THE REPUBLICAN. &OtflJ. dwarr, Hiutvnrf, (?tf. U&nllaurctis. U .. CLEAHKiKLD, PA. . WKDNB8DAT MORNING OCT. J9, 18TS. Proper SfctionFs la the Constitutional Coiivontiou( a very important addition bai beou in corporated in tbe article on Legisla tion, by a nearly unanimous vota. It ia ns follows ! "Tbe offonie of oorrapt olicilation of such mombera of th Gonoral Assembly . or public ofllcera of tbe State, or any municipal divis ion thereof, and any occupation or practice of solicitation of such mimbsrs or omcera, tor or agui nst tbe pnssago or approval ol any law or munioipiil orui auco, shall be defined by low,nnd ofianito hall oe punigjabie by one ana men imprisonment." This has tbe efloot of makins the offense of oorrupt solio itation criminal and subjeste the guilty party to punishment. We are depos ed to regard this as an important amondment, aod or even moro value, bo iar as preventing coriupt, legisla tion is concerned, than any inhibitions ol members themselves. Wo are con fident that this clause will serve to limit if it does not destroy, tbe cor rtipt and-criminal business oi lobbying. The article on County officers was tiozt considered. It limits the torm of all county officers to three years, makes the sheriff and county treasurer mongiuio ior tne term next succeeding tbe one lor which they may be elected; requires oi every appointee to oflioe one year a prior residence ana citizen ship in the county in which he is an pointed, and requires the Legislature 10 provide tor tbo strict accountability of all couaty, township and municipal moneys paid to tbem. It also com pels county officers to bo salaried, and prohibits tbo annual salary ezecoding the aggregate yearly amount of feos collected by the otUoor; providos for me nmiteu voted plan; in the election every tnrce years of county commit!, sioners and county auditors no per son to vote for more than two. and the three higbost to be elected; and dates the commencement ol the torm J of all countv officers from the first J. Monday of January next after their iv vivcuou. Spider Killers. By general observation spiders are considered by entomologists to have a apecino omco, via.: To kocp down tbo dangerous multiplication of winged ;.,.,, n'i n - - uinuvbD. j. uujr uuunsiuiiaiiy nuize i worm or stray catorpillar ii tlioy bap pen to encroach on their webbed ter ritory. But entrapping flies is thoir forte. Insignificant and solitary as luey are we coma not dmpeose with theirqnietsorvicos. Lot spiders strike nnd for a single month in sumrtor ro fuso to set their traps, we could hardly defend ourselves agninst armies of noxious insects, which would tako posseBSion of our dwellings. t. But useful as they are, unobtrusivo and vigilant as sentinels, in cellars, garrots, nndcr tbo floor, in tho hiding lmius oi Biraying ougs, mollis anu -creeping things, thoy have their ene mies and are subjected to the rigorous uemanas oi me same law unaor which tbey act, otherwise there would be too many spidors in the world, cepoci ally in Van Dioman's Land. Just in tbe busy sonson of snider ao- tivily, when thoy are slaughtering uvn viiuuouiiub, imo lyiiiuiimnii UUU1U- -crs, a peculiar fly is let loose by na ture to limit their multiplication. It is about tho size of a wasp. In fair weatber they may bo seen constructing cells of mud against walls and sunny, dry places. Thoy are really poison dungeons. In company or alone tbey hunt whatever spidors are found, seizing thoni adroitly, and away thoy fly with thoir prisoners, which are forced into tbo cells, somo times three or four in one. Whou secure, they drop in an ogg, and then plaster over tbe top securely. When the egg batches, tho young worm has n ample supply of food all ready lor consumption. Vindicated. A few years ago the firm of Hartranft, Alackcy and Yerkea. with Simon Cameron as endorser, was detected in swindling tho Stato Treas ury in tbe way of dividing the Kvans gran, anouniawtuiiy tbo Stale funds. In thoso transactions tho State was the iosor to tho tuno of sovcral hun dred thousand dollars, and Yerkes, the operating financial momborof tbe firm, imprisoned. At the urgent request ol liis two associates, llartrantt and lilackey, Y'erkos was pardoned out of the ponitonliary, and tho firm recon structed, oinbarkod in business again. Hartranft demanded of Simon Camer on, bia endorser, a vindication of his character. Cameron bad him nomi nated and clocted govornor. This year Idackcy dumauded of tho old Winnebago a vindication, and tbo re sult is Mucker's re-oloction to the C. l fl- i . . - .ouiio jreasurysnip. jexl year we oxpoct Yorkos will domand vindica. tion of bis rascality by tbe nomination 10 a