of, or In any way control any ulber railroad or canal corporation owning or bitting uudor ils con trol pnrRiist or oomnetlng lion, nor lull nny offiotr of auoh railroad or cecal corporation not M nn offtoer of any other other railroad or eaaal eorporatlon owning or having tbo oontrol of n par allel or competing lino, nnd (bo queetion whethor railroads or onnnli ore parallel or competing llnoi tball, when domluded by tbo pirly toiupUlatant, be dooiiled by ft Jury n In other olvll Issues. Bsc. 6. Mo laoorporaled company doing tho Business of ft common onrritr shall, directly or In directly, proteeute or engage In mining or manu facturing articles for transportation over itft worka, nor shell inch company, directly or Indirectly, engage in my other business tbft that of common cftrriero, or hold or aofjulre laadt, froohold or Isatt hold, directly or tndiraotly, oioopt anoh a ibnll bn necessary for carrying on in bmlnoait but any mining or manufacturing company mayoerry leegta. tha produota of 1U mlnra and manufactories on ita railroad or canal not exceeding flfty milot In Sao. 0. No president, dlrootor, oll'ioer, agent, or employee of any railroad or canal oompnny ahe.ll be tnteroated, dirootly or Indirectly, In the furnish ing ef materiel or auppllee to auoh oompany, or in the buiineee of transportation as a ooininon earrior or freight or pejaengere over the worka owned, leassd, oontrolleil or worked by auoh company. Sao. t. Mo discrimination In ohargoa or facili ties for transportation ahall be made between, transportation oompanlee and Indlviduuls, or in favor of either, by abatement, drawback, or oth erwlse, nnil no railroad or oanal company, or any lessee, manager, or employee thereof, ahnll make ftny profcronoea In furnishing ears or motive power. Bac. 8. No railroad, railway OXuVner'trnne porUtlon company aha! jriTittreepaasoe or pasa ce Ag&irCAfiQ any persons except offloera or "Tmployeea of the company. Bao. v. No atroct pnaaenger railway lhall bo eonatrncted within tbe limitaof ftny city, borough or townrhip without tho conaent of Itt local au thorise. Bio. 10. No railroad, canal or other transportn tlon compnny, in existence at the time of the . adoption of this Article, ahall have the benefit of any future legialatlon by genoral nr special lawa, except on condition of eoinpleto nooeptnnce of nil the proviriona of thin artiote. Bxc 11. Tbe exiatlog power end dutiec of the Auditor General In regard to railroads, canala, and other tranaportatlon oompanioe, exoeitt aa to tbelr aoeonnta, are hereby traoeferred to rue Beo retary ef Internnl Affaire, who ahall hare n gen eral supervision over them, subject to auoh regu- lation nd nlterntiona aa ahall be provided by raw i and in addition to the annual rrporta now required to be made, aaid Seoretary may require epeoial reports at any time upon any anbjeet ro uting to toe buaineaa of aaid oompanlee from any officer oroffioera thereof. Bao. 12. The General Assembly ahall enforce by appropriate legislation the provisions of thin ARTICLE XVIII. rotum ahikmiikti. . BxomotI 1. Any amendment or amendment! to thia eonatitutioa may be prnpoeed in the Senate or llooae of Reprerentativoa, and if the came aball be agreed to by a majority of tho membera elected to eaoh houee, auoh propoacd amendment or .amendments ahall be entered on their Journals, with tbo yeaa and naya taktn thereon, and the Secretary of the Commonwealth aball eauae the aame to be publiahed three montha before the next general election In at leaat two newapaper in every county in which euch ntwspnpers ahall be publiahed j end If, in the'Oeneml Aaaembly next afterwarda ohoien, anch proposed amend ment or amendmenta ahall be agreed lo bv a ma- . Jortty of the membera eleoted to each hor e, the Secretary of the Commonwealth aball caue the name again to be publiahed .a the manner afore aaid, and anoh proposed amendment or amend ments lhall be aubmltted to the qualified eleotora of the State in anch manner, and at auoh time, at leaat three montha after being eo agreed to by tbe two boneee, aa the General Aaaemby ahall pro scribe) and if auoh amendment or amendmente ahall be approved by a majority of tboae voting uiereon, auon ntnendmr-it or amendment! aball beoome n part of tbe oouititutlon t but no amend ment or nmendinenta ahall be aubmltted oftener than onoe in fire yeara t when two or mere amend ment! ahaU no lubmitled they ahall be voted apoa separately. SCHEDULE. ' . That no tnconvealenoe may aria from the change! In the conatltntion of the Commonwealth, and and in order to carry the aame into complete operation, It il hereby declared that : i Bbctiow 1. Tbil oonatitution ahall take effect on tbe first day of Janoarr. in the veer one thon- aand eight hundred and eeventy-four, for all pur- pom not oiuerwiae proviaeu ror inerein.s ; Bee. 1. All law! in force in thia Cotnmonwoalfh at the time of the uiloptlou of thia oonatitution sot inooniietent therewith, and all right!, aotiona. prosecutions, and oontracta, ahall oontinna aa If Urn constitution bad not been adopted. , Bac. 8. At the general election In the years one thouiend eight hundred and eerety-four and ono thousand eight hundred nnd Seventy-Are, Sena tors ahall be elected in all diatriots where there ahall be vacanciea. Thoaa elected In the year one thousand eight hundred and aevanty-four hell serve for two yeara, and those elected In the year one tnonsana eight hundred and aeveuty 1 e shall serve for one year. Senators now elect ad, and those whose terms am unexpired, shall represent the districts In which they reside until the end of the tertui fur which they were elected. sac. . At tne general eleotion in tbe year one thousand elxbt hundred and aavontv-aix. Sanatur. shall be eleoted from the even numbered diatrieta to serve for tare years, and from odd numbered districts to serve for four years. Bsc. 8. The first election of Governor under tun oonstitotion aball be at the general election in the year one thousand liiht hundred and sev. enty-fivr, when a Governor shall be elected fir three