THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MOKNINQ OCT. 1, 1TI. irr- Terms of Subscription. 1,1 In advance, or within tbrao months ...t 1 DO , J,u after three end before all month...... I 5 Jfjiatd after the expiration of ili inuntha... 3 00 nELIGIOUS NOTICES. Mothodlet F.pleropal Church Ri. A.D. Paator. Public Ber v loo erery Sabbath i'A.M.,4TP.M. Sabbath School at A. M. Preyor Meeting erery Thursday, at T, P. M. Communion Service, first Sabbath of every otith, at lt M- s)t. Andrew's CUturli EpleropalRev. flsosua Hali.. Public Servloe Sunday morning 10 o'clock, and nt T P. M. 6unday School at I p m, Prayer Meeting Wtiauili; eveuiug t T o'clock. Preehyterlaa Churrh Rev. H. 8. Benin, tilibntk service, morning and ovenlng-Sab. bath School at I P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednes day ei'suing. at. Francis ChurchCatholic Rot. P. J. SiimnAH. Mm. at 101 o'olook A. M., on tho nond and fourth Sunday of each month. Lutheran A.'hurch. Br. A. J. IIautsooi Preaching every Sabbath, morning and evening. tUbbatb iiohuol at a. m. Prayer mealing every Wednesday evoniug. Quite sn improvement tbat lamp at the Shaw Itouie corner, on a dark night. Two AKsintanl Aueiaora are to be elected In each borough and town. hip, at the ap preaching election. This being Fair week wilb ua, we pat our paper to press two dare la adranee, aa to giro ourselres a few daya to the Fair and look at the fa.hiona. B. Frank Boyer, of Heading, broth er of Dr. Beyer, ef thia borough, died on Sunday The doctor will, therefore, be abaent for aereral days. . Messrs. Kralter A Lj'tlc'snovrgluss front attracts the attention of every pauer by. There I. oertainly ao Snor looking .lore front to be found anywhere out. id. of the leadiog oitief . It U ai attractive a. a big elephant and not half ao dangerous. e Tickets Ready. Tho Democratic State and county ticket, are read fur duiribu lion and in the fcanda of Wra. M. MoCullougb, Chairman of the County Committee. Candidatel and friend! la from tho oountry ahould oall on him for their quota. A Change. We neglected last week to notion the change in the proprietorehip of the t-'bew Uouee. Mr.. Clementa baa cold her Inter eat to Mr. R. Newton Bhaw, who hat become pro prietor. We hara no doubt but Mr. Bhaw will prose aa accommodating holt. A rrovidontial intuiTerotice having occurred, Rer. J. McKendra Riley will be pre Tented from officiating at tho dedication of the Weet Clearfield M. I. Chnrch, oa Ocber 5th, m hal been heretofore annouooed. Rot. J. C. Per- .bin J, Pre.identof the Pitt.burg Female College, will, howerer, bo prcfent, and those who atteud the dedication will and that they hare suffered ao Iom by the ehaogc. a i w I a Fix The editor of the Belle tonic BrpMieam thul goe. for one of Centre eoun ty's lail Poatmuten: There i. .tome "ieolAsr JrW" of a Pottmaeter In this county that has bees tending a paper back to thia office with the name of Jamea Alexander marked oa the margin, but nothing alee to Indicate where It oomei from. Sow, we bare ao lee than fix James Alexander, an our liet, how are wo to know which one of theea la meant t A gang of Internal Revenue De tectives "went throngh tbo Lock Haven drug glati but week. They found bottle, enough, un damped, to break them up, H the law 1. enforced agaiuet them. We presume this li the caeo In erery drug .lore. Yet, the fact that large num-j bin of bottle, are aa. tamped ii not the fault of the retailer, but Ilea wholly with the dishonest wholesale dealer. There Ii a penalty, not exceed ing loO, aa erery unstamped bottle or package of p. teat medicine. iw ei The Balloonist. The AlloonrtSun eye: The balloon ascension of Prof. John A. Light, accompanied by Mr. Renner, which took plana from this city, on Thursday week, was a perfect auceees. The highret altitude reached by tho oriel Toyegers was T,Mt feet. The party made a successful landing on the farm of B. P. Bboff, In Clearfield oounty, near Iloutidalc, and returned to this city the next day. The dislanco traraled In a direot line, wax about twenty-Bra