c . r GEOUQE B. GOODLANDER, '-:'." " teiiii in noninn, Oi I., ,i CLRAR FIELD, Pa. .. ... .. . . ' . : .1 . 1. In''.! WBDKMBAT HOMIHO, FEB. 4, 1V; ' 8f ATI PMMT4. It give M plf- rt to Mam thV Miar.!B. KUfin , A. CfVi'pf..Hrriburg. ' Were .awarded ..ib cop. tract for the, Stat prlling for rtfee mxi lhr yn, on ne gsm Bit., -by th! Joint 'lir-gtalativ Cohatlori., 1 Tlwlf Tontimci begin on'th lit Jdr ' iMpOBAUt 'pH.tT-80IlWf1 .White . AM intfftduMd b BiU.ln lb Senat bleb chaRge tbo itm for the meet. . 'toff of th County Auditor arid ' fir ,yub.thmg the public kcpounU, Will H mp&m(f B flniform State .tax4, of .three mill lor ewhaoi ,purroe.,,,.Nol - bavin; eon a oupy of ib bill w ar nib) to Sv any of iu detail at -ib.. -:-"V ; '-; "Jm"t"."5I. -io; 1 Op "trf J; the lrgeri, Cntoiiijiil' meeting yet bld 'Ru.mbted at, Trenton, N. J., on. tb 26th art, ' Th meeting. -we addrewed -by' TJi-Governor ' 'Bigter,' Governor Parker and 'Cojforntfy. -Jwttfi '. cni to be in or, af id ,awk over the th of July, 1876, . tban any: other - 8tt. ' " I jj?i.4! ,K.ttf.a-nii. o.ti : 8nter: Rattn: b rtportrd bill . ta iHT 8l"t SfflNt Jpporiitining. th . judiciul dintrit'1 of ihOmnr)onwo(i h; ' ' !o, tan et fixing the number of 'r itors end tJopienciiUliveit, i)d to p- - 1 portun th Mm into SvnatorlVl and k BeprenUlive dinlricU . proritl d ;y the CoflatUatfon. Uo or eounty i M4(nrd we fitv not learned. 't: ' 'Brliti l Pbiw. 'fli grat State; srobb'i'. Genrg Q. EvaoK had hi f0 jeid lri1, at JlarrieVor, ht rok. 7 The jury reudvird a vrdict in favor of lh Slate for H84,C6i M. Thiaia "40,000 more than wK awarded ou bU fiiii'lml, and aiill tl20,000 W jihan .tii ecMiunJrl ow th Siii. r But where i the diffenntef The 8uu will never Lt nh tent, and ill be cOn'ipollcd to pap tlO.tiJO cou. into jh." bargain' ' Evau Lu boon nurrun 4r4 by liirt bail, and ia nr lying In. tbO'Hamabnrg juil, coaling (he tax " paer of the Slate aixty-five tenia a day for "anh and boa"d." ' It i aid ,. tbVt Evai.i i oor. ' 'tlia W took v WltO.OyO out of lb Traury ha boeii prori-n by a aor' of 'tinlmpoauhablK 1 wiine. Now, where U th money? I it owiible that a miin of hi alirawd ( bh and -'fomineydahl deiMirtrotMit'' t crJII rob ilia T rrry of thru hundred t thousand Hollars, and ge it all away! lTPbo1a ") turlil.aiC to bvlieve that f '" ' ' m : - t'-. fWao Dm 'Ul AV1. obaerT by trrot document nt Ao. th Poalal i CoaniHte.i Cr.nre that th P. '31; Genl detika that h ever advo c'CMted (he impofition of otjr apn x;hane nd iMw'ipapvrf ithiit the eoanlj ber pnhlibi'd- ' Every Con tffrina lit the Union-ha told the r ame tory id hicVbaUtseBta,a' Now, J th quction hi (.oncern all, ia, who did advocat and pae that infa--tnoM.billi .-. Had our ConKr" ot itrabbed -np and pocketed' 15,000 xtr pay about that lime, th point aa w who paoed lb bHC would tie - atill in doubt J but w think that that . dirtr act ia a letfitiinat offuprinir ot the act iaipocing a tai Min -inielll-- gene, and that our member. Soofleld, 1 MBit lend rodfather to both aot. .' l5ptC!AI.LltblLATIol. Tb follow. I irj Ai't of Awwmbly, which Jaal week , paswd botbi Uouw, ia now th law ot tbe ' State- tr'iulaiing: special Legitla- '!! " :" '.'.v - BacTiea I. U nmtti -, Ikat a leaal r ' pM!( bi.l, mitutt to ''i ml or tiiHl a fhvl fc vadm4 hj Ike LIMam Im ul lb. tamhtaa at Ktr ilwilrpll h yabllih I 4k luooiii btr M mtiut r iaua w antd nt uitv b, IluaI.jJ. ttblvb awtiM tl.ftli fttal Dei I tif ih ml n l aKjMH t ib bill. nd ili.ll e A (Mbifetw lf)r BN Mm inaa t mt lawliant ia i "j. Uum mitt ctk ur iuur luwwtirf .k, I yrmivl i itit auni.v, ur la ok ot rt rri . anttiitiaa nbtra aaab laatur ur IbiD u lw Aml s jajay u uiajateeV.I rM Uinr.kHl w M M mill luinv dm Drifr lu wubift ikr- wuutk iw fjwioUmtal brertt.iliig Ibt iulru4uQ0op vf vofc bill Mn tb UauTJ A' ), and tlrwa. b at , taxi oml tlx pwtln taartMri. rrt oatw), Tlil lb publicati.'B ia on brMiei ' '(bail ba dn(l uBclnl ekrt bal It ybk- hk-d la in eubiiiji vr dmIiw lrrid " ' " ' Thi prrliiniiial'Y priiceediiig 'rffVc- luaTJj aquiitclie what haa' heroiol'ore j iec tenued ' by the Lobby anake legislation,'! and puu.r) thinx be , fjvf .tb jKMple in time to check-maw ..jr.!l otfeBlm LnHtlulinn. ' ' 1 t Lof Ab TnonDM. Ad interim Vio President. Carpenler, "tnude a two Jay' tpeoi-li'ld tho United Siuto Sen ' ,(, l'at wriek, on LdUMiatia alfjir. i fjrpaaur demmnouj the conduot ot -iH ffm&imi in tin bukin in ry tur trHM, and if te .hiIUkd not the drift of atfuir the Hi.dical party , will yet bt oome nvrv dumoiallxad, be h caua of th policy purueJ by th ad . fMiniatration, ' tban th eopla of ' Loaieiina, who have be-n llteraltf en- ..alared hy Grant and bla brotht-rln taw, Caaey, and th drunken Judge Darell. wbo h overthrown the Slat rorernrarnt, and beep a miaer ' LI acalawag, named fHvUtig, In the j Z!xrutlvo chair by th preatig and . wenu of a body of Uniwd 8tau i oMhra. What a borrlbl orim it froBld kav ben f Prealdent Bu ' otiasaa to hav don th Hit lo Kan , au, aixten yttn fK v. I ti fii'i' Doolitil baa been la- IMlmr frm Cmrrttkmrg. Habriiburq, Feb. X, 1874. Kb. Epitob t The trial of the two BtgroM of wbloh. I wrot tob leal wk.u oyer, ana ,n vraiot recaraea against Uero li "nlUy f murder in tt ni-t tsfre " tb i jxxiyU iu Man allay ti b thi llU Many BNffiben of lb Let- lecture were ppjbcot to )iMn to i tbe able 'pleadiTigV of oouoim for and ajcalnat lb pritonera. Tbe Lirgialaturo I getting (through with cooaiderabl work, and Ter thing move' along quietly 'a' we befor rpojld to-you. - The lertion bil! baa paaeed tb llouae, earn back to lb Senabs with k number qf pew amendtntnta, "paaaed (h1J8onat meiidmonl and all. and ,1a. jDoavtb law of th Wale. It contain twen ty.eix long ovtlon. ; ' Klhevh" Jihou and eopiea will be printed at ome for diatrihoilon. The bill appear on It fuo lo be a fklr oh. 