f HEj llEPUBLICAN, , CLEAR ELI), r A. , SVKDNRSDAT MORNING, DKC. 17, IStS. ' .Terms of Subscription. ' l) M la edyauecor within three month! ...f J 00 pairi alter mre hu ocioni iti monins i ou paid nftT thxplrlio of tli months... I 00 ' RELIGIOUS NOTICES. Mothoalat F.placopal Cbartta Rer. A. D. hcui, Pastor. rumi ecmco-crt rj Buiimtti I0J A. M-, u ii r.. Kaljbata Kuhool at A. M, Prayer MMtiift erj Thursday, at 7) P. M. Uorainnnloa Serrloe, lire Sabbath of nry Until, it 1) A. M. Ht. Andrew i iiurrn iiiiwopni iter. rorq B Hall. Pulillo SerTioo Sunday morning 1 0 o clock, and at T f. M. Sunday School at 1'. a. rrayer JUeelini weanosdaT evenlm T o'clock.' Preaoylerlan Cuurcn HoT.n. B. Buna. A-Sabbath lamoee morning and evening, 8ab- am bobsoi at i r. !. rrnjtr aieotitj n ui,e. , ovening. , t Ht. Francis' vnurcti i atiiouc nr. p . Snaaina. Maaa t lot t'olook A. M., on tbo second and fourth Mondays of each month. i.tneran . nureii Her. a. J. Uakthmh Treoeblne; eeery Babbath, morning nnd evening. anbath aohool at V a- an. rrayer meolini very euueadajr orening. To oue Patross. We hnvo now in operation in our otfioe one of IIoq'i Mulling Machine, by which eaoh Mid tvery on of our subscribers can are Just how hli subscription aeeonnt stands. Many no doubt bare hereto fore neglected payment for the reason that they did not know Jaet how long they owed for, but the figure immediately following each printed ad dress five every one the Information. For ln tauee, "Juo, gruitb Ijn71", Indicates that hit subscription la paid until the Ant day of January, 1874. We hope our subscribers who are owing ui for HTeral yeare aa a great majority of them do will take seeaslos to cither eall at our effioe or fend ua at loaat a part, if not all, of their Indebl tdness, at an early time. The eomlng January court will afford a good opportunity for many to end jaouey who may not be In town them selves.' Panic or no panic, we ban to pay out a eertaia amount of money eaeh week, and wo hope oar subscribers will b a little more prompt In the future than la the past. . We alp hare a great many unsettled accounts for job printing and advertising which we desire to hare settled some time before tho day of resurr rectloa. ' ; ' ' Tho Jury list for Janunry Torm will be found to tan Issue. Eight pound and a qunrlur, and a girl at tnat. "jersey is wrcatqoa in smucs. Tho annual election lor Director of the National Banks, we believe, comes off on Tuesday, the 13th day of January next. ' The PunxHutawncr Spirit fays that ben Is somebody In that moral town shoring counterfeit fifty cent shlnplasters. ! e o It 1 proposed to establish a co-ope retire store In Altoonn. The morere in tbe mat ter are tbe working men of the city. ' A disastrous Are occurred nl Modoc City, in tbe OH Country, on Friday morning. Tbe greater portion of the business part of the plaee was burned. . . i c Mahoning creek was blessed with a good Hood on Wednesday and Thursday last, and a considerable quantity of timber we floated rlttlburghwnrd. Vdderisook, tho Cheater county murderer, was refused a new trial oa Saturday ' last, and sentenced to be banged until ho is 'dead, dead, dead." Mr. Bradley nnnonnces hy card in ritatlons aaother ball at the Leonard llouse, on tho evening of December 23d. Lads, get your Jesses. " William will make thins lively. ' Thlrty-ono indictments wcro found against persons in Clarion county fur selling It quo. without license at a late term of court. Lo eal Option appears to work well In that county A grand ball is to take place in Nicholson Hall, Brookvllle, oa the evening of January 1st, to which we acknowledge the re eelpt of a "eosnp." The Brookrilllans under stand tha mod optnodi of having a urst-elass time en aoeasions of this kind. , The improvement in front of the Sbaw House is far more useful men ornamental, A Second street frag in passing remarked that the building wae eertainly on the wrong sldo of the house, bat be loon after discovered kis mls- taks. ' ' Keoonktructkd. H will no doubt be gratifying to the eitlsens of Boggs, Decatur and Morris, to learn that "Sum" Flegal has en Jlrely refitted the Cadwaladcr grist mill, and is just now doing the best grinding done in the eounty. . Just try kirn. See bit card elsewhere, "Vo wero promised a ride on the railroad to Oarwcoarille oa Christmae, but , that seems out of tbe qaestioa, and in lira of this we are promised something better by tba (its Com pany, who announce that they wilt illnminate the town on Christmas niht. .How few believed this only a year ago 7 MicniUAN Lumber For the season ' M 187-1, close estimates place the total amount of Juaiber eat la Michigan, at about 2,500,000,000 ifeet. The aggregate of Iocs not during the win ter of 1872-2, was unprccedentedly large, and It is estimated that, of tbjt aggregate, 800,000,000 will lay orer until the spring of 1874. II Knows. Tbo local of tho Al toena Sun, last week remarked t "Clearfield is very Aaarfeeine'jr represented at the Sunday Schools Convention of the Huntingdon Presby tery bow la session at Hollidaysburg. Besides tbe Rev. Mr. Butler, Mlssea Flo.-a Orshan,, May Wearer, and Mary Morsop are among tha dele jelee." ess Appointkd Mr. John B. IJttrr, of (his place, has been appointed Route Agent on the railroad from Red Bank to lleynoldarille, bv tha Postmaster General. Mr. Barr Is ene of eur most active and energetic youpg men, and we know that be sjiil Ell the plaaa with credit to himself and to tht greatest convenience of the people along the line. BrookMU Krpublloaf, Information Wanted. 01 Sto- shca Hayes, wbe left his home la Kersey, en tbe J2lh of last August, intending to go lo St. Marys, aed from there to Johnson's camp, oa Jledock an, and ha aet elnoe been heard from. Any information tmncerning bins will be lhanxfully re ceived by bis sister, Annie M. Hayes, SU Marys P. O, Elk oonnly, fa. Exchangoi please copy. filk Jssioerwt. Vkwino THE FisiiwaY. On Tues day last, lions. II. J. Boeder, B. L. llewit, and Jaa. I)afey, Flit Commissioners, arrived In this plana, and la company with lb eontrectora, .Messrs. Saley aad Modorera visited 4be aew flsh fay in bbe daw, Col. Worral, the groat "fisher man," wae also along with the Commissioners. in lihwey Is Bow completed, and th objrst of Hit visit if o ft whether the work It tnlihed 00- l rordin to contract. Uuhia llenld. tarvino a l'Asron.