Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 11, 1874, Image 2

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Dmii abb raoraiBToa.
Attwtiom,' Democrats. It will be
come the duty of oar party friend at
March Court, to oloot a Bopretontativo
delegate to tbe approaching State
Convention, and also to teloct threo
Senatorial Conferees ts moot similar
conferees from Cambria, Clinton and
Elk, whoso duty it will be to select a
Senatorial delegate to tbe same Con
vention. Mutual Affection. It Isnot very
long since Gen. Howard gave Senator
Fomeroy a certificate of good charac
ter, in whioh "Old Subsidy" was ef
fectually disguised as a "Christian
statesman." Will the ex-Senator
now, since the former has cot Into
troublo, too, return the compliment
and kindly Indorse the "Christian sol
dier r
' A Washington epeciul, in alluding
to Washington socioty this winter,
sayat "Mrs. Attorney General Wil
liams is also sensation this winter."
After describing her bouso, hair, nose
and eyes, tbe writer concludes by iny.
iug i ."She ia in every sense a bril
Jiant woman, and knows just bow to
dress bersolf. Her bouse looks like
ooncrolo ambition, truly; the drawing
room is lurge enough for a Presiden
llal mansion, or for a Chief Justice,
a&d has twico the elegance."
Cusuiso'8 "Waiti." It is now
pretty generally conceded that Caleb
, Cuahing made the present Chief Jus-
tico. When ho found tbe Senate
would not confirm hi in ho went for
the next man who 'was for Cusbing,
nd tuat was Wnite. 11 o bos never
been an active political), bat bis sym
pathies huve always been with the lib
eral and conservative element. lie is
tbe intimate friend of Gen. Cusbing
for which reason ho was selected as
one of the counsel at Geneva and
ugrees with bim fully as regards the
nacredness of Constitutional restric
Political Morals. Judge Bus
teed, auotbor United States Judge in
Alabama, a carpel bagger from New
York, appointed by Lincoln, has re
signed for fear of being impeached for
high crimes and misdemeanors, before
a Radical Senate, at that. This ia the
fourth villain tbitt has escaped the
penitentiary in this manner within
four months. From the organization
of tbe government, up to 1860, only
no United Stales Jodga (Peck of
Missouri) docraded himself and his
office in ibis manner. Moral integri
ty seoms to bo at a heavy discount
Among United Slates Judgos.
. A Traitor's IUwakb. T. B. Sea
right, of Uniontown, Pa., bas been
appointed by President Grant . as
Surveyor General of Colorado Tcrri
tory. Sebright was a Democrat as
Ions as he could hold office, and this is
bis reward for betraying the Democ
racy of Fayette county last fall into
the hands of tbe Radicals. - The Son
ate bad better be looking after "Tom,"
because ho was a far worse "rebel"
during the war than Caleb Cushing.
But tbon Tom was always for Simon
Cameron, w'lio bas carried bim in his
pocket for 20 years. Ho was a hired
spy In our party, making semi-annual
report to the Winnobego Chiof. Like
Waggonsellor, Lebo and Mincar, Sea
right has bis reward, too. Cameron
will no doubt see that bis spawn is
A HroHLT Important Election.
TIm political campaign of 1874 will bo
One of the mot important canvasses
that we bavc over hud in Pennsylva
n!a, on account of the Dumber of im
portant officers we have to elect nnder
the new Constitution, which is now
tlio organic law of the State. Besides
electing our county ticket, consisting
of a Prolhonotary, Register A Record
er, Assemblyman, Commissioner and
Auditor, and our district ticket, Con
gressman and Stato Senator, and in all
probability an Assistant Law Judge
wo will have to elect two Judges of
the Supremo Court, a Lieutenant Gov
crner, a Secrotary of Internal Afluirs,
And in the (Aggregate olect twenty.
eeti Congressmen, a large number
of .Senators and '201 Representatives,
whoee duty it will bo to elect a Unilod
Slates Senator at tho scsbion of 1375.
TbU will make lively times in the
"Old Kevsloiio." The election lakes
place on Tuesday, the 2d duy of No
vein her, iaaU-ud of th second Tuesday
iif October, as heretofore.
Mares His Emcape. Another no.
ted scoundrel resigns bla office in or
dur to encapo the Pvnitoiiliary. The
Congressional committee , appointed
to investigate the charge, against
Jndge Durcll having finished their la
bors loft Now Orleans Immediately
for Washington. Tbe result of the
investigation may be inferred from
the fact that Durell has sent bis res
ignation to the President. lie la lh
third United Slates Judge that bas
resigned wkiiid three months This
dodge of resigning should beatopped,
sft that the faota atay come before the
people and tbe villain disfranchised
and rtutiisliOtJ. as mo w
Chairman Murray.
This notorious hypocrite last woek
fcrnlsbed the Journal with another
essay on oar bumblosolf, and in imi
tation of bis prototypes, Thomas Pep
per and Schuyler Colfax, dlsoounts
truth ao enormously that be has rob
bod them of their well earnod laurels.
This creatm e is by nature a disss mbler,
by design a flunkey, and by occupation
a lloeler, of so gross a clmractor that
bis own party friends stand amazed
at bia impudence and degeneracy.
He profosscs to be a Christian(! i and
assails all who fail to embrace his
viowt, or do bim reverenoe. Meek
man ; though not a Mono. Bat we
cannot afford to waste loo much nmu
nition on this "dead duck" Christian,
who strains at gnats and swallows
camels. The street corners of Jerusa
lem were crowded with such rroaturcs
eighteen hundred years ago. Although
Tom is as shy of tbe truth as a fox is
of a steel trap, he accidentally blun
derod on a speck of truth in this last
essay, which, if properly husbanded,
will contribute something toward the
public good. What we allnde to is
this : Wo somo time Ago called public
attention to the fact, according to the
Report of tbo Auditor General, that
tbat office, instead of having its affairs
administered by statesmen for the
public good, was in tbe hands of shys
ters, who were robbing tbe taxpayers
of the Slalo. And we furlbor illus
trated our viows by showing the onor
mous bills paid to certain newspapers
for advertising.
Chairman Murray ,in bis essay ,coun.
ters and makes the truth-more patent.
In fact, bis statement is conclusive
proof of what we stated, viz: that the
office is administered without law or
fixed rulos of any kind, and that its
affairs aro adjusted to suit personal
and party intorcst first, aqu if any.
thing inures to tbe benefit of the pub
lie afterwards, it would, like tbe kernel
of truth in tbe canoo paddler's spocches
or essay, bo an accident. .
. The Liquor Otusllon.
Tbe proceedings in our Legislature
on this question show that tbe "body
polilio" is greatly disturbed. Tbo
Liquor Leaguo, in proparing for the
proposed repeal of t ho local option
laws, come to the contest with a can
lious self-assuranco which seems to
presage victory. They claim that
their only desire is a good and uniform
law. Thoy do not want this local
oplion trap continued, in which they
assert a few unsuspecting and mainly
innocent victims aro caught, whilo the
great mass of the offenders escape.
