george b. goodlander, .rel, i 4 : anrroa Aon moriiitim. . . ' CLEARF1ELI), rl. ."" " ' WEnNBSDAT MOMflXQ. XOV. 6, l7J. Elafwlicro in this issuo will be ,00nd a tubular ilatemcnt iho per sonal property retarnod by (bo sovcral iisieisor in Cleftrffod coonty for 1873. 'Ttio State tax bill msjo out ogitlnst tho county for Ibo current year, by tbo Auditor General and Slate Treas urer, was in round numbers $2,141.00, Tvbith bad to be raised br a 3 mill tax t'vpon tho personal property roturaod by tbo aavcwors) bocauso tliore is an iAct of Assembly which prohibits a Rtste tax from being laid upon real 'estate or occupations. Let us boo whether wo can raiso the sum de manded by the State authorities from tbo assessors' returns, and if so pay olT tbo bill : Tha 4.623 hort Cl and mulrl art Tel. " at , .-. (41S.T0O -Th i.tuti ooi t ,.M yi.ea Th 171 oxta it 11,666 Total reJualion.......... '.... 624 0M tBubjeel ! a I mill tax .... ID 41 J3 SI 66 rs to S3 0 Tel of I peroral, from bugglei,ete On gold watohe . ,0a eilrer watehta...... ,., On furniture ToUl amount real lied 11,11") SI - This, it will be obscrvod, is just tS'U C7 short. Now, what nro the Commissioners to do in this dilcma? ',Tho Board cannot turn nroundand take that sum out of tho County Troasury and hand it over to tho State, because Ibis would bo using tho tax raised 'from roal estate, and against the oct regulating tho quoslion. . To raise tho ! means to satisfy the State's demand 'the Hoard was compelled to raise tho valuq of tho personal proporly in tlioso townships whore the average value of horses full below 835 and cows less than $20. To illustrate fur ther : In Bcccaria 25 por cent was , added to horses and cows, from the fact that the former averaged but $82 .and the latter $15. In Bull, Guolich, Morris, I'enn and Piko, about tho (snmo on horses, whilo tho cows wcro about right, except in Guolich. Tho lowest average was in Bloom, $72, and Burnsido $75. Jheao wcro about '83 per cent, too low and had to be raised in 'order to produce equality. , , It will Lo noticed by tbo table that tho a vertigo valuo of cows in two 'third of the districts ranged about $20. Vi hero they averaged but $15, the Board was compellod to add 83 per cent. The number of oxen was so small that it was deemed unnecessary to ' fix a standard, and tho Board acccptod flhem as returned by tbo nssossors. .Buggies, carriages and watcbos ilcpond upon too many contingencies to arrive at a propor valuo without 'seeing tho proporty. The aggregato valuo of professions, trades and occupations nearly amounts to that of, whilo the di-tcrimina-,tion and inequality is far greater. ; To illustrate i Tho 111 taxablos in .Jordan township average but $,'(0, j whilo they average $72 in Boggs and 170 In Brady. If allowed to remain o by the Board the 131 taxables in ( llio formor township would pay but 2U Cl county tax, while a similar number in Boggs would be compelled to pay $101 62 and in Brady $107 10; thus compelling tho latter to pay noar ' ly four times the tax the formor do, and live just as comfortable A eiti- ' ion in Knox would only psy 28 cents "cents county tax, while those in Gi rord would bo obliged to pay 51 cents .early double if the Board had not equolitod the work of tho assos- sors. 1 Wo believe it is tho dosiro of nil, commissioners, Assessors and tax payers, to bring about equality In tax ution, and we lay most emphatically mat tins in a duty imposed on all, in taw as well ni morale, but it is ono of .the hardest things in tho world to bring about. If tbo assessors would assess horses and nil otbor property at ' its valuo the equalization would bo a moll matter on tho part of the Com. missioficr, but the policy of a low vol. . nation destroys all rules and throws . everything out of gear, and confusion and much labor and wrong is tho ro. ;oH. To illustrate, toko the aggro- gate number of horses ns shown by . the tablo, 4,652, and divide them into the oggregnto value, $I1,7K, and ' U produces an avernce of $!)