THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNING OCT. 1, ISTS. COUNTRY CHILDREN. Llttlt fresh violet. Born In th. wildwood, Sweetly tllaetratinf Innocent ebildbood 1 Shy a. tB aaUlope, Brown w a barry, Fn th, inouBtain air, Bomplgg aud saury I Blue era. aad basal my Peep from tbe badges, Shaded by.suo-bonDols F rayed at tbe edges 1 tTp 1b t! appl. txeUf lleedleae of danger, . . Manhood io embryo . btares at the ilnager I Out In the hilly patch Seeking for herriea, I'nder the orchard tree Feuting on oberrtel. ' Tramping the clover-blooms Down 'mong the grasses, Do voices to hinder them Dew lada and laaeea. Dear little innocents, Born In the wildwood ; 0 that all little one Had aneh a childhood I God's bine spread over thea, Ood'e greea beneath them j No tweeter heritage Coald w bequeath them I The Billing Passion. The following story is told of tbe treatment of a drunkon husband by his amiable npoueo. After trying va rious experiments to cure his drunk enness, she at last bethought herself of another plan of making a "reformed drunkard" of her husband. She engaged a Watchman for a stip lated rowarwd -to carry Philander to tbe watch-bouse while yet io a state of Insensibility, and to "frighton him a little wbon he rocovered. In consoquence of thisarrangemont he was waked up about 11 o'clock at night, and found himself lying on a pine bench in a strange and dump apartment. Raising himself upon his elbow, be looked around, until bis eyes rested on a man Bitting by a stove and - smoking a cigar. "Where am If" asked Philander. "In a medical college 1" said the cigar smoker. "What a doing then?" "Goiug to be cut up." "Cut up I IIow comos that V "Why, you died yeetorday, while you wore drunk, and wo have brought your body here to make a 'natomy." "It's a lie I I ain't iar1 I" "No matter: wa bonn-ht vm cass, anyhow, from your wife, who unu ngiit k sen ii lor its ail the f ood she could ever make out of you. t you're not dead, iu no fault of the . t , i 111 ...a .... 1 . uvtwia, aim fcuuy u cub yuu Up, U6&U oralive." "You will do it eh 1" aakod the old "To be sure we will now imme diatolv." was the riwilntp ininr "Wall, look n' W. ..n'r v,r l. , . j , us have something to drink before i en This last snnoch aaliuflnH ih.iik man that tbe man was a hopeless caso; aim an uis rewaru was contingent up On hlS BUCCfiflhflll front mnr.r. nf iKa tiont, he was not a little chagrined at morenun; go, wun no gentle hand ling, ho tumbled tho irroformable ine vut ui me waicQ-uouse. A Summer Slide Down Hill. ' Any one desirous of sliding down hill in tbe summer time, says a Minne apolis paper, may gratify that desire- nt me laus oy a scoot aown the apron. How nicely it can ba dona m illus trated by a oouplo of tourists, without any -guide, ana also by luoir driver. These irontlomen wnra mnnh intn-. ested in all they saw about the falls, ana especially in the torrent of water ShOOti ni? OVOr SL. A nt hnn tr'a hnallnnrnr. To obtain a better view they venturod urn upon ico aara extonaing Irom the platform. About an inch of wator runs over this dam, shoots down the anron With trront volnnil v r-r ilia i; tanco of 150 feot, until it strikes the timber-bod running out level for twen ty or thirty feet, and thon daBhes into a rogular whirlpool tbut froths and iuuius among me rooks. Unfortu nately for the tourists the coffer-dam was thicklv Anntml with a nmnn cl;m aubstanco, making ono of the' most slippery foundations imaginable; and in loss time than it tnkna tn inll it their "foot were gone," and a couple of dark streaks were visiblo as thoy worn aown ino snmy apron like n special telegram.' Spectators feurcd tllOV Would bo (limlil'il nnnn tlm nnln and instantly killed, but, luckily, they iiuiiuKBu io Biop luemsoives on tbe timber-bed before spoken of, and wero nromntlv mannAil Thon .... II J hvj nuia fluiijr ooking subjects, however, covered aa mey wore Dy me aoposit wiped up from the dam and apron, and were "wearing of the groen" in tbe fullest bimbo oi me woru. xnoir drivor sub scauentlv nltomnlod to rnnnrnr nn estray hat from tho dam, and lacking apron-strings, ne, loo, Indulged in an unexpected trip down the Inclined plane, was fished up, sponged, and the partios started for St. Paul. fnr.1. ing that it was not good for tbom to vo uero. The "Boast." The political agony of Massachus etts is ovor, and Butler is again bent en. Soeinir huw tha In ml i.r i. the Convention