Wjr :-, iwni imf Off -v V foe, : r:TWV -ttiam-mmmi -l9tm-l Hinaa WHfa,-, ajj.nwe.au ffig,- ,wiayl''Jliaawei1illWJI' THE REPUBLICAN. I J!iJttflroiiD;FA;li i WEDNESDAY HOBKIN9, PBB. 4. HT4. THI MONC1T.HAN WHO PAVB. j I ' iT i MTTT l TIB naa. ' J ii ?' vtfc, s I ' - -1 ?' il ; i.-t itkmlaiHMliiiur,"i ;.J .:t Cea pen tell abrhtpaf IU .iSafeaa odd, eld fa.bi.ned party, '. i. .t. , v . tolled lb. baaeol man who pejr.t . Tee th. honeit iui wbe peri j,.',,. ! .Mi'i.; Beer j dollar he may owe, , leaping p the good aM way i, ,, ... ... - i Joe. m aeaay aeaieoly kaev, ..!.,, B ..... i , . , . lh, . , 1 ., . , , V k. glr.i btl word of premie '' !. ' Til a bond a. good a gold i , ' . ' J. , If be held po.t of honor, . 1 ' J j.,.,leHotltu.ti.T.rold . ,i- ,B the honeit lean who pay. . ,' " Brary daht ha may leoor.' ',"',' .r, . ' Tlaldlog each aju.ttaw.rd ' I,... vlt . i 00 f'v'f'of ' damor. ' 'J, lad I'M told thla ran old party " ' . " 1 Lltee within Mi Income woe s. " 1 : . By tha felreit, Munit dealing i. Wa aaa beneath tha aao. ' ' ' " "" ,,!'' ; And tha hoaeot ma a who pee - ; Alway. noldi ft goo and right, for tha rak to help tha sard '. ! 'What, tha tinea are lough tad tight ' - .! O-mr H. Harp,!. An Ice Storm, ,! A correspondent of tbe Scllnsgrove Timr0, earning from Summit, county, ' 'Ohio, that describes an Ice Mono . which prevailed in that. scotloo. lie itye: , r 4 "I will endeavor to giro yoa a has ' ij ' description of the terrible tee iatorm by which our neighborhood ha 'been visited daring the present week. "On the night of the 5th inst. It cpm--BiodccJ raining and continued to rain Without any intermission unlit the evening of the 7th, and then "com menced snowing and continued snow ing till about noon on the 8th, rain i, Ing about 48 hours and snowing about i 18 hoqrs. The air was so cold all this time that the rain froze as fast as it fell. The trees and , shrubbery toon n beooroo ao loaded with ioo that it was - Impossible for them to bear up any " longer under the tremendons load.and ,laa to' either, bend or break to the "ground. ; Twigs that were not thicker than a straw became covered with ice till they wero more than an inch in diameter.. The snow was also very wet jr hen It fell, and a great deal lodged on the trees, elill adding to (he already great load. On the night of tho 6th the timber commenced break- i ingatid continued till about noon, on the 8th, when the clouds broke away ' and the sun came out and it com ,'menced thawing a little. The noise - made by the breaking down of the timber in the forest was fearful, keep, ing up a continuous crashing and , thundering resembling the noite made by a great storm or hurricane. The oldest inhabitants here say that they never experienced anything like it. The dam ago done to timber and fruit trees is .incalculable Peach trees seem to have fared the worst of all. I had some forty or more peach trees , around my door yard, and thoro is not . one left standing Ibul is not complete- ' lysmashed down or broken oat by the roots. Apple trees did not fare quite so bad, but a great many of ; tbera are olio ruined forever. Peach 'Orchards are entirely ruined. -1 had bout thirty acres of timber before the .storm. I ventured into it some ways this afternoon, and from what I could vee should estimate the damage not lees than 11,000. And as far aa I am ablo to loam, the rest of my tloiirh- . ,or bavo suffered in proportion." , ; A Theological Stobm. Jonah's whale bas been the cause of a very lively incident in tho Academy of Sci enccs of Brussels, which lias grently eieroised tho political pacss of Bel gium. JI. Yon Beoeden, the eminent soologist, bad pointed out-in the course of an address to the Academy . that tha tradition which describes the ' dolphin aa bringing to tha shore bu "man bodies with which it meets, Is ' very ancient and widely spread, and , that