'Jirtre-a fll ihow wnetni-r any enancea tur iraua are contained' in 'it'" Tho f6lowlng ia! onma-ol' th ork pgrformrd It) lU Senate Ihe pact wwk : The toll rela-l tiv to the parcbaKe of "Purdon'a DI-1 ext'' ibr1 each Senator and dork, earn op for conldertlori.' ".White1, or lodiarin,' rrtovrd 'that- th Wit bt.ao amended a to provide for Ave cople of tho l)iget to be furnlhkd tut the oee or xne aetiatr, ana to ti labeled '8eilat jproperty;' not only :nta amenament bnt the biir itflolf rM Voted down.v Every year noretotorevrry member pt the Senate and fiouao received a contr of thia Diiieel, coattnir the Stat about fifteen dollar eauh, and om of them inuat have by thia thud an ntir li braty rf them, aolM tbay have aold them each year. ' ' ' ' . , : . "' ' . i Tb tollowliie bill war naaaed flnal- ly the Senate i, Requiring all pur i lia-ea of atationery, fuel, k: I to he by ootitrac-t witu tbe loweat bidder. Aleo on protfidiiitf for the iymnt of tli rapenari of adreriiing the new vonMiiuuon. u girea pay to an peraojia. who publlheJ thi Vonatttu. lion wli'vtbur tney received authority to do- d front th Siicretary pf Hie Commonwealth or noi ' 1 Rill N., 1, from the flonse, provid ing for the publication of hoiioea of itrniioed torn! or ' aiieviat IejilHilon. i'tiie up'iii tho Senate, on. thirteenth readlnrf.. Jt waa aiiiendwrDy .tiient, that 'tho udvertiaemeiit ' he publhthed by a Gvrmuh paper If there be one in the county, and alwi by twt Enlu-h apt-r tmbliahed in Hie mne count v Th- bill , red u Ire the',' adverti- ment'to be tiublUhrd 'not Ivaa than' thirty " daya, t mr tban three moiitliK previoua fo it Mug received it? either Houae. Thia hill .eeiit bat k to the' llouae. ! The Houae non-concurred t" th Senate amendmoma,nil Kppoli,tod a committee of threo mem- neia a a i-onlereot-e cnmittee., rui cnmniittee" hul 'not'yet retiorted. Many petition are offered here, eeue- cially in the lloune, from all parta ot the 8ute-ajkiiiV the reiieal of the Lo. cat' Option bill. On thl qucnliou the toiiowni( riijliition wa pnaaeu by ibe lloiice, without !ippoition .: . ,, , Ittiilroi. Thai Um AlUrnar 0n,til of Iki t'ttr b raMPtxl w iB'ona ckli IIuum kthw. IB BIBBfllNWB. CM pBMHBf VI BB Bal riBIIU( kf Lol 0M"B l BUBld k dBB WllkvBl Ti- liln( ibt w luniUtBtiiia. . , s , . Ilia deciion on that point la pa tiently awaited. . . .: . : Uooo lull Hit Z, beinaran act relat ing lo vacaiicie In the i.fflcea of Pro thohotary, CUrknol Couite, and Beg- ter and Recorder, wue coni-ntered in the Ilonr on Tueaday. The fliat aeci ion enact that iiilb event of a vacancy, occurring iu any way, in any ut thea ottirea, it liall he lawtul fir any deputy of cui h nlHi-e tn diiHiliargu Hie detic of the offlcd until a mi cet- or h hwti a)ipililrd and qualified. Huf)irvdniiig tbi bll irJvea bond hinlar t that of hia urtnctnul, aaid bonj be approved by tho Judx ot theConimou flea IJi.urt of I lie toon i v in wbicli the vacancy ucc-ura. The eeoiiii aertion toakea it tho duty of nil nth olflcera mentioned, to appoint one prlniiul deputy, tu'aul in lime of tho (tenth or re-firnalion of hia priu -ipal or when there ia a vacancy in the otlte tor any cil. . Thl lo.be ion Imme'l'aleij' uixm th pamaKoi thia act. ' Thia hill pa-d finally, ,in. the Hon, without oppoeitinn, , .., 1 Tit IIonelKo nawd, on Tuesday, an act to italiliah w-parate Or haim' Courta In .all counties having more than One hundred and Bit" thonaand t a population, and to provide fur Judge thereof The bill paeed and wa aetit to In Herat, , . ,,' Both !IoUm diet in joint veMlnn, 'Hi day laat week, to open th bid tor th public printing lor tare year, from the flrat Hay of July text. Mem-re. B. P. Meyer k Co., of the Piitriot oltk-e her, were th lowaat bidder, ami were given the contract, their offli-ial bond .having been Ural Bi'gnvd and mad over tv th Stat authorilie. .. On Thumlnr th death of Ex-Chief Juki ice Thompson having been tele, graphud here, th following preamble nd revolution an iaeeu by in Senataf ..;:; j' v.. . r ..- ... WaaBBti. latBlllctBM haf rBtk4 Ik. Svatto of 'ibt tudd.a dttlk ofJ!i.t'bl Julio Ikooiii- m. eaktf A tb H i of ttrbrittaiBIUTt of tuu CuauauawrBllk, lor ittmwj frt, a BwtBr ( i Dri, a titlml tUietwaa anal jBrlii, iktrifurt, 1 iMinht. Tbat u a aurb ot mawt te all auiMOM, taMi da atw adjoara. . Menem. jBcthtel, White, MoClure and Wallac paid aioqdeAt trlbutea to lb memory oi inu lieceiuiea. ah uni. td iu aavribing honor to him for th laiibluiatMl uble manner la which ho had tluwharifed biotMHat dullee. ,ln th,Uec, on Friday, Mr.1 Pot ter rrad ii, place a jietition lrom oili sen ia ajienrtield county, tor a law regulating tho publication of vtHuial and lval no'.icca. . Bill No IV vaUllliahlng an Inaar. atioe liepartntent in th State' govern. meot,pad tbe Beiiale finally un Fri day. Xh Henal adjourned aulil iue day evening, February 3d, at 7 P. M. i : j,; ,. . iruiy your. ,Mr. Weluu letter , lo President Grant relating to '-Indian Affair," and found oo our firat ge, ia excel leiit reading matter. Do uot let the aiipnrent length of th letter dolor you from reading it. CotiviCTIo. The two negroe, Bo aenatin aud Moody, who oionlerd a termer named Behm, near Middle. town, laat November, ware convicted at Qnrriaburg laat week of murder la Ibe firat degree. Tmkib Fuoar. The political bnt tarda wbo Kre been feaaiing nd fat- untoi upvtr th xil of Teaa fir th pneltMt f ear nav m itiiiiwomt MM Gfanl reluaed to aend troop to nnibatsi ibmi. Probably, alter boutb Carolina, TaiBa we in teat ed with tbe vlhjfk A-rd of Meandrvls that vr Nf Wm SmM mt ufChUf rttattc TNJMM. A mot lamanUbl event occurred la th Supreme Court Room, Wed urdy, 28tb ult, during the proceed. Iri Jtefor) th Suprem Court in bno. I Ex-Chief Jwtiee TtnpMn, lit th opn!ag t)f aeonctvdiet rt tnent In a Imporlaot oaa, haddaaly drnppWdead. v ,, n I 1 - The "court,-at th time, wa "well fiHed by tbe motnber. of tho br. a th eta in Wue wat not only an im portant ouo, but tb tact that th ex Cliief Jutlico was to finlah the argn menV-eerved to attract many of otir a bleat juriata to the court. Chief Jua tfc Agnew, and Judge Mercar'antl Gordon1 were upon tbe bench; 'The cao.wliich w up ww thalj'f-.Dugh W. H'Rey nolda, et al. va, William Laiigenbergef1, t !l lictiAh for ejectment ou kt appeal from' Columbia county:-l'Mo' -"" ' ''"" '' Hon. George ' W. Wobdykrd, 1 th leader ot i-oiiki lor th aea-nueni in error,' had Jut fioiihed hhj rgpmont having uttered ' bla' latf :entnv. about 20 miouteii ot on o'clock. Ix-Chief - Juat'ke ' Thompon thn roa to reply. - Hi 'appearance at thia moment1 