Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 22, 1873, Image 2

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, The i.nte Election,
Another annual eluclion Is over.
Tba result is not quite as we desired,
, in our own State, but "out West" the
Democrats have done nobly. Mack
y, Hi Had i oa I nominee for Stato
Treasurer, is elected by about 25,000
majority, and Gordon, for Supreme
Judge, by 10,000. Tho latter ran 15,.
J00 behind bis ticket in Philadelphia
or Judgo Ludlow, onr nominee, ran
much ahead of his ticket, jubt as you
please. The vote was small, but th
result throughout the State is doc!
dedly and most substantially in favor
ot the Democrats.
The result in our county is about
wjint we looked tor, although we did
VUT ''level boat" Inr tha atraight ou
ticket, and as a journalist we have no
rcprots upon that point.
The putting of two Democratic
tickets in the field greatly elatodsomo
of tho leaders in the opposition party
and is directly chargeable to those
who for six years past have been prac
ticing frauds at our primary elections.
-No section, or candidate or their
f rlonds.aro wholly cloar of this charco,
and the election of two of our candi
dates and two of the Independents
without giving a pledge to our adver-
sanpa, or even a nod, should be a final
BctUomont of tho past, and let us act
in contort in (he future.
Besides, a change has been made in
our mode of nominating candidates,
anil U now becomes the duty of every
liomocrat in tho county to "go and
bin no more," and, in addition, buckle
on his armor and in the future lubor
for tho common good of the party.
in tbis woy all rings and ructions will
be compelled to disband, and be made
avuilublo for the interest of the party
instead of somo particular candidato,
taction or locality.
A Potent Excuse. The Radicals
of Ohio expected to carry that State
by storm at the recent election. A
leading lfadical organ assigns the fol-
. lowing reason, among others, why
thoir party has been so ovcrwholm-
(nr1. ,lnf I. .(ill
"6') uuicuiuu . -ah our leaning
tump speakers and statesmen vcore
u more or less tainted by the Credit
"Mobilier swindlo and the Salary
grao, ana could not ontcr the can-
vass. On the other hand the Demo
" crats handlod these questions very
" potontly, and our overthrow is coin-
"plolo." What a pity!
In this Stale Muckey and his con
federates might run off with all the
funds in the State Treasury and loy
alists would still stick to them and
pronounce tbora fellows.
Cameron and the "Addition, Division
and Silence" brigade rule and give
tone to the morals of the Radical
party. Credit Mobilier it too Prenchy
to affect Pennsylvania Radicals.
The third triul of Edward S. Stokos,
for the murder of Jamos Fink, Jr.,
commenced in New York on tho 8th.
Whatafaroo tho capital punishment
law is, anyhow. Courts, Juries, Atr
torneys and all violating the law, and
tocioty rondorod unsafe by the escnpo
of murdcrors, who otherwise should
pond the balance of their livos in a
Penitentiary. An individual who
either through malico or accident
murders his follow man, Is an unfit
memhor of society, and desorvoa to be
banished instead of being sot at lib
erty in a few years, which is nearly
universally the case undor the present
law, unless the criminal is some poor
devil without money.'
Now Settled. About ft yoar ago,
Thomas Curtin, of San Francisco.shot
and killod Wm. Johnston, for having
seduced bis daughter. Curtin was ar
rested and imprisoned. His trial for
the murder of Johnston came off on
tho 11th instant. After a tedious tri
al, the jury was eharged and sont to
theif room, but roturned within fiftoon
minutes, with a verdict of acquittal.
Judge Durell remarked that be did
not rogrot the verdict.
In fob Whisht. Philadelphions
votod on "local option" on the 14th.
The majority against the law is over
42,000. Maokoy and tho city ticket
had about 25,000 majority. Who
would hove supposed that a city so
refined, loyal and patriotic, would
give 42,000 majority for whisky f
Radicalism and rum seems to run to
gether in the city of "brotherly lovo."
Steam Burned. Tho toamor
Mary E. Toe took fire about noon on
tMitaidur lust, a Island No. 20, about
cighly.fivo miles above Momphin,
Tenn., and was burned to the water's
odgo. Out of 'soventy persons on
board six lost thoir lives.
The Democrats of Ohio haveoarriod
both branches of the Legislature and
will have 19 majority on joint ballot.
This secures tho re-olcotion of that
wtorling Democrat, Allon G. Thurman,
to the Unitod States Senate Jor six
years wore.
Capt. Coopor, of Lawrence county,
who was our nominee for Surveyor
ienoral in 1871, boa been olectcd
ISltorifT of that couaty by nearly 400
Tho Radicals crrii'd the !
county by 910 majority
ir- T' '" r
"Startling VUrlosuret l "tttad
ana Rettettl"
Such have been tho mclumutions
of the experienced Individual who
partly presides over tho columns of
the Curwonsville Times. In his Issue
of the 7th of October, after libeling
our wholo towr. and tho officers of the
Fair, be maliciously assails Messrs.
Biglor, Wallace and lloycr, in tho fol
lowing "fionost" stylo
"Last yur j-Ks u inm ,t of ,h, fr
treasury to meet the expenses Incurred. Last
year tha otnocrs of tht society were composed of mm oi vienrneiu, ana wm. liiKier wai
ulgh-eoek-a lorutu. Thii year lha orlioera were
all front the country, and I lie (4011 was mrmi
to lha treasury.
What a low, mean, ipiteflil way of venting the
uaireu ai ine mgn priests ol mat ueieotauie town,
known aa Old Town. There li Wm. A. Wallace,
who haa been honored wtih high postlions,stoops
to tha aiean little aot of trying to areata a mu
about onr new bridge. Then there ia Wm. liig
ler, who baa held tha highest position tho Btate
can cgnivr,wouiu not nava anything to do witli
the Fair because he ouuld not alick bia glue,
tlpppcd Angers Into the money drawer. Than
thuro la Dr. Royer, honest llr. Dover, he wouldn't
bare any th Inn to do with the Pair beoauae tha
directors or the aaciety would not let him aell bit
far-famed "Soothing tfyrup. Altogether, tbey
are a pack of nonsensical, schooling politicians,
ahoae greed for money and whoae long oontinua
tion in power hare made their character! black
with corruption."
