THE ItEPUBLICAN.' liil U 1' I I'J JJ J-, J. ft. ircPSESDAT MOBNIKO OCT. 20. 187S. Terms of Subscription. ' , ti n .dvanoe.or wiiinn iiirue raqnini .?j J .rierthrw aud before el months.... 1 10 jj,,ll,ft,jt the expiration of lix unnthl... S 00 liliMCilOUS NOTICES. , u,(lioJIt I5plll Chrth Bt. A. I. . ... Pastor. Public Bunk every tSabbuth Meeting evory Thursday, at f J P. Jr. Coanuirf" rtorvloo, first tiabbath. of every 1. Clrew'" tlinr'ch.P.plHconl n . B0I )Hll. Publio Bervlee Hunduy morning ..l .-l. .nil at T P. M Blindly p M.rrajer Mooting Wedueaday evening I T 0 civ, pmbvUrlnu t'uurcnKov. II. S. Html, ..Sabbath aervloes morning tad ercuiiio-iub- tttli school a r. trayer luceuug n euuee- j. evening. t I'raueln' Church Catholic Rev. P. j gntaiess. Mass ' "i 0 lucl1 w-i the MCmi na W"rl" eiWHU.J. VI VIMIII UII'ULII. .. ik..i. ii. a .1 ii ............. lalincrau v ... . ... ... v . n.i.wa a..lunc overv fcaliUaih, morning nnd evening. I.libatb Sobool al a. m. Prayer meeting overy luMla; evening. n.firlpa II. Corvell lina been finnoint .J postmaster at P .nolle Id, Clearfield ouunty. Hr. William Hood huo disposod m llna of bil business to T. A. Fleck Co., Of tee liaa or bis Business to i. a. ricca lo and wakes all Important aunoonoeuient 111 to day's Jepsr. , m D.nir !ltai.!lF Pia ia an H.itt fi . rilfft. WUVI 11. i . V. I U DUIIVI IHjj a sevsre altaok of typhoid fever, and, from rom pres- mi annearanee. ne win not no -ao e to trot about fr several week! hence. A now Bchcdulu will go into effort i toe Pennsylvania siaiiroaa, buaday, nor. 2d. Iht changes 1u the time of the difTerout trains for (hi coming winter will not be very d liferent from lie present icbejule. District Institute1. Tho touchers sf Clearfield borough and Lawrence township will hold an institute, la the intermediate school room, Il Clearfield, on Saturday, November 1st. ' All teachers aad friends of odueation arc lnrlted to sltcsd. Tho dedication of the now Prcsbr- tartan ahureb, near U eCorkle'a, in Gtrard town skip, il to take place oa Tuunsoar, Noromber cth, instead of Wednesday, as erroneously stated last weok. Of which all persons will please take selice. Tbo Hovnmbor term of our court evvmenees on Monday next and wilt continue fur tares weeks. The first wevk. Is an adjourned eoart, the regular term of tbs oomroou pleas be- fisDiog en Monday, November 10th, and contln aisf two weeks, should the business require the ceuK to sit that long. ' Query. In his last iHsuo, Ellsworth, is speaking of the running of one tf the ft o prcnesea 4ho Penasylvanla Kailroad, rvtaarks that at ons place the tram made "fourteen miles is tbirteea hours.'' Nut diat we eonsider this an tapossible perforaianoe fur tha train in question, sal we would like to know If Kill worth calls that test running. A lVgw Town. Tho ontorprizing ltl organ, of this plaoe, last week furnished the (allowing: " ' Il is said that Mr. W. B. Plummer is going to patupflfteen or sixteen tenant bouses, on Fifth street. He'll bare to name that section 'l'lum frtown." - Oo ahead, Plum. Tlulld thirty) they will all ke full by the time they are finuhrd. Tho now bridge across Anderson's 4mk, la Union township, on the road leading from Clearfield to .Luthcrsburg, has been finished for several Weeks and Is being crossed by the trar suog public. This is a decided improvement on the fording plan, adopted during the past itira attr, by which so much delay was occasioned and soy persons had their teams and wagons injured. Duplicates Keady. The dunlicntos aaJ necessary blanks for making the triennial assessment are now realy fur delivery, to Ibe several assessors, and If any of them happen to be In town It would be well enough fur them to sail at the Commissioners' oluoe and get tbrm so that they can proceed with their work. Ali as sessments must b returned by the first of Janu ary nsiL ' ' ' Our popular young friend, W. Hoes UsPherK, having been elected to the important aBca of High Sheriff, of Clearfield county, It be comes necessary for him to withdraw from the Ira of McUauhey st McPberaon. Tho business will be conducted In the future by Capt. MoUaugh- ey, who will keep the reputation of tbc establUh enl up to tbc asttal standard. In the meantime they desire persons having accounts with them to sail aad settlo the same, FftANK, AV Miss You. By refcr- rlog to our advertising columns it will be noticed thae tha "Short Shoe Bbop" has made a move eastward. Frank Short, whe hac far many years keld forth I Graham's row, having erected a new adjoining his residence, on Mnrket street, between Third and Fourth, has flitted to that lo cality where he will be fonnd as full of business, . aad as polite as cvor, to those in need uf boots aad shoes. While banks arc contracting and sus pending, Frank Is expanding aad enlargiug. i i m c Finished The iron bridgo, thrown asrass tho river at Carwensvino, has been coin dieted and teams andpassongers are crossing over, ."dry shod" and toll free, and It can neither be burned nor carried off by an ioe flood. Wo hope ail passers by will stop and take a look at it. We tipe the up-river raftuen, as they pass under H aext spring, will view It with a "critic's eyo" and condemn It if they can, and, if not, admit Its util ity and merits. The builder informs us that there arc 80,310 pounds, or over forty tons of iron in the structure. If this weight would happen tc drop down oa some passing raft some lime, it would make II "scratch gravel," anyhow. Still Lying. H scorns as thooh .soma people cannot atop lying, even after the electioa. An old Ura ly Democrat, In a private letter, puts tha fullowing qnestion: "Did our trainee for Sheriff, Mr. llol'hcrson.rotc fcrUor doa and Uackey f I am credibly reformed that kc done that dirty trick." Old frlro J, tell that credilabla informant of yours, as politicly as you eaa, that he is mistaken, aoJ, if he is the author, that he is a liar. Without knowing how Mr. Mo Phersoa rated, we will nevertheless risk a fli.00 suaday School appropriation apon this point. Ut year Informant cover It, and then we will soon .ascertain who has Wn doing a "dirty trick." Kx Gov. Bioleb. On lust Friday the following dispatch was cent over the wires frvcj Philadelphia i "Shortly before two o'clock the deliberations of the Constitutional Conven tion were abruptly auspended In consequence of Ike lu.Uta and serious Illness of cx-tlor. Diglcr, be, when about entering the building at the ball door, swooned and fell helpless, from an attack of vertigo. Many of lbs members left their seats in the hall and crowded around the stricken man la stair efforts to relieve hint. A physiciaa was im diately called and a oarrlaga was then pro. ceml, aad ia company with Mcsirs. Charles A. lerk and Hortoa of the Convention, and Mr. 