Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 05, 1873, Image 3

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, Term j of Subscription, ,
If paid in adveaM.or wlthla tbrs months ...f 00
If J after IbmuJ before all months.,., t 10
Ifpald alt' "P'ratloa of ill month... I 00
ai'.thedlat Enlwropal ChurrkIlev. A.I),
Kr, pastor. Publi fiervio vry Sabbath
B.'."bth School at A. M.-. .. .'. ';
Prayer Meeting y Thartday, at f I P, U,
ComiBnlo (Serrlc, firrt Sebbalk of every
kontb, l l4 A. M. , "
su. Aurtrew' Churrh r.plropl Hor.
Small lint,. Public Service Sunday morning
-I It e'olock, and it J P. M. Sunday School t
I f. Prayer Motion Wednesday evening
j f o'clock. . ' . i
Presbyterian Charr hRer. II. 8.
..Sabbath Mrilmi morning and arming Bab-
titb School at I r. at. rravar Meeting W edno
oat craning.
it. Krancla Chunrh Cathollr Tlee. P
, 8itainA. Mat at 10J o'clock A. M., oa the
eicond ana warm emniiayi oi earn nwntu.
Lutheran Church. Her. A. J, IURT.oei
preaching every Sabbath, morning and evening,
faekeih School at 9 a. at. Prayer meeting every
Wednesday orenmg.
Wo lcnru by Ihtlieveitle of the 22d
H., that Isaac Sic Km, aa old and esteemed rail
'll.a( ot our couuty, died, a few day previous, at
Hi borne, oo Clearfield orerk, a short distance be.
lot Mulera'. Hi -peak: ion ia lb neighborhood
will tot be Iliad eery loan.'
Oar friend Snyder, cornmonlycnllod
tyeraey," bai Jnit established hlmaef In atwand
aura oonimodlou qairtera, where La will so
doubt be pleated to metre kli old friend and
bew enes, loo.' II wilt nuw ba Touod In Ora
kam'a Rcw, Market Strut, next doer lo Fred,
filler 'i itor. .'V..., ...
Another lucccosful Sunday School
laititatc, fm Brad; township, wa kald at Luth
rsburg last Thursday end Friday. Ministers,
srprcscutlng tkraa ar mora drnomina
lino r ia allendeaee, iachsdlag Rr, Tyon,
U. S. Preiiding Elder f the Ditrlet, and Iter.
B. Critlaadaa, Missleaary of lb Amriu Sun
day School 1'aloa. '
We notice by a lute number of tho
lalll City (Nebraska) Tmu, (Cat our young
friend Joka Watoe, aoa of Mr. 0. D. Wataon, of
tali claoa, ba become oaa of lb publiihera of
tUt paper. Well, tkii araj ratbar unexpected la
u, U bear of John galling lata tb newipeper
knaiaeai, bat w bop ba will aucccad ia bla en.
tarprin. '.
Cuanoid. The soliedule time of
traloa, an Ik Ponnaylvaaia Railroad and tta
kraiabaa, waa cbangad, oa Monday laat. But
kitl alteration, ia lb Una of traina, an Hi Ty
aaaa aad Clearfield Braaeb, were mad, only ef-
tMtlag tb tin of tb mail, it leaving Tyrone
aad arming bera framinatea later Ibaq before,
fee acbedal la anotker olona.
Menrg. A. W. Walters and John
Jebaaten iboatdarad their funea about oae e'elock
aa Friday tail, aad veal to tb Big Furing, oa
Ike barroni, and by lira e'elock were back wltb a
katk weighing 10 poundi, and the fun of It waa
wa bad vtaiaon aoagb to lait aa two daya. TJunt
are, Al and John, we can itaad lach apart aa
tkal from now intil January, IS"!.
Y. M. C. A. Wo bevo been request
ed lo anaeuac that a Diatrict Caarentlon of tb
Taang Men' Cbrlatiaa Auociatioa will be bold
ia Tyrone, Pa., a Karanber 18th and Ulk, 1873.
U la earnetUy koped thai ClearSeld will aenddel
egataa t tb aid Conrealioa, a there will be am
ple arraageaieata made to aeeoaimedat all dele
ratei that nay b praeent at tbe Conrention.
Iheaa deairing further information will pleaaaad
4ra W. II. H. Youag, Chairman, Tyrone, Pa.
We re agein in receipt of a mar-
riaja aotic without tbe aaanaary eompanl
aett, tbe aara of a rcaponalble perron. Tbii
tia it eomi from New Waiblngton. It U not
MBelaat for a aiiuiitar ar juatloe t aim ply writ
eat the aotiee that an and n war married by a
aad to, Vat It it aeeeeaary fur Iba minitter er Jue
aiee t aiga bia name below, with nqaeat le pub
llik. Band aleng tbe name aad wa will be pleated
b laaert tb netic. YTt bar to be tbua particu
lar la order to prereat bring impoeed an.
The new M. K. Church nt Wood-
'' dedicated an latt tabbiib, aud tb bal
aaaa ef the abareh Udebtedneaa about 1,000
aabieribad. Tb dedicatory ear Tie waa eeadact
ad by Biabop Bewoiaa, who delivered aa elo
ajaeet aad powerful eerraen ef eontlderabte length
The aaw ad ilea waa ebriitencd bill Chapel, by
Ike truileei and mem bare in bonor of the paator,
Bee, Waa. II. Di II, vf tbii plan, la wbom great
dll 1 da for hia efforta to prarld tbe people
f Woodlaad and Ticlalty with eacb a brautifal
kaaaa of werablp, ,
The Sunday School Jubilee In tho
atttbodiat aburek, oa Saturday eVeajni lat, waa
M aatartalaaieat raliabed Meeedingly by both
ae alder aad tbe younger port ion a of oar eonj
enalty. Taeeharcb waa tiled be for tke hour
f eomacnecmeat wltb penone of all dtnoaina-
lioai, eager to bear Biabop Bowman and Chap
lei If eCabe the former being tbe Brat Biabop
kat erer rliiUd tbi place. Doth delivered very
alaaumt aad entertaining addreaara. t-horler
nHrereei were alio made by Wa. M. StcCul
iaagb and T. II. Hurray, Saiji. Manb ertdit la
die t t. W, McCurdy, Kaej., lbBaprintndrnl,
ier hi efforta to promote the program of lb
Hbool, and no doubt lb preacnr of the large
lUdieae thai greeted them oa tb vailing af Heir
jaeueo will earn lo encourage blmreif and
atkalara to aRll further progrcialra efft-rta. t
Tni Isiimaimti A political qunck
ed T. II. Murray, who baa made Divinity and
law hje atudy for lomo time, but without sacceel,
M Utely uodrrUken te "paddle bit own a.rnoc"
rathe laaaraae huaineil aad politic. Laat week
especially dlaplayed hi ebriltiaa (I) eharacUr
la preparing a eolowvo of abni of ouraelf forth
Jrmal.'. Bit lea;aa r pea can dander to en
're Thome' true abaraoter 1 known, bat, ba
il! acted hypocrite, wo will be com pel led
aotiee bla at eome length, after court It over,
c we tball bar mora tin to llluitrate tb II
Vrler, For tb praeent wa refer the reader lo
a 8U Malibow retard, wbe referring te a
MI f whom Thorn aa It a modern rrpreienta
nTa. Th photcgrank it complete and can be
fciod la chapter XXIII, and reraea 13, II, it,
1, H U, 21, 27, J", J) and 33 ecd 33.
Across tin Itivta. On (he 80th of
ber, U73, Jane Btcwart, wife ef Jobs Blew
, deparud Ibia lift, in tlii borough, aged 72
I noatha and 38 day, fa wa born la
tald, oa lb 3d af December, 1800, and, wltb i
Wkuieaad, eama I Clearfield county, ia 1810, j
"""I ia Bradford toaaahlp, where they naidod
' lew year ago, when they a-emored to lull
""lb. She waa tbe mother of a large and la
witing ramily, aad a neighbor of rare "good
beard oae of her old neighbor! re
"Ji few lava prerioui U br dcrnlie, diet he
' lot daily inltreoarre with Mr. Slew
'Hy for ever li year, and a "jar" rr
J"1 between tbara, and that a aelgbborhood
"wtheri aa Mra. Stewaat would create a
J1'1, Mr. Htewart'a maiden name waa
rWil, aad, If w mlrtake aot, the ha a brolb
Arobibald, reildiu at Beyaoldatllle, who I
ewa le the old aeltlor of our eoonty.