It appears that as soon as the lead
ing citizens of Curwonsville wore
aware of tbis libel, a number of them
repaired to tho Timet office and de
manded that the paper bo suppressed,
and suppressed it was at least half
of it as only a hulf shoot was furnish
ed to the subscribers in this- borough,
with tho above libel left out. As an
experienced newspaper establisher
onco oxclaimcd, "is tbis honest f" But
wo will allow the startling disclosure
man to tell his own story. In liis is-
suo of the 14th he remarks:
"Last week then appeared la tha local ol.
uma of tha Tiniti, two. artielea, in which the
name of Uuv. Dmler waa used in aueh a umnn.r
aa to rcllcol upon hii character aa a man. After
Ibe issuo of our paper, we were called upon by
oiliaeai of Curweusvlllo, insisting that tho paper
should, not go out. We immediately tupprettod
the whole edition, moat of which waa in tho post-offlo-,
and liiued otra 'half-skeerV with which
to aupply our readers. As to tha articles in ques
tion, they wen wittcn upoa the Information of
parties outside of Curwensville, whom wa met at
sod during tha Fair, and whom wa supposed to
be good authority.
is our readers we will tay.nn Ilia best authority
IB Ilia Bounty, aivan to nm liv lii.w u;-i -..,1.1
cal opponents, aa well as friends, that his uharao-
itr ia aooro reproacn and needs no eulogy at our
hands. There ia no man in Ibis county, or Stale,
sianua mgner In the estimation of the Billions o!
Curwonsville and vicinity than Oov. Bigler, and
we are grau w make I lie amends komonbh.
r gnu vo wane me aeisaas tommlil:"
We infer from tho foregoing that it
would bo well enough for somobodv
else to keep a band in tho office to
correct and ro-wiite bis editorials, or
his competency might also bo called
in question by his two-storied Brad
ford correspondent, whose success as
a broker, lawyer and politician is in
comprehensible. Besides, tho Michi
gander might got an inside view of
"the Juil Swindlo!"
This is not all. Tho '-fawninir rur-
py" who runs tho Times, when con
fronted by the irienda of some of the
parlioa libolled, puts the blamo upon
others, lie assorts that J. Ito s Bloom.
or nice lownbhin. and WinHod H.
Luther, of Brady township, furnished
him with the information upon which
ue based Ins articlo chnrgiiiir Gov.
Bigler with defrauding tho Agricultu
ral feocioty out of M00.
It appears by the following card
that the editor in question will perpe
trate a second li I ol, forthe purpose if
getting out ol tho first :
Lt'THKRaat'RO. Pi, Oet. IJ, 1ST3.
ErilTOa ll.:rl Mar Sin I i,J...
stand that tha editor of tha ClrarBeld County
Timv . in order to aleur hinmeir at
bihty of an article or two that waa published In
bispsp'rof October Jth, reBecliag npon tha
character of Oov. Bigler, aires uiveclf as being
one of the authors. J'bacharge be makes ain.t
ma is raise. Tha name of Oov. Bigler, or any.
thing concerning him. waa nover n,.niinnr.i kv
ma in the presence of the editor of the Times and
never wrote or diotated a contribution for bis
aper. Besides. I atu and alwava hue hn
of Oov. Biglcr's warmest friends, and no one can
"' i aver saiu anything reproachful of bis
"a'"1"' ery llespeetfully.
n iariei.n 6. Lt'tuxa.
A quostion of veracity is now pond
ing between the parties indicated. We
will quietly await the resiilt,:ij see
how much nioro can bo added to the
newspaper experienco of tho 7Vm
Heady for itylhliif.
Tho conduct of T. H. Murray, the
Chairman of tho Radical County
Committoo, during the lute campaign,
has astonished friend and foe. Al
though ho holds a high position in the
church, ho manufactured libels and
falsehoods against his neighbors with
as much facility as the oldest political
vagrant in tho country. Although be
has taken an oath to live up to the
ten commandments, heseoms to have
as little respoct for tho one which
warns him against bearing fulse wlt
noss against his neighbor, na swine
huve for pearls.
After howling "fraud ! fraud !I" for
wo months provlous to tho oloction.
ho hud tho audacity, tho night after
t, to prococd to Huston township for
tho purpose of cooking up the rfturns
to suit himself. But findinn no one
n tho township wicked enoiiirh to en
ter into the conspiracy, he wai com
polled to abandon his scheme. Tho
ostimute he places upon the eloction
board of Iluslon township, ho pluccs
upon everybody, except himself. As
a hypocrite and dtfumer, he has es
tablished for himself a first-class repu
tation in a very short time. When
we come in possossion of all his lvinir
circulars, which he issuod during the
canvass, wo will have more to say np
on this point, and wo will try and ex
press otirsolf in such a mannor that
tve will not be misundorstood.
fctownrt, the nominee of tho Blnir
county Democrats for Protbonotury,
was elected by 285 majorily,althongh
the Radical Stato ticket received over
500 majority in the county.
In Armstrong county tho Demo
cratic candidates for tho legislature,
sheriff uud district attorney bavs boon
elected. Armstrong hus almost uni.
formlygone largely Radical.
Joseph S. Warcatn, Ibe Domocralio
candidutc for senator in tho Dunlin,
don and M;fflin district, h an a inaifirit v
of about 000 over John Irwin, bia cvin-
Shooting Jt tt'alr.
The streets of the National capltol
were enlivened by a shooting uffui
between thoso two Kansas champions
on the 11th. We dont know but tha
the country would be bettor without
them, but thon this is not the prope
way to get rid of thorn. We gather
from tho Washington papers the fol
lowing :
Senator Pomoroy was walking u
Now York avenuo, and when near th
corner of Fourteenth slroot, ho met
Conway, who drew a large revolver,
and when within six loot of Pomoroy
area tnroo shots at him, one ol wine
look effect in the right breast just bo
low tuo nipplo. Lonwny thon put u
his pistol and started to walk off.
Two gentlemen, P. B. Stillson and
Addison, who wituessed the shooting
immediately stoppod Conway, Addi
son cxcluiming, ".Slop, you havo shot
u man, una you must givo your rea
sons for so doing." Conway repliod.
"jio ruinoa my sell ana my lumiiy.
lie thon surrondored his pistol to Still
son and accompanied that gentleman
to tno station Uuuto.
Pomoroy, who had fallen to tho
pavemont, was assisted to a carriage
uuu unven to rt is bouso on iv stroct
near I'ourtoonlh, whore phveieian
woro immediately summoned. Doctors
miss and Verdi havo just made an ex
aininauon oi ins wound, and pro
nouncod it simply an abrasion. Tho
ball passed through two thieknosses
of Pomoroy's cout, also his vest and
shirt, and its force wits thereby so fur
spent, iuai alter pouetrutinir tho skin
it was thrown off by tho cartiluge
bono of Pomcroy's ribs, near tho end
of which it struck. The wound hus
bled very littlo, and will caufo no in
convenience whatever. Ono of the
two' shots fired by Conwuy passed
through Pomoroy's hat, closely graz
ing his houd, and another missed him
although tired within a few feotof him
Pomoroy says ho has nover had any
controversy with conwuy, and ha
not the romoloBl idea of tho cuuso of
tho attack.
