THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. . . WKDNKSDAY MORNING, DKC. 17.19JS. Tax Ridden South Carolina. The message sent by Govornor JIosos to the Logislataro of South Carolina shows in what a torriblo financial plight that Slate is. With s popula tion of only 705,006, there is bUto lubt of ovor 820,000,000, or nearly thirty dollars for each Inhabitant. This is about half as much pro rata as the national debt of tho United Statos, bat is fnr moro burdensome upon tho Suto than tho national debt is, for tho roaion that tho money. to moot tho chnrgos upon it is raisod entirely by direct taxution. Tho pooplo of the Hlalo aro now taxed so heavily that it is almost n iniHlortuno to hold proper- ty, yet the (iovornor suggests that thoy bo still moro lioavily taxed in order that tho dobt may bo rofundod and tho finances put into somothing liko a sound condition. In 1870, ac cording to tho United States consus, South Carolina bad a Stato dobt amounting to $7,61)5,900, and though only threo rears huvo elapsed sinco thon tho indoblodnoss bus nearly tro blcd, tho funded dobt alono hcinir twioo as largo as tho total debt in 1870. Such a showing ns this can only bo attributed to most wrotchod misman agement, but nothing hotter could bo expected in a Stale whero the Legis lature is composed Tory largely of men who can neither read or wrilo,anu whero It has heen explicitly chargod that merchandize is nmdo of nil the oflleos from United States Senator down over which it has control. Tub Northern Pacific Smash. Tho Now York Sun pertinently re marks : The disastrous collapse of tho C'ookes has not only brought great suffering to thousands of families throughout tho various fitatos, but it has effectually blighted the prospects of numerous aspiring towns in tho' Territories. Only a few months ago the papers were ulled with glowing accounts of tho brilliant futuro await ing tho proBpectivo city of Bismarck, tho point whero tho Northern Pacific rond strikes tho Upper Missouri river, nnd where it was bcliovcd a commer cial town of great importanto would bo speedily dovolopcd. A gentleman directly from that placo rocontly in formed tho Sioux C'ily Journal that business baa almost entirely ceased there; that tho only thing unking any show ot lilo at tho time ol ins do parturo was tho building of Bomo cav alry quarters for Unitod Slates troops. On tho samo authority it is said that tho railroad company wcro preparing to abandon tho Wcstorn division of tho rond from Fort Seward to Bis marck, n distance of one hundred miles, and wero straining every nerve to get away with tho doors and win dows of tho station bouses bo fore a enow storm should coma and cork tho whole thing up. The Journal says : "Only three trains a week are now run into liismarch, and a good fmilo team would be ample accommodation for the amount of travel ovor tho lino. Our informant was tho only paying passcngor on the train ho left liis march by. Tho otbor passongors wore dead broko gamblors beating thoir way back to civilization." Still Mork Blowino. Socrolary Richardson says tho Treasury depart ment is "woll prepared for war." Wo nro pleased to learn that it is prepared for somothing, for wo bavo evidence (hat it is not being run on a peaco footing. A fow weeks ago tho Sec retary made n groat blow about specio payments, which ho intended to in augurate across tho elegant marble counters of tho .Department. A fow thousand dollars wuro paid out, whon tho movement collapsed, and we hear no moro of it. It evidently was not prepared for peace. Now, if we have war with Spain, nnd land armies in Cuba, wo must bo pre m rod to pay oar troops in gold and silver, bocause the Spaniards would not recoive our paper money for articles bought by tho soldiers. It the Treasury J lepart- menv is ready lor tbis it is then woll ireparod lor war, but not otherwise. it ill tho bocretary think of this f Som'k Difference. Tho Philadel phia llulUtin thinks that tho Governor uf Dclawaro has become as much of nepotist as Grant, because ho has ap pointed bis brother-in-law, Willard Saulsbury, Chancellor of the State Tho appointment is certainly a sus picions one, on account of tho rela tionship belwoon the parties, but it should be romombered that while Wil lurd SauUbury has long been known as nn nblo lawyer, and has boon elect ed by tho people to high ofllco, tho rel atives on whom Grant has showered favors and the emoluments af the Treasury wcro never beard of before outside of tho family, and oven among their immodiatj frionds wero novcr suspcetod of being fitted to hold tho most inferior position of public trust. A Fortune Wasted. The great fortune of (.'1,000,000 loft