I ? r.l': y.vjj "!! i'l; li t ,f :i t,:r I: Kit ) .. .1.'. i' ' i ' it , :, I i if if' . Mi! (I 5 ! ' 1 v.,: :i:-i m N't!!' :i .i! t! 11 3k pttMuan. GEORGE B. GOODLANDER, - VMTUll avd paopmiTOR, . j CLEARFIELD, Ta. WKDXESDAT MORNINO, OCT. 19, I87S. i Ulnsalhned Spirit. The political economist who pro idc8 over the columns of tho Osceola JtcveilU eeems to bold aomo antipathy siguinst our county prison. Well, there are no doubt otbers liko bim. I' it a torror to ovil doors gonorally. Tbe bigh taxes troublo bimwondor fully, too. A glance nt tbe duplicates rovoaU the fuct that he has paid with in tho past tbroo years two dollars and sixty cents county tax, and when .discounted averages about oighty-two cants a year. If his otbor taxes are .'high hb should lay tho blamo "at tho right ofllco door," and not insinuate that the County Commissioners and tho Assessors are tbe authors of high taxes. If yonr borough, road, sohool and poor taxos aro high, treat it as a question of your own household and quit growling about those who have no control over tho question. 150 fair . in a business way if possible. Fur tbor on in bis growl he remarks : "In defonce of our position we will cite to ono tract of land, which has como under our notice, aod which will serve for all purposes. It con tains four hundred and odd aoros, and the Mo. ebannon eroek divides it equally, one half in Clearfield county, the other in Centre : In IS7Q the portion on tho Clearfield sido was taxed '6.03 and in 1871, (41.62, although lu tho Interim tho rate had boon reduced and the pine taken off. In consideration of the pine being taken off, a re- duetinn in valuation WAR olaiuicd,'ard after some difficulty, obtained. Had the timber been per mitted to remain on it, ai waa the ease with otbor traoti dote by, the valuation would not have been reduced, nnd taxation would have quad rupled from 18711 to 1871. In the satne time, the Usee paid on the one half of this traot lying in Centre oouoty waa tit.H in 1870, and in 1371, SJ.68." That is a business statement, but it roust bo enlarged beforo it can be dobated intelligently. Now, if the editor will give us the name of tho warranteo of tho ahovo tract of land nnd say frankly what tho land was worth per acre in tho winter of 1871 and what it is worth now, wo will go to tho troublo of examining tho rcc ords and soo who has been imposed upon. We aro no advocate of high taxes, but wo will go as far as any in dividual can go to assist in bringing about equality in taxation. Again, the abovo comparison bo twecn tbe tax rates in Centre and tbis county is no ovidonco that the Asses or and Commissioners of Centre countv are right or ours wrong. If tho ofllcors in the former county eco fit to assess but 85 per tract on un soated lands, that is no reason that the officers in our county should do the s.tmo thing, because it might raise a very serious question bolwoon tho seated land owners and the officers, if (brought to the notico of tbo former, which would bo altogether likely. ' Tho individual is a fool who seeks to bring about bigh taxation, but quite the reverso in striving to produce squnlily. Again the editor says: "There U no one who peye Uxei so dnmb ai not to aee that tbe increnso in the valuation, th'o the rates are reduced, ia greatly adding to thoir taxei; and the attempt of the Commission re u hoodwink tbe tax payer, gaio ore.dit fur themselves and shift the responsibility upon tbo assessors, Is too transparent VTe know tl.e editor to bo a rood printer and gonorally a pretty sliurp fellow, but when ho gets into tho as sessing and taxation business ho is cut of bis elcmont. Tho abovo quo tation proves this. When tho, County Commissioners, School Directors, Su pervisors or Overseers of tbo Toor, proceed to ley thoir unnual tux rato, tbe assessment Is asccondnry consider ation. How much money do wo wantf That is a proper and tho first inquiry to muke. ftomobody says $2,000. It is agroed to. Second, now, what is the aggregate vulue of the property in tlx) county, or township, or tho bor ough of Osceola J Somebody again says $173,000, in tho lattor. The third and lust question, and the ono which makes either bigh or low taxes, no JiiTcrenee how high or bow low tho propot ly is assessed, is the number of mills. Tbo mills and the amount of money required Is what rogulittee tho question. But to tbo point. ' Will ton mills raise tho necessary amount of money f asks ono. Another remarks, ao, that will only give us 81,7U0.OO and leave us short $270.00, put on two wills more and wo will havo a lilllo over, making $2,070.00; bottoralitllo too much than not enough. . We again say, it makes no differ enco what the value of tbe property is flxod at, tbe sum needed and tho mills laid regulate tbo subject. And in that light it must be viowed. And if so, then the abovo extract is falla cious in fuct and unfair toward the Commissioners, and looks liko either ignoranco or malice on the part of tbo .Author. Hut give us tho valuo of the tract Inetioaled above and we will try and elucidate the point between Centre and Clonr6eld. . He SriAKS. Exl'rosidcnt Johnson lias boon sojourning in Washington for several