GEORGE C. GOODLANDEIl, . 1 , iiiiitum pnot-Kiitrou, CLKAKFIKLD, Ta. WEDNESDAY MOKNIN'O. J AX 14, 1874. . Too Had. Grant's c-liicf partner nnd friend, Hncz, IVesidont ol San Domingo, liin been bnniahed from lliat negro pnrudiso, nnd tlio liovolutionint loader, Gonzales, linn boon proclaimed I'rcsidont. Grant should now give Gen. Babcock and Dac so mo Foiuign Mission. ' A Defeat. A number of loyal ragamuffins in and out of tlio Legisla ture mado an attempt to forco the election of a United Slates Sunator at this session, but the few honest men if tlio Cameron party united with the Democrats and postponed tho election until next roar. This is just as It should bo. No Use. As our county is without a Keproscntaiive In Congress, wo pre sume it is u9oleB8 for us to call upon -that body to repeal tho odious postal law which tho members of that body Imposed upon country nowspnpori,for the purpose of "covering into the Trenaury" tho 57,500 salary steal. ' Tiie Stock Jobbers' Cuxiicil The pews in Buccher's Church, Brooklyn, wero sold on .tho 7th. Tlio highost sum paid for a pew was 530 and tho . lowest $11. -Tliecaah reulized from tho 'sale amounted to the om of 1559,470, about (COO lors than last year. Broth ers Dowen, Til'.on and II. B. Clnfliu, tho dry goods ring, occupy front pows. Tbo Woodhull's and tlio other Claflin's sit fnrther to tho roar. , , JonN II. Orvis. This gentleman, who represents Centre county in tho lower House, was the Democratic nom inco for speaker, but of course fnilod of an election, because the people wore .blind enough last fall to sond a majori ty of Credit-Mobilicritcs to that body Xcverlholees, us wo heard nn old ex member remark last winter, "ho is lbo best man in tho House." Koxt ,,-yenr tho Demoeratsi will elect tho vpoakor. Mark the prediction. . im Remarkable Our neighboring county of Indiana had three members Clark, AVhite and Taylor- able mem bers at that, in the Into Constitutional Convention, all zealously in favor of the new instrument, yet, on election lay, the citizens of that county two to. one voted agniimt tho new Consti tution. Democratio Green had two of the ablest members in that body 'Black, C. A. and Furman and that comity, ton, polled two votes against , to one (or it. IIxavv Dkfaultsr. -Tho loyal" Treasurer of Richland county, Ohio, was discovered on Monduy week to be -a defaulter to the tune of 1110,412 1C. lie has fled the country." It appears that bo had loaned a large portion of the money to parties in Mansflold, who succumbed when the September . panic camo around there and are now anablo to pay the money. . The names of tho parties are not given to the public. But it is -pretty sure thore ore no Democrats in that "ring." Government It appears that that eminent "Christian Bunk ing firm" Jay Cooke & Co., about a year' ago succeeded in palming off on the Assistant Treasurer at Now York $25,580 worth of counterfeit bonds and coupons. The Treimurer, us soon . as be learned that tho vouchers were counterfeit, called Mr. Cooka's atten tion to tho matter, but he refused to luko them back. The Treasurer . brought suit, and lust week obtained a judgmont for the amount against 1 that bankrupt firm. Had some "poor ' dovil" passed but ono of these bonds upon the Treasurer, ho would ere this be housed in some Penitentiary, wbilo the "christian banker" is only annoy ed with a civil suit for tho money ho wrongfully drew out of the Treasury. How is that for government J , . ; m A Iluoi Sill. The organization of tbo Legislature shows that the North ern and Wostern portion of tho State united ond corroded , ovorything. i Tbo chiof clork of the Senate, Errett, is from Pittsburgh ; tho Speakor of the llouso, McCormick, is from tho lame city ; Gen. Solfridgo.former chiof ' clerk of tho House, was slaughtered , tho "tried and truo soldier" was ox shangod for a quack Doctor, named Shurloek, from Beaver county, a conn ty which in but a very fow years has had bestowed upon it tho Secretary of State, Speaker of the Sonato, cash ier of tho Treasury, commissioner to Vienna, and clerk of tho Constitutional .Convention, and a county which al though it has but 7,000 taxable, ex pects to have tbo Liou,onant Gover norship conferred upon one of its citi zens. The sacrificing of Sclfridgo shows that Cameron and QuajTown lbo Radical party In this State. , Winding. Tho Washington cor .respondent of the New York Tribune, nays: Tho chaplain of the Senate, on Wednesday, in his ononing prayer in voked Divino Trovidence to hold in liis own hand that powerful ongino the puhlio press. Tho precise reason jor this spocial remembrance docs not appear, but wa presume It is oot whol ly unconnected with a oertaio freedom nf criticism which has of late cropped pUt in the )out unexpected qnnrlurs. TAe CforrrMor' .vittnagr. The annual mossago of (iov. llnrt- ranfl was ttaiitimitlod to tlio Lcgialu turo ou tlio 7tli, and. is bufoi'o tlio pub lic. Jlo rcviuwB tlio condition of tlio flnnneos of tlio Stnlo, which show a redumption of tlio Slate debt during tho punt ycrtr to tlio amount of a mil lion mid a lmlf dollars, but announces Unit for the coming year the rvceiptu will be 61,000,000 lew tlinn fur 1873, wliilo the expenditures will not bo di minished, and that dm ing this and the following your tho most rigid economy will bo nocossnry to muke tho receipt meet tho expenditures. Tlio Suite debt la reduced to $25,708,$21.04,wiih railroad bonds in tlio Sinking Fund amounting to over cloven million dot- him, leaving a Statu indebtedness un provided for of $14,773,G70.7O. Tho encouragement of the gront Centen nial exhibition Is warmly eoinmcnded to tbo peoplo of tho Stato nnd tho ntv tion, and substantial assistance asked from Congress. Tho result of the election upon the new Constitution is announced, and the legislature request ed to proceod with the counting of tho voto, in order that tho Governor may promptly itwuo his proclamation "ii conformity with the provisions of tho act calling tho convention, and In compliance with the resolution," pass ed at its lust mooting. Tho subject of common school education is treated ut length, and tho recommendations of the Stato Superintendent in regard to securing a better attendance ol tho childron of tho indigent