!. Now. ' this would haro been the standard for ,jlUoi Commissioners lo adopt if it 1 would lave , raised tho : required amount of State tax. Tho 1!MI horses in llastbn, which avcrnro $1 1 1, would 'te reduced to $91, and tbo 08 horses la Bloom, which average $73, would be rained to 891. This would produco qnallty, bat at throo mills it will not raiso Stalo tax enough, llcnw, tho 'Board was compelled to raiso all tho ,low ftssossuicnli. i The Act of Aeiomblf regulating 'iwienftmcnls nmkes it as obligatory on '.the Commissioners to bring about .equality as it doos assessors to asscs .ud rolurn tho proporly. But the 'somolaw prevents tho Board from ' lowering tho value of any property "to bring about cijuuiily when It is no torious to. everybody that proporty is not assessed at its real valuo. .... This law hfl rftlo applies lo lands, 'horses, town, oxen,' brwicn arriajjc IBilJtf'JijVlUvlj ,i-' 1 ... ; ' We again cull tho reader's altou lion to the following points. A I'lunco ut tho table will show that iu Bloom and llustun tho arurugo valuo fur horses was the lowest ($78 in; the former) and the lilghest,'($lU Ih tho latter,) and bad the Board proceeded to assess thd tax upon tho property at rotnrncd by the "assosnors the oouniy and slate lax on . tho C8 horses iu Bloom would havo been just $50 00, whilo the ownori of G3 horses In llus ten would have been compelled to puy $75 48, or just 50 per cent, moro tax on the soino, number' of horacs. Would thut havo beon 'right f Would that bo equality f - ' - But to concludoi .After tho Com missioners spont about throo weeks in passing over tho thirty-two duplicates tlicy proceeded to assoss tho tax, and after tho duplicates wcro mado out and footed the lux amounted lo 82, 200 55 about $09 moro than tho sum called for by tho State. The exoner ations will, howovor, more than con sume this amount. In the futuro there will be no State tax on personal property. ' ", , " ' , -.. - '' Legal Traokdi. Tbo third trial of Edwin S. Stokes, for tho murder of Jamos risk, Jr., was concluded in Now York, on Thursday last. He was found guilty of manslaughter in the third degrco, and sontenced to the ronitcntiory fur four years. Ho will probably bo out in a fow mouths look ing for another victim. A grcator farce than this trial was never played on any stage. This is tho way two thirds of tho murderers nro deposed of by tho advocates of capital pun ishment, who vohemontly insist that all should bo bung who eommlt mur der. Now muko tho penalty for mur der imprisonment for life, and nine tenths of that class of offondcrs will be abut out from society, and the com munity rendered safe. Tbo man or woman who commits murder, is an unfit member of society, and should never bo given an opportunity lo re peat their crime outsido the walls of a prison. Yet, as Ibe law ia now ad ministered, murderera are turned looso upon society in a low" years.-- And this is what is called vindicating tho law, and punching criminals and rendering society more safe. . Mori Good Times. The suspen sion of the wenlthy banking firm of n m. M. Lloyd & Co., of Alloonn, and the numerous banks with which be was connected, on Thursday last, caused a sensation in business circles. Mr. Lloyd is connected with twenty three banks, and his failuro is rather of a wholesale character. In this section of tho Slato we may name Al toono, Tyrone, Oscsola, Kbensburg, lienors and Hollidaysburg,whero un til recently ho was doing a thriving business. Now all tho banks with which ho was conncclod, including Now York and Philadelphia areclossd, and depositors do not just exactly know when thoir funds will bo re turned to thorn. Such are the results of an exclusive paper curroncy. Thai's So. A New Washington "Modoc" has written ns a teasing let ter, in which among other things he remarks: "George, wo played you a pretty sliir game on the 11th." Well you might; you held tho four Jacks, and like Unites Amct' Credit Mobllicr Stock, you "placed them whore they would do. the most good," across tho county from tho South to tho North. One at your place, another at Cur- wcnsvillc, the third at this place and tho fourth at Karthaus; and nil old gamesters at that. Besides, you bad 1,09 1 (Mackey s vole) lUdicals to holp you. You had bettor not blow about that alliance, if yon Hill considoryour self a Domocrat. Tho Philadelphia Press of tbo 28tb of October gives this interesting infor mation : "It is estimated that over twonly thousand operatives have al ready been thrown out of employment.' " hut glorious times tho re-election of Grant has brought about. The labor ing clusses can now hold a jubilee all winter. "Tho government" will no doubt furnish rations and clothing whilo tho fun lasts. "Vote for Grant, and you voto for prosperity and a patriot." Such was the clap-trap mod by loyalists Inst full. Anon Ciosrd. Tho Constitutional Convention is nbont closing its labors, and lias ogrocd to submit tho new Constitution to tho pcoploonthe Mill of Decomhor next. We understand thnt the dooument will ho printod and universally circulated among tho vo ters, so that all tuny read and debate it from now until election day. Tin 22d District. Below will bo found the official voto cast for Senator in the adjoining District at tho late eloetlor. i raiDtiu. Ctntre 1 inwtit m. 1404 lull ir.f6 1146 . 