woeks past, looking aftor bis 178,000, which Jay Cooko 4 Co. gobbled up. Ho was sorenaded one night last weok by his numerous .friends in tbo National Capitol, and as usual mado a speoch, and in bis ro ciorka be scored "tbe government" and tbe Crodit Jlobiliers and Salary grahbors most effectually. Those pub linans think the epoech in bad taste. Itomarktiblo, that a Mobilior or grab ber should talk about taste, after what 'h,'.V (IV d'ine. The lHitoor Oath. Aa tbe assessing season approaches, we dop;u it but proper that tbe rela tion between tho assessor and tho tax payer should be kept before nil. Too many persons aro prone to abuse this officer without knowing what his du ties are or tho obligations bo has as sumed. Wo therefore lay the oath beforo our rondors which each Asses sor and assistant Assessor must take bofore entering upon his official duties. Tbis document reads as follows : Clnrfltli Count), ss . ' You dosoleuinly swear or affirm that yon will sup port the Constilotlon of the United States and tbo Constitution of Pennsylvania t that you will.ne As sessor foryour borough or lownship.use your ut most diligonoe and ability to discover and asoertain all the property, real and personal, within your dis trict, and all otlier objects suhjoot to taxation by the laws of this Commonwealth, and take an ao ourate account of tho some; aud that you will Justly and honostly, to the best of your judgruont, assess aud value every separate lot, pieoa or tract of land, with the improvements thereon, and all personal property made taxable by too laws ol this Cominouwraltb, within your boroushor town ship, at the rate or price which you shall, altor auo examination ena oonsiiforntion, nou.ve ine B'tiuo would sell for, If sold singly anil separatoly at a 6oitn fttt sale, after full public notice) and thut you will rate all oflloua and posts of profit, trades and occupations, at what you shall believe to be the actual yearly income arising therefrom ; and that you will pcrfuln your duty as Assrssorof your said borough or township, with honesty and fidelity, according to the laws of this common wealth, without fear, favor or atlvotiou, hatred, malico or ill-will. Lot those, who aro uncharitable enough, and who aro constantly find ing fault with the Assessor and bis work, read this outh and then ask thomsolves this question : "How much more correctly would I have discharged this obligation had it been enjoined upon mo V ISofleut. Tbsttv IlEAVY.Tho United States Grand Jury, at Pittfburgh last week, found three true bills against cx-Post Mastor Stowurt, of thut city. Ono is for cmbozslomont, another for forg cry and tho third for perjury. Wo should say that is piling it on pretty well. There is no doubt of bis guilt, but will bo ever be tried f Wo say no. Tho Administration daro not try Its big criminals. It has let too many such cases pass without a trial, nnd to try the bravo Col. Slowitrt., who has so faithfully served his country, would raiso a fuss in the loyal family. Had ho defrauded the government out of $200 or less bo would be pro nounced a rascal and sent to the pen itentiary, but as ho bus successfully Btolon $10,000 ho is a gentleman and will of course escape. If bo is conviclod ho will be pardoned, because of bis liberal payment into the Radi cal corruption fund to eloct Ilurlranft and Grant, who first robbed and now arrest him for .larceny, becauso ho was trying to mako himself whole. M AONirict.scg Tujiihuno. Until within a year no single individual in the "Great West" hud more influcnoo and carried a higher bead than United States Senator Pomeroy. Now bo is shot at, by bis old friends, and bis property confiscated, becauso bis by pocrisy is exposed and his villainies aro being dovelopcd. Tbo "Christian Statesman" turns out to bo a numbor ono rogue, although he has over since 1S57 basked in tbo aToclions of emi nent loyalists and Bishops bavo knolt at his shrine and were subject to hi nod. Tho Atcheson (Kansas) Times, in alluding to tho downfall of this Kadicul apostle, snys : "The majrnificent fnrm of S. C. romsroy.tn tbis eounty, together with his lots In this eity, have been attached by the proper officers on suits brought by creditors at lopeka and eleswhere. una large item is said to no mat board bill 01 last winter. Tho "boarding bill" alluded to is the ono bo contracted last full when try ing to briho the Kansas Legislature and whilo counting down to Senator York $7,000 for bis vote. 1 he lMii'EttKNCE. ilio oaiuial re turns show that Ludlow, our nonii neo for Supremo Jurigo, ran about 0,000 votes ahead of Hutchinson, our norolnco for Treasurer, whilo Gordon, tho Hadical nomineo for Judge, ran about 4,000 behind Mackcy, tbis milk ing tho mnjority of tho former only 11,192, whilo Mackcy's is 25,252. Thus proving that tho mora corrupt tho candidato tho more scit!ouly ho will bo supported, llartritnfl last October bad a mujority of 85,027 over Bockiilcw, and Grant's in November was 137,728. If the Democrats keep moving on in this way until next full the "Pennsylvania Dutch" will piny tbo Ohio game on their Radical op ponents. Tub Bank (Juchtiok. A Wash- ington despatch says s "Nearly