THE REPUBLICAN CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MOKNINd, JAN. T, I87J. OLD FOLKS, Ah, don't be sorrowful, darling And don't be sorrowful, pray f Taking the togaluar, my dear, There isn't more night than day. 'Til wintry weather, ray darling, Tiine'i ware, they heavily run. But taking the year together, my dear, Thore Un't more oloudi than aun. We are old folks, now, my darling, . Our heads are growing grey, But taking the year all round, my dear, l'ou will alwayi rind the May. We havo had our May, my darling, Our roios long ago, -And the time of year hai oome, my doar, For the lilont night and mow. And Ood li God, my darling, Or night at well aa of day, And wo fr.l and know that we can go Whcrerer He leadi the way. Aye, Ood of the night, my darling, Of the night of dt-ath eu grim, The gate that loadi to life, good wife, Ii the gate that Irada to 11 in. "Queen of the Antilles," Just at this intoresting period of Cuban a flairs anything that relates, oven in tho roinoiost degreo, to tho Island of Cuba, is read with deep in teroBt; tborcforo we lay tho following beforo our renders. Owing to tho act, That jt is tho largost of tho West IndiaTslanda, Cuba hus received tbe ' poetical nppollation of "Queen of tbo 'Antilles." Tbo figure of Cuba is long and narrow, nnnmnohin.r Lr Hint nf a crcscorii, with u convex sido looking lownras me norm ; us western por- . tlfin Ivinir ItrtArnnn Mnrtilu nnrl ilm Q ' ' - . V . MM M..W VMV (leninsula of ucalan, loaves two cn- troncos into the (iulf of Mexico. Tho greatest length ot the iulund, follow ing us curve, is about six hundred and Bixiy miles; its breadth, which is very irregular, varies from oloven to ono hundred and thirty-fivo miles, while the coast line may bo estimated ateiL'litecn hundred miles. Tbo to tal area of tho island is 43,48'J Eng lish squaro milos. Tho coast is sur rounded with many islands, keys and reeis, oui notwithstanding the ditlicul ty of approach to us shores, it lias several oxcellont harbors, that of lis rana being ono of the best in tho world. M respects the civil juris diction, Cuba is divided into throo provinces or departments, comprising niium mow limits loo paruuos or counties, ihoso thrco departments tho J'.astorn, Central and Western, novo nnntiugo, inniUad and iiuvuna as their respective cnpitols. Tbo Gov ornment is vested in a Captain (Jcn orul, appointed by the mother coun try, wuo is supremo military com inandant, and also civil governor of mo wosiern division ot tlio islund. The remaining provinces havo each a Oovornor, who lias independent civil powers, responsible only to tho Court of iSpain. Ibo island is also appor tioned into three military divisions, identical in topographical distribution ' with tho thrco civil provinces, tho chiefs or governors of which nro of course subordinate to the Captain General. Tho royal court of I'uorto Trincipo, of which the Captain Gon cral is tho ex officio President, has the supromo jurisdiction in nil ..criminal and civil affairs. Tho population of Cuba, according to tho most recent statistical authority (1S1J2) numbers 1,370,211 people, of 'which 701,750 aro whites and tho balunco coloicd persons. Tlio total population is at tbo present day vuriounly estimated atjrom 1,500,000 to 1,700,000. Cuba, the "richest jowel in tho crown of Spain," was dincoverod by Columbus, October 28, 1 fit-. It was first named Juana, then Fernundina, and after wards Santiago and Avo Murin. Tbo notivos called it Cuba, which name lias sinco coroo into general use. The first Spanish seltlomont was formed in 1511. Tho colonists carried on continual war with the aboriginal in habitants, who wcro almost extermi nated by 15G0. General Lopes hov ing, in spito of prohibitions from tho Government of the I'nitod States, in vaded Cuba at tho lioad of an oxpodi--tionvf American filbustcra, May 17, .1850, and again August 12, 1851, was captured by the Spanish authorities, and oxecutod at Ilavanu, Soptombcr 1, . 1851. Cuba, as it is well known, has always been considered by tho moth er country us an incxhuuntiblo mine for the rcplenishmcntot her treasury. 