THE REPUBLICAN. - CLEARFIELD, TA.' ? WEDNESDAY MORNING, DKO. 10. IMS. - 1 ' 1 l. . - Terms of Subscription. tf ptld In edraao,or within three nonthi 00 If 11 after three aad hiifora eix monlhl... S 60 llfald after 'be expiration of ill monthi... t 00 KELICIOUS NOTICES. Melbodlat Eplieopal Church Rot. A. D. Yore, rutor. Publio Service otirjr (Sabbath i1oA.M.,.nd7JP.M. . . Kebbath School at A. M. ' ! " lrver Meeting eeery Thunder, at T P. M. Communion Berrlea, ant Babbath ef oTerj aonth. t t A' M. , - HI, Andrew'! Church Eplaeopal Rer. fiaoeoa lUu.. Public SerTlee Bundaj morning rlD o'clock, nl et T P. M. Sunday School t J. M. Prayer Meeting Wedneedoj evening a f o'clock. Preabyterlan Church Her. II. B.Ddtlciu ..Sabbath eerrioei morning and oreoine Bab latk Sobvol et I P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednee itl .rening. dt. fraud' Church Catholic Rot. P. 1. SatniDAH. Mam t 10) o'clock A. M., on thn ftcpai end fourth Sunday! of each month. I.etherlll Church. Rer. A. J. IUktooi preaching .wry Babbala, morning and .rening. Iibbath School at ( a. m. Prayer meeting every Wedneaday evening. To oua Patrons. Wo have now In operation la our offia on of Hot'i Mailing Haebinci, by vfaich aach and every one of our nbacriberi can ko Juit bo hii lubierlutlon ament itaadi. Many a doubt bar berclo ,ra neglected payment for Ui reaeoa that they did not know Juit bow long they owed for, bnt tho Iruree ienaediately following eaob printed ad Inii fire every eno tht Information. For In llanoe, "Jno. Bmith IjaoJl", Indicate! that bil nbacrlptloa la paid until the nnt day of January, 1874. Wo hope our lubicribcri who arc owing ui for asrera! yeareaa a great majority of them do will taka oocailon to either oall at oar office or mi ui at leait a part, If not all, of their indebt edneii, at aa early time. The oeming January eaart will atTord a good opportunity for many to tad ui money who may Dot be In town them nIth. Panle or no panto, we bare to pay out a ewlalo amount of money each week, and we hope lit lubicriberi will be a little more prompt Id the filare tbao la the put, VTe alio bare a great many unaettled accounti ftrjvb printing and adrertiiing which we deiire U bare Killed acme time before the day of reaurr iMtioa. A bill has been introduced into Con- prill to reitore the free paiaage of n.wipapen ll lit mail! ia the eou.Uei where publlihed. Vft bave been in receipt of ft wbolo lerett Prtu, for aereral week! pait, oontaiaing a "Conetltutloa" and "The Sua." It li a document we eaaoot diapenee with. m m Judge Gordon, C. L. Barrett and L L. Blood bare beea appointed agent! for Jef fcrioa aoaaty to reeelre tubeerlptioni to the Cen kaaial fund. ' The editors of Centre county, in aeavratlon aieombled, lolemnly reiolred to lend eat no more paper! after tbe flrit of the new year enleii they are paid for la advance. A rery good rieelve. A man named Dennis Connor was killed in a quarrel with another named Darke, leer Beneaette, Ilk county, on Thankaglring light Barke haa beea arreatcd, and admiti etrik. Iig Ceaaor with bil ait. No perioa eaw tbe deed committed. The Ladies' Centennial Committee, ef Lewlitown, propoie railing the amouat of aoaey uieeeed, for Mifflin oounty.hy celebrating the annlroroary ef the deatruetioa of the Brltleh tat, la Beitea Harbor, by baring a tea party, at which the waitera will be attired la "ye olden tuee-tttU. , , . Blanks and Tickets. The County Cemminioneri hare provided a full eupply of aekati, for and agalnil the New Conitltution, ai directed by the Second Section of the Ordinanoe ef the Convention, which, together with the tally Jliti, retnrni, eireolan of Initruetloo, A a., hare keep distributed throughout tbe county, among tbeeleetloa officer!. A woman in Villiumpnrt, fearing that the kank would break la which the kept her fundi, aome time age drew out the amonnt, about WOO, thinking it aafer la her own poiieuioa. She look it with her to market, a few dayi ago, and It now lorry that ihe bad'nt mora fAllh in the iafety of the banking iaitilution, ai tome one reiTe her ef the whole amount Provoking. Letters and packages, directed "Oaeeola," invariably go to Oeceola, Tl eiaeoaaty, befere reaching thii place. To te eere a direct tranimliiioa of a letter or package le tkii place, the perioa co directing ahould re number that It li euentlai to bare milli after Omcla. Thua "Oaceola MUlf," which le the aame ef aur port ottoo. Oeceofa ffreeife. These bard times are just the times then people ibould pay their iiaal) bill with the inner premptneii. Ilardly anything leti the ekeell of trade moving aoooer tbaa panotual pay. aent of email hllli. A tea dollar bill lUrtcd la tee morning goee akout like a miulonary, doing feed all day, and very likely cornea back ta rooit arafortably at night. And now The Clearfield County Timet ll offering wonderful and" extraordinary induce aeati to iubaeribert. Sy a large expenditure of meaey (no deabt) the Ti'awe la enabled to make "the moet liberal offer ever made by a country aewipaper" giving tbe value of (c dollartfir lane. Thii la truly urpriiing! "Magnificent Chrome I" "Worth W.00I" Vou doo"t eayl ,Hrt have originally coat liiteen acntil "Col. II. C. Ever, a wealthy citiicn ef Belimgrove, hai provided a winter! lupply of eoal for aach widow and other female housekeeper ef that borough who teemed to be poor." A no ble example, and one that might be followed by dtiieni of ether place! who are bleaeed with a keutifol ah are ef tbii world'! gcodc. We are penoaally acquainted with Col. Eyer, and he ii eai af "the Sweat ipeoimeai of humanity we know The Tyrone Democrat, of Saturday. finerki: The Steam Fin Engine, of thii plana, al Uken to Cleartcld, OB Monday morning hut, f charge of Chief Engineer, W. II. Carothen and leverel other member! of the fire company, (or Ike purpoae of ellMng the tank at the Oaa cTerki of tkat place. The ClearOelderi did the fair thing by the men, bearing all expcnice, glv lag them an oyiter lupper on oaday ereaing "d tit in money. They returned with the en tucia Tueiday evenjng. Kioond Diobib. llardman P. Kioli- "di, of Jaliaa Parnaoa, Centre coaaty, wee, laat eak, foand guilty of murder In the tecond dc re, for the murder of Dr. John F. William!, In rort laat. The partial were aelghbon and eaarreled about aome drift wood, on Bald Eagle ", whea tbe former itruck tbe latter co the od with aa ai. cauilna death ahortlr after. Dr. 