Concluded romfiril page. nd t ofloo wai bo borne back before the tumnltoout oulbnret ot publio opin ion, whiob cried Inoeaiantly, "Away j - wllb tbit. ftllow, cruoiiy mm, ana re loaie onto di that notorious murderer and aedilloniat, Barabbaa I" Knowing tbe Saviour was innocent, but fearing J the people, because tboy said Ifyou re loaee tbie man you aro not CiBtar'a friend, he yielded to tbeir demand. Knowing bia duly, ne was atraia to porform it, and at last in order to Mold bimaelf irom this great crime, be took water and washed bir banda before all the poople, again attoating tbo Innoconoo of bia victim, Hying, "I nm innooont of tbo blood of tbie just man ; toe ye to ft." Ab, how greatly Was Pilate rale-taken In this I Water could not wabb away the deep, durk tainsofhi- guilt, although it may have typified tho cleansing efflcnoy of tbe Diooa oi tiiin, whom be bad just deliv ered to death. Like Peter, be knew tbo truth, but was afraid of tho poople ; V i vmw, umhuv avivij uia icuuihuiivv naa J, fine. ainrinrA fAln- urliun ho him tniAtnlrn. WAnt.nnl.nnn urAnr.htHoi.lif , Ue gave evidonce ot bis sincerity by a life of devotion to tbe truth, and final ly suffered death in defence of that troth. How many Peters are there i In our day, with all of his weakness, ' bat none of his' bravorv I How manv Pilates aro there, who would unjustly judgo their fellow-men, and deliver them to unjust punishment, but with none of Pilate's desire to get rid of tbe , responsibility of their tola I In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, permit mo, very briefly, to suggest wbat I believe to bo tbe proper reme dy for perverted public sentiment. It ia two-fold. First, proper moral and religious home training. Let the pa rents, ai me nrst aawn ot reason up on the child's mind, instill into that mind correct ideas of true dignity and high-toned charaoter. Let It be taught that knowledge is more to bo desired than silver and gold, and that a good name is better than great riches. Teach it that to be dishonest is to be dishonored ; that profunity is vulgari ty ; that drunkonucss fa disgraceful, nd that lying is a great sin. Let it be impressed with tbe idea that to do any of these things is to compromise its good name. Teach it to be bonest, truthful, sincere, virtuous ; sd above all, let it be taught to place implicit faith in the truthfulness of the Bible, and that its first great duty is to its amne Author. Kennnrl. lot tho t,a,.h. r be a man or woman of high moral and intellectual culture. Lot thorn be impressed with tho thought that ther aro not only placed over the obild to instruct tbe mind, but tho heart also- at least by a good ezamplo. Let thorn be persons who will aid tbe parent in me development ot the moral and in tellectual character of tho child, and not advance tbo ono,wuile they dwai tbe other. Let them bold up beforo the pupil, continually, a high standard of truth, honesty and virtue, and one .generation will not pass away before - puoiio opinion will be pure and health ful. (skepticism will disappear liko vne morning cioud and the early dew, ceneatn me purer and brighter ray of the sun of Truth. Dishonesty am Intomporance will be frowned out of existence, rublio and privato virtus will be sought after and prized. Merit no true worm win pe rewarded, and wo will raise this country-out of its present low and deplorable condition o one of dignity and real honor. W -will orown it with a glory that shall -never fade, and a name that shall never perish, RESOLUTIONS. The following are tbe resolutions adopted, as reported by the commit tee, O. B: Welch, W. V. Spencer and v. h. ureene : Btltti, That we ooniider oar oounty Institute a important auxiliary to educational progress aod .. an Invaluable source of information to teachera. devolved, Tbat ae teachers we will co-operate In putting into praotice the principle! advocated at .our oounty institute. Buoletd, That we consider It the duty of the "www vt pmj Mrroi attention in tne senool room o, oleaniiness, ventilation and attitude of pupile, Jialmt, met we believe it to be the duty of miwrj winuir, vuteiqe oi scnoot ooari, not only to review hie leieoni for the following day but to im prove bimssif by regular hours of study, and to tits every meani in hie power to awakeu new lo tereet In tbe oauee of eduoation, end to Moure the oo-oporauon oi parent, in getting tbe regular at teodanoeof pupili. Rttolnd, That ther ihoold not be a divliion In the Ive montht' term,at we deem aueh dtviaion In direct oppoeition to the tchool law aod Injurious to ecbool work. Rnolwi, That we ooniider dally review! of viiai importance in aenool teaching. Jtnolmd, That we ooniider tt the dntv of mn teacher to pot forth hie belt effort! to eecuro the regular atlendanoe at ecbool of aU pupili of proper age In hi! diitricL