'ka 0. James, of this city, llorenior Cigler was "moved te the ruldenoe of the latter." The f' and relatives here have Information to the fal that the Oovcrnor Is getting along aa well en be eineoled. Oar esteemed neighbor has Jul overworked himself, lie has boon discharg- the double duties of a mornber of the Const). tsUiaal Convention and' President of the Htate Cratannial btard, and for a month past has been "rking dar and nlcbt. Honco the attack. 4(ia, we notice that he Is placed on the follow. tjieeromitteet lien, lisnlel M. Fox, chairmen P. W. Diglcr, Hon. James lj. f smpbell, rs 'sister to sjwedec,, 11. iteilinlisql, Charles 8. "fser, Esq., James M. Ilobb, Kq'., Thomas R. ?0. eq , Ueorgo ' p. tee, Esq., which Is to pro. jt Macon, fleorgla, aa rlsllor to the Htate sir aad , lavito the citi tens of that Flatc .o par 'fsic ia lljc spfteiebing Ceatrnnlel ' The llAiutoAfjOur-KTiorJ. Noconn. ty in tho Mato net is Kailroad fui llilles more Ihan ours for Us projior develupuiont, Jtoth tho east ern and westorn ends of our county have been pretty well Irnverrcd over, during the past sum ui. r, by engiiieois aud Kailroad parties. M'hsat it aill result tu wt are unable to say. The propoal fwiiwniiig "uanruarl no- uoc, nuicn we cup nolo lasl woook's Journal, we publlth fur the benefit of our readers: Tho Pennsylvania nnd Westorn Kailroad give notice that they will receive subscriptions fur stuck of the four fulluxing uatiieu tonus In Clear. uiu aou inure eonntlrs, to-wit: ClcarOald, Curwonsvillo and Lumber City, In Clearfield o.iuuly, and Philipiburg, in Centre Co., upon tho fulluwliig terms, vis i i no town wtiu.n will subscribe, by responsible s,, i.iv.i ounioi r Ol snares, aud do nate tin acres uf Kruuud wilbin i,no.f,.,il, r - mile of the town propor, shall bo entitled to the machine shops. (Shares tu bo lilty dollars uneh.-r-I'nmdid, that if such greater uutulior of shares ho less t'jan One Hundred Thousand (JilOll.iioi)) Hullnra, In such case the Cumpiiuy hove tbo right 10 acoepi or rtjcit it, Five per cent to be pnid within thirty days after ogrenneuts arc signed anil accepted) five per eeut adJilioual wilhiu thirty divs after -m. l.. v.,iuviii (ii Bii'iarriniinn n rn in. . mi-notment of work on the line) the busanoc of mo auoarripiione iu oo paid in llvo equal instal- vhV mm ,u puis uu me line iirutfre?ses. All lhaH.m.. ...1.. ! I I t t ' V . ... .... Uj cilltflU ul SJIonr- lleld cuiinly to be expended only fur work done uu uio line wittim tho lnniU of the county, Kach town to deliver its own rnaniMiliw sals to the Company, under seal) aud all to be unuiicu in io ilia vice I'rosident, at the Shaw lloose, in Clearfield, on JlonJ vv. N,.v.,l., mil. 1:.73, between the hours of II) o oluck, A. M., and i o'clock, p. M. SAM I'LL A COOK, Vice Prcs'U P. A W. It. K, The snrfaoe Indications look fair and business like on the part of tho Vict PreiiJtiH, but why hac the freeiuVni of the road, 8. C. Juhnstuu, ex- OOUted and entered of reourd VIVO M1LLIOV DOLLAR MORTQAOK onlhlsruadf Is It not in order to atk this quostion at this time f Ia there an individual in our county foolish caongh to subscribe or pay his money fur a farm, or a house and lot, whon a hoavy mortgage rests on the ono end of it? Now, if our people know before they cubsurlbe and pay thuir money to the omccrs or the road that a mortgage of tbls kind rests upon it, all right) but if they do not know it and lose their muney, then it would not be quite "so right." This mortgage looks mora to us like "a pincber," or to proveut tha road frum being built than anything elso. As a Journalist, wo want to put our readers on tho lookout, booauso there era quack raiiroadora aa well as quack doctora, about, all of whom are looking aftor their own interests first. Wc are no lawyer, hut, in our judgment, that mortgage must be satisfied and wiped out before any man oan safely invoat his money or labor in the Rail road in question. Those who wish to know tha whole facts about this mortgage busiurss need but addrrss the Reg ister and Recorder, at fiellefonte, cuoloslug a small fee, if they arc unwilling to take our word ou that point. Again, a Railroad Company that ic $5,000,000 in debt before any work is done will not build many machine shops soon, unless the embargo iu question Ic removed. To the Punnc Tho citizens who come for the night uiails, as well as myself, have been very much annoyed by the rude conduct of bair-grown boys in the poit office, lam nut com polled to keep tbc post oftloo upon for the night mail. I du it to aecuiumodato tho public, and if 'hero is a repetition of this ecntltict, after this notice, I will rlise the office at 8 o'elocH, P. M., aa authorised by law. p. A. (1 At l.l.N, p. M. It is tu be hoped that the above notice will bare tho de'lred effeot. It is certainly a great conve nience to our citisens to have the office open after tho arrival of tho night mail, and a lut of rude boys should aot be allowed to deprive us of the couvenlencc. If nothing o!e will abato the nui sance, would not a visit uf CoustaMo MoCIellan bo beneficial T It a certain ordinaocc, passed by our borough authorities about ten years ao, were put in force, disallowing boys to be on the street after eight o'clock In tho evening, it would cer tainly bo pruduetivo of much good, not only as far aa the post office is conccr;ied, but fur the good of the town generally. 