mot, he was' sharp bk.ii ..V. Lr. mciurw uin name as a candidate, and let H'snMmm inalod unanimously, nn tho score that was as gooa a itadicai as tho noxt man. and didn't want tn amn things. Considerate Hon; he isn't . I. - . i i . . . .uu umi niuu who uau peduiod sour urniios : for if ha hail l,n,i enough to nominato him, ho would not iiuvu uuruu now miicn inings wero em barrassed. Kv Willlllrlin, l,fn, . ballot, be hid his nokedncss 4b some cxieni, ana no win now have credit for moro strongth than he possessed Tho resolutions condemn tbo buck rav irrnb in nrottv sirnnir inrm. .) alap tho administration for Bonding ii'uurui umucrs arounu ine state to ii torlere with local politics. Tho ab sence of a resolution endorsing the President and his administration, is a marked feature of tho Convention. It is oonoeclcd that Butler, notwith standing his defeat for Uoveruor,came off with flying colors, and has mate rially bottored his chances for the United Slaloa Sn , May w i J prove a torrible thorn in tho sidos of viiv hi unnuuuilBUllS JUIUICaiS. It is notorious that Orant and Cam eron traversod the State In the Intor osts of Jlutlor. But th whole erew iadofontod, Grant receiving tbo hurd est slap in the face ho has got yet, tho Mttssaohusots Hoars and Wash burna dearly knocking Cawarisra Out of him. , . . Urg tSooflj, rowifi, (tit. Down I Down II THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE TUB CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Pricesl XfTH fcr now opunlnr op lot of tt bait nd If moit Uuodi ind Wires over offered la thli market, md mt prioei that remind one of the good old dyi of obeap tbings. ThoM who lack fith upon tbii point, or deom our vlle- (vuone supemuout, neoa but T Olrt STORE, Corner Front tvnd Market itreeti. When they ean lee, feel, be&r and know for them selves. To full underiUnd what are cheap goods, tbit must bo done, ws ao noc deem it neoemry to enumerate and itemiie our stock. It Is enough for us to stato that We have Everything that is Needed and consumed tn this market, and at prices that astontin bom old and young. deo20 JO i; I'll SHAW A BON, J)ANIEL GOODLAKDER, ' ' LUTUERSBUHG, fk.t Dealer in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A 8II0E3, Tobacco, (Irooerles and Fish, Naiti, Hardware, (jueeniware and Ulainwar. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Drug, Paints, Oili, Hrbool llooki, . t largo lot of Patent Mediolnes, Candies, Nuts A Dried Fruits, Cheese and Crack ers, Hock and Hide Powder, Floor, Grain and 101 a toe 8, Clover and Timothy Soed, Sole Leather, Morocco, Lining, Bindings and Thread, Shoemakers' Tools and Shot findings No greater variety of goods in any store tn th county. All for salt very low for eah or country produoa at the Cheap Corner. Aug. 27, 1873. J. M. KRATZER. D F.MI R A UI.F. 8TVI.ES of raMimerei, Ac. for JHeBaad Uojpi,at J. M. KKATZKK S. TIIRBI3-PLY, Drui.rli, Ingrain and other Carpetl, alto, floor Oil Clothi, at reduced prion, at J. M. KHATZKH'S. BEST ASSORTMENT of Wall Paper erer offerrd la tbia Ticioitj. lOe to 11 per plcoe, ne gilt paper, etc, at J. M. KHATZKH'S. THE MOST popular rnakea of Muillni, Fheet Iok, I'illow MusliDi, an., at annall adraooe abora oott, by the piece, at J. M. KHATZKH'S. NEW GOODS, NKW STYLES, LARGE ASSORTMENT, LOW l'HK'KK, all to be luuou a j. M. KBATJiKR'S. TAIIES DRESS GOOHH, la the groatut J variety new apriog ihadei-Bewe!t and uioit aeuraoie atrlea at J. M. KKAIZKR S A VARIETY of Dreia Oooda, aoitable for A &. mourning alio orape Ten., eolkra, Ao eonaianny oa Sana, at J. M. KKATZKH 0 Rr.CEIVING a large enpply of LbiIIm' and Children. Bhoee, made t. order and war ranted. A nandaome Gaiter for SI.IIO at "hJ J.M. KHATZER'8. HEST UraniU ware Toa Beta and Chamber Beta, KniToa and Fork., Biker-plated Forki and pooae, Table Linen, Napkinn.rerjr cheap, at ai. lvnAlbtl s. SII AVI., Bcarfa, Keektira, Collari, Veila, Hair Oooda, Ulovea, Ao. Kid Olorea at 760, i.u iu tfuMpuiao oeamieii am Mloree, at w"- J. M. KRATZER'S. r-IUEAP GEOCEHIES I J LL'MnER CITT, PA. The nndcralaned annonnca tn hi. nlH r.i.n. and patrona that he haa opened a good line of iw r.iwBo s rnui iniu.B at tue old itand of Kirk k Spenoer, for which he aolleita a lilieral purrnage. ii. w. BI'KSOER, Lumber Cltj, Pa., March SO tf. T. m. ROBINSON & CO., Doalen In Harness, Saddles and Bridles, BLANKETS, BRUSHES, Fly Not, Collurg, Whips, &o. A large ilook of TROTTrNO GOODS of