Senator Pomcrov eavs that Conwav
mot him a fow days ago for the first
uit.o in aooiit two years, und said ab
ruptly H am out of money," to which
Pomeroy replied, "I know then how
to appreciate your situation, for I am
nearly in that condition mysolf."
This was all that passod between thorn
at this interview, and to-dAv not a
word was spoken, beforo Conway com
monced firing, surprising Pomeroy
more than anything that over hap
pened him boforo. Poinorov is cm-
phatio in slating that he bas never
had any controversy or ground for a
uiruouiiy wim uonwny. On tho con
rary, no says inui about three yearB
ago no unu oenuior iiuninor Rot t on-
way a who a clcrkshm in t bo'J rcaiuirv
Department on her representing that
nor utisoanu would not support her.
Subsequently, says Pomoroy, Conway
tried to "trustee ' or draw her wages
at the Treasury Department and fuilcd
to accomplish it, but ho (Pomerov
bad no controversy with him on that
suhiect, or on aoy other
Conway is a native of Bultimorfl,
Md., ar.d a printor by trndo. IIo
studied law, emiuralcd to Kansas and
look part in the curly struggles of that
Territory as a Free Stale man. Aftor
serving as county Judgo for awhile, ho
was eivcieu to l.ongreos us first Repre
sentative of Kansas, At the end of
his term be was annointed bv Prnsi.
dent Johnson contul at Marsailloa, but
was romoveu oy rresiUcnt (irant soon
after the luttcr's Inauguration. He
has been living in this city for several
Conwsy was arrested and takon to
the police headquarters. Excepting
the remark he made when he was
slopped in the street by SlilUon that
1'otnoroy had iniurod him and his
family, Conway bus been entirely re
ticent, anu nus not auuueu to the
used was a six shooter, throe of tho
barrels ot which were discharged.
Conway is a small-sized man, and ap
pnurs to be b'otwoen forty and forty.
five yours of ago. After tho shouting
be suomed very much excited and
upon tho first remark made to him by
Stillson, "what liave you done," he
replied "l don t know lor 1 hurdly
know what I was doing."
Conway was taken before Judiro
Snoll this evening, and released on
$10,000 bail, Alexander Andorson bo
coming his bondsman. A certificate
of a physician was produced to tho
effect that tho wound of Pomotoy was
very sngiii. conwuy was unilor very
great montal excitement. It is said
that tho cause of tho shooting is that
Conway has had frequent political ro
vorses in Kansas, which ho attributes
to Pomoroy. Jlis counsel have ad-
vised him to mako no statement, and
.... .
upon Doing roicascu tins evening ha
wus tuKon away oy his irionds.
Capital Question. Tho noonlo of
iuiiiiccucut. at tneir annum town
elections on Monday, votod upon the
Constitutional amend moot making
Hartford the solo Capital, ami irnvo a
largo majority in its fuvor. Tho Hart
ford J-.vejung Poll estimates it ut 3,000.
This ends a protracted and bitter local
struggle between Hartford and New
Huvon which has cost both cities
thousands of dollars each yoarsinco
it began, and hus engendered moro ill
will and bad blood thun can be eradi
cated in a gonoration. During its
progress both cilios havo been thor
oughly givon up to locul jealousy ; tho
foud between thorn hus entored Into
thoir politics and thoir social relations,
and their newspapers havo-bristled
toward each olher with constantly in.
creasing animosity. Tho next Lcgis,
luturo will meet ut New Haven, its
usual, after ihut tho Uapiiol at Now
Huvon will bo purmuiiently discon
tinued, and HurH'ord will be tho solo
Oiieiion am, Ritiiir. A dispatch
from Huloin Oregon says: Ncsmith,
tho Domocralio candidule, bas been
elot led to congress from Oregon by
2,500 majority over Smith, the Re
publican nomineo. This is a rebuke
of Grant's Indian policy and Jlipplo
Ism in the United Hiatos Senate.
This is a Dcmocratio gain of 0,574
over (J rant's majority in Oregon lust
Two nophnws of ox-Clovernor Ilor
schel V. Johnson, of (Jeorgia, wore
killed receatly In Texas. Tbey were
boarem or a nolo to a well known
dcaporudo, who, upon reading tho
communication, imioodiately drew a
matitl ami alinl tiin... .1 1 '!
, .... v. aii..(,ilwl, MVSU
men woro uiiitrmcd.
TheJldmtnlHlration and it I'tin,
the Hnitroft Kinndlert.
For yoars past we, along with oihor
Dcmocratio journalists, have boon pre
dicting the stato of things which, with
tho suddenoss of a thundorbolt,hus fal
len on yio country. Not that we
woro blest with prophetic vision, nor
with moro tlmn nutuiul prcseionoo.but
awaro that like causes produce like
enocls, wo Know that the onuses which
produeod distress and ruin in other
counlnos, set In motion hero, would
prnduco the sumo olluot. This nation
like many othors which have procodod
it, hits for some years past, boon des
troying moro thun producing, conse
quently now, whon pay day has ar
rived, it hus not the moans to moot
tbo demands made on It. For ovor
rive years, millions of men were drawn
from the productive fluids of lubor and
sont on the work of destroying what
hud already bcon produced. Tho
natural rosult, debt upon dobt was
accumulated until it absolutely became
frightful in its magnitude. Hud the
government after the war was endod
und tho debt incurred, uctod wisely
by introducing economy and frugality
in all its departments, and made this
tho govomitig principle, no doubt tho
sumo course of action would biva
governed all tho business relations of
tne country. Jiut it pursued the eon
trury line of policy j improvidenco tnd
recklessness in tho incurring of ox-
ponso seemed to animute uvcry de
partment, from tho highest to tho tow.
est. Grant set tho example and bis
subordinates followod thoir leader.