7herc is a ocrtain lot of half-gruwn bops go provting about our streets nightly, the parents uf hom either thruuga ig norance or the neglect of a moral duty, allow tbrm to do so, and ought to be responsible for their ounduot. Boyc who rcceire their education on tho streets, at an hour of night uhcii most people are in bed, seldom prove to be rery orna mental to the community in aftor life. wm- m Xot a Ccnnino Kos. Tho l'hilips. burg Journal, of tho 2dth luit., ssys: The last youug man iu this section to try the little trick upon lirory men is naaoed Fox. lie stopped at the Moshaaoon House, this place, for a week or so and found employment on the park grounds. lie was a quiet Individual, affected tho Pubbath school and did not appear as if be was sharp enough to successfully carry out any kind of a swindling seheaie, and the event proved that faia appearance la this respect did not bclio him. On last Saturday be hired a horse from the clerk at Strauss A Cu's. livery stable, aod has not yet re turned with It, notwithstanding he would prola bly do ao now very gladly if the powers that be would only lot him out of jail, Tho first thing that was beard of him after he left here with the "rig" was by ttltgraph from Benin, of llellcfonte, inquiring of Hlrauis A Co. If they had lost a horse of the kind. It seems that Fox made his appearance In llcllofonte on the afternoon of the day that he left hora and at once offered the horse and buggy for sale lo Bauin, who, suspecting that ali was not right, ostensibly male a bargain with the young man and left hiut uodcr the Impression that be wuuld return shortly with the money. But Baum directed his slope to the telegraph of fice, communicated with Strauss A Co., and re ceiving a reply returned to Pot, accompanied by an otfloer of the law, and the usunl process of ar rest and confinement in the county Jail was gone through with fur the benefit of the rerient aud speculative Air, Fox. A inrtubnr of the firm own ing the horse and buggy went to llcllofonte tore cover thea on Monday. Death op Juiioe IIanna. On Mon day eieulng, at Si o'olook, our well-known and highly respected cltlien, J uilge Nathaniel I J anna, died at hie residence, la Lockport, of dropsy, at tha rery advanced age of f years, 2 months and 18 days, lie was born August 7, I'Si, aud livod all his life and died within fifty rods of whore he was burn, lie was a considerable landowner, has always been In eomfortablc independence, but was of a naturally Industrious temperament, which kept him actively engaged on his farms. Judgo llanna was twloe married, and was the father of firicen children Elisabeth, Roland, David, John, William, Rr.Vcrt M-i James, Korzta, Joseph F., Valentine, Nathaniel, Rachel, John 8., Geo. W., and William II. Kleven of those were by his first wife, sjid four by his second. Of these four or the first family era llviug Roland, Robert M., Joseph F., and Valentine aud three of the sec ond Juha 8., Oiorgo W., and William II. Judge Hnnna's life was an unobtrusive and Industrious one. The only publlo positions he held weru those of Cuonly Curaiaiesioner, whon this was a part of Lycoming, and Assuciato Judge or this oounty. Ctint't Vtmocrat. ohnrntlm nlonsiiro of announcinif to th ia citisens of Clearfield and vlcrnjty that the Woo Hand M. st. Church will bo dedicated to Al- nighty fllod, on Hnbbath next, November Jd. The has secured tho ecrrlcee of Rot. Bishop .... ... , . t if-r--i.. pastor Bowm These an nnd tier. i.napiain v. i.. -v. arc distinguished men In the Methodist Churc! ;h. Hi'hup Bowman stands unrivaled asaa eloquent pulpit orator, and aa ho will be the first Methodist Bishop that ever Tlsneu usarnnu county, wc bespeak) for hiaa a most cordial recep tion. The fame of Chaplain MoCabe Is national and he cones not unknown to this cotninonily for already bo has won ilie hearts cf all tho people, A mcc'sl train will leave Clearfield al.oeluea, A. M., an I relorn at about I o'oloek, P. M. We would earnestly urge r.ur citisens to aucnu. evy's IJim'fTORY. This useful -:n ki .lv for delivery la a few pn ubtioe! .. . -1.1. directory of Alloona for ii liBiw-r- -- j,. .1.., annlainlnc riuilnoec director- 1873 a the principal towns In Blair and Clearfield lea of OOVOttf ra, to which Is prcnacu Information, compiled and r.UI.bed i.j titeful II. drcovy, or wiiiiaraspora, r- .... liuuU of decided Interest to the citisens publlottt ftls-d an 4 boiln icsc portions of Clearficin, i iiinpso-.a .i. . ibis side af tbc mountain, and Is fc. uccful I Ih' Pl' Ef nor SpfrialH. . List of letters remaining unclaimed Id tha PuftAfllM at Cloarflnld. for tli nock obtllnc JW'buo. Jo0VU Millrr, Juhn H. Itruii, Ii, Jl. . Wl(ji0V( w nt B'cou, Win. INiIm.0, Carl Julian Urn. K, II. Orna.irtT, iallio IhvUy, Vim. irt, J. C. ilau-lwll, Ui rome (2) Hw.-tiniou, lUinaBotiihttrd Haiiion, Milca bmUU, John Kmirp, Wn, , - , . Vamlurgrlll, Win. II, Mirk.Klam V'ur.l, John UwU, Avcrv UlijU', V, A. Uoo, AVm. II. (2) " ' WbiU. tfamul Tf , ' 1 ' Mi'aunlct, A!irnrftth Wilmn, John I.. McCaffrey, John Wall. Urauiplaa Huraiur, Iltlair ' . 1 ' ' ' '' - A-QAfLIN, P M. Fee RikmJ'i columo ailvortifcmcot. Hehaadli loea of ouo lie of bit kociiIi to T. A. Flcok A Co., ainl tha bulnnco ho ia itllins; off at ohit. (Irvnt UrKniiiB oan bt bad by calling in I lino. A projjonrii L,uin- chann oumpoli him ti dmiioio of Uu took ia it, . way. Call early ami itouro bargaini, Kdwanl E. Vyn k 8un hava laeeoeded Eyra A LamJcll in tha Dry lloodi Jluaineitf Fourth and Aroh Btrctta, l'hilndtlphia, at will bo aaen by their advortltcment in this tai-ua. Tby mnka a apwialty of dealing in tha finor elmi uf .'Jry Uuoda. Uiva thctn a call. ValcaMsE RitrBii'T. K rery body akould have tbtilr cloth i n g innrked. Tbeundoraignud haa pro cured a receipt for uiakinu; ludolible Ink that In oontiidcrvd the boat now in unc, aul which eoati but a trill m ft to buy tbe li)frijtents. Any noraon ninbiuj one of I Ufa recti pta can get it Ly cn eloaiuja fifty cvuti tu th uiidfrrignvd, or by coll inn at tbia office. J AM Ed ti. KKKIDKU, tf. Clearfield, I'a. n vahu. m.m iiiCAiinuo, uacutT oi iliisie, Punting, Crayon and irawiug. tbe Academy. ugi!T Ptnl ck tMiu jiBuuuunt.gft U. JT, pi ter A Co. 'a. Wood and Willow Ware of ail doacrlptiona for aaic oy ji. r. Utgior isn. Montour iSliite Puinti, fur painting bouima In ide and oulide Collagen, Farm ttuililinga, Ay. Ueaulii'ul, durable and economical. Uround in pure Ltnacoii Oil. xu;23'73 II, F. niomn A Co Bare Time! Pave Labor! Save Money ! Bare Clothva! The" Novelty Wring-r" is the beat In mo markM. uuy it; try it. For aale by If. F. Diglbr A Co. A full lino of Hon uphold Gooila, Japanned Ware, lor aaie oy ii. r. uigier s tu. R. R. Wneelbarrowa, Hnby Carriagoi, Toy Ex prora Wagoui and Whctltarrown, at myii'ti II. F. Blums A Co'a. Palata, Oili and Varnittbea for aale by JI. F Bigler A Co. IT, F. Biglcr A Co. have been making extensive additlona to their atock of Hardware the taut few daya. Kverythinff new in fShclf Uardware, SaU dlera' ltardtrare, Farmcra' Hardware, DuiMuri' lisirdwaro, and iiardnaieof ail kinda,can beaeco at Uioir (tore. Way 22. Axri. Roventy-flve doien CIcarAeld Wood ob'tperi Am at V.iy.U. U. F. HIOLER A Co'a. Sawi Diilan'a C roan -cot Saw. Great American 3-aw, Hnynton