"iMeroanlorer. Lei her real la peace, and
' Mrlng Imitate her good rjaalltial.
.sritL.-Ai4M)3eigeoy: Tho
lieT l'"rt' Hl' fcM ie"iri Ull "
a t ta r0Minf railniada, aitb-
toot or otharwieo. te atoD tmmediatelr ba-
j' " "leal aad la owe of la-
le thr reiulting from tbe paa.age tf
? lU- H tn'u' ' "HI not held geiL bat
w!"1"" dM by UeaiUTdtei-
. 1 iva ir.. 1
aeatpaay by Uie argVe of tb. perron er
Keutlii,. t er-u
ciumoii Deuication in a Tanic
t uare-n picaanr of tOllounn ill In lkai,il,ll.
Ih U llw now Meibndlat KpUnnal uliunh, al Wood
mnu, waa unlimited to the wnrHilp of Alm!(hiy
Ood, on Sundiiy, Nov. 2,1, acoording u th0 urm,
oi earn u uo ocoa.lon oq f in
re .nu power, uov. Ulabop Bowman
aermon, In Iba morning, of ai.oli clc.rncia, fur0e
" "'"gioua unction at will leave an
luipreailon upon th heart! aud mlnda or ,1,.
pie. Now, that b ha gone, It.ta'aa.tbuuga
o..w u.u urea among ul and left a bleaaiot
..... u.,,u ..iti.uoe preached a acriptuml
oui.itirriug acriuon at sigbt. During the day
nd night ba rnterUlnt.1 th uudlcno. with noted
ong. Ami ok I emb tinging. It aj,t gv, ,
o, luo ueoToaiy glory. Ia tbe name ol
mo cnuran, j thank the. Aaibaiudort of Cbrt.
rur their amoug at. sJ Bl.hop Jlowin.n
m.l "liromor Will, I fowl that I am inalri,
mental la aoooupllahing mure good, byeoiuiugto
..u ,i.oea at iota, luau by acoent na Ihe lnvlia.
tioni that orowd upon ue frum our large ehurchea
In th ltlee. May Uod klcaa him, and preacrv
ui. tni anil urontu lor many jean to come. r.i.
o dettia t fliajik tho poop I, f, the genoroua
nunuor In which they rorpondod lolhenppoairor
".ouoj. nunougn, in too millet of a aorioua 1
-...v... r.iv, money i,two lUuuaund dollnr.J
waa cheerfully and promptly ubaerlbd. Thanka
ro aiao due, and are hereby clven. to the Rn
road Company, for tho legantoarrurnl!hd,nd
to tbe olBcera of th train, for tliolreoiirtciy. To
m caeir. of the Clearfield M. K. Cliurch, ! die
charge a plcaaant duty when I tbua publicly r.
cogniie their T.lunble aerviort to cliMrfulle no.
red. And sow I lnveke lb Dlrlue liu.ain to
fellow tbla ontorprlae, ao that the future glory of
me cuuron may unfold in tueoonreraion of many
pmiouaauuia. Wil. U. DILL.
w i
cum, a leading member of Iho UellefonU bar, wat
killed, one day lait week, Ly the aocidcatal dia.
onarg of hi gun.. It appear that be, wltb otb
.., u.u repaired te the Three Hun., on a banting
expedition, luaking Ibelr.bcadiiiinrlera at tbe log
.naniy oi ouuou llaupt and hia eoutin, Henry
Uile. Soon after learing th ehanty, be took
thtgua of hit thoulder, placing the butt oa a
log, Willi ma arm retting on th muitlr, tbe aun
alipped aud weat off, th charge (three buokabot)
entering hli arm. 'Ho waa afterward, banlrdnine
milet to tbe railroad, at Driftwood atatlon, on the
P. A E. road, and thence to Lock llaven, ohere
ht died tbe acit morning from the lo.t ef blood
and pby.leal eibeu.tion. In (be dratb of Mr.
l'oouui, Centre county hat loat one of itl leadine
legal mind, and au upright, prominent cltiaen.
Jlr locum wat the law partner of D. 0. llu.h,
Cucrcu Dkdicatkd. A oorrceuond
ent aaya; Aa pmiouily announced, th new and
band.ome.M. B. Church, aituatedat Oak Qror.
near Blue Hall, Orahatutoa Circuit, wa. dedicated
to tb worabip of Almighty Uod, oa th 10th ult
Tb aerrice were oonducted by Iter. T. M. Rceae,
P. K. ef tbla dittrltt, aaalated by the nattort In
charge, and were of aueb a character a le reflect
oiaeb credit on IheafJer aa a preacher and alio
financier. Tb congregation wat large knd lib
cral. One Ihouiaad dollar! wat aiked for an
twelve hundred dollar, waa received. Suffice II
lo ray that all were pleaaed, aud If their pu
were a little lighter their heart, were murh mure
Anotukb OkNiNtfc Our Congress
wan, Col. Cartit, luma three monlba ago, ai,noiut
ed a Cadet, to Wett Point, from thit dietriot.
Tbo parly au appointed bat resigned and a ra
caacy eiieta. Tbe Erie paper couiaia the fol
lowing card i
I am rrque.ted, by tb gerretary ef war, to
nominate, for the IVtb ton. Diatrici, a Cadet to
tbe Military Academy, at We.t Point, who will
be required to report, at Ihe Academy, oa tbe2ith
of May aelt. Tbe youag aaa who will paaa tbe
bal competitive eiaminatioa will beaeleeted, and
th nomination will be made at early aa the 16th
oi norcmoer neat. (.'. jb. CbitTIc.
Boya, tber It a good opening for you from Sec
onJ Lieutenant up te Major General. You eer.
tainly can make a point where ao much latitede
1 given. Col. Curtucaa be addreaied at Erie, Pa.
Kili.kd. John Lockiden, an era
ploy oa lb railroad estou.ion to Curwentvllle,
wat killed, en Friday evening bail, while bla.ting
rock., in tb cut at "Hogback." Tbe deccaaed
wa terribly torn aad laceiated about th brad
aad Beak. Bolk are war blown out aad bit
wind plpa out off. Jilt body wat taken In charge
by the cJEocrl at the railroad tad forwarded to bit
bom, al Prankttown, near Piltaburg. He waa a
.ingle man, about 22 yean of age, but an aged
father and mother largely deptuded on bia aup
port. Another laborer waa teriouily Injured, al
the time of th eiplo.ion, but b will recover.
" LiWra ToWKimr. Oct. Hi. la.?..
Mo. BairnaIo Toar i.iae of October lit. eoa
refer to the nulnerou. complaint, from all portion.
vi iae eoaniy, oecauee ol tne nigh fcuool tai
which ba been vacated tbe paat year. Now, air,
I da net kaow how it it in other tarU of the
county, but if the people in other dialricta are
Miaoeu ouwa wua acnool and road lake aa we eie
ia Lawrciiee, I thould think tbey were more thaa
mortal if tber did aot oumnlain. Now. I will
give yon aom figure and I tuiukyou will see
that oae hundred per ecat. cornea nearer the raise
oo our acbuol and road taaoa within tbe laat five
year than twenty-Iv per cent. doea. llv refer.
ring to theaohool duplicatea of HCS-C I Ood
th araounta I. vied for achool and bnil'lini nor.
nurpoara to be about $2,100 and 2.2K0. and ia
tboae twe yean tb unaled tax waa a tritle over
ViUO, aad th Suae appropriation about $150 each
year, making ia all, rur tboae two rear, tlie auui
of i,IUU,and by referring to Ilia eetlleuifnt of
10OV 1 boa the tcQuol order all c.-tnceled ami
balance flue tha tcboul fund of a) l,8ot, &ow, for
the rcnool yeara or 19,3-71 I hnd the amount.
torit'd for 1873 to be eemothlnr over au.i'OD.