'Uiaai waa pcraonally knowu to many eillaeni ia Orakam, Bradford and Brady Owaiblpi, la thii "my, Patal Accident. A fatal accident "erred ea the Moibannon Bran-ih, Juat above Uieeela warckouae, on Friday laat. Aa a coal " waa coming dowa a brakamaa, Ellery II a- a M Handing at hit break, at tbe rear end of ef Ihe can, when, by a mdden Jerk, the traia a leparatcd when be eteod and be wea thrown "ckwardi on the track, la front of tbe car imme diately la the rear or the one ha bad been itand "lea, and ll and liiteea otheraneeeed over blip, xilaiiag him frightfully. II ii ami and iogi '"'eejB0,t-1re4 from the body, and there "-eiae nreaented a .lv.;.. in nnAB ; ni u the iccoad or third aacldeBt that baa hap Fied l hip, and he only aurvlred the olhcn to '01 hit death In tbli terrible manner. lie waa a aa, aged betweea 14 aid K yean, and d aa ffojjy, JJj, vn,aiBa wen taken to Beech ClSAHFIttLD COUNT! TeACUEUs' In kTtTura. The Clearadd County Toaohcra' Inatl tute, for tbe uhool year 1873, will bo held in the Court Uouae, In the borough of Ckarllold, com mencing on Monduy, December 'ii, 1S73, at 3 o'olook P. M ., aud oloaing ou Friday orenlne, lie oomUr 20. All the Teathera of both ruatio and ."aivAra Holioola, and the School Dircctora from all the diatriola, are cordially Invitid to attend and participate iu the cxerriaea. Ample ualat ancabaa heeuaeeured and aulHcicnl erraagetueuU have boon niadc to enable ui to guarantee a ili-a aant and profitable lime to all who may be prra eat, and we hope there ie not one teacher In the county who hai uotiuluoienlprofciaionitl acal and pride in hii worh to attend. At a Dlrccton' Convention which met laal year the Dircctora decided that Jnetitute lime ibould not he granted to Teaohera, but that they would endeavor, ai far aa the mcam of the diatriet would permit, to give luoh liberal ealurlcl aa might en able theTcaohorl to attend, independent of thii Thii ll truly a benefit to the Teacher, aa it ena bloa him to eieapo tho rcproachci of the cltlaeni who an oppoied lo Institute work, If inch there be, ia hia diitnct, aad to ihow that hii motivci are linoere. It alio greatly aldl t lie Imtltutc work, ai Ihoao who may aitcud will dcilra to receive value for the time and money eapcndod, and thenfon, will aid in making the work prolltablc. EXKnCIIM. The excrcliii will coniiit of Mcthoja of Imtruc tlon, in the branchea taught in our Common Bchoole, Lecture!, Keaaya, Diacuuione, Reailinga Method of Teaching the Alphabet, Mial Mertlc McDowell ; Orthographic Spelling, D. K. Uoltorf; Phonetia Spelling and Aualyala of Worde, J, B. Johoaoni lioograpliy, (tlva chaplorl each day), Edgar Wilaon Kngli.h Orammar, (Ave ohaptera each day), B. O. llnye; Analyaii of Sentenooe, O. B. Welch j Hiatory, (one epoch each day), Min Ilattie Swanj Compoaition, J. . Mckcnrick; Mental Arithuctic, (ten chaptartcaeh day,) E. N.' Root; Written Arithmetic, (lea chaptcra each day) John II. Breth j Natural Philoaophy, A. W. Mul hollen Drawing, W. S. Luther ; Vocal Muaic, O. W. Wearer; Algebra, Min If. La Porte j Ucneral Lcitoai, Mill Ualtle Bloom. iv'ijicti roa coaiiDEaanoa. How ahould review! be conducted f J. F. Ander aon. To what extent ibould Teaohera aaalat po pilar J. W. Urecne. How may Urammar be taught profltably without hooka? T. II. Liti. How way Geography be taught profitably without booke 7 O. B. Ague. Are vielte from parenta beneficial F U. V. S;ieneer. Method for getting pupila not in attendance to attend ochoolaf P. t'hamberlin. Tbe condition of the aohool room to preaerve the good health of Ihe pupila t W. f. Shannnon. What ia tbe nooceeary apparatui for a diatriet achooir O. B. Crawford. What apparalui ahoald a Teacher poaeeaa to be aucoeeaful In hie work 7 W. A. Coulter. How ahould a Teaoher employ hii time outaide of achool boun 7 J. T. Hartihorn. geaaTiox! roa Macceaio. lit Should the Director! or Teaohera fix the aalary of Teaohera f 2d. Should a better qualified Teaoher bo em ployed foraprimary than a high aohool 7 8d. Should a Teacher require written exouaci from hii pupili for being ebacntf dth. Should a Teacher detaia a pupil after aohool noun to prepare a leaion 7 Meaari. M. L. M'Quown and J. B. Neff will open the diecoeeioa oo the grat qoeatioo. Meaari. 0. B. Welch and J. F. MoKcnriuk, the aecond. Meaara. li. W. Dale and R. U. Loder, Ihe third. Meaari. W. F. Shannon and J. A. Jokneon, the fourth. hibictobi' Dir. Thunday will be Directore' day, when the fo. lowing oueatlonl will be diacuaaed : let. bbould there be a dii'Uion In the flra monthi' term 7 Id. Should Director! permit unprofeaaiooa) Teachen to ocoupy the bouaea durlog the lummer acaaon 7 td. Should achool houui be uied for cler than achool purpoacl 7 ycaiiu LaCTue. Evening Ucturoa will be delivered by lion. J. P. Wickerihain, Dr. William Cattell, Ex-Uov. Uicler, Hun. Wm. A. Wallace, Hoo. U. R. Barrett. Rer. II. S. Butler, Rev. W. M. HurchSeld. Wm. M. Mo Cullougk, Eiq., John II. Fulford, Eiq. acne. The Vocal Muaic will he conducted by Teachen, caaieted by Prof. John Weaver. Iuatrumental Mueie by the Clearfield Urcheatra. , ; ACCOHUOPATIOai. Boarding can be bad at Hotela for $1 .00 per day, and at private boarding houaei for 7e eenta, dur ing Inatitute. The roll will be called by diatriet!. During tbe Inatitute there will be a Spelling Conteat. Ka ayi will be read by different Teachen during the week. The Committee on Permanent Certificate! will hoeelectedon Monday afternoon. During In atitute week four eopiea of tbe late School Lewi will be diatrihuted lo each School Board In the county. The President of each Board will pleaeo lend a written order for them, aicied by bimeelf. Tbe penoni placed on for Method! of luitruo tioa, lo the different branches, will pleaae come prepared to write out aa enaiyela in full, on the board, of their work, when othen will have oppor tunity of queitioning their method!. Wo thank the inany Teachen for their attend ance and caraeit work laat year, and decire to ice all preaent thia year. J. A. OnioORT, Co. Sop'U Christmas cowcg .on Thursday this year. Brookvillo is troubled with petty thievei, lay a tba Jeffenoniam, Gone, Too. Another of lho"oldcst inhabitant!" of Brady townahip hai pnaaed away. Wo allude to Mn. Suianna Hoover, a liater of our former old neighbor, Frederick Zig ler. She expired, et tba ripe old age of 7 yean, on the 2d of tbii month. Fatal Accident. David Zilllox, of Brady townabin, an young man, ege4 about 13 yean, wane icrlouily inju red oa the Id by a lawlog falling upon him, that be died the next day. He went Weat with bla rather lev oral yean ago but returned a ihort time liooe to pend hii dayi lo Brady, aa he termed It. Ilia itay wai bnt ihort. Two sons of lint. Boeae, Presiding Elder or tbe Metbodiat Church, wen out gunning tbe other day in Armor'! Woodi, whea the piece la Ihe handi or Frank, the younger, waa acci dentally diecbarged, the oontentj jmt grailng the head of Tbomaa, the elder, and Inflicting a alight wound. It waa a narrow but moat fortunate ea cape. Jlcfebnte H'arcemeul. . a m Judos Mayer. 