Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 15, 1873, Image 2

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    kJir Twak r's ; -a t ii
rimtmr An rnorniKToii.
-- .
- - The Triennial vlttttamott.
Wo presume tlutt it is generally
known thut tlie triennial assessment
occur this full, nnd thut tlio vuluo of
all rent ostuto will bo tixetl by the As
essor for tlirco yenrs hento. This
being tho fncl it becomes tho duty of
every anion to give the Assessor ft
correct stutomonl of liis, her, or thoir
property. Wo will lliereroro intro
duce tho Assessor to tho citizen about
its follows : 1 ' i
. " Asscssos fiood morning, Mr.Jonos.
I suppose you nre aware thut I nm the
Assessor, and liavo culled to make
memorandum of rotir property.
CiTizm All riirlit, i!r. Smith. I
Will give yon in nil I havo. ; It is just
, iina proper llittt ench cilizon should
pny his duo slwro of tax.
Assizor How modi lund do you
own to tiny r
t'lTiznN One hundred and twenty
fieros. (Tho Assessor pntB thnt down.)
; assessor is mm more land than
you wasnsicitsed with last year?
' t'lTir.KN Yes, sir. I purchased
twenty acres trom -Mr. 1 too Inst si, ring
A. I ben I will make a note ol
that fact, and when I assess Mr. Doe
I must reduce his lot that much below
last yoar, so that tho transfer can bo
cen on tlio duplicate How many
horses have you over four years old?
u. TWO.
A. JIow many cows, oxen or steers
uo you own over lour yenrs old r
C I have two cows nnd one steer
A. Do you own a cold luver or
other gold watch or silver lever of tho
mine ot and upwards r
(.'. Xo, sir. I own neither.
A. Do you own a buggy, esrringo
r spring wagon useu lor pleasuro or
lor tho conveying of passengers?
0. Yes, sir. I own a buggy.
... nave you an excoxs ot over
goOO worth ot housohold furniture in
cluding gold and silverware in your
C.l think I havo.
A. AVcll, what do you estimato the
excess at ?
C At about $700. I purchased
ubont 1,000 worth.
A Have you any money at Inter
est iu tho tsbapo of bonds notes, judg
ments, ground rents or mottgnt-es?0
C.-No, sir.
A. Xow, whero aro your horses,
tulllo and buggy t I must go and look
ut them.
C They are out at tlio barn.
Assessor and citizen now proceed to
examine tho property ; the Assessor
nuking a pencil memorandum of tho
vuluo of each species of the property;
lifter which ho inquires of tho number
of acres of lund under cultivation, ex
amines tho house, burn and other im
provements, and also makes a pencil
mcniorundum of tlio land per aero as.
well as of tho improvements, so that
when ho meet bis assistants ho will
have his own impression on paper and
rendy to learn tho views of tho assis
tants, who perhaps have a personal
knowlcdgo of the premises under con
sideration. ' A correct way to arrive at tlio true
value ot u farm of one hundred acres
of Innd, with tlio usual improvements
thorcon, is for tho Assessor nnd the
assistants to Gx tho valuo of throe or
lonr propcrlies ol like vnluo in different
portions of the township, tnking into
consideration the proximity of post
office, schools, churches and public
roads, and then adjust tho rest by
comparison with thoso properties am'
with each other. Assessors cannot
mako too many comparisons before
fixing upon a valuo.
' To eluborato still further, wo will
mipposo that tlio Assessors havo agreed
upon tho value of llichnrd lino's
farm and fixed it at 82,01)0. This
farm they havo all personally observ
ed ninny ft timo. It contains ono hun
dred acres, sixty of which aro under
cultivation, good house, barn and all
tho oilier outbuildings necessary on a
woll regulated farm orchard and
good lences. J'uw, whero is there
another liko it In tho township? Up.
n furius of this sizoand less the value
Miould bo fixed per aero. There is an
occasional furnicr who owns three
hundred ucrcs but has no moro im
proved land than Mr. Ttoe, noruro his
improvements any better. Wo sug
gest that ono hundred acres of this
lultcr farm, together with the im
provements, should bo put down at
the samo r'uto as -Mr. lloo's, whilo tho
oilier two bundrod acres, whether held
as timber land or only to kocp it un
der control, should be put dowu at a
different valuation, either above or
below tho valuation Gxod on tho one
. hundred acres containing the improve
inoiils. .
. Assessor should fix from three to
Ave rates for horses, and mako lliom
uvorago $75 or (HO. To illustruta wo
wilt adopt tho latter. Assess tho
fooro.i horse at 8110, unothcr at $50, a
tbiod at 880, a fourth at 8100 and the
lillh at 81 20. .Now, add tho value of
Kko five horses together and wo have
un Aggrcgato value of $380. Thon
ilivido by o and it will be seen thut
the horses arorago 870. It makes uo
ilifforenee how many horses you as
mcss by following this rule, it may be
Jive or five hundred, tho result will
! tlio sumo. Again, occasionally
lliero may bo a borso worth only 8-0,
while probably ihe very next horse
i you moot is worth 81 AO.
The Assosoor noed put no value on
watches, himply say whether it is a
gold lover, gold watch, or a silvor lov
er, because the Act of Assembly fixes
.he (ax (State tax only'i of $1 on tho
lirst, 75 oents on ibe second, and 0
conuon lha Utter.
'i'liera i a Ktuto lax of one per
cent, on all buggies, carriages, etc.,
and only a threo mill NULo tax on fur
niture. The great object with assessors
should bo equality in assessing, both
in real and personal property.
Jf Columbus had put one dollar at
- InUH-cst, six per cent, compound, when
Jut landed upon this continent, at thw
time It would amount tn over t'i,0Wr
(IOOOOO Tfnnnnf thn nilirrima bint
put e'-'OOdt six per cent, compound
' . . ... j. .. i ....S i . .
viiiwest, iTi-usy iv wnuin aiinruni, to
Miiighu piiivimse tho w Dnglniid
Sunday School Convention.
The third annual mooting of the
Cloai flold County Subbath School As
socint ion convened lu tho St, John's
Lutheran Church, at Clearfield, Fa.,
at 2 o'clock, p. m., Octobur Mb, 1873.
After a hnlf hour's devotional .ex
ercises, couductcd by the retiring
President, Dr. A. M. Hills, an election
of ofllcora for tho ensuing year was
on tore d into, which resulted as fol
lows: President A. P. Moore. . J '
Secretary J. K. liultorf.
Treasurer S. J. ltow.
The President elect, on taking tho
chair, roado a few appropriate ro
marks. . Ten schools wore represented as
follows: ,
St. John's Lutheran Sabbath School,
Clearfield S. J. liow, J. W. llama, J.
k. Holtorl.
Lick Hun ltible School Miss Mary
Ann Irwin, Ellis Irwin.
Prcsbytorian Subbalh School, Clear
Mold Mrs. Mury Jtuird, Jliss Lillio
Powell, Dr. A. il. Hills.
Kdcn Union Sabbath School J. J.
Wilson, A. C. Wiilthor.
Troulville Union Sabbath School
Win. McC'larren. II. Si-keg.
Sylvan (irovo Al. K. Sabbath School
George D. Uess.
Turkey Hill Al. K. Sabbath School
P. A. Howies,
Shawsvillo Al. . Subbalh School-
John .Nelson, i - ;
Cloarfleid M. K. Sabbath School
I). V. McCurdy, A. C. Tato.