hud nOiblug lit St to excite any .anxiety on tbe part of tlie audi tor. 11 atooU. etill a moment 'after rising, renting hia band upon lb ta ble immediately fronting Chief Juatloe Agnew, ann men, in a tow toncanaeu th Court to bear with him. aa it waa Impowlbla for him to apeak either loud or rapidly. -; ;"r s'' lie opened hi argument, taking cepnon to a reluark of the gentloitian who iiitu jiim prrceeued mm. ana who had ud that Judge El well (from tbe interior of th State) ' wa V butter Judge lon' tax" tiile than b (Judge Woodward) himiiolf. ' " " "; i "Judge Thompson polnt.id Aut an error whirli the ppttomt counxel had. perbap unwittingly, fallen Into, and waa about attempting U refutation, wben auddenly'hi voic fuiled him, and' hi countenance grew pallid, and he" ank upon hia chair.' H panned hia hand over bit brow, and cloaud bis j :l "; . Judge Woodward, who tot next to him, at Once Offered lilin'a'ill of water, hoping that th draught would revive him, and the ex-Chiel Jmlioe madx ail Iffott, t tak it. j' A he ex tended hi arm, he oddi nly full from thd chair to the flejor.', ' ' ' all tbi iMM-ured nmr rapidly than we t-iin deKurlbe it, Judgd Wot.dwurd 'uhd a iiiiuiber of the maiubcra of the bar noareat Judge TlioinpAon raitt-d him up, and a "tliey' did o' bl fuuv beeitme full) eXponed , ' '. ' , 1 ' The eye were c1oel. and the coun tenaiice wa covered with the paljor of death. The acene enaufng upmi th i' dread fit I occurrence Wa ime ot great' excitement and one of groat aorrow. .-; ' .'; ' ' tb form of the deadjuritt waiten daily raiwd up and placed, upon the table, the head renting upon a i-uhion. The liewa apreud with the ulnui-t rapidity, and among tiha Brnt who cam into ' the court, kcarcely five miliutea after Judge Thompaon had fallen, wa Dr. Pike, of tb Fiiib Street DinpeiiMiry. ' " ; Ikfore hia arrival the collar of the ex-Chief Juki Ice had heei) opened, and all the expedient which the moment ruggonieil for reeiiacitatiuli Wire ap plied without avail.- Dr. Price ' applied hi ear lo (he heart, and Iheu, turning to the aa- rembled judge and lawyer, euid, in a ruliinin twne :. ' 'Gentlcinen.he i dead. and the cause of hin death Wai heart diaea.", New ot the aad event wa al once aenl to th'o 'nop ol the di-ceaned, and he canio into the court room, which the officer endeavored to clear a raplnly aa (toanibl. ,, ( " in ere waa an uninterrupted me panning In and ont of the door for more than an inur,ninipocdoljudget liiwyem, cit v ofHciul and merchant. rim called by the report, naieneu at n to learn ila tiutli, and to nee the remain ol a man whone eminent anil ity, kind and geiieroundiNpM.tlion,had won their arrecllon ana eniecm. Thoe who had wim-ned thoeve-t were called, upon from all aide lo give the detail. Judgea Mert ur. Agnew and Gordon, after 'conaultation with th leading member of the bar who were preaent, decided to adjnurn the court over until Iht ( 1 liumuay; morn. ing at 10 o clKk, when the tnrinnl an. nan-emeiit of ihe death oi the ex Chief Juatice ahoutd be made. The remain, afi er remaining a ahnrt time in the court room.wer removed lo the reaidenc of the. devenaed, on th aouih tide of Spruce atreel, In-low Seventeenth Tho lute Clnuf Junlie Thotnpnon leave a wife, two on,aiid two daughter. . , : aatToa or mi oabiib. Jam Thmiin waa btrn in ab town of lliddlenex. Berk Couniy, Peunrlvauia. Octotier 1. 1806. Um father died when be wa yet an infant He began lit by emoting a prating oltlce, where ae learned to net type and eventually beoawie a wrtiter on tb Venango county Preu, at Frank lin. and mude himeell quite connpk-u on in tb defenne ot Gen Jackenn. He noon, however, abandoned thii outline and wont to Ki Unniug. Penn nvlvania. where h enierej uimm-ii a a law ntuuein in tne oroee oi. Ji"n llluir, then a leading attorney of We. tern Pennvlvaiiia, and wa ailmllleu lo ihe bar in lHli9 by, Judge Young Mr. Thomp-on aoon becam pronn it in bin prol'en-lon, extending hia iirantice to tbeaill'-imnaTCiiuiillct. ; iu 1882. he wan announced by the Demo. urate aa I liuir candidate tor Aaeinbly man for the di-trict componed ol the eouiitioot Venango and. Warren. Atir a warm rotet he waa elected Uv a lara inalnrhyv Withont oppiwi lion lie waa re.eiwlvd iu l88ii, ai d iraln in 14. In 1833 be wa th nominee ot hi party lor fH)aer oi Ilia iiouaaof KuiTmcntativen.bat waa defeated : Al tho communocnient of th VBuceeding eenion ol 1884-6. he wa airein .uoinlnnted and elected iiieakerof tit llouna, nolwithnland inu he wa the toungeat member of that bodv. i i . In 1835 he nrenided over the Demo cratic Convention ahich apliton the ienue tirtweea Wolf and Muhlenberg for the Gubernatlonal nomination. In 1K3H h wa chiMh-ii eh eloral large lor Prxaldent and VicoPrenident, and in the Elocpiral College voted for Martin Van Bur, lor Preaidenl, and William Wilkin tor Vioe-Preaidenl a did the entire Electoral College oi Prnnnrlvania On returning to Venango county in the Spring of 1836, Irom lb LegWa. tur, be engaged in hi profoaaional pamaWl, and continued to practice and ride the circuit of Ihe oountle i Crawlord, Warren and Jelfereon, until th 8otin of 1HS0. when be waa ap- pntd by Governor Porter to th oeition of Diatrict Jodg of tb Sixth Jadielal IMctriet, eompoted of tb oounUM cf Erie. Orawftird, Mvroer, Venango, and Warren, lie ervod In th Dietrlut Court for ! Vra.-. , . Iu 1843 tb Democratic coBfertM Of th Coiigreional Ditri('S empoed ol th oupnlle of -Erie, rrn, fol terlk, J) klTeraon 'and Ctorion, aoml naui Jul re Thomfoa, wt watill on Ae lench, for Conrea. At th predin ! election, tb dutriot una goneaganitkin vemocrava, uuiuua ThompMA waa aucoenaful by a ma- ortty ot Bva or aix buudrtil- vot In 1B46 he wa re oleoud, and again in 1848, thu aereingfaix yearaaaa member of tb Uoune of Ilepreaenta- tivee, and retiring in March, 1861, when he declined a renominatlon, , tDurlar nit)ri.tcrm lie wa'a ma- ber of ihe Committee on the Judiciary. tn1S, b wwnhMrtv w th Btte Leuialutur again, againtt hi araoai Brateata ji.w ..nw .i ! '' i.. !..' ;18&7 I wa lrflted .to: in su preme Dentin of ibe, Slate, and (erted Shy oar a .Juntlce, when Uon( Jere mialt p. lk, then VU'et Junlic, re igned, and JuiHiue Thompaon and Sir.ng,,i being a eq sal age -tb Uoncbi una to draw iota tor in vtitet- litp, in whk-ht Jucg Thompaon Wb auopennfuli ). Tld latter poeitioiii.b filled for 6 year, op. to th clone' ot hi terra at tb una t iuyz. Jn May of , that, year,, he received from ht Dumoeraiiu Convention a unanimOB mnoniinalion, having ptrvioiinlycBi)J . . a . l . ....... i . i t -t. . . rT urpieti bo numiiitiHii vi nr jjtinir Belorm t;on vention, At Ibe Uetober elevtl m, boever,-rio wa delvated, tnr Uou. uiynnU" Jdemir. tiie Kertio uiun candidate, by a piajoriiy of 40,. 