every oone;rssidna who arrives here baa a bill In his pncn-t to bo ofli-red as soon as oongreas meets, whtnb be regards m a, sovereign panacea for all the financial troubles. Hcarealy any two of thcin agree as to the measures that should be ndopled. It Is evident that tho na tional hanks will have a hard time of It at the approaching session, as thore is a. very strong feeling agaisst them. Of course tlvir friebds will runke a stubborn flc-hl." As there wcroubotit 110 bank Pres idents and Dircotors in tho last Con gress, wo preeuaio there w III be a suf ficient number in the next Congress to tuko caro of No. 1. What a National shame 1 How naturnl that they will do just asOukes A meg did, pluco their money by thoir own votes "whoro it will do the most good," as that patriot remarked. Ohio. Tbo Democrats of tho Huck eyo Stnto havo covered thomsolves all over with glory. Thoy havo elected tbeir Governor and a majority of the other Sluto ofllcors, and havo carried both branches of tho Legislature, thus securing a United Slates Senator for six yours. Our frionds Lave also mado immense gains in Iowa, and induod in all tho Wostern Stales where elections bavo been bold this full. ' A Brace or Patriots A Wash Ington dispatch of the 21th says : Jef ferson Davis and Ben Butlor nrrivod in this oily In the same car from New York. It is said Davis avoided But ler, while tbo la'.lor showed no dis position to ronew theold acquaintance, aftor having volod Jeff fifty four times for Presidont in tbo Charleston Con vsMition iu 1SG0. State Vlrtllon itelurnt-Offlrtal. Tho following table exhibits tho of ficial vote east at the late election for Stato Treasurer and Supromo Judge : Treasurer. Snp'ma Judge a x f b I Pd w f p J I i Adams "" M1 I87 iU8 Allegheny ! 12IHV 80D 1S2S7 Armstrong Sl'SS 2MIU 41:14 Heaver....?. 21SU SdSli S107 172J Bedford 2iT0 J79H 2IIU1 Derks W 8H72 TW SKUD Ill.ir IW SOUS 'J3T5 Jlltl Bradford '"M 40.W 2wt 476K Ducks.. lU OIOW 6S llutler ' 36-111 2184 2i2 Cambria ' - 0 T( Sa.3 27t Camown 8 41 ' K7 I 4tl Carbon IVW7 llUi iOM Ceulr 2" 2547 W2 26:12 Chester 478 Mitt 4' Clarion .. " 1773 2640 ClesrGeld 'M l?i 2MS 174H Clinton fl 14o 14 144 Colombia 4 110:i 2(S" 1114 Crawford J8"1 402:i 3MII 4140 Cumberland "' ai6 U4K H'io2 Pauphin 62IU 84iio H"4 Delaware J7 3JUH SI 12 2!l Klk..". '-'I8 447 I2 44 Kri S""" lf.42 270K S817 Fayette M4 24 S2:t 002 Forest 2S7 ISO ZVH Franklin..... 32 8t5:i 80W4 3207 Foltoua " 811 - 4 14 Ureeno 240 1::. 2412 Huntingdon 2 2VHI' 2212 2U4I Indiana '"4 2oia 0I 2BiB Jefferson I61" lilKS 1407 2HUU Juniata 1 1 1 1'j 14411 1127 I.iincastor M 7'J3.'i 4717 8:108 Lawrence jsj:i 2t:t 2427 Lebanon 8377 2'lf. Sf.ll Lehigh 4ol aji4 4(t,;0 0?4 Luierne ";" 717 SS14 121 Lycoming 3173 3. ".I 3171 MoKean 2i 6-49 874 Mercer. '4 87.11 l)60 3.161 Mifflin I1 154r. 16:17 lil2 Montitouiery 1 71 6S17 Monroe .... " 407 1(I7 420 Mi.imr. ........... 31 1611 1320 S2I TVorihamiiton. 40.14 m 40IS 220D Northumberland... "'"4 S27.! :!7 Jo7 Verry '21C fo,i 221.1 2(90 Philadelphia. 34281)1 0uHI 427! (1867 !;': 4V(j 128i 4"8 134 Potter 4Ji kUl 628 C23 Boliuylkill. TIT1 70sl Till I 0?4 rlnvder- J' 1744! 1167 1784 Somerset K34 2316' 1161 23.13 Sullivan 734 3V3 733 4U.I Ft'suuehanaa....... 174j 24S6 1742 2.M17 Ti'.ga HH S6I7! 1371 S64t lnion. 11461 1072 1"23 1822 Venango 226i 237j 322V 2120 Tarron 1S2 178j 1067 1b2H Wanhington 4(Ut 4l'l.1 411'3 Wayne 16l 1K01 10(11 Westmoreland 4767 8s.lt), 4712 St74 Wyoming Hit U.W 14..2 1162 York 24 37101 6230 S742 Totals 21D471 244723 I225V4I 240133 MJority 2656:11 1 141H The Pretaillng Prosperity I Tho Grant lenders last full promised the poople unbounded prosperity and tho laboring classes bigh wages and constant omploymont should they re elect their idol Grant. If Greeley was elected they said the finances would be disturbed, banks would sus pend, manufactories would stop and the laborer bo left without oniploy- mcnt, etc. Wall, Grant was elected What is the stato of tho case to-day ? But ono year has elapsed, and such are tbe news items, found below, which are given in every daily paper wo pick up. W li a I'd tho matter! Owing to the present condition of financial afluirs, the Ivanhoe paper mill of I'alcrson, N. J., has been closed and 125 persons are thus thrown out of etnployinont. For thosamo reason work on tho Kaston and Am boy Kuil road will be discontinued. Hostok, October 24. Tbo Atlantic mills at Lawrence closed last evening for the remainder of the week, and will run only four dnvs In tho week, for the present. Tho nail mills of tho Bay Ktuto iron works havo suspended operations, and 200 men bavo bcon discharged. New YortK,Octobor24. Tho World says : A gonlloman recently rolurned from Connecticut rcprcsonts manufac turing interests in that Hi nib as in an unforlunnlo condition. From 15,000 to 20,000 operatives and factory hunds had already been thrown out ol cm ploy mo nt. Tho rato of wngos of tho luborors in the Pcmsylvania ilui.road depots bus boon reduced 1-1 per cent. At lor don's cool works. Kdguwond station, an order was issucu on vteuncsuity dincharging all unmarried men. The married mon thun livid a meeting and proposed to work liiilt time if the tin married men woro ullowcd to remain, hut the nrooosition was roioctod bv tho employers, and tho mon wcro turned udrill. The Tcmplo Iron Works, of Berks county, have decided to blow out their furnace at tho Tcmplo station on tho Kast Pennsylvania Kuilroad, in the courso of a week or ten days. Their mining operations bavo oonscd, and somo ou men nave in consequence bcon thrown out of employment. A general stagnation of lbs iron trade is the roason unsigned. 