'bia gentleman's pbyilelani have notified bim lb at ha meat with draw from aotlve builncn ferat leait ilx monthi. Ia view of thii we undontand that ho haa enr gaged Judge Elwell, of Columbia county, to bold our January Court, and Judge! Gamble, 'of WU llamaport, and Dean, of Jetaiydayeburg, have volunteered to render bim all tbe aid they can lo a Judicial way. Judge Mayer'! pbyalolani ad viae him to lake a trip to Europe, io ai to enable him to cut looae from all bualnen and locial re latione, that hi! health may be fully reitpred. The Lumber Trade. Tho Clinton Jftmocrat, of laat week, publlabei (be rollowlng: Statement ihowing the number of boat! that bare left Lock Haven loaded with lumber in each year, from opening to closing or navigation, from 1870 to 1879, loelualvet In 1870, 831 ; in '71, 621 ) in 7, Mj la'7J, 428. Total, 2,403. The average number of feet in eaeh boat wal I In 1470, 72, MOj In '71, 71,10(1) In '72, T-"l,e00( in "li, 7,700. Thii llatement Include! Beech Creek, Flemicglon, Lock Haven, Tangeeoootai, Farrandevllle, Beat aod lioptaiM' aad e. M. llltkford'l Mil!!. Terrible Accident. The Ailoona TVieuee, of the 2d, uyii Ycatcrday morning, while Mr. Joeeph Young waa attempting to ad- juat lie belting connected with a revolving wheel Id the P. R. R. Company'! boiler ihopi, in thii eity, hia arm became entangled In aome portion of tbe machinery, lie waa Jerked off bil feet and whirled rapidly around and arouud, and, horrible to relate, In the end hi! arm wai absolutely torn from tbe ihoulder locket and thrown, mangled and bleeding, to the floor. The unfortunate man wap removed to bii boarding bouee ai apecdily eipol libli, and the Company'! phyaieian called ia, who dreiaed the wouud' and made bim aa comfortable aa the elrcumitaacei of '.he eaae would admit. It ii thought the violim will recover. Sad Affair. Wo hear a report of a lad calamity that befell a partyof bun'on, from Geerge'i valley, who bad 'camped In the Seven mountain!, back of Foual'a, a fw aighti ago. Tbey built a nre in ironi oi too auor ui incir lhanty, eo aa to bring a warm draft from that di rectloa Into the eabin, and then went to Bleep, During the night they wen awakened from Ibeir ilnmben by tbe beat and to find (be part of Ihe lhanty about (he door lo 'toe;, leaving Uieru no other mean! or eaeape but to para Ihrongh the blating part or the hut and through the log fin they bad built la front. In doing thia they re oel?ed fearful burnt, and one of the party, named Samuel Adatne, died after hi! comrade! had ear led bim four mllei. Gum Iluller wai Ihe only one beeide whoae nam! we have learned, aa be ing one of tba party, and be a lo waa merely earned In making hi! eaeape. We ilnce learn that Fred Zettle belonged If the party, Tbe doge, guni and other Irapa belong ing to Ihe beaten, were bareerl (team HnllKt- pertar. Snyder's Jewelry Establishment. NotwIthatnudUigthe general atagnatlon In bual nen and the eoaroity 0r monoy we notice Joraoy Snyder hai opened up in bla new itore,ln0ra ham'i row, an elegant Hock of new gooda for the holidaya, embracing Ladlei' and Oeul'a Gold Watohoi, flold, Opera, Miitiuoe and Leontlno Chalui, U carat Veat Chalna, 18 carat Wedding and Engagement Rlngi, and Ringi of all alylea in profualoo. A iplendld alock of Bllver Watoh oi and Chalna, Hold and I'luted Sleeve lluttoni, Shirt Studa and Oenl'i Pini in great vuarlely, Gold Pcni and Iloldon, Penolli, Tooth Pioka, Ftlrcr Thimblei, a fine aiiortmcut of Ladiei SeU, gold and plated, of the very lateit pattern!, a good itock or Clooka or all kindi. He alao hai a nlco aeleotlon or Silver Tlated "Ware, nich ai Knlvei and Forki, ipooni, Caaten, Butter Diib ai, Copa, Goblcta, Doquet Uoldcra, Waiter!, Cake and Card Ilaakcti. He haa one oaae entirely fill ed with Black Jewelry, which look ai well aa Whitby Jet and ooati one lixlh ai much. Hav ing a larger room than formerly, and by fitting it In Aral rate ityle, ba thioki ho oan now accommo date Ihe public with anything In hii line latlirao torlly. Call and ace. ' : Wa can recommend Mr. Snyder ai a fair and rclponilble dealer. We had the pleasure oi meeting Mr. S. Baohraeli, tbe Superintendent of Ageuriea of the Morlh America Life Iuauranca Company, of New York, who hai been making a buiineai rlait amongit ui for the put few dayi, principally ror the purpoae of makitg payment to tbe hein of a 6,000 policy held In the company ha rcpreecntl by Samuel Mitchell, dcccaacd. Mr. IJwbrech i a very pleaaant gentlemen, and (ho company be repreiente Ii one of the oldeat and moit reliable Life Ininrenoo Companlei in extitenoc. A large number of our citiieni hold policiei in thii aler ting old company. Mr. W. M. Shaw, Caahier of the County National Bank, la the An for tbia place, who will gira all deaircd information to thoie contemplating iniurance. ai , List of letters remaining unclaimed In the Poitotfice at Clearfield, for the week ending ereocmoer eiu, isrc t Coult, D. McLafferty, F. D. McLaferty, John 1'otter, Herman ltitohey, Samuel B. Sherwood, Cuarlea ' Stollman, David Tremaine, II. D. Wolf, Jacob F. Weaver, Jerome B. Wircy, Steve. P. A. GAULIN, P M. Elder, B. F. Ureal, J. B. (2) 'llaaaer, Frederick Gardner, Loutta '' Hogan, Michael Iladden, Florenoa Jauutotoeurt, Pietro Kavanaugh, Jaa. 11. McNcrle, Juo. B. Eefitted It will be gratifying to the traveling public- to learn that the "Old Oyi ter Hotel," at Hollen, hai been fitted up with new furniture by tho iheriff, and Iti proprietor, O. R. Clark, Ii now prepared to entertain and refreah tbe Jaded traveler. Though not ai elegant aa the new home, the .ble ii aa