THE, REPUBLICAN. fWWPAT ttOatHUIO. WB.4.W4. J m. 1--U. l-l-l-MJU - Tertrt of Sub$trlption.x ar -Is ra ainjiM.if wlthla three months.,!! If Bald arter three sad before li mootha.., 11 Jaid, alter the eaplratloa of ill monthe... Ot V aWEMGIOUt maTICeVfjVi mLrttioatet Eleopia Chureh A. B. tool, Pattoev-PuMle aenrloa Btery Sabbath t 10 ATM., and 7, P. at. - ' " ' " Sabbath iwm A. M. Prayer Meetiag otery Thunday, at T f. M. S Communion' tmrtlaB.kret . Sabbatk af etery TAi'oiw' Bacaea H.Ll-Publlc Rerrioe Sunday morning M?t "lork,M at T P. M.-Knd.y.8choo .1 I F. M. Prayer Meeting Wedoeeduy trtnlng ai f o'clock PrenJyter.aB Chnrr h llee. n. I Btmaa. g.lh ttrrleee morning nud eeeulnr-diub. bath School at I P. M.-Prayer Meeting Wednes. '!!"r!el Ctaureh CatlialleRaa. P. J. SarMiin. Mn.i nt 101 a'clwk'A. M,on the neeou hud foorlh of eeoh month. I.-Hheraa Church. Kat. A J. lUnTaooa Preaching rery fabbath, uioruing and atoning. 6hlrh School itli.aJ Prayer meeting etery Wedneedny atening. -j munir haa ten criminal la lb Weetern Pro) er.tlare. Superinle'mleiit S. S. Blair and fami ly were at the Shaw House on Saturday. . nn.'TA(BX.'K. M. CIuro IVe.tarea in LooliHefcn' on tha S7ih of ibis month. ' .I1 A pfiaonor, named Andernon, ca. taped from the l'"0" Ha"" J"" r"w " "a" ' filly-nine pri-Min wer added 10 msinber.blp of iba Preibylerlea ohuroh la Tyrona aa Sabbt,'h a wcA g. ' ' ' '. ' 1 ' ' : A'ni-w Ihw firm han been eutabliuhr-ti t Ho1.'efoote Meeers. Ortie, Aleiender A BuWert and iheir card appraretn to day'a naroauciif Bin't Jibb." NeiKlibnrifitcjourn. alltM Wka fcuee reeeeily entered ary alaboralaly lata tha lumbar buatneii, la a statistical way, ara at roggerbeadt ta lk tha quantity. , I i iaa a ow 11 - AastgTiNQ to Hub. We notico that antra a number ef aar exchangee ara uielsting tha "Publin tlbrary of Kentuohy" to t .India tbalr reader! and patrona out of thair money. ' Ah exfhainfe : "Siamping ai'd vbiatHnt bTi who alril antarUlnmaata abuuld fca hobbled and hata a poroni plaatar plaoad arar tbalr moatbi anlll lha atoaa of tha parfarmaner, "Whetlier diriy" woman with a awwt tampar hi ta na prafarrad ta a elennly ana with a aur tainpar." or not, la what II trouoang a Waatmoraland aounty dabailng aoclaly Juat auw PrUnJj it viiu eluLt iba very beat as yua ae la your raopaatiTa aaltbborbouda, aa tha JTih, yoa will do maab toward ligbtaning your "laral' barthena aad promota your eaa lotor '. a. 1 m " A SuBnTANTiAii Gipt. Win. Cam aron, Kt., a Waallby oHIita of Lwiil.arg. baa preMaled that boruufb with a tan IbouusU dul Ur Ira angina, Iba Imrgbare wtra greatly aur ajriaed, and bow rajoioe raoerdiaglj ovar tha giii. ;. Maonipiqkko lLLCaATiD. The aradita auAranaad loaal at' tha Broobrillo Jl'p-t-iuan thua aanounaad tha nagra laetarer, Fred. Bouglaaa, raeantlyt "Hon. Fred. Doaglara, the asafaineaat (I) eolored itatcaman, will LEC TCBB'ata. " ' 11 r. William Rofd h tom luded to Tttaala with ai la ClaajSeld, aad will aontiaua kii aaaad baalneet at tba old plaaa, aa Marlet ' atrraL By referring ta our adTertiaiog aolumift Iba reader w ill aatisa what Mr. E. haa ta nay aa Ike luhjaet. PtotKN We int ldoMtally It arn that Jaarea Wilaua, aa aged and letble aitiaaa ot' Ooihea towniblp, was found dead la the p unhe road aa Saturday meiaiag. It la au jxacd thai ka bit while paaaing along tha nail, and being aable to gat up agaia be aaa frown ta death. Equipped The Comity Coinml- kieaen kara bad the aeaauary wiUra aad in ttraetlone, relating ta tba holding of tke election aa the t7tb, printrd' aad mailed ta the aetata' Coaiublns ao that they will be anaMd to prep, arly adrertie the aim' ion by tba lib of February. - W are roqiieaiod to uniM'tnicc tliat tha P.-eantteriaa ebureb ef Lutbaraburg will kold a aerln of meetinga (prejiaratary to communion aerrteea aa tabbaih morning. February Ath), be giaaing aa Friday ateaing oeit, la (lie Latheran aban k. The miiilonary paalor, Re. J. I. Xaa dU, will be aaairtad by Bar. Wai. U. Varablald, af Car wanaa Ilia. T iDisTaiCT TaAHUBft. Thia offltrr aal ha elected on the inn. The term for wblob tba present InaumbeaU wore aleetal, fxplrea aa tba Irst Monday of January neat I banoe, II thaie ara aa Treasurers eleoud at tha approaching alee tloa tka oBoa will baeome taeo alter lha Irst Monde; af aazt January. Aa eleatioa baring laurtnsl tba raaaaiay fould lot be legally Iliad hy aa apaotatiaani. i. i j. .' Tb Jw Law. We propoae to lay aba aaw Bleatioa Law ia fall before our readers aait waek. , Tbeaaly sigaileaat ahange la tha t Jaw la, that hereafter na eoneentloe af retara dgea wltl be held ta foot ap tha returns. Trip plaaata retaraa mast be made ant by eaab eleatioa beard at tha fall eleatioa. Tba third retara la ta tea fclrrrred l Ike minority In peat or, aad one for tba Betura Jadga, aad aaatkar ia ha put la tka kei at heretofore. .. : ' - ' .'A Bridob Muvkmunt It will dp aetioed that aa effort is being made hy eilisens la Kartkaas, Oorlagtaa and Olrard, looking toward kayiag tka kridga aaroaa tha rlrer at Kartbaua maae a free bridge ky repealing oertnlo Aots ol Jtsaamkly. approred la Ul aad l7. Tha ad Tarttaamaat ta aaeordaaea with the raeeal Aat af Aaaembly, relating ta snseW fsaetnrfea, aa well wai tka Aat Itaalf. will be fouad la ibis iaaaa. Wa nraaame tha membera of lha reoenl Qraod Jury Kill oiipoaa this effort ta make hridgw free of tall la trartlera. . ""Aroturb Gsb We are again 'varied aula a abraulele tha daailaa af ana af aar Ideal." Maataa, wife af Samuel Caldwell, af aika tawaahlp, aged H yean aad I avrntha. 'A aat Peliy,'' aa aba aaa familiarly tailed, was Vera la Centre eeenly. May 17,1111. Bue was tha eeeond grand ahild bora ta William UIuubs. Bf.arho aame ti Ibis aoauty la IMI.. 0ee-a 'sjaaatly tka was related ta the most aamaroaa ' family la tka canaly, nearly all of whom ara bar 'J anion. Many ara lhaakanget the kas wltotreed at the last ahaaga aama and aba wai Mloae I lo war laal reeling pleoe hy aamamat friends aad reletlres, baring fallllad bee mtaaloa kara. Tbank Yi'U Thia ia lite way Rob- tt Utardereea "doe tka aejnare thing f - Br.luaroaTi. January it, 1174. . .Vatlla. Oooabianaa A llaoaam I gaaaa A awe yua about a year ana a hall eueeeripiwa aa tba KarnBLiCaJ. Bneloaad Ind a ill greenback, par wkiek girt ma aradlt, aad tand ma a receipt. Toara, B. Haiaiaaea. Wa slandered nernral tlmee before wa war able la get aptfe'rlgktkladaf a receipt. Toeompute Ant yaaee aksaef la wkat patrled as, Barer ha Ug kaea eailed aa befura ta da tka like. Think Till January let, 1I7T aftar tkefentaaola! it atari Why, If ana kundrad and ifty or two haadrad af car patrona Will treat at at liberally aa tbt back Mala, wt will kara a 3,iul powar ptT M U oar eSat bafera two noaibt roll around, stad add aba er polamne ta tba Bareiueaa, gnn$ tkaai tka lerfett a( beat aoaatrf jiaptr nMlibed la the Stale. , .. . Bat we kara digressed a Utile. Mr. Veadersoa rmerty raalded la Woodward towashlp, end aareral yeart ago told kla farm and remotud la Otatrt aounty, near BeUefonte, where ba It poa, aatf Centra'i mail proaptroul lad clteamfl tVm ltd I dataaarat wlmoat g vto " Leag ago, b tba kaakt aad aewupapeea, wa waald law tha eIareaaioa."He kept takeol," la aaak and aaak a plana. AX that lima the ward "kept" fully eoartyed the meaaing It was weant ta beer. 