Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 03, 1873, Image 1

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. OonititatloD PropoMd W th Oitlnni
j tin OommoDWMltii for thill Appro!
, BajMUoDi bjtlw Ooutitottoul Oct
TtBtilH). ;,
Mtft'oii " ac V Omara jaatrniMj,
miW "-' dc ,0 provide for calling a
(mtenttM to amatd tht Coruitution''
isf - ',' ; -'
. Ihe people of Ik CBBBWMlik at tmm
i.!i.le. xreieful lo God for tae blow
!f!,kit Uli laiuance, 4a erdefn aaa ejublUh
iiokAUfioii or Mam,
aeaersl, ireal u' aaeeatlal Brlael-
usf llbarty free nnaul My be re
nsd aad aaltrllj ullih4, 4Hlin
h-.- . .,. i a
SlCTtoa I. ' mi'j tree n
Lj.MDden', ena ueve eerteln Inherent and le.
f!llBie nan". ! ww. in -u
... and d.fendln, tin ana liberie , of vault
ji.poiMulDf and prouotlnf Bropertjr and rap
n'llan, end of purmlng their awn happloeee
Sic. I. A II power li Inherent lo lb people, ood
ill free xovernnjenu or lounaea an tneir author
,ed loitltoted 'or tnelrpeaoe.iafetyand hap
,i,aH. For the advancement of tbtaa andi Jhey
..I all ilmee aa iaallanabl andtndefeaalble
Iiiaite altar, refoiaj or aboliab tbalr fovera
,at la mob mananer aa the, aaejr Uiink preper.
ieeC a. Jin o.iBrui ana iBeeieeei.
lirlihi loworihip AI-lxbtT Uad aoeordlna; to
. dictate! of tbalr own aonaaianoaa: bo aaaa
L. at rich! be aoaipal led to at load, oraal or bud-
fori an, place of woraklp, or lo nalntala an,
alaiet, agaioea uie eoaeeu, , no auataa Mioor
1 1. aaa. Id tor oua whatever, eoalrol or iolar.
tira nb tb flf bla of aonaolaaoo, aod ao pro
mica shall ever ko flvea by la to an; ralif-.
MiaatiblUbnanti or modal 6f wonhlp.
Sic. a, no panoa woo wxnowieugoe tb Mini,
J I Qoi aod futar (lata of raward aad pan.
luimabu tha' I na anrrr-1 of bla ralialou waiU
bibm, ba aiaquallfiad to hold an offloa or plaoa
if trait or prum anaar ma toanan waaiia.
two. 6- ElMtloni ihall ba fraa and aqua! ; aad
b powar, ami or military, aoaii at any tlmo lo
Lrlara to prarant Ik ba uarolaa of lha right
f ruffrnja.
UK. I. Trial by Jary ah all a a karatoforo.
tsd tba rlgbt tharaof raajaio Inr iolata
Hio r. ina primiBg praai aaati aa Ira a to arary
rtoa who mar andortak to azamlaa tha oro-
uadion of Ika Laiiilitar oranr branch of
rararnuianl, aad ao law iball arar bo mada to
rtiuiio warigot ipami. Aooirao ooinmunica
hob of thnegbtl and oplnlona iaono of lha lnral
ubla rif hu of maa, and arary altiiaa may fraa-
iv tcaak. wrlta aod Drint oa aav aubiaot. btlnt
niponmbla for tha abuaa of that li' erty. Ko
tonrirtloa iball ba bad in any proaaoatioa forlka
publication of papara ralattng ta Ika ofllolal oon
Juat of oftcara or man in publla oanaoity. or to
it? othar matter proper lor pablla inraitigatloa
r InrermatioB whoro tha facta that luoh pnbllca
tijB iu not malieloaaly or nag ligantly mada
iball ba aitabliihad to tha aatlalaation of tba Jury;
ud In all indlotmenta for libala tha lory ahall
lira tba right todatornlno'lhala and tha facta,
ndar tk direattoa of lha oourt, aa In othor
bao. k. Tha paoplo iball ba iccara In thalrpr
noa. houaaa, papara. aod pomaaiona, froaa anraa
amabla acaronaa and aalioroa, and ao warrant to
aarob any plaoo or lo aaiaa Bay paraoa or thioga
iball liiaa wilhoat daaarlbing tkam aa soarly aa
aiy ba, nor witboat probabla aauaa, aupportad
ar oath or affirmation, anbaoribad toby IkaaA
it .
Sao. I. In all (rlmlnal proaacuUoaa Ika ao
uid hath B right to ba baard by himaalf and bla
ovDial, to damand lha natura and eaaaa of the
wcaiatloa againal him, to maat tha wltneaaaa laea
to faca, to kara eompoliory prooaaa for obtaining
oitDaim in kit faror, and in proaeentioni by In
tottuentor informaticn, atpaady pablie trial by
aa impartial Jury of tba violnaga: ha eannot ba
aonpellad to giraoTtdane atainat blmaelf. nor
aao ba b aeprirra or ma ma, noarty. or propor
ly inl.ia by tb jadgmant of hia poara or lha
la of tba land.
c'ic. 10. No paraoa ahall for any Indlotable of
atoca ba proeaodad agalnat eriminally, by infor
aatiua, azoapt ia aaaaa ariaing la tha land or aa
tiJ fcteaa, or la tha militia, whaa ia aotaal aar
liea, la tlmaa of war and pablie danger, or by
lure of iKeeoart, for eppreaaion or miademean-
ar la effica. No peraon anall for Iheaame offanae
be twioa pat la raopardy of life or limb; oor
ball prime property ba taken or applied to P un
ite aie without authority of law, and without
nit oomneneation balna Aral made or eeeored
Btc II. All eourta ahall be open; and every
aao for an Injury done btia In bii landi, goola.
partona, or ropatatlon, ahall hare remedy by doe
eoaraeol law, ana rigniana jueiice Mminineroa
broerbt agafnet the Commonwealtbln aaok maa-
aar. ta men ooarce, ana in laea oaaea aa me ijvg
lalatara air kv law dlreol.
bac. II. Ko power of eupendfag law ahall be
tiarciaea Bniea ay ta iiegiiiatara or ay iia aa-
baa. IS EieeealTe bell akall aot be reajulrod,
aor exeeeelva Aao Impoaad, aor erael panlak
aiBt ialieted.
oac. li. All arlaonara ahall be bailable by auf
(eieal an-atiaa, aateie for eapltal oienees, when
tba proof ii evident or praaumptloa great; and
tha privilege of the writ of kabeaa oorpai ahall
aot ba tuapendad, anient whea in aaaa of rebellion
ar laraeion the nablia eafetv mar reouire It. .
tlac. 16. No eommliiioa if oyer aod terminer
r jail delirery ahall be leaned.
Sic. 10. The paraoa of a debtor, where there la
aot itrong praaumptloa of Iraud, ahall aot be
eoBtitraed ia priaoa after delireilng ap hll aetata
far tha benenl of klieredltora. In lack meaner aa
ahall be preoorlbed by law.
bao. 17. M ax roar ricro law, aor any lew
InpiirlBg Ike obllgetioa of eoBtraete, or making
Irrarooeble any grant of ipeoial priallegeaor im
BBities, ahall be peaaed.
bao. 1H. No paraoa ahall be attained of traaaoa
er felony by Ika logiilatare.
Bao. it. No attainder ahall werk oerraptiea of
blood , nor, except daring Ike life of Ike odaader,
rft the aetata to the Uommenwealih; the ae
tata of auoh peraona aa ahall da. troy their owa
Jlraa iball deaoead cr reat aa la aaaea of natural
daub, and if any paraoa ahall ba killed bj eaa
aalty, there ahall b no lorfaitar by roaeon
Kao. M. Tba eltlaena bar a right In a peace
able manner to amiable together far their eom
aoB good, and fo apply lo thoae inreeted with the
powereof (oTerameat for rati real of grievance!
er other propor parpoaee, by petition, addreaa or
bao. tl. The right of eltlaena lo boar armiln
dilanae of tkoaaaelre Bad Ik 8 tat Uall aot be
bao. II. No eteadiag army akall, la time of
paaea. be kept ap without the eoaaent of tb Leg
Iilitareaad ike miliwry ahall. in all eaaee, aad
at ill time, ba la atrial aabordiaaUea to tha
alrll pnwera.
bao.U. Neaoldler akall la lima of peeoe be
laartered la any kouae witboat the eoneeat of
tie owner, nor in time of war.but In a manner to
be preeerlbed by law.
Bao. 14. Tha Laglilalar ahull aot grant any
title of aebllity or hereditary diiUnctlon, nor
enite Bay oBoe the appointment of which ihall
biter a lonier term than during good bebarlor. Kmlgratloa from lha State shall net be
BBO. je TOnara Bgainai ITanraaaionevi u
high powera which wa have delegated, w daelere
teat everything la inn nii rs eieipwo i
tbe geaeral powers ef government, and shall for
arar remain inviolate
' ' tni laotitiTuaa.
Paenoi I. The lagiilatiea power of tale Com.
aueuii ekell km naiad ia a Uaaaral Aeaembly
which ahall eaaiiat of a Benat aad House as
Kapraeanletivea. .
hac 1 Meaabera of tb Oeneral Aeaembly shall
li obese at the general aUeltea every eeoctid
year. Their term of service ihall begin on the
ntiday ot Uaeember next after their eleotioa.
When a vMMA akall arainr la either House.
tbe presiding oUoer thereof shall a writ of
eleotioa to 111 neb vacancy fcr tb remainder ot
She bam
Bao. 1 eaaatere ahall b elected for a Una of
mar veer. aaa repaaieaiauvoi rar eneuerm
Iwo veara. ' -
Bag. 4. Tba fianeval Aanmbly 'ahall I meet at
Iwelvee'eloek aeoa, ea the ant Tueeaay jmm
aary every eeooad year, aad at other llmee whea
convened by the tloveroor. bat ahall hold ae ad
isurnad anneal seeslea after tha year ana thou
mod eight hundred aad aaventy eight. Ia ease
or a vauaay in tbe office of Hailed Biatee Sena
tor from taue Commonwealth, ib a reoeaa between
eaasioaa, the Governor shall convai.e tbe Iwe
hoeees by proslsmatiaa en notice not exoeedlng
aittv tm ail th eataa.
