THE KEPUBLICAN. CLE Alt K LI), PA. ,M)NES'AY MOKMNd, K0V.1!,lr3. Terms of Subscription. .. is taadvanc,or within Hire, month! .,.,3 00 oftar Ibr and before ill month"... .. I 00 Jpjj after 'lw "P'"0" motilha 10 RELIGIOUS NOTICES. flhoitUI Epleeepal t'hnrfb R.t. A. I). I"'.b:p V """"" 'i' School at A. M. , ,,,,.r MoetiBK .very Xhandey, at 7, P. M. oBM'to Hurvloe, 6til babbalh ef every 'J, Andrew CliarchEilicopiil Re. . Ui.L. Public Rervic. Sunday morning i ll . Wort. end p- M. Sunday School at I p. M. Prayer Muting YYednndny evening prwabyteriaa CburrhR.r. II. 8. Bdti,i, a.i.h.ili lervioe. morning and .renins Sub. Mk School at I P. M. Prayor Meting Wcdnea l.r irenlnif. at VnntW Chart-h Catholic R.r. P. I. Imtiiun. Mail at 10) o'cloek A. M., on th. ana lounn ounti ui wn iuiutu. Lutheran t'liurcJu Re. A. J. Hiktiook frseebiail ov.ry Sabbath, morning and evening. Cabkath School at 9 a. m. Prayer mKting every teiueaJaJ evening. in . . . rhiliiisburi was lectured by a col- grvu loUJ, Ull 1'liuiij. welling man Ifcarly ten tone of mutter pits over tb Pennsylvania JiuilrouJ duily twtwonn 1'ittHburgh and I'tiilutlulpuia. The) Sheridan Troop, of Tyrone, proroeo cclobrttting Tliqnkgiviiig by i mounted drill. - Hubert Loyd, of tht"Loyd Uouno," Puilipsburg, culleu at our nmce Satur day. Ho reports 'Loyd llJuse" pros- ncrinz in spito of lUe panic. Robert keeps a good botel. The Press reports more druttlton uoei in Emporium since the pabsao of the Local Uption law than ever bo lore. Bo much tbe worse for Empo rium. ' What eood timo somo of tho pat eotontsidos will bave nublibliini; the new Constitution. But, then, it i doubtful whether any of tbcifc will Live it to publisu. A man named Jack Curtis was killed, near the lluiriHdalo coul miucs.on tbe lUth, while felling a tree. II is age wot 23 years, 7 months and 5 days. . lie leaves wile ana two cnuuren. An old lady named llunry bad an Attack of Appoploxy in Mr. Moesop'a itore on r idoy last, of which alio par tially reoovcrod and was removed to her home in Boggs township, but died od Sunday lollowing. Cursor loafers now thrust their sands deep into their breeches pock eU. It may be for tho purpose ot holding ob to what little money tboy bare, but It is mora likely tor tho pur poie of keeping their bonus warm. Da. Litz. It will be gratifying to those residing In tho vicinity to learn that this gentleman bus located at Woodland, where he expects to ro main perninnontly to prucliee bis pro vision. Uis card will be touuu else where.- Thomas II. Groovy, directory pub lirlier, has concluded to scttlo down in ihitoity, and aooordinly has entered the o ID co of Ticrncy Si ltrumbnngh to complete bis law studies, bo having already studied the profession soma . f t:n: . i ; - v..- jenni id ii iiiiniiiBjiui iuvyu sju. . In our next ihsuo wo shall givo our readers Gov. Biglcr s comments on th dow Constitution. 11 id exposition oi the offoot of the amendments and tbo reasons given for their adoption ore to simple and clear that the wholo sunjact is brought within easy compro- fieneion to tbe most ordinary mum Fabk Association. A mooting of the stock-holders of 1 the Cloartivld Park Association will bo held at th Nliaw House, on next Snturdnv cvo nine November 22d, at 7 o'clock. It ii desired that all I he stock-holders be preent, as business of importance will bq presented lor consideration Kor. Butlor, of Clearfield, assisted Iter. Mooro, pastor ol tho t'resbvton in church, tlris plaeo, on Saturdnv and Buudnv last, it boins the occasion of communion services. Sir. Butler is a tno talker, and preached several ole gant sermons during bfs vieit at Ty rons. Three new members were ad ded to tbe church by certificato. Her ald. ' i btiDDBM Death. Died in me town ikip, on the lo'lh fast., liunnnh, relict t of Ucorira Koss. accd about roars, Mrs. ft of s was a daughter of Mm i Bloom, Sr., who was tbo second slier III this county bad, and well known 10 all tbo Old citizens. JHrs. lioss en joyed rotnarkablo cood health nnti fow hours piovioiia to her doalh,whon ue was attacked liy a sovero ma i ler arm which soon proved futul. n m Oua CoAt TaAna. Wo learn by Seward's Coal Trade Circular, of tho 12lh, that the shipments of tlearueld coal ovr tbe J y rone jnvision oi int Pennsvlvania Kailroad for week end itig Nov..!, 1873, omoiintrd to 10.B34 and lor. tbo year 510,2Io tons. Xb cost of shipping per ton in tho cars of lbs rennkvlrania Jtsilrouu uompsny ) per 2,000 lbs. 05 00; in compromise i (or Individual) csrs per Z,000 lbs. It. ; i OB lliluminous coal from Onceolo, on I tho T. and C. Kflilroud, to West I'hila- I 'plio, 13.65 per 2,000 lbs. Head It. It will be noticed Ihn I the l(Mi;iiLiAH is nearly enveloped in tho new Constitution, this week 1 We hope all will take time to give it a ihoui'hiful pcruxnl. Iho now in ' trumcnt is a decided improvement , en the old fundamental law ol out State, although it embraces some fca i tTM we do not opprovo, but to so 'ore alarms oortion of that which ii aod, wa must accept a little ot that "tio palatable, with the bono of mending it at some future period. 