'With tha eoastaal adraaea la altthiap which attauda oar. frea Institutions, words obeage la their algnlloarHie Id aacordaaoa with the In creased require taeata which tha eilgeaclei of Ike tlmaa call fbrtk.. To aaa tba abate expression la aur day, the Idea coateyed ta aur mi nils would be altogether different from that which It conveyed forty ar tlty yean ago. "Keeping school" then meant performing all tba requlremeatt of a taaake ar, ar "keeper," ifjou will, while te-day II as earn occupying a position wblcb tha aaeaphal It not, by antfesns, worthy to hold. To delne tha term ia altogether aaaeeettary, at yoar fetdtri will ana at enoa that ta impart it patent ta all. While we ara disenaaing lha sub- Jaot, howerer, it may properly be askod if thai a are any who "keep school" to-day r I suppose will readily ba admitted ky lha outaldar, that aa one wjiuld desire to hate It said of him, thai "be kept acbool la Clearneld county." Again I sit, ara there any Ihut eon lining tbemeeUee to aur own oaanty . Teacher, what ara you doing, teach ing or "keeping" eonool f Yoa need aol all speak at onea,"'"! know your answer) let your anient epeaetX- r liow like the shilling mow-laka aa the warm flesh do the words of the preacher, whose soul ia not In tba work, fall upon the mind. : Be do the teachings (?) of . the preceptor whoaa anargiea are aot alerted in tha performance of hiadaily laUrt. Every aaaa or woman la thia county whe feels ao personal Ihtereet In the welfare of each little one who eomei te tbe'm for Instruction, It "keeping acbool." The talor, ahohta aa resources beyoad the narrow limits of tha school teat hooka, and who can conceive ao question la ba aaked upon a lul.joct other tha, then printed at tke bottom of tha page, or sungeettd ia tba reading of the dolni-. tlons, is -"keeping acbool." lie who allows aa illy prepared letseo ta slip lata tka past un earned, it "keeping echoaj. ' lie who la peda gogue j re rriepoxt, for the aake el tba aalary, that ba may tka out a precarious subsistence daiing the summer, is "keeping reboot." Would you raaca school f It takes" great patience, perae teranee, energy, tail, amiability, pvllteaesa, Inge nuity, study, willingnees and aala Iraineas, aa. sidea certain sekoleatie altainmeuu, to raaca schiiol. A teaober bat na time to entertain tislt- ort, further Ibau lbey may ba Interested la bia programme, which, if ha ha teaching, will anmoient food fur enjoyment to preclude Ike oeecesiw pf more than aa occasional word of es planatioa'aa hit part, aad at tbt eaau time ba o-oclualvt etidaaoe that he It lawciiag and not l-eepMie" school. He haa ao time for writing letters In school; ao time for building air oaMles, na time for anything at all beyond the elocution ef bis daily routine of ddtlea. Pno ar Co, Pkrkonai.. A cnrreaimnihtiit of the Harrialiurx 'alo'vt, iaduUiaiia raminisoeaoes of tha old members and oBcert af the Uglslatara, save of tha venerable Cashier of the Columbia National Bank i "M n Samuel Shoeh. now of the Colombia Bank kn is lha aenior Clerk of either House, will trobaMy prove to be the oldest officer ol I he lit ate. e eerrad as a Clerk under Hen. Amlrew Porter, father at Uot. Porter, ia the land Omce aa early aa I3U. lie ia now a "peasiouer ' for aertiova n n.lored as a h'gli pritate ia the campaign of 1414. Since his terriee as Ulora Ol ie nouse ue ha been rtmreiart of the Constitutional Conven tion af lt3. lie ii ot er aeteaiy-cight yeart of ag kale and benrty. Mr. 8 booh it personally known lo mnay of our lumbermen. LioaL BuaiNia Aa an indox of the haslaeei dune ia ear Protboae ary's ofloe during the past yaar, ap to the Irst day of Ueoora bar last, wa submit the following si element, tis : Summooa Issued Traureripts entered D. S. bVs " Kjactmenll brought Certiorari issued Cap. ad Repoad... R ple lot issued Siieeial Attachments Foreign Subp. tur Ditoree Hills in Equity 17 S ItiJ I'Jl II r i i f ....... Total number of oases 1,111 After adding la Iba foregoing tha numeruua isarabta Cammoaaealth eases it it pretty plain that oar court hat tome busiaeae to look after aad nettle. , EDUCATIONAL. , (aaaroun rowaaaip. Woodland school, taught by F. Anderson kenort tor month endina Koecniber I lib, 1173: Ateraae atlenaanoe Ol pupne, es uar eani. oi llendance. U. Visited kt Uirrctora. In'oo school, taught ky T. II. I.lta. Report for lha Irst mouth, ending November 1Mb. IMJ Average ettendanoa of puplla. 2l perceotace ol attcodaoee. 07. una tisit irona uy rwoioe. soira month, ending January 14th, 1-71 1 A vacate atleuoane o' pupils. 1.1; percentage of atland anoe. t. No visits fious birectora. Uisadfan Uwe. no outline mepa or apparatua. William'grore sobo-.l. taubl bt J. L. P'arc" Renort for tbe month, ending lieermber 4lb, IK7II Atereao etuadaace or pupils, M i par cent.- ai atiendanf, li. Visited by Directors. Third month, ending January II h, 1874: Average at- tendance, 44 ; per cent, of attendance, 71. Vis ited ht Directors. No diie-ivanesites rejvoeted., , Pleasant II ill abool. taught bt S. II. Trau. Report lor the month, ending Dee. I nth, 1873 1 al'mdanoeof pupils. 21 1 per cent, of at tendance, 71. Nut rimed by Direotore. Egvpt school, tauabt by W. A. ilambrlghl. Reuoil for lha month, ending Dee lib, lti-ll Averaae attendance of nipila. 12 i percent, of attendance, 40. Vrtiled by Utreotora, v , t cotiKaTax tuwaip. 1 j- ' Mlgnot school, taught by D. O. Onoe. R . port for tjie Irst mouth, ending Not. 13ih. 1878 tvaeaaa aiienJanee of nunila. 20 tier eont. ol at iri.,Uao. 84. Vieiied bt Directors. Second month, ending Dec. 17th, l7Ji Aterageallead. anon of nunils. II t ler cent, of ai tendance, 84, No visits from Directors. Third month, ending January. 