- Kev. 1. Crai- , the well known pastor of tba Ki4 i'resby- Sun ehurcb, Meadrille, hts resigned his pasto- te, after a servio of thlly year'. Tht reasons liven by Mr. Craighead for tie everanoe of paa- torat relations are pot creditable to tfie church. lie complains ef the inhospitable and dlsoour leeus altitude nf its member towards stranger, they aet welcoming as tbey should paJflji who come to Meedvllle and the church, seeking a home tad associations, lie also say! th financial sta l"l il aot good that lea Ibaa on thouisnd dol lars was raised for all ex peases last year, baring tha pistol h,n grt hundred dollars for his "pport, and Uiat during hit whole thirty years it IsVir hit salary had perrr boon paid In full, it it saorcorsr charged I1 congregation m pet contribute as It should fur the spread af bs gorptl in other el Jey, .Vacuolar- Off rou Kouoi'i. On tho 2Uh Instant bli Honor Jud(e Mayer, with his family, expect to sail in the Cunard steamer Java fur Liverpool, and from thence they will prooeed to some point In the south of Franca and locate, Intending to be absent lime or four months, and perhaps longer, Just as clreumstanoes may deter mine. The mnin object of the visit la to restore the health of the Judge, whlrh has not been good fut tome time, and recently It became obvious to his family and friends, and was felt by himself, that rest must bo taken, or bis health would bo Irreparably Injured. Hence the entire Bar of the district urged upon him to take the needed rest, and have giren him their written and verbal ex pressions of concern for bis welfare, and hopeful ness that he would return soon In restored health to Oil a seat on the Bench he has adorned by his e!oarinlndod Intelligence and strcngthoncd by bis vigor and Impartiality. - ' Should Judge Mayer's health be restored from the InBuenocs of life and climate In Southern France, be will, before his return, visit other parts of Europe, such as msy be then determined upon. Binoe he has been upon the Bench his life has been Intellectually very aotlre, which has told heavily upon his system j but rest, relief from Lutiurss cares, eontuot with new associations, fresh and refreshing socnos and invigorating airs, will doubtless restore him to hoalth. So let us hope, and in taking leave of hiia and his accomplished lady, let na extend to them as a ootnraunity tha band of wannest regard for their welfare, an earnest prayc for their safe conveyance orer and baok, and a hoarty wish that the Judge's health may be fully restored, and that he may return to the cherished soencs of his native heath and re new his oareer, long to lire a life of usefulness, and to reap therefrom the highest honors and bonefits his oalling can prefer Judge Qambli will look after the Interests of this county during Judge Meyer's absence, but Judge Pcan will prc- sldc next week. Cliulom Dtnocrat. The IUmauk Question. Tho bad condition in wbieb the railroaders have left Third street, by simply digging a trench and tumbling ics and railroad Iron Into It, has caused niuob bad blood aid debate with the property holders on that street. Why the work has been ban doncd and allowed to remain in this unfinished condition, pussies everybody, besides endanger ing the lives and limbs of pedestrians at every crossing. Tbe cititens baring petitioned tbe Court for relief at lost term, tbe following oamed gentlemen were appointed a eommitte to view the premises and report at the next term r A. B. Shaw, Ellis Irvin and II. II. Morrow, ef Uo.hen township Samuel Clyde, J. It. Bond and James Forest, of Lawrence, and Thomas II. Forcey, of (Jraharn township. The viewers met on tha 10th, and after being qualified and organised, adjourn ed antll Friday, when, for want of a quorum, an other adjournment lock place. Pied. At her rcsidonco in Decatur township, Clearfield eounty, on Friday, Novem ber 2bta, 187.1, Mrs. Mint AM, wife of Pamuel IfcLarren, aged iV years, months and 17 days. The subject of this brief notice desorrcs more than a passing remark. She was an English wo man by birth and education ; (was brought up In the faith of the church of England, from which she never dcriatedi) migrated to this country from the city of London in tbo year 1851 j was left a widow In a strange land In 1S5S; became tho wife of Saniuel McLarren In 18C0, and since then has been a mother and true friend tq bis seren motherless children. The bereft family deeply mourn their loss but not without hope. few days before she died, when talking to a mem ber af tbe family, she laid, "If you love mo you would rejoice, because 1 go to tha Father." At another time she said, ''The Lord has protected me In life and I bctiere be will stand by me in death, and if It is His will to call me away I am willing to go. Canal Shipments. The Clinton llrptblicon of Nat week, says: 'The following statement, furnished by Collector L, MoQuire, hows the number of boats leaving Lock Haven loaded with lumber, in each year from the open ing of navigation In 1870 to tbe eloso in 1873 : Year. - IS70 1S71..., 1872 1873 Boats. ,...813 . ,...535 ,...430 ArrnK fV. 72,200 71.100 7:i,t'0 79,700 Total ft. 58.698,li00 41. 1.'. 