THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAKFiKi,!), PA. WEDNI8DAT MORNI.NO, NOV. II. 1871. ran m.-. .. "' WaokupV Washing. ij Mr. Wuckup, a married man of Bridgeport, quit work early the otber iiflernoon, and went homo forth pur pott oi (pending tho cvoning or ralb or half tu night with a number of bis frienda. 11 o found his wife lying on the loungo enjoying a sick head ache, but he couldn't tiud a clean ahirt. lira. Wackup suid his ehlrts were . washed but not ironed, and she was too ill to do it, and it was the girl's after noon out. A shade of disappointment clouded his brow, and rushing into tho kitchen, be slammed the door with suoh carno8tne8s,aiid fortunately fouud an Iron on the rnngo, nice and hot. Then he dived into the basket of damp ened clothes, and found ono of his shirts at the bottom, just as bo ex pected. lie spread It out on the table with, out first romoving the oilcloth cover and hurriedly consulted his watch. Then he couldn't find tho Iron-holder, and substituted bis pocket handker chief, and after burning four of bis fingers and breaking ono of the com mandments, landed the hot iron on bis shirt bosom, lie thought the gar ment had a strange look, but supposed it would assume its proper shape when ironed and bo shoved tho iron up and down like a jack-piano. Tho la bor seemed so easy that ho mentally said ha had a mind to follow tho busi ness for a living. Thon lie undertook to turn the shirt, and just because it adhered to tbo glazed tablo cover,' he gate it a violent jerk, adding at least aiz inches more to tho split in the back. Thon he noticed for the first time ' that he had set the hot iron on the - tail of the garment und scorched a bole iu it as large as his hand, and in bis hasto to removo the Bmoothins mncliino, be neglected to use the bolder, and bo dropped tho hot fraud on ms cuoice toe; and when JIrs Wuckup, who was startled by the in tensity of bU languago, entered the kitchen, holding hor head with both bands, she discovered her husband hopping about the room on ono foot and clasping the other with both his hands. Tbo sympathy that Mrs. Wackup tendered was not of a nature that her blistered husband yearned for just at that particular moment. She :placed her arms akimbo and indig jiAiitly observed : "Ain't you neliumouof yourself, you old fool 1 dancing the can-can uruund here and your poor wifo nearly dead, too ! And'' biro beroyes rested upou tbo wreck on the tablo "and if the old idiot bnsn t gone and ruined my bestcbemiso! Otho tho ." Wack up didn't tarry to heard his infuriated tetter hall bmsh the sentonco, but adroitly dodged tho broom handlo.ond limped out ot the room and up to bod, without his supper. Tbo next morn ing he told his triends that the reason that ho failed to keop bis engagement, ho was suddonly attacked by the chol era morbus at the supper tablo, and me io nave aiou uunng toe nigut Norrktown Herald. : Well Put. The Golden Age thus goes for the slanderers of Horace Greclov : ' During tho toijsomo months of last year, when we were doing our best to urge tbo claims of Horace Urceloy to . 1. ... rr r , iuo nuurugos oi nis countrymen, we were constantly ioiu that Jlr. Cireeley was a mitn so unskilled in financial economy that his election would dis turb tho morrcyed classes. Henry Clows & Co., Jay Cooke & Co., Fink a Jiaicn, ana otuer urms mado them selves conspicuous by discrediting Mr. Greeley on tho ground that his clco- lion woultl unsettle tho money market, "tndcr 1'residont Grant," said thev. i.n 1 . A ' oiiitu uttvo prospoiuy anu case. But Grant's election has been f,.l lowed by the vory panio which it was expressly donignod to prevent. More over, tho vory 6rms that trustod to it for safety are the chiof victims to their ownfalso prophecy. Furthermore the conspicuous cnpitalidts who Inst sum mer advocatod Grant's elootion we mean such men as Horace B. C'laflin, Henry Clews, William Orton, and others distinguished thomsolvcs on a 1 . revem ounuay morning ty urging """ tiuiuie ins law 01 lue land in oracr to roliovo them from a pinoh ana prossuro which they wore once sure oonld come only through tho election of Grant's rival I , . Tho campaign slanders which these profossed exponents of the business .uiiiiiiuiiivy uuoreu against a blamc letts man a year ago, hove now been brought homo, by a sort of avonging poetic justice, to their owu doors, sua find a strange commentary in their own misfortunes. . s Kace Horso Killed. . A