JStnlttd, That we believe riilta from parent tare a beneficial tnfluenee npon aehoolf, and we noommena mat au toaoDeri try to eeeuro inch eo operation. . Xolni, That wo ooniider It ennell .... tial for the teteber, In order to become eneoeiiful u nie worn, w poieeee a euiUble amount of an saratue aa the meehanleal or Drofojiion.l .. Rmoind, That we ooniider Prof. Cooper'e "Ten rnlei for luooeie" praotioal, and worthy the con sideration of every teaober. Hmolitd, Tbat we heartilr nndaria the f teewhen outlining their lubjeet aa adopted at Jtlcti, That the proper method or teaching Geography or any other of the brancbei witbout booke ii bv adhering ai neerl v ai Drettlo.hl. tn th. order, arrangement and delniliont given by our m autuare. Rtntvti, That we blrhlr nnnreolata iba kinJ. Bin of Dra. Cattail and Wickereham in Tiiltlng urinj ue em meu intereating and initructive leelnree. Jfieolmo!. That we tender one ihenVa In t Kama Martin and Prof. J. A Cooper for the aele " in wuiau toej oiicoargea taoir dutiei ai mirueiori at our inatitnte. Jietd, Tbat In high appreciation of tbe kind new and boinltelitv of tbe neonla or during our inititute we tendor them our warmeit thank a. iteeeeeet, That la the perion of our county mperintendent we reeognln an efficient and earn oet worker, and, aa teachera, value hii effort! to anaie our won meeeeirul. Rotwd, That we reerret not leelnrmnradlrei,. tort at our inititnte, and think tbat each dlitrlot anouia no repreeented by at lea it one member. Vne hundred and fifteen teachers anl thirty-six directors wore present at lue lnatituto. ine teachers came well prepared to ditchargo the duties placed upon them properly. Not one iailed to comply when called upon, ma eacn one snowed a live and wil ling interest to make the work a suc cess. It was tbe desire of alt tbe teachers present to Bee more directors at tbe Institute, and to soe thorn take an active part in the exercises, and tbey only feel like excusing them on tbe ground that tboy were dotained Deoessarily. The approaching elec tion kept away some and the very bad roads, which certainly detainod any teaohers, kept away othera. Fo, however, have nothing to regret, a our work was carried on pleaeant jr, and we hope it will be productive if much good in developing and ad. ranging oduoational work in the coun ty of Clearfield. , EXKOUTIVI CoMMfTTII. A California paper coys : "flora A son, a regular California fifteen pounder,, to the wife of Elder Man. neim, tbe eloquent expounder. - ' " e a i , "Her Faoa Was Tier Fortuoa" bas vw8o iseued.. It will speedily t foU 'wad by "Hil Cbeok Wat What idjHim," grfl $Mtfi, Qtotttltt, ett. ED. W: GllAHAM DBALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LI MB Ell, 1( CLEARFIELD,' PA., ' ' - - . . A ' .... , Hh jut opened, at tb. KEYSTONE STORE, OOBipUH BtOOK 01 jtew a O O D i, of every description. DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, tc., C-o, IN GREAT VA1UETY. FLOUR, MEAT, SALT, RYE, , OATS, CORN ALWAYS ON BAND AND FOR SALS ATA SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR Received by tho cr load, tod Mid tt a null mi too. , A supply of ROPE constantly on bend. Special Inducements offered to tboie getting out Square Timber sod Logi, we dul largely Id Lumbermen's Supplies, and are pro pared at all tlmei to purehaee Um ber end lumbor. , ED. YT . GRAHAM, "KEYSTONE STORE," Second Btreet, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oet 23, 1871. J. r. wiiT mW. w. aim. WEAYEIl A KETTS CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, at tb old rtand of 0. L. Road A Co. . tbeir irock ot goods, oonilitlng of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A 8H0K8, BATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUKINSWARK, FLOUB, FEED, SALT, &c, &c. At the moit reaeonable rate! for CASH or In .. oxchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PEODUCI. "Advance! made to thote engaged la get ting ont equare Umber oa tbo molt advantageoui terma. ndtljanTS JANIEL GOODLANDEB, LUIUKRHbUHU, rA., Dealer la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, IIOSlEirf 4 GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A 6U0EJ, Tobacco, Grooeriei and Fiib, Nalli, Tlardwara, gueeniware and Ulaiiwaro, Men a and Boyi' Clothing, Drug, Paints, Oila, 8.hMl Oookl, a large lot of Patent Medioinee, Caallei, Kuti A Dried Frniu, Cheeee and Crack en, Rock and Rifle Powder, Flour, Grain and Potatoes, Clover and Timothy Seed, Sole Leather, Horoceoa, Linlngi, Binding! ud xnreau, oooeroaKerr loon anoi Bhoe Fuidingi. No greater variety of goodi In any itore in tb county. -All for lale very low for eaih or country produce at tbe IBoap L'orner. Aug. 27, 1873. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE TUB CHIAPESTI h Proclamation against High Prices WE are bow opening up a lot of tbe beet nod moit eeaeonable Goode and Warea over offered in thii market, and at pricei that remind one of the good old day! of oheep thingi. Thoee who lack faith npon tbii point, or deem oar alle gation i aupernuoui, need but CALL wIT OVIl STORE, Corner Front and Market itreetl, Where they ean aoe, fool, hear and know for them eelvee. To fully undentand wbat are oheap goodi, thii moit be done. We do not deem It noceaaanr to enumerate and item lee oar rtock. It la oaovgn for na to itate that , We hare Everything that is Needed andooniumed In tbie market, and at prlcel that mwjuiid eota oia ana young. J'IMKPII 8HAW A FOI. mo TIIORR INTKRESTKD IN TUB PUR- J. CUASK Of A STRICTLY PURE It YE WHISKY, For Medicinal Purpoiei we offer Bailey's Pure Rye,' Price (2 to IS per gallon, and win ihin In naok- age to ault purohaeeri. , We alio handle largely a COPPER DISTILLED W1IISKY, Price from $1.30 to (1.75. We Import INE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, And tut ftteo maDuftctunri of DR. STCEVER S TONIC HERB BITTERS. Send fef prioe lilt. KTltDER&CO.. oetlo-Im 121 North Third St., Philadelphia. BOLLOWBCIH a. nivti eaaar EOLLOWBUSH t CAREY, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Look Manufacturers. AND STATIONERS, 318 Market St., Philadelphia. teeVPaper Floor Baokl and Bage, Fooleeap, Letter, KoU, Wrapping, Curtain and Wall epera. fehJ4.70.tvpd Miss E. A. P. Rynder, aeaev roa Cbleberlag'l, SUInway'i and Iraerion'l Ptanoai Hmltk'l, Maioa a Uamlln'i and Pelonbet'i Organ! and Melodooni, and Orover A Baker'l Sewing Weehlnee. alio rnaonan or Piano, QalUr, Organ, llarmony and Vocal Mb- lie. Ho pnpll taken for leei than balf a term. ff Koomi oppoilt Oalieh'i Foraltare Stor. Cleareld, May rl If- OB FRISTIlia OF EVIRT PKflCRP. tloi atatl execated it tkli oOga, 5ottls. SHAW HOUSE, ! (Oor. of Market A Front itreetl,) CLKAKFIKLD, PA. Tbe andenlgned having taken charge of tbie Hotel, would reipeoffully lolloltpublie patronage, ocll'tl ,- R. bSWTO-N bllaW, LEONAKD HOUSE, Oppuilte Rnilroad Depot, OlbtttfltLU, PA. Pleaiantly looated and a trit-olaia hotel In all mpeeti. Breakfait for paieengere leaving oa morning train. WJJ. S. BRADLEY, June 11,1873. - Proprietor. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. Tbil new and well fnrnlitted houto bee been taken by the nnJenigned. lie foeli confident of being able to render aaliifactivn to tboie who may favor him with a oalb May 8, 1872. " 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. M OMTUDB UOCIE, Oppoilte tbe Conrt Home, LOOK HAVEN, PENN'A. jeU'Tl DAUSBAL A EROU, Prop'a. TBOCKEKHOFF HOUSE, EKLLEFONTE, PA., D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprletora ocU571 LOYD HOUSE, Main Street, ' ' ' PHILIPrJUDHa, PENN'A. Table alwaya lupplied with the belt the market anorai. ineiraveiiog puono uinviieu tooaii. novl73. ROBERT L0I. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Beoond and M arket Streeta, CLEAHMLD, PA, TniS old and oommodloaa Ilolel baa. daring tbe pact year, beea enlarged to doable In former eapaoity for the entortaioment of atran gen anl gueiU. Tbo whole building baa been refurniihed, and the proprietor will ipare no paina to render bia gueata eomfortablo while itaying with him. eT-The 'Maoilon riojue" Omnlbui runl to end from the Depot on .ine errlval and departure ot eacn train. juitn uuuuinaii, apr-7 tf Proprietor. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market 8L, bet. Second and Third,) CLEARPIULI). PA. Tho lubeoriber having beoome proprietor of tbii hotel, wonta reepeeuuiiy aik a liberal anare el punno patronage. apl2'7 0EOR0E LEIPOLDT. CUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, O CURWEN8VILLB, Clearfield oounty, Penn'a. Tbla old and well eitablilbed Hotel, beaatifully iltaatod on the banki of the 8uiqaehannn, in the borough of Curwenarille, hei been leaieol for a term ol yean by the underiigned, It bae been entirely refitted, and ii now open to the publie generally anu tbe traveling eommuntty in par ticular. No palm will be ipared to render gueita comfortable while tarrying at thii houee. Ample Stabling room for tho accommodation of teeme. tbargei moderate. Sept. 18, 1870-tf. ELI BLOOM Ijirdwarf, tTitttvart, Hit. TSS JB02TSZDE3 TIN AND STOVE STORE G. S. FLEGAL; riiilipsLurj:, Cettxo Couatj, ra, rTWK andenlgned reepectfully annonneet to ue public that ae Baa on hand a ear rully-ieleoted and well aiorted itock of STOVES, HEATERS, BANGES HOLLOW WARE ! . , TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WAR El WOOD AND WILLOW WARE Hii itock of Cooking Stovei eomlata of THE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, ffhlob bar Barer failed to bring peace and prosperity into lamuiea where it il vied, Diamond State, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Spearo' vailiornia toei move, rjpean Antt-Duit, Qai-Bnrnlng Cooking Stovei, Victor, Reliance and Union Randal, Spean' Cooking Rangei, o., o. ' The Tin and Sheet Iroa ware given with tbe Stovei li made of the hearten and beat atenai, ana warrauiea to giro perfect latla. faotton. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stores Il larger, better and abeaper than ever before eihtbllod l the publie oonilitlng of Speara' Revolving Light Illuminating Stove, epeare Anu-iruei "ae-nurning rarlnr Ktovo, Speara' Orbicular Uai. Burning Parlor Stove, Spoari' Oaa-Dnrt.lng Parlor Store, Doquet, Pearl, Qea, Ida, Sua, Tropio, Nevada, Ae., Ae. Vulcan, Ela and Victor Ileateri, Speara' Re voiviog bignt ueatira. He la alio prepared to furnlih a Mmnleta oeiortmeBi oi 'in, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &o., Wholeaalt or retail, manufactured neatly and Ith tbe loll view to lervlce, from tbe beet me. terial la the market, PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TUf-LINBD, SPUlf A COMMON IRON KITTLES, Of every deierlptlon eoniUnOy en band. ORDERS FOR SPOUTINO, R00FIN0 nd atber work belonging to hit builnen will be tromptly tiled by eiperleneed and akillfnl workmen. BRASS, COPPER. OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken la aaobange for goode. MPIIe eineclall Invltea lb attention of Merchant! wiehlng to purebaie at wholeiale. ai they will find it to tholr advantage to examine kit itock before purcbailng eliewbero. Look ont for the Big Sign oppoilte tb roil. denoe of lira. Dr. foiter. All Qoopi Waaaaarai ai RarBaiiavati. n. . FLEO At., aagftt Pblllpibnrg, Juno S, 1T0. Attention, Lumbermen! TTB are now mannlaclurlng nnr IMPROVED V 8TKKL SOCKET DRIVINQ CANT. HOOkn, inperior to any oilier In nee. We have alio In l took a large qoantitr of Centhooka eulta- ble for raiting purpoeei, which we are illing moan tor eain. Antin n. rULnnAIti;. Clearfield, Pa., March 13, 1871. . lUNSMlTHING. m - G. W. WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITn. Shop on Third itreet. over Rilev'i hlaokamlth Jbop, CI.KARFIELl), PA. All klnda of Ktflec and Shot Ouni oa hand. Repairing dose la a Int claM maaoer and at fair f tUH. j) Wo desire to call the attention of tho citizens of Clodrficld county to the fact that we havo opened a , MUSIC" STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Where we intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of PIANOS, ORGANS rAND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. RAVEN & COMPANY'S PIANOS, STEIN WAY & SONS' We are prepared at all times lavorablo terms as to prices auu terms oi payment. a , ... , .1 Our stock of ORGANS will consist of tho new and popular RYNDER ORGAN, (with Rymlor's Knee T.emolo and downward Octave Coupler,) -The SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS, ' NEW, HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides these ne furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. We sell on every plan known to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the POPULAR AND EAST LEASE PLAN. On our easy terms every one enn have a good instrument, and no other investment of like amount will tetid so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. .... - H3We shall be glad to hoveju call and see us, whether you desire to purchase or not. oct23-'72-1y BINDER'S MUSIC STORE. rpo TUB E II 0 N T I CHEAT EXCITEMENT AI IBB CLEARFIELD BAKERY ASD ICECREAM SALOON I The underlined having luit tlltrd up new. large and eomtorUHIe room! on Market itreet, near Third, mpretfutly Infornii the publie that he now drepared to aocomtnodate them with everything in hia line on abort notice and at all kouri of the day. lie keepa oa band ERESH BREAD, RUSKS, ROLLS, PIK3, CAKES, all klnda. ICB CREAM, Bad a general aeeortment of CONFECTIONERIES, FRCITS, NUTS, ., Allofwhteb will be delivered to enetomere at their reiideneea, when rrqueited to do 10. ICB CREAM, by thediib,iervod iaa neatly fur- aiibed room. Thankful for the generoni patronage beitowed In the paet, he hopci to merit and receive a eon. tinuenoe of the lata! from bte old enito men, and other. JOHN STADLER. June lS.' "VTEW BTOKE AND KW GOOD3 JOS. SHAW & SON Uaia juit opened a Kiw Sroai, on Maio St.,Ctiairiti.o, Pa lately occupied hj Wm. F. 1BWIS. Tbeir a lock consUla of Gaocia'M of Iba bit quality, QtieENswARE, Bool s and Shoes aod ererjr articla nereuarT for one'i romTort. Call and xamina our itock bafora pur- cli.lnlewrior. M 9. IHftfl lf. MOSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER XfJL - COMPANY, OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, aunBOAOTUBia - LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKETS an Sawed tt Talent Ribbed Shingles. n. n. SHILLING FORD, Pmident, Offloe Foreit Plaoe, No. IJ 8. 