Tho Rudicul majority in Congress
caught the infection, and acted more
rocklossly. No rogurd for decency,
nor for the interests of tho pcoplo ani
mated them. Tbo publio lauds, tho
patrimony of the lattor, one of tho
moans left to assist in puying the na-
nwu n uvuin, was Bi ameleSH V annnn.
dored. It was eivon awav u hnl.iuuln
to irresponsible corporations, nn rum!
dilion of building certain railroads.
enough lund was thus voted away to
mako a hulf dozen states of tho size of
Pennsylvania. To secure these lands
i perpetuity, by rroinir throuM, tl.
forms which Congress, out of regard
to itppearunces had enjoined on tho
vumpuntes, railroads wore projected.
.......,. ... . i" . go oi no more nuccssitv in
tno rem wants ol tho country than if
nji-uiuu to me moon, llut the mom
bors of these speculating compinies
were not disposed to sink theirown
money in thoso Quixotic acholics.
hat they desired was to rol.H- nn
the publio lands, henco Ihcv hit m tt.
plan of buildini' tho road frmn tit a
Bulo of buntitf. Th
beautifully engraved, and advertised
thorn largely throughout tho Union,
holding out to the purchusor the most
fluttering and allurinir nrosnni i nf .
speedy, rich and sufe return on lie in
vestment. The result wn iho l
of the honest yeoinunrv of thnn.
try bought ibo bond-., one-l'urmtr in
this vicinity that wo know of, invost-
ng in thorn to the amount if a..n
thousand dolluts. Hm tl... tw .....i.
- , " - ae s u sj ill IV. K
of the inflated bubble has brought all
theso wild eat railroad schemes to the
irounti, ana tho nrodiic in.r niiiaa. ...
tho first to feel tha ll ltd tat fi-iiia Ar...l
a . ; -..i-.ivuo a- .H.V. Vo
juy v.,ookoanu hiscolcrie of swindlers
lis truo have oecn di van In iIia u-, II
but, undor the protection and tmi,n'
ago of tho Administration, thev will
soon bo on their foot again rcadv to
engage in somo other such swindJng
enterprise, but not so their poor du t.
... viva ia iiuui 10 tuom. i heir lit
tle all in many caees is litcrallv strmt
away, and hero is whore tho auuntry
is'mado to suffer most, In tho robbery
of thoso who are tho least ablo to beur
All through tho follvand wickod.
uoss of an Administration and Con
gross who, liko Noio, have played and
frolicked while passing moasurcs that
tended to bring tho country to des
truition Danville JnccUijencer.
Sowing and Heaping.
Such ia tho caption of an article in
a luto number of Harpor's Journal of
Itvilinition, () whose editor bas stuck
closer to Giant than to bis brother
ontil this hint has boon extracted
from him for the benefit of "the gov-
crnmcnt" after it was compelled to
withdraw Beast Butler as a candidate
for Governor of Massachusetts. The
editor in question for onco mukcB some
wholesome remarks. Rend them :
"There was somo verv severe r.
proof in ex Governor Bullock's ud-
ress at orchesUr all tho mote se
vere bocauso it was couthed in
such modurato language. Nothing
could bo moro courteous than bis illu.
sions to tho President, nothing more
turuiiu man ins inouics to tho lie-
ubhean party; yet when hospokoof
tiiu neuiiuuious trrctrn ar l oa ami lm.
moralities" which have sprung' tip in
tno puiino servico, "at first denied,
iii-in.iMiinvcu ui. anu aiiiii'uut-i fnii.
donod under lha pressure of impend
ing elections,'- everybody knew what
o moani ana was a littlo startled at
is temerity. Mr. Bullock i not a
aonsutionalist. Do represents tho
met, respectable, well balanced lovnl.
ty of tho old Bay State, ond whon he
ventures to rcbuko tho misconduct of
is own party wo may be ussured of
aoep scatoa and genera dissatislno.
lion. Probably it was not tho finan
cial irregularities of curt ami
can loaders which stirred up tho littlo
Massachusetts revolt, so much as tho
corrupt use of the pntrongo and au
thority of tho Administration recently
rud to fusion upon tho party a
candidato who must disgrnco It. Mas
sachusetts might wink at tho Crodit-
Jioouier, hut she could not tolorule
n RiiacR upon her independence
Of course wo are clad that nlm re
belled; andyotwe do not sco how
she could excuse horsolf for doing so.
Tho measure that has beon motet' out
to hor she has sustained Uen. Grant
n applying lo other Stulos. The Ad-
ministralion forced upon reluclui.t
ouiniuna not only a Governor, but a
.egislnturo. It nearly succeeded In
oing tho sit ii 10 in Arkansas. It nm.
truclod with Senator Knoneor for tho
control of Alabama. It busied itself
moro or loss in tho privato conoorr.s
of all the Southern Siales. Nay, not
to go so far from homo, what did it
attempt a fow months ago in Now
OI K I Most Of tho ClIHlnm.r.
loaders in this city aro not a whit more
respectable or more honest than Uen.
Butlor, and it was only a family qmtr.
rol which proventod tho Administra
tion from throwing tho whole Ktuto
mo tnoir nanus. J ho JJenn . ;,
f Massachusetts virtunlly guve thoir
pprovul to all theso wronirs nml h
Ihoy have boon reanina' thn tmrvnai.
that Ihoy planted.
The moral of it all is that. In Holi
es as in business, honnsie ! ii,
Lieut, (ioneral hheriilun prononnccs
tho Texas sntl l'neitln
1'Ue ytiuiigirouto that will control the
liatis coiitineutnl trafllv.