1874 1 Average attendance of pupils, par cent, of attendance, 17. Disadvantages no Ollll.Uilditlge, Frencbrille school, taught hy Rachel X. Jjanna. Report for Irst month, ending Not. 4th, l7Ji Arerage atleadanue of aepllt. 1 1 par oanb af at teadance, 41. Vni't Irons Dirvotors. Becond eannih. endina Januart lith. 1874 1 Aroraae at tendaace er pupils, tl per cent, of attendance, 71. Na risita Iron Directors. Union school, taught f Jnlia I. Petrre, (ta nort lor Irst moath, ceding Nor. 4th, 1T i At- ea attendance of lionlla. 2-1 1 Bar Cent, of at tendaaoe. M. No tiri'e from Dirt-atari, geeead month, ending Pee. dtb, lnfl i itetaire attend ance afnuuile. 8ft t aer aea'. of etteudenee, 71. Nu tiaitt from Directort Dlsadtaiilagee poor seata. blaakbair4 ana tentilatinn Falrmoans aehowl, taaght by (i B. Crawford. lienor! for Irst moalh. endlt.t Dee. lib, 1871 1 Average attendance of pupils, 1.1 1 per cent of attendaaee, 8H. Na eleite Iruio llirMlore. t , Mulaonhara achool. tauabl ht Deckle S. Leaver Renort for moatk. endli.a Jaeuart lib, 1874 i Arerage attendance f pupils, II per eeuL af at tendance, Bf. Nettalla rraw lelrealorl. -nil 'Blur hititotb attriate. Tha teachers of Lawrence and Clearleld dia- Irieti will bold a union Inaiilute at Mount Calm achool bone, oa Saturday. February Uth, Three sessions will he held, aommencina at 10 o'eieoh 1. a. M ai II. J. Moore will kava her school ia lese-ea durina tha lorenoon. The fallowing programma of egerelset bat bean adopted i Fori-noan -Rieieee by eehool Pen manship, bt J. F. MaKwnrick l Ueography, ht M'sa U. J, Moore i Mental Arithmetic, by U C. Head, '-etfteinona Orammar, hy O. B. Welsh Wrluee Arlrbstetle. try L. A. Baatti JUaiaaiieei, ht Mice Debbie Bead l lliatort, ht J. W. Ilreeo Splling aontaet, l"y aalsoi waraV. Btenlng teeny, by Mill Weld i Addrera. hy 0. B. 'lli I Oration, bt A. R Read i Reading, hy M. L, ilolich i Ksear. kt Mlaa Brlehln I ReadlBg. 0. B. Welsh Debate l sYseoeeal, "That aecret tualcliea are aa etil end abuuld ha abolished." . Tba teachers of Pile. Pena, Knot, Carweaa rllla and Lumber City distrlcti, are Invited to eat with at and participate la tka titreitoa. piioi towatur. Rrxktba achool. tauaht bt W. t. lather, ra- aerta aa aterega attendaaee af pap lie, ai per aealaga of at'eadaoee, aaa lea 114, ferns lee 81 , total pereentaa-e, II l far asaatk, ending .tannery Ml 1874. Disadtanlefee aa globa l poor ttotai cold house Improper arrangement af aeeka la- sufSclenl namher ar dealt lor aamner wriuag. Kemarka auita a number af anbilt have a mile and two milts ta Intel la school j tbirty.foor pupilt wore aat. ahaaal a day i titit from pareata aan vtrwiora, ia. Stone Bldae tohool. tauibt by 1. T. Helena, reports aa average alteadaaoa or pupils, 17 1 par teal, of atlendanse. 17 1 for amain, eenag anu. try lith, 1171, . DUadi anug'S no globe cold kvaee Improper arraagamatil af eetll. IHItlTDTB, Pnloa towashlp Institute meet at Boektaa, February Ttk, II7. All ara laettaa ta attaaa, Loir. Betweaa residences af Judge Potty aal Wm. A. Wallace, etud coral eee-rtnl. TktlBW will ha inltebly rewarded hy leering l at the of nVe af TValleet A Krabu. ' BoBOUOH AMD TOWHIHIF ELECTION. Ia teeerrlatea wltk tka aa CcaaUtatloa, tka qaalllsd tetere will, ta Ikt Wtk lait, ataol tkeir unieipal eBoera for 1874, lack aa District Treae- arer, Justice af tka . Peace, Constable, Judge of Election, two Inapaatorr (aaob elector ta tote for hot aaa person), Assessor, two Orersatrt, School Directors, Btlptrtiaora, Auditor and Towa Clerk. Ia ibit horaagh, tka Burgess and tha Towa Coun- tiluien ware qualiOed and entered upon tke dis charge of tbair datiea before lha Irst day of Jaa- nary j banes, they ara legally ia amea aad need aot be erected arar eg eta. Tka sams aeaarred la some ef tka otker boroughs, but where tboae elected ware aot aa qualiled lbey. moat be re elected, er sons oe else la their stead. - Ovbrwiiklmsb All avulanohc of Teachers' Institole programme! aad educational matters kaa noma down " upna at lha past twa weeks. If the thing keep! oa aa will be com pelled ta employ a reader. . Why, If wt would publish afl tha communications and programmes sent ua by acbool teachers, wa woald be compelled to issue about three papers a week. Friends, where da you get the idea that a ooantry news, paper aaa publish all your oemmunioe loner Please name ana that baa from twenty ta I fly sckoolmastera engaged oa It. Yet such woald he uar fete did wa yield bat for cue week te this literary pressure. a- a - List of tuttem rutnuiniiiir unclaimed In the Puat'imce at Clearneld, for lha week ending February Id, 1874 1 : ' Barr. John rfoaea, unn s. Duffy, William . Fanlx. William -Fink. Miss feadora Uray. Catkarlne " llagtn. M. Hess, Anallsa - V leenlelr, Joba lonard, Leurie McDoanld, Alfred Neber, P. 8. . Keeee, riarab ' . " " Smith, Joseph - -Walters, Auiul Wiser, Mist M. I. . P. A. QADLIM, P. M. Johnson, Mary -a MptlUtlM. t Mr. John Troutmaa has aont into the I'nder- taking huslneaa In enitneo'ioo with bil Furniture business. Imported Walnut Caskets and Coffins always on baud and furnished promptly. Funer als atteudad. RnaoTAL. Dr. 4J. M. Scheiirer bas removed his office from Masunic Building to bis retidracn. on Market atrwel, formerly tbe reaideaoe of C. u. Wataoa. Meesra. OOLICU A JACKSOX, Dadertakara, Market etreet, opp.ieile the Court House, bate oa hand and will racira, u February 1st, 1x74, all hinds uf Black Walnut Conns and I asks: . Al-o. Iinitalloa Kosewaod and Covered CoBins A lull line uf the Inert quality of trimmings always on band. 1 liey bavt a nrst Class near ana grnue man'T attcodante. Thirty tesrs'eanericnee an titlee them to consideration. Ue sure and eee them belore ardcriog elsewhere. . ;aa28lf (Newspaper Decisions. I. Any person who takre a paper regularly from the foal Oflioo whether directed la hie name or anuth'r'a. or whether he has auliscribed or not'-ls responsible lor the payment. t. If any perron orders kit paper discontinued he must pay all arrearage!, or tha publisher may continue tu seed until payment is made, and col lect the whole aiaouot, whether the paper la taken from 'he omoe or aot.: I. The aourtt hata decided thai refusing ta take aewsiiaiiere vr neriedieela from tbe Poet Odioe, or removing and Mating them uncalled fur, it prima fatio etidrace of laieaiioaal fraud Paitsta aan Psntana' Fiamaaa. Our stock of Paints and Painters' Materials is complete, in- olu'llne J. T. Lewis Pure while IMS. John l.u rna A Cu'a Pure White Lead! F. K A Cu e Duck iMd, and a number of