4th it., rhU'a. JOIIN LAW8IIR, General Sup'U, Oaoeola blilla, Cloarleld oounty, Pa. A too TOWN LOTS ealo I. the boronch ai uioeoia. Auo Keep tbe LARGEST ASSORTMENT of Good e In Clearteld oounty at tbeir Mammoth Store In Oioeola. Jao 1J 0. I. c. "ITrnERB to buy my DRY 800DI, ORO ? T oerlei, Queemware, Olaieware, Drug i and Notiona, Conf'eotloneriei, Ao oheap for eaih. The enbieriher begi leave to Inform bia old aod new ouitomeri that be hae opened A VARIETY STORK IN OLEN HOPE, PA. Aod will atll goodi at nilcei to lull the tlmei. A tion will no made to ouitomeri buv- liberal rodnoti log at wholeeale. Cill and eiamine my itork before cunbailnf eleewhero. A liberal ibare of publie patronage ii olieited. 0. J. KEAOY. Olea Hope, Pa, Jnne 14, 1871.. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOUJtAGK H01LE INDUSTRY. TUB underlined, having eitabllihed a Net aary on the 'Pike, about half way between Clearteld and Cnrwemvllle, Ii prepared to fur- nn allimuioi rnuir THBiKb, (etBudard and warf.l Kvaroreena, Bhrubbirr. Orana vi.u Oooieberrlei, l.aeton Blaehberry, Strawberry, and Raaberry Vloee. Alio, Siberian Crab Treea, Qnlnoo, and early leerlet Hbubarb, Ac, Olden promptly attended to, Addren, . V. WltlUHI, eepl M-p i - Onrweaivilli, Pa gTOES SAW QUMERS ANP H A " UPSETS. We bare rooetred tbe arrnov for the above and III l"ll them at BiaBufaolumr I nrloaa. Call aad alanine them, They are the belt. 7? H, I. BltJLBX A COt 31 ARKET STREET, CiAIIFIELD, PExN'A. Our stock of PIANOS will consist PIANOS, to furnish any of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on tho most MASON 6i Ittisrrllnnfoiis. QLEARFIELD PLANING MILL .COMPAN Y. TITS nnHftrnlpitxl, tiieMMri t REED A FOWKLL, kv pnrehM4 lh C'LKAK HELD PLANINU MILL, iud refitted it for doing an vitcDiive busiocM. All the niavobinery will b added arceiury to tneke It one of tbe most complete efteb i-hmeoti ol the kind t tbe Htite. Tbey are now prepared to reeeira orders for any work (n that line. Tbeywlll girefpeoial atteotiott to ail vateriali for house building. FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLIKD3, BRACKETS, JIOlLItlA'G, tfc. Of ALL STTLES, alwayi on hand. WORKED BOARDS, and all arllelei neceu. ry f-r hnilding, will be eiobanged for DRY LCMI1ER, eo tbat pendni at a diitanco may bring their lumber, exchenge it for, end return botue with the manufaeturea artielea. Tbe Cnmpeny will alwayi have on band a large itork of dry lumber, ae a. to be able to All an order on the ihorteet notiee. Only tbe beet and tnoet akillfnl hende will be employed, m that tbe puuiio may rely upon good work. Lumber will bo worked or Mid ae low ne It ean be purchaaed anywhere, aad warranted to r latufaot ton. At the buflofitii be d'ine upn the oath principle wt can afford twork for iiaiiil prunt. DRY LUMBER WANTED t Especially one and a balf and two Inch panel tun, lor womq a uoerai prioe will ne paid. Tbe bell n en will be conducted under tbe Bam of the "Clcarilcld Tlanins Mill Co." 0. B. Merrill will peraonally luperlntend the ouimeii. Orderi rtrpeetfully nllelted. 0. B. MERRFLL. R. B. TAYLOR. DAVID MptlAUOITEY. M. U. BROWN A BRO. ClearSeld, Pa., January D, IS'I. BRICKI BRICK! BRICK! A SEW CRICK YARD. 8. PLUMMER A CO., hiving itarted a new and aitenilro Brick Yard in ClearMd, are orecared to make contract! for gral cian nod Uriel, in large or imall quantitiec. Ordere and eurreipondence eollclted. Informa tion oan be ootainrd by celling at Kynder'i Ma- eie otoro, or oy nonreiung W.B. i'LUMMFg CO., ji lt Cleardeld, Pa. The Lightning Tamer. fTlHI andenlgned arc tbe cole Agenti la thii X ot'ontr tor tne "Worm American Ualvanlaed L1UHTN1NU RODS." Itieae arc the only cafe rodi now la oaa, and are endoreed bv ell the icientlOc men in the country. Wc hereby notify the eitlieni of tbe connty tbat wc will rut then an a better rod. and for en money, man Ii onarged by the foreign ageate who annnally Iraverac the county and carry off oar little oaih, aever to return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Thoee wlihlna Lichtnlnc Rodi erected on their bolldlngi need butaddreai ai by letter, or call la pereoa. We will pat them up anywhere In theoounty, aad warrant than. The Rode and rtitnrea eaa be icon at any time by calling at oaretoro. II. P, BIOLKH A CO. Clearteld, March It, IMTQ-tf FAIRBANKS' . STANDARD -ef ,r'- of Alt Biirnai Baggage Barrowl, Warehouie Triloba, Copying PrcoH, Improved Money Drawer, Ac. roa IALI IT II. F. PIQLEU & CO., Dcalert la pardwara, ebliAtf Seooad Street, Clearteld, Pa BARGAINS IN MUSICAL IN 8TR1IMENTS I Oronne. both new and roond band, at the Maile Store, oppniiieOullch'i Furniture gtoyo. All penom intercited are Invi ted to cell and examine a new it tie of Orcan now oa ciblbition. Sheet Mail aid Mailo Booki eenrtaall; ca head, aIJ4 7tf of HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS. HAMLIN'S ORGAN?, and the Clearfield County Bank. Till Cl.arleld Connty