a Lightning Haw, at V 25-72 11. F. Biolir A Co'a, NEURALGIA. SICK HEADACHE, NERVOUSNES3, Dr. Uroaa' 'uralgie Ki-nifdy la one of the grrat eat biriiinirfl evar btoweu uiton aullt-rtrg hiimnn ity. It h ia bn carefully and patiently tried in a great nuinhor of caaea, and baa meerjiiitti In a ainzle inftaoaa to efftit a cure. It contains no injuriotia aubritiinecf, being prennrnd entirely from carefully iolrctet materinli. Siihcr doca it act like many reuivdiea now in ue, by blunting the nerve, and tiiua giving only temporary relief, but will aot (juirlt)y and aurely. A II who are aulTercis t ruin int-no rjirca win una ima an tnmiiitiie remedy; ami being nuxioua that it shall commend it?i' If to the public I refrain from further re uiarka. If used according to direction, a cure ia guaranteed ia every cne. Pri"e one dolUr per bottle. None genuine without the aiguature of Kim k awDoi'Ra. CtiL-mtat( rkilailttphia. ra. For aala by all drugglste and dealers in Clear field oouuty, grplO-aiui. Cateined Plaxtnr for sale by jl. F. Uiglcr A Co. r.ECAPIU'LATIOJf. Bird Cagea. Wood and Willow Ware ll-jusrhold Oonda. All kind of Hardware. Jttpannnd Ware. Piiinta, Oila, Varnishci. Calcined Platter. Wnron and Carriace Makers' (Applies. All of tbe above for le at theinamnioth Hard ware Store of il. F. Bigler A Co., Beoond etifo, CUarficld, Pa. 8t Tlavn Tine ! Pornona who con template building wilt do wrll to rail and vxrtmin our itook of UL'ILUIMI MATliKIAI.f. We have in ttm-ka full line of HuiM m' Hardwur, NaiU. Paiuta, Oils, int, Putty, Caloiued Plnater, Ac. CCT THIS OCT. It May Have Your 1,1 fe. There is no perenn liriog but atiffrni more or lcaa with Lung IM'euae. C'nugtia, ColdaorCon utnption, yet eoiue would die rather than pay 76 cents for a bottle of medicine that would cure them. Ir. A. Itowhoe's (luriuntt Hyrup has, late ly been introduced in this country from Uertnany, ud its wondrous cures atton label every one mat try it. f yu donlil what we suy hi pr ot, cut tbis out and lake it to your Druggist, C. l, Wat soK,'and get a aimple hollle free of cbarce, or a regular aue for Ti ccnta. O. O. OKtiiN, 20ftUg7.iy ooibury, a. Nonce to Waoos a?h Cankiaob Makrrb. We have ju't received a general aaorhueut t Wagon and Carriage Wooda, also a full line of Spiiuga and Ailes, which we offer cheep for caah. it. r. uioi.ka t o. Just rrftelrcd. a large lot of Lamps and Lao torus at If. r. inoLKn a io r. Paism A?n Paistbos' Ftxnixai. Out stork of 1'ainta and Painters' Mn'eriali ia complete, in eluding J. 1'. Lewi' Pure White Lend. John Lu cia A Co'a Pur White Lend, F. H. A Co s Iturk Lead, and a number of clicnper brantls of White Lend: also, Liniwd Oil, Turpentine, Vsnmheaof all kind, a full line of liruilics, and a fulllineof colors, dry and in Oil. inyzti j.1 lUOLsn s to. To tub Cituri or Pc!.iivt.vArtiA.-Vour nt- tention ia rrspectfully invited to the fact that the National liaiiks are now prt pan-d to rreclve sub- srripHoni to the Capital Stock of th Centennial llonra or Finance, i no ninua rvmiseu iroui mm source are tu hn employed in the erection of the building for tho tiilonmtioiiiil Kshibiiion, and the eipttiaes emncoted with tbo rame. it in con fidently eipe-ited that the Key atone Htato will b renresfiiUd br the name of every oiUn o alive to patriotic ooinineiuoratiou of tbo uno hundredth btrth-dny of the nation. The ahvrs of stoi'k are oflured for $10 each, and aubscrtbura will reccivo a handcoincly td engraved Certificate of Stock, anituble lor frainbg aud pre nerval wn as a na tional memoriiil. Interest at the rata of six pr cent, per annum II b tiiid on all rrtyinents of Ontennial istouk from date of payment lo January 1 17(1. riuuHoribore who are not near a Rational nana remit a check or tioifoflloe order t the un demianed: FHKIK. FRALKV, Trennurer, aug2J i)u4 Walnut Bt., Philadelphia. Sfilavrlfit. nR D-hLMl.. 1,1'h. IK7A. In riearffetil. bv ftev. A Ii. Vo, i . Mr. HAML ltL SMITH to .Miss KUUAiiHU HOOVKR. ninluM. 7Ut. .4 tttneball. bv Iter. A. f. Voi'l Mr Mll.TIlN (1. II HOWN, of Clearfield, lo Miss I.IZZIH A. I'LVMI'TON, of Itlueball. On October 2itd, 187.1, In New WaahmKlon, by u n p...., ...ii, Jnll W It I K A It A I II II to iht. MAI1V JANK SCHUIiM.NO, both of Clcarlteia county. 0o r..tol,er (Ith, 137X I'V ltov. A.J. llARTanra, Mr. IlKilltHB W. IIOf lOKr" to Miss A. COL- UltOVK, botn or wallacctoa. i, i.. i'ol. 1UT1 h R,v. A. J. lfinrsorK. Mr. TIIOMAr ANIIKI'SON, of I'hiladelpbla, to ,.li. i.. r I. .MISS I.I..HW .iiu-'ui., m !""-.(. On October 23.1, 17.1, br Iter. WJ. M. Brarn ..... il, .Inns KMITII to Mlrs IIAN.NAJI l'Al IKIISON, both o Knoa township. On October V I 171, of rliphllierla, in I.sw. .... !, I ..V Tl.Ml .11 a nil renoc townsnip, i..n.u., ........ ..i. ... Ktir JkTimwo, t years, i inou.a . 12 clays. rpKH NOTK'H. All persons kuoainij I themselves indebted to the late llrm of Mil li74 l'owoll are hcreliy nolilled that Ilia books of said Irm are in Hie bands of . II. Miller for col lection, and are requested t call at once and settle their accounts. AM acc ounts not settled within St) days will be pt.eej in in. uiu. ... u. r. oUlcer for collection. MH-lif-H. Oct. 22, Wa-lea- AlII)lTtH'H WITH' V-Te nnuernirnea aiinoinicil by the court lo distribute the pro I' ... ....I i I -.1.1. In Ilia h. nils of Mt.ll 01 rVBI Bll'l .own' - - 7 - - .1 J. Dowalt. administrator ef Jane Smith, Mle of llnlieh township, dew.sod. to aud ewon the narlies lesrally entitled therein, stives notice that h, will atlen.1 lathe duties of his appointment, al his effloc, la the borrmih of Clearllctd, on rrl- u ' l.. . . h . knur, of dey, Wiiveaunor rrn, 1010, S elo.k a. m. nd 4 ocloek f . m. f!22 3t -J " ; Uiv atrvttiGcinrntiffe LIST Jl'UOittt-MtAWN FOU HOV Term, couunenoing llonday, tbe id t rtitar wick. .T. lulnns. Woodward Tlmniaa Norrii Pike Jurtiea Irwin... Clearfield r. K. Amold Urady A. lllooiii...Curwcnwvillu homa-Evani Cheat Joitnta FuUnblt.,.Che.t Joan lipuma. llrady J. W. huuti- Urady Jubo 8. Hunk... Decatur A. M. Hpoueer Penn W. Wuolridgo..BraUlord C. Frederick Uulieh 8. H. Ilindiuan.Iloooaria Wiu. Murgan..Cleartlold T. Mawrer..,., Covington H- B. Irwin Laimnce J i Kurnbaitglliurnaidu Jnmei HaUyH Knox II. KneppH Bradford Wis, A. liluom Pike A. M, (Jill H ra.l lord d. llagerty liecuarla N. Hialiel,M,. Lawrence T. Robins Cleardeld L. Dyers Burnstdu James James Hogg" John St one Hogga John Usury... .Ferguaun A. .ti. Augbcubaugb. Lawmnoe S. Frnnnl Orabam J. M.MitchclLCIrarfittld Ahr. Hoover