twonly-throe years ngo to tbo cities of Now Orleans and llaltimoro by John McDonough, who died in tho former city, has been so wustcd in a lawsuit brought by Mclonongh's heirs, on account of a flaw in tho recover the amount, that not moro than (25,000 of the ivliolo is said to remain. Tho rest has gono to the lawyers. McDonough' purpose in making tho boquest was that tho money should bo devoted to tho maintenance of frco whito and bluck scIiooIb in tho cities named. Klovon hundred persona own 10, IKKI.OIMl acres of land in tho Stnto of California. That is nn nvcrngo of nearly ij.uiiu acres lor each poraon. Tbisaroa is nearly Ihreo quurtors as much as tho wholo land under cultiva tion in tho great Slnto of Ohio. In Ohio tho nvorago sizo of tho fuims is 111 acres. Pittsburgh Is mourning over the loss of f 500,000 lent by tho waluroom inirwion to a privata banking company that has collapsed in the panic I n lor the now Constitution thcro will bo no moro of thoso commissions to rob (he taxpayers of tbo cities of this Commonwealth. In Ilichmond, Va., a Arm of colored porsons manufacture nassafras oil on a large scale, Forty thousand pounds of i ho root nro used every week, pro ducing eight thousand pounds of rec tifying oil. It is used for scenting toilet soaps, flavoring tobacco, and tho like. A luf.y editor In Ohio reads all his rxvlmiigrs in bed. Ha rinds it the I'UnieiV way to Gli up bis Blioot, - gvu Cocfls, Gmttitt, (tU. ED.W.GKAHAM, DEALER in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEAliFIELD, PA., Has jut opened, lit the KEYSTONE STORE, a couplet IIOCK 01 - jv e o a o o o , of ever description. DRY GOODS, GltOCEIUKS. HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, ifc.ift:., IN GREAT VAUIETY. FLOUR, MEAT, SALT, EYE, OATS, COKN, ALVA TS OJV II AND AND FOR . SALE ATA SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR Receive J by tbo car load, and told at a loiall ad YUM. A tuj'ply of IIOPB con.Unllj en hand. Special Inducement! offered to those getting out Square Timber and Log, at we deal large! In Lumbermen's Supplies, and are pre pared at all times to purchase tim ber and lumber. ED V. GRAHAM, "KEYSTONE STORE," Benin d Street, CLEAKFIELD, PA. , OoU 23, 1872. J. v. WBAVCIU.. W. W. 1ITTI. WEli EB & BKTTS CLEAliFIELD, PA., Are offering, at (be old stand of O. L. Ileed 1 Co., their stock of good, consisting of DRY -GOODS, CROCEBIES, ' BOOTS SHOES, : HATS A CArS, IIAltDWAUE, QUEENSWARB, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., &c, At (he most reasonable rates for CAS II or la exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY TRODUCB. jAdvaneea made to thoie engaged In get ting out square timber OB tho moat adrantagcous terms. pdtlan73 jrjANIEL GOODLANDKIt, . LUTllKIlSBUKa, TA., Dealer in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES. HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SHORS. Tobacco, Grooerlci and Fi.ta, Kailt, Hardware, ueenMiraro ana IjlMflwitrat Mens ana Uujri' Clothing, Irni PatoU, Oil Huhoul iJtmki, . a large lot of Patent Mcdiotnci, Caod.ei. Kati A DHed FrutN, Chetu and Crack en, Hock aud Kifla Powder, Flonr, Grain and l'olatoofl, Clover and Timothy Seed, Sole Lenthor, MorowoB, Lining. Bindlngl and . TUroaOf hhormnkore loole aud (shoe Findings, Ko greaUr rnrtctr ot voodi in any itore In th county. All for tat vfry low fur eah or country troduoe at tbe tbeap vomer. Aug. 27, i7. Down I Down ! I THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE TUB CUEATESTI A Proclamation against High Pricesf Xt7"E are now opening np a lot of the bent and VT most icaftonable Uoodi and Wane ever offtTfd in thii markrt, and at price that remind one of the good old any of cheap thingi. Thore who lack fniia upon tbie point, or deem our all li gation tuparfluoDM, Deed but cjtLL at oin sronr, Corner Front and Markot itreeta. Where thry can ire, fen), har and know for thm- HflTot. To fully undrmtend what areohrsp goodn, tlila mult he done. We do not deem it neoeMry to enumerate and itemisa our itook. It la enough for ut to itate that We have Everything that in Needed and eoTinumrd In thin market, aud at prieei that aitonish both old and young. nV.i20 JUHKPIf PfllW A pn. rpo THOSK lNTKHITI'II) IN TUB i I? It X CJiAfili OF A HTlUt'TLY PURE RYE WHISKY, For Modiolnal Purpoiei we offer Prloe $2 lo t pr gnllun, and will ihip In peck age to twit purohMnra. We bIko hnndto largely a COPPER DISTILLED WHISKY, 1'rics from $1.30 to tl.T.V We import FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, And art alio m ami fact nreri of DR. SKKVJ'.K'S TONIC HERB BITTERS. Send far price lint. KliYDKR fi. CO., oc(13 3m 121 North Third HI., Philadelphia. j. soLLowaiias