Bank ai an Ineorrore ted iaitltntloa bae gene ont of eilit.nee by the lurrenderof It! eharMr, oa May IS, 18(t, All ti itock Ji owned by the lubicriben, who will continue the Hanking knilneai at tbe name place, aa private Bankrri, under tbe firm none ot the "Cleerleld County Bank." We aro re ipooiibleferth debteol tbe Bank, Bad will pay ill notea oa demand at the counter, bepoeiti received and Intereet peld when money Ii left for a lied lime. Piper diaeonnled at ill pereent, aa heretofore. Our penonal rerpoaiibility ii pledged for all Deioilti received end boiineii tranneted. A eontfnuanec of the liberal pat ronaga of the boilnaai men of the county ia re ipeetlully loliclted. Ai Prealdent, Caibirr and officer! of it late Clearleld Connty Bank, we require the notei of laid Bank to be preceded for redemption. JA8. T. LEONARD, RICHARD SHAW, WM. PORTER, JAB. B. GRAHAM, 0. L. Rb'KD, WM. A. WALLACE- The bailneei of tbe Bank will be conducted bj Jobs M- Adaai., Bio,., ai Caahier. ll-I-74 County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In MMonie Baildin, one door norta of C. X. Walton'a Druj Kiure. FasMfte Ttckrtt to and from Liverpool, Qneena town, )liit.nwt London, Paris and Copenhagen AIM, brafte for gale on tbe Roai Bank of Irelane and Imperial Dink of London. JAMES T. LEONARD. Pret'L W. M. FHAW, Caihier. tl:1:74 J. D. WO irk. Edward Perkl. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSI OF McGIRK & PERKSr . " Succvuon to FoiUr, Perke, A Co, Pttlllp.bara;, Coutr County, Pa. WHERE all the buitnew of a Banking iTouoi wilt oc tranaactad promptly aad npon th moit favoraolo tenua. mar7-tf DREXEL & CO., No, 34 Soattl Third Blreet, Philadelphia And Dealers In Government Securities. Application by mail will reoefv prompt atten tion, and all Information cheerfully furnipbrd Orders Mdietrd. April 11-tf. IMsrrUaucoua. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS S STATIONERY. Market lit., Clcarflrld, (at tba Poet Office) rliK nndenlgned begi leave to ennounce to M. tneelllienior Clearleld and vicinity, that be b.i Sued ap a room aad baa Juil retaraed from tbe city with a large amount of reading a,r, ivH.i.iine; ! pari i ; , Bibles and Misocllaheoos Books. Blank, Account and Pan Booki of ererr dc aorlpiioa Paper aad Bnvelopei, French preiced no piain i reoi anu I'enciu Blank, Lege ripen, veeoi, iortgegci Judgment, Klemp Hon and Promlnory aotei i White and Parch meat Brief, Legal Cap, Record Can, and Bill Can Sheet, Muelefor cither Piano, Flute or Violin eonetantly ca baad. Any hooka or ctatlonery dciired Ibel I may aot have oa hand, will be or. ordered by Brit ezpreii, aad cold at wholeiale or retail to mil eaitnmere. I will alec keep periodical literature, mob ai Magailnei, Newi. paperi, no. r, 4. UALUIW Clearff.ld May T, ltnl-tf MARBLE AXD STOVE YARD! Mrs. S. S. LID DELL, Having engaged la tbe Marble builneie, deelree to Inform ber frlendi and the publie that the bai now and will keep ooaiUatlyoa band a large and well aclccted itock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, ancj Ii prepared to furnlih to order TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLE TOMSS, MONUMENTS, Cnrbt and Porta for Cemetery Lota, Window 6III1 and Capa, alio, BUREAU, TAD LB AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ac, Ac A-Yerd on Herd etrnet. hmt tk n n rt.. virarunu, re. Je7.7I DAVID YOUNG, Slonc- utter and Stone-Mason, WILL eiecnte all work In hii line el mod Crete prtoee and In FIRST-CLASS itvle Architectural Ornaments Tb ALL STYLES. Stone Dreiilno of even deierlptlon, and all klndi of melon work con tracted for In or ont of tbe connty. Any pereoci wtihlng to heve reipectabl maion work and tone-cutting doae, will (nd it to toelr lntcreil to call npon me I would alro Inform ike pub lic that I ean deliver any quantity or elaal ol tone deilred, ai I am ,U owner of FIRS'I-PLASS STONB QUARRY Orderi for work eaa be eddreeied to DAVID YOUrtfl, marH.TI Clearleld Pa. TUB CLEAR FIELp WOODrCHOPPERS' AXE1 Haaalaotured aipeolally lot TBS CLEARFIELD TRADE, roa ma t f. f. BI6LIR a CO. nam & scrbytex, caALiac i ' ' ' HARDWARE, and manufacturer! cf TIn.Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, ' Second Street, CLEARFIELD, FA. Tlavlng largely lncrcaied onr ctook of Berd ware, we invite the publio to examine oar itook and priori. . Carnenterc and penom who contemplate build ing will do well to eiamine our TOOLS ft BTJILSIVO EABIWAKS, which Ii aew and of the beat manufacture, aad will be cold low for oaih. NAILS, ULA53, PUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, ' - SCREWS All klndi of Bench Planer, Sawi, Chiieli, Squarec, Hammeri, Hatcheti, Plnmbi and Levele, Mortiard A Thumb Ouagee, Ilevela, BraeM A HUti, Wood and Iron Bench Sorewe, and tbe beat Boring Machine ia tbe market. Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTEIRT, ia. Agenttfor Burnett's Iron Corn Sheller, warranted. Alio, agenti for Rlchardi GOTHIC FIXE TOPS, wblob effeotnally cere Smoky Fluoa. Farmen' Impiemcnti and Oardea Tool! of every deaoriptioB. A large variety of COOK STOVES, which wc warrant to give aatiifaotloa. Portable Ranges and, Furnace. V'ft.Roofing, Spouting and Job Work dona on reaiunabte terma. All orderi will receive prompt attention. . June 11, 1873. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (SuMiMon to Boyntoa A Yoang,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer! of PORTAELE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pine Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. ;--.--tfr . . 'irr H.'ij' H AVISO engaged la tbe manufacture of flrtt alan MACHINERY, we reipoetfully inform the publie tbat we are now prepared be fill all ordere aa cheaply aad ai promptly aa eaa bo done In any of tho citiea. We manufacture aad doal la Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills !Tead Blceka, Water Wbeele, Shafting Palleya, Oifford'l Injector, Steam Oaugca,8ten Whittle!, Oilerc, Tallow Cupa, Oil Cupa, Gauge Cocki, Ai Cocka, Globe Valvea, Check Valval, wrought iron Pipe!, S eam Pumpi, Boiler Feed Pumpa, Antl Friction Mctrci, Soap Stone Packing, Gum Pack ing, and all klndi of MILL WORK) together with Plowa, Bled Bolee, COOK AXD rARLOR STOVES, aad other CASTINGS of all klnda. cy-Order, eolletted aad tiled at city prtoee. All letter! of inquiry with reference to machinery of oar manufacture promptly aniwored, by eddne ing aa at Clcarield, Pa. deoll'm-tr BIGLER, YOUNG A CO. fERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept constantly aa baad. STOVE AI) EARTHED -WARE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTSl CROCKS! Fleber'c Patent AlHleht Keif. Sealing rrsn t sen m BCTTER CROCKS, with lids. CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, aribn-Duii&it muia-a, FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, STEW POTS. And a great many other things too aameroul to mention, to ko kea at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY. Corner ol Cherry and Third 8trecta, CLEARFIELD, PA. augS FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOB SALE BT II. F. Blglcr A Co, IRON DOCBLB-SflOVEL PLOWS. WOOD D0UBLE-6U0VEL PLOWS. WOOD SIN0LE-S1I0VKL PLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. QOWANDA IRON BEAU FLOWS. PITTSBURG STEEL PLOWS. DACPT'S BELLEFONTE PLOWS. ROBESON'S aad THOMPSON'S PLOWS. Mf-Sham for all el the above Plawi eon. ftanlly on band. ay!e-7! JJ F. BIGLER k CO. hart for lala CARRIAGE & WAGOX WOODS, 8HAFT3 4ND rOLBB, IIUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, to. IOarrlaga aad Wagca Makers iboald make a aole cf thii aad call aad eicmlae them. They will be celd at fait pricei, J-7 1 fir. J. Walker's Ciilifornltt Vin egar Litters mo a pnrely VdmUiWo piopnratiou, mnilo cbicfly from tbo na- . tlve herbs fcmuil on tho lower ranp;aa of the Sierra Novndamountninaof Ciilifor- ; nla, tha modiclnal oropertiea of wltlcli oro extractod tliorefiom without tbo uao of Alcohol. Tho nueetlou Is Almost tlnlly askod. "What is tho catiso of tbo unparalleled aucccas of Yi.vf.oar Hit-. TKitsf" Our answer Is, tlmt tboy romov tho causo of disoaso, nnd tho patient re covers liia health. They nro tho great blood pui lllnr and a life-givinp principlo. tv perfect Kouovator nud Iiivljforator of tbo aystout. Novcr boforo lit Ibot hiatory of tlio world lia a modioino boon eompuuiidcil poaaeaaittK tlio rcmarkablo qualitioa of Viskoab Bittkiii In hcaliujt tb ick of arcry Biioaiia man ii heir t. They arc a gutlo rurputiva ac well aa a Tonic,' rolloring Cougoniion' "T Inflammatinn ol tho Liver and Viacor&I Orgaui iu Ililioaa. Iueaaoa : .- The pronertles cf Dn. Walkkb'b Tixwiab ItiTTKaa arc Aperient, Diaplioret!, Carmtnatira, Kntritiona, LMatira. Uiarctio, 6eaative, Cotinter lrritan, Budorilic, Altera, tira, aad Anti-Btlioue. - K. II. aicilMISALD CO., Drnriimand(n.Air..ftanrrejielK.CltfhrnJee , and wit. of Wniliintrt'm and Charlton Sta.. H. T. BulA by aUl Drmfgeele kimI Uealawa. October 16, 187J-ly. iBACB IS EIIROFK1 6REAT BXCITEKENT IN FRENCHVILLI! The bloody contact between France and PraceiA If at aa end for tbo preeent, ao far ai tbe ilaagh taring of men and the destruction of property la concerned. The Royal Juggler, no doubt prtde thcmielvec and rejoice over the remit, bat bow IniigniDcant ii tbeir work when compared with the humane and obriitiaa effort, of L. M. COUDRIET, who bac andertakaa to enpply all the eitiioaa ta tho lower end of tbe oounty with food and ewe it exceeding lew ratee from hii mammoth itora ta MULSONBCRG, where be eaa alwaya be baad ready to wait npon caller, and supply them withy Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such