and crimi nal classes are endorsed. Tho reports of the Board of Charities aro reviewed, nnd legislative attention directed to their wise recommendations. Various other mutters of publio interest aro treated of, and tho message concludes with a fitting expression of gratitude for the care and beneficence exercised by Providonco over the Stato and its people. , The balance in tho State Treasury on tho SOth November was ono mil lion eight hundred and twenty-fivo thousand one hundred and fifty-ono dollars and Iwenty-four cents ($1,825, 151.24). Why this large sum of money is allowed to accumulate in the Treas ury wo cannot define. Tlio State authorities should either reduce taxa tion, or cancel the obligations of the Stnte for which the peoplo aro paying intorost. f "Come f Joint." Four weeks ago Grant sent the name of his "chum," George II. Wil liatns, into the United States ' Senate, and at-kod that body to confirm him as Chief Justice. Nearly everybody, except Grant, seemed to know that Williams was wholly unfit for the po sition, nnd begun to manipulate for his defunt. Both Grant and Williams were solicited to withdraw from the contest by tho more diet-root portfan of .he pnrly. But no, they would not "haul off." Such dispatches as tho following were daily sent over the wires: . ... "WaasiauTot, DecM Tin President hi de clared most emphatically that ho will not with draw (lie name of Jude Williams. Tlia Senate muit confirm bim or lake the rrsponiibililj." "WiinncTol, Jan. .--Judge Wllllam'i nam will not be withdrawn, lie says if he it rejected by the Senate be will withdraw from tlio Cabiuet." This is the manner In which Grant attempted to menace Sonators, in or der to bring about the confirmation of his "butty," Williams. But finding that the Senate was not wholly de moralized by tho Creuit Mobilier af fair and the Salary grab, "tho govern ment" tacked about, and the fullowiug epistle was given to the publio: leriTrT or Jrarira, 1 WAsgi.ttirox, Jan, 7. 1 To le PrnidtaH Bib t Yon were kind enough, without my loliel tatton or any knowlrdgo on my part that you eontemplati-d luch a thing, to nominate nte lor Chief J unite of the Supreme Court of the United Btatei. Fince thnt time tho ftooijiitoi of oalutn ny in all direetiuni have bocn opened upon ine. Mr abilitira have b?nn diiparacd and liiy intee;. rity brought in quoation, and H ectni to ioe that publio opinion advene ! my appointment hae uern oreated, which might herea'ter einliarraia your Adtniniftration, and impair niy u-tailuoM upon the bench. With a perfoot oonieloiuncM that I. hare per formed with elean handi and an nprigbt purpoae all the dutiei of the vnrtoue public officea to which I have been eatled, and trutting to time and a Jut pnblio, whrn better informed, for rat indioation, I roepootfully auk you to wjtbdraw from the Borate my nomination for Chief Juntice. I Lave tne honor to be, with greet renpert, Or.a. 11. This letter is 'Hillielent proof that Williams was unfit for tho position he was aspiring to. "Tho government" that day withdrew William's numo and that of Briatow, which was. sent in for Attorney General. It is evident from this thnt Williams, is going to "slick," although ho threatened to leave the Cubinot if he wus rcjoctod by the Scnato. This man Williams was as poor as a "ohnrob mouno" lien li oumo lu Washington, a few years ago. ant bo and his wifo boarded in the third sto ry of a second class hotel "for pover ty's sake," yet now ho lives in a f GO, 000 house, his wifo is seen On the street every day driving a pair of "spanking" bays and tho finest car riage on tho avenue, and they are spending from $10,000 to 812,000 an nunlly. Besides, it is stated that Mrs. Williams has (100,000 in cash, and this has all been, acquired nn A ?o,oo0 salary. What an excellent Supreme Judge ho would havo made, In a "loy al" point of view. Tho Syracuso Courier, In referring to this ma'.ter, says: "How he hae managed lo do It la one of tlione thinga that " fellah can neror nnd out." If he hul acquired all hie moveable and real eelatn In tho entne manner that Mra. Williami veeurei her l,S(ifl landaulat by aoolly oliarglng them to the Department of JuMice or eome othnr depart ment who will he wlier f Williami will prove a valuable man to Uraot. Ilia power of aciulai tlon are pecial rnoomaiendalione to tho good opinion of Grant, for he knowa bow It it himrelf. lie will be a avrvile tool of hit mauler, but an epea dingraca to the tountry. Oraat declared in nil Ineuicnral that ho bad vu poliay to entorue agnlnat the prill of the people) and yet in detianoa af the popular will, in eontempt of the opinion! and wamingenf the independent republican free, and. notably, Uarjttr't Her, AHmy Jonntml, It'fckinttr Itrnocrnt, of thie 8iate, he eraoki the hip nver the heada of doubling Henatort and foreoa the eoiiSroianoa of Wiliiataa. Sad enough it la to behold eueh iptctlt, Happily, tbo spoclacW has been averted, and the poople will bo with out a Buchu Chief Justice In the per son of 3Irs. Williams. i.ttttr front tlarrtxburr. Hahrisiiuro, Jan.' 10, 1874. Mr. Editor: The first week of the session of the Legislature under the rules ol the now constitution ciosea to day.' Tho two Houses had organized on Tuesday, tho Glli instant. ; It. B. Strang, of Tioga i county, was mado Speaker of tlio Sonute, and Russell Ei roll chief clerk, -thereof. In the House, II. II. McCormick, of Alleghe ny, wa inutle 'Speaker, nml W.'ll. Sliurlock, of Beaver county, chief clerk. Willi tho Legislature thus organ ized, tho Senate has twenty votes lie- Eulilican, twelve Democratic, and .one ilboral- Republican Republican ma jority, seven voles. In the llouso tho Republicans have hlty-sovcn. votes :, JLloinocrals, inrly three Republican ; majority, 'our- teon votes. Oil joint ballot, total lie. publican majority, twenty-one votes, This result hIiows that it is in (he power of tho Bupubliuana to inter pret tho now constitution us they may desire. t This tact gavo rumor, this week, to certain wonderful stories of what wan to be dune. It was said tho ltepuulican leuuers wore determined lo throw cvo ry obstacle in tlio way of the success ol the nfiw instrument, nnd that the House Speaker was pledged to so arrange tho committees, tbul tho