Kac . Benatora shall ba at teest Iwenty lve
yean of age, and Kapraaeotatlvee twenty-one
yaariaf age. They ihall have been eltlaeni and
Inhabitant! of the Stele four years, and Inhibit
ami or ihalr ramaotlve d istrlcl one yser next
before their election (anleaa abeentiia the pablie
Banner! ef the Uaited Bwtaa or ot ibiibimo;.
ad ahall reaide la tbelr reepeotlre diitriet dor-
Ini tbelr btraa nt eervla.
ban. . ho Benaasr or BepraeeaUllve ihell.
daring the time for which be ahall have beea
alecied. be appointed to any elvll effloe ander
Ibli Commonwealth, aad ae member ef Congress
Brother pi ma holding Bay oalo (aaoeptor al
tcriiy.u .a Q, ia the miWila) ander the United
B'eteiorthle Oommeawealtb shall be a member
t either hoaee daring hli ooollnaaece in omce.
. f. Na Baraon bereaftar aeavioted of em
aatiliment of nablia moneys, bribery, nerlory
other Infamous arlme, ahall be eligible lo Ihe
"serai Assembly, or capable of holding aay
Bceef traitor profit la this Commonweslth.
I'd. I. The members at the Uenaral Assembly
hall renal re auoh salary and mileage for regular
and apeaiai caaiieae aa ahall be tied by law, and
o Mb at eomrasetlea whatever, whether for
"Ice a noa enmmlatae or etberwlee. Nc
ar ef either hnaee ahall, daring the term for
-oa ae may have beea elected, receive aay in
el aalary. er milage, aader aay law paaaad
ting such term. ,
o. a. The Beesle ahall. at the beginning aad
aaa of Bbaenea or disability of that oil oar, and
whenever the cald office ef Lieutenant Ueveraor
no recant. The Ueaee af Hepreaentativee
all elect one of lie ember ea Speaker. Keen
hoeae akaJI .k a.. ..l -ai . J i v. . 1 1
on of each regular eeesiea aad at such olher
JJ"! ai may be lieeeesery, elect one of ill mem
n president pre Urn pore, wbe shell perform
ha dalles of the LlenleKent Uovereer. la BBV
(BOODIANDEB it HAQERTY, Pnbliahera. J RINCIPL8 NOT MEN. 1 ' ' . ' EEMS-$2 per aimum in Advance.
tltate a quorum, but a amaller number may ad
Joara froaa day to day, and compel tha attend
ance of anient membera.
Bao. II, Eaeb boaea shall hare power to deter
mine the rule, of lu proeeediBM and naalih Ita
member or other neraoae lor contempt or diaor
derly babaolr 1b iU preaanee, to enforoa ebedi-
enoe to Ita procoaa, to prateet Ita membera agalBat
rlolenca, or onera of brlbas or private aollcltation.
aad with lha ooBOurreno of twe-thirda, to expel
a member, but aot a aeeond lima for the nmi
oaaaw, aad ahall bare all ether powera aaeeaaary
or me leitiiatare ot a rrae mete. A member
expelled for eorrupVoa ahall aot thereafter be
engioie toetmer nouae. ana punianment air eon
tempt or diaordorly behavior ahall net bar as in
diotmeot for tbe aama efeoie .
ao 1J. Hack kouaa ahall keen alearaal of lu
proeeedlngi and from lima ta time puhliab the
eame, axoept auoh parte aa require aeoreoy. and
the yeae and aave of th membera oa anv auee-
alon ahall, at the dailr ol any two of than ba
entered on th Journal.
Bao. 14. The eeeetons of each hone and of com
mittee! of the whole ahall be opea, aaleea whaa
the baaine ia aaoh at ought to be kept aeorel.
Bao 14. Neither bona ihall. witboat tbe eon.
beat f tbe other edj.MiN fcr mere akaa three
oaya, nor to any etner piece man taat in which
the two houaaa ihall be Mice:
Bao. li. Tbi member! of tbe General Aaaamhly
hall in all caeca, axoept treaeoa. felony, viola
tion of their oath ef ofioe, end breach or auretv of
tne peeoe. be privileged from arrcat during Ihalr
attendance at the eeaeiooe of Ibeir reapeotive
houaaa, aad in go'ng to and retarulng from the
aama; and for any ipeeoh or debate in either
houe, they ihall not be queoUoned ia any other
Bao. It The Bute ihall be divided Into fifty
Benatorial diitrleti of enmnaet end oonliguuoa
territory, ai nearly equal in pcpolatioa aa may
be. and each dlatrict ahall be entitled to elect eno
Senator. Kaoh count containing one or more
ratloa of oopulatloo ihall he entitled to one Sen
ator lor each ratio, and to an additional Benaror
for a lurplua of population exceeding three-fifthi
ofaratio: hut no county ihall form a lenarate
diitriot anlaea It ihall. eonta'n fonr-lftha of a
ratio, except where tbe adiolaing oouatlaa are
each entitled to one or more Benetora. when auch
county may be aulgned a Senator .m leea than
rour anni, aaa exceeeing one-aau oi a raiicanu
no oonnty ahall be' divided union entitled lo two
or more booaton. no etty or county anall -oa en.
tilled to eenarate representation exoeediag one.
eixth ot the whole number of Seaators. No ward,
borough, or townihip ihall be divided In the
formation of a diitriot. The Benatorial ratio
shall be ascertained by dividing the whole pop.
uletloo of the Btaie by the number Sfty
bao. 17. Ibemembersor tne Houee or Hepre-
rentatlvaa shall ba apportioned among the ee re
vel eountiea, on a ratio obtained by dividing the
population of tha Btate ee aaeertelned by the
mol recent Untied Stateeeenim by twohundred.
kvery eoaaty eoataiain lem thaa Iv rat ice
ahall have onereproeentatirefor every full ratio.
and an addtttonal repraeentaitre woea tie aur
nlua exeeeda half a ratio l but aaoh eounty shall
have et least one repreeeatatlva. Kvery county
containing Ive ratio! or mere mail nave one rap
roaontal va lor arery lull ratio, every city con-
tal nlnr equal to a t etio ihell elect aeperatety ita
proporuoa Ol ma rvpraOTnwiiTee akiiuuru hi ia.
oounty In which it is located Kvery city entitled
to mere thaa four repreaentatlvea, end every
eoaatv hevinaever one hundred thouiind inhiu-
Itanta, ibail be divided into dlitrlote of compact
and eontigaoui tarrilory. each diatrict to elect
ita proportioa of repreieutativaa aooordlag to lu
populattoB, hot no diitriot ihall eleot more thaa
lour repreeentaiivee.
Bao. 18. Tha Uaneral Assembly Bi Ita Ant sea
lion after Iheadoatioa of tbii eonetltatlon, and
immediately after eaoh United Btatee deoeanial
eeneul, ahall apportion the Btete into Benatorial
and Representative diitriote egreeably to tbe
province! 01 III two bcii preceeaing eeoueaa
Bicrioa 1 No taw ihall be paaaad except by
hill, aod ne bill ehell he ao altered ot amended
en its pssaege through either koaee as to change
Its ongtBBi purpoae.
Bao 1. No hill ahall ba eenildered anion re.
ferred to a comiaittee. returned therefrom, and
orimed for the use of tbe memnera.
Hao. I No bill, except general apurvarUeUe,
bllla. ahall be neaMd containing more thaa ene
uhjeet, which ihall be clearly expreaaed in its
Bao. 4 Kvery bill shall he read at length ea
three different dava In each house: all amend
mania mada thereto iball be printed for the use
of the member! before tbe final vote Is tabaa on
Ihe bill, and no bill shell become a law nnlevon
lie final naaeaaa the vote he taken by yeas and
nay i, the nanus of the persons voting for and
againit the seme lie entered oa the Journal aad
a majority of tbe membera eleoted lo eeeh hoaee
ke MMnrried thereon aa votlne in ita favor.
Her t. Ne amendment to bill! by one koaee
ehell be concurred in by the otBer, axoept ay
vote or a me write of tbe memuen eieoteu inere-
lo leken by yens and naye,and the nemos of thoae
voting tor and againit raoorded upon tha journal
thereof: and reoorti ofeommltlaeeofaoefereaee
bell be adopted la eltaer aouee onty ey me vote
of a majority of the membera elected thereto,
taken by real and saya, and tba namca of
thjiaa vnttnv rMAOrilad unon the lOUrOBI,
Bao. t. No law iball be revived, emended, or
tha nrovialoni thereof exteaded or a or '-'red by
reference to lie title only, bat ee mach thereof aa
ia revived, ameadad, extended, er conferred
abell ba re-eeactad aad published at length
Bac. T Tbe Uoaerel Amenably akall not pan
any local or special law;
Authorising the creation, aitaniloa er Impair.
Inv Af liana :
Regulating the erTeireef counties, cities, town
snips, wards, aoroaxne, eraaooui aieumi.,
Chane-in Ina naiaee of oereooa or pIbcss ;
Chsnging Ihe venue in civil er criminal eaaee;
Aathurlitng tne laying ou. opening, wnrui.
ar malateininf roaJa, klghwaya, streets, or el
ley i; - "
Kale ting to ferrlei or brldgei, or Incorporat
ing ferry or bridge companies, except for the
erection of bridge! eroaaiag stream! wbiab form
boandarlel between tbii and any othar Btate ;
Vacating roa j., tows plata, etreeu. er alleys;
Relating lo eemeteriu, graveyerdi, or pabli
groondi aot or lha Bute ;
Authorlilng the adoption or legitimation of
ekildrea ; .
Locating or changing county aaeta, rctln(
new coumiesrar ehenging county lines;
, Ineorporeting eiiiae, towns or village, or
ehenging their charters;
For tbe opening and oondnotlnr cr elections, er
fixing or ehenging the place of voting ;
Granting divorcee ; s
Erecting aew tcwnihlpi cr boreoghl, changing
township llnesj. borough limiti, or acbool dis-
''cteallng offloea. prescribing tb powers end
dalles of officers Ib eoentles, cltiee, boroughs,
townahipi. election or school districts;
Changing tbe law of decoent orsuoceMloa ;
Hegolatlng the practice or jurlsdicticB or, or
changing the mrea of evidence ia any adiolal
proceeding or ieqairy before eoarta. aldermen,
Juatieee of the peace, aheriff!. lommiulonere. ar
bitrator!, aodl on masun in ahaocery.oi other
tribunals, or providing or changing methods, ror
tha lolloctloa of dehts. er the enforcing or Judg
ments, er preeerlhing the effect ef jadiclal ee.el
of real eatete ;
Krgoletlng the feee, or xtendla the power!
and duties of aldermen. Juaticei at the peace,
magistrates, or constables;
Hegulatlng tha management of public sohooli,
the building or rpadrl. ekrt k.e,a
the raising of moaey for each parpoeei;
Fixing tbe rale of Intereat i
Affecting the estate, of minors or persons ander
disabillty.eacept after due a Mice to all partial ia
Interest, lo be recited in the ipeoial enactment;
Hamming inea, penalties aad forfeltnrea or
refundiai moneye Ugally paid into Ihe Xrcaa-
"Exempting properly from taxation;
Hegulatioi labor, trade, mining er mannfac-
''creating orporalloni, or amendinf, renewing,
er extending Ihe ebariere thereof ;
i .,!. ia et enrnoretion. eeeoclatloB or 10-
divlduel eny ipeclal or exoloilve prlv lege er Im
munity er to any eorporetlon aasoolallen or Indl.
vldual the right ta lay down a railroad track.