1 Whonovcr money was needed by the Spanish Government tho purso of this "over faithful islo" was invariably taxed to its uttermost; whenover men were required to fight tho battles of Spain, Cuba sent forth more than her fair quota of her loyal sons; whenov er any other burden had to bo borne tho "I'earl of tho Antillos" uncom rilainingly offered her shoulders to bear tbo heaviest portion of it, with out ever reaping ony oihor recom pense for her many sacrifices than op pression of tho most tyrannicul kind. 1'ho Spanish Government always look ed upon Cuba as a foreign country or rather to upon a conquered and hostile territory, and so did ovory of ficial that was sent to thut fair islo, from tho Govornor General down to tho meanest servant that was in bis suite Tho country hud long pnnlcd for liberty, when upon tho receipt of tho news of tlio Spanish revolution, Kept. Oct. ISO'8, nn insurrection broko out in this colon v on tbo 10th of tbo last named month, and on the eamo day a declaration of indepen dence was issued at Manaiin'llo, and a national Junta formed. This revolu tionary movement rapidly sprond over tho whole of tho eastern and central divisions of the island. Tho Insurg onts nppointod Don Carlos Manuel Cespodes, tiativo Cuban, their commander-in-chief and thoir Junta or provisional govornmont applied to tho .United Stales for their recognition as bolligorents. Numerous skirmishes and minor engagements occurred bo twocn the Spanish troops and the rob o!s with varying and unimportant ro sults. Whether tho endoavor. of tho Cubnns to gain their indopondonco from I ho Spanish rulo will finally euo coed, or whothor the Spanish arms will triumph over tho insurgents, will mainly depend upon the part which the Government of tho United States will doom it lo .lho fnlcrcst of this .country to tako in this question. Whon tlio King of Portugal addrcs hcs his wild pul.liuly, ho i obligod to ay : "Very high and vory excellent I'rincntMj J). Jiuria I'm of Savoy, Quoen of I'm tugnl, dear, woll-bcloved and highly esteemed fpouse, may our Lord bold your majesty's porson in bis holy keeping." lint tho scolu. ion of their majestic, vory high nnd very excellent privuta lifu, his tnnjosty is vory apt to run after this siyio : "l i yon, Muria, where Imvo you fiit my susjionijcr" " Soctf$, remits, etc ED. W. GRAHAM, . DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBER, - CLEARFIELD, PA., N Hai juit opeuod, at the KKVSTONB BT011E, a ' I..,. .,!, f - .r e ir a o o n s, of every description. DKY GOODS, GUOCEUIKS. HARDWARE, HOOTS AND SUOES. CLOTHING, (Po.,fx;., IN GREAT VAK1ETY. FLOUR, MEAT, SALT, EYE, OATS, . CORN, ALWA VS O.V 7,lA'i) AKD FOR SALE AT A SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR . Received by the car loud, and sold ot ft small advance. A supply of ROPE constantly on hand. Spcolal inducements offorcd to those getting out Square Tlubor and Logo, ire dual largely In Luuibtrtnen'i Bupplicf, and are pre pared at all timei to purohato ti la bor and lumber. EI). W. G It A II AM, "KEYSTONE STORE," 6ccund fit root, CLEARFIELD, TA. OoU 2.1, 1872. j r. WKansn- ..W. W. SKTTa. W12A.YJE.Il fc 1JKTTS CLILR FIELD, TA., - Are offering, nt the old itand of O. L. Rood & Co., their itook of goods, oomUtlng of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS i SHOES, HATS 1 CArS, HARDWARE, QUEEXSWARE, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, dec, &c, At the moit reaaonable rstea for CASH or In exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. jTAdvaneos mado to those engaged In get ting out aquare timber on the moat advantageous tcrmi. BdlljanTS JQAN1EL GOODLANDER, liUTHERSDURO, PA., Dealer Id DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, IIOSIEUT Si GLOVES, IIAT3 1 CAPS and BOOTS 4 SHOES. Tobacco, flrocorlea ond Fifh, JTails. liar J rare, vuueniwnra iit uififsware, n ana Uuys' CbithiDg, Dm(E, Patau, Oil, IS!ai(()l Itmiks, a largo lot of I'm on t Mcd.jlnca, i Candies, Null A Dried Fruits, Chocs and Crack cr, Itock and nine i'owder, Flour, Grain nnd Potatoes, Clover and Timothy Seed, Solo Lentlicr, Moroccos, Lining, Binding and lurcaa. rnnrrnnkcrr loots ana tjtioe Findings. Na greater vnrioty of goods in any it nro in In county. All fur salt cry lot? fur cah or onnnlry produce at the Cheap Corner. Aug. 27, 1873. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COU11SE TUB CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices; WE aro now opening tip a lot of the best and most iciifloniiMe (!ooda and Wares ever offtrcd in this market, and at prices that remind one of the s;ood old dnys of cheap things. Thou who incit laun upon tnis pot tit. or doom our all gutions superfluous, noed hut fVI.v JiT OUR. STOHE, Corner Front and Market streets. Where they enn see. feel, hear and know for them selves. To fully understand what are cheap goods, this hi lift bo done. We do not deem It ncefsary to enumerate and itcmixfi our too It. It U enough for us to state that Wo have Evervthing that is Needod and consumed In tlits market, nnd at price that atoni'li both old and young. rno thosr intluksteo ix thk run- X CHASE OF A 8 THIl'TLY f PURE RYE WHISKY, . For Medicinal Purposes wo offer Price 12 to $0 per gallm. and will ship in pnek ago to suit