all dencriniiona. Alio, a large atook of HARNESS xni,, JSO-Uopairlng promptly attendci to. Bhon nn Market alp n..kAi. O t- .L fnrinaplw M.m.inJ k T.....d 11 i. 1 j mmuivm mv.anuer. Clearfield, Pa, Jan. 15, 1S7S. JOOK AND HEAD! SADDLE & II..RXESS MAKING ! JOHN C. HAEWICK, Market St., CLEARFIELD, Va., 1 the man 10 go to if yon want a act of new HARNESS or a new SAlllll.K, or anything el in that line. He turns out aa good work aa ia done la any .hop In Pennsylvania, aud buprieca Conitantly on hand a full Una of TROTTING GOODS. uch aa Trolling Baddln, Quurterand Bhin Doota, . .un,,,, nunisr, n npr, t me llru. no anil I'olnba, Ac A line a.iHortment of Neta, Jlnre. Covers, Knne lllurilcrli. lluffalo Rohm. Ac. Ao.. kent in aeaon, In fnot anything that homuion tiand in ncco oi is aiwnvs on liotMl. All of which will be sold at whoh nt in vrrv liiirst rats. Kepnirinj proujhtly attrn-lrd to. All work Iftiariititee.L hhop iu room formerly noon pied m '(.It (tntren A. -is n ...... ve.. mirii u. ihi.1. ii. F. BlGLEIi 4 CO.'S -SPECIALTIES BUILIiERS- IIAItDWAhK, KECIIANICS' IIAHDWARR, LUMBERMEN'S HARDWARE, FAR.alXd UTENSILS, 5 , J i , MILL SUPPLIER IRON NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTERS' FINDINHS, CALCINED PLASTER. Ma IB, 1873. KRATZER & LYTLE rurpeatlns,) r Nalla, I'ainls, 1 WILL BELL VOU 1 01,., ''i J Puttv, French, Richards & Co.'s Buck Lead AND Calcined Plaster VERT CHEAP. Imoiene. stock on hand. Clearneld, Pa., June 4, 173. Miss E. A. P. Rynder, Chick. ring's, Btelnwav's and Em.r.on'a Planosi Mmlth'i, Maa-ii A HaaillB's and P.loabet's vrgans aua meiodeons, and U rover A Bak.r's 8ewln( Machines. Plane, Oultar, Oriran, Harmon; and Vooal Ma' si.. No pupil tak.a for loss than naif a terra. ev-noom opposit (touch s Furnlturs Btoro. Clsariald, Ma , (set if. r Sotrts. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. This new and well furnished house has bau taken by the undersigned, ila feels ooandent of being anie to rentier sauaiaetioa ao uios. wao nay favor him with a oall. May g, 1871. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. THE MANSION HOUSE. -Corner of feeeond and Market Streets, CLEARFIM), PA. npHI9 old Md eo Bin odious Hotel baa. during I ma past year oeeo enierKeu w aouoie its former capacity for the entertainment of strati vers and auests. Tha whole bullJlnif has been refurnished, and tho proprietor will spart no paioi to render his guests oomfortabls while slaying with him. JHrThe 4Manslon Houie" Omnibus ran to and from tbt Dspot on the arrlTal and departure or aaon train, juiin yuuuiiBtt i s aprd-70 tf Proprlotor. jJUNTUUH HOUSE., Opposite the Court Home, LOCK HAVEN, PK.NN'A. -JcU'Tl IIA18KAL k KROM, Prop's. B KOCkERIIOl l' HOUSE, BKLLEFONTE, PA., D. JOHNSTON A SONS, O0I1V71 . Proprietors. RAILROAD HOUSE, Main Street, PniLlPSMJRH, PEXTA. Tabl. always supplied with th. best th. market affords. Th. traveling publie ia invited to oall. BOVl, 03. HUUblli libUlU ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market Ht, bitt. Beyond and Third.) .' . The subiflriiwr barinx become proprietor of tbts hotel, would respectfully ask a liberal share 9t puhho patronage. apl2'7 . GEO RGB LEIPOLDT. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, , CURWKN8VILLE, Clearfield county, Penn a. TMi old and well establilhod Hotel, beautifully ituated on the banks of tbe Susquehanna, in tho borough of Curwensville, baa been leaded for a term oi joars by tbe nnderiiened. It has barn entirely refitted, and Is now open to the public generally and toe traveling community tn par ticular. No pains will be spared to render rucsts comfortable while tarrying at this hums. Ample stabling room tor ine accommodation or teams Charges moderate. j. Hfpt. 28, 1870-tf. ELI BLOOM. &Hl$rdlattwu$. JIJATZEU 4 LYTLE, ' MARKET STREET', CLEARFIELD, PA. Dealers In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, Hardware and Queensware, Boots, Shoes, Hots, Capso. r-ehoemakera supplied with LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS at reduced rates. SALT I SALT I SALT! ai wholesale and retail ver cheap. PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTER, Ao. A liberal diseonnt to builders. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTUS-lu large quantities. FISH, FLOCR, BACON, CORN MEAL and CHOP, alwas en band. SaV-AH of lb. above goods an purchased eioluilvol fur cash, and therefore eaaaad fill b. sold as cheap aa Ihe cheapest. fobl-7S rjO THE FRONT! CHEAT EXCITEMENT AT TUE CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON! Tha undersigned having juxt fitted up new, large ana eomiortame roomi on .Market street, near Third, reipretfully informs tha publie that ba now drepared to accommodate them with erery thing in his line on short notioeand at all Hours of tba day. - lie keeps on hand ERESII BREAD, RUSKS, ROLLS, PIES, CAKES, all kinds. ice cream; and a general assortment of CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, NUTS, Ac, All of which will bedtllrared to eustomers at their residences, when requested to do so. ICE CHE AM, by the dish, sorrad in a neatly fur niched room. Thankful for tha (rnerons patronage beitowed In the past, ha hopes to merit aud receive a oon tinuanoa of the same from his old custo mers, and other. . JOHN STADLER. ; - June 18.73 If. gTEVENSON k CO'.S EXCELSIOR BAKERY, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Having recratlv Sited up a new Bakery, and proourud the sorvloes of a flrst-olaas llaker, w. ar. pn-pared to furnfih FRESH BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, &C. every day. W will deliver Rrewl, Rolh, Caka of all kind, frcch every morning, at the doors of our oufftomcrs, If dt:ird. Wo ropocifully so licit a sb itre of pulillo patrnnngi, and kef lure tht wa oan giro entire Mttlclitction. We a.n Uetm nn hand a oM-'o aumrtmrnt of CANDlKri, NUTH, Oil A NO KS. LKMONS, TO BACCO, I IOAKS, An. Freeh FRUIT4 and VEGETABLES reeelvid dnily and 'old at raaoaahl prions. rrrn mni r.nn, in sf una, ny theean orqnart. K'K CRKAM always on hand. (live up a anil. We strive t plrnne. Aug. (1, M7J-tf. HTLVfcNrtON A CO." HAYES, COULTER & CO., Successors t. W. A. Arnold, BAKi'rAc-TrmtAi or Healers, RaiiRes, low Crates and MARI1ULIZED BLATR M ANTE 1.9 Bole agents for tbe celcbrat.d CIIILSON COOKING RANGE. sTSond for Calalogui'S. No. 1.10J Chestnut Blrr-st, June 15 Co rillLADELPnU. IJjrfUvarf, trimntrf, ftr. H. F. BIGLER & CO, B1AL1H II II ARB W ABE, Also, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. INARMING IMPLEMENTS of all . i ' : ,.... j i 1 . kinds for sale by ' ; U. F. BIOL EH 4 CO.' JAILROAD VV1IEELBARU0WS for sole b U. F. BIGLER 4 CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Kalis, ete., for sal. by H. F. BIGLER 4 CO. JJARNESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE Findings, for sal, by II. F. BIGLER 4 CO. QUNS.PISTOLS, SWORAD CNES For sal. by IT. F. BIGLER 4 CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Slses, for sal. by II. F. BIGLER 4 CO. JRON 1 IRON I IRON I IRON I For sal. by II. F. BIGLER 4 CO. 11 USE SHOES & HORSE snoE 4 MAILS, for sals by II. F. BIGLER 4 CO pULLEY RLOCKS, ALL SIZES And best Manufacture, for sale by n. F. BIGLER 4 CO. THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE ' BOXES, for sal. by H. F. BIGLER 4 CO. RODDER CUTTERS for salo by icn30-70 II. F. BIGLER 4 CO. T313 ZS02TSIDE3 TIN AND STOVE STORE I G. S. PLEGAL, riiilipslsurg, Centre County, -Fa. rrillB undersls;n.d rosp.ctfully announces to X th. publie that h. ba. oa hand a ear. fully-s.l.cted and wall assorted stock of STOVES, HEATEUS, RANGES, HOLLOW WARE 1 TIN, COrrER AND SHEET-IRON W A R E I WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Ilia stock of Cooking Stov.s soBilsts of 1UE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which have never failed to brln peace and prosperity Into families wb.r. It Is ua.d, Diamond State, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Rpeers' California Cook Stove, rlpears' Anti-Dust, Oaa-Uurning Cooking Stoves, Victor, Reliance and I'nion Ranges, B pears' Cooking Ranges, Ac, to. ' i avaj.The Tin and Ehc.t Iron war. given with tb. Cloves Is made of th. heav'esl and beet material, and warranted to give perfect satis faction. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves Is larger, better and cheaper than ever before aihibited to the publie consisting of Spears' Revolving Light Illuminating Stove, Spears' Antl-Dost (las turning Parlor Stora, gpeara' Orbicular Oaa-Rurning Parlor rjtov,, Hpears' tlas-Uurnlng Parlor Store, Uoquel, Pearl, Uein, Ida, Bun, Tropic, Nevada, Ac., Ao. Vulcan, Elm and Victor Heaters, F pears' Re volving Light lieat.ra, II. Is also prepared to furnish a comolete assuriiuvut wi Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Woodon and Willow Ware, &c., Wholesale or retail, manufactured neatlv and with the Ml. vl.w to s.rvic, from the boat ma terial in lb. mark. a. PL0W8 A PLOW POINTS, COrrER, DRS.S, PORCELAIN, TIN-LINED, STUN A COMMON IRON KETTLEH, Of .very description constantly oa hand. . ORDERS FOR SPOUTING, ROOFING And other woru V.UnaL. I. ble business will be promptly filled by eaperienc.d and skillful woramon. BRASS, COPPER. OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken In .ichang. for goods. Mr-IT. .specially Invites th. attention of Merchants wishing tn purchase at wholesale, aa they will tnd It to their advantags to etamln. r.ia atoc beror. purchasing .Is.wb.r., Look ont for th. Rl Sign opposite th. real. oenc. oi nrs. Dr. roster. - All Goons Waraiitbd is Ririasiann, ;. 8. FI. I'.(; At. I'hlllpiburg, Jun. 1, 1870. augi! A8 ' Lime lor Sale I mimm,i.,.i...j ...:.n.. .i.. j . ., - a ' iiw orrtoi naa mrtde complete arrangements with Lime fumvrm eai oi ine inouninln, wncrel.y he Is ena bled to koep constantly on band a largo quantity ol PU1I E L I M E ! . whloh be nftVra to farmers and builders at a trifle above cost. Thns. in need "f the article would do well to give me a call, or ailaVeos me by latts r. be fore negotiating their lime. "K. U. 1 A8SM0RE. Clearrleld, Pa., Jun. 9, I HID. J. 11. M'MUKKAY will Rrrn.Y vntt with anv aiiticlr OK MRUCIIANHIHK AT TIIKVKRV LnWKKT PRICE. COMB AND SEK. (I:4:73y) NEW WASHINGTON. Jtrugs and Ufdidura. I II E LATEST MOVE! THE LATEST MOVE! HARTS WICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To thulr new building on Poond Rtrtat, orlj opposuo tnt iioro oi meavar iiiita, CLEARFIELD, PA., Wl,i thoy will ouuIImm Ia atipplj thrlr nl4 tkBtl M man new uttuinora m ma ume, with PURE DllUGS! C II M I C A L S 1 i . f PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, ' (InolaJing all new remcdiei,) Piitoftt Modielnm, Pninti itid Oils, OImi and , .. l'utty, ISohuol IlODki, Bttlonrj, Paper, Ac; el no, n full lint of Drug giita' Bumlrien, llnlr Tuoici, CoimftEct, Prrfumerle', Toilet Article, Rruiihoi, Toilot 8oa(i, Pucket U'xtkt, Ao., all of the bt quality. PURE WISES ASD LIQUORS, for medical A lacromental purpoici only. Pure White teel, Colnra of all kind., Raw and Bollfd Linnerd Oil, Varnih, Turpea , tine, Coal Oil, Paint A Varniih jUraclier, Flavoring '' Kxtracta, Confeoi'onerle, Bird Becd, Fp!re, ground and , i. . , vnf round, of all kind. SMOKERS AND CIIEWERS Will Had our stock of Chewing and 8iuking Toiiarco, Imported and Do mestic Cigera, Mniifl and Fine-cut to b. of th. very brands in lb. market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kinds of 0 LASS WARE, OARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimmings of every variety. Having a long experience In the business, and aa extensive and well eeleoted stock of medicines, w. are .nabled to fill Physicians' prvacriptious at the shortest nntioe and oa the moat reawnable terms, day and night. I1ARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., Maj 81, injur. Uisrrtlaufouj. CLE EARFIELD PLANING MILL COMP A N Y. rpHR vnlrrslfrned, ramenMirf to RtfET) A X l (M hi,L, hurt panbiMvil tbe CLKAR l lKLD I'LAMMJ MILL, and reGtlcd it foi dtiinc an extcmire buliicai. All the taaahinerr will be a.Mf J nt-rarj to make It one of the most complete oetub ialimrnii ot tbe kind in the State. Tury are now prrpaml to rocire order for any work in that line. They rill giroipecial aueniaou w aii Diaienaii tor nouic uuiiuiug. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. OP ALL 8TVLES, alwaya on hand. WOURTD DOAHDS. and all article neooaxn ry f r l-iil.linr, will ho eiohanad for DRY LI MMKK, w that iieriom at a dint nee way hrinft thoir lumber, rxch.inpo it for, and return home with tbo nsiu.uraoturut aitioloe. The Couipatiy trill alwaya have on hand a largv eiiH-K "i -iry iitiitiver, $o aa to he able to nil an onlnron the fh'tript natir. Only the bfnt an nioHt j L 1 1 1 u I huinl.i will be employed to that tbr puhho aiaiy rely ujton (ood work. Lumhrr will be worked or fold aa low aa It nan bo purchaaed anywhere, and warranted to give Fatitfartinn. Aa ho hualnra will be done upon tho each principle wt oan affori to work fur e m nil pro ma. DRY LUMBER WANTED! K-prciitlly one and a-hnlf and two Inrh panel tuii, iur wuicn a ititerai price will be paid. The baplneee will be tv.nduted under the nama of tbe "Clearfield rianlnx Mill Co." 0. n. Mcrr.ll will personally superintend the uusiucsa. Orders respectfully solicited. 