Nor ahall the General Assembly ladircolly eeact
ueh ipeclal er local law by the peril al repeal o
a general law. bat lean repealing local or ipeclal
acta mar be paaaad. Nor abell eny law be pained
granting powera or ptlvl leges in env on., .n.r.
XZ...I.!r.r euchnoweraand privilege! ihall
here been provided tor by genrrel law, aor where
Ihe eoorta beve jnrlsJIctlot Id grunt the lame or
,"?,! "ir, "V. "'-la. h.ll .hall V.
UBlees notice of the Intenrlcn la epply thiefor
TJ . 'n .... ka.. jkllabed lo Ihe locality whire
the metier or tbe thing to he alTecled mey be II
..ted which Botlce shall beet leaal thirty days
t. The rroeldlne: officer of aeh bnaia)
-A. - 1 1 I. JIl.MHmiH Mil"" ' w "
arealdas. Sign ell kills
and Joint reaolatione
paced bv theOeaaral A
r i .kiij,iv v
biy, ariar ineir nn
ini .ii.ij. k.rr.
.rgnic,od S. ft rf dinlog AM b ..tared
have boon puntie.y r.-. V",-
taejoarnai akw ahall weaerrb
by law the nBmberjdntlea and jompeniMI". f
efficer. and a-ployee. ef
payment ahall be mane ,r" ".
or be la any wey aalhrrle.l ee any ""
M.7l. .. aaliad offi-' a-rta" "
rr'"? IfSSTL L."..ed aHrlng tlr.
Erlor lo the introduction imo ia -
lyof each bill, and In the vienner le be pro
vided be law : Ihe evidence ef each Botlee bar
'ng bLel puhllahed. shell be exhlhimd I. lb.
U.nl7ir Assembly befoa. sack act akall ke
Ployee, agent or contraator. after aarvieee rball
aave eeen readeead et.eoatraet made aor pro
viding for tbe payment of any claim against lha
Commonwealth, wilbeH previous authority ol
BbO. 11. All stationer, arlntlff, , J
feel aatd ia tke leglslallve and ether depart-
menm or goverameai stall he furalahed, aad lb
priating, biadina. aad dlatribalia of tha
joaraals, depertment reports, and all other
priniiog ana Binding, aad tke repairing and
furniahlng tke kails and noma aaad ioa ika
meeting! of tk General Assembly and its com
mittees, in ell be performed under eon treat, to
be given ta th iowml reepojulbl bidder below
uch maximam price aad ander auoh rogalalloaa
ae enaii oe preeanoea ny lew; ao member or of
ficer of any dapartmeal of the government ahall
ba ia any way interested ia anch eoatraoia, aad
all each eontrectc ihall be eubiaat to the unr...
al of the liovaraor, Auditor Uenaral and but
bac. 1.1 Ho law iball extend tha term af en
public offlcer. or iBcreaie or dlmiaiih hie aalary
or omuiumenia atter am etecuoa or appjiat-
ment. .
Bao. 14. All bllh) for railing revenue ihall
originate in th House of Henreeeotetivea. but
the Seaal may preaeee aateadmeate ea la eiheavl
Bao. II. The aeaeral anaroarlatiea bill abell
embrace nothing but aptiropriatlnos for the or
dinary axpenaea ef tbe executive, leglsle'lve
and Judielal department or the uommonweeita,
interoit on the public debt, and for publie
schools; allother appropriations shall be made
y evparete Blue, eaou emorroioa oua one bud
sao. to. no money anaii ne paid out or tne
Treasury except upon upprnprlations made by
law and oa warrant drawn by the proper officer
in purrnanoe thereof
bao 17. No appropriation ahall ba mada to
any charitable or ednoational Institution not un
der the absolute conttol of the Cummonwaelth,
other then normal eoboola established by law for
the professional training ef teachers for the
poblio schools of the Btaie, except by a vote of
iwo-iairaa ef an toe memoera electee to aeon
Bao. IB. No appropriations axoept tor pen-
alona or grataitlel for military services ahall be
mada for ebarltable, educational or benevolent
purpoaee, to any pereon or oommnnlty, aor lo
aay aenommauonaj or aaetartaa tuatiwiioo, our.
poratien or easoelatioa. i -
eeo. IV ineueoerai Aiiemoiy may maae ap.
nronrlatioa of money to inatilutloni wherein the
widawa of aoldieri are aupportad or aeiiited or
theernbaaaof auldiera are maioulnBd eadeda
eated ; but inch appropriation iball be epplied
exeluaively to the aapport of ueh widow! and
Bao. . The General Aanmbly snail net del
agate to any epeoial commission, private corpo
ration oraaaoclatloB, Bay power to anaie, Boper
vise or interfere with aay muniolpal Improve
ment, money, property er effeola. whether held
to trnst or otnerwlse, or n levy taxes or penorm
anv maniaioal function whatever
Bao. XI. No aot of tne General auemaiy saatt
limit the amount lo be recovered for Inluriee re
suiting ia de4lh, Ar for Injuries to pereone or
property, and in aaaa of death from auoh Inju
ria!. Ihe right of action thai! aurvlve. and the
General Aiaemnlr iball nreeorihe lor wbone ben.
cm mob aollona nall na prosecuted; no eci eneii
oreMribe any limitation! nf time within which
loiumav he broucht eaaimt corporation! fur in.
joriee to peraona or property, or for olher ceaaci
ainereni trom tooie nxea ey general lawe rega
ining aellone axeiaet aat'.-ral peraaai, and aush
aotl now extattng ere evolded.
Bao. M No aot of the General Amambly ahall
authoriia the laveatment of trust funds by
executors, admlkiftratora. gaardians. or olher
Iraateea, la Ihe bonis or stock ol any prirare cor-
poraiioa. and sues acts now exiatiug eiv vtuiu
ed. aavin Inveilmanta heretofore made.
aao. x. . rae newer to cnanxe tne won io
Ivil and criminal eaaee ehell be yelled in Ihe
court, to ba exircled In lack manner aa ahall
ba nrovided hv law.
Bao. II No obligation or liability of any rail
road or olher ccrporatiun, held or owned by the
Commonwealth, shall ever be exohanged. trans
ferred, remitted, poatponea, cr ib eny way ui
miniabad by tha General Assembly, nor ihall
auoh liability or obliaiioa be re I eased, except
by payment tnereor into tne otate treasury.
Umr ee Wk.. it, nanaval Aaaamhlv .hall
he convened in ipeclal seaaloo, there ihall be no
hgialeticB apea cubical! vtber toaa moae aeiig
Baud ia the proclamatioa of the Uoveroor, call
ina auch session
Bao. So. bvarv order. " veiolntlon, or vote, to
which the concurrence of both houaes may be
neeemary (except on the quealion or odouro
mentt ahall ba oraaented to the Uovernor, and
before it shell take effect be approved by him, or
being difapproved, abell ne repassed ny iwo
thirda of both bouaea. according to tha rale and
limitations nreeettbed In eeea of a bill
Bac. 17. No Btate office shall ba aentlnued er
created for tbe inspection er measarlng or any
merchendiee, manufactare or commodity, but
any county or municipality may appoint auoh
omoera whea anthorlaed by law.
Bao M Nc law changing Ihe location of lha
capital of the Slate .uall ne vana until tne aami
aball have been aubmitted to the eueliled alec
tore of tha Commonwaelth, at a general election,
and ratified and approved by tfiem.
Bad. ID A member of the General Amambly
who ahall aollcit. demand or receive, er conpent
to receive, directly or indirectly, for himnlf or
ror another, from any company, eorporenoo. or
person, any money, omce, eppointment.ampioy.
ment. leatimonlal. reward thing or value cr en
luvmeat. or ol personal advantage cr promii
thereof, for his vole er efficial Inluaaee, or loi
withholding the aama, or with an uodantnnJInf
aapraaiad er implied that his vote or official ao.
tion ahall he In any way infiueaced thereby, ot
who ahall eolieit or demand any such money or
other advantage, matter, or thing aforesaid P r
another, as lha eonitderntlon ol nia vow or omoiai
iriluenoe er for withholding the lame, er shall
wive or withhold hia voUor Influanoa in eonstd
eratioa of the payment or promise of such money,
edventase. matter, or tntog to anotoer. snau oe
held xuiltv of bribery aitbin Ihe meaning ef Ibis
Conititutlon, end iball Incur loo aiieniiiuei pro
vided thereby for laid offense, and luoh addition,
al panlahmenl aa Ii or ihall be provided by law
Bao 80. Any paraoa who ihall, directly or In
directly, offer, give, or promlae any money, ot
tniniror n il. tectlmontal. privilege, or pereona
adrantuge, tc any executive or Judicial olhoer or
member or the General Aneembly, to Influence
him In lbs performance or eny of his public or
official duties, ahall ba guilty or hrihety, and be
panlshed ia such manner aa shall be provided by
Bao II. Tha offense ef corrupt solicitation or
members of the General Aaeerbly or of public
ofiicera or Ihe Btate cr or any municipal divis
ion thereot.end any occupation or practice "frolic
ItetloB or such members er officers, ta Influence
ibeirofflllel action, ahall ba defined by law, and
hall be paelabed by fine and Imprisonment.
Bao. J Any person may be compelled to lea.
tily in any lawful invecligatlon or jadiclal pro
.ceding, agalnat any person who may ha charged
with having committed tbe offense of bribery or
corrupt solicitation or praotlcci of aolloitation,
and shall aot ha permitted to withhold his testi
mony upon the ground lhatit may criminate
himaalf or subject him to public infamy; hut
auoh testimony shall not afterwords be need
against him la any Jndlelal proceeding, except
for perjury la giving inch testimony, and eny
person convicted of either of the oteeeel afore
said, iball, aa pan ef Ihe paaiihment 'therefor,
be -disqualified from holding cay office er posi
tion of boaor, trust, ar profit In thi Oommon
weelun. Bbo, M. A member wbe be a peraoaal er pri
vate Intereat ia any measure or hill proposed or
pending before Ihe General Aeaembly ihall dis
close tba fact lo tha house of which Be is a mem
ber and shall not vote thereon.
yna axanurtva.