good, tho bcdi aa downy, and the landlord aa obliging aa before. Lik Dim- wal. The next sesaion of Mies Swan's lehool openi Monday, January 6th. The preient term eoaoj Deeeinbor lillh, allowing a vacation during the Holiday!. Thii Inalllution il flrlt- claaa In every reipect. Miaa Swin'i eduoational ahilltlea' are too well known to need any recom mendatioo. Sec advertiaement for particulara. To Customers!. We, (he under- llgncd, merchant! of the Through or Clearfield, agree to cloto our rcepaetlro plaeca or buiineai on the Jith or December, (Chriitmaa) 1873. Our cuatomerj will pleaae bear thia tb mind. William Reml, Weaver A Delta, T. A. Fleck A Co, J. S. Showere, D. Stewart A Son, Kratier A Lytic, John Troutman, Gulioh A Jaekaon, Jamea Kerr A Co., 11. F. Bigler A Co., laaaejohneon A Soul, Robert Mitchell, J. M. Kretier, A. Uuinaburg, J. C. Ilarwick, K. Moaaop, T. M. Rohinaon A Co., 11. Bridie, G. D. Goodfellow A Son, P. (. Miller, Sackett A Schryver, J. W. Wright, Lever Flegal, Joaeph Dyaart, David Adainl, Ed. W. Uraham. Specials. Cl'BAI CUBA I Ct'BAI CUBA I CUBA! Notwilbatandine- the Cuban War, Kerr A Co. hare brought on from the eaat a Inrgo lot of .Motuing and tieut I furniatnng Uooua, which have been bought at I'amo Pricee anil will be eold at Pnnio Pricoa. Now la tiie time, ai there ia a reduction of orer 1 per oont, tali and aoo for yoiiraclrai. 10dec3t, A. T. Shaw hoi returned fiom the city and ro port! to oi that be pure haa td a full liue of Holt day Uooda, Knrr A Co., hare received a lot of new and faabiouable Neck Tica. A. I. Shaw'a Holiday Uooda will be here I few dayi. Tba leleetionl are elegant and they will bo eold at oeaie prioee Twenty doaen of the Celebrated UnirerisJ f hirt Jut received at Kerr A to a. flo io Sbaw'l ftruc; Store, when you are In town, on election day, (Iflth) and examine bii ittok of beautiful Holiday Uoodl. Fuapendcri of every deacriptiun at Kerr A Co.'j ton weex. A. I. Shaw lella ua he lptenda Idling hll TIoll day Gooda rtry low thii year, on account of the acarcity of money, eo thai all oan ba aupplied. Hoilery, only 8 eenta per pair, at Kerr A Co 'a The Holiday (Joyji at A. I. Shaw'l will be opened in a few daya, Genti, take notice that you can boy a ialr of ifiorea lor is eenia, ai averr a ovi, ranic, you know. . Newspaper Decisions, 1. Any peraon who take! a paper reeularly from the I'oat Qlfce whether directed to hia name or another'!, or whether he haa lubioribed or not ia reeponaibli for the payment. 2. ir any perioa ordere bii paper diacontinued ha mull pay all arrearagea, or tho puhlieber may oontinue to iced until payment ia made, and eol leot the whole amount, whether the paper ll taken from Ihe othee or not. - S. Tbe court! have decided that rcfnalng to take oewapapen or periodical! from tke Poet Office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, la prima facie avidenoe or intentional fraud Fi'Rl and Rnnue. The largeit aaaortment of Ladiea and Gentlemen a rnre, ever brought to the county, can be aocn at L. Flegal'!, and at lueh low pricei that the many who buy are ai- toniibed. Alio, uuueio, noir anri uoon reonei, A Card. Min McAlpine, teacher of Muaic, Painting, Crayon and Drawing. Room at the Acadcroy. aug27 Wood and Willow Ware of all deioriptiool for tale by 11. r. iligicr a lo. lide and outaide Cottagea, Farm Jiuildinga, Ac. Beautiful, durable and economical. Uround in pun Lineecd Ull. mye 70 . r. moi.aa a 10. Bird Cagea a large aaiortment at 11. F. Big ler A Co. 1. Save Time! Save Labor! Rave Money! Rave Clothei ! The " Novelty Wringer " la tbe beat in the market. Uuy It I try It. For lale by H. F. Btona f Co, Ml'ST UK OLl BY JANDARV JOTi!. Wf ! Kelt Prlnta. 14 icnll. Brat Delanea ....19 and 20 Black Alpaoea 2 Heat Euipreea Clelhl M French Mnrioo 11 and bill Bhawla, loatlntc, Balmoral rlkirtl, Tahle Linen, Flannelit Cmimerea, Ladiea' end Children1! Bhoel, at price! to luit the time!. I he itock muat ee 101a ana you win rare mon ey by purchaaing. WM. Ilbi:i), norlv vieurneiu, a. II. F. Bialer A Co. have been maklnar eitcnalve addition! to their atoea or narnware ine laat few dayi. Kverytbiog new in phelf Hardware, bad dlerl' Hardware, Formera' Hardware, Builden' Hardware, and Hardware of all kiada,can be ee. at Ihalr Bture. lay 82. Fawa. Platan'e Croaa-eutfiaw, (Jreat American Saw, llovnlon'a Llghtninr Haw, at t-llo-i'a H- F. Iltoi-Ra A Ce'a. R. B. Wheelbarrow!, Baby Carriage!, Toy Ex preal Wagoni aod Wbeelharrnwa, at aj&li II. F. Ilioi.aa A Co'. A full line of tloueehrdd Uooda, Japanned Wan, Ac, for eale by 11. F. Bigler A Co. relete, Oil! and Varnlahel for eale by It. F. Bfgjer A Co. Ai!. Seventy-Ira doien Cleartcld Wood-1 ehoppen Axei at WW: JJ. f. BIGLER A Ce'i. To tub Cmitui or 1'cnyari.rtaiA. Your at tention la rcapaotfully inviled to the fact that the National Banka are now prepared lo receive aub aeriptiona In the Capital Hlock of the Crntennial Board of Fiuance. The fundi realiiud from thia lotiroo are to he cmptuyed lo the erection of the building! for the International Eihibltion. aod the ex,cniee oonnecUid with Hie lame. It ia con fidently avpeoled thru the Krvatoiie State will be reproretited by the name ol every clllaen alive to Eatiiotlo oommrmoiatiou of ihe one hundredth irth-flay of tiie nation. The aliarea of itock an ollcred for $10 each, aud lubaerihon will receive a handanmely iteol engraved Certificate of Block, auitahlo for framing and preaerralion ai a na tional memorial, lntereal at the rate of ilx per cent, per anautu will be paid on all payment! of Centennial Stock from date of pavmout to January 1, 1870. Subaoribore who are not near a National Bank can remit a check or poitoflioa order ta tho un doraigncd. FHEDK. FRALEY, Treniurer, uyl'D V04 Waluul 8,., I'hilajcljihift. " CUT THIfl 01T. -' It May Xava Your 1,1 ft, t Ther Ii no pernn IWing but whnUurTtiri more or leu with Luoff liieui. Oougln, ColiliorCoa fumptloo, jet tnm would dl rather than pay 7ft ootita fur a bottle of medio. no thaj would cure iuom. iir. a. uuiodh tiormnn ojrup noa, late ly boon lutroducpd in th la oountrr front UrmanT and iti wondruui euroi aatonUtici everyone laat try It. If you doubt what we iny la print, out .in. uhi nnu inio i. io your irugjf in. u. if, n at iox, and o;ot a Mmple bottle' free of etirt;, or a irgulur iih for 7i oents. U, (1. OUKliN, 20ug73 Woodbury, N. J. Calcined