years; and tbe term or the uovernor eleoted In tbe year one thousand eight hundred and aer. enty-elght and of those thereafter eleoted ahall be for four years, according to the provisions of thia -aonslitution. Bac. 0. At the general election In the year one thoueand eight hundred and seventy-four a Lieu tenant Uovernor ahall be elected according to the proviaiona of thii constitution. Bao. T. The Secretary of Internal ArTalri lhall be elected at the first general election after tne adoption of thia constitution ; and when tbe laid ouosr aball be duly elected and qualified, the of fice of Surveyor Ueneral lhall be abolished, and the Surveyor General in offioe at tbe time of the adoption of this constitution shsll continue In of Hoc until the expiration of the term for which he was elected. Bac. 8. When the Superintendent of Public In struction lhall be duly qualified, tbe office of Su perintendent of Common Schools aball cease Snc. 9. Nothing contained in thia oonatitution . ahall he eooatroed to render any peraon now hold ing any Stale office for a first official term ineli gible for re election at the end of such term. Bao. 111. The Jndgea of the Supreme Court In . Hce when thia constitution shall takevffeel shall -continue until theireosamlsslons severally expire. Two judges In addition to tha number new com posing the said court shall be elected at tbe first general eleotion after the adoption of this conitl tutloa. - . 8nc. 11. All court! of record and all eilatfhg court! which arc not specified in Ibis constitution ahall continne in existence until the first day of December, In the year one thousand eight bun dled and leventy-fiva, without abridgment of their present Jurisdiction, but no longer. The Court of First Criminal Jurisdtctlou for the coun ties of Schuylkill, Lebanon and Dauphin Is hereby abolished ; and all oaneoa and proceedings pend ing therein in the county of Schuylkill shall be triad and disposed of in tho Coasts of Oyer and (terminer and Quarter Sessions of tha i'cace of said county. Sn. 18. The registers' courU now In existence shall bn abolished on tbe first day of January next succeeding the adoption of thia constitution. Bac. 1.1. The General Assembly shall, at tha next session after the adoption of thia constitu tion, designate the several judicial districU as re quired by this constitution. The Judges in com mission when auoh designation aball unmade shall continue during their nnosplred terms Judges of tbe new districts In which they reside. Uat when there shall be twe Judgea residing la the same liitrlet, tha president judge shall elect to which dltlrict he lhall be assigned j and the additional law judge shall be assigned to tbe other district. Bfc. 14. The General Assembly aball, at tha next suooeeding session after each decennial cau cus, nnd not ollener, doaignate tha several judicial ellitricte aa required by Una constitution, Bao. 18. Juilgea learned In tbe law of any eonrt of record holding aommissiona in force at the adoption of thia constitution shall hold their re sperlive offlcos until che expiration of the terms for which they were commissioned, and until their eneeeaasra shell be duly qualified. The Governor shsll oommlselon the nresident Indra or the IWri f first Criminal Jurisdiction for tbe counties of Sobuylkill, Lebanon aad Dauphin as a Judge of m wv-re ui uommon riess of Bcnuyixtu county for the unexpired term of bis office. Bin. 18, After the expiration of the term of any president Judge of any Court of Common Plena in commisaion at the adoption of thia constitution, tha Judge of auch court learned in the law and oldeat lo commisaion ahall be the president Judge thereof, and when two ormore Jndgea are eleoted at the oama time In any Judicial district, they shall decide by lot which shall be president Judgei but when the president Judge of a court shall be re-elected be shall continue to be president Judge ef that court. Associate Judges, not learned In the law, elected after the adoption of thia consti tution, eball be commissioned to hold their offices for the term of five yean from tbe firit day of Jsauary next after tbeir election. Bao. 17. Thn tieneral Assembly at the first ces sion after tbe adoption ef thia constitution shnll 8a aad determine Use eampenaatiea of tbe Judges f tae Supreme Cans aad ef the Jndgea of tha evaraa Judicial diatrieta of the Commonwealth, and tbe proTisionsof the fifteenth section of the article na Legislation eball not be deemed luoou slslent herewith. Nothing contained in this ooo. etltatloa ahall be bald to reduce the compensation ow paid to any law Judge of UiisComuoowealth sow In enmmlaaioa. lao. 18. The Ceurta ef Common Pleas In the eouaUee of Philadelphia and Allegheny shnll he 'imposed of the president Judges or tbe District Ccnrt aad Oeart or Coalmen fleas of said coun ties until their ofieee aball severally and, aad of euch other judges aa asajr front Urn to Mum be aeleeted. . , , Por the purpose of first organisation In Phlhv delpklathejndgai of the Court itMber eta shall be Judges Allison, Pierce nnd Paxsnni of thn Court uuuiber two, Jndgss Bare, Mitchell and one other judge to he eleoted l or the Court number throe, Jutlgea Ludlow, Vinletterand Lynd, and of ine uonrt nnintirr four, J udfrns i nayor, uriggs and ooo other judge to be eleoted, Tbe Judgo first named shall be the president judge of said oourts respectively, nnd thereafter tha preaiilent judge shall be tha Judge oldest In oummli'eiun but any president Judgo ro-elootod in the same court or district shall oontlnue to be president Judge thereof. The additional Judgei for Court! number two and four shall be voted for nnd elected at the first general election after tbe adoption of this consti tution in the same manner aa tha twn additional judgea of tha Bunreme 0o rt. and the shall dm. cide by lot to which court they shall belong. Tbelr term oi once auatt commence on the firat Monday of January, In the year ona thousand tight hun dred and seventy-five. Bao. 18. In the county of Allegheny, for the purpose of first