K. Bins ciur HOLLOWBDSH & CAREY, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, AND STATIONER 8, 31 Market St., Philadelphia, Paper Floor Barks nnd Hags, PnoUeap, Letter. No wrapping, lalam ana wall feh34.70-1.rpd Papera. Miss E. A. P. Rynder, aoaat ro Cblekerlng's, Sttlawaf's and Kroeraon'i Plenoij binlth's, Maxin A linmlln'a and Peloubet'f Organs and Melodeone, and (Irofer A Uaksr's Hewing Maehlnei. auo raainnn of Piano, flultar, Organ, llarmoor and Voeal Mu sis. No pupil taken for lass than hair a terra. "floGM oppugn tltilieb's Furniture btore. ClearBold, M,ir t, I SUB If. Jdll VIII NUNC Of KVKHY I) KB CHIP, tiua neati atecutcd at this 0lBt'0 ' StflJ. I irwv (K-Kii ff-jxra r irv 9V ?rv 9 fir TftTn rwx ?r ra r ie ("A W& TcZh I SnAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market Front utreeU,) CLKAKflKLU, PA. The underligned harlng taken charge of Ihli Hotel, would ropoelfullr aoliell nubile atrunago. ootns B. NEWTON tillAW. IKONARI) HOUSE, J Oiiposlte Railroad Depot, CLtAHflKlll, PA. Pleaiantl; bloated nnd e Arit-olael hotel in all reapeeu. llreaklasi lor laengeri lenTing on morning train. WM. B. 11HADI.KY, June II, 1873. Proprietor. WASHINGTON HOUSK, NEW WASIUNIITOV, PA. Tbia new and well furniabed boure haj been taken hr the nnderalgned. He foeli eonSdent of being able to render sauilaouou 10 uioae wuo mnj favor bim wilh a eall. Maj 8, 1673. Q. TV. DAVIS, Prop'r. jy O N T O U It HOUSE, Oppoiite the Court House, . LOCK HAVEN, PE.NN'A. Jol47l ' HA USE AL A K ROM, Prop's. Ht)tKl:KUOI l' IIOIISK, BELLEFONTE, PA., D. JOHNSTON SONS, , Proprietors. ectmi IOYD HOUSE, J Main Street, PUILIPSIIUKU, PENN'A. Table always supplied with the bent th maiVot affords. The traveling publio in invited to cull. nOTl, JJ. , UUIH.K1' l.JU, mMNsioNliousET Cornerof Secondand Market Streets, ' CLUAIti'ILIt, PA. THIS old and eommodiona Hotol has. during the past year, been enlarged to double its former eanaeitv for the entertainment of stran. gera and guests. The whole building has been refurnished, and the proprietor will spare no peine to render bis gueati eomfortable while staying with him. irlhe 'Mansion Bonse" Omnibus runs to and frees tbe Depot on tbe arrival and departure of earn train. JOUH DOUUIIKKTY, aprt.JO tf Proprietor. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, , , (Markot HI., bet. Second and Third,) Ci.HAitfr'IUI.1'1 r. The subscriber having beoomo proprietor of tbis betel, would roapeelluiiT aat a titwrai snare ef publie patronago. apm 73 ubuuu Ltiruitfi. SUHQUEUANNA HOUSK, Cl'RWKNSVILLB. Clearfield county, 1'enn a Thii old and woll ntablilhed Hotol, beautifully ultuated on the banks of the Suiquebanna, in the borough of tut-wen? die, nai twen leaica for a term oi yoars hy the Dndersigoed. It baa been ontirely refilled, and ii now oon to the publio generally and the trarohng eommunity in jt ar ticular. No palm will be epared to render gutiti eomfurtable while tarrying at this house. Ample t- tabling room for tbe aocommodation or tram. Cbargi'ii modorat). Brpt. 28, lbJO-tf. LLl ULUU.M. THE IS02TSISES TIN AND STOVE STORE! G. S. FLEGAL, rhilipsburs, Ccntio County, Ta. TFIR undersigned respectfully annonnees to the pablie that be has en band earo- fullj-aeleoted and well assorted itook of STOVES, HEATERS, ItANGES, HOLLOW WARE! TIN, COPfER AND SHEET-IRON W All El WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Bis stock ef Cooking Stores consists of 1UZ CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which hare never failed fa bring peace and protperllj into families wnere it Is used, Diamond Stale, Farmor, Herald. Charm, Spears' California Cook Stove, Spears' Anll-Puat, Uas-llurnlng Cooking Stoves, Victor, Kelianoe and I oion Kani;es, Spears' Cooking Ranges, lo., it. fcThe Tin and Sheet Troa ware riven wilh the Stores Is made of the heaviest and best material, and warrauteil to gire perfect talis. faction. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves It larger, bitter and eheaper than ever before eihibilot to me public consisting of Spears' Semiring tight Illuminating Store, flnar.' Antl.tlo.l (lai.ltnrntfi. P.rln rit. tipears' Orbicular flat-llurning Parlor ritore, Spears' Oas-Burnlng Parlor Btore, lloquet, Pearl, Qetn, Ida, Bun, Troplo, Nerada, ic, te. Valeaa, Elm and Vlrl'or ileatsre, Ep.ars' Re reiving Light Heaters. lis Is also prepared to furnish a complete assortment 01 Tin, Coppor, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c, Wholesale or retail, manufactured neatlj and terial in the market PLOWS c PLOW POINTS, C0PPEE, BRASS, PORCKLAL5, TIN LIN hi), SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of erorr description eonsUntlj on hand. ORDERS