it bore a resemblance to "the fable of Jonah." The inadrertent in- umaiion on tne part of tno eminent toologist, that he doubted whether a . bumun body swallowed by a whale . would be in good condition three days afterwards, has raised a theological ' atorm. Two professors of tbo Cuth- olio University of Louvain demanded , in a violent letter that tho Academy should formerly censure M. Von Bon ... eden, and the Academy having, with one dissentient, rofused to do so, the two professors of Louvain have sent in their resignation. It Is said that the first patent issuep by the United States was granted to Bamucl Hopkins on July 80, 1700, for tbo manufacture of pot and pearl ash es. The tl-lrd was to Oliver Evans,of rniiaueiptim, ao lamous lor uis inven tions in bigh-pressnre cnginces, of .whose Invention President Jefferson remarked that "it was too valuable to be covered by a patent, and there should be no patent for a thing no one . could afford to do without after it was known." This was in December of , the same year in which Hopkins ob tained the patent. For many years after this date the Patent Offieo was but a clerkship in the. State Depart ment. It is related that a grocer In Low. ell, Mass., had a cheat of tea stolen from in front of, bis store several weeks ago, and not relishing such treatment be set an Ingenious trap to catch the thieves, which proved successful. Ho filled a largo chest with aawdust, first boring a hole in the bottom, and sot it out in front of the sbon. About even o'clock, whilo the attention of the mon in the shop was diverted, the choBt was stolen. Its whereabouts was easily found by means of tho saw dust trail, though the ttiof was not then fond. He wai subsequently ar rested, however. Poor innocent little Tommy 1 But bis mother rather got him by the short hair for once, as vide the fol lowing : "Little Tommy didn't disobey mam ma and go in swimming, did ho V "Ho momma j Jimmy Brown and the rest of the boya went in, but 1 remembor ed and would not disobey you." "And . Tommy never tells a lio, does he 1" "No mamma, I couldn't go to hcav- u. --ineu now uoes lommv Inn. i.fn. . . rwf pea to have on Jimmy Brown's It isn't worth while, nnder all cir .cumfctaacoato oxpress your sentiments sreeiy anieas yoa hanker after martyr dom. While Hise Lvdia Thomnann Was capering In a Memphis theatre toe oiner ntgut, a leiiow in the audi nee shouted, "Bully for yon, old tow topi Good Lordy look at her klek," aao they put fclui out.? ' , 'SI I IfAW HOTJSSr, '" ' W.a wiiraaoarii iiwteaj viiairiiiVi ra. I ' Vita aadaratfaad harta( taa eaarga af Ihle Raxt, toawM rwpaetfallt eeMatt pablw Mtraa(a. attts . ' .a.nawTON hoaw. i LEONARD HOUSK, - ' '. . t-f 'Oiipotlta tnrd Draot: - 1 VC I. IS A IVISL D, FAT. . ''Wwuilly kx-alad and a nret-alaH haul la all rwpeeto. Broaklhtt fnt naueriKera leaving on aurnloM train.' ' " '" Wit B. BRADLKY, ' Joaa II, 1M3. " - rroprktor. WASHINGTON HOU8B, ( - HKW WA8HINOT0N, PA. Thla sew and'wtll rnrniihed howa hat bean taken It tha oDdartlgnad. He feela conldant of halaf able ta render aallafaottoii to thoaa who ma feror hiaa with a call. 1 ' May t, HJJ. ' O. W, BAVIo, Profr, M ON to (rat HOVIE, ' '.' OcDodta tha Court House.' " 1 s : .-1 ' . . : "jt.Ja a : .. . LOOK HAVBH, PK.NH A. Jald'Tt HADSBAL A KROM, Prop'a. ,. ; , .BKLLErONTB, PA, ,.; , , , ; . JOHNSTON BOSS, i oet2S7t ' " .; ' ' Projlrietora LOYD HOUSE, . Main Hlrtvt, . . ,., ,,. - PHILII'eBUHU, PENN'A. . . . . . , : Table alwava enrolled with the bed thaaetrket affurda. , The trtyohng publio le Invited to ealU - oovln. ROUE-UT LOXD. THE MANSION HOUSE, Cornerof Baeondaad Market Strectj, -k ' 3- CLEAHPILD, PA. ' THIS old and eommodloni Hotel bai. nrln tha rait Tear, been tnlara-ed to donhla lu former capaoItT for -tha entertainment of Itrsa feri and cneata. Tha whole balldlnK has been refurniehed, and tha proprietor