constitution would roceive from thorn every possi bio hintlrunco. juuny otber just as absurd rumors woro utloat. Tho subsequent action of both Houses, during this week, disproves all this. J. hey littvo all taken tho oulli to support the now constitution Both Houses are laboring earnestly to conform in thoir legislation to its provisions. ' Committees have been appointed, who havo reported now rules for thoir government under the now law, nnd every one, nt least seems, to strive their utmost,' in their desire to bring tho work of tho con Slitntion fairly into operation. Gov ernor Harlrnnft, in his able message, pays a high tribute to the newconsli- tutinn and calls upon the Legislature to watch it closely", und lo como fairly up to every provision it contains, to work a euro and certain rclurm ot the profligacies nnd corrnptions.that have so seriously ntlccted past legislation. in autitiion to tins tho lolloping roso Union has passed both Houses : "!tW, That it ia tho true intent and meaning of the new eoDftitutiun, that the flrrt eaeiun of the general asiciobly elooled under In provision, beirine an the nrtl Tueiday of January, 1S76, and the member! of the Hume of Kepreeentativea thereof, ahould be alroted at the general emotion ! is. 4. Tho peoplo havo certainly reason to congratwate themselves at the har mony between tho two parties exist ing hero on this subject. The lobby is empty, for no jobs can hereafter bo perpetrated by the Pennsylvania Legislature. Mho halls ot legislation are quiet, tho membors are smiling and happy, and "Constitutional lie form" and "down wilh -Kings," ap pears to bo written all over its walls Col. A. K McClure, of Philadelphia has offered a new bill, in the Semite, amending tho election law, according to the new constitution. 11 is care fully drawn, and contains every con dition, not-essary lor conducting and making returns of all elections. It repeals nil election laws in tho State thnt aro local or speciul, and extends. in lieu thereof.the general election law. This bill directs that a Judge, two Inspectors and two Canvassers aha be elected in each voting district, every year. 'J he duty ol the Can vnssora is somewhat similar to that uf assessors. Thpy will make a registr; of votersin Augnslof every year, end on or hoforo the first day of September, they will return a copy of their lists to the County Commissioner, ono copy being retained by each canvasser lheso lists are printed and posted by tho County Commissioners, in the different election districts of the coun ty. Any person whoso name is not on tho list cunnot voto, unless ho can prove the payment of taxes and other necessary qualification. If any onp be limited on the list and his vote be challenged, it will only bo received af ter the oath of a qualified Voter has been takon, that he know him to bo entitled to a vole. Hourly accounts aro kept by the election officers of the names of voters who cost their votes within that time. Tho returns nro fully protected after tho closing of the polls. Tho result of tho enliro day' voto is announced publicly from tho election window. As the city of Phila delphia has no local election ofllcers, ami as tho election will occur on the third Tuesday irv February, this bill will soon pass. It is now up lo tho second reading, and will be takon up at next 1 ucsuay s session and protia biy be passed li null y. It is expected that this sossion of the Legislature will bo prolonged bo vond thu litno of lormnr I.pirinlatiirrs Much important work is to bo gono tli rou i, h wilh. Tho sossinns of this week began Tuesday morning, and they remained in session until rriday a thing that has not teen done hoforo in fifteen years Tbero will be no neecssily hereafter of tho following committees: Local Judiciary. Dt vorccs, Election Districts, Roads and Bridges, Counties and Townships,and City I usscnger Railway. J he sev eral county courts will attend lo all these tilings hereafter. During this session, adjournments each week will only occur from Saturday lo Iho next Monday at o clock, p. M., instead o from rriday to Tucsiluy, as beloroj If they continue as they have start ed out, tho people of the State will havo- causo for congratulation. So moU it bo. , .- i Yours &.C. K. L. It. - "SoCK."Thospawns of that "Chris tian soldior,"Gon. Howard, whom the Secretary of war has posted as a pub lio, robber of no moan pretensions, want tho Secretary to allow lbo (ion oral to "explain" bis larcenies. A del egation of "loyal" Congressmen havo even waited upon Gen. Belknap, solic iting him upon this point. But the Secretary says : "tho deficiencies and discrepancies in (ion. Howard's ac count are too large to admit of explana tion." Wo cannot count them, but wo can imagino tho numbor of "loyal" Sena tors, Congressmen, Bishops and clergy men who are now interceding for this letter "A, No. 1" hypocrite, who with Colfax,' Wilson and Patterson havo brought more disgraoo upon tho chris tian religion than ton thousand sin ners, of even tho grado of Simon Cam eron. But so it will bo, while doma gogucs and hypocrites control both church and Stato affairs. Tbo Now Hampshire Domocrat have nominated, James A. Weston for Governor, Organization ol Iht Prnnnyl- ran id LrgtilMure. Hahrikiiurii, Jan. (1, 1871. Senate The Senate met at three O'clock, P. M., and was calltd loordor by Mr. Strang, hpcaker.' t i ho proeoeUitiL's wore opened wnu prayer by Rev. J. W, Sayror,Chapluln, Of Kuld win. ; Tho roll-was called, whon all the Senutors answered lo thoir names. Tbo Secretary of the Commonwealth preset) tod tho returns ol tho election tor Senators elected last run, wtnon woro read, when tho now Senators wero sworn, -i On motion, tho Senate proceeded to elect a sneaker. Mr. R. 11. Strang, of Tmira. Republican, was oloctcd, re ceiving 21 votes, to 12 cast for Wm. McSherry, of Adams, Democrat. tMieuker Mrang was then sworn in, and delivered an address, in which ho ihunkod tho Senate for the honor con ferred, promised lo give tho now Con stitution a hearty support, und urged tho bouato, pending the proclumatiun of its adoption, to mako all thoir ac tions conform, both in spirit and pruc tice, to tho requirements ot the new ortranic law Russell Jbrrett, Republican, was then