Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 08, 1873, Image 2

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. 'WKlNKlAY MOHNINfl, 00T. S, 187,1.
t'o ,. Domooratio State Tickets
' ,'' 81.PKKMB JVDOB, '.' ',
JAMES R. LUDLOW, Philadelphia.
. , . 8TATK TllBASl'KKR, i ! ,
P. M. HUTCHINSON, Allegheny.
,i Domooratio County Tiokot.
; to
i: MB. .T. J. lirtVEH, : v
. - OrH.ISUM.0. ' I ;!.;..! ,
, "'"" ' - ! : PIIKU1FP. ' ' "' ; ' ' '
. ..j . Of CLGARFIKLI.. ' ,
, '" '' - ; " TltBARVhKK, 1 ' 1
'WIllMN W. W O R It A I- I.,
of riiBinriKLO b
' ' CI- Alt K II It O W H, 1
.. . Or I.AM'llCXtS. .
I'- It A N K V I i: L II I p O ,
' v or UlRAI:riBt.O.J' -'
.' , " ' ' AUDITOR.
' I ' ' OK l.a .
' Of Cl.r.AHrlEI.D.
. ' . . " CORONKR, ,
; O E O It i li T II O R N ,
or ci.RAnriBLD.
' Kltrltou flay.
; Democrats, next Tuesday, the 1 llli,
iaoloetlon tiny. .Rcmomber, yon Imvo
a sncred dttty to perform on that dny,
und boo that yonr neighbor, who mny
bo n littlo forgotful, is notified and in
vitod to go to the oloction nnd voto tlio
whole. Democratic ticket, from Judge
Ludlow down to George. Thorn.
, Fellow Democrats, you wero never
presented with tho namo of better
men for tho respective Stato and coun
ty offices, and you will fail to dis
clinrgo your wholo duty to your (iod,
your oonntry and your family, by re
maining away from tho polls on that
day. ' Lot nothing but sickness pro
vont you from depositing your ballot
in favor of our nominees; because you
have candidates you may well icel
proud of.
' For 'Supreme Judge you havo James
R. Ludlow, ono of tho purest jurists
riiiludulphia or IbcStatocan produce,
nnd it looks now as though ho would
carry that eily by 10,000 majority ,nnd
will of course bo cloctcd over Gordon,
the liudical nominee, who is ono of '.ho
most narrow minded and blgotod in
dividuals nnywhero to bo found.
', Pittsburgh is tho homo of our nom
inoo , for 8tate Treasurer, F. M.
iluTcuisoN, who is ono of the best fi
nancier in the Commonwealth, whilo
bis opponent, I?. W. Mocker, is ono
of tho moat unscrupulous public mon
now bofova tho public, and wo expect
Iosco him overwhelmingly defeated.
J For'AsKEMUtr wo havo Dr. T. J.
Bovsn, who has mado a .Stato reputa
tion as A legislator, and ho it person
ally known to at loast two-thirds of
tho cilizons of tho county. With him
at Harrisburg next winter, our inter
ests in tbo lower houso will roccivo
proper attention,-And for ability, he
will havo few equals In that body.
Those voting for Dr. Totter will do so
through epitc.caring very litllo wholh
or wo bAvo a representative or not.
' - For Sheriff, Wm. Ross McPuerson
is tho only man beforo tho pooplu fit
to fill tho ofllco'. llq is a son of tho
kilo John. MuPborson, well known to
many of tho ' older cltixcns of tho
county,'who so obly ond uprightly
discharged tho duties of County Treas
urer for sovoral terms. P.oss is a young
man of industrious habits und strict
sobriety, and peculiarly well qualified
to discharge tho Intricate duties of
that office. lie deserves tho voto of
every upright man in the county.
' Wm. W. Worralt, Is our nominee
for Treasurer, llo possesses excel
lent business qualifications, besides be
ing A first class book keeper, and
ihoroforo a good aocountant. He has
been engaged in tho lumber businocs
for a number of yonrs, and earned
forhimsolf, through frugality and in
dustry, a comfortable homo and tome
property besides. It Is a pretty good
index, if a man starts with nothing
hat a will, and succeeds In a business
cvny, that be will mako a good public
c'lEuor. Itr. Worrall desorves tho vote
of every Democrat who despises cor
rupt bargains and rings, such as Mr.
Wise, his opponent, has espoused and
is striving to succeed with.
For County Commissioner the far
mers of tho county hnvo a representa
tive in Clark Brown,wIio besides being
ono of tbo thriftiest farmers in the
county, lias n reputation fur ability
and integrity second to no man who
Jms preceded him in that ofilco. Mr.
Brown, f ovcral years ago, served In
llio capacity of County Auditor, and
displayed raro abilities while discharg
ing tbo ditties of that position. ' Who
ever makes a good Auditor will make
a good Commissioner. His rival, Mr.
Hboff, hna not a single qualification for
tho position lie is seeking.
FnANK FiEi.ntNO, our nominee for
District Attou.nky, Is without a ri
val, nnd particularly well qualified
(or tho position ho Is nominated for.
Ho it a gnn'tloman of unimpeachable
integrity and worthy llio support ot
all who lovo law and order.
' For Auditor, Lewis 0. Bloom pns
oscj 11)0 requisite qualifications for
looking after tho public ncoounls and
reporting to tho luxpaycis whatever;
wrong ho may discover. Ho is tilso
without an opponent. No fraud in
bis nomination.
' John W. Siiuoart is our nominee
for Jury Commissioner, 'ami ,Jamos
Mitcholl Is jlho Modoc-Iladicul-ryig
nominee for ho samo position. , As
two ro to bd elected, and each elector'
can Voto but Tor one- candidate, both
will of course bo olcctcd.- :.-"
For Coroner tho Democrats pre
son( tlio namo of (j'rohur Thorn, ono
of the best incchunics in tlio Stato, up
right in all his dcaljngs and who will
of courso niako a conscientious, faith
ful ofllccr. Tho rings havo not boon
ublo to find an opponent for him,
Willi tho exception ol Dr. Boycr
nnd Mr. Brown, neither of our candi
dates havo ever held nn office. They
cannot thcrcforo bo charged w ith be
ing ofilce seekers, in the senso usually
applied, nnd all being DoniocraU in
whom thcro is no guile, wo bespoak
fur them nn undivided support of our
purty ond nil others who hnvo not
sold out lo tho two coirupt iings,who
propose to deal in votes as thoy do in
The Press Sees It. Tho Philadel
phia iVcss, tho leading organ of Jind-
icalism in tho Stato, in alluding to the
Modoc movement in this county re
marks : '
"Tlio Prrooornlto tinrty In I'lnrOoM oooply
have cnm;1it the oonUirioo eo trovuU-nt lo dial
p.irty of ili'hitrgratiun. it nci'ius tlmt lr. Pnt
ter und MoaitrM. fnvtiffo niul Wifir, lrnJitiK
DmiDcralr, havo biTome dioiilisflttl wiih tlio trl-
umry vlevtiuim. iiixl bnvc, widi llii'ir rollunurs
gntio ovor to tho vnuip of tlla KcptlliMcmis."
JlioViii undcrHiuiids tho move
ment, if Mosul's. Potior, Savaga & Co.
do not. Tlieso gentlemen hnvo al
ready depositod all their baggago nt
tho I tallica I depot, nnd the Democrat
is indeed very blind who cannot sco it.