U rati am A. Bpsnogle, Morrla N. II. Maiuea..Bradford PaL Curler, Urakam ILCOSD WKCK. Warren 8 hoop Penn f. L Snyder.,.Cles.rfleld W. J. McCoy... Becoaria John Dsvis Morrii tic W, Musrer...Curwons J. Hoopater..Lawwrence W. Kadabaugh .CI oar 'Id J. M. Ardery...Lawrcnoe J Orr.w Lawrrnoe J. L. Hunts.. Ilradv C. Sebring Burn aide Kllil Irwin Uoaheu J. Ii. Pickard.Covinirt'n It. M. Johnson...Jrrdan L. Joiindton Morris K. Uuic llrady Js M, heitcr...Coviugt'i U. II. Wiogert.....llrady John Coder,.,, Ujggi r. MoCraeken..Ferguson W.h UcPberaon.Clear'd J. rorr'tt.. Lawrence H. tiraham Bradford H. IL Evans,,,,.Uruhau II. L, lieudurson llclML 8. Keberta Knot 11. B. JJraneker Pike' J. MoCullough,..Quliab C. Brown CovingtonH. (lrattius....Bradrord B'dl H(, KnogU. Mullen Lawrence J. AlahanVT- Bell B. h. bliircy.H,..Uoshen J. A, L, Flegal...ll()shenl M Alt Cully Uylicb ! l Tninn Viucit. A. Patobln.M.,.Burnstde David Brown.H Pike Austin Curry Cheat A. Crane Decatur J. Jopitii Mood wiLrl K. W. Heed...Wodward iSimou Fl)DD....Uulich Iftiiae Leu Burnsidu W, U. Mrgan...I)roatur J.J. Picard.Covlnton U. II. Lytle L. City J. Dillon Uooiiaria W. II. llughea...Deratar H. W. Keater L. City If. Whitehead Union W. FuliertoD..Lawreuao A. J. Anios Morris A. Chase .Woodward H. McNaul Pike A. Kayiuood Morris 8, Sh'tiT Ileccaria J. .Uuibo.ianU..Brady C. MlpnuU UirRrit F. T. ilugueney..Uirard s ... Clearfield J. Lord... Knox J. Dougherty Bell W. (Jratiatn Bradford J. Horner- Usooula J. MattbcwSe.Woodward Uoo. Krlner Brady Thomas Long Pike L. L. Moore... Lawrence J. Williama..Jordaa Ai F. Boyntou...Cli-ar'ldiJaa. Colt Deoatur f pit I A I. I,lrNuV. TERM omtuanolng X Mundoy, the Id; . rinsr WEEK, A. C. Tate, et ai va. Wm. T. Spackmaa. W. Armstrong, Asaignea vs. L. M. Luioadua, M'in. Albert, at al.., vs. Joseph llosser, etal. James Forrest... ra. K. A. Irrin, at a). Benjamin Dellcck va. A. 0. Finney. George Bascoin , va. Hi chard Arthurs. Peter fiwarti vs. Jacob Mock, et al. Joseph Beat va. Wm. Albert, et al. Andrew Pcnts vs. Wm. Cor Ity, et al, Martin L. Fleck- vs. Wm. Wise. Ueortre M. Hrlibin.. ...... vs. Chiis. K. Maoombor. KneMlcr.Paierton A Co. vs. (J. 8. Perry, et al. Lewis J. Hurd va. Terab Baker. B. C. Kithe), et al vs. II. Paaaraore, at al. James Hegarty,., vs. Samuel 6boff, B. F. Colcx, et al vt.KK.L.8tonghton,etal I-aac K. Huiney. va. Christian Bennett. Edward W. Parker vs. Wia. Wagoner, etaL Charles L. Fine vs. Ueo. W. Caldwell. Mary A. Dale,ct al vs. A. U hhaw. Hrbecra ) McCutly.ctal. vs. Win. Giliigati, etal. Abraham Unas, Br vs. II. 11. Kei hart, Jamoa M. Whiteside...... vs. Peter McKee. Joseph Potior vs. Jacob Mock. A. Ii. Long A Hons vs. Oiocola P. 0. (lulirh Tp. .Shool Dut,. vs. M m. Luther. K. Asheufelter, AdraV... ts. Win. 0. Soiiih, atal. (tvercecrs of Huston Tp. vs. R. tlates, et al. Klijnb Anhenfclter vs. Wm. Corley, et al. Joseph Best vs. Win. Albert, et aJ. aacosn wkek. John R. Dunhp ti. J, M. Cease, tt el. John Goes vs. J. F. Htoiuts et al. John Cmaauian at al vs. J. W. Lewis etal. H. H. McLaughlin vs. Irwiu A 6 on. Hugh Adatns et al. vs. Guardian fire Mlita Irvin vs. Win. M. Bloom. County Nnttoual Hank., vs. W. Albert A Bre. Gnn. W. Aur-heobaugh TS. J"bn 8. liny t, va. James Haynea, va. L. Campbell et al. va. J. Forreet A 8oo. vs. J. Irwin A Son. vs. Edward Albert. , vs. David Krbard. ts, lut N. Bnnk.Curs'lt. ts. Patrick Kearns. va, W. D. Woodward, vs. 8- M. Dickernian. , ts. ()wurg linger, vs. Wilton Hoover, vs. George B. Smith. Chrlatisn Straw Jacob Strickland Jost-ph Winnery John J. Glass Peter .Mays Kva B. Donh at al.... J am ci A. Bloom Linnon Gardner...... S. II. Wing , IT illla m rt. Well Hiobard Moaaop William K. mine Lloyd, Caldwtlt A Co. aa. ts. John Lightner. .Hnuie va. Same. John Hyer, Adminstrator va. Abram Beyer tt al. Putt irk Flynn vs. Go. W. Caldwell. Kliaha Elliott vs. M. Robfson, Jr. Lloyd, CaltJwsll A Co. as. vs. John Lightner atal. William A. Wallace...... vs. J a dips Akey et at. Pe er Lansborry vs. J. A, Woolridge, Jr. John Irvia vs. Absalom Harter. Tiunp wcrg. Abraham Gosa va, Jokn Lawsbe tt al. J a a. D. Coumel, et al... vs, J. A, Faust, Bberifi, Mrs. Hnmb J. Halo. etal ts. Goorgt Uindle. James MrMurry ts. J as, ii. 8utdrlli Jobu HiiNt George Paseom John II. bailoy.., Hit. hard Art bora. La mi us Moyr Martin 0. btirk Barbara Lloyd , Israel Cooper Chest School District. vs. Hauiual Murah. vs. Iticbard Arthurs, vs. 8. Austin et al, vs. A. King ct al. va. J. T. Leonard et al. vs. Jas. Foreet et al, vs. W. W. Worrell et al. vs, William Pusey. vs. John F. Carson. DjUit'gcr A btepbeosou- vs. J. T. Leonard et al. Kli Klo.p.. vs. Paul Darling et al. L. Muyvr vs. John McGvoy J. H. Fa I ford, Assiguee vs. C. Howe et al. Reuben H. Moart va. M. Asbenfelttret al. Col oi, Thompson A Co. vs. Fulfurd etal, garn'a. Co tries Hanaelt.. , P. A. Keel A Co. Puaey A Juues I rki-k Bulger...,...., A. A. Loug Wiliiam Corley James McDrv)tt.-,(. U. L. Pee A Co.... Mnry K. Joy et al... William C. Mots , vs. P. A. Rcod A Co. , vs h. A. MorriktD A eo, vs. R. J. Forest et a). , vs. klijuh Asbenfeltcr. , vs. W. P. Tate et sL , vs. James C. William. , vs. James M. Bloom. vs. 8. 0. Patebin. vs. H. Cochran at nl. vs. Jctao W. W ilann. T. J. Geary et aU... Lewis J. liurj quartets. Cloarfield Markots. Corrected weekly by RirinriD Mossop, Wholesale aod Keijl Dealer in Dry, Oroeerles.rro visionsj ic, Market street, riearfield, i'a. CLt:.ikrir!.ri,.t,A., Orinlier 21, 1S7S. Apples. green, 001.4 oU Hogs, dressed a Alneil, in 10 uiuea, green j Applebutter.'Pual, TS Hams Otl(. lo Butter U i Shoulders OOIO 121 Bean 1 75(a 2 40 Soles Ollfo 2J Buekwheal 1 00 l.ard li() Buekwhoat Hour lb, Me.e pork, bbl...20 fjo Beer, dried 3.i Oat (tu llaaf. frcih Kit IU Onions 1 80 Boards, M 12 OOfcJU 0 Potatoes 00(d) J0 Corn.eholled 1 Oil I'eaohas, dried, lb., lo Corn, ear Oii- 60 I'lasler, V bbl i 00 Corn meal, T sack, 1 30 Ry I 10 Chop. ewtl OOfdj 2 SC !lK, V lb I Clovorecod On Ml, V sack JM to rn Ill Xhluglcs.lH ili.tUnjS 00 Cherries, lb. WCn) 111 Sllili(les,2 inlOfu) 1 S 00 Cl.iekens, drsd, lb, 20 Timothy seed 00 lisjs If ranuw ' rl.aseed J "0 Wheat - 1 .' pinar K 5tifo9 0 " " 001 . 'o Hay 00 U'i,ii 00 Wood, $ cord....- 40 lNiinylvan!rtltaiIroal TYRON! CLEAUKIELD BRANCH. 