a! Clotbl, Satinetti, Caailmerea, MucKae. Detainee, Linen, Drilling!, Calieoee, Trtmminca. Ribbone. Lace Ready-made Clothing, Boot! and Shoea, Hate aanl Capa all of the beet material and made to ordee- Iloee, Soeka, Glovee, MitUna, Lacca, Ilibbonc, Ac GROCERIES OP ALL KINDS. , Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rioc, Molaeeei, Fiib, abatL Pork, Linwed Oil, Filk Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Quoenmre, Tinware, Caitinga, Plow, and Plow Caitingi, Naill, Spikec, Cora Cultiva tors, Cider Preeeee, and all kinda of Axel. Perfumery, Painta, Varnish, Oleic, and a general aasortmeat of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, alwayi oa band, aad will a aold at the lowest peocible gurec. LIQUORS, inch ac Brandy, Win., Gia, Wblaiw, Jayoe'a Medicines, Ilootetter'c aad " Hooflaod'e Bittcra. BOOS ponnda of Wool wanted for whiob tba highest price will be paid. Cloverseed ca baad aad for aale at tba lowest utarkot prion. Alio, Agent for Strattonville and CarwenvriUe Threshing Maohlnec k.Call and ceefor Toareelvec Ton will lac) everything aanaily hept in a retail etore. L. M. COCDRIBT. Frcaohvilla P. 0., March 1, 18TI. B OOT AND SHOE MAKING. JOFEPH n. PEERING, on Market itreet, la 8hcw'c Row, Clearteld. Pa., baajost received a Inc lot of French Calf Skim aad Klpa, tba beat la the market, aod ii bow prepared to man ufacture everything in bic liae. lie will war rant bia work to be aa rtpreiented. The eitiiena .of, Cleerleld and vicinity era' recreetfully Invited to give him a call. Work doae at short aotioc Mo'TJy ' RANK SHORT, of lha "Short Shoe Shop," givec notice that be baa re- moved from tirnhem s Row, on Market street, to nes! door to tbe Allegheny Hotel, oa Market itreet, where ho ia prepared to make aad mead BOOTS AND SHOES, tttcfafd, hwI or pj(gid, with th fcst tok ihm tu(em aiuktt afford ftod at m rMMBabl prinai M tb can b booght for Irewbtr. anil wberii h is prepared to tvfeonnQdata all hit old eaaUm on and aj naay nw obi aa aay favor him with a oall. Tbankfal far paet farorr. be would ro iptotfttllj aolieit aooDttaaaaeo of tbeir patrtinartK F. bUORT. Clearfield, October 12. 18?l..6ia Lime lor Sale! THE undaralgued, residing near tha depot baa ado complete arrangement, with Lima burner! cent of the mounuia, whereby he is ena bled to keep coBstanlly on hand a largo quantity ef PUKE LI HE! . which be offers to formers aad builders ai a trifle above coiL Thoee ia need of the article would da well to giro me a call, or address mo by letter, ba fora negotiating their lima. OKO.C. PA8SM0RE. Clearfield, Pa., June , 189. PATENT RIGHT FOR SALE I offer for aale tbe riabt for tho aale of tha oeU ebratcd Washing Machine, known aa lha "Ira B. Stillman Defiance Washer," In the county of Clinton. Will sell the rlcht for the entire oounty, or for each township. Tel. Waiher la known to ha cue of the very boot la use, and tbeir sale ia vary large wherever .tatra. duoed. Apply by letter ar In person to t. A. TKRPE, ' aovt-lm Lutherebarg, Clearfield Co., Pa. Beale's Embrocation, (LATB POWELL'S,) For all diseases Incident to Horace, Cattle, cad atamaa Ilein, req-trlng Ike use or ag aaternal applieatloa. This Embrocation wae eitenelvelr need bay Ike Ooreramcat dariag the war. For sale by Bartiwiok A Irwin. Clearlaldn R. Irwin. Carwcaaville. Daalcl OooaV aader. Lutbersbnrg. ef. SALE! A large and well-lntihed Brick DwcIIIdc. clta.- cle an the river ben b, in tho borough of Clear field, containing eleven ruomi, with good cellar,. water in tha kitchen, and all the modern eonra- nienoei. Pantriea, Bath-room, Clo.hei-prai(i, Aa. Lot silty feet front and two bondred and thirty feet back, with a twenty foot allry oa the cost ide. bold building, wilh all the eppurtentneea, will be sold cheap, wilh paytnentiio luit parcha oer. Application oan 'be made to the endow igned, or to A. C. Teto, Riq., whe will give all aeeeeiary Information to those who desire to ta speot tbe property. I UU3. 4. BICVULLUUUIi. May Hit, UTS, tf. CHEAP GROCERIES! LUMBER CITT, PA. The undnilaned annotincc to his old friends and patrons that he hai opened a goad Una ot GROCERIES A PHOV IHlo.SH at the old stand or Kirk A Speaeer, for which h solicits a linoraj patronage. H. W. Sl'KNCKR. iumner I'lty, fa., March au-u. 17m HAI.t-V-Tbc arxlsrslrned alern foe A eale a valuable town p sale a valuable town property in the boronak of Clearfield. Lot Itllti fact, with a rood t tory plank house thereon erected, with thm room! down stairs and four bed rooms np itairl. Also, tewing room and bath room oa second door. House finished complete from cellar eo attla.-. Good doaMe porch and good water. Price raa aonable and payments easy. ioaugia w m. m. hoi UI.I.UL'WH.. . JOSEPH H. ROWLES, Jnatioo of the Peace aad Scrivener ta tba aepper ead ai Iwreaoa township. CoUeetlcpi mad. aad moawg aromptly paid f eh 41y 'X,