The Hinos. Tho ftew Washington
and CurworiBvillo rings have not been
working so well togothor tlio past
week. , It is now quite iluin that tlio
latlor ring cannot mako good its con
tract in votes to tho former, accord
ing to tho bill of sale. Over half oi
tho Radical parly rcfuso to bo sold to
tho Now Washington ling. Only tlio
purchasnblo material is going "to
slick," which will allow tho Modoc
candidates to stick in tliO piud, soiled
all over. What a pity I
a - oi
Pardoned. Tho President, on tho
day previous lo their execution, pnr-
donod Slonluck nnd Burncho, two of
iho Mod oo Iudiaus sentenced to be
banged at Fort Klnmnlh, Oregon, on
tho ilil, on tho grounds that tlioso two
were merely instruments in the hands
of dipt. Jack in tho assassination of
Gen. Canby and Iho Peaco Commis
sioners. Tho others wero executed in
accordanco wkh tho sentenoo of tho
Court. ' :
' Wo notico that tho Flk Democrat
flourUics a "Pcoplo'H" county ticket
Miller, is there any "Lluster'' or "bom
bast" obout lhalf A new Court
IIouso appears to bo troubling our
neighbors, and Ilidgwoy and St.
Marys both want it. ; ,
Gen. Grant has appointed E. C. Xcg
Icy, a nephew of Congressman Neglcy,
1'oslmnster at Pittsburgh, in llio room
of Stewart, who is under arrest for
oiubczzlemcnt lo tho tuno of 8."!5,Ol)0.
Doctors Disauiieeino. Tho Presi-
dent of tho Republican Convention in
i . . , i i i ,
aiaspaeimseiiH iiihisih inai -scanuaioiis
irrogularltics and immoralities have
sprung up in Iho public service, nt first
denied, next connived nt, and after
wards condoned tinder tho pressure of
impending elections. And theso
things," ho says, "havo gono as far as
tho good namo of any party or the
public senso can bear. Tho fears of
tho early founders wero spent in the
wrong direction ; llio peril to tho pu
rity of Iho Government lies not in
high ambitions, but in low dishones
ties." How does thU fit in with Gov.
Morton's assertion, that be hud stud
ied our political history closely and
that ha is satisfied that the standard
of public morals was never so high
nor llio administration ol llio Govern
ment so pure as at tho present mo
ment. Morton insists upon It that
all is purity and honesty, whilo (lov.
Bullm k of Massachusetts declares that
rascality "has gono as far as tho good
namo of tho parly or the public vense
can bear." Wo think it has gone a
good dual further.
SoiJTnKiiN Government Tho Pitts
burgh I'ont says :
"two Houlli Carolinians recently
called upon Governor Moses ns appli
cant! fur a place n Police Justice.
Ono wns a gentleman of e.ipi rienco,
honor, and lutcMlgriico. but whilo, tho
other a neiin uiiablo lo wiilu his
name : nnd know n to ho for bulo a
good deal cheaper lh:itl in the days of
slavery. 1 ho l.ovemor nl:cd them
their political Opinions. Tlio whilo
man said bo was a Democrat, but
would ttdminUlcr Justiso without re
gard to color or pulitics. Tho negro
said ho was a Republican to the back
bone, adding: "1 se gwino lo nick to
the Republican parly long as wo's got
a Moses to lend us through the bul
rushes." 'J'ho negro got his commis
sion. Mohe KmiiE7.elf.ment. A dispatch
from Now York says: John Howard
Young, the money ordor clerk In tho
Hrooklyn post olllco, has been missing
from bis desk Binco .Satin day lnst,ani
a hurried examination shows that a
deficiency exists. An expert account
ant is now making a cnrulul examina
tion to ascertain tho exact amount.
Mr. Young was looked fin ns nn hon
est oflkcr, nnd his placo in the, Sunday
school and church, of which ha was a
member, was never vacant beforo last
Harper, tho "lamo duck" of tho In
tcrnul Rovonuo department, ul Spring
field, Illinois, is found lo bo $10,0UO
short. Ho speculated in grain nnd
real estate, and bad tho invariable wo
man mixed up with his defalcation.
It is said his stealing bi'-'iin in tho
campaign of 1U72 when ho contribu
ted tw,uun, winch did not como out of
his own pocket, to elect Grant. Ho
has run away to Canada. .Our wholo
ollloiul not work appears lo bo rollcu.
Wendell Philips cnytf Grant wants a
third let'iii uuii) uiuka another million.
A Loyal Card. Below will bo
found a nolo from ono of tho oldest
and most esteemed hiomfcors of the
Republican purty'in thh county, whoy
ilka hundreds ot nis party, prefers in
rcguIarDcmocralio nominees to (he
ModoeB,1f ho eanhnt get a -fitruight
ticket ot his own parly friends i
Mr. KniTon : I sco by tho political
shuuipooing, had at Clearfield a short
tinio since, that llio Modocs expect to
swallow tlio wholo Republican party
of Clearfield county. 1, for one, am a
Republican from principle not for
party s sake and am not willing to
bo sold so cheaply. -1 remember see
ing tho mumm of ihoso same Modocs
announced In your paper, us candi
dates, subject to tho decision of tho
Domourulio Voters at tbo primary
election. Thoy wero defeated. Now,
I boliovo if men will' slip llio baiter
nud go back on their word in this vase,
thoy will do it in another, wlien cir
cumstances alter canes, and cannot bo
trusted. ' 1 iiiii acquainted wilh n largo
numher of tho Kcpublicans of Clear-
Held county, and 1 am proud to say
thoy aro generally men of intelis(onco
and honosty, and I hopo they will not
stiller thomsulves to bo tnndo a cat's
paw to pull tho chestnuts out of tho
hot ashes to servo tho ends of their
worst political vlliflers,'ono of whom
has a namo which i vory liuliealivo
(Savage). It will do tho Republican
parly no good. I say, go away, snakes.
No fusion with, tho Motions.- '
A. Hound Rkpuumoan.
Julio it Twp., Oct. 4,1873.
Mr. F.nrroit : In your Issno of the
21th of September, in commenting on
tho meeting held in tho Court House,
on tho HUh, yon placo Gulioh nmong
the unrepresented tswiishlj.s. Yon do
so correctly, nnd the bulltrs will find
that they will bo unrepresented on
Tuesday week in this township, un
less Mr. Fulford ran whip the loyal in
On that day tho Democrats will bo a
unit for tho Simon Puro ticket, from
Boycr down. Stentor.
Wo have a ecoro of similar Idlers
beforo us, from all poi lions of llio
county, und from tho drill of things
just now, wo would not bo surprised
if tho Modoc lickct would not poll
1,500 votes all told, on Tuesday next,
Clearfield, Oct. S, 1873.
3Itt. KidTon ; Somo evil disposed
pcraon, who neither ret pec U God,
tears tho law or regards truth in any
thing, has circuiutod n blasphemous
renoi t against uio in tho upper cud of
this comity, which report is wholly
and absolutely fulsO, wicked ft I'1
slanderous coinago of tho malignant
individ.uul who circulates it. Although
I make no loud professions of religion,
if lo beiievo in ft triuno God, to rev
eronco Deity, lo beiievo our soul iin.
mortal and needy of salvation, to ab
hor sin and lovo virlno nnd despiso a
liar, (especially one who uses tho sa
cred nuino of Jesus in his lies), I hope
I ora not entirely destitute of it.
I X. J. BoYER.
