THE REPUBLICAN. CLEABFlfiLU, PA. W1DNI8DAT MORNING, JAN, f . W4. ' Terms of Subscription. it fit la a4vano,Br within tan month ...SI IfpnM after three Bad bfor all month..-. I 44 if paid alW th aptrtln of ill asonth... 1 M RELIGIOUS HOTICE8. Mrihoa'let Episcopal CbarchRcT. A. D. Yeerw, -faaior. Puhll 8rle BTery Uabbata t 14 A. M.. ui ft P. M. Babbnta BobooI t A. M. j PrT.r Meetlepr verj Thursday, at 7J T. M. Communion Bervlos, Irit Sabbath of vrjf month, t li A. M. ' . , Hi. Andrew' ChrehEplaeopBl--Rev. 3anaaa Ham.. Puhlle Barrio Band tnornln; Bvt It o'olock, and at T P. M Soadny Sohool t P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednesday vnlng at t o'olook. Praabyterlan ChurchRev. U. 8. Bonna. Sabbath aervtce morning and veninr4!ab fcath 8cbool at I P. M. Prayer Resting Wodnea dav evening. ... St. Pranela' Church Catholic Her. P. J. Bbbbid. -Mase at 104 o'olook A. oa th rend and Court Sunday! of aaok month. Lutheran Church. Re. A. J. Habtiook Preaching ever Babbatb, morning and enlng. Babbath lohool at a. aa. ' Prayer meeting amy Wednesday evening. To oim Patrons. We have how ia operation la oar offle ona of Iloa'i Mailing Machine, by which each and ery ooa af our aubaarlber en lea jnat how bia subscription account ataada. Many bo doubt hate hereto fora nagtatr.4 payment for the reaaoa that they Mid not kao Jut how long they owed for, but Iha figure iaiaediately following each printed ai dreaa giro arery ona the information. For in ataao, "o. Bmita. ljn74", lauicatec that bia aubacriptlon il paid antil the drat day of January, 871. We hope onr nbieribera who art owing na or awtvral year great majority of them do i will take ooea.lon to either oall at our office or aend aa at leaet a part, If aot all, of their indebt edness, at an early time. The eoming January aoart will afford a good opportunity for many to aend aa money wb may uot be ia towa them eelree. Panic or no panic, wa nave to pay out a aertaia amount of mooey each week, and wa hope our eubecrlbera will be a little mora prompt in the fatar than ia the paat. ' We are ia receipt of copy of thf Altooaa 5a Carriere' Addraaa. If thoao who have received from Senator Wallaoe tha drat four volumes of Uetc' History will call at bia office they can get tha fiflh Tolamo, aow ready for dellrary. The proceeding, of tho Clearfield County Teaehara' Inalituta will appear next week. The laat session of tha Institute waa mora largely attended thaa prerloua onca, and tha interest waa manifaatly greater. Mr. Gregory woe ibe recipient of a aaat and ta.ty gold chain an Chrism, which waa preaaoted by tha Teachcra attending tha In alituta aa a token of their esteem and approbation af hia affurta ia tha promotion of their advance ment. A Mistake. We notice that noarly ue-fburth of tha township elected Aiacaaora at the lata election. Tbie ia a miatake. Tba A.aea aora in thla county were elected at tha general .leotion la 1871, and bold their office for three yaara. Orphans' School Burnkd. We leara that oa Thureday two week, ago, the School imildiog of tha Daytoa (Armstrong county) 8ol diera' Orphan.' School, and alto the boy.' dormi tory were entirely deatroyed by firo. What the loei la wa bar not learned. It gives oa ploasuro to announce that "Watt" Thompaoa, of Curwensvllle, baa launched out upon tha buaiacea tide, with the in- rteotioa of acoopiog ap a fortune while retailing groceries to bia neighbor, at panic prtcca and at railroad apeed. Drop In and era him. CoAt, Information. Those dosiring 'correct Information la relatloa to tha coal trade and ita hiatory, progrtra and pro.peeta, cannot iaraat in anything mora profitable than by mail ing M centa to Federick k. Seward, 111 Broad way, New York, and obtain, by return mall, a ,cpy of hia compendium relating to thia growing nd profitable branch of basinets. W( of Prater This is tho week of prayer. Barrioea wan held ia Ibe Metbo .diat ehureb Monday and Tueaday evening., and are to be hold la tha Lutheran church tbie even ing and Thureday evening, and la Iha Prc.byta rlao ohurob on Friday and Saturday craning.. I'nioa commanloa aerrioea will be held In the Methodist church on Buaday morning next. The following ia tbo number of cars passing Mifflin aaat and weal during the mouth of December, 1873, on tha Middle Divl.lon or the ; Pennsylvania railroad : Eastward, 84,221; weat ward, 15,118 grand total, 89,340. Thla la an lacreaaa of 21,38 eara over the month of Decem ber, 1871. Tha total pumber of vara failing MiBia during 1S7J waa 796,683, an Increase of 140,498 eara over Iha year 1871. TVttaa. . A Poor House. It will be noticed by tha call pabliabed la our loeal oolamna, thai tha Poor Hon re movement ia aaaumlng a practl . eal shape. Let tha oanvana opea and let aa Kara tha queatioa diacaaaed la ita moral and financial apect. That it wiU become tha duly of tha elll- ena of oar county to erect and auppcrt an In.ti ,laUoo of thla kiad oaaaot bo aucceaafully contra .wertcd, and the only debatable poiata aboat it arc .when aad where aball it be located T Auditors' Settlement. The time lied by law for making the borough aad Iowa kip eeulementa la thiaaoaaty, la tha laat Monday la January, which ocenre on the 26th lnat. To make a aattlcment legal, tba Auditor! should meat oa the day Bled by law, aad If none of the townahlp officera are ready for settlement, let them adjourn to route other day. It It Jual aa ay to faaka a legal aa aa Illegal eettlrment. Union Pistrjct Institute. Tho teaehara of flradford.'Boggi, Graham, Lawrcac, and Cleafftjetd achool will bold aa laati. Into Ijp the aow achool bonao, at Blgler, oa Bator. fltj, January 14th. Three ae.ilon. will bo held commencing at 9 o'olock, A. a. Kxeroiaea locon. el.t of claaa drllla, diacaaalona, lecture., may., aveleet reading, Ac. Que.tlon for dieoaaaloa "Should a compalaory achool law be enacted for y?Wa?V