A circular over the signature of the
great Reading brewer, Frederick Lay
er, has been prepared for presentation
to the Legislature, in which they set
forth: .
"That the prohibitionists, disregard
ing the teachings of history, and their
own experience ol tbe lolly ol attempt
ing to control the appetites of men by
local enactments have forced Ibis ques
tion upun u." "As neilhor of the
great parties of tbe duy, Republican
or Democratic, have taken sides upon
Ibis question, we are at liberty to dis
cuss it as a question of morals or of
political economy."
"As to tho sumptuary laws in
local point of view, the experience of
every slate tbat bus enacted mem is,
that tbeir cUects have been evil in
stead of good, and that tho laws tlicm
selves are to a great extent a dead
"Perhaps in no State in the Union
have the probibilionislssiruggled more
pers'stonlly to enforce their notions ol
temperance upon tho poople than in
Massachusetts, and the testimony of
somo of ber best men will show wab
what result.
' Hon. Jamos IT. Duncan, of Haver
bill, says : "My observations are that
tomporance lias not been promoted by
tbo prohibitory laws."
Rev. Geo. D. Putman, D. D , says :
"I beliove and know tbat prohibitory
laws produce demoralization and dis
respect of the law. Il is injurious to
the consciences ol tbo peopla to be at
wars violating tho law. So fur as
liquor drinking is concorncd, the law
has cloiio no good.''
Rov. B.F. Clark says: "I think tho
prohibitory law hasbeon disastrous to
the cause of temperance. '
They continuo in the above style,
bringing in such names as ICov. l.
liaoon, D. V., ol Connecticut i 1'rol.
tiigelow, of lioston ; Prof. Bowman,
of Cambridge; Gen. Burdull, of Itox-
bury i Ex-CJov. Clifford, JU. ltev. il
East burn, D. P., the late Gov. An.
drews, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Hon.
Joel Parker, of Cambridiro ; Hon.
Judge Patch, of Lowell j Kx-Governor
tvasliburn, sua numerous others, to
prove that at! sumptuary laws are
blunders, or somolhmg worae.
Were we tho Legislature, we would
place a stringent liconso law upon the
statute book, and in addition to pun.
ishing persons for selling on Sunday
to minors, or porsons of Intomporate
habits, we woulJ Imnoto a floe and
imprisonment npon every individual
fonnd drunk upon tho streets or any
public plauo. This thing of punishing
the sller, only, and placing n'o pains
and penalties upon tho drinker, is, to
our mind, a "half way business. 11
is a moral wrong to gut drunk, aud it
should be so treated in law.
JostLikk Him. The Postmaster
at Dayton, Ohio, was arrested for
robbing the mails and tho Depart
ment about three months ago. A re.
cent Washington dospalch says i "Tho
" agont of the Postofllco Department
" nppointed to examine the Dayton
" posloffice, finds all the charges true,
to wit i That a brother of tho Post
" rooster, living in Cincinnati, was on
" the pay rolls and drew $100 per
" month, and that a mistress of the
" Postmaster was also on the rolls and
" drew regular monthly pay." This
ia tbe loyal and godly Individual who
so outrageously aUnderod Mr. Vallan
digham, a fbw yean before bis death,
and stole and read Mi letlors, with
the hope of finding treason in them.
W wonder what his mistress and
brother will follow n'iw, since "the
goTsmmsnt has stricken i them off
the payroll. ' WhUde loyal posts he
Must be, seyboT, ...... j
Lttlrr from ilarrUburg.
Uahrisuubo, Feb. 7, 1874.
Mr. Editor i Tho increased num.
bor ot mombers of tbe House of Rep
sensatives for noxt year's session, and
the Inadequate room at present usea
by the House, leads to the necessity
of some addition to the present room
for thoir accommodation. n un mis
purpose In view a bill has been Intro
duced into the House by Mr. Allen,
of this county, of which tbo follow.
ing is a toxt i
Whereas, The Incroaso In tho num
ber of members of tho prose nt House
undor the new " Cnnstiulion ren
ders tbe present House too small
to accommodalo tbem, and , can
not be proper I v enlarged or suffi
ciently well ventilated for them, lie il
enacted &e. ; That the uovornor, auu
itor General and Stato Treasuror, ure
hereby appointed a commission to
adopt a plan for an addition to be
L..M. ."l-i . 1 - it . I f,k
uunt ngaiDBi me suumt'uti. gnu ui iuu
mam Capitol building and the Land
OfSuo." The bill goes on to speak of
tbo dimensions of the now building,
and after the plan is decided upnn,tho
above commission shall bid for its
building in prominent papers, and
shall givo the contract to the lowest
bidder.. Tho present Hall of the
House of Representatives will at the
en mo lime bo convortcd into rooms
for the use of tho Legislature. Tho
sum of $150,000 is appropriated for
ine purpose oi erecting tuts now
building and making the repairs and
changos the bill calls lor.
The subject of the repeal of the Lo
cal Option law is again exciting a
great deal of interest hero. Numer
ous petitions are oflerod in both Sen
ato and House every day, both for
and against local option, Tho ques
tion as to whether or not it would be
constitutional to repeal this law was
roferrod by resolution of the House
to Attorney General Dimmick, who
decided that the. power making the
law bad certainly the right to repeal
it. It is scarcely possible however
that this Legislature could muster a
majority in favor of its repeal.
A petition was read in the IIousq,
last week, calling upon tbo Board of
Public Charities to report to the Leg
islature the condition of tho Insane
Asylums of the Stale, giving their
numbers, condition, treatment, Ao.
Tho suid Board of Charities in their
report to tho Legislature find much
fuult with some matters connected
with tho care of the insane at the
State Lunatic Hospital here, which ia
under tho control of Dr. C'urwen. The
Doctor and tho Board of Managers of
the Hospital hold a meeting and pnsicd
resolutions denying tho truth of the
charges. Thoir truth or fulsily will
doubtless be the subject of legislative
A resolution passed the Houho on
the 3d instant lor tbo publication of
tno now constitution in a separate
volume. The net fixing tho salaries
of Supremo Judges and Judges c
Common Pleas Courts was fully Jis
cussed in the House during thu past
week. Ihe pnncipul diuiculty was
mainly on account of tho additional
fiJ.OOU paid by tho city of Pbiladel
pbia to her judgos in addition to their
regular pay, etlorts being mailo to
huve the State pay this instead of the
A new bill was introduced in the Sen
ale "Providing for the election of a
secretary oi liitornal A Hairs and
denning his duties. It fixes his sala
ry at 3,000. liy tho provisions ol
tlio bill tlio Mid hlori.i J i9 rcquncU
to exerciso a .watchlul supervision
over thu railroad, banking, mining,
manufacturing and other business our
poralions of the State, to seo that
thoy confine themselves strictly to
their corporate limits, and in any cos
es where charges are brought against
them by any individual for violating
their charter or infringing upon the
rights of individual citizous, bo musi
carefully investigate such churges,anu
if tbe charges he true and individual
rodriss cannot well be bud, be tern
fies bis opinion to tho Attorney Gen
oral of tbe State, whoso duty it shall
be by a proper legal remedy, to re.
dress the same by a proceeding in the
courts at tho expento ot the Mate.