Penfiuld Union Subbalh School
Lti'iian llird.
A motion that all persons present
at itioso meetings bo invited to par
ticipate In all ils exorcises, with lliu
samo privilege as delegates, was
adopted. :
tin motion a committee of three
was appointed to prepare and arrange
quostions for discussion. Committee,
Dr. A. M. Hills, llov. A. J. llartsock,
Hev. ju. Ij. iiunoo,
Dn motion, a committeo of three
was appointed to prepare programme
for each session. Committeo. Kuv. A.
J.Hartsock, Kev. U. Crittenden nnd A. D. i ocura.
Delegates reported tho conditon of
the various schools which thov retire-
sonlod, which, with a few exceptions,
was qnito favorable. Whero it isoth-
orwiso, llio causo isaltributable to cir
ca mstonccs over which tho officers had
no control, llev. I. Crittenden. Sun.
day School .Missionary for Central
I'ennsyivama, reported the avoraire
attendance at Sabbath Schools in Cluur-
Beld county considerably higher dur
ing tho oust veur than formi-rlv. IU
spoke ot several schools at which the
avcrago attendance was about ninety
por cont. of the number enrolled. A
majority of tho schools roporlod use
the uniform scries of lessons, nd find
them inlcrcstirg nnd profitablo.
Pusinoss committee reported nro
grnmmc for this oveninff. The session
closed with doxology and benediction.
Association convened in the Luth
eran church at 71 o'clock. Tho Pres
ident in tlio chair. Devotional exer
cises, conducted by Itev. M. L. (ianoc.
ufter which IJev. A.J. llurlsock deliv.
cred an address of welcome, which was
an incentive to action and an encour
agement in tho Sabbath School work
as well. An address by P,ev. J. IJ.
Shaver, of Osceola, on tho subject,
"Tho Holy Ghost our Helper," was
very good, and was listened to with
marked attention. He was succeeded
with remarks by Pov. J. Crittenden.
Other speukcrs hud bocn expected for
tho evening, and be fell unprepared to
givo much of an address, but his ro-
murks were quite cntcrtaiiniiir.
Itev. A. 1. Yucum dulivercd a brief
and earnest appeal to teachers for
faithful, prayerful work in the Sabbath
ltrporlof nroranimo for to morrow
by business committee.
1 ho exorjixes of tho evening wore
interspersed with nno-ic by tho Luth
eran cuoir.
Association adjourned with doxolo
gy, and bcnediciion by Itev. tisnoe.
Association convened in the M. E.
church at 0 o'clock. President in tho
Devotionol evercises until 01 o'clock.
conducted by the pastor, llov. Yocum.
1'irst suiject ol discussion, "Modes
of conducting Subbnlh Schools," was
opened by ticorgo W. Hhccm, eluei
dating the niodo of conductini; the M.
1'.. Sunday rcliool ol Clearfield, that
school using the International Lesson credit of its success and
tho harmony and prosporilv of the
school to the Indeiutigublo labors of
tho Superintendent, D. V. McCurdy.
Mr. Jthocra was followed with remarks
by Dr. A. M. Hills, Kev. A. J. Hart
sock and others.
Tho second subject, ''International
Bible Lessons," was hsd by D. W. Mo
mmy , wno commenced by snying
Hint Air. lflicom had "stolen Ins thun
dcr,"os he (Mr. U )had gone pretty
well over tho sulj'-cl. However, in
his remarks he made additional friends
for the iiilernnlionnl system, llcspoko
of the necessity of a greater unity bo
tween tho Sabbath Schools of the va
rious evungelii al churches ol our coun
try, nnd thought thut such end could
bo attained by a moro ein-rnl imo of
tlio Jnlernationitl liililo Lesniis. He
was succeeded with return ks by Win.
McClavren, Her. It. Critti'Tiden, ili;v.
J. 1). Shaver and others, all spunking
in praise of tho international system,
not only for Sabbath .Schools, but also
fur fumilirs.
On motion of Hev. It Crittcnden,it
frWrrrf , Thsl w rreninmrnil lo all nbtiHtb
Soliufill iu I'Uwrsrid otfiinty tlio sttnl'tiiiq of the
Iiifcrimliunal Htrivt uf tuilorui hc-riiturt Lt-
ina lunni-r, mat Knituiilly st-kiiunrl-
cdR tti bnrlit atli-n.lin; ilie nB ut th Ivs--it
in Diisillm mil (litlibath H.'kooU ninrevor
llirjr liav bmn inlro.luiwi uj r.iillilull m
Iuih1 fur tlio purpuis detiui-d.
The discussion of the third sul jocl,
"Mode of Conducting Quarterly Jtc
viiw," wus led by liuv. U. S. Butler,
llu recommended the uso of a little
book entitled "Review Kxcrcisos in
tho Sabbath School, by Itev. 11. Clay
Trumbull." Ho wus succeeded by
other spcukers.
Tho lourth subject, "The Teacher's
Preparation," was opened by Dr. A.
M. Hills, who spoke of the necessity
of tho successful teachor being himscll
well taught, being in deep sympathy
with tho leulings of his scholars. Ho
wus succeeded by Mr. II. Sykes and
D. W. M Curdy.
Dr. Hills, Chairman of tlio Commit
too on (Questions, reported tho follow
ing: "Is it expedient to keep coun
try Sabbath Schools open during the
whole yoar?" Kemaiks by Dr. Hills
and J j. llird, who wore favorable to
continuing the Sabbaili Schools dur
ing the winter. After doxology, and
benediction by Itev. 11. ti. liuller, ad-
tx-hvUri Mccfiiil A ssocialiou cbn-
jrtucd in the M'L Church, at 2tLiirtn,m l'cmvrit
o'clock. Tho President in tlio cliuir.
Several piecos were sung by tho
children and others from the different
schools, oflor which, reading of scrip,
turo and prayer by llov; lieo. Stlioll,
of Altoona. i , . ' ; ! i
Itev. It. Crittenden conducted 4
Concert Scripluro Lesson by tho Lick
Itun Hiltlo School. Suhjoct, "Tho IU
ble Grinding Mill." Aflcr nhioh Itev.
J. It. Shaver delivered n highly Inter
esting address to the children, speak
ing of tlio necessity of mukiug the
study of tho scriptures, and acquiring
alcuowledgo of tho Heavenly Puttier
pleasant und attractive to tho little
folks. All present, trom the young
est to the aged, wero deeply interest
cd in his uddrcBS.
Ho was succeeded by the singing of
a laminar ploco,in which all partici
pated. This was followed by a Ito
viow Lesson, ' l'muble of (ho Sower,"
conductod by llov. It. Critiondon, af
ter which the singing of a hymn
suited to ike lesson, was engaged in
by all. -i ' .. i ,
llov. (Jco. Seholl, of Altoona, was
then introduced, and delivered un ad
dress on the subject, "Sowing the
Seed." All wore intensely in'.orestod
Willi this address ; tho Secretary with
tho rest, so that ho failed to givo any
account of the drift of his remarks in
tho minutes. Tho excrcisos wore en
livened with numorous pieces of nitis
io by the M. K. School, joined in by
others present. Iteporl of Business
Committee. Prayer by Itev. H. 8.