will (pare no paina to render bis (aeats aomfortabfa while ataeioc with him. - . . . . Tbe 'Manalov Rouie" Omnlhot rnni to and from the Depot on the arrival and deparnra of each train. JOHN DOCOIIKRTY. aprS-70 tf , " ' ' ' ' " Proprietor. ALLEGQENT HOTEL, (Market St., bet. Second and Third,) '., Tha euboeriber harlot become vronrietor of . U : . L .. . .1 I ....11 1. l : i . ...la hv.vi, wvhiu mfniiuu; Hi iiurrai anara iff publio patronoge.. . ; SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Cl'RWENSVILLB, . , ' : i Licaruem coontv, renn a. Tbll old and well oatablilhed Uotol. bnaatifulle Ituated on tha banke of the Suiqnehanaa, in the borough of Curwenerille, haa been leaeed for a lann ol Teara by Iba uodereigned. Jt haa been entirely refitted, and le now open to tha publio generally and tha traiellng oouimoaily is par ticolar. No paint will ba pared to render guciu coruforUble while tarrying at tb.il houio. Ample Stabling room for aba aocommodatioa of taaua. Ibargei moderata. Sept. 28, 1870-tf. BI.I BLOOM. 5r (btttttti,&u. ED. W.GRAHAM, ' dealer is GENEEAL MEECHANDISE, ' SaCABE TIMBER 4 LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., ; Hal jmt opened, at tha KET8TONE STORE, ooaipieie now ol x Jf E If a O O D $, ' - . f arry deaoriptloa. --j DHif GOODS. " - , GROCERIES. HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES. " CLOTIIINO, dx., dv., IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR. " ' ' ' HEAT, SALT, KTE, f. v . OATS, CORN, ALWAYS ON HAtiD AXD.FOR SALE AT A SMALL ADVANCE. FLO U R . Reoelrad by tha car load, and .old it a email advance. A supply of ROPB ooaeUntly on band. Special indueement. offered to thoaa getting ant Sonar. Timber and Loge, ai wa deal largely ' la Lnmbermen'i Suppliei, and are pre- . . pared at all timea to purohaaa Um ber and lumber. E Di . We GRAHAM, "KEYSTONE STORE," Seoond Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oek 23, 1871. I. r. waaTaa.. WEAVElt & IIKTTN ' ; CLEARFIELD, FA., ; Are offering, at tha old itand of Q. L. Read A Co., their stock of goadi, eoniletinf of ' DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, ' UATS CAPS, , DARDWABE, ; . QVEEN8WARE, FLOUR, FEED. SAXT, to., &o., At the nwit raaaoaahla ralei for CASH ar In exchange far Square , Timber, Boarda, Shingles, OR COVSTRV TRODIJO. jBdrAdrnnna made to thoe. .ngiged In get ting out square timber on the molt adeantageoai "fat. pdtlJanTS Down! Down II THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OP COtTRSB TTIB CHEAPEST! h Proclamation against High Pricesf WE are now opening np a lot of tha but Mid moat oeaeonabla Ooodi and Warn ever enered In tlile market, and at prieee that remind one of the good old dajra of aheap Ihlnge. 4 hoee who huk faith wpoa thla point, ardeea aai all.. gatiooi eapernnoaa, neea but call ut ovr aronm, ' Corner Front and Market etreeta, Wbere they aaa aea, feel, hear and know for them eelrea. To fully understand what arechaap gowli, thle malt ba done. Wa do not deem It neMuary ta aaamarata aad i teniae oar etook. It la aauaah for aa atata that Wi hard Everrthbg that ii Needed and eoaeemed In thli market, aad at prim thai aatoalah both aid aad ynang. eeejj JOSKPH SnAW S0JT. :ri cuii, vmxth tu. iaiDJixiiianu :i ir , :x $5 A vrrs n A M I FLOUR ' & FEED DEPOT I rsvv ii,nl W2 bns nil) .A 7 ,r.i i l t :l h 1 ,lti j The attention of th. altlKhf of Clekiileld and alclnltT ledtreetadte the fact that Uwodtalloe A Son are th. acenta of M. Niece A Co., and hse jaat reeeired a half doaan aar koadi of Flour and read, which they oner at tha loweit poenbla Bf -UN. A targe etook of ! ,i FLO UR, CORN MEA Li j CHOP, j' BUCKWUBAT VLOUR, BRAS, . Petatoee) tbcllad Cora, C.ra la aar, Ac, Aa. ' Partlovlv attentloe la aUt t, M, Kleee A Co.'i brand of Family Flour, wbloh ta the beaUa thamarkeU,,,,,., , ,,w Floviaad Teed san and will baaold cheaper than it aaa be obtained. oUewhere ta Clearfield ouate. ..