for 187 a trifle le.., and the bonlia.howrthat tbe
amount recelrcd from nn.eated landt fur Law
ranee district, fur those two ycarr, to be over
f Miio, and from toe Bute aiont tliti, making la
all, for tboae two year, the sum of fs,7l)0. And
by referriog to the laat arttlcmcnt I find thit dia
trict paying interest on about r,00. How ft that
for one monlh'a extra time I Now, lr, if we take
a view af tbe road fund we Cnd It In miher a
worae ennditioo. If you refer to tbe aettlement
of IH6( 1 think you will find on tbe book, about
$60 due Ihe Lawrence road fund from nnaeated
laoda. oince that time the ealuetlou on real ea
tate ba bea more than doubled and largely
raieed on peraonal property and we liar bad the
same amount of mills levied and the preterit yeur
tbey bare run ti up tbrt faille biichcr, nd tbo
towualnp very larg"ly lo arrearl. Now, lir, how
is that lor b'gli ' Why, Mr. Kdttor, If tbetCouit
llous ring, which they rny you hevo in town and
which bas frightened so many of late, would rn
tbe flnaoret uf th tnunty en this basis, bow long
would it be until the county would be bankrupt 1
I do not wish to lie uoderatood aa charging those
townthin oovcra with euibeisiement, but it looka
a tJuoeuyh tkert was great itrnragnee or gross
negleot of duty In the handling or the peoples
money, ow, lb tnx payers or l.awrencfl town
tbip are a bard working and industrious elaaa of
men. and ar ver wining to pny ineir taxce, nnu
all tbey ask I that the money drawn from their
hard toil be properly and judiciously expended on
tbe objects for wbieh it it levied. Thero epprara
to be a mania got posaesiloa of all oQicera, from
lb liigheet to tb lowest, that the more of the
people a money they can dlspreeor tu bctterlhey
are dotng their duty; but, la all probability,
there will be a Jlnenctal raah en of the? days
and I think It would b wito for all in authority
to not their faonae in order to meet such an event
for, if It should eome, and our taxea at such a
hia-b rate, whe, in the name of Heaven, would be
able tu meet them f In these fast time of rail
madt and iron Bridget it may not be thought wise
retrace eur steps, but I think It would be well
to ao bach to Brst piiociiitct. rtiiinn tne last
few roar, there bas been many roenl laws plaeid
oa the atalule book, which work great Injury lo
tbe people, among tbctl tbe one ohanging the
mode u eoiieoiing taice ey sue eouuir irreiwrrr,
and the aot creating four supervisor ia this town-
ahin. and III district treasurer act. All of thnan
ui. I tbiuk. It would b wll to ask the LegUla-
tur tu repeal, the greatest eurse that rust on
our eouatry at present it that w are governed
and otneered loo much. Like tbe Kgrplian Hot,
tber are eating op ue tubstance or tbe people.
' A TAX l'Alill.
We bar bat n mnark ta make la reply to
eur intelligent eorrMpneltat, and thai I upon
tb mode of eoltectlog Ike county laae t Instead
af there being from f It.OOt le t20,000 oatatand
Ing county laies, la lb banda of thirty collect
ors, a Ibrr waa nader lb eld system, It will nol
average 3,00 ander lh ow. Look aorott al
ladiana aad Cnlreoaallct, where Ihey ar work
tB Birder lb eld law, aUI Ui la year 1b lb
former.) Io tU frmr aounty tber wa out
standing, to lb bands of Ibelr collectors, tbe turn
of I2,000, aad la Ihe Utter couoty II wa about
a.lJ.000. wblle la coantkl of Uitsaui III, where
our tylem (the Venango tyetem, aa It I called,)
is 4b tore, Be! om-Beotk that um remaioa ia lbt.i
Band of fli eenstablee, and bat Tew Wo oeautj
to lb eonnty, from ft lal but a small sum
remaini atHtodlng al Ihe el f ib yr.
.. Lotiii!suii(i. Nov. l.t. ls?.t
, iainrtia Itnrpnt.icA.v Ika, Sir, ti,..1. -r
timtrtlald County W , hiM
.. lb, o article beaded "W. H. Lather
Bnd In. Card " pt ol Vhieh miKlit be believed
v persuiis liul i aoquiilutad with uiibor the editor
jr.ujysalf, and uii,;bt lead peraen. t.
I was auh-edilur of the J',,,,',,. u, ,
Hon 1 will mix a dl.h of "hash" io
. i-"uiiai HUl (bUllll 111 II toil tklfl. i, i
thluk that
our perhill.
as.. . -r. svrMie aimee
F.. .1.1
Ti.. i i 7 . " ua " ,ul1 himself. In or.
vi aim goo it to suit him
" ."ww iu iiie
ow to the people bow many stories Ihe
itor lui told couaerning the Uo. Ulgler
I will make a few quotations. Iu bll Is.
7 edl
""oner ' i in. He my, 0 hia.rtlole, "I
..... iu,,.,, , overheard a part of thotalk,"
A.T.",, .W7,M fl' "nnilng up local.
And Oct, 14tb he ., "A, toll,? .rtiul.a Id
question, they wro written on Ihe Information of
parti, uulsld of Curwenssill., whom we aul at
and diir ng tbe fair " A,. Out.. 3Sth be says, 1
""lied al bis offloo th day after the fnlr and was
the Brat man that gave hl.o Information. How
nlao heagreesr- If h. got bis Information al lb
Inlr, how could I give It te blia tbr doy after
Bui more, he tayai "If, after pretending tuedila
paper t wely. years, na ooald aot writ our own di
lunal and local Hems wo would threw down (ho
qmll ill disgust," Ao, Who, would any one, infer
Iron this, did bia writing but bimselff Again,
when the cltlicna of Curircnsville Insisted that hi.
paper tnouUl But go uut, be Bupprr.ted tb whol
JltiuB and isiuikI ceim bull' .bcidi. The hnlf
sheets that were circulatud in Uraily bad both ar
ticles iu ooiuurtilug Oor. IliKler. I canuot aay
tbey were extra. Ho auya i tt . will Mit. a ape.
eimen f wbaL Iblluoace aud perhaps a small sum
ol money cau do towards buying tke honor of
mou tud one in particular," weaning myself. I
dare say, there Is not a man In Clearfield eounly
Blires that, and lb Jiciee cilitoi don't Loliove
It hiuieeir.- lie s.yir i.,,, E,utlrar on with bis
Mhool uia.ter effu.ioui as loug ai he plea.ies bia
iterary etlorl. will be aa entertaining and reada
ble matter aa the 11 iirtnucAa generally oontaina."
In answer le tbla 1 will lu.t any that if Braiuaid
pubh.hes a few more articles en midwifery he will
hare gained the bouor aud tbe glory he ho long
been aeeking. Uo says i "Th conversation turn
ed ou th loir." Yes, it did, and ho aaya I said
Ihcy were a set of niauls. Xow, I don't boliev
thero Is another man In the county that will any
that I said Uov. liiglcr or any other mania Clear
hold wat a rascal, lie tnri Wa asked who
wore tbe otkeers lait year," audi au.wercd "Uov.
lligler was- president. ' I will sey to ibayouug
".mi mm ii- is eu rruo. lie neither asked nie nor
did I leil bim any audi thing. He aaya 1 tjld
him what Hie Jimrnat had ohiirgcd for inaliiute
.ruiar., an., anu alter he gave me his prices I
said ma Journal was an outrage. Not wishing to
give the price cliarg'd at eith-r ofllco, I will give
thedigereacer The TVmre offloe charges just 81.00
more ior two Hundred circulars than the Juurnn,
ollioe, according Iu his own figures in my posses
s.on. How uiaoy think tliia la aa outrage, uo
leia it ia outraceuua low. lie vP lt.,.ir
when he wat shown Ilia article iu quealion, vol J
.-HH...V nk nllu ( on as a good joke."
Mo did rory one els I Mich at It aud thought an
K.ll... A.. .1.. . I . .. . n
"mkm. Miunievnown Better than tu peb
lish it. He eayit "Wo can only think betook
Ihlt way to gain Bntorlely," Ae. I can tell tb
editor that I did mt co awav from heme lo ha.
coin to, and all the notoriety hia paper gav me
" "on., io mnfn. lie any. : "Uov. jlig-
ler would not attend the fair boeau.a be oould not
aiica ris giue-tippta lingers iulo tbe money draw
er. He ha lace enough to say 1 told him this.