elected chict clerk by a party vote, the Democrats, and Mr. McClure, voting for R. Sprole Leismring, ol I'liilauclphia. - i , Committees were appointed to wait upon tho Governor und the llouso of Representative, to inform them that the Sonnto is organized ud ready to rcccivo any communications that cith cr mnv make Mr. M'Cluro asked Icavo to intro duce a bill entitled a further supple ment to the Act regulating election in this Commonwealth. He thought Iho early consideration of tho matter of the utmost importance, as Philado phiu was without an election law by virluo ot the now Constitution, and that it would require at least two week be I ore ono lo meet the exigen cies of the situation could be enacted After debate during which it was agreed that "all legislation of the Senate should bo in accordanco with tho new Constitution," tho bill wus re ferred to a committee of livo. House In the House of Represen tilives, in accordance with the pro visions of the Constitution, the mem bers elect to tho llouso of Reprcsentu lives of Pennsylvania, assombled in the Hall of the House at 12 o'clock, M, ot this duy. J as. L. SuUridge, Chiof Clerk of tho previous sjtsion, called llio members lo order. i Rov. Mr. Snyder, of Ilarriaburg opened the proceedings wilh prayer. The election returns wero presented by tho Secretary of the Common wealth, and read. Tho 'roll was called and the member proaont sworn in. X he House proceeded to oleel a Speak tr. Henry M. McCormick. of Alleirhe ny, Republican, received Cfi votes, and John II. Orvis, of Centre, Democrat, 42 votes. Mr. McCormick was con ducted to the chair, and addressed the House, after which tho oath of ofiico was administered to him by Mr. Orvis. Tho Republican caucus nominee for Chief nnd Assistant Clerks, wero Ihcn elected by a parly Volo. The Texan Trouble. Wasiiinoton, Jan. 12. Tho follow ing dispatch was this morning sent to Governor Davis by the 1 resnlont Exr.cuTiva Mansion. January 12, 1874 6'oi. 2)ris, Austin, Texat Your dispatches and li'iiorn reciting i lie action ot the Supreme Court, in Texas in declaring thu Into election unconstitutional, and asking the use ol troops to prevent apprehended vio lence, aro received. 1 ho cull is not made in accordance wilh tho Consti union of the United States and acts of Congress under it, and cannot therefore bo granted, lbo act of the Legislature of Texas, providing for the recent election, having received rour approval, and both political par lies having mado nomination, and having conducted tho political cam puign under its provisions, would It not be prudent, as woll as right to yield lo the verdict ot tlio peoplo, as expressed by their ballot ? Signed U. S. Grant, This is dociJudly tho best document that has .como fiom tho Kxccutivo Chumbor for many a day. It is short, und full of sound scrse, and looks a though iho days of carpet-bag rule was about over, and Democratic forms of government woro about being in tiluted once more in tho Southern soclion of iho Union. Congress. Although this body has hud Its holiday spree, and boon in ses sion over ten days since, tho moinbors can find nothing to talk about bul their own salary, which seems to con sumo all their lime and talents.' How over, the Sonato litis done ono good job. It compelled Grant to withdraw his Buchu candidate for Chief Justice, and it look now as though tho vacan cy would be filled by agcntloman and a scholar. A Homey-General Willinm was about as well qualified for-Chiof Justico as "old Nick" would bo for a bishop, and a lurgo portion of the Rad icul Honutors possessed intelligence enough to "sen it." When the mem ber got .tho'r salary fixod, wo pro- sumo they will give publio affairs iodic attention. Settled. It was a dcbatablo ques lion, previous to the assembling of tho Legislature, whether the body mooting on tbo first Tuesday of Janu nry, 1874, or tho ono meeting in Jon uai-y, 1875, was the first Legislature meeting under the new Constitution The following resolution, which has passed the Senate by a vote of 31 yens and 2 nays, and tho House by 01 yeas, and 2 nays, however, solllos tho ques tion : ' ! . Hrtatmd, Tty the Senate and Houm of Rapro. lentalieea of I'ennivlranla, that it la the true in tent nnd meaning of the new t'onllltutlon that the drat eeesinn of the tlenernl A'lembly eleoted under itl provinlonl begina on the flrat Tuesday of January, IS7.t, and the memberi of the Houno of Representative! thereof aba.ll be aleeled at the general election or I8H. 'Ono of the "loyal" signs of tho times is.the monthly Incresso Of lliena lional debt, to tho tuneol about eight milliomi of dollars. Tub last "National Bi.EaHma." The repetition of Williams as Chief Justice on tho part of tho Senate Is, indeed, a national blessing. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Comn- py is carrying passengers from Pitts burgh lo Baltimore, via. Harrisnurg, for ouruoiiri. The tYw Organic Law. VHOCLAMATION Of TDK flOVKRNOft AN NOUNCING THB ADOPTION Of TUB NKW CONSTITUTION AND UKOOUNIZINU IT AS Till CONSTITUTION OF Till COMMON WEALTH. ; ; : IlARRisnuRa, Jan. 7. The following was issued to-dav J In tho name and by the authority-of tho Commonwealth of I'ennsylVunlu, John V. Ilartranft, Governor of the said Commonwealth, '- : A PROCLAMATION. Uliereas, In eompliunco with an aot of the General Assembly of this Com- mnnwoallh, entitled "An act to pro vide lor culling a convention to uniond tho coiislitntion,' approved by , the (iovernor iho day of April, A. D. 1873, the qualified electors of this Commonwealth elected "delegates to a convention to roviso and amend Iho constitution of the Siuto," wilh power lo propose to tlio ciligons of this common wuuttn, lor tncir approval or rejection, a new constitution or amendments to Iho present one, or specific, amendments, to bo voted on separately; and whereas, in compli ance with the said net the delegates so elected assombled in convention on (ho second Tuesday of November, A. D. 1872, and adopted, at Philadelphia, on tlio third duy of November, A. D. liJ, a constitution of tbo Common wealth of Pennsylvania; und whereas, the constitution of said convention so adopted was submitted to the quali fied voters of tho Commonwealth for thoir approval or rejection, at