- , -r r v i ' yKr Store on Market etroet, nczt 'door to Men. Alaiander Irrln'e reeldrnce. - v . ! 'eJOOOrBLLOW A 80N, Janlfltf., .AgenUfor M. Nl A Co. JJJlIGLEB; 4 .CO-JS y V j -SPECIALTIES- BUILDERS' DARDWitRE, O MECHANICS' HARDWARE, ,n f LUMBERMEN'S HARDWARE, FARMISO CTBNSIL9, "' - " ' MILL SUPPLIES, T'A.- j i , IRON A NAILS, th I r PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTBRS' FINDINOS, nil rtvvn dtaowb May SI, mi. STEVENSON & CO.S ' t '; ' i.. i ' EXCELSIOR BAKERY, "'MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PAJ , ITkvIn m MMnd Hit A . Tt-I ..j procured tha acrricaa of a firit-claaa Baker, we . f.MnAMj " r ; . w - ffMwm .v.,.. . .... . - FRESH BREAD, ' ' x n t ROLLS, CAKES, &C. arery day. Wa will drllrcr Bread, Rolln. Cakei of alikinde, frceh avary morning, at the duoraof our ouetomeri. If deiired. Wa reupcctfully ao lloit a abara of publio patronage, and tool lure that we can give entire lallifaction. ' We alro keep on hand a choice aiRorttncnt of CANDIES, NUTS, ORANUKii, LKMUMtl, TO. BACCO, CK1AR9, Ac. ' : ' Freih FRUITS and VEGETABLES reoeircd dally and eold at reaeonabla prieee. Freeh OYSTERS, in icaaon.by thecanorunarl. ICE CREAM alwayi on hand. aire ni a call. Wa itrive to pleaeo. Aug.,187l-tf. r , piVfcSON A CO. 15 a: & w: d. irvin; ' CORNER STORE, CUEWZNSYILLE, PA.,' RECEIVE FLOUR AND SALT BY CAR LOAD, And Boll at small advance. nopE 1 BY THE COIL, ' PACKAGE GOODS " FOR LUMBERMEN'S ,( . SUPPLIES ' ..it-.. ., , , . SOL D ' . C U E A P. Angult 13, 1871 T:1:tJ JRATZER & LYTLE, ... , MARKET STREET, - ' i '1 ! - i 1 CLEAIFIGlDi PA. Dealera la . DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, groceries Hardware and Quef.nbware, ..Boots, Sboos, Ilats, Caps, 4c. ' ' tr-8haamakara lupplled with LEATHER and 8U0E FINDINUS at reducd ratee. SALT! SALT! SALT I st whole.ale and retail ery cheap. ' ' PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTER, A a. A liberal dlacount to hulldere. HOUSEHOLD OOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW EUADES, OIL CLOTHS ta large quant! tin. FISB, FLOUR, BACON, CORN MEAL sad CBOP, alway. an hand. -Atlafth. abor. goodi art Jroreheead elolalrely for eaih, and therefore eae and will he sold aa cheap ai lbs cheepeet, f.bll-Tl 8AW8I 8AW81 6AW8! DISTAN'S CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS. . , , j BoTnton! Lightning Cross-cut Saw, 'v. ; v also, ; PATENT FERF0RATED k ELECTRIC SAWS, Fat sal hy vll(r H. t. BIOLBl CD. HA:RDWARE tad niaaafaaturars af TIn,Coppeb'& Shecilron Ware, Seoood Blnai, CLEAIPIELD, PA. - Baring largely Ineraaaed oar atock of Itard- ware, we iurito the public to eiamina our (tuck and prioea. Carpantcri and penoni who eonlcmtilaia build ing will do well to eiainina our T00I8 ft BTJILDIHO HAEDWAKB, which ii new and of th. beat manufacture, and will be eold low for auk. NiiiM-J3JA,.7- GLASS, -CUTTY GLUE, LOCKS,- - " ..! ' . ' " " LATCHES - ' ' HINGES, " " SCREWS All klndaof Bench Planee, 6a we, Chleeli, Be. aaraa, r Hatamerl, Hatebeti, Plambs and Laaala, Mortieed A Thumb. Uuagei, Ucrela, Braeea A Biita, Wood and Iron Bench Bcrewa, and tha beet .1 me .' Boring Maohne in tha . .. , . .: e..jl . tr .-.. aaarket.;.! im;.J)., . Double and Single Eitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, Ao,, Agents for jBurncll'i Iron Corn Shelter, 4 warranted. f Alan, agecte fur RIebaidi 1 1 GOTHIC VhVB TOPS, i ,'r-i which affcctaally cure Smoky Final. .'