eelebroted race horso was killed at theHerdio Park, Willlamsport, lutely. The Gazette thus notices the rnoo. Kentucky Georgo and Capitola wore entered for a half ruilo dash, running race, best two in throo. Kentucky winning the polo. First lleat. Tha horses kept well logother throughout the boat, but in piteofthe urging of Kontncy George by the driver, Capitola came ia first, winning the boat in 68 seconds. Second Meat. Tho horses started off as lively us on tbo first heat, but before reaching tho socond quarter, Kentucky George stumbled, and was thrown with the head in plunging position, the weight of tho body break ing the animals neck; the driver, Vandyke, of Tiirbutvillo, was pitched forward, struck upon the traik, and rolled under the polo. ' Kentucky George gave tbreo or four kitks, and died in less than two minutes; the driver, stunned by the sudden fall, fur iinu mo instuni cnocKlng ol a railroad train, mado one or two at tempts boloro gotting upon his, fcot; he tlnally succeeded, but was com pelled to support himself upon tho funco. Capitola, boing in advance, pushed on until tho heat was com pleted. - It was feared that VanJyko was serioiiHly Injured, and tho ruxh from the race cmirso building to tho opposito sido of the track was excit ing to witness. Tho driver was fortu nately not kcriously Injured, but had ho been thrown against tho fonco, In stead of directly forward npon the track, undoubtedly ho would bnvo been killed, so great was tho spood nt Iho lime the accident occurrod. 'J'lio ownor of Kentucky Goorgo is Mr. Joresinan, or Watsonlown. Capitola was declured lUo winnor of the race. ; Boston has 2,8(10 places whero tin--dor is openly sold kr snito of prohihi tjoo ordinances ..... 1 SHAW 1I0CSH, (Cur. of Market h Front streets,) CI.LAKFlKbb, PA. Tho undersigned haelnf taheo ehargt of tblt Hotel, would respectfully lolleit pnhlto petronagt. M117. R. NKWTON SHAW. LEOUAKD HOUSES, Oiipoiite Rnllroad Pi-pot, , CLL1AHVIULU, PA. i FIctiMDtlf Iocs ted and a Ant-chii hotel Id all reipecU. lireakfait fur paiaeDRera leaving on AoroiDf train." WU. ti. UKADLKY, June 11,1873. Proprietor. 7TsinNGT0N house; IT NKY WA9I1INUT0N, PA. Tbii opw and well furulibed bout hat been taken bi tbt undorigatl. lie feel confident of being able, to rentier aaiiifactlon to tboit wbo 017 favor him with a oall. . Ma 8, 1873. 0. W. DAVIS, Pmp'r. THE MANSION HOUSE. CurncrorBecnntland Market Streets, , VLIiAKI II.D, PA. THIS old kid cotnmodloaa Hotel hM. during tbt put year, bun tnlarged to double Iu former capacity for tbo entertainment of ttran. gere and juoi'.i. Tha wbola bullJiuj haj baea refurnished, and tba proprietor will (para no paina to render hia gueata tomfortabla whllt itcyine; with him. ir-Ibe "Mansion House" Omnlhnt rani to and from tba Depot on tho arrival and departure of aaob train. . JOHN D0UU1IKRTY, aprO-70 If Proprietor. jyONTOUH UOUIE, Opposite tba Court House, LOCK HAVEN, rE.XK'A. JcU'Tt HAUSEAL i KItOM, Prop'i. B ROtKliKlUll l' HOUSE, BKLLEFONTE, PA., D. JOHNSTON BONS, Proprietors 00 t25'7 1 RA1LK0AD UOUSE, Main Street, pniLirsuurw, pbnn'A. Table alwaye tupplied witb tbo tba market affords. Tho triteling public ia Invited to rail. novl.'Oi. 110IIERT LLOYD. LLEGUENY HOTEL, (Market St.. bi. Second and Third,) ( iLi.1), pa. The subscriber having become proprietor of tms notei, woum rospectiuuy as a liberal snare of public patronage. ap!2U GBORGB LEIPOLDT. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CUUWESSVILLE, Clearfield county, Penn'a. Tliil old aud well aliabllibril flotrl, beautlfullr situated on tba bauka of tba Suaquehanna, in the boroagb of Curwonitrille, baa been leased for a term ol yoara by tba undersigned. It baa been entirely rufittcd, and is now open to Iho public generally and tha traveling community iu par ticular, ho pains will be spared to render guests comfortable while tarrying at this house. Ample otaoiing room tor tne accommodation ol teams. Charges moderate. bpt. JS, lH70-tr. EI.I DLUOM. Ifaratvarf, tlimunrf; Ctf. xas iho:t:ide: TIN AND STOVE STORE I G. S. FLEGAL, PMlipoburg:, Contra Countj, la, THE anderatgoed respectfuMy anoenneea to the public that ha baa oo band a care- luiiy-selactad and wall assorted stock of STOVES, JIEATER8, RANGES, HOLLOW WARE 1 TIN, COPrER AND SHEET-IRON WAREI WOOD AND YILLOW WARE! - Bit stock of Cooklnj Stores oonaltti of 7UE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which bar aerer failed to bring peaea and prosperity Into families