0. R. MEMRKLL. R. H. TAYLOR. IAVID McllAUOIIRT. M. 11. UlttlWN A DUO. Clearfield, Pa., January I, I8T3. The Lightning tamer. rpilK undersigned ar. the sole Agents In this I enontv for the "North American tlalvanlsrd L10UTNINO RODS." Ttica. are th. only sale rds now in uss. and ar. endorsed by all lb. srientine men in the oeuntry. . hereby nollf, th. cltlsens of th. count, that w. will put them up a better rod, .nd for less money, than is chamed hr the foreign agents who annually travere. tlx oouuty and carry on our iittia cash, never to return. EXCOURAGK HOME LABOR. Those wishing Llirlitnlnor Rods erected on their buildings need but address us bv loiter, ot call In person, We will put them up In thecounty, and warrant them. Tbe Rods and Futures can b, mi at any lime by calling at our store. Ii. K. HlclLbK k CO. Cl.arn.ld, March IU. Into tf TI1K CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured especially for THE CLEARFIELD, TRADE, roa iai.1 it ,uVrt H. 1. B1ULER k CO. gnrtltt'nrf, Uttmwf, r. 8.UKETT & SCHRYYER, PIALIal ! HARDWARE. and manufacturers of Tin.Copper & Sheet Iron M are, Second Btreet, CLEARFIELD, PA. Ilavint largely Inoroaaed our atoek of Hard ware, we In yito too publie to examine onr itock .-j .... r Carjientera and peraoni who eon template build ing win ue wen w exauiine our TOOLS & B0ILDIHO HAEDWARE, which Is new and of th. manufacture, and wiu o .old low tor oaan. NAILS, GLASS, rOTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES., HINGES, SCREWS All kinds of Ranch Planes, Saws, Cblaels, gquar., llammera, Hatchete, Plumbs and Levels, atuillxnl A Thorn Uiaaa., Uevs, Braces k llitta, Wood and Iron iiencb Hcrewa, and the best ' Boring Macbin. ia tb. market. Double and Single Bitt Aies, POCKET CUTLERY, Ao. Agents for Burndl's Iron Corn Shelter, warrantca. Also, agt-nts for Richards' , GOTHIC bl U TOPS, which effectually cure Braoky Flues. Farmers' Implement! and Garden Tools of every ai-acriptlon. A large variety of COOK STOVES, . whieh we warrant to give aatlifaetlon. Portable Mtanfr$ and ttrnace. Vft-Roofinff, Fnoutinr and Job Work done ou rranonahle tcriua. All onlerawill rive nroiopt aiTcnnna. June 1 1, ltsia. grjj Goods, rcwirs, (tic. ED. W. GRAHAM, DEALER IN GEKEEAX MEECHANDISE, SQIARE TIMBER iS LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, TA., Has Just opened, at tb. KEYSTONE ETORE, a oompletc stock of .r v ir a o o s, of .very description. DKV GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES. CI.OTII1N0, tf-c., rf-c.( IX GREAT VAK1ETY. FLOUR, MEAT, SALT, BYE, OATS, CORN A L WATS OS II A XI) AXD EOli SALE AT A SMALL ADVASCE. FLOUR r tho far load, and aold od anoo. Aeoctvad hy tho far load, and aold at a small od anoo. A luppty of ROTE oonitantly on hand. Special .ndtternontj offered to thota letting onl g'.ua re Timber and hogr, aa wa drl largely in Lurahcruion'a fiupplitet and are pre partd at alftimea to puirhaao Un br and lumber. U V. tl H A II A Mt "KEYSTONE STORE," Eveund StriMt, CLKAH FIELD, PA. Oct t.i, is; J. 4. r. wt:AraaM WEAVER 11KTT.S CLEARFIELD, TA., Are odcrlng, at the old stand of 0. L. Reed A Co., their stock of gods, consisting of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS k 8HOK3, HATS A CATS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, FLOUR, FEED,' SALT, &o., &c, At tho moat rcaaonaldo rates for CASH or In exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OU COUNTRY NIODUCE. ir Advances made to thoit enfTigfd In get ting out square timber on the moat advantageous terms, pdtllnn7S g L. KIKIC, SON A CO.", n HOI I.SALK (iHOC r.H, No. 130 North Third Htrwt, oorner of Cherry, j'iiiaicinia. Hare In ilnre and oflrr fur aalo at the Inweat market priivp, and on the moat rramnalile term a, a targe and well aelerted atook of (J ruoerir Tf aa, Hplwa, 'iih, Chcrac, if., irlcnti'd In thin, Now York and Haiti mure maritPta, to whioh attention of eountry dealers Is particularly reunited. novi;f-iy FAIRBANKS' STANDARD CS& CJ A Id 12 H , MltfiW Barrows, Warehouse Trucks, Copying Pressos, Improved Money Drawer, A,, roa sal, ir II. F. BIGLER & CO., Dealers lu Hardware. Second Slrest, Clearfield, Pa. ounttrt) and rtartttiu BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., . (Successors to Bovnton k Toang,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturer! of PORTABLE & STATIONAET STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pin, Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVINfl engage! In tbe manufacture offlrst elaaa M A C H I N E RT. we resn.otfull v inform th, public that vie ar, bow prepared to 111 all orders as cheaply and as promptly as can be don, in any of tb, eltiM. W. manufacture and uaaJ in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blocks, Water Wheels, Shafting Pelleva, Gilford's Injector, Bteam flaugei, fitaam Whistlee, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks, Air Cocks, Globe Valves, Chick Valves, wrought iron PipM, 8. earn Pumps, Boiler Food Puwps, Anti Friction Metres, Hoop Htone Packing, Gnm Pack ing, and all kinda of MILL WORK ; together Ub Plows, Sled Boles, COOK ASD PARLOR STOVES, and other CAETISQ3 of all kinds. Ordera solicited and filled at oily prices. All letters of Inquiry with rcferenoe to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by addrea ing as at Clearfield, Pa. dccSI'TO tf BIGLER, TOrNO A CO. Tim LAKGKST ASSORTMENT OP STOVES! STOVES! ever brought to the county, are belrg received at the Hardware Kstabliihment of H. V. IIK.I.IOK CO., oompriiinf th. lolloa ing Cook cltove. : EAR'S CALORIFIC. SUSQUMIANNA. KEGDLATOR, NOPLE. EXCEIIOU. TRIUMPH. GuV.rEXN. KEADIKO, NATIONAL RANGE. 4C. iC. Alto, the following Heating Stoves: SPEAR'S AXTI CLINKER, SPEAR'S ANTI DUST. SPEAR'S ORP.ICULAR, srEAR'S PARLOR COOK, MORNING LIGHT, BOSTON, G1PSEY, VULCAN, SUNBEAM, RUUY' ' ' DAUPUIN EGG, CII ESTER EGG, VOLCANO, riJOENIX, HEAVY BAR ROOjJ AND STORE ROOM STOVEft, 40. Clearield, Sept. IS, 1S7J. rl O I. V SI H E R M UN t PERFECTION IS CANTHOOKS Th, Clearfield Eicelslor Canthook will not wear out or break, being constructed with on. solid band from clip to point It Is pronounced by all practical lumbermen who have examined it to bu tb. moat perfect Cantbook .for tnfonwd. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Minufocturcd by Ann, Krixaan A Co., at CLEARFIELD, PA. a-All orders promptly attended to. nM'7 OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY, a OSCEOXA STEAM MILLS, VAnvricTini, LUMBER, LATII, AND TICKETS Sawed ik Tali nt RUbif Shingles. II. H. SIIILLINGFORD, President, Offlcs Forest Place, No. IJJ S. Jtb si.. Phll'a. JOHN LAW SHU, Oenoral Eup'L, OaMola Mills, Clearfield county, Pa. A tan TOWN LOTS for sal. In tbe boroorh Keep th. LARORHT ASSORT.MRNT of floods in t'learficld Munty at their Mammoih own id uscouia, J Ml 8 7 ,1 BRICK! BRICK! BRICK! A MW imiCR YARD. -lr f'MMKR k CO., linving sl.ri'ed j vt . a new and eiteneire flrick Yard In ClearAold, are to make cnntracla for first clasa HimI Uriel a. in larg large or small quantities. ..... mm eonciiM, I ntorma. t on oan he obtained by calling at Rynder's Mu sic Slore, or by w. H. PLrMMER A CO, aiyT tf Clearfield, Pa. S. I, SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER im l'Bii.aa m Watchon, Clocks nnj Jowclry, Opposite Court Hon.,, RaUWinsl Blaul If IU 1 II H aa w . All . . . - ""' Anriiai.ii, pa. u.Il!lrr B"'"n" pp of - r. vollwMald.and menev Ok. psffttattfous, MRliLE AM) STONE YARD ! Mb. b. s. liddell, Having uigagad In th. Marhl. bualueis, dsslrsi to Inform h.r friradi and lb. publio that she bu now and will kwp con.laotly on band larg. ui well aclcctod Hock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, aad la prepared to furnish i order TOMBSTONES, . BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, . JIONl'MBXTS, Curbs and Posts for CemcUry Lots, Window Bills and Caps, also, BUREAU, TABLE AND WAFII BTA5D TOPS, Ac, Ac. Vard on Rood street, near tb. R, R. Iw. Clearfield, Pa. JtJ READING FOR ALU. ROOKS t STATIOSERY. WaVkert nt, Clearfield, (at the Port OHIrc ) rpilK undersigned begs leav, toanBonneeto X the eltisena of Clearfield and vicinity, that h, has fitted up a room and has Jnst return. J from th, city with a large amount of reading, matter, consisting In part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Booh,- Blank, Account and Paa, Books of ntry da-' soriptloni Pap.r and Envelopes, French and plain Pens and Pencils Blank, Legal Pipers, Deed., Mortgages) Judgment, Xiean. lion and Promissory notes i Whit, and Parch ment Brief, Legal Cap, Record C.p, and Bill Can ' Sheet, Musi, for .Ither Pinna, fiut. or Vielia ooneuntiy on band. Any books or stationery desired that I may aot hav, oa hand, will be or. ordered by first .spress, and sold at wboleaal. or retail to suit eustomers. I will also keen periodical literature, such aa Hagaslnes, News