than a lengthy ndvertise- llll'llt. Sriorula, ci' Kind's Evil, Whito Swelliiijm. I.' Intra, i-Iu.h, .Swelll Nock, Gnitur, bvr..lil(Mi4 liillmiiiiinti.tna, ladulctit Iiillanimminns .Mercurial Affrctinna, Old KorL". I;iii.Uiiii r.f the fSkin. S.iro Kycn, etc In llic.c. in in nil other cunsliiutiunol Dia- V:XCt, AVjLKKH Vl.VKfi.VR HllTKKI llSVI flitimn thrir ari cut euniiiro power iu U mi. it ul.Miimio uud iiitracUblu coaca. For Iiillaiiiiuatory mill ( hronio Illicilliialisiil, Gout, llilious, liemit- -tentniui lulriinitteiit Fevers, Diseases of tl.o 1:1. K.l, I.Hir. Kiilnoya mid Hl.ulJer, tia'o llit:-rri linvo no rriua'l. ucli Lliscuca are ciuis.'d ty V il'-itttl lUood. M c 1 1 1 a ii ien I I) i pa sos. Persons cn -picd in Paints ami Minerals, such as I'ltiinlicr-i, Tt'lit.r, Gulil-lH'atrM', and Miners us tiniy mivaiu-fl in lilt, am subject to pnr:.!ysi nf tin Bowol. Tn guard iV'.ui.-t iI.m. tuko n(lu-r1f WALKbU's Vuc ioas UnTKiis (MMii-iiinally. For .Skill Diseases," Eruptions, Tet tor, Silt Hhcnm, Il..iiln.. Sji"!. I'niifl.t, I'tl.tuioa. IU.iIa, Curbiiuc-lt-. King-wo1 :na,, Hi.rn Kye. Erysii.i-.fl-i. Itch. Scurf.. l)iHCulurntiimt of tho tvim. Ilitinors nnd l)iunu of the Skin of hutowr nn to or naiur. are lilerully dnjr up uud carried nut of tho i toui iu a auurt tiuio by Iiu tuo nl theso Kilter. Tin, Tape, nnd other Worms, lutkitifr ill tho av.tcm of ninnji thousands, nro cuYcttially ilofitioyed and rouiov. Ho avntuin of incilicine, no vrTliiiliipcn, no ail tneliuinitici irill true the aysleui lioui vuroi liko Ihosi. llittora. For Female Complaints, In youog or uid. tiiurriid or aingie, at the Uawu of wv nnnhoiKl. or the turn of life, those Tonio Hitter, dinplar ao decided an iuducuci that ' imjirovc nieiil la aimn perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated lilood nlien- ever you rind tta impuntiea bursting ihrungli the .Urn in Pimple, iimptunia, or tiorea; . clcuii it when yon End it obstructed and luirph in tha roiuc cleanse it when it is foal ; your feelings will tell roa when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of tha syiteta will lollow. It. II. Sir DON A LD Ac CO.. ' PrnptrliU .ml lien. Apt!.. San KranciMm California, aaU cor. Vu.l.n.irt.ii anj (tirli"ii Sti. N. Y. Sunt bjr all and Uralera. October IS, ISTS-ljr. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED,' FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manafnoturart r TOETAELE & STATIONARY STEAI ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pino Strata, (.1. F.Alt rn:i.i, pa. lf.wj r - .v :T -IS I'm c r.V1-:ej)r " HAVIMI ongasrd In the mnnufaotor of Snt, elaia MAClltNEKY, Trc.peclfullr Inform th. public that . are now prepared to III all. ordcri ai cheaply and a. promptly aa .an b don' in an; of th. oiti.a. W. inanufaetur and dull&. Muky and Circular Saw-MUla Head Ulocka, Water V. b. cli, Shafting Pull.ya Oifford'i Injector, Fleam Oaujrci, Ftmia Whtitlea, Oilera, Tallow Copt, Oil Cupn, tlaug Oocka, Air Cocka, Ulolw Valvri, Check Vatvca, wrought Iron Pipei, a.eam Pumps Boiler Fiwd Pnmpa, Anti. Friclinn Metre., Soap 8 1 cue Packing, Gum Pack- . ing, ar.d all of HILL WOKKi togethw with I'lo.i, Fled Solra, COOK AXD PA RLOR STO YS, : and other CASTINGS of all kinds. 2 -Order. Mlcllcd and tilled aa iij .rlrwe' All l.ltcn of iniolrjr with rafuriMioa to aa.hlnerj of our manufaotun prompiljr uiirml, bj addraa. Ing m at ClearOcl.t, Pa. a Janl'14 tf U1ULKR, V01INO EkSD. , 1)00T AKDS1I0K MAKING. XI JOSEPn II. PEKRIXU. on Market .1.. i. fihaw'a Row, ClrarK.ld, Pa , ha.juit r.eelv.d a In. I..I .f Fr.n.h Calf bkla. and Kip., th hit ia tba aiark.t, and la wow pprd man. ufaclura .T.rjtblog in hla Un.. 11. will war-, rant hit work to b. ai rrpr.i.nt.d. Th. of 'ler.ld and rlclnltr art r.i .llull)r inritMl t lira hla anil, ' - Work doa. at abort aotloa. , IVo'IJj ,, C1IEAP GE0CEK1ES1 , ti LVM1IKR CITV, PA.. Tha andfralgned announce, to bli old frleiida and that he baa opened a good lih. of MKOCKHII-K A PROVISIONS-! Ikeald ' of Kirk A Bneaear, for wbiob he aoUeita libataA. patronago. U. W. 61.NC, . Ltualm City, Pa, Ma IO-U, 1?