ill taejbera and frlenda of .education re Inviud te atutd and parliclpata ia tha ex- ereiaaa. . Transfer or ran Insabe. Uereto- ore all Inaaaa person, oared for by the public - autborltlec of thla county were aaat to the Stale Lanetie Aaaylam ai Uarriaburg, bat tha mf Hoe pitaJ at Daarille, having became ao fareompleted aa te of tba receptioa or Inaane nerroae, an order hu bean made by the Superintendent of the Harriabarg Hospital to Iran. far all the patlenta ia that In.litutloa from this oouaty to the Dajijllle Hospital, where la the future all patients from tbl. county will be cent. Dr. 8. S. Soeulla baa been elected Superintendent, and B. R Uearbart, Esq., Treasurer of the Hospital, Their address la Dan Tllla, Moaloar ooaraty, Pa. Four persona were lhaa transferred laat work. Their friends will hereafter communicate with tho offiqere ft Dan ville. ' Another J-ectbf Our Curarcni ilia netghbora trill bo regaled with another liter ary treat oa Tneader evening next, January IStb. Oa this oecaaioa Miss Phoebe Cosens will deliver a lecture la Arpold'e Hall, tba subject of which la, Woman aj lwyer..V Miu Ccaena if aa actual prectltrner at the St, Lonia bar, aad of course arrows whereof aha speaks, and ijie people of our neighboring towa may expect a very later, eating entertainment. She la young and band anna, aad has the reputation af being able to carry her padjonee with her from tho balghth of merriment (0 thf depth of aojemaily. We liejje Miss totem yi be roettat with a full hiusc, and persoaa who atay away may expect te raise aa iteralnrntD' that will le nlh rl:h and n V, j A "Golden AVEnuiNO." We notiool by tba Philadelphia Vsee, Uarriaburg furiol, ' aad tba local press, that tba frlenda of Una. M. K. Boyer, of Reading, apent a merry Ohrletmaa. Tboae of our readart who comprehend Berka coun ty, or Reading, hospitality, will andorstaad fully what we mean when wa inform them that the relatives aad friends of our esteemed oat frlenda, Mr. aad Mra. Michael K. Boyer, (father and mother of Dr. Boyer, of thla place, who with hia wife waa preeeat,) had a good time "at Home,' la that city, oa last Christmas. It waa their "Golden Wedding" day, and right well waa It ob served by tba neighbors of Inia aged and respecta ble couple, who both socm to be aa bale and vigor oua as wheo wc first met them, shortly after they celebrated their "Silvor Wedding." Tha Reading daily aglt, of tha next morning, In alluding to the affair, says i "Hundreds of peraona, including nearly all tha county offloera and clerks, attorneys and prvmlneut and well known citiacas of different profession! and ocou patiuna, called upon Mr. and Mra. Boyer, jaater day, at their residence, 719 Washington street, the oooaalon being their golden wedding.' There waa "open house" all day, and from morning till night peraona came and went, all offering suitable con gratulations to the aged, bat hearty and happy couple, aad some preecntlng bendaome preacnta. Among tho glfta were a superb China tea act, all the artiolca being edged with gold ; napkin ringa i handsome gold spcctaclca lo Mr. Boyer turkey gobblera, wine, Ao. All who called were treated to aa excellent lunch and wine." Mr. Boyer baa repreaented both Berka and Jefferson county in the Lcgialaturc, and haa dla cbarged tho duties of Clork to Commissioners of Berke county for the past twelve or fifteen years. A Ebtort. Brookvillo and New Castle people were busy during the summer and fall in getting God Into our new Constitution. Meetings and speeches were iniulgcd In to this end, antil brother Brown, of the Clarion itaneeraf, was Made to apeak tbuat "Tlrookrille nnd New Caatlc are tho two towna upon whoso shoulders Is thrown the whole re sponsibility of getting God into the constitution of tho United Btatea. Whcnover they run out of aubjeota for diacusslon, some lunatic proposes a meeting to ainond what ha calls our "Christless coiistitutlon." They have been oussing and dis cussing tha eonstitutioa for several years, until they can scarcely raise an audience of a baker's dosen. The Venango Spectator advises New Cas tle tn put God in her city charter sinoe she has railed to get Him la the constitution. Wo add as a suggestion, that Brookville amend her own trotting park constitution, and pay a little mora attention to her morals, or thore may be a Sodom and Gomorrah acrapa op there some day." Justices Elected.' is a list of tbo namea of the elected in the boroughs and William M'Coy' Adam Brelh, William J. Curley, E. O. Ilaya, J. P. Fry William Miller, A. B. Shaw George Hagerty, Cbarlja Robacser, Sylvcater Weimer Andrew Kankin Jainea McKce, A. W. Raymond Jesse E. Dale J. J. Bennor, James Miller, John Norris, David Dressier, L. J. Morgan William Kline The following Justioes of the Peace townships named: Boecarie Bell Urailford Cheat ...Covington Goshen Uoutsdale , Huat. n Jordttu Karlhaus , Knox , Morris New Washington , Osceola ..Pena .'. I'lke , Union Wallaoeton ..Woodward Poor House Meeting. A meeting of the citisena of Clearfield county will be held ia the Court House, in the borough of Clearfield, on Monday evening of January Court, being the 12th day of January, 1874, for the purpose of discuss ing the propriety of erecting a "Poor House" for the county. A general attendance is requested. W. A. Reed, James Porreat, Nathaniel Hishel, Robert Uwene, M. F. Wallace, Robert Porter, Georirc tiulicb, . J. B. Bhaw, T. M. Lanirh, Robert Wriglcy, And forty-three others. llovjaa Bubkcd. Tho dwelling of John W. High, of Knox township, waa deatroyed by fire oa tho afternoon of tht 26th of December. The building and all the household goods and wearing apparel, except that oa the peraona of the members of the family at the time, together with 109 bushels of oats and 9 bushels of wheat, were oonsumrd. Mr. High, wife and tbreo chil dren arc therefore left houseless