Clearfield County Election
surariia ariTi asaisi't sua'airr thsaiu'ii coin's If 3 ifT 2
Jtmnn. rnAai J! 2 roan' a 8
D.STB.C1. V f ? f TTF g r ? i Y7 x J f
IWrlu... T8 U SI JU 72 J8 ti i M 7 M S S S7 tH S.'l S
J1'11 l ' 6 tW S4 St S4I Sfl Stl HI SI !M IW 10J
"'"' i ;i in i' n n li M ii is so a it
Kotgt ...... V Jii ss IC 7ii lit 7 St1 U tl ! 2J Tl Jii 71 J l
llradft.ra... Il J IIS SI Us AH J4.t SS US 4.S ISn' 4j' 1S 1.1V U Ml 1
"'dr si ini 67 ii is mi! j:is 71 jjti 4si m 1112 jv ui aoo
Burnslda. 74 IJ7 S4 lis 45 lull , 147 48 Jo:i 47 llru looi Hi nil M
Cheat ........ M (12, SU SS 7 H.I SI Ttl U ltd 4.'l )S' I 1 r 1 IMI 47 160
llearlleia J2S lt m lMj UV 10H Ji 71 JHH y2 289 St' SS"i J78 Jllll 14Sl 188
Covinnton. , S3; ) S.t 17 0 til 7 u 60 Sz! 40 tX 10i V0- 88 4 8
Curnoustll JS 103' 4 1 10 128 16 J I rt, IV mj S.t lm' 40; Mj ti sl bl
Penatur.... 3 40 88 4S 82 an 8.1 4i 14 b(i :i 40i 841 84 84 48 84
rernnson... 41 4 tl 4t) Is 80 14 8 7 OS1 t 7 s 8i SB SI S
Oirarit.... li 87 U 88 14 7 7 84 80 37 XJ 381 8'i ' 35 88: 38
(loshon-... 3 10 84 10 811 1;. S7 IS1 81 11 34 III 80' .141 81 M1 34
Uruliam 71 7i l 7 88 III 711 ll 87 .Jl 87 14 70; 701 70 12! 70
""U" l S SS . 12 St lj 7! 80 SJ! 31 48 S3' 821 88 4 83
Iltiuttdale. S3, 8s 31 n 1:, 7 lw' 71 111 81 Is 71 It', 70 ml 71
Huston 08 7i 88 8j 87 7l 77 44 85 67, 84 07 Tftl 74! 78 401 74
Jor.lan .. 74 48, 71 Ml li 21 1071 3 127 18 M S1 8S1 88 12 S
kartbaus... 77 14' 82 In 8 104 4! loll 41 Wl1 4 lol! in' ls 17 so 18
Kuua 84 3.1 ul 87 73 48i 80) 80 8ll 6I 80 40 M . 80 18 S2
Lawranre- 2.17 104 1.18 104; I2 133! lllOl SB; 208 1.12 Hi. Vtf! 234! 211, 117 1181 138
l.ombCit 13 281 13 28 7 43 ! 8' II 34 t 37 18! 13 22 20; 23
Morris 44 411, 14, 47I 10l in4 ,,,, n' m , 32. w T 133
NewWasK. 88 22, IK 12 12 88 24, 3i! 18 St' 14 83 li Oil 00 s 42
Oseoola-., 02 40 l 4ll! 811 II Oil 48' 85 47! 1 42 t tV tt 41 7
fenn 1 73 61' 76 00 07 88 0l 72' 03 72 64' 72 81, 84 84 78! 84
'- ISS. 8 : 18 180 3! Oil 17 18l! 148 87' 88 78 82! 2
f"t - 39 40 40 8U K, 42 37 40 JJ 4,4 8j J 38 IH' 38 4? 88
Woodward, S3 10 88 16; 41 13 S.ll 22 IS 14 8. 18 34; 31 84 141 84
WallaoatonSI) 6 30 Oj 80 41 1J oj 2 j 30 4 30j 30, IS 7 30
Total 2438 1748 28li0 101)7 , 1138 224! 2253 1097 2001 231 1 'll77 20tl7: 2688 1774l24 15281 2773
Majorities 7IJ ; I2 J0SJJ 140 I 2(10 1 110 I
Stale Election lie turn.
Below will bo found the vote polled
for Governor In 1872 and tho reported
majorities for State Treasurer al tho
recent election. In our next issue
we will publish the official vote for
Slate Treasurer and Supreme Judgo:
j Governor. Tressurtr.
a x a x
COCSTIIt. 5. 5 s
E 9 v
1 a a i
? I
1 W pa f V
j i ! P !
A, ami 3038 1785 340
Alttfrheay ISIttii 26771 Sua!
A-alron(.. 8480 4431 171
reaver 181 3886 478
Hertford...... 2W77 1073 300
Ilerks 131147 7808 41I0;
lllair .. 3244 4?S3 1 600
llradfurd 4434 7443 102J
bucks.. 7048 727S 413
Duller... 3140 3086 3s3
Cambria... 36.10 282.'; till
t'ntneroa.. 031 072 100
Carbon n S533 1444 ;
Centra 8711 32tl2 302
Chester 8610 OJSS jjov
Clarion...'. 3483 1727 8331
Clearueld. 84 H IXOj M)0!. ..
Clinton 28J2 2018 4B0.,..
Columbia 3828 21 III loooj
Crawlord 8473 7031 214
Cumberland 4814 4178 833
D-tupbin... 6113 74 jo ......... 1700
Delaware It.. is 4n) u0
Klk 1103 82K 000
Krla 5271 74S7 743
r avails 4831 3064 854
Forest 340 4IS 00
Franklin 4IM 460j 174 .
Fullon 1 12 1 7V7 60
Ureene. 8460 I76 I3a0
Huntingdon 28o 33411 m
Indiana.. 2148 4172 K,00
JcBurson..... 1247 24U7 35
Juniata 1730 13421 350
Lancaster 0A 13774 ,11188
Lawrence 1704 3428 1000
Lebanoo 2824 42S4 S00
Lehigh 8805 6355 045
Laaerue 14433 12341 15381
Lyeoming 61158 48;tv 434l"",t,
Mi Keen Oifli 1014
Mercer 460S 5573 . 610
Mifflin...... ,. 1784 1788 01
Monroe 1S30 8jS 16(H)!
Montgomery.. list 8151 Uni
Monluur. 1023 137f Sow ,
Norlhamplon. 8121 48S0 1S54 .,.'"..
Northuuiberland ... 4383 4314 "'0 .. ' ....
Perry.. 1M4 276! 1 io; .."!..
I'hiladslohia.. 4SK4I 007S 14411
I'tlta... 1151 llC.j JOO
roller 1042 14B8 400
Schuylkill. ,. 0277 8t)80 1108
Snyder. 1372 I Vt 400
Soinertet. 1802 3430' 100
Snlllvan- 744 4311 841
Suaqaahanna... 403 4333 Hit
Tioga....... 237S 0..U4; Jsoo
t'nion 1374 lost) 6i'0
Wnanju. 4416 6071 800
Warren 1133 3178 ..... 400
W ashington ......... 4002 4201 S
Wayne ill JO II 9' 600
Westmoreland 8175 458l: 1127
Wyoming 1701 158 1 1 40U
fork 83SS 8t00j 1432
Total 1317780 343.187' 2B2S7 '2?2
M 'JoriT I I 3iC17(
Later ofliciul
returns givo us the
Onlclalvota for Mackry...... 109,111
Official majoriti 1,408
Ile.orled and estimated 1,060
Orarial vote for Hutchinson ..IS3,03
Official majorities 382
Ri-norled and estimated . 3,460
M,ckey nvcr Hutchinson....