4 2017 2216 1FU0 ' 14.10 8104 46 Ittiiitliifttin Mifflin Jun wta Tutu) Warcam'i mivjoritj.. 7676 He Knows. An o.xchungo snys! General Cuslnr was a listener at Du luth to a lecturo on how to savo the Indians, lie admitted thnt tho lea turor's doctrine wore gool for tho in. tcrlorof n church, lint insi.'lo'l thnt a man could not nractiuo thorn upon Iho plains und save urn lair. ' . Elections. On yestorday Ftote elections wore held in 2tew York, iVow Jorsoy, .Maryland, Virginia, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnosotn, Mas snchasctti and Kmins and sovorul other Stales, lot wo nrj without nows from cither, as to thsroeult, TiiANKsuiViNQ.-tiov. llurtranfihas issued bis annuul thunksiving I'roo liimution, dcsiijiiutin Thursday, the 27U .day of ovciiihcr, us a Jiiy of gt'iiciu'l thnnkfiviiig and iai(. i( Assessment of Fcrsffnftl lYoi.tTly Returned hj the Assessors s gs a- 2 1 S3 ;' ' - g i 82 - r i . 2 . a .. g : '.3 ' f Uiig-N U.;; L h I I i.i p ' i J' - ',' : : : n ; I 1 no. Aa. vii.. Av ar no. jAixt at'us TALn m. utxt a.: Tit. at i bol iiltik j , IlnwarU SO I 150 f 20.12.. SSI! J7.1 H.lflJ U S $.175 IS (900 11.046 tit $140 $200 1JJ Hell - - MS lH l,44(i s.i - SSI 4,n - isl IS I,S! 1 Mb 1I.TS0 lllooui 7V S i,l 1' 11 1,410 10, I..- Jll.S 1,710 til It,.n; lu:il 14f I6,:IMI 104, 171 t,1 (H -2 ,- I00l S 110 11,47(1 7Ji J4o Hrtilfnra SJ SIS 12,1110 II IV 0:l S.0I0 ' ' JOS' 11 AOS : M,7 llrrnly 661 40 40,1011 1O0 4 SO ,:.I6 111! $K $,3401 71 4.0.14 41,174 100 460 Burn.ldo.- rts ... MS . . 1,T - 1i; tii 6,000 SO II Si! IS 1,316 11.6110 47 171 Hi ... ( licit ISM 174 1S.S46 lOSi 1 11 4 32S S fl5l lfl 1,036 14.8S0 60 $00 fOO Clrl!K"- I"'1 3 1,010 , S; Hj. 1,044 -.20 11, , j 410 1 40 . 6,666 43 , 100 riwrnvid.. , 314' , 120 ii,;uo J tii laii 1,400 ( tn l,'J 3S,406 ; loi 4S24 Sio 10,500 Curwin.vll KM 40 '4.026 'VO 47 " (10 " ')' 36 ,D06 13,170 ' 600 700 1,600 IlicnUr 466' 101 17,1:10 S5! 1HI ,S20 101 1 100! 10 10,0.16 ,l30 ' 900 440 KBrnuion- 1361 111 1I,!3J ICO: "161 3,120 " $0 1 llj J 80 6,610 ' ' 601 (Jit.rJ.. 1. 140' 114 10,700 U. 4 1,410 16 f 110! T .10 10,100 7.11 ......... 100 floihrn ..;.... ' 166,- lOOl )0,4 10f: 7 1,400 ' JO1 14 J84 0,000 6i ., 600 .. UruliMU I 141 104 6.10J Shi 11.1 I.70S ' n 't 65 7 170 '8,060 6l 100 Ilulioh 14k; Ill 6,316 ' 81, 108 1,010 ' 15 . ' f.301 , 4UI ,100 106 ...Mb lloullJln US' . -41 t,M HI 12 , 400 21, ...,. 02 1.80S ,4,1i . lOO, 100 SOOI Uu.l.'P 143 100 21,070 HI' VI 1.R20 1(1, II J,(li;,' 10 1,025' 6,210 6T 74 606 Jurdnn 141; 131 12.110 M 163 1,40 ' 1(1' 1 Bu1 IS - 424! 4,230 $(l $00 160 KwrtllM I vi'-' 166 .O0 fdj : IO 1.814 10' S 3SI1 6 444 , 6,760 60! KuI. 17i 114 . 11,040 07; 130 1,047 161 1 .100 S 400 T.IOO 40 M.. Lwren- 4U3 Ui 80,730 106. ' S84 ,630 " 111; ' 3 $00 31 l,126i 14.700 6.1 ......... ., I,omb. Clljr S' 38 1,665 7t 36 600 li '. )0 620i 6,165 73 106 Murrl .. 146; '108 17,070 S4 '261 '1,747 lv 4 IO4I 10 4051 14.10 '40 106 460l NIVuh, Mi $4 1,005 , 36 780 lo '1 , 74j 620 6,160 S 400 40 OkouU 14l 42 4,100 8H, 33 660 20: .,. 15 1,1 1 bi ' 21,614 60 J100 1400 . 4,306 renin. 147: IJ5 10,000 l 161 1,940 III 1 40! 18 7341 6.855 6ll 75 601 I'ike.. 167i 117 17,410 80, 176 6,116 : J6 l! 10(1 42 J,0S4 11,724 ' lj 140 I nloo 1141 83 7.640 62. , 81 1,61)3 - 20 61 , 64H 16 , 2lll 4,454 100 ........... WuoJwsrJ ,..,., 166 105 16,564 lOOj 115 1,760 16 ........ 6 1121 6,786 . 4j ... . ..... Trlnl 6,7t7l 4,Mli $418,700 ,.l 4.010 )1,I66 .,.., I 17$ll.6j 64 dn.VV. $416660 $l.7oi 69.100 706 I7,4$ VtttpUon. To tell only halt the truth, is as potent sometimes as a square false hood. To demonstrate this wo will quote from the midwife who prosidos ovor tho columns of tho Timtt. This truth telling, (!) refined, shrewd and intellectual giant, Inst wook, in allud ing to us, perpetrated the following 1 "W ciT0 him eredil of feting inuri enough to ouit Mr. llradle'f out of tn euiuuiiasionera' udioo tt ulirj of $H00 nj bttttp in t $1,600. Thli wi don to mv to tbo lox-poon of tbt oount $200 by pulling it into bit puektt." Thut Mr. Bradley received S300 is true and that the present Clerk gets $1,000 is also true. But if tho ecribe in question desired to stato a fact, for tho bonoGt of his readers, ho should havo romarlcod that the passage of the infamons registry law by tho Radical Legislature in 13C9, noarly doubled the clerical duties in overy Commissioners' offlco in the Stato, and yet tho board only pays 200 moro for clerical sorvicos than previous to tho paHsago of that act. That would bavo been telling tho whole truth. But from tbo maltor found in tho col umns