Hutlor. Doxology. Benodiction by
Itov. Ceo Scholl. . ,
FninAY ivkniso skssion.
Association convened in tho Prcs-
bytorinn church at 71 o'clock. Tho
President in tho chair.
After dovotional exercises u part of
tho minutes of the previous session
wore read.
First suliject, "Work Tulk," by Itev.
1L Crittciiden. Ho used a man show
ing the number, denominalioii, in
cruuso, tin , of Subbalh Schools in tho
county. Itev. Goorgo Scholl, Itev. 31.
L. Uunno and others followed with
interesting "Work Tulks," after which
a collection was tuken up to delray
Ihe current expenses of tho Associa
tion. Hev. Goo. Scholl then delivered
an eminently entertaining and forcible
lecture or somo length on "Home
Training." On motion tho spcuker
was requested to furnish a coin- of his
address for publication, and a unani
mous rising voto ot thanks was iriven
him for his excolleut lecture.
llio followinu; resolutions were
adopted, the lust of which wus offered
by u delegate from a country school :
Htmlnd. Tht we rrounlu thn ImDuitaDM
ud boanflrtal rt-salu of lu wurk uf ibo Aaitrlmm
Sunjnj Fchool l oii n, and u Her. M. CrllliiDdcn,
thcm"!:lj'i mluloinr f"r Central Wnnirlrania,
la faithfully laboring wits v, wo mrdiailji turn
tond him lo lha aunadoBe and eu-onvratiun of
all oliri.tian po.le and frkada of tlio SuhJaj-
sanooi eaare in tun countj.
Itnotfd, That at ofliorn uf lha Clanrlilil Ca.
Sabbath School Aawialiun, and itrH-;alca allcnd
ing Ibo ennvcotiuu, wkounlcdKiQg ibe groat iu
dm noo of the prt-M, wo txprt li our thankful o'oll
raliom to tlio aeroral nrwrnapora in CloarSald
euuntr for firquontly and frut-iv jiublivhibs- stat
ion ot iniarcu eonviroiug itio wots uf our atao-
ciation. I
WMotVcrf, Thai a.i .Iclrenlci attrmlinir Ihii ton-1
rantlua, wo lender our jrnloful tlutnkf lo tUe
rauillli-a m tlearliold fur the iroueruui hcMuiufi'1
ther baro OAlcoded lu ua durinff our itar will
them, and further, that wo exprcM our tbanka to
inc paiiura ana enrutian in ('loarteld who
have kindly (ranlod no tho uao ol tliair (.iawa of
wurpnijj iu, too avrrione 01 toil conention.
On motion tho Secretary was in
structcd lo furnish an u lis tract of tho
minutes ol this Convention for ptibli
cation in tho several pupers of the
Association adjourned with prayer
by Itov. It. Criltendon. Doxology.
ucncaicuou ny ev. a. U. locum,
J. K. Hottohf, ,
' Secretary
.WeirdtrtT it'adcoHtht Hampuft.
About fivo o'clock op Monday oven
ing the murderer Wade was removed
to un adjoining coll, as it wus feared
that he contompluled making sn at
tempt to gel out. lie hud not been
in his new quarters long beforo ho
seized the water pipe und wrenched
it off, when the water flowed rapidly.
Thinking to cool his ardor somewhut,
it was determined to leave him ulonu
for n short time, lie then broke down
tho hummock, and securing a bar of
iron commenced digging through llio
n ull into hi old cell, and in a short
lime had made un opening large enough
lo admit a mun. Tho Slu rilf, with
several policemen, then npprouchod,
but brandishing a piece ol iron ho de
fied thai olliciiil to enter bis coll. Af
ter somo parlaying a rush was niado
upon him, whon ho was seixi-d, thrown,
and secured. Ho was then hnndculf
ed and tied with an enormous ropo
somewhat on tho principle of "doing
up the Duvonport ltrothors, when it
was supposed that ho could not get
Inoso again. But, Duvunpnrt-liko,
Wndo was determined lo show llio
ofilcera a "trick or two.''
During tho night, it is supposed he
procured a brokou tumbler, when he
deliberately went to work and suc
ceeded in culling tho ropo that bound
him and released himself. Thou by a
dosperate effort ho wronched off his
hand cuffs, and as If scorning to be
encumbered with such trifling things,
throw them out of a window into the
jail yard. Thon he broke front his
coll, and was louncl roaming through
tho hulls of the prison this morning
apparently a frou man I Ho was then
recaptured and locked up again
Whothor bo will perform another
"trick or two" remains to bo seen.
llo professes to huvo experienced
religion, and says that ho prayed fer
vently last night to bo grunted strength
to freo himself from his bonds, and
his prayer was answered. iViltiama
port Jlnlldon.
On Thursday last Benj. lihodes, of
nj no township, was at Ins son Da
vid's residenco in Oliver township,
helping to thresh. , Whilst tho thresh
er was in motion ho throw Ibo straw
into the burn-yard. As is generally
thn case a plulliirm wulk luid been
erected to ens bio blin Ut throw, tho
straw into tho middle of the yard.
W hilat ul work tho plulloriu gu've wuy,
precipitating him to llio ground bo
low, nnd (ultliongli how it could so
hniipen is a I in Ob t, unaccountable,) ho
fell backward upon tlw loik, both
lines penetrating ubout live or six in
ches just back of his shoulder, one of
thorn ovon reaching the lung. Ho
screamed for help, but tho noise of tho
machine preventing the threshers from
hearing, ho, with his own hand, by
two dosperate efforts, drew out tho
fork, and then walked around the barn,
whore bo called to tho men to come
to him, and then fell to tho ground un
conscious. He was picked up and
carried into the house, nnd whon Dr.
Itothroch arrived be pronouncod the
wounds dangerous, though there wus
a possibilily of recovery. On Sunday
the uufortunnto man wits thought to
bo caicr, though his ultinnto recov
ery wss mil considered douUlul,-
Tht liiB Bubble Iltrri,.The
.VorlherH futiHe fraud.
Could a full.truoand piirtioulnrhislory
be given of Jay Cooke's bubblo bluw
ing during tbe lust four years, In con
nection with the Northern PsulHo, U
would furnish ono of (lie most curious
opisodes in commercial annals. We
shall first have tho lobbying at Wash
ington, the dinners to members of
Congress nnd representatives of tho
press, with not impossibly other more
substuntiul inducements lo tho moro
important members1 tf tho compuny;
firoliminarios all tending up to the
and grant from Congress. The pro
curing thut land grunt, a territory as
big us Belgium, wus no easy tiu-k. A
deal of manipulation with tondcr-con-scicnccd
Congressmen it demanded,
but notwithstanding a biller opposi
tion to llio lust on the part of a low,
who porhaps struck for higher wages,
it wus found impossible to muko a
successful stand against tho groat Ad
ministration banker. . So thi bill 'hiss
ed Congress, but tho President was
said to hesilalo. , Strong representa
tions wero reported lo have boon made
to him againut the grunt and "great
prossuro" put upon him to provent his
assent to it, but llio President who
hesitates is lost. The potent porsuu
sions of "Financial Agent" Coolco pro
vailed and won llio buttle. And now
lot tho victims of tho swindle contrast
tho lino of conduct pursued in this
matter by Washington successor and
by the Kinporor of tiermuny. When
tho passing of tlio Northern PauiGu
begun to be disseminated throughout
tho Fatherland, His 31 ujosty's govern
ment dispatched to this country a
commission composed of guiilloiiico
eminently ijuulilicd to arrive at a
sound judgment in refcrciico lo the
scheme. , 4 licy wont to tlio alleged
puradiso beyond Duluth, and with the
proverbiul puins-tuking accuracy of
their race, sot luwoik to examine into
I.a ....! ..(' iI.a ........ H'l. ........ I.
the real facts of llio case. Tho result
was a report not alluded to in Mossrs.