0 v .ri.r Mondav. MAT 20th, 1873, the ) Passenger Trains will nia daily ( Sun. ays) between Tyrone and eJIcarOeld, as follows CI.HAUF1KI.D ft An.. LEAVE BOLTII. LKAVK KOKTII. CbarOeld .s0. r. Trronc .2i,A.. On-eola... Ill Hi, " I'hilipiliurg... I0.S0, " Clenrheld 11.44, " hllii.sburir;, Osceola . Tyrone 00, " CI.I'AHI IKI.B EXPRKS3 LKAVB BOtiTII. l.EAVK NOKTII."i.i 0.40 Tyrone ,..VT.00 r. a. Intersoelloa,..7.12 " 0.eeola ,...ll " IMillipO.nrji ..,.2S " Clparflr.1.1. " l'nilipsburft.. t.M Osceola . " Intersection.. 7.1" " Tvrone .00 " VMl K r KOircLKA RK1 KLI), TO . .. a. .1.. etna llcllofonte, I'a 93 wa sain.ise.oww . 11..... 4 Till Marietta ft 60 wiiii. m.,.nrt- 1 (III l.aneasler ' lluntlnK.lon 1 o.i'iiii.aue.i.i-uia . j . . .on in...... . t Aft l.ewislo.n . : Mary.vllle 4 Ml Johnstown 3 11 A II It 1KB I' mi ... sisiiii...".1 - - i'i.. annneatlons made by all trains at Tyrone and Lock Haven. ., ' UlSUrills. V., rnylTlf. Boperrnlepdent. I1INK, wniTH A B0A! MNINll HKW9 " Jt rccclcedadd for sale by Ansll 10. IT. H. P. 1IIHI.KR CO. rjfirriiVriTirJO or kvubt bbscicip. Ilea pcatly cicoatca V, wis erne,. MARKET STREET, C L E A II F I EL D, P EH IT A. ,. . I ;;. : : We desire to call tho attention of tho citizens of Clearfield county to tho fact that we have opened a MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, 4 Where we intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of PIANOS, OltGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Our stock of PIANOS will consist of RAVEN & COMPANY'S PIANOS, STEIN WAY ii .SONS' PIANOS, HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS. Wc are prepared at all times to furnish any of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most favoraho terms as to prices and terms of payment. i' . , . ' ... Our stock of ORGANS will consist of the new and popular ' RYNDER ORGAN, (with Ryntler's Knee Tiemolo and downward Octave Coupler,) Tho SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS, MASON ii HAMLIN'S ORGANS, nnd the ; NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides these we furnish lo order Organs from any factory desired. Wo sell on every plan known to tho trade, either CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the PorpLAii and easy LEASE PLAN. On our easy terms everyone can have a good instrument, and no other investment of like amount will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. ICTWe shall bo glad to have ju call and Bee us, whether you desiro to purchase or not. oct23-'72-ly ttYNDEITS MFSIC NTOIIE. JF ECONOMY 13 AN OBJECT, ' . BIT Tom ' Furnishing Goods, ice, AT D. STEWART & SON'S CLOTHING STORE. Tbcy koop a full lino of Men's, Youths' it Boys' Clothing. Also, Umhrollaa, Putchelln, Overalls, Hate), Sliit-la, I'ndorBliirtB, und .Drawers, &o., Which tbry will sell at moat reasonable prices. Call and exumiue tbeir xooda before purehaelog elsewhere. Koom in Mansion Iluildiug. Clearfield, Pa., October S, 1873. SAWS! SAWS I SAWS! DISTAN S CROSS-CUT, MILL, DHAG AND CIRCl'LAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, PATKXT PEKFOIIATED A KLECTRIC SAWP, 1 v . For sale by . ocllJ.ffi ILF. DK1LFR A CO. C D. AVATSON, DEALKR IS DSIGS PATEXT MEDICNES, CONFECTIONERIES, TOYS AND YANKKR NOTIONS. FINK TEAS IIUANTKU t-UrrKK, BEST BBANHH TOUACCO A 8BHA118, hCilOOL UOUKH bTATltJflKril, Masonic Building, Second Street, deetrMy CJ'KAJ5.IEI'!lPAJ 0. I. c. "TrilltItS to buy my DRY GOODS, GRO- ceriee, Quernsware. (llasavraro, Drugs and Notions, Confectioneries, Ac, eboap for eesu. Tbe subscriber begs leave to Inform kit old and new customers that bs has opened A VARIETY STORE IN GLEN noi'E, PA. Ar.d will sell spoils at prices to suit the times. A liberal reduction will be made to euetoiners buy ing at wholesale. Call and esarolne my stork before pnrehsslng elsewhere. A liberal shsro of public patronage ia solloiud. f!. J. KEAGY. aien Hope, Pa., June 14, 1371. . M. R. MORGAN, Cl.KAHFlKI.D, PA. Agonl for the ATWOOD PLOWS. Farmers In rtd of Vlows will wrll to cstll , toy frm In lcavrrtic Uiwrjuhiji, and riSMiiu i i as,...j4 .t.ka I.rr .n.l Is bill Views, which 1 m selling r? bt tor on ah I..V-UU1 Ijlvery filnblo. rpilg undersigned bgs leave to Inform tbe pub L lie that he ic now fully prepared loeonnln mo dule all iu tb. way of furnishing Horses, Uugglca, u.,1,11.. and Ilarneaa. on the shortest notice aud reasonable terms, ltesldenca on liocust street, between 1 bird and luiirth. .. ur;ii. iv. uDAiiuani. Jlcarflald, April 11, lT. JJ V. T.1GLER & CO. have for sal CARRIAGE & WAGOS WOODS, SHAFTS AND TOLE9, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, Ao. Carriage and Wsgon VaVerc should msbc a nets of this snd call and alanine them. They will ba fold at fair prices. may" " JOlt HALE! A large and well. finished Brirk Dwelling, situ ate on the river bank, in tha borough ol Clear Del.l, containing eleven rooms, with good cellar, water in Hie kitohen, end all the modern conve niences. P.ntrles, llalh room, Clohes presses, Aa. IM slaty feel front and twe hundred and thirty leet baek. with a twenlv foot alley oa the east side, baid bailding, with all the appurleaaooes, will be sold cheap, wilh payments to suit purcha ser. Applleation oan be made to Ibe under signed, or to A. C. Tate, Rsq , who will give all aeeeesary Information to thoea who deslic to In- spect th. property. Tuog j McCijIjLol.GI Nsy list, l7, tf. K AD THIS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The attention ot the oitlseni of CleirfUld nrj vicinity is directed to th fttet that Uoodfcllow A Son are tha air cots of M. Niece A Co., and have just reoeUed a half doscn ear loads of Flour and Fend, which they offer at tbo lowest possible Dg urea. A largo stock of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLO IB, BRAN, Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Corn In car, Ac, Ac. rariloulur attention is called to M. Niece A Co.'a brand of Family Flour, which ie the best ia tba maiket. - Flour and Feed can and will be cold cheaper than it oan ba obtained elsewhere in Clearbeld county. , CoTStore on Market street, neat door to Hon. Alexander Irvin'c residence. GOODFKLLOW A SON. jaolOtf Agents for M. Niece A Co. Beale's Embrocation, (LATB POWILL'g,) For all dlssases Incident to Horses, Cattle, aad Human Fleeh, rec,-trlng the asa of aa external application. Tbls Embrocation waa eitsnsively used by tlse Movernment during the war. For sale by Hartswick A Irwin, Clearfield Joseph H. Irwin, Curwenevills. Daniel Uood- ander. Latbersburg. sr. Attention, Lumbermen ! TTE are now manufacturing our IMPROVED Sl'KKL - tOCKET DRIVINU CANT IIOUKS, inferior to any other In aac. Wc hava also in Block a large quaulity of Caotnooks suita ble for rafting purposes, which we are selling ibeap for cash. AMOS H. KENNAKD. Clearfield, I'a., March II. 1871. QUNSMITIIING. G. W. WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. Shop en Third street, over Kilty's blacksmith shop,, PA. All kinds of Rifles and Shot duns on hand. Repairing dona ia a firrt-ejass planner and at fair s ices. 3:2'73 T. M. ROBINSON & CO., n Ainur.its, Dealers la Harness, Saddles and Bridles, BLANKETS, BRUSI1ES, Fly NoU, Collars, Wbips, io. A large stock of TROTTINfl OOODd of all deserlptions. Also, a large stock of HARNESS TRIMMINGS. Jtfy-Repairlng promptly attended to. Shop on Market street, Graham's Row, In shop formerly ocoupied by Jauies Alexander. Clearfield, Ta., June JS, 187S. tTEVENSON & CO'. 