oia le ouioe, and from tbo prcce dent sot in the caso nf his two part ners, ho no doubt, will be vindicated in tbe same way. The conclusions to be drawn from auch vindication are, tuuier me ponpio, as a mass, have be come so corrupt that thoy fool like giving a premium on dishonesty, or olse by fraudulent manipulations of iub uuiioi-dox tney are doiraudcd ol their true expressions. Under cilhor of tbo conclusions tbo stability of re publican institutions would seem to be only a question of time. Altovna nn. How to Strengthen the Lunos. or all tho means devised for strength ening tho lungs a"d enlarging the ehost, exercise of the voico is the best. Singing in our public schools has more than one good effect On tho wholo singing is tho best oxorciseof the vocal aparatus, and, among this weak- viiosiea people, snouid become univer sal. Xio Lewis. In London, recently, it was found desirable to remove a stick lady to her residoooe, a fow miles from town, but aa it wan fonred tbat the jolting and fatigue of the journoy might be dan goroue, the lady wns jilaood undorthe inUuonce of chloroform, and In that condition convoyed lo her home. The journey occupied an hour and a half. short or Corx A honthen of the aoouiar prom aaya, "The religion newnpapori have a lonesome and do aortcd look now without their regular insUillraonU of Jay Cooke'e North Paoifioadvertisemeota tniorted as edi torials. An Ignorant old lady was asked by a minieler visiting bor if she bad re ligion. Bho replied i "I have slight touches of it occasionally." SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market Front streets,) OLUARFIKLll. PA. Tk unit flttfttttrl tiftvlntr talran flharM tit this Hotel, would rrrcUulljr ullcll public ptrong. OCt i to itu ii luii p u n n LEONARD H0US15, Opposite Railroad Depot, 1 " CLbARVIUtl), PH.' Piea-eutlT located and a flnt-olui hotel In all respeet. Breakout for pns.angers leaving on orulngtran. .VM. B. JiKAUbKi, Junsll, U'H. Proprietor. AirASHI.NUTON 1IO0SB. V . NEW WA8HINUT0N, PA Ihl new and well furnished home has bean takea bT the nndorsigncd. He foeli eonfldont of being able ti render satisfaction to Ihoae who may fbYor ntu with a oaii. May 8, 1SH. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r, THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Soeondand Market Street, CLEARI'ILI), PA. THIS old and eommodloui Hotel hal. daring th pat j ear, boon enlarged to double III former capacity for tbe euterialnnunt of stran ger ana gueiia. The whole building ha been refurnished, and th proprietor will par no pain to render ill gneit eomlortabl while staying with blm. eT-Th W.anaton Hons" Omnibus run to and from th Depot on the arrival and departure of each train. dUiiH vuuutittHlY, apr8-7u tf Proprietor. Jy UNTOUH HOUSE, . Opposite th Court llouse, tOOK HAVEN, PB.NN'A. JcH'71 IIAUEEAL A KROM, Prop'. TlKOtKliKIIOK 1I0LBE, BELLEFONIE, PA., . D. JOnNSTCN A SONS, oet2A7t Pmprietor. RAILROAD HOUSE. ' Mtvin Btroet, PniLIl'SllUKD, PEKN'A. Table Iwti lunnlied with th belt th market aaurui. xaeiraTiiDK dudiio m invnea iooiiii. novl05. ROBERT LLOVD. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market St., ht. Fecund and Thira.) CLKAHKIl.ri), A. The lubtwribftr harinr become proDflctor of tun Dutaip wauid rMptwiiunj ui a uueral inure 91 pahiio patronage. 73 uKUHUa 11.1 TO LDT SUSQUEUANXA HOUSE, CtTRWBNSVILLK, Clearfield oountr. Penn a. Thli old aod well MUblilhd liotfl. bonutifuIlT situated on the banki of the 6uqoohfinna, -in the borough of Curwenmlle, hai been leaned for a term ot year by the nndertigned. It hai been entirely refitted, nnd ii now open to the public generally na in traveling eominnnuy In par ticular. No paint will be ifiared to render lueiti comfortable while tarrying at this boutio. Ample mauiing roam ior we acooaimouauon oi leaina. tbargtti moderate. Bept. 28, ELI BLOOM. r0 THE FRONT! GRKAT EXCITEMENT AT THE CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON I Th undt'Utjrned harlnf (net fitted on new. large and comfortable roomt on Market street. near Third, respectfully informs the public lhal be now dreparcd to acoommodale them with everything in his line on short notice and at all hours of the day. lie keeps on baud ERL'SIl BREAD, RUSKS, ROLLS, PIES, CAKES, all kinds. ICE CREAM, and a general eiiortmrnl of CON'FECTIONERIKS. FRUITS, NUTS. Ac, All of which w 111 be delirered to euitomen at their residence, when requarted to do o. ICE CREAM, by tbe dish, served in ft neatly fur nished room. Thankful for the generous patronage bestowed in the past, be hopes to merit and receira a con twDiieneo of tbo same from his old custo mer , and olheri. JOHN STADLEB. June lS.' HAYES, COULTER & CO,, ' Successors to W, A. Arnold, ': uriCTi aiHt or a Ilcalcrs, Kanges, Low Grates and MAHDKLIZED 6LATB MANIEL3. 