ot: the lima, it lo quite plain that tho editor dovotes but little time in search of the truth. Our now Tilion, also, sooms lo an noy bim wonderfully. This is not strango. II 0 hails from a locality whoro snoh structures are not half so formidublo, and escapos are n timorous, and buildings of that kind aroa torror to evil doers, anyhow. They annoy us no moro than a c hurch or a school house. We bono this low scribblor will turn his hugo talents in a differ ent direction. II is persistent efforts at libel, defamation and falsehood aro a disgrace to tho profession. Wbat this low scribblor desired to impross upon tbo minds of bis roadurs was, that (ho present Board of Commis sioners wore paying $200 moro for clerk hiro thnn thoir predecessors. But with son&ihlo roon tho doception is too apparent, and in his attempt to libel the Commissioners he only ex poses hi own ignorance or muliee. "not Pantr Jlonru tnlturnce .Yalional ChnrarlrrV Huch is tho inquiry and the caption to an article which wo clip from the Now York Tribune, of the 27th of Oo tober. It is but rarely that wo can copy from this journal, but the article found bolow is tho boat we evor read upon tbo subject. Moro: The Trib une at one time having been a zealous advocate of the paper money policy and a vehement dofendor of "the gov ernment whilo manufacturing it, now when its editor sees the evils flowing from the policy indicated, has the manliness to change his views and warns all to chango their tactics upon this vital question of public policy, Tho editor proceeds : We employ the torra nnper monov only in its technical sense for irre deemable papor currency. Tho babil ot using as value anything wluoli bus no -value naturally exerts an influence on tho mind or the man who docs it. lie loses the ability to ditiujraih valuo whoro it oxiMs, and finditwheie it ia not.k He forgets that tboro are . t.:..i. c ..H i . i . . t . fcWU KIIIUS Ul UUUUUUI1UU illUb Willi1! is well founded and that which is un founded. The former is truo mcrcun- tilo credit; the latter is tho basis of 6WI111JI111Z. lie comes to culoime "conlidcnco" as tho ono groat thing necessary in uusmess, without stop ping to reflect whether bo is asking lor a oonfldonco which ho deserves or one which bo has forfeited, lie is ac customed to usoatbing In business overy nay which is not a dollar, but a debt of a dollar, and yot npparwntly answers tho purpose of tho real thing. It is most natural Tor him to bcliovo that if he oan carry tho process a step further, and gain lor his own promise lo ruiy tho bttMclcss character of a pay tnont, ho will only oxlcnd and increase the good. A chuck for winch the re nro "no "funds" is a diaijriieo to tho drawer; certified to bo good, it is a uuuri-BM'u juinuuuuu u 11, its limy ton slructivcly good. Yet it is a Icgiti mnto offspring of paper monoy, When men in legitimale business come to bolievo In sustaining basclcRS credit, and banks rcgnlurly certify when thoro nro no funds, as a mcro business rou tine, it seoms lo ns lliut groat demor alization exists, and wo Iraco itcusily to its source. I'npor money such as ours necessa rily loduces business to snmotliing of mo na 1 11 ro 01 gambling, j nvorimcnis no longor dopond lor thoir Ifsuo on 11 ut a ru I Inws, but on currency fluctua tions, legislation, tho operations of cliques, syndicates, Slo. Two . men who mako n contract hot on whut Congress or tho Secretary of tho Treas ury will do boforo Ilia contract is ful filled. It has been said that tho men who have not looked ovcrtwcnly-fuur hours ahead havo, during tho hist ten years, mado fortunes, whilo those who havo tried foresight havo mado nothing or been ruined. , This is lit erally true. Tho most rockleus have boen motft auocossiuL and tho result has beon to draw nearly everybody into llio fanhlonahlo methods ol bust iioes ' J-'lyilviicv (ins boon negletld; Sagacity in business has declined. Iho comments on the pnnio of a por tion of the press have shown this dearly. Sharpness and boldness have becomo primo business quulitles. Tbo same decline in business snguoity and bunking soundness was ono of the marked fcatnrea durioir the bank re striction in Kngland. Mornl effects aro almost alwsys eeoondury, and It seems to us thnt this dcclinco in busi ness qualities is a legitimate result of a currency which has alterod the char actor of business. : ' Paper money Is si false pretersa.