organisation under this oonsti tution, the Judges of tha Court of Common Plena at the time of the adoption of this Constitution shall be tbe Judgea of the Court number one, aad the lodges of the District Court at the aame date shsll be the Judgea of the Common Pleat nnmber two. The president Judges of the Common Pleat nnd District Courts ahnll be preeident Judges nf said Court! number ona and two reaaectivelv nntll their offices ahall end, and thereafter the Judgo omosi in commission snail be president Judo; but nny president Judge re-eleotod in the same court or distrlot shall oontinna tb; prcililsnt Judge thereof. - - Sic. 80. The orgnnlaation of lha Courts tf Corn man Pleas, under this constitution, for the eoun tlee nf Philadelphia and Allegheny, shall take ef fect on the Drat Hon day of Janunry, one thnuaand eight hundred and acventy-five. nnd existing court! in laid counliec shall oontlnue vglth their present powers and Jurisdiction until that date; but no new auitt shall be instituted In the Conrls of Nisi Print after the adoption of thii coustl tution. Bite. 81. The cancel and proceedings pending In the Court of Nisi Prim, Court of Common Plees, and District Court in Philadelphia, shall be tried and disposed of in the Court of Common Pleas. The records and dockets of said courts aball be transferred to tha Prothonotary't office of laid county. Bnci 82. The eanett aad nroceedines nendlne- In the Conrt of Common Pica! In ba oouuty nt Allegheny ahall be tried and dispoaed of in tbe court number one; and the onuses and proceedings pending in the District Court shall be tried and dispoaed of in the court number two. Bnc. 83. The Prothonoturyof the Court of Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia ahall be first appoint ed by tbe Judgea of aaid court on the first Monday of December,. In the year one thousand eight hun dred and sevcnty.flve t nnd the present Prothono. Ury of the District Court In aaid eounty ahnll be toe rrotnonorary oi ine eatd uourt or Common Plena until aaid data, when hit commission shall expire, and tbe present Clerk nf the Court of uyer and iorminerxand yuarter Sessions of tbe fence tn Philadelphia ahall be the clerk of such court until the expiration of his present commis sion on tbe first Monday of December in tiieyear one thousand eight hundred nnd seventy five. Bac. St. In oltiee contnlnlng over fifty thousand inhabitants (except Philadelphia) all aldermen in omen at the time of the adoption of thia oonatitution lhall continne in offioe nntll the eipiratloa of tbelr oomniisiiooa, and at theelcctloa lor oily nnd ward officers In the year one tboueaad eight hundred and seventy-five one alderman shall be elected in eaoh ward, aa nrovided in tbia eunstitntion. Sno. 15. In Philadelphia, magistrates in lieu of aioermen snail be enosen as required in this con stitution at the election in aaid city for oity and ward ofiicera in the vtar one thousand aiirht hun dred and aeventy-five; their term of office shell oommenco on the first Monday of April suooeeding ineir election. Tbe terms of offioe of aldermen In eaid altv. holding or entitled to commissions at tbe time of the adoption or tun couititnlion, shall not be af fected thereby. Bac. 2o. All persons In office In this Common wealth at the time of the adootion of tbieoonatl- tation, and at tbe II rat election under it, aball bold their respective offices nntib tbe term for which tbey have been eleoted or appointed ahall expire, and until their anooeiicra ahall be duly qualified. unices omerwise provided in inis constitution. Bao. 17. The seventh article of tbla conatila Hon, presoribiag an oath of offioe, ahall tokeeflent en and alter tbe first day of January, one then aand eight hundred nnd seventy-five. Bno. 38. Tbe terms of offioe of eonntv contents. sioBers nnd oonnty nuditort chosen prior lo the year ooethonsand eight hundred aadserenty-fiva, which ahall not have expired before tbe first Mon day of January, in tbe yenr one thousand eight uuntireu ana aeveniy. six, snail expire on that day. Bsc. 88. All Slate, cent v. citv. ward, horoovh and township officera in office at tha time or the adoption or this oonstitotion, whose compensation is not provided for by salaries alone, ahall continue to receive the compensation allowed tbetn by law until tha expiration of laear respective terms of OO10O. Sao. 80. All Slate and fcldlntal Itinera hentn. fore elected, sworn, affirmed, or in office when thia oonalilulina eball lakeetTeot, ahall severally, with in one monin alter suon adnntloa. take e.nil inn. scribe an oath (or alhrmalioo) to sunsort Ibis eonatilMllnn r Ban. II. The General Asiemblv. nt Its first sea. sion, or as toon at may be after the adoption af uuui.iiuiMin, eoau pass suon laws as may be necessary to oarrv the aame Into full fame .nH effect. Bac. 88 The ordinance naased bv this n,e. lion, entitled "An ordinance for submitting the amended constitution or Pennsylvania to a vote of the electors thereof," ahall be held to be valid for all the purposes thereof) - Bac. 88. Tiie words "County Commissioners." wnerever need in this constitution, nnd in any or dinance aocompanrlng the aame, shall be held to Include the Commissioners for tbe city of Phila delphia. ' Adopted at Philadelphia, on the third dny of November, in the vear of eur Lord one il.o..n.l eight hundred and aeveutjMbroe. Omen or Bncnr.TABr or vnn Cocwiith, isaaRlKBi'BO, HOV. 13, JH73. 1 eartlfr that the forewoin ! snrM.1 M.,.Ar the new Constitution, proposed to the people of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for their ap proval or rejection, as the aame appears of record in this office. M. 8. UUAT. Secretary of Commonwealth. AN ORDINANCE ron srsKtmsn vnn iskmii coanvi:noir o rnassTLVixiA to i vera or ma gfauinsn ti.cvona ruannor, is rassan tnoono nntntao. is ft orduined by ( Poslilnliorl CWnliea af ue o fsauyleaaio, us oIIom: t. That the amended Constitution nrann K thia Convention be submitted to the nmi;ai electors of tbe Commonwealth, for their adoption or rejection, at an eleotion, to he held on tbe third io.es.iay oi iieraraber next exeepl as hereinaf ter ordered and directed, tbe said election shall be held and conducted bv tha rrcular election . oert in tbe several election disuiots throughout the Cnmmonwenlth, under all the regulations and prvTiutme oi existing laws relating lo general elections and the sheriffs of the eeveral eountlae shall give at leaat twenty dayi notice of eaid eleo siuu ny proclamation. 