6ol agents for tbe celebrated CHILSON COOKING RANGK. &Send for Catalogues. No. 1305 Chettnnt Street, June 15 dm PIIILADELPHIA. Full direction lent with each ebsrU Any per- son oan use them Kent Dnst.nid ua rwaitii nf prices, tisi Lnl' Drkks Cut, enls II tiic, 101I COAT UlUIIT, 11 sisi-S, Vmt CniT. cuts II sisrs and Ave styles, (1.(10 each. I'ahts vb.iit, sites, ll slylos, M'Ra( Coat CiiAnr, euta II sites, SI 40 eivh. or, full set, Sre '"'"i Aur.nis hamuli, Union Chart Co., (Jrcnville, l'a. Mrs. J. K. llamillon, agcnl fer ClearReld, Cen tre and Clinton oonntles. V. 0. addrew, Lnlher. barg, llearneld Co., l'a, augd Sm Miss E. A. P. Rynder, AQinr roR Cblchering's, Stalnway'e and Emerson's Plsnos. bmlih', Mason Hamlin' and Peloobet'a Organs and Metodaons, and Oroeor A Baker's Hewing Machine. AU. Iiiniii as Piano, Oqltar, Organ, Uarmony and Vocal Ma. lo. No pupil taken for less than half a term. -Rooms opposlt llulloh' furniture Blur. vio.rnoia, mmj a, IBOV-tr. FARMING IMPLEMENTS rOK SALB BT It. I IIIkIcf Jk Co. inON DOUBLK-BnoVEI, PLOWS. WOOD DOUBT E-8II0VBL PLOWS. WOOD 81NQLE-8I10VKL PtOWS. nOH Cl'LTlVAIOKg. . WOOD CCLTIVATOnS. 00WANDA IRON DRAM PLOWS. PITTBIiURd STEEL PLOWS. UAl'PI'S BELLEFOSIK TLOWS. RODECON'fl tad TUOMrtOS'S PLOWS. gear-Nbare far aA of the aha. ai... stsoJy on bud. ur38-TJ II. F. BIGLEIt & CO., DIALIRS II HAIJ DWAltK, Also, Hanufaoturrof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. OLlARfllLD, PA. pAKMINO 1AIPLEMOTS of all . , kind for salt by ' JI. F. BIGLEIt cV CO, TJAILROAD WHEELBARROWS -V . , ! , for tale by . t v.. II. F. DIOLEtt t CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, " ' ' ' Kails, elc, for sal by ' II. F..BIOLEB 4 CO. TTARNESS TRIMMINGS 4 SHOE findings, for sal by H. F. BIOLER & CO. QUNS, PISTOLS, S WORAD CNES . 'or sale by : ; H. F. BIOLER & cn, gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Bliss, for sale by . ; II. F. BIOLER i CO, JROtf J ' IRON ! IKON I IRON ; . , r lor a' by , U. F. BIOLER i, CO. JJORSE SHOES HORSE SHOE , " ' NAILS, for sals by II. F. BIOLER A CO DULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES a. And but Hanufaetur, for sal by II. F. BIOLER & CO. HIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for sal by H. F. BIOLER t CO. RODDER CUTTERS-for buIo by cb30-70 H. F. BIOLER k CO. THE IU02TSIDES TIN AND STOVE STORE I G. S. FLEGAL, PUlipsborg, Contro County, Fa. TUB anderstgned respectfully announces to th public that be baa on band a eara- luiiy-s.leoted and well assorted stock of STOVES, .HEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW - WARE ! TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WAREI WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Dls stock of Cooking Stores suniliU of 1UZ CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Wbleb baie nerer failed to bring peaca and prosperity into lamiilea wbare it la aeed, Diamond State, Parmer, Herald. Charm, Spear vaiuorni. v.os rjura, opears Antl-lust, Oaa-Hnrnlag Cooking Btoee, Victor, Reliance and I'nion Kanges, Spears' Cooking Rangts, a., aVo. kKJuTh Tin and Sheet Iron war aleanwlib tne ntore ia maoj at tn teaelest and best material, ana warrantee to gir perfect satis faction. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves II larger, better and abeaper than rr btfor exhibited to the public consisting of 8pers ReTnlrIng Light Illomlnatlng Store, opears-nnii-uusi uas-iiurntng farlor Htore, Spear' Orbicular Oas-Durning Parlor btoea, Spears' Oas-burr,ing Parlor Blore, Boquet, Pearl,Oem,Ida, Sun, Trnplo, Nerada, -Vulcan, Kim and Victor ITeatert, Spears' Re Tolrlng Light Heater. lie i alio prepared to furnish a complete Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, dec, " Wholesale or retail, manufactured nealle and with the sole rlew to scrrlce, from th best ma terial ia the market. . PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN-LINED, SPUN COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of srsry description constantly on band. ORDERS FOR SPOUTING, ROOFING And othsr work belonging to his business will be promptly ulled by siporlcncsd and skillful workmen. BRAE'S, COrPER, OLD METAL, BAGS AND CAS1I Taken la exchange for goods. rMTe asrieelally Inrlte th sll.ntln. t Merchant wishing to nurehasa atwhelaul.. they will And it to their adrantage to eiamlne bis stock before purchasing elsewhere.' Look out for th Big Sign opposlt th reel- uence ol airs. ut. JTosler. All Qoom WiAnr as Rirnuinrsn. 