cheaper brands of While l,e&d; ateo, Linseed Oil, Turrtenline, Varnisheauf all hinds, a full line or Bru.bc, aad a full Una af oolon, dry and In Oil. my28'73 II- P. Blaiaa A Co. A Ctna. Mlaa McAlpine. teacher of Music, Painting, Cravun and Drawing. Room at ike Academy. Bug27 Montour Slate Paints, for painting houses In side and out lids Cottages, t erm Uuildinge, Ac. Beautiiul, durable and economical tiruund la pure Linseed Oil. myit is : It. F. Biblbb A Co. Bird Cages a targe assortment at II. t. Dig. lar A Co.'a. . - Bate Time! Save Labor! Save Monet 1 Save Clotbts! Tbe" Novaltt Wring.r" H the ben la the market. Buy It"; try it. Fur tale ky II. F Bient A Co. II. F. Biglar A Co; have been making eiteasire additions to their sicca af Hardware the leal few dtra. F.verilbiua new In fhelf Hardware, Sad dtere Hardware, Farmere Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, can bees at tbair store. May il, Saws. Dli'an's Cross ent Saw, Great Ameriesa Saw. Buynton'a Lightning Hiw, al 24-71 II. F lliewaa A Ca'e. R. R. Wheelharmws. Dahy Carriage!, Toy Eg press Wagons and Wheelharniwa. at my28'71 H. F. Hiataa A Co'a. Cearlaed Plaster for aala hy II. F Biglsr A Co. Paints, Oils and Varnishei for sale ky II, F. Biglcr A Co. Wend and Willow Ware of all deaariptlont for aaw by H. F. B.gier a t o. A full liaaaf R.. user. old Uouda, Japanned Ware, Ac, for tali by II. r. Uigler a Co. A I at. leteaty-IVa Jo tea Clearleld Wood' ohoppere A xaa at t:ti:U. II. F. BIHLER A Co'a. h . - - Rasa Tail V-Porauaaeboonteniplate building will do .well to rail and examine onr aiiHh of IIL'ILDINII MATKKIALH. We hate la etncl a full line uf Duil.lere' Uarlwara, Naila, Painla, Oils, It lax, PuUy, Calcined Plaster, te. my28'7l - II. P. BtuLia A Co. Novira to Waool .an CAnniAet Ma aaaa We have jail received a general aaanrtmeat of W aga and Caerlage W.aide, also a fall line af Sptiugs and Alice, ahich we affer cheap an- aasa it. w. Bislbb A Co. Jaat received, a large Lompe and Laaierot at 134-71 II. lot af aaa-tiplnaitt P. Rianaa A Cat. RECAPITL'LATIOX. . 1 Bird Cages. Wood and Wlllnw Ware, i 1 ; , Household Ooodt. All kind! of 11 aid ware. Japanned Ware. : , ' , - , Paints, Oils, VarnllkM. Calcined Plaster. Wagon and Carriage klakert' inpptlees . All al Ike above for sale al tbe mammoth Hard' ware flora of H. F. Blgler Co,, Second etreet. Clearleld, Pa. l ' ' CUT THIH AOT. -V , It May ata Vuar Life. Tkera li a p-roB litiog hat wbai inhere mora or leal witn l,ung Ufoaaes. uvugea, boniaor -nn-tumiillou. Tat aoiac would dla rather than pay 71 ceata for a bottle f auodioioe that would curt them. Dr. A. rjorohee t tiermna Syrup hit late ly keen latrodnoed la tkll country from Oeraiany and lit wondrous auras aatunishaa ary una mat try it. II yoa douot what we any la pr nt, eal thia aal and take It ta your Druggiai, C. D. War. aot, aad get a sample bottle free uf eharga, or a regular lise for 74 cents. U. 0. UKbh.N, ' Waug7y , ' ; . Woodbury, N.J. To rat Citikii or PsatSTttAttA Tour at- teatloa is reepeatfully lutited to the I net that Iba Actional Jfauka are now prepared In reeeite sun. acriptiona to lha Capital Stock af tbaCenlennlel Boare ar Finance. The funds realised from this eooree ara ta he employed ia tba erection of tbe aanuieaji or tba international sibibltion, and the nxpensee eirnerjetd -with ike aama It la ooa- Ideally eireeied Ikal Ike Kejeione Siala will ba represented by the name af every elitiea alive to patriotic eomuemoeaiion or the one hundredth birth-day or the nation. Tha sharet of stock are offered for ill each, and subscribers will receive a handsomely steal engraved Ccrtilcate af Stock, loitable for framing aud pretervailoa aa a na tional memorial. . Interest at tba rata of til ptr aenl. per annnra will be paid aa all payment! of Centennial Slack from dale of payment to January 1, 1871. . Subscribers who ara aat near a National Bank eaa remit a okcek or ponomro order ta the a a denlgned. FREDS. FRALET, Treasurer, anguft P04 Walnut SI.. Philadelphia. SKI- ti. Ia Pike towashlp, Clearleld ecault, ea Buaday atanlng, January 24th, 1874, JEBSIK, daughter sfVs, B. aad Teaeast UlaraiLL, aged I year, 4 aaoalhl aad I aayt. ' At Franklin, Pa., Janaary Jlih. 1171, ALEX ANDER McCLIfltOCK.aged 41 ytara aad II daya. - Ia Lewlstlllt, Janaary Uth, li?!!. feon.,t,p. tloo, REBBt'OA W., wife af S. W. iloaa, ia ma Mib year of her age, . . , i 2((f tBB. i)F JsVtlfttr WAMTKrt. I Jl II J a. a H.-i n.M.h..n a iiu..i. a... wblck lbey will pay cask, at kfcalr laeiory bear Curwanrvilie, er at tba at ore tl AraeU H ana horn, la Carweaaeilla, . fM Ht ' 4RBOLP, KAHIBUrJSF A UIPrbaT." Cloarfield Markets. ; ' Cerreeted weekly ky Riruann Moaaor, Wkolssale ana tveiaii iiaamr in uwj tieions, A a., Market etreet, Clearleld, Pa. J 'JLaaariBLn, ra., iiwn"; " ,, rvuvuwj v, . igs, dresied : J das. srretBw. I Annie. ereen.lOtUI UMI rirua aim II Hides, areen Anulobatter.Wgal, 14 liami.......IOta It ra ..oom t H 1 Butler.., ouiw - li.... kl film I H Shouldera .Sides led Dnokwhaat. 1 lluak wheat lour m, - a Beef, dried. 4 Peaf, fre.k.... wfat " Bee-ds, M UOhigiU 0..ra. shelled 1 Mas. perh,bbl.. llOO rail . ..... ,... )nluut. i. ...- ' I' Hotaloel ,,. 106 t P sac haa, dried, ' fa-n.ear WCS C' ri maal.Vlsaok, I Chop. V ewtl aura J 4i I'laatar, TA bbl " By 1 ! lUgs, TA hS J-l. nu ...k i.'.llr lul l lo vsrsaen - rku fli Hnglei,llla-4l0 Cberriee, th. 10(a) . I" Chickens, drtd, Ik, !' Bg - .!:: -thingles,niaii)(9ia " rimotby seed JJ rallow...... tJJ Whaat.. I." ur..i aa Flalseed. wi..... : a -ni.iill In Hay.... M 10'iM ! iWiiad. aord... . M Pcnnny 1 vonlu llallroad TVROSB CLEARFIKLP BRANCO n .nd after Monday, NOV Id, 1871, the T i .. - III Mn rfailv laaaebt eMIB liwciin , i " . j , r-" days) batweea Tyrona and Clearleld, aa lullowt CLEARFIELD MAIL, ' LBAVK SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. ttlearlel.'...,.l.4. r.. tilipharg 4.14, " Oaoaola 4.W, " Tyrone.. . .'V Tyrone tl.StU.B.lwc ,.a,. t ukkviimi. raiiipsnurg.iu.eo, - . Clearneld i...ll 41). '4 - - 'CLKAHF1ELD EXI'MESd.' 1 LK.VE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearleld i 'l.toa. a Pl,ilttt.l,ars.u I 34 " Tyrone......t.0 r. a. lnterseclloo...7.12 " Oatnola I.W , " ucaola........a v , ui..i:...i..-. a If, ln..u.linn T.48 " Tyrone 8 01 ". Clearleld, ar..l l " FAUB FROM CLKARF1KLD, TO P.alternnta. Pa .15 li Mlddl.tawa ....15 HI Irfioh Haven...,,. ,. 1 70 ,. J 80 Marietta..... .u I 41 Willlamaport.H llnnlinadon Lancaster I II .. I 80 PHILADELPHIA 711 Lewiltown... 