8. Tbo Seoretary of the Commonwealth shall. at least twenty days before the said eleeliea, fur nish to the Commissioners of each eounty ft suf ficient somber as.' properly prepared circulars of instructions. Tbe Commissioners of the several counties shell cause to be printed at least three) timet as many ballots or alnrmetive votes aa there art Vetera In eaoh county aad the tame number or negative vctct) and the aaid .Commissioners shall, at leaat fire daya before aaid election, cause to be fairly distributed to the several election dis tricU in their respective counties, the said ballota, tally lilts, returns, circulars of instructions and such ether books and pspers as may be necessary. Tbe ballota shall be printed or written In the fol lowing form t On the oul'ide the words "New Constitution " in the inside for nil persons givlrtg affirmative votoa tha worda "Fur tbe New Consti tution," and for all psrsons giting negative votes the words "Against the New Constitution." t. if It abet! appe.tr that a majority of the votes nollod ore fur the new Onntii.,ilnn k. it shall be the Conalitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on and after the first day of Jan unry, tn tne year or onr Lord one thousand eight' hundred and teventy.fonr t but If It shall appear that a majority of the votes pulled were againat the new Constitution, then it ahall be rejected and be null and void. 8. Fire Commlaslnnere of Kleotlnn. vlai ICdwIn II. Filler, Edward Urowninr. John P. Verree. Henry H. Hngert nnd John O. James, are hereby appointed by this Convention, who shsll have di rection of the eleotion upon tbia amended Conali tution In the city of Philadelphia. Tha aaid Com missioners shall be duly, cworn or affirmed to per form tbeir dutlet with impartiality and fidelity. They shall also hare power to fill vacancies In their own number. It ahall bt the duty or aaid Cummisaiouera, or n maj rlty of them, and they ahall hate authority to make a regiatratlon of vcteri for the eeveral election divisions ol said city,And to furnish Ihe lists so made to the eleo tion officera or each precinct or division t to dis tribute the tlckett for laid city provided for by tbia ordinance to be used at the eleotion ; to np poiut a Juge and two Inspectors for each election division, by whom the election therein ebell be held and onoduoted, and to give all aeceesary in structions to the election effleera rexardina tbeir duties In holding the eleotlun nnd in making re turns taorcoi. ao person shall serve at an tloa- tion officer who would he disqualified under Bem tioa IS, Article 8, of tbe now Constitution. The general return of the election In the said city shall be opened, computed and eertiflod before tbe sold Commissioners, and with their approval which approval shsll he endorsed upon ths return. They shall make report, directed to tht President of this Convention, of their official notion under thia ordinanoe and concerning tbe conduct of tha aaid election within the aaid city. The Judgei and Inspector! aforesaid shall on ti ded the election In all respects oonformably to lha general aleetioa Inert of thii Commonwealth, and witi lite powers and duties to those of ordiaar aleetioa officers. Kaeb Inspector aball appoint one cirra eo aeaiet aae award la tue performance of ita dutlea, and all nbeatactlon officers shall be duly sworn or affirmed aeoerdlag to law, and shall pos sess all tbe unaliAcetioat retired by lair of elec tion trnoeri in this Commonwealth. At mid elec tion any duly qoallned eleetor who ahall bt sa registered, shall be permitted to volt apoi making firoor or bis right to the election officers, aooord ng to the geueral elootlcn lawa or tbia Onminon wealth, lleturu Inspectors and their clerks and an hourly count of the vutee shall bo dispensed with, but overseers of election may be selected fur any prerinot by said Kleotlnn Ouiiiuiiaionf rs,wuusedu tieaaud powera ahall bn tbe same as those of over eeersof election in said qjly under exist ingelectiun laws applicable thereto, rteturtis of Ihe eleotion shall bo made In aaid city a In Hie case of an elec tion for Governor, but n triplicate general return for aaid oily shnll be made out and forwarded to tbe President of tbia Convention at llarrlsbarg, aa is hereinafter provided in case of county re turn a. ' 8. In eaoh of the eounllea of the Ccmmonncaltb, (except Philadelphia.) Ihe returns of tbe election shall be made as in the caee of aa eleotloo fur Governor, but the return Judgei in each oouuty ahall make out a triplicate oonnty return nnd trantmit the aama, within five dayt tfter the election, directed to tht President of this Conven tion, at llarriaburg. Done In Convention this Third day of Novem ber, tn the year of our Lord, one thouaaud eight hundred and icventy-three. JOHN II.WALKEB, President. D.L.IHDHIB, Clerk. A trus copy of ordinanos of submission. M.S. QUA r, Secretary of tht Commonwealth. SHAW HOUSE," " . . (Cor. of Market A Front streets,) CLKAHV1ELD, PA. The undersigned having taken charge of this Hotel, would respectfully solicit public pstronage. octl'78 K. NKWTON SUAW. LEONARD HOUSE, Opposite Railroad Depot, CLLAHFIELD, PA. Pleaaantly looated and a Arst-elasa hotel Is all respecte. break last for nnaeengere leaving on morning train. Wll. B. 11KAD1.EY, June 11,1878. Proprietor. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. This new and well furnished house haa been taken by the unjereigned. He foela confident or being able to render aalisfaolion to tbott who may favor him with a call. May 8, 1873. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. jT ON TOUR HOUSE, Opposite tht Court Ilouia, LOCK HAVEN, PBNN'A. jeli JI mCSEAL A KROM, Prop's. B UOCKERIIOVK HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PA, D. JOHNSTON B0N8, 0011571 Proprletore. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CUnWKNSVILLK, a Clearfield county, Penn'a. Thlt old and well eetablilhed Hotel, beautifully lituatea on the banka of the Susquehanna, In the borough of Curwensville, baa been leased for a term ol yeara by the undersigned. It hat been entirely refitted, and Is now open to the public generally and the traveling eoratnunity in par ticular. No paina will bt epared to ronder guests comfortable while tarrying nt this house. Ample Stabling -room for tbe accommodation nf tenuis. Charges moderate. Sept. 18, I870.tr. ELI BLOOM. TEE ZE02TSIOS3 TIN AND STOVE STORE I G. S. FLEGAL, Philipsbaif, Coatri County, It, THK undersigned rtaptctfnlly announces to tht pnbllt that bt hat on hand a tare-fully-tsltcttd aad well assorted l lock of STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW - WARE J TIN, COPrER AND SHEET-IRON WARE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! His stock of Cooking Storm consist! tf IHE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which bare never failed to bring peace and prosperity into leaatllee when It It used, Diamond Stale, Parmer, Herald. Charm, Spears' California Cook Stove, Spears' Antl-Duat, Gas-Burnlng Cooking Blovea. Victor, Eellance and Union Kanxet, Speart' Cooking Hangea, At., eta. kaVTht Tls and Sheet Iron wart tires with tbe Btovet It made of tha heavlael aad heat material, aad warranted lo girt perfect telle faction. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves Il larger, better and cheaper than tvtr btfort axhlbittd ts tht publio consisting of Spears' Revolving Light Illuminating Stove, Bpeara Ami uuti uaa uurning Parlor Ntove, fipsara' Orhionlnr Gas-Doming Pnrlor Btove, Bpeara' Gaa-Burr-lag Parlor Stove, Boquel, Pearl, Oom, Ida, Ban, Tropio, Nevada, " Ac, Aa. Vulcan, Sin and Victor Tleatart, Speart' Re volving sjignt ueatera. , Be II alto prepared to furnish a tomnlata assortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c, 4 Wholtialt or retail, manufactured neatly and with the sole view to service, from tht beit ma terial Is tht market. PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPIR, BRASS, PORCRLAIN, TIN-LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLKS, Of every description constantly os hand. ORDERS FOR BPOCTlflO, ROOFINO And other work belonging ta kit batlnett will bt promptly tiled by experienced and skillful workmtn. BRASS, COITER. OLD METAL, RAGS AMD CASH Taktn Is oxehenge for goods. taar-Ht especially Invitee tbt tttentlcs nf Marcnentt wisning t nnrcnase atwboietale.aa they will 8nd It tn Ih-lr advantage to examine his stock Before purchasing elsewhere Look tut fnr tht Big Sign opposite tht rssl- dtnet or airs. Dr. rotter. All Ooost WannairtD at Rirxtinxvin. 83. 8. Ft. EG At. Pblllpsbnrg, Just 8, 1870. ftng4 88 Attention, Lumbermen! I are now manufacturing onr IMPROVED STB HI, BOCKKT DHIVINU CANT. HOOKS, auparlor to any other In one. Wa hare alsn In stock a large quantity of Canttiookt snlta bit for rafting parposes, which wa are aelling 'heap for cash. AMOS A K. KB a NA IID. Ulcer-eld, fa., march II, II7I. Q.UNSiIITIIINO. ... ,; Q. W. WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. ' Shop on Third street, ever Rlley'l blacksmith Jftop, CLEARFIRLD, PA. An Unas or n.nes ana enot unnt on nana. Renalrlag done la first slail manner and at fair prion-. . 8 J8 iJ Wo desire to call the attention or tho citizens or Clearfield county to the fuct that we havo opened a MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Wlicro we intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of " PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Our slock of PIANOS will consist of .- , RAVEN it COMPANY'S PIANOS, . We are prepared at all times lavorablo terms as to prices pnu Our stock of ORG ANS will comiet of the new and popular . RYNDER ORGAN, (with Rynder's Knee Ticmolo and downward The SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S NEW HAVEN ME LODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides these we furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. We sell on every plan known POPULAR AND CAST LLASL 1 LAiN. On our easy terras every one amount will tend so much to JUAK.1S liuaiu llAffl. -, v e) - DCTWe shall be glad to haveJU call and see us, whether you desire to purchase or not. oct2372-ly. . HYNDEIVS MUSIC STORE. V.isfrUnnroua. rpo TUB FRONT! GREAT EXCITEMENT AT TUB CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON I Tbt nndcralgned having just filed np naw, large and comfortahle ron ins on Market street, near Ttilrd. respectful! Informs the public tbal he now drepared lo accommodate them with everything in his line on short notice and at all heurt of the dajr. lit keept na band ERkSII BREAD, BUSKS, BOLLS, TIRa, CAKES, all kinds. ICE CREAM, aad a general assortment of CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, NCT3, Ac Allofwhleh wll1 be delivered tn customers at their reslilwnoes. when requested ta do so. ICE CREAM, j the dish, tarred In a neatlj fur. . a Ished room. Thankful for the generous patronage bestowed in the past, he kopec to merit aad tnceive a eon Unutnot'of tbe tame from hit old custo mers, and others. JOHN STADLER. JunelS.TS-tf. HAYES, COULTER & CO., 6uoora to W. A. Arnold. MAfH' FACTUM KM OW Heaters, Ranges, Low Crates and MARBELIZED SLATS MANTELS. Solo agsnta for tht celebrated CIIILSON COOKING RANGE. T-8snd for Catalogues. No. 1305 Chestnut Street, JuntlS-tm PHILADELPHIA. JO SHANNON LANDAND LUMBER COMPANY, OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, nitrricTcnat LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS inn , Sawed A Patent Silbed Shingki. . n. It. BIIILLINOFOBD, President, OOce Forest Place, No. 1 25 S. 4th St., Phil 'a. JOHN lAWSnn, Oeneral Bup't., Osceola Mills, Clearfield eoanlj, Pa. Atao TOWN LOTS f-r tale In the borough of Osceola. 