- It deals in big names for little things. It gives the appearance of wealth where wealth is not. It flatters a man with the ides of growing wealth, while larger and larger figures are re quired to measure the same value. Kxtravagance and sensationalism soem to follow nuttirully from it, just as to- callod sterling qualities seem to be educatod by the use of roal vataes. Tho motto of paper monoy is that no well stack to is as good as tho truth. Mon aro more consistent than they know in transferring their notions from ono department to another. It bas been said that properly of immense value has btnn transferred by a nod or a wink on pure trirat. This way of doing business seems to usof doubtful benefit. Thoncarorwe come to legitimate and snfo modes, the more striet are the legal forms The nearer we go to irumblini; and stealing, the grcnler is tho eloment of "honor" in transactions. Stock deal ing is gambling only by a kind of ex aggeration, but in departing from law. It sots up a code of its own and en. forces it by the limited standards and the public opinion of a coterie. If we still hold to tho old-fushiond notions of the utility and universality of law, wo must rcco,-nise in everything which escapes law and seeks refuge in limited codos a decline in publio cbaractor. Vnder paper money tho most profit able form of businoxs is speculation In pnper values of all kinds. Money is made by manipulating the slock of a corporation rather than out Of its in dustrial oporalions. Hence stock spec- uiutiona multip'y, wtnie legitimate in dustry is comparatively neglected. Hen whose minds lull under the do minion of this stato of things are edu cated to care for paper names more than for actual production. Thoy study stock maneuvers rather than industrial laws, and dovelop refine ments in Stock Kxchange manipula tion rather than business enterprise. It seems to us tbat all this bus very important effects effects which are open to dally observation on the moral of the business community. tndcr paper money, with active spec ulation and rising prices, tho opportu nities for thoso who have capital ough to enable thorn to Incur debts are very great. Tho temptation lo an who bold trust lunds to "borrow" thorn is enormous. All fool it; all but the strongest fall under it. When tbo shrinkago comes wo nro enabled lo inter, from tho iiu rubor who are detected, bocauso they speculated recklessly or too long, something as to tho number who havo succeeded, and hnvo replaced thoir borrowingi We have seen it mentioned that only a score or so of casos havo been dis covered during tho panic. ' Wo have not counted them. Vo wait for some sign that the lUt is full. Tho amount of dishonesty which has beon practiced can only bo rudely guessed from the cases which come to the knowlodge of tho publio. Trobably a man who hns converted trusi funds to his own U80 with succors hns been more do raoralizod than 0110 who bas failed and beon detected. Tbo financial strokos which tho (lovcrnmont of' tho nation hns made sinco the oxielcnco of tho paper money aro a largo faotor in the decay of poli tics, of which wo sco the evidence on every sido. Tho publio conception of tho proper office and functions of Gov ernment tins boon distorted by the habit of socing it moddlo with finance and currency, and expocting it to do so. The Government owes no sinnjl shiiro of Its loss or publio roopcel and confldonco to its financial mistakes. Tho papor money involves Govern ment in tho necessity of acting,, and whether it does one thing or another, it does harm, becauao it is meddling with what is none of its business. Political abuses ore not all due to pa per monoy. No ono would nfflrin it. But pnper money is a largo factor in tho mischief. All this is not to any that the same evils might not have other causes, or that other causes have not actually been involved. Social and politicut evils act and react on ono another until it is Impossible to trace them scparaloly, but they al ways cnbraco each other's mischiof. It may bo possible lo exaggerate the share of liny one of tliom, yot title doos not soem to bo tho time to foar that tho pooplo will bo unduly aroused to tho evils of papor monoy. yt iv (U'crtttf lutnts. l)OAI) I.F.TTl Jlw. Tbo aonlrwt for tho jL V grading ami building of townihlp rood lrilng from A. If. Ogdo'i lo tbo foot of un big bill, in Lnwronor loonnblp, will ho let lo tho tow tit ilar an HATHhUAV, NOVKMUhH I.Ui, 1813, lb Konlmolor ?ill lunqnifoil to good n4 luPoU'M ball for tbo oomplrtiafe of Iho work In k propor nunmr. Tho Buptrrtioro Oflll meit at tbo 4o.rt liouio, In t'loorflold, oa tbi horn duj, anj proposal! will bo rocHvrt until tint Unit. 5AT1IANFRI, RfHIIKI,, . JOHN K, parks, . . , : jour u. KtiiJiH,, ,i jaii;h UUUWV,. . novj.31 PupoMtftnri. JOIt PHINTIKfl OK KVRHY CKfCMr liva statlt ticrutrd at tbiEco,. ,., . , . or