3,100 .1K.6IIUD0 .l,Ujl',200 Total 2,385 174, 44.1,1100 This statement includes Bcerh Creek, Fleming ton, Lock Haven, Tnngaseootae, Ferrandavillo and Best t Hopkins' and S. M. Bickford's mills.1 It will be noticed that the falling off I pretty heavy. While 813 boats were loaded in 1870, only 410 were loaded is 1873. - Youisn. Ksquire John Nelson of Qirard, lart week siurcculed in slaughtering three wolves of a flock which has been driven nnt of the "green woods" into tbe settlement by tbe hunters. During lh pact month these wolves have killed near oue hundred sheep la Goihco and Glrard townships. Mr. Ltrergood los. thirteen, ,Mr. Robert flegal twclve,Mr. Sbopc nine, Mr. K. K. Bhircr eight, Mr. John Flegal scrcn, and tho Messrs. Irrins about a dosen while others hare lost from two to fire. It Is very evident from the scalps we saw In the Treas urer's office that there ar thre wolrex lesr to earry on business hereafter, and the Squire Bays unless tbe wolres leave eoon he will hare two or three more of them. Nomination. Tho nomination of borough officers will take plaoe in the Arbitration Room, on Wednesday evening, December 24th, at 7 o'clock. The following officers arc to be nom inated t Burgess, six Couneilmen, Constable, High Countable, eix School Directors, two Over seers of Poor, Judge of Klration and two In spectors. Let there be a full turn ont of Ihe Democratic voters of the borough, and good men be placed In nominetiou fur tho sercral eOlcee, More Help. Wo nndorstand that Superintendent 'irrgory has also scoured th at tendance of Prof. J. A. Cooper, of th Kdinboro State Normal School, during the entire session of the spproacbing Institute. Mr. Cooper is nne of snr leading educators, and will be worth listen ing to. a- " The Una Works are now so fur ad vanced as to be able to furnish gas at any time after tbe fixtures are placed In tbe boases of eoo fumrrl. Harry Biglrr and Beckett A Schryrer will furnii-h fixtures of all styles and prices. W are promised that lo a week or ten days we can stop carrying onr lantern. s As wo co to prcai, Tnesdny after noon, the eleetion In onr town ii passing off qui etly, and the Indications ar that alight rote ear all be polled. 8herilT l'ie flgoin ofTer anumbor of tract of land for sale. Hale to tan place Janu ary 12, 1874. See advertisement for description. The "girl of llioporiod" can bo soon inf Snyder's show window. e 1 List of letters rumninin unclaimed In the I'ostftffico at Clearfield, for til week ending December 15tb, 1873 I Anthony, Jumcl D. I.afleur, Nal ltertelion, J. E. Murphy, John Bradley, Bernard JIalune, Phoebe Barrett Kt bard Malone, II. ItuMlen, Piorse Mutty, Beta Hanks, James Ludlow Mullen, Christ Chamberlain Park Nichols, M.J. Charleston, C. Pennington, Klleq Cross, Asia N. atr-iter. lleukck Dressier, Jeremiah rliliker, James Ferainc, J. ' Smart, James A. Fltigerald, John i , Shnrtier, David M, Fob), Cornelius Trrmblay, Simon Garner, Peter Thompson, John A, Hess, George 2 Waldron, Charles M. laatt, K B. Winaer, Margie ' P. A. OAl l.I.V, P M. T Customers. Wo, the under signed, morchsnts of the borongh of Clearfield, agree U close our respootlv places nf business on tbe 25th of Deoembnr, (Christmas) 187S. Our customers will pleas hear this In mind. William Rre-I, . Weaver A Belts. T. A. Flock A Co, J. S. Showers, If. t. Bigler A Co., Isaac Johnson A Sons, Rohrrt Mitchell, J. M. Kratserf A. Guinsburg, J. C. Harwich, II. Mosson, II. Slewert A Son, jirstter A Lytic, John Troulman, Gulivb A Jarsson, Jamas Kerr 4 Co., T. It. Hohlmon A Co., II. Bridge, II. D. Uoodfrllow A Son.K. (I Miller, Saokett A Hohr) rcr, tf. IV . v rigui, Juseph Dysart, W. Graham, Lerer t legal, parli) Adaius, Another History. Tho Confeder ate leader, ()cu. Joseph E, Johnston, has written a narratire of military operations directed by him during the lste civil war. (Jon. Sherman, in re ply to a letter from the publishers, sars i Without the least hosltati'in I a.lviac its Inline- dints publication, fur I believe it will havo a most eitemive sale at lllo North, aa wall as Houth, and even In Kuroi o. Don't wait for the slow process of netting subscriptions. I know plenty uf men who would buy tho book instantly, wuo would not subscribe. Ucneral Johnston Is moat favorably known to the military world, and la regardsd by many as the most skillful Ucneral on the Southern side. He is also ready with his pea, and whatever he records will receive the closest attention by students of tbe art of war on this continent, and will entor largely Into the fu ture Military History of of tbe Civil War. With great respect, your obedient sorvant, w. x, biikiiuax, Ucneral. The work Is being published by Messrs. I). Applcton A Co., tin Broadway, New York, and costs $5, IH and $7.50, aceording to binding. This work Is the Ont authentic contribution, from a Southern military source, of material for the future historian, and Is written In the terse, In cisive and rirld style for which Its eminent au thor is so justly renowned. The enrreepondenoe between Ueuorul Johnston and the late Con fid tr. ate Government lifts the curtain on much that perplexed the understanding of people North and South during the progress of the straggle. Vick'b Tlobai. Guide ron 1871; 25 cents per annum ; published quarterly by Jas. Vlck, llosbester, N. Y, 1 This is a handsgmuly illustrated work, contain. Ing 200 pages, 500 engrsrlngs and a colored chro- mo. As its name Indicates, it Is intended at a guide to those engaged in the cultivation of flow ers, for either profit or pleasure, and to such H will be found a most desirable and useful hand book. Besides the Illustrations which It gives to orery known species and rariety of flowering plant, almost, there are designs for ornamenta tion in tbe parlor, the conservator, for churches, flower gardens, lawns, Ao.f with letter press di rections, plainly and minutely 'describing the mode of culture and peculiarity of plants. It contains, also, many useful hints which we eould not pretend to enumerate, all useful and highly practicable. Every person Is considered a sub scriber who orders seeds to tho amount of fl. or more. No person who delights lo floral culturo should be without this convenient and excellent -id to their labors. Specials. I have juit looked In at A. I. Shaw's, who seems to exool each year in his selection of Holi day Toys, Fine Goods, and all sorts or useful and beautiful things. His store Is a perfect pano rama of beauty, everything to make Chrietmas merry and Ihe New leer happy eau be seen and bought at tbe lowest psnie prices. Everybody should eall In and see the useful and ornamental blended together at Shaw's. A Visitor. Foa Ril.a An "Atderuey" Bull Calf Full uioousii. Apply to 11. IT. SMITH. Largest stock, lowest prices, belt liarf-ainl In Tobacco, Cigars, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, Cigar Cares, Tobacco Pouches, Walking Canes, Ac, ever offered in Clearlteld. Will be lold at Wbuleiale and Retail, until after the Holidays, at panio prices. tt. it. oiiaw. CUBA! CUBA I CL1IAI CUBA! CUBA! Notwithstanding the Cuban War, Korr A Co. have brought on from the east a large lot of Clothing and Oeut s rurnisning Uoous, wnlch hare been bought at Panic l'riees and will be cold at Panio Prices. Now hi the time, as there is a reduuliun of orer 15 por cent. Call and see fur yourselves. 