Ha glvea lb receipt, ef the fair ia tbe same issue,
whim he niye is $1,300, I ovingaaiirpluaof $KiO,
ewoieiy win uave ,,ou 10 put on tn
,v( woe year, rt uo oelievea lant lucb
uramara would run an entire paper
without knowing facts., Uo aud tell l.iin that ke
doet not publish facts and ho will deny it. I Dtad
not. lire; nerd, keep your position. I nvy no
one. I will aa.i.t you in your evil way. k. I have
dona hentufure. If I thought you had changed
i "j j woea i would call at your ollice.
I did eall In and .aw nothing in yoa that would
mulio a refluod gvutleman of any one. And fur
ther : Hraiaard, if yoa h.ivo not got the money
ju.t aend your photograph lo ue and I will paint
your portrait and wait eo yoa for th pay ( be
aiJes, I Woul lite on myself lo put on the gallery
stov to keep tho cat away from the greaser. If
urainard It a man, gentleman or otherwise, he
will tell the truth, and that Is, lhal he wrote both
articles, concerning Uov. Bigler, and that I waa
ue. uiciatur. ours, very respectfully,
Major John lioss, ono of the oldest
resident or Hell township, died, oa October 20th,
aged 74 yeara and t months. He waa born in the
State or New Jersey, January 20th, 1790. Iu
1822 be wa Bsaniad to Anna, daughter of Philip
liarnhart, of Centre eounly, I', In 15S3 he, with
hia fatally, emigrated le this ceuuty, where be
lired until the time of hit death. At a citlaen,
he waa upright in hit dealingai at a neighbor, be
wa kind and obliging. lie did not belong to any
brauoh of (be Cbrlatiaa church, yet henndorttood
well th plan of salvation, and whon he wa ask
d, on hi death bed, in whom be pat hit trust.
answered, "in Uod. He leaves hia aged compan
ion, nine children, and a large and respectable
eonoeotidn fa mourn bis decease. Sacred b bia
tomb! Peaceful be bit tlumbir I A. B.
List of letters remaining unclaimed
la the Pottnffice at Clearfield, for tbe week eadini
ovciaAicr ou,ibii
Banks, James L
Martin, J. M.
Mooat, Stephen
McClincy, Jame
I'ellile, A. S.
Ilogers, 7..
Kaleigb, William
btewart, A. D.
Htepbena, Jacob
riherwoc-1, Charlea
tihafTur, Hiram 2
Wabe, Merlb
Banoan, Michael
lime, William
Fiscus, Joseph A.
drove, Samuel
(trass, Jobn B.
Hess, r oaler
Hess, Analica
Kennedy. Jess B.
Larrabee, Miles
Moaao Sophia
Martin, Carrie
Opened at Last. Wo, learn that
(he director bar tnally secured a teacher for
the Town Hall School, wbich opened on Monday
morning, under Mr. ScbatTer, of Kxslon, who
comes well recommended a a teacher, Prof. Knot,
of New Washington, bad bent engaged lo teaob
tb school, early In th season, but when h ex.
auiinejl the building be found it to much out of
repair that he abandoned IU We learn that tbe
directors hare since put lb hou.s in order and
tb school 1 opea for lb reception of scholars.
A neighbor of ours RiiiT'estts the
following: "lias an Amcrioan cititen any rightt
that aa Exprcaa Agent or a Bnggug Maator It
bound te re. peel? la a quostiun that might L
asked with propriety by tb titiatn ef thit
pbftc." W refer bim lo tb oulcora ia quealloa
--.- ,e a i -
Sad Affliction. We learn by the
Phlllipsburg .carnal that two children of Stephen
aogh Brer burld ob 1 oesday a week, In on
grave. Buthdieduf cholera infantum. Mr.Wauab
has now buried twcl'r of a family of fourUca
Col. Thomus A. Scott, 1 'resident of
lb Texaa and rauitio Railroad, and io Preai
dent of th Pcnnaylvatiia Ilailioad, returned laat
week after an extended trip to Europe.
w i -
I he now Ann ovor tho way we
mcao T. A. Fleck A Cov-introduce themselves lo
to the public by an advertisement In (o-day'a pa-
I('k Bliaw aaya tbe hard liners bare not affect
ed tbe Clear and Tubaoeo business in (he
least, and that he will at usual tell 'louacco ot
tl.e bvt( quality and Cigars of the Onetl brand.
Conawrns I.istuiixv. Now thai the logging
seeson Is about eommenrlng, and in eoue,-quiice
a great many Horses will lie kept in th woods
from lb b'';;inaing te tb end nt th winter,
would It not lie well for horse owner lo supply
themselvea with some paneoea for th many
sprains and braises thai ar ln1dnt to horses io
lot? and lumber lobe f Shew s Comanche Lini
ment la known le be on of th beat medioine
llanl, and, in oonnrietlun with SHAW'S iltlKSE
I'OWliKKS, thould be In the bend of every
horte owner la the country. Fur tale by A. I.
Shaw, Clearfield, and by all eouatry Mores,
A CiB. Mia MeAlpi, teacher of Music,
Painting, Crayon and Drawing. Boom at tho
Academy. . ug27
Bird Cage large assortment at H, t. Big
ler A Lo. a.
Weed aad Willow Ware ef all draerlptient fur
sale bj JI, t . Hlg'r i V".
Mentoar Slabs Painle. for paio(ing bouse In-
1,1. end outside Cotinaes, Farm liuildingw. A
llaMitilol. daralila and oceaomicai. uroond in
ar Linseed jil.
my28 73 II. F, Biotaa A C.
Save Tim! Hav Leber! Bar Money Save
Clothe I The" Uoiclty Vi ringer I th best lo
the market. Buy It ( try It.
For tale by U- urotia a i-o.
A tan linenf Himsehokl ondt, Japanned War,
le., for sal by II. F. Ulgler A Co.
It. B. Wheelbarrows, Haby Carriage, Toy Ex-
nrer Wagonj and Wbeelhairows, at
r m,;8 ;j II, F. A Co'.
Points, Oil and Varulshe for aale by JL F.
Bigler A Co. . .
Calcltuid Platter fnr le by II. f. Bigler A Co.
Ja . tniSaWeOraeeti' Sw. Oreat Amerb-M "
.w, Hovntos Llgtilnlng Haw, t 1
t j, rl . F. Bim ta A re's. 1
Tn run Ctritana or I'miiitrai,-Your at-U-nllcti
I. rrspeuli'ully Invited te the kit that the
Nntloniil banks are uow prepared to receive sill'
aoriptlins to the Capital Stuck of th Centennial
Hoard uf Fiiiutie. The funds realised from this
ouroe are to be oinployed in the eroetiun of Ihe
buililirlm for the Intwuntlonul Lxblbliiou, aud
the nxpepries oonnnpled with tho sulmi. It is uon
(idonlly axiieoled that Ihe Koystona Slate will be
represented by tho name of every olllaen alira to
Kalriolie eoimnctnoratioo of the one hundredth
trth-day or tba nation. The shares of slock are
oirert d for (10 each, tnd luhscribcrt will receive
B handsomely ileal ugravod Certificate or Block,
auitablo lor framlug and nreaerratlun aa a oa
tiunal memorial.
Interest a the rat of tlx per ecat. per annum
will be paid on all paymcuti uf Ceiitenuial Stuck
from date of pavmunt to January I, I B76.
(Subscribes, who are not n"nr a NetUwa! Bank
own remit a ehaok r postollloe order t lb un
dersigned. Fltlilikl. FHALKY, Treasurer,
augHO lot Waluut St., Philadelphia.
' I
I r t" :T TIIIH OCT.
It May Have Your Life.
There la bo parens living but what .uffor more
at res with Lung DissaKa, Oouglia, Colds or Con
sumption, yet some would die rather than taty 7i
eents for a bottle of uiedielno that would cure
(hem. Dr. A. Doscbee's Uermaa Syrup has, late
ly hern iatroduaed in this country trout Uermany,
aad (Is wosdriMta ok re. aatenialia. every one that
try II. If you dnuU what we aay ia print, out
(hit out end take It (o your Ilruggls(, C. D. Wlt
un. and get a turapla betlle'free of charge, or a
tegular site for 76 unit. 'U. U. UKKHN,
20aug73y Woodbury, N. J.
Axe.. Seveuly-Bre rfluian Cleartald Wood
ohopper. Axes l " -
:2!7I. II. F. UiaLEIt A Co't.