On Friday of last work Mr. Rutan
introduced from committee an net
(with amondmonts)to enable tho Audi
tor General to settle tbe accounts of the
State Prinlor. The bill recites that
"as Benjamin Singorly alleges, 'that
tho loss sustained fur work ordered
by and in preparation for the Consti
tutional Convention is about 8:20,500,
and 810,500 for work ordered, and in
preparation and for material in slock
iiocessary for the same, for head of
dcparlmonts, tho Auditor General is
authorized to examine tho cluima of
Mr. Singerly for losses sustained by
reason of the fro which destroyed
his office, to ascertain by sworn affi
davits the amount and character of
tho losses and to allow an cquitublo
and just compensation for the same
upon the basis of contracts botweon
tho mate and state rrinter, the same
as if delivery ol tho paper and uocu
mcnls had been made."
Mr. lirockwny rend in the House, a
bill carrying into effect section eight
of nrticlo seventeen of the new Con
stitution in regard lo railway pusses
The first soction inaks it a misdemean
or punishable by fine, not. less than
$100.00 and more than tbOOM to he
collected in the usual way, if any
railway or olhor transportation coin
pan' shall kive a pass to any one hut
officers or employees of the company,
whose names aro borno on the pny
rolls of said company.. 1 Ins includes
also passes given at a discount. Sec
lion two recites, "that any person re
ceiving such pass (not un officer or
employee) shall be guilty of a misde
meanor with flue and penally samoas
abovo. Heclion three causes tho act
to go into ofl'oel as soon as pussod.
. Yours truly,
K. L. R.
Mechanics' Lien. A bill bas been
introduced into the Legislature by a
member from Allegheny county ro
bearing tho Mechanic's Lion law. We
sincerely trust that this subject will
receive calm consideration bet'oro the
law is repealed. If tho mechanic
and laboring men nro to bo cat's paws
to rako chestnuts out of tho firo for
the speculator it ought nt least bo
known who thoy are in favor of so
doing. Possibly the present law needs
somo modification. Of this wo havu
nolhinir lo soy I but the repeal of tho
law is against the opinion of overy In
boring man in tho country. No man
who voles for the repoul can ever ex
pect to receive the support of me
chanics and olhor working peoplo of
this country. Zciglcr'i Herald.
It lakes some poople, nnder some
circumstances, vory long to say good
night, we heard oi an able bodied
young man who last Sunday night
spent an hour and a half at the door
trying to finish the Job, and then came
sway Mots he wee half tbrongh.
tirmu Loafer a.
It Is stulod that General Sheridan
is at Washington, lobbying to have
the regular, army Increased from
30,000 to 85,000. Tbs soldiers
are decreasing in numbers, while the
officers are constantly increasing, and
if tho aggregate is not raised, some of
these shoulder strapped gentlemen
must resign or turn professional loaf-
ors. Hence the "legging" for 6,000
more men by Sheridan and Ins con
federates, who nover atop to think
what such loafing costs tho treasury.
Tho Now York Sua, whose editor
knows something about war, remarks :
"The only logical reason that can
ho L'iven for tho oxistenco of a stand
ing army in any nation is lo nave the
means to repel invasion, rasisi ponii
cnl coercion, nnd subduo rebellion.
Tho nucossity tor armlos in uormany,
franco and Austria, is manifest. It
Englund had not colonies alio would
not need a military oetablishmont.
llernnvy would suffico to protoet her
territory and commerce. U ho United
Slates have no military neighbors.
oilhor tho Canadians nor tho Moxl
cans will ever invudo us. The only
eloment that over existed in American
politics which could gurminato a civi
war, slavery, has censed to oxist. . It
is not passible to find in tho relations
of our Stales a cause for another war
to overthrow the Government and re
cast the Union. What justification
is Ihcrc, then, for tho existence oi our
army of 30,000 mn ? Thcro nro
wsndoring.lhieving, murdering bands
of Ind ans within our territory wnicn
require watching and punishing.
Bight thousand men will amply suffice
tor this work. Twentv two thousand
men, therefore, nro maintained by our
taxpayers in lives of the most unprot-
ilablo idleness. They should bo sent
back to useful labor forthwith. A
largo standing army In the United
Stato in limo or peace is a solecism
unworthy of a rational peoplo. Il is
an absurd, costly sham, which should
bo attackod by every man in the
country who honoslly desires to stop
tho waste of the puMic money
Fred Gdant's New Assionmext.
Last winter, when Fred Grant was
sent out lo Chicago to displnco tho
gallant Gon. Forsytlio oil Sheridan's
stuff, the Lieutenant General fell con
strained to explain, in n general order,
ill 'it young Gram's title of Lieutenant
Colonel was only a local rank, to be
dropped whenever he retired from tho
stall'. Gen. Sheridan, al Ihe time be
issued the order containing the above
information, probably believed whul
ho wroto, and expected that the prom
ise would bo fulfilled, but a recent
event goes lo show that, -whilo he
mny propose, tho President disposes.
This is not nn nnnsunl way for the
Chief Magistrate to treat his subordi
nates in matters concerning tho wcl
faro of n member of his own family.
In the face of Sheridan's order, he
ordered Fred to Washington, and np
pointed him mustering and disbursing
officer with tho rank and pny he
enjoyed whilo a member of the Lieut.
General's military family. The only
duty expected of the young man Is to
draw his salary, tlio details of tho of
fico being pel'ormed by a competent
officer holding a lower rank and draw
ing small pny. This action of the
I'roiidout is of a piece w ith the with-
Not satisfied with having his own sal
ary doubled, bo has taken advantage
of his great office to jump his son from
Brevol Second Lioulenuntlo Lieuten
ant Colonel, with corresponding in
croaso of pay.
A Sknsibi.e Proposition. Senator
Anthony of Rhodo Island has intro
duced a hill providing that no speeches
shall hereslier be printed in Uio Con
grtisional liceord except such as are
sciuully delivered on tlio floor of Con
gress. Il hns passed the Senate, and
is now before tlio lluuso of Represen
tatives. Heretofore the practice has been
for members to gel loaro (o print
speeches which huvo never been spo
ken. This rcliovc the House, ot a
great bore, to b sure, in many in
stances; but, on the other hand, it
saddles the country with a heavy nnd
useless expense.
Most ol the speoches which arc de
livered in Congress are of no oarthly
aocount. It is bad enough to print
them, lut alone the printing of those
that are not delivered.
Who read tho speeches in Congrossf
Literally almost no ono. They si in
ply serve as wrapping and wusto
Tho era of statesmanship seems td
havo gone by. Once in a while, il is
true, there is a speech which contains
something and has a meaning to it ;
but as a gonoral thing the productions
of- our CongrcMmcn are mere decla
mation and trash.