Haenoa 1. The Kieeatlve Department of thle
Geajimoaweeltb aball eonstst ot e Governor. Lieu
teaael Governor, Secretary ol Ihe Common
wealth. Attorney Geaeral. Auditor General, BUM
Treasurer, BecreUry of Interael A fairs, aod a
Bjuperlausdent ef I'eMlo lnatructiea.
Bao 1. Tho sapreme rxecntire power shall he
yeeted In Ihe Governor, who ehell teke care that
the laws be faithfully executed ; he ahall becho.
ee on Ibe day ef the geaeral eleotioa by the
qualified elector! of the Commonwealth, at Ibe
place! where they ihall vote for Kepreientatlves.
The returns of every election for Governor shall
be sealed op and transmitted to the erat of gov
ernmenl directed to the President of Ihe Benate,
who ahall open and pnbllsh them In Ibe presence
efthc member! ef both boaaee of Ihe General As
sembly. Th person having the highest number
ef totes shall be Uovernor, bat. if two er more be
-a klvkaei im eetee. an nf them ehell be
eboeon sjnvernor by the Joint vote ef the member.
olboth hoBiel. uooteMca eieoiione .nan wer
termlned by a committee, to he aelectrd from
bothhoaeeaof Ihe General Aeaembly. and form
ed aad rrajulated ia auoh maaaar aa ihall ba dl-
'"Sao. V The Governor ihall kold his affiee dar
i. ... .aara -,m tba third Taeedar of Jena.
err nail raining hli election, and ihall not be
eligible te th oflca for lb aext eeooeedlng
toLTa i A r.leateuaat flovernor shall be eho-
aa at the same lime, la the aama men ear. for tha
same term, and eubecl to tbe same provision! aa
ike Governor ; Be saeii oe presioom ee m. -m
eta. bat shall hava a taa aalesj they be eqaal.
ot oraor or LiMtnt Oovvronr t-wpt tt
of ib Uoftvd Huut, who ibH -itln-d
1h of tblrtt ymr m4 -
fThl" asm. kl k hm mbmni
tb.r.bin burnt ( II 0Ufr ff
8a0. I Nc member of Coneiem or narana bald. I
Ing eav office aader the United Btataa or this
cute snail exercise the ohTce of Uoreraor er
itteateaent uovernor.
Hao T The Ueverbor ahall ba anmmandev. la.
chief of tha army and navy of the Commonwealth,
iii..D"piviii iaay bobii neoauea
Into to actual service of the Uaitel Btatee
Bao. II Ha ahall aomlaate, and by aad with
the adeioa and eoaienl of two-thirds ef all the
members of tba Senate, appoint a Seo rotary of tbe
Oommoawealih aad aa Attorney General during
ileerare. a Baporlateudenl of Pablie InstruelioB
or foar years, aad auch ether officer of the Com
monwealth aa he ia or may be authorised by the
eoaetitutioa or by law ta appoint ; he iball bare
power to ill all vaeanalea that may happen la
officee te which ke may appoint daring tke receai
ef tk Bni ky grantlug com intei lone wklch
ahaH aapira at the and el their aext eeaaioa ; ke
ahall have power to til aay vacancy tkal may
happen during Iherecem of the Benate. la Ihe
offio of Auditor Uenaral. Bute Treaearer. Baere-
rr of Iblvriml Aff-irf r HarUtn4Bl of
ubllo .(motioa. in U oflio. mt km
If lb VftOAhflV aball hannan tlnrtnvtfia iahIm
6nt, bfor ihalr Inal mdJourftaBl, a proper
perton to fill Mid vuuer,
uat in mt iuoo oin oi raatnoT, in an oieoiire
offio. porton ahall ba eh own to iatt offloa at
mt nan Ktaorai oiaotioa, anion taa vaosnoy
hall knpptn within tbrea ctlandar month im-
madiatoiy nrfoodtnff iucn ttoetion, in bla tat
tht altvuloD for m,4 offlot ihall ba bt.dat tht
laoond ra ttedinf gaaaral alasiion.
in aeuni onuioouttro nom.natiODi.t-ia Janata
ihall ait with epandouri, and In aoDBrmlnK or
rojodttoK tha nominatfou of tht Qororuor, tho
vott ihall ba tnhon bj jroai and nejra, and ihall
ot tntertd on tnajttarnal.
dec V. Ma iball hava power to mm nnoi and
forfaUaraa, tu grant repriorae, oontaaUtiona or
MotoooM and pardom. tioapt in aaaoa o( im
poaohmont, but do pardon iball bo graiitod. nor
cnutQoo enoimated, exsopt apon lha raooniman
aanon in wrutiic or tha Lteu tenant uovornur.
eoretary r too -.'omiuonwealtQ. Attornar ueo
oral aud Secretary of Iniaroal Affaire, or any
three of thero.aflor full hearing, npondua pablio
notiee ana in open aeiatnni, and mott raeoamtn
dation. with the reaiuni tharefur at length, ihall
ba raoorded and mart in tba offloa of tnt secreta
ry of the Commonwealth
bic. ii. ue iaay reouire mrormanon in wnt
nc from tht oflben of the KxoQntW Depart
ment, npon any u'ljeot relating to tbtdutln of
their re' poo tire otfioei
Hao II lie ihall. from time to tint, lira to
tha General A aanmbly Information of theatateof
the Cotorsonweallh. aod reoumniendod to their
eoniie ration luoa ateejarei at nana udgt tz
pea tent.
Sac. 11 Dt may. on tilraordlnary oeoailoni
oonveae too Ueaoral Aaaemblj. and in eaaa of
dieaitjreeaent between tha two honeoe, witb re
apaot to the time of adjournment, adjourn them
to auoh time aa be ahall think proper, not ex
ceeding loor moatnie tie man nave power 10
convene tne renale in extraordinary tevaiont, ny
proolamation, for tht tran-aolion ol oxaeativa
Han. 1.1. In taat of tba death, conviction orii
peaobnient. foiloro to auattfy, reniirnation,
other diaability of tbe Uovernor. tbe power, du-
ttaa. and euoluuenti ol tbe otnoe for me rr tne in
ter of the term, or nntll tbe disability be re
moved iball devolve upon tht Itaatanant Uovtr-
Sac 14. In flaae of a vaeanty In thtoffioaof
Lieutenant tlovernor. or when tht Lieutenant
Uovernor aball ba Impearbed by tha Hon of
Kepraaentativea, or aball ba unable to eieroiee
the dutiea of bii offloa, the poaen. duttea, and
emolument! thareof for the reminder of ibe terui.
or until tbediiabililieibe removed. ehall devolve
upon the Preiident pro tkhpohi of the Senate:
aod tho Treaident pro tempore of the benate
aball in like manner beoome Governor if a veean-
ev or dhabilitv aball oeanr in tb vtWo ot Oov
amor; hi deal ai tie oat or ahall haooiae vanant
whenever he iball baoomt Uovernor, and aball
ba Ailed bj aleotioa aa an other vaoaocy in tba
Hao. II. Evwry bill whieh Ihall hava named
both houai ihall be preeenied to tha Uovernor;
If ho anonive. he ahall i tn It: bat If be ahall not
approve, bo ihall return it with bii objaetion. to
the houee In which It ihall have art gi noted, w bleb
bouao ahall enter tba ol'jeetioni at large
upon their journal, and proceeded w reoonaider
it. If. after lueh reontidoretlon. two thirdaof
all tha mem ben a looted to that boa'e hell auree
to pasi the bill. It ahaJl be aent with tbe obico
tloni to tht ether boner, by whlth,
ahall bo recnntldered, and If approve! bv two
tbirdi of all tba membari electe-t to that houao.
it ahall be a law; but In loch eaaea the votei of
both bouati ahall ae determtnel by yen and
oaya, and tha namoa of tha membari voting for
and ageinttDt bin man oa entered oa tne jour
nala of aaeh houao retpeetively.' Jf any bit
ahall not ba returned by tbe flovernor within ten
dava after It ahall hava boon nrteonted to him.
tho eame ahall be a law In like manner ea if bt
had eijtned It. aoleai tbe Oenaral Aembly. by
their adjournment, prevent Iti return, in wntob
oae It aball be a law uniem he iball file the earn e
with bla objoatlooa. In tbe offioe of the Secretary
of the Commonwealth, and give notice thereof by
pnblit proclamation within thirty daTl after
auD ujuurnmvn.
-. 16. The Oovernor ihall bavt power
dlaepppiovo of iny item or ilemi of any bill
aaing appropriation! of money, ambraoing dii
tinet itema, and tba part or porta or ma out ap
proved iball he tha law and the item or Item ol
appropriation disapproved ihall ba void, uoleaa
repaaaed aoeordtng to tha ru lei and Itinitationi
preeoribod for tbt paaiaga or outer hi ui over mt
eacenlive vt to.
Bao. 17. Tha Chief J u Mice of tht Supreme
lourt iball pre tide upon tee trial oi any context
ed eleo.ion f .iovarnor or Lieutenant Oovernor,
and raall decide otiaatioai reiterdinc tbt aduii
libility of avidenea, aod ehall, upon request o
tha oommlttee, prooouooe bii oniiion upon oth
er qneationa of law Involved In tht trial. Tht
Governor and Lieutenant Uovernor ihall oxer
oli-o the dutiei of tbalr respective offleoi until
tbelr luooeaeon ahall beduly aualibed.
Kan. It. The Heoretary oV the Commonweal lit
ihall keep a reoord of all offlaial boh and pro
seeding of the tloveroor, and when required lay
, tne aama. witn n papara, minute ant vouoneri
relatibtf thereto, btfora either branch of th
tleneral Ammhly, and perform inch other du
tiea aa nil ba ervioined apon him bv lew
Bro. ili.Tbofecretariof Internal Affaln ihall
ex ere tee an the powera and per torn an tie du.
Ilea of tha Surveyor Ueoeral, eur.jt to no eh
ebangei ai aball be made by law. Ilia depart.
ment ban em or ace a bureau oi industrial ata.
tutioi. and bt ahall diaoharn iuh datiee relet.
Ing tooorpnrMlona, to tha chart th(e inatitutlcne,
the aprleuilural, muofaa'ur ng, mining, miner
al, timber and other material or buatneav Inter
eat of tht Htateae nay be prteorlbed by law. He
shall annually, aod at such other times as nay
be required by law, make report to tht Uaneral
Hao 20, ThsrupertntendcntorrobMc Inst ruc
tion shall exercise all the powera and perform all
tha duties of the Hapcrlntarrdeut of Common
Kebooli, subject to such changes as shall ba made
oy law
Bac Si Tht tem of tht Reeretary of Inter
nal Affairs shall he four years, of tbt Auditor
Oeneril. three years, and of tht hla't Treasurer
two years, iboea omoera snau oeenoeen oy me
Jnaliflod eleoiereof the Htate at general elections,
o person elected to the efflet of Auditor Uaner
al or Btate Treaurer shell ba capable of holding
tbe fame tffinc lor two consecutive terms.