'ne election on its adoption or reloo 'ion comos off on the third Tuesday, ltith of December. J FlawOn Wednosdny, November J "'in, tue stony itidgo School Jlouse it'nion townshin. rnutrlil firo at thi foof, and bad It not boon for tho snow the roof it would have burned I ten. T toachor built lire in tho i ,loe in the morning.swcpttbo bouse, M as seated nt his dosk reading, 1 hen ho hoard the roof break In. It I, fc'nff about forty rods lo water tlicy h!" con,Peled lo use snow by the j Use of which, however, tho fire 5 soon extinguished. Tbo stovo i fpe wont no tho duo by means of 'J ", wbicU had rusted and foil Tbe beat rising against tb roof Mophrlnnt sat (jrotplt. This Oentkhnial. It is due to our readers who have tukun stii-h a lively intertill in tho Centennial work, thiil they should know whot progrosa t luts mudo, und whul iu future is likely to bo. According to the in for. million wo gather from Col. Forney's rifts, tbo tieiiKn for tiio main expox). lion buildinjr, buinir that presented bv Messrs. Vuux Si Kudliird. of New Vork, has been selected by tho build ing committee, which selection bus been approved and ratified hv tho U. S Commiseioii, and tbut acuoidinly ine necessary aicps are now being adopted to proceed to the erection of tbe building. Iho Uesign eo selected Booms to command general fuvor,' for tho rea son that it is purely American und not in imitation ol any ot tbo exposition buildings heretofore eroded in Europo, and uIho becuuso the crmi will bo mod oruto, and its completion will be prac ticable long in advance of the timo when it will bo needed; butobovo all because its interior form is sititod to tho most porfect arrangement of the exposition. The cost of this thirty ucre building is to bo paid out of the prococds of tho stock that has beon und is being subscribed, und It is to belong to tho btockhotdcrs, and whon tho exhibition is over tbo materials composing it aro to bo sold, according 10 tue act oi congress, anu tuo pro coeds, together with whatever fund may leninm of tbe receipts over the expenditures, are to bo divided pro rata among tne stocKiioidors. Iho design for the buildingin mom- mory of the Declaration, of Indepen dence, which building is to bo used by u. a. lommibsmncrs us an art build ing, is now undergoing revision by eminent Architects, und will be ready lor aceeptnneo in a low Hays. The cost of this building is to be puid out of the money already appropriated by tho councils ot 1 hiladulplnit and Legislature of tbo Stato, conditioned hut it shall becomo the property ot .1. . c... I ... .1 . . . i. itiu ciuiu nuu uiiy ui mu l-iiihu ui me exhibition, and to be in full compensa tion lor tho million and a hall to be invested therein. Everything rUrronnding tho Cen tennial work is encouraging, save only tho influence of tho financial panic. and we can say safely that nothing lias inspired more connuenco thun the ability that has marked everything that has emanated from the general director, A. T. Ueshorn, showing to tho sutisiaction ot all ihut ho is the right man in tho right pluco. Old Laudanum. It is only a few days since a lovely child of a Sun bury iuinily was given a lew drops ol old luudunum, and it went to sleep never to awnko. On Sunday another like chho was mudo known lo us, only the child happily recovered. On fcutur- day its parents, who resido in Stiumo- kin township, came to visit some friends horo, where the child took di arrhoea badly. Among tho remodies applied was laudanum, which hud been a very long time in the bouse, from which tbo liquid had evaporuled, leaving It nothing less than uoncen truted opium, which proved so fatal in the first mentioned cuso. We deem it our duty lo warn paronts against the uso of this old laudanum, and cite these two recent coses for that pur pose. After it has been condensed by long standing, no one can tuko it with saloty. isttnbury vauy. Siiktp. Hon. R. Montgomery and W. A. Dean, r.sqrs., of Lewis town ship, this county, arrived ut Watson town from Cunada with 224 bend of Leiceetcr sheep. They ore the finest ever brought to this county, and they intend reluiling-them with a view of improving tho stock in this soction. In weight Ihcso sheep will uverago over 150 pounda, und a number of the largest weigh over 200 pounds. Twelve pounds of wool was obtained from one of them lutl spring. We hope our farmers will secure a sufli cionl number of these shoep for brood ing, and thus improvo thoir stock. Iftifsonfovn Jlecord. Somb Hod A New Washington correspondent stales that Mr. Josepn II. Breth of that borough isahoad up thero, if not in tho county, In the park lino, "Our borough is small but wo have somo big bogs up hero. Mr. Breth killed two pigs tho other day which were 11) months old. One weighed C22 pounds nnd tho other 508." The Squire evidently has lots of pork aud aausago, which by the way will bo mighty bandy these pros pcrous days. Raffling) Ii.r.xoAL.'-Ilnfiling bns been decided, by Judge I'uxson, of Philadelphia, "as oleurly a violation of tho criminal law, as the most elab orate and carefully organised lotteries by which tbo ignorant and credulous aro swindled out of their hard earn ings." A man has been held for trial in Delaware county, for holding a rat do for a horso, soiling tickets at fifty cents each. His conviction will put Hii end to Christmas rallies in that district. New Lunatic Asylum. The Com missioners to choose a site for the now Lunatio Asylum in tho North west havo decided in lavor of Wur ren. Throo farms near tho town the Eldrcd, Amnrm and Berry farms containing 89 acres, costing 833, 000, were cboron The Girurd poo plo are very mad, because that place wns not chosen, und proposo to defeat all appropriations next winter tor the now institution. R. R. LlNg. We incidentally learn that hereafter regular paescngur truins will run on tbo low grodo railroad bo twecn Reynoldsvillo and Brooktillo as follows: Leave Brookvillo nt 2 p. m., and arrivo at 3:1!5 p. m., leave Rcynoldsville next morning at 0:30, and arrive at Brookvillo at 7:45, a. in. This will bo gratifying news to our people on the western border. ,,, i Dead. "Stove" Smith, tho old ne. gro lumber dealer at Columbia, nnd well knownto many of onrciliions,diod in 1'hiladolphia on tho 1 lib, agod 7 