purchasers. Wo a. 10 handle largely a COITER DISTILLED WHISKY, Price from $1.30 to $1.73. We Import FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND G'N, And are also manufacturers of DR. STCKVEU'S - TONIC HERB BITTERS. Bend for prioo Hit. K RYDER k CO., ootIS 3m 121 Nrth Third Hi., Philadelphia. I. noixowauMt . tlATIK CAniT H0LL0WBUSE & CAREY, BOOKSELLERS, Clank Hook Mar.ufnclurers, AND STAT10NLK8, 2IS Jlarktt St., VhiladclpMa. VL-Paper Flour flacks and Dugs, Foolnfap, Letter, Note, Wrnpplng, Curtnin and Wall Papers. ' frl.Je.7ll lypd Miss E. A. P. Rynder, Aoear row Chirkerlng's, Btelnway'tand Kmsrson's Pianos) Mralth'a, Mason t llamlin'a and Polnuhet'i Organs and Metodeona, and Orover A Ilaker's Mowing Machine.. -also r.Acnaa or Piano, flultar, Organ, Harmony and Vocal Mu. Ir. No pupil taken for leai than half . term. .J-lttiunf oppnBll (Inllch's Furniture btor.. niaarfieli), May, lMt-ir. i tiii ini ntio or r.vmtr "dkscuip. f) t.on noatly .aocuted at this office. SSWISV SUAW UOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Front itraeti,) CLEAlU'IKLl), l'A. The nndrrelirned havln'n takon eharga ot thli Untel, would reilieetlulljr aollpUnutillo iatronage. ootl73 it. MtW'l'ON hllAW. LEONARD HOUSE, . Ottpoilto Haliroad Depot. CLtlAUfllil,!), PA. rieniantly looated and a llrit-ela.a hotel In all reppoeta. llroukfast for pn.Kenfft'rR Iraving on morning train. H ,u. B. uiiaiiliu , - Juno II, 1S73. Proprietor. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NKff WASMNUTON, PA. Tbli now and well furnUhcd hour, baa been taken be the underalirncd. He fvela oonliduiit ol being able to render latiafautiun to thoee who aae favor him with a call. May 8, 1872. G. W. DAVIS, J'rop'r. jONTUIIB IIOUHli, Opposite tho Court House, 10CK HAVEN, V B.N N'A. JoH71 IIAl'SKAL A KttOM, Prop's. JJHOtKEKHOl'l'' HOIIHU, BEl.l.lil'OKTK, l'A., . D. J0UN8T0N 4 B0NS, Proprietors. oolS5'71 T OYD HOUSE, I J Main Htreet, PIIILIPSBUKtl, PENN'A. Table always supplied with the best the markot nuuru.. a ue vkvoiiug puuiio i. inrncu w eaii. novi, 7a. - ituubtiT i.uvu. THElmisioOfdusiiT Corner of Second end Market Streets, tl.UAHl PA. TIII3 old and eommodlous Ilotol has. during the past jeer, been enlarged to double lit furiner oapaotty for the entertainment of stran- gors and guests. The whole building has been r.furniihed, and th. proprietor will spar, no pains to r.nder hi. guest! .omfortahl. whll. staying with him. jf4lTht 'Mansion House" Omnibus runs to and from th. Depot on the arrlral and departure of each train. J0UN D0UU11KRTY, nprtl-70 tf Proprietor. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market Ht., hot. Hecond and Third,) t i.i:aiu u:i.u, pa. Th. .ubsorlber having hcoomo proprietor of litis notai, would rospeeliuiiy ask a IIDural snare uf putilie patronage. apll TH (IEUUUK Lh I I'll I.LI 1. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, cukwkn'sviuj:, Clearfield county, Penn a. . This old and well cstaMilhcd Utol, beaullfnlly situated on the banks of the Susquohanna, in the borough of Curwensville, has been leased for a terra ol years by tbe undorsigned. It has been entirely refltted, arid is now opon to the public gnnorally Mid th.' traveling ouuimunity in par ticular. No pains will bo .parod to render gnost. eomlortabl. while tarrying at this house. Ample mauling room lur tue aucomiuuuauon ol teams. Charges moderate. J8, l70-lf. I.LI BLOOM. THE ir.OlTSILES TIN AND STOVE STORE! G. S. FLEGAL, rhilipsTsurg, Ccatro County, Pa. THE undersigned respectfully announces to the publlo that he has on hand a care fully-selected and well assorted stock of STOVES, nEATERS, RANGES, - HOLLOW WARE! TIN, COITER AND SUEET-IIION W AI5E! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Hit stock of Cooking StovM .onslaU of 1UE CELEBRATED IUOXSIDES, Which bar. neror failed to bring peace and prosperity Into tanllto. where II la used, Diamond State, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Spear.' I'alliornia uooa move, npoar. Anti-Dust, Uas-Burning Cooking Stores, Viotor, Reliance end 1 nlon Kanii.i, Bpears' Cooking Hangos, Ac., tCo. fca Tka Tin and Rhnat Tpnn .... .1... i. i T' - - -" "n..VUWIID th. Moves la mad. of th. heaviest and beat material, and warranted to glv. perfect satis faction. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves larger, better and cheaper than ever before ibibited to th. public oonsiiting of Spears' JloTnMng Mghl Illuminating Bier., Bpeara' Anu-iiuaiuas-iiurning rarlor Move, Spears' Orbicular Qas. (turning Parlor Stove, Spears' Oas-Bumlng Parlor , Stove, Doquet, Pearl, Uem, Ida, Sun, Trople, Novada, ' A.., Ac. , Vulcan, Elm and Victor Healers, Spears' Ke- voiviog tiignt ueatere. I ! : ; ne 1. also orocared t. furnish a .omnlata assortment of Tin, Coppor, Ehoet-Ironr Wooden and Willow Ware, &o., Wholesale er rotall, manofacturod neatly and with the aole viow to sorilce, from th. beat ma terial in th. markot. PLOWS PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, SPUN k COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of .very description constantly on hind. ORDERS FOR SrOUTINO, ROOFING , . , t ' And other work belonging to his bualness will b. promptly filled by and skillful workmen BRAS3, COITER. OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken In exchange for goods. ' n .specially Invites th. attention of Merchant, wishing to p.rchaa. atwboleaal.. as they will And tt to their advantage t. .lamina bis stock befor. purchasing elsewhere." Look oul for th. Clg Sign th. reel, deoo. of Mra. Foster. All Ooom Wahatid as Hiraaatai.n. r.. . i M'.cm.. Phlllpshurg, Jon. 1, UJO. angll M Aitcnllon, Lumbcrmni ! WE are now nianufncttiring our TMPROVI'P KTEKL-StKIKKT DKIVIN'll CANT HOOKS, superior to any othor In ue. W. have alRO In stock a large quantity of Cantliooks suita bl. for rnning purposes, which we am selling -heap frireath. AM 0.1 H. KKNNARL. Clearfield, V, Mareh 11, 1S71. QUNSMITHI NOT" ! y . . q. w.'wolfe; PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. Bh'p nn ThiM utrett, ovar Ullry'l blnokurotlh ihop, 4 LKAHFiriJ, TA. ' All kimlt ot It ill oi tod Shot Ounp on hnd. Rpntrlag dent In flrat-olMS manner nnd M Ulr : ftiw. ' i 2rt'7a J . 7?f5 sr y s-f vfi t ' L 1 A Wo degiro to col) the njention of tlio citizens of Clonrficltl MUSI j VIicro wc intend to constanll kocp on hand a full supply of HANOS, OHGNS'AND MUSICAL j Our stock of TJANOS will consist of RAVEN & COMPANY'S flANOS, ' V . r a : stein way & sons' pianos, I : . HAINES BROTHERS PIANOS. Wo aro prrpnrcd at all tines to furnish any of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on tho most favorablo terms as to prices aid terms of payment. Our stock of ORGANS will consist of tho new and popular RYNDER ORGAN, (with l.jntler's Knee Tremolo and downward Octavo Couplor,) The SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S OKGANS, MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the NEW HAVEN MF.LODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE nnd CHURCH ORGANS. 1 - " ' - Besides theso wo furnish to order Organs from any fuctory desired. Wo eel! on every plan kniwn to the trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on tho POPULAR AND EASY LEASE TLAN. On our easy terms every pno can have a good instrument, and no other investment of like amount will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. IE7We eliall lie glad to hive y:x call nnd see us, whether you desire to purchase or not. oci23-'72-Iy . RYXDEUS 5I1TSI KTOXtK. 2)U5rtlt;;ncoui5. rro the FltONT! Gnr.AT KXC1TKMEST AT THE ' CLEARFIELD' BAKERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON I Tho nnirrMtrmrl having juit flttJ op ncTr, ltrjf? nnd oomfcirtalile roumi on Murkot ntrrrt, nuar Tliird, renncctfullr ioff.rmn the iiulilio thut he now drcparcil lo acoommoditta (hew nith ercrylhiiiK in his line on nhort notice and at all Uouri of tti Ut. Ho keqn on baud ERKSn BREAD, 1 RUSKS, ROLLS. PIE3, CAKES, all kinJi. ICE CREAM, and a grnera! aasortuent of CONFECTIONEItlE, FHUITS, NCTS, Ac., All of which will b iictirroi to eualoinera at their residences, when requested to do eo. ICE CREAM, bjr the dish, acrrcd in a noatly fur- " nlshe4 room, Thankful fur th. g?ncrospatroiia. bestowed In th. put, be hopes to merit aud rccuive a con. . of the same from bis old custo mers, and others. ' JOHN STADLER. June le.'i.l-tf. HAYES, COULTER & CO., " BucocuKiri to W. A. Arnold, MAMimcTvnKRt or Heaters, Ranges, Low Grales and MAUDKMZBD'BLATE .MANTEL8. Bole cenls for th. teltbra'od CniLSON COOKING ItANGK. fl-Send fur Calob'gues. No. 1305 Cbostsut SUeel, JuneiiSn rillLADELPIIIA. OSHAMfiON LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY, OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, iiaitiraCTUiiil LUilCEK, LATH, AND riClvETS Sawed & raknt JlilbcthSlungki. n. II. SIULLlNOFOrtD,, Office-Forest Place, No. 125 8. 4th St., Phi! a. JOHN LAW811H, General Sep't., Oscoola Mills, Clearflcld oounly, Pa. TOWN LOTS for sal. la the borough ef Usjeda. , : t f ' , , Keep th. LA1U1EHT ASSORTMENT of (Juods In tlcarliLld oouuty at thuir MutniiTilli Htor. la Ooeola, ' Jan-73 O. 1. c. TtrilKRB I. I.uj MlV OO.0DS, OR0 , teria, tiueenjurnre, fihesware, Prus and Notions, (?onreotionories, Ao., cheap for cah The subasrlbrr brgs Irnv. to Inform his old and new customers that be hai. oionod A VARIETY STOTlB "' . IN OLEN BOPS, PA. And will aril fpods at to suit tho ttmos. A liberal rednction will b. made to customers buy ing ot wbolesalo. Tall and eiamlna my Mork before pnrehntlng elstMvlirro. A liberal sliaropf public patronage Is siilaltva). , ,, C. J. KKAOY, tllen Hupei Pa.. Jrme li, UlU ' ' a Clearfield Nursery. EXCOURAGB HOME INDUSTRY. fpiiK undcrilgnrd, having established a Nui 1.. mi, on lb. 