The less the expense incurred in
printing even such as nro spoken, 'he
bettor. We hope Senator Anthony's
bill will pass.
IIr Rises to Explain. Hon. Ilcis
ter C'lymcr hns written to tho Reading
Eatjte, a letter in which he explains
the reasons which induced him and
his friend, ilia Hon. S. S. Cox, lo vote
Mgainat llio tilt mail puMcd ihft
Kenalo. 1 heso reasons, in brivl, arc
that the bill which bus bocomo a law
roe to red tho odious mileage system ;
that it did not reduce the salary of Hie
President cither for llio existing or
future terms; mid llinl it o no
deduction of salary, from tho -4 lit of
March 187J. Mr. Clyiner desires to
place himself on record us in favor of
economy,- retrenchment and reform ;
and believing the doubling ot tho 1 res
idenl's salary to ho tho grealetl of all
grubs, tho fcHtoration of milvago an
outrage, and that tlio reduction ol
members' salaries should huvo been
mado lo tnko effect from tho begin
ning of the legul existence of the pres
ent Congress, he voted ' against tho
hill ns tho only prsclicnl wuy of show
ing his opposition lo tbo objectionable
features contained in it. We think
our readers will iiltco that the views
of Messrs. Clymer and Cox on this
subject oro sound. iV. Y. b'u
A lady who offers to furnish "some
storys" lo a Michigan paper, says in a
postscript : N. b. I can send you sum
nnmes lo. sum real nrell v vmnns if i-nn
desiro Hint I writ myself, for I can writ
pomes as weiiusstorrs." llio editor is
moan enough to dculino on the gound
of poverty superinducod by the panic,
ino unio legislature nas intro-
.1 J 1.111 a! tt A . me .
uuuvu uiii uftiiipt iioo ui irnm Ci lu
mr.n t r m
iv iiir pointing any aina oi u rearms
at a person, louded or "unloaded."
Tbe Louisiana sue-ar cron of thla
year Is ottlwafed at 100,000 hojs.
Cotlty "Scrip."
$50,000 for "interest paid on Agri.
oultural College land scrip fund per sot
of 1872" Is one of the instructive items
In Auditor-General a lust report. $80,
000 Is "intorest" (at 6 per cent.) on
$500,000. Supposing that this Is the
amount of college scrip on which the
state has to pay Intorest, what bas
tbe Stato lo show for ft f Will some
graduate if such thero bo, of tho poor
institution which drags out its feeblo
existence In Centre county, bo good
enough to answer how much good has
been dono to education and agricul
ture with the funds now represented
by this $500,000 worth of scrip T
Will not those onlhusinstio gentlemen
from Mussuchuttotta nnd Vermont who
f impose to glvo nil the rout of the pub
ic lands of tho country to "(ho causo
of agricultural cduculion," puuno a
moment and nnswor our question first?
Abovo all, will Ihey not Inquiro wheth
er agricultural-college scrip does not
represent in twenty other Slates tho
same reckless, rcsullloss waslo of pub
lio funds it does in Pennsylvania bo
foro thoy plungo into a still more reck
less and resultless effort to further a
good en iiso In a wrong manner them
selves? The uhoro item wo clip from tho
Pittsburgh Leader, of tho 24th Inst.
The questions propounded aro perti
nent and lo tho point. Tho luud scrip
issued by tho General Government to
Ihe Slalo of Pennsylvania, was one
ot tho "fattest takes" that cvor blessed
tho Uarrisburg "Ring." Gov. Genry
and his particular frionds munaged it
so well tout ine land sold lor about oil
oonts per aero und it is generally
supposed thnt even that amount was
puid out of the State Treasury. . We
would like to soo a list of tho purchases
published, and tho prices paid for U.
it would bs instructive reading.
Tho whole retinue of old lobbyists,
who usud to infest the Stato Capitol
as did llio frogs iu Pharouh's lime
the kneading troughs and houses ol
llio persecuted Lgyplions, must now
feel, with tho disconsolate Muor, that
"Olhollo's occnpulion's gor.o." Their
absence from their accustomed li mints
Ibis session, so fur as il has gone, has
been Uio theino ol wondering
and gratified comment. What an
incubus their abioneo will remove
from the shoulders of legislation I Sic
transit gloria, new Constitution llio
pluees which once- knew tbem will
soon knoir them no more torever.
i . i - i. - ... i i ...
tx ilmtisriitctit.s.
llatlag aUilnt fiflj M to oar slrM.ljr capo
oiont Sloro Room, uJ wilfc sa onlorgrtl ttuok of
ortryihiog la Ibo lino of
o iarits tlio pooflt of Clnrlold oouBtjr to call
and lo.pool tbo lano.
Oor (otidi wtro boogM at lb. low print during
Iho lait paaic, aud aro now pnparad lo off. r
induooatnto auob at ware t.rir btforo off.nd la
Lock Uaroa.
Bojart will InJ It grtallj to Iboir adrantagr
Is tall oa ai btforo making tbeir porebant.
1. 1. EVERETT A CO, Prop'rt.
look Haron, l'tb. II, H7i.-3m r
tin U harrlit m ,rrn to ibo pal. ho aod all
purlin inlrrnird, thai arvlk-atiua will la mad.
at tho ircut .cation of ar Mlale Lfgi.laturo
to pau an aet ropralint: an act of Ararniblr, ap
proud Idlb April, A. 1. ItM. rolalioc lolbeau
i.lioation of tmt on land, in tbe new town.bip
of Pint, created out vf porta of llu.ton and
Lawreneo town-hipi, In Iheeonntyof ClearSeld.
And further petition tlio Lejri.loturo to peat an
Ml, Ibal all .aid lauds formerly belong-log to
llu.ton town.bip .ball bo aad remain aulgocl to
ino auibori'.lel taerenl ltr tat purrwv.
rentold.Fi-k. 10, 74-t. and It otbtra.
k3 Itee le hereby given to Iho publie aad all
pitrtiea Interested, thet application will bo made
at tbo prrornl se.alon of enr State Legislature to
po.t an act authoritlng tbe Oreraoert nr the
roor or lluiloa township, in tho county of Clear.
Held, to levy a Us fur poor purpoaeo npon tbe
nuaeoted landt In .aid towuihip, al tlio aama rati
per cent, at may he leriod upon .rated property.
PrntoldTeht II, '74-41. and T other.,
J ia baretiy given thnt lalteraof a1oiini.tra!ica
on tho rttute of AI.RXANllKIt OIlifb'Y, Into of
Morris lowmhln, Clearfield nounty, i'a., deoeoaed
aaviog been duty granted to the under.igoed, all
Iirr.ona Indebted lo aaid e.tato will pleaae make
tntnedinte paymenl, nnd tboao having claiuit or
uetnania will pre.rnt tnem rtronerir auinentieaioa
lor eouit-mcnl without uolay,
Rytcrtown, Feb. 11. Sr Admlnl.trator.