443. r." ) - ' i f 1 to () J t. r In 186, Judge TboinpaeB Temeeed hia taoiily to Pliiladiluliia, -where' h continued to renide ap to the time of hia death, devoting hia time tine M retirement from, the beucl lo tli practice oi hia profion-: j .J Judge Thoronaon, althoogh an r- dent Democrat, alwuyg commanded th reenect of the beat men of H partk-a. and in prfva'.e lite wa tnech enteemed a: warm hoarted, oullivated, alxl genial gentleman,:) ?. ' ' ' i i . , 1 ' iTho Did MGrnl,Mantumd .... . ' BuUtr. -t It 4 rer'y aelilom that a Democratic uewapaper editor can, find anytbitig in th column of .Harper' 'Journal of Civilitallott" that bn rtimmetid-, except'lhu tkilt o 'i A'dtt-y carica- urinl Uet-rntiy, however, the edi tor, of that journal he monifenled a dlnpoailion to tell th truth -about ome thing which have tranpired at th National Captibl Hence we quote Min aa nuinuiiiy ujmii. b queniion in voicing ib atability of Hth govern. men i,'' a Lincoln wa termed by the Harper. Tb eivilizntion editor, in alluding to the repeal of (he "lalary gra'b,aay:' ":,,'. '; ,' . ... Tko, Ibi, fbaeral aat tf Cttrrttt b wnodl- ttU hy Cnf rtt I mII. It wat a Of of dang oat t.flleta.1 drMtn-aliMtion, and th aivraal aad ladtenaal aruirtl ahitlt a)var4 Ib Ik . and I tha awlllloal uBvrBilon at ll) a ign of aoaad poblic tratlaiau It Ua rj tn uo fM lo B tluta bMrrw IB WuhlaUiB ikat L'oafNM It (Mwall arr.Hi'llr itaoraiil t tkr tl lBrfajl l rub UoiBt . Tbrkabiltt tlrlrl parlr MlivaM.Bla' I ictuial .irrk. Blk, Tbt biiibtr ttandtrdt .if M.ariMi trt r.Volltn Ib th dMirau m ana tatltlV party artus. and inert it ufliiaai lorfMiaiim laat aartt ataar a o latlllBl aad koanrtbi lOatal. . Tb ' talarw trak i -thd"4knaak Oaaantt b Ibrat Ibroan k dtir f dinner, tbt know a-itb nf lb frrtld b , at Ul biatada ol BulWr. Tb7 ar laiutaial ta.l erttia, wkll. pabli iiiaiaa wat rnut ana vbtear. Tba'-grait-vat drttra Ikroacb. ltd, allkuuik ie It no re- paaWd, tbt wiwbMf it bat etaintd w sot b aodvu. It kat lajartd tbt aaOaaal mpwt Ibr OungrtM, aad 11 bat injur I ibt Ktuahltuau uart. Wkai a .r(!) Kb Bnr.l Mat it will kat bB bh of tosM foud Nnx If It tball kat Uutlil aitaiWn af fiami Ikat tktlr aa boa- orahlt tattinett nfimii th raal aadouanvliing uanii ip.BH Biaary aarittu tbt pvt t i.a into kit wa bart Bad virttv. Vihib all aiitt- tivnt tarvltiDt bono aad BMiral priBtiBM, aba bintit h-glalaior aiaj a-itrly bob iara kit ova baart aa t roi, Bad b will b tart tbt pabln aapvorttBH aa atairat. Here we bav an open, tree conf-. nion, made by the leading admininlr- lion organ, that thia liiiquiloua piec of National LegUlalina wa brought about by Grant and Beaat Butler and th love of1 money ; Three twt men were immedidate and pfenning." What Biahop M-rcvta up Giant and Butler to do thia iniquity f Or, waa t brother Newman who chaplained tbi act Ihroaiih C'onerea via tb lobby f Pott'Ottltt Ml or org, T00, When Grant nt-nt Williama' aame tn the Senate for Chief Juetice, atune spiteful fellow chargrd th Attorney General ilh. having purchaaed hia atyliah '"livery rig" with governtnenl cash and hat tb ope carriage alone ot the Treanury 11,600 From what happened int we aro Mtinfied that he half baa not been told, about tbi '. ivery butinene.' A Washington cor rpndont of th New York . 5 baa been peeping Into tbe Ponl Olfle Department recently, and he bat din- Covered that home, harnea and car- riaiie are purchased, kept aud fed lq the DeDurtment J'or the pcidl Be bl the family and Irienda of the P. M. Genenal, and the rsp'ntea charged up to the Department a o much . V9J for transporting th mail. Th or, rpondent in qoenlion on lb 20lb of Jannary, wntuathbaf ' ' 1 Th Int rtanrt tf tb tintodllort f Ik tlk llt tral had of Ik Part OBM lltaarllatal for Mttral ttar vat lo-daj ata to tb Hpoaaw of tb Hoot bjr th fwaiiittr trtrtU . Tkt hrtM aa lmfrm hatlnett IB Ihlt dtlMrlBMBt ku aot rratbtd ikt tplaadid proieli ot sane al iu atatr acpariawait, aat m it Bruriaiian artm il.ro. Lodtr tb Lrad of kwKlni kort d mnairini arrliart, wag oar, and BaratM, lb piMlaiatUr Utaml rtpurtt at Iblhivt i Kn.tlriof htram ....,.- Ill to Hlra kaobltt, ktaakttt, kalltrt, Attn... 00. d - Kopatrisa tb oBir.an h..tlrir.f tuft, ttlr, , ol vtgu ...... Mrpairing Bad ttlHODg tar ring -.. Naw than.ntv bollt. it , lor wagna ll u U I III M 11 M I Tt Maajt for earriai. Tbrrt aoatkt' ll'tfj lor tat born, at f.11 parmiisib - Tbrat sioaUit' aeditla. !M ri ne IM a lie w PO,.,,(.. ,.M. ...... M....M...1 Pu..HM. 1 " J Clipi'log hornat III. of bona Msdimasand BMdtsal atuadaao fat Iw kia mm ...... M..,M....i. bating hortta danag jraar tailing Jaa lll,lkra.. I M 1 M M tt H Total ,.tM It Balker atptatitt for tw bort la tb I ta tr af property btloaglaf U Ik ran OBt prptrtaiMBl tw tar rlt got aad lt kartti ra art dava. Th Medicin bill em very big. for tbi lalltod bnt may be reaaona. ble for "government boiMi," eaad to carry Royal got. : ' , II I l".- 'DBAD.rBotb th Banking aad tb Pott Offle Committees In Congre. hav reported agatntt' Foalmaaur General CrewU' potl Uplting oher, to Which k ra o devr icf1h atthf4. :c:im m mzmnzx U-a,. boao ruRo ACCIL F. irtttOir, .., Triannw f CTaaeltld eoaatyla the Cowawaetellb r ryl- Taaia, la asMaai wua is utfli at lat " ' : aearea. ' , , 1 Tv isintBl aavtlkMlad for 1871... j 1 Tdl T asiMBl asisBMd lot l;.......'v... 1,U Te'sddltloBBl , Ill To l. IB Trtftarat t aaatfi Jaa.jj,. .0,197 ai .Tetal. .MM4 M btatemknt or road 1'a ba iasot da 1Mb Jaa. lift, To BswaBt Adam Tev t d oaal , )a bead.. UutuiMi! . in I- rtMm.i Btocajia. Barf, Hlooia., .. . i:i M IfiU ID I III Ik ,11 M ""Vi'ti I It IT 1 101 li B..MI Bradroil 1M tl 171 I Mil Stl th -., m ij ,'..4 Hi Ji 3 . 