APr.T Bank Kd'h Career. Less thnn
a year rgo, Mr. Henry Clews, tho cx
lankcr, addressed tho firut, political
meeting of tlio Presidential campaign
in New York City, and ju llio course
of ids spocch dopictcd tho dreadful
finnnoinr.2 'Mi'. U..'. 1 ? . '
which must ensue in case Mr. Greeley
were elected President. As happened,
Gon. Grant was ducted Prosideut,itnd
Mr. Hoary Clews is now flat on his
back in tbo midst of n pttnio quite
equal to Iho one w hich he had conjured
up in tho emergency of Mr. Greeley's
election. The logic of all this gouu lo
show, even putting the niulter in its
most favorable light, how much Mr.
Henry Clows know of what ho wus
talkinguboul,nnd how much nonsense
may bo ultorCd by bunker politicians
who bold tho Government deposits
and descant upor. tho unsound linan-
ciai views of llicir political opponents.
Li Trouiii.k Tho Denver liailical
is concerned lent tho diHsatif:iclioii il
tho ring in Philadelphia t Gordon's
nomination, carry lliul city for Lud
low, ond advises tho metropolitan pol
iticians to not allow themselves to
enter into any such arrangement, li
is rattier amusing to witness tho de
spair of rural Radicals when thcro is
any danger of tbo Philadelphia Ring
failing to do t.t work. The JlmHfaL
may koep its advice to itself. Thu
class of voters w ho will carry I'liil.v
delphiiL for Judge 1, ml low are llio solid
substantial citixons who know bint to
bean able, upright, and feurlets jurist,
and not tho parly of "roundels'' and
"repeaters" who havo so long held
carnivals of crimo in that city. .
Goodness Gracious '.Tho Pitts
burgh I'osl says I "At tho recent lovo
feast ol tho colored brethren in this
city, in relation to Louisiana affairs,
Col. ileal! mntlo llio iollowing cliaixo
ngniiiHt tho Democracy, which is, to
say tho least, unkind :
''J I ruled commerco, it mastered leg
islatures, it swayed Congress, il con
trolled adniiiii:,trulions, il infected
judiciaries, it expunged tho truth of
history, it laid its index rrrmrqatonut
on the. pugo of prayer book und school
uook : it euispcu mo jiuiu wiin nuuu-
cull's, and festooned the ftuorod Cross
with chums 1
"Music by tho band. John Brown's
body lies mouldering in the ground."
After tho franking privilego bad
been abolished, lust winter, Congress
appropriated ncai ly a million of dol
lars, lo pay for stamps to bo used by
tho ofliciuls of tho federal Govcrn
nion, in transmitting through llio
mails letters upon ollieinl business and
publio documents. Tho Postmaster
General thereupon had a stump muda
for each department, differing nlso
from the kinds used by the, general
puliliu. 'J'hcso official hlaaips lire now
being used for Radieul electioneering
document in Virginia. How handy
things can bo iniido, an) how. .,
- Tho fuel in ciiho J ih1l;0 Gordon is
electud lo tho Supreme bench I ho Weal
will havefourjudgiBaiiil Philadelphia
and Hie lvist but uiie,(Sluusrt oml) will
add considerably lo Judgu Ludlow's
vole in tlio metropolis whore ho is
best known. - This sadly disturbs the
equilibrium of tho orguns.
Drinking und smoking put a good
deal of money into tho Treasury.
From July 1st, 172, lo July 1st, 1873,
tho Goverunicnl rovenuo from spirits
of all kinds (not including bucr) wns
811,011, 100, nnd from tobacco in its
vurions forms, $7,170,413. It is an ill
wind that blows no good. - , .
EAriiKaKxjENttivE. The now Ma
sonic Temple in Philadelphia, when
fully illuttiiuiitod, , consumes .,J0,D(HJ
led of rjas, uL a coat ul $15 uu Lour.
"AC". as
,iY.M of the Ifcmocrallc Stale
VtHtrat f oiiimff Ire.
To the Voters of rtnntyluania :
Tho day is near wheu you will be
called upon, to dischurgo your duties
at worthy. and patriotic- vilizmia at
tho ballot box in giving expression to
your will as to whom you desire shall
1)0 eloctcd 14 llio important nnd 'dig
nified posiiiou of Judge of the hiii ijrynio
Court of tho Stale, and to whom ns
Slalii Treasurerlor I wo years shall be
ontrusted Llio moneys ot Hie Statu..
It is deemed necessary lo say, that
as the Supremo Court of Iho Stato is
tlio highest iiidiciul power iul author
ity, lo. which riiitHor of tbo utmost
itii)ortunao as isgards blalo constitu
tional questions, decisions and rulini'S
of lower courts, and olhor matters of
great importance to tho life, liberty
and properly of Iho citizens of tho
Stato have to bo submitted, and whoso
action is final, that it is therefore of
tho most pooitivo importanco that tho
individual who shall bo elevated to
seat in Iho Supremo Court of the
Mnto, should bo thorough in Ins know!
edgo oi tbo law, that bo should bare
oxlondud judicial exporienco in tiio
administration of tho law, and I hat
Ihoso conditions should bo sustained
and illuminated by purity of purpeso
and freedom from all soltish iiess.whioh
whilo they shall materially aid the
iudgo in llio dischnrgo of bis hiirli
judicial functions, will give coiiliifouco
and secure ready aciiuiescciico in I ts
official net, in tho Hon. James I!.
Ludlow all llicsp requisites and oo
menu of fitness lor judi'o of tho Hi-
proine Court of the Suite are cmiuoii
iy present. Ho is learned in the lav.
He bus bud sixteen years cxncriuiL-o
in the adiiiiiiihtratioii of tho law us
jiidgo ol one id' the most importnit
Courts ot I liiluiielplnu. Jlo has, be
cause of bin legal knowledge, nciimel,
culmut'ss In deliberation, bis power (it
legal .analysis, nnd his unquestioned
uprightness, Oumed nnd receives tie
proud title of "the learned and up
right judgo," not only from tho pcopli,
but from thoso (llio members of tie
liar) whoso prolessional duties brnir
them in daily contact wilh him. Sucli,
in brief, is tho candidato tor whom
yon uro invited lo givoyoursuflVngoa.
cor sticu a enndidato every reason ex
ists to satisfy the electors of his great
fitness for tho position, and to stimu
late thorn lo iho full and complete dis
charge of their duties in sccuriig for
the judgeship tho enlarged ability and
integrity possessed by him. .
J ho condition ol UieMalo Treasury
and its management for a long term
of yoars have been such as togivoriso
to gioat uiHsulislucuon to tho citizens
of the Stale to creato woll grounded
distrust for tho safety of tlio public
moneys, and to call for A so an bine
and thorough investigation of Iho ai-
tuirs cf tuo treasury, which investiga
tion, noevcr doSirablo, cannot bo
even hoped for during ,u0 coming two
yonrs it the present Malo i reamirei'
should bo continued in his position.