'Pike, about hai way betwee. Clearfield and Cnrwrnsrilln, Is prepared to fur. nlsk allklidsof f Kl'IT TKKaiJ. (slaadaid and dwarf,) Krergreens, Bhrubbrry, Ornp. Vines, Ooosebetrl.s, i.awioo maMberry, lirawberry, and Raaberry Vinos. Aim, Hlberlan Crab Tress, Qulne., and early seirlel llbukaik, Ae. Order, promptly attended to. AJJrcM, ,, , , i . V. W B I II 11 r. eplO it j ' ":' 4 " ' Ctirw.navllls, Pi MARKET STREET,, 11 V I 13 I-i , 1 E ::o:: imvo opened a STORE IN CLEARFIELD, iUisrrUaurous. QLEAUFIELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. l lKLU 11.AMNH MILL, and refitted it fur doing an exlctitiivo burtinom. All the tiMcutaerjr will b ad i ltd ncocMary to mako it oua of tbe uioit compile i'tub uliuicnti ol (be kind inlbe SiaU1. Tficjr are now prcpitnd lo receive order f.r ar.y work in tliat line. Thoywlll givoieolal atloutlun to all muter i all for houio build iu. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, , SASH, DOORS, BLIND-Sj DM CMi ETB, TJO f r fl f Af . OF AtVTTBTYLEH, alwji on hand. WORKED BOARDS, and all articlea bwim rv for building, will bo excbangnl for DKY Ll'.MhKK, to that pennns at a diftaneo maj bring thoir lumber, eichanpo it for, and return hcnu wtUi tho manufactured arliotca. The fompfttie will alniyi hare on hand a large lock of dry lumber, an aa to be !! to fill an order on tbe ihorteat notice. Only the bnH and niuat ikillful bands will be employed, 10 that the public may rely upon gwd work. Linnbr will be worked or tM m low u Iteno be parahftved anywhere, and warranted to give catislkrtidn. An tbe bmlne will bad ne upon the eaeh principle we con atTurJ to work for nunll profitn. ' - DRY LUMBER WANTED! K'peaiallr one nnd . half and two Inch panel stun, fur wlllcb a liberal price will be paid. , Tb. business will be eoudoctod under tb. Kms of tb. "Clearfifld rianiiirT Mill Co." 0. B. Murr.ll will iorsonely juperintend the buainesa. : r , Orders rrspectftilly solleltcd. 0. II. MKRRKLL. R. II. TAYLOH. AVID Met) AI'llllRT. M. tl. I1R0WN A IUIO. Clearfield, Pa., January 8, 1879. BR1CKT BRICK 1 BRICki A m BRICK YARD. Wf ft. TU1MMKR A CO., having ilfirtwl a now and extrnsive Hrirk Yard in Clnirtiolil, arr prepared to make rtntrap( far tint eleia llx, llrlrk, in large or tniall qnanlltiea, Urdora aud otrrrFnon donee i-vliolu-d. Informa tion paii be nbtnlnrd by caltlnf at Hyndt r'i Ma lic Store, or by tiMi-wine; W. 8. TLCMMKR 1 CO., myt-tf Cloardi'ld, la. The Lightning Tamer. Till. andorMgned ar tho lole Arnts In tht county for the "North Atnerloan (JaUaniied LiUlllMNU HODS." TSe.e r tkeonlyiafe rods now In me, and ara indtitsed by All the ictrnllfle pun In th country, We befuby notify the cltticni of the county thai we will put then up a better rod, and fur I era nionoy, than ii charged by tbe foreign agcnti who annnally traveme the county end carry off our little ciwb, never lo return. KXCOUKAGE 110 MB LAIIOIU Thoie w Ub In T Lightning Rode erected on their building! noed but addroia ni by letter, or cnll In person. We will put thetn tip anywhere 4n theoouaty, and warrant thvin. The Rodnand Flituret can be eeen at any lime by calling el ouralore. H. P. I1IULUK 4 UO. . Clearfield, March SO, lS70-tf , FAIRBANKS' f TAKDAUD or ii.i. nsnaj Baggng. Darrows, WarohouM Trucks, Copying Presses, Tmpronl Monry Irawcr, A,, roa SAL. it II. F. BIGLEIi & CO., Dealer. In Hardware, Peoond Street, Clritrllfld, Ta. BAHOAINS IN 'MUSICAL LV BTIUIMENTS! Organs, bolh new and srennd hand.nt the Muale Star., oppo.liqtilirh's Furniture Htere. All persons Intereslrd are lnv. tf,d lo rrtll end .Xaiuine a now flylo of Organ now on eiMMItnn. Phrct Mutie and Mmin llonks onatantly on hand, i!2l JJt-f W N A. county to. tlio fact that we ' MEHCIIANDISE. Clearfield CountylBank. rpiIK ClearDeld County Pank as an loeorTfrs X ted lastitutioi has gon. out of e.lsteor. by the surrender of It. eharter, on May li, 18S, All Us stock I. owned by the subscriber., who will eontlnu. th. Hanking hntinrns at tb. same plane, a private Banker., under the Arm nam. of the "Clearfield County Uank." Wear. re. sponsibl. for tho dol ts ol lb. Hank, and will pay Its note, on demand at tbe counter. Deposits repaired and intorest iii when money Is left for a fixed time Paper discounted at six percent, a. beretofor.. Our personal responsibility i, pledged for all Deposits