II. F. Bigler A Cd. bare been makiug extensive
additions to their stock of Hardware Hie lot f-
days, hrerything new in Shelf Hardware, Sad
dlers' Hardware, Farmer Hardware. Buildera'
Hardware, and Hardware uf all kinds, can baaeon
at their atore. ; May 22.
Dr. dross' Ncnraliie Item.dr la onaortha real-
eat blessings i er be.lowoil upon suoertra hMoaaa-
uy. it una oeeu caretuiiy and patiently tried lo
a great umnher ef cases, and has never tiis'i ia a
tiiigle instaoee to effect a cure. It oontaina no
injur inua aubstanccs, being prepared entirely from
carefully selected materials. Neither does it act
like many retired ius now in uso, by blunting the
nerves, and thus giringonly temporary relief, bull
will aot quickly and surely. All who ere snllrrers
from tbeae will find this an infallible
remedy end being anxious Iknl it .ball oniuuiend
ilticlf to tho public I refrain from furtbor re
marks. If veil according to direction., a cure
Is guaranteed in every eeso. Price oue dollar per
bottle. None genuine without the signature or
r''K Nxwnciio, Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa.
For aale by all druggists and dealers in Clear
field county. aeplO-Sm.
Paiist akd Paixtxii' FtsniMoj Our stuck
of Puiuts and painters' Materials is complete, in
cluding .1. T. Lewis' Pure While Lead. John Lo
cus A Cu's Pure Wbl'o Lead, F. R. A Co's Iluck
Lend, and a number uf cheaper brands ef White
Lead ( also, Lin-red Oil, Tirpentine, Varnishes of
all kinds, a full line of liruebes, and a full line of
oolors, dry and in OjL , ,
mj2T3 II. F. Biot-aa A Co.
lla.lD Tota ! Persona whooojjtrajplate building
wfll do well tn call end xasaine our stock of
lILILlilSd M.ATKH1 ALS. We hare in stock a
full line of Builders' Hardware, Nulla, I'aittta,
ui:e, mass, ruity, uaieined flnster, An.
m.v2S'73 II. F. lltutxa A C.
Kuril a to Wiooa aid CaaaiAoi Mak ins. W
hare just receired a general assortment of Wagon
and Carriage Woods, also a full Una uf Springs
suu ancs, wnicu wa onoreneep tor easn.
11. F. Uiouaa A Co,
Just received, a large lut of Boa-exploaln
Lampe and lantarna al
-JJ-;i U. F. BioL.a A Ce't.
Bird Cagea.
Wood and Willow Ware.
Household (loads.
All kinds of Hardware.
Japanned Ware.
Painls, Oils, Yarniahes.
Calciaed Plaster.
W'agoo and Carriage Makers' supplies,
All of the abors for sale at the mammoth llard
ware Store of U. F. Biglet A Co., Seeood St rest,
t.iaarneia. re. 31
Oo Oetober'JJd, 1.473. at tbe Lutheran Paras
age, Luthershurg, hy Her. K. Niliii, Mr. JOHN
t . VI n Ml, ol J. fferson county, too Miss CAR.
me, swnu,u,,oi uieeruatu county.
On October 30th, 1173, by Iter. Wi. M. BracB
riSLO, Mr, JOHN MOUNTAIN, of Hollidavs.
burg, to Miss JULIA U. MOIIUAN, of Lawrence
towusnip, vlrarneld county.
On Ockiber 30th, 1873, lo Bell township, JOIE
KUUKHIA, Infant daughter of A. and K. U. A,
liaarB, aged I month aud 3 days.
. II BS---e- -
J Icrm.
Warren Shoop PonnjS. I. 8ny.ler...Clearfie!d
J. L. Kuuta Brady
W. J. McCoy... Becearia
John Davit Morria
(I. W. Musser..Curwant
J. llooptter..Lawwrenca
W. Hadabeugh .Cleor'ld
J. M. Ardery...lwrenee
J. Orr l.kwrauc
C. Sebring Burnsido
Ellis Irwui. Uoshcn
J. B. Piekard.Covingt'n
K. M. Johnaoo..Jirdan
L. JobnstoB....M,Mirria
K. Dale Ilrarlr
J. M. llaller...Covingtln
U. II. Wingert....llrady
Jobn Coder Hoggs
K. Uretmei.-... Bradford
r. leCrackn..Fergeaoa Mcl'berson.Ciear'd
J. Forrest Lawrence
II. II. Krans...,.iraham
II. L. Hi-ndersoo,
UelllB. fl. Kelierts...k..Knoi
II. B. Uraecker.
1 Ike J. Mc('ullough...Uuli
C. Ilrewn Covlnglon II. tirslhu. Uradlord
(1. B-ill KnoxlJ. ,Mulln.;....I.awrue
J. Mabaffey. Uell K. K. hbirey Uih
J. A. L. Flegal.. .(roshen1 M MeCully. liulicb
vntno wkxk.
A. Patehin.M...Burnstda
Uand Uruwo.. Pike
Ausiio Curry Chest
A. Ciuno Decatur
J. Joplio.,,M, Woodward
K. W. K,eil...Woederd
dnuon FlyBB,..,.Uulieb
Ixoae Li e llurnside
W. H. Murgan.Hlieeatur
J. J. Pieard...Corlogton
U. II. Lytic L. City
J. Dillon lleocaria
W. 11. llughesDtoatur
E. W. Kester L. City
II. Whitehead Union
W. FullerlcnHLwrense
A. J. Aiota. Murrl
A. C)iai.,.m. Woodward
S. McNeul I'ik
A. Haymoad alorria
o. Sboff Ileccari
J. F.Mulholland..llrady
('.. Migno( Ulrard
F. T. Ilugueneytlirrd
J. Lord.- Jnox
J. Dougherty Hell
w. Uraliam....llrdri
J. Homer Osceola
J. Matt haws. Woodward
Oeo. Kriner Brady
Thoiuaa Long Pik
L. L. Moore... Lawrenof
J. Williams Jordan
Ai F. BoynU,n...Clear'ld
Jaa. Cole llcratur
1 i;i
; iXCOXII Will.
Mn R. Dunlsp vt. J. M. Cnate, l at.
John Unit v. J. F. Slfiner at al.
John Crosaman M al r. J. W. Lewie l l.
II. if. McLaughlin....... vs. Irwio A 6oo.
Hugh Adama t sl.HM.... vs. Ouardian lire
Kllta Irria ra. Wm. M. Bloom.
County National Bank., vs. W. Albert A lire.
Ore. W. Auzhenbatigh.,
, vs. John 8. Il'iy U
wiitiem u. Mela
vs. James Karnes,
vs. L. Campbell et al.
. vs. J. Forrrjt A Sua.
VS. J. Trivia A rtOB.
v. Edward Albert,
vs. Ilarid Krhard.
Christian Straw..
Jacob StrioklaniL
Josfph Winnery
Juno J. UhtBSw
Peter Mays
Kra B. Dosh al al,...
vs. 1st N. Uank.Curs'l.
Jamot A. Bloom.
va Patrick Kearna.
va. VI. D. Woodward,
vs. 8. M. Dirkermao.
, vs. George llagor.
vt. Wilton lluorar.
Leneon Uarduerw
K. II. Wing
William S. Walls.....
Richard Mossop
William It. Slice.. ..
vt. (leorge B. rioiilb.
Lloyd, Caldwell A Co. as. vs. John Llghtoar,
Sam.. va c-amo.
John ltyer.Adminatrator va. Abrem Beyer et al.
Pntilek riynn va. "eo. w.
Bllrha Elliott va. it. Kobiai.n, Jr.
Llnyd.CaldwellA Co. as. vs. John Lightnar atal
William A. Wallee vt. Jenir Askey et l,
Peter Linsberry. vt. J. A. Woolridg. Jr.
Jobs Irvia ., vs. auulom ltaiter,
THU1D a icg.
Abraham Onrs vt. John Lawshe atal.
Jaa. D. Counsel, et al vt. J, A. Faust, Sheriff.
Mr. Barah J. Hale, el al vs. (leorie llimlle.
Jamea kli MarryM..i...A vt. Ja. II, Sumlerllo.
Joba Fieri. ,
vs. Samuel Mursb,
Ueurge Jsaeonei....
, va Riohard Arthur,
vs. rj. Aualin at al. :
vs. A. King c( al.
va. J. X. Leonard et al,
va. Jaa. Form rt al.
vs, W. W. Worrell atal,
John H. llailoy .