Jay Cooke k Co.'s advertisements in
which they givo tlio most nowurlnl
reasons w by tho project could not be
a success, und they provontod thous
ands of poor (ioniums from beinir
President Grant could have dono
tho samo thing much more easily, but
he pretorrod the less trnublrsomo
course of signing his consent to tho
bill, and tho men nnd women ruined
to day by the failure of Jay Cooke &
Co. may consider themselves as not n
littlo indebted to the President of the
United Stales) for bad ho done his
duty, tho oxtruvsgant sebemo of Jay
Cooko could never have bocn at
tempted. But still further difficulties hud to
bo encountered. There is a certain
nowspapor pnblishod in London culled
the Times. It has its faults, but a
wont nf good faith in commercial mai
lers has nevor boen rcgurdod as ono
of them. Indeed, it may fairly be
said that it is not worth the while ol
the Time to bo dishonest, for it sells
and has Weight by its reputation for
commercial probity. .Now tho Times
has a correspondent at L uiladelplna,
and in the summer ol lt, J tliul gen
tleman began to occasion the great
and good Mr. Jay Cooko who in n
pillar of the Kpiscopul Church, and
would die rattier than offend hcuvun
by inserting a Sunday advertisement
a deal ol trouble. This inconven
ionl person would persist in declaring
that the paradiso through which tlio
.Northorn Pacific was about U) run
was howling wildernnss, that the prin
cipal crop was tho ice crop, and that
tho predatory tribes of Indians who
infest tho country were likely to prnvo
exceedingly Inconvoniont nciglihors.
Now, inasmuch as the Investing Brit
ish public read its Times, and believes
In it, these shameful allegations hud
lo bo slopped, .nnd even this was
accomplished. Money couldn't nnd
didn't do it. It was very cleverly
mnnngod in a different way. It 'was
staled ns a positive fuel to a gentle
man of Unimpeachable integrity,whoso
high character wus well known lolho
managers ot the great London journal
that these statements on the part ol
tho Philadelphia correspondent woro
tncro porsonul spito. lioasona, woro
alleged why this should bo so. It was
asserted that ho was closely oonnoclod
with a great rival interest, and thut in
throwing dirt on tho splendid enter
prise of Jay Cooko k Co , ho wssmero
iy serving tho enemy's turn. Unfor
tunately, the gentleman alluded to
wus induced to believa tt.tso state
ment and reported his belief in Ihein
to thoso who controlled the paper and
the uvuol exposures of tho Philadel
phia correspondent who hnd written
somo admirably pungent and logical
letters on tho suhjict ceased to S-
iicar in tho columns of tlio lending
.ondon journal. Thus was tho big
gest lion muzzled.
It was probubly, too, with lhA de-"
sign of, carrying out tho Xorkliern
Pacific project that this gigantic specu
lator was induced about the samo time
to establish his London honso. This
Institution was intended to take the
town by storm. It started with a
prodigious "splurge."
Whon somo fivo years ago those
gorgeous cilices were orectod at the
most commanding point in Lombard
Blroet, each city nmii ns he hurriodly
passed them wondered "who tho davil
can afford to lake them 1" Hut what
could not thut firm afford who hold
White llouso nnd Cupitol in the hnl
low of thoir hands? M'ho could sqnocza
a hind grunt as big as Belgium out of
tho one, and Induco tlio oihor, for no
shadow of reason, to throw over tho
truo and triad huuso of liming, those
merchant princes, worthy of thut lofty
title, so long connected witli tho pub
lic finance of this country, and so thor
oughly respected by all its best mer
cantile men in favor of the rickety
Ohio adventurer, Ihe bubble thrown
up by llio war. Yet, let llio victims
of Jay Cooko rcmornbor that to give
lurlhcr prool ol hisconlldenco, to show
still moro how much ho thought tho
public the people whom ho is sup
posed to proloct might stako llieir
interest In the houso of Jay Cooko k
Co., tirant did Hot scruplo to givo
them tho only really valuablo finan
cial agency of the United State , not
only so, but with that end lo tnko it
out of the first house In llio world.
Can ho or hi friends be surprised then,
if pcoplo ask, "What did ho gut for
this ? Is all this extraordinary favor
itism puro gratitude lo a mun lor mak
ing his fortune out of a war loan f
And was tho peremptory refusal to
entertain the postal proposal of the
Northern Pacific a fow weeks aitn. an
exhibition of gratitude a la Taltirand,
vie: 'A painful consciousness thai there
are no more favors to bo received Iriini
tho samo parties, inasmuch as they
havo bust up ?' "
But to return tn the treat houso of
Jay Cooko, McCulloch & Co., of Lom
bard streol, London, their enormous
plulu glass enrol', glossily veneerod
desks und tutiiptuc-us parlors They
started, us wo huVo said, with a burst.
Xo doubt tho Darings, in their dingy
parlors in Bishopsguto, shed tours of
Vexation, which the ubsonoo of such
plate glass windows as thoso enjoyod
by tho trunicenduntly rich now firm
provontod the enemy's seeing. We
can Imagine bow poor Brown Broth
ers for soveraldays "took to drinking,"
and bow even "the Baron" was shown
to be very low. A now tuna had In
deed rison among thoso who woro
heneolorlh to bo incroly minor, s, Jn
going into a London business Mr. Jay
Cooke cast his eyes about for an eligi
ble Knglish coadjutor, and discovered
him In thoporson of ono Colonel Pules
ton, then a stock broker in New York
and a rosidont of Brooklyn. This gen
tleman's career had boon verstilo.
Kdttcalod originally for the medical
profession, he abandoned it to go to
Australia, whence bo came lo this
country. Of Welsh origin nnd per
fectly acquainted with the jaw-breaking
vernacular of the Principality.Mr.
Puloslon wont to Pennsylvania and
became editor of a Wolsh journal, and
it may bo prosumod made himsolf very
useful to somebody in politics, for
during the war ho was, though a Brit
ish subjoct, Stute Agont of Pennsyl
vania ul Washington. A man of tact,
address and ability, Colonel (bo ob
tained this rank in an American mili
tia regiment) Puleslon was no doubt
A happy selection asd is said lo have
played Lis part remarkably well, but
id ugni smid me cons ol u boa con
strictor is loo much oven for a Titan,
and poor Colonel Puleslon bus been
laboring with a serpen I of this kind
luboled "Morlborn Pacillu," coiled
around him. Ho has boon already
named is Conservative candidate for
tho I Ivuao of Commons for a Welsh
consistency for an "M. P." fchods
lustra sua film and was no doubt,
dmttinud to be tho show partner, the
i eillcrUinoP tho prominont man of
.. .. ' . . . ...