' It is universally believed lliatgrenl
wrong exists in iho management of
tho Treasury Department, and fears
aro felt and expressed by iho wisest
and best of our citizens lor tho safety
of tho moneys nf the Kiuto. " Thai the
fuiblio funds havo been loaned in vio
ntion of law for the personal benefll
of the State Treasurer, und thai loses
havo been sustained by tho Slate in so
doiug, is patent 10 every intelligent
citizen of the. Commonwealth,. ,
vl'J" r.(il,t)iijil fad that"Mono
Wings, ' 'naving as their centre the
Stale Treasurer and ns their potent
instrumentality thu moneys of the
State, havo been established and work
ed for tho siiecial pecuniary benefit of
llio Slnto '1 loasurcr, and lor securing
corrupt legislation. Il Is also a well
ostub'isliod fact that tho money of tbo
Stale bus been and is now used to con
trol fraud-working' political organiza
tions, whoso outstretching influence
and power have attained wider scope
and such potency as to cnuso tho hon
est, law-abiding citizen to contemplate
with much uniiety and Tear llio future
of the Stato, if its. political destiny
shall continue lo be controlled by these
und kindred baleful Influences and or
ganizations. Like begclsliko. Wrongs
uncontrolled grow inpldly potential.
Tho post repuals itself, nnd thus the
future too often becomes but its sor
ry duplicate. It has been wisely
said that "there is no better way of
judging tho future than by tho past."
So judging, what havo we to hope for
of law lul, upright ilnd judicious ad
ministration of tbo Stale Treasury, if
il shall be unfortunately confided for
two years longer to tlio mismanage
meiil of the present inciinilviii? The
best iuleruMls of iho Slato demand hjs
retirement, lo ho followed by a wosl
thorough and searching investigation
into the ti flairs) of the Treasury. Shall
this bo done ?
It is notoiloiis thai thcro is in the
Treasurer's hands an unappropriated
balanco ranging from ono to three mil
lions of doll. us, which tbo luw contem
plates and public demand shall remain
in the Treasury, and not bo taken
therefrom by thu Treasurer and him,
on Ids own account, he drawing und
appropriating to and for his own uso
and benefit the interest accruing upon
llio sum or sums loaned. It is safe
to say that tho 'Treasurer has ul bis
command nn average unappropriated
sum or balanco of tl,"0U,000, from
which ho mny by loaning it receive
on his own account an utmunl income
ot $100,000, in direct violation of the
law, and (o which lie has nol even the
shadow of legal or moral right. The
abiiso and misuse of tho moneys of tho
Slate must be prevented and groatur
security given for their safety and
proper use. This will not bo dono by
retaining llio prccsent Treasurer in
offico. Tho demands of justice nnd
tho requirements of tho luw should bo
mado paramount to tho behests of
fraud and personal interest. The pow
er to wrest tho Treasury from tho
bunds of him who controls il is now
with tho voters of Iho Sluto, and iho
ti mo is near nt hand when they may
do il by giving form nnd effect to thuir
will through tho ballot-box. Will tho
voters bo equal to tho doniamU of
right and the claims of justice l1., In
them we havo confidoiico and abiding
bopo. Let them but will it, nnd u
noiseless but effective decrco will bo
proclaimed through the ballot-box, that
honesty, Integrity andonlargod ability
shull in llio future, through and by ft
new instrumentality, guard, keep und
disbuibo the treasures of iho Stale.
Francis M, Hutchinson bus boon
selected as tbo candidate for Stale
Treasurer.-, For him the AulVnigos of
Iho electors uro invited. Mr. Hutch
inson Is nol a politician. Hu bus no
claims or menu as such. , His merits
aro his unquestioned integrity, und
high buisness qualilieiilions, being em
phatically a business man, and ns tucli
lie bns been endorsed ftlilio by politi
cal opponents, nnd by tbo press of all
shades of politics. In hint Is found
the JofierHoni.wiqii nlificulioiitnr off! Co,
1 lioueely und iua.'poleiiiy." To him,
thorefore, may bo confided tho man
agement of tho Trousury Department
of tho Stato without fear thut ho will
divort, tho money a from their legili
mulo and lawful uses, or that b will
invest them for his own norsonnl profit
and enrichment, or apply thorn to tho
baso purposos of corrupt i ng legislation
or in tho creation and working of cor
rupt and corrupting political "Ring"
Having unshaken and well based
confidence, in iho purity und patriot
ism of tho ponplo, the Connnittoo feel
that recognizing, as tho pooplo must,
tho great necessity for a chango In tho
administration of tho financial depart
ment of Uiot Slulo; that tlinv Arn I in.
pnlionlly awuiling tho approach of
uio bccuiiu jnosnoy in uctooor that
tliAV mntr nn, li t-.w.M t ! m m... n .,
whioli will thou be presented, lo give
expression, lorco onu elloct to their
will, lo tho end, that maladminis
tration of till) nresant Statu Tr-nnmn-nr
shall ccaso, and that lo honosty and
cupnuiiy, m mo person or r rancis M.
Hutchinson, shnll hn niiAMl
duties, and tho resoonsiliiliilm nf ilm
Treusury of tho Stulo.' Lot every
voter no in uutr. nm tun i u v mu
victory will wreutho tho banner of
uiose w no moor lor i no ru hi. ami t n it
tho good fight for the uaioly ol iho
Chairman Democratic Stato Central
Committee. ,
Philadelphia, Sept 20.
The State tiamf hate. '
AVo mako tho followinjr extracts
irom tlio game law ol I'unnsylvumn.
j;cor may Do killed from tho first
day of Septombcr to December illsl.
NiiiirrolH may bo killed from tbo
first day of July lo Doeomber 81st.
I'lovcr may bo killed from tho first
day of August to December II 1st.
bnino may do killed from the first
day nt. September to llo twentieth
day of April.
Moodcoclt mny bo killed from tho
first day of August to December 31st
tjuail or palndgo mny bo killed
from tho first day of November to
December J 1st.
Pheasants or liinnntcd erouso mav
bo killed from tho first day of Septem
ber to Deeombor Slst.
Rail birds and reed birds may bo
killed from tho Grst day of September
to Deccmbor 31st.
Wild turkeys may bo killed from
October 1st, to Docembor lilst.
Rabbits may bo killed from October
1st, to December 31st.
Nu person shall at any timo, within
this Slnto, kill any robin, thrush, lurk.
flicker, finch or woodpecker, or anv
other insectivorous bird, under a pon
alty of 85 for oaeb bird. . .
NewWayto Pay Pew Rint.TIio
perversion of publio funds achieved by
tnv v'ijviiiuuii nu9iiiiatiier rises out OI
tho level cf llio common ombcrzlo
mcnts, and attains the heilil of Puro
humor, llo used tho public mor.ey lo
pny his pew rent, nnd other church
dues. When theSL Ijou'is postmnstcr
the other day admitted that ho hod
assessed bis clerks in order to defray
tha expenses of banqueting President
Grunt, and Btrennonsly contended that
thu was "a public uso," il was thought
to bo rather funny, but the Cincinnati
man In our opinion beats his St. Louis
eo-ofllco-liolder by several lengths In
tho laughter provoking rneo. The
nnivo unconsciousness which will al
low nn official gentleman to servo God
by robbing his fellow man, and feci
meritorious and pious over It, is cer
tainly n moro valuablo quality in n
humorist than tho moro obluseness
which fails to pcrccivo tho dclicnto
moral distinction which is thought to
exist between assessments on clerks to
elect a Republican enndiduto and as
sriwments on tho samo clerks to feast
that enndiduto after oloction. JVfa
burgh Ltrntter. " "'
. Imi'artiai. Ku Jvliix. Tho Lonis
villo (Ivy.) Conner remarks: "Tho
iKilroit Tribune is mistaken in attri
buting the Kuklux outrages in Ken
tucky to 'political animosity ngninst
equal right.' These outrage! have
no political Klgnifi'taneo whatever.