Rlehsrd Arthurs...
Laxitrus Meyer.....
Martin O, Klirk...,
Barbara Lleyd..,.
uracl Coufitr.,
vt, V) ilham Puaey,
Cheat Bohool Uialslet.,, va Juho F. Caraoo.
Dilllnger A Slepheuson.. va. J, T. Leonard et al.
Hli Klopp vi. Paul rtarllng et al.
L. Moyei.. m vt. John MeeUoy
J. II. Ffllford. Assignee., vs. C. Howe at al.
Hcuben II. Moore ., vs. at. Ashenlrltar at al.
Coles, Thompson A Co.. va. Folfori.etaa'.garn,
i'harlea Hansel!..
, va P. A. Reed A Co,
Puaey A Jones...,
Frank Uulgsr
A. A. Long...
Willie terlsy
. vt. P. A. Rood A Co.
. va L. A. Morrison a eo.
vs. II. J. Fureat at al.
, va Klljah Aahenfeller.
, va. W. P. Tateet aL
, va. Jamaa C. William.
, va. James M. Broom.
vi. S. U. Patehln.
VI. II. Cochran el al.
vi. Jean W. Wllnn.
James Mo DeelM.. ......
L. Read A Co
Mary It. Joy et al
William C. Melt
J. Geary el al
Lewis J. Hard
We hart printed s large namher ef the Bew
fRf) f 'TIA,n tl b lb canrrrrd Of Iwrmfr
r eents, nail eery I tnv tdJiera. siyit
1 m.
Clearfield Markets
CorroolsJ weekly hy Rii-KAno Moaaor, Wholesal
nd Denier in Dry Uoods, Ui ovaries, Pre
vitloni, ,o., Market atreet, Clearfield, Pa.
Oi.BABriBi.B, PA.0c(ol,er 21, 117.",.
Aiiples.(reea,00(i abiiliVHjdruMd'..' '
Dried, ath.; 10 Hl.lea, green.... :,f
Applehatier,Vgal, , T Ueioa. ....... .00Q ; lit
Butlar. oora -3i ShouldoM-.o.OOCu) 121
Bcana $ 7i( Sn sides.. 00 (g 121
Buckwheat... 1 110 Lard 1!
Iluckwheat Hour lb, t Me.. pork.V bbl.,,20 00
Beef, dried 3SOta..... .. tu
Roof, fre.h 74 lonioni I Jo
Board., J oily ! 0lPotAlo ..M.,-00f 7j
Corn,ihelld.. 1 00 Peach, dried, tb.. lo
Corn, ear 011(a) (0 Plaster, fs bbl 1 00
Cora meal, ) sack, 1 30 Rye. 1 jo
Chop, V owl2 00jj J 40 Rega, 19 lb 2
Cloverseed Ofl.Sall, (0 aack.340 I (0
Cheese So Shlnglee.lK In.Mfqit 00
Cherries, lb. 10(d) 0 Shingles,?!! InlOQj, 1 S 0
Chickens, drsd, lb, 20 Timothy seed....... t 00
Fggt ' 1J Tallow. ...,, .,.,.. l:
Flaxswu. 2 00 Wheal...... 115
Flour S sue 0 00 Wool IU
liny 00 OOlj.22 MO Wood, eord.... k 40
I'eiinsy 1 viiiiIh Ilnllroad
Or? and after Monday, K0f3d, 1873, ibe
Passenger Traina will roo d 'ly (except Soo
daya) between Tyrone and Clearfield, aa follow
Clearfield 3.40. ra
Philipsburg....4.34, "
Osceola 4.J0,
Tyrone 0.00, -
Tyrone O.SO.a.k.
Osceola... 10.4",
Philipsburg...lO., "
Clearfield..... 11.40,"
Clearfield.,... 3.40 . a
Philipsburg.. 0.33 "
Osceola. J.iO "
Intoraectlon.. 7.48 "
Tyroa 8.00
Tyrone 7.00 r. u,
Intersection... 7. 13 "
O.eeola 8.10 "
Clearfield, ar.... 30
Rellefonte, Pa
05 Middletown .........35 00
Luck Ilaren :
lluntingdoa ,
3 70 Marietta.. 00
3 00 Lancaster I 83
2 00 Altoona I 84
4 40 Johnstown.. I 80
4 lolPITTSBURU i 14
Close connection mad by all trains at Trrona
and Lock Ilaren.
riTlT-tf. Superintendent.
1 - - - - J - I 1 J 21 J
, J WiSffHaufou. j
ever brought (o (he eotin(y. are being rreeteo-f at
the Hardware Establishment of II. K IIIOLKH
ok CO.. eomprlaing the fullowing Ceok Stove :
Also, the following Heating Stores 1
OirSEY, - ,
Clearfield, Sept. 24, 1872.
Spokes, Rims & Flow Handles.
; JOHN G. DAVIS 4 SON, sroKE worn,
I. W. Cor. LEOPARD A OTTER Streets,
Ar-Scnd for Price List. f :30.0m
The Clearfield Excelsior Canlbeek will set
tear out er break, being eooetroeted wUb en
olid band boot slip to paint.
. 51 It pronounced by all practical lumbermea
who have examined It to be th moil perfeet
Canlhook erer Invented. -
Amos Kcnnard, Patentee.
Manufactured by Aeoa KiauaB A Co., at
Mr-All order promptly attended to. 23'70
W recird tbe agency fur th above and
will sell them at minufacturer'i prloex. Call aad
lamina them. They are the hesl.
jell 71 U. '. BIULKR CO,
Boynton's Lightning CrosB-cut Saw,
For sale by
ool12,70 II. F. BIGLER A CO,
The oldi t ond moat rrllalile luitlltttion for ob
titiiiing vMorftntilo Vditootioii. For Oiirutorl
write o " P. M Vf A HONH.
ootljW4t . . rttUbnrgh. Po.
mi:! li mi: i
Tb ondarrlgned It new Bresiarrd lo furnish
Ihe publi wiek an exeelltnt quality ef
Bolltnonte Wood-Burned lime,
fer plastering purpose, ly th Urtys er small
quantify. Ca be fuiinJ lur lb presijit at Pi'
new building,-on Market sirvel.
ecli-ti i,. n. m(-i,i'i,i.iiAsviix.
A7"ILLIAM M. 1IEXUY, Jufrricg
ll or ma l'a.trx Avn Sieiraara, LUMUER
CITY. Colleetlea mail aa I money prnmplly
n.iid over. Article of Agreement Bnd deed of
conveyance Beatly execaled and warranted cur
rent or ae eliaee,. ! , , .. Ar'3'73
THE nnderalgned begs leave lo Inform the pub
lir that he is anw fully prepared tosoroaimo
date all In tho wayuf furnishing Horsea, Biigloa,
Soddlce and llnrross, on lh shorter! otiee and
on reasonable (Arm. ReeideoeeeB LoeBOl rteel.
between Third and Foerlh. '
tim. WCrVRflrWiT. .
riMrl.M, April II,
I5 AD. TUIS1, , .i .,
Tht fttUntion of the eitlteufl of Clerflld ond
rifiinitr U dlreotrd to tho iiot thtt Ooodfttlow k
Bun tro tho ogflott of M. Nieoo A Co., obd hov
jail reooirrd ft nair uosn for loom or rioar ood
id, whloh th-j offor tvt tbo Jowtrt pvitiblo ng
vn, A Urgo itock of
Shelled Cora, Cora la ear, A.g Aa.
Particular attention I (ailed to M. Kite A
Co.'s bran ef Family Flour, whtak t lb best ia
tne marBM. - a j - .. . -. . , - - : .
Floor and Feed ean snd will be anld haper
thsn It ean be obtained elseiiher ia Clearfield
Store oa Mosket street, Bl deer te lion.
Alexander Irviu' rasideno.
janlOlf AgenU for M. Nice A Co.
O. I. c,
-itrnEhfc to Ur mi DRY aGOIi. 1RQ
Vf MrUOf (iuotnuworo, UloMVoro, intg oiid
nouont, toe loot moon e, e, cbcop iureou,
Tho lubtwrlber begt leort to Inform bll old dJ
now out torn trt tbot no hoc opontd '
A VAllItlT STOKC ....
tn OLEK B0P9, FA
Aid will Mil ffowli ot brictt t oolt lb tfaioi. A
tHwrnl rodactiun will U node to outoacn buy
ing ot wboloiaU.