Clearfield County for 13ft. $fu? dwtigfrafnt. NKW ADVKETISEMJCNT I SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! T. A. FLECK & CO. won! anaoanoo Ikal lb? aro ao or log for Ibo FU ttoaooa ik aooit atlrooUra 00 4 aonplou IMH VI Millinery and Fancy Goods r.r boron ofor4 la CloarStM. Ta aar Join; uoooi vcpariaioat aro omring lau uamt af Hoalar, - Weolca CI4U, Gloaa, Hoop Mlrta, Tin, t'araata, l.atra. Hair Oaoala, Rlbboaa, Camaoa Pattana, Dreaa Trlmmiaga, Warata4s, 4ken aU at wMtk at SXofftrlog al altraoilts prUoo. TiTTT.T.TTTSB? SEFA&T2QQTT. Wo aro aow oprnlng Ibo la tool ;ln as4 aoral- mi ijt iao ran Boaooa. BONNKT8, HATH, riATUIRS, rLCMIS, . VILVIT EIBBORS, TIM, 0RMAMENT8, fLOWBRB, lo. 0UB TEIMMINQ DEPARTMENT U la abargo of a Irit-elan Trimnor from tbiolli. Wo aolMt an Impoolion of oar H7I04 bj tho lauioi of noarneia ana rioinltjr. Flora room iho tamo at now aeoopio4 b Wi Ittod, oa Markit (Wool. aort'71 T. A. FLECK A CO. T).VTENT RIGHT FOR SALE.-I X nlfrr for !! Iho right for tho oalo of tbo aol- obraloa walking Macbiuo, kaowa at lha "Ira B, Stillman Dedance Washer' la Ibo uonotj of Clinton. Will nil tho right for tho tntiro eounlj, or fur oath towaibip. Thli Waihor ll known to bo ono af iho rorjr boil In un, anil thoir oalo It vorjr largo whoravor Intro- dotid. ppl bj lottor or in ponoa tn 1. A. TKItl'E, notJ Sra, Clrarficld Co., Pa. II. F. BIGLER & CO., Milaai ia IE A ll 1 IV AIIE, - Alio, Haaafaetaxtraaf Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLKABMILD, ?A. " lARHIXG liirLKMENTS of all kladi for loll J , 1 11. p. mai.iR i co. T) AILROAI) WHEELBARROWS IV, 1 for oalo by n. F. BIULKR A CO. QIL, TAIST, PUTTY, GLASS, KalU, ata., for ulo k . n. F. BIGI.ER A CO, TIAnNES3 TRIMMINGS A SHOE 14. ...., , Flndlogi, for ialo k n. F. EIObER A CO. QUNS.PISTOLS SWORD CANES forsaUVjr IT. T. BIOLER A CO gTOYES, OP ALL SORTS AND 1 . Iltos, frit salt by ' 1 1 ' ' n. r. Biaiui a co, 1 RON I IRON I IRON I IRON for oalo V $rut. $tt&'$ Column. AT, ,C O S T t ! AT COST! IMPORTANT TO ' CASH BUYERS throughout tho oountj. I lave thii da sold my stock of Notions, Millinery Goods and Gentlemen's Furnirihing Goods to T. A. FLECK & CO., who will continue in tho business. hi mm STOCK OF dress eooDs, BHAWL8, - FLANNEL 3, C48SIMBRK3, CARPETS, . GENT'S HATS A CAPS, . , tADIEa A CHILDREN'S IHOE3, 4 .. 0 , WILL BE SOLD AT COST! This will be s poritive tah, m I have made other business ar rangements, to go into effect by January 20th, and The Stock Most be Closed Out by tbat timtt. YOU WILL GET BARGAINS! Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. S'rOREKEErERS.'ATTENTION 1 w.j.jn in uii au .tttalLoa ioonr oxloollia Commliilon and to oar hellion for dil noiing of mob prodaoo aa our eoriiiguora oind ni. lloving a largo trado with ailf atom, wa Sro on ablod lo miii qaloh r.luroi, al full prlooa. HlM.ltni rkli.kool. lluttor. KffKI. or ollur proihioa, (rill d ill U glr al trial. mro uraooriM aro lokoo In exoaaafo, no ovw niliiiofl will bo obargod. 8. L. KIRK. FOS A CO, Wboloialo Omeori and Coajmlnlos Morchaali, No. 196 North Third St., I'hiladolphia. norlJj JRATZER A LYTLE, maskbt mtn, i; -41 i PIBAiriBID, Ti . Daalarala DRY GOODSNOTIONS, GROCERIES, Hardware and Queenbwarc . i . j .' . Booti, Shoei, Hats, Cp6, Ac AT-Bboimokirl loppllod with LSATBIR aad BHOK riROIHOS at ralaaat raUa. ' ' ' ' a . ? ' . IV SALT I SALT I SALT! at wholoialo ax4 rotall Tory ihoap. FAINTS, OILS, CALCINED FLASTIR, A a. A llhoral dlaaaut ta bulldora. - B0DSBH0LD GOODS, CARPBTS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS la largo , jaaatitlaa. I-JIB, T L0C It, BACON, CORN UBAL aad . CHOP, alwoji aa kaaaU 6bTAII af tho abora gooao aro parahaaol aiilailvaly fot aaih, and tharafora aoa aai ooffi bo lold aa rkoap aa lha akoapaat. fibll-TI Edward E. Eyre & Son, (Saaaaaaara U BTEB A LASDBLLJ raartk ui Arab BirwwU, mnUaJpbJa. FINE DRY GOODS, BLACI BILKS, VIXB SHAWLS, HEW BEDING0TBI, CAVBLS HAIR, BLANEETS, SOVSTBRPAJIES, 8IIEETIBOS, oilil 64 SAVASKI pf RBWfGOODP OPEBINd E-AILT. -9) A KEW DEPARTURK I lL SOMETUIBQ 2IBW Stone CuttcrsCiliid Masons. A aow flna, andor tbo nana af William A Ooorgo Anna), baro ilartod aa Iboirawa hook la tha Htona Cutting aad 8loaa,Maoos huiiaooo, la Cl.artild, when thro will bo fuoad al all tiiau raadT la Uka all aontraota aad da all kiadi af work la tkoir lino, from tha building af a Cut Stana Mannoa to Iba laying of a Collar Wall. All work oatruitod to tboai will roooira prompt aiioauoa aaa iiuiivuii guaraawaa. WILLIAM 41 UKUHUB AHflAb. Ctoaiw.ld, 0U 16, ImO H. F. BIGLER A CO.S -SPECIALTIES- BUILDBItfl' HARDWARE, ECU ANIC8' HARDWARB, HJhtBERMEB'S HARDWARE, PARMIHO