- ; 'i t , j 1 - ;f Farmer.' Implement, and (Harden Tool, of av.ry ..,.. ,,r,.4sripttuii.,,n,1.!,'f A large tarlety of ' COOK STOVES,' which wa warrant to glra antlifaotlon. Portable Itanrti and Furnaeet. . YijU Roofing, Spouting and Job Work don. on rcaeouaela tormav. All tuden will receive prua.pt attention. June II, 1ST J. p E A CTU ' 1 1 E U R O P E t ' ; ' GREAT EXCITEMENT , IN FRENCHVILLEI Th bltxr f ontfri Hflwfco Frtinca nnd Prnut li t n sand fur tin prcirnt to far m the ilanftb terlnc of men and tn Uit motion bf nrfiitniT Ii eonornei. Th Roy ni Jugxlvrs ba dnubt prlilt inruueivei ra rejole otm tbt reult, but bow Inriiftniflrant Ii tbeir work whrn eonftrcd vilh th bumQQ aad chriitlao effort of L. M. COUDRIET, ; who W undniakea to aupply all the eltltraa la th. lowar end of the count; with food and mimeol at esceedinff low rate, from hi. laammotb ittre la MULbONllt'RU. when he can alwayj ba fonad nady to wait upon sailer, an supply tbem will Drj Goods of al! Kinds, Su.k aa Clotb., getiaatta, Caulmirae, Maattna, Detainee, Linen, Drilling, Calkoee, i . Trimming., Klhhooe, Laea,-Ready-made Clothing, Boote and Shne, Het. aae Capl all uf the beet material and made to order- Hom, Socki. aioree, Mittene, Lecee, Ribbone, Act GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS.. ( Coffee, Tea, Bogar. Rice, Mntaiiee, Flih, Aala Pork, Linaaed Oil, (lib Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queeneware. Tinwara, Caatlnge, Plww. aad Plow Ceoaiagi, Naile, Hnikea, Corn CulUra. ton, Cider Pram,and all kiadi of Aaai. -Perfumery, Palnti, Varniph, Olan, and a general ., piaortment of Stationery, . ' 000x9 FLOUR, ' - Of different brandi, alwaya on hand, and will a told at th. loweit peaaible Ugurcl. LIQUORS, mrb ae Brandy, Wine, Oln, Whlakg ' Jayna's Madielnee, Iloetettcr's and Jloollend'l Bitterv. (001 poundi of Wool wanted for whioh th higheit prion will ba paid. Clorereeed on hand and for eale at the loweit market price. Alio, Agent for Straltoairille and CarwenitiU Threehing Machlnea. tuCall end eeeftrr yooneleea. Tea will lad everything uiually kopt in a retail .ton. L. M. COUDRIET. 1 FcnchTlll. P. 0., March 1, 1871. pERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Drick, kept eonataatty on kand. STOXE AD EARTHED -WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! CROCKS! POTSt CR0CKSI Pleher's Patent Airtight Self . Scaling Fruit Canal BUTTER CROCKS, with lld, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, . APPLE. BUTTER CROCKS, PICKLE CROCKS, FLOWER POT8, PI8 DISHES, BTKW POTS, And a great many other thinge too aamarou. to mention, to be had at j FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner nl Cherry and Third Street., 'Ci.hURFIbl.D. JA.' M(t FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE BY It. F. Bigler A Co. IRON DOUBLE-SHOYEL PLOWS. -.; u WOOD DOUBLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD SINOLB-BnOVEL PLOWS. 1 IRON CULTIVATORS. . , WOOD CULTIVATORS. OOWANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. . " FITTSBUBO STEEL PLOWS. HAUPT'S BKLLEFONTB PLOWS. , , i ROBESON'S and THOMPSON'S PLOWS. drSharc fur all at th abor. Plow, con lantly on hand. . . , myS.?3 u . ' I H. F. BIG LEU dt CO. . bar. for sal 1 CARRIAGE & Um WOODS, SHAFTS AND POLES,' HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, Ao. Carriage aad Wagon Maker held make a acta af tbll and eallaad aiamla than. They will ha ald at fair price. aaafll Tl BARGAINS IN MUSICAL IN STRUMKNTRI Organa, both new aad eoond hand, rt tha Made Bio re, nppoiita ttulleb't furniture Store. All peroone Inlareeted are tart Ud to call aad agawilne a aew .ty I. of Organ now m aihlblttna. Sheet Muaie and Mueie Book, eanetaatlyankand. aplM-tltf : r-" 1 ! ' 1 J UariCCS dk lOBaTABLE' PIRS We hate printed a large anmber af tha aa FEE BILL, aad will an tha receipt of twanty. Ir eteja, aatt way to aar aaAieia. mjn i 8t tot UJ 1- -?lLi ? . . if! . ! I 1 i m 'nt f i r uf n f t in::::!:;, 1 1 1 i rl H h hi h u l il.jj i I f i in 1 1 i i ':fl";' "Vl i rpyrirfivsH '1 jisiJS4?.KS fell. a f SaSSsmi Sj-zsRsl-j rgs5s SssasssSB si i I i I -jH i ! . '(--! R.-.-i is ... . l S. . i II I I I 1 V- " V. M MMo..vwwe... ?S.8i sS!!S'iSa.5tt-usirij3i.i as 'eV'.'i.V MKi ShSmim J 1 r-1 ivSia j H e, m O " . s 1 f ('. . - j . -t! m - i'ee9 "l 1-J.aL? I .. i 1,1 ! 