Coll ond oxomlno my itoct btforo parehotiog
iinwairi, a iiDoroi fbtrt oi pabiie polrunogt to
Olon Hope. Po.. 3m 14, 1871.
Turpeetine,') I Nalle,
Painta, I WILL SELL T0U J (),Mi
OiU, J I p.iiy,
French, Richards & Co.'i
Buck Lead
Calcined Plaster
Immense stock ob bead.
Clearfield, Pa., Juae 4, 1173.'
HaviBg reeeatly flt(d np a bw Bakery, aad
procured tbe services ef a first does Baker, we
ere prepared, lo lurntaa
every day. We will deliver Breed, Rolls, Cake
ef all kinds, fresh every morning, at tbe door of
eur costoiaerf, if desired. W rospestfjillv so.
Ilelt a share of public patrnaage, and feel tore
that w cao gtr antir satisfactioa.
We else keep ob kand a choice essertment of
- Fresh FRUITS and VEGETABLES received
daily and sold at reasonable price.
Fresh OVSTERS, ia the ean or quart.
ICR CREAM always ea bead.
u i ve bib call. He strive to phase.
Aug. 0, 18-3-tf. STEVENSON A CO.
A. & W. D. IEVL,
' Aad eell t emill advaoce.
b t mi coil,
August IS, 1873-7:1:73
PHICE. COME AND SEE. (3:t:73y)
jos. Shaw a. sa
HjiTe just opened
Kitr 6toi, on Main St.,Ci.iAriiLD, Pa.
Utely oooupied Dy Win. T. lUVfiS.
Tbolr ttock onUfi ef
Gioctis of tbe beat quality,
QuF.ENs.vARE, Boots and Shoes,
nd trerr Article aeeemiirr for
: ono'i comrort.
Call rd iMnrisManrr dock before pur
cliinf! etanwlrer. Mj d, UfWl tf.
(? durational.
1 be attendoa of Doarda ef Education. fdiperiB-
tondaal aud Toaobvis Is luvilod In th iyllowing
e; h. butleha co
i an-
Fur lb use f Puhl(a Eobools of Cltartsld Co.
., . i Also, by the i
for all the Puhll Schools in tbs Slate of Vermont
by lb Ifoardi af EdaoetioB of
New York Oily, t . , r ' .i '
I'blMelphta,' .. , 5
and many alhrt psomlnenl towns and ellles.
Tbe Standard Serial af Amerlea. -
airalL mica i . ;i i "
Mllehair First Lessens la Geograpby...;. 60
Mitchell s Nsw Primary Geography, lie..... 00
Mitchell's New Intermedial Geography, te 1 f0
MKehell's New School Urography A Atlas. 2 30
Mitchell's Nc Physical Geography.......... 1 (3
Mitchell's New Outline Mans aad Kav. email"
aerlea, oa rollers, 00
altlcbell a New Outline Maps and Key, large
series, on rollen,, eel 30 (0
Latest and Handsomest Series.
llsw Amsrlean First Render, 1 SAaeinr ...20
New American ReooBd Reader, ...SO
New American Third Reader, Asa
New A meheaa Fourth Reader, , ...00
New American Fifth Header, J May ' ,..0
New American Primary Speller 30
New Apscrlcao Pronouncing Speller..., ,30
The New American Etvmolocv OA
Oiford Junior Speaker M 7o
vaiora Denior peaker 1 ail
Coplea ean be obtained upon (be most liberal
terms for introduction, hv arioliaation lo llm null.
lishert, er lo
P. W. PROCTOR, Agent,
, Huntingdon, Pe!
Correspondence wltb Teachers and llirrct.
a cordially iurited. arptlO-Sm
Till FALL TERM of fqrtea , weeks, will
eemmeaee Monday, September let, I3i3.
Reading, Orthography, Writing. Object Us
ens. Primary Arithmetic aud Primary
Geoa-ratihy..... At 00
History, Local and descriptive Geography
wua map freeing, uraaumar, AUnlel. .
and Written Arithmetic ......!.... (00
Algebra and tbe Science 13 00
Instruction te Instrumental music 10 00
Oil painting, 24 lessons...... .... 11 to
Wax work 1 CO
For full particulars lend for Circular.
Clearfield, Aug. , 1873. , ,f:7l-y
THE FALL TERM of fourteen week will
commence MOND A V, SEPTEMBER Otb, 1873.
Term ofTalliou.
Reading, Writing, Mental and Written
Arithmetic, Uramrear, Geography and
History tt fid
Natural Philosophy, Physiology, and Sin. -
gie nuiry nooB-keoplng II 00
For Instruction in Doulil Entry Book
keeping and Arithmetic, ape-
ial term to b arraoged.
Th undersigned having charge of Ihe Male
Department ia an etnerlenced teacher. He la a
graduate of Iron Ciry Oommareial CUcge, and
haa bad acreral yeara' practical xprinc aa aa
II 1 prepared, an moderate terms, to riv such
iaslruotions ia Penmanship and Beok keeping ea
are usually obtained only at Commereial Colhgra
er ia actual busiao. For partieulara respecting
Ibe school epply to
g"U 11. M. McENALLT.
siddle & nmm mimi
Market St., CLEARFIELD, Pa.,
Is th man ta go to If voa want a sat of new
HARNESS or a new SADDLE, ay aoy.tbing else
in that line. U tarns out oa good work' aa ia
done in any ahop lo f anrjylrania, asd hia pricea
are vary reasonable.
tun.taotly on band a full tine ef
aucb as Trotting Saddle, Quarter and ShinBools,
Trolling Rollers, Whips, Fine Crashes and.Cunihe,
Ao. A fine aaaoetnieiit s Del, Uira Corers,
Knee Blankets, Bo.Talo Rohes. Ac. Ie kent in
season. In faot anything that boraemen ataud io
Bean or i eiwev ea hand.
All of which will be aoid at arboleaLle er retell
at tlie very rairest raiea.
Repairing proiW'tlr attended to.. All woik
guaranteed, buop iu room formerly occupied a
v W utsce. April , IH73,
Ilainess; Saddles and Bridles,
Ply Notn, Collnra, Wbipi, io.
A larre ttoek ef TROTTINrt GOODS of all
ilererlntiona. Also, a larre slock of HARNESS
eT Repairing promptly attendee: te.
Rhon oo Market atreet. Graham's Row. in sbon
formerly occupied by Jamas Alrxaodeo
ClearOeld, Pa., Juo 24, IS7S.
JOSEPH II. DKKKIN'a ne V. rk.t.i.. I.
Shaw'a Row. PUarAeld. ! . ho .ina ....:.!.. I
a Ana lot of French Calf tikins and Kips, the
neet ia me meraei, ana is bow prepared loman-
araoture aathin In hie Una. li e.111
rant hi work to b at represented.
Th elliient of Clearfield aed vicinity ar
respectfully invited (e give bim a eall.
ore none as euort aotiee. t:io ,.ij
I? It ASK SHORT, jo! the "rVhort
. Shoe Shop," gives nolle (bat be ba re
moved from Graham's Bow, OB Market street, to
neil door .to tbe Allegheny Hold, on Market
street, when b I prepared to make and maud
stlte.hed, sewed er pegged, with Ihe best stock th
caster market afford, and a( aa reaanaable prices
as they raa be bought lor Aeewaere, and whers
b Is prepared -to ecrompioaat all bia old cuetoei.
n and a matey new ears e may favor him with
a eell. Uianklul yr past favors, ho would re
ipertfuOy aollcll a continuance of their pntrnnage.
r. puuhT.
-Clearfield, October 22, lS73.-(lm
Lime lor Sale I
THE anderslgned, residing near the depot 'oj
mad eomplele arrangi ments w'.tt Llaie
Hunter east or the moantala, wheeby be I ena
bled io keep eoasUatly ob haad a large quantity of
which he otasa t farmort aad haUder at a Irlls
above eost. Thotc lo need ot the article woald do
well to give me a tail, or address me hy letter, b.
for negotiating their lime. -I
OaStl. P, A Ars 30RH.'
riMrfl.M, Pa., Jerte , (. - '
' grnf'.
"'f .c ''' I : v , r,:.:Tf
BY B. PORTER Ml AiV, th U. it."'