an elec tion Ihorefor by Said convention ap pointed on tho loth duy ol December, A. D. 1873; and whereas, tho roturns of the sit id election wero by Ilia act of Assembfy aforesaid directed to be re lurncd,openod, counted, and published us the returns for the election of Gov ernor aro now by law oounlod and published, and when the number of voters K'vcn tor or agutnHt the new or revised constitution, or for or against separate specific amendments, if any, shall huvo been summed np and ascertained, and the duplicalo certificate thereof delivored lo the proper olHccrs, the Governor shall do- dure by proclamation tho result of the election, and it a majority or tho votes shall bo for the new or revised constitution, or for any separate spoci fic amendments, such now or revised constitution and sepurato specific amendments shall bo thoncolortli the constitution of this Commonwealth; und whereas, the returns of the elec tion so held for lbo adoption or rejec tion of the suid constitution adoplvd by the of jresuid convention, were re turned in compliance wilh the require ments of tho suid net of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, and delivered to tho Speaker of the Senate on tho seventh day ot Junuury, A. V. 1874; and whereas, by a certificate of this dato on file in tlio ollice of the Secretary of tho Coramonwoalth,Kign ed by the Hon. Butler B. Strang, Speaker ol the Senate ol this Com mon wealth, and the Hon. Henry II. McCormick, Speaker of ihe House of Represen tntivcsof thisCommon wealth, it appears Unit Iho speaker ot the Sonato of this Commonwealth, on tho seventh day of January, 1874 in tho hall ol the House ot Kcprosenlutivce, in the Stale Capitol, opened, countod, and publiiihed lbo returns of Iho elec tion lo decide for or sguinst the adop tion of said constitution, adopted by tho aforesaid convention, and summud up and ascertained tho number of voters uiven fur and auuinsl tho same at said election, in the presence of liolb houses ol tho Legislature ol this Commonwealth, conlormalilo to the laws of the Commonwealth, and that upon counting tho votes it appeals that the number of votos given for tho now constitution was two hundred andli fly-three thousand seven hundred and forty-lour, and tho number of votes given against the new constitu tion one hundred and eight thousand five hundred and ninety-four, show ing a majority of one hundred and forly-five thousand one hundred and fifty votes in luvor of the new consti tution. 1 ' Therefore, I, John F. Ilartranft, Governor of Pennsylvania.have caused this proclamation to issue, and in pur. suanco of lbo said acts of tho General Assembly of Ibis Common wealth nnd in eompliunco therewith,, do hereby declare that ot Iho election held on tho Kith of December, A. D. 1873, of the qualified voters of tins Common wealth to decide for or against the adoption of Iho new constitution in convention adopted at Philadelphia, on the third ol November, A. D. 1873, two hundred and fifty three thousand seven hundred and forty four(.r)3,7-14) votes wero given for Iho udopiiun of the same, and one hundred and eight thousand five hundrod und ninety-four l lUH.S'.M) were given agauiHl the adop tion of iho same, a majority of one hundred und forty five thousand ont hundred and filty (115,100) of tho voles polled at suid election being in favor of the adoption of the said new constitutional) that tho said now con slitulion ha been adopted by the qualified voters of tho Slalo, and is tho consti lut ion ol the Com mon wealth. Given under my hand and the great seal of tho Stale ut Hurrisburg Ibis seventh day ol January, in tho year of our Lord ono thousand eii;ht hun dred and soventy-four, and of iho Commonwealth tho ninety-eighth. John F. Uaotranft. By the Governor : S. M qvAJ, Secretary of the Com monwenllk. , . Good ! Good 1 ! President Grant, after withdrawing tho nami of bis friend Williams, has sent to tho Son ato Iho namo of Hou. Caleb Gushing, for Chiof Justico, to tho astonishment of all Radicaldom. It is leas than two weeks sinco his namo was sent into tho Senate and confirmed as Minister to Spain. How tho "copperhead" is going to lill both oil: ccs wo cannot understand. One thing is clear lo our mind: tiranl has got so deep in tho mud with his own parly friends, that ho must now cast for some Dem ocratio statesmen to pull him nut. . , On tub Uoad. To judgo from a special despatch to Chicago il would not bo surprising to aoo ox-United Stales Senator Pomeroy, at no dis tant day, filling a similar position in the Kansas Stale Penitentiary to the ono now held by Boss Tweed at Black well's Island. Tho despatch alluded lo tells us that Pomeroy's bail, $-0,-0U0, bus been doclnrod forfeited, tho application for a conlinuaco being de nied by the poprt. Tbo Governor js to issue a requisition on tho Governor of tho District of Columbia, and a dips- senger will leave with it Inside of twenty-four hours. Again, il Is be lieved that the briber will nprer bo triod, but at the caso stand it puts him in tho position of a criminal at large without hail, and liablo to arrest at any time. J?exlt , - ! Crantltm illutlratetl in a Poi' matter. Tho sailor who is accustomed to climb aloft looks down without giddi ness on scenes below, bnt tlio lands man's bruin reels and swims.' The mountuin hunter gueca: with little emotion on ttlaclers, .tiroci pices, nrul olmsniii, which strike tho travels! dumb, wilh uwo. So since the. advent uf G mutism tho American people have learned to look unmoved on im mense accumulations of fraud, and to gnzo without ditzines into tlio depths of corruption that in earlier limes would havo astounded iho wholo country, and excited to fronty all its citizens. .' After Cnsoy and Baboock and Shep. herd, no official meannoss or dishones ty can be startling, but even yet it- is astonishing that Bunnell should bo retained as Postmaster at JJenvor, Colorado. Creator scamps havo un doubtedly been tho tho causo of great er injury .to tho country ; but none has done moro in proportion to his opportunities. For a long timo par ties receiving their mans ui the Den ver. Posloflluu com plui nod of tho do lay or noii-reception of letter and pa pors. This was particularly the ouso with thoso whoso politics