Pao. 22. The present Ureal H-4 Peouiylvn
nia siieii oe ibe Veai of me btate.
All commission! shell ba In tht name and by
authority of lha Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and bt araled with tba Btate aaal and signed by
tht U over uor.
Bnmow 1. Tbt Judicial powar of this Common
wealth shall bt vested In tha Supreme court, ia
tourts of common pleas, court! of oyer and termi
ner and general jell delivery, conrti of qnarter
sessions of tha peace, orphans' eoorta magistrates
tourts. and In suib other courts si theUeueralAi
sen. My nay from time to time establish.
Hao I. The Hupreme court shall consist of sevsn
tndges.who shall ba elected by tht qualified t'ect
ore of IhtHiata at large. They shall bold their
offices for tba term ol twenty-one years tr tbsy
SO long oenavw inamseives wen, nut snau uui am
aaaln allfibla Tba judga whose tommlsslca
shall first expire shell bs chief Jmtioe, end there
altar tank Judge whose con.mif.ion shall first ax
plra shall In turn he chief Juatiee. i
Bao. S. Tha Jurlidictlnn ot the 8uprema Court
shall extend over tbe Btste, and the judges there
of shall, by virtus of their offio s. he Justice! of
oyer and terniner and general jell d silvery In
the several eoantiea; they shall bva original ju
risdiction in eases of Injunction, end whera a cor
poration Is a party defendant, of habeas oor put.
of muhauos to Courts of inferior Jurisdiction; and
of ajTn WAnuAHTe as to all nflloers of theCotnmon
wealth whose Jarisdlsiion extends over tba Stats,
bat shall aotexetofse any other original juris
diction; they shall have appellate Juried lotion by
appeal, caaTioaAM or writ ot error In all
li now or nay hereafter ba provided by lew.
Bno. 4. Until, otherwise directed hy law, tht
courts of com noa pleas shall con'lnae as at pres
ent established, except at herein changed : not
baort than four counties shall, at any tine, ha In
eluded ib toe judicial district organised for nid
Bao I. When aver a oounty shall cents In fori
t hoe sand Inhabitants It shall aonstttnta a sepa
rate Judicial district, and ehall alset onajurlgt
learned In tbt lew: and tbt Uenaral Aaaamhly
shall prnHde for additional Judges, as tha hail-
neaa af tbe aald tistntts aaaa ream re. uaaaiiew
entwining ft . " W by pontdr, and Mel. loepee.
aeuailluta ce Derate d istriota Stall na farmed line s--- - ... i irw. Tha lrt aUatloiTb
Anenblv nav nrovlda. Tha offloa of aaaoolate
judge, not learned In the law, UaholUbed In
eountiea forming aeparatediatrlotii, buttheaever-
ai anoeiaie judget to onee wntn tan eonatltatten
ahall bt adopted ihall aerva for tbelr unexpired
ta .ni.
Hue. le tha eoonHoi of Phlladalphla aod Al.
lagheiiw, all tha jurisdiction and powera now
vested In tbt District court and oonrti of common
pleat, ewbieet lo miob ehaogoi aa may be mada by
thti ooniMtutkon or by law, ahall ba In Philadel
f hlar'ed In four, and in Allegheov In two d te
lnet and separata ton rti of equal and co-ordinate
junvaioiinn.nompoaoa oi inreo juagee eacn; ine
aald courts In Philadelphia ehall ba designated
respectively ai the Court of Common PI aaa nun-
bar tnt, hinbertwe, number three and number
four, tod lu Allegheny aa tha Court of Uonnoa
Pleat number one and number two, but the nun-
bar f teld eoarta may ba by law increased, from
Una la tint, and iball be in like nanner deeir-
aatad ny luooaaitvt numberi; tbe number or Jud
gci It any ef aald eourti, or In any county where
tha tatehlishment ol an additional Mart nay ba
authrriicd by law, nay ha Inereaeed from tint
to lint; aod whenever auch tnoreaeeahall amount
In tK-i Whole to tbrea, lueh three Jud gee shalloon
,.v diatiool and eeparato oourt Maforeaaid,
bice ahall ba n u inhered u efo repaid la Hktl.
adelphla aH eutta ahall ho Itiatimtad le the aM
Courtaef Onnmee Plena, withou', designating tha
uuiiiv-i ui luaoan. ana toe acvcrai court! man
distribute and apnortlon tbe business amor.a them
In tneh nanoer as shall ba provided by rules of
court, aod ea?h oourt fee which any milt ihall ba
mui auignea man hare axclusiva jurisdiction
thereof, sob loot to obanae of venue, aa aball he
pro vi ueo oy law. in Alleghany each court iball ;
naa exclusive jurlrtietlon of all proceed. ngi at
law and in eauitv ioms:inia thtirln uhiaAt ia
change of venue as nav bo nrovided hv law. I
Hao. T For Philadelphia there ahall beimePra-!
thonotarv'i office, and ote ProthnnntArv far alt 1
aid eeurta, to appointed by the judgei of sild
ooaria, arm 10 nam ome ror tnree years, subject
10 removal ny a majority or tbe laid Jedgoa; tha
said Prothonotiry lb ill appoint auch assistant ai
nay be neeetviarv and authorised bvsaid oourta.
and he and bii sm I stents ahall raoatva fixed lata
riei to be determined by law and paid by laid
county, all fees collected In iild offloe, exoept
auch as nay be fay lew dut to the Commonwealth,
hall be paid by tba PtutbonoUry into tba coun
ty treasury. Kaoh court ehall have Its ae per ate
dockets, exoept tbt judgmtnt docket, which ihell
contain the Judrmenta and Hens of all laid court.
aa Is or may ba directed by law.
-K-.7 a i ne iia jourie m locooanneioi rnn
adelnbla and Alletibenv reepeotlvelv ahall. from
time to time, ia turn, detail one or mara nf thir
judge! to butd the oourta of Oyer and Terminer
ana me court! oi vuerter nesslooi or tbe feaoe
of said cou itiei la lueh manner aa may bt dtrte-
ibu bj iav
nac. v Judgei or the oonrti or Common Pleat
learned In tbe Law shall ha jodgea of the oourta
nf Oyer and Terulner. Ousrter 8sslona of the
Peace and General Jk I Delivery, and of the Or
phans' court, end within their respeotlva dis-
triors iball bt jutloeiof tbt peeoe as to criminal
ISug. 10 The ludceiof the courts of Common
Pleas, witbla their rcneottve eoootlsa, ahall bava
power ta Issue write of caaTioaaat to justices of
Ibe p.ioe end other inferior courts not of reoord.
and to oause tb-fr prwied-ng to be brought be
fore then tnd right and jutioe bo be dona. i
rWo II Fxoept ai otherwise provided in tbll
Contltutlon, justices ef the peace or atderroeo
ball be elected In the several wards, districts,
bomagbs and townships at the time of tha alao
tion of constables, bv the anal, Bed eleotorath a ro
of. In such manner as shall ba directed by law.
ne nii oe eonmiiMonea oy tne uovernor mr a
term of five years. No townhip. ward, district
or borough iball eleot more than two justices o
thcrcaoo or alderman without the consent of a
majority of tha qualified elector! wltbia aonh
tnwnhip, ward or borough ; no per sen shall ba
elected to lueh offloa unless be shall bava resiiln-1
witbla Uia township. borouHb.ward or district fur
one year next preoeding his election- In eitiai
containing over fifty thousand Inhabitant!, not
mora tban one alderta. n shall bt elected In each
ward or district.
Bao. 12. In Phi adclnhlatbara ahall be eiLeb-
llvhej.for eaoh thirty thousand inhabitants, one
won not or recoji.oi ponce and civil oaues witn
luriviiciion not ozoaea i ne una nunnreu uoi are :
auib snarls shall behold by magistrates whoee
irm ee- nutveaiian n ire years, and Ihev eball
ha eleoted' on general ticket by tbe qualified vn
tamt largo; and la the elaMioa of the said
meiitrates no voter ihall vote for mora tban two-
third of the bomber of persons to ba dented,
when more than one are to be tboeen; they shall
bs compensated only by fixd ularies. to be paid
by said oounty; and shall exercise such juried io.
tisn. civil and criminal, except a hsrin n ror Id.
cs aiii now exercised by aldermen, subject to
sorb nbauaes. not Involvlmr en tnorcaie of oivil
jtrtsdiotion or oonfsrrinf political dutiea. a mav
hi mada bylaw. In Philadelphia the office of
ainarmaa ii eooiiibea
htr. 13. All tees, finci and penalties In laid
court! iball he paid Into Ihecounty treasury.
ac. U. In all eases of summary conviction la
tbii Commoowoalth, or of judgment In suit for a
ptnany onto re a magistrate, or court not .M reo
ctd. cither psrly may appeal to snob court of reo.
oH s. nay be prcanribd by law, upon allowen-i
of tbe appellate court or judge the roof, upeo
ci use shown.
aa Is All judges required to ba learned la
thi Law. exoant tbe judiiei nf the liupremt court.
ahall be eteeled by the qualified electors of the
repeolfve dMrtrta over which tbey are to pre-
ai ls, and shall bold their offices for tha period of
ten years, if they shall so long behave themselves
well ; but for any ree eon able cause, whloh shall
aot be sufficient ground for Impeachment tha Gov
ernor may remove any of then on tht address of
two-thirds of each house of lha lleni Assembly.
xc M. Whenever two judges of the 8unreme
Coart arc to ba chosen for tbe sana term of ear
ytflt. each voter ahall vote for one only. and when
three are to be chosen he iball vote tor no mora
than two; candidates highest ia vott ihall ba de
clared elected
Han. 17 Hhoqld any two or more judges of tht
Supreme Court or any two or more Jutgea of the
Coart of Common Pleas for the sanso diitriot hy
dieted at tha same tine, they shall ea soon after
the election as convenient, cast lota for priority
of ennniMon. and certify tbe reolt to the Gov
ernor, who shall lasut ibeir commissions ta to
onrrisnre tberrwlth.
rirn. 1ft The Judges of fhs BupremtCourt and
tlisjodgesof the several Omirtsol Common Pleas,
ind all other jedgea required to ha learned In the
law.ahiHi at stated times, waive for their eerri
tfi an adequate compensation, which shall ba
died by law, and paid hy the Htate Thtv shall
rtftive no othar comtraoHatloo. fees, or porqais-
ilss of office for their services from any source. oor
hold env other (ffflra or pmttt ander tbt united
Htatrs. i hi i rttato, or aav othsr 4'ata.