where it ia need, Diamond State, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Spears vsiuornia 100a mora, npoara' Antl-Unat, Oas-Bnrnlng Cooking Htorea. Victor, Reliance and Union, Spears' Cooling Ronges, . Ac, do. Vm-The TIa and Sheet Iroi ware litk tba Mores la made of tha bearlaat and best material, ana warrantsa to (Ira perfect tails. laouoa. Hia Stock of Parlor & Hoating Stoves It larger, bitter and ebaapar than ar'ar before einioiiea t tne pablla consisting of Bpoara' Rorolrlng Light Illuminating Store, Pr nnii-uusi uaj.nurnmg rarior store, Spears' Orbioolar Uaa. Burning Parlor Btoo,6poare' Qas-Dun.lng Parlor ' Store, Booties, Pearl, (),m, I J,, Sun, Tropio, Nerada, " ' at., ia. Vulcan, Elm and .Victor Ilratert, Susan' Re ' Tolrlag Llgbt Utatera. . lie la alio prepared to furnish a complete anortOHint of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Woodon and Willow Ware, &o., Wholesale or retail, mannfactured neatly and with tha sola rlew to torrloa, from the bat ma terial in ioa maraet PLOWS PlOW MISTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN-LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of arery description oonsUntly on hand. ORDERS FOR SfOUTINO, BOOFINO And otber work beloniln to hli bn.u... -in bo promptly Sited by aiparlenotd and skillful workmeDf BRASS, COTTER. OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASU Taken la eiohanga for goode. O-Tta esnaclallT laeltaa tba ti.oii.. .r einrenants wnning to puroha.e at wholesale, as they will find it to their advantage to ciamlne hit stock before purchasing olsownera.' Look out for tho Tllg Sign opposite tha real . denea of Jlie. Dt. fosl.r. All Goods Wiatd at RamttiaTiD. I'LEfiAI.. angS M Phlllpsbnrg, Jane I, lure. Attention, Lnmbcrmcn ! are nnwmannliuilnring enr 1MPROVR1) V STKHI. - 8CCKET lilllVINU CANT- IIOOKH, superloMo any other In use. Wa hare aiso in ttooa a large qnantily of t'anlbookt eulla ble for raiting purposes, which wo are rolling ;.,irnp lrr-n. A1K1A A II. fl A 11 D. Claarfirld, l'a., March 13, 1 8; J. 00?'- ' ' i ' I11A QUNSMITIIINO. t Q. W,"W0LFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMlTn. Shop on Third street, 'orar Rlley'a blacktmllh Jbnp, CLIiAHFIiai), I'A. All kinds of Hides and Phot duns on band. Repairing dene ia a i l olo manner and i fair JJulOU nnd gtctiirints. I II IS LATEST MOVEI THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S D'RCO STORE, To tbelr uew building' on Soeond Street, nearly ppeslta the ttora of Wearer 4 Belts, CLEARFIELD, PA., Vhr thty will eoDtlou to lupply hlr oltl d at Bavuj dw ouitomtri m my oum, with PURE DRUGS! CU.UXOALSl.;:, PUARMACKUTICAL PBEPARATIOMB, (IaotntUng U ow rmedieif) Pltnt Medictnti, P-lnti itnd Otti, Olai and Putty, SrWl B'ki ffrationiTjr, Pftpar, io. aim, a full Una of Drug- g iiti' Buodrtct, Hair ' Xonioi, 1 Cuituctief. Prfamtri9t Toiltt ArHf!i, Bruihai, lyiiei aoapi, rocket iiof, u of tha bail quality. PUSE WISES AND LIQUORS, for mtdieal k laorameotai pnrpotci only, t Pun Whit Uad. Cdlora of all kindt. Rw aad iuailed LibUfd Oil. Varoishu, Turptu tla; Coal Oil, Paint A Varolii, Bratlif. Flavoring Kitricti, . CoDftctfonerlef, Plrtl 6cfd, finle, ground and ungroinJi ol all Hindi. SMOKERS AND CI1EWERS Will flod our itock of Chewing and Smoking T"baeeo, I oi ported and Do- oaaatio Ciiri, Si.iilT and Fine-out to la of tba , very best brandi in tha maikata L1MF3 AND CHIMNEYS. . . J ! All kiodi of GLASS WARE. GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Udiioal Tfimaiingi of irary variety, ITavlng a lone axporleDca In tha bmlnwi, and an axtaukive and well 'eclrd itnk of medicinat, wa ara onahird to fill, Phyaioanr preacriptiopt at the iborteat notice and ta tba noit rcasonablt tarmt. day and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN, ClrnrfleM, Pa., Mv 31, 187 1 -tf. Sri, Coolly Crorfriw, (t. ED. AY. GRAHAM, ' " ' ' - DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE T1MIMR & LllICER, CLEARFIELD, PA., list just opened, at tba KEYSTONE STORE, a oowpieie etoca oi jr e ir a o o i $ , of erery descriplioa. DKY GOODS, ' . ' GROCERIES. HARDWARE D0OT3 AXD SUOKS, CLOTUINO, dt;.,f o. IN GREAT VAHIETY.: FLOUR, HEAT, SALT, . ; RYE, OATS, i - CORN ALVA J'.V OiV IIAK1) AND FOR SALE AT A SMALL AVVAA'CE, FLOUR Recelred by tba ear load, and told it a small 1 advanec. - A supply of ItOrB oonslantly on hand. peiat li.docraisiiti alTartd to tboto gelling ott Pijuaro limber and Logs, at wo dial largely ia Lumbermen's