10de3t. Kerr A Co., have rooclved fashionable Neck Ties. a lot of aew and Twenty dosen of the Celebrated Universal Shirt just received at Kerr to s. Suspenders of every description at Kerr A Co.'s mil week. Hosiery, only 6 ecntt per pair, at Kerr 4 CoV Oents, tnke notice thst you ean buy a pair of Gloves lor 15 oents, at twerr at Co s. j'attie, you know. Paixtr Attn Paihtkuh' Fixixxaa. Our stock of Paints and Painters' Materials is complete, in cluding J. X. Lewis' Pure White Lead. John Lu ...i A t'o'i fur While Lead. I'. It A Cos Uuck Lead, and a number of chonper brands of White Lead : also. Linseed Oil. Turnentine. Varnirheiof all kinds, a full Jina of Bruilics, n'ud a full tine of oobirs, dry aad m Oil. wjill iJ II. F. Bmi.t A Co. Newspaper Decisions. 1. Any person who takes a paper regularly from tha Post 03iue whether directed to his name or another's, or whether he has subscribed or not is responsible for the payment. 2. If any person orders bis ptiper discontinued he muit pay all arrcarHgcs, or the publisher may continue to send until paytneut is made, and eol leot the whole amount, whether the paper is taken iroio tno omce or not. 3. The eourts hav decided that refusing to take newspapers or periodicals from the Post Office, or removing and leaving them uocalled for, is prima facie evidence of inteutionul fraud A Cann Miss McAlpine, tcauher. of Music, Painting, Crayon and Drawing. Room at th Academy, aug27 Wood and Willow Ware of all descriptions for sale by 11. r. iltgier a lo. Montour Slato Paints, for painting houses. side and outside Cottages, rai rut Buildings, Ac, Beautiful, durable and economical. Ground in pure Linseed Oil, my28'73 It. F. Bioiita A Co. Bird Cages a large assortment at II. F. Big ler a Co. a. Rare Timo! Save Labor! Save Uoney I Save Clothes! The " Noielly Wringer" is the best in the market. Buy it; try it. For sale by 1L IBioi.s A Co il UST BE SOLD BY JANUARY SOtn, 1874! Best Prints 10 cents, Best Delanes 18 and 211 " lllaek Alpaccn 25 " Best Koiprem Cloth 5(1 ' French Merino 2 and 8 " Shawls, Coatings, llnlmoral Shirts, Table Linen, Flannels, t sisiineres, Ladica and (.Dliurcn Shoes, at prices to suit the Hear. The stuck must be sold and yon will save mon ey by purchasing. WM. RtUl), novIV Clearflold, P II. F. Bigler A Co. have been making extensive additions to their stook of Hardware tbe last tew davs. Kvervthing new In Shelf Hardware, Sad dlers' Hardware. Farmers' Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, can be seen at their store. May il. 6Awe, Dlitan'sCross.eut Saw, Great American Siw, Bnvnton s Lightning Saw, at 0-25-73 11. F. Bmi.ta A Co's. R. R. Wheelbarrows, Baby Carriages, Toy Ex press Wagons and Wheelbarrows, at my28'73 II. F. IlioLXR A Co's. A full line of Household Goods, Japanned Ware, Ac, fur sale by 11. . Bigler at Co. Airs. Seventy-five dosen Clearfield Wood oh'ppere Axes at V:25:73. H. F. BIQLEit A Co's. RaAnTllls ! Persons who contemplate building will do wi-ll lo call and examine onr stock ol 1ICILDINU MATKRIAI.S. W hare In stork a full line of Buildors' Hardware, Nails, Paints, Oils, fits", Putty, Calcined I'lnrler, o. my-873 II. F. Utui.ia A Co. Kortrr. to Waooa axn CaaniAon Ma. We have just received s general assortment nf Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of Spiingi cheap I Jl.F. Biaf.ua A Co. Just received, a Lamps and Lanlernt 25 72 large lot of non-evploilre at II. BlQLBtt A Co's. RECAPITULATION, Bird Cges. Wood and Willow Ware, ' jlonsehold (loods. All kinds nf Hardware, Japanned Ware. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Calcined Plaster. Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies. All of the aliore for rale at the inaminnth Hard- war Store of II. F. Bigler A Co., Second street, Clcaraolil, Ta. . ' CUT THIS OUT. It May Kara Your Life. There is no nerson living hut what suffers mor or lest with Lung Jlfeasea, Coughs, Colds or Con sumption, yet some would die lather than pay 75 cents for a bottle of medicine that would cure them. Dr. A. Bnschea's Herman Syrup has, late ly been Introduced in this country from tlermsny, and itt wondrous cures aslunilbej every one mat fry It. If yon doubt what we fay In print, cut Ibis out and take It to your Druggist, C. V. Wat son, and gat a sample hottle.rrc ot rnarga, or a reguler for 75 cents, U. (1. IllthaW, fOaujrir woououry, ,, Tu tub Civiir.NS or PeNtsri.VANit. Year at tention is rmieotluIly luviied to .lie fact that lb Nalion.il Bunks ate now preps-ed lo reoeive ub scrlp ions lo the Capital rUuitt of the Crulcuoia! Uoa;d o.' F'nsncc. Tbe funds realised from Ibis Source are to be employed in ibe erection ol the buiMiugs for ihe lulcoallotial Kxbibitloo, and Ibe eiitvcsos riMiecleu will llle same. It ii con fidently expected ihiii the Keyttoue Atate wll be represt-tiied hy .be nuutc ol every riluca alive to patriotic couiincoioration ot tho ono buudredlh iilh-d.iy of the njtiou. Tbe shs-es of jtouk are offi-red for 1 10 encb. and iuboiibera will roouive huntlioraoly ;.trnl engraved Cirtieuate of Stock, luliable for framing and preservation as a na tional memorial. Interest at the rate of six per ennt. per annum will be paid on all payments of Centeuuial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1870. puutoriuon wuo are not near a aauonei nana ean remit a click1 or pusiotho order Is tbe ua designed. FUKilK. FKA1.EY, Treasurer, augJO UOt Walnut St., Philadelphia. Calcined Hauler for sale by II. F. Blglcr A Co. Faluts, Oils and Varnlihut fur sal by II. F, Bller A Co. pairlrtl. On November 14lh. 1873. br 8. B. Hou.oplTm. fllr. .viit:n.w:i, Alll.I.t-l, or I'utort township to Miss lil.l.KH LOBOCK, uf Tyrone. On Denetober 2d. 1873.br 8. S. IIoi.Lopr.Tnn. Mr. JOHN PAUIS11 to Miss SAKA11 LA BOHDE, both of Union township. Or November 27th. 1873. br Ber. Jon II. SAnnritT, Mr. JOHN WYNN to Miss JUNKIE iu. nonius, uotn of woodland. sua. ' In Curwensvillr, Wednesday, DexjemWr 3 UVA, DAVID H. .'LOTINKK, tged CO cart, b Bsoitbr, idii 9 aayt. In CurwrntTille, on Monday nichf. Dooraibcr lit, 1873.FHANKL1N K., ion of J. 11. and U.O. MuBHis, aged t ynn, 8 luoatbi a oil 28 dajrt. . i .. 1, Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by Rirnann Mosaor, Wholesale and itetan Dealer in Dry Uooda, tirocerics, Pro visions, Ac; Market street, Clearfield, Pa. Cls nrtKI I), Pa., Dreenil ertl, 1873. Apples. green,O0(u Dried, Ih Applebuttcr,gal, cUjllogi, dressed 8 It) Hides, green b 75 llama 011(a) - 11) Si .Shouldo,-,..Otl(ai 12 i li'-'.Sldes 0(,u 121 1 DO Lard 16($ 6 Moss pork,lbbl...20 to 25 Oats 0a utterH uti'n Beans ti 7J Buckwheat Buckwheat flour lb, Beef, dried. Beef, fresh 7(d) V Onions 1 50 Boards, M 12 0I)($14 u Potatoes 011(d) 75 Cora, shelled 1 00 Peaches, dried, lb,, lo Corn, ear 08(a) 60 Plaster, bbl 3 00 Corn mcal.Vsaek, 1 30 Rye.. , 1 10 Chop, tfowt2 00 2 40 Bags, f tb 2 Clovorie.d.. 8 00 Salt, saek.350(ril 150 Cheeee Jtl Shingles, 18 In. H(i 00 Cherrin, lb. llXtr) 10 Shlnglcs,26inl0(g16 00 Chickens, drsd, fo, 12) Timothy seed 6 00 Krrs X9 lallow.. .. 124 Flaxseed- 2 00 Wheat 1 75 Flour ..8 00 (ft) 2 00 Wool 40 Hay 00 00(432 H0Wond, V enrd 4 50 lVnii)ylvaiiliiltaIlroad TYRONE t CLEAKFIELD BIlANCfl. f1 and after Monday, VOV Si, 1873, Ihe V.1 'Passenger Trains will run dnilyfeacept Sun days) between Tyrooe and Cleartleld, as follows CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVli SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield..... .3.40. r. a.1 ,.4.34, " ,.4.60, " ,.fi.00, " Tyrone .30,a ai. Oscoola 10.40, ' Philipsl.nrg...lll.6i, " Clearheld..... 11.60, " Pbiliiisburg..- Osoeola Tyrone CLEARFIELD EXi'RE.SS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE KOBTII. Clearfield 0.40 a. ! Tyrone 7.00 r. a. Intersection ...7.13 Osceola 8.10 " Pbilipburg...8.:i ' Cleartield,ar..30 " Phillpsburg.. 3.35 " Osceola 0.60 " Interseotion.H 7.48 " Tyrone.. 8.00 " FAHK FROM CLEAKFIELD, TO Bellefonte. Pa ti 0 Mid lletown 3 00 Marietta. 6 60 Lsncaiter A 86 PUILADELPUIA 7VS Altoona 1 06 Johnntoirn.. 3 0 PITTSBURtl 15 I,.K-k Haven....... 2 70 Willinmspcrt. 8 00 Huntingdon - 1 80 Lewlstown 2 00 Msrysrille 4 60 HAUUIHBURO... 4 75 Clone connection! made by all trainiat Tyrone and Lock Haven. 8. S. BLAIR, tnt17-tf. Boperinfondent. c LKAKFIF.LD ACADEMY. MAI.F. DliPARTMRNT. THE WINTER TERM of fourteen weeks will oounneneo MONDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1873. Terns of Tuition, lien-lintr, Writing, Mental and Wrillrn Arithmctie. Uiauiuiar. Ueoeranhy and Hirlory tt 00 Natural Philosophy, Physiology, and Sin . gle Entry Book-keeping, or either, with the above For Instructions in Dauble Kutry Book keeping and Commercial Arithmetic, spe cial terms tu be arrsnged. 12 00 For particulars reepeeling the school apply to aug7 iJir il. at. aiur.n i.i.i. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. rpilB VINTKIl TKRM of fourteen weeks, will JL .fiommonoe Monday, January nth, I87t. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, W riling, Object Les sons, Primary Aritbrnetio and I'nuiary Oeogranhy History, Local and descriptive Geography wilh Map Drawing, Urarnmer, Mental and Written Arithmetic Alfcelira and the Seienccs Instruction tn instrumental muslo Oil painting, 24 lesions ..,.. Wax worh ,., 7 00 I 00 13 00 10 00 12 00 8 10 For full particulars send for Ciroular. Clearfield, Aug. , 1873. V:7:70 ) J. 11. M'MUIIRAY will surri.Y von with any article OF WFKCIIANIH.SK AT TIIK VKHY l.OWKST PRICB. COMB AND SKIS. (8:6:73:y) NEW WASHINGTON. 71. THE PATRIOT. 71. THE IIAKRISUUItG WEEKLY PATRIOT contains more reading matter than any other newspaper published in Pennsylvania, tl.litof ary exoellerieo is unquestioned, aad as a vehicle of State New it is unsurpassed. During the session of Ihe Legislature It will pror pecially intcreitlng on aoeount of its full reports of the proceedings of that body. TURMMt I eopr, one year....,, 12 00 1 eop'y, during scion of Legislature v 76 4 eoples, one year, each 1 75 10 1 60 20 " " " ..,..., ..,.. 1 2i 34 t l I tit THE DAILY PATRIOT The onlv first cla.s newspaper in Central Penn sylvania, and the only paper at Harrisburg which receives Associated 1'iess Telegrams. f7.0 per annum. During srs.ion of the l,eKl.tatitreS2.00. fir All suli.crtplions lo Dally aud Weekly muit be prsd in advance. Addre.s, 1 PATRIOT, Harrisburg, l'a. "JOHN TROUTMAN," DEALER IN FURNITUIIE, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, KHAR V. 0. . The undersigned oeg. leare to Inform tho eltl tens of ClearOold, and the public generally, that be has en hand a Ane assortment of Furniture, rurb as Walnut, Chestnut and Painted Chamber Suites, Parlor Suites, Reclining and Estension Chairs, Ladles' aed Oents' Ksiy Chairs, the Per forated Dining and Parlor Chairs, Cono Seals and Windsor Chairs, Cloth.. Bars, Step and Inten sion Ladder, Hal Racks, Scrubbing Brushes, Ae MOULDINO AND PICTtRK FRAME, Looking nias.es, Chroraoa, Ae., which would be suitable for Holicay presents. de1073 ' 01I.N TttOCTMAJf. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! T. A. FLECK & CO. WftuTtl a nn nil nre that (hpy aro now opening fur th Full ttajiron tl qiprt atlrnotivp autj uoiluta iiQca it Jillllncry and Fancy Goods ever before offered In Clearfield. In our Fancy upous pepariwcui n are onering tpi lines of Hosiery, Wooleu (;oods, dorrs, - . Hoop Skirt, . Tic, I.aree, t Ribbon, t'orseta, - Hair Good, Canvas Pattern, Drtaa Trlmnilliga, lVorstcda, Ac, til of which we are offering at attractive prices, We are new opening the latest stylei and novel ties for the Fall Season. . BONNETS, HATS, FEATHERS, PLUMES, VELVET RIBBONS, TIPS, ORNAMENTS, FLOWERS, Ac OUR TEIMMIN0 DEPARTMENT Il tn charge of a fl nt-claM Trimmer from tha eity. V't (licit tn inDftct.an of uratlca hy tha lad it of Clearfield and rlcinlty. 