'J ho manager 01 the Lnmbria iron works, Johnstown, announce thoir de termination to keep tho mills and furnaces iroing nil winter if possible, and to pay in full In cash as long ns it can be obtuincd. Tho orders for thir manufactures bavo fallen off largely sinco tho financial uornm'crnciils uu gnn, and jut now no new ones are coming in. Jt worm, incy eay, 00 to tho advanlngo of tiio company to close tli 0 mills al onco, but as this would I'iro w a vef y luriio number of men out of employment, and remit inevitably in great suffering, it will not be uono until absolutely necessary. Failed. Tho Great Western Iron Works, at Brady's Bond, Armstrong eounty, have failed. The linmenso business of the firm is brought to a stand still, llundrods of families are left in a dnsliluto condition, without employment and means to livo througd the winter, Such news are certainly not very refreshing to business mon or to tho laboring classes. Tin Shame or the Kakt. Tho Pittsburgh Leader says : "Tbo Now York and Philadelphia banks ought to be coinpollod to resumo enrroney pay ment, as nearly nil the other banks of tho country have already dono. Thoir plea that they are unablo to do so, la ullorly without warrant. Thoy can easily do so if they will, and if thoy do not soon do it, peoplo will begin to suspect indeod somo sua. pool already that they nro making money out of thoir own suspension, nnying out loan certificates for their honest debts antl loaning out the cash of depositors at high rales of interest. Thoir conduct Is disirraccful to thom- selves and Injurious to tho country. inoir failure to pay is too great re maining ombarrassmont lo vho busi ness ol the countrv at present. 1 We don't think the people will stand, this iol V of thing much longer, . Slate OOlctat. Tbo Warren Itdgcr, publised At tbe homo of the Auditor General of tbe Stale, says t " "Gen. Harrison Allen, the great Auditor-General, left bis office to dis tribute monoy in the Intorcst of his brother, and to sink himself below any ordinary standard of manhood, to quarrel on tbo streets with those op- fioscd to him. Ho openly boasted that le camo homo to fight tho Ledger and Cant. B. II. Davis. And although ho holds tho office of Auditor-Gunorul of this groat Stato, bo lias debased him self us but few men would think of do ing. Ho is a vilo blackguard, and an open violator of tho luw, which says tho books of the trcasnror, in his ofllco, shall be open to inspection atoll times, and when applied for they won ro ftisod. And he admitted on our strcots that, they wore not in shape for private or public inspection. This much fur tho groat Harrison Allen, Audi.or General. . It shows that position does not make the man ) and it shows tow much un ingrato and a blac kguard can dubaso a high ofllco. Tbo people aro beginning to lourn." I ' Our roaders will recollect that aVoot three weeks beforo tho lato election a number of gentlemen repaired totbo ofllco of tho Auditor-General at liar risburg, for tho purposo of examining tho publio records, but tho head officbr being absont in Warren county trying to elect his brother to tbo Assembly, tbo books could not be seen. Tbe ar ticle from the Ledger gives tho key to tho question. The Allen's are run ning 'Warren county Harmon is Auditor-Gcnoral, his brother George is Chief Clerk in that ofllco, and his brother Jumes hns just been olectod lo tho Assembly. Tbcso fellows havo also throe nephews in the Treasury Dopartmont at Washington. But, thon, they aro only imitating the Granl-l'ont family. Thanksgiving i'rotlamatfou. Washington, Oct. 14. Tbo follow ing proclamation hns been issued : '1'I.a .....nnLinM i.ln.t ei n . f t tl 1. . a UU .'l VUU1.I kudu VI flMirv."" year brinus with it tho occasion lor renewed thanksgiving una acknowl edgmont to tbo Almighty Buler of tho universe of the unnumbered mercies He bits bestowed upon us. Abundant harvests have been among tbo towards of industry. With local exceptions health has beon among the blessings enjoyed; .tranquility at borne and pcaco with other nations havo prevail ed. Frugal industry is regaining lis merited recognition und Its merited re wards-craduitlly under tbo providence of God surely as wetrust. The nation is recovering, trom llio liitjzcnng re sults of a dreadful civil strife For tbcso and all tho other mercies vouch safed, it becomes us as a people to re. turn heartfelt und gratelul acknowl edgmcnt, und with our thanksgiving for blessings wo may unite in prayers tor the cessulion ol local and tempo. rary sufferings. I thcreforo recom mend thut on Thursday, November 2 1 tli, tho pcoplo moot in their rcspoct ivo ,pliioe of worship to make their acKiiowledgmonts lo Almighty Uod for His bounties und His protection, and offer to Him proyors for thoir continuance. . - In witness whereof I have set my hand and caused the seal of the United Stutcs to be affixed. Dune at the Cily of Washington tbis 14th duv of October, If . 