1 On! Allnnnn I 84 j V.etatille.- 4 41 Johnstown el I DfTTOBII U ,1 I8li HAKRlrlBl'RO snninaunu ... a 11 r i , ,. - - - ninaa annnecllent made by all train! at Tyrone ... i II and Lock Hatan, .a. o. n, mtlT-lf, . ; Saperintendent. ejUisffUanfOW. ri-to TliK FRONT ! CHEAT EXCITKMKNT AT TBI CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND .'. j ICE CREAM SALOON! Tka anderslgaed having just Itted ap aaw, large and comlurtahle rooms oa Market I'reet, .... Tl.i-4 ...iri.llv talnreas the nubliothnt he now drepared 10 accommodate tbem with eterythtng In Bis line nn snort sniwssasiau hours or tba day. Ha keepi oh hand .- - ERESH DREAD, RUSKS, ROLLS, PIES, - , CAKES, all hinds. 10 E CREAM, . - and a geaeral assortment of CONPECTIOMERIES, FRUITS,. NCT3, Ac, All of which will bed' llvered to caatomera at their residences, when requested to da ao. ICR CREAM, hy laediia. Barren; ia a oaetly for. alshed room. Thaekful for the genaroui patronage bratnwed 11 tha pact, be kcpei to merit and receive a aaa tinuanea ef the aama from hit eld custo mers, and afbere. JOHN 8TADLER, Juae ll.'iSlf. BRICK I BRICK I BR1CKI A EW BUI Ik YARD. T R. PLTMMER A CO., hating atarted Hit new and eitenelra Brick Yard la CI. art!. Id. are prepared to oisKe ons'racve lor wvsi el... Rail HrtcB. in larae or smalt Qunutllies Ohlera and corresriondence aolieitol. Infnrma- IIOB oao na iioieimu n.t aaning a. r.H...i - ic Store, or hy aunressin Mressina W. 8. PL UMMER A CO., myT-tf Clearfield, Pa. O. L Co n:1 WHERE la hoy my DRY flOODI, OR0 oeriea, Quaenaware, Olaasware, Drugs aad Notions, Cnnlsailuneriea, Ac, aheap for cash. The aabacrlber begs leave to inform kit aid and aew customer! thai he haa opeued , , , , . A VAKIETT 6T0BI I!f OLES IIOPB, PA. t i . , , Aad will mil gerndtal priest to inlt tha timet. A lilveral redueiloa will be made la eaeumert buy. lag at wholesala. ,'. t . t .' ; Call aad tiamine my Mock Kefnra purchasing elsewhere. A liberal than af publiu patreaage is aullcilad. (,. ' I C. J. KEAOT. Olea Hope, Pa., Jaea 14, 1871. KRATZEH Si LYTLE TurpflQtio( f . . I twel a flMtt Waatej I Neils, Jlaae, Puny, rsiaio, ami, cim ivu a Qilt, ) i - a , French, Richards & Co.'t Buck Lead ARB Calcined Plaster . VERT CHEAP. ImmeeN stock a) hand. ClearleM. Pa.. Jnae 4. 1T. FAIRBANKS'. STANDARD SCALES, or Alt, aianai Baggage Bamwa, Warehouse Tracks, Copying ' Pressee, Ierprored Meney Drawer, Aa. roa till it II. F. BIOLEU & CO., Daaltrt ia Hardwares " mahlliTI if Second Street. Clearleld. Pa Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE ITOME INDUSTRY. TH R aadereigned, heviag aeUbllahatj a Hat aert aa tba 'Pike, a haa I halt Wat betweaa OlaarAeld and prepared Mfe. alib all hladaef FRUIT TREES, fauadard tad dwarf.) .Erergreene, Skrahbaty. Orapa Vlaae, ehaeketriaa, Laetoa Blaekharry, StrawbtrrF, aad Raeeerry Vlaae. ilea, Siberian Crab Trace, Dalaaa. aad early aavlal ftbakawb, Aa. Orders promptly alvaaded ta. Addrtw, " d. P. WMOHT. . aapjlll y " Canrtsftdlle, Pi 11 j ..,.. I...... ...... ( , ..'1 .'.tlU t -1 H J. "' .1 J ANNOtNCEMENT! 11-.- i Hi ' ii. -e-'j .:! it .'i.l ' -g - f-.'. '..' T 'Jr. " ." f j" aO A 1 I'm. -m .'.;t i i' T. A. FLECK '& CO, i " .. . .. t.Vu J a"j''""i ' . w...lj .....n... I L .t iV.w aea haw anaalwa I, htherall See'soo the meat atltaetlrt and complete Tip mi a' Hsiowor - ie-.r! SllH'ncry and Fancy Goods; ;i ;, V , ' '." I ' j 7 . "CI I r j...- - . ' t ersrrrerora Sffeeed la ClearleM. In aar Faacy Uooda Department aa are efferiag fall liaet af : .-M.V;'t.3 in- '.'J;j'I Hoalery, r.lorea, : Woolea Good a, ' noop Sklrta, Caraatt. ' ' " Ualr Caoda, . Caataaa Pattarna, iiBfn, : Warateda, Ave, Tlca, l.acM, ' , .... -i Hlbbana, , lire at Trlmi all ef which wa ara offering al attractive prioes. We aaa aew opeaiBg tha latest ttjtaa aad aotal ties for the Fall Seasoa. a, 'BONNETS, " ' HATS, '" ' ' ' ! !ul .1"; " riAiBtsC "I ' ' ' ' , PLI VIES, If VELVET RIBBONS, TIPS, ; 0R9AMEXTS, FLOWERS, Ao. ' a r i r .(.I,' .', , OUR TRIMMING DEPARTMENT ii Id charge of a Irtt-elan Trimmer from tke city. Wa solicit an laspeetian af aar ttyloa ky tke ladled af Clearfield aud tnrailt. Store rwica lha came at aon aacapied by Wm. Rreatoa Market ataael. - . , . no 7J T. A. FLECK A CO. E LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF STOVES I . STOVES ! ever brnaght to the county, tre heln rwlted at IbellardwarcEetabliehmelilofll K H.4ILICM all to., comprising the following Cook Stovea : !riiAR t'Al.tiKiriO. hUsUUkMANNA, K EMULATOR, NOPLE, TKIUMPH. ...... OOV. PtXN. ' ' KEADIKO NATIONAL RANGE. AC. AC. Alia, tba feUewlag Heating Slates i V, fJl'EAR'H ASTI f:LINKR. '.SPEAR'S A NTI DUST. ,,, PPKAK'SiiRIHCULAR. , , , tipRAR'N PARLOR CuOK, . '.j WORN I NO LIOUT, BUN TON, GirsEY, VULCAN. '"""sunbeam, ' ' ' ". ' ' KUBV k DAUntlN EGO, CHESTER EOO, . VOLCANO, PHtKNIX.'. : X . At IIHAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE K'JM NTT) VEX, AC. Clearleld. Sept. 14, 1173. IU XUMBBRMENI PERFECTION IS .al .' C A .N T HO O K SI if.1, a ';' .. -."V. .hi h v - ; . The Clearleld Bioelslor Canlhook will not wiiir'oot'br break, being constructed with oar til id) band from tllp la point. i. i.-u fi It It proneoneed ky all praeilcal lumbermen who hata tiamined It la ha lha most perfect Caathook ever lataatad. - . i '. , . , ' . Amo$ Kennard, Patentee. . Minufaclurad ky Aaoi Kaaataa A Co., at CLEARFIELD, PA. pf" All order! promptly attended to. atl'71 jTJANIEL GOODLANDER, L'UTIIBRSBUR'I, PA., Dealer la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, nOSIERT GLOVES, . . HATS A CAPS aad BOOTS A SHOES, Tokaeeo, Oraoariet and Fish, Kails, Hardware, . vlueensware and tllasswara, Mra'l aad '. Bcyi' Oottitrrg. Urtij-, Pa. nil, - fills, ftcimol B'Kiks, k large wt al Patent Medieinea, Caadlea, Nuts A Ilrl.d Frnlts. Chrraa and Crack n ara, Bock and Rile Powder, Floor, GVain and l'oiutovs, Clover and Tlmotby Seal, Sola Leather, Moreaaaa, Mnlpii, Binding! aad ... Thread, KboemsherV Tool l aad - 8hoa rthdlBgi. K greater tirhny 'af goods la any store In teaniy. AS rtr tabs rery low for cask or eo.nlrj prtKiaoe al the Ckaap Oaraer. Aug. IT, 1S7S. s TONE'S BJiYT GUMMERS AND b I Uf tl BIVTfi ...... wsa.v awaja.ks, Wa kara racelted the agtney for thaikoteaed illaen them al manufaclaeer's nrlcce, Call aid eteaslne them. They art tha keel. m.u Tl - . H. T. Bini.IK I CO. H. F. '"BI6LER.'&T0d UABDWABE, T' rtAUAJIaBaTTMUrartaf ' i'-j I"; Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. - OLEAReMELD, PA. I FABMIMG IMPLEMENTS of all ' - ,o.i., kladi rer aala by " " ' ' II. f. BIGI.ER i CO. RAILROAD WHEELBARROWS ,v. f a '. i far aala by " j . ' t'H. F.