In midwinter, and need, and will ao doubt receive proper support at tha bands of their neighbors and the public $1,000 will not cover the loss The origin of the fire la unknown. n Mias Phoobe Cozens, of St. Lonia, Mo., will lecture in Arnold's Hall, Curwensvllle, on Tneeday evening next, January 13lh. The subject of her lecture ia "Women as Lawyers," and aba baa the reputation of handling it In a masterly manner. All who can ahould attend not only because tbey will get more than the worth of their money, but because by their pres ence they will enoourage tbo effort our Curwens vllle people are making toward having a course of leaturea. If tba approaching lecture is well attended other of equal iaterest tpey be expected. Our Boaouiin Authorities. The following are the namea of our borough offloera, elected on tbo 26th day of December last I Bur gess, Aaron C. Tate; Constable, John McClelland ; High Coo.table, Edward Mack J School Direotors, Jamea T. Leonard, Iaeao Johnston, William M. McCullough, Frank Short, T. U.Murray, John F, I win Town Council, George Thorn, 1 yeara, Juba F. Weaver, 1 yeara, John McGaughey, 2 yeara, L. R. Merrell, 1 year, 0. D. Goodfellow, 1 year, J. G. Hartswlck, 1 year; Orerscera, J. C. Wbitehill, Jamea Wrlgley Jadge, Joba L. Cut tle ; In.pectora, W. W. Worral, Cyrus Gordon i Auditor, George L. Reed ; Town Clerk, John W. Howe. Oct and in Position. Major Da vid W. Wise, the County Treasurer elect, entered upon the duties of his office on Monday last. He takes hia hooora mnvkly, and takca bold of tba "machine" aa though he knew all about It, Wc have no doubt that the Major will make a compe tent and obliging effieer. Samuel P. Wilson, Esq., bis predroessor, has been one of the most obliging and upright offloera that ever held the position, and leaves tho office with honor to blmaelf and bis party frlenda. T,iflt of Inttor wttmnininn tinplaimAH In tha Poetnflloe at Clearfield, for the week ending January itb.4874i Dally, William (1) McDonald, John Fox, William 8.' McKee, Jamea tlleascr, Frederick Millirau, Maggie Otlleepie, Joha MoOovrra, Maggie neary, Garrison ' Bonlt, Joha H. Mender. hot, h'atbanlel Pimmere, J. D. Lockerton, J. - Tawney, Rufus A. Leshcr, Miss Kite I. Wilaun, Laura J. P. A. GAULIlf, PM. There are so mo parties agitnting tha question of holding another election In tbie county for municipal officera. Tha laat one cost the taxpayer! nearly $800, and aahy double that sum, without a farthing's benefit lo any one 7 An other elptioa, to our mind, Is only a move for mere taxes, which everybody seems to dread ao much. Then why court a measure of thla kind, without an equivalent? ' Settling. Tho County Auditorg convened at the Court Hnuee, on Monday laat, for tha purpose f styling the nublje aoeounla. The board eonalsts of Messrs. fceubea foPJ;eriap, Jamet II. Uiia af l.ewie C. Bloom, who are all competent accountants, and HM no doubt see that tho taxpayers are not "cbiecled" by the members of the "ring." We Can't Dance. Wo have an in- ritatloB to a ball al (few JVehlngtin,onthel9lh Wc appreciate Ibe compliment, and would like lo Indulge a little la Vew Washington bo.f ilality ana sport, oui w eannoi go. I'uori week with ua. Pleasure must yield to business, Park Association. A inoctincr of tlis uemoera or too vicarnelj j-era association was held al tbo Shaw House oa Monday evening laat, and the following officer war elected - iicaldrut, George t. Kobacker Secretary and Treasurer, s. A. Bigler t Executive Lorajjlter, Jrmrs I,. Leavv, Martin N'icfcolr, J. J, Pic. Presentation. Among tho other pleasant Inol. loots transpiring of late la towa, wc are pleased to record thai of Tueaday eve ning, December lid, at the Ward lluu.s, whereat Geo. 0. Wilkiua, Esq., late Superintendent of the Tyrone Dlviaioa, P. H. It., and now of the Ba). tlsaora Division, waa presented with a very hand sows Silver Hcrvloe by hia friends of this and adjoining towna. . Tho aervlco eonalsts of a Cof fee Urn, Tea Pot, Hot Water Pot, Sugar Bowl, Cream Pitcher aad Blop Bowl, of tha plu apple pattern, neatly carved, la addltloa thereto are ona doaea each of solid silver fcrka, table-spoons and tea-spoons. Tha Cole Urn bears the in scription "Presented to Geo. 0. Wilklns by his friends, a a token of regard, Dec 1Mb, 1873." The service cost, wc are informed, over $1,000, which la by ao means a high figure considering its weight and beauty of make and finish. It was selected by Messrs. D. D. Wood and 8. Greek, and ia very positive evidenoeof their ex ceeding good taste. Mr. Wilkins left many warm friends In this section wbcB he waa called to another field of la bor, a portion of whom have taken this method of attesting the high esteem in which they hold him. The presentation took place between aide and ten o'olook, Tuesday evening, In the parlors of the Ward House, the presentation being made by L. K. Lodge, Esq., in a neat and appropriate speech in which be expressed the deep regrets of tuose aaaemuiea at me removal ui ar. lvnains from their midst, and the high regard which tbey ever entertained for blm. Mr. Wilkins respond ed in a few happy remarks, full of appreciation of their kind wishes, and accepted of the serviea in the spirit It waa tendered. Tyrone ifeaioerai. The new Constables will not be sworn in until Msrch court, and need not there fore report next week. Court commenced on Monday next, the 12th Inst. Special. A Cann. NEW GROCERY. FLOUR, AND FEED STORE (foods al 'Wo aad Hailnad Prim I I hare Just opened a full line of Gro ceries, such aa Svrupa, Baking Molaase. Teas, Collet-e, Chocolate, Pepper, Spioea, Ginger, Reaps, Rice, Vinegar, Dried Poachca, Apples and Prunes, Canned Peacbea, Cherries, Tomatuea, Uagra, Peas and Cora, Crackers, Nuts, Raisins.SilverGlossand Corn Starch, Baking Powder, Soda, Hops, Tobac co, Cigars, Pipes, Flour, Corn Meal, Cliop, Buck wheat Flour, llama, Lard, White "A" bugar at I2i cents, and other goods In proportion. Please rive me a call. Store three doors cast of Bank. WATT THOMPSON. Curwensvllle, Pa., Jan. 7, 1874-lm. For Bxi.i!. An "Alderncy" Bull Calf Full Blooded.,- Apply to II. W. Smith. Paihts aiip Paimtkrs' FiMDiNoa. Our Block of Paiota and Painaera' Materials is complete, in. eluding J. T. Lewis' Pure While Lead. John Lu cas A Co's Pure While Lead, F. R. A Co's lluck Lead, and a number of obuaper brand, of White Lead; alao, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Varni.hesof all kinds, a full line of Brushes, aud a full lino of eolors, dry and in Oil. II, F. niu(,ari A Co. Newspaper Decisions. 