received and business transieted. A continuance of th. liberal pat ronage of tb. businosa men of th. eounty 1. re spectfully solicited. As Preeidom, Cashier and officers of tb. I. to Clearfield County Bank, we require tb. note, of .aid Hank to b. presented for redemption . JAS. T. LEONARD, RICIIAKD RIIAW, WM. PORTER, . JAS. 0. ORA11AM, 0. L. RKED, WM. A. WALLACK- Tb. buslnosi of lb. Bank will b. conducted by John H' Adams., Esq., as Cashi.r. tl-174 County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. T) OOM In Maronte Building, ono door north ol Jt C. D. Wnlson's Drug Ktore. I'aasago Tickets to and frfini Liverpool, Queens town, tlla.gow, London, Paris and Copenhagen. Ala., Drafts for sale on the Royal Bank of Ireland and Imporial Bank of London. JAMK9 T. LKONaRD, Pr"t. WLM. FIIAW, Cashier. tl;l:74 J. D. Jl'Uirk. F.Jward Perk.. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE or McGirk & perks. Puoceaeors to Foster, Perks, A Co., riilllpaburff. Centre County, Pe. If IIKI'.K ell the bmineas of a Banking Hnuet If will oe traunctd promptly end ujwib the wont fuvoraole term a. niar7-tf DREXEL & CO., No. 31 Houth Third Htrct, riillaJelphla And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will recoire prompt atten tion, and all lufurmntion cheerfully furnivhrd, Orders aulicud. April U-tf. READING FOR ALL I J BOOKS STATIONER 7. Mnrbet St., Clcrflcld, (at the Poet Office.) rlll K nndorslgned begs lrare t. annonne. to X th. eltison. of Clenrtlcld and riolnlty, that be has fitted up a room and has Just returned from tho elty with a large amount of reading matter, consisting In part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, U'ank, Account and Pas. Books of every de scription; Paporand Envelopes, French pressod and plaint Pens and Pencils; Blank, Legal Pipers, Deeds, Mortgage j Judgment, Biemp. tlon and Promissory notoa Whit, and Parchj mcnt llri-f, Le gal Cap, Record Cap, and Bill Cap, bbeet, Musi, fur either Piano, Flute or Violin constantly on bond. Any books or stationery dosired that I may not bar. on band, will b. or ordered by first, and .old at wholes.!, or retail t. suit ouitomors. I will also keep periodical Uuraturo, suoh as Mngaainea, New, papers, As. P. A. OAULIM. ClearSeld May 7, 18(l8-tf MAK11LE AI) STOXE lARIM Mrs. 8. S. LID I) ELL, Having engaged In the Marble bu'lntss, desire, to Inform her friends and the publie that ah. ha now and will keep oonicantlyon hand a larg. and well sclcclcd itonkof TALIAS AND VERMONT MAR11LK, and Is prepared to furnish to order . TOMBSTONES, v BOX AND CRADLE TOMRS, IIONI'MENTS, Curb, and Poll, for Cemetery Lots, Window Fills and Cnps, also, BUREAU, TARLB AND WA8n STAND TOl'8, Ao., Ao. 41. Vard on Rood stseot, near the R, R. Depot, Clonrlleld, Ps ief.Jl DAVID YOUNG, Stone-Cutler nnd Stone-Mason, WILL execute all work In bis line at mod .rat. price, and In FIRST-CLASS ilyle Architectural Oraamonts la ALL 8TYLER, Kton. Dressing of .very dMorlption, and all kind, of mason work .on traetod for In or out of th. enunty. Any persoci wishing to hnv. r..peetabl. an. son work and stone. rutting done, will And it to their Interest to saill upn m. I would air. Inform th. pub li. that I can doliv.r any quantity or class ol stos. doslr.d, a. 1 am tb. own.r of a FIEST-CLASS STONU (JUAnRY Order, far ufk Ma b. addresard t. DAVIU YOUNO, mar.rO ClearDeld Pa. T1112 CLKAUl'IKI.D , WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXk'l ' Manufactured especially for , THE CLEARFIELD TllAVE, .i , , ' ro SAL..T J, Ji pIQLUrt A CfJ.. SarfluMrr, ffiuwnrr, tit. SACKETT & SUIRYVEn, naaiaa. ig IIARDAVAIIE, and manufacturers of TIn,Copper& Sheet Iron M are, Bocood 8trect, CLEARFIELD, PA, ' Havlnir larirely Inorenaed our stock of Hard ware, we invite the publlo to examine our stock ana prices. Carnentftfi and persons who contemplate build ing will do well to examine our TOOLS & BUILDING HAEDWAliE, whloh Is aew and of th. best manufacture, and will be aold low for earn. . , .. . NAILS, GLASS, TUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, . HINGES, . . . SCREWS All kind, of Bench Plane., Raws, Chisels, Squares, Hammers, HatcheU, Plumb, and Levels, . Mortised A Thumb Ullages. Hovels, ilraeea A Bitle, Wood and Iron Ilench Bcrewa, and tbe best Boring Machine la the market. Double and Single Bitt Aies, POCKET CUTLERY, A.. Agenti for DurneWt Iron Corn Shelter, warranted. . Also, agent, for Richards' GOTHIC KI.IIE TOPS, wbleh effectually euro Bmoky Flue. Farmer.' Implement. nd (larden Tool, of every ... doMription. A larg. variety of ' 1 COOK STOVES, . which we warrant to gire sat is faction. Portable It a it fcs and Furnaces. Koofing, Spouting and Job Work dune on refi4'n&lle