Platter for eale by 11. F. Blgter A Co. KaAftTHiRt Porioniwliooontoiiiplatebaildtng win uo won io can ana exitmine our itock oi BUILUINO MATKUIALH. We have In itock a full line of Duilden' Hardware, ha ill, Paluti, Oili, Untt, Putty, Caleiijed I' latter, Ao. myim .,. i .11. V. Hip lb a ti Co. . nonca toWaoox akd CAnniiaa Uakkith. We bavejuft repel ved a jpncral aisortmentof Wegon and Carrlafcn Woodu, alio a full line of Spiiogi aaaaea e.ver, naaavea " v weave ajiavaau u.M UltlU. ll.F.Biouxa A Co. Juit received, a large lot of non-exploilve unui' Buq ifOuuDrua afc - II. F. B i on Ce. RECAPITULATION, -Bird Cag9t. Wood aod Willow Ware. . Household Ooodf. All kind! of Hard. ' Jrtpanoed Ware. Painti. Oiln, Vamlibel. Calelued Planter. -:.. ' Wairon and Carriage Mukpri' iiiunllri. All of the almve fur tale at the mammoth Hard ware Btore of II. I. Bigler A Co., Heoond street, uiearnem, i t, tit Stlirn'M. On November 30tli. 1873. hv Rev. J. W. IlAl fjll- awouv, Mr. IIIDEON C. FOHCKY 10 Mill LUCY M. HULKKll, both of Urahamton. On October 2th. 1H7.1, by Rev. p. Hbciuax, Mr. WILLIAM Ll TilKll, or .Madera, to Mn. HELEN M. AKIIULltN, of Clinton county. On November 2 7th, 173, by Bee. P. Ilxrxuix, Mr. UOIIKKT HANNAH lo Mile LEAH US MAN, both of Cleartcld oounty. On December 3d, 1873, by B. Duenna, K.q.. .nr. v. w. i;iii.k, iormerty or wew lorx, to AD EMMA C. UOWhllSOX, of I'n Ion townahip. On December 4th, 1R", by Rev. A. D. Yocru, Mr. ALr HKIi II. ALLKMAN lo Mial MAUI HA A.SIILUA11T, both of ClearOold. , , - The above eouplo kindly remembered theprlnt- era, for which they bare our thanke. ' IHarlrtjJ. Clearfield Markets. Corrected wukl; by Rirranu M oajor, Wholraale and Itctuil Dealer in Dry tloode, tlrocenea, Fro, vliloni, Ac, Market alroet, t:iearlleld, Fa. Cl.iiriiL, l' Derember, U"i. Apj)lea.f;reen,ODQ 60Hogi, dreiaed I Dried, U lb 10 Uidea, green.. I Apple butlor,t?gal, 75 llam 00 18 Butter. 00(J 3i 'Shoulder!..,.. IIOloJ 1! fleam. ...... $J 75& if" o.dci.. ...0'i) Ijj lluckwbeat 1 on Lard Buckwheat dour tbf 6 Meal pork,V bhl...20 00 Beef, dried. IS Oall CO Beef, frceh 7($ Onion!.... I (0 floer.ii, M 12 00(uU Oli Potalnei 0l(-$ vj Corn, iholled.. J 01) Peachea, dried. Ih lo Corn, ear 00(3 40 I'laetor, V bU. 00 Corn meal, V aaek, 1 30 live. 1 10 Chop. ewll OOfrn 1 40 Raga, U lb Cloveraead. o On Sall, iaek.2i0) I 50 Cheeie 20 Shinglea,18 ln.4(d. 00 Cherriei, lb. 10(a) ll) r3hloglei,2 inlOr, It 00 Chlckeni, dnd, lb, 121 Timothy iced 00 Egil 25Tallow .... 12t Flaaaeed ! 00 Wheat . lli Flour 00(3) 00 Wool . 40 Hay 00 00ft, 22 00 Wood, V cord 4 iO lo 11 u m y 1 vn n I a I In i 1 road TYRONE i. CLEARFIELD BUANCH. rN and after Monday, IOV 3d, 1873, the V7 Paiaenger Traioa will run daily (except bun dayi) between Tyrone and Clearfield, aa follow! CLEARFIKLD MAIL. LEAVE SOUTil. L13AYK K0BTII. ClearOeld. 1.40. r.. Tyrone t.T.0,A.u Philipaburg....4.3S, ' Oaeeola ,..4.60, Tyrone ....U0, " Oaeeola ID 40, " l,hllipeliurg.IC AS, " Clearlield 11.40, CLBARFIKLD KXI'KKSS LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 5.40 a. u. Tywne..,.....7.00 r.. Philyaburg.. t it Oaeeola. t.tO Intcraeetion.. 7.48 ' Tyrone.. t.00 1 Oaeeola 8 10 Philipaliurg ...8.25 Clearfield, ar....30 FAHP: KKOM iCLKAHFIKLD, TO Bellefonte, Pa 1 05 Middletown i 00 Marietta. 5 50 Laneaater I 8ft PHILADELPHIA 7 05 Altoona 1 85 Lock Hof.ejl... Willi amaport. Huntingdon .. Lowiatown. .... Maryaville..... 2 70 I o 1 80 3 00 4 50 4 75 Johnatown.. ... 2 80 UARRI8BURII... PITThUUKtl t fjioae aonneetionl made by all traina at Tyrone ana i.oex ueren. 8. S. BLAIR, my17-tf. Superintendent. c LKAKFIELD ACADEUY. MALE! DEPARTMENT. THE WINTER TERM of fourteen wicjci will comment! MONDAY, JM'ARl 8lb, 1873. Tcrmi of Tuition. Reading, Writing, Menial and Written Arithmetic, Urammar, tioograpby and Juatory..... Natural Philoaopbr, l'hyaiology, and Sin 9 00 gle Entry Book-keeping, or either, with In. above For Inelruotioni in Double Kntry Book keeping and Commercial Arithmetic, rrio oial term! to be arranged. 13 00 For particular! reepectlng the acboo! apply to augi7 7Jti ' l. el. JUOanAl.1,1 MISS H. S, SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, FA. rpilB WINTER TERM of fourteen wrokl, wiU X oommencc Monday, January 5th, 18i4. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Writing, Object Lea. lorn, i'rimarv Arttbmetio ana rrimarv Oeograr-hv 17 00 Uiatory, Local and dcacrintiva Oeography with Man drawing, urammar. juentai and Written Arithmetic. ( 00 Alirobra and the Soionrce.'. It 00 fnatruotlon in inatrumenlal niuale V... 1,0 00 Oil palnllne, 24 Icaaona 13 III Wax work......'. I M roe full partleulari aejid Tor Circular. Clearfield, Aug. , 1873. ' :T;70.yO I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER raxiaa it WaUilios, Cloclii nnd Jowolry, t7rwtriBi'a How, ilarttt Slrtl, xi:ahfiki.i, pa. All kindi of repairing In my line promptly at tended to. April 2.1, 1173. A Came tnatiajaingon.lbepremliei J oftheaubirriliiK reaiditig in llradr townehlp, on Ihe 15th day of October laat, a White Heifer, luppoaed to lie about twenty tnnnllil old, with oine nd epola on tin body, ind three lege an red from the knee lo the hoof, The owner il re. queated to aome forward, prove property, nay cherreaand take her away, or abewill bediapoeod of according l6 law. SOLOMOV SHAFFER. Lulfierahurg, Nov. 18, SAW Wa have reoeireil tbe agenev fbr the above ana will aell theoa at manufacturer I pricei. Call and examine then. Thev lr Ihe bet. alt ft H. r. BIOMR A CO. 6. "ijjrrUaujous. N EV ADVKimsEUJNT! SPEC I At. ANNOUNCEMENT I T. A. FLECK iSr. CO. would announce that thev are now enealnar fur tbe Fall Beaaon the moat attractive and complete lock oi .MlHInerj aud fanq Goods ever before offered in Clearfield. In our Fancy Uooili Department w an offering fu! Ileal of Hoilery, Olovei, Tloa, ; . I.acci, - Kibbom, Woolen Gooda. Hoop Hklrti, forecta. Hair Coodi, Canvaaa Patterna, Dreaa TrDnmtlifje, M oratcda, eVr,, all of which we arc olfiring at attractive pricei. HILLIlTSIkY DEJAST1I2S2TT. W. arc now opening the lateat itylei and aovol. ticc for tbe Kail Scaion. :. BONNETS, . v , j r j HATS, FEATBERS, FLIJIES, VELVET RIBBONS, TIPS, " ORNAMENTS, FLOWERS, Ac. 0UB TRIMMING DEPARTMENT ii Id charge of a firit-alnti Trimmer from tho citj. Wt Miclt an Ingestion of ouritjlea by tho laittti oi Liarjstd and vicinity. Htora room tbe lame aa sow ooaupiad by Wm Rcod, on Morki't itrcit. Dorm T. A. FLECK fc CO. rjlIIE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF STOVES I ST YES ! ver brought to the eountr. an being received at thcllardwenEatabliehmeiitof II. !'