Democrats live in the same terror and
aro ns often Iho victims of tho assas
sins as Radicals. Il is prutty well
known, indeed, that thu Radical purty
is well represented in the Klun, nud
llio entire organisation is nothing
moro than n- rnwardly bnnd of free
bootirs nnd highwaynien, bound to
gellirr by Iho common purpose of plun
dering and of gratifying private re
rengu. Jt seems indeed lo bo entiruly
distinct from tbo Kuklux order which
existed in tho South sniuo yoars sinoe.
lu members masked, it is true, but
their ni ls indicate thai they arc in no
way controlled by polilicnr sentiment.
Thoy unito in n body to gratify a pri
vnto rancor against their noighbors for
tome individual griovanw, which they
ari loo cowardly to nvengo in a more
open nnd manly way.
. Tho people who uro on tho hunt af
ter relics ot '70, nud particularly Bar
nuin, should go for Daniel Davis, now
in Williams county, Ohio, who wns
born in thai county, near Burgctls
lown, in August, 1772, Hu served
through tho wur of lbl2, wus u lieu
tenant in thu Mexican war, and en
listed as a privuto and served two
months in tho Into war, llo has au
thentic tloeuiuotits for all ibis, and
talks sboul visiting l'lilladclphla dur
ing thu Centennial, llo never used
spectacles and his hoaring is perfect.
Ho never usud tobacco, but moistens
bis clay willi a littlo whisky at regu
lar intervals. .
New Locomotives. Tho Pcnnsyl
vntiia railioad compuny recently gavo
llio Baldwin locomotive works, Phila
delphia, a contract for building 175
locomotives by tbo first of January,
1871. Theso locomotives are con
structed in Philadelphia nnd then
shipped to Altoonn, whero they are
put together, inspected nnd pulon tho
road. Seventeen of tho number have
been built und aro now running on the
Wm. Siner, a Republican inemherof
I'hiludelphiit Councils, and K. N.
Marks, cumin timo sinco convicted of
keeping gambling houses nnd sen
tenced to prison, have boon pardoned
by Gov. llurtranft. Tho oloction is
nonr at hand and lbs services of nil
such characters nro mieded by the par.
ty of high moral Ideas, lionco thoso
pardons. '
; Yankkf.ikii, Tlio Massachusetts
Republican convention was opened
with prayer. Perhaps it wns In con
scqiinuco of this that. Ben Butler was
dcluuled. : Nu pcoplo in tha Union
euro less for pray em than tha Ply
mouth Rockers, yet they will occasion
ally perpolrnlo it christian act.
A Lockport girl, whoso father is
worth S70.000, is' t ookllig on' a eal id
bout lo bo louiutilic,
Stw jMvatlSftticut.
A.;' r- -,v- r-,V " ;-
(M ; Y. vont-i r
; I. t h i
........ Fnrnishing Goodsj &o.
AT ''
('i .o;
Thoy keep a full lino of
Mcn'Sf Youths cfc JJoys' Clothing, t
AIho, Umbrollnn; Hatchells, OrcralU,
UutfJ. Kliirln, VndorMhiits, und
Which they will Mil at moit rpanonolilo prleei
Cftll an J xtiiuiiici Xhriv ftooili iMifttrt purobuilug
olaewhoro. Kootd in Miumoo Jiuildiu.
Clcur(lolJ(Pa., Octoncr 8, 1873. , ,
A FOR BALK t'UKAP. Two jt.k Oxen, nx
yoar ol tif wirrntd found and hoalthy, ne
Xriidk Wfrn, on trun xImJ (our-wbrelott Wng
oua 101) but Log Cbalu. Apply to or atMreu,
Oct. Bt 73-3t ' 1 f Orrfon, Ts.
X Tli 8chu Mrectun of Brady ftahool Dii
Iriot wish U employ iwm (j'tod Xosctmrf (r iu
lhtriburf( iml Truutvlltu Schooli. Liltral wayo
will be paid. Bohouli lo oyn flrkt Muo ly in
Nyvtiabtr. Apply to or n lilrpfn,
J. XI. KIKK, Fo.
Cot. 8, 73-3t. Lutbtrnburg, f
1)UOtONAI.H. Scaled prop'onali will U rt.
eeiol, by Iho Supcrvli(ij-of Lawrruco twp.,
until Antunhv, October H, IH7:l, at t o'cl'x-k, P.
M.( for tha building and Krivlittj of a road f nun
a point uar Thoinm Lunicb'i lo towmbip road
nt ar Thviuiwi Merbcrxan'i, In Lnwrne tap.
The Hoard of Hupcrripon will niaat lu tu Court
Ifoara, In ClrarScUl, on the day above npcified.
1'artici bidding for iho conlrnct must be prepared
to Rive gnod and sufficient bail for tbs completion
of tbo work.
jAilK8 UK0WN, .
Oct. 8, TS-llt. Bupcnrlori.
Al M I N I XTH ATi ) H ' N )TI V K. Notice
lehfroby given that letter of administration
on the mUU of JAMES HURNH, deoeaaiKl,
lata of IluutidalOt Clearfield oounty, retiD'a.,
having been duty gmnb-d to the onderrigned, all
pervone Indebted to said aetata will ploaae maka
iaituodiate payuicot, and thoee having claims or
domandi will present them properly authenticated
for autUuuiant without delay.
oetrt-t. Adminintrntor.
Clearfield Markets.
CmtocImI wwklT hy Ririiinn Mnior, Wholttalt
ann nft.iioriiprin itry i,oou, Ororeriritrro
Tulom, An., Mirktt mraot, Cl.srll.lil, f
Cciinrin.n, !'., Oetobrr 7, 1S7J.
Ai.lei.f rcn.llOtjj (0 lUgn, Urc.Kj.... t
Urioil, V 10 IIUm, jrcoo 7
Ai.lcbulltr,'p-jl, 7i HO (,J IV
Bultcr m(4 2VShuliiart....(l('(a( 134
Lcin.....J3 Jjy 2 to Sldn. (ll)(,i( U)
lluckwlarat 1 I'D l.urd I.S(i)
?'ikkna flour H, ,Me furk,l btil.. 20 (10
n.(f. dri.S HI,
Iloef, frrh Tf- 10 Onlonn 1 (o
llnnnl", M I J ouy,n on I'otitncr OOTj Jj
Corn,h!lll 1 tO'tVa-haf, ilrlnl, lb.'. In
Corn.ear 60 I'la.tcr, Tj tbl loo
Cirn iDPal, taaeii, 1 SO Hjrn 1 (i
Chop, awtl no y 40 ltaga, p It. s
Cloreraaad.. 8 00 Salt, aack Ji0 I Ml
Chcc.o.. JOShln-ln.lMiii.HMJOU
Ckcrrica, lb. 10(4 III Hliinln,t6 Inl0(ij, l 00
ChickoDI, drld, II), li Ti ninth aged t 00
Ksija .'. . I t Tallow 12)
yUxiacd.. .... 1 Oil B'hint...... 1 !i
Klour 8 iOrto 9 ('0 Wool ......... 40
Hay 00 (10iu,22 Oli.Woad, V eord.... 6 40
TYRONE &!5lTka1; Fl Ebl) BRANCIT.