wero not sul Isfuctory, or who woro personally on unfiiondly terms with Bennett, as most of tha inhabitants of Denver wero ard are. When inquiries wero mado at the Postofflco the questioner wore snubbed or abused. Al last it became so intolerable that nn Investi gation was domandcrj at Washington, and Spocial Agont Fury was sont to Denver. Upon learning that Bunnoll was the intimato' friend of Delegate ChafTeo, Mr. Fury displayed grout zeal In whitewashing linn. Ho laid tho stuff on thick and fast, but al though Fury found Bennett almost and altogether lovely, and .such a postmaster appointed by Grant ought to be, no amount of plaster could con ceal the fuct that bo was a dishonest follow, . ... Tho editor of n small opposition newspaper in Denver now took tho matter up, and discovered the missing letters and journals in the abodes of certain Chincso washermen, to whom they had been sold. Whole packages of Ihe Christian Union and Tlir Sun were discovered In theso place, a nl so copies of the Chicago 74iifie.Cin. cinnati Commercial, Cincinnati Inquit er. Now Orleans Pieayase, liunsa City Timet, and other papers. . With tho exception of one or two, which probably fell in by mistake, they wor4 all opposition journals, iho China men refused to tell from whom they had obtained lbo pnpers.but they were found in package properly directed, and with wrappers suporscribod with tho names ol wbll known citizens; and il whs aftorwards ascertained that in the distribution of the pHpcr mail most of ihe opposition newspapers were thrown into a basket and sold In bulk at seventy-five cents a hundred, beini; delivered after dark. But up on Fury's report Bennett was kept in ollice notwithstanding. The case, however, is so abominable that the people of Denver, both Re publicans and Democrats, are yet agi tating it, and it will require all the porsonul influence of Delegate Chuf ieo, who ia Grant's boon companion, to save Bennett. But wo cannot bolp believing that he will rave him. - A President who can stand by Williams, Shepherd, Casey, and Cooke, cannot be expected to revolt at such a kuuvo as Bennett. JV. Y. Sun. Tuats So." Tho editor of th Chicago Times hits a loyal prcaoher, named Douglass, who ha lately been spending a good deul of timo in try ing to prove thnt tho 'old mil spliter" was a nunc, lie says : A Pittsburgh proachcr is out in n four column argu ment to prove that A. Lincoln was a Christian. J I the preaohers would consume half as much pnlemio am munition in defending Christianity itself against tho assaults of tho un believers as they are wasting upon ihe fUlile attempt to show that ono undemonstrative unbeliever wus not an unbeliever, their lubors might bear more important fruit. Olivia, the gushing Washington cor respondent of Forney' Prtst, says of Alexander il. Stephens : "Woixiorful man! It may be said that he once had a body, but it has been pared down until il is transpar ent, i'ou feel that God i very good lo givo you almost a chanoe to sue a naked soul. The liltlo man must have taken off bis overcoat. Rowoll's Xewsniper Reporter an nounees thesusponsion of one hundred and twenty newspapers, nearly all in consequeiioe of hard timos. Mr. Ralph Keolnr, correspondent of IheiSew lorlc lniunc, wits tnystori. ously lost nl sea recently on the pas. sugo from Santiago d Cuba to Man- zunillo. it is supposed he Toll over board and was drowned. -. ' A man in Fvansvillo, Ind., recently had the pleasure of attending the wed ding of hi own parents. They had boon divorced thirty years; but the number of limes each had been mar rind in tho interval is not slated. A young benn, at hia alatrr'a vann ing party, began lo sing "Why am 1 so weak and weary," when a little brnlhor brought iho performance to a sudden closo by yelling out, "Aunt Mary says it's because you come home so luto and drunk almost every night!" George W. Smith, deputy collector of Internal Itovcnue for Ihe northern district of Mississippi, indiuted on tho charge of embofr.ling 825,000 of gov. eminent money, is under arrost in Now. York, and will bo titken in a duy or two to Mississippi. . Wendell Phillips says England and America, tho two great representative Saxon uountrio, aro the two drunk onest nnliona on the faco nf the earth ; and yet the two most onorgolio, pro gressive and inventive in tho arts. The New York JSun pokes fun at lbo Bar Association of that city,' bo causo it directed its Secretary lo .ad dress the proceedings respecting Iho nomination ol ilhums, to "His Lt- collcncy, tho President," Instead of tho legal title, "the President." , If this jury oonvjets my client," said a Missouri lawyer, rolling np his sleeves and displaying his ponderous fists, "I shall fool compelled lo meet each ono and hamtnor justice into his soul through his bead." .Verdict 0f not guilty. ' Whpat has beonhipped frotn Vb: adelphia, this wcok, which reversou tho tisudl prdor cf things, Special I.eglntaiton. An excellent bill, nnd ono that ought to be muile a law, Is that offered in the House at Harrishurg by Mr. Brock way and which is a follows f y . A f(7 regelating1 the Apvlfyatio for UxcrtoN f That no loon I or anrclal' bill shall lia passed by (lie Legislature untwn iiuiUmi of ilia intention Id apply therefor shall he published in the lo cality where the mutter or thing to be effected may be situate, which notice shall stnte spcclttciillv the title find object of the bill, and ahull bo pub lished in ut least two daily or weekly newspaper ol different political pur tie, printed in the enmity or counties to bo etlecleil try said bill, at least thirty days prior lo the introduction of such bill into the General Assem bly, und be Blgned by tho parlies np plying therefor; Provided that ono pubjicution shall bo deemed siifllcienl whore but onn newspapor is published in the county or counties effected, nnd Provided further, that whenevoer tho subject matter of such bill effect more than ono county, sncn publica tion ahull be mado in ail the counties effectod. Sec 2. Tho evldonce of tho publi cation aforesaid shall bn by attaching a copy thorool to the hill, verified by the affidavit of the editor or publisher of due eompliunco with tho preceding section. . . " : Eighty-fivo thousand citizens of Ohio bus presented to Congress, thro' senator nu inner, a petition ugalual tho thoologicul amendment of the Consti tution of the United Slulcs. . ' fCttf' fli'trtiSfiKfnts. JRONSIDES STORE. G. S. FLEGAL, DEALER IK HARDWARE, STOVES, . U EATERS, . . ., . . RANQE3, UOLLOW.WARE, . 