3, andol tho in dependence of the United Statu the niuoty-suvcnth. U. s. ukaa i. By the President. Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State, .flr on Jlorlon. Within a week after tho iiomina tion of Hon. William Allen by the Democrats for Governor of Ohio, that corrupt and rotten Kadicul leader, Senator Morton, of Indiana, was sent into the State for tho purposo of libel ing the old patriot, whom be termed "Bill Allon, of antiquity." The par. alyzed dobuueher should bo tho last man to talk about decrepitude. Gov. Allen, a week nfter, in alluding to Morton, made this damaging retort: "This vciy man Morton, when he was brought boloro tho people, had not tho power to Stand on his feet bo fore tho people. Lnnghlor Tho commllteo helped liim up ironical cheers, and when llicy got bim tip they hud to set him in nn armchair, and bud to fumble and hunt up an old manuscript that ho had concocted in tho doep darkness of some midnight, and read it there, and called it. a spoonl). Laughter Do 1 look like a man T Loud appluuso, drowning the speakor's voico completely Am 1 furulyzed from my hips downf Laughter There are two kinds of Influences which wear away human lifo. One is tho silent, constant wear and tear of litno, thut takes the man beyond "that bourno from wbenee no traveler returns," which disorganizes ull orgnnized things, and resolves mutter hack into its pristino condi tion. Thero it nnotbor kind of influ ence, tkat bringH on ago nnd dorcpi tude. Thero Is a vicioiid early lifu. Thero is a personal debauchery. There is moral and physical decrepitude which is brought on in individuals, and pnrulyaes thon from tho hips down. And yet tliis man comes a id tulks about my want of manly vigor." A Littm Liout Tho Democrats of the Susquehanna and Wyoming Assembly district olectod one of the members It. H. Littlo at the Into election, and lost the other by loss than 100 voles. When light begins lo shino in regions as dark as Susquo Irnntia oounty, thero Is evidence of a go nc nil break up In that benighted region. Tbo Hudical nominees In Bradford county only succeeded by a few votes. Why not Staik it Pboi'eblt 7 About a score of our last week's ox changes contained tho following sqnib: "The regular Democratic ticket, with the ri eeption nf ihe candidate for BherifT, has boon do fented In ClearBeld by an Independent Uomuoralio movement." . Aow, bad tbo editors in question remarked that about 400 disaittisfied Democrats united with tho liadioals and defeated tho regular nominoesfor Assombly and Trcusuror, they would have told the whole trulb. The Tiffin (Ohio) Advertiser figures op a Domocratio gain of 102,000 thus: In 1K03 Brough was oloctod Governor by 101,000 majority. In 1878 Allon is eluded Govornor by 1,000 majority, i a gain pf 102,000, Pielly gootl, ' U Sertre Arraignment. The late Liboral Itupublican Con vention of Now York was presided over by Col. Frederick A. Conkling, a brother of Sonator Conkling, and formerly an ardeut iiopublioan, and a warm supporlor of Grant when he was first ft candidato. The following extract from bis speooh upon assum ing tho chair of the Convention, ia ono of the most scathing reviews of tbe Jtadical party that we have soon for a long time, and only the moro sovoro bocttiiBO of its truthfulnoss : Whilo so many of tho early Icadors and soldiers of the Republican party have withdrawn from the scone, poli Il eal cowboys usurp thoir placos. Tho sutlers and cump-followois, they who thrivo by tho pillage of the slain, now publish themselves ns the mon who fought the battles. Venal men, mado rich by shoddy contracts and othor ex tortions, are high in favor, tho rcpre sontalivo men of the Grant Adminis tration, As might bo expected, cm- ber.r.lomonts,defulcations, and breaches of official trust havo bocomo matters of daily and almost hourly occuroncc. Hirelings ot tho credit .iiobilior, fos tering with corroption and covered with perjuries as tho begi.ur Lazarus was with sores load iu Congress and ii Council, and a isumnor is made to "ivo place to a Cameron. J he J udlct ury is prostilutcd. Tbo bench of the Supromo Court has been pinked to procure a majority Hint would dccluro un unconstitutional enactment consti tutional. Atrocious Judges like Du- rell, peculators liko Sherman, nnd Irtinkurds liko Dulahay are retained in tho positions which they dishonor No liarir or administration ever be foro so allied itsolf to tbo corrupt ver min that idlest high piuces, or has dieploycd such a preference for im proper persons to represent it in otiice. Tho worst cbargos ever brought against tho Tammany King aro oust into tho shndo by tho enormities ol mo Kings wuicu sustain anu are enricneu by the men in power In Washington. The local government of tho District of Columbia surpasses in prodigulily and inlumy tho outrages ot tho lam many gang in tho city of Now York. In a word, our country and its free in slitutions aro nt this momont in groat er