OV anil after Monday, MAY 2(lih, 187.1, Ihi
I'aanflnircr Traina w ill run daily ( Hun
daya) tiatwuon Tyrone and CloarduJU, as tolluwl
Cl.arOvM ,.1.40. p.n. Tyrona .......
I'litliprbnrg 4.:I5, " t)Kila. 10.114,"
IV-eola 4.S0, " l'biltiil.urt...IO.SIl,"
Tyjront. .8.011 " Cltarli.1.1..... 11.88, ; EXPRESS.
Oinrll.M 8.11) i. a., 7.00 r. .
Plii'ip.l.urj... 8:15 " lntwitiion...7.ll "
Oionila. 8.50 " I O.raola 8 10 "
Inlorioilion... 7.4S ) ...H.t.1 "
Tymnc. 8.00 " j Oli-nrOU, ar....2V "
KA li k V liuVTi'. K A li FI ICLD. TO
nullrfniit., Ta 5 Or.lMiil.lliloan $S 00
Iiok llavrn..
. 2 rOIMiinciu. ..,..,.. to
. 8 rilljl.irioaalrr 8 8
.. I ai.i'im.Aiii:Li'iiiA J i
... 2 I'O Allnona I f.6
,.. 4 A0,J"tinMon. 2 SO
i ?.U 1MTT- III II. 1 1 I.
Iliiutinilon ......
i;ioc ooonriion taado b all trniuaal Trvur
luid Luck Haven. .
tnylT-tf. Som rml. ii.l.-nl.
To tub CiTUr.n op 1'KannTl.VAt.. Voor nl
trnllon la n .Tttliilly l:iM'r. to ilic I'asi llml ifa.
Nnliunat llnnkr nr. lew prrjoin-il lo rn'rivi- knk
.ri.tlon. lo ilif? Cdpilnl Htock of III. Ornionniul
Hoard nl' Finance, The fundi rcaliroil fioui lliii
mroo aro tu bo rmfiluyrd In the onvlion of thf
loitl.linK. for Iho liilernnliunal Ktliibltion, and
the pipeiiiri oonnrotcd wilh Ihoaatoo. I li oon
Odrnllv rxpn-ted Ihol llio KrrMon. Stale will br
n pn-aiutrd by iho namo of evory ciliii'n alive lo
pntriolio aiMiilitonioratiou of llio ono huniln!th
birlh day of Iho nillon. Tho utiarea or ilirk an
offi-red for 10 caob, anil lubaoribora will reooitr
a haivl.cimily rlorl cnjjrarril Ccrtifimlo of rllook.
nitnKIa fur framing and pn-icrvation aa a ua.
tlonnl niomorial.
Inloro.t at tho rale of ilv. par oont. por annum
will be paid on all payment ol tVnfrnnlal Stork
from dntoof pnrnionl to January 1, 1K78.
HuliiHiriben who aro not nonr a Nntional Hank
flan rrtnlt a cht-rk or notnlHr-o ordor t the an
dorfiKnn,. KIIIMiK. PKAI.KV, Trmanrvr,
aog20 VU4 Wnlnnt Hi., IMilladolpbla.
dealer la
Real Estate, Square Timber, EoaruB,
0:101.1 Drarflold, Pa,
wIioIpfivIp detatcri in
GEMS' HItISm(J fifl)S,
IIiito rrtnoviil to 187 Churrh alroot, Wlwion
Franklin and UbiloiU., Now York. jy'H'72
Snuaro Tinilicr & Timber LivikIh,
joir?.1 rl,l!ARFlEl,n, PA.
TlwTn V. Hlrnyrd from tlio ircnilnoi of thr
J liib.rribi.r, triidinR In I'lde lowniliip, about
tlio fir..t of Si-ptombor, a wliilo and ml now and
iprinoolf. Thoeiiw hiring a hrll on, nnd be
ing aliont lit yenra ol.l. Any perron (riving aiit
Itilnnimtion, in regard to Hie wliurraboiita of tho
eow and ralf, will be librraMy rrwnrdrd. 2l,'t8-3t. W. R. ounnN.
W. S. Mokry lon rTr their entlni vtook af
Ptnro (liHidtt. In Urn llni. at rtvato lale.
Tluy alo effor Ibclr lluuna for eal. or rent, to
lull iiirrliaor. The jtiHd will he poIJ m ihoj
arc n. the ihtdree ehrup, and on ct.strrtop,
K R'tt eold hy B'Uiuhpr 20th, thi-y will Ui
old at o)(. Hare hergulns be had In lry
(loodw. Notione, lUiute and Khoef, Hardware,
Ulanwarc. and in faot all Llndi uf goiMla. If
not iold ontll October 1st., thej will ho oftcrd at
ariioa every Stur Jny antil a'l are diniood of.
The lltfOMe U Ihu Inl in OUn lliie.anii d. .i.ftn
nn id buiaM. The II, health of W. 8, l-iikiy
ie tUc oauw for Klliiifl. t all on r addroM
W. fci. Mr'KLY 4 bUJ?.
Ulcn 11. 8nt. 17, 3ui.
8 J'""' ;,0T -;r V
The lloody eontoat between rrane and Proii'la
la at an end for I ha prrirnt, to far tho alaufh-
(oruiK oi nien ana iu. anHi.iuuH i
onncornrd. Tha Moral Jrt aa doubt (irido
thrniiilr.a and rejoloo over tin remit, 1ml bow
Inilitnifloanl It their work when ooinuurad aitb
.... i. . .k-t..i. &ir...a nf
luo uuuianq mu euririiau ... n v.
l. , t... l..iL... l 'annul. .11111. nltlaenili
the lower ond of tho oounty with food and raiment
at exoeoillnir inw ratal tram on mauimoia .uira in
MlL60NUUIt(), whom he ean alwayi be found
ready to wall upon oallora aad lupply th.m wilb
Dry Goods of all Kinds,
Sueh ai Clothi, Sallnetta, Oaulmarea, Muillai,
ilelainei, Lln.n, lirllllng., caiioot!,
'J'rininlnira, Kibboni, Laco,
Boady-made Clothing, Hoot, and Shoea, TTati and
Capl all uf tha belt material and made to order
Hole, Bovni, uiorel, aintena, i,ucei, ivioooni,o-
Coffi t, Tea, Bonr, Hire, Molaiaoa,' Tlih, Bait,
l'ork, Liuwvd Oil, FlaU Oil, L'arlwa OH.
Hardware, Qiieoniware, Tinware; Caitlnjra, Plowi
and l'low CaatlaKi, Nalli, rinikea, Corn Luluri
ton, C'tdrr I'roiioi, and all kindi of Azei.
Perfumery, Palnti, Varnlab, Qlaai, add a goneral
s, . aai(irtuicit or otauoucry, , . ,
' good flour,"
Of diflerent bronde, alwayi on hand, and will be
fold al tue low Hit pom i Mo fijfurea.
LtQUOnS. tKh m Ttramtjr, Wine, Hn, M'hUlcy,
jnynes jnetiirui"-". iioDiiiiur ana
1 llO'itlnnd'e Iiittore,
ftOOO ponnd of Wool wantod f"r which the
bixhaiit prioo will be puid t'l(jvericrd on band
auu tor ia.o at tuo lowoil market price.
A! no, Agent fur Strattonvillo and Curwenirille
lhrefbiog MAcbinoe.
Vav-Call and etfr ynurveh't!. You will find
evorylhing uoually kpl In a retail it ore.