terms. All orders will receire prompt attention. June II, 1873. BIGLER, YOUNG &. CO., (Successors to Doynton k Young,) FOUNDEIIS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer, of POETABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Comer of Fourth end Pine Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. bAfr I' l--r;-. -mjiW nAVIRO engaged In th. manufacture of nrst MACHINERY, we res()tfully Inform th. publt. thai w. ar. now prepared to fill all order, a. cheaply and as promptly as can b. don. In .ny of th. oltiea, W. saanuf.ctar. and deal In Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Dead Blocks, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, Oilford'. Injector, Bteam flaogra, Bteam Whistl.s, Oilers, Tallow Cnps, Oil Cup., Gauge Cooke, Air Cocks, Glob. V.lve., Check Valves, ?rougbt Iron Pipes, S'.eera Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Antl Friction Metre., Soap Ctnn. Puking, flam Pack ing, and all kinds of MILL WORK j together with Tlows, Sled Solos, . v COOK AND rAIiLOR STOVES, nd other CASTINGS or .11 kinds. ' tr-0rder solicited and Ullcd at elty prices. All letter, of Inquiry with ref.renoe to machinery of our manufacture promptly answorod, by addre. tng os at Clearfield, Pa. docSnO-tf . BIGLER, YOUKO A CO. rJERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HA KG lis' G VASES, Stove Lining nnd Fire Brick, kept constantly on hand. STOXE AMTTaRTnO.WARE OK KVK11Y DESCRIPTION! CROCKS! rOTSJ -CROCKS! Plahcr'a Patent Airtight Holf - Mealing fruit ('an. I BrjTTKR CHUCKS, with lids, CREAM CHiK'KH, MILK CROCKS, APPl.K - PVTTKR CHOCKS, - PICKLH CHOCKS, 1'LOWEtt POTS, TIB DISUKS, STEW POTS, And a great many other things too numerous to mention, to b. had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY,, Corner ol Cherrr and Third Street., I'LKAHFIKI.I), PA. augl FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOB SALE BY IT. 1 Iliglcr A Co. iron novtii.n shovel plows. ' , MOOD DOI'HLK SIIOVKL PLOWS. WOOD SINGLK SHOVEL PLOWS. . IRON CULTIVATORS. MOOD CI LTIVATORS. GOWANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. PITTSRDRQ STBKL PLOM'U. IIALTT S BKLLEFOXTR PLOWS. '. UODKSON'S and TllOMI'SON 8 TLOWS. v-Shan. fur all ol the abovo Tlows f..n slantly on hand. rby29-T8 II, F. ELfiLKIl & CO. bar. fur sal. CARRIAGE & WAGOJ WOODS, shafts ANiiroLta, HUBS, SPOK K3, FKLLOKS, 4o. Carr!nc .nd WaccB Maker, should mak. t ot of th.. .nd call and examine them. They will b. sold at fair prlrcs. ruayll f I Dr. J. Wulker's Caliroinla Vln. CRnr Hitters nro a purely Vocctablo Ii'Gnrntlon, nindo cli Icily from tbo na tivo liorbs found on tbo lower ranges of the Hivrra Novailii mountains of Civlifor 11 l.i, tlio incdlcliml proportlcg ot vhWlr nro cxtrnctotl tlimononi wltliout tbo uo of Alcohol. Tho fUCHtlou Is almost dally asked, "What is tho catiso of tho unparalleled success of Vinegar Dit TKitst" Our answer is, tliat tboy rcinovo . tho C.1U80 of diaoaso, nnd tho putluut re covers Ills health, 'liiiojr nro tbo groat blood pm iflcr nnd nlifo-glvlnp principle, a perfect ltcnovatnr nnd lnvlBoratorv of tho system. Novcr beforo in tlio iiiatory of tlio nrM boa a tnctliclno been contH,ti!i(led l. laaonttittg tho rctnnrkablo. (jualino uf ViMXiAuliimiis in liciiling tlio tick of ovory iIim-oso man i. heir to. They rs a p-tiilo Purgativo aa well aa a Tunic, . relieving Coiicuxtimi or Inflammation ol tl.o Littir aud Visceral Orgau in ililiou. tlMakCt The proiwrlles of Dr. Wai.krr's Vixkoak Uiri'KM nr. Ajwrient. Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritions, Ltiatii. Uiurouo, fetlativo. Cottrifr Irritant builonfio. Alter, tiv., and Antl lliliouL It. II. MclMM4LD As CO.. Jri(r.ita an-UJrn. Airta.. .n Kraneiaoo Cellrmua, aoij ii.r. of vi,i.hintrt.n ae.l chartt.w Hts.. T" v'. Mold liy ail ilruyajlaU and IHaUra. October li, 18"S-ly. -p I! A C E IN SUII O P El act GREAT EXCITEMES? IN FRENCH YILLK I Th bloody eontcit btwern Frano tnd Praitft ii at an rnd for tL prrnt, tu far at th ilaach- terinnof nifm and tW detttractloD of property li tbeniMtlvea and rrjottw over the revolt, but how irnijrnificaDt ii tlirir work when oomparod with tbe butuaiio and chrirtian efforti of L. M. COUDRIET, wbo bai andorUkcD to lupply all tfao eitiiowi fa tbe lower end of the county with food aad raineat at rxctrrlinir low rntt from bit mammoth itora in MIII,80N'm:R, where he ean alway be fbaad ready tu wait upuo taller and supply tbena with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such as Cloths, SutinctU, Cauimerea, Moiflna, Dteunot, LiuB, Drilliuga, Calteoca. Trimmingi. Kibbona, Lace, Rady-nade ClotbUiK, Hoots and Shoea, Ilata aad Captv all vf tbe best material and