.Mcssra. ilarinir's rivals, but thoso so
fortunate as to know the family, estab
lish men t nnd social surroundings of
Air. Jtusscl Slurgis, the American part
ner of that great houso, u ill smilo at
llio ides of easy rivalry willi them in
the multor of social ultruction. . Such,
in brief, is the Blory of llio .Northern
Pucifio. .
In Mr. Juy Cooko's career we see
exemplified tlio effects of unprincipled
vanity. Just as tlio frst Napoleon
sacrificed thousands of lives in tlio
effort to carry out tromendous schemes
lo gratily his personal ambition, and
intoxicated by success, at last fell,
through llio idea thut his military
genius could strike tho word imossi
ble out of llio dictionary, so Jay Cooke
was ready to sacrifice the hard earned
savings of tens of thousands to prove
that tho samo end was equally un
known to tho Napoleon of Unanco
Hero is another of thoso "warnings
to tho ambitious" in which McCaulay
lulls us Ibo n i net ce n tli centmy has
been fertile. It will not be altogether
lost on the pcoplo of this country if it
teaches llicin lo remember henceforth
thut fine words in llio advertisements
of venal newspapor butler no par
snips, and to discredit henceforward
the alluring lies of the "liimncial
agents" of unmado railroads. Brook
lyn Ihtity Eiirlc.
Term, euumeneu? Monday. Ilia 10'b :
mini lt. K.
J. Malnea .....Woodward Thomas Vorrii..,...Pil(e
Jan'oa Irwin. ..Clearfield' K. K. Arnold ?eady
A. nloom...Carwonav-illo
Joabua Keitwcll... Cheat
Junn KoaiuflH...... Ilrady
1. W. Kunta Ilrartv
Tbuniat Kraal. .....fii-'
A. M. dill Ilradford ,
. nin-riy ucei-ana
S. Itiiihel Lawrence
John 8. Hunk...latur;T. Hubinr Clearfield
A. M.tipenoor I'onn L. llyan. linrniide
W. Woulridga..tiradfur4. Jamea Jaioea ..... Uojcara
C. Fre-lcrii-k tjulich jubn Stone Hoik'
H. Ilindman.Hi-OPnria. John Henrr....Fvrruron
Win. Murcao..ClMrfleld
A. u. AOKUeobeuf Q,
T. Mawrer.Corinxtoo
H. S. Irwin-. ..Lawrence!
J J Rirljanb,llumidi.
Jamea UaleyH Knoa
H. hnr . Bradford
Win. A. Ulooin Pike
6. Sine! drahaut
AUr. Iloorer Orahaai
A. rMianOjflc arorrii
A. II. Mainci..Uradfiird
Pal. Curley, Urahara
rpitlAL I.Ht-NOV. TERM conmeaoing
JL Aionuaj, ma lum :
riST HKT.t.
A. C. Tate, el al. re. Vm. T. Siaekman.
W. AnnMrona, AMifrnee va. I.. M. Lamadaa.
Albert, at al va. Jurepb HoMer,tsl.
Jamea Forrrft..
Ilenjamin Dcllei k....
lleorfO llaaeutn
Peter Swarla
-hae.b Ik'.t
Andrew Pentx.
Martin L. Flerk
.... ra. K. A. Irvin, et al.
.... va. A. C. Finney.
.... re. Hic-hanl Arthore.
.... ra. J oob Mock, et al.
.... ra. Wm. Aided, al al.
va. Win. Corlov. el al.
T. Win. Wire,
Umirge M. Itrilbin..
TI. Char. R. Maoomhor,
kiicrdlrr.l'atereon A Co. re. U, H. Perry, ot al.
Lew ie J. llmd.
Teriih Daker.
H. U. Itl.lic-I, et al...
Jiunre Jlv;;arty
II. F. Co!ci, et al...,
.aao N. Haincy
Edward W. Parker..
Cliur.'ai I.. Fine
Mary A. Hale, et al.
,.. . II. Paxmore, et al.
. ra. M imuei S'h. IT.
... va.ljll.L.Slilhton,elal
... VI Chilitinn Umnett.
,.. va. Wm. Wo)T.iniT,tal
.. va. (lei. . CaMwoll.
.. va. A. 11 Nliw.
R.-Wera I MrCully.rtal
Abraham OcM, 8r Mn
Jiuoa .M. Wliiteiide
va. a. (Iilh r.u, otal.
va. II. 11. K.
v. Peter Jli .'ea.
va. J.wub Aluok.
Ju, j. It I'ulter..
A. II. Luna A Sum va. O.oeole I. C.
dulioh fp. 4okool Diat ra. Win. Liuhor.
n). Aalinnfrlter, Adm'r... va. IV m. C. bmith, at al.
Ovcieeri of lluitoa To. va. k. Uatea, at al.
K ijah Aihenfelltr re. Wm. Orlny, at al.
Joi. ph II. a va Wm. Albert, al al.
The oMmt nnd moft rrlUbU inrtiiitlnn for Ah
IninlDK ft AUrtftntila ttlont.o. For CimUri
write to P. J1 Kr" A HU.,
oolliWtt J'ittuburgli, I'n,
CAlTIOMe-AUppritonmirKhirhy flmiilnntil
j not to mt Jil It wirh th followtnjt firopnrty :
A trtun nf b 1st ok how, double t of bnrtuii.
nn twn -horM) wifjon nl nn log )'., now in th
pniTttw r Joneph M. r.npn. ut thn mill rrp
rt beltmitt In mo ! I toft with Mm mf
loan, f utiirct to mt vrlr.
ooi 16 -at THOMAS BK1TLY.
For Medlelnftl Purjiaeea we offer
llallvy'M Puro Ityc,
Price f 3 lo 1 per gallon, and will ship in pack
ago to eoit porohaeere.
Wa alio handle largely a
Wo Import
And iro ..I wo mftnufiHurr uf
' dr. STtr.vr.irs
Send for price Hit.
ocllJ Sin 121 K.irlh Third St., I'biladelphla.
Old Wealorn Hotel Ilulldinf, Clearfield, Pa.
.a Htuiis,
Nsvr Ooona,
set I in BoTfna Pstrsa.
The antlerplffnatl sunounoea to hii old friend
and patrone that he baa opened a good Una of
llltnt-eHIP.,1 A PROVISIONS at the old eland
nl Kirk A rtfencer, for which be eollelta liberal
palrrnage. II. W. ri FKNttll.
Luuihtr Clly, I'a., Mai.b !0 t(.