8 EXCELSIOR BAKERY, MARKET 6TRLET, CLEARFIELD, PA- Having reeeutlv rllted op anew Bakery, and procured the eervleea of a firet-elass Baker, we are prepared to furnish . FRESH BREAD. ROLLS, CAKES, &C. every dny. Mc will deliver Bread, Rolls, Cekcs of ail kinds, frcih every morning, at the doors of our ountomert. If desired. Wo respectfully so. licit a share of public petn.nege, and feel sure that we een give entire satisfaction. We aire keep on hand a choice assortment of CANIHUi, NlIT.-i, 0UANUES, LEMONS, TO BACCO, CtiiAlU, Ao, Freeh FR I' ITS and VEGETABLES received .tally and sol.) at rraaoaable prioee. r'r"h OYRTEltS, In seaeon.bvtheeaaorquart. ICH CRHAM alwaye oa hand. Giveusacnll. We strive In please. Aug. o,lH7-tf. STEVEhiSUN A CO. The eldest and most reliable institution for oh tslniog a Mercantile Education. For Circulars write to P. DI FF A SONS, ootlMt Pittsburgh, Pa. CIALTION. All persons are hereby eantloned J not to meddle with the following property t A train of black horses, double sat of harnees, one two-horse wagon and one log sled, now in the possession of Joseph M. Lueaa, as theaaid prop erty belongs to me and is left with him only oa loan, euhleot to sny order, aetlt-it THOMAS KEILLT. REMOVAL, REIZENSTEIN ti BERLINER, wholesale dealers In (JEMS' llRMSHIVG GOODS, Have removed to I AT Ohareh etiwet, between franklin anal White Ms.,' New York. , Url'n It TPROVED SCHOOL BOOKS. The attention of Boards of Education, Superin tendents and Teachers is invited to tbe following APPROVED SCHOOL BOOKS, PUBLISHED BY - E. H. BUTLER &, CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA, nn UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED EY TUB CONVENTION OF DIRECTORS, HELD AT CLEARFIELD, JUNE 1, 1813, For tha uw of Public Schools of Clearfield Co. Also, by tbe STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION for all the Pul.lie Schools in tbe State of Vermont by tba Boards of Kduoation of New York Clly, Philadelphia, Lancaster, Heading, HuutingJon, .. iiollidaysburg, and many ether prominent towns and cities. MITCHELL'S NEW GEOGRAPHIES, The Standard Series of America. ALWAYS UP WITH THE TIMES naraiL iaicisi Mitchell's First Lessons in Geography. 60 Mitchell's New Primary Geogr.iphv. 4to-.... SO Mitohell's New Intermediate Geography, eto 1 80 Mitchell'e New School Geography 4 Atlas.. I bl Mitchell's New Physical Ueogral.hy 1 tt Mitchell's New Outline Maps anu Key, small eeries, on rollers, net ,.,lo 00 Mitchell e New Outline Maps and Key, large eertea, aa rollers, net. ,,.10 00 THE NEW AMERICAN READERS ASD SPELLERS, The Latest and Handsomest Serios. TI1K BEST AND CHEAPEST SERIES New American First Reader. 1 Saaoaar ...20 New American Second Reader, ...SO New American Third Reader, aid ...i t New American Fourth Render, ...CO New American Fifth Reader, J Mar ...00 New Amerlean Primary Spoiler 20 .lew American Pronouncing Speller so NEW rCHLI'.'ATIONS. The lfew American Etymology 00 Oxford Junior Speaker 7o Oxford Senior Speaker ....1 60 Copies can ba obtained apon the most liberal terms for introduction, by application to the pub lishers, or to D. W. PROCTOR, Agent, ' Huntingdon, Pa. ,15fr-Correspondcnee with Teachers and Direct ors oordlelly invited. septl0-:im JOOK AND READ I SADDLE & HARXESS MAKIG! JOHN 0. HARWICH, Markot St., CLEARFIELD, Va., Is the man to go to If yon want a aet of new HARNESS or a oew SADDLE, or anything else in that line. 11c torus out as good work as is done in any shop in Pennsylvania, and his prices are very reasonable. Constantly on band a full lino of TKOTTING GOODS, suet as Trotting fuddles, Quarter and tSbin Roots, Trotting Rollers. Whips, Fine Rruslieaaud Combs, Ao. A fine assortment of Nits, More borers, Kncs Blankets, Boffrtlo Kulies, e., Aan kept in season. In faot anything tliat borseoieti stand in need of Is always oa band. All of which will U k.14 at wholesale or retail at the wptj fairest rates. Hepalring prumptly atUnded to. All work cnaranteeU. Sbop la room former! occupied aa Foal Office, April 0, 178. KRATZER & LYTLE Titrpentino, Paints, I Oils, J V.I Is, Glass, Putty, WILL BELL YOU French, Richards & Co.'s Buck Lead AND Calcined Plaster VERY CHEAP. Immense stock on hand, Clearfield, Pa., June 4, 1871. CHEAP GKOCEKIKSI LV wliKR CITY, PA. Tha undersigned annotjnors to bis old friends and pntrnns that be hs opened a good line of (IMOCKKlliS A PKOV1HIONS at the old stand of Kirk A Spencer, for which he Mteit a Irheral Lumlrer City, Pa., Uaroh 20 tf. OOT AND SHOE MAKIA'G, J0SKP1I If. PFKRINU, oa Market street, In Shaw's Row, Clearfield, Pa., has Just received a tine lot of French Calf tklas aad Kips, th, hsst in th, aaarket, and Is now prepared In man afactara everything In hie line, lie wiH war rant his work to be as represented. Tha eitiseas of Clearfield aad tlelalty ar, respectfully invited to give hlax a oall. Work dona at short notice. Mt"7 WlIiLIAll M. HENRY, Jiwirt or thr Piin AnSrRivia, LUMPER CITY. ColtemUont snade and money promptly paid orer. Artie 1st of agreement and dreds of eon? cyan neatly oxeeatrd and warnuited mr reet er ae ebassje, byS'7l grualstru. ANNOUNCEMENT; Of" TUB GREAT " REDUCTION OF PRICES f BT . PORTER SHAW, D. D. ( IMPORTANT TRUTHS) Baring succeeded la getting a lighter tariff sa material, henoa tha lose and eieo'erahs charge for partial and fail acts of Testh. I asa tbe best manufacture of teeth and other material. All operations registered and warranted to give aar ytoe and aatlslaotion. ' Friends, reflect that my charges for the In ear. lion of artificial and tha eavlag of tha natural teeth are now the most reaeonable in Penneylvanla. Preserve Tour Ueth aod yon preaerye your health. rutting ol la, natural teem so a aeaisoy, prw aerrativaand uneful condition