dancer from the corruption w hich fiorvades every department ol the puo io servieo, and from tbo decay of pub lio and privute virtuo than they evor were in the darkost period ot the re bellion. Nor will thero bo reform in Government, in morals or in monetary affairs, while tho present Adminislruv tion remains in power. It would be hoping against hope to expect it. A prosperous country merchant has for bis motto, "Early to bed and early to rise never got tight, and advertise; let yonr warts be known if you are wise. 2)w gLdrertiscrafuts. sfYtPIIANS' COURT SALK By V virtue or an order of the Orphans' Court o! Cirarfleld oounly. there will be sold at pnMie sale, at the Court lloupc. In Clearfield, on SATf KDAT, November 22d, 1S73, at 3 o clock p. m., a oertain lot of ground, in the village of Houtsdale, Clear. Sold eouuty, late tbe property of James Burns, deceased, situated on the south-west eorner ol Mary street and Maplo alley, fronting 60 fast on Mary street and extending nack lie feet to Bear alley, known as lot No. 13" in plot of said bor. Tains. Ten per oeot. at sates one-half of In wbole sum at eouurmatlon, and the balance in sit saonihs, with interest to Im MMnrr! nn tbe premises. wens AY. 1IUKH3, KaccMlrii i All persons are bereby eautloned W against purchasing or msddling with tbe tor lowing property! Una yoke of red cattle, I red cow, 1 red and while cow, 6 bogs, I tons of hay in barn, 3 bee scans, SO dotens oats in tbe sheaf. as the said property belongs to ns aud is left with Sevan Ann Osbell, subject to onr order. eci2-3i Wjl.t). DlCKEf A BON. pXr-Cl'TOlW NOTICU. Notice is here 1 A by given that letters testamentary havfn been granted to the undersigned on the estate of MM UK I, MITCIICLL, deceased, late of Clrardrld, Clearfield eounty, Pennsylvania, all persons Indented to said estate are requested mike Immediate payment, and those bavin elaiios against the same will present then duly autueulicnted lor settlement. Mns. M. M. MITCHILL, J. t. WKAVKK, octSJ 61 Iieeutera. Edward E. Eyre & Son (Suoeefsors to ETRI A LANDKLL,) Fourth and Arch Streets, rhU.adclpb.la, csiLBas is FINE DHY GOODS, BLACK HII.K9, VIM HIUWLf, HEW RKDINOOTBS, CAXILS UAIR, KlANKETf, COl'NTKRPANKfl, eUKKTINflfl, oolSMI DAMASKS' NEW GOOD OFENI.VO DAILT. ' "WHANS'. COUHT SALE. I Durttiavncm of an onlrrof (he Orphan' Court fii uitrtrnria coaniy, tnro win ne riponfd to puo Mo nlf , on tho rremiiei, ? RATUKDAY, Nor. 9, u.-i, it io o'rlook . m.t ail tbal eortain wm. uablt tract of Hmw land, iiuir in Burniide towmhlp, Chftrficia oounty, Pa., bouni.ed ami d. (ttprilifd aa followit Ob tat aonh by land of Frederick 8h?tprd, on the eat by Innda of Jo srph Walls, on tho nouth by llnrrjr tirbrfnc and on lb went by the Hredar King farm, containing 150 icraa, moronr iVpi. with about la aoroi olaarod. th balance twin timber land, with a Largo amount of flna timber tbrraon. Tift Mi Tn par ont. of purobaio Bionoy at naloi ono-tMrd of tho whola al confirmation of alflp and tho balanoo In two equal annual pay tnvntB, with Inter!!, lo bo orurrd on tha praiuiaoa and by eol lateral ivourity, to bo aprnrti by tha Court. JKS8R M. 11 ARTKR, oot30 Adnilnlitrator of Edward King, doe'a. 4 UEW DEPAKTUBE! IV . r SOMEIllISa RKW Stone Cutters nnd Masons. A new firm, nnder tho nntne of William A fleorge Annal, bare started on their own hook In the Mono Cutting anil Htnne Mason business, in Cleatfleld, tttu-re they will be found at ail tiroes ready to tnko all eontraefs anil do all kinds of work in their line, from the boil, Hog or a Out Stone Mansion to the laying of a Cellar WelL All work entrusted to them will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. WILLIAM A tiKOUUsi ANNAL. OlsarOold, Oct. M, MM.-kui HTUAYi Came trespassing on the premises J of the suheorthrr, In llrady township, en or iM.ut the let of May last, on red Hull, with white face, supposed to he a year old last spring. Ihe owner is requested to oome forward, prove property, pay cherges and take him away, or he will be disposed of aceoviling to lew. PKKUKKICK SMILIY. tuthersburg, OoL 2, lb;j. 3l SfOBlilvKKPEUS, ATT KN TION I We desire to call your attention to onr eitenslva Commission hnsinrss nnd te our facilities for dis posing of sueb produce as onr eoueisjnore send ns. llarlng a large trade with oily stores, we are en abled to make quick returns, at full prices. Storekeeptrs having Chl'kens, flatter, Kggs, ar ether produce, will ds well te girt us trial. Where Urooeries are uken In lobaiife, so com mission will be obirgod. 