papers, Aa. . P. A. OAULIM. Clearfield Hay T, ISnS-tf JTEW BTOKE AND NEW G00D3 JOS. SHAW & SON Have just opened a Niw Store, od Alain Sl.,Ci.i4imi.n, ft, lately oocupied bj Wm. F. IRWI.V. Their etock consitli of GkocEim of tit Lett quality, Ql'kenbware, Boots and Shoes, ' and pvery nrticlo neeeuar? for one', comfort. Call and examine our etock before ur cbasing elsawhere. " May 9, lPC6-tf. DAVID YOUNG, Slone-Cutlcr and Stone-Mason, WILL ciecote all work In hli line at mdt rata prieci and in FlltST-CLASS ityla ArcMtoctural Ornamcnta In ALL STYLES, Stona Proialnf of eterj description, and all kiatta of u awn work eon trartod for in or oat of tba aonnty. An; penotf wiihinf to hava ratpfctable naion work aol tnn-uttlng done, will find It to their latere, to call opnn ma I woald alro lnfom tbt pat lie that I aan delWer any qnantlty or elaai of stona daiirad, aa I aa tba owner of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUARRY. Orders for work can b, addressed to DAVID YOl'NO, ar:.1,7l Cl.arl.ld Pa. Clearfield Nu.psery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. flHE undersigned, having .stabliehed a Ru X sery oa the Tike, about half way botweca CJeaHleld and Cnrwensvllle, Is prepared to far nish allkind. of PRUIT TREE8,(sUBdardas dwarf,) Kv.rgreen., Shrubbery, Qrap, Viael, Gooseberries, Lawtoa Blackberry, Strawbeny, and Rasbcrry Vises. Also, Siberian Crab Trees, Quinco, aad early scarlet Rhubarb, Ac Orders promptly attended tn. Address, J. V. WRIflHT. Kplt eS-y Carwsnsville, Pa TERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept constantly on hand. STOXE AXD EAl.TliEX.WAEE OP EVERY DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! P0TS1 CROCKS! Ki.lier'e Patent Alrtlelit Self. Sealing Krult Can.! FTTTER CROCKS, with lids, CREAM CHHI KS. M1I.K CROCKS, APl'LK-lH'TTER CROCKS, PICKLK CHOCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIB DISIIES, ?TEW P0T3, ' And a great many othor things too numerous t, nttnlion, to b. had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE TOTTERY, Corn.r id Cberrr and Third Streets, ' CLKARPIKLD, PA. aagl Clearfield County Bank. THK Clearfield County Hank as aa lororrore ted Institution has gone out of eiistence hy lb. nrranderof its charter, .a Mey It, I'M, All u stock Is owned by th, subscribers, who aillooatinu, the Uankini baMnoas at tbe sam. place, as private Bankers, under the firm asra, of lb. "Clearfield County Bank." He arc re spoBsiblsforthe debts ot tb. Hank, aad will psf its notos on dern.Bd at th. .ouster. -Deposits received and interest paid wben money Is lefifer a lied lite., paper discounted at sis percent, as heretofore. Our personal rerroniibiliti Is pledged for all Io osiu received and business translated. A of th. liberal pat ronage of tb. bucineH ai.n of th. eoonty is re spectfully solicited. As President, Cs.hier and officers of tr. lat. Clearfield Couaty Hank, wo require the aoUs af said Bank Io be presented for redemption. JA8. T. LKONARD. RICI1ARD KnAW, WM. PORTgR, JA8. B. GRAHAM, 0. L. RKRD, . A. WALLACR- Tbo hu.lneee of th. Bank will be eondueted by John W- Adam.., Keq., aa Cash I.r. '11 1 t. County National Bank, OP CLEARFIELD, TA. KOOM In Mannlc Building, ono door aortkf? C. D. Watson's Drug More. l'assnge Tiokcte to and from Liverpool. Qaeens- town, tlln.gtiiv, London, Paris and Copenhagen. Also, Dralls fur sale nn the Royal Hank ul Ireland and ImpuriaJ Rnnk of London. JA.UKS T. i-KUNARD, Preet. JIVM. RIIAW, Cashier. 1:1:71 J. D. M'tllrk. - Kdwnrd Perks. BANKLNQ & COLLECTION HOUSE or McClRK & PERKS. Hucccasors to Foster, Porks, A Co, I'lilllp.biirg, Centra Couuly, Pa. "lf II KRIS all the basineas of a Ranking Hones M Will o. transacted nromnllv and unon Ih, Biost favnraole tenna uiarl-tf DREXEL & CO., No. SI Poutb Third sjtreat, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will reeeir. prompt alien lion, and all information clieerfullv tarni.hed. Orders soltctrd. April U-t. IAI,O.UNS IN MUSICAL IX- A) fTBI'WRNTSI Organs, bolh new and second hand, at the Music Hlor, opposite lltilich's urniuire rutre. All persons laiereeieii are m.. ti to .all and esamine , nrw stylo of Organ now n eihiliitlon. Sheet Mnale and Hooks eonMantlyon hand. apll4 7f K T(, C ) per dav I ') 1 C" All elnssea of working cplv rlthrr aev. yonn, or old. miiko more m.'aoy at ..I. .......... ... . .11 th-tlrae. than at anything sire. Partlnilar. fre.. Addres, tjtiMauM k to., Portland, Maine. ew i