FUR SrOUTINO, RUOFINt And other work belonging to his bualneia will be promptly fi lied bj eiperienced and skillful workmen. BRASS, COrrEII, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken In eicfcange for goods. r-IIs espeelall Invites the wttentlnii ef Merchants wisntng to purchase therwljlllad It to their adrantage to alanine fits stouk veiore puronastng elsewbere. Look out for the Big B)gn opposite the reel denes ef Mrs. Dr. Foster. Am, doom WanaiiiTge as RiraassnTan. ti. n, Phlllpsbnrg, June I, 1 87(1. H.I.CiAI. ukS 68 Attention, Liimbcrnien! WE are now monl. tnrln onr IMPROVRD BTRKL BdCKKT IIIIIVIMI CANT. IIOOKH, superior to anr other in use. We hare aiMt in aioek a large quantity nr t antiiooks suita ble for raHIng purposes, whb-h we are selling -heap for oneh. AMDH A It. KKNMAHD, Clearlleld, Pa., March II, 1H. QUNSMITIIINO. Q. W,WOLFE, l'HACTICAL GUNSMITH. Bhop nn Third street, nrer Itilry's blacksoilih ihop, (, PA. All kinds of Kill"! and Bhot Ouns on hand. Repairing done in a trit lass manner and at fair prints, 6f )ir Li Ii ii. 7 iSSL :iir Ol Ar W, QU .T ";lf VI VB Vr & V C L K A Wo desira to call tho attention of tho citizens of Clearfield county to tho fact that wo havo opened a MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Whero wo intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. , Our stock of PIANOS will consist of RAVEN & COMPANY'S PIANOS, STEIN WAY & SONS' PIANOS, HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS. We aro prepared at all times to furnish nny of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most fuvorablo terms as to prices and terms of payment. Our stock of ORGANS will consist of the new and popular , UYNDER ORGAN, (wilh Ryntlcr's Knee Tremolo nnd downward Octavo Coupler,) . Tho SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS, . MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the NEW HAVEN MKLODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides these, we furnish lo order Organs from any factory desired. . Wo sell on every plan known to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the POPULAR AND EASY LEASE PLAN. On our easy terms every one can have a good instrument, and no other investment of like amount will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. DZTWe shall be glad to have.iu call and sco us, whether you desire to purchase or not. oct23-'72-ly RYXIDKll'N MUSIC NTOKE. $Usrrllauf Otis'. rpo THE F R O N T ! f.HI.AT IIXCITIIMEKT AT TUB CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND . ICE CREAM SALOON 1 The nnderrlrned harlng lost lilted np new, large and comfortable roouis on Market street, near Third, rrsprctfully Informs Ilia public that he now dreoarrd to accommodate them wilh erefytbing in bis line on short notice and at all tiours ot tlie day. lie loops on uiiia E RES 11 BHK.AU, RUSKS, HOLLA, PIES, CAKES, all kinds. ICE CKEAM, and a general assortment of CONFECTIONERIES, FKUITS, NUTS, Ac., All of which willbedelirered to customers at their re.iidenoee, when requested to do so. ICE CKEAM, by tbediib.aerredina neatly fur bished room. Thankful fur the generous patronage beetowcJ in the past, he hopes to merit and reoetre a oon tinuence of tho same from bis old custo mors, and other. ; JOHN BTADLER. JunelS.'T.Vtf. HAYES, COTJLTEB & CO., fiuecflfiori to W. A. Arnold, M ANI'F ACTiritEltl OP Healers, Ranges, Low Grates and UARBEL1ZRD ELATE MANTELS. Bote agents for the celebrated CIIILSON COOKING RANGE. 0-8end for Catalogues. No. 130 Chestnut Ftteet, JuneSi-nra PIIILAUKLI'IIIA. jJoshannon'land and lumber COMPANY, OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, lAlirACTURKi LU SHIER, LATH, AND TICKETS Sawed i- Tut-nt JlMal Shinijhs. H. II. SIIILLINUPORP, I'reaidrnt, OBce Forest Plane, No. 125 ft. (Ih St., l'hll'a. JUIIH. LAnflir, (lenoral Sup't., Osoeola Mills, Clourflcld oounty, Pa. Also TOWN LOTS fjr lalo in tbo borough sf Osoeula. Aiao-Koep the LAnoKRT ACKOBTMRNT of (iooils In Clearlleld eounly at their Mammoth ritore In Onoeola. JanS 73 O. I. c. "fIirriB ( buy my I'llY UOOIIM, tiltO. ceriH, Ouccniiwnre, tila.iiwarc, Drugs aud Notions, Conri-etiontiies, Ac, cheap fur ciub. 7hc suharriUv bet;s lemre to Inform his old and new ou.toniers that he has opened A VARIKTY P TORS IN OLEN IIOPB, PA. And will sell goods at prices (o suit the tiroes, A Itoeral retluotjll eliH be I made lo customers buy. ing at wholesale. Call and examine my stork before purchasing else here. A liberal share of publio patronage is solicited. , C. J. KkAOY. (lien Hops, Pa., June 14, 1871. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. aMIK undersigned, baring established a Nat aery on the 'Pike, about half ny between Clear6eld and Onrwensrllls, Is prepared to fnr nlsk all kinds of fUUIT THKU8, (standard and dwarf,) Kvergreens, hhruhhery, drape Vines, (looseberales. Lawtol Plaekherry, Hlrawberrr, and Haabarry Vines. Alee, (liberie Orek Trees,, and early eoarlel Itbaharb, do. Orders promptly attended to. Address, i. 1. WHMIIT. . sejjo-fj.; fu'weifSrill,, Vt 5S5S5asSij MARKET STREET, II F I ELD, 1EXXA. -no::-. PtsrrUaufoujJ. QLEARFIELD PLANING MILL C O M P A N Y. rpilB nnlersignnl, snccrwra to P.EI'D A 1 POWELL, have purchased tho Cl.KAR HE1.I) PLAN 1 NO MILL, and re lit led it for doing an rstrnsire business. All the machinery will be added Decennary to make it one of the uinrt complete cstnu iihinents el the kind re the rtate. They are now prepared to reoeire orders for any work in that line. Thoy will givespeoial attention to all materials for house building. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, OF ALL STYLES, alwayi on hand. WORKED BOARDS, nnd all article nw rr fnr hnililinfr;, will b esohanfttMl Tor 1UY M'MI.KU, to that pflrvnni at a dtetanoa maj bring tlicir lumber, cxebanjc it fnr, aod rtiarn hoiut With tlia niaoulaolureti artialua. Tk. Ill Utr n tiellirl a ! .i ...I. an m m in ka Baklaa A fill ak r order oo th ihortnt notice. Only tbo boat aod mont bktnitii nanus win do ciupioTeu. o mat inv publie ma rtljr Uoo guvd nurk I.amlirr will b wnrhcl or poKI u low u It ran b jmrclifticil anynliert, ami wnrrantntl to give nat.r-rfilion. Ai the buAliirm will be dona ujion the eaih princijjlo we can alTurd to work fur iiuall (irtiflti, DRY LUMBER WANTED 1 ErtpeolfiHy one and a-blf and two Inch panel ptufT, for which a littoral prloe will bo paid. Tba bo i in cm will be eonduoUd undor tbe name of tho "Clearfield rianing Mill Co." O. B. Merrell will personally snperintead the business. Orders rvspootfuliy solicited. O. 11. MORELL. K.; II. TAYLOB. DAVID MotJAl'OIITlV. M. 0. llltOWN A into. ClearAclJ, Pa., January , 18T. BRICK! BRICK 1 BRICK! A SEW BRICK YARD. T 8. PLUM M Kit A CO., having started , a new and eatensive llrick Vurd In Cleorliold, are prepared to make contracts for first el... lied Krirn, in lerffe or sn.n qiianiinr., (Irtlers and correspondence solicited. Inl'orma tlon een be obtain. d by calling at ltyndr's Mu sic btore, or by ad'lrerxlng V. B. l'LUMMr.Il A CO.. m.v7 If Clearlleld, 1'a. The Lightning Tamer. fpUE undersigned are the sole Agents in this 1 eeuntr (ur the "Aorth Amerieen Uairaniied LlilllTNlN'l HODS." Tlisse are the onlrsafe rods now In use, and are endorsed by all the scientific men in the country. He benhy notify the citliens ef the eounty that we will put them np a better rod, and (or less money, than is oharged by the foreign agents who annnally trarerse the eounly and carry off our little cash, nerer to return. KNCUUIUGU HOME LABOR. Those wishing lightning Knds erected on their buildings need Cut address ns by letter, or rati in person. We will put l he in up anywhere In theaounty, and warrant them. li noaeana , ialnres eaa be seen at any time by calling at our store. 11. P. UlULhlt A CO. Clearlleld, March St, 1870 tf FAIRBANKS' STANDARD NCALIIH, ti-l or iLL liana) Baggage Barrewa, Warehouse Tracks, Copying Presses, Improved Money Drawer, Ae. ran ialh r II. F. B 1 G L K It & CO., Dralrra In Ilardnare, nchS0:;(.t Second Sired, Clearlleld, Pa. 1 BARGAINS IN MUSICAL IN, J) riTBI'MKNTKI Organs, both new and srvcnnd hand, at tbe tlusio Htore, opposite liulloh's Furniture Ktore. All persons Interested are Inrl te,l to enll and eininiu. a new style of Organ now on eilulillion. rhect ijuno and Music Hooka cntsntlroehpd. f(J'-)?lf Clearfield County Bank. riMIK Clearfield Cvunty ttenk ai an tncorpora 1 ted iffltiuitoa bni rone oat of pxiitcnre hi tbo eurrenderof 1U eberter, on May 13, All Ite stock la owned by the auhicriherf, who will continue iha Hunk ing butinem at the name place, a pirate Bankere, atder (he firm neine of the "Clearfield CooMjr Kink." Wo are re ponttblefor the delta ol the bank, and will pay ita notes on demand at tbeeoanter. Doponiti reretred and Intereat ald wlioo money la left for a Used tiino. Paper diaeovnted at ill percent, ai heretofore. Our pereooal renpoo thility la pledged for all Jooiita receiTod end bovine tranneted. A contitiuenoe of the liberal pat ronage of the bueinoei Den of the county li re tpectfully solicited. At Preiident, Cifhicr and offleen of tho lata Clearfield County Bank, wa require the notes of taid Bank to be presented for redemption. JAB. T. LKONABD, RTCnARD BITAW, WM. f UnTKIif JAB. B, UKAtlAill, Q. L. REKD, WM. A. WALLACB Tbe bueinoii of the Bank will ha eondncted by John M-Adami., Yf., as Caibisr. tl-1 74 County National Bank, OK CLEARFIELD. PA. ROOM In Miutonl ItuiMing, one door north of C. 1. Walton's Dnifr Hture. I'e4ftre TinkcU to anil from Liverpool, Queent town, (tUfMW, Iiuntlon, Purii and citjuiiiiiiK"1 AUo, lrafti for into on the Hojr piukof Ireland and IoiperiaJ Hank of London. j a M en I. a.uaivu, i roe i. W. M. FT1AW. t arliicr. 