8. Ik KIKR, BO!f CO, Wholesale Ampere and t'ommlssion Merchants, h. 190 Sfcrth Jhltd St., PkiltOtlpbia. nor 1 3; Wm. tt&'$ (foturan. A T COST AT COST! IMPORTANT TO CASH. BUYERS througloui the cuunt. I bavo this day Bold my stock of Notions, Millinery Goods and Gentlemen's Furu'uliing Goods to T. A. FLECK & CO., who will continue in the business. MY ETIUE STOCK OF DltfiSS GOODS, BIIAWLS, FLANNELS, C483IiIEUIiS, CARPETS, GENT'S IIAT8 & CAPS, LADIES' & CUILDKEN'S BIIOE3, o., 4o., WILL BE SOLD AT COST! This will he a jwiVi're Bale, as I havo mado other business ar rangements, to go into effect by January 20th, and The Stock Most be Closed Out by that tiino. YOU WILL GET BARGAINS! IV M. REED, Market Street, CLEARFIELD, PA; Nor'"br 1, 1ST jjfiv 3;t1vrrtU(mrnt5. IISU rilOCLAMATlUxN. loior ; nation bas been lodges! with me to the frte.it that obstructions, In the shape of Dams ana fish llaeketa hae been pleeea la toe cnanuoi vi tbe West llranoh of Ihe bJuequehraoe rter, within tbe bounds of ('le.rllelJ oouotj, contrary to the Aol of AssemblT 'rtlallng lo the proteotlon of daluion, II lack bass, and other Hit," approved tha a J lb da; of Mar, A. II. 1811. And the ob structions Indicated are said lo be located as fol lows i A Viae, Basket is kepi up M"Tinoher," h- Kerthaus bri'lgei auotber is looaieu ai we mouth of Hi Moahaanosi, while a daas has been plaoed ia the obannel below the "Ui Hitch.' Now, therefore, I, Justin 1. Vi, HhenlT of the eounty aforesaid, in accordanoe with Ihe lltb section of the said Act, hereby give notice and warning to the parties trespassing aa In J lea led, hel Ittcse obstructions nra liereoy uoeieraa 'miramnn Fiilsanoa." and thai the Dartles Sreot- na lliotn must remove tbeia within TKN DAY0 this date, or I will put the full penalty of the law in force. JUrTI.N J. PIE, Sheriff. bherlff's Office, Oct. J J, 1871. TTiRANK R1IOBT, of llio "Short I Shoe Hhov." alvee notice that he has re moved fruus Urahaui's Kow, on Market street, to neat door to tbe Allegheny lloltLon Market street, where Le is prepared lo maks and send BOOTS AND SHOES, tltcboil. sowed or peggesl, with the best stork the eastern market affords and at as reasonable prices aa they can lie bought for elsewhere, and where ha Is prsparsd to accommodate all his old custom ers sud as many new ones as may faror him with l sail. Thankful fur past favors, be would re- pecirully solicit a continuance vl weir patronage, .a, Diivni. Clearteld, October 12, lBlS. ouj E. A & W. D. IRVIN, COllNER STORE, OURWENSVILLE, PA., SBcsiva FLOUR AND SALT BY CAB LOAD, And sell at small dvDCs. II O 1 E BY TUB COIli, AND PACKAGE GOODS FOB LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES SOLD CHEAT. Angus! U, 1ST! M:TS J. M. KRATZER. ONI R A Rl.tiHT V LKS of Cassimeres, Ac. for Men and Hoys, at J. M. KHATZUlt'r. rpiiHi UE-PLV, Urussels, Inrraln and other psts, also, Boor Ull t lollis, at redtioed pnoes, at BEIT AHS41IITMKKT of Wall Paper erer offered in this riciolty. 10c to (I per piece. Due (ilt psper, etc., at J. M. KRATZb'll'S, THE MOST popular makes of Muslins, Sheet ings, Pillow Muslins, Ac, at a srall adrauco aooreoost, fay the piece, at J. M. KKATZLK b'. ATF.w ;tns, hkvt BTVI.KS, LARtiB 1 AriSOllf KENT, LOW PIlICK.all to bs found at . M. KRATZhll 8. TAIIIKM' 1)11 l'SH (;(MI)!4, In Ihe greatest J variety new spring shades newest and most deitraule elrles at J. H. KBATZK11S. VVARII'.IY of Dress Uoo.ts, sn'tablo for mourning also erapo Tells, cullers, Ao constantly on band, at J. M. KRATZLK'8. RI'.t'KIVIXU a large supply of Ladiea' and Children's Shoes, made te order and war ranted. A handsome Uailer for $'J.OO at mchia . i J.M. KRATZER 8. BVMT tlranite war Tea Sets and Chamber Sets, Knives and Forks, Silver-plated Forks and Spoons, Table Linen, Kaphins. eery cheap, at mchU J. M, KUATZKK'. SIIAUL", Scsrfs, Neckties, Collars, Veils, Hair UooJs, Uloves, As. Kid U lores at Ilo, also the Josephioe Seamless Kid 0 loves, at mob26 J. M. KKATZKfl'S. TO THOSE INTEREST KP IM TUB Tl-R-CIIASK OF A STRICTLY rURE RYE WHISKY, For Jdedistnal Purposes we offer Priee l t per (allon, and will ship la pack age to suit purchasers. We also handle largely a COPPER DISTILLED WHISKY, Price front!. 10 te tl.Te. We Import FINE WINES, BRANDIES AND GIN, And art aUo UAnafacturert of DR. SKEVER'3 TONIC HERB BITTERS. Bend fer price list. KRTDKR k CO., oetlS Sm 111 North Third St., Philadelphia. Spokes, Rims & Plow lilmtlios. JOHN G. DAVIS k SOX, imo srokE wonts, B. W. Cor. LEOPARD A OTTER Streets, PHILADELPHIA. . 0-Sepd for Trice List. t:0 m JAS. B. GRAHAM. - dealer la Seal Estate, Square Timber, Boards, FUtNOLM, LATH, A PICKBTS, :11J ClearfleM. Pa, JAMK3 MITCH ICLL, tsALsa II Square Timber & Timber Lands, Jeirri ci.rarpiei.d, pa. A. GUlZBURG'S CLOTHINO AND'OKNTS' FURMHIIlNii STORK, Old Ucstera Uotol BuUdlog, Clearielil, Fa. Haw Bvoaa, , Vta Ada.., eetlm Koivmi Pnieii. iStttlaucous. liAiu m KUiursi ORBAT IXCITBUR5T FRENCHVILLE I IN li At un ttid fur lis iirffnt, 10 fr u the iUoki. tori tig of mm anH the fJftrot5tloa of profttrt; U eonctroaii, Th Roy -J JuRfliTf no duubt prid tbcruMWitt Ani rtjuiot orar Ibt niBlt, bnt how niiitnitsCAnt U thnlr Work whua floapArtxi mitk tbt fiumADt nd ehrUtiftti effort! of L. M. COUDRIET, who hss andortaken lo supply all the elllceui la the lower end of the eonnty with food and raiment at deciding low rates from his mammoth store la ailL3QXUURU, where he can alwavs be found ready to wait upon callers and supply theia auk Dry Goods of all Kinds, . Butl Clothi, Btinett, CAfilncrci, MtullDt, sVMBinoi, Uinta, iTiiiiOKi. UaUieooi, TrimmiAg! Kibbona, Lam, Rcftdj nt'le Clothing. Boott -od Shorn, lUu todt - Cpt All uf tbe boat tunteristl and maJi to nrdtiw llugw, fiocki, Gloroi. Mitteoa, Laoef, h.bboni,ta . GROCERIES OF ALL KIND. Coffee, Taa, Rujrir, Rico, MoIaimi, Fnh, Salt. Purk. Littsel Oil. Fiat. Oil, Carboa Oil. Hardware, QueemwAr. TinwarA, Cwtinai, Ploi And Plow CmUd;, NaiIi, Ppikei, Coin Cultlrn.. tort, Cider PreMa. and All kioda of Axei. Perfumiry, PaloU. Yarn lib, OIaii, And A gnBr. Mturtraent ot otAtiooerj, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brandt, always on hand, and will bo old At the loweit 0Hibl flgurai. LIQUORS, inrh ai Bnindr, Win, Gin, Whii. jajne i MMiemea, iioauiiera aq lloottand'a Bittera. 