IMPORTARt TB'uTnB: 'i,r!,.:T.'
Having luooeedcd In getting a lighter tarlCos
material, benee the lew nd modtrmlt sbarg' foe
pertlel and full sets af Teeth. I as lb best
manufacture ef teeth and other material All
o peranum Mflitaaed aad warranted le guv ar
vice add atlaraeliaa. ' i -
Friends, reflect thai my ekargea for (ba laser,
lioa ef artificial and tke saving ef Ibe natural
teeth are bow tha moatreasenabUiaPcBasylvsmka.
Preserve your teeth and yoa preserve ynur hcsllk.
Putting of tbe natural teeth ia a healthy, pr.
ervaliveand uteful condition Is mad specialty.
Diseases and malformations com moo to toe mouth,
law and aeeoetal pane, are treated aad eovreelad
with Mt aaeeii. Examination aad! toatalla.
tiona raa. -' '
It would be wall fur patients from a distant lo
let me know by mail a few day before eoialgg
te the office,
II i very Imcortant thai children between lb
age ef aix and twelve yar should bava their
taaia evaminea.
Anssstbrtlei Are administered Bad Teeth -ovod
wllkoat plu.
Disposition and character r ledgrd by Bll
the world by tbe exprasion ef Ihe face, bao
hew very diaaslroua may it therefore be for pr
aena t indulge an expreeeiua ef distorted fcatare,
vaa apart from a kygienie view. . Nuw, te enjoy
natural (Dot artificial) eumforts and plearurcs,
respect and bey aateral !rnplieiti and Inidnet.
Office la New Matoaic Building, Seeood at reel.
Clearfield, Pa. myl4'73
. Dr. A. M. HILLS ,
du T-yy it ouia wnj w nil pMiinu ana no poD
lie gnerolly, thot, horiog dUtwlTotl port nr hip
wiiti Dr. tibow, ho It mow doing tbo onttro work
oi nu omoo oioiBTaii, iobi fiBiivnii a7ra mm istv
bring pat upter tho hond of any other oponttor.
ri.BArf.lal M.Mtk 111 1 ).u17nmah7.t
t. M. STEWAET, D. D. S.,
Ode over Irwin ' Drag Star, '
All deatal etieraliona. eiibcr In Ibe mechanical
flr operative branch, promptly aUendcd (o aad
Miiinuuaa guorenteea. rpectei airentioB peia
t (be treatment of dileasea of tha natural teeth,
vans and moutb. Irri-e-ularilv ef the tealh sue-
oessfully corrected. Teeth eilracted without psvla
oy me use or fiiner, enrl arttnctal leeth tn.erted
Of the beat material and warranted to reader .al
ItfacliOD. - anril20'71:ly
"mn a a war-'-a
ton , j
Farm, Freight and Plantation Ue.
raivuially koowH a lb
Made by experiroeed workmea oat of e good
material aa money ean bny. Wa do aot elaim le
boild tbe lowest prieed Wagons, bu( our aim it la
beild a well proportioned ascoa io )! Its oarls.
end ticpl in durability and light draft. Fer the -paal
,uarter of a eulry the M ilchell Wagon be
uceeasfully mslnlained tha reputation of being
Ihe beat wagoa la bs. Tbe rapidly increasing
demand fer them proves their aopanority ever all
other wagon. ,
Mitchell, (jels a C , Manufacturer, Racla,
Wiseeoaio. Fortbv
Aug. 0, 1373. Clearfield, Pa.
The undersigned would respectfully Botifv all
tcraua intrsted (hat ba ha Just rrcted a new
ime kiln, in Pik township, eni will keep ea
hand flnt class quality or Gray Lima, which
will be furnished to (armors, builder end ether
t li cents per bushel, cash, at the kiln.
iez-eme o. 11. CALDWELL.
Tbe undcrslrned announeca to hia eld frienda
and petrens thai he baa opened a good liaa ef
un(ii r.HiKS a mui (MUMS at the eld eland
of Kirk A Spencer, for which be solicits a liberal
patronage. H. W. SPENCER.
iioiaoer lily, fa, Maroji so-lf.
(lit bALI The nBdorajiraed offers fer
ale a valuable (own property ifl tbe boruaeh
of Clearfield. Lot fAxsi feet, with a good twe.
alary pianei boaee lUereua erected, with three
rooms dowa maire aod four bed roomi up stairs.
Also, sewing room and bath room an seeond door.
iiouao pm.neu complete rrom .cellar te allies
Qood disable porch and food water. Price rea.
tenable and payuratt easy.
zuaug7 n M. M. hloCULLOUOU.
6 A L El
A large ead well-fioihd Briek Dwftie(. tlla-
ate oo theverer bask, ia tbe borough of Clear
field, Containing elarea xoauie, with good eelbtr,
water ia (be kilckeo, and all tbe modern conve
nience.. Pantries, lath-room, Clo'dee-pressec, Ac.
Lot klxty fact fsoait and two hundred aad thirty
feet bark, with a Iwonly fool alley oo Ibe east
side. Said builJing, with all lh appurtenances.
will be sold cheap, with payment! to tail purcha
ser. Application eaa be made ta tke under,
signed, or lo A. C. Tate, Esq., wbe will give all
oecotaery Information to tboae who desire lo la
spent ibe property.
lliurj.j. Alevi LLUIU1J.
May tlit, 1873, (f.
W. 8. Dlrkey A Sob offer their antir took ef
Store Goods, la Glen Hope, at privata aale.
They also offer their Hoose for sale er rent, (e
snil purchasers. Th good will be told at (hey
are on the abelves sheep, aod on easr'terms.
If aot sold by September 2lllh, they will be
sold at eost. Rnre bargaina can Le bad in Dry
Good a. Notions, Boots and Shoea, Hardware,
Glassware, and la feet all blads of goods. If
not sold ualil October 1st., they will besfered al
euetioo every Saturday until all are dispeaed of.
1 lit House is tbe best in Glen Hope, and doing a
good bu'laesa. The ill health of W. 8. Dlekey
is tko cease for selling. Call on er address
W. S. DlCliJSY A 0N.
Olea !Iope, Sept. 17, l73 ;a. .
eld Company Is offering Its bonds at
b investment, rnnumg from one (a (on years,
bearing alx per oral. Interest, payable eemi-eo.
nually oa (he first dfis of Jnnusry tod July.
Tbe amouot it limited lo blOArIM), being bill
aae-(blid of (hi atockef she company, tbua mak
ing the hoods a desirable and eafc iarevtmenl.
Tlie Ann hi l .1,1... .V .k. I) t.. : ,
- - , u,.Hj.e in iuis oer
ngh, or at tht Treasurer' oflle.
W. W. HEl T8, Treasurer.
viveranu, rept. fcV, ICIII
Th House end Lot on ti e eornrrof Mar.
kel and Fifth steer!, Clearfield, Pa., i for asle.
The lot coBtain nearly an acre of ground, t ha
boos Is a large double (relet, containing nice
room. For term aod other information apple
te the l-ibscrlber, et the Pott OlSee.
"ni r. A. GA('LI3f.
The Bell s Bun Woolen Factory
Pan township, Clearfield C, Pa.
rt o
BURNE D UP great expense. reLnlli a
neighrmrhood nseeaslty, In the erection of a fiiai.
aloes Woolen Manafactory, with all the modern
improvements attached, aad are prepared te make
all kinds of Clolks, Cassimeres, SetlneKs, 1' Isa
bels, Flannels, da. Plenty nf rods oa haad te,
eupply all our old and a thousand new eeetooiera,
" " - w wu eaoHiine ow stoCB,
The basincu of
Carding and filling !
will receive our special altentlen. Proper
arrangemcata will be mada lo reeeive and deliver
Wool, to suit enitoiaerl. All work warranted and
dna upon tb thortajd nolle, nd by atrial etten
tin U lit,iif ess a e hope tu reallaa a liberal share
of palilW pCj-irjigc. , '
W will py th hlnbawt market price fi.r Wood
and I'll our manufactured goods aslow as ajmllar
goods eaa be bnaglit ia the eaualf, aad whenever
we fail le render reasonable -vmr-tH-Ti wa a
always be found al home iea1ia make p ropey
iplanatioa, either In jerson or by letter, '
JAMKk VlillNHOM A HOffll,''
snrt'?"r ' Paver r A