. IIUJI.KH Aa CO., eonifriaing the following Cook gtorel : fTEAB'S CALORlFiC, SPSQUKIIANNA, REGULATOR. NOBLE. EXCELSIOR. TRlUJiTU. GOV. PESX. , , KEADINO, ; NATIONAL RANGE, 4C. AC. 1 Alio, tbi following Heating Stovcai SPEAR'S ANTI CLINKER, , SPEAR'S ANTI D1JST. i SPEAR'S ORBICULAR, , ' SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, MORNING LIGHT, BON TON, ' G1PSEV, , ' VULCAN, . SUNBEAM, RU3V I DAUPHIN EGO, . , CHESTER EGO, VOLCANO, I rUOEKX, HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE ROOM STOVES, 40. Clcarn.M, Sept. Ji, 1871. T O LUMHERIHENI PERFECTION IN CANTHOOKSl Tk,a ClenrflrM Kxfcliior Cinthook will not wear out or brtak, Wing eotiitructetl wUh ont tojid baod fiom clip to point 1 . . . It li prononneMl br all prut laal lsibnnn who ha a ex ami nnd it to ba tha mott pfrfrel Caathook crar iDfantod. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manufaoturtd by A not Kbkmard f Co.. at CLEARFiKIiD. r. orJcn prom filly attended o, niZ'16 6AWS! SAWS! SAWSj DISTAN'I CROSS CUT, MII,t, DRAO AKB CIRCULAR SAWS. Boyntoa'B Lightning Oroas-cut Saw. A180, PATENT PERFORATE? I .ELECTRIC SAWS, For lale ciij,7o p. jd;glrr A CO. C. D. AVATSON, DBALER is DRUGS & PATENT MDICIXES, CONFECTIONKKIKS, TOTS ASH YAWKEK NOTIOWrt, FINE TEAS A ROASTED COFFEE, BBST BR AN US TORACCO A SROARS. SCHOOL BOOKS A STATIONER!, Maeoni tullalng, tunmi Street, , deet 7?ly CLEARFIELD, fk. grjj Mods, ibtwltt, (Ctr. J. M. KRATZER. D HSI R AILr.RTYLr. ofCaaalmer a, Ac, Mr Men and Mora, at J. M. hKMiKU'r). Tllltll'.Pl.Y, Bruiaeli, Ingrain and Cher Carpeta, alau, floor Oil Clotlia, at ri-iluood pricei, at J. M. KIlATZEIl't. TJEST AHHOHTMESIT of Wall T.iper ever It offered In thii rlclnitj. 10c to tl per niece, line gilt p.ipor, etc, at J. At. MlAW.fcll .-i, THIS MIWT popular mukei of Muallm, Shccl lnga, l'lllow Mualitu, Ae., at aamall ailvanoe above coal, b; the pieec, at 1, It. KRATZKIt 8. NEW fJOODII. NEW STYLES, LARGE AKSOHl.NENT, LOW PUlCHri, all to be found at J. M. KHA'I ZEU'S. I ADIEU' DHF.SS C(HI8, In the greatcil J variety new apring ihadel neweat and uioatdealralilaatTlca-at J, At. K KATZER'8. AVAItlETY of Dre.a Gooda, au I table for mourning alao enpe veila, critlara, Ao euu.tanlly cn hand, at f II. KRATZER'S. RECEIVING a large ruppl of Ladiea' and Children. Slioea, made to order aud war ranted. A handiojio tiaitev fpr (2.00 at mchJO J. AI. KRATZER'S. r)ET Oranite ware Tea Seti and Chamber gt Set!, Knlvea and Forka, Silver-plated Forka aud Spoom, Tabli Linen, Napklna, vory cheap, at roohSo - J. M. KUAIZER'S. CIHAWI.e, Scarfi. Ncckliei, Collara, Yella, O Hair Uooda, Olovea, Ac. Kid Ulovea at 7Je, alao the Juaepnlne Beam I til Kid Ulovea, at uok2 J. U. KRATZER'S. It BAD TI11SI FLOUR & FEED DEPOT Tha attention of tha fltiicna of Clearfield and rleloil It dlraoUd U tho fact that OoodMlow A Run ara tba agenti of M. Niaoo A Co., and hare juit meired a half don ear loadi of Floor and Peed, which they offer at tha lowest poiiibla fig araa. A larga atook of FLO VR, CORN MEAL, CUOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potatoei, Shelled Corn, Corn In ear, Ac, Ae. Particular attention il oalled to M. Niece A Co.'! brand of Family flour, which il the bait in the market. Flour aod Feci) can and will bo lold cheaper man ia .an do ootainea eiaewnere in iirarnoiu oounty. tT'Store on Market itreot, next door to lion. Alexander Irvine reaidonce. GOODFELLOW A B0, JanlOlf Agente for M. Nieee A Co. KRATZER & LYTLE Turpentine, Palnta, 1 Oill, J f Nulla, i lllaaa, I Tutty, WILL SELL YOU French, Richards ti Co.'s Buck Lead AKD Calcined, Plaster VERY CHEAP. Tmmenie itock on hand. ClearAold, Fa, Juaai, H7S. . gTEVEN'SON k CO'.S EXCELSIOR BAKERY, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Having recently 6tted up a new Bakery, and procured Ihe aervicce of a flnt-claai Baker, we are prepared lo furolah FRESH BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, &C every day. We will deliver Bread. Roll", Cakes of all kioda, freah every morning, el the doora of our ouateuicra, tr deaired. Wa reapoctfully io. licit a ahare of publlo patronage, and feclaurc that we eau give entire eaiiefaciUin. We alao kecA on buid a etioioe aaaortment of CANlUhK, NUT, ORArluEa, LEMONS, TO- UAUiu, l imns, de, Freth FRI IT8 and VEGETABLES received daily and eold at reaaonabte orieea. Freah OYSTERS, In theeanorquart. jia.inr.Am aiwaya on nann. fiive ua a call. We alrivo to pleaae. Aug. , laVJ-tf. STEVKbSOK A CO. YJt A. & W. D. 1RVIN, CORNER STORE, CURWENSVILLE, PA. KSCE1TI FLOUR AND SALT BY CAR LOAD, Ajpd lull t amnU advajico. ll O ! Tf BY THE COIL, AND PACKAGE GOODS FOR . LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES SOLD C II A Pi Angual H, 187S M:T1 J. Re M'MURRAY will srrri.y tot? with akt article OP MERCHANDISE AT TIIR VERT LOWEST PRICE. COME AND SEE. (I;J:T3:t) NEW WASHINGTON. Ill very Htnble. TIIE underelgacd bog! leave to Inforo the pob lie that he Ii ntiw fully prenarrd to arc .rumr dale all ia ihe flj of farniihing Ilnraci, Hegglel, Saddle! and liarneii, on Ihe ihorteit notice and on reaaonahle tcraia, RAildence oa Loeuit itreet, betweea Third and Fourth. OEO, W, QEARnART. 1ir.ld, April llIMt. ' 1r iUigeiUaucoiisi. the sm.: M'EEKLV, flElli-WKKKI.V AND IAILY. TUB Wl.EKI.Y KIN ! t o wlilMy known to retjuira an ateodcd rauommondatiup but the ressuni wuiob have alraadjr uitta it fifty Ihout moI PubMrihrri, and which wilt, we hope, gira it inioj tbouaandi inure, an briifl) ai folowii It ii a flrit-rata newspaper. All the newi of the day will be found In it. condensed when an- iinportant, at full lonfih wlien of moment, and atwayi prcientc-d in a clear, iutelliglbla and in torettixf nanuer. Il ia a flrit-rate family paper, fall of entertain ing and initructiva reading of every hind, but containing nothing that can offend tho moit atl- Icate and aorupulout taste, It Ii a first-rate itory paper. Tha bei tatei and romaneei of ourrcnt literature are carefully : iciccirq ana irgioiy prtniea in hi page. It Ii a flrit-rate agricultural pnpur. The moit froib and initrurlivo artleloi on agrloultural top ic! rjalarly appear In tbii drpartinent. It