4 tJ PAINT. . .' : v; OILS 4 VAENIStI, j i, , ; . ruTTY & ouss. . . HOPES. . . '' STEP-LADDERS, WOOD e I AND i . WILLOW WARE! Tbe eclebratad Toledo Anil Freei'.of Oateanited IRON-LINED W0RDEN PUMPS. No belter Toaipa in the market. ' " . , ' - - - I . I LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, LAMP FLCKS, ofallalad., . LAMP FISTCRES, A a. All at loweal prlee. , . . 1-1174 . Prcauetle Street, Phlllrieburjr. Pa. . Triennial Assessment Appeals. KOTICK la aerobj fire, to the taiaule tnbabi iaDie of Clearfield ooaut.r, tli at lue Coinmi'iionerl at aaid ovaoie vlll meet them at ttie following Darned piaeea, for the puipore o.' bearing and de tnniDing appeala oa tho triennial aa.eMiomt of 174. aba suuta of hearing will beat eaob place between v u'ulucb in tha forenoon, and 4 o'clock ia the afteroooa Tbo appeal will be bald lor Kartliaua, at the public liouaa ol . , at Salt Lick, on TVal.y, Pubruarj II. Oeitigmn. at the publie hvoteuf John Molaoo, OB Wcdat-idar, February 4tb. Qirard, at Congreaa Hill eohool koaaa, in aalil tuwnebip, on j hmeday, February sth. Uoeban, at Hhawivillo eehiiol houee, ia amid lowmbip. on Friday, February Ala. Wallaoeton, at Ihe publie achoel houaa, in aatd borough, on Saturday, February J Ik. Brad lord. - Urabam, at tba hublcr hetaeitead, Tueiday, February lOlh. Morria, al tba publio bauao nf Sebaetian Eiaen hower, in Kyleratowa, on Wednesday, Feb. 1 1 th. lleeatur. at Centre eohool houae, in aaid town ihll,oa ilhoreday, Febraerjr Ulh. 1 ' bogiri, at tha publie bouie of Kdward Albert, la aatu tuwsehip, on Friday, February Uth. Onoeola, at tha puplto houee or Milo lloyt,tn laid borough, on alouday, robruary IStk. lloutidale, at the ' , la laid borough, on Tuaaday, February 17ih. Woodward, at tba bouie of Tboujaa Ueuderaen, on Wedneaday, February 18th. Uulich, at lbo publw achool houaa, In Janei villa, on Iburrday, February Itfth. - llMearia, at the publio houee uf K. W. Bead, In tllen Hope, on Friday, February JOib. Jordan, at the publie achool boukO, la Anion Title, on Saturday, February 2IM. ' Cheat, at the publio lehool houaa, ia Kawbnrg, n Monday, February S-M. Mew Walbington, al the publio hoaae of, Geo. W. liaria, in eaiii borough, on 'J ueeday, Febru. ary lit. . i . - Burntide, at Toung'a arhool boure, Id (aid townnhipton Wedneaday, February 2Mb. . - Hell, at MuhaOej 'a iloro, oa Tburitlay, Febru ary Ztith. Lumber City and Ferguron, at the publie hooaa of (loppy, In eald.burough, an Friday, Feb ruary 27ih. , 1'ann, at the puhtio home ot L. L. floorer, In PenneiHa, on HuMrday, February 2Sth. Iluiton, at the pnhtio hotimt of Oeorga E. Ro baker, on Monday, March Id. I'niun, at the ilorvhouie uf I). E. Brobaker, to Rocktna, on Tueaday, Marok S1. lirady, al the publia houa of Win. Ret worn, la Lulherbng, on Wednesday, Maroh 4tb. ' Ulooin, at the pnblio houee of A. 8. tioldea, in laid towoiblp, on Tburiday, March otb. - Curwemviile and Fika lowniliip, at tba publio heuta of Kit Bloom. In laid borough, oa Friday and Saturday, March nth and Ttb. Knot, at Tl ii-e JI ill eohool boaee. on Mon day, Maroh th. Clearfield and Lawrenee, at the Comvirilonere' Office, on Inuriday and Friday, March 19th and SOth. Nutica.ti a'aa hereby given la the Aiieiteri of the eeveral borough! and townihine, tlial they bo preoont on appeal day with tho Board in tbeh? roepeetivo diitrtote, al well ai tboae penotia wbu my reel lhetuaolvri egrievod. A general apif-al will be held at ihe CouiuiiaiioQere' office on lbo loth, Ulh and 18th dayi of March next, after which no appeali will be beard. Tba lore are required to giro eat-h taiable a written or printed notice of the amount of hta or their arori mcnt, at leait lira dayi before the dny of appeal. F. F. COUThKKT, - . ' ' ' ,! ' JOHN 1). THOMFoOX, CLAKK BROWN, Coiamlailoueri' Ollice, I Comtniiitoaera Clearfield, Pa., Jan. 14, 1.171.J CAUTIOMAII penom are hereby caution ail egeinrv juraba'ing or tradina, for a aor rrl and a black mare, about 9 yeart oiil, and a net of double barnoea for laid marea, in in poaaea eton of Andrew ripanagle, aa tha lame beinnga to ma and are left with bun on loan only, euhjool to my order at any time. SAMUEL EPAX AflLE. Kylertown, January 14-St-pd. ITIXKCUTOR'H NOTH'R. Notice II bere j by given that Jcttera teiramentary having been erantcd tn the lubicriber on tha eitata of 8AMI RI. M"l"WKN, daneaefi. lata f Chen lowhiliip, Clrnrflrld county, FennnylViiriia, all pereoni indebted to laid aetata are requeued to make ttumodlata parmeat, and tboaa having elalmi againit tlieiania will preieot them duly aulbcntiastsd fbr ar vlcroent. . . . , , MAH? WILLIAM?, Bur l, Jan. U, 1874-t. - SxeoutriS. JLI very Ntnble. TftB andariigoad bega tf are U) to form titt pat He that ha ia now fully prepared to aoeommo data iH in tha way of furnlihing Horaae, Baggioa, Hattdlea and llarnaai, on tbo ahortaat noiioe and oa reaioaabla taama. Kuldanos oa Laauit I treat, ooiwoeD aoira an riant. ' .' OpS. OEAR1MBT rieaillall.Aprilll.Irl?.- . - - Uric Stotmtmmt. UI-ll'rtHT of Ihe eondlllon of ihe COCNTT NATIONAL BANK of Clearfield, al th eluaa ol bniinma on Friday, Iiaoeiabar (, 1I7 .TTi; ;. r'aaioaltaev ; i . ., Loam ami diiouanti.. u.fi68,41t 84 Overilrafll..A..., HM t U. N. bundi to aooure elroulallon , "J.OiiO 0'i Other llooki ,..,,,,,, 4 I00 00 Out from radeantlbg A laaerra agoata, ' l.i.'il 1 lua from other Nalluuai llanki.. M4 OS Pill from bute Uanbi and Uaukan.. - 14,7H IT FurnHufa and ftiiurei , l,sn is Current fflpinaea r- ktiti 32 Taioi paid .. 641 ax Cbceki A Caih lieini, ioolud'g itauipi . 1,011 j( IlllliorNalioualbanki. .., 174. bo Ftaattuual aurreney,liioludiog nlckile, 788 Leal tcndi-r noUa. ,. ., ' 8, Vie Oil Tout....; :.. , ' ' ItasiUTiai. - Capital itnck paid ia Burplui land Profit and lo".. Clroulaiton oulifnnding , Individual denoiin I'm lo other National Banki I'tie to Hiate Uauki and Banker!.. Total ,' ; ...t2-4,IIi fv r. oo ... 12,M0 oo ... 18,888 84 ... ti.ViU HO ... MV8 1 Ml VT ,. 1,7fi fill ,..284. 