CTEXSILS. MILL BIPPLIES, IRON a KAILS, PAIITS, OILS, TARSI8BER, FAIHTER3' PINDIMOS. CALCINED PLASTER. Hay 16, 1676. - UKMOTAL. ftEIZENSTEIN & BERLINER, ; whoUiftU dUrt la GKXTS' FlKMSMG GOODS, tlava romorod la 167 Charoh ttroot, hotwooa Praaklln aad While ft. , Now Terk. y6l'7l ECONOMY IS AN OBJECT, , BVT TOCR CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, &e., AT D. STEWART & SON'S CLOTHING 8TORH The keep a full line of Men't, Joutht' Byt' ClotKinj. ', Also, Umhrollsi, Ratchell, Orerklls, HaU, Shirt, Underahirt6, od Drtwert, Ao., Whleh Iker win toll at moot reaeeaable prtoM. Call and oiamine their gooda before purohatlng eliewhora. Roam la hi am loo Building. CleerSeld, Pa, Oolobor 6, 1671. TO TrfOHR IHTKRIfRTKB tK THE PCR CUABE OP A SIRICILT PURE RYE WHISKY, For Medielnal Pa'poeta wa off.r ' llnlloj. Pure Itye, Pileo 1 to 16 per galloa, aad will ihip la peek age la tail purebatori. Wa alia handle largely a COTTER DISTILLED WniSkY, Prioa from : JO te 11.76. Wo Impart , FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, Aad ara alta maaufietureri af DR. 8TtEVER'S ' TONIC HERB BITTERS. ' Bead for prleo Hit, ettlt Im 111 North Third HL, Philadelphia. C. 1), WATSON, ' DEALER II V DRIGS 4 PATIT CEDICUES, CONFECTION'KRIES, 1 ' " .' 1 1 TOTS A WD VAKCRK KnTlflWQ ' . tlK'E TKA8 ROASTED COFFEE, BEAT RB.ANDA TORACOO A SRflAnR. ; . UCIIOQL BOOKS A STATIONER!, . Haoonla Balldlng. Beeend Street. il . i :Mk . ftl.EARFf ELP. TA g;t(j3l S(lrrtUrmfiiff. rRPllANS' ol iriuo of aa ardor of tl 0n,bani- Con . Id mm. than will k. fj .? ' f Cltirllild i fhrnu Court llouio.lo Claal.ld,,,i"r","l'. bar Md, let J, at I Colo,, p. o , ,'Jr' lounty, lata tha proport af J.0 ; " rniV', Nofrmbar t or ftitld onuo doooaiod, Mart Marr olrootaadaatrndingbaek 166, kaowa ai lot Mo. 16a I. -i... . . alloy, aad . . -- wi .am nor. ba'lagn largo frsma dwolliag haaaoali r tmproooiaoaia tharaaa oroaiw olhor T. Taaaa. Toa par aiat. at ialo i ona-b.u . rholo im at aoulnaallon, and tho balaaoa I. .T. with bo ttTi". MART Hniiva ..' aonihi, Mil --, warcoiril. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Ia parauanoo af aa ordorof tko Ornkana' iu Cloar6ald ooualj, th.ra will bo upoMd to a r - - VWnttiB ! MbU trM of Dbr m4t iltialH U Brnul towntliip, ClMrlWliI tonty, p., boondtd Md til MrllaAvd 66 fnllnava . Aa ..u6. . " waa aaw iori B Sy HQfJl ttf Prodoriok SbopparA. aa tha aaot by landi of J. Orph WU. .. ,h. .th b.narrjr.krt.r4 w tha wool h. tho koodo, K.g f.,, 166 aoroo. mora ar Ion. wllb ah... Ik.. r Ibo balanoo boiag ttmbot load, with a largo aaumu af 6 no tinbor thoraoa. , Taaao-Toa par eoat. of panbu. aioaio , ialo oaa-third of tha obol. at Mn6natioa of alo, aad lha balaaoa la two ooaal anaaal par. moan, with hnoraot, to ho ttoarod oa tbo vnami and by aollalonl aoourilr, to ba approrj bj iu. oeH6 AdaiUfitfaiar af Edward King, Ut'l; FISH PROCLAMATIOX.-IofoW matiaa kaa booa lodcod with mm u. il.' offwt tbat abitraaiioai, la Iho ihapo of tiaai aai Pilb Ba.k.U aaoa booa plaood la tbo rbanail af tba Wait Branch of thoSuiuuibaaaariror.wiiblh tbo bound! of CloarBrld oouniy, ooalrarj to tha i nwtwT -niaiing ia too protootion of Balmoa, Blaok Ban, and olbor gib," npproToA tba 24th la7 of May, A. D, UM. And tbo oh otruotionl Indiralad ara laid to bo located aa fot. lowu A Pub Baabat ia kopt ap at"Tinek," aa low K art ham hrldga) anolbor it looaiod at tho mouth uf Dig Moibannoa, whila a dam hai booa Dlaoed la tba ahannal bolow tho "Big Pink." Now, thorotoro, 1, Juitia J. Pia, Sharif of IU aoontjr afoniaid, ia aooordanoo with tha ink aoetioa af lha aaid Act, limb gin aatiet aad warning la tbi partial Imputing aa inditaud. thai tbnio obitructiono ara borobjr loelarod a ovunw, til uil ino partipi mol ing Ibrm ami rouoro thorn within TK.V DATS thii dolo, or I will put tbo full penalty of tbo law JL'HTIN J. P1B, Bborif. feh.nff'i Oflloo, Ott , 18M. - - IHTR AYr-Came troinatting on thearoailiM J of tba raboeriber, ia Brady townibip, oa ot about tha lit of May latl, one rod Ball, with while fare, tuppoood ta ba a year old loot tprlag. The owner h raqueited t. eomo fotward, prore property, pay ohargra aad Uka him away, ar ha will ba ditpeiod af aeoordiag te lew. PRKDKR1CK 8VILET. Lathonbarg, Oct. ID, 167J. lr CATJTIOX-All pertoat are hereby eautloael againot parohaaing or aiaddllng with tbi fol lowing proporty: Ooe yoke of rod oaltle, I red tow, 1 red and white oow, 6 hogt, 6 tool of hay ta bare, bee toapi, 66 douni call in tho ihoaf, ai the laid property btlougi to ni and it left with Sarah Ann Oiboll, mbjeot to our order. ocH lt WM.S. DICKEr A BOR. IIXVCUTORS K)TICE.