Official vote fm tlordon
Official mnjorltiea
Kcporlad and estimated ,
Official role for Ludlow
Official majoritina
Itepoited and estimated
Gordon over Ludlow....
Wade to be Hung.
Tho Williamsport Gatctte, in allud
ing to this hardonod criminal suys:
(iovernor llarlranfl has designated
Thursday, November Cth, between tho
hours of 10 a. in. und 3 p. m., as the
timo for tho execution ol Nelson E.
Wnrln llm tlrti.,l!ul. . l..Hn. t lnt..
...... ...v uvuutn,, IIIUIUUIVI III tfUIIII
and Isabolla M'llrido on the 2lM of!
July last. Tbo warrant is in tho usual
fo:-m, and was recoived by tho sheriff
li- i i . . 1
on ti uuncniitiy evoninjr aDout lour
o'clock. Whon tho sheriff entered bis
cell he was accompanied by Deputy
lilair, Chief Coder, officers Androws
and Flatt. Iloforo the reading of the
warrant, howovor, tho new handcuffs,
with an Iron bur of about fiftoen Inches
lo scparuto tbom, wero placed upon
his wrists and securely rivilod. The
bur of iron is designed to keop his
hands apart and to prevent him from
usinir thorn as little as possible Dur
ing the reading of the warrant Wado
listoned with stoical indifference, and
at tho conclusion remarked that it
was correct, and written on a nice
pioce of pnpor. lie was thon romovod
to another coll on the opposito sido of
the hall, and tho chain which is at
tached to his iron collar securely fus
toned to lha floor, when the olllccrs
withdrew and left him to ruminate
over his fato. Tbo officers had scarce
ly left the coll of this desperate and
hardonod criminal, unlit ho set about
devising a plan to break bis new hand
cuffs, and making a fow tremendous
efforts soon succoodud. Whon discov
ered he was entirely free, excepting
mo iron collar, which, thus tar, be bas
bcon unable lo divest himself of. In a
short lime the sheriff relumed with
unother pair, of wristlets which ha
p!aced upon him when Wade remarked
that ho would have them off beforo
morning. And sure enough he was
found this inorninir with his bands
free. H is rathur surnrisinir that this
man cannot be handcuffed, having al
ready broken every pair, some six or
aevon, placed upon him.
An exohange says: The engage
ment of Lieut. Frod (irant and Miss
Kilty, duughlor of 11. D. Cooke, is
. 1.130
.. 1,050
. 8,160
Returns for 1873-Official
A Pbaiiiii Firk. Omaha, October
10. A terrible prairie flro swept ovor
iwcniy-nve miles ot country near the
winalt& ana nonth Western railroad in
Saline and Jefferson counties, IS'e,
braska, on Tucsduv. Many bouses
and large quantities of grain were
oosiroyeu. ai ilbur ton school chif
(Iron wero caueht in the flames.
Throo perished on the spot, threo moro
will me, and tour aro dreadfully maim
ed, but will recover. Mrs. Morlev.
mothor of threo of the children, ran to
help them and received fatal injuries,
IiEWARPED. The Ilarrisburg Put
riot says that Jay Cooke and K W.
Clark, tho suspended bankori who are
the immediate oauso of tho present
panic, each gave $f,000 last fall to do-
loat Mr. liuckalew for Governor, and
that they raised f jO.OOO towards the
fund lor carrying on tho Philadelphia
Gr.oKoi is Goni. A Now York
despatch says that the occontrio Geo.
Frunuis Train, who arrivod here lust
wook for J'.urono, bavinit becomo dis
gusted with tbis country, its politics
anu people, sailod away to-day, louv
ing America, bo says, forever."
?fw gsdfcrtisrmfnts.
motion haa been lodged with ma to tha
tneot that obstructions, in Ue sliane af llama and
Fish llasketa have bean placed In the ohenuel nf
tbo Wast Branch of the HuaQuehanaa river, within
the bounds of ClearOrld eouoty, contrary to tba
Aot of Assembly '-rvlallns; to tba proteotioa of
Halsaon, lllack Baas, and uther nsb," approved
ire i4in nay ot May, a. v. 1671. And the ob
structions Indicated are said to be located aa fol.
lows I A Kith Basket is kept un al "Tinekar." he-
low Kartbaus bridge i another ia located at the
month of Big Monbannoa, while a data bas been
placed In tne rbanoel below the "Big Pitch.'1
Sow, therefore, I, Justin J. I'le, Sheriff of the
county aloiraald, ia aooordatiea with tba 1 lib
section of tha said Act, hereby give notice and
warning tu tba parttea traapassilig as indicated,
that those obstructions are hereby declared a
-common a uisanoe, ana mat lha parties erect.
Ing them must remove lham within TK.N DAYS
this date, or I will put tlie full penally nf the law
n lorce. ji b rn j, rig, bhariff.
baenff's OfJor, Oct. 12, 1873.
We desire to call you attention to ouraxtenslva
Commission business and to onr facilities for dis
posing of each produoa aa our consignors send as.
Having a large trade with oily stores, wt aro en
abled to make quick reterne, at full prima.
Storekeepers having Chickens. Bulter. Ears.
nr other produce, will do well to give as a trial.
tn a , laaan in eacnauge, no com
uiitiioo will be chargi'd.
r. L. KIRK. PON 1 CO..
Wholesale flrncere and Commission Merchants,
no. lav Aortb Ihird Su, Philadelphia. Bvrl3y
AKli NUTICK All persons knowing
themselves indebted to the lata Inn of Mil.
r A Powell are hereby unfilled that tha nooks of
said jrm aro in the naada of r. U. Miller for eol-
leclion, and are requested to call at once and ecu la
their accounts. All aocoaate not settled within
80 days will be placed ia tba hands ot the pmpor
oniovr mr euiiccuon. g. u.
OoL 12, IHTJ-lm.
VI 1)1 TOR'S KOTI C li-The nndcral gned
atipointed by the court to distribute the nro-
cecus ot real and pcrsoaal crista in lha hands of
4. J. Dcwalt, adiDinutratcr of Jeoe Smith, lata
ot ouncn vowuslilp, flei'euscd, to and amng tha
parties Irgally entitled thento, gives notice that
ha will attend te Ibo dm lea of bia appointment,
at bia office, In the bnmugh of ClearBdd, oa Fri
day, November 7th, IS;o, between tba hours of
t o clock a. m. and 4 o'clock n. m.
octll 3t i. W. BANTZ, Auditor.