1. Any pnraon who takca a paper regularly from the Post OtBoe whether directed to his name or anotber'a, or whether he baa eubeoribed or not ia responsible for the payment. 1. If any peraon ordera hia paper discontinued he must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may oontinuc to sond until payment is made, and col lect the whole amouut, whether the paper is takes from tbo ofiloo or aot. 3. The ooarta have decided that refusing to take newspapers or periodicals from the Post OnW, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, Is prima fucie evidenoc of intentional fraud A Cabb. Miss McAlplne, teacher of, Painting, Crayon and Drawing. Boom at the Aoademy. aua27 Montour Slate Paints, for painting house s-.rrtn-side and outsiderCottages, Farm Buildings, Ac. Beautiful, durable and ecoqouiicaL Ground in pure Linseed UiL mil i - II. T. IIIBLXB A Co. Bird Cages a large M.Qrtment at 0. F, Pg ler A Co.'e. fiave Time! Bare Labor! Save Money I 6ave Clotbee! The "Novelty Wringer" is the best in th market. Buy it j try it. For sale by II. F. Bolxb A Co. MUST BEHOLD BY JANUARY 20IU, 1S74I Best Prints. 19 cents. Best Delanea IS and 11 " Black Alpaoca " Beat Express Cloths 90 M French Merino 62 and 81 1 " MiawlS, Coatings, Balmoral Shirts, Table Llneo, Flannels, Cassuaeree, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, at prices to suit the time. The stock must be sold and yoa will sere moa ey by purchasing. WM. KEKD, aovltl Clearfield, Pa. II. P. Bigler A Co. have been making extensive auuillone to inolrsloek or narowara tbo laat lew daya. Kverything new In Shelf Hardware, Sad dlers' Hardware, Farmera Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, can he seen at their store. May 11. Saw. Distan's Cross-cut Saw, Great Amerwap Saw, Bovnton'a Lightning Saw, at 9 24-71 II. F. Biotta A Ce's. R. R. Wheelbarrows, Baby Carriages, Toy Ex press W'agona and Wheelbarrows, at my29'7 H. V. Iliaiaa A Co'. Calcined Plaster for sale by II. P. Bigler A Co. Paints, Oil aad Varnisho for sale by II, F, Bigler A Co. Wood aad Willow Ware of all dcapriytlons for Bate oy u, r, ssigier i;o. , 1 Si Kerr A Co., bare received a lot of new and fashionable Neck Tiee, A full line of Household Goods, Japanned Ware, Ac., for aale by Is. r, Bigler A Co. e i . Axaa. Seventy-fire doaea Ckrarfisld Wood cboppers Axes at 9:26:71. H. F. BIGLER A Co'a. . Rkad Tnia -Parson, who contemplate building will d wnll to call and examine our atock of M II.UI.Nl MATERIALS. We hare in stocks full line of Builders' Hardware, Kails, Paints, Oils, Glass, I'utty, Calcined fluster, c. my2'7S H. P. Biulib A Co, None to Wtaoa 1D Carriaob Makbb. We hare luat reocivetl a areneral assortment of Waa-oa and Carriage Woods, also a full line of Springs an AXiee, wnicn we oner cneap ror easo. H. P. Biplbb A Co. Juat received, a large lot of ion-explosive bemps ana Mnierns a. 9-24-71 II. F. Bibi-xb A Ce's. RECAPITULAT'OS. Bird Cages. Wood and Willow Ware. Houechnld Goods. All kinds of Hardware. Japanned Ware. Fainta, Oils, Varnishes. Calcined Plaster. . Wagon nnd Carriage Mekert' aupplies. All of the above for sale at the mammoth Hard- Uwaro Store of 11. F. Bigler A Co., Second street, lieerneia, l a. at CUT THIS OPT. It May Have Your Life. There is ao person living hut what auflera more r am wuu Long uireaees, iuug;oii, woiQS or lOn- aumption, yet eoiae would die raibcr than pay 74 eaot for a bottle of medioine that would euro them. Dri A Bosehee's Gorman Syrup haa late ly been Introduced in thla country from Germany, and its wondrous oiirca astonishes every one tnat try it. If you doubt what we say in print, out this out and take it to your Druggist, C. D. War soa, and get a sample bottle' free of charge, or a regular else for 74 cents. G. G. GliEKN, 10aug73y Woodbury, . J. To tub CiTixraa or Pkynstlvawia. Your at trntloa ia respectfully invited to tlie fact tbat the National Banks arc now prepared to receive sub scrlption.Jo the Capital Stork of the Centennial Board of Finance. The funds realised from this source are to be employed in the erection of the buildings for the International Eihibitrbn, and the expenses connected with the same. It is con fidently expected that the keystone Stale will he repreaented by the name of every cltlsen alire to pslrlolie aoulmrinnrsJ,ioB of the on hundredth Urlh-day of tjbo natio. The sliarra of stock are offered for 10 each, and subscribers will receive a handsomely steel engraved Certiorate of Stuck, suitable for framing and tirrsrrration aa a na tional memorial, Interest at the rata of fix per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Centennial Block from date of payment to January 1, 18,-11. guhscrihera whe are not near a Naiioiial Bank can remit a check or poslnfncc order t the BB derslgaed. FRRDK. Eft ALKY, TreHSnrrr, augM UII4 Walnut St.. Philadelphia. ' IJ I . ' ! G KST MILL! NOTICE 1 I tcJ-. shis tastbnd of loformiBg the public thai I have purchased the CadwalladerGri.t Mill,' bad It thoroughly repaired, and am aow ready to grind any kind or grain on short notice, In Ibe best mnnnsrt A share af your patronage la so licited. Yours