Urc 10. Tbe Judges ofthe8uprrmoCoortdor
Irif their contlnuenoe In tfflte,shall reside wi hia
this Com aoowenlih ; end tne other Judges during
thsfr contliiusnna In offloa. shall roaids within tho
dutrioti lor whieh the iball bt respectively
ft.a. 10. The several Courts of Common Plea.
bnsides ths powers herein conferred shall have and
inrelia within their respective districts, milijeot
to such cbengea aamey oemane oy iew,ananosry
powers as are new vested by law In tba several
Courts of Common Pleas of this Commonwealth .or
is may h .rearer ba oonlerrad upon them ny law
hn. SI . Noduiiesshatlbelmpoeed by law up-
na the.uiireinr Court or env of the Judges there
of, exreipt nidh as are judicial, tnr shell any of
the iurtffea thereof exercise anv power of appoint
mint, except as herein provided Tbt Court of
IN hi Piles Is hereby ahoMihed. and no tourt of
original luriadietlow. to be prnlded over by any
one or mora ef the judges of tbt Buprene Court
nau b eauoiisnaa
Bao. SI Ir every nnutily wherein tba popula
tion shall axieed one h end red and fifty thousand
tha Uen'l Assambly shall.and in any other county
nay.eatablish a scplrate Orphans' Court, to con
list of ooo er nort judges who shall ba learned in
the law. whlah onuiL shall cxerotsa all the Juris-
diotlon and powers now vested In, or which may
hereafter be conlerred npon.tba urpnana uouTtij
end thereupon the Jurisdlotlon of tha judgea ofj
too i uurtor uommon rieaa witnm aeon w"umj,.i-
Orphans Court prooseding shall oeae and doter
( Im -nwAnuntvin which a -cparata Orphms'
Court shall be aul.lHbed tbe Register of Wills
hall ka alarh nt aarih OoOrt, and Suhjoftt M It! dl-
rectlen In all natters pertaining to bis office; bt
may appoint caalslant clerks, but only with the
ooaoeni aad annrovel of said court. All ccounts
i -r. ' , , - - - i.b it,. ..J
Oted wilhbim as relator or as b f he "id
- fPa
n.Fta Ottth-n-' Court shall ba audited hy the
Court without expense topsrtiei.tietpt where til
partial In islern' in a panning pnieei.i.g
nominate an auditor whom tha oourt may, In its
dissretion. appoint. In every county Orphans
Court! shall poaxe-a all tbe powers and Juristic
tion of a Kegiater's Cunrl aod separata Kegistsr s
Courts are haroby abolished.
Baa. 3.1. The style of ell process shall bs 'Ths
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." All preeu
lions shall ba tarriod on in tha nana and by tha
authority af the Oommonwinlth of Panylva.
nie, and snnclwda against tbt ptaot and dignity
of the sums , , ,
Hac. 24. In all oases of falonloat unmlelde,
and in stcb ether orlmlnal tjsaes as may ba pro.
vlded for by Us, the accused, after conviction
and lentaeea. may retnon tba Indiolmsnt. ra
cord, and all prooedings to tbt Buprsma Court
for review. . , .
Bno Ii. Aw taethey happtrtlng hy death, ra
ilgnatlon. ar otherwise, in any oourt of record,
shall bs filled hy appointment by tht Uovernor,
to continue till the firvt Monday of January as it
saeradlog tha firs I general election, which shell
occur fhret ar mure ftoatbi after tht btpploing
Of lech vacancy.
Bac. Ifi. All lawi relating lo worts sU1 1 bt
general fend of uniform operation, and, tbs or-
tht Ototrat Assembly Is hereby prohibited from
eras ting other courts to exercise tht powers vest
ed by this constitution In tho ju Igas of tha
Courts of Common Pleas and Orphans' Courts.
Bao. ST. Ihe praties, by agreement filed, nay,
In any civil case, dispense with trial by jury, and
submit Ibe d sols ion af inoh case to the court!
having Jurisdiction thereof, nod such tourt
hall hear and determine tba sens ; and tha
judgement thereon ihall bt subject to writ of ar
ror as In other oasoi.
in pr acm! a? Ann an no tal raoa orrici.
BscTinn. 1. Tba House of BeprossntaUvei
ball hava the sole power of Impeachment
Hao. t. All tin peeebneuta shall ba dried by
the Senate; when sitting for that purpose, tht
He as tors shall bt upon oath or affirmation; no
person shall ba convicted without tha eoraur
reoce of two-t birds of tho nam ben present.
Bao. I. Tha Uovernor and all other civil offi
ce rs ihall ba liable to impeach ment 'or any mis
demeanor In offloa. but judgment In anch eases
ahall not extend further than I o removal fron
office aad disqualification to hold any office of
trust or profit under this Comnoawealth ; tba
parson aoouaed. whether eon rioted or eetiuittad,
hall nevertheless be liable to Ictlctnent, trial,'
Judgment and punUbnent nooording ta law.
Bsc. 4. All officers shall hold their offices on
the conilitin that they behave themaelvas well
while in offloa, and shall ba removed on convic
tion of misbehavior In offloa or of an infamous
on me.
Appointed officers other than judges of ths
eoorti of record and tha Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction, nay ba removed at the pleasure
of the power by which they shall have peon ap
pointed. All officers elected by tba people, ex-
aept Uovernor, Lieutenant Uoveroor. nenbers of
tbe lienor ei Aieenioiy. ana juugea oi toe eourti
of record, learned In tba law, shall ba removed
by tbe Oovernor for reasoaabla eaaaa after due
notice and full hearing, on tht add rats of two
thiidi of tht Banats.
oath or orricg.
Srctioh 1. Senators and Rr present at Ives and
all judicial, State and county officers, shall, be
fore entering on tbe do ties of tbelr reapeotive of
fices, Uke and subscribe tbe follow tog: oath or af
firmation: I do solcwoty swear (or affirm) that I will sup.
port, obey and defend tho Constitution of the
United States and the Constitution of this Con
moawealtb, and that I will discharge theduticsof
my office witb fiJelity ( that I have not paid or
contributed, or promised to pay or contribute.
cither direotly or indirectly, a uy noacy or other
valuable thing, to procure ny nomination or elec
tion, (or appointment,) exoept for necessary and
proper expenses expressly authorised by law;
that I have not knowingly violated any election
law or tbis ComuouwtaJtb. procured It to be
done by other! in uy behalf j that. I will not
knowingly receive, direotly or Indirectly, any
money or other valuable thieg for the performance
or non-performer ce of ty act or duty pertaining
to my olheti olher than the compensation allowed
by law."
ibe foregoing eat n men oe adrainiiterenby
some perroo authorised to admieister oaths, and
In the case of State officers and Judges of the .Su
preme Court, ahall be filed In the office of the Sec
retary of tho Commonwealth, and in tbe case of
other judiuial and ojunty officers, in tbe office of
tbo r rotbonotary of the oounty io which tbe saute
Is fhken ; any person refusing to take said oath or
affirmation shall forfeit his office, and any person
who ihall ba ooavletcd of having sworn oraffirm-
1 falsely, or of having violated mid oath or af-
flnnntion, shall be guilty of perjury, and be for
ever disqualify from holding any office of trait
er profit within tbii Commonwealth,
ibe oath to the members or tho Benate and
Tlouse of Representatives shall ba administered
by one of the judges of the Supremo Court or of
a Court of Common Pleas, learned la tbe saw, tn
tha hall of tbt bouse to which tho members lUall
bt elected. ,
Sbctio 1. Every malecitlsen.twenty-on years
of age, eposseising tha following qualifications,
lb nil be entitled to vote at all eleot ions :
First He shall hava been a cttisen of tht Vo
ted States at least one month.
Second. He sho.ll have resided in tha State tne
yoar (or if, baring previously been a qualified
elector or batirt horn eitiicn of the Slate, he shall
have removed there. rom and returned, then six
months) immediately preoedittg the election.
Thirl. He shall have resided In the election
district wlivre he shall offer to vote at least two
months I to mediately preoeding tha election.
Fourth. If tweoty-two yean of ageor upwards,
he iball have naid vhtbiu two rears a mate or
county tax, which shall hive been assessed at
least two montus and paid at least ana nontb be
fore tha election.
Bbo. S. The general election ihall beheld anno..
ifvly on tha Tuesday next following the first Mon
day of November, but tbe tlrneral Assembly may
by law fix a different day, two-thirds of hli the
me moors or each bousa consenting tbereto,-
Bio. 8. All elections for city, ward, borough,
and township officers, for regular terms of ser
vice, shall be held on the third Tuesday of Feb
ruary. Sao. 4. AM elections by ths clttiens shall be hy
ballot. Every ballot voted ihall be numbered in
Ibe order tn which It ahall ba received, and the
a-tuber recorded by the election offltwrs on the
list of voters, opposite ths name of the elector
who presents tbe ballot. Any elector may write
hts name npon his ticket, or oause tha same to he
written thereon and attested by a ei titan of the
ditriot. The election officer! ihall bs iwom or
affirmed not to disclose how any elector shall have
voted unless required to dt so at witnesses im a
judfaial proceeding.
Pec. 6. KleoUir shall in alt easei except treason,
felony, and breach or surety of tho peace, be
privileged from arrest daring their attendance on
elections and in going to and returning therefru:n.
Bsc. 6. Whenever any of tha qaalilied electors
of this Commonwealth ihall be in actual military
service, under a requisition from tho President of
the United States or by tbe authority of this Com -moo
wealth, such electors mny exercise the right
of lutlragr) in all elertioaa hy the oil liens, under
such regulations as are or shall be prescribed by
law, as fully as If they were present at their usu
al plaoes of election.
Bsc. 7. All lawi regulating ths holdloc of elec
tions by ths cltiicns or for ths registration of
electors shall bs nniforn throughout the State,
hut no elector shall be deprived of the privilege
of voting by ruasoa of his uamt not bciug regis
tered. Bac. I. Auy person who shall give, or promise
or offer to give to aa elector, any money, reward
or other valuable consideration for his vote at an
election or for withholding ths same, or who ihall
give or promise to give such consideration to any
other person or party for snob elector's vote, or
for the withholding thereof, and any eleeeor who
shall receive or arca to receive, for himself or for
another, any monev, reward ar other valuable
owns nl erat i i n Tot his vote at an election, or for
withholding the aama, shall thereby forfeit the
right to rote at such election, and any elector
whose rlgbt to vote shall be challenged for such
cause before the election officers shall ba roq wired
to swear or affirm that tbe matter of theohallvnge
Is untrue before his vote shu'.l be rtrceired.
fiao, 9, Any person who shall, whilcacandidate
for offloa, be guilty of hriSnry, fraud, or willful
violation of any election law, shall be forever dis
qualified from holding ao office of trust ar profit
la this Commonwealth; and any atarwu convicted
of willful violation of Ihe election laws, aball. In
addition to any penalties provided by law, be d
privej of tho right of lu if rage absolutely for a
term ei rour years.