Frei.'hvlt1e P. 0., March I 1K7I. v i
V ik. (X V. AAW V -liX,
1 P tir - Tinrf at
, Arid noil nt email udvAncc. ;i
It O 1 12
15 YT IIU COl L,
- 1 .
c -s.-iot'i'.' - .,
Oil E A P.
Aouft 13, 1S;8 7:I.TS .
IS. V. IUkU v tfc Vo.
voon Iioiu;lk siiovkl i'lowm,
, Wood cui.tivatohs. - ;
cowan da i ikon beam plows.
IPff-Fharcl for 1I at tha above Plow, eon
Itanlly on hand. ln)28-78
44Be UANW,
L want mliable and enoreclle AR.nia In thii
bounty. Tho "VICTOR" ta Look itlteli, Hhnt
tlo Machine, with S.lf-a.ltlin Needle, beat 8n
lahed and moat perfoot Maohine offarrd. An In
errnio of oror UIO per eont. on laloi of 1872 ovor
ii7l. ror forma Addrroa,
' I 7 rhoilaut St., Philadelphia, Ta:
Full dirvollnne mtni wttl. k ' a
, W....VWUV11.IVI nnvner
eon oon nc them. Hrnt poet paid on iroript of
nrirtMI. VIC l.lniM' Ilaaau. J'-. .. j
Kove Ara 'Jat Chaut, II itn. Xvr Ciiaht,
OUta 31 eilei Anil ftva -It ) i t.n v n
miii, I A1I8
Chaut. euti 31 ii, lt ,1 Mr.n Coat
CHAUr.ruu Jl -, $ .SO rft,-H, nf, full ect, fito
jhit AOKNT8 WANXKD, Union Chart
Co.. tlrornvUle, Pa.
Mr. J. K. llainllton. a nt ftr Oloarlleld, Crn
Uw aiid Clinton oountlri. p. O. addrem, Luihrre-
Spokes, Rims & liow Handles.
fl. W, Cor. LEOPARD A OTTKrt Slrcrl,-,
J Oppneitt. Itnilrnarf .-fiQt,
c i. U a v u h u p a.
- Mmio,i and a flr-t-( Um h-.tol In all
"Mot'.' l:realUu,, ), p.racrrt h-Htin v
J I'f'ri', liHAlfl-liV.
. (Xl v 1Mi
Kill, w
a w -
tw dmtistiamts. . '
-rf ,r-" ----i.
General tlocllonProelaninii,7
V P K . aelof lha Q,,,,,,, "
KI.etioa wltbia toil Coniaonwialib "' il"t"'1 1
Joined upon tha Uliuiff. of the ....'..i . " "
to glra publio notioa of iueh alnUon ih. .", " I
wbor. to b. held, and tb. offle.,. , C 11 " '
Taaaaroaa, , ivwrn 4, p lli.k ai J-
lira lo tho elaetori of the count, f ri
that a-aenoral elation will b tin . h"" '
o'DTuaiDil ot Orroaaa mm-- .1.,.. ."'
dor ol tho iuonlh.1 at Hi. .....! ' ' ''
tricn in anin county, at which tm, tlJ , "
thl H'lnliOod Toun will rote ''''''
tot ana pirw far Jadia f ,l, r
aiaiiwuillh. . . . c''
For ooe puraon for Slata Trcaiurer of tbl. r.
aiouwealib. ,
. . . ... ' T . . " "."OIliiB t'..
For one piraoa to rapraient lha anuati of n...
kM la Ui, llouaa of itiurcKuutilu . T
1aaiii.nwa III. " M
For one ieion for the oQoi of Bherlffof Clti
fteld county. . '
For ono nerton for the oflloe of TreunrMi ,i
Clearfield eooi.ty. ortr of
For one perfon for the office i,f Cyanly CobiuIi.
ionerof Clrarfield county for three v.
For one person lor the oOioe of Diftrict AUqri I
of Clear.) eld county. J
For one hereon for the offioe of Jory ComB.(ni0B.
a., w. W.H.U . ,
For ane pereon for the offioe of Coroner of Clear
Herd county. : .
For one ioron for tho offioo of Auditor of Clear
Hvld eoanty.
The votere fn etch borough end towmhin
alain mt.lill, A n . . I
ant Apioiiom,
Tho picture of thf ooontr of ClwwflVld will Up,
I8...IUW .nr., ui (mm ioeUuQ Will DO btii 4 t 1
Jk-ccfti-ja townrhip, al tUe Tnion DoUl, in Gin
Ikll townihin. at tho lmuno of R(JUri V.k..
liloom towiiihip. at the faoun of the 11 Jan,;
H'gfiB ti-wnh!p,at the houne of Kdward Alhert
Urn lford towimhip, M thp h'tur of Jiwol l'ierei
Uriidy townehip, at the boiwe of Win. fitbwcm
In Lutlitmlmr. ' '
JturnFidc townitiip, at Yonnr't mrhool hiVM
Chert township, at th,e puhlio school faueie near
Simon lt;rnh4iyb'ii. - ...
i Uarnt ld bonjob. at the Court Ilouee.
CovmL'ton toniiihip, at the koueeof J.
- Curwcmrillo hviouh, at the house of the Lit
. lratur townnhin, at rt-ntro chrxl hnoM
Fcruwin townnliip, at the hoow of Jyhn (Irre.
ory, formerly occupied by Thoa. Koblioo. (BroiJ.
tJlmn! Conjrrwte Tf ill arhool h&,
(1. ihrti townlhin. at tht tiublie aehool kA..u
Orahafo town1iii, at thr honaeof Jacrih
(iulkh townshii). at the nublio ehuol h,,..-
Jnnrfrille. ' '
Huston township, at tlie howae of Jta Wlon.
lloattdult) borough, at the public houasof Wta.
ttiBiur, iu Mitu uuruugu.
Jordan tewaalilp. at the public school W( lQ
Knrihaui townehip, at Bridpcn'i erhoftl hftol,.
nuox iodmii , at lurkry n:ii Mhnit K...-
Lawrence towuBbip. at the Court Houk, in the
borough of Clour field.
Lumber City borough, at tho pufclle erhool houfe.
)lirri township, at the houao fortbcrly occopiud
by Tboinu Kykr. 1
ISuw Waahington borough, at the public echoo!
houw. ' . j
Ufoeola loroojjh, at the puUle house of lfil
ji'iti. in raid nnrouim.
IVnn townehip. at the totol fernwrly ktut Yi
- Pike towuahip, at tha honsa of the late Isaaa
Ltioom, in me iMrouirn oi lurwentviilc.
In ion township, at tb hwueoof li. K, BmUktw
Wallneetun turoagh. at the public school boost
in taiu Doroujrii.
V(HHlw.rd township, at tho house of Thon.;
AN ACT rcpilating the mode of rotine at ai;
eim.on m ina etventi etuntiee or tin Coa-
mnnwealth, approved the 30th day of March. A.