years. His cstulo is said to bu worth e:'5o,ooo. A Cabd. Tbo community socms to labor under a iniatnko in relation to tbo West L'rnnch ltiltors, or which I am tho manufacturer nnd solo propri etor. Dr. Buyer has no Interest them, diioellv or Indiroctly, nnd has not had since ho rolirod from the firm of Boy or & Shaw, in December, lHtifl. A. 1. BIIAW. Tho editor of tbo Forest frett in giving the election returns of that County remarks: "Howe township, gives twenty Republican vfttos straight th rough, and no Dcmocrotio votos, bo na i tart J a It A f!iif)iijr did not deliver tho Democratic, liokatu, damn Aim. Not ttricthj official, M eorwcl.J Lloyd, Caldwttl ti Co. The crediloro of u,j4 bunkirg firm who reside In the vicinity of Tyrone, and Oscuola, held u meeting at the former place on the 1 1th. D. T. Culd well, Ksq, submitted ttio following statement for tho consideration of the creditors, embracing tho assets and liabilities of the Tyrone and Osceola bunks: Heliiw we preienl joa a taliment of onr affairs, al tbcjr aj,icr upun our bouki, OjluLcr 3Ut, 187J: LiAiiLiriei. To amount due drpuiiiorl, ,-. Account, bearing iulerjt ii0,324.f 3 Other deio.itor ll,3U.31-S69,m 84 Due to bank, and banker.. 0'J Ualanoe iurplu.H , ilil,l;3 Hit tm.iau oi AI.KTI. Hilll Piaeountrd $210, 0M 61 Murlgage aud judgment loaoa MTeU 34 KMAL C.TATB, VII I Cold Spring Forge, and i aero, ol' hind coil.. $44,000 00 i 1300 acre, land in Ruh tp. Centre county.ertiutalr, 10,000,000 pine hemlock and uuk lumber, oust. 28,331 it Bank buidliog and pruparty adjoiting V2 fvet on Muin .Ireet 23,000 00 Lot on Muin ttreel, SO feet.. $,304 00 Frame building aud lot at bridge 0,200 (0 , brick buildiug and lot at bridge 8,321 61 Frame building and lot on Spring .lit-ct Home A lot at und; Ktdge Houm A lot at Plnllpiburg Lot near narvhoui. Furniture. te. etc 8,000 00 ''O 00 1 .000 00 3.300 00 $137,047 90 o,2:' to u,. hio 03 .. 6,400 OS Caili, bond, and oath iteini... Iu. froui bunk, and baukcrl. $132,1.10 VI By balance .urplufl $30,173 3ft Tu addition Ui tb. above wa present a.t.tatnont of tbe property belonging to D. T Caldwell indi vidually, which la pledgee for th. payiaeut of the debta of Lloyd, Caldwell i Co. Homestead and Land, Tyrone, Ponna... $32,834 00 Town Lots in City of Altoona, includ ing payment due on lost, sold 25.000 00 Certiflcute Life Insurance In favor of the Creditors 20.000 00 Intereat in Joho Kliiutl A Co., over aud anoveliatitltlies. 7,000 CO Lot on Washington avenue, lis feet.,.. .,,110 00 Ijoton oorncr Juniataand Springstrcvt 8,nu0 00 Lot near Juniata river 1.100 00 300 Acres of Land in Whit. Township, Interval it. Lot. on Juniata Street...... 44'ie 00 Interest in lot on Main Street , 4,M)0 00 Intereat in Klk Itun Lime Kiln , I,!i0 00 luterealin House and Lot oa Washing ton Avenue 1.S00 00 Stocks, bonds and other itearmo. 20,050 00 $127,714 00 Llotd, CALtiwr.l.L A Co. Mr. Stevens then tnado tho follow ing proposition in bchnll of the firm of Lloyd, Caldwell Jt Co., tu tbo creditors: To the creditor, of Lloyl, Caldwell A Co., Tyrone, Pa.; Lloyd. Caldwell A Co., Osceola, Pa. Owing to lb. suspension of payiucut by the senior member ( Win. M. Lloyd) of the above uriua, we have been ooinpelkd to ausovud payment for a short thae. Depiring to secure to every one of our creunora every aoiiar we owe Ibcm, a. invito your conaiderutton to tho following protosition : 1. W. propose to uy to nil ol .aid creditor debt and intereat in lull insid. of two year and six months from the acceptance of this Oder, in quarterly instalment, of 10 per ocut., and to nay all interest on ecrlihcattl of deposit, when tb. aarue falla duo. d. Where certificate! ar. held they shall b. marked "extended aa per agreement," or aurrca dered and new oa. Issued. 3d. W. will giv. certificate! of deposit to .11 parties having balance, or intereat bearing acoounta on our booka. 41b. Inaemueh al w. .wn large amount of tteal Kitate, and loin, of our areditora might be willing Ind deeir. to purcbaM portioua ol It in payment of tb. amount! du. them, we rcqueat your conieni inal w. may b. permiiu-a to ine. aucu Mlol. Llovo, Caldwell A Co. Traosn-, Nor. II, 1S73. Specials. List of letters remaining unclaimed in th. I'ostoflic. at Cloarueld, for th. week ending November 12th. S73 I Bird, Mi.i Kklt U McCracken, William ltcinh,irt, Millar Blode, 1'avid Hhiek, Hluard fcharp, Klli. To v lor, Jainel W. lltur.v. Mm. Sopbia HrcniAD, Witltaia lienntttl, Frank CrMgan, ThomM IprJoof, lwi 1 Kl.ler, 1). F. Fleminic. William (tray, Jantoi A. (lni)(liua. William M. Ilayltm, Uonryli. .Mvlvin, Siildca Mnrmno, Anj MuUlrad, Williara W ilburo. .Icore K. (3) Wilton, Joaopb Winter, llluiaa Wuj, Mnttjevr WooUi. William WiUenion, Jjiepb (2) V, A. GACLiy, P M hknif.' Tits. T. A. Flak k Co. hwejuft re ceived the Oiifnt ttock of Xie ever olTortM, to ttie trade ia lliia plaea. Tbe luditt of Lloarflf Id are rtqueited to call aid iee (hotn. - , ,r Newspaper Decision. 1. Adj pr?uD vtwt Ultri a paper regularly from llie Font Office whuther d I rooted to hit name or another'e, or whether be bai eubieritcd or not -li rciponilble for tbe pftj-merit. 