11:1:14 J. I). M'Uirk. Edward Perka. BANKING i COLLECTION HOUSE or McGIRK & PERKS. (Succor nor to Forter, Perki, A Co., rhlllpHburff, Centre County, Pa. " IT UK HE all the buiinoas of a Banking Houat 11 will oa tinacLed tiroint.llv aud uixin ItH must favoraole terms. mar7-tf D REX EL & CO., Kti. 31 South Third Htreet, PlillaJcliihla And Dealers in Government Securities. Application br mail will iweire prompt atten tion, and all Information cheerfully furniehrd. Orders toileted. April 11-tf. NisrcUnnroufe READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATIOXERY. Mnrkrt ft., Clearfield, (at the Post Office.) fpll K undersigned bete to announce to I the eltieens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he has fitted up a room and has Juit returned from the etij with a largo amount or raadipf matter, coniisLing in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank. Account and Pais Books of ovary de scription Paper and Envelopes, French pressed and plaint Pens and Pencils Blank, Legal Pipers, Deeds, Mortgages Judgment, Exemp tion and promissory notes ( White and Parch men I Brief, Legal Cap, Reeord Csp, and Bill Cap, Sheet, Mneta for either Piano, Flute or Violin constantly on hand. Any books or stationary desired that I may not have on hand, will ba or ordered by first aiprass, and sold at wholesale or retail to suit customers. I will also keep periodical literature, sued as Magaatnes, flews, papers. An. P. A. OAlUii. Clearfield May T, l8A8-tf MAHULE AM) MOM; YARD! JIbs. 8. S. L I D I) K L L, Harlng engagod In the Marble bestness, eVslres to Inform hor friends arid the fiublie that she has now and will kern eomtantlyoo hand a large and well selected ativ-kof ITALIAN AND VERMONT M A It III, K, and is tirrmn d to furnlah to order TOMBSTONKS, BOX AND CHAD1.K TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Curbs and Tosla for Cemetery Lots, W'iudow Rills and Cai, also, BUHEAU, TAIII.R AND WASH STAND TOI'S, lo., Ao. Va,Vard on Herd street, near the R, R. Tiefnt, Clwirfi. l.l, I'.v jr7,7 DAV1U YOUNG, Stone-Culler ntul Slono-Mason, WILL execute all work In his line et rood erate prices and In i'llUl-L'LASB syrle Arcli'tectural Omamonts In ALL BTV'LRS, Stone Trosslng of er.rj deseriillon, and all kinds of mason work eon. trarted for in or out of the county. An, ritrsooi wishing to have respectable mason work and stone-rutiing done, will nnd It to their interest to eall noun tpe I would aire Inform the pub- lie that I eaa deliver any quantity or elaaa of stone desired, as I am the owner et a F1HST-CLASS STONiJ QUAKUY Orders for worh can be addressed te DAVID VOIINO, anarJS.TII Clcsrfeld P.. TJ1U CLKAIIF1ELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Uanufitotumd espeolally fur THE CLKAfiriKLf) TRADE, roa SiLS IT "iirT jj. p.mot.Fvf CO. "ardtt-nrr, Ulntrarc, dt. SACXETT & SCIIK1VER, DleXIM l HARDWARE, and manufacturers of TIn.Copircr & Sheet Iron Ware, Seoood Street, CIEAIIPIEID, PA. Ilavlritf larirelr Increased our atoek of Hard ware, we Invite ibe public to examine our stock and prices. Carpenters and persons who eontempUta build ing will do well to examine our T00I8 & BUILDING HARDWARE, which is new and of the best manufeotare, and will bo sold low for oath. NAILS. CLASS, TUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCIIES, HINGES, SCREWS All kinds of Denoh Planes, Saws, Chisels, Squares, Hummers, llatrhets, Plurubs and Levels, Mortised A Thumb iiuagee, Bevels, Braees A Bitts, Wood and Iron ileoflb Screws, and the best Boring Machine lo tbe aMke. Doable and Single Eitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, Ae. Agents for IlurncU's Iron Corn Shelter, warranted. Also, agents for Richards' GOTHIC FLUE TOPS, which eleotually cure Smoky Flues. Farmers' Implements and Harden Tools of every description. A largo variety of COOK STOVES, which we warrant to give satisfaction Portable Hangta and k'urnacts. VftwRoofinK, Spouting and Job Work done on reasubabla tonus. All orders will receWe prompt attention. June 11, 1H73. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (Successors to Boyntoa A Young.) - FOUNDERS k MACHINISTS Manufacturers of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Conor of Fourth and Pine Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. 