6ttr room tbe aame as now occupied by Wm. n-tNl. on Market street. novS'73 T. A. FLECK CO. LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF STOTEN ! NTOVKH ! ei er brouirht to the eonntr, are beipg reeeired at the Hardware K.labli.hment of II. K lll;LKIt V CO., comprising the followiug Cook Stores : SPEAR'S CALOWFIC, SUitiUKHANNA. KiiOULATOR.. KOPI.E. EXCELSIOE. , Till UM PH. GOV. PENH, ItEADINO, L- NATIONAL RANGE, AC. 4C. ' Alio, the followiag Hrnting Stoves i ' SPEAR'? ANTI CLINKER, BPEAR'S ANTI DUST. PPEAR'S ORRICULAR, SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, MOKKINQ LIGUT, , BON TO If, CilPSEY, VULCAN. SUNBEAM, RUSY' DAUPHIN EGA, CHESTER EGG, . VOLCANO, t PHOENIX, HEAVY I1AR ROOM AND STORE KUOM STOVES, AC. Clearfield, Sept. 25, 1872. r L U M II f. H M i: N I FEEFECTION IS c A.N T H OO K SI ti. The Clearfield Eieel.lor Canthook will not Wans eut or break, being eonitruotcd with one lyid band from olip to point. r.'f I 2t Is pronounced ly all practical lumbermen who hav examined It to be tho molt perfect Canthook ever Invented. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Maaufaolured hy Alio Ki..ixans Co., at CLEARFIELD, PA. c.syAll order promptly attonded to. n2370 N EW STOUI5 AND NEW GOODS JUS. SHAW & SON Hve jutt opened a Niw 8to, on Main Sl.,CLitiriii.D, Pa laid occupied by Wm. F. 1RWI.V. TJieir ttoclt eonsiat of Gaocmtt of tha bant qualiif, Queenswarf., Doots nnj Shoes.. and CTfry article) DocrmitrT Tor one't eomfoH. Call and tmrtilne our itock before, jiur- eliaslri r e)aa "ber. M ay 9. lSM-lf, CTONE'8 SAW CUMMBRS AND O SAW u i s is j : a We har rreelred Ihe gencT for the borend will sell them at m.nofeclurer'i prices. Csll tJ eiseilne thraj. he are Ihe best. jelf-73 U. F. BitlLER CQ, J. M. KRATZER. Drl R A HI,!'-. rT VI.F.M ofCvtlmeres, Ac, for Men and Boys, at J. M. KIlAli.:.!' S. rillltliE-PLV, Brussels, Ing sin and 0 bur X Otrpels, a! -Isu, Uoor Oil Ciolbi, at riutuced prices, ut i. ai. st ha 1 ni u n TUT ADSOtmiLC.Vr of Wall Paper ever oiTercd in this viciuiiy. lOe to $1 tier pieoe, One gill p.ir, etc, at J. M. KKA1ZKI. a. TH U MO" T popular makes ofMuilins, Sheet ings, Pillow M usllns, Ac, at a smsll sdvnnoe above ooit, by tbe piece, at J. M. KllATZKR'S. I'.W CiOODM, NK.W STYLf, LARGE ASSORTMENT, LOW PltlCKH.all to be ouodat J. M. KKAfZUIl'S. I A DIES' DRF.HH C(M)im, In the greatest J rariety new spring shsdes newest and most deiivble styles al J. M. KlUTZKR'S. AVAItlP.TV of Dress Ooods, sultabl for mourning also erape veils, oollara, Ac coniiantiy on nann, at J. . hit A txkh h. T LCEIVmn a large supply of Ladles' and 1 j thiiuren s rjnoes, made to order and war- ,an'ed. A handsoure Qaltrr fnr 12,00 at : 0lcL2d J.M. KKATZBR'S. BRstr flraU ware Tea Sets and Chamber Sets. Knives snd Forks, Silver-plated Forks aud 'ioons, Table Lib.n, Napkins, rery cheap, at inches J. H. a ba jae.il B. CtHAVVI.. Scarfs, Neckties, Collars, Veils, O Hair Uoods, Uloves, Ac. Kid (J loves at 7 So, also the Josephine Seamless Kid Gloves, at tnciavo j. at. iwiATZ.it.il a. It EAD TU13I FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The attention of the ciilieQi of Clmrfletd tnd vicinity ii directed to the foot that Uoodfeliow A Bon are the agenti of II, Niece tt Co., and bare jaet received a half doieo oar loadi of Floar and Heed, which tliev oner at tho locit powibie n$ tires. A Jarge itoek of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potato, Shelled Corn, Corn In ear, Ae?, Ac. Particular attention ! called to M. Niece A Co.'s brand of Family Flour, which is th best in tb market. Flour and Peed ean and will b told cheaper than it ean b obtained elsewhere io Clearfield county. 4rStore on Markot street, next door to Hon. Alexander Irvin s residence. UOODPKLLOW A 60., Jan 10 if Agents for M. Nice A Co. KRATZER & LYTLG Turpentine, J WILL SELL YOU j Oi Sails, !ilaas, paints. Oils, Putty, French, Richards (l Co.'s Duck Lead AND Calcined Plaster VEBY CHEAP. IinmenM stuck oa band, Clearfield, Pa., Junes, 1 071. gTEVESSON & CO'.3 EXCELSIOR BAKERY, MABKET 6TUEET. CLEARFIELD. PA. Ilavin recently filled on a new Dtikory, and pmoured Ibe service of a Irst-etasi Iltiker. we are prepared to furnijh FRESH BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, &C. every day. We will dftlirer Bread, Rolln, Cubes of alt kind, frch every morning, at the doori of onr ouitotncri, if dexired, Yi respetfuMy to licit a sit am of public pntrnnnge, and feel sure t h it w can rive entire tntiiractioo. We aUo-knop on hind a choice aortment of CANIUKS, NllTS. ORANUES. LEMUNS. TO BACCO, ;ltiAKSr Ac. Frcih FRUITS and VEGETABLES received dully and at reanonali' pr eex. rppsn u i m Mi.i, in icanon. hy the ean or quart. ICE CREAM always on b.md. (jive ui a eall. W strive to plca. Aug. 6. Ii"3-lf. BTEVEiaSOX A CO, yjt A. h W. D. IRVIN, CORNER STORE, CURWENSVILLE, PA., RECEIVE FLOUR AND SALT BY CAIl LOAD, And toll til amull advance II O 1' Ii BY THE COIL, AND TACICAGE GOOPS FOR LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES SOLD CHEAT. Aigii'l 1.1, IRTS 7:1:73 SAWS 1 1 SAWS! SAWS1 DISTANT CRORS CUT, MILT,, bilAa AKD CIRCULAR BAITS. Boynton'a Liglilnicg CrosBcut Sawi ALSO, rATE.1T rri(FORATED A RLRCIRICSAWS, Tor le if octlJ,T T- tllflLKR A CO. T)INK, WUITS A ROAN LININC1 SKINS- April SO, It 70. II. I'.DIOLER ACQ. WlsaUaurous. W KK K I. v7b KaTi-W I-K KLY - A Nl DA ILYr i' II U WKKK I.Y fil:N 'i'loul(le.7 kuown to refUtr nnj fitcnqtd ruotiinniendntlfi'i i but Inn rrajoii vnicb bur ntitntdv given it IkiIiiui KDii rabforil)sr9, und wbioh trill, we hopt, gire it lAinny iQimianut niorotrt nntn i luiiuwn Jt Ii irtTat new.fR r. All lit tiewi of thtilftT will ba foand in II, oouiltnu-d when un impctunl, it full length wba of utotiicnt, and nlwn)' profrrrfcU in leur, i.itolllibJ aud in toreiliiig Hitnntr. Jt u i ftrctrato nimllT pup or, full orenUHttln- log tod Imirnotlri renlmg of titty kol, bat omiialuing nuthiui thmt on offend th moil atU lost and ompiiloiii tMto, It ii Irit-rata itory piper. Th bait tnlea and romauofi of current literntttrt ara oarvlullj aeiiMiica ana leRiDijr printaa m ua aagci. It ia a Artt-rata agricultural pa pur, Tbe most frab and Initrnelira nrticloa on agrleullural top ioi regularly appear io Ibii drparlmant, . It it an independent politiem fyr, belanclng ta no party and wearing bo eollar. It fighia lor priuoipla and the eleotluo of Ibe beet men to ot- Hua. It trparlalljr dot oie it imfrgifi to ihe ai1 pomre of tbo groat CArruptiona that now weaken und disgrace our ouonlry, and threaten to under mine rupublioaa luititutiuna ftlWgether. It bai no fear of kuavai. and aiki no far on from their funporten. It reiiortt the faihiuni (r the lad if i and th oiarki.U fur the men. e-peoially tho cattle mar ket, to which it payi particular attention. Finn My, it Ii the ehnapaet paper poMinlied. Ooe dollar ft roar will ( our It for anj eubicribar. It I not Drew ar? to jret un ft fllob lo ordar to hare THE WKUKKLY SUN at tbii rate. Any on who itodi ftiingla doJlap will get the paper lor ft year. H e have no trareling ngvoc. Tim M EEKLY KIJ N. Eight pg Afty. liz col um ol. Only $100 ft year. lNo diioouod from thU ratf. TIIK tCr:i-WrKf.Y IHUN.