Dr. .1. WiilKcr's fiililorniii iu
fgar liitlci'M ip a mri;ly.Vi'LTlnblo
iropnratiuti, inndo cliiilly fnmi tho nii
tivo lici'lis fntitnl on llio Itnvi r iimpcs of
tl:o Kk-ira Nnvitdii iimniitnins nf I'.tllliH'
Iii.i, Ilia medicinal jiniK;rtles of wlilili
nru cMnictml tliciclmin vt itliniit tlio uso
of Alcoliul. Tlio i;rstiiui Ij a'cuif;
dally iislicd. 11 What la tlio causo nf tlio
uiiparalleluil success (if VlXKtiAli lirr
J Kiaif" Our iinswrr Is, that tlicy rciuoio
llio causo uf iIiH iuu, mid llio ul;ui.t M.
rnvi-r Ins hcailli. I hoy mo llio groi.i
lUiuil luiiilh-i anil ulit'u-IViiii; iriuciilp,
a tHM-fcci licnuviititr mid luviguriitir
if tlio system. Novcr lioforo in tho
liintiiry of Ilia vnrM li s iiii-iln-itiu Imi-ii
ctiiittnMinili'l piMacartitii; llio h-ninrk.-tMj
qxilitina of Vixkoas litTTKna in ln-miiig il.a
eiik of every ili.cuso limn la lii-lr to. 'I'lu-y
nro a erv.ilo" I'lirpntivs sa well in a Tuic.
nliovi::t ChIii-'i-.uipii or IiiH.iiiimntlim ul
tho l.ivw U ViacerJ Orgmw iu iiiliuus
'J'lio proirfil ios nf r. WAt.Krn's
VlSKtiAk llinsss nro Airn-iit. liiniilion-tir,
CnrimtiuUvft. .VtiliitHnu. I.nmivi'. lunatic,
hcdiuivc. Umiiti-r-lrnliiMt hudonlic. Alton
tivo, oiu Antl-liili"U'.
(Irntt'ftil TliotisnntN proclaim Vis
KtiAii lliriKiis ibo ntnsl wonderful In
MH.inml that ever ttiataiuiil Hi" suikiug
SI 011111.
No lVrson enn lake these Hitters
ncenrilinp to dircelimis. mid icinain Imi
uracil, provided tiicirbuiics .no liui do
stinyed by mineral poiwiii or uthrr
means, and vital organs w.uted beyond
Itilioiw. Kriiiillont mid Inter
mil tent l evci s, wlucli nro v preva
lent hi tlio valleys of our groat rivers
throughout tho Tinted States, especially
tlnr.o of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tcunrssvc, C'liinbcrliiiiil, Arkan
sas, Ked. t'uh ii ndo, llriuos. lliu (i ramie,
l'earl, Aliibiium, .Mobile, Karannali, lio
;iiiiike, James, nnd iiiaiiv othcis, wit li
their vast tributaries, tiinitihmit our
em iro country dunlin the Siiiiiuicr and
Aiittiiiin.iiud remarkably so dui inse.i
iiiii of tiiiiiHtiul bviil ami dryness, a:c
invariably iiceonmanicd by extensive de
raiicenieiils of tho stmnaih and liver,
ami other iibdiuii'.tial v:jccra. In their
treatment, n purgative, cxertins; a pow
erful itilliieiieo iipnii tlieso various or
gans, is cs.Hinti.illy iicce.ia.try. Thero
is no eallmitio I'm llio purpose eipir.l to
Dn. .1. WAt.i;rx.'.i ViNKiiAit ItiiTKr.s,
as they nil) speedily lomovo tho il.u!:
riiloiTil viscid matter with which tho
bowels are loaded, at tlio timo
stlintilatini; tlio serietioiis of tlio liver,
und p-tu-iallv rostorin llio liealthy
llilicliiilis nf tlio ilij;estiio ottjalis.
Fortify the liody niritlnst ilismso
by ii:rirtin;; all its llnidswith Vim:i!.mi
Un i kiis. No epidemic i-ait lake bold
of a sjitcin thus forc-nrmcd. v
Djstii is!:i tir I;i(!ij;;'slior., Ker.i!
r.elie, I'liiil ill the Sihiuilili is, C'iisikIii,
'I'lhlness of llio (. best, I liyjnesi. Sour
Krtirt.'.iioiii of the Slniuaeh, Had 'l a.'ito
ill lliu M.mili. Itilirr.s Attacks. I'alpiia
tatioii of the Hem t, llill.uiiiiiatiou of tho
l.uns, I Mtii in the reuii.n of tho Kid
neys, mill a htuali ed other painful syinp
loins, are tin ollVptiiii m' Hys's-psia.
One botllenill piooa bettei (;aar,r,r.eo
of lis merits t!i;::i a Ivnglliy udveitisc
luent. S.'vofiil.i, or Kind's KviJ, Wiito
Hi cliiii 'i. L ireN. Krv Im 'as. Sweilrrl Xeel;.
(oiilre. ro-rofiiliMK Inniiiiiiii.iiii.tK latloletit
liilliiiiiiimtiona, il.TL-iirnl ,U!m'U-iii, Oil
.Son-.-', bniiliiaa of tiio Skin, Soro Kye;', t-lc.
Ill lite-", ni in nil niln-r eiu-tihitiitial lh-
e"V, tt.VI.KKJt's VllHIU lilTTKli! llnVO
lii".l Hu-ir great nii.i'.iio ;ovrera ia the
ueint w- ''iulo mill ii.linv-tiililii cummi.
l ot' li'i.-'Uiaiutory niid ( luonic
lilit'imialin; . tiout, Hiiioin, liriuit
tent and liitermi.'eiit Va ers, 1 liseasos of
lliu IJiimil, l.iwr. iwi.'y-v n.ot l'.!a.!ilcr,
ll!e.-o liiin-M huvo mi riii.i'. bach i'iscases
nre r.viwit l.y ilinlr.l llhiou.
Mccluiniciil Dist'itst's. i'frsons f n
pn'oil 111 I'alul.i and .Minerals, cicU lis
I'inuilirra, 1'ype-M'llpra. (!ilil-bestor, luid
Minoia. n. the nilvaiico in life, nr.i stilijn.-'.
to p.tialynia of Ihs lloirel. 'i'o punrd
timiust liiio. tike n ihi-nof TValkku's Vis
kiias Hintss iKeaMinially.
For Skill DisPlLSCIS Kniptions, Tet
ter. Sull 1,'Ik-iiiii, HIiiU Iu.j, .'"1 !. I'liiiplca,
I'liHtule.rt. Iloil... ('tirliiiiirle., liitiff-worma,
rtt-nlil-lii-tiil, Horn Kyo. KrrHipela. Itch,
Si-urf. lliMfiliirnlioitv of tlio8kiti, lliituors
sml Jli.vuara uf llin Skill of v. luitevor limns
or nnliiro, urn lilonilly ilu; rp slid curried
out of Ui vti-iii iii a elioii timo bjr ibo usa
ol'thi-M! Ili'ten.
1'in, Tajio, nnd ollirr Wornm,
birklnt in llio l Hti'iti l mi ninny llniinai,,l,
nru I'llci iiKilly itrstroynl nml n-iuovi'd. Ho
eVKtriu of iiiviiirinu, iiu eriuiriiifoa, no nil-tlieliiiinitii-a
w ill lieo Ibc ayatcui lioin soruia
like lliesc lliltern.
For Female Complaints, In vmni;
or olil. iiiairn-il or ini;lo, nt tlieduuii id an.
iosiiIhumI. or tlw I tu n id' hie. Micro
lii'ltrs ili.plny mi ileeiiti'il su inlhietuo th&t
intjiroveini'iit ia iomii peii. "MMe.
FlcaiisptliP VltlnteJ Illood when-
ever yon lind ite nniiiritiea liiiratintr tlinmirh
the ekni in riiiiilo.., l-iriiitiuiii. nr Soma;
elrno it Vihi-ii yoil linil it utimnii-lrd mill
elui.'(ii-li in tho roina; clesnac it wlicu it ia
foul : yum feelmira will tell vnu when. Keep
Hie hlmul pure, slid Ibo health of tho system
will follow.