5t Mi; nAVINO enraged In the manufacture of first class MACHINERY, we respectfully Inform the publie that we are now prepared to II II all orders as cheaply and as promptly as can be done in any uf the cities. Wo manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Mead Hlocks, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, Clifford's Injector, Steam Qaugee, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cnpa, Oil Cups, flange Corks, Air Cooka, Globe Valves, Chock Valves, wrought Iron Pipes, S'.aaro. Pumpi, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti Friction Metres, Poop Stone Packing, Gum Pack ing, and all kinds of MILL WORK; together with Plows, Sled Solos, COOK AXD PARLOR STOVES, and ether CASTINGS of all kinds. r-Orders solicited and filled at city prices. All letters of inquiry with ruforenee to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by addrcs Ing ns at Clearlleld, Pa. dociOO-tf BKII.ER, YOUNG A CO. I'ERRA C0TTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept constantly on hand. ST0.E AXD EARTH EX - WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTS I CROCKS! Fiehar'e ratfnt Airtight Self - Sealing Fruit I ana I TITTTKR CROCKS, with lids, CREAM CHOCKS, MII.K CROCKS, Al'PLK- IM'TTER CROCKS, l'ICKLri CHOCKS. r'LOWKR POTS, PIK DISIIKS, BTKW TOTS, And a groat many ether things too nnmeroui to mention, to be nnri at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARM TOTTERY, Corner ol Cherrv and Third Streets, CI.KAItFUXD, PA. aurS FARMING IMPLEMENTS F0n SALE BY II. F. Itlfvlor & Co. IRON DOVDl.K-SIIflVEL PLOWS. WOOD porpLE-SHOVEI, TL0WS. WOOD PlKdl.K SHOVEL ri.OWH. IRON CULTIVATORS. ' WOOD CULTIVATORS. UOWANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. PITIS11CRQ STEEL rLOWg. lucrra iiellefontk plows. ROBESON'S and THOMPSON'S PLOWS. "Shares fnr all ol the above Plows eon- ftt.uuy on nana. mvM-TS JJ F. BIGLEJR i CO. have for tale CARRIAGE & UAG0X U00DS, SHAFTS AND rol,EB, HUBS, SrOKKS, FELLOES, io. Carriage and Wagow Makers shonl.l make not. nt Ihla ..J n ..J ...Ku. . I. 1L.. Will be sold at fair nrleos m.vll 1 ' ' 1 I . J)r. J. Wnlkcr's Culif'ornla Viii- rr;ai Uittcrs nro a purely Vcpctablo prepnration, ninde cliiollj from tUo ua tivo liorba found on tho Inner mugR of tho Sierra Ncrailn mountains of Cullfor liia, tho medicinal proportioa of wlticli mo extracted tlicrofrom without tlio uw uf Alcohol. Tlio question Is almost daily risked, 'What Is tlio cnueo of tbo unparalleled success of Vinegar Hit TKisst" Our nnswor is, that they rotnovo -tho catiso of disease, nnd tho patient re covers liis health. They aro tlio prcat Llood ptii ifinr ami a lifo-givliic principle, " a perfect Kouovator mid InviKoratoir of tho system. Novcr beforo in tlio liistory of tho world ha 1 medicino liertl compounded posKrastiis; tho' remarkabi qarjtllna of VlXKOAS BlTTrffl In beniinit lb 9 tick of every discoxo iian is heir to. They aro it p'uilo purputin! an veil a a Tonic. Tclicvir.g Coupcation or lnflanimatinn of Iho I.ivor sod Visceral Organs in ililion Di.rnjcs 1 Tlio properties of Dn. Walkek'k ViXKOAit Uittkrs aro Aperient. Dianhoretro, Carminative. Nutritious, Laiative. Diuretic, Bcdalivc, Cwuuter-Irriuut Sudorific, Altarv ' tire, aud Auti Uilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vrx- ' eoar BiriERS the mast wonderful In-' ripirant that ever suslaiued th unkiuj system. - t No Person ran take these Iiittei-s ( accordiiiK to directions, and remain long t unwell, provided their boues are not (lu- stroyed by mineral poison or other v means, and vital orgaua wasted beyond repair. JiiliniWj Itcniittent and Inter.. in 1 1 it'll 1 revere, wmcn ore so preva lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout tbo United States, especially thoso of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, ' Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Hed, Colorado, llrnzos, ltio Grande, I'cm l, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Uo nnoko, James, nnd many othors, with, their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during tho Summer and Autumn, mid remarkably to during sea sous of unusual heat and dryness, aro inrai ialily accompanied by extonsivo de rangements of tlio stomach and liver, ami other abdominal viscora. Iu their treatment, a purgative, exul ting a pun -ci ful iiillueiico upon tlicso various or pins, Is essentially necessary. 