17 II Brady t'i'r il ;. Hi . 471 la "' 411 14 tt 4H . . 11 4 Bariitltt.. 'I.) rkt.t... CatlBgl's Sll i ri iwaatar... Ml H - IM III 1 I 4 .141 II i,nr 40 ' It 4 it W Frriarsa M Ik Ulrard,,.. QMhan ;.. OrakaaiM Uallob... Hi M aa km J r.itt 40 U 41 44 ' -7 I t I. l i II. . 1.KI0 It ' l K) "'' W i 4-0 40 1 i.ivii m J,M 411, -Ml to ' Ilt44 . 14 II 1 047 i,io te Hallo ... . I,4I Hi I 1.1! Jordaa..., Karthtat 74 14 ' ; rl i tin liH Kaul .. -.1 f U I Ml , 4M III 111 II .' 4a Lsvnaot (Ml i it li Vlrit Cell ....i. 4 4 Pin.i... UbIb..,. Woede'd. ' . 1111 .v: Total.'.! ,MT H ...,....... . ,. Ilk IK ll '1117 I.74M I MtWJtjltlUJK BCHUOI. tUND ITUR IBTJ. SAtiCtL'P. WTt80. tn., TrMrw of Cltarl.ld mar, la tk. Cosjaoaatalfb tf PtBstyl- . tsalB, la BtMBat ana tat ran at m bb tatBrai bursa; - .1 T aatoaal anlhinld.., ., T b I Trtarurtr'i baadt dan 11,4k ft ; 4,14 Ik 11,0111 TO 41 Ik 14. Ts amntnt aiKtM.I fur n7) T addltiesal for 1171....... . . . ,., , Total,,, ,.1J74 41 ) l.f,.M. .M.,.M .7 BTATtVKJtt OP SCHOOL FCIID It DKTAtl. I I ' II I , . . J III I 1 1 fc- -L- , .-. .., Xo balaa da m - ts. ,' , Jaa. 1871. Tobbiobbi Addl- Byeann By aaiV By aarnant Damien. ' ' i '- attvtttd Uoaal. .' Total., tratloai paid Bia'l uaaollKltd tt, ji i,:r Unaulrottd Ob band, lot 1871: Traaiurar Btotarla... .. 171 II 1J4 l lit ku . tit 44 15k Ik i 48 Hll t M "- 7 1,11 ea .,ll on 47 4n , 4i 7 t,T at B:oi...;.. 1 H'l 10 i 4 7 144 .' .. : ' tl tk .'...a...... --at t ' - 44 ' Bogg 1W1 44 M A ; IV4 44 .. 44 M 140 Ik i IM lb Bradf-rd... ' 187 Ik 1.14 41 Iu4 14 Til I? "41 Oil 104 i ' 71 74 Brady...... " 171 M ' ' ' IM 4 '' 1 14 1,104 1. 14 IS 41 M7 44 Baralide. '.'I -11 T4 " ' 41 17 A Ml .t..i... " 144 ll ...'... 41 IT 114 04 Caeit...,,. I 1 IU , 444 l-. !.? f ' " 'i.....AV.. 1 1.077 11 CoTiagloa. ' 41 1 Tl .. 1 4(1 n ..i.rti..... MB Tl 1,10 Tl Petaiar ... 70 40 1 144 11 1,144 M 1,17 7t U M ' Ml 11 T,l 4 rratt.. ."Mil IB 41 147 4 a 4b H 4 ........... " I 1 It 14 Uirard... Ill 11 1111 v 11 J,'H 41 ........a.. ' Ml I.' i I 41 41 Outhta... ' 44 TO Ul. l,Mk 4U Ml 14 ' M ' til t.4l 40 Orakaai... 144 14 ' .1 1 l - 111 " ' 40 ' 11 11 04 Halltk kill ''111 U ' Tl tn 1.M4 4 141.1 1.14 14 Ua.lot-... 1,411 M Tli vl 1,11 4 ......... 1,11 114 41 Tl 4.4 M Jordaa ,. Ikl kt ........... lit to lui 0 10 tt Kartkaal.. 71 11 ! 41 4;l4 4f 1,144 1 .i 4 . 14 41 1.104 II Kbub....;. 14tn ' it 10 474 ....... 1.174. , 1 ,1.14 Lswrtaot. t.Mll li i I7 11 " 1,41 11 .m l,4l 1 I 11 , T 11 1,W n klorrtt.,.. . 1,017 tt- ,r l W . l . I.TM V ' pa( tta , Tl v ltd iki ll t f k .,.,. ; Tim fln....... ...I ......... !," t l.M IN I, l pike ; 4I 4 Tk 70 ' IM an 17t ! 1 T4 7 7 J lioioa ...... , Tit -, 414 74 , Mil W ....... llk4 7lHT 1,91147 Wtodw.rd 1.510 ! .41.78 . 1.301 M 1,411 In I M . 41 7 1,411 to i Total lt,V J4.MI II.M JJI 4S 14 18.l74 I? ft.TIt 4 1.11.441 41 COURT V FUND FOR 1STS. KAMI'tt t. WIL80R, Kto,, Trrvarrr of Clear-j Itld taaaty. la IB coaajaw.iB oi renn,yi-j I at)a, Is aarsvBt wltk tbe faadt ef laid oty ' frnai tba trtt dty at Jaaaary, A. ll. 11;, to tb Iftb day of Jaaasrt, A P. U74 , asoroa. TklBdaoBBiyatlait,Ultait 11,444 1 To ami'ttnt du Irani eallttorl.H 4,711 4k Ta tsi'i due AswaatMitd lanrtt, la71 l,7bl b To la'l daa fraai .ntttltd hud, 1471 1,IT 40 Ta ptpmast sa aJd prima let... 1.1V1 Mi To aaiouol af aealtd daplitaiae for (111. rli: Voomlo. Avalt. : tl lka 44 lie 41 - ', IW 11 II li 411 t4 14 11 ' l,l7 41 60 H 1.4 I 11 47 1M IV tl 14 , B.ietria. Btll BIoobi Boggt....... Brt.lord.. Brady Barmid.. -I- 1,141 11 111 It l,ll 4 It 14 71 14 IT 1.171 l 17 It . I il 14 It ; 1,74 4t 4 II 14 tl i 4 71 INN 41 11 111 44 41 It Ml 11 4 It ' 404 14 11 M 18 II 1.1 11 71 tl ti 11 '.' 844 M 41 4 Ml k 41 M TIT 74 4 II 140 44 134 II 114 to It 1 tkttt...... 0'iTHlgtOB...... C.aarktld Carwaatrilit... Pmar......,M. ' PtrgaM.B ,... Oirard Hothea Orabaa. Ool.tk...... Ileal Ult.... lluMos Jordaa. 1 Kartkaat.... . Knti. Lewrtt.ee ...... Laabar City... kt.nri Kas WatBiB'ta Os-eeU- Peaa ..... ..... rikt.M....... faws Wewf.aid. a: 1,414 4 - M It lb 14 . , II kl 1,151 M ' M 41 It tt M k 1.711 11 . 101 7 441 1 17 11 to I 41 14 Total.. Ill II 1411,704 t 17 111 t T aaviaai af at J.lia ta lar 111. l.ln Ta taweal af ktak tal lar 171 Tt aettaal of Java regittrf tal Ta aweaBt af Oetsbar rtglttry 1st.... Ta eofti ref .B'ld by Hip., T fc fras) Waltwi for waiiiag ai.d To oatk for ma ttuTat .... ........ To satk freta Cirwtt.tillt kridg Itll 1,44 11 III n 244 M 17 U n 14 40 11 Ml T Balk rniei RleBard'l T aaak frosi Taora far briok To aath fron Bradford atarattr....,.. T atb from Ualhsh trrt Tvtaab IWhb tits. C (irk.suiasibawa sr for Casnaay...... Taeaik frost Ote C. Kirk.aoaiailitloa. srrtr Kirk T Nat af Ooarl Ilea, till . . ' By Coltai aa Troupe. .......... By Btrgtr d ... By tktr - ' da T itll arbltrattaB ai Tu cu.li rtlaadad per Tsts........, Ts radtwpitos, tilt On let aurti ia Buggi ft It Oa 0 Bote Is Brady lit ' Oa 7iaitta Bob ......... 14 M i Ob Hid aorat la UwrtBo.... I It ' Oa M7 Bora ta Pik - 4k tt Oi 10 sen ka Vbtr. t 4 Oa 1 toll ib OsMsta ......... I Ik T jury sad rtporur 'i lt.v T taw aad tirfeitarn.. Ta aaMaat m7 BirltoB bandt Ittatl, Iron Me ttt s Bo. 141., ............ to ta t IM I 17 11 111 II M M ' .! I It . 41 to d 10 I4t 74 tt lb 1,0k t 4,001 n ' Telaf. '. ' any.Mt r .. , .- taaaiTsa. By vtisty srdtr red.vs.ed, vlrt By Agrioallarel I'oeltly........ Hy saititaN' wagea By aadltsri aad olarki.. By atdillag Prtitbnastarv aud Haakv Itreed Kvesrdsr'i aosaaaii.. ...... By Plitrltl Atlamey feci. By laitatla BaylBst, tli i - HarrUrrarg. ...iI 11 . B'BTllit......., ........ ...... I M By bridge, "li I AaieoBt la Ball tnwaablp ' kndgt ,M M Astauai ta Utsarseld r'k ' bridge ...,..,... M M Aateaai lo Union Widg., kt Aeioaat ta Pike krldge.... Ml M Aweuat ts Olra Must bdg 11 liar o 1,I7 71 M M 114 177 11 1,144 7 By asa wt pais nvisgv vaewec...... II 41 Ht new uosatltstl.. , By Cutely CeBjtatiiloserl' vagal, rli l F. P. Wiret. ..4t-1 M ' 0. (. Tutor.... ..Ml M J. 0. Tkaatpasa. 41 it Clark Inn 77 M Dt eatoaat paid tlerk..... By BSHSBt paid rvsrt risr.. ..,, i , By vtarl rtpnrfrr.... ...,..., By Cosrstlaainam' osaastt By eeaataMvi' rstsnu ...,....., By O-urt Hoaaa. vln . reel ..M7 II Rtptlrt 41k M Risret. . 