Respectfully, II. S. FLKOAL. Qii.ficfit W. Flboal, Miller. Phillpsburg, Pa., Dee. H-ra. i mi pHTftifu of y.vFRv dKji;ii:p- ij linn neatly ere-uted al this offl"e. Klni-rlftl, Oa December list, 1871, by Jans A. Oaur aai i., Kaq., Mr. ALV1N UALBR, to Mrs, JULY ANN BBATY, both of Clearfield aouaty. On January lat, W4, by J. D. TaoartoK, Esq., Mr. WILLIAM CALDWBLL, formerly or Clar ion, to Miss FANNIH PABSMORB, of Clearfield. On January 1st, 1874, by K. HlLTxeaAUD, Esq., He. MILTON MILLER, of Bell township, Clear field oouaty, to Miu ELIZABETH ROLENS, of Indiana oouaty, Oa January 1st, 1A74. by Rev. R. Manas, Mr. NATHAN T. BRI8HIN, to Mis RACHEL B. LINKS, both or Clearfield oouaty. Oa Janaary 1st, 1974, by Re. I. Mahobb, Mr. WILLIAM H. HOOVE 11, to Mis ANNII I. HARM AN, both of Brady township. , H.e Clearfield, on December 13d. 173. Mr. MOl.LIK GREGG UOOVtit, wlfsof Jacob Uoo- vxn, aged 74 years. In Clearfield, on December 27th, 1R73, DAVID YOUNG. In the 87th year or ats age. In West Clearfield, oa Janusry 1, 1874, AR CHIE, son of Milton A. and Mauuahxt Nil'- ols, aged almost two yeara. Ia Lawrence township, Sondes, December 7, 1S7S, SAMUEL LAUNSBEHRi, aged 11 years and 8 months. partrts. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by Ricaaap Mssor, Wholesale and Retail Dealer la Dry tsooaa, urooanes, .-re visions, Ac, Market street, l.'loerneld, re. Cl.aAnriii.n, Pa., January I, 1874, Applea,green,90(u 74 ik.i..i aa it. In (lege, dressed Illdca. frees... VI 1VM, , nppiaaiwr,w-KM Ham OOriA 19 Butler.. ouuo as leans 2 746 1 40 iShouldors.....OOfd) 124 Side...,, 00(4 12, Lard 16(a) . Buckwheat.. 1 00l Buekwheet flour lb, 4 Mess pork,ltbbl...22 DO Beer, dried- zo Beef, fresh 7( t Boarda. M 11 OObli 14 00 lata fit) lOntona w... 1 an Potatoes 90 (ja 90 Corn, shelled........ 1 90! reaoBea, ariea, bm id Corn, ear..-.. u(u) no Cm sack. 1 30 Plaster. bbi I 00 llye, 1 in Ohon. V ewtS 00(a) 1 41)1 Hags, $ b Cloverseea. o utn Salt, sack,50(dj 1 SO Cheese- 10 Cherries, lb. 10(a) 10 Chickens, drsd, lb. 12 Shlnglus,18in.f4(a)9 00 Khinrlo..2rHnlO(,iloOO Timothy seed 4 00 Tallow 12t Vitrt 2j Flaxseed too Floor -8 On Ox 9 00 Hay 00 00(3,92 00 Wheat ... 1 74 Woo) 40 Wood. cord...... 4 40 1'ennsy 1 vnnfa ItaUroml TYRONE I CLEARFIELD BRANCH. OV and after Monday, NOV 3d, 1873, tha Paaacngcr Trains will run dally (except Sun days) between Tyrone and Clearfield, as follows CLEARFIELD MAIL,. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH Clearfield 8.40. r. Tyrone ,P.. O.SO.A.a, Philipaburg-...f .Sj, Osoeola ,.4.60, " Tyrone fi.00, " Osoeola... 10.40, ' Philip.burg.,.10.44 Clearfield 11.40," "CLEARFIELD BXPRES8. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 4.49 A. a. Tyrone T.00 .: Intcrsection...7.12 " Osceola 8.10 " Philip.brg...8.14 " Clearfield, ar.-9.2 " Phillpsburg.. 6. .15 ' Osceola- iu ' Intersection.- 7.48 ' Tyrone 8.09 ' FARE FliOM CLBAKF1ELD, TO Bellefonte, Pa 13 Middlatawn . .15 00 Look lven. .... 1 Wllllamsport. ( Marietta...,,, Lancaster .- v.. PHILADELPHIA Altoona Johnstown........... 4 60 4 86 7 96 1 tt Huntingdon 1 Iwistown- 1 Marysvlllo 4 184 HARKISbURG ... 4 PITTSBURG t 16 Close eonneotione and Lock Ilaveq. nadc by all traias at Tyrone g. S. BLAIR, Superintendent. Biyl7-lf. CLE LEAUFIKLD ACADEMY. MALE DEPARTMENT, THE WINTER TERM of fourteen weeks will eommonco MONDAY, JANUARY 4lh, 187S. Teresa of Tultkia. Reading, Writing, Mental and Written Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography and History. f9 40 Natural Pbiloaophr, Pbyaiology, and Bin- i gle Entry Book-keeping, os either, With the above il 99 For lastructlnna in Doable Entry Book keeping and Commercial Arithmetic, spa. elal terms to be arranged. For partlculara reapectlng th achool apply to aug27'7.1tf R. M. MchKALLY. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. . rpnt WINTER TERM of fourteen weln, will X oumenc Monday, Janaary 4ta, lb7v. TERMS OP TUITIOX. Reading, Orthography, Writing, Object Lea. sons. Primary Arithmetlo aad Primary Geography- ., 17 (9 History, Local and descriptive Geography with M:ip Dmwing, Grammar. Mental and Written Arithmetic 9 44 Algebra and the Soicnoec 12 99 Instraction In Instrumental masi 14 94 Oil painting, 14 lessons 11 44 Wax work I 91 For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield, Aug. 4. 1873. 9 7:74 y E STRAY. Strayed or atolen from the ham J of A. J. Wheeler, in Pcnfield, Dec. 17th, a 110 AN MAKE, with a whit stripe in face, right bind loot wntte ap to let' lock joint, two ruv els ip breast vbiab hare scarcely healed up, and Weight abfut 1,024 pounds. A liberal reward win no paid lor ner return or Informatioa )n r. gam to nor wnrreabont. dec. 21, '73-Ste A. JU IIEELER AUriUNB' C'OUHT SALE -In J puriuftoce of an ordrr of ttie Orphnni' Court oi i icarueirj ooum, me nntieriijrnta irum?, ad. in th mftr of Hie of the ret rftiiteof llm illon WnM, lute of Hwar. townihip, drernned. win pen t punne naie, oa tn firrmtncitri rutur dr, the lOtb dT of Januarv, A. 1. 1874. M 1 o'olock p. in., tht fnl lowing utAt, ItU of Hid dmatd, vii; All tbat eortalD trwt or piece of luid littJAte In Ma id (ofrmhip. known tlio'OM Wright Fftrra' ijr.lnn Unda of linirT 0. WiiKht, Henry A. Uom lock nnd other, and containing SIS lores, more or Iraa. peneryinj, however, out of the abore two p.rwt tw.U to W. B. Wriftht, deaeribed fol. kwa,Titt On thereof bexinninp-at itonra ; thenoe north 73 dejrrrti eaat a ptrehea to (met then (to aouth 3'24 decreea out to atone i thenoe aouth 44 pefouea U p.t; thenoe aouth 71V dc)r;riei wont t perehea to itonef thenoe north 15 cteKre weitt p0 perohea to plaoe of bt;iiiniria;, omUinlna; about tit acr and the other thereof adjoining othor land of eaid W. H. IVright aod contalnlqg no hi ipreo iiiunna oi an acre, rirriiiff, alio, out of the abore. all aereral toti. each abowt Aft feet bjr 160 fet, Ijring adjaeenl or eintiguoun (o eaoh other, two thereof having been eolii to Wil liam Kiddle, one to Heubea Hei, ona to Oeorgh W, Rev, One to Daniel lloleel and one to Mid Wm. H. Wright' referring, alto, about one-half 4aj rw nnwr mmtt iuii, mm w mu ifiiliaio nialie. The improremrnta copeUt of a iwo-etorr frame bouao, IB feet by Jt3. avHtd bank barn. 40 br 76 feet, and other outbuiltiinga. Aboat 75 aerea of tjjt nropertv ia cleared. A good orchard ia on Hit preiilfcei, 7 iRRMf or Pi a. One-Uilrd oaiih on atoflnna tlon of aale, one-tblrd In oloe nonthaani) ,the bal ahee In flfteea monihi from data of aale, Uie lat- lor two paymenti with fntereat from date of lala, to oe aVwurea bjr bond and mortgage on the n rem it.. WM. R. UICKLNX'N, Heeiy TniPtee. QII1USTMAS GOODS AT TUB WEST BRANCH RESTAURANT Vk. aa.Ja...tH.J aablJ BBB.wjejia.ini.e-M we vassal la remoM I IT M aajj aBfaaj tA tka. AlUlCMa nf ntammtrtaifa. mA wri.aaail. ik.t kel la now Ofpeniaf a large lot of ft a Holiday Confeflloijeiics, together with fresh Cakes, fresh Nut, nd or, thing usuall kept in a 6r.l class resuaraait. Feesh Fish received twice a weak. Fresh Or- slers alwtvs oa hand and in lot t aaik customers. A nr of patronage I solicited. drt-4t THOMAS noniNS. N OT1CK TO CU3TOM1UIS! Acrordln to odr u.aal enstota of makin semi annual eetlirmenle, wa will ipect all persons w Ingus balance, to enaxa forward aroasptly, oa or about January 1st, 1(174, aad aattle their aecouat with rash, or acta bearing tatert from dgrf. ' ' " f g'JCK Will. .'.emfielJ, Pe. 1(1, lK;1 tt. fbjlW ADYERTISEMKNTI 11 - SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! T. A. FLECK &. CO. world annouqo that tfiajr ar now opening for tbi Kali Bea.oo the most atlractir and complete stux el ItfUncry and Fancy Goods I ra before offered In Clearfield. In our Fancv wots Lioparteaeat w are ooariog tall tin of Holer, i-, Olive. TlB, ' ! I.KC, Woalea Clooda, Hoop Skirt, Comet. Ilalr Good. Rbboua, . Canvas PattcrDa, Dta Trimming, Worsted, Vcn ' f ' allof which w ar clfcrlng at attractlv prices TfTT.T.TTTEE? LETAET1IS1TT. We are new opening tho lataet atrial and novel til for the Fall Season. . BONSETS, ! 11 ATS, . FEATHERS, . . PLUMES, VELVET RIBBONS, Til's, ORNAMENTS, 1 FLOWERS, Ap. OUR TEIMMINQ DEPARTMENT is la bergc of a'nrst-olass Trimmer from the oity, We eollcit an laspeetlon. of our sljles by th la. of Clearfleld and vtalaity. tltore room the aame a aow occupied by Wm, Reed, oa Market street. Bove-Tl T. A. FLECK A CO. rllBl LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF STOVES ! NT YES evir brought to lb county, are being received at the Hardware Establishment of II. K Mlul.tiH CO., oomprisiog tba following Cook Stove SPEAH'8 CALORIFIC. SUbQUKIIANNA. KEGULATOR. .... KOPLE, EXCELSIOR. TRIUMPH. GUV. texn: READING NATIONAL RANGE, AC. JtC. Also, tbo following Heatlag Stove : SPEAR'S A NTI CLINKER, SPEAR'S ANTI DHST. PPEAR'SOUniCULAR, SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, ,. . MORN.NQ LIGUT, HON TON, - GirsEY, VULCAN, SUNBEAM, RU3Y DAUPHIN EGO, C 11 ESTER 0(J, VOLCANO, rilOENIX, UFAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE RtMJM 8TOVE8, C. Clearfleld, Sept. 11, 1871. ' mo LUMll!tMEM ,. PERFECTION IS CANTHQQKSI Th fWartVId Esoelalor Canthook wilt act waar out or break, being constructed with on sriKd bead from slip to point, ' tit I pronounced by all praetloal lumbcrmrn who have examined It I .be (h most parfstt CenUtoek rr Invented. Ir . Amos Kennard, Patentee. lUsvfacttlred by Aaoi KaaaagD A Oo., at OCARFIELD, FA. AII order promptly attended to. n5S'7l JbTEW BTOKK AN) NEW GOODS JUS. SHAW & SON Hi just opened a N Sjoxi, on Main StCmitriiLD, fa ' laielr ooeut.itd I; tVm. T. IHWIN. Tbeif mloeb ooniil4 of GiQcmu of Ut bent qugjtjjr, f QjstjwARC, BooU and Shoes. aod trairy articla neeruarr for na'a comfort. Call ! tiatnln) tur iloolt Wor) pot- rtliaalng elaaerriare. Mar 0, lC8-tf. S TONK'S 8AW GUMMKH3 AND SAW UPSBTS. We hair reeelteg tL Meniar (or tbe trbov and JflU aojl them at msnnfae'tnrer prise. Call and tlamin then. They ar th best. jei ri it. I. run. rat t'O. . . ...... . i. . . JK AD T 111 8 1 - FLOUR & FEED DEPOT 1 Tha attention of th oltltens of Clearfleld and vlelnlt la d I rooted to th fact that Uoudlellow A Hon are Iha areola of H. Niece A bo., end have Just rcceircd a balf dosen car loads of Hour and feed, which tbey oiler at lb lowest pos.iuis ng urs. A largs slock of ?LOVR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FL0UK, BRAN, Potatoas, Shelled Corn, Corn In car, Ac, Ac. Particular sttontlon I called to M. Niece A Co.' brand of Fluur, which Is th best in th market. Flonr and Feed can and will be sold cheaper than tt oao be obtained elsewhere ia Cleurtiold county. jatrgtore on Market street, next door to Hon. Alexander Irvln' reslih'nc. UUUIJFEM.OW A BON, J&nt.Otf Agents for M. Niece A Co. KRATZER & LYTLE Turpentint, 1 ( Kails, i HUu, I Putty, WILL SELL YOU French, Richards &. Co.'s Buck Lead ASD Calcined Plaster VERY CHEAP. Immenae stock on hand. Clearfleld, Pa., June 4, 1 9TS. ' gTEVENSON St CO'.S EXCELSIOR BAKERY, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. ' Having recently fitted up a new Bakery, aad procured the services of a llrst-clasa llaker, w are prepafca to inrnisn FRESH BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, &C. very dr, M' will deliver Wretd, RoIU. Ctktt of all kindf, freph crery morning, t tha doors of oar cut to m en, If desired. W rnH?truMT io Hoit ibaro of publlo pttrnnofte, ud feci ture tbt w en fftve entire mtirifaetioD. We eluo kocp on hainl it rhioe nefOMraeDl or CANW1KH, NlTH, GtyAViKft, LEMONS, TO BAfCO. CIllARS, lc. Freih FKUlTSand VEQETADLES recoired dttily ftoii fold t reMnir!e prioee. Yrcnh OY8TKU8, in WiiMoTtlaetMDprqaBrt. 