'Ihoro is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to l)u. J. Wai.kku's Vinkoar Urn Ers, as they will speedily rciuovo tho f.aric colorctl viscid matter with which tlio bowels nro loaded, nt tho same tiuto stimulating tlio secretions of tho liver, mid generally restoring tlio healthy functions of tlio tligestivo organs. Fortify the Iwtly nniimt diwarO by purilying all its lluidswith Vineoak llrriKiis. No epidemio can tats hold -of n system thus foic-arnicd. DyMicpsia or Indiceslion, tlead robe", Pain in the Shoulders, Congbt:. Tigltlnessof tho Chest, Dizziness, ?oi., Kructatiotis of tbo stomach, Jtad Tatlo in tho .Mouth, Uilious Attacks, 1'alpiu, tatiou of tho Heart, Jnilauiuiatiou of 1 Lungs, rain iu tho region of th lvid noys, mid a hundred other painful symp loins, nro tlio ttlVsprings of Uyspcps .1 Uito lintileuill proto a better guarauUo uf its merits tu.ui a lengthy advertise, luetit. NToiuin, or nini: g fcrii, wmto hwollings, U Irers, KryKiivlttit, hweilwd It'cck, (ioitru, bcrululnuu Iiillumniatiuna, ludoleut liillitimn.ition. ili' Affections, OI:l ki-rt", LruiU'Hi of llto Skin. Horn tj oe, etc. Ill tliose. in in nil ntlier consiiintiutial Ilia, cimos, Wai.kkrh Vinkoar lllTTtia liavf slmu n thrir (treat enraliro power, in Iks n,ost obstitnuo ami intractable coms. For Inlliiiiiiiintory and Chronfo lllicillliatisiii, Clout, Uilious, i:om;t. tout nitdlnteriuittuiit Fovors, Diseased of tho Jllootl, I.ivcr, Kidneys and lUaddcr,' lliuue Hitter, have no eanul. Such iuta'. uro cntisod ly Yitinted ltlood. s Merliniiiml Disensos. rcrsonsms paged ill i 'units and Minerals, such lis I'iiiiiiIkt., Ty)e-si'llors, Uold-bcaten, ai.d lliiiii, .13 tli'oy ndvnnce iu life, am sulji.'t to paralysis of tlio Iluwcls. To f u.-d tcnin4 this, tiike a dose f Waists I V ! (.OAR UiTTKtta occasional ly. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet- ter. Kall-Kiicnin, Illotohe., Spots, l'irtipies, PtKtnlcs, llnil., t'arhnnelea, Hing Woitui, Seald liond, Kuro Kyo", Krynpelaa. Iteb. tiioif. DiscoloraliiHia of tlio rikin, If Ulnars, and Discuos of tlio Skin of whatever naaio or nature, sro liiorully daj np and carried, out of tho jyuom iu a .hurt tiuio by the r..' of tlicso Idt'tors. Vin, Tape, nnd other Worms, hirkiiic in tho tom of so many UiousouJi-, sro ellectuolly (1etroyM and removed. aystoin of uieiln'ino, no vormiluiros, no aa tiiuluiinitlrs ill tree tbe system Irum wuroia like tbvso Hitters. For Female foniplaiiiffl.ln young or old, inaninl or si iitrlo, at theilawrj uf wo manhood, rr Iho turn of life, these T.'nic Kilters duplny sn decided an Influenco that iniprurcnient is soon imrreptiMe. I'lcnnsctlio Vitiated Blood when- ever you find its inipnritieeburstiu(tUimiii.'li the skin in Hiuiplus, Kruptiona, ur emi: rieanso it when you find it obstructed and slncgish in the veins; cleanse it wheu it is foul ; j onr fccliurr will toll roa when. Kop the blood pure, and the health of ths srcoit still fulion-. II. II. MrDOKALO eV CO., PrnerlsU soil Oen. Act... Son FrenekHw. Cslifente and e,r uf Wnnlilnclon ami t'lmrll,in Sts.. N V. tiold by itll lrufiRl.ta nd OvBlera. October li, IBS-Iy. jGACIS IN KUROPeT " rr GREAT EXCITEMENT ytvt fnriMrutnr r r I lit r n&nuii ( iMt'M ( The Momlreonlest lietween Franeeand frnla Is at an end for ll.e present, lo far as ths ilaujro torinft ef men and the rlestr.ellon of prcr"'rty is eoneerned. The HoyaJ JugfC'ere ae dueht friris them.el-fls and rejolee over the resvlt, but hr insignificant Is their work when eorarisr'! t'1 ths humane and christin efo.u ef . L. M. COUDRIET, who tint ontlrrtfeVfi, lo tuppTy all th ettli''H Ut lumut ntiil (jf the pounty wllji ftpd nd i nt 0r rurni irntn Ma nun wot n tur Mt'l.SONlttRU. wlioro he nan alwayi bt I rily to wftit upon cHert and aupply thft vita Dry Goods of all kinds, Saeh s Tloths, P.tinetts, rasslmeree, fV. leUines, Linen, Prillins, Calieoes, Trimmings, Ribbons, Laee. Heady-made rlothlns;, Hoots and Pboes, lists el ll of the heat material and mail, toerew Hose, r?o.'M, bloiH, Millene, Lses,,a UltOCLKlI'3 or ALL KINDS, Coffee, Te, tnfur, Iliee, Molasaee, Fish, kali, lWk, Linseed Oil, Fisk Oil, Oarkwa Oil. Hardware, Qiieensware, T.nware, Castina;s, Plows end I'Uiw I'aftiiijts, Meils, Bpikes, Cera Caltita tors, Cidor 'Presses, and all kinds ef Aies. Perfumery, Paints, Varnlth, Olaes, aad a fenetW assortment of Btaiionery, fm GOOD FLOUR, 1 Of different brands, always on band, and will t eold st the lowest possible Jjures. LlUUOnS, such as Itrandv, Win tlia, tThlsij, Jayne's U.illelnos, llnsletter'a and , HoeSand's Hitlers. tOOO pounds of Wool wanted for whisk tae hlibest prloe will be paid. Oloverseed ea k4 and for sals st' tbe lowest market priee. Also, Agent for Slralionvllle aad CurweasvU-s Thre;hinjr Msehines ,P11 and see for yourselves. Tea will 1 t overylhlng nsoally kept la a retail store. I,. M. COOPRIItT. Frenohvllle P. 0., March I.1STI. " ' " lOSKl'H H. ltOWLER,"joll "1 t) Ihe Poaee and Serliener In (hi ppr 'nd f Lawrrnee lownWp. Colleetlons rnade and reoeei prvuipll? a'iiefr. .'h.'''7