-Same lite a tha likily Han. 'I.Otl ft year. A diioount of HO nr crnt. to otuhi of lO or over. THE DAILY BUN A Un-n four page new paper of twenty-eight column. laily circulation orer l'JO.OOO. All Ih oewt for 3 oeoK. Sub- aerintion price ft cent month, or 9(1.00 I year. To eluha of lO or orer. ft diicouot of 20 per oent. Andrew, nriii 04 i it Ua etiii" now i vra JOOK AND UJJAD: SADDLE & 11 UIHSS M1K1G! JOHN C. HAEWICK, Markot St.,. CLEARFIELD, Ta., I th man to ro to if yoa want ft let of new II A K NESS or a new SADDLE, or anything eUf in that line. Ii turns out 4 good work ai ii don io any ifcp in .'cnniylrania, and fan price ar rrfcrtJUOot.b!e, . . . . Conciautly on band ft full tin of TliOTTI NO GOODS. aucb ai Trotting f-niJJI.-i, Quarter and Shin Boot. Trout ng Kfllerr, Hhipa, Mar urunnana toinoi, Aa. A fine wiortmcot of Neti. Hon Corcn, Koe Ulankoti. Buffalo Hnhca. Ac, Ac. kept in caaon. Id fact anything thai borsemaa Bland in need of Ii alwaya oa band. All of which will b old ftt fljolcsftla or retail at th Tery fairest ratoi. Kenalring proiontly attended in. All work guaranteed, shop ia room fornirrly oenupfrd a i'oit uiuoa. April vt ie,o. T. M. ROBINSON & CO., AIIL,miN, Dealers la Harness, Saddles and Bridles, BLANKETS, BRUSHES, Fly Net, Collars, Whips, &c. A lame stock of TROTTING (iOOD.1 ef all description... Also, a large stock of llARNKSr? TKIMMIKUH. ffRrpairloi prompt attended ta. 6bop en Market street, Grahsre's Row, ia shop foraierij eoeupiej br jatnea Aktanuer. ClearBeld, Pa Juno p, 1?73. JJ F. B1GLKK & CO.'S -SPECIALTIES- BCILPEKR HARDWARE, UECHANICV 1IARDWAR8, IiU&iDERMKN'r HARDWARE, FARMtNO ITENSILS, MILL BUrrLIES, , IKON at KAILS, PAIKI8, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTERS' FINDINGS, CALCINED PLASTER Mar 71, 1173. OOT AND SIIOK MAKING. JOSEPH H. DEKRINO. oa Market street, In Sbaw's Row, ClearS. Id. Pa., hasjgat receired a lot af rrenck CalfkHins and Mps,i best la Ih market, and is now prepared to man u fee lure ereirtainf In his line, lie will war rant his work to be ai rcpreionled. Tne ei'isens of Clearlteld and rlclnitr ar reireclfiilljr inn led to gtre him a call. Work done at abort notice. t lo'7"j IRAXK SIIOBT, of llio "Short L Shoe Shop," girfb awl if that he liai re moved from Uruhaoi'i ltow. on 5Urkct itrcl, to next door to tbe Allegheny lloU-l, on llatket street, where aa ia prepared to make ana mend ; BOOTS AND WIOKS, ititcbed, eewfil or pogtrad, with the beat arook the aalr r uarkat iTnrU' and at aa re a HOD able prieoi na ther rao bo bousht for elf ew hero, ami where be ii prepared to acaoBimuiinto U biaoldsGiutom ra anu (wi many nt w ooea aa may im-or mm wn call. Tbankrul tor past to Torn, be woulil rpectfnl! aolk'it oootiuiiaooe of their pntrnnage, Clearfield, Oetohcr H, lATS.-om Limo for Sale I THE nnrlemifrnetl, rexiding near the depot ha made eomiilcta arrmneeitienla with Lime U timers cant of tbe mouotaiu, wUuruby ha la ena bled lo kecpconiuatljoo band a large quant it of PURE LIME! wkich h offers to rarmers and huildor at a trtfl' above cu.l. Those to need of the arl icle would do well to give me a cell, or addreaa id br letter, be fore no;;., Haling Uulr lime. QKO. C. PABSM0UB. Clcarllcld, Pa., Juno , 18011. Spokes, Rims & flow Handles. JOHN G. DAVIS & SON, IM0T SrOKE WORKS, g. W. Cor. LK0PABD A OTTER Streets, PHILADELPHIA fffSrvi for Trie List. T:30ra l.ATKNT HH.IIT KOK SALE. 1 1 olfrr for sale Ike riiht for the sale of the eel. ebratcd Washing Machine, known s th "Ira B. Stillman Defiance Washer," In th count; of Clinton. Will sell the right for the entire countr, or fr escb town.inp. inn Wa.lwr i known to he ono of the very best in it.e, and tkrir sal. 1 very large wherevtr inlro duccd, Applt W Utter or In person tn J. A. TI' I'.I'K, nv5 ,1m t.uther.1 ur. Charlleld Co., Ti, lMEriilMKI The underlined Is now prrpand to furnlib the public with a excellent quality nf Dollefonto Wood-Burned Lime, for pla.tcring purposes, hjr the larfe r small qusntitr, can he iiiuna lor lite present at rte new bull. ling, en Maine! slre t. netl.tr I. K. McCl LLOUGn Beale's Embrocalion, (iaii row ill's,) for all dl.esr.l Ineidsnt to Hon, Caltls, ana ilumaa siesn, re-; inni toe a.e oi sternal applies Hon, ThU Imbroeatlon was eil.n.lrsly as.d .k n,raniaenl durte the war. For sal r lirlswlok A IrH. flearlleld Joe.nk R. Irwla. Carwairill. Daniel Mood. aader. Latkerskan. OF TUB OH EAT REDUCTION OF PRICES I 1IY , I'ORTER SHAW, D.D.I, HI PORTA ST' fRTIISr llnrinr siiccc.rlej in (ctllve- a llshlcr tariff oat matctial, hence tbe tow anil nruaVrets uhasf(e foa irtlul and full sets ot l..in. 1 use tno nest anulaoturo ot teeth anil other metorlst, -AIF nerauona reirrsterea and warrarrtcd-ln air atr rlee anil sntiaiautloa. Friends, ruUeut that my Drts for th inser tion of artificial and th caring of th natural. e th aro now the most reaaoaabl In Fonn.ylrante -reeerre yen teeth aud yoa pre.erre your health, Vutllna ot the natural teeth In a healthy, pre serratireand useful eondilien 1 mads specially. liisoa.es and malformations eommeu toths mouthy hi and aaeociate.narta, are treated and cerreelror UH fair aueees Aaainiauiona nasi euu.lMiae Hone rr. . .. It would be weir tor naticnti from t dlstane t let ms knew hy mall a few days before doming to tbe omce. - Il Is rery important that children between the age of sit and Iwelr years should bar -their teeth examines, . Anasslhelios ar aummiiterca ua xene re- morod without ain. Hiipoiitiont and chartcter Itt Judged hy all, the world by the expression of tin faee, bene bow rery disastrous may It therefor b for ftf sons to indulge an expression of distorted features, even apart from a nygienie view. s, 10 rujuj natural (not artificial) conif'irta and pleaiures, rcinoot and obey natural simplicities and inrlinct. r a, i.,.,iq.uu uif.UI 1. 