"liUTIOJI. All person! aro hereby warned
J againtt purchasing er trading lor any nt tho
following perronal property, via: Ono bay horae,
one fleigh, two airing wagnne, ono wneoiiiarrnw,
ono coal stnee, one hodttead, ono Ima keltic and
ono cow, now In tbo o.eaion uf A. 1. Llatnn,
of Monte town. hip, oa the tame beloogl lo mo
and It loll with bim .uhjeet to n? order.
Kylerlowa, feb. II, 1S74.-A0
le'd county, Ta,
In the matter of the partition of the ml oalatt
of bemuel Waring, lalo of Mrrit town.bip, de
ceased. To riu.anneh Waring, widow, and Wil
libra Waring, Catharine Kbhi, (leorgn Waring,
John Waring, hamnel Waring. Eliaahelb Wariog
and Iielancoy It. Waring, children, doriioet and
hair, at law of tht taid Lemuel Waring, deuea.eiL
Take Notice, that at aa Orphan.' Court held at
Clearfield, for said eonnty, on Iho lHih day of
tannery, A. I). 174, a rule waa granted apoa all
Ihe heirt aod legal representatives, and all per
tunt Intere.ted in Iho cute of aaid decedent, re
quiring tbem to bo and appear at an Orphan.'
Court to be held at Iba Court llouro, in CloorSeld,
In taid eonnty, on the Itlh day of March neat,
than and there to noropt or rofn.0 Ihe estate of
MO sain oeoeneot St ino valuation inerani .- ana
In case the heirs, legal repretmutlvei, and all
persona Interested ia th estate of tho taid dece
dent, nrglrct or wfo.e to take the same, then to
tbow oau.e, If any thoy have, why the tamo tboald
set bo cold Molding to law.
Feb. Halt. 1S74.-M. (Sheriff.
ic hereby given Ibal letter, of administrative
ontaoostatoof ADHA1IAM 11 l'KOI'Lkf,desd.,
late of Knoa township, Clearfield county, Peon'a,
havtag bona daly greeted to tbs anderelgnod,
all persona Indebted to aaid eetate will please
as lauseiliai paiaeat, an4 laoa aaviog
elsims or deasads will present them properly
MlJiontlcased far soltleau)at wlthoat delay,
If. B. I'EOrLKB,
, p. A. ROWLEH,
. Adralnlrtielota,
' fsw Ml!"rt, fo. 1?. J
f ROAD WJKD VO Wit. , 'j" f ,
BAHIEI. P. WILSO.N', E.., Trrw ot CI..HI.U sounly, Is (lis Comolth
Mia, Is VwJia w&i I th. fuud. of 0.. T.r.l Ww,..hl,.. la U1 wuutj- for IS,3
...t,. . I ' esreiTos. . .
T..moutaa.llI lurTsil 10T4I
t ..i.i. ,i,.. I
To tint, la frmuum't kJ. Jn. li. S,li; M
T.tsu. .SH.W
to baiiinoe duo jjlb
Jau. IS73.
To aiaonul
Ton nib
ariaee.eil 137.1. I
On band, irnooleetcd
bS 44
1 s& Si
II 17
2ki ri
.H 41
ail 72
ISI 10
110 77,
, tt III
ICS 91
17J jr.
;s s..
mo j;
74 Oil
4 !i W
890 30
US 40
hi n
1 70
' 7H
1,1 in
II loom
. 40 Sill
474 Go
4 41
0 il
3,?il H
10 S,i
J1S 9
(lulioh ..
1,127 40i
1UJ 4U
671 DO
7 Ji!
. . S7J Oil
4M) 00
1,301 V I j
ny sj
20 1
20 i
lluiloa ...
Knot .
Murrlt ...
ii 411
Mil os
4(11 III
4i0 4H
I'SO gs
101 02
3V1 SO
1.219 70
Total... I SS,MT M
einooi. rfsn s-utt aaia.
SAMUEL F. WILKOX, Em., Tres.orer of ClwirSel i county, tn 'tlio Commonwoallh of Nancy I.
, vanin, In aooouul wilh the funds uf the several school distriola in said county, for 1. J
1,0US 7
To amount uncollected
To ea.b in Treaeurer c bands Jan. 26.
To amount assesaed for IS73 ..,..
To additional for 1(72 .........
Total Vi,67l42
Jan. 1873.
'To amounl'
t'noolected; On bend. for!S73.
tlreraria ..
itoggs .....
27V Vi
0l ill
2l 111
101 oil
2M ml
378 .16
tn 74
bVJ 2",
266 101
06 S7'
1.9 37:
: V r!
Ui 4.1
1S 6X
42 17
S..4 22i
IS t,I,
310 12
121 Oil
.10 ir.j
2 IS l:l
T24 03
384 in
264 62!.
104 04 .
Illd 141.
620 14;.,
633 3" I.
i3S 6f..
0-10 4s.
tlubeu ....
Hu-loo ....
Jordan ...
Kd.h -
I'uie ,.
1A oodward
4'.'6 110
7 -.0 00
911 12
6C.1 701
311 24
64 2"
1,244 06;..
1.17 4"
S0 06
1,1 1 A 4
id 2"i
720 Vo!
2,014 46
161 611
43S l
Si4 ff;
1,420 I2.
24 V(., 13 2u
1,004 261
12 tin'.,.,
1.047 ,
l,20o Vv,
2,4.12 oo I
162 60;
ST! 01
2t SU
l.'.AI oil
1,027 :
tS 42
20 Sll
607 12
61 e
' 72 0
421 T4
4 7S
1 eu
" "iViV it'
73 Si.
1,21V TP
TLnl .'' 1I.VH4 Si
COU.HTV t'L'XIlH I'OH 1H13.-
SAMI'RL P. WILSdS, K.q., Trrasnrer of
leld oounly, in tho Commonwealth ol I'ennsyl
venia. In eceount wilh the funds of said oounty
from tbe first day of Jamury, A. !. Ull, to
tbe Oflb day of January, A ll. 171
To balance due countr at last soltl u't 12.401 26
To amount duo from collectors 4.793 69
To ere ! due fiom wutceted landt, ls;l lll,7US 01,
To ain't due from unseated lands, 1K73
To paynibut on old prison lot..
To amount of foltd duplieatre for
1M, ila i
Ihrtrul. f.lg. (e.