Bno. 10. Jo trials of contested election, and In
proceedings for the investigation af elections, no
person ihall he permitted to withhold his testimo
ny npon the ground that It may criminate himself
or subject him to public infamy i hut snob test I
nony iball not altorwards be used against him in
any judicial proceeding, except fur perjury In
giving sncn teinmnnyt
Bno. 1 1 . Township! and wards of si tie! or tor
oiis: lis shall form or be divided into election dis
tricts of com pant and enntieuoua territory, in
sneh manner as the Court of Qnarter Hesslons of
tha citv or eounty in which tha same art located
may direct j but districts In cities of over ono
humlrrd thousand inhabitants shall be divided
by tbe Courts of Quarter (Session having juris
diction therein whenever at tho neat preceding
election more than two hundred and fitly votes
ihall hare been pulled therein t tnd other elec
tion districts whenever the court of the proper
eounty shall bt of opinion that lbs oonfenlenoe
of the el ee tors and the publie Interest! will ba
promoted tnereiiy.
Her. IS. All aleetlom by pereon I la a reprseol
dlve capacity shall be Viva voca.
Arc. I. For the purpose of voting, no perton
hall be deemed ta have gained ft residence by
reason Of hts presenrw, or lost It hy raasn af his
absence while emiloyed In tht service, either civ
il or military, of thil State or of the tnited Mates,
nor while engaged In the navigation of the waters
of tht Btaie ar of the United Btatee, or tn the
high seas, nor while a student of any institution
of learning, nor while kept in any poor beusa or
other asylum at public eaptflsa, nor while ooaflacd
In public prison. '
Bio. 14. District election boards ahall consist
of a Jatlge and two Inspeatora.whe shall beohos.
tn ananally by tnecitiiens. Rack elector shall
nav thar sht lo vote Tor ue Judge ann one iu-
L Tar a
rer snail appoint -
oarf fur an asw oi.
hoards filled as shall bt provided by law. Elec
tion offioeri iball bt privileged from arrest upon
days of election and while tngaged In naking up
and trammittlng returns, axoept upon warrant of
a oourt of record or Judga thereof for aa cleo
tinn fraud, for felony, or for wanton breaoh of
tht peace. Io sitiea I hey nay clain exemption
from Jury duty during their terms of servioe.
bac. 1ft. No person shall bt qualified to aerve
asaa election officer who shall hold, or shall within
two months hars held my office, appointment, or
employment in or under the 0 over n ment of the
United Btatee, or of tbii Btate, or of any city or
county, or of any municipal board, commission
or tnibt In any city, save only Justices of the
Reace and aldermen, notaries publie, and parsons
i the militia service of Ihe Btate j nor shall any
eleotioa officer be eligible to any elvll office to be
filled at an election al which he shall serve, save
only to such subordinate municipal or local of flees
belaiw the grade of sity or eounty offices as shall
be designated by general law.
Bao. 10. Tbe Courts of Common Pleas af tht
several counties of the Couinooweattb shall have
power within their respective Jurisdictions to ap
point overseers of election to supervise tht pro- i
oeedings of election officers, and to make report
to the oourt awnay be required t neh appoint
ments tu ba nade for any district ia a rfty or
eounty, npon petition of five citiseni, lawful vot
ers of such election district, setting forth that
such appointment Is a reasonable precaution
to secure tho purity aod fairnees of election! ;
overseers shell be two In number for aa election
district, shall bo residents therein, snd shall be
persons qualified to servo upon elt-ctioa boards,
aud in each ease member! of different political
parties j whenever the members ef an election
board shall differ tn opinion, the overseers, If they
shall be agreed thereon, ihall decide the question
of difference t In appointing overseers of election.
an tne law judges oi tos proper court, aula to aoi
at ths time, concur in tho appointments
src. 17. The trial and determination of con
tested elections of elector! of President and Vice
President, members of the General Assembly, and
of all public offioeri, whether Btate, judicial, mu
nicipal, or local, shall be by the courts of law, or
hy one or more of tbe law judges thereof t the
Ueoeral Assembly shall, by general law, design, e
tbe eonrts and joilcei by whom tbe several class
es of slectioa rjnuterts shall be tried, and regulate
the nanner of trial and all matters incident
thereto i but no such law signing jurisdiction,
orregn)ating its exeacise, shall apply to any con
test arising out of an election held hafort Its
fitcTtow 1. All taxes shall be uniform npon Ihe
same olaas of subject! wltbib the territorial limit!
of the authority levying the tax, and shall be levied
aod collected under general laws; but the General
Assembly may, by general laws, exempt from tarn
ation public property used for publie purposes,
actual plaoes of religious worship, plaoes of burial
not used or held for private or corporate profit,
and institutions of purely public charity.
Bac. 1. AH lawi exempting property from tax
ation, otber than tbs property above enumerated,
ball be void.
Etc. I. Tha power lo tag corporations and cor
porate property shall not be surrendered or sua-
Snoded by any contract or grant to which the
tatc shall ba s party.
Pac. 4. No debt shall be created by or on be
half of tbe Btate, exoept to supply casual defi
ciencies of revenue, repel invasion, sup press in
surrection, defend the Btate In wnr,,or to pay ex
isting debt, and the debt created to supply defi
ciencies in revenue shall never exceed in the ag
gregate at sny onetime one million of dollars.
Sac. a. All laws authorising the borrowing of
money by and oa behalf nf the State shall specify
tbe purpose for which the money Is to be used,
and the money so borrowed shall bo used for tbe
purpots specified and no other.
Bao- fi. The credit of tbe Commonwealth shall
not ba pledged or loaned to any individual, com
pany, corporation, or association, nor ihall the
Commonweal tb beoome a Joint owner or stock
holder in any company, association, or corpora
San. T. Tha General Assembly shall dot au
thoriia any county, city, borough, township or
incorporated district to become a stooanoiaur in
any company, annotation or corporation, or to
vbtain or appropriate money for or to loan Its
credit to any oorporauon, association, tnitnutico
or individual.
Brc.R. lhadebt of any county, eity, borough,
townihip, acbool district, or other municipality,
or incorporated diitriot, except as herein provided,
ball never exceed seven per centum upon the as
sessed value of tha taxable property therein, nor
ihall any such municipality or district Incur any
new dent, or increase its indebtedness ta sn amount
exceed ina two per ceo torn upon such asseseed val
uation of property without the assent of the elect
ors thereof, at s uublic election, in such manner as
ah nil be provided by law, !.ut any city, tho debt of
which now axeeedi sevsn per centum of such as
sessed valuation, may he authorised by law to In
crease the ansae three per centum in the aggregate
at any one time upon such valuation.
8itf. Ths Common wealth shall not assume
tha debt, or annpart thereof, of any city, county,
borough or township, ualesa such debt shall have
been contracted to enable tbe otate to rrpet inva
sion, suppress dotnestio Insurrection, defend itself
in tine oi war, or to assist, toe Piaie in ne oie-
shergeof any portion of its present Indebtedness.
Baa lo. Any eounty, townsaip, souooi am net.
or other municipality incurring any indebtedness,
shall, at or before tha time of so doing, provide
for the collection of an annual tax sufficient to nay
the in tercet and also ths principal thsreof within
thirtv veari.
Si c. 11- To provide for ins payment or tne
present Btate dent and any addtttonal aept eon
t rae ted as aforesaid, ths General Assembly shall
continue aod maintain the sinking fund sufficient
to pav tba accruing interest on such debt, aad
annually to redone tne principal tnereoi ny a sum
aot lesi thaa two bindred and miy thousand doi
larsi the said sinking fund shall eonstst of the
proceeds of ths sales nf the public works or any
prt tbbroor, an i oi me income or proevea oi me.
sale or anv noons owned oy too vommoownann,
together with other funds and resources that nay
ha detianated by law. and ihall ba Increased from
time to time hv ftiiigning to It any part of the
LaUxcs or other revenues of the Btate aot ree ui red
for the ordinary and entrant expenses or govern
ment t and unlcaa tn oasa or war, invasion, or in
surrection, ao pert of the said sinking fund shall
be used or applied otherwise tban ia int ex tin
sioisbmrnt of tbt pu title debt.
Bsc. IS. Tbe moneys of tha At ate, over and
above the necessary reserve, shall be used In the
payment ef tbe debt of the Htate, either direotly
or through tbe sinking fund, and the moneys of
tho sinking fund shall never he invested in or
loaned upon the security of anything axoept the
bonds of ths united states or ot tnrs meie.
Bsc 13. The noneys bald as neeeeeary rsserre
shall ba limited hy law to the amount required
for current expenses,' and shall he secured snd
kept as mav be provided by law. wrmtniy state
nents shsll be published showing tha amount of
such noneys, where tha sans are ennaitd, and
hav aafapurtvl.
Bao. U. The naking of profit out of ths pub-
Its noneys, aausing the same for any purpoae not
anthnrinul hv law. bv anv officer of the General
Amhlv. ahall be a nisdemeanor, and shall ba
punished as may be provided by law, but part of
such punishment shall be a dlaquallfleetfon to
held office for period of aot leas than five years.
... . RPUCATV)
PsrrTTO 1. Tht Gsneral Assembly ihall rra
vide for tbs maintenance snd support of a tnor
ouvh and efficient system of public schools where
In all the children ot tbis Commonwealth, above
the age of sis years, may ba ed ecu ted, and shall
appropriats at least one million dollars aaoh year
for that purpose.
Bac. 2 No money raised for the support of the
poblio schools of tbt Cemnunweann snau no ap
propriated to or assd for the support of any sec
tarian school.
Bao. I. Women twenty-ont yenra of age and
onwards shall bt slim bis to any on ire ot control
er management ander the acbool laws of thil
State. '
arttclk sr.
. ' J ' fcumA
- FitCTtflii 1. Ths freemen of this Commonwealth
hall be armed, or ran lis, I and dl-oiDlioed for H
defense when aad in such a manner as may hn dl
reeled hy law. The General Assembly shall pro.
vide for maiatalniag themititia by appropriations
from the Treasury of the Common war It a, and may
exempt from military aervtea persons navtng ecu
sc tent loos sorttplee agalns bearing a. mi.
pvai-tc orrirrno.
Barvrov 1. All ofhYers whost aeleetion Is not
provided for In thil constitution shall bt elected
or appointed as may be directed hy law.