2. If any period order bit paper difconllnuod be muttt pay ail a rrcr or tls pudlipbvr way eoiitinuo iu feim until payment luane, ami etii leot tbe nhoto atonuoU whet ler Uie paicr it taken fry in tho tiftiee or not. 8. Tbe eotirla httve decided Ibat rcfuiiBf to take newipanere or periodieali from tbo lo.t Olhcc. or removing and leavinc them uncalled tor, if prima fmeie eviUfnea of lutentiunal fraud. Frai AMD Robri Tbe largret aiBortntent of Ladiei and Wentlemeo Fore, ever brought to tlieeoanty. eao be een at L. Flegal'i, and at tub low prieee that tbe mnny who huy are a tunhhed. Also, Uuflaio, Wolf and Cotn Uobea. MU45X SOLD I1Y JANUARY SOW, 18741 Reit Prion. licit Delanei. fllack Alpanea , Muit Edit i rem 'ot' ...i JO eentf. IS aud 20 24 60 r reiicb Jlerlno..., t2 and tJ Hhawls, Coatinga, Uiiluiotal Kkirts, Table Lioen, Flsooela, Cassiiaerea, Ladira' aud Cbildrcu'a bbooa, at prioea Iu auit the llincl. The atock aaiiat b. .old and yoa will ssvs non rj by purchasing. WM. RKED, Claarllold, Pa. DOWN 1 DOWN I DOWN! FANIC I PANIC! PANIC! Owing to tb itrlnfreney of the money market we has reduced onr price, for oah to pasio rmcBsi Overcoat., worth 112, for n ti 00 Suite, worth l, tor 13 On li.rrii Ca-iimer, Suite lor 11 00 Now la tbe timet as w. must sell, and ar de termined to sell, our-rtoek to cosh eustomera within thirty day.. First eoine Arst served. Now It tb. lime to fit your winter Cluthing. Call and ice for, al ' " james kerr co8 Centennial Clotihnij Store, Corner Old Weitern Hotel, Not. 12 t. ' CLEARFIELD, PA. A C Ann. Miie Mr Alpine, teacher of Music, Painting, Crayon and Drawing. Room at th. Academy. "s!7 Bird Cag.1 a larg. aaaortmcnt at II. F. Big l.r Co.'i. . Wood and Wllluw War of all dcMrlptieni for ill. by II. F. Biglcr A Co, Nontour Plate Painta, for painting honae. In side and oeteide Cotlugea, Farm Building., Ae. Ueautiful, durnld. aud economical. Uround in pnre l.lnseea Ull. . m)2j';i H. F. riioLia i Cp. flat Timet Fan Labor! Have Money I Sav. Ciotheal Tb." Novelty Wringer" Is th. In the merkrt. Buy It try It. For .al. bj H. F. Diol ia A Co. II. F. Blgler A Co. have been making txtenalv. additions to IhelrHocI or llaruwar. toe last lew rfava. Krervthlne new In Bhelf Hardware, fad- dlera' Hardware, Farmeiw" ll.rdwara, iluiljrra' Hardware, and Bardwar of all kiods,oan be seen at their .tor. , . ; . Way Hlwa. piatan'a Cross-cot Raw, Great American 8sw, BnrnloB I Ligblning taw, al J5-7'2 II. F. Hiol.ia A C.'i. B. R. WhMlbarmws, Baby Carriage., To El press Wagonl ad Wheelbarrows, as m2a'7e " Biol.. A Co'l. A Ml lin.of lloufebnldreoe4s,J.piio4Wr.; for rale b; II, I. Biler t O. To T.ii Ciriirxk or rri.vAiiu. Your it teuliun la rinpecliuli. invllrd tu the litct that the National lliink. .re now prcpnrtd lo rtoeiv. .ub .rlptium to I lie Capital KKiek ot lb. Centennial ll'jmd of Finnnup.. Tite fundi rcalirnil from thU murne am lo be euipb, eJ iu (lie oreclinn ol the building fur the lulornitlionul Exhibition, aud tbe expeuac. ouuncotcd with th aaiuo. ll ii non fl'hnll.T cir''"-l"'l luut the K -miuiiu rltate will bo ri'prei'i-iiu-d by llie uini ol evury eitixcn .live tu patriotio Diiitinruiorutiiu ,f tbe oue liundrrdtb liirtb diO' of tbe union. Ttiv .bare, or .lock Ale oH rud Igr $10 eiicli, and nubmuiburs wilt roctlve a liaudautuely aleel engraved CarliUnito of Stook, uiluble for fr:iuilng aud preservation .. a na tiunnl memorial, Interest ut tbe rut. of li per cent, per annum will be paid on all payuu-nL of Centennial block from date of payment to January 1, 70. Subscriber, who aro not ucm a National Bunk can remit a check or poktoiric order I. th. no dcraigned. PHBllK. FltALKY, Treasurer, aug20 004 Wuluut bt., Philadelphia. CUT THIN OCT. i ... It May Have Your Life). Thar. Ii nn person living hut what .ufferl morn or le with Lung Direaaos, Coutrh., Cold, or Con umptlon, yet iouio would di. rather than pay 75 cent, for a bottle of tncdioin. that would sure thetn. Dr. A. liiiohe'f. U.rman Kyrup hal lata ly been introduced in thll country from Germany, and it. wondrou. .urea aaloniihe. .very ono tnat try It. If yuu doubt what w. lay In pr nt, out thi. out and take It to your Druggist, C. L. Wat .ox, and get a sample bottle free of charge, or a fagnUr liao for Ii oeutl. U. O. DltHEN, 20.ug7:ly - Woodbury, N. J. Axri. Rovcnty-flv. doirn CIcerfield Wood chopper. Am at VMAi. . II. F. niOLElt A Co'i. Talnta, Oila and Vurtiiihci fur tale by II. F. liigier A Co. Calcined Plaitor for aalo by II. F. Ufgler A Co. NEURALGIA, SICK HEADACHE, NERVOUSNESS, eft bitufitine eror tirdt'iwed upon fuffcrirr human ity. It hue been cared illy and patiently tried in a Kfeat number of cniei, and bai merer fuiltd in a single ioitaoee to effect a cure. It eontaim no iiijuritiui iu))Knce, being prepared entirely fruin ciirefully eleittd material!. Neither duel H aet like ninny round. ee new in uie. by blunting the nerve. anM ttiui giving only lennt'irary relief, but win aot quickly and mmy. AH wiioareaulluren from (hew di.-act will find tbii an lulallible remedy ; aud being amioui tbnt it khall oimmend ittrir to tbe public I refrain from further re markt. If ucd acoording to direetium, a euro i guurantrcd in every ease. Priio one duller pur bottle. Kone genuine without the aignucuru of Frku it lStuTUoL KO, Chemmt, I'blladutiihia, Fa, Fur tale by all drug,iiu aud tkalcn in Cloar- Oeld euuuty. tup 10 3m. Fai!th Fi!iTr' FiMnisoB. Onr itock of Fit int s urnl Fainien' Mnteriuli it onmplete, in eluding J, T. Lewii' Furo White Lend. John Ld one A Co'e Pure White Lead, F. R. A (V ltm-k Li-ad, and a number of ehenpor of White Lead; alvo, Linxeed Oil, Turpentine, Yarniftbciof all kindi, a full line of Ur tubes, and a full line of colurn, dry and in Otl. t4 II. F. BlOLttt A Co. RrAD Tntn ! Pcmom who eon template building will do well to rill and examine our flock ol Hl lUHSU MATKUML8. We have in atoek a full line of Ituilderi' Hardware, Kaitt, Faint, Oila, UlsM, Fulty. Calcined iMnnter, Ac. my 2d 7 a u. f. Higixb A Co. Notice to Waoo an CAnniAoa Makrrk. We have jutt received a general auorrtiaent of Wagon and Carriage Wooda, alio a full line of gpiingx and AjlIci, which we offur eheap for entb. 11. r. UIULBR c. Just received, a large lot of non-exp!oatv. L.mne