Snppllet, and ara pre pared at til timet to parchasa tint- i brr and lumbar B I). W. G H A II A M, "KEYSTONE STORE," Reoond fltreet, ' ' , CLEAKKIKLl), PA. Oct. , 1871. I. r. wairta.. ,.w, w. (am. CLEARFIELD, TA, Are offering, at tha old stand of 0. L. Head A Co., tbelr stock of goods, consisting of DRY - GOODS, G UOCERIES, D00T8 A SHOES, HATS CAPS, HARDWAKS, . .1 QUEBNHWABB, FLOLTR, FEED, SALT, &o!, &o,, At tilt noit reuoniMe raUa for CASH or In xofaarjgt fur Sqnaro Tlmbor, Boards, JShlngloo, OR COt'NTBr PRODUCB. -AdencfS ais.le to tits etsgrd la tot ting cut tpire llrabrT oa Iht aot adrautsgMue KdillanfJ a J-'- We desirt) to call the attention of tho citizens of Clearfield county to the fact that w havo ocncd a MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Where we intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Our stock of PIANOS will consist of RAVEN & COMPANY'S PIANOS, STEIN WAY Wo are prepared at all times favorable terms as to prices ana terms oi payment. Our stock of ORGANS frill consist of tho new and popular IVYNDER ORGAN, (with Bynlcr's Knee Tremolo nnd downward The SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S i NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides these we furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. We sell on every plan known r-ortJLAR and easy LLASL rLAIN. , On our easy terms every one can have a good instrument, amount will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. DC7We shall be glad to haveLiu call and see us, whether you desiro to purchnse or not. oct2S-'72-ly " '; ; ' HYNIHSU'H MUSIC sSTOKE. rpo THE F R 0 NT ! CHEAT EXCITEMENT AT TUB CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND ICECSEAM SALOON I: Tha undersigned haring Just llttrd on new, largo and eomlortalila rooms on Market street, near Third, respectful! informs tha public that ba now drriiarrd to aoomtnodata then witb everything in bit line oa abort notice and at ail houra uf the da, lie aeepa on baud KRKSB BREAD, ECSKJ, ROLLS, PIES, CAKBS, all kluda. ICE CRKAM, m and ft (QDirftl mortment of CONFECTIONKKIKS. FRUITS, kN'UTS, Ae., All of which Ulb4rUrrH to oaitomcn u lhlr rotiJtoee, wbB reqowttd to do o. ICB CREAM, bj tht dih,frTd in t)j tut Blfticd room. Tbftokful for tbo (caeroai potroiufo bo itowd Id tbo pMt, bo bopri to merit id reooho a eot tlnaonoo of tLe mo from bio old enito Don, and otbfro. . JOHN STADLEK. June lS.'71-tf. HATE3, COULTER & CO,, Buceeatort to W. A. Arnold, MixmcTuniat or Heaters, Ranges, Low Grates - and MAHDUI.IIBD ELATB MANTEL. Bole agenlt for tha ealebraul CniLSON COOKINQ HANG.E. . "Scnd for Catalogaet. No. 1304 Chestnut Etreel, JunaJJ-em PHlLADKLPfllA. OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY, OSCEOLA STEAM illLLfl, ataarricTtiaai LUMBER, LATII, AND TICKETS Sawed dV Patent Itilbed Shinglet. ;n. U. SniLLINOFORD, President, OfBoa Foret Plata, No. 136 8. 4th it., TM. JOHN LAWBlin, General Bop't., Otaaola Mills, Clearteld oounlr, Pa. Alto TOWN LOTS for sale in tha tnrounh of Osceola. t . Koen tha LAIIOKST ASSORTMENT ofUoodsin ClearSeld oountj at their Matiimnth Htnre in Osoeola. : . jaun-TJ O. I. c. "lirnuRg buy toy PRV flOODS, 0RO- ensware. (llaasware. llrn... n,l VT oertes, Queensware, (llaasware, Notions, Confeotlouerict, Aov cheap for cash. Tha subscriber begs lea re to Inform hit old and new customers that ha baa opened A VARIETY STORE . , IN OL1CS 1I0PE, PA. And will tell roods at ftrlrva to en It tba lln.. I iinerat reitucltoa will bo I aaada to tustumart buy Ing at wbploaalo. i i Call and osmlna my slock befnra pnrcbaslna elscahoro. A liberal share of public patronage Is solicited. . fl. J. KEAOY. Oleo Hope, Pa., June U, 1S71. Clearfield Nursery? " KNCOURAfiE HOME INDUSTRY. rpUK andertlgned, daring atubilthed a Vol -L ssrr on the 'Sika. about l., Clearutid aaA Curwentrllla. la prepared to fur nish all klndt of FIUUT TRk'KH. i.i.,i..j Lj dwarf,) Erergreent, Bbrubbery, Urapa Vlnaa, Ooos.berritt, l.awtoa Blackberry, Btrawberry, and Haabarry Vlnaa. Alto, Blbtrlaa Crab Trees, Quiuea, and early tcirlet Rbbarb, do. Orders promptly atttndad to, Addrtta, . D. WMOIIT. u. i,i.l"IWa MARKET STREET, OLKABFIELD, PEUUfA, & SONS' PIANOS, HAINES to furnish any of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most MASON &i to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR ?)Usrrl!aafou3. QLEAEFIELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. HP UK nrxlvnignrd. R nrxlvnignrd. inoeof-oro to