17a ft Laaip sad sil M t Stad Br parvsMal. ........ II Tk Cleaalag yard aad gatler..., M tt Otvtsisg water akvjet...... 1 t R'aelr at vll... ....... iHH MilliBtj for Jsry rattn ..... Nil Wiadlag A re.alriag nk. M M Br Ceaaooeeellk saata. vlit 74 14 Mi oo 1,00 tt T 144 IM M 144 tl I.tt M Cwi'lk va. Aawr ..m.' Ml TT , P.,...-nsaiaa. 41 M ' Pt.,..,Barst. I 7 VVseMBttstCslaWvlaBsteBva H tM : Pa.;...t.ta(ey....'..,m. t M , P.....Uallaaer..... I M . Da Oom a Jokasna t U 7W-Mirall, Holsm.......M, t M rn....,...JoboB,, tt . c? cleaihild co. res tm roR isrs. r; 14 t f"! ansrsi wvataipt ia aaia aoaav aw ivix : t ! r I eaaeirea. f : Hilly awoeat aaeollaaiad lMy sato'tnt paid dkrfrlel trvatanr. ; ,im tr ,0 OK ,.. M W KTTDy BioBwatloBi, 'VoU.: Id'f Mt B fond 15 emit. Brtioa. By amoBBl auoulisntd ir erst lea. 'i7i., Mi 1: 1,S7 47 It It tt lot W I I I IK . 1,141 40 " 164 0 I," It M 174 to run n - Af M 7 1 I, III lit I,k44 II 14 40 , 1,34 M ISO Id 1.1KI M 1,IHM Ml 70 ' I4 44 444 41 "I. 1 1,411 M 14 i II 1 Ml 1 H T Ik I III II 1.1 ,1J9 IT "j'i'i, ...... t I i II ' Hit IM,I,1 It toat amnttt ia euvety, tor iti t By elo,rHoii.. Ill M By samant paM dittrivt irsatactra....' 4.7 1 4 By aaiwut aawllMMd,.M, ... 14, Ml 61 I.. 1 V ' I ' TUl m . . 4JH.574 II r--8 ., i . ' , 1 M. , MM, t 14 M ', - til 7t tk , M i 1 11 . i ' t M '' 111 j , . I 34 ' II II ' 1.041 77 1,H M . Po ...... Ksax .......... Po....0'Leary..... Io.....Pfrr. D ilndtbaagk et.. l.....;Bblnbil t Do aiilk... lo,......ritiBSli.B P Straol. ....... tM..... Taylor ...... . Bo. Tkimar ,... pa ..Turner ... ...... Pe Vedden. By tleotloa axpratet... By esprtl Bud talvgraaM.. .............. . II It B, inqaril - 11 By janitor! wtget 17 OT By Jul Irtfetr. U IT B Jvrort' wage, tl i ", atraad Jaror-JaB. ntrsi..fli)4 0 pa .....Jun lerai H7 4 . Po Kept. 'B1- Ul ' 174 I Tratll jursri Jan. Una... Ml 14 Ba,........Jaae lent.. 41 St Pe,.. ...H.pt. larav. 44 6 , Po Nov. terak. lit weak... 417 M td wtk... 411 I ' i Id steb... Ill li 1.104 14 By Jnry eowejitiloarra and tkrk...... 117 1 Hy Wetter Peeiteatiary....... 1,104 41 By niy prlatiag. vtt i a. aow.H...; ...........ait to Ouedlaader Uaa7erty......lit M IU M By pottage, rii i better..... ' va Kea-iiiry lin I 11 ' raikKteil' dttihi-altt 44 . Brkool I ran teripttw ........... 1 11 '11 11 By ProltWdUry'l fare. 401 M By pahlie reword, vi i Prvtbeavlary ' ads ...II I Bagitur aad Kotordw.. ....... M I PrtKia ngitter... It M Tot bathe. 71 l 1 ooptet Paraos't Pigrtl 17 7 141 17 Br swuoly prltuB, via t AroliilteL- 471 M . Oa eealraet... . 1,174 71 Ctotkiag far prists IS 44 Brd'lisg kW pntasara..... 117 71 Parailura for aellt ........ 177 M ' Paal 171 11 ' New (baa. Ill Paiatiag fa. 7 M PattaieBi...... 144 . Pawn. 14 Blum. 1M ti ' Watkiag far pn owon.... M tl t Pb)iitMa for prieosora.., In II . ReaioTing rabkitb MM' ' Real el eld prteea 41 41 Oil elwh for ball. - It II 1.77 IT H rafaaai.... m-......... 11 71 By rrgi.try etpaawi. 481 7k Hy road daraiaer. 141 7 By woir aad In toalpi...... 147 4k Byitatiostry 41 41 Hi irpitirM watea.... IM to Bv itetllantoa. ' 41 Hy read view 74 J Hy boasty boadi radsbsied 0000 By but aeooaat, via i i , j Perroatl Brouenr 1,117 tl Banktai...... 1.41 ll l,4 II By aioatratloat oa anaaatad lead II 40 Hy Moetrirteei lUowtd-eelletlin.... 1,017 1 By bouaty aospat rsdrewed 11 M By prim hoadi rv.lees.td, vln Fol 171. I.MI Par 171 .4,Jk M ,M4 M Br BOSJBII.B tvboul,. VII I . AaiavBt aald teaabcrt' Isitliala... 16 M By militia laat paid diilrtM treats. rare, vm j .. Bvaearl. . (k M . il 1 , II M . 71, . 41 41 .IHT 71 . 4 ' . tl M , 41 li . M M . I M .11 M ' . M Tk . II M . IT 01 , 4 M , 4 7 , II M . It M , 11 M ,. t t ,. tk M , 14 M i. kk 1 . Ik 1 .. M 1 .. 14 Tl Bell Bioora.... ...... bViggt.... Bradford Brady. RBrntidt Cbett..... ....... Covinjrtoa..,.,, Clvarlel.l... Cvrarvnirlllt... psoaitr. .i Fargaaoa. Olr.nl. OO'ktB Hrtkaw,. Ilaiiih Ilsi Jordan........ Vsrtktat K at .... ...... l est t eve Lawrvnte Laaber City Herri, New WiehlagtsB. Oneeela...... PrBB ............. ....... ...... ' Pibe Vaieo .....mm. .... ......... Woodward I Ik 14 kk M M I 41 M ' Bv Bbtrlt ' feta. vlst Boarding prttenen ...1,457 Herring )v-y selne.......... Ml M Csvti ta O-aaw'tb ... 71 M 1,74 I By aanaal daa frva oilsttv, vlat . rer ibii. Cheat BtaJ. KliBfer... 1 Carvwaerilrt.. B. TyVer. 74 M atarrli.,..,.,R, tearll ..... 1 T For 171. BsB T. C. tsa... . ft ' Cktvt... tl. Williaaii....,.IM M I'srwestvillt.Vsrtrt) ClerB. I M flllrd ....... .Da'l Kris..,,,, 14 M flellek........ Raaat,...,.,.. t Hattoa......H. W, Brsara..tt M KaHkas-.,,Tba. Wkiki... MM Fsr Hit. Beeearr J. Klasal. TM tt BH ,.H. Brtk......lk7 7 BIa,-....0. A. Weodt... II 17 . Bawl ...... laat Biab......l4l M Bra,.i)rd...J. W. AU....47 41 Brady; Ja. Kilt . M Amrrtfati By bib'bi boiovbI. paid Pit'l J rraatartr . .pllJ 111 .JI 41 I.tnl DM la 11 r d7 fal ..;.44.., ti II 4TI TI 44 n TT tt II IT l,t II . M Tl 1,74111 3V5 41 I.1T1 ', 111 Tt 1.1 HI 0 1 lUk lli Mi In - a Iu : I.IH ll :474 -. . -an-ve 414 14 ,m,U) 44 1,131 tl ..!.. lo,7vi e i,u ii IH4 li' . 1,11 Hi , 1.11 ak mn ii 4k 1.11 4bi : frl k 1.94k 1 441 I '1,114 m 4 : 'VI ' .. i.i., lit IS tot 01 ' 1,4) t l,U't III 44 141,144 li la.OM M Brat'dm...b. MBfty...lT 4 Obnat . Wlllleiai.,..tM U VlvardaSd J. MoClell tit M Carwtat.llit.il. 0. allll.r.,...l4J It Pralar...M..lrl Ooat JMk 44 rarratn-M. I. 0wa Ill If 0lrard....,....f. H. Jor,lan,.,l2 4 QoBh ....... A. H. Bbirey.M 14 tt Urakaa. J. 0, Haot...... II T Hoaltdsl....). W. Rowlta.JT4 41 MatauB ..... II. W. BroB..M 7t 11 daB...4..... W.l.r-..,.'I7 71 1,1 i Barthaa.Lai.il. ruhr....-..llM 1 KBoi.;.:..7!!M".'t,. niiok,.r u tr kj,.rrit.. J. M. l)lllta.....44l 10 ,B. WJi.,.;..W-. Mbry.i ! OmmI A. Kti'karl ill 07 Fiib. ........ Jiiha PIOU..M..14I tt I, Pike ..-..J. K. B1.K.IB- ...141 1 , Union . at. Hallty.... 47 I ! W.H,4wrd..ll. II. Mikd.wUt tl 1 f f I Wtllolb..A. 1bttr..A tt 't.M tl (Nora. Tbotairbtdwilbabsv r paid, tiat stoitaitat, asd a Hirf ' stmiitr of eooiitkltt bar Hoe "' paid ob aroount.) :' '' . By amuuat dot from antttttd Itoil,... 15,I7J M By tlialrui'iil allowed taxpatrt on ' I l.17J.,..