made to order Ilosr;, Socks, 0 loves. Mittens, Lacea, Ribbons, " GROCERIES OF ALL KfNDS. Coffee, Tea, Bnar, Rire, Molaates, Fish, hnH, Pork, Linsewl Oil, Fuh Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queen war, Tinware, Castings, Plow and Plow Castings, Nails, Spikes, Corn Cultiva tors, Cider Presses, and all kinds of Axes. Perfumery, Paints, Yarnirh, Glass, and a general assortment of Stationery, - GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, always on hand, and will aw old at the lowest possible figures, LIQUORS, such as Brandy, Wine, Gin, Whisl Jayne's Medicines, llostetter's and llootland's Bitters. ' 5000 pounds of Wool wanted for which tar highest price will be paid. Clorerswd on hand and for aale at tbe lowest market price. Also. Agent for Strattonville aad CttrweniTllia Threrhing Machines. H-Call and see for yourselves. Ton will find everything usually kept in a retail store. L. M. COL'DRIIT. Frenchrille P. 0., March 1, 1HT1. B OOT AND S110E MAKING, JOSKPII II. DKKIUNO, on Market streat. In baw's lU.w, Clearfisld. Pa., has just received a fine lot of trench Calf Is kins and Kips, the best in the market, and Is now prepared to man ufacture everything la his Una. lie will war rant his work to be as represented. The eitiions of Clear tield and ricinity ara resfeotfully invited to give him a oalL Work done at short notice. 1:167 87 itEMovAiu ; T?RAXK SlIOiiT, of th "Short .1 Shoe 8hon,N lives not ice that he has ra- uiuved from (irahaiu t Uuv, on Market street, to next d(Kir to tbe Alleglicny Uott-1, on Market stroet, where be Is prepared to make and mend . BOOTS AND SUOES, 7 stitched, sewed or pegged, with the best stock tha eastern market affords and at as reasonable prices as they can be bought lor erewbero, and where he Is prepared to a commodMe all his old custom- ers and a many tit w ones as may favor him with a call. Thankful for pant favors, ho would re spect fully solicit a eontiananoe of tbelr patronage, jr. Ml OKI. Clcarflrld, October 22, l$T3.-ota Lime for Sale I THE nndcriSpneJ, residing near tho depot haa made complete arranemeutn with Lima liurnera east of the mountain, whereby he Is ena blod tu Ucvp constantly on hand a large quantity o( PUKE LIME! which he offers to fa mien and bat Here at a trifle above cost, Tliose in need of the article would do well U give me a call, or address ma by letter, be fore negotiating their lime. Clearfield. Pa., June 9, Itidtt. IyVTKXT RIGHT Ft) It SALE 1 offer for sale the rirbt for tbo aateef the oel- ebratcd Wasbiug Machiue, known aa tho "Ira B. Stillman Defiance Washer In the county of Clinton. Will sell the right for tlie entire county, or frr rnoh tnanship. This Washtf is known t lw one or me Terr oeet tu nne, aad their isle Is very large wherever intra ducod. Aiinty by I c It it or iu person to 1 1 1 t ar i) r rr nov5-3m Lulhcrsbnrg, Clearfield Co., Pa. Beale's Embrocation, For all diseases Incident to Horses, Cattle, and, Unman riesb, roq-.ring tbo use ol aa external application. This Kiubroeailnn was eiteoilvely used by. the Government during the war. For sate by liartswick A Irwin, Clearfield Joseph H. Irwin, Curwensville. Danlsl Uood- ander. Luthersburg. If. O tt 8 A L . A Wire and wclMaished Brick Dwelling, situ ate on the rivir book, In the borough of Clear-' Qi M, containing cloven rooms, with good cellar wnlr in I he kitchen, and all the modern conve niences. Pnntrlfs, nuth-ttforn, ft to he -presses, Ao. iioi sixty w I rout anj two aundred' aiij tfiirty ftrt bak, with a twenty lo't alley on tie eust side, Haid building, nilh all thg ppurtcnant-i'S, il be suM cheap, with p(vuient to suit purvlia ser. Application fan be fndr in the m.dr siuwl, or to A. C. late, E'q-( who will give al) nckeaaiiry Infiiruiatioa to thuee who delro to in speel the yroi city. 1 IlV'iJ. tf. flH K. LLUIU 11. Mny sisi, U:, tr. CHEAP UKOClUlIsKS! i 1.UM11KU CITT, PA. . The nndcrsicned announces to his old friends and pfttmn that he has opened a good lins of uiun r.uihn a JM').h at the old stnnd of Kirk A PpiiioiT, for which he solicit a liberal patnaagp, II. W. SPKNClili. Lumuur City, Pa., March 20 -tf. IOH Tha undesigned citers f.r ealo a x'ulutiMe Inwo pr porty In the borough of Cloarflrld. Lot Mxl5 fev t, with a god two story plank hui tlterros ervfed, with thrvo rooms dowii stairs and four U-d rooms up stairs. Also, scwii.g rtiom and bath room on second floor House finished complete from cellar to attic.-' ()od dmiMr porch and good water. Price rea sonable and payments eav. 2tnuK?3 W.M. 'M. McCULLOl GIL TOSErit H.'UOWtEa, JuMice of f W the Peace and Pcrlvcrrr In Ihs nppcr end f l.awrenca tnwnihl p. Collections made snd nrnoc promftlj paid ot. 1 rb-lT