1 G. 8. FLEGAL. i-miipiDurg, June 1, 18T. Lime Tor Sale I TUB undersigned, residing near the depot baa mode aemplete arrangements with Lima Ilnrners eaat of the mountain, whereby he Is ena bled lo keep constantly on hand a large quantity ol ru BE, LI ME! which be offers to farmer and builder at ft trlfli i, , T . 1 "0'" "r rtl"' ld do well to glv me a call, or address ma by letter, be fore negotiating their lime. ' ' n . . OHO, C. PASSMORB. Clearfield, Pa., June , 18(111, J. It. M'MUItltAY PRICK. t'OMH AMD SKIS. ,2..,K3 NEW WASHINGTON, LATEST NOVEI THE LATEST MOVE! HARTS WICK & IRWIN'S DKUO STORE, To their new building on Second Rlreel, nearly opposite in store oi nearer el tfelts, CLEARFIELD, TA., Where tbey will continue lo supply their old and as many new customers as may soma, with PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Including all new remedies,) Patent Medicines, Paints and Oils, (lies and rutty, r-chiuil Hvuks, Ptationery, Psper, Ac, alto, a full line of Drug gists' Sundries, Hair Tonics, i Cosmetics, Perfumtrles, T,ilet Article, Brushes, rT :lB Vft . i. nt . i xuiiv. duidi, rwHn Dwtt motf ma oi PUKE IVISL'S ASD LIQUORS, for medical 1 sacramental purpose only, Pure White Lead, Colors of all kinds, Raw and Uoil.d Limenl Oil, Varniihea, Turpeu. tine, Coal Oil, Paint A Varnish liruehes, Flavoring Extracts, Confectioneries, Bird Seed, Spic, ground and nnground, of all kinds. SMOKERS AND CIIEWERS Will find our stork of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Imported and Do- emtio Cigars, soulf and Pine-cut to be of the very but brands in the luaiket. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kinds of Q LASS WARE, GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musloal Trimmings of every variety. Ilavlng a long einerlenee In tbe business, and xpei rell I an extensive and well selected slock of medicines, we are enabled to Oil Pliviielans' nreacrlution. t the shortest notice and on the most reasouable terms, day aud night. 1IARTSHICK A IRWIN. ClearSeld, Pa., May II, ISTI tf. tiSffUnnrous. QLEAIiFIELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. TIIK anderilgned, saccessor to RKKD A l'OWKI.L. have purchased III C1.KAH. rlKLD PLAN I Nil MILL, and refilled it for doing an eiltosive business. All the machinery will bo adiled necessary to make it one of the moit complete eelab Ubinrals ol I lie kind in Ihe Mate. 1 hey are now prepared to receive order, for any work In that line. Tbey will glvcipec:isl ancniivB le an materials Jur Bouse UBllulng. LOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, BASH, DOORS, BLINDS, IIIU1CK ET8, jno VLHKVC, tic. OP ALL, always on band. WORKED BOARDS, and all articles necesa. ry fur building, will h escbanged lor IKY Ll'MIIKR, so that persons at a Ul.lanrc may bring thrir luuibcr, exchange it for, and return borne with the manufactured article.. The Cnmtisnf will alwavs havo on hanil a larM stuc k of dry lumber, so as to be elite lo til an ordrron the shortest entire. Only Ihe best and most skillful hands will be employed, so that Ihe puiilio may rely upon good work. Lumber WIN be Worked or sold as low aa It . bs purchased anywhere, and warranted to give saturaetion. As the builne.s will be done upon the cask princi) I w can aSord to work (or small prtfils, DRY LUMBER WANTED! . K.peclatly one and a-half and two Inch Banal tea, u.k a liberal prion will be paid. v Th bnslncs will be aondnclod under the name or iba Clearfield Hanlng Mill Co." 0. B. Merrell will nerionallv sunarletand ih buifntss. Order rcrpeclfully tolloiled. 0. B. MERRELL. R. II. TAYLOR. DAVID MrflAUOllEV. M. U. BROWN A IIRO. Clearfield, Pa., January 8, 187 J. The Lightning Tamer. TDK undersigned ar Ihe sol Agent In Ibis enunty for the "North American Ualvanisrd LKIHTMINO RODS." These are Ik only saf rod now ia use, and are endorsed by all th scientific mn In th oauntry. We hereby notify th eitlsen of th (ounty tbat w will put them Bp belter rod, and for loss money, maa t tbarged by the foreign agsnt who annnally traverse tbe eoaaty and vM wur nine casu, never w return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Those wlshlna Rods .. their buildings need but address us by letter, or call I person. We will put thaan Bp anywhere n H.nuniy, anq warraBt inem. Tb Rodsand Fiiturea ean ba ssen at any time by calling at ear store, n, f, BIULKR A 00. Clearfield, March It, TUU CLiEAHflBLU WOOD-CHOPPCr8' AX51 Manufactured sspeclally for THE CLEARFIELD TRAHS roa 111,! iy nrnioLPRictj, rjiii E SACKETT & SC1IRYVEB, DBALBI1S II HAItDWAIlE, and manufacturers of Tin,Coppcr & Sheet Iron Ware, 6oond Strait, CLEARFIELD. PA. y i ware, we invite the public to examine our stock anu prices, Jarpenters and persons who contemplate build ing will do well to examine our TOOLS & BUILDING HAKDWAHE, which Is new and of th beat manufacture, and win uo sum low ior casa. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, SCREW'S All ltlnila of Bench PIadm, fowl, Chiieli, fifjuarai, llitintarri, lUtrhetf, Plumbi mn& LtveU, dUortitod A Thnmh Uuncii, Ilevali, Iircei A Iiitti, Woo J ami Iron Dench Scrrwg, and tba bait Burlng Macbint In tbo market. Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, A. Agent$for BurntWi Iron Corn Shelter, Warranted. Alio, agentf for Klchardi GOTHIC H IT, TOPW, wblob affoctuallj oun Smoky Pluei, Farmen1 Imiilenmnti and Garden Tooli of trerj doscriptioo, A larga rarictj of COOK STOVES, wblob wa warrant to giro latiifaotlon. Portable Mlanfr and Vmrnate. .RoofiDg, Ppoating and Job Work dona on reasonable terms. All orders will receive prompt attention. June 11, I87J. Srjj Coofls, rorrrlfj, tf. ED. W. Gil AH AM, DEALER IX GENZEAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & UMBER CLEARFIELD, PA., lias Just opened, at the KEVSTOKK STORE, a couplet, stock of , JEH' J O O D 8, of every description. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, BOOTS AND 6UOF.S, CLOT U I NO, d c.,dc, IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR, MEAT, SALT, RYE, OATS, CORN AIWA YS OX IUXD AXJ FOR SALE AT A SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR Received by tbe car load, and sold at a small advaac. A supply of HOI'S constantly on band. Special inducement offered to those gelling out Squire Tlmbor and Logs, as we deal largely in Lumbermen's Supplies, and ara pre pared at all times to purohase tim bor and lumbar. i: D. w. a R A II A N, "KEYSTONE STORE," Fecund Plrct, CLEARFIELD, FA. Clot. 53, 1ST J. j. r. WI1VBB... WEiTEIt A IffiTTeH CLEARFIELD, TA., Are olering, at the aid stand of 0. L. Reed A Co., their stock of goods, consisting of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, BATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, ... QUEENS WARK, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., &o., At tb moat naaonabla rata for CAS1I ar In aicbang for Scjuare Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCB. "Advance made to tho engaged In get ting out square timber OB th most advantageous ". ndlll.nTJ g L. KIRK, SON k CO., wiiolgoai.e: onocr.iin, No. 130 North Third Rireet, eoraar of Cherry, iniiaueipnia. Have In store and offer lor sale at the lowest msrket prices, and on Ihe moat reasonable terms, a large and well selected slock of lirooories. Teas, Spices, Fi.h, Cheese, Ac, selected In this, New York and Haltiniore markets, to which attcBtioa ol eoualry dealers is particularly reriueBted. ovlS-ly 1 FAIRBANKS' STANDARD w&T NCAiEN, Oaggag Barrows, Warehoasa Trucks, Copying Preerea, Improved Money Drawer, A. II. F. UIGLEU fc CO., Ieasre ! Uarderare), rhJu TCilf . eod Street, Crrl.l, Pa. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (Sueceasor to Doynton A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pin Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. If ' f J?.1 ' 4MISBVSltBV.1i tM HkVTSO engaged In tbe manufacture of Irst cls.s MACHINERY, we respectfully Inform th. pakll. the w. ar Bow prepared to ail all orders as cheaply and as promptly as can be dona In any of tbo eltiea. We manufacture and deal In Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blocks, Water Wheels, Shafting Palleya, Gilford's Injector, Steam Gauges, Steam Whiitlee, Oilers, Tallow Cupa, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks, Air Cocks, Globe Valves, Check Valves, wrought Iron Pipes, S'eera Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Antl Friotioa Metres, Soap Stone Parking, Oum Puk ing, and all kinds of MILL WORK; together with Plows, Bled Soles, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. 40rder solicited and tiled at eity prices. All letters of inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by adtiraa ing ns at Clearfield, Pa. dijl7H-tf BIULER, TOCNO A CO. E LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF STOVES ! STOVES ever brought to tbe county, are being received a1 Ihe Hardware Establishment of II. K HKil.KK ds CO., comprising the fullowing Cook buiva SI'EAR'S CALORIFIC, SUistiUEHANNA. IlEOULATOR. NOPLE, EXCELSIOR. XKIUMPH. GUV. FENN. KEADINO NATIONAL RANGE, AC. iC. Also, th following Heating Stoves: SPEAR'S AJJTI CLINKER, SPEAIt'3 ASTI DUST. PPEAR'S ORBICULAR, 6PEAirs PARLOR COOK, MORNING LIGHT, HON TON, GIPSEY, VULCAN, SUNBEAM, RUDY' . DAUPHIN EGO, CHESTER EGG, VOLCANO, rilOENlX, HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE ROOM cSTOVES, AC. Clearfield. Pept. i, 187J. fJlO LUMIIUHMEIII PERFECTION IN CANT HOOKS The Clearfield Eicel.ior Cant book will not wear out nr break, being constructed with one solid band from clip to point. It Is pronounced by all practical lumbermen who bare eiamined it to be th most perfect tanlliook aver invented. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manufactured by Au Kbbbabb A Co., at CLEARFIELD, PA. AII order promptly attended lo. 5.V" M OSHANNON LAND AND LUMB COMPAI V, OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, ABttrACTtlBB LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS Sawed A Patent Ribbed Shingles. II. II. SHILLINGFORD, Pnsldsnt, OBoa Forest Tlace, No, Hi S. th t., Phir- J01IN LAWSHR, General Bup'U, Osceola Mills, Clearfield county, Pa. Also TOWN LOTS for sale In lha boroneb oi usceoia. Keen lha LARllEUT ASSOrtTMRNT of Hoods In Cloarficld oounty at their Mammoth Diure in vsoeoia. JanS-t3 BRICK I BRICK I BRICKI A SEW BRICK YARD. T 8. PLUMMliR A CO., having started V T e a new and eitenslv Ilrlrk Yard In Clrarflrld, are prepared to make contracts for first olass Red Brink, iu larce or small quantities. Orders and ourrcspondence solicited, Inf irma Hon can ba obtained by calling at Kyndcr's Mu sio Store, or by addressing VI . Ii. PLUMMRR A CO., mj7 If Clearfield, Pa. tl, Is 8 N Y D E R. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKBH Ann rjBALast i Watcbea, Clocki nd Jewelry, Opposlt Court House, fWnd Btreet, CLEARFIELD, PA. All binds of repairinc lo aiv line na Lromntlr at. tenueu vt. April U, Ur.1. . TINT)Ca?.a As CONRTAHLKIM SIEB) t I- '"a "br of the new JfcK HILL, and will na lha reoeipt f iwwnly. Iv. teat), nail a copy , aT .ddrasf. giyil 8. SIARSLE AND STOXE YARD! Mn. s. s. liddell, Ilavlng engaged In the Marble business, desire to Inform her friend and tbe poblio tbat she ba now and will keep constantly on hand a large and well solected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and I prepared to furniab to order TOMBSTONES, . BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, m MONUMENTS, Curb and Post for Cemetery Lots, Window Bill and Caps, also, BUREAU, TADI.R AND WAHII STAND TOPS, Ac, Ac. teli. Yard on Reed street, near tb R, B. Drpot, Clearfield, Pa. J07.71 READING FOR ALL 1 1 . ROOKS it- STATIOSERY. Market (It., Clearlield, (at tbe Post Office.) fllllK undersigned bsga leave to announce tr. A th cittsens of Clsarleld and viclnily, thai ha baa filled op a room and baa just returned from the slty with a large amount of reading matter, consisting in part ol Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Pass Book of avert da acriptlon Paper and Envelopes, Preneh pressed andpiaiBi ran ana reneiisi liianR, Legal papers, veede. jserta:ae;e I rfadfrweBS, jsaevp tion and Promissory notea W hite aad Parch moot Hrier, Uegal Cap, Keeord Cap, and Bill Cap Sheet, Musio for either Piano, r lute or Viol it, constantly on band. Any book or tatfoners desirad that I may not have on band, will be ar. ordered by first express, and sold at wholesale or retail to suit customers. I will also keor periouioai literature, sucn as jnagaxines, new. papers, as. p. A. OAULIN, Clearfield May T, llfl-tf JkEW STORE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Hare just opeoed a Niw Stoii, on Main 8t.,Ci-iariiLD, Pa. latelf occupied hj Wm. F. IRWIK. Their atock consist! of Gioceiies of Ihe best quality, Queensware, Iioots and Shoes. od tJtrj article rjeceaaarr for one' comfort. Cell and examine our atock before pur ehasing el saw here. May 9, 18C6-tf. DAVID YOUNG, StonCuie and Stonc-SIason 1TILL esecute all work In hi line at mod 1 T arata price and In FIRbI-CLASS style Architectural Ornaments la ALL ETYLES, Etona Dressing of aver) uescnpuon, ana nil Btnaa oi mason work con traded fur in oroutof tb eooaty. Any persor. wishing to bava respectable mason work aid stone-cutting done, will find it to their Interest to call opon ma I would alro Inform the nub- lie tbat I ean deliver any quantity or class ol ston aoiuet, a 1 am tn owner of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUARRY Orders for work i b addressed to DAVID YOUNO, Clearfield Pa. merCJ.TO Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY tlHK undersigned, having established a Nut X aery on the 'Pike, about half way betweer Clearfield and Curwenivtlle, Is nrenared lo fur- niih all kinds of r RUT TREES, (standard and dwarf,) Evergreens, Bbrobbery, (Jrapa Vinea, Qoopsberrlea, I atoa black berrr. BtrawberrT, and Rasberry Vinea. Alro, Siberiaa Crab Trees, (Juinee, and early aeulel Rhubarb, Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Address, J. D. WRIGHT. ep0-S-y Corwensvill, Pa pERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept constantly on hand. STOXE AM) EARTIIEX-WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! TOTS! CROCKS I FWlcr'a Patent Alrtlclit Self . Scallug stiiii t anal Bl'TTKR CROCKS, with lids. CREAM CROCKS, Mll.K CROCKS, Al'I'l.K .111 1 1 t.n L'KtlLKS, DtPL'l V rblL'd FLOWER POTS, rlB DISUK3, 8TEW POTfl. And a grat nin other thinfr tno nnmcrou to meat tun, to t had u FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STOXE - WARE TOTTERY. Corner ol Cherrv and Third Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. angS Clearfield County Bank. rpHK Clearfield County Rank as an Incovrcve X ted institution has rone out of eilsteere he the surrender of iu charter, on May II, 1M15, All lu stock I owaed by lha subscribers, who wilt eontlnua lha Denklsa builnees i il, . place, ss private Hankers, under Ihe firm nam of the "Clearfield Concty Iisnk." W are re sponsible for Iba debtaol the Dank, aad will pay its notes on demand at the couater. Deposits received and Intereet peid when money is left for a men itma. 1'sper aieeeuuted at sli per cent, aa heretofore. Onr personal responsibility is pledged for all Doioaite received and ba.ines transsotsd. A eontlnoanee of the liberal nai. ronag of the business men af Iba county 1 r. speotfully aollclted. A President, Cashier and oncers of the lata Clearfield County Bank, w require tba not of said Bank to ba presented for redemption. JA8. T. LRONARD, RICHARD PITA vT, WM. PORTER, JA8. B. HRAUAM. , L. RKKD, WM. A. WALLACE- The bo.iness of lb Bank will ba conducted be John M' Adams., E.q., a Cashier. I ti l 1J County National Bank, OP CLEARPIELD, PA. 1 hum In Masonic Building, one door north el J 1 1 l'. vi atson llrug Store. Passage Tickets loand from Livernool. Oueena. town, llls.gnw, London, Paris and Coprnhagea. mr.r, ..ran. iiir anie on inn it nv., nr i i. uiu imperial nana ot London. JA.MK8 T. LEONARD, Pres't. W. M. PHAW, Ca?bi.r. lltltjl J. D. M OIrk. Edward Parks. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE McGirk & perks. Successor to Foster, Perks, A Co., Phlllpaburtr, Centre Connlv. Pa. "rilKRK all the business of a Eankln Hon- ' ! . " ,rcted promptly and open th most favorsole term. snarf-tf DREXEL ti CO.. No. at Pouth Third (Street, Phlledelpble And Dealer, in Government Securities. ana all Information oheerfully furnl.bed. Orders solicted. April U-tf. BARRAISS LV MUSICAL 1N TlU!MHNTS!Or... k.,.k , eeond hand, at lha Music Btora, opposite Oullob's W" Mil ftfld ftlavninai a ea .e.l. , eonsUntlyon hand. .ij ,, Asl TO SVIlPWdayl Agent wanted 1 af .lib.; . J A" ''",M ' ""'bluff petple. -or. V. iiS" 0,', O.T. ,H ll,,,r1'P ""OianU, or all that roe, .. r. T fry . vnisno, Maine, oatso jayi Dr.J. Walker's tuiiioriiiu vT,7. Cgnr Hitters oro a purely Vecetablo preparation, mado chiefly from tho tivo horbs found on tho loner rangr 0f the Sierra Nevada mountains of Caltfnr Dia, the medicinal properties of eticb aro extrnctod thorefioiii nilhont tlio uao of Alcohol. Tho oueatiou la nlnioit daily ABkod, '' What is the canto of the unpnrnllcled success of Vikeoar Bit TEltsf 1 Our answer is, that they remoro tho causo of discaao, and tho patient re. eorors liia health. Thoy aro tho Croat blood purifier and alifo-givlnjf principle, a perfect llcnorator and Iiivlgomtor of tlio system. Korcr keforo in tho history or the w orld hai a medicine beca compounded possessing the reniarkablo qualilica of VixniMa Uiitxrs In heolinr tbi lick of orery disease maa is heir to. Tbey am a guuo rurguura aa wcu aa a lomo, rclioritig Coiieeetioo or loflanimatirm ol the Liver aud VUcoral Oigaaa ia liUion Iliseaaet . 'i ho properties of pn. Walkm' v inKtiaa hittkb8 ara Aperient. Diaphoretic, Carminative, KutriUoaa, Laiative, uiuretic. Sedative, Conntcr-Irriuiat fj'Jilunlic, AJteis. lire, ana Anti-utnoiu. Gratefnl Thousands DreclalmTnr. boar Bitters the most wonderful In. rigoraiit that ever siutaiaed th amtm lyatera. . No Person ean take these Bitten according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided thoir bones aro not de. Biroyea Dy mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. - Ililions. Remittent and Inter mi lie n l fevers, which are toprera. lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan' eas. ilea, uoioraao, urazos, Kio Grande. I'oarl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many othors, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer aod Autunin.nud remarkably so during sea. sons of unusual boat and dryness, art luvanaiiiy accompauiea tv exteusive de rangements of the stomach and liver. and othor abdominal viscera. Iu their u-e.