-.........t.i.lo.v tfitt It B Tnaaurara ouauilt.iu. (0 A par . - tmt., no 114,144 T4....I.. 1,147 11 By Tnatertr'a vtMsatittiva, t t. K '" sfBlw ID.M M ....'. M II By auioaat dat lfoaiolltet(.rt'flrDt- Ilk II Balastt da ami--....- .. Ml 17 ....... .T.'J .....' i. . ToUl.,..., U....U-. ,v.,..,......,l,944 IT .. .. .. .it - " -.'r- "' - ; " --X " Janatry Hit, 174. Bttttndsf Baatavl V. Wlltuo, ftwtr 'i'rttid rer of Ottsrleld bnaaly, tb saw of aiaa kaudrel sad tkiny-ea doUara aad iwealy-attoa otntt, la fall for Ikt balsa due th eeonlr. MJ1.17. D. W. Win, Trtai. "T . " ' , !'.. ,' I. u BSTIklATBD BitPIKSEd VOK. M74. ' tsprbsUrdliitry ipaiw..:i.... 124.00 04 To (Manly kaudi mduibl. , 4, Ik To priMia bondi rdesia.lM..., 1 1' tt To iMttrwl aa 7t.u priavs soadW 4, 0 T unr4l!a ailswd tllJtun,-.Q 171 0 To tiuairalioui oa SBtaalad ltinl... 1.411 II T abattBMat allowstl laipayan..... o 1,11 M l o pmbabla siptostt ler brskpM ."" It lr at ami par oaugM..,,. ..., 1,1 01 "ttj.:.;:.i..:..;.:.;.::. v" By baUac lb Trtaiarer'l b.adl. ...... Bl satuuai due ttoA sollttlort bv aiuuaut du fruut auttattd Iau4t ll, lUird uayuwnt on prima ul .... 1,107 7T By UtktUacy It. b rsid Uuai ttsisa aupittMtt lor iaj.H Total. i nr.- U-i . COH11188IONBB'BRTIFIQATB. t Wt, tbk aadrlgol OuwsJnatrt sf Clear. Itld auuuly, la the CvrsBiouweanh of Paeniyita. Bit, fcaving aiet aeoording tu law, aud btring txasiiBsa ibt aevtrsi aeoosati ssd ol bamutl P. Wiltoa, Ka.,Traaiartrai'itidyobly, for ibe yter A. U. 173, do trrtify I hat wt kad tkrwatvat forth is I be lorvgoiag tlnltaitBf.v Wt Ind tbt aswasl due .be euuety fioai bira to be slaa kandred ssd Uiirty-tni dollar aad latsly. tetea trait (Mil l')- The aigtvgaw as.nuBt.ui Bovsrv Brrawe vtiH ssrvdttiatd it tost Ihoaitad dollar (4 fOOV ' iTbs aaworrt of rritsu Lot Bond vutnand.ng ia Jar utumaua two BuaarvJ dullar itl.luk). 1 b wk. Is tioouat of Pr.oa Boudt iokued wal levin ty Ore laoaaaaa ovllari iltlHNj). Tba aanatst dss lbs saauiy tius sa- tvatvd Issdi It iwvoty Irs tbostasd t.gtt ka dead aad lttnly-Sl d.illri ul rlliy aaall (alJi7.a0) aad trsst sullaetora Bias Unsead oat hundred aad MS ualbjrl aad tare stall (vv.lvd.nl ). Tbt araovnl due I Served faad leva autwisa last! appvar lo as isvy arrtnystssa out buudrtd aud oigbry thren dollar aad rwtuty MTta srsil (ii,lna.l7). and tbe amount dss tbe auboul laud trow lbs sauM auun i Ikiny-ikrt Miiatasd fose kasdnd aad Nair-ikre duller, aud tiBiy-lso oeuu (3J.4oJ..). Pur sialtsitsl ia detail or both, tt tabular tw'etaeol. tbewrsg auiouut dusesok townthlp for rued purvuevi and tae eawuBI due Hie svversl tobsol dottntta. - Wltueu oar baud at Hire-laid, (hia tsatty- Irtt da af January, A. P. 1B74.- ,4 l: - i w r.'VWUtKHar, ' " J D. TUOMI'ij ..S, CLAKK bKUWN, .! Arratvt ... Coauiitaioairi. U. B. UoouittblB, Cltrk. . ACPtTORB' CERTIFICATB. ' i i Wa. Ibe aaderflrnrd Aaditon af Iht toanry nf Clearfield. Is tbe Comojoawultb or rtnatylranta, aariug met at tbe Court ttoate, ta the borodgh f Cltarl.ld. oo tkt Brat JIuBdey ol Jenaary, A. P. 1174. aeeordiug Is b,aad batiac eiattiaea tbt ervrrai aooouuu ssd tuuehers ot rWu.ee! P. a iltvs, Ktq., Trratsrar of laid eosnty, ibr Ike yoer A. P. 1171, do rspvrt tbal we tnd lb ear at auvvs ttored. Tne balaueeviB bil baradt daa tb eouoty appear la be aiaa buadrad aad thirty one dull., i aad twtnty etvte erntl (1441.17) II tf.pi era to asa Uulwh a halanoaof IU sl Ian aud llty-one oeutl (M 41), Ji.riia lin tea llari aad .1Kb y. Ire ttail lIB.) au uoloa one buadrvd aud una doilait and fortyrae eari, va road fubdt, sbils Buggi towarbip twit Mr. Wlltsa aim dollar! Bird tew eentl 4.lt rood fotda, and Ckeel swvt bis. Ifty-lws d.iaii sad In, tare erBte (tli kl). Jordan twenty dolltrl and twtalyH.Be atnllitl0.il) aad Uaiua ana hundred aad asa dollar aad torty-an atau (4IUI4I). in Bjaiiaioay wr f w bare arvaal sit tor kaada, tbia mealy-Bret day of Jaaaary, A. P 114. j i eentvw u.antDeit JAd. H. tlll.g, r -': L. C. BLOOM. - " At I tmm -' 1 Aadltort. J. W. nova, Cltrk. I:l'74 REED I REED! REED I MARKET STREET, C LEAR ri BID, PA. DRY GOODS! CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! GentleraeD'sFurBkLCigGoods, Ladies. Misses & Children's Shoes! Tk BBdtrtigavd, biting Iteatd agala, will soBtlaaa kt rwprtstst tb sbsr llao of gdi I all tbsir brt".bet, sat bavlag rvduvad ay praiaa t tnt thlrd ku, I aa afrd aad WILL SELL geed, at I X CLOSE MARGIN I t abatl aaallBB ts Mil for tub, te tbal aaih ba.rvrt need aot fear bt'plag I auk ap for I will, at barvtofora, keep a RelitiNe Clats of Ouodt, i ' . ' t ' i - sad will I alt neaea try ts glv ye tb vat af yoer aoaey. I aa rvoeirtag a lue ilae nt BLACK ALPACAS .ran wF.F.it! It ti ay lateatloa fo ttib fkieev f.Wjr Bay. en thraagkesl tb eouoiy, giri tali ituttit. WM. REED, , Market Street, Clwrlald, Fa. Fsarsar 4, 1IT4. I Jatr-That froa tba inn re a wty rpeet I i.rT...L , -in i. k . -i-i ,i.-. ...... .,ii a at rkrorei.1 ar prralaae girm. ssd will furihvr taeraatte that an aaa will gat aere ral Ibae their aonry IBvrval. SPECIAL LE01SLATI0N. No ne ti ksrshy glre i tba pahli tad all par- its tnlervvted. that aaBllrsllon will be aad si lbs prevent teaaloa ar aur Sib' lflalaltr ts past as at rvpesltBg as aot ar Atersibtt, tp- prnvsd tbe I4ih day af April, A. P. IM,aed a tappitatFBi, apprarrti tne itaaey el Apr i, a w. 17. bstb relating ts tbesarehaae aad rvwalriag sf ilia bride teniae tha Watt Brassb af Is Sua- aaebanaa rtrrr, a Ksnhaal, va tba llao bawva Clearfield asd Ceetre vevWl. A ad tba sale sad Has sf Beprvsaatstlvet will bt forlker sa titfosed ks raw sa set AaaJariae iba aMt krldsa free i frea. sf tell to tb ha inure aad Iravrltne aablia, td that th saaa ha kept Is rtptlr at kn JvtBt Ofmm t tH tesatie sf CteorlUIA ojtd jvavrs, . a. r.tvvir-ai, , W.J.llOIIbd, laniuat, FtKt, U7MI k4 , til IT 1.104 II ,: i If Iff v ' M....IMU4I04 '---' .1- l Vr . in fym ) Da,., -mmm9n$9t, J ) li I M-V'l "! I QZm&Q MACL'I.XU 6t o3 Kapalrtd ky . fcA,rw?TBA Ageat for Orsrar 4 Beher'l Aa iaeeswat Btwwa WtasJaw, aVtotst, 4? j qt " Avdiiwb rrrJ:rt- tu on4 Cuart af Cltarltld eouniy, Pa, Ib rvtaiuaa tu tkt ettelt oTOoli 1 1': , .or. deeasttd. TkvBtAoAiioed-de.i.AJasuay tbs . snarl ts 4iatrlktlU-tav4BJaaaaa.ibebadislrJaa M. AuAauk Italia of Hi tiiaia, U,p"d. a ""f tb portoni tvgally knttnlad Intref, s.r 4 U S tbet-b wfll J.liwi' 1 as sviisr 4 rkpplv. si.ul, at bit -"rt la Cliarlilrl. Friday, 11 day af Pbrvr, A, P. 1874,. 