0! gli53l5SIS5S5SSj g5lln5s tut Ls t fi. .Li ' "e i'll e-I 1 M n ta! sVtai i . m i o t o, m efccwav: c -a a v q a I b o 0 f OfcMM'lr'HgU&M la a tt t t i g a 8 . M,MmMhm AW ,: m u e at J 2 t 1 j ar wjf i IfV eaey! til m g.i..V I AS.tCMr.m: at O 9i A A A tr ' U tP hfc M W dk. 12 3 1 1 Lf : i i ' i i It I - it M 1 t i : M ! ! H ! i ii 5 j i fii j i ! t - ; ; j i g; j i I j i i : i : : ! i i ii Mil ill! ! i ! i 1 : j f 1 I M ! i i i i i ! i i i ! ! .... t iiii! ?h sasrdTcs fpA ! V ";!' i CLEABFIELD, P E W JTA. We desirt to call the attention of the citizens of Clearfield county to the fact that w ' have opened a ' , '. ' . MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Where we intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of . .' . . - ,. . . . , -. x . ....... PIANOS, ORGANSTAND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. . . ) RAVEN Ax COMPANY'S PIANOS, STEIN WAY Az SONS' PIANOS, i i We are prepared at all times to furnish any' of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most favorablo terms as to prices and terms of payment. ' . Our ttoek'of ORGANS will consist of tbe new tntt 'popular - RYNDER ORGAN, (with Ryndcr's Knee Ttemolo and downward Octare Coupler,) ' " - Xbe SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.VS ORGANS, MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS, i -Besides thesi we furniah to order Organs from any factory desireid. , , . ' ' L We sell on every plnn known to tho trade, either CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the roruLAR and kast LEASE PLAN. " ' ', .... ..... ' " ' :'::-'... -,. ' . i A . ':.. ".' ,.' .. " , ' . ". ,f. . . . . ( On our easy terms everyone can have a good instrument, and no other investment of like amount will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY.. DCTWe shall be glad to have you call and see us, whether you desire to purchase or not, " oct23-'72.1y " ' , ' . RENDER'S MITWIC STORE. :. DlisrrUattfouj.' SALE! A large and well-lnlihed Brleh Dwelling, llta ata on tbe river hanh, la tha borough of Clear fteld, containing eleven pooma, with good .ellar, water In lha kitchen, aad all tha modern eoave nienoce. Pantries Bath-room, Clothe.. nraee, tc Lot ilatj laat front and two hundred aad thirt feet bach, with a twrntjr font allrr on tbe raet eide. Bald balldlng, with all tha annwrtaaancra, will b. .old aheap, with pajtntnt.to i.it pnroha er. Appltcatio aan ba made ta the under lignad, or to A. C. Tate, Biq., who will gir all eaceeiar. Infi.rmallcn I Ihoia who deilra I lav pact the proper! THOS. J.llcCULLOUOH. ' Ma; tlrt, lsri.tf. - vLimo tor Subl ' THE aadarilgaed, redding aaar the dewot aa ad wow p let e armngamanta with Lin). Barnae. eaet nf tha monntatn, whereby he la ena bled ha heap anctantrea kand a largaonaatlt nf . furk Miti.) which ha aeTere ta ram era aai VnJIden at a trlS ahaea aoei. Thoe la aead af th arital wawld do wall a glra M a aall, at addree. ax by lataar, b for negotiating thatr lime. OBO. 0. PAIRMORS. Cleardeld, tt.t )m , lis. I r. . I jii a 1 (1 ,1 r v U a. I ' A P " 'I t dl 1 I r . .x- r; r .i 'i; v .r j-v f 1? ' I'M? 8 ? L ? a a ' ' 'i ' , ! j ; i .i . - tB1s! ! it t'eeil' ! Mti,V.tf. ac,..Slre.ffir;l i It. 3 f ?r?-ft sis 1 1 nuuuwaaauaaaaaeNa. wmmmmwu.ok. e. , w te m . . ''' w ' '' ' ' t I w M - 4 - attaoi0Dt ae-f oeeHH 5? 1 5 f j "fet88j i 1 3 tit ft t S ti S f 8 8 tt 88 ? i t ss ? ttjtLli. t . i - w --, i i 0 p gt W , Ma i M tl' A O Q ! I V . & IT 3 V ' O at tts-stataat .L.f.si.isj ? . w , m m o m 4T7' y q ym y c fe y- - c ty s o o w- a n 11 a aaa a a a aa a aatagaafga a a ' I. Qh . a . ; u tr : i2 t 5 a a !a aaa a 81, a? aa a a a a a ,jj.s I t : i : t w .8; j :ai si j P4 V9 O a (ft t ee m to ! v ; M y . ir c-'-- i: ! y 5 ! i j i i t i i Y- ' ! 