1CU CRKAM Alwayi oa bnuJ. Giro at a ettll. We itrlve to nlnie. Auf. 6, 187i-tf. SIKVKaVHOaV A CO. 15. A. & W. P. IRVIIf, CORNER STORE, gURWENSViLLEPA., RECEIVE FLOUR AND SALT BY CAR LOAD, And tell at imull advance. is o r e BY THE COIL, AND PACKAGE GOODS FOR LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES BO L p CHEAP. August 13, 1873 Til.ft SAWS! SAWS I SAWS I DISTAN'S CROSS CUT, MILL, DRA0 AND C1RCULAU SAV'S. Boyntoii'B Lig)itnijig Oross-cjit Saw, ALSO, VATEXT PEUEORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, for (al hf octll,70 II. F. BIGLER A CO. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, MATTIlEfwSKf, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P. 0. Tbe no'ierslgncd begs tear to Inform th eltl ans of Clearllelil, and the public generally, thai b ha on hand a flne assortment of Furniture sueh a H'alnut, Clioytnt nd l'aijiti-d Chamber Suites, Parkr Suilea, Iteellning and E.tensioa Chair., I.adioa' and llenta' Ks"v i'hnlri, the Per. fnrntcd Dining and Parlor Chairs, Can Seat and Windanr L'tiairs, Clothes Itara. Step and Rxten ioa Lddera, Hat Racks, rorbbing Brushes, Ac MOCLDIn AND PICTURE FRAMES. Looking fllassea, Chromos, Ac, which would be suitable for llolieay prcaenta. decIV 7 JOHN TROt'TMAN. Idlvery Ntnblc. Tit B undersigvd begs leave to Infona the piib ile that he (s now full prepared to aeeoinmo. datc all In tbe wy o,f furiiishinj Mor,s, Unggles, Saddles and Harness, on the shortest notice sad oa rcaatinable terms, arldvjueoa .aaat itrect, betwna Third vid Foerlh. lvt. W. 0RARHART. . Clearfleld, April 11, lHT. PINK, WniTI A ROAN LININCl SKINS Just received nd for sal by -April t I.. Tt. I!. F. IIIOLFH A C" . i ; tt, t . i.. 1 hs. yUsrfUanfous. mHU I. A T U S T MOVE! THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSVICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To their new building on Fecond Street, nearly opposite the store ol nearer uette, CLEARFIELD, JA., Wbero they ill eoQtloae to -up'r tbtlr old and U many new eaitoneffi as nay euine, with PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL rREPAKATIOSS, (Including all pew icwcdice,) Patent Mwliclnea, PainU and Oils, Glaas and Putty, School Books, Stationery, Paper, Ac; also, a full line of bruj gists' Sundries, Iluir Tonics, Cosmetics, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Toilet Soaps, Pocket Books, etc., all or tbe best quality. PURE WWES AND LIQUORS, for medical A sacramental purpose only, Pare Whit l ea 1, Colors of all kind.. Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Varnishes, Turpca tine, Coal Oil, P'int A Varnish Brushes, Flavoring Extract i, Confectioneries, Bird Seed, Eplce, ground and ungrfcunj, cf all Lied. SMOKERS AI?D CUEWERS Will find our stock of Chewing and Smoking Tohsoco, Imported and Do. mestie CiTrs, Snuff aad Fine-cut t be of the very bst braada Ib th market. LAMPS AND CIIJJ1SETS, All kinds of CLASS WARE GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimmings cf every variety. llevinf a lone experience la the business, and n extensive anil well selected stock ol medicines, wc are ouablrd to til Phyaioians' prrscriitious at the shortest notice and ua be most reasonable terms, day and night. HART8WICK A IRJV1S. Clearfleld, Pa., May SI, Wl-tf. JF ECONOMY IS AX OBJECT, BUT V0CR CLOT II I 3f O, Furnisliirjg Goods, &o., AT , P. STEWART & SON'S CLOT U IX G STORK. Tliey keep full line cf ifen's, Youths' it Boys' Clothing. Also, Uruhrollnt, Satclicllo, Overalls, Huts, bliii'ls, LiiJeralui ls, und pravrcrt, 4o., Wliich they will sell at moal rrasonalito price Call and xmin Uieir good before pun-basing el.cwhsre. Room la Mansion building. ClearDeld, Pa., Ootjber , IJT3. r OOK AND head: j SADDLE & H iBESS JOHN 0. HARWICH, Market St., CLEA1UTELD, Pa., I. the man lo go to If yoa want a act of new HARNESS or a ucw SADDLE, or anything else in that line. He turns out aa good work aa i done in auy shop lo Pennsylvania, and bis prices are vary reasoned). ( CepskjiutJy ca band a full line of TltOTTISG GOODS. - . inch fti Trotting PniMU-i, (jtunrltsr and Shin Booti, Trotting Hollorf, M hlpn, Kmc Hrualf nnd ConilfH, A a. A tin tvioHment of Neti, Horn form, KDf Blanked, liuffalo Hobci. io tto. kept in m Alton, In fait unjthiog th.t hrivoiiieu Ktutl in need of U atwkyt cd hnij. All of which will bt $ul& at wholcaIo orrcUil at tht Trry fnlntt mtt. Rf?t.airirff nrtiioniir atlenlrfj tn. Alt nrk guarm'ttd. bbop ia ronat fvriurrlT oocapiM M I'ott uair. April v, ibjn, T. M. ROBINSON & CO., Dealers la Harness, Saddles and Bridles, BLANKETS, BRUSHES, Fly Nct, Collars, Wbips, Ao. A larc tOv'k of TUOTTIXrt (IOOD cf all de'crjjUii.ns. Also, a large stock of 1IARNK.SS Mr-Repairing promptly attende! to. Shop oa Market street, Oraham'a Row, in shop nruerly ocenpicd by James Alexander, '' . ClcarnoM,r-n., Juo ii, 187S. II. P. BIULER 4 cq.'s -SPECIALTIES BUILDERS' HARDWARE, MHClIANlCb' 1IARDWASE, UI(allERUEN'8 UAKDWARR, PARMIS0 X'TKKSH.g, , WILL SUPPLIES, . IRON at KAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTERS' riKDIMDS, ' CALCINED PUfTEB Hty II, WS. .... i ,ail ANX0U2.CEMK.NT OF TIIE OUEAT ' REDUCTION OF PRICES) II V . POBTEI JrHAW, D. U. , , r . IMPORTANT TRl'TBfii ' ; Having suocctded In tfolling a lighter tariff oa material, hence the Iuk and wuidcmt charge lor ' aartial and full act. of Teeth. I nrc the be.t r . . , : .r. ...0-i a.1? manuiaciuro ui ..rem anil uihvi .. opcratioua rcjrictrrod cud wwrantcd to glv str vliie and sati.iactiou. friend, rodent that my charge tut th tiun of artificial and tho saving of lb ualural teetb are now the uio.t rcasonaUu in Pennsylvania. Preserve your teeth and you preserve your health. Putting of the teeth in a healthy, pre. sorvativvand useful oiT'tldun i mads a specialty. Diseases and maUoruiationeeoinnion lotLc uioulh, law and associate parts, arc treat, d and corrected with fair success. Exaialr.ail..iia jitj eomulu. linns nu:. It would be will for patKibti from a distcnes