-Notioalihere-J by giota tbat lotion U.lam.nury hariag booa granted U the andinigned oa tba Mtale of SAMUEL MirCULLL, detaaeod, lata of Cleargtld, L'lrarhold aouaty, PeaaiylTtnia, ai) perooot indobud to laid oitata are reqeeitad to mako Immodiata peymeot, aad Ihooe hoTlag elaimi agaiait tho aauia will preeaol thim 4a-y aalboatioatod for tettlomont. . - kino. M. hi. MITCHELL. J. T. WEAVER, 0.116 64 , Eioeatart. AUMINIHTRATURU NOTICE-N.lUa li hereby given Ikal lollere of edminiitrallea oa lha eoUta of JAME8 BURNS, doieaord, late of Boutidale, Cloar8tld eooaly, Ptoa'a., hariag baea duly granled la the anderiigaed, all penont indibled to laid .Hale will pleaia mate immediate payment, aad tbooo baring olaiau at demand! will prooanl them proporly autbaaluattd for oottlomenl wilheat delay. HART BL'RIIJ, oill-6t. : Admiaiitraur. AUIIITUR'lt NOTICIi-Thoaadirtlgnid appoioled by the court to dillribulo Ibe pro oewli of real aad peraoaa aetata ia Ibo hoaafi of . i. D.walt, adminiatralar af Jane Smith, lata of Oulieh townibip, doecaied, to and among Ibo particl legally entitled thereto, giro! notice Ihel ho will attend la tha dullrl of hit appoinlmeat, al kil offioo, fa Iho borough of Cieardeld, oa Fri day, November 7tb, 1676, betaeea tha heara of 6 a'tloek a. m. Md 4 a'eloak p. m. . aet2-ll J. W. 11ANTZ. Aodliao. I n i ' P- BACB IB KUROPBI in SREAT BXCITEhtBKT FRENCHYILLE i IN Tha htaody aonteet hotwooa Frtaeo and Pratebi' it at aa aad for the proeont, ao far at Iho ilaagk Icrlng of mea aad the deitnwtiea of property la eoaoorned. Tba Roral Jegglere aa doabt prlda themeolrua aad rejoice or.r lha melt, but how tntigaigoaat ia thoir work wkea oompand with the hamate aad thritiiaa efforta af , L. M. COUDRIET, wh bt.1 -lTiclort-kwo to tappTy all th eltinM ih lowtr 4 f th atovEitj with food tnii riatl t tif4hf1af row retrt froe. kit amtBoth) irtort in MfLflOaVUlRO. wtirr fat tlwmyi U ft" 4 rtwilj to wtt pon ealltrt ud mipply (boa vital Dry Goods of all Kinds, Suih at Clothi, BatuMttt, Catiimorea, Maaltaa, fielaineo, Linen, Drilling!, Caliceet, Triaamingo, Bibboat, Loco, Ready-made Clothing, Boon and Shoea, Belt tad Copt all of tbo beet material and made to order- Lieie, Sockt, tiloroo,, Lacot, Kibbeat, Aa. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Cefra, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molatoot, Fiih, Sail, Pork, Lioaeed Oil, Flih Oil, Carbon, OU. Rtrdwara, Queoniwaro, Tinware, Caitlngi, Plewd aad Plow Cattlnga, Naili, Spih.t, Cora Caltira ton, Cidar Praaiei, aad all kiadi of A ut. Parfaaaarp, Paiati, Varal.h, Olan, aad a goaanl aaaartauat af bUUoaery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different hraadt, alwayt aa head, aad wIB U aold at tho lowut pottiblt ggaret. LtOCORS, lueh aa Brandy, Wiaa, Ola, Whleky, Jayao o Medlelaei, iieeteltera aad - -Uoogand'o BilUrl. 66(6 nosed, of Wool wealed for whleh tha prioa will ho paid. CloTerieed oa head awd for aalo at the Ktwtel marhel prioa. Alio, for Btratloarilll aad Curwae.TUle Threihiug Maohinea. trtvCall aad too for younelTti. Tea win lad ererylhirig anally kp4 ia a retail ttara. L. M. CSUDRIIT. FrenchTlIlo P. 0., Waroh 1, 1671. , . J. M. KRATZER. D KS I n A n L R "TV I. KfJ of C.i.l morel. At, for Mm aad Boyt, at J. M. KRATZEK 6. riMIlt IJE-PtT, Bruiiila, Ingrala aad otbif X Carpetl, alto, Soar Oil Clothe, at rodoood pucet, at J. M. ERATZKR o. T1EHT A4MhTMBKT af Wall Papof orot I offered in thii eieioiljr. 16e ta 61 ft pieM, 6ao gilt piper, elm at J, M. K KATZEH'o. THE MftST popular maliriofKulia i, Pboot. Ingi, Pillow hlailiai,A., al aimallarfraaet abora ooit, by tbo pieee, at J. M. KP.A ti'.Mi "U. T lor ruuina war itvt n I.IRilS IM AStiORTNENT, LOW PRICEn'.ell to at louadat i. N. KRATIKR'8. I API EM' ItB AMI CtMIDH, la the rretieal J earlely new outring ehedoo wewert otd moil dtilrabla elylat-al J. M. n. A VAellA.TT of Drill Uoodt, oaliebk) for mouraing-loo trope Toll", eollaro, ao, oonthanMy an kaad, at J. M. KRAWKJ Ur.: F.I VINO a large rapply of Ladiet' aad Cbildren't Ghaei, mode to order aad wof. a - n .1... ar 00 at obit J. X. aiRATIBR o. BVT Granite wa.a T SH " Ch",, Sou, KaUoi and Forhi, Sileer-pleied PorM and fpooae, Tablo Unea,'op,ai mil . n. SH AW t, Scarft, Xeaktin, CoMart, Vetlj Hair Unwdi. Uloooi. Ao. Kid Ulorol at 7M. alia the Joeopbiat Soamleii Kid OIotoi. at mehM t. M. KRATIh . .. n - v ' . a beOWitg U .l .... S ml Mil- g. loomeoioioi uaooiea to we "'"-. j or A VtmM are berelit OOUIiee mat w. - tela Jrm are la jne nau.ii ei . WHm. ad ore foojaweled oa eall at ono art l .. . .. . n w.lLrorOOI- their aaeounta. n aeeoanie am. p"-- l dayo will ho plaood ia lha ban! or o. r-r-i ttw for aolleoilea. . . H I