RRKD k X POWELL, hTo pun-hitl tho CLKAH HELl l'LANINJ MILL, and refitted It for doin an oitemiTo dumb cm. All tbo mAcbiDory will bo ad-lod Birj to make it ono of tho moit oompteto eitb tfhinnti ot tho kind In lb Htato. Tiitjr ore now prepared to reoeivo order for any work In thai lino. They will gireipeo.iU ationttoD to an maioriaii lor Burnt Duuainj, FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, . SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, , BRACKETS, .TfOtX.V,c 01 ALL STYLES, alwaa oa haad. WORKED BOA RPR, aad all artiolea aeeesM ry fT building, will ba exchanged for IKV LUMUKR, an that persons at a distaae mar bring their lumber, eaobaage it for, and return noma wttb tba loanilaetured artiolat. t Tha Compan will alwal bar oa band a large stock of drr lumbar, so as to bo altle to all an order on tha shortest nolle. Only the best aud most skillful hands will ba employed, ao that tha puoitc niaj rei upon good work. Lumber will ba worked wr sold as low at it aaa be purchased anrwbeta, and warranted to girt atisrnrttoa. as tne rjusiaest win be one upon tba cash principle we can afford to work fur tuial) pronta. DRY LUMBER WANTED I Especially one and a half and two lncb panel hum, ivr nuipi a uuerai prig win oa paiu. Tba business will b conducted aader tha nana of tba "Clearfield rianing SH1I Co." 0. B. Mtrrtll will personally auperintud tha uasiaass. Ordtrs raspsotfullj eolioitad. - " - 0. B.' MERRELL. R. 11. TAVLOR. DAVID McliAl'OIIRT. M. U. UUOWN A DUO. Clearfield, Pa., January B, 1S7S. BRICKI BRICK I BR1CKI A SEW GRlfk YARD. WS. PLHMMER A CO., baring lUrted . a new and eitensire llrick Yard In Cli arlinld, are prepared to make contracts for first disss lieu Uriel, in large or small quantities. Orders and correspondence solicited. Informa tion ean ba or.. ldr calling at Uynder'1 Ma. slo otora, or fey aditrerting rr . o. s li i; in m r. n at CO., yr-tf Claarllabl, P.. The Lightning Tamer. rpilK aaderslgoed ara tha tola Agents in this X otunir lorttit"Mortb Amerloaa Oalranlsrd LKIHTNINO K(J OH." Iitasa ara tka only aafs Mda now in use, and ara andoned br all the eclmtido men in tha country. Wt horcby notify tba allitent of tha county that wa will pat thorn up a better rod, and for lata money, than la charged by tha foreign agonta who annually traverse tba county and carry off our little cash, saver to return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Those wishing Ltchtnlnt- Rode erected oa their buildings need but address ul by lellar, ol call ia parson. Wa will put them up anywbart In thaoounty, and warrant tbera. Tba Hods and FUturot aaa ba taaa at any time by celling al oar store. ). R, IlluLbR A 00. Clearteld, March It, I TMf FAIRBANKS' STANDARD OP ALL Ktni( Eig8"RO narrows, Warehouse Trucks, Copying FntMB, Improved Moaey Drawer, Ao, roa aaia er II. PIQL13II & CO., Dealera la Jlardrfar, Sooond Street, Clearfield, Pa. BARGAINS IN MUSICAL IN fcTRUMKNTH I -Organs, both paw and second hand,attUa Music Hluro, opposlla tlulleh'a 1 urmture atur. jiii paraons tntereataii ara invt. tod to catl asjol aaajuina a new styla of Organ aow on ablbitloa. Bbeet Mutle aad Music hooks oj!iinlTonht , sj'1M-? BROTHERS' PIANOS, Octave Coupler,) Ol.GANS. HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the CASH, ON NOTES, or on the and no other investment of like SnulaS. Clearfield County Bank. Till Clearlsld County Book aa an Ineorpora tad InsUtBtlon has gone oat of eiittenct by tbt surrender of itt charter, oa May II. loot. All Ha itock it owned by tha aabtcribert, who will continue the Banking bu.lneas at tba same place, at private Bankrra, nndar rba arm ntmt ol tha "Cl.arfl.ld Coanty bank." Wa arc re- spoasiblafor tha deblsol tha llanV, and will pay itt aotet oa demand at tba counter. Iseposits recctred and interelt ptid wben money It leflfor a aied lima. Paper discounted at sii per rent, aa beretoforo. Oar personal rarponsibillt is p'.vo.jed for all I)a( ositt recclrad and businets trans toted. A eontinuanca of tba liberal pat ronare of tha business men of tha county Is re spectfully solicited. At president, Cashier and emceri of tba lata Clearfield County bank, wa require tha aotet ot laid Hank to ht presented for redemption, JAS. T. LFONABD, RICHAUD SnAW, WM. PORTKH, JAS. B. GRAHAM, a. L. RbLD. WM. A. WALLACE Tbt busioeai of tbt Bank will ba conducted bj John M- Adams., Es, aa Cashier. ll-l J County National Bank. Ob" CLEARFIELD, TA. I) OOM in Masonic Building, ona door north ol J I U. II. atson'l Urug More. Putsage Tiokcts to and from Liverpool, Queens town, Otssgow, London, Paris and Copenhagen Aleo, Drafts for sale on the Royal llankof Ireland and Imperial Bank r London. JAM h8 T. LtOXARD, Prrs't. W. M. B1TA1V, Cashier. .. ll:!:7a J. D. M'tllrk. Sdward Perks. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE or McGirk & perks. Buoceasors to Foster, Parks, A Co., Plilllpabura;, Centre County, Pa. "VXTHEKK all tba business of a Danbinr IIoum T f will oa transacted promptly and upon the most tavoraoie tarma, aiai t -tt DREXEL & CO., . No. 31 South Third Street, riiiuaelphla And Dealors in Government Securities. AtipliotUiott hr mail will reeirt promiit vtln tion, ami all, Uifuriualioa ebtorfully furnltkMl UrUen lohotrd. April 11-tf. READING. FOR ALL. BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market St., Cleartlrlil, (at til Poet Office.) f IH B andereignad bege leave to announce to X tha elltaens of Clearteld and vicinity, thai ha has lilted ep a room aad haa Jual returned irons tba city with a large amount of reading matter, consisting io part o( Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Past Bcoka of everr da sorlptlon Paper and Knvelopea, French pressed and plain) Pent and l'eaoilt Blank, Ltnal Papon, Oeede, Mortgegct; Judgment, Bxetup tiun and Promissory notes Wblta and Parohj menl Drier, Legal tap, Ilroord Cap, aad Bill Cap Sheet, Music for either Piano," Hule or Violin constantly oa band. Any books or ttatlonary desired that I may not hara oa band, will ba or. ordered by Brit express, and told at wholesale or retail to suit oustomort. I will alto keep periosteal literature, luco as nagaainee. news. papere, tt. p. A. UAULIS Clearocld May T, Mlld-lf MARBLE AXD SXUE YAllD ! Hi). 8. S. LIDDELL, Itavlng tngaged la tha Marble business, desires l.ft kar frfnida aad aba pablto that tba has now and will keep eonstantty on band a large and well tclectad itock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT UARBLB, and it prepared to furnish to oriSar TOMiib'TUNKS, BOX AND CRADLB TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Curbs aad Putt for Ctmatcry Lots, Window Eilll nd Caps, alto, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ac, Ao, feAYard On Reed street, neap lb 11 It n.r.r.1 ClearU'ild, Pa. JeT.VI DAVID YOUNG. Slonc-Cutlcr nnd Slonc-JIason. WILL axecutt all work In hia lint at mod tratt prlcct and In HIIST-CLASS itylt Architectural Ornaments ta ALL STYLES. Elena Dree. In.' of avert description, and all kinds of mason work con tracted for in or out of the ouunty. Any persons wishing to have respectable mason work and stooe-oultlng dona, will find It to ialeriai to oall npon ma I would also Inform the nub. 11a that I aaa deliver any quantity or olaai ol ttona desired, at I am tha owntr of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUAKRY Ordan for work aaa ba addressed to DAVID YOUNO, artMO ' . Ulcarteld Pa. THIS UFI KLp WOOD-CHOPrERS' AXEI Manafecturad especially for THE CLKARFIfLD TRADK, 1:1 f!L?p, )Mwm, Elutvnit, tit. SAl'kETT & SCHUWER, ciAt-its ia HARDWARE, aad manufacturer! of Tln.Coppcr & Sheet Iron Ware, BvcoqA Blreet, CLEARFIELD. PA. ITarfor Urcolr lnorntd our itock of Jlard war?, wa inrit th putlio to eiamloo our tock mi prioci Ciri-fTiteri and ptnom mfi onlcmTilttidbullJ- lo( will do woll to auiint our TOOLS & BUILDI50 HABDWAHE, which It new and of tba bait manufacture, and will be auld low fur task. NAILS, GLASS, TUTTY, GLUE LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, SCREWS All klndt of Bench Planes, Rawi, Cliiuli, Sqnarei, ilamrnere, tiairnele, flumni ami Levels, Mortised A Thumb Ouagrs, Bcvelt, D races A Bitts, Wood and Iroa ilench Screws, aad tba beat lloring Machine ift tha market, Touble and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, it. Agents for Burnetii Iron Corn Shelter, warranted. Aleo, agents for Kicbarda GOTHIC FIXE TOPH, which effectually cure Smoky Flues. Farmers,' Implements and Garden Tools of avtry aeaanpupa A large variety of COOK STOVES, wbich wo wartaDt to gir ittdrMttoD. Portable itanst and Furnaces. uRoofintr, Spootln and Job Work dona oo reMonable teruia. Ail orderi will reclra prompt auenuon. Juot 1 1, 175. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., tSaacasson ta Boyatoa A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer! of PORTABLE & STATIONAET STEAM ENGINES Conor of Fourth and Pine Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. h a vv's,.,.:' vtlxi-'' n A VINO tngaged In tha manufacture of flrit olasa MACHINERY, we retpMtfully inform tha publlo that wa art now prtrad to IU all ordera ai cheaply and as promptly at eaa ha dona In any of tha citi.e. Wa manufacture aad deal In Malay and Circular Saw-Milla Head TMocka, Water Wheeti, Ehaftirj' Pulleys, OilTord't Injector, Steam Oaiigcs, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Caps, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocke, Air Cocks, Globa Valrei, Cheek Valval, wrought iron Pipes, 8. cam Pumps, Boiler Feed Puuips, Antl Frietioa Metrea, Soap Stoue Packing, Gum Pack ing, and all kinds af MILL WORK, together with Plows, Sled Soles, COOK AND TARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. ,tT-0rdert toli.lled and (lied at ally prices. All letters of Inquiry with reference to maohinary of our manufacture promptly answered, by ad dree ing ua al Clearfield, Pa. dKl' BIGLER, YOUNO A CO. rpRRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept constantly on hand. ST0.E ASD EARTHEN -WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! Flther'a Patent Airtight Self Sealing rniu a ana i FUTTKR CROCKS, with lidl. CREAM CHOCKS, MILK CROCKS, Al l i.e. -itt i nit t tttRkS, P1CKLS CROCKS. FLOWER POTS, PIB DISHES, STKW POTS, And a graat vary other things too nuracroul to mention, to be bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S . STONE - WAKE TOTTERY. Corner ol Cherry and Third Streets, CLEAItt'"t-D. PA- J FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR BALK BY II. I Blglor & Co, IRON D0l-DLE-8HOVKL PLOWS. WOOD DOUBLK-CIIOVRL PLOWS. WOOD PIN0LE-SI10VBL rLOWfl. IRON CCLIIVATORS. WOOD Ct'LTIVATORS. QOWANDA IRON BEAM PLOWS. PITTSBCRO STEEL PLOWS. IIAVPT'8 PELLKFONTB PLOWS. ROBESON'S aad THOMPSON'S PLOWS. fr-Sheree foe .11 .1 .w. .1. n. tlantly on haad. mi JS-71 II. V.- ClULEIi k CO, bar for tala CADRIiGE & VAG0X MOODS, 8HAFT3 AND fOLEB, 1IUB8, SPOKES, FEl'tOFS, Jto. - i'"!r? Wll" ktn l"i aar. af 11,1, a Th fill W I'M M, Brf,M, . ' J)r. J. Walker's hii esnr lUttcrs mo a purely Vcr-otubis Iiici:ir;ttliin, lunila cMulty fioia tho na tive lici bi ftituitl on llio loner ranuca of tha Sierra Ncvailu mountain of Luhror Ii ia, tlio nicilielnal proicrtit' of which nra cxtntctctl tliercfnim w itbout Iho n.o of AIcoliol. 'i'lio qiiealiiiii nlmiut daily ''What ia tho cimso of tlio unpamllultitl succokA of Vinkgar IJix rKitti!" Our nnnwer Is, that limy loinuvo tho cniirto of Umcaso, nutl iho pationt re covers liia health, 'l'hey nro tho prcal blood puriflff anil .lUfo-glvui'; principle, n perfect Uonovator nut Invigoiator . of tlio t)B(cii). Never bcfnro in the)' history of tho world liua a iiicdici no becu comtKiuiiilctl puwMiMiiig tho rcuiark.lilw qualities of Vinkiiak Ul iTKua in lieulmjr tha tick of every ilisettsa man it ltcir to. Tiny ara a g-tulo runmuvo aa well aa a Tunic, rtl.eving Confrc..tina or Inllammatinn ol . tha Liter oiiJ Visceral Orgaiuj ia liilivu" lJitasct . I ll proiiprttos of Dr. Walker! Tl.tKbAK Hiri Kaaare Aichciit. Diaiilitirctio, , t'ormiiuuire. N-ntritioaH. Laxauvo. Llinretio. Betlatire. Countcr-lrntaut faudunUc, Altora tiro, aud Anti- Lltltuua. Grateful Tlionsands proclaim Vrs- egar lirnEits tha Most wonderful Id Tigurant that over auitaiucd to iinktrjf ystem. Xft Pnrcrtn sian 4'tl'a itiAnn Trt44M - " . . iMnc in' sjiitriar according to Uirectinna, and remain long unwell, provided their bonoi aro nut do troyed by minorai poison or other means, and vital organ- wanted bejoul rojinir. Jlilions. Kpniittont nnil Tnlpr- mittPlit levein, whicb ara to prora- . lent in the vnllcva of mir rirnra throughout the Cnlted States, especially those of tho lliMissipi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, t'titnlierland, Arknn- aas. Uetl. flnlnmiln. Itrnrna Uin rrmwlM l'earl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro- . anoke, James, and many other, with their vast trihtttitries, tlirotighout our c'ltito country timing tho Suiiirtlcr and Autumn, and remarkably ao during tea- ' ions of unusual heat arid dryness, ara invariably accompanied, bv oxtensivo de rangements of tho stomach and liver, and other abdominal vi&cera. Iu thoir treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow- .rfi.l li. II, ,,... ........ . pans, ia essentially necessary. There) U no catliartio for the purpose equal to Do. J. Walk uu's Vi.neoak IUitem, as they w ill speedily removo the dark- cuiureu visciti matter nun vtuicu tna bowels are Ruled, at tha samo tinj ithnulating tho secrelious of tlio liver, and generally restoring tho bcallhy functions of tho tligcstivo organs. Fortify tho body nniiist disease by purifying all its fluids with Vinecab ' lli riKi.a. No rpiilemic can tiito bold of a system thus furo-anucil. Dysnpjisia or Indigestion, iTctdA ache, I'aiii in the Shoultlers, Coughav Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tho .Stomach, liad Tasto In tho Month, liilhrns Attacks, I'nipita-t tation of tho Heart, Inflammation of tha lamps, I'ain in tho region of tho Kid neys, and a Imndivd other painful symp toms, uro tlm "IVsprinjTS of Dysjiepsia. ' One bottle will provo n better guanuteo of its merits than a lengthy advertise-t ment. Krrofuln, or Itintr's Erf?, Whitd Guitre, riemfuluut liillaiimm'.!i.n. laduienl Inflaninmiitins, ll.Tcuinil Atrecliuna, Old ' bores. Kniplimis id tlio Skin, Hiiro Kvcs, clo, . In those, aa in ail other constiltiliuuiil Die eases, WALkKK's Vl.NIKlAR lllTTbeS lltr shown Vwj great curative power ia the ninst ub-tiiin'.c and hitmctuble ciues. For liidaiiiniHtory nnd tlironla Rliruilialisin, Cnut, Kilious. Itcrolt tcutand luteriuittcnt Kovors. Diseases of tha UltHul, l.ivvr, Kidiiert 'ami liliuMer, tUeite Uittcnt Imvo no rtjiml. Such Distasoi art canned by Vitiated lilowl. . Jleeiinnicnl Diwascs. rcrsons en" fagctl in I'ainU nnd Minerals, such na lumbers, Type-rcUcra, Guld bcatera, and Miners, as they lulvaucn in life, aro tubject to parairsia of the Buwcli. To guard araiii't tl'ua. tAko a dime of Walkki's VlJt liA IliTTKRa net osimially. For Sri in lHsoases, Eniptlons, Tet ter, Salt lthouiti, lllotcltiw. Spnta, I'lmploa, l'utuli'S, Unila, Carbuncle, King-wiirms, Scaltl-hfiul, Suro Kyes, Kryfipola. Itch,, Scurfs, DiM;uluralioiia uf tho Skiu, ilumura and Diai asoa uf tlio Skiu of wliateror nam or nature, aro literally dug tip anil carried out l tlio eyateni ui a thoi t tiuio by tha ajt of thane Itinera. Tin, Tajto, nnd otlicr lVormn, lurking in the aytcm of so many thtmiauda, are ellectually detttoyeil aud removed. Na tvstom nf uieUicine, uo veriiiil'ugoa, no thchuiuitlca will Ivoo the lyiteui iiuoi worua bka tlieso liittert. For Fenuilo Complaints, In young or old, married or sinplo, at the dawn uf wo manhood. r tha turn of lite, then Tunia Hitters display ao decided an influence that improvement it toon pcrcoitib!e. Cleanse tho Vitiated Iiiootl when- ever you hnd its impurities bursliug thruuga the tkin in Piuiplea, truptions, or Sores: cleanse it when you find it obstrneted and tlurgish in the veins i cleanse it when it ta foul; your feelings wild toll ruuwheti. Keep the blood pure, aud the health of tba lyatoia will follow. Is. ft. MrlH)IAt.D Al CO., Druggists end Urn. A jrts.. San ('raarlaoa. Cahfcrtlee and orr. of Wnahiiifrtc j anil t'liarluui Su . X. T. Hold fcy all UrwKtiUUssisiiUaKlera. , lctUr lo, Ibil-iy. Down I Down II THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSK TUB CUEAPISTI A Proclamation against High Prices! "r Rr now opi'nf np ft lot of th lMt Mtfl If mnrt aWMouiitla (loutti ud V'art vtr offered in this market, nJ t priftn thu rtnlnd ona of th trotnl oM Any of chp thiofrt. TUn who lark faith upon this point, or deom Our U (alioni mperfluou. dmU but 4T Otti STORE; Corner Front And Uarkct itrceli, Where ih?y enn tvt, feci, hmu- and know fur thta irlvm. To full' yutitmtnntl what areclieap (rowJta. lit ia istiftt Ite dotio, Wa tlu not ilccin it noorviary to sFitumerate and itttuite our llock. It U esiiuf for at tQ ittte that Wo Lave Everything tliat ia Needed and eooiuned tn thil market, and at prlctl lk4 aatonlih both old and jotinp, ueii! JU.Kril hilAW ua. JANIKL (iOODliANl'EH, LVTUUliSBUUU, ri, Dealer la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, UOSIEUY &, GLOVE3, . DATS 4 CATS anJ 'll60I3 iSlOKS, Tobacco, (Iro.-erlca and Fish, Vails, llaniwara, Quscnswara and tllasseraro, .Men a aail t ih.ya' t'lothint;, Pun-, r.ints. Oils, ti.'hol Bimlts, a large lot of I'utent alodlainfs. Candles, Hots Dried Frnlts, fherse and Crash ers, Hue It aad Kile Powder Floor, Cruin and I'oir.toci, plflrar and Timothy iccl. Sola Leather, Morncaoa, l.lnlnara. MiaJImi aad Thread, Mix makers' ltwls and Shoe Finlinr;s. Na greater rarlelr nf 1r.00.l1 in anr tttre In t connty. ill fur sale rciy low for eah or reentry product at the cheap Corner. Anr. T, 17. f oTuHf ifTfo J attics of f I iht Peace ami rVrlvrncr In the "ij.r end e LawnMict township. CoHretloas in'-leaoil WT!?