1, B n . runi.n diiaii, . Odlce In New Masoaia Sulldini, Beeond street, Clearfield, l'a. may 14 7 . DENTAL CARD. Dr. A. At. HILLS ' VnoU aar to hts natlents and the nub ile generally, that, baring diseulred partnership with Dr. Knew, be is now doing the entire work of his office himself, so that patients Brd nut fear being put under the hands of any other operator. ClcarnclJ, March 19, W-pdl:"inchT8 J. TI. STEWART, D, V, S., Offloe orer Irwin's Drug Store, CURWENSVIXLE, PA. All dental operation!, either in the mechanical or operative branch, promptly attonded to and latigfaotioo guaranteed. 8peeiel attention paid to the treutiueiit of disnopcs or tpe natural itin, gunti and month. Irregularity of the troth lof neMfullTaorrcoted. Torth extracted wilbowt nam vy tbe use of Kther, and artificial teeth inserted or the best material ana warrantee io renaer iif lifaction. april26'71:1y . HE MITCHELL WAGON, ron Fann, Freight and Plantation Use, rniverealy known at tbe ORIOIi'AU RACINE AVAQ0N. , INfade by eipcrlcnced workmeo out of aa good material aa money ran buy. M e do not claim to bond tbe lowest pnoed Wagnae, but oar aim n tt build a well proportioned wnirnn io all ita purta, and excel in durability and light draft. For tho paat quarter of a century the Mitchell Wagon hat eucnetftfiilly maintained the reputation of being the bert wagon in use. The rapidly increasing demand for tbem provea their mperiority overall other wagom. Mitcboll, Lowla m Co., Manutaolarera, tiacine, Wiicomio. For tale by THO?. REILY, Aug. C, 1B73. Clearfield, l'a- TVBW LIME KILN I il h'KAR CUKWEKSVILLK. Tbe nnderiiRned would respeotfully notify all eriuoK intercitcd that he haa juat eroeted a new ime Kiln, in i'ika towoihip. ani will keep on haod a flrat elaaa qaality of Gray Llute, wbleh will be furnished to tairmera, boiidera aad otberi at 15 cent per bushel, cah, at the kiln. CUEAP GKOCEIUE.S! lumbkh cur, pa. The undersigned announces to bis old friends and patrons that be hts opened a goad lino of J HOC ER IKS A PROVISIONS at the old Itand of Kirk A Spenoor, for which he solicits a liberal patronage. U. W. fiPKNCEK Lutuiar City, l'a., Aiairn ru-u. IOIt hAI.I Tbe underirned ofTer for sale a valuable town preparty lo the borough ol Clearfield. Lot tCii ft, with a food two- story plonk house thereon erected, with three rooms down stairs and four bed rooms up stain. Also, sewint; room and bat a root on aweond floor. Huuse finirhed complete from eetlar to attie. Good douMe porch and eod water. Price rea sonable and pnysnents eay. zuArUaa vt ft, h. met 11 SALE! A larce aad well -finisbci Brink Dwelling, situ ate on the rUer bank, in the borough of Clear field, containing eleven rooms, with food cellar, water la the kitcben, and ail the modern conve niences. Pantrire, Utt-tb-room. CI o'.hrs -presses, Ac Lot silly feet front and two hundred and toirty fect back, with a twenty foot alky on the east tide. Said building, with all the oprurtenaac, will be sold cheap, wilh payments to suit purcha ser. Application can be made to the under sigaed, or to A. C. Tate, kVq., who will give all occwary infcriaaUon to those who desire to in spect the property. 1 UV9. J. dUCL L UUUUllo May s.Ist,1973,tf. BONDS VOli SALE. Tbo Clear, field (las Company is offer tug Its bonds as an Investment, running from on to ten years. bearing six per w at. interest, payable semi-annually on the An days of Janoary and July. Tba aejoiiat la limited to IO,4MM, being but one-third of the stork ef the company, thus mak ing tjjo bonds a desirable and aalc investment Turv wn bad at either of the Hanks in this bor ough, or at tho Treasurer's office. w. w. inn a, ireafurer. Clearfield, Styt. 0, lS73.-tf HOUSE AD LOT FOIl SALE! The llouse and Lot on the corner of Mar ket and fifth itraeU, Cleatflald, Pa., Is for aalc. The lot contains nearly an a re af groard. Tha house ia a large doulile frame, ooutaining ulna rooms. For term a and otbor information apply to tbe tubecribcr, at the Post OnV. novn i'. a. uAiMn. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, . Tean township, Clearfield Co., Fa, BURNED OUTI BURNED UPI The subscriber hart, al great uxpenie, rebollt neighborhood neoonity, in tbe erection of a Brat oless Woolen Manufaotury, with all tbe modern improvements attached, and are prepared to makjB all kin Is of Cloths, ('ao-imrres, ftatiaetts, Blaa kets, Flannels, ao. Vltuty of goods oa hand to uprly all our old aal a thousand new customer aa whntn we ask to come anu examine our fioca. The huaineat of CATIDIaSO AND PlMaLINd will mtlr onr esnedal attention. Proper arrangements will be made to receive and deliwr S'vt to suit customers. Ail work warranted and dnfae ipon the shortest notice, and by strict atten tion to nus tnees we hope to realise a iiuerai saar of public patronage. 10.0M) POUNDS WOOL WANTED: We will piv the highest market prioe fnr Wool and sell our manuftwturud goods as low as similar goods can be bought in the county, and whenever we fail to render reasonable entlrfaetion we can alwaya he found at home irady to make proper explanation, either In person at hy letter. IAMB 3 wJUlliXOUn A PUAP, aprllJntf Power P. O. A KEW liETAIiTUKE! XV. bOMErillRG WBW Stone fuKors and Masons. A new Arm, amlrr tbo name of IVIMlem A (leorj; Annal, harc'.lerlrd on tiieir ewa hoeh In lite Mono Cutting aud Htone Ala.ua bn.iness, In C'learllcid, wlicre llirjr will b funnj al all times ready lo tnke all contracts and do all kinds ot work In their Hoe, from Ih bnlllln( of a Cut 3 tune Mansion to Ihe Isrlnf, of C.ll.r Wall. All work enlrurled lo Ureas will reerir proaift attciilloa and .ati-facllun (tnarantred. Wll.l.UM A tlKOKUH AS NAL. CloaiAcld, Ool. it), l7.-m WANTI".1-A Oeneral Afrnt f rClcarlleM econtj to reprewnt the ('n'laeelal litf Insnranee CompaoT, ef llsftfur, Conn. Aaen. ertetle man esn do w.ll hr addrrselet. with trf. renrer. It. W. BtRk jiKlSiKn. Msaarr, ' dec 41 " ' Wttrtarj 1(, .