- BIflLER A CO. QIL," PAINT,' 'PUTTY, GLASS, Kalli, ttt., for sale ky ' " j -H. P. BIOtER CO. 1 H ABNES3 TRIMMINGS SHOE Fladlagt, fot tela by j ' H. F. BIOLER k CO, ! pUNS,PI8T0LS 8WOBDCAJi.ES far tale ky - H j I I . HJ F. BIOLER CO. talTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND ' ,. ' . Biiaa,.for tola hy . ' '- ' H"F. BIOLER A CO : R0N I IRON I ; IRON I IRON I Far tall ky . . . HZ F. BIOLER A CO. ' II ORSK SUOES & HORSE SHOE HAILS, for tale ky, ... r' II. F BIOLER A CO pULLET BLOCIvS.'ALL" SIZES And beat Maaafaetara, far tale ky H F BIOLER A CO. ' TUIMBLB SKEINS AND PIrK BOXBS.fwealtVy - ' v?i , '': ':: h. f. bioleb a ro. ; pODDER CUTTERS for sale by bcbSO-TO H. F. BIOLER A CO. R0NSIDE3 STORE. G. S. FLEGAL, DEALER IX H A B, D.WARE, i j ' I ' i ii '...' ' TOVE". II EATERS, RAN0E3, IlfiLrOW-WARE. ' PAINT-t. OILS A VARNISH, PUTTY A GLASS. ROPES. ftTFl'L ADDERS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! The celebrated Tolada Aetl-Freaslng Oalraalsed IRON-LINED VVORDEN PUMPS., i i V better Pumps la tka market. LAMPS. CHANDELIERS, LAKTERNI, LAMP FLUE4,aftll kladi, LAMP FIXTURES, Ac, All at loweal pricea, 1-1174 Prraqurlala Wreol. thlllebar(r. Pa, HUE dk CHHiaT, Sucoeatora ta KRTDER A CO. TO TnORR IJfTERRSTED I!f THI PUR CI1A8B OF A STRICT LV PURE RYE WHISKY, For Meillointl Pnrpniri we offer Bnlli'j's lBure Rye, Price li ta II par gallon, and wiB ship lo pack age ta aait purckaaere. . i We also handle largely a COPPER DISTILLED WHISKY, Prio from $:.3fol. T5. W in. port fINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, And r lu nftourtwUreri wt DR. SKEVERS TONIC HERB BITTERS. Stud frr prit liif. , HUEY A CHRIST, lit North Third St., Philadelphia, MARBLE WD STOVE YAKD ! Mai. 8. S. LID DELL, a-'".' ,'" ' ' ' :t .' ' ' ' Hating engaged la lha Marble baalBen, 'desires to Inform bar friends aad lha public that lha kas now tad will heap constantly oa kand a large and well sslecled stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, aad li prepared ta furallk II enltr T0MD8T0NES, BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Carba aad Posts for Cemetery Lots, Window Billl and Caps, alia, BURLAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ac, Ao. tesaVerd na Reed etreet, aear tha R. R. Depot, Clea.leld, Pa. JeT.fl John troutman, DEALER IX FURNITURE, AND Improved Spring Beds, MATiEET STREET, NEAR r. 0. Tka nr. 'erslgnad kegt leate in Inform tka altl Ual of Clearheld, and the pdlillt generally, thai ha kaa na kand a Sne arrortmrnt of Furniture, each ae Walnut. Chestnut and Painted Chamber Saitea, Parlor Soltee. perilling and Rttenelt Chslre, Ladlet' and Aaailt' Raey Chairs. Ibe Per forated Dining aa4 Parlor Chairs, Cane Sean and Wlndeor Chairs, Cheibae Rare, Step and Ealen. tioa Laddara, Hat Rpakt, Bcrabblng Bra. has, it M0ULDIN8 AND PICIIHE FRAMES, Unking Olattea, Ckremaa,' Aa nhlok would ba suitable fbr Uolttey prtsrntt. eteirri JOUK TROPTMAIf. WfllMWBf.- ( , QIBABJTjUiaVNaVlf. (A .,4-r rrrt-! m , , a " a. ut. ua fiim ITBU wwaereigueu we, . e- - ' . J .i,ul. si Urd iuwaabia. taws no wow iwiw, - - - - - A. . . . . u. I .1. ... Ja.llA VltarBCIU wvniji a ... V 4, ria. aaa snrm e detlrably looated. i Tka buildmga eraall aawanU aonalat af a large trame aouee, noting pn . . L . j 1 Mna.Mt.nSi laSaa anaaneeaui, swiu w w-.. . - ' . frame barn, fclaoksmltk tbop, wagoa abed, aprmg BOUaa, C. ABB ouiiuiage ww good, If aot betier,4k " tmrm l.CIaarfali county. Tbe land It of superior equality aaa ia a gono: state or cultivation. Possession WIU ba given la Iba sprier, or at any lime ueu.t autiteiueBl lo the purchaser, Tba terms will ba reaaooabia. Feraunt de-lrcaa ol purchasing can add rest tbt subsonbar at k' eonte't ilills P. u. Ciearleld couuly, Pa,. or apply la parson ua tbe premieei. ' , , Any parentis wauling any Information In regard to the quality of Ilia land, the kind of bandings thereon, At., A nan get aha wloraiatlua by call ing ua Sheriff Pie, ia Clearleld, nt ba ewued Iba farm fur a aumber af yeara, aad of eouese tiowa all about It. WENDELL EMlHKS, . . v ; Lsconta's UUIs, Ckarlvld Co., Pa. January II, 174, ; AUIIITOR'H KKTICI-- la tbeOrphaao' Court of Cleargeld ennnty. Ia the mailer ui Uierstete of Mrs. fianoes Miticr, lataofSctt enumy. Iowa, fuinierly of Clearteid county, l'e, dronased. . . " Tbe undersigned auditor, appointed hy tha court 10 di.tribule the balance iu the hands ol the a'linialilralor, to and among tha persona legallt entitled thereto, gires notice thai Jis will attend to tba dutlea or hte apiointment. at ais omce, ia Clearfield, oa Friday, the I -lib day of February, betweaa the hours oi III o'clock a. wi. and te'alock . m. - I d. W. SANTI, Jan. 71. 1KT4. II - A editor. - A NOTHER EI.ECH0N s-cTIllOM V VUU vuaiauosiwnano. , Ia tha Court of Common PlaaJ af jClaarleld county, January Term, 1074. I I l bs Commissioners ol saio eouniy siaie .ue ius lowing care lor Ibe opinion el the court : ... . 1st. Under a snccial uaiulr, an election for lownshiu and borooub oltoers. mr the ensuing year, was held ia Ibe. cetera! townships and bur ought In said, oa tha 2tlib day al Deceui- her, WIS. 2d. That tha officer! choseo Aberest, were Jut- tlcet of the Peace, UonslablaCj School Hireelors, Supcrtitori, Oteraetn uf tba Poor, Jurigrt ar bieotion, lurpeolure l Dieciann, iowasn,, ana llurouah Auditurt. ltd Township end Borough Clerks, ami the tana of office of all thereof, as erpt Juatirra of Ibe Peace tod District Treasurer, it oy law lor one year. Id. That none of said omoera were la omce or laws as ufftuiula on tha 1st day of January, l74, and that tba teruie of olboo of School Duecture, Constables, and ol her. of tha raid officials, com mence after the tbiru Tuesday oi renrusry, Cuon this atnte of facta theopintun oi tneaoun ll prayed, abelher under the pruruions of the aew Constitution the onioere elvaled on tbe raid Nth dsy ol Deoemlwr, Iff 3. an entitled to take and hold their reapeeiite oficae as protld.d hy law, or whether Ibe nrarirlooi af tbe laid new Coustitution require that a bow elee'ton be bald oa the third Tueedat uf February, l7t. - All af wbiak it respectfully submitted. F. F. t'orrintt, ' ; J. D. Tnouriua, VCom'rt, Clabi Bavwa, J , ... .. ariatta ar raa oourt. - .. ., .. Oflaere whose terms of ofloe do aol brgla aatil afu, iha thied Tueedat Is Fabenart, are act with. la Ibe provisions of The Iwenly-eiltb aeelioa af the tcbedule at tae aew