t let inc know by mail a low iluya Ulci ecu.icg to th orBee. II is very important thtt children between tha ages of six and twelve jears should hav their Uoth oxamined. ' Anaastbetlcs are adinlalstcred and Teeth re moved without pain. ' Disposition and ctinmoter ar judisd by all Ibe world by tbe x-prrlon of th luce, brne how very disastrous may H therefore te for prr. sons t idu!i an xpr lioa of distorted fcl;e, evea pnrt from a bygitiiio view. ', to enjoy natural (not ariiflciall aomfurl and nles.uret, nsi'cot aud obey nnturnl iint,licitic. and in.tlrct. t. P0P.TEII 8IIAW, D. D. S. Offleoln N"w Masonic Bniidiag, Secoad street, ClearlieVd, P. majll'T DENTAL.CABD. . lie generally, that, having di. solved partnership wi'h Dr. bbaw, he Is aow doing tbe entire work of hia odice himstlf, so thit patients need not fear . being put under the hands of nr uthi r operator. ClearOeld, March Jtl, If2 pdlfrucbrs J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S., "rsj O&cc over Irwin's Drug Store, CURWEXSVII.LE, PA. All dental operations, cither in the mechanical or operative brood , promptly attended to and siiti.lueliun gitaraiiteid. Special attention paid to the treatment of diseases of the natural tve'.h. guma and mouth. Irregularity cf the teeth suc cessfully corrected. Teelh extracted without pain by the use of Klbcr, aud artificial teeth inserted of the best material and warranted to render sat isfaotion. anrl!267I:Iy 'migfritonrgmj. rVUE MITCHELL WAGOX, tor Farm, Freight and Plantation Ueb. . VoivtiMlljr knows as tbe , 0KIG1XAL HAPIE WAGOX. MJo Ut exnerieDced Workmen out or at good mBtriiil wonfjy cd bur. We aot claim to" tutld til low out pricpd V njiiisH, but our aim it to but hi a well proportion d wagn In nil iu pMi-ti, . vnd exoal in Uurliil,ty moi tik'lit draft. Fur tba paat quarter of a century the Mitchell Wagon bti -luoeeufulljr miuntmijeij tbe rv'Uilion tl btiog tlie beft wa?on in uk. Tba ru...ijr iticreatii. demand frr ibfia prorei tbeir luj-cr.uritjovvraU oltier wagons. Mituiiell, Lewn Uo , iiaiiu.aciureri, liacmc. Wiicumiu. Fur falc bv THO?. r.i;TLY. -Aug. 6, 1873. Clrarlleld, i'a. TVTEW L1MK KILN! 1 KKAit Cl'KWES'aSVILI.R. Tha undtrijrnrd would reupcctiully r.otify alt terrini intercxtrd thut h ha jutt crtTfeJ a new imo Kiln, in IV-c tnwnfhip, ani will kerp on band a firtt vlhi qimlity ol (irty Liiue, whieh will l'c furnisbtd to firmer, buildi-r atid gtheil at ecnti per bushel, o:iib, at the Mn. jcJj-Oui O. B. CALDWELL. Iyoxm yon sale.-tiio cicar 3 field (lat Compatiy ia offering itt bnadi aa aa inreitmcnt, routing from ona to ten year, beariog ail par ant. Intercat, pajabla rrnii-an-nuiiJI on the firtt daya of January and July. Tba amount ia limited to tUMMM), Wing but one-ttilrd ol" (be itw k uf the cooipuny, thut mak in jr tba bondf a. driml.I and infe inTftttwent. Ti.ey can bAd at either u the Uanka in thti tor oiiljh, or at the Trttuorvr olTu'. W. W. I1KTT3, Trcaturer. Clearfield, Sept. 10, lS73.-tf nO USE AND LOT FOR SALE! Tba liuuae and Lot on the oomer of Mar l ei und Fiflh elreeta, Cirarllrld, l'a., it for ml. Tba lot eontuibR pearly an acre of grourd. Tbe hfjui ia a, Utt double frame, eooUiniag ntna rouma. For tcrijia an 1 other iti formation app'y to tbe !bcn'cr, at tbv I'oat fince. Hoi-is v. a. OAri iy, TIiTBeirs Run Woolen taclorj, Pcnn town. hip, ClrarCeld Co., Ta. ' n v n jl o o t; r i l'T nor B UR MED UP! Tha suViaer.hcrt hiva, at grent exprnte. rttul!t a neiKbhrhood HtecitTt in ib erection of a tint oiaM WtMaH-n ManuJaetory. with ail (ha feiodcm improeiuV!t(tchid( and fre prrpared to irafca all kin.t of Clith, CnFitncro, btinctli, lllan keta. Flannels, ate. I'tenty ot f r-odf on hnnd to uppl all on r old and thtisct naw cu (turners, wbnin wa uk to coroe and eamUia uur atuek. Thetuiunefi of jCAUPIIXO AXD FCLLKG ' will feolra our ettpecla.1 aLLr.ii.-n. Tmper arrnp4tnetiU will I to rretive and deliver Wool, to auit cuttomrr. All wo. -it warranted itud dune upon the nhoriet notica, ani by rtriet atten tion to bupineM wa hope Itj rcaliijO a liberal ihara tf public patronage. KM KM) POINDS XVOOL VANTEDt . Wa wUJ pay the highest ifinrltet price fr Wf.ol and aril our tnanufactuml jc-Jids aa low aa aimilar goo'liean be bouxht in thoapouitty. and fthanevar we f Ail to reii(?r remonublo ttUiftartion wo can always W fonod at homa realy to trmke proper explanation, eilher in pr-mi m- by letter. JAMKS J-31UN602I A 80 N 8, pril?tf Ht.wer P. O. i NEW -DEPARTURE! X. 80MKTHIKO KKW Stone futJers nnd Masons. A new firm, andcr the name of William 4b George Annal, haru'ttarted on thrlrown book in the tstDtia Cutting and tt"e lMawm buinri, in Clearfleld, B'bcre .Uicy will be found ftt all tituee reat.y to take all eoutrncti and do all kmift ot work in their line, from tba building of a Cut Stone Mention to the laying of a Cellar Wall. AH wotfc cnlru'ted to then, will roeeire prompt attention and mti-fivtion gunr.inlred. WILLIAM A UKOHQU ANXAL. Clearfleld, Oat. 2, 18:a.-iii Spokes, llinis & TIow Handles. JOHN G. DAVIS & SON, WI0X sroKE pBES, B. W. Car. LE0PAKD A pTTU Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Jttt-Stai for Pric List. TiStrtm' I IMKl L1MK1 Hi nnijcrsi'nril I. now nrrnarerl to furnlih tlie public Willi an eiocllent qualit of Bpllefonte Wood-Burned Lime, for polluting j'urpn.c. I,jr tlie larc or .mall qaaiitiiv. be louoil tur ike f Meant at l'i new builrlinr, c J(l)ikrt ,trcet. - octl tf s 1,. K. MrCVLLOrOH. HI.MOVAI.. RFI7FNSTF1N RFRI INPtt ' .... v ryi.,t wlioksale ilralrra In GEXty Fl'MISUHP GOODS, liar removed In Cliureh Uroit, belwtea I'ranjillu nnj Wbllo ita.. New York. ljr31'7J S. I. SNYDER, f! JRACnCAl WAICHMAKER " BBAIH IV ' ""aWattlu's, Clocks nut) Jovvylry, tfruaua.'. A'oai, Unit! Strut, u i "I CLRAItl l KI.D,' I' A. f. '- " All kinJi of tt ailing In f.y Ha Yir.dnptlt'kl. nM t. . , ' . Ap,,! iAH.'i .... v J ....