Bao. I. Ne member of Congress from this Plate,
nor an person holding or exercising sny office or
appointment f trust or profit tndrtbe Hotted
States, shall M the same tint hold or exercise
any ffit tn this Btate to which a salary, fees, or
perquisites shall be attached. The Heaeral Aa
semtily may by la deokra what bflcao art in
compatible. Bao. t. Any parson who shall fight ft duet bt
send ft challenge tor that purpose, or ha alder ar
sbettor ia fighting duel, snau bt deprive m idsi
hi mi kaidina aav office af honor ov profit In
ani nieie, ww u7 a"
hit BUsti end may pe Cifterwife jatsae swswasi
asw out a TIKI,
Sumo 1. Se asw ewwnty sfraQ UtatamnsM
which shall reduce any owunty to leas than IW
hundred square mites, of to sees than tweaty
ihoosaod tvbahitantsi Bar shall any oonnty t
formed of let area, or cos taming a lass popular
tton, nor ihall any lint thsreof past wtthta tea
mlks of the coaiity seat of aay county nrofoa4
to ba dirlditL
coiTHTf ornciat.
Bacrioi 1. County t0ioeri shall tonslcttf snor-
tffs, coroners, p re thynot arias, registers of wills,
recorders of deeds, toinmisiiowers, treasurers, iur
voyors, auditor, or controllers, clerks of tht
tourts, district attorotyt, and such others as may
from time to time ha oetabllsbed by law, cad no
sheriff or treasurer shall be eligible for the term
next succeeding tht one for which he stay bt
Bio. S. County officers ihsTI bt elected si that
general eleetloas, aad shall hold their offices for
the term of throe years, beginning aw tbt Aft
Monday of January next after their election, and
until their successors shall be duly qualified t all
vacancies pot otherwise provided for shall bs filled
in suoh manner as may be provided by law.
8 no. fi. No person ihall ba appointed to any
office within any eounty who shall pot bar bses)
a citiieo and an Inhabitant therela one year next
dure bn appointment, if tbe eounty shall bavt
been so long erected, but If It ahall not have been
so long erected, theft within the limit! of that
oonnty or bounties out of which it shall bava boeo
Sec. 4. i clerki of ths courts, ra.
oorders of deeds, regfstsrs of wills, county lor-,
rtyors, and sheriffs shall keep their offices In tha
county town of tbe oonnty in which they respec
tively snau ne omoera.
Ba;. t. The compensation of county officers
shall be regulated by law, and all county otBoerl
who are or may bt salaried shall pay all fees which
tbey may bs authorised 10 receive into tbe trees
ury of lbs county or Blats, as may bt directed by
law. In counties eoatainrnf over one hundred
nd fifty thousand Inhabitant! all oounty tffisert
shall be paid by salary , and tha salary of aay sweb)
officer and his slerks, hersttfort paid by feesfshal
not exceed the agsmsrate . Jtount of fees earned
during hts term aod collected by or for him.
bbc. t. lire uaneral Assembly shall proTMie by
law for tbe strict accountability of all county,
township and borough officers, as well mr the feet
which may ba oolleotcd by them as for all public
or municipal moneys which may bo paid to them.
Bsc, r , inrct oounty commissioners ana tbrea
county auditors shall be elected ia each oounty
wbero sucb omoera are chosen, tn the year one
thousand eight hundred abd seventy-five, and
svery third year thereafter ; and in the election of
una oncers eaeb quaiined elector snail vote for
no more than two person!, aod tbe three persons
Laving the hi gelt number of votes shall beelectedt
any oasual vaoanny In the office of oounty com
missioner or oonnty auditor shall be 6 lied by tha
Court of Common Pleas of the oonnty tn which
raah vacancy shall occur, by the appointment of
ao elector of the proper eounty who shall hart
voted for ths toia missioocr or auditor whoso plaot
is to bt filled.
SxcTtoi 1. Cities may he chartered whenever ft
majority of tba electors of any town or borough
having a population of at least Inn thousand ahall
vote at any general election in favor of tne same.
Bac. 2. No debt shall be ton (rooted or liability
incurred by any municipal oomoaisiiau, except tft
pursuance of an appropriation previously mada
therefor by tbe municipal government.
reo. a. livery city shall create a unking fund.
which shall be Inviolably pledged for the pay meat
of iti funded debt.
rsiTATi oonrosATioxi,
fltcTtow t. Al! existing charters, or Knott
of special or sxslusivfl privileges, under which ft
bona fide organisation shall aot have taken plaoo
and holiness been commenced tn good faith at
ha tims or tbe adoption or uiistonstituttoa, shall
thereafter have no validity.
Bee. I. Ths General Assembly shsll not remit
the forfeiture of the charter of any corporation
now existing, or alter or amend tbt same, or past
any other general or special law for the benefit of
sueb corporation, except upon the conditioa thai
such corporation shell thereafter hold its charter
subject to the provisions of this constitution.
bee. a. ins etrrcise or tbengotot eminent do
main shall never be abridged or so construed as
to prevent the Gsneral Assembly from taking tba
property aad franchise! or incorporated companies
and subject ing them to publie uscj tht same as
tht property of Individual and tha exercise of
the police power bf fhe Slate shall never ba
abridged or so construed as to permit corpora
tloni to conduct their holiness fa such manner
aa to Infringe the equal rights of individuals or
the general well being of the State. - -
PM. t. la all elections lor directors or man
agers of a corporation each member or shareholder
may east the whole number of bii voUs for tnt
candidate, or distribute them upon two tr mora
candidates, as ha may prefer.
Bxo. 6. No foreign corporation shall da any
business In this Btste without having one or mora
known places of boiinees.aud an authorised agent
or agents in tht same, npon whom process may ba
She, 6. No orporalloa shall angarfe) In any
business other than that expressly authorised In
its s barteri nor suaii it taks or nuid auy real es
tate, axoept Sucb si may ba necessary and proper
turits legitimate -mimess.
Bac, T. no eo rp 9 ration shall isstm Stocks as?
bonds except for mney, labor dons, or moaey or
property actually received i and all fictitious in
crease of Mock or indebtedness shell be void?
tbe stock and iodebtedoeu of corporations shall
not ba increased except In pursuance of general
law, nor without the consent of the person hold
ing lbs larger amount in value of tha stock first
obtalnsd at a meeting to be bold after lixty days
notice given In pursuance of law.
mic. B. Municipal and otber corporations and
Individuals Invested with tht privilege of taking
private property fivr public use shall makt Just
compensation fur property taken, injured or de
stroyed or tne construction or enlargement or
their works, highways, or Improvements which
compensation shall be paid or secured before suoh
taking, injury, or destruction, 'ibtuenerai As
sembly Is hereby prohibited from depriving any
person of an appeal from any preliminary aeseea
ment of damages against any such corporations
or individuals, bisde by viewers or otherwise; aad
the amount of such damages, tn all cases of ap
peal, sballj on ths demand of cither party, ba de
termined by Jury aooording to the oonrte of tho
common law.
Sbc 9. Kvery hanking law ihall provide for
tha rot 1 try and countersigning by an officer of tut
State, of all not el or bills designed lor etrenlatlou.
and that ample leeority to the lull amount thereof
hall bt depoilted with tba Auditor Qeneral for
the re-Jem nt ion of suoh notes or bills.
Seo. 10. The General Assembly shall hava ths)
power to alter, revoke, or annul any charter of
incorporation now existing and revocable at tht
adoption of this constitution, or any that may
hereafter ha treated, whenever In their opinion it
may be injurious to the ei titans of this Common
wealth, In such manner, however, than no injus
tice hall ha dona to the corporators. No law
hereafter enacted shall create, renew, or extend
tbe oharter of more thai, one corporation.
SRC. iti no ce pome ooay to possess oanamg
and discounting privileges Ihall be orated or or
ganised to putsuaoco of any law without threw
months' previous publie notiot at tho place of tht)
intended location, of the Intention to apply for
such piivilegea, In such manner as shall ba pro
scribed hy law, nor ahall a charter for such privi
lege bi granted iw a longer pet ma man twenty
bio. 12. Any association or corporation organ-
lied fct tht purpose, or any Individual, shall
bava tht right to ton it met and maintain lines of
telegraph within this Bute, and to connect tho
same with otber lines i and the Uenaral Assembly
ihall, by general law of no i form operation, pro-
vide reasonanie regulation! to give iuii eoeoi to
this section. No telegraph company shall toe sol
Mate with or hold a controlling intereat ta tbt
stock or bonds nf any other telegraph company
owning a competing Dae. or acquire, bv purchases
or otiiviwase, any other competing line of tele
Bbc IS. The term "corporations," at tied ta '
this article, shall be oonstrned to Include all joint
stock companies or sssociatioos nav ing any of tbt
Eowers or privileges ot t into rations not possessed
y Individuals or partnering s
' ' 14 1 LUOA Pt AUD CAWAIjA
Pttrrtn t. Alt railroad's and canals shall bo
public highways, and sll railroad and canal corn
pan iei ihall be common carriers. Any associa'
tinn or corporation organised for tha purpoew
shall bava the right to construct and operate ft
railroad between any pointi within this State and
to connect at the Bute lino with railroads of other
Btatee. Kvery railroad company shall hava tht)
right with its road to tu'srsoet, connect with, ar
cron any- other railroad, and shall receive bad
transport each I he other's paapngTS, t Tiage,and
cars, loaded ar empty, without delay or discrimi
nation. Bao. 3. Every railroad n, tanal odrpbrfttlrm
organised tn tbis State shall mat stain an office)
therein, where transfers nf Its stoek shall be made
and where Its books shall be kept mr inpcMtra
by sny stockholder or creditor of suoh corpora- '
tion, In which shall ba reworded tho amount of
capital stock subscribed or paid In, and by whom,
tbs namee ef tba owners of its stork and tba
amounts owned hy tbem, respectively, the trans
fers of said stock, and ths names and placet of
residence of its oflieete.
Bar. 1. All ihdividuals, dssoelatlons, and
porat ions shall have equal right to have bartons
and property transported over railroads and canals
and no endow or nareaaonablo diecrimi nation
shsll be made In charges for or lb faoillttee for
transportation of freight or passengers within tha
Slate, or eom tog from or going to any other Htte
Persons sad property transported over enjf ssidU
road shall be delivered at any atetlon sA jJarges
not sxocedlng tha ebargj mr traoipiteattu of
parsons and proper '.y of the aama eJasa la tho
same direct toe to any mora diet a siastotH but
excarstoa and commutation tiofcets nay bt Itsoat
fit special rates.
Bno. 4. NoraJlreiv!,cuttBt,sotta
or the lessees, purchasers, or managers of any
railroad ar canal corporauee, ellmnaoltdate tho
stoeh. property, tr lYenektsee of mob corporal ion
wliha'or If ass ar pe rebus tht works or frtoehlMf.
QJ aka eeeaUea aaa) aalvaUoiw f II