Pmiri:i.nvHi-n. ri.. S.ui Ollfurola,
aud -ur. ut U'eel.inelitii ami liiarltnn Hie.. X Y.
bolU by nil Ih-HKiolBle And Ueailcra. 15, ISM-lv.
i .
C I. E A R PI K I. U, T A.
liculcri In
IIahuware and Qoeenbware,
Bools, Shoos, Hats, Cups, 4c.
-Shoemniere supplied wltk LKATBER
sad BI10K FINDINUS at ndaead ratta.
retail very cheap.
st wsoleaela sad
A liberal dlieosnt lo hulldera.
CROP, alnaji on band,
jWAIl of lha abovs foedi are purehaied
aieluilvely for eaih, an 4 Uiorefora mi and mil
be told ai cheap sa lha oheapeiu febll-TI
Spokes, Rims & Flow Handles.
. JOHN 0. DAVIS k SON, ,
S. W. Cor. LKOPARD A OlTKIt Htreeta,
jTfl-Senit for Priea Mat. MMm
I lha Pear snd Hoilvener tn Ilia apper ami of
Lawresra tnrnebli. l'oUeiliDr ata-lr anil eauojey
pr'mpll.r paid prrr. Fth.M
A. & W. D. IRVIN,
i ! :
. ' ' ' BCCSIVI
!" BY CAll LOAD,
And sell at mall Advance.
; - . 1 ....... . x , .W
15 Y THE CO I li,
' ' AND
v ' '. (. . .
Aofuit IS, 1ST3 M.r
Dealer ia
Tobaooo. alroearica and Fiih, Kaili, Hardware,
lueeniware and IJlaeiejara, aleii'a and
ll'.ya' Ctothinic, Drug, 1'ainta,
Oile, S. I...0I llooka,
l large lot of Patent -Medictnca,
Cendiee, Kala A Dried Fraita, Cheeaa and Crack
era, Rook and Rifle Powder,
Flour, Grain nnd Potatoes,
Clover sad Tiatotliy Seed,
Sole Leather, Moroeeoa,- Lining. Binding and
. Thread, Shoeiuakera' Xvola and
tibue r indiDga.
Ko sweater varioly af ffooda in any atore tn th
eonnty. All for rale very low for eaeh or eoitnrj
prodoce at Ibe tbeap Corner. Aug. 41, 1S73.
Down I Down II
A Proclamation against High Prices)
Tlf B r now of1nff up a lul of tb Lett and
offered in thlf tturkrt, ttid at prif that rnnind
on of th Krol old Ua rt of eheap thinn. Tbono
ho look hitn opoa Uii point, or decn our oilo-
ffttiuna aoptrOauaa, icou but
C.tLL ar ovn STOKE,
Coratr Front and Market at root.
Whero they can toe, feel, hrar and know for them
mIvci. 3o fully uaderatand what arcobeap ffmMlt,
la it mat b dono. Wo do nut deem it necersarv
to ocumcratt and itrmtae oar stock. It li onougb
for at to at ale tbat
We have Everrthing that is Needed
and enn ltmed In tbii market, and at prioea tbat
astontib both old and yonntr.
Dl'.SI K A III. ET1 M:Rof t 'amiinrrei, Ae .,
forileuand Iloyi, at i. M. KHAT.i:ll S.
rpilltr.p-PLV, Drneiela, Ingrain and o'.hrr
X Crjctl, alio, floor Oil t'lothr, at reduced
pneaa, at . e. SI. r.HAi.r.n 0.
1I'.T AIMOitT.HI'SiT ofWatl Paper ever
I offered ia tliio vicinity. 10c lo $1 per piece,
boo gilt pnper, etc., at J. Al. kittutiiN
riltlG MOMT ppnlarniakeiorMulini,Sheel
X Inge, Pillow Mueline, Ae.. at a iwall advance
aooracort,by lha p icon, at J. M hKATZKIt S,
11 A8S0H1KM, LOW PRICKS, all lo be
touod at J. M. KHA TZr.ll s
T A III EM lni-'.MS ;(MI)H, In the grealoit
lj variety pew spring ihadee neweit and
uiort aaalraoie alTlea at 4. .VI. US A 1 6.
4 VAHIl:TV of Dreeo Uondi, tuilahle for
2. a. Bionrning Hilao onuta vcila
ollnre. do..
couitantly on band, at i. M
"II I'.t T.IVISfi a large rnpply of Ladlee' and
Xty i ntiiiren a rnooa, niade to order and war
ranir I. A bandinue Gaiter for Mn at
meb3a J. M. KKAIZKR'S.
nKJST tlranlto warn Tea P.-ta and Chamber
Seta, Knlrei and Korku, gilver-platrd Korkr
and poona, Table Linen, N'apkina.ierv cheap, at
"cha J. M. KltATZEIfS.
OHAVri.e., rVarfa. Keek lira. Co Hare. Vet is.
ky Hair tloodi, lllovee. do. Kid lllovee at Too,
alee tne rfoeephlBe Heamleie KIS Utovee, et
nchlA J. M. k RATZKH'ri.
May IS, IS7S.
dealer In
Real Estate, Square Timber, Boards,!, LATH, A TICKET!,
i''T1 riearllel.1. pa,
naaLis is
Sfjunre Timber & Timber Lands
holerala dealer! la
cents' rmisHiM. i.(enii8
Mm PwUMl.e,...! ibb. m
,p' nnrrn tr-l, rselirrcft
fcraukl.a.odWMititi., Vork. frWit
p r. a c k in Em o pEir
. t . .
J. .' ' 1 l :
The bloody tonteet between Praaea and P... .
la at . eo4 tut ll.e preaeoi, ao fa, Z ,
lerlng of men and tho d-.lraoli..n of rrQrZ,.'
eonoerned. Th. Rnyal Jwr. C' '
themielvca and re)idea over lire rualt k.,r
in.lgnlfleant I. Ihei, work wS.o toJw' i
the humane and ehrlitian eforti of
who hai undertaken to .apply all ,, tMu .
i:L.soNuR;;i;T.;.7.;?b:,s; to welt ui.r.n eallero .A ' "M
r ,g,m
Wry Goods of all Kinds.
ae Clothe, Salinella, CaMlnerea,
Delalnee, Lines, Drillinga, Caliaoei
TriinmiDII. llibbone. I.u. . '
Readj-BiaderiolWin, rtooti and Sbori, Hiti ..i
Capa all of the boat material and made to ord.,
lloae. Soeke. (Hove. Mill... 1 . i",,
, . , , koi, niuiHiai A.
Coffee, Ten, gntar, Hloo, Molauei, Pl.h fl.i,
Pork. Litiaeed Oil. Piih on i-Jk.. a .
... v.uu v,t
II a rJ Wire. Oueeiitr. Titir.H r...: h.
d Plow Culinfi, N.M. ftn:i,l. r V V'0W
n .-j vuism, ivru L U 1 1 1 1
tors, Cider Preaaee.ajid all kindi of Am.
Perfumery, Painta, Varnlrh, filaaa, and a (raoraV
ni.Hm, v. oiauonery,
Of different brendi, alwayi on hand, and will be
old at Ibe loweat poaiibla Caurea.
LIQUOII8, inch at Brandy, Wine, Gin, WbUkj,
-. ., jiu.Ltiicr ana
llm.flnn.r. m
A0O0 oonnde of w--t-4
. . -.ur wnica lee
hlgheit price will be paid. Clovereeed on hand
and for tale at the loneit market price.