and Lanterui at -2i-7J . II. F. IIiolis A Co'i. niiCAPITL'LATIOS. Bird Cajrea. Wood and Willow War.. Mmtsrbold tlimds. All kiuda nr Hardwara. Jnpanned Ware. Paints, Oil', Varnlahel. Calciucd Plaster. Wagon and Carria.;. Maker.' annpliel. All of th. nhov. for sal. at the maiutuotb Hard war. Rtor. of II. F. lligl.r A Co., tieoond .treet, Clearfield, Pa. 3t Dtarrird. At the rrsidrnr. of air. Phllin M'Ore, October 13lh. 1 (7.1, bj Kor. It. 11. ','ni.avat, Mr. DALLAS PATRICK, of Jadinna. Indiana eounlv, Ponna., to Miss 8AIIAII A. WUAVLlt, of lkll township, Clearncld ouanlv, Penna. , Also, bv tb. same, Mr. V. E. 1I0LMAN lo Mill COHNlil.IA A. UAKU.NLR. In I'nion township, on Xovember U(b, Rev. E. MAoaa,alr. 1 KHl.t.NA.ND CiKYI.iill.or llrsdj town.hip, to .Miss SAitlK K., daunbter el llr.iav Wbitkuxad, Esq. At Cltardild, Pa., on 0elobr lflih. bv Wil.l.lsa Poaran. Ksq.. Mr. UAVIU P. UKITAI.N and Mill tiAlt All UltUW N j bolb of Clearfield. At th. trsMi'iicc of the bride, father, on ITovem. ber 2d, 1873, by WaLt.ia PoRTttn, lq., Mr. IIAKKY II. Ll Ml AN and M... 1)1.1 VK kF.AD, bolh of Lawrcne. townabip, Clearfield coauty, Pa. On November Ath. 187.1, by M- S. Withi-right, Kq., Mr. ANTHONY HAlKNto Miss FLuR. EM'K II HOOK I. both of Ferguson township. Li m - -l! $,arJ;rt!J. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by Rii-nann Moaaop, Wholer.l. and Retail Ui'alor in 1'ry liooils, tlroc.rtes,rro viaioua, Ac, Murkvt street, I'lcarlieid, Pa. " Cl.lAnrtCLD. Pa., Novrmt-er 18, IH7S. Alitiles.irreen.OOCuj oOtlloaa, dressed , ft Dried, lb In Hides, green.. t A j.jilu liul tor.V enl, 75 Ham Otl rv IV Butter oiKA 8.i Shoulders fill't ?l lleana ti 75(, 2 i Sidea.........0H(. 12) Huckwlieat 1 UU Lard l.'tv lluckwheat (lour lb, 6 .Moss pork,t LI.I...20 00 lleef, ilrled.. ii ')ata do lleef, fresh-... T (Ti) V Onions I 60 Hoards, M 12 00(o 14 AlM'otatoel OtiQ n Corn, shelled.. 1 0 Pcocbea, dried, tt.. 10 Corn, ear Ctlf, III Plaster, V lib! I 00 Corn meal, sack, 1 3" Ity. 1 10 Chop, cwtl oatj) J 40 lima, 1 lb 2 Cloveraeiid. 8 Oil Silt, fit snoli.ljl(,0 i Ml fheejo- 2" Shiiiitle.,IRIn.4W5 00 Cherries, lb. 111(a) In Jliiiiglcs,2tl inlOfji, Ii 00 Chickens, drad, lb, 12 Timothy Iced i 110 P.s..... 2j!Tallow 124 Klaxsued i 1 011 Wheat 1 Ii Flour i Od'dl 9 10 Wool 40 llav III! OOin.22 nil, Wood, 191 enrd 4 10 len n sy 1 van in Ka i 1 ronl TYRONS 4 CLKAUPIELD DItANCU ON and after londoy, NOV 3d, 1 ST.1, the Paasenger Tr.ius will run daily (except Sun. davs) between Tyrone and Clearfield, as lollowi CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Cleardcld ,.1.40. r.v. Tvron. lipfleola Philipsburg., Cloailield .:!0,a.. Philipsburg.. ,.4.i, 4.ll, .1II.4H, ", ' 1 1 HI, " Osceola Tyron. , CLEARFIELD BXPHES'g. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTU Clearfield t.40 a. n. Tyrone 7.00 r. Intersection. ..7. If " O'caola D.IO " Phllipaliarg.-Kfi " Clearfield, ar....lll " Philipsburg.. Si ' Osceola 0.40 Intersection.. T.4S ' Tvron B.UO FAIIU l'KOAl CLEAIU'IKLI), TO HellefonU, Pa 13 Mlddletown tb HO Lock Haven 9 7 Marietta 6 60 Willinmnport. Oil l.ancn.ler Huntingdon 1 0. PHILADELPHIA 7 f Lewlatown. i HO Altoona I At M :iryivllle 4 AO Johnstown I 80 UAKIUSBIiHO... 4 7.'.i i'iTTHHI lit) A Ii ennneetioni made by all trnlna at Tyrone and Lock Haven. 8. 8. BLUR, tnv!7-tf. Superintendent. Spokes, Hints & Flow Itondlcs. JOHN O. DAVIS & SON, l10 SrOKE WORKS, g. W. Cor. LEOPARD A OTTER Street!, PHILADELPHIA JWSend for Price Lilt. T:.10:ni SAWS1 SAWS ! SAWS I DISTAN'S CROSS-CUT, MILL, DRAG AND ClHCl'LAR RAWS. Boynton's Liglitning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For lale ly MtlJ.Tn II. F. BIOLLR t CO. T)IKK, WHITE A ROAN LINING SKIKS- I jutt received anil ror s.i hy Apr" tt, IhT. M. f, BitfbtR A Mi lUisrcUatifcus KW ADVERTISEMENT I GPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! T. A. FLECK & CO. would annnunee that tbey are new opening fur the Fall ttaaion tbe mo it att rto tire aud euoipktt lillUIacry and Fanry Goods v.r bcftir. Ifortd In ClnrteM. In oor Faarv vsuuua usi'anw.ul w. ar. enarioj lull Ua.l or Hosier, Cilovei, i Ties, t - Lares, rtlbboni, Dreas Trimming., Wouleo Good., Hoop Sklrtl, Coriets, Hair Good., Caavaa. ratterna, Worateda, Ate, all f which w. ar offering al attractive priiei. WZ&mnRY LEPALTIIEITT. W. arc now oprnioa; th. lataat itl.i aad nov.I lie. for lb. rail Seaaun. BONNETS, ' II ATS, rEATHBRS, PLIUS9, VELVET RIIB0KS, . til's, ORKAKENTS, FLOWERS, A. OUE TEIMUINQ DEPARTMENT I. In eharg. of a nr.t..laaa Trimmer from W. aolielt an Inspection of our .tvles by th. ladiea ol CiearQeld and vicinity. Htore mom th. aame aa now occupied try rt Reed, on Uarket street. eovS'JJ T. A. FLECK A CO. rpo TIIOPK INTERESTED IN TUE PUR X CHASE OF A STRICTLY PURE RYE WHISKY, For Medicinal Tarpoaea we offer Itailoy'a lurc Kyc, Price f 2 to $6 per gelloa. and will abip In naek age tu auit jmrcnaicra. We alfo handle largely a CCrPER DISTILLED WHISKY. Price from 1 1 .SO to $1.75. Wa Import FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN And aja. alio maoufeturera of ' DR. STOJVER'S TONIC HERB BITTERS. Bnd f prlo. list. ' ' KRYDr.RA CO., octIS Jin 121 North Tbird St., Philadelphia. E LARGKST - ASSORTMENT OF ' STOVES! STOVES ever brought to the eoonty. .re being received et the Hardware Kit.blishmentcf II a. ItK.I.DH ev CO., eotnprlsing th. foliowiug Cook ritovn srEAK'S CALORIFIC. : SUsyUKIlANNA. KEtiULATOB. NOBLE. EXCELSIOR. TKIUMHi. GOV. TEXN. liEADINO KATIOJfXl. RANGE, AC. AC. Alio, the following Healing Stoves: : speaU's axti cliskeu, SrEAIi'.H ANTI DUST. SPEAR'S OUIUCl'LAR, 6r EAR'S TARLOR COOK, MORNIXO LIG11T, lifiN TON, ' G1TSEY, , VULCAX, fcUNUKAM, Rynv llAUTHIN too, CIlKSTEK EfiO, VOLCANO, rilOEN'IX, HEAVY MA It ROOM AND STORE KOOM STOVES, AC. Cleariold, Sept. 2), 1872. T to mi m nun MEN I PERFECTION IS CANT HOOKS Th. Clearfield Excelsior C.nlhonk will not wear out or break, being eonatructcd with one aolid band from clip lo point. It ll pronounced by all practical lumbermen who bave examined It tu be th mo.t psrfeet C.ntbouk ever Invented. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manufactured by Aatoi KiaaiftD A Co., et CLEARFIELD, FA. cr-A1lrden prnmplly altended lo. 2a,7l s TONK'S SAW CUMMERS AND SAW UPSETS. 1 1, bar received the agency for the ahnro in will et'i them at manutaclurer a prtccl. tall a axaviaelhrni. Tbey are the bell. gall ft . f. ttunxk HQ. THIS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT 1 The attention of the eltlaeni of Clearfield and Iclniiy it directed to thn fnot that Uoodlilluw A Fun are the ageuta of M. Nieoe A Co.. and bave ii tt reeeirod a balf doaen ear loada or 1 lour and eod, whiob they otTer at the low eat poaaible bg- urea. A large ttock or FLOUR, COKN MEAL, CUOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAX, Potato!, ShollcJ Com, Corn Id car, At., tt. Parlleutnr itt.ntlon tl eslt.d to M. Nleo. A Co.'a brand of Family Flour, wbich la tu. bast la tb. aiark.t. Flour and Peed ean and wilt b. lold oneapar baa it eao bo obtained elsswber. in Cl.arfi.ld oouolv. m-Stor on Market strett, next door to lion. Alexander Irvio'l resiilenoe. OOOUFKLLOW A SOS, j.nlOtf A genu fur M. Niece A Co. KRATZER & LYTLE urnentlne, Kail., fsiata. WILL SELL T0U O laas, Oils, utiy, French, Richards & Co.'s Buck Lead AND Calcined Plaster VERY CUKAP. Immenaa itock oa band. Clearfield, Pa., June 4, 1873. s TEVKNSON & CO'.S EXCELSIOR BAKERY, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Harln? reeentlr fitted tip a nrw Tlakerr, and pnxurett (be arrvieep of a Sratolaaa linker, we e prt-pttred to ruruiin RESH BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, &C.. erenr day. M'a will dcllrer Crcad, HolU. Cake of all kindi, ftefb every morning, at the doore of nur euitomera. If deiirvd. We repertfuMy ao licit a ebare of publlo patronegft, and feel aurc tbit we enn give entire atlietiua ao aveop on hanl a thuH'e apnrtment or CAN UIKn, n UT! UKAUU, A.KAIU.NC. TO- RACK), t'HlAltS, 4ce. rrrbb Fhl ITS and VBuKTABLEo reccired daily and void at reaaonab'o ireei. rrcih DiMMtB, in eeuaon.ny tne ean or quart, Jt'ts tUtA.M aiwaya on nand. Oive ur a eall- We etrire to plenM. Ang. . l7J-tf. 6TKVLXKUX A CO, A. k W. D. IRVIN, CORNER STORE, CUKWENSVILLE, PA., BICEITI FLOUR AND SALT BY CAR LOAD, And icll t imull Advance. B O 1 E BY TUE COIL, AND PACKAGE GOODS FOB LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES SOLD CHEAP. Augnst 13, 18737:1-73 J. R. M'MURRAY will srpn.Y you wnn any artici. OF MkllCIIANIHSlI AT TIIKYEitY I.OWKf PHICU. COME AND SEE. tS:J:73:y) NEW WASHINGTON "TEV 8TOKE AND NEW GOODS i.1 JOS. SHAW & SON Hare just ope ned Niw Rtori, od IduiD St..CLtariELD, Pa lately occupied b; Wm, F. JliWI V. Ttioir itock coniiiti of LDLXiZT CD COLD 31 CkociKin of lb beit qualilr, Quf-enswakc, IJoots and Sliocs, end every article neceuarT for ooo'f oomfort. CttI nd examine our itock before pur cliaalug el.iwhere. May 9, l'CO lf. Miss E. A. P. Rynder, anaat row Cblrk.rlng'., ft.low.y'. .Ad Ivmerson'i nsncsj bnilth a, Mason A Hamlin i ana rsiouDet i Organ! and Melodeoni, ana Urov.r m Daksr'l S.wlng M.ebinei. alio v.acaan ee Plane, dollar, Organ, Harmony and Voc.l M at. No nnrll t.k.n for leal than half a term. 4r-Rnowis oppnslt (lullrh'a Furniture More tearncin, mv a, innv.n. Bcale's Embrocation, (LATE POWELL'S,) for .11 diaeaae. Incident to Rome, Cltl, n lloman rilan, reftriLg tti na. ol an eilern.l .ppllostion. Thll Embrocation wal .Itenllvely lied For sal. b llarlswlck A lrlt, Cltatt.M IWrb.f). Iiaii. Curwenivllle. I'snlel Orajd. and'T, Lntbersberg. EAD Cfluatiouul. jrf ROVED SCHOOL BOOKS. The ftrnti of Cardi of E-lucatlon, Puperln- tenaeLta aud Xcucbora ia inrittd to tbe foliowiug APPROVED SCHOOL HOOKS, PCBLISUED BT E. H. DUTLER & CO., miLADELPIIIA, PA, AB . - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED ! EV THE CONVENTION OF DIRECTO US, UELD AT CLEARFIELD, JUNE 3, !S'S, or the m of Pnblkt Bcbmoli sf Clcarteld Co. Alio, by tba STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION' for all th. Public School, in tb. Stat, of Vermont by th. boards of bduaation ef K.w York Ciiv, Fhilad.lphla, Lan.aat.r, , Hearting, Huntingdon, llollidav.barg. and many ether prominent towns and otiiea. AIITCHELL'8 NEW GEOORAPUIES, Tb. St.nd.rd Seriel of America. LWAYS UP WITH TUE TIM ES Reran, rnicut MilcbeH'a Firat Lesaona In Orography 10 Icbell l New Primary Ueognapbv, 4lo u itcbell'a NewIntermediatelieograitby,4te I 8U Milcliell'a Now School Ueograpby A Alia.. 3 l) Mitehcll'a New I'li.vaic.l (Je.arl.hy 1 CD Mitchell. N.w Outline Maps aad Kay, small aeriea. on rollers, art H 10 00 Mitchell's New Outllue Mapa and Key, larg. wriei, on ruii.ra, net xu vu THE NEW AMERICAS HEADERS AND SPELLERS, Th Lateat and Handsomeat Beriea. TIIK BEST AND CHEAPEST SERIES cw American Firat Reader, 1 fimetar ...20 New America. Second Header, I ...xtl ew American Third Reader, I AD ew American Fourth llcadur, 1 ...8e rw American Fifth llaader, J Mar ...V0 .w Aiuerirau Priuiarjr HntJler 20 New American Pronouncing Speller 3U KEW PUBLICATIONS. Tbe Kew Amorican Elymol.igy d ztrd Junior hiienkvr 70 Oxford Senior Speakor 1 U Conic ean be obiaioed anon tbe most liberal term lor introduction, by application tu lb. pub lishers, or to D. W. I'ltUMUK, Agent, Huntingdon. Pa. 2rCnrrespondenoe vritb Tcaoher. and Lircet- or. cordially invited. .. ptlfl-Hlw MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEABFIELD. PA. . THE FALL TERM of fourteen weeVa. will eoinmenee Monday, hrpleuibcr lit, 1673. TEKM8 OF TUITION, Reading, Orthography, Wriling.ObJect Lea- aonit I'rltuarj Arittiinetio ana rrimarj Ueo.trat.hT $7 09 Iliitury, Local and descriptive Ueographj with Mnp Drawing, Urawuiar. auentaj and Written Arithmetic 9 00 Algebra and tbe Srieneei 13 00 Irwtruotion In Initrumental mueie 10 00 Oil pAtHnting, 14 leuona .. U 00 Was work u uv For full partieulara and for Circular. ClearBeld, AugV, U78. :T:T0-.t QLEARF1ELD ACADEMY. MALiEe Dl'.PAKTMKT. THE FALL TERM of four two weeke will eoinmenee MONDAY, BEl'TEM I1KR 8th, 1673. Term a or Tuition Reading, Writing, Mental and Written Amhuietie. U rammer, ueograpny ana lliftorT. - $0 00 Natural TbiloaupbT, Pbyiiolugy, and Sin gle Entry liouh-kepiog II 00 For lnftriietiuna In Ucuble Kntry llouh- beeping and Cum torreta, Aritbuetlo, ape eial Urua to be arranged. The onderrignod having charge of tbe Male Department ii an experienced teacher. ileJsa gmdunte of Iron City Commer',ial College, and baa had aereral yean' practical experience aa an lie I iirrpared, on moderate give tucb Initructiuna in Pentnnntbip and lino. -keeping aa aro usually obtained only at Commercial Collcgea or in actual ba-incaa. Furpartlculura reapecting tbe ecbout apply to auE27tf R. M. aUl'ENALLY. JOOK AND EAD! S1DDLE & IIRESS MAKHG . " JOHN 0. EAEWICK, Market St., CLEAUFIELD, Ta., Ia tbe man to gn to if ynn want a aet of new UAH NESS or a new SADDLE, pr anything else in that line, lie turns out aa good work aa ia done in any sbop In Pennsylvania, and hia prioea are very reef on able. Constantly on hand a full line or TKOTTIXG GOODS, such aa Trotting Kn'Mlee, Quarter and Shin Roots, Trotting Hollers, V bips, ruie Iirushesand umi.a, Ac. A fine assortment of Neta, Hon vt 'overs. Knee Rlaiikcla, Uut1.i1o ltubes, Ao., Ac, kept in acaon. In fact anything that noraomcn ataud in need uf Is always on baud. All of wbtch will be aold at wholesale or retail at the very fairest ratca. Kopalring promptly attended to. AU work guaranteed, bbcp in room formerly oocupied as I'ost OlTltM. April V, K7A. T. M. ROBINSON & CO., Paalcn la Harness, Saddles and Bridles, BLANKETS, BRUSHES, fly Not, Collnrn, Wbipe, Ac. A lara. alack of TROTTINO OOOfiRof .11 decriptiona. Alio, a large itock ef JIAIlNEtS THI.M.MIAUS. jr-Hep.iring promptly attended to. fthop on Market atrect, Orahnm'a Row, In ibop rormcriy oooopiod iiamc. Aiex.ou.r. Clearfield, Ta., June ii, 1STS. 1 (JOT A3 D SHOE MAKING. JOPETH I!. I)KEHII, on Market street, In .liaw'a Row, Clearfield, Pa., haa just received a flne lot of French Calf aklns and Kips, th beat in the market, and le now prepared toman nfacture everything in hia line. JJo will war rani hia work to be aa represented. The cl'lttne nf Clearfield and Ttelnttj are respectfully Invited to give bin a call. Work done at abort nutlet. 7:16'7.1y iei;jiovii,. IRANK SHORT, of the "Short Phno Ahon," airea notice that ha haa re in ured from Uraham'a Ruw, on Market street, to neat dflftr to the Allegheny Hotel, on Market street, where ho ia prepared to make and mend BOOTS AND S1IOKS, rtilrbcd, aewod fir pegged, with the best stork tba eaMern market alTonls und al aa reasonable prices aa they can be Imuuht for elrewliere, and where he la pre ui red to aotimm)d!te all hia old cm loin afs and a many new onea aa niav favor him with a eall. Thnnkful fr i'ost farors, ha would re spectfully aolHt '0(inuanoe of their pnlrbnsge. Clcarfluld. October is, l7S.-0m Lime Tor Salel TI1K ondcrslned, resldin,; neir tb. depot bai m.d. eoinplel. nrranKvm.nt. with Lim. li.irnrra .alt of tb. mountain, wherebr h. la ana bled to kea eoaatently op hand I ar. iaantllv of P U It H L I M K I nhitb ha urs to faruwa and lailtJerf al a trifle above cost. Tbne In noad of the art tola wuuld do 11 to gt tue a eall, or addreae mo by letter, bo for negotiating tneir lime. OKO.0. PASMCR. t leerMd, Pa , Jun 0, 1 1. gfntlstrjf. ANNOUNCEMENT Of THE GREAT REDUCTION OF, PRICES I ; BY B. POttTEH U AW, V. O. . IMPORTANT TRUTnSi ' Ilartng succeeded ta getting a lighter tariff ea ' material, benoe tbe low and asooWi. charge for ' partial and full acta of Teeth. I nee tb. brt tnauufectur. of teeth and other araterlal. All . operatloueregiiter.d and warranted ae give vie. and ..tiataclion. ' Friendi, reAeot that my ebarg.i for the loisr tion of arti'cial and th. aarirg of th. nataral teetbarenoWlh.uo.trcaaonat,lcin Penniylvania , PreMrv. your teeth and you preacrve yournealtn. Putting of the natural teetb in a kealthy, pr. Krvativaand vaeful condition Is snade a ipeeialtv. Diaeaae. and mallormetlnnaonmmon to tb. month, law and asaocial. part., ar. treated nnd corrected with fair .uoctss. Eiaialnaiiooi and eenanlt. tion. ra.n. It would n w.H for patient, from a diatanee 14 , let me know by mail e few dayi before eoming t. th. olc. II i. very Important tbit ehildren bttwr.n the , ge. of .ii and tw.lre year ahoold kwve teetb examined. Anseitbetie. ar. edminietered and laeta r moved nitkowt p.ln. .... Di.poaition. and character are Judged by all the world by th. .ipr.aiiulil of tb. face, banc bow very disastrous may It therefore b. for per" sons to indulge .a .ipression of distorted feature., ven apart from . bvgienic view. Now, lo enjof natural (not artificial) comforts and pleaeorM, reapoot end obey n.tural aimplicilles and Instinct. 