tonaniuneu. ' tawnsblp aad horeugh 9 rets mutt ha electad as nrnviile J ht lha third aeelioa of the ariiole aa Suffrage end Elections, and aot according ta the law ia force nature ton .oneuiaiiou wens iui operation. Ia this county, according to toe ibcii stated lor my opinion, tbe afflcere mcntinneo therein mual be eleeieu on toe iniru sueaaa; . February Beat. Wa. Etwan, Free. JuJ. January I), 18ft.,., ... In tlew at thd foregoing proceedinga. and tne fact thai the eliisena .f thia county, under the nnote rulirnr or lha Court, will be left wl' Bout Ci astablei aud a number of .InaMeee of the Peace aad all other boroiyh end ti,wonip fiVeem who cannot be legally gualidod until alter lha I7ih dat of Fehruart.tke lountt Commissioners it proper and en adient, and ksrehy gira no'ice lo an ine wonsiauiaa iu iue wij -,-. -w..., ia ,,M. an ana less than ten no'tooo in thair ra spec ire e action districts, at least tea derate ad. ranee of tha election, aotifjii.g the qualihrd totera thereof, thai an election will he held in said boruorb or township, a lUKeUAV.tb I7tn dat of HiMKI'AKY nail, fur the ue ol choosing such muuioi al o (beers, nut qualiilied aa iudmat. d by the Court, under ike new Conaiitu tiua. The raid ehoiioa will be held nt iha neaal places of h d .liig horouKh an I township elections, and Ibe Ju-te. Inspectors end Clerk who aon. dueled thef. ruierele. tinn will be required to hold Uie eppr"aihibg electioa. sutiject t ail tha lawt nad s.aiutis rguiaiiitg eiiaiions ia tois lommuu, wealth. My order or the Board Arrriti U. U. UOOULaMjHR. Clark. Comm'rt' Offtec, L'ltaruelii. lea. 1)74. 31 . 4 DMLNISTRATORS SALE By . tlrtue af an order ieearel cat ol the Orphea.' luu tl of Chardrl.t and Lain Una eountlea. IBS uaderaigUed adiaiatstrator of the lata KdwarJ Kin. will offer el al lie aale, ea Ibenr. misee in tba towasbt, at Susqueliauna, In ihaaonoty of t embrin, al 10 oVIuoh a. ui., on Sl-n lsj. iho Md day f lehruarr, l7l, all that certain piece or irar.l of land annate in me ea.d lownshiu at na.- quehanna. boanded oa the aurtb hr muds ai Abraham hartlei augh, real by bade of Abraham Iiale, euuib by lands of Janice Somen Hie end others end west bt lands of Porter Kini.ert. eon taiaing DO acres, more or h aa Tbil tract of tend il uniutprual, and is ably located on tbe rtu,qtiehiina rirer, near ilc LB'-rry jrea. ana Il eoeered wilh valuable timber and underlaid with a Ire-run. real tela, ana whea stripped ol of the timber will make an ercelleiii tarin, white millions of tons ol coal ran he wined. Taeneor Sam. T.n per . of tha pnrehaae money must he fiaid mu the dry of tale, wne-tlitrd of tbe balance on eoiilirtuwtiou of sale, and the balance iu twa tntial annuel tnyweatr, ta be ta- eun-d ht the muilgngc and ludgm'ttl auerga of the purohaaer, wrla acuroy. i . . r . Jh8K M. IIARTEB. Admlni. Irati el Kdward King, die d, fltant P. II . Jse It. IHVt. Jt 4 DMINISTRATORS SALE By li vtr(u tr nn order Uiuf fut of tht Or- tii.OB (.ourt of Clrarflfld Omiolv, ihf sndotcigntd dtniDtiiratttr ol ngtrt King win oflor at h. lit fklr, on tb pratiiu, in Hnrntid lwnp)np lo mid eunniy. ui S 'eioalt. p. ni., on Moiidak, tb Md d-7 nf Fthiunr.-r. IK74,ih MIkWihh ri aablt nal rtnlt,iilniitrtiMt' bound d u Mliiwta t AM tht eortain Uot or ptnm of land, b-nndml ot lanil ol Frticilrli (Sbri.tura on lha north, oa iba itul by Jt'r h Wat a. in tbo ftMlh hT llaiiry Bi h-rtn(t anl hi iha wmI hy in old bun Head ol' Ibr lata Kc-lfr hihj, onitaiu ing 1't Mtrra. mora or laa Tbti priirty ia pit oatad in the vicinitv ot i barr) Tno buni(h, and will pruia a i)ubliirqn.nMun ti lha nrotia?r Tbmiih or Malic. Ttn iM-reeat. l tbapurvbap-v nioncf nuH be paid nn tno 'ta of onhair of tba who. a amount ai tha attiiflrmattun a ibr !, and tha bulanoa In Iwot-qual animal pay mania, with tnitml taourcil by band and nort- gaga on paid prtmiiti. . Jb.G hah ir.n, Admlnlttratfir tf BdwrJ King, dao'd. Grant . O . Ji.n. IH. 1874. It Store House Tor Sale or Rcnt.1 That Well kaowa rt..ra and Daelllng lloa.e. litnaird tn tiles. Hoiie, C'learheld county, ia offer. ed el pntate sale or lor rent. The bourn ia two slona Biga. an ay au re... wua g'wHi oaoa ounu iaai a No. I wall at water ia laetdi hailding e k.r aulbuildittae. auch at too houe. , snmaa t ouse, corn orih, etaldingand large smdding, all la good order. 1 his property le euitshle lor any am . wf buethcee, BBd will Be sold at pnraie aula .r rant ed on ruasouible lara a to a ri e,ia ei1e party. I be property is goad aad in a pieasait p.eie e do l.aiin. ae, and will ba luld or rented oa easy terms The bad health of Ilia rutwa'riber com pell bim to tl'ite hit bueinest fot the present, This houea hai done a good business, aad a gieai business mau caa du well here. Possceaioa on April I. IbTt. F r tuithcr Informmlun call an ar write ia WM. f. HICKKY at HON. Olen llo e, Clearfiel . Co., Pa. IJanll im DlhlMIII.IITION-Netice la hereby glren Iu all persona tnteraeted that .be aw pariaar amp hcreiorore existing between Isaiah Wall aud William tV. Atatar. Iradina ander the Arm name ef Wall A Aaca,watdlsaolrtd by mutual consirel an Tba Xoth day of Notombcr last. The bonks and accounts are In the hands of WI lines W. Metre, aad all arreone harluz unsettled accounts ere n queried tu ooiue forward and aettle the anno without deley I oe rami tsute interest uf Isaiah Wall wat purchased by W, W. Uayae, aha will continue Ine business aa heretofore. 181AI WALL, W1UIAM . U KB. Olio ITcpt, Pa., Jan. 31, lt4 9t I. aoLLoaiuia a. bath caaat EOLLOWBUSH & CAREY, BOOKSELLERS, Elank Book Manufacturers. AMD STATIONERS, . SIS JHmrkft at., rhUmdelphto. mta. Paper FVsur Backs and Bags, Foot mi a, Letter, Note, Wrapping, Curtain and Wall CSCTL. JUnTICKH1 ab CONaTAHI.BK fKM Wa hart printed a large auaibar af tka new rLB B1L.U, ana will oa the raeelnt of twenty. I ra Marti, mail a teuy ta aat addrau. aTf!titetr ... .ja.wi r-ANAWftirKr'-,' ( ... .-'.. - ' : 6pm ReAr REDuaioriloF? pbTces I I f M(H,UVt "T'T ?.'" 'T"e ... - T . POBTES MAW, RaVeTaT! .wi tu. m " T-.-fCH ;:rr .' IJIfOBTAIIt iTRCTHil mm . J t a. i.e. l.a-itlaaf tatTIM mm B1TTM wtmm-i - . : av, ...rial, beat. tbam..Bd ""Jfrf f a.rtial lad fttr) aata al laath... I tatOtba beet I,anufiorura of teat b aad alber aaaaaaabl. AU rXti '' ""raided glta aer. rice aad aatialuetluo. . ,. . ,..v Friende, reaeat auat my eraergee ; lion of artliulal and tha anting wf-aba "otaral Preaerte your teeth aud yoa prc.crte )i,r bealilu Pu7t"g of the natural thiia In a httilky, p rtatlteand ealul condrtlro Ii mad. 1 1 aptalal . bismaaes and .rrormBilonieaumoB totbeaatb, .w and a.a.lnte parti, irttraatrrl nftonmto with fair tucaeti. , BiuulraatluDt and aunaulta tione rnaa., ... . . It Would bo Wll lr paticnis iron, a ....