Iteccaria H.OiS 44 l6 03
, it i saa ,e ol ui
Hloom 411 0d 20 24
Bopgt 1.H7 S2 So 2S
llrill.ird I.490 10 92 47 2.9S3 IV 1211 IS
llnrurilc. 2,161 06 . 113 01
Chest 1,1S2 40 ' II 1
Govingion 719 31 60 .17
Cleartiold 1,171 SI 172 12
Cnrwentvll 1,069 94 6S 91
Pooalur 1, 7 Id 49 94 32
Ferguson. itil 91 4.1 73
l.irifd 697 S3 41 1.1
Oe-hoo 3S 61 41 JO
tlrahsm 023 22 40 01
llulirn Sl.O SO IS 00
lloalldale 11 II 1-1 23
Huston 071 93 ti .12
Jordan 6I 60 41 M
Karthaut 661 0 41 S
Kaox 717 74 48 97
l.serrncc 2.40S 44 US It
Lumber City... 121 66 19 .10
Morris 1,631 40 S3 91
New Waihln'ta is It 32 II
Os.e.ila. 1,163 69 it ot
J'ena 960 21 It 69
tike 1,731 31 n r
l aioo 4'.l 20 37 26
Woodeard 70 16 41 61
16.167 SO
3,192 OS
1.16.113 I62.?00 66 17.113 Si
To amount of militia Ina for IS71
1,2ns 60
To amount of bank tax lor IS73
To amsaat of Juno registry tea
To amount of Oetobnr registry tat...
To costs refunded by llipps
To ea.b from Welters for mailing and
To cafh for old stoves.
To cash from Cnrweasrille bridge loll
hones. ,.
To cash trom Kieberd'e note
To cash from Thorn for brick
To cash from Bradford overeeera......
To onsb from Uwlich overseers
To oh from (I co. C. Kirb.oommlssion
er for Courtney
Tocasb fmm Uro.C. Kirk, commission
er for Kirk
To rent of Court llouee, vltl -
lly Coleman Troupe .,
By Beigor do ,
By other do
Tg reot of arbitration rontn
To costs refunded per Tate
To redemption, via:
On 106 acres In H-cr' (9 IS
On 66 aeree In Brady 2 li
On 76 acres In Fos 30 SO
Oa 100 acres In Lawrence..... S 19
Oa 107 cores In Pike. 46 00
Go 00 aeree in Chest. I 40
On I loia I Osceola 1 01
To Jury aod reporter's feee., ,
To flue and forfeiture...
To amount of prison bonds ttrued,
f.-w IJO 4e k. ttl ,
l,40 37
313 OU
210 60
17 23
19 01'
Ji 0.
IS 06
10 00
9 OP
1S 9 .
170 30
. It
l,OV4 '.
4, COO 00
....fS'OSI 7
By etoaly ardert redeemed, via i
By Agricultural Society ., ,
By assessors' wa;es
By auditors and clerks.. , .,
By auditing Frnthonotnry and Regis
ter aod lieoordcr's aoeouula...........
Ry llislriel Attorney feel......
By luaatio asylum, vlti
ll.rrlsbarg.. ......Ml 31
lsnrille 16 60
By bridgec, vit I
Amount to Bell luwnship '
bridge. $1,600 t0
Amount to Cleartiold ar'k
bridge.., 600 00
Amount to t'nion bridge.. 600 00
Amoant to I'ibc bridge.... ISO 60
Amount lo Oka Hop bdg 61 II
By amnt nt paid bridge viewe ,,
By New Uouetilntlon.
By County Commissioner!' wages. ri i
F. F. Couleiot. .4i'l 60
0. S. Toser S.'2 10
J. I). Tliempnoo. 402 60
Clark Brown 77 10
1166 00;
1,627 71
165 03
30 06
131 60
677 II
1,144 76
41 41
744 94
1.115 00
1,000 00
Br amounl paid clerk
y amount pai roan erier
By court reporter .,,
By Commissioners' counsel
Bv constables' rcinrnt
70 00
150 00,
111 IS
By Court IWeo, tlsi
ruei 13H7 13
Kepairc 421 IS
Sioret 74 70
Lamps and oil... IS 31
Band fcr pgvament 29 71
Cleaning yard aad goiter.,., 40 00
Cleaning water oloeet. ....... 21 OS
Hepatic at well 14 tl
Matting for Jury roome 30 41
indie. A repairini clock. 60 04
By Commonwealth sons, Tin
Com'th vs. Ager n 171 77
Do .Urennenun.M.... 43 IS
Do Bnrns I 70
Do -..Cba.c. ........... II 11
Do n.Doffey , 1 M
Po..,....tlallejber.. I M
Io... (Von Jobneon 30 II
Do.......nltaM..... 1 OS
' ...i,...eC .. .. 10 M
CJlBj amount o.eol ""
ST i II v oofrlwoi
S4.S4 J4
. i ; .
0J,t2bs r
lly nm'ntluyejon- By amount
iml.l His t eratlona. uncollected
6 41 T"
1S6 32 21 CO 1,37.1 S7
427 T4
'" 140 Oi
" it 3 , 26 12 . !
II 17 v Jil 760 20
2o;l 74 t.lM
SOU 41 u 1.3 A 40
122 T2 1,0
1S1 lu ."
60 101 7
474 en! 1.444 6J
SS 6I'I t 0(1 2,244 SO
. 4S 4j.. 70 20
21 63 ..1,111 OS
l,Hli 7S Jill 17 , 1,616 01
' 1H4 60
'""iiVii 1 ot i,3in to
85 4V
. 01 6.1 1 01 2,i'J 0
403 IV 46 l.SDl SS
110 OS
: VIS 00
""j06"il2! 1 22 41 41
1,4S 20
iiii 4i 10 u 2,411 SO
onul for
1,612 till
427 711
SI0 f'-'l
471 2l
' JM S'
1,2.14 02
1,7 IS S
I, ITS 2
1,9211 IS
S,ll 3m
113 1 li
I so
l.lJtt 01
111,71111 HO
lit Cll
1,61 U
OlIJ 49
1.1 IU 40
1,211.1 JSl
Ulft Cl1'
1,4S'J 2"
-J.02J 0j
I c-eebitun.
! By oioncratlons.. - 4
j lly amount paid dl.lriel Ire.rutera 4.710 S
By aaiounl uneolleoUd - 13,163 62
Tuiai;;:. ....:......:..- ..
'By au'nt tty amount
'paid Ilia'l'unCfillectrd
Treasureri V.'
By exon
era'.ions. tlunal.
, - t
J66 111! S6S 4SI
ti S7l ' 1.TH0 M j
90 171 460 r.J j
01 Hi, 31 0
104 0 67S 74 ;
194 6.: 907 41
42 17 b2S 04
1,077 11
.11 72 1,106 TS i
961 22 1.962 64
15 02: 219 SI
.110 I.' ! 1.4..4 62
152 64 1.0SI CO
SO 161 hit 01
US 33l !
Oil TO 4,390 35
, I 306 00
16 42l I.H'6 66
20 n! 1.211 Ou
Juf 111 ,9W "
M 6S 1,710 S3
72 9l 4110 9J
l,Oli 26
76 70 693 06
3'.'2 ST! l,3.' 47
41 7! 2,411
919 6i
1,910 OP
62 99
4S0 63!
6 ;
4T 4uj
"' a o!