1 S. POUTER SHAW, D. D. S. Office in N.w Masunie Building, Second .treat. ClearQeld, Pa. mayn la DENTALCAED. Dr. A. M. JIILLS Would lav to his patients and th. pub lic gem rally, that, baring d I .solved partnerabl wi'b Dr. Sb.w, b. ia now doing Ik. .nllre work of hi. office himself, so that p.tient. need not fear baing put nnder the hand of any other operator. Ckarnelil, Harcn in, llTi-pusomcni. J. M. STEW AET, D. D. S,, a .'eW Olfiofl over Irwio'a Drag Stortf MTrTTf CUKWENSVILLE, PA, AU rjcntul operntioni. eitber in the nerbatilfal orojMrative branch, prontptly attendrd to and eatialettiott guaranteed. Special attention paid to tbe treatment of diaoa'et nf tbe natural tteib, gnina and tnoutb. Irregularity of tbe tclh an cef fully eorrwtud. Teetb Mtritted wilbuut pain bjthouaeof Ether, and artirlniel terth lnarU4 of the beat material and warranted to render kat Ufaotirtn. aprll2tVTl:.J' rpiIE MITCHELL WAGOX, FOR Farm, Freight and Plantation Uie. TBlveraally known aa tba OR In INAL RACINE WAG02T. Made by eiperleneed work ai en ont of aa goon material aa money cun bur. We donotelaiin ta build the lowest priced Wagon, but onr aim ia ta buld a well proportioned ag'n in all Ha parte, and excel in durability and lijrbt draft. For tba paat quarter of a century tbe Mitchell Wagon bai aueeeitafully maintained the reputation of being tbe best gun in una. Tbe rapidly Increasing demand fcr ibtia provea tbetr auponortty overall tber wagona Mitchell. Lewia A Co , Manufactnrera, Raelns Wiseonain. For aala by TtlOS. REILTi Aug. 6, IU 73. Clearfield, Fa, "T-EW LIME KILN ! 1 NEAR CURWENSVlLtB. The nnderiigned would reppeetfully nutify alt rerannS interested that he haa jot erected a new Lime Kiln, fn Pike townahip, anj will keep om band a flrat-claai quality of Qrty Lime, wiitcfa will be fu mi ibid In urmertt, builder aud otbera at 15 eenta. per bualiel, caih. at tbe kiln. jijycui U. B CALDWELL. CHEAP GROCERIES! LUM11ER CITT, PA. The nnderalgned announoca to hie old frienda and pntrone thai be baa opened ft good line of OltOCtHIES A PROVlhlUNS at thaoldataod of Kirk 4 BpenOer, for which he artlieit- a litwral patrcnaga. H. W. 6PKNCER. LumUr City. Pa., March :0-tf. IOK lAI.F Tbe undertlfhed nffera for aale a valuable town proprrtr tn the borough ut Clearfield. Lot : H1?A ft-et, with a god two. aturj plank honae tberenn creeled, with three room a down iMaira and fbtrfr bed room a np at aire. Alau. aewing room and bath ronm on eceond floor. House finished complete from cellar to attic flood dout'le porch and good water. Price re a aunaKle and payments easy. 20aug73 WM M. McCCLLOUGH. SALE! A larg anil wpII findbed Crick tWHcg, alht. ate on the river brink, In tne borough of Clear field, containing eleven room, with good cellar, water lb the kitchen, and all tbe modern conve niences. Pantries. Hth-room, Clo'bes-prcisea, Ae, Lot eilty feet front and two hundred aud thirty feet back, with a twenty frn't alley on tbe east side. Paid htiiMing, with all the appurtcueneee. will be Mld ohenp, with payments to suit pureha- aer. APPHcn'lun cAn be made to tna nnaer- signed, or to A. C. Tate, Knq., who will givo all mceesary information lo thuie who desire to in-p-jtt tbe property. J HUB. ej. JirVLI.leUL.UAUU Mny list, 1875, tf. TONDS FOH SALE. Tho Clear. field Oaa Company ia offering ita boo da at investment, ruunmg from oaa to ten veera. bearing aii per ei-nt. ioterest, payable arml-aq nually on tbe first dava if JMiiuary and July. The amount limited to ItMHKh being but one-tbiid uf tbe atock of tbe cuuipaoy, thus uiak ing the lianas a drsiraMe and ante in vest men. They can bad at cither of tbe Uaaka in tbia bor- ougb, or at tbo Treasurer's offie. l" - lrl 1 TO TMi...M. Clcaruold, Brpi. 10, 1873. tf ir OUSE AND LOT FOR SALT3I The House and Lot on tbe corner of Mar ket and Fifth ll recto. Clearfield, Pa., ia for sale. The lot contain I neatly an acre of groied. Tbo house la a large doul.lo frame, containing nlno roam a. For terms and other information apply to the subscriber, at tbe Poat OtTue, nn v 1.1 P. A. OA II. I If. The Bell's E un Woolen Factory, Poun township, Clearfield Co., Pa. BURN Hit OWTI rr not TURNED U PI Thesnbserlbera have, at grent expense, rebuilt 4 neighborhood niPtaity, in the erection of a firat claha Vt'uokn Munufnetory, with all the modern improvement tittaehed, and are prepared tomako all kinds of Clothe, Cassimcrrst Satinetta, lilsn keta, Flr.nncla, Ao Plenty of goods on bend ta supply all ourold and a thousand oa auatrku,tt whom we a sit to come and examine our Uookt Tbe business of CAHDIKO AN'D H'LLIKD lit receive our opeelal alien. Ion. Proper arrangement will be made to receive and deliver Wool. taetHt eaatoincr). Ail work warranted ana done upon the shortest notice, and by striet atten tion tn business wa hope toroaliae a liberal abarw of public patronage. lO.IMN) POUNDS WOOL WANTED I Wa will nay the highest market price for Wool and sell our manufactured goods as low as aim Mar goods can be bong lit in the county, and whenever wa fail to render reasonable satisfaction we can ell wars be found nt homo ready to make proper explanation, either in person or by letter. jAmt.a juiiaeuii diib, eprlUlVf Bower P. 0. 4 NEW DEPARTURE! IV frOMKTHINQ 5I . Stone Cutlers and Masons. A new firm, wnder Ih. nam. of William At;. Annal, bavestarted on tlielrown hosk In th. hton. Outline; and Ktnn. Mason bnaln.s., la. t.'l..rll.ld, wbere Ibey will b. fxnnd al all lima, ready te lake all eonit.ot. and do all kind, ol work in their Itsiss, from lb. hnildlnff af a Cnl Bton. Manaion to ih. le t in I of a Cellar Wall. All work .nlruiled lo ikeia will rwv, att.atioa and anlirt'sntlon r"rnte.d. WILLIAM A HKilitliK ANNAL,, Oct. , 1171, Hrji CAI'l'IIIM All persona are Motioned aoA to nnrohase or me.1.11. with a,, la posse., ion of Klobard twarll, as eh. helenr. in me. novll JAMLa W. Fl'LTUlf. J (III nilNTINq Ut KVKRV KEBOtlB. Ihn aeawtf eertafcH al thll ettVa,