-uirieni, a purgative, exerting a pow erful Influence upon these various or- cans, is essentially necessary. There is uo cathartic for the purposo equal to Dr. J. Walk eiis Vinegar Bitters. as thoy will speedily romovo the dark colored viscid matter with, which tbj bowels aro loaded, at tlio sarao time stimulating tho secretions of the liver,' nnd generally restoring the healthy functions of tho digcstivo organs. ' Fortify the hotly aeainst diseagfl by purifying nil its fluids with Vit.goAB HiiTKiis. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus forc-nrrucd. Irysncpsia or Indicestlon, Hcad ache, fain in tile Shoulders, CongblJ Tightness of tho Chest. Dizziness, Sout Eructations of the Stomach, Had Tasto' in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, l'alpita-j tation of tho Heart, Inflammation of tbe Lungs, l'ain iu the region of tbo kid uoys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, uro tlio oflsprings of Dyspepsia, One bottlo will prove a bettor guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertutj lueut. Svvofula, or Kind's Evil, vrttii Swelling, Ulcere, Erysiiwlao, Swelled Keck, Goitre, bcruruluti Iiillainiiiatiun, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial A flections, Old borm, Eruptions nf llie Skin, Son Ere, eta. In these, as iu at) other constitutional Du. riucs, YVa lkkk's Vt.tKoag Ilirrsu lave sliovfu their great curatira powers ia till must obstinate aud iutractable cases. For Inflammatory nnd Ihronltj Rheiimntism, Gout, Bilious, Kcmit-1 tent and Iiitenuittcnt Fovors, Diseases ot the IIIikh, Liver, Kiilneri and D!addcr, these Dittrra have no equal. 6och Diseases, are eanacd by Vitintcxl iilood. Merlianicnl Diseases. Persons en caged iu Tnintsi nnd Minerals, such as I'lumbera, Trpt-aettera, tloltl beatera, and Miners, a they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guars! against tin, take a dose of TVAXais's Vlf. bus a birrKu nrcasioBally. ForSkiu Disea-ses, Ernptions, Tet. ter, SaJt'Klieiira, lliotchea. Sputa, Pimplca, Pustules, Units, Cnrlinnclns, Iling wermi, Scold held, Sure Eyes, Kryaipelas, IUi, Scurfs, Discoloration of the 6km, Hnmori aud Disease of Uie Skin of whatever Dane or nature, are literally dug up and carriei out of tho system iu a ihoit Uiuo by the ut of these Bitters. Tin, Tape, nnd ether Worms, lurking iu tlio systotn of so many thousands, are effectually ilmtroyed and removed. lie system of medicine, no varniiftigee, so so thelniiniUcs will free Uie system from vorau Lke tbose Bitters. For Female Complaints, In young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, these Touts Hitter display so decided an influence that hnproremnut ia anna perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Hloodwhue ever you bud it impurities bursting Ibrongk the akin in Pimples, Eruption, or Sorwi cieansa it wheu yon find it obstructed ana sluggish in the veins: cleanse It when it is foul , your foelinge ariu tell roa vbca. Keep the blood pure, aud the health of the syttea will follow. h. h. Mcdonald co., Drngrist and Uen. A els., Rao PYsnrieeo, Celirorala, and civ. of Woshingrton and I'haritoe Stt . K. T. , . old ky all UrwgsUle and IHsUsra. J October U, IsTJ-lj. Down I Down II THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE TBS CHEAPEST I h Proclamation against High Prices? TTK are now opening np a lot of tb best ui . V r most aeonnble tlimds and Vm. ever offered In this market, and at price that rewied one oi me good em uays or eheap things. 1 who lack faiih upon this point, or doem oar sUf:. gallons superfluous, need but CALL .tr OCA STORE Corner Front and Market streets, tVhera they ean see, feel, bear Bad know Sir them, selves. To fully understand what aiwuseef. gjav Ibia must be dune. W do not deem it neecMarf to enumerate and Itemise our stock. It Is enoaj for us to state tbat W? have Everything that ia Needed and consumed In this market, and at pries IW astnniuh both old aud young. deot JOSKi'R BHAW A fOI. J)A.2iI12Ii GOODLAXDEK, Ll'TIIERSRrRO, PA., Dealer In DRV GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SHOES, Tohaoeo, (Irooerles aad Fish, Kails, Ilsrdeare, yueen.ware and lllassware, Mea't aad lloya Clothing, Drug., Paints, Oils, rVh.iol B,iVi, a large lot of Patent Medicines, Candies, Nuts 4 Dried Fruit., and Crack- ra, Hock and Rid Powder, F)uur, Grain and Potatoes, Clover and Timothy Seed, Sol Leather, Moroeoos, Lining., Binding Inroad, bhoemaker' loot ana 6o Finding. Ho greater variety of goods in any lor l ' county. All ror nl very low for ca.h or etwnirj produo at tbe Cheap Corner. Aag. , lOaKl'II 11. J.OWLE.S, Justice of I Ihe Peace and Scrivener In tbe upper end Lawrence township. Collections wa le and rromniry paid rr, ' " ' f.'f I L