1. '0 OV . r-n SMi of PMHtyltnnh, Chtnfl.U Cimary, &8 1 I, W . M Hia, Caibler ol Ihe County National Bank of Clcarlitld, do loliimily iwcar Hint tba above lUtcmc ut it true to lite bnt of my knowU kIk auJ bellnr. W. M. 811 AW, Cliier. rlaheiirilicd ami eworn lo before me thie 12th day of January, A. It. 1 8,4. JOHN W. W'RIOLEY, K. t. Corrvot Allen i, IIEO. L. REED, . . ,. ... i - J. M. UHAIIAM, . WM. FOM ELL, January 1 1, 1874. Lireetora. , KF.roRT of tha eoniliilcn of the FinST NATIONAL BANK of rinrSeld, at th oIum of builncn on lirormbrr 6, 1878t - avaonicaa. t . Lnane and Ttlinnunll.. 8148, 58 fio Ornrttrane .,......: 4,l M ' U. 8. Ilondl t- iceure eirculattun 100.000 (HI Ilue from retteeniing k reeerva igeata H,6uS 43 Hue from ather National ll.nki tit 40 Due frnu Stale Baaka aud Baukiri.M 12,178 74 Furniture and Fiiturol.... ,...., 1,2)14 80 Cnrrent Erprnm.', - - 788 8U Tetei paid ...... tit IT Qaeb aud. aab iuui.,.. 15,271 48 TotaJ...... ..,., 2 ,882 84 LIA8IL1TIE8. Capital iloek paid in, 108,000 00 Hurplna fund 21,004 0 Profit and loa.................... 10.44 2.1 Circulation outstanding ,... (9,047 (Ml Dirideudi unpaid - 80 OO Individual Drpolite 8J.77S 24 Doe to other National Banka.. e,04a OS Ilu to Stato Banka and banker!-.... 401 M Total. ,....?(. MJ 84 Slait af feaiwrrawin, Clnrjhld Coaafa, SS ; I, William H. Bill, I uhiar of the Pint. National Bank of Clearfield, do aoleamly awear that tha above italement if true to tba bait of mj knowledge and belief. WM. II. tILI.,'Cabler. ftubaoribed ead iworn to before ma thie 12th da of January, 1874. ; WM. RAUKR ACII, N. P. Corraet Alteati V1CIIARU MOSSUI1; JAH. IRWIN. JONA- BOVNTOV, r Jan.' 14, 187J. ,,i . .. Direotore. NTICE.-Thie la to aartify that- B. P Teoot te releaaed fVota all blanit of baring taken 1 ! money that waa atolea from ma on tba 2Mh of Novajnber, aa a wai not in th towoiblp al the time. . SARAH BOWMAN. Kuot Iwp., Januay T, 1874.-31.. , I7IOR SALBr The' andenigned ffen for aalb tba following property t Spain of Twin Biede, 2 one-bore 6leda, I orpr-(trip Fred Cutteri. Ail th abov will be aold cheap for aaab or exchanged, for lumbar sad approved eoaatry proaao. - i J. A. IKaFfi. : New Salem, Jan. 7, 1874-.1t . - hTOTICK-In th Commoa Pleaa.of Claw- field oouuty. No. 100 6epU Term 1872. Z, L. Hoover Foreign attachmertt and judgment againit Defendant, aad rule entered by Plaintiff for aeieiimmt of damagca. Jai. W. Mcflee, Defendant, and Janvei Mitchell, llarnilhea A II peraoni tnlereited are he rely notified that I will a. teaa the damage! In tbil oaia at tha Pro thnnotary'a office, in Clearfield, on Saturday, tho 31th day of Jan. A. D. IH74, at t o'clock 2 r. a. jan7-3t A. C. TATB, Protaoootary. N OTICE. Id lb Common Pleaa of Clear. field county. No. tl January Term, ISIt. Z. L. Uoovar Foreign attachment aad: judgment againit Defendant, and rule enured by Plaintiff Jamci W. MeQeo, It fendant, and I. R, Fullertan. for aaeeaimeat at da ma gel. (larnilhea. I All peraoni tnlereited are hereby notified that I will arean tha damage! in tbil oa a at tba Pro Ihoootary'a office, in Clearfield, oo Saturday, th 24tb January, A. D. 1874, at 2 o'clock p. a. JaoJ-St A. C. TAXK, I'rothonotary. "va"vOTICF In the Common Plaaa of Clear- field county. No. 210 Sept, Term 1871. William 11 lie 1 - Foreign attachment and' judgment againit Defendant, aod rule entered by Plaintiff for aiieuaeut of damage. Rirbari Forr'!, Defendant, and Jaa. Forfeit and I Joel 0.' Fern-it, tiarniiheei. All pereoni tntoreated ara hereby aoHSed thai t will aierii tha d.imagi in thta raa al tha Pro thonotary'a o'to, in.O'earfiaiil, oa SuturJay, th V'4tb January, A. D Iel4, al 2 o'clock r. a. . an7-3t A. C. TATE. Prothonotary. , XTOritr. In the Common Pleaa of Clear X fiela ourlv. Na. IHn Sept. Term, 187S. U F. Hir. fr A Cr. at. F. Platto, Dereadant, and tiMogo Watrou. tauiuri B.aoivrd, liaae ttaina, . Alevtnder Oainn, Jo.eih Tbompeon, Ueorge, And Jno. Feoron. Dave lar hart. Potur Vctieorgeand William Porter. Uar- nirhae. Foreign atlaolimenl and judgment. againit Dofen-iant, and rata entered by Plain. 1 1 IT tor ait-luient of damages. All peraoni interacted ar hereby antiBed that I will eeeeu the damage! In tbil d at tb Pro tbonulary'i offlaa, in ('iearfield. oa Saturday, tha 24th January, A D. 1874. at 2 o'clock r. a. jaoT-St A..C. TATK. Prothonotary. JOHN TROUTMAN," , . .... -V DEAL1R IJJ ' FURMTURE, ' ' mattresses, 'tf i AND i Improved Spring Beds," . ! MARKET STREET, NBAS P.O.. . Tha nnderiignad hegi leave to inform tha el tl -ine of CloarSald, and tb poblrs generally, thai be bal nn hand a fine eieortmrat of Firnitur. ruch aa Walnut, Cheitnut and Painted Chamber Suite!, Parlor fiultea. Reclining and Eilamioa Oht-t tbeaie ee4' --r (temire, iKe Per. foraleel Dining and Parlor Chain. Cane Seal and Wlndiof Chain, Clothe! Bare, Step and Ellen lion Laddera, Hat Back I, Scrubbing Bruihcl, A stOCLDtNO AND PICTl'RB FRAMES, Looking Glaiaei, Chromoe, Ao-, whioa would ba luilable for llolieay nreienta. deointt JOUN TROt'TMAN. pLEARFIELD ACADEMY.. , M.ilC Dr.PARTMEMT , TUB WINTER TKPM of fourteen tjreoki wtUf cotiiroenoeiUJ.NDAV, JANUAHV ath, 187. Term of Tultlou. Reading. Writing, Meatal and Wrlttrn Arithmetic, Grammar, Uoograpby and ' llllorr.rti.v'r.H M..t $0 00- Xalural PbilniopbT, l'hyeiology, and Sin gle Entry Book-keefiag. ar either, with ' the abore II 8 For Itiitraatlowa la Doabl Hntry Book kceiiing and Commercial Arithmetic, ip, eial term! to be arrnged. 1 For particular! Teipeatlng th aehoni apply to. ao27'j;ltf R. M. McENALLV! ' MISS U. S, SWAS'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS r ' CLEARFIELD, Pi. ;.. r( TItK WINTER TERM or fourteen weoki, will commence Monday, January ttk, 1T4, TERMS OP Tl'lTION. Romling. Orthography, W riling, OlileotLe. ,. , lonn, Primary Arithmetic and Primary Ueograjhy.,u w 17 ntitory, l.aoal and deacripllr Urography with Map Drawing, Orammar, Mental ( ' and Written Arltuoaeti. I OA Algebra and Ihe Meleneao..... II W Initroctlon in InatruBeatal maila... 1 SS Oil painting, 14 ration! It M Wag work ......i t Ot fijl parliaular land far CI rou 11. i Clcarfiel;!. Aug. t. 187f- : t:t;Tt-y I JINK, wTriTB'apToAll LININU sKma-. Juit reeolred and for iaJe by ' Jpttl IS. 1170. J, f. PJ1LIR P9. ,