D., lKflft, Tit:
SBi TH'K I, U ft fftdcfrtf hi tho Bt-ntia ami
House of Kcprrscntittivcf of tho Commonwctlih of
Pinnsylvama tn Ufneral Anwrnhly met, md It II
horet.y eiiactod by authoritrof the same. That tho
quel i tied rutora of the svverol counties of this
Cniuionwoalt.t, at alt generiJ, tonuinp, borough
and fpeclttl ekct iont, are hereby, bercaiter author
iod and rwjuirwl to vote, by ticket, printed, or
nniii'Dk or partly pnaica au4 partly written, avv.
eralry rla:lird as Nlnws : On ticket shall em
brnoti the rtnioca of all jadjrs of eourts toted fur,
and to be labelled, outride, "judioiarj oue ticket
ihall embrace the name nf the state (dficrri voted
fur, and be UUdli-d, "state;" one tickot shall cm
braoo the namva of all county officers voted fir,
including offine of scnatur, meuibrr. and nemberf
l Rswnil'ly.if voted rVr,and tamibers uf Conirrtw,
if vuted for, and be Iain-He I, wouuaty r" ine tiekrt
ihall umbrace the name of all townvhlp offinn
iota lor, ana no ieic.if-a, "townnnip ; oh ties.
ct rhall cnibnire the dihici f ail horoagh otfioert
vuttd fr. and o l:wb llel. Mbininfhr and eavh
clatts flmll he deposited in rvparate hallit hosei.
liv the net ot fi$ttmu:y ot irnn, anowa as the
Registry lawt It is provided as follows :
I. "flection olr.rers are to open the polli be-
tworn the hour of t and tevcQ a. n. on the dv
of election. lUfore lis o'clock In the niornint; of
eeconi Tuesday of October thoy are to receive
from the County Cou.mta.rort era the Kegiitered
List of Voters and all necessary election Uabis,
and they are t permit no man to vote whose
naino ie not n fcatd list, uaitra bo shall make
proof uf his right to vote as fbllows:
7. me person waose namo is not on the lift
claiming the rijUt to rote suoat prod ooe a qualified
voter ot tho diatrtot to swear tn a written or unw
ed affida it to the residence of the claimant m the
distnet fr at least tea days nuxt pryooedm said
election, defining clearly whoro tLs Ratdcoce of
the p-rwn wnn.
. iie party oiaiuiiriff tne richt to vote itiaii
aVo niHite au affidavit, staliug to tho h. it at bis
kuunkdge and belief whero and when he was
txtrn. that he w a citiarn of rcnnsylvania aad of
Iho I niud hulaa. thut ho baa reaidi-d in the
fc-tUo Ano year, or. if fonuerly a eiliicn tlrrciu
and rcinowd thertirnin that he haa resided tlim-ia
ix month next prtcetlion said election, that ho
haa not tuuved into tho district fur the purpM of
votms; iiieit.o, wiai uc nas paia a Male it ettua'.y
tax within two jrtar, which wu n.etl at'U.iit
l..n ditys btfure Uic !tTiiuy, and Ihc ailidavit'j'lmll
tote t lica nnd whero the tax was aMcm-d aai
pnid, and the tui reovipt ruut he produced onien
the nt' dwit shall stale thnt it h.uhotn lustorde
lflvt1l, fr thnt bo recWvod none
4. II tl: :tj ptioaul he a niiti.rnliied ettiten, bo
mutt in ad.lhion to the fervc,inf( proofs, statt: in
his atftdnvii when, w)crn r.nd by what court b
wnm nMurnlmd und produvo his cirtiOcate of
not urr- ( Unt tot . ' i
6. I1! very perron clftimfne. 16 bo. a naturaliied
citizen, w'ictlier on the rejTiwtry lint, or prolueiDE
afl)da its M"reaid, phnll be reiptirrd to produce
hiif iititunitimti'tn orrtifloate ut the election before
vtiii(j wheie he haa brcn for trn years ennreeu
tiely a voter rn the district where he often to
vote ; and on Ihe Vote ul surh a peicon being re
ceived, the Uleoittia OflMHts nro to writ or Mewp
the wurd 'vottni' on Ida ovrtilivate nith the aiuulo
and year, and no other vote dm lie ret that day
in virtue of said oorlilioato, axorpt aiiera suusaio
entitled to to4o oa fho aaturalisatiua of thvir
father. I
A. If tho pemm aUiminff to vote who Is tot
ngi'tercd make alriilat it that be Is a astito
horn ritiien of tho United State, or, if horn elso
wlicrc, shall prtduoc evidence of hi naturalisa
tion, or thai ho i entitled to cititennhin by rrain
of hin lhther's natitralitatidn, and fnrtier, that he
is between 31 aad 1' years ol ajr, and basrefidid
within the Mate onuyuar, and m the (dectina dis
trict ten dftyii next pirrwding the elect mo, bo
shull Ik- entitled to vote though he itiall tu-l hso
paid taxes,
itllr ie nirtlier lion by (riven, Tlmt
II Mon evrept Justices of the Peace, who
shall held an the or appointment of truft umisr
tho government of tho t! nlted (States, or of tnU
State, er uf any Incorporated district, nhctksr
ceminissioned otnoer or otherwise, a tubordinstc
otbeer or agent, who Ic or shall be employed aa
der tho Lojiflative, Kicrutive or Judfnil dt
partwc uta of this &tato or of tbo Tolled Sisleti
or any city or tnoorporatod district, and aht
that every sisniber of Cong resa, or of Ihe Sis'
Legislature, or uf the oomtnun or seloet couecil
of any city, or commlislouer of any Incorporated
district, are by law incapable of bidding or
cierclting, at tho samo time, the office or ap
pointtneal of J edge, Inspoetor or Chrk of an
elootioo of this Commonwealth.
In ease the jvernon who shall have received Ihe
seeond highest tiunil-er of votes for inspector, shall
nit attend on the d iy of rleetion, thrn Ihe perse
who shall have received the sooond highest num
ber of voles forjudge at the axt prwding elec
tion, shall net as inspector In his ilsee; end tn
cas the persua who shall haw roeeiied the high
est nuiiihor of ules for inspector ob nil not altrndi
the person elrrlcl Judge, shall appoint an Inspec
tor in his liUort and in case the nersnn elected
Judge shall not alU ud, Ibon the iupeolor bo re-
ceivetl llio liieliret mint Ik of votos, sliaJ' api""
a Jniljti in his ptaex t or IT any vnennsy shall ca-tinw-
in Iho howrtl for the space f one honr Hct
the timo fixed bv tw for the opening of the elec
tion, tho (urUltit.. voters of Iho leWBthil', "r j
tliiliirl fur Mliirh suih ffieer shall his bftu j
elected, present al ihe plane of eleelion, shill se
teot one out ui their nmnoer lo dm sm n vsrnnv i
Also, thnt where a Ind, .y iokios or ins-1
i aooideJit, Is uimblv o attend SO' h nn'e'-v
ilia of iudres. then Ihe oerUUoale or return sli
Ih. nkfi r dtb8 uf L biia ol tba inleelon
clerks o the elittion ol the distriet. Mho rhH d
Who H-S.ll W 'j
lid judge mW
Ivo dlibW
and perform tho duties rttjuueU ot 4.
abb to attend.
1 hM llrtdf-n J M.I .'Mat 8tf iKat PrSl0? 1 1 VC
aforrsaid aro reniutstotl to mo! at tb
House, In Cie borough of Clearfield, el "
rriilny next alter me said seconn mr.m.j
Oeiober, liming iho U'hh then aad there
tkaa.. 81,1-m ...nnUatjl i.l (Ul8 k lW.
Penn.,lbis scriitepn day of ftep'emV 'j
IL.y.J In the veer of tor Lord ons ihoosani
efht hundred and seventy -three, soa w
thu ludepeudciict tailed Malfl ibe iitf
ly ti rinra.
.ll Tt J. PIC. ."h1,l