'40 On)
1,106 Jv
SOS 21
1.077 7S
l,4f-,S 6P
3 '.S 46;
1 .A' O 61
l,S0l 16
912 on
1,6.14 49
6,261 9-
311 till
1,116 l2
1,274 0'j
1.T6.1 2o
73 02 1
23 4S
7 34
21 40
102 S4
1 3H
663 b
1.00S SCI
?l !'(
1.261 P-l
2,171 lr
SIS.WS Tt.'l1 ti'. H.74 4-.'l t'Vi M SI.7I9 S4iJt.lftl 62
Do ,
lo ,
..Knox ...
IS 01
36 SO
14 64
...Ktdi-baugb rl... Ill S
i rt
673 li
... Turner. ....
...Veddors ..,
9 fO
Is 11
9 00
0 is
13 29
8 36
61 27
1,041 n
1,113 60
176 OC
Ry election oxprnsea..
lly exprcst and lelegrnnii..,..
By inquest fee...
By Jnnitnr's waxes
n. rfusiiceleor. H
B jnmrs' tarsi, vis i
tlrand jurors-Jan. terns. ,,1214 01
Ho Juno lerra.. 217 40
lie .....Sept. lei in.. 21 OS
Tmere ViimrsJan. term... 663 26
lie June terni 612 19
' Do Spt. term 469 IS
Do Nue. term
1st week... 417 00
2d week... 472 10
Id wcok... 319 36
By Jury aomrnissioners and clerk
lly WcHtrrn Penitentiary..., M.
lly rounty printing. Tit :
4. J. ttw ......212 51
(loodlandcr 4 llagnrty 610 00
174 16
2. set 31
127 50
1,104 41
123 10
uy pnalsge, vtxi
Keffistry list
Collectors' duplicates...
Sfhooi traoscripte M,
By Pretbonotarj's feesw...
Uy publie roeurds, vitt
rrothonu.ary'a ofhoa......
..17 93
..13 13
.. 1 04
,. 3 30
31 16
461 96
...S1 23
.. 19 10
... 11 01
tlrjisler ana KCMrdtr....
rrison register.... ...........
Tax Looks
2 copies 1'urdiVs Mgsl....
72 hi
27 70
361 87
iiv county prison, vlt:
Archilecl... 4TS Oil
On contract... ..'. 3,674 71
Clothing for prieoners....., 33 60
Bedding for prisoners : 127 TI
rurniturc for oellaM
New fence.
Painting fenoo.
Furap.M ,
Ktores ,,
Washing for prisoners
Tbysieinn for prisoners...,
Bomoving rubbish
Kent ot old prison.,,
Oil cloth fur hall
177 M
171 39
490 04
Ti 00
160 26
II 60
106 26
0 00
HO 00
li no
46 41
11 II
t,T70 17
30: Ry refunds
159 73
4i2 79
.153 76
..'I'y "gi'try Mpeneee
lly road datnagee
.'Uy wolf and fox aoalps..
By atatiooery ,
1 "y tipstaves wages.
00 By niscell.neous M
0(, Bv road views
Olip. K,,i l,.,i.
217 46
43 42
41 60
716 90
100 00
lly Slate acooant, vlt !
1'er.oaal projierty 2,227 22
Bank tax 1,419 10
Ry exonerations on unseated laud
By exonerations allowed oollectore....
By bounty coupons rcdi-emed ..,
tie .: a . .n. . . 1 . I . .. .
3,616 33
116 40
1.637 3S
US 1)0
H7 I.5!
Fnr""3 4'3V4(I0
P.. common srhonla. vis i
0,080 00
Amount paid teachers' Institute....,
By iniiilia beet cant aui.lvi iroasu.
ren, vix:
10S 00
Beccaria. ,M.
.. 01 04
... 68 75
... IS CO
... 30 75
... 41 40
.U'T Ti
... 45 00
... 63 60
.. 41 It
... 90 00
,.. li OA
...101 t.
.. 36 TS
,.. Jl 60
... or to
,.. 40 00
.. 40 T.1
.. .11 6
.. 19 60
.. .in bo ,
.. 10 10
.. 66 00
.. 14 60
.. 16 10
... IS 76
.. 06 20
.. 21 T
.. 70 16
., 14 65
.. 09 50
Ferruson , ,.
Oulich ,
Huston ,
Jordan Mn.,
Karlunu , , ,
Lumber City
Kew Washington.
Pike ,
Vnlon H ,
1,411 tt
06,B. SberiS 'I fees, vis i ,
Boardini prisoners 1.567 10
Serrlng jorj Botieee 1.11 00
Costs ta Cotnaw'tb oases... 71 10
By tmranl do from collector, Tit i
For 1171.
Cheel.. ...... Bonl. Klingar,..l61 03
Curwoasville.8. B. Taylor.... 14 19
Morrit R, Swartt....... II 76
Far 1073.
Bell T. C. Lee........ 5 I1
Chest S, Williams Jul f
Curwensvllla.Vorlo Clara.... 10 OS
Oirard Dan'l Kris 14 M
Oallob .- Reamt HI S
Motion It. W. Brows ...226 It
Karthauc...Thoa. Wbite.. IJ It
For 1173.
fltestria J. Kloeeld....Ji! 01
Sail ...,B, Bretb 197 7t
lom.....C. A. Woods.... 1J T
Boggt ........Ttaao Bel.b.....tll IS
Bradford ....J. W. Antt..4T 41
r4y; Jt. fllct,.,....M
764 It
! 1 !I.',-'.IIJ....I.-J. irl
Ilurntlde,..Il. Mrliairey..,.tir f)
, Cheat r1. Wtllinit,..6i SI . , ,
t'le.rSel....J. HoCl.llui....61ll 04 )
Cnrwoaeiilic.H.'C. Mllkr..l43 11
lieocdur. Levi Uom.,,.JMI( 44 .
Ferguses..... K. Owens. 17 IS
Illrard Y. 11. JorJaa...l2l 09 '
Uoshou. A. II. Kbirvy.,.. tl So
ClrabauiO J. 0. r'aoe II 01
Iloutidal I. W. !uUiaIT4 S3
llusn vv....ll. W. Proey...46t 74
Jin-dan H. Weiiner.....t7 T3 " "
K.rlliuu....l. Flaber 1st .1
, Kuas..rf....A. U llickuk... SI J7
Lawrence T. Itowlr. 6r6 TV
l.umb.r V.O..J. II. IIII' tl 41
Murrlt.. M. IMIIen 411 IS
K, W.ili Win. Mclinff'y.. (S 04
tiMuula A. K.-phrt....M2 (T
r.on.. John t'rult....,irV fa
VH.C......... J. K. Bloom. ...368 Vi
I'Bl..u H. M. Ualley.... 47 IS
Woodward ...H. II. Miles.....l71 10
Wollawi"n...A. Kleer ( 00 V,KJ (1
NoTK."Tbvae awked with aOJiata
pail siiir teltleiai'ilt, aud a large
nninlu-r of entistablet bsro since
- paid ou actouuUl
lly amount duo fmtn uiiseulod lands... 16,170 M
liy nl.a'ruitnt allowed taipajera on
i2,S75 OU 1,270 It
Je Ties.urer'c euinuils'ioa, tjj ( put
cent., on 2 t,l It Tl ' 1,2(17 21
By Tn-Murnr'a cninroi.sion, (j, i r
o.i.l., oa 17,bJ r.3 Ill il
By auiounl duo fiom collectors' rctBrnt 216 JJ
lialanooduo eouuty V31 27
. Total f"T,64 r
.- - . i-t
Jannery 21.1, 1H71
Rccelied of Fnmuel T. Wilson, (.iruier Treftris
rer of Clrarueld oounty, the sum of nine baudrol
and thlny-one dollars and twenly-trvra cculi, la
full for Iho sboto bnlaje dno ti c countr.
ttf31.27. U. W. W l.HK, Trea.