ii an independent political paper, belonging ta no party ana wearing no eollar. It fight for priuoijilt and the election ef tbo beet mon t of fice. It especially darolea IU onfrgici to tho ex posure tf tha great corruption! that now weaken ind disgrace our country, and threaten to under mine republican institutions altogether. It haa no fear of knarei, aud asks no farors from their supporter!. It report the fashioni fr tho ladiei and tbe markets for the mon. especially the eaitlo mar koi, to which it pnyi particular attention. Finally, It Is the cheapest paper published. One dollar a yoar will iceureit fpr any subscriber. It is not Dccestary to got up a e!ib in order to baroTJIB WEEKKLY 8IJN at this rate. Any one who lends a single dollar will get tha piper for a year. We have no trardin; agents. THE W EEKLY tUJNEight pagei.fif.5 ilx eolurani. Only 914)0 a ear. io diiooanti from thia rate. Til 15 i;MI-WFF.kI.Y SU!t. Same lUe as the Daily 8an. i.Ot) a year. A discount of Ht pr cent, to elobs of 10 or orcr. TUB UAILV U N. A largo four-page news paper of twrnty. eight oolumni. Iaily circulation or or VMAHHK All tho news for '4 oents. Hub soription price 6 eenta a month, or VUefX) a year. To clubs of 10 or orer, a discount of 20 per cent. Address:, nr!2 6t "Til E SUN," New York City. OOK AND HEAD! SADDLE &IUBXESS MAKIAG! JOHN Q. HAEWICK, Markot St., CLEARFIKLD, Ta.. Is the man to go to if yon want a let of new HAKNKHS or a new &AUPLK. or anything else in that line. lie turns out aa good work aa ii done in any shop in Pennsylrania. and bis prices are very rear-onawe. Constantly on hand a foil line of TllOTTING GOODS, such as Trotting Suddles, Quarter andlhn Booti, Troitinr Hollen. Wh'tps, Fine brushes and Combs, Ac. A fine assortment of Nets, Horse Coreri, Knee Blankets. Buffalo Kobes, Ac., Ac, kept in season. In fact anything that horsemen stand in need of Is always oo band. All of which will be aold at wholesale er retail at the rery fairest rates. Kepairing promptly attended to. All work guaranteed. bho ia room formerly oeenpied as roil urace. jprn , loia, T. M. ROBINSON & CO., ,saiii,i:ks, Pealeri in Harness, Saddles and Bridles, BLANKETS, BUIIES, Fly JJoU, Collars, Whips, Ac. ' A larre itock of TR0TTIX0 GOODS of all deaeriptiona. Alio, a large itock of I1AKNESS TKIMM1NUH. rllepairiiif prompll attended to. Fbop ob Market itreot, Qraham'l Row, la ihop toruerlj occupied by rfamei Alexanuer. Cleardild, Pa., Jane 85, 1S73. E. F. BIGLER CO.'S -SPECIALTIES- BUILDERS' HARDWARE, HKCHANICS' IIARDWARE, LUMBERMEN'S IIARDWARE, PARMINO tTSNSILS, MILL SUPPLIES, IR0S NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARSISIIE, PAJSIERS' KIXDISaS, CALCINED PLASTER. Key JS, 1878. ' B OOT 4$)D SHOE MAKING. JOSEPH It. DEKIUNO, ob Market atreet, la Skaw'i Row, Clearfleid, Pa., hai joit received a Ine lot of Preach Calf Kkioi and Kipi, the beat In the market, and ii now prepared toman efactun ererythlng ia hii 'line, lie will war rant hii work te bi ai repreaented. The el'liena of CleirCeld and Tlcinlty arc riapeetlully inritel to giro hia) a call. Work done at ihort notice. M'7-1y lRAKK SHORT, uf the "Short J. Shoe Khop,M givei aotiee that ha hai re. next door te Ihe Allegheny ilytvl, oa Market llreet, where he il prepared to make ana inenl BOOTS AND SHOES, rtitcbed, lewrd or pegged, with the vest itoek tbe eaf-tern roaiket ffndt and at as roa'orable prieec ai they can be bought fur elrewliere, and where be li prepared to accommodate all his old custom ers axd as many new oaci aa may favor bim with a oall. Thankful fur past favors, bo would re Mtectfallr solicit a continuance of their patronise, i bliOHI, ClearflcU, October p, 1873.-6ni Lime for Sale! THE undersigned, residing near tha depot has wde aomptete arrangements with Lima Ltfroon east of tbe mountalu, whereby he li ena- jicd to keep constantly on hand a large quantitaf PURE LIME! which be offera lo farmer! and boildera at a trifle above coat. Thoie in need of ihe article would de well to f're me a cell, or ae. fcy letter, be fore na"Uuiig Uuir lime. ' ' K0. 0. PASSM0RR. CJearC.iLI, Pa.i iin. 0, )M. Spokes, Rims $ Plow JIandles. JOHN G. DAVSji SON, lI0 SF0KE JVOItkS, S. W, Cor. LEOPARD A OTTER Btreeti, rniLADELrniA. jMr-Send for Price Lilt. T:S0:o 1 1ATENT ItlGHT FOR SALE. 1 I offer for lale Ihe right far the eale df Ihe 0.1- e orated Waahing Macbioe, known aa tba 'Ira 8, Stillman Defiance Washer." In Iba county of Clinton. M ill aell Ihe right for the rntiro county, or for eaeh townahip. Tbii .Wiaher il known to be one of the rery beat la oae, end their lale ia rery large whererer intro duced: Apply by letter or In peraon lo J. A. TEltPR, norl 3m t.oth.r.burg, Clearfield Co., Pa. " IMEf LIME! ' Tha undirl.fftind ll HAW ftpenftrrd ta fnrnliti the public with an aicellint quality of Bollofonte Wood-Burned Lime. for plastering ttarpntrs, hy the larga or isnall qiiantiiy. Can be found for thn present t Tie's new bttll.luig, on Market street. oeti-tr id p. Hfti ieijuuwu. Bead's Embrocation, Vlatr rowiLi'i,) For all dlaeaael laiideat I Heraea, Cattli, aid Haaaaa Utah, req tring Ihe nil ef aa external applieatlea. Thii Bmhroeatloa waa eitenaiiilr a.ed by tke Qoreraaeat during Ihe war, For lale by Rartiwlck A Irwin, Cleartcld R. Ii.rln, Cerwenarllle. Dlnle) lned. ander. Lattifaborg. ' p' " -J ' if. gratistrji. ANNOUNCEMENT OF TUG QRKAT REDUCTION OF PRICES 1 BY n. POBTr.R HI AW, D. D. f IMPORTANT TItCTIISi IlaVinr inec;eded In retllnt a llihtcr tariff oa material, hence tho (on anil Bunnell .barge M partial and full lata of Tee:b. aae the beat uianolBCtore ol tertn aiu outer rnaienai. au o oerotioni realitercd and warranted to eer rice and latiitaction. Prienda, reflect that my ohargei for th tnie,' ticn of artificial and the laving of the natural teeth are nowthe moat reeioneMeln Pennaylranla. Preacrre yoertoetb and yon preeerre your heallo. Pattini of the natural UelU ia a healthy, pre lerrativeand uaeful oondition ia made a apeoiaity. Diaoaaea and uialforuiatinuaeoinnien tn tLc meulb, law and aaanclatc parte, are treated and corrected; with fair auoooii Jxaintnationi and ecnamia tioni rare. It would be well for patient, from a diitnnce ta let me know by mail a few dayi befon coming to tho office. ll li rery imiiortint that children between tb agea of lix and twelve yean ahould ban their teeth examined. ' " Anaeilhetici