AIM. Agent for Strattonvllle aad Curwetivill.
Tbreaiiing Uachlnca.
&.Call and eee for youreelvea. To will led
..oijiuiug aiuany xepi in a reUII Itore.
Prenrhrllle P. 0., March 1, 1871.
1 PORSALK CHEAP T ...b. n '
year ol.le, warranted aound and healthr.'eee
. ..r n ;ir,n, one inm-OHCO lOUr-WBtelod W.
on, 100 feet Log Chains, Apply to or addreii.
" . dOli.V P. O'.M.ILL,
(t?t t:'.riu l Crrwon, I'a.
1 The 8eh"ol Dlnetora of Bradr School 111..
tricl wirh lo rmnlov Iru TjM.h. ... t-
tlierebarg and Troulville ricbooll. Liberal wane
will he paid. Heboola to open flrrt alosday is
Neven.bcr. Apply to or ad.lreei.
Oct. , 7J-3I. Lstbenbnra, Pa.
11RI1PI1S II.S l.jVK I. :iik- "
A ceited, by the Biiperviaoraof Lawreueetae
until Saturday, October 18, ls?3, at i o'clock, P.
M for the hoilding aad grading of a road (row
a point soar Thomaa Laoieh't to towaehin road
inumw. mci DtreiB I, l JawrOOOO ten.
The Board of HuoerviMpB mill mu. I. k. r .
liooee, In Cleartleld, on the day above ipecited.
Partlei bidding for tbe contract mart lie prepared
to gira good and anOcient bail for tho coin plclioa.
of Ihe work.
, ... JilH.N (1..KLIXK,
Oct. S, 73-Jl. rup.rri.ori.
A IMI!lTHATH't4 w7lTII'iZlKl.iIl
li hereby eiren thai letter, nt .ln..l.i...;
on lha eatata of JAMES IllRNS, decoaird,
lata of Hoatxdale, Clcarleld eouotr, Pcao'a.,
havio) born duly granted to the anderiiiriied, eli
penom indebted to raid e-lale will pleeae Bale
iuiniodiata payment, and thoae having olaioii or
druauda will preeenl them properly aatlonticitid
for eutilcmrni without dcUy.
MAitY BtRNi),
clS-lt. Adniinietratur.
IV la hereby gi ven thet letterrof adniairtritina
id ih.MUd uf JKRKMIAII MftOkk AA
IaI of Prnn townrhip, Clratfield eoastj, ft&s'a..
bftTlLf broa duly granted to tko iadiiint4,
all peraoaa Indebud to aaid catata wiit 1um
elaitni or dtmaodi will prfient tkcra proportjr
authcotiratod for ottUmrnt wftboat oIbt.
Jlraia.ian HtWr, 8wtU. 54. t
bercby riv-ti that letter of odminitraUoa
uuLhtePtateut h I'M UNO UKAl'St.NUKK, due d,
lata of i-iivitt)ta township. Clearfiildcnanty, Pa.,
having bn duly granted to tko an den if nasi, a!i
poranoa indebted to aatd eotata will pleae naka
parmant. and thoo bartng elaima or detnaxidj
will pro tent thota proper It authenticated for let
Uoonto' Milla, Sept. lo, lsr.V-t
1Xi;t l'TOR' NOTH liX Notire li her
j be given Itint letters teatamantarj kaviif
boen grmnted to tbe anhachber on th eatat of
A1,K .N1KR hHATTY, dowaaed, late of fiell
tuwnsbip, Clt-arfield eoontrt Peaoijlrania, all
pemona indt-blcd to aaid ettata aro relocated to
mako in media t payment, atd tkoao barin(
elaima again at tho aaao will present tbem dolj
aatbaotioatcd fur aettlrment.
SoptombcT 10, 137.1-6.. Eiecutrit.
I?XKC t'THIX KOTICKsr Notice ii km-
I j br rirra that letter lt am notary on tb
eatoteof AttU'hTlS LKCOMK. dcooated, Uto
of M.rard town-thiii. Clearfield countT, I'tca'a,
baring been dalv granted to tbo undoraigoed, all
persona iudalitvd to aaid eatatt pl nak
piiymenr, ana those Having vlaiina or demtoa
trill present tlitiu propenr antheotieattrt tor m
Loo-ate" Mills r. lilTSi
T()NIS KOI SaLK. Tbo Clear-
Held Uaa Corapanj la itTering it bondi w
aa Invertmont, ruauiag Iroia. ono to ten Team,
bearing aik por ex at. intoreat. parable aeai I -an
nual I r oft tbo Hrt davi of January ana jurr.
The amount ia Itiutted to 9HMMM, beint but
one-third uf tba atock of tha company, thui ak
ing the bun Ul a dcirahlo and aafe inretment.
Tltor ran had at either of the Bank ia thil bor
ough, or at the 1'reajnrer'i office.
w, v . UKTT3, Treawrir.
CUnrfleld, Pept 10, 1973. tf
tv. g. lll. ker A Sua offer Ihelr entire etoek et
filer UexHla, la Ules Iioi.a, al private aale.
Thrj alio offer Ibeir Unties fur aale or real, lo
uil narehaeera. The food I will be enlil al Ihej
are on the eheteea eheau, and on eaivtertni.
U not enld by Meplemhor JMh, inee win oe
old at mat. liar bargain raa bail in Vrf
(looili. Notion. Iloi.le and fhoei. Hardaare,
Oiaaiware, anil in fact all of joo.ll. If
aol ee. waul October let., thee will heoffrredal
aaotion averj Satuntav sntil all are dirnoerd of
The lluuea li tbe I oil in Olrn Hope, and doirfa
irmid bunneia. The III health of W. 8. PUt't
it tbe oanee) fnf selling. Call on or addren
(ties lln)ia. Soft. 17. lstj- 1b.
Ilavlat reerntlr Blled n a new Bakery, aad
nrucared Ihe eerrU-ee of s trat-elaei Iljker, e
are prepared i inrniih ,
ererr day. tVa will dellrer Broad, Kll. CrtsJ
nf all kimll, freh every nornins, al tha 01
oiir caetomrra, if de.ired. Wt reiiertfullr ee-He-it
a inure of pnlillr iatmnK nJ 'n' ""
that wo ean give entire enllrfeotitis. .
We alio keep oa hand a i-hoiee aiiorlmeal of
BACCO, I'lilAIIS, de. .
1-reib KRl ITSand VEOKTABI.sS reeei"
dally and eotd at reaennab'a pr'eee.
. n.u .niunn, io reenii-ji.....'- i
H ii IKK Ad alwarl oa hand.
(Ureal a anil. We etrive M pleaie.
An, a, ls:-f. HTKVhS0S A CO.
i a. j i -.1 i. In fur It
i nv wiiria;nri ia paw pr-j'"1 -
the pnblie with an exeeUatit qnahlj af
Bollefonte Wood-Burned Lime,
Sir iitaitrrlni nnrnoeea, by lb large or "
waatily. tea be found lor Ihe prelial at I "
aew euuaing, on aiaraei eireri. f .
oetl-U U. H. fit. .
ion I'BiJiTivt or kvkrv weewr-
Hob atalli eitrsted, at Uii