T7RANK SHORT, of tho
Shoe Shop." givea notice that ha haa re
moved from ttrnhare's Row, on Market street, to
next ooor to toe Allegheny Hotel, on Market
street, wnera na is prepared to make and mend
stitched, sewed or pegged, with tha best stock tha
eastern market affords and al as reasonable prices
aa they can be bought for elsewhere, and where
na is prepareu to accommodate all bis old custom
ers and a many new ones aa may favor him with
a call. Thankful for past favors, ha would re
spectfully solicit a continuance ol their patronage.
t. MlOltl.
riearScld, October II, 1873. 8m
KF.POKT of the condition of tha FIRST
NATIONAL BANK of I'lrarOeld, at the
close of business on September 13, 1 873 1
Loans and Discounts- IIM.tSS tl
Over dratts... , (u 15
I'. S. Bonds to secure circulation 100,1100 00
Due from redeeming tt reserve agrnti 10, OM 81
Due from ether National Hank 8.802 03
Due from Stale Hanks and Bankers... 7,1 1 1 11
Furniture and Futures. 1,280 00
eurrent Mpeneos .to 17
Tales paid 00s 17
Cash and aash items. 12,300 01
Total H1.V091 20
Capital stock paid in
Surplus ftind , H
Interest and oachanga.
Circulation ,..,
Dividends unpaid
Individual Deposits
Due to National Banks...,
Due In State Banks and bankers..
,. .1100,000 00
... 11,000 00
... 8,784 7S
,.. 00,000 00
,. 88,1X4 48
834 81
... 6,404 11
..$118,008 20
AVntr a eaasyeoaia, (?IWfM (beats, SS :
I, William II. Dill, Cashier of lha First
Nalloual Hank of ClearOcId, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is Hue to the best of lay
knowledgs and belief.
WM. II. DILL, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day
or October, 1873. WM. R A ItKIIACII, N. 1".
Correct Attest I A. F. BOVNTON,
Ort. 11, 1873. Director.
"liniERKAS, lion. 0. A. MAYIR, Pres-
Y idenl Judge of tha Court of Common Plans
nf tba twenty, tlfth Judicial District, composed oj
tha counties of ClaarAald, Centra and Clinton
and Hon. WILLIAM a FoLKV and Hon. JOHN
J. RIAD, Associate Judges of Clearleld Co.,
have Issued their precept, to as directed, for tha
holding of a Court of Comeaoi Pleas, at lha
Court House, at Glearteld, la and for tha county
of ClearOeld, commencing on tbo first M011.
day, the 3d day ot Nnvemhor, A. ! IM13,
and lo onntiaao TURK1 WMNK8.
NOT1CK IH, ihsrefora, hereby given, to Jurors
and witnesses, in and for said oountyol ClsarSelil,
tu be and appear la their pmpor persons, at 10
o'clock, a. ui., of said day, to do those tilings
whieh In their behalf partem to bo dona.
GIVEN under my hand al Clearleld, tail lid
day nf October, la the year of nnr Lard, aao
thousand tight hundred and seventy threw.
JUfJILN J. riJt,Jrr..
3riv dmtismfutfi.
-1 1 K.PORT of tha condition of the rOt'HTY
li, NATIONAL BANK of Clearnald, at tho
eloao of buslnsss on Friday, Septesibar 11, 1871
Loani and disoonnU. 1 83,813 It
Overdrafts i 18,078 08
V. B. bonds to secure circulation - 10,000 00
Duo from redeeming leaerva agents, 1,147 SO
Due from otherNatlonai Banks....... 8,1 30 47
Hue from Ktata Banks and Bankers.- 3,174 83
Furniture and flaturea 1,878 88
Currant esnonasa SI 08
Taxes paid , 841 81
Checks a Cash Items, inclad g stamps , S70 10
Bills of National Banks.. ' 104 00
Fractional eurrenoy,inoluding nickels, 448 78
Legal-tender notee.. 11,410 00
TotaL...... .......
.....1108,880 88
Capital stock paid in.
Surplus fund M
Prollt and lo
Circulation outstanding
Individual deposits
Duo to Banks aad Bankers
Total .......
1100,000 00
...... ll," 00
0,807 87
64,71)0 00
...... 110,430 81
..... t,joi 47
,.t30.t,8S0 64
Sinn 0 s(miVi, Clmrlt.M roal, SS 1
I, VV. M. Mbaw, Cashier of the County National
Bank of Clearflcld, do solemnly swear that tha
abovo statement if true to tba beat of my knowl.
edge and belief. W. M. bllAW, Cashier.
Kubauribed and sworn tu befura ana this 10th day
01 uoioDer, A. V. IS73. '
john v. wniai.Fr, n.p.
Correct Attest: JAMES T. LEONARD,
October tl, 1871. Directors.
A. & W. D.'IRVIN,
And soli at small advance.
It O P E
C H E A P.
August 13, 18737:1:78
TV KSI R A HI E TV I KK of Cas.ltnere., e.
jf tor men anu Hoys, at 4. at. K KATZc.n o.
rpilRl:E-PLV, Brussels, Ingrain and o'her
X Carpets, also, Boor Oil Cloths, at reduced
priors, at J. M. KHAIZKK'8.
-IlKUT Alt)HT.IKNT nfWall Paper ever
1 1 offered in this vicinity. 10c to SI per niece.
una gut paper, etc, at 4. M. MlAliKIl 8.
rpilR MOHT papular makes of Muslins, Sheet
X '"(a. Pillow Muslins, Ac, at a small advance
aovaoost,by lbs piece, at J. M. KHATZb'K'8.
loaod at
I A 1)1 EH DRIM C(XIIM, la the greatest
A variety new spring shades araot and
most dettrable striae at J. M. KRATZER'S.
i VARIETY of Dress Uoods, suitable for
il mourning also crape veils, collars,
vourtaiitly an hand, at J. M,
Rri'I'.IVIXfl a large supply nf Ladies' and
Children's Kboes. made to order and sir.
ranted. A handsome Oailer for 02.00 at
rjKUT Granite ware Tea Sets and Chamber
U ecu, anivaa and forks. 81 vav-nlated Forks
and opouus, Table Linea, Napkins, very cheap, at
tco-' J. M. KRATZER'S.
SHAWL., Scarfs, Neckties, Collars, VelFe,
Hair (foods, U loves. Ac Kid tl loves at 74c
also tba Josephine Scan. Iris Kid (i lores, at
" J. 84. KRATZER S.
For ModioiDAl ParitOM1! wt offer
Ilnl.ey'8 Vnre Ryo,
Prior f 2 to $8 per gallon, and will shin In neck.
age to suit purchasers.