1 ! M ' tl t : t t : i I 1 t I' t I I i t 1 t 6 j I i j i i j j j j gj j j j j ' ; ft li i i i ? j i i I i i I j i i j i i i h i j : : i i ! : : i : : : : : I i : l i : : 1 FT S I j i : I : 1 i ! : ! ! ! : ! i : ! i : ; li ! M ! ! i ! I ! i i i I ! 1 i ... I I a mr MA RKET 3 T R EST, Our stock of PIANOS will consist of ' !tliUnMaii. Beale's Embrocation, (IATI POWELL'a.) far sit dlteaies Incident to Bi.reei, Cattle, a.l Bunvaa Elaih, r.,-rlng th. aa at aa aitarnal appllcatiok. This EmbraeMloa waa etueil.elj need hp Ik SoTramat daring th war. For .el. hr Hartawl.k A Irwin. Olaarleli Jca.ph B. Irwla, Carweairille. Paatel Oood nd.r.4nlhr.brg. v nf. Attention, tcsibcrinen ! E are now manotantartng car IMPROVED ' BTRBL . KOCRRT llHITINa fUNT. HOOKB. easerto 1a an Alhae Im sm. V. k.v. alio In etoe a larga qaaatltjr of Oanthooh. rnlta hl. fur rafting pnrpoiei, which w. ere eMlng nheapforeaeh. . AMOS A R. KBNMAKD. Olaaraekt, !., hf arrh II. mi. q. WrwoLFE, PBACTICAL GDK8MI.T11., . hop an Third trat, crat Bilojr UaakakHk ihap, CLBABPIBLD.PA. i AJi kind ad aUaaa and Sk aas a hand. Bewairiagawaejaalnni alasiamaajm aaA at htt pirra ,t'i'Jt.' T"itCai i I' u t .- ot - 8. 5' p .8 ..,.6 ,...g F tf 00 I n -!. '. a '' ' o 8' o at 5 IK. a s e 0. o 2 n 3 r Jt a a a a 2 c 2s car W c ess .MM- H o 13 B) K o 9! aj nr ffi3 ?ri HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS. REMOYAIa. ? FRAXK SHORT, of th "Short hoe 8bnp," glra nolle that he ha. ra murad from Graham 'a now, on Marhet .tret. ta nr.it door to tha Alleghrny Hotel, on Maikel itrwet, where he I prepared to make and mead ,. BOOTS AND SHOES, , rtttched, oewwd et nagged, with th kal alack the aetar maikat aforde and al ae raaeoaahra prieee aa that can ba bengal for aleawhea, aad wham ha la preparad ta eooumnodite aH kll aid anetam n aad aa maw new awe. a map tarot him with aall. Thankful for paat fTn( ha would r peetfullr eotlelt aoontlaaaa af th.lr pamweg. . SBOkt. CtavM,0tokrM,mi. la i THJ3 CtAJlFIELD WOOD-CHOPPCai' AXEt j , Maaafactarad MnactaJl W ., , cttAjurt$fj T44JJ s'f mm uiutmul J iltiiihUUUH iiroviikiiit l.fj KCiAN Hl'lTKKS Mat !lit tMUItkrful tn ng.iraiit thai erar saataiuatl tb auikius; extuin. . , , , ,.. ; 'Htt Penan ran tukf tBfi Eittm ,'icconlln ti lii(fimiH. lunl mtmin long , (tun-ell.. ifnviU'' ; tin'.!; i'-.fipj are liot'tje Ktroycd l.y iii'i.'.' pnn'ti ir athcP' iivrai.ia. aiu'l tj: rufiii iu,tcU beywj IHJlMlr. ' t, . .... -r, . Mjli't. :n..,!j,-i. .1 , . .-. ... ;? jtvr- lt;f.':. ) t ... . i i ' "'tct'. !;itr-.' ..-.; .-.i-.. ..-..;;,...,(,:, i ' t,t r...( , t. fH.ril.H.l musiltiil :,' " '. t . .. I .,, if.--'.'1 .."i tjv jl V ..,:..,', j t.,.' miW '! .1 t.-.-i '(.-.rt.. ., . . , . .' '' "J '(".. .'ll'ff , i.' i- . ; " ,' f":t- ;"'' ' ' -t M't'vf.t'aJiq.; a ..(1 i i-. r.l.;,..,u-!if;5.' linnet: . , Vr - ) itinl .!,., . ' ' tl'fitl..- p--.;.. 1 .i-T, "'i-erfi." Ili.tlieir c. e.K'itins tt tioir. t'riiil i'lll i. i.' ii i:ki.Um!so vaiioua or- (!tiw,,i ts-i iiii illy iirteatatry. ' Thertv ih im Kitiiui'Lui Xur.ttitj jMiqxwe ergnat to Dk. .1. AVAWif.u' VixBtiAit Uirrens, iia ilii'.v nil) i.i f.ly remove the eiark (oloivil viM'iil luaiicr with wi hicli the Uiwcls ute ItuukJ. at tbe same time MStiintiliiliu Hie flccreliotia of the. lifer, anil Ktmri-.tlly restoring tlie Uealthj fuiicliims nf ilic tliebtive ork'ans. Foilifv tilt liotlji- Against diftPtso lir imnfyiiii; all its llulilanitli Viseoak llllTKlia. No riiideiiiic call toko tioit of b ittein thus furo-arnicU. , )) kim isIh or IniliRPfttloD, rtead pche, ruin ill 4li alwuMcrs, CoiiRhs, 'i'lliuicsa of tho Chest, Diniiieas, Hour KruciHlHiiis of l ho Stumach, liud Taste in tlio Miiiiili. Iliiitius Attacks, l'a., ita tutiim of tho Heart, Inlluuiuiatien vf t!iA I.iinK, I'iiiu in lliojct'lini of the Kid ncrt, iiml a limit) red utlier pitinfii) sjinp. turns, nro tho tiiiiiii,'S o( Uycisix One hutilomll itovea better puarantee nf its merits lhau a