- c let ma know by mail a fe dayi btforp avmlag ta thauBca. , Vv.'.'Lr.ft.i.l.'Vj-., .h. . I. il aery laiporiani uies ""'V "TkJ, ret of si and twelee ora should hata ibalf , teeth examined. ; ' " i';...V '"" Anmslhetica ara adauatimraa aap am, mntad without paia i i...,. bisnositieaa andohttas-tur era. Jf dged by all. . 1 . . . ., ......i.... ml tha lane, hence tne worm nt 'no ..r1"""" , : ,' . - hew eery ditastroat may It therefore be for-pnr-emteiaaulg. an e.preaai-a uf diaiotteil laaiurea, area apart from a hygi. o.c tiew kow, to cnjpy nstural (nu artideial) wm fofla and P',ry and o.. natural rimplndH . J lJ ;"" r . rvninn . .. . - - - Offlae la New Maiouio BuilJlng.rBd'etreat, - ..... a. . ., ., want la-TB -u -rr duntalcajld.; -n. a U: IIIMJ3 ri a'o. - . ' - .. Would tlyrlnkli parlrnts aad ba lie gencrallr. tbat. hatjtig dltld P.tierehla wi b Dr. Shaw, he Is now- doing the entire work of bia ottoa himsnlf, ao that patituta oecat aat faae being put Ul.drT tne nanus oi aeiy .i r myvimw piearnel.l, March W. 1'7' pdlBaichr , ;.. J, M. STEWAET, D. V. S.; ' OlEoe otcr Iraiu'a Drug Store, ' fCRWEXSVILLB. PA. ". . In a.i mumIIm. either In the meetieoleal.. oroperatira era del, promptly attended to- aad satisfaction guaranteea. opcuia. r"'-. to ine ireaimeoi wi uiee-wp , .- , i t. rM.Ml.elle of that teeth' soa- ' ee.slullyeoreeaiad. i Tretb eaireeted wltboai paia by tbe aea ol timer, ass animus. - . nf i he Iwat malarial aud warraultd to rr.dr sat- kifactlon.. aprl6'71:lj TUB MITCHELL WAGON, ' ". . . for :: Farm, Preiglt and Plantation Um. ' Cnlveraally known at tha 1 ORIGINAL KACISE WAOOlf. I it '. P . M td by erperleneed Wort men oat of at fd malarial as moaay can buy. .Via do not claim ta build lha lowest priced Wagons, tiut our aim iete build a wall propuitiened an'g n in all it' p-rta, and eieal In dorahility and li-'ht Portha peel quarter of a teniuri ih. M .tots II Vuf-m bet tuaoaesfully meiutaiiicd the r.- . in . i. .aa I hnug the best weon in u.e. 'ibt' i:ip d!y .i' crearii.g demand frr tbem protca tusit siuenorlt otrr nil other wagons. li-cbell, Lewis IJ , AJiwnlacturers, naciae,. Wi'Cor.nn. Firsalsoy Aug. I. UTS. TH0. T.tlLY, I'lrnrKiM i'a -XI:LL'Ton'8 UII I Nuti.a is here-. JlJ h giten that letters tes'an.ente.y bii'ing lass grauien 10 in. isiwinin w in. NAMUKl. MiT.WES. docHt'ed, lata ol Ctvrt. toansliip. (iearli.U county, I'lonii Usl.ia. all. pertui.e Initeheed to said data are irqcstid to. make imu.ediare nstment. and fhoae hatrhf- ataimt agniuat the same will present them -Only - autbeutiaaied fur aeluunenr. MtRT TflLLIAM, ' Herd, Jan. 14. IHTt-nt a K an trial' . HOUFE AND LOT FOR SALE! The lloase and Lot ou the eomerof Mar i si sod Fil'ih itrecta. Cleaifleld. i'a., ia for able: Tbe lot avnlaine nearly aB acre or gennrd, Tba hourc a a large doui la frame, cniaiinr.g nine Moms. For tcrum and oilier inioranaUirb apply lo the subscriber, at tbe I'oat Othtc. r But I X P. A. OAPI IW. Tbe Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Pean township. Cloarffeid Cu., Pa. BUMMED UUTI aot aar B URN ED U P! greaieipeiise. rebuilt a neigh la.rhood atoeeaity. in the erection ol n flrtu claea Wwolen sManutactory.with all the modern iHipnivemeeite ntlacbrd. and ara prepared tu niaka all kinde of Clolbs. Caseimerre, Salinctta, I!laa kara, Fianneli. Aa Plen'y of goods oa hand ta supply all cur eld aad a thoaaand oewousiouiert, whom we nak tu come and eiaraiae wur Hock. ; Tht buainrra of CAltUINU AND FCllINtt, will Tacetre onr especial titcittion. ' rrrper arrangeme-ntl Will be made to receive and deliver Waal, la mil customers, A II work warranted and done upoa tha sburtnet notice, nud tj strict .Ihl tion tu hurincce wr hope lo roaluc a liberal than f public patrtinnaa. . ItMMMI POUNDS WOOL WASTED! , Wa will pay the hifhe-t market price for' Wool and tell our manufactured gooill ae low aa similar goods can ha bought in tha county, and whatever we fall tn render rr-ueoiialile aatiafaction we nan alwaye he found at houie ready tu make proper elplanatHin, either in nersnn or hy letter. .A.HS.1 yviltcv a i-ir.a. i april?tf Bower P. O. ,4 NEW .DEPARTURE! j- Hi. VI Kir. 1X0 HEW; Stone Cutters and Masons. A new firm. ami. r the name of William. A) Otorga Annul, hnre started on their own hunk In tha Mono Cutting and Mason beeineiae. fa Cleat-Held, Ihry will be fi nd al all timet reedy lo take all eoMiacre and dn all hinds ol work in their line, rnnu tht baildttig nf a Cut Mona Maui-en to .ho lating nfa Cellar Wall. All worh entrurtc l tinhorn will remit psuaiiii attautloa and enti.faetioa guaran'rcil. - WILLIAM A UKURUK ASAL, , Claarlcld, Oct. W. l8it..Jtin . Spokrs, Rims & Now Handles. joiin g. Davis son',. ,1 IXHH SIOKE' HOV.RS, ' ;' B. W. Car.i.EOPAUI .A OTVEU. Mreete,' , , rilllAL'ivI.Pn.A. CHlead for Prlra Mat. . . ' , ?:.. 6a i I IMEl LIME I. lha Midori.-ik .I otvw PrftarH la faicUh tH pub'ln with nn riattlwiii i.alrT rf i Bollefonte Wood-Curncd Lime, fnr plitttariiig rn'pt , .t tde n'g. or tmnH quanri'v. ran V tvur I t..r hn (.rc.-tiit at i'ic'a n hni'ding, no 1-t-t f'ii t. fwil.if . I.. K Mi-nM.OIT.n G KIST M1I-LI XOTICE! I lake this rcetliod "f morminif 'he poWlieltiai I bet a pur hoard the t.nnw .Had. I (iritl Mitt, halt it Ih'irongSty r-piireil. aut aiu m-.w rea. lu grind aol k nil nt xrt'r. on'-i-ort ii'.liN., in tba beat manner. . A ehare uf voiir p itruuage it ta Halted. Yunrs ltrrprciiu l, II. FLEOtt.. Onarnt W l i ioai , Millar. Phlllpeharg. Pa . I) a. Hi-dnt. The Lightning THE andsrslKOed tra tht tole AgnU la ibll t'iMt fnrthe'-N'.rtk Amcrloau Halvanlsed LftlHTNIUli RODM." T ic.e are V.e only safe dl now la aaa. and ara .ndurted ky all tka toleniltle aira la tht aoantry. Wt hereby B"llf r the titiient of lha eoeaty ' that wa will pat them ap a baiter rod. and lor leea moaet, than It ahargad by tke forela tginii who annually tratsraa tha eoaaty aaa carry af aar little eaak, atrar la rataim. ' ENCOURAGE 110 MB LABOR. Tkoao wishing lightning Rods created aa tkelr halldlngi need hat tddrets at by letter, or call la pereoa. Wa will pat them ap aatbara In theaaunty, and wtrraaltbam. Tbo Hodsaad Fliiures aaa ba leea at any lima hy ealliag ft oariinra n r. ntubBB a cu, Olearleld, March H. I70 t i 'J PINK. wniT ROAN UVIKul 8KI Jaat replead and fur tale ky . AprU T, 111. B. r. BKtLmat as CO.