are admlnlitcred aad Teeth re. moved without pile. Imposition! and charlcttr ira judged hy all the world by the exprcesioni of the face, heat how rery dieaatrotie may it therefore be for per aonl lo indulge en expreirioo of dialorted frat.rea, even from a hygienic view. Now, to anjoy natural (not artificial) eomfWfa a nlaaalrll, reaped aod obey natnrll aiinpllcitrea end raalenet. P. PORTKK BII AW, h. . I. OSee la New Uaaoulg Building, Second itreet, Clearfield, Ta. aiayle'7 DENTAL CARD. Dit. A. M. UILL3 'Would aar to hia natlenti and the rub- lie generally, that, baring diaaulred partnerabip wiib Dr. Hhrxw, he ia now doing Ihe entire work of bii olSoe himaelf, lo that patieota need not fear being put nnler toe nanue ni any oiner operator. ClearOeld, March 30, lSrpdSOinohlS J. M. STEWABT, D. D. S., OfEce oror IrwhTa Drug Store, CtT&WESVrLlMC, PA. All dental operation, either la the mecbanleal or operative branch promptly attended to and satisfaction guarantee. '(Special attention paid to the treatment of diseases ef the natural teeth, gnms and mouth. IrrfgftUrft ef the teeth iue ocisfullj corrected. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Ether, and artificial teeth inserted of tbe best urate rial and warranted to render lat ilfaction. april2C71:ly . . 1 . - I - rjUJE MITCHELL WAGOX, FOR Farm, Freight and Plantation Use. Cnirersally knows aa tba ORIGINAL IUCINB WAGON. Made by erperieneed workmen out ef ai good) material a money caq buy We do not claim to build (be lowest priced itT,-igom, but onr aim is ta build a well proportioned witgon id all its parte and excel in durahflify and liht draft. Forth pail quarter of a ecutury the Mitobell Wagoi haa iuceesfully maintained tbe reposition of being the best wagon in nee. The rapidly Increasing demand for them prove! thoir superiority orer all other wagons. t Milefarll. Lewie t Co , Manufacturer!. Biclae. WiKoniin. For lale by THOP, RETIiY. Aug. 6, 1878. Clearfteld, i'a. XTEW LIME K1L3I ! 11 NEAR CiaWKXSVlLLB. The underftfrned would respectfully notify all tereons Interested that he bas Just erected a new ime Kiln, in Pike township, anl will keep ea hand a first-cliss quality ol Oray Lime which will be furnished to farmers, builders and othere at 15 ecntt per b untie 1, oash, at the kiln. JeM-em U. D. CALDWELL. CIIEAI GKOCEUJ-S8! LUMBER CITT, PA. The undersigned announces to his old friends and patrons that he has opened a good line of WKOCEKIES A I'KOVISIO.VS at tbe old stand of Kirk 4 Spencer, far which he solicit a liberal patronage. II. W. SPENCER. Lumber CUr, fa., March 20-tf. IOR tALl- The undersigned offeri for sale a valunble town preporty in the borough ot riearOrid. i.ot SfrxiNd fvet, with a good two- stury plunk home theieon erected with three rooms down stain and four bed rooms up ilatra. Also icwing room aod bath room on second floor. House finished complete from cellar to attic Uoud douhle porch And good water. Prion rea aonahle and payment easy. 20aug73 WM. M. McCUI-LOt'O U. OK SALE! A large and well finished Brick Dwelling, iiln ate on the firer brvnir, in the borough of Clear field, containing e.eren rooms, with good cellar, water In the kitchen, and all the modern conve nience. Pantries, llitb-room, Clo'.he. presses, Ae. Lot sixty feet front and two hundred and thirty feet bach, with a twenty fhot alley on th) east tide. Said building, with all the appurtcnanost will be sold cheap, with payments to suit purcha ser. Application ean be made to the under signed, or to A. C. Tate, Eiq., who will giro all necessary Information to those who desire to In spect the property. T1I03. J. McCrLLOUOII. JuNy 21U,18:S, tf. TJONDS FOU BALE. The Clour- J 9 fold Gas Company Ii oflering iti bonda ai an Inrestment, running from one to ten years, bearing lis. per cent, interest, payable semi-annually oa the first dayi of January and July. The amount ia limited to IO,OtM. being but one-third of the stock of Ihe eotnpsny.thui mak ing tbe bonds a desirable and safe inrestment. They oan Iwd at cither of the Uanki in thii bor ough, or at the Treasurer's ofiW. W. W. IiKTTS, Treasurer. Clearfield, Bept 10, 1873.-tf HOUSB AND LOT FOK SALKl The House and Lot on the corner of Mar ktand Fifth streets, Clearfield, Pa.. Is for anle. The Lot contains nearly an acre of ground. Tho house 1 a Jarga double frame, containing nine rooms. For tertnf and other information apply to the subscriber, at the Post Office. norlJl ' P. A. OAtTl.m. ThcBclis tun Voolcn Factory. Tenn townahip, Clearfleid Co., fa. BVIKEP OUTI OT (OT BURNED U PI The auhsbflhers hare, at great eipemo, rehnUt n naighborhootl neoesiiity, In the erection of n first cliffi Woolefl MaDufactory with all the modern improremchtR attached, and are prepared to make all kinds of Cloths, Cisiimeres, Hatinetti, Ulan keta, Flan net i, Ac Plenty of goodi on hand to lupply all our old and a thousand new oustomers, whom we aik to oome and examine our itoek. , Tha business of CARDING AND FULLING wilt reeelre our especial attention. Proper arrangement! will be made to receive and deliver Wool toiult customers. All work warrint9d and done upon the shortest notice, and by strict atten tion to business we hope to realise a liberal share ef public patronage. 10,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED I We will pay tba highest market price for Wool and lell our manufactured goods as low aa aimllar goods can be bought In the oounty, and whenever we fail lo render reasonable satisfaction wo can alwayi he found at home ready to make proper explanation, either In person or hy letter. JAMES JOHNSON A BOM?, prll?6tf Dower P. O. A NEW DEPARTURE! iL SOMETHING NKW Stone Cutters and Masons. A new firm, under the peine of "W'illitai 4 George Annal, havctarted bn their own hook In the 8tt.n Cutting and St fin alnaon lutein ess in Clearfield, where they will ts fi unJ at al titns ready to taka all entraols and do all kinds 0 woik In their line, from tha building of a Cut Stone Mansion to ibe laying of a Cellar Wall. All work entreated to them will receive prompt attention nnd sntirfaotlon gttarantred. WILLIAM A UK0RUB ANNAL. f learfirld, Oct. SU, IbM.-lm r ANTFeOwA (Jen era I Agent for Clrarfial-I oounty to represent the funitaaatal Life Inturanco Compapy, of Hirlford. Cfnn. An en ergetic man can do well hv addreting, with ref orenees, atiager. dpJ i ' ' ViV'Kh.