To probaole nrdioary expenses......... $24,
lo Oouuly bunds redi-cianble - 4,
To nrisou bonds redeemable 4
ooo o'
ooo oa
.2(0 Oil
,600 0O
V73 Oil
,423 0U
1,110 Oil
,0vt Oil
,160 Ov
To interest oa 176,000 prison bonds..
To-cionerations allowed collectors..,.
To exoacratiou. oa nneaied lantls.,.
To abatement nlb.wc't taxpayers. ....
To probable axpensts tvr bridges
To Treasurer's per centage. ....
fll) S-.S 10
By belanra in Treasurer's bands 931 IT
By amount due from eulleetore 9,106 01
By amount due from unseated lands. 26,7e9 lis
by third pnyinent on prison lot. 2,107 77
By drfioienvy lo be rai.ed from the
itated duplicates for 1S74......... 12,121 13
Ttal i..
..'....SiO.SsS 10
We, tbo undersigned Commissioners of Clrar.
field cunly, lu tbe t'oumonwealiti uf Pennsylva
nia, having met according to Inw, aud having
exaiuiued Ibe eeveial accounts and vouchers of
Samuel 1. Wilsoo, Lsq-.Treasureruf said county,
for tbo yeur A. 1), 1873, do certify tbat we find
tbem as set forth lu the lorngoing ststement. We
find Iho amount due tbe counly fiom bim to bu
nine huudred und tuirty-one dollars and tirentr.
seven cents ( 931.27). Tbo a; gregate amount f
Buuulv Utibdt still unredeemed is four thuusaad
dollars iJl.oiid!. Tbe amount of Prison Lot
Bonds outstanding i. fuor thousand two hundred
dllarsll,3ol). Iho while amount of Prism
Honda issued was sevclity-uvo thousand dollar!
lf75,!HHi). The amount due tho couuty from un
seated lands is twenty-five thomaud eipbt hun
dred and eoieeily-hvc dollar and eixty cents.
(26,&7.6) and from collectors nine tiion-aci
ono hundred and six dollars aad three et-itc
(9,106.03). Tbe amount due Ibe road loud front
Unseated lands appears to be tbiiy-live thoussad
one hundred and eih'y-tbroe dollars and (weoty.
srvrn orals (?:,S,ln..,27), and the amount duo the
svbuid fund from the tunic source it tbirty-tbros
thousand tV.ur hundred and sixty. three doilsrs
and six:y-lwo ennls ' 33.463.S;. For StMrioent
in detail of both, see tabular atatemcnl, showing
eoiouol due each lowiisbip lor road purposes and
the amounl due tbe eeveral school districts.
Witness uur hands at Clearfield, this Iwoaty
first day of January, A. H. In74.
J. D. TH0MP8J.N,
ArrssT) Comjuiiiioners,
(J. B. tii'oPLiiPEl, Ckrk.
We, the nndvr.igncd Auditor! of tbe connty of
ClcarlielJ. iu tbe Common wealth of Pennsylvania,
baring met at tbe Court Iloute, in the borough
of Ciearllrld, on tbe first Monday of January, A.
1. 1874. according to Inw, and having examined
Ihe several accounts aod vouchers of Samuel P.
Wilson, Esq.. Treasurer nf said county, fur tbe
year A. I. 1971, do report that wo find tbeia. aa
abovo stated, lb balance in bis bands duo tbo
county appear! lo bo niue huudred aad thirty
one dollure and twenty seven cents ((931.27).
lie appears to owe tiulich a balance of aix dol
lars and fifty one oenia ($0.51 ), Jordan tixUea
dollar, and eighiy-fiv cents (Sli.'il and L'nion
one hundred and one dullaia and forty -one cents,
on road funds, while Bogga township owes Mr.
Wilson nine dollars and ten cents i9.10) road
fuads, and Chest owes bim fifty-two dollars aad
fifty. two cents (fi2 52), Jordan twenty dollara
and Iweniy-unc cents ii20.21) nnd l'nion ono
boodred and on dollars and forty-one fonts
(6101 41).
In testimony wbcmf we bate hereunto set ens
bauds, this twenty first day vf Januarr, A. D.
JA3. II. llll.E,
Attxsti Auditors.
J. W. Ilowr, Clark. 2 4'74
(ientlcuicn'sl iirnlslilngdooils,
Ladies. Misses Children's Shoes!
Tbe nnderiigned, having leased again, will
continu to represent tbo above lines of goodr In
all their branches, nnd having reduced my ex-
pen.ea to ooo-third Iocs, I can hffotd and WILL
SELL goods at
I shall conliuuo to sell for onsb, so that cash
buyers need not fear helping to Bab up for
losers. I Till, s heretofore, keep '
Jiclitbh Class of Gxxlt,
and will In all cases try lo gir yo tbo rein f
your money, i am reoi log a fin line of
li ic my inianuoa lo moat istnat fieeg I
trt throughout tbe county, give tblt attention.
WM. fiEED, '
Market Elreot, Clearfield, Fa.
r.braary 4, IS74.
Jc-That from th above sin one ny nxneet
too much, I will Just bars sial that there wlA be
no cbrooioa nr pieuiiums liren, and will furthet
guaranlc ibal no ono will gel mora value tbta
their money tovectcd.
lie ic hereby given tu Iho public and all par
ties intareited, that eppllcatlon will bo mad aa,
tbe present cession of our Stat Legielatur to
past an net repealing aa sot ef Assembly, ap
proved th llth day of April, A. D. 1861, and a
supplement, approred th 7th day of April, A. D.
1670, both relating to tbe purchase nnd repairing
f tbe bridge aoro,s lb West Breach of the Bus
auehanns river, nt Kartbana, oa lb Un between
CJeereeld and Centre eountlee. And th BenaM)
aad Hons ef Representatives will bo further pe
titioned to pass an aet declaring the tsid bridge
free i freo M toll to the botioest aad traveling
uhli, nnd that the earns ba kept In repair tt the
Joint expense of th swantlec of Clearfield aud
vwnir. r. r.iutir-nni,
V. J. UOF1KK, " ,
Kartkens, tVV 1, 14 -If -u4 other