is made a specialty. Discuses and mailormaiionseommon soiue movin. law and aasooiate parte, are treated and eorreeloof with fair suooass. Eaaminatioaa and coosuita tlont raasr. It would bo well for patients from a dietaaca to let ma know by mail a few daya before coaling to tha offiee. It Is rery Important that children between tha age of six add twelra years sbo.ld hava theU liMith eiatnined. . ... Anesthetics are admlnlsUr.4 and Teeth rs moved wilhont pain. Dispositions and chapter are Judged hy all the world by the expteeeiotti of the face, bene how very disastrous may It therefore be for par. ...... .. .n ......aalna of distorted features. Discuses and malfortnntionseommon t even ana4 from a hygienic view. Now, to enjoy natural (aat nrllhoial) oomlotta ana p.e...., resnoct and obey natural simplicities and instinct. .. n .. u ,1 . U, n V, 11 p. runiiip. c ri " , . v Oflca la New Maaoaie Building, Beeoad street, Clearfield, Pa. may is I DENTAL CARD. H. A. il. HILLS Would set to bis out leu ti and the pvb- lie Kvnerallr, tb,t n'fg di (solved partnership with Dr. Kb aw. he is n.w doinr tbt entire work of his office himself, to that patients ned not fea beins; pat onder tUt hands of any other operator ... a I a. stn 1Jr'ls I,nVy Liearneiu marca v itfj-iuviHuijiu J. M. STEWABT, D, D. S,, Offloe orer Irwln'f Drug Btora CrRWENSVILLU, PX. All dental operations, either In tha mechanical or opera tire branch, promptly attended to and satisfaction pruaranteetl. Hpeoial attention paid to the treatment of diseases of the natural teeth. sums and mouth. Irrpsrularity of tbo teeth suc cessfully corrected. Teeth i traded without pain by too use or Ktner, ana artinetai taetn lnscnrej of the boat material and warranted to render tat is fact ion. nril.WTMy rjpUE illTCnELL WAGO tor Farm, Freight and Plantation Ub t'nivensliy known ai tb ORIGINAL KACINE WAG OX. Made by experienced workmen out of as jrood material as money oan bar. We do not claim to build tbo lowed priced Wagons, but oar aim is to build a wII proportioned wagon in all Its parts, and excel io durability and lirht draft. For the past quarter of a century tbe Mitchell Wagon haa succe-stuily maintained tbe reputation of being tbc boat wagon in use. 1 tie rapidly increasing demand fcr ihim pro res tbeir superiority overall othor wagons. Mitchell, Lewis A Co., UiAnutacturers, Uaclnt, Wiiconsin. t or sale by TIIO. RETLY, Aug. 6, 18V1. Cleartield, I'a. XTEW LIME KILN I ll NEAR I'UHWEIX'SVJLLE. The undersigned would rcatmolfuily aolify ttl persons interifted that be has juH ereclpd a new Lime Kiln, In Hiko township, and will keerp oa band a first -das quality of Gray Litae, which will be furnished to Urtners, buildor and otucrl tt IA cents per bushel, caab, at the kitn. IlOlt bAI,Ka The indersigned ofTerfl for Side a ralualilo town property in tbe borough ol Clearfield. Lot 8 fill hi Ret, with a good two story plaok house t hereon erected, with three rooms down stairs and four bed rooms up stairs. Also, sewing roous and batu room on eeoouu floor. House fin ii hud complete from ecllar to at tie. Good douMe ptirt h and good water. Priee rea sontlie and payments easy. 2tailg73 nal. Jtl. JJOLLLLULUU. C LEA FIELD ACADEMY, malr di:partme:t. TUB PAT.T, TERM of fourteen weeks will ooiniueooe MONDAY, SEFTKMHR 8tb. 1873. Termt of Tultioo Reading, Writing, Mental and Written Aritbuttie, Urnmmar, Ueography and History. $9 6 Natural Philoatiphy, Physiology, and Sin gle Entry Hook-Keeping IS 00 Fur Instructions tn Double Kntry Dook-kr-epmgandCouiraercial A rithmetio, ipe . einl terms to be arranged. The undersigned baring charge of (W Male Department is an experlunfred toucher. He is a graduate of Iron City Couinereial College, and haa had several years' practical experience as an accountant. He is prepared, on moderate terms, to gtresoch instructions in Penmanship and Rook-keeping aa are usually obtained only at Commercial Cullcgee or In actual business, i'orpariiculan respecting the to huo I apply to aug27tf R. M. Mr EK ALLY. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRL CLEARFIELD, Pi. rpng FALL TERM of fourteen weeks, w!t JL eommenoe Monday, Feptcuber 1st, 1873. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Writing,niject Left sons, Primary A rithmetio and Primary Geography- ..,. u $7 00 History, Local and desoriptiTo Geography with Map Drawing, Urammar, Mental and Written Arithmetic H. 9 00 Algebra and the Sciences..... t 11 00 Instruction In instrumental masie. 10 00 Oil painting, 24 lessons 11 00 Was work S 00 For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield, Aug. 9, 1873. 8 T:70-y The Bell's Run Woolen Factor)', Penn townnbip, Clearfield Co. HIIBNEP (IIITI BURNED UPJ The subscribers hare, at great expense, rebuilt m neighborhood necesiity, in the erection of a first c1as Woolen Manufactory, with all tbe modern improvements ettarhed, and are urtMiemi to mnka all kinds of Cloths, Casatmerss triuUnetts, blan kets, Flannels, do. Plenty of foods on hand to supply all otirold and a tttouaaud new oustomort whom we ask to come and examine our stock. Tbe business of CARDING AND FfLLINO will recti re our especial eltenfio. Proptf arrangements will be made to receive and deliver Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted amd done upon the aborteat notice, and by strict aften tioo to bualness we hope to realise a liberal sbara of public patronage. IO,(MH POUNDS WOOL WANTED! We will pay the highest market rke for Wonf and sell our manuftioturnd goods as low as similar goods nan be bought la the county, and whenever we fall torndr rentonnble satisfaction we eaa always be found at borne ready to make nronae explanation, either In person or by letter, tpriltotf Rower pX S TOBB 110USB AND 900D3 AT - ' PRIVATE SALE. W. i. Plekey k Pee offer their entlra stock af BlerS (loods, in (lien Mope, at private aale. They also offer their Hons, for aala ae mi suit pnrrhasera. The goods will be sold aa the, are oa the shelves cheap, and on easvWas 1, a . l ..... ; ' '. . .. .......7pF.i,ainn a,. in, iay will a, cold at cost. Rare bargains can he bed la Dry Uooda, Notione, Doola aad Hnoee, Hardware, (Jlasswara, and in fact all klada of goods, if not sold antll October let., th.v will biotfrred at auction every flaturday antll all are disposed of. Ihe Heaee ie the best in (lien Hope, and doing a good boetneae. Th. ill health of If. B. Dickey is th, cans, for selling. Call on or address . , .w. a, lcKlir tout. .p, tt n, im-m.