Wt also handle largely a
rrltn fam $1.31 to
Wt Import
And art also manufacturers of
Sand far price list,
, , KRYDl'R k CO.,
ootllm 111 North Third Hu, Philadelphia.
Spokes, Rims & Now Handles.
8. W. Cor. LEOPARD A OTTER Streets,
-Send for Price List. T tt Om
dealer la
Real Estate, Square Timber, Boards,
. M 'To' Clearfield, ft,
tasLia m '
Sniaro Timber & Timber Lunils,
Wt hart received ika aM.. r. .v- .1 a
r.'l'-T!1 'iV" " ;,"r'"r't prices. Call and
oiamlne them. They art tne best
. J,.'I Jr. BUil.BR A CO.
V ttet Btttly tiarutsd at this cff,.
Iht bloody contest between Traces ami n ,
Is at aa and for the peasant, to f" th. ?i "1
taring wf ... .d .. dMlrnlo'.' "
Jnrnl. Th. Rrvd J.Ml.r,
themselves and rejoice over tha result lk
ln.icniAc.nt I. their .,, ,h
tba hkmans and ehrisiisa sfforts ot
who has andartakaa to supple all the cltiLns In
tha lower and of the coonljt with food and raia..I.
at eicoedlnt; low rates from bis mammoth sn, i
MtlLSONUlRU. .her. b. oa. al..,, h! fo" '!
ready to wait upoa nailers aad tupplv lk,B ,,J
Dry Goods of all KIr,5s
Such aa Cloths, B.tlnclli, Cnsslmeret, V01i;..
ltalalnaa, Lines, Drillinfs, Calico,"
Trimmings, Ribbons, Lata, '
Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats aad
Cape all of the best material and made taordarw
Uoso, bocks, Ulorat, Mittens, Laos, Ribboas. aT
ORocr.iEs or all kinds.
CoCeo, Tea, Bu(ar, Rice, Molasses, H,k a.
Pork, Linaeed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbot oil. S
Bardwara, Queensware. rinwara. Castle.. 01
and Plow Castings, Nails, Spikaa, Corn CaltivJ'
- -.-i mw an aiuae or aisb.
Perfumerv, Paints, Varnlih, Glass, and 1 twtjf
asrorlment of Slationerj,
Of different brands, a!wsi an hand, aad wID be
told at tha lowest possible Iguraa.
LIQUORS, such as Bmndv, Wine, Gin, Tfkui,
Javnt't Madlcinaa, ilostctter't and
lioofland's Bittara.
" 1880 pounds of Wool wanted f... -kl.k .V-
hlghcsl price will ha paid. Clovcraeed ot But
and fur talc al the lowest market price.
Also, Agent for Etrattondlle aad CurwansrilU
Thrashing Machines.
aVw-Call aad see for vourselvcs. Toa will la
overvlbing asuallr kept in a retail store.
Frtncliville P. O., Marck 1, 1871.
Dealers la
Hardware and Queensware,
B00U, Slioeej, Hau, Caps, io.
-Shoemakert tnppllsd with LEATHER
aad SUOX FINDINOS at ndattd raus.
SALT! SALT I SALT I at wkol.sals anl
retail eery cheap.
A liberal discount to builders.
CHOP, always ta hand,
at Alt of Iht above goods art pnrebased
eieluilvelj for cash, and thtrafort can aal will
bs sold as ehsap at iht cheapest. fsblt TJ
Turpentine,) (
Oils, J (
French, Richards & Co.'t
Buck Lead
Calcined Plaster
Immense stock no haad.
ClaarO.ld, Pa., June 4, 1ST.
May IS, ltr.
FOR SALE CHEAP. Two yokt Oisa, sir.
.rear olits, warranted sound and healthy, ent
Truck Wagon, one iron-ailed fonr-wheeled Wag
on, ltiO feet Log Chains. Apply ta or address,
JiiU.1 r. trn K1L1
Oct. I, Tl -Xt. Cresson, Pa.
X The School Dlnctors af Brady Sehnel Dis
trict wish to employ two good Teachers ler La
thersburgand TroutvilleSehools. Libsralwagts
will be paid. Schools to open trst Monday ia
November. Apply to or address,
J. tl. EIRE, fttf..
Oct. I, 71 Jt. Lathersbnrg, fa.
is hereby riven tbnt letters of administration
on tha estate of JAMES BURNS, deeeassd,
of Hoatadale. Clearfield ao.alv. Pesa'e.,
nving been duly granted te the undersigned, all
aarsons Indebted to said estate will pleaee make
immediate payment, and tboaa having tlaias or
demands will present them properly atthtatitalii
for settlement without delay.
oell (t. Administratsr.
A I)
J Is kerekr (Ivea that letters of administration.
on tha estate nf JEREMIAH MOORE, devested,
ate nf Pena township, Clenrteld tonnty, Ptaa i.e
laving bona dale a ran ted an tha nnderslfisd.
all psrsoaa Indebted to aahi aetata will plsas
sake Immedlaw payment, aad tkost htvtsK
claims or Aomaadt will pre seat them propsrly
authenticated for ttttlamoat wilheat delay.
Grampian Illlls.tPept. 14, lttl-tt
I JUKI'S PUlt OA Lib. TbO tlMf
A. (eld Uas Comnanv Is oliriea lu boadl sa
aa Investment, running from one to ten yssnh
ocartng si I per ceaL interest, payable kbiss.
cually oa the trst dayt nf January and July.
Tht amount it limited tn aiO.IMM). eeml bat
one-third of tha slock of the compsny, inns ask
ing the bonds a desirable and aafe investmrsU
They can had at either af the beaks la this set-
ongb, or al tht Treaaurcr'i office.
w. w. BKTTH, Treastrst.
ClrarBeld, Sept Id, IKT.V-tf
Tht andtriltned Is bow arena red ta hrtaa
tha nubile with aa eicellsnt qnalliy ef
Bollefonte Wood-Burned Lime,
for plastering purpoact, hy Iht Itrge tr small
uumnuiy. van no lonna lor tne presem -
new building, on Market si reel.
ooll-ir a,, K. Mel t b !."'
Tk. II . .-.I 1 nn ,ha eneaerof Pr'
koi and Fifth streets, Clear". Id, Pa., la
Tht lot coatains nenrly an acre of ground. T
housa is a large double frame, ecntslnlng ie
mums. For terms tnd othtr Information erf1'
Old Western Motel Building, Cleerneld, ft.
aw Sroat,
v.. !,..
I Mtm l.t-W