1 I p. -wbrs ssslwksnall pavsaai IklsrttanttstB attasd. trsdolt .... aA.U,gBAatBU.AadM. E JB W-LV IVM Bttf 1 1 V rulp4 U SP 3Zd by girts that lettrrt -toaiamentnff aavti bwB granted to ibt andrralgntd as af ABKAIMM KYi-bB, ikKeaid.)i ril iQVBikip, Clearfield eouotv, PtQBiylriBiB,aB parenn ladebtsd to taid rattt I rt girlie 4s lathe imaedtatv rT-Mrrr,' and' ".- vsviag BlaiaiagaiaH 4ht lasts wilt brvttrttbta dai aatbaatisatvd for sttttevje-nt; ' ' - Wat. ROTHBOCs?,' A ' I - BD'PEkka. .. MsrriidaMb Ftb.4. l74.-t. BlIIBllSSlt., f a ..... aw i. . w' - . al va . Till .ndtrtlgnt it;t ttsva WUforart"" 4i'' lit tbal be It BP fully brvparvd to -i - o A. ' tlatt all Ib Ike way of rarsiiblng Rortek, Buaa Baddlee and ilaraeie. va tba taortsvt Bsil l as reatonasit tarw.il atiiiaisei os lavasti rvreot , betweoa Third and lourUI. 7 -iUM..K.0XAj,gAft'. nV. 4.17. S ,r. Up ,if ,.vi 'f t Tlearlald. Fab, 75. t-.w'oV iiehtttr)' ' .'tir.j SCO t P Ail f k al - T A - Y T.c ;I O I T A TT T". B adrvtgwd, tnetf tent awi JICXT) POWbLI.. ksrs aerosaaedi lks CVSAdJI. ,BI,I Pl.AMNvV-Mla.a.- dsiwg an eutaett buain.ta. . AUabasvavBatarr will ks aaViad .amwiiary to aaakeJM as siiBkt moat twiplat tabdaktrtftti l b A and ta tea Htatr. -Tbty are oo preheard tavaVotif J aravra for any work is tbat lis TaayvMK fSttipailBli -ptMBtlo to all atpurtf flf 14 SiJ.itf y.inii.v . ., T .ri aiufi V.tl U FLOORING, ;WEATHIR 'BCAP.rWfJ, i..'..J;. I. !H Hi ILCHXili .tW .- SAsn; ixjorw BtiNDs, a a ..' .. ; ' ...: til a. aiTjj - ,t : v..l r 4.2 i 2vv.wUTdl li tU i, t - Of ALL 0TTLES, ftlvftwt ca btfttlftA V a .WOTIREP RPARD9 aad Hrticll bsm. r ( r bail.iibg, will be ttcbaulti, for PBT LL'l.Elt, to tbat jirra na at t.jtuuiio CUT hriag (t.etr Isalier. rirbaesr it ft, aadmaca buae with tie aunsuatarvu, articlea. ,i ., w .UAnv-H Th Carariany will aivnyt hit are band largw etwk sf dry lauser, to et 10 bt iaKit to til aa srdrr ou tbt tkerirtt aolick, Only lha beat aad ' si-t ekilirul haadi will bt enloyad, to that tba ' poi lit asy rtly spun good work. , 'i.,J,'' I.aaWtrll bawsris.1 or eold aa itwatU aaa b. parafctwl snywker. Bad taarrstitvd lo gire aBiialaetfoB. Al tba bsi'aet wilt a dews epos tbe aatb prlaeiple ana aCoad tt work for aaall prulte, ,. ' . tnJiv , DKY LUMBER WANTED 1 M . .....'?.,.. w ji' RifMstally ss Bad a-half aad Iww lavb paaal tat, for wbieb a likarsl pries will bv paid. , ,r-l.,, lj.i..'v... : "' ..... Tb ksirassi will be assdsakad ssdtr tba bjub - -aearilcidTlanli. 0. B. Mcrr.ll will pnoaally luperiateai tbs Miaas: r t. f, y, -i Order rvaptvtftl'.y sstitiasd. - . " - " t O. B. MERREtt, ' , R. B. TATLOR. m. ' . ' ' ' DAVID MtHlAfdlTTfT;- J- M. O. BK0WH A BRO.' OetrtVld, Pa. janwary . I171T; - - ' ' READING FOR ALL.ll BOOKS STATIOXEQX. " Market at. C'laarflald, (at the Feat (Mica.) 1 UK (adtrtigeed ben Irsv isaaeoasteta tbe ellla.aa ..f CI earl old aad tltlbity, that bei tiled ap a rsaa ssd bu Jaut relareed raw tbe ally with a large aaoaat of raadiag attar, oaiiiiiBg ia part of Bibles and Mi8cellaneoa Bookv Rlaae. Aaraaac sad Past Bavkl sr vrv de- nrtptles -Pater aad bereloaee, Froaak prtaatd and pitta: Pesi sad PtBtllt I Blsak, legal. report. Petdt, ajoruagvei Jadgasst, ciaaa- tts sad Prvaisawry svtsst Wbteassd Paeaki aval Brier. Legal Cap. Htsere ftp, aaa Bill vap. (ibeet. Maiie fur alibar Ptsaa, k'lat or V lolls-- ooattaatly aa Bead. Aay boobi or titiloaerv . I.elrvd tket I aay aot hire aa Bane, wlle er- orderod ky Int eiprtat. aad told af vkol.tale at retail e asll sstlsaasrr. I will aaep partsdlsal lit rata rv, tank at Magellan. Newt. taeper. t P. A- OAPblR. ri-ara.ld Jte T, iaan.tr . j SHANNON LAND AND LllWBtlt . : cnariii, obcbola' btkam milu, , , ' -i . " ' . 2'4 -al a .. BinericTcaaa ... LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS ' ' - -'A - ' ''' 'atl-,. tSawtitte Patent Ribbt.l' ghi-.jflt$.-- . . h. h. eiu.Lis'GFora, J' ., OftV Forvtt Phvar. .. Hi B. dth-vt:, rtJVr JOHN LAWRHI', Oenvnl lva't,,', via ue,,i.rarBea.froue.i4i tsi ...'.' r .' .14 . tut-TOWN LOTo fst nla in Iht tvov,h roaovoi. . ,.:' AtaO'Knrs the IARUB8T AcS'iRT af tiwodi la t leartitld eiiuKty at tbw Miirnto.kn,, Blora in Oaovola. ,an" 7..1 , Clearfield Ccunly ,13.;: rli lib cltslkrld rt.stt t hah et er l.itverat X. . ted 1.atlltl..a ba BS aal of ..lt. re,hv Ibl tarreaiter of III . ahtrtar, T 11. I.' All tie ttivk I vwa.d ky ib sbmlkera, nivtlna Ibt tiaaktag kaatsrae al th tasks Rleev, aa ptiteta Haskare. avder tbt traj. ataut i lav "Clwrt.ld Csai ly Beab." Wt ar rv iwealMetwr sk). svhitai th. Pn.k, aad will paw tu aota el dewvsd si the fusster. Peprlls- rsootved lad Istera ltd wt as ansa) 4 ton far aland ila. , Pi inrBatd lt til pet tvl aa hvrt.ifora Oal rvravati rvVrtia.lk(IUy kw pledgrd for sll l's Bait raerttsd sad Btiaeaf' tra.t ttd. A nntvntin of tba liberal pat- , mesa ef lb kvtlatt, aa of tha rwmry itv tnevovlly nlleled. A Ptsttdvah t3br aadj srlesr af tke lata Clnstteld Cvsaty Bsak. WS reqalr tk ati of aald Baat ka b prtavntv for rvdtapitnB . a- . . ' lAfl T IKOmttD, , BICRABP all AW. WM PORTER, ' JR. B. ORr-RAW. O. L. RKEP. WM. . WALLACE Tb hulaett f tk Bb will be eo'i4 by Job - Mas.., Res., so CaMer ( il 1 74 County National Eank,r . 0P CLBARFIBLO, FA. . ROOM la Matoiil RaiMlag. aaa dear BvrtAB, C. P. Waltna'l Prvg 8i..rt. Peg Tiakrti ta aad Ima Llvwrwnal, Q-t.asl tows, Olugw, Lnsdon. Peril and Coptahana. A lea, Oram far lilt aa th k.e-il Bank af ireiesat and Iapttltl Bank nf Lasnloa JANKI T. kiU.iaai'. rreta. IT. M. BHAW. Cstklvr. tl:l:4 1. 1. kt 'Olrk. . Bdward Park. B AKS3KQ It COLLECTION HOUSE HcGIRK i PERKS a.,c.tiri ta PotVar, parks, A Co. rhlllpaksr;, Ceatr t'stiaty, r. ' ITT lima ell iha k.atu. af a Beaklns Htai Y IH ae itejieMled proautld and P i1 aisw far rani ttratl aart-tf . DREXEL &.C0., -. rft ttt Bstith Third Bti-Mt, rkUadelpBU aajrtxfiHtr v Aft! D'-aiit Uovirwt Jsturitiesi Applicants by atsil wlU fsotlr Vroatpt ties, aad all lafarattttea sstdrn.ll n-raltBo, Oritsr llt4. ; i " wpru :pUiJtl?0Mflni, ..i y ' Vitrk- r'. ,, i'-?ad.'jkt.VA a-v -rJarv', at IWaaHoaTai nV iaWA