lengthy ftdvertiw- lut'liL . Nrrofulft, or King's Eril, train' SirclliuK., Lltwra, Kryeipolaa, fcwrliail IVecA. (iuilr.. hcriifuliHK liiflaiiiniatiim Indolent liillanimaiicmii, Alcrcuriitl AlTwtlnna, Old .Sorai. Kniptimi. nf tho Skin, Stir Kjcn, eu. In llic, aa !n ait other cimitltmicmal pii-i-axM, AVatKKtt's TiKMiaa Ilrmta liar .litiwn their grml curaliro puaar. in tlx ' ttKi.t ulvtinnU) and iiitmculil caaaw. . - For liiflaniiiialorjr and Chronic lilifiiiiintlsni. Gout, Itilioua, Kemilr. tent.iiiti Intcriiiittotit Kevers, Diseases or" the IIIihmI, Jjiver, Kitlitora atut llladiler, . lliaK llttlnr. have no cotial. Suck Xliacaaes are canwd hy Vitiated rtlood. Moflinnlfal l)isPasP. Peraons en. cngtd In I'aints and SIliiBrals, such aa rltiiiiucrH, Trrtii-aRtiora, tinld-uMUm, aad KmichvM ll.cj' mtvuira 1n life, .nhjrat Ui praiyx's ( tlw Ituwehi. Iw guard nrn.MHl lln. laka a dim (VaLKKB S Via ' cr;.s llirrwts ici'iniiuilf. ,. For Skill DisoHses, Eruption, Trt-- trr, Kalt lthvum, llh.tchra, 8"i, I'luiplaa, I'tinluloi. ll.iiU. Curlmncli'S lliiig-wormi, fii!il lu-ml, (v.ro Kyo. Kryiprla. Hch, fiiurfi. Iliuliiro'.ioiin of th 8k in. llunwra ' and DirtcaMce uf th Kkin nf whatarwr aame" or iiaium, are literally dug np and carried out t' Ue votBtu in a .hurt tiin bf th. ana . of the- lliiiora. l'in, Tujip, and other Worms,' ' litrVing ill tho aveleiu "few many tboaauds ar cllci-tiiaily ilotroycd and rauwrad. Urn yntciu of inwlictitn, an Ternufugna, aa aa- ' tlu-lmintlke w ill Ire Ui j atoui Uuiu curiua iika the Hitter.. . .,,,.- For Ft'iiiule Coinplalntu, in jourtf or uhl. utaiTK-d or eoigic, at the dawn of wo. n:anhmKl. ut th torn of life, than Tonic Hitter diplor an derided an iiiSueoo Ibat intpniTcitNrut i wn wrcoptlble. . . tk-niise thp Vitiated lilood when--Vrer run lind it. iiiipumiei bunting throogk tit akin lu llinplua, Eruptwna, aw tiacwaj cteanta it wbeu.yoa Bud it elietructed aad jilueirta in th win.: ctean. it when it ia ' foul . your leeling win tell Too when. Keap ' tha blmMl pure, awl th beaitb of the tnttis mil follow. - ' . M. H. MeOOBALD A CO.. DrnniaM and lira, i cie. ta Fnaaujaa. Caliawwla efid eur at VbirrTon ami fherll'm Hi. 5. V. .Idlf l! llnifi: MOieltH. Oatnkerlt, lt?-ly. BICLER, YOUNG i MID, (Suoeaaaors la BoTatoa A Toang, ;' FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS afaaaUMtwrer tt ' ' POETABLE & STATION ABT STEAI ENGINES 1 CerMr T Fwts. ui Km SMmH ' 1 " ' " i ! . tr. CXKARP1ELD. ." - HATIKO angaged In the maaalhetnr af lrt lan M ACIIiyERT, w. rMpeetrulrr larom th public that we ar now prepared t in all erdan a thaaplp aad aa promptly aaa h dea laaae(theit!s, Wa aueafactara aad daeltft' Muky and Ciroulor S&w-Ols Head Blocks. War Wheala, Ihaftlag Pajtaj,. Oifhrd'. Injector, Steam daagi, Etaam Wkiatlea, Olleri, Tlow Cnp Oil Cap, Oaug Coaka, Alt" Cock l, Oloba ValrM, Check Talraa, wrought Irea -Pip.., B eam Panpi, Boiler Feed Pump., AanV ' Friitlon Metree, 8op Etone Packing, flam Pack ing, and all klndi of MILL WOBKj hafethat with Puwi, Bled Boles, " ' ' ' " ' " C00K4KD FARZOJt STO TSS, " aed other CASTIlfOf ef ai klad.' . ,. . anp-Ordw aollelted aad tiled al tt prteat. All letter, of tnqnlrf with refenmc ta machluarp of car manufacture promptly aaiwered, kj ddiws lug ui at ClrM, Pa. . deein-4f BIOLBR, TOVVA A BID. . B OOt ASD SHOE AlAJtlKfl.. JOSEPH R.DEERI50.a IfarhetataaaLta. Shaw' Boa1, Cleareld, Pa., hn jw.t reealeed. a la lot ef Praaek Cetftkta. aad , keat I the market, aad la eee pa. pare tem.ai aractara traepthlng la hi Uat. ig. wUlwv rant kls work to he a. repreled. . Th altleeM of plar)d aed ftaigtaf aa reeeeeOaily larlM ai km t . i Werk aB at 1'l S"li?. . , . f ;)7lf Th uoerlgsd anr ' f"t sdeewlwsad anr and patron, thai he ne-e opened gcd lia.wf OROCEBIBB A PHUYislUNe at iheuidaaaaif ef Kirk A asmaaar, fur niaeb ho lolietii a libaaaj patrcaag. V. Jjuatuet orT, nY PtTf T