1 Also Kerp the I.ARflKFT ASSORTMENT cfUoods In Uearneld oeuntv nt their Mnmmoih Store In Osceola. Jei.J il O. I. c. WURRR lo buy my PRT flOODa, 0R0 orl. QuMniiware, Ulatuwaro, Druri aad No lioo B, ConfMtioner.. At, cheap foroaah. Tbo mbwribvr Irara to inform bll old and new eualomori that ht bai oeued A VARIETY BTORB . IN GLEN HOPE, PA. An.l .111 ..II .1 w.rtev tM ...II Ik. lie... A liberal mlnolioa will ba mad to ouatomera ku. log at wholasale. Tall anil Avtinilna m atiirlr lti-t. tMV...t. ekewhnra. A liberal aharo of public pa turn ago il olleUvd. 0. J. KEAOT. (lcw Ilopa, Pa., Jona 14, 1B71. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY, THE andersigned, bnvlng established a K. tery on tbe 'fiks, about halfway between ClearHeld and Curwensville, Is nrenered tn fur nish tU sleds of FRUIT THEKr,(stiadardtn twnrf.) Kvtrgrttaa, nnraontry. urape Vlnea, Oeoeeherriat. Lawtoa Placbbetrr. Btrawbsrrv. and Raaberry Tiatt. Alsn, Siberia Drab Treat, Quince, aad early tesrlet Hhabarb, Ac. Ordtn froaiptly atteaded ta. Address, v. wnram. ttstt-tl- ' CrwDvUI, T I I,' i ' sH'.gl MARKET STREET, I. A IS F I ELI), PI! Iff STEIN WAY & SONS' PIANOS, HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS. to furnish any of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on tho most terms oi payment. MASON & to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR can have a good instrument, nUrfllaufou. QLEARFIELD- PLANING MILL COMPANY, TI1R ndeM!fnc1, meetftwrt lo REED k rOW bav l.Qn-b.iuvt th tl.KAR- llKLD PLANING MlLL, tod red tied It fur doing tn cxlftiiiT buiiii. All th Dtiebinery will bt d Icni-BieMsary to mk It on of tha nvist eotii.lt ctah Ubmeati ot tbo kind in th Mate. I bey r mow prrpartyt to rrecivo onln for any work In that lioo. Tbty will giMqwial ftttoution to all atri.vlf for bovao builUiog. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, ottmtCKETS, jaovi.niA'a, tst. Or ALL BTVLES, always on band. WORKED BOARDS, aad all artfelea wa ry for bill I dint:, b xehai.irod fur 1KY LUMIlEK, to that poraoai ot m diataaeo May hring tbttr lamtrcr, ti eta at go it for, and rottirn bonia with tbt muafaeiurad ftrtiolot. Tha Crtrnpany will always bar oo band a larjro lock of dry lain bar, to aa to bo abio to fill ai ordrr od tha ahrtfct ftotieo. Ooty tbo baat and moat akillfttl handa will b employed, ao tbat tbe pabtie may rely opoo good work. 4 Lumber will bo worked or told ai low at tt oaa be pare'hafed anywhero, and warranted to fire fatufaotiuo. Aa tha bun In will be dtine upon the eaah prinoiplo wa oaa afford to work fgr email pruftlt. . i DRY LUMBER WANTED 1 Epeclallj nno nnd u-half nnd two Inch panel stun", ror which a liberal price will be paid. Tbe basinets will be conducted under tbe name of the "Clearfield Tlaning Mill Co." 0. II. Marrtll will pertonallj toperintend tbe busintts. Ordcn rerpeclfully tollelled. 0. B. MERRELL. H. B. TAYLOR. DAVID MoUAUOMKT. M. 0. EHOWN A UUO. Cletrleld, Pa., Januer (, IBT3. BRICK I BRICK I BRICKI A HEW BRICK YARD. TIT S. PI.FMMKIl A CO., ntvlng started Ilea new nnd exlensiva Erich Yard In Cli-erfteM, are prepared to make contracts for first olnsi Hod Rrirb, ill large or email quantities. Ordors and eorreanondsnee solicited. Informa tion enn be otilainrd b celling at Kvnder'a Mu tie more, or by au'lresslng W.S. PLUMMER A CO., Cleerllcld, I't. mjT-tf The Lightning Tamer. TUB nnd.rslirned art tbt jolt Agents In tblt tuniv for the"Norlh Ameriean Galvanlaed LIUU1NINO ROUS." Tjs.c are lee only sal. rods now In use, and are eadorted bj all tbt telentiAc men in tbe country. We hereby nollfr the eltiteni of tbt tnnnty thtt wt will put then ap a better rod. and tor less money, than It thargrd by tbt foreign ageote who annnally traveree tha aonnt, aad tarry of nur little cash, never tn return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR, Those wishing Lightning Roda erected ol tbelr baildlnge Bead but addreaa na by letter, or aall In person. We will put tbea np nnywhera In theeonnty, and wnrrnnltnens. Tne riots aad Kiatures eaa bt acta at any time by calling al our store. II F. BIGLKK A CJ, Cleerlald, March 10. inro ti FAIRBANKS' STANDARD H C A Id E N, or an Kinnti Baggage Barrows, Warehouse Trucks, Copying rreaeet, Improved Money Drawer, Aa. , . . ron BALt it II. R BIOLER b CO., Iralera la Hardware), raohtwrK tf u Beeaad Street, Clorteld, Pa. BARGAINS I3T MUSICAL IN-STRUMKNTHI-eOrgatia, both new and second band, at tbe U uato ttiore, oppnelta tlullob's Purnlture Store. All persona InUrssted are tori ted lo call aad emmsue a new ttyla of Organ new on exhibition. Sheet Music aad Music Dernkt (ecDitutiyenliut. afUt-ritf . Octave Coupler,) OltGANS, HAMLIN'S ORGAN?, and the CASH, ON NOTES, or on tho v and no other investment of like Clearfield County Bank. rpHB Clearleld County Bank tt an lacornora X ted Institution nas gone out of eiistence by ttie surrender of Itt tbtrttr, nn Mav II. 18Aa. All Itt stock is owned by tbt subscribers, who will continue the Hanking batlnett tt tht aantt place, aa private Bankert. under tbe Ita nsat ef the "(,'l.erfield Cotuty Bank," We are ra apoosihlefor tbe debts ol the Bank, and will pay its notes on demand nt the counter. Deposits reoeived end tntereel paid when money la left for a fixed time. Paper ditreuaied nt six per rent, es heretofore. Onr personal responsibility it pledged for all Deioeitt received and business trans eted. A tontlnnenca tf ihe liberal pat ronage of tbo besinaaa men of the county Is re specttully solicited. As President, Cashier aad oA?ors ef tr-a lata Clearfield Ceanty Bank, we require the notes of said Bank to be presented for redemption. UH. T. LPONARD, RICHARD SflAW, WM. PORTKR, JAS. B. OR HAM, A. L. RKKD, WM. A. WALLACR- The business of the Bnnh will bt eondnrted by John M' Adams., Esq.. as Cashier. il l T County National Bank, OF CLEARFIF.LD, PA. ROOM lit Masonio Building, nnedoor north al C. D. Vi'elson'B Drug Store. Peerage Tickets to and Iron Liverpool, Qoeena town, tllasgnw, London, Paris and Copenhagen. AUu, Drafla fur Bale on tbe Itoyal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. JAMKS T. LEONARD, Pret't. W. M. SHAW, Casbier. Otl:l:7J t. D. M M Irk. Edward Perks. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE Of mcgirk & perks. 8iioMork to Foiter, Ptrlu, A Co., rtit!lpbnpffa Centre Conutr, Pa. WUEItC all th ban new of Banking Hontt wil oo tnuititctod pronptlj ud upon I be Boit iVroraol Urmt- Bieu74f DREXEL & CO., No. t ttoulh Third Mtrcet, Philadelphia BJJTKKIIS, And Dealors in Government Securities. Application by mail will reeoire prompt atten tion, and all lafurittution cheerfully furnished. Orders sollcled. April ll-tf. Uistdlaafous. READING FOR ALLII BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market St., ClearBcld. (at tha PoatOhVe.) ffill It andersigned bege leave to announce re A the eitlaena a' Clearfield and vicinity, tbat be hes fittsd np a room aad haa juat returned from Ihe ally with a large aiaoaat af reading mutter, conaiating In part af Eibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account aad Paaa Books of every de scription Paper nnd Envelope, French pretted and plain i Ptnt nnd Pensile Blink, Legal Papers, Deeds, Mortgagee Judgment, Exemp tion and Promieaory notes White nnd I'arch; ment Brief. Legal Cap, Record Cap, and Bill Cap, Sheet, Music for either I'laao, Flute nr Violin constantly on bnnd. Any books er ttstlonery desired that I may not hurt ea band, will be or. ordered by first express, and told it wholesale or retail to ault euatemert. I will also keep periodical literature, suoh aa Magaalaaa, News, papers, Aa. P. A. 0 All LID. CIcasneld May f, IHAS-tf MAIIBLE A.D STOVE YAED ! M. 8. S. LIDDELL, flaring engaged In tbt Marble business, desires to Inform her friends tnd Ihe public that tht bat now tnd will keep constantly on band a largo and ..l.steil Wk f tTAMAK 1Kb VSUWOHT MARBLE, aad la prepared ta furnish ta order TOMBSTONES, " BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Curbs and Poatt for Cemetery Lots, Window Sills and Caps, also, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ac, At. a,Yard on Seed street, near the R, R. Depot, Clcarlield, Pa. JeT,71 DAVID YOUNG, Slonc-CuUcr and Stonc-KIason, WILL execute all work la Ms lint al mod aratt pricet and In FIRST-CLASS ttylt Architectural Ornaments ta ALL STYLES, Stona Drettlag er tvtr) description, nnd nil klnda of mnsan wcrk cob traeted for In or out of theeonnty. Any penons wishing to have retpeotable mason work and stone-ratting done, will find it to tnelr Interest to call npnu ma I would aim Inform the pub lic tbat I can deliver any qnnntlty ar tlatt al stone deelred, aa I am tht nwner ef FIRST-CLASS STONE QUAERY Ordtfl for work tan bt tddressed to DAVID YOUNO, mar:i,TI Clearfield Ta. TUE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXEI ' Mannfacturad eapeclally for TUE CLEARFIELD TRADE, a nt iau i aigd tl . B. MIOUB h fe). gaulinirf, SEinunrr, &t. 8ACEETT & SCUUTYER, HARDWARE, and manufaotarart of TIn,Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Booood Street, CIEAIPIBID, PA. Ilavme larrelv lacreated our stock of ITard ware, wa InvtU tht public to examine our atock ana prions. Carpenters nnd peraontwbn contemplate build Ing will do well to eiamlnt our TOOLS ft BTJILDISO HABDWAEE, which la new and of tbt best manufacture, and win ne aoia low lor eaaa. NAILS, . UIjASS, PUTTY, ' . GLUE, LOCKS. Latches, , HINGES, SCREWS All klnda of Beach Planes, Sews, Chisels, Squares, Hammers, Ilatrheta, Plumbs and Levels, Mortised A Thumb Ouagss, Bevete, Braces A Bitte, Wood end Iroa Brnck Screws, and Ihe bait Bortug Maebint in tbt market. I Double and Single Eitt Axes, . POCKET CUTLIRT, Aa. Agents for Burnetii Iron Corn Shelter, warrantea. Alto, tgenta for Ricbardt GOTHIC PLUG TUPS, which effectually cure Smoky Floes. Farmers' Implements nnd Oarden Tools af every aeeoripuou. A large variety nf cook stoves; which w tTArnot to f Wt utlifMHoB. Portable Range and Furnaces Vm-Roofinr, Spontint ftoJ Job Work don od rewuuablt terioa. All orders will reeeiro nrnmt uienuoa. judo w, ibts. B1GLER, YOUNG & CO., Successors la Boyntoa A Tonng,) FOUNDERS & MACIUNISTS HftDurMtorars of POETAELE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Comer af Foerth aad Pint Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. 4 '.'wUi.tJ-.Hiii6.s; fievawr,1' HAVINO engaged In the manufacture of first claas MACHINERY, we respectfully Inform he puhllo that we art now prepared ta fill all orders is ebeuply and si promptly as csn be done In any of tha cities. Wt mmufuclare and deal la Malay and Circular Saw-Mills rfead Bloekt, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleys. Oifford'i Injector, Steam Ganges. Susans Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cnpa, Oil Cupa, Gauge Cocks, Air Cuckti Glebe Vulvae, Check .Velvet, wrought iron Pipes, B eam Pumpa, Boiler Feed Pumpa, Anti Friction Metres, Soap 8lone Packing. Gum Pack ing, and all kinds of MILL WORK) together with Plows, Sled Soles, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and other' CASTINOS of aU klnda, ' jM-Ordart solicited and tiled at city pricet. All ltttert af Inquiry with referenoe to machinery of onr manufacture promptly answered, by addret Ing. us at Clearfield, Pa. decirtO-tf BIOLER, TOUNQ A CO. ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, , Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept eeaataatly aa hand. ST01S AmTim.WARE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! Plsher'a Patent Air liht Self. Scaling fruit Canst BUTTER CROCKS, with 1Mb, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLE - BUTTER CHOCKS, PICkLH CKOCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIB DISHES, STEW POTS, And a gnat many oiher things ton aumerous tt v mention, to be bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE WARE POTTERY, Corner ol Cherrv and Third Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. angt FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE BT . II. r. Blgler & Co. IRON D0UBLE-II0VEL PLOWS. WOOD DOUBLB-eilOVEL PLOWS. WOOD SINGLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS, WOOD CULTIVATORS. QOWANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. riTTSBURQ STEEL PLOWS. HAUPT'S BELLEFONTE TLOWS. ROBESON'S aad THOMPSON'S TLOWS. h ar-nnaret ror all ot tbt above Plows con fllanUy on hand. myJS-ffi JJ F. BIGLER4C0. hart fur salt CARRIAGE & WAC0. WOODS, SHAFTS AMD P0I.E8, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, 4o. ' Carrlara and: Wagon Makers ahoald mi he a tott af thlt tad aall nnd tlaalm thtm. They nlll WrsldMNlraviettv ajr U Dr. J. Walker's tulifornli. Vln fRar ltillcrs ara purely Veuetablo prupitration, niiulo clilolly from tbo na tive herb found on the lon er ranees of tie Sierra Nendn mountain of Cullfur lila, tho medicinal properties, of nliicli ttrn extracted tlmicliom eritbotit tlie u.vj of Alcohol. Tho question la almost dally naked, "W hut la tho canae of tho' unpanillolcj wiccoss of Vixkgaii I)it VKKSt" Our amwor ia, Unit tUoy removo tlio cauae of diacaao, nnj tho patient rc covori bit health. They nro tho (neat Hood purifier and a life-giving principlo, a perfect ltciiovulor Olid Invi'otator of tba ayatoni. Never befurt) in tho history of tha world hat A medicino been eoniiKiunded pnmoaaing tha reinarkalilo q'-inliuna of ViXKOAn llimina in healing Ilia tick of every diseaaa mania heir.tu. They aro a f title Purgauva aa veil at a Touic, relieving Congftion or Inflammation of tha Liver aud fuceral Orgaiu in ililioui Kisratal The properties of Dn. Walkkr's' Vukoai Uitthh are ApcricriL Diaphnretie, Canninalira, Nutrition. Laxative. Uinretio. Bwlative, Counter-lmtaiH budorilic, Aitcray tint, aud Ailti-Uiliou. . ... tr.r cn.. . IVurfc-is's anl lien. Art... K"ui Franeieen. r'altf imla ' " ant ev uf U'aellirH-l.itl a'lit i:h.tlt'li Sta.. N'. V. acid by ait UrwaiatU awd O. eiteia. October IS, 1871-ly. pEACB I M BUIOFEI an OREAT EXCITE MBHT IN FRENCHVILLE! Tbt bloody oontcft batveu France ftnd Prateta It it in end for tb preient, m far M tbo ilan'h trinK of urn and the destraotioa of frropftrtv eonccrned. Tho RojaI iwT bo doubt prido tbmMlr and rejoioo orer tbo mtilt, bat inat(ntAant li thir work whoa ooaipavrcd nub tbo bunaLt and chrlitlan cfforU of L. M. COUDRIET, wbo bfii undfrtaben to npplj all tbo ettlreRir In tbo lower end of tbe oonnty with food and raimiT t at einefdiof low rmOi froo. bit mamnotb itorc tn MULSONbUBO, where bo own alwayi ho fuui d ready to wait opoo eallun and oupplj then w.tb Dry Goods of all Kinds, fipeb a Clothe, Batlnetts, Catilmem, Uarlioe. dVoIaineiy Mnen, Drilling!, Caliooei, Trimtningig Ribbons. Laoo. Readjr-Biade Clolhlnjf, Boota and bhoe. Hare and Cape all vt the boat materiiU and atade to orrhr Uom, Sockn. OIotpo, Mittens Laeee, ltibboniy ate. GROCERIES OP ALL KINDS. CoflVe, Tea, Suer, Rice. Molaaeea, Fieb. Salt, Pork Linoood Oil, Fisb OU. Carboa Oil. Hardware, Qooemwaro, Tinware, Caetlpgi, Plowi and Plow Caiticgn, NaiU, Fpikei, Corn Cultiva tors. Cidft Preie,aod all kinds of Aies. Per f timer. Paints, Varnirit, Glass, aad a jeoeral aosortinoDt of StatloBei7t GOOD FLOUR, Of different brnav, always aa hand, aad will be told at tbe lowect pooBibhj ngurat. LIQUORS, inch at Brandy, Wine, Oln, Whisky, Jayne't Medicinal, Hoetetter't aid Hoenaad'a Bilterl. SOOe ponndt of Wool wanted for which tbt bigheat price will be paid. Clovereeed en hand and foa aale at tbe lowest txarhet print. Also, Agent for Btmttonville aad CurweatvUle Threshing Machines. fefaCall aad tee for ycartelvea. Ton will ltd everything usually hept ia a retail store. . L. M. COUDRIET. Prencbvllle P. 0., March 1. 1871. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE TUB CHEAPEST f A Proclamation against High Prices! WB are bow opening np a lot of tbe bftt arid most oeasonahla Goods and Warrs tvrt offered in this market, and at prices tbat rrtnind one of the food old days of eheap things. Thvts who lark faith upon this point, or doom our si fations snperflaoos, need but C.ilL UT OIR STORE, Comer Front and Market streets, Where tbey eaa see, feel, hear aad know for them selves. To fully anderstand what are cheap poorif, this must he done. Wa do not deem it necrMarr to MunwAte and itemise oar stock. It la eu&uy, for as to state that We have Everything that is Needed and ooBsamrd ia this market, aad at prices tksi atitoniph both old and young. deoSA JOSEPH BT1AW A 80V. J)AMEL GOODLANDER, LUTHKRSBURQ, Pi, Dealer In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A 81I0K, Tobaeoo, Qrooariea and Fish, Kails, KarJirarti tjueensware and tilassware, Mt-a's and Bcya' Clothing, Drug., Paints, Oils, School books, a large lot af Patent Mediolnea, Candies, Kntt A Dried Fruits, Choree and Crach ara, Rock and Rifle Powder, Flour, Grain and Potatoes, Clover and Timothy Seed, Sell Leather., Morooooa, Linings, Bindings ail Thread, Hboemakera' loolt and fiboa Finding!. Ht greater variety of gooda In nny atorc In tb oouoty. All for salt very low for cash or emniiry produoe at the Cheap Corner. Aug. 27, 17H. JEW BTOKK AND KW tiUUDa JOS. SHAW Ai BOS Uat just opened a Niw Eroat, ontiaInSt..CLiaiy!iLD, Pi.8 lately occupied bj Wm. r. ItiWIV. Their t lock oooaliti of Gaociaiu of lbs br-tt qoaJity, Quek.nbware, Boots and Shoes, and every article Becewarr for one't oomforl. Call and examioe our (took before chasing elsawriere. May 9. 1P68-tf. Miss E. A. P. Rynder, iuaav ron -Cblelterlng's, 9ulnway't ind Bmtrton'l Pianos) Bmilb's, Mason A llswlin'f and Peleabrt'l Organs nnd Mclodeons, nnd Orcvtr A . Baker's Sewing Maebiatt. alio vascann nr Piano. Otltar, Organ, Harmony aad Yeeal Mo sic. No purll Ukca for lose tbaa balf a term, ef Rooms oppoelt Hulleb t Furnilart rtort. tlearneM.JIIaM.Ja-lfj Bcale's Embrocation, (L A T POWILt'B.) for all dlsaasee lacldent ta Boreal, Cattlt, aid Iluaiaa Fleeb, reg-lrlng tba aaa ol aa eiurul applteatlea. Tblt Kmbrooailon waa attenalvely used y Ihe Government during tbe wnr. K Fortalt by Bnrta.lck A Irwin, f. Joseph R. Irwla. Carweaatllla. Datltl I4er, Lntbersberg. "' JOSEPH It. KOWLES, Juftiro of the Peace and Scrlveaer la tht Lawrence township, CollitrloM gaanVssnd ona-f wnmpily (alt mi. '