6000 poanda of Wool wanted for which iKa biicheat prico will be paid. CtuTfecd oa Ltoi And for aJe At the loweit nuket price. Alao, Aeent fur StrAttonflll aad Corwennii Thrcabiog Macbioea. VftuCAll And aefor yonraelfei. Too will IlI er0 ililng nauAll kept Id a retail itore. L. M. COLDRIBT. FranchTllle P. O., March 1, 1871. JJiATZKR & LYTLE, W A ft KIT tTRBIT. CLBAIFIBLD, t A. DeaUrt la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, OKOCEK1E3, Hardware and Quecnswari, BooU, SbocB, Hats, Caps, ft a. ejar-Bbsemakers supplied with LBAlEtH and BBOK I1NDIH08 at reiaeet reus. SALT I IALTI SALT I al whelesal, aat retail rery cheap, PAINTS, OILS, CALCINRD PLABTEH, A liberal discount te builders. nocsinoLD goods, carpets, wisdom SHADES, OIL CLOTOS-la las quaatltlss. flail, FLOUR, BACON, CORN Mill aaA CHOP, always ea head. VAIleftha abore foods are parsaased eicluslrely for cash, and therefore een aad milt hs sold aj cheap as the oheapest, fcblt-TI J J F. BIGLER A CO.'S SPECIALTIES BCILDERS' BARDWARB, ktECHANICh' HARDWARE, LlMBRRHBM'i BARPWAI, FARMINtJ CTKN9ILS, i MILL fiUPrLIIS, IRON S tf.ltt PAINTS, OILB, TARNISBKR, PAINTERS' FINDINOS, CALCINED PUfTIH. May t. liri. COURT PE0CLAMATI05. YtrriBKKAS, Boa. C. A. MAYER, Pres. ident Jttde .f Ihe Coarl ef Common Tisss of the twenty Hfth Judicial District, eomr -ssd s; the counties of Ctsarfleld, Centre and Cltnun' and Tion, WILLIAM C. FOLKY aad Hon JOHf J. HEAD, Associate Jadgea of Clearfi :1 es , have issued their precept, to me directed, f..r l-o holding ef a Court of Commoa Pleas, at Ui Court Uouse, at Clearfield, la and for the eaaly of Clearfield, commencing on tha t-lrbt Men day, the 3d day of November, A. l, till, aad to continue TttRKK WEEKS. NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby given, to Vers aad witneeaes, in and for said eounty of C.ea'H. to be and appear ia tbeir proper persons, at U o'clock, a. in., of said day, to da tboss lM( which in their behalf pertain to be doae. GIVEN under my hand at ClearBeld. this 111 day of October, in the year of oar Lord, cc thousand eight kaadrad and seveuty ir.rie. JUSTIN i. PIE, . I Ji PO uTan t "t O" L V Al BE r. M K . I FORS ALU CHEAP Two yoke Oirc, s:c veer olds, warranted sound and aeallL. cr.s Trurk VI agon, one iron axled four-wheeln-i WM oa, lot feet Leg Chains. Apylv te er ai'ilrf i, JOUN P. O'SEI, I. Oct , '-8t. Creeseo, fa. FirEACllEK3 WANTED J. The Sohool Directors of Brsdy Benin! PIJ trial wish to smploy two rood Teachers Sri. thersbara and Treutvtlleficheols. Libera! waf will be paid. Kchoola la opsa trsl hi on J. 'el November. Apply to ar address. lV 1. U. KIRK, Fee'y, Oct. I, Tl-St. ' Latbershary, fs. A DMIMSTRATOIfS SOTIfmV-Si,ne Is herehv alven thai letters of admiai:ral on the astate of JAMES BIR.NS, d.e..s- late of Houttdale. ClearAeld eoaaty, l'sun t having been duly granted to the andersiterd persons Indebted te said estate will please e. immediate payment, aud those having sua' sj demands will present tnem properly oaine. "- for settlement without deley. MARY Fil'RM. est) (I. Admtnli'tster. A DMIMSTKATOHS' Mltlt F.-S J 1. harsh v aiven that letters of odmir mrsl s oa the esute of JEREMIAH MOURIE,aVcee ' late of Penn township, Cleaiteid socaty, I iri 4 having been duty granted to ins aaae'r.3' all persons indebted lo said estate will t " make Immediate o. vm.nl. and those ha'nl elalms or demands will present them pep authenticated for settlement without dels. WM. F. J01INST03 A.C. MOORE, Adiinislrsw.iJ Qranpian Hills.'Fept. Jt, lST3t DOND3 VOi HALF,. The ClH Jl) Held Oas Company Is offering Its heads an Investment, running Iroin ons ro ten y-j bearing sil per etut. Inlertst, payable semi sf nually on the Brat days ol Janaary sss The amount ie limited to IO,tHK, heiog M one third of tbe stock nf ths eompsny. thas ing Ihe bomla a desirable and safe investmenl They eau had at either of Ihe Hanks ia this ougb, or at the Treasurer s omee. V.. IV. HKTTS.Treasarer Clearteld, Sept 10, lKVJ.-lf 1 ha undersigned te now prepared le fV tbe publle with aa eaoellsnt r, llant nuality at 4 )d-Burned Lime, by Ihe large er as Bollofonte Wood- fur tilnalrrlrtp niirnonrn. quAnllijr. Cab br fmind for lh prwAt a n.ass l..ail,Iiss ..n Mn.ratat ftvrt. eetl.lf L. K. MrCfLtOUuR Ve (iTisr A7rf.()T FOR SAl .1 1. The House and Lot oa the corner of I la ...I IJ.nh .iraets. Clearteld. l a., is Tk. ,. in. ...rl mm acre of around. k.,.. I. . Im ilniihla frame, containing I tooms. For tenos and other Information a to the subset her, al the Tosl OWce. J not I P. A. O At "'J s TONES SAW ,UAlMfcl SAW UP8?T8. f Wo have received the agency for the aW will sell them al manufaeUrer'e prices. V, eiemli a them. ' They are lh be. J j, (i :i y y, liWI.KR f