miles, in a northern direction from thia city. A Hiavt Sale. SborilT Pie- has eold hia internet in his timber lands, in Uirard towaabip, to Mr. L. M. Coutrlet, of Frenchrllle, for the sum of 125,000. Success to both seller and purchaser. Wa hara no more enterprising gentlemca la tho county than Moors. Pie and Coatriet, and they deserve euecesa. They started with nothing but a good will and health, and if they lira twenty roars longer, they will bo among the wealthiest men la tbo oounty. Integrity and energy baa Its reward, while indolence and res oellty entail puniahment on erery hand. TooMucn Tax. Complaints come ap to aa from all portlona of tho county because of the high school tax which haa been assessed tha past year by tbo different boards of directors, Pew of tha complain. nta atop to think that tbo State authoritiea now oompel tho directora to ae- aeaa tax enough to keep the schools open la atead of car month.. This alone adds twenty Ira per cent, to arery tax-payer's bill. In other words, whoever paid $4 School tax, previous to the late amendment, must now pay to to keep the aeboola open the proper or legal length of time in the future. All een.ible people ahould know that tho local authorities are not responsible for ox lending tbo school term to lira months. . FnioBTrcc. Leap A young girl from Wild Cat Valley, this county, took passage von a train from Millerstown to go to Newport oa .Monday of this week. When approaching the latter place she was seen to leave her scat, go out pa the platform, and before she eoutd be prevent ed, leaped therefrom. Tbo train waa moving at about 10 miles an hour, and of eaarno those who saw her jump, expected to find her a mangled fWrpMj bat, to the surprise of all, when the em pleyee of the road ran back to where she waa ly log, they found her able to get up, having escaped atitk some severe bruises. She alleged that she tiad never been In the oars before and that a lady bad told her that this was the place to get off. Without waiting for the train to stop, .be bad fol lowed the directions of the ledv passenger. We Aid not learn her name. Perry feeefy Vtmotnt. Summary of Sunday School labor. ia Centra and adtoiulnar counties, for tho lire mouths ending Angael list, 1S7J : No. cf new sehoob assisted in orxanislng 15 No. of schools visited, addressed and otherwise aided , 1 Total - Amount ia hooka eold Amount ia booke given to the newly Amount in papera eold Amount in papera given to tbe needy. 1 1157 12 7 25 1. 5 Si 3D 45 Total sold and given I2 27 (Voles of the Merlnturrs distributed by sale and donslloa , lot No. of sermons and addrcsves delivered , 54 No of fiensiliee visited 157 No of miles traveled- t7:i The details of a work of this kind cannot be ipressed In figure.. The great object Is a dilfu iea of Scripture knowledge among tha children men with a view to their eternal salvation b) a work of homo orangelisnlion, la strictly an, clarion and sustained by rolnntary oontribn liens. Many thousands of neglected children la this ssctioa are yet to be gathered into Saoday Bnh.mli for Bible Infraction on tho 1-oroV. Day I wl.h to eiprm my grateful obligations to the many friends of this causa who an eo-vperatio P-th mo In efforts for its promotion. R. CRITTENDEN, ' ty-slonary Am-! Taioa . , LCTTIR FROM CHEST, Clusr TuwnaaiP, Sept. loth, 1871. Ma. luiTon ZW Air . Th,i ,i. V. ... teontb aunivarsary of tho battlo of'LkoKno. the In loo MabbatU School No. 1, of Chest loon, ship, met at tbo Nowburg rVboul lluu.o. Attcr singing and lirsyor by Superintendent Newcomer the whole school were formed itiLa Hue. I., t. i Hurd, uenbal of the day, and mnrcbod, r, lib Ap propriate banners, throusb the village, to martial music, by tbo New Washington band, each class being in charge of Its leaohrr, and tbeo bnek to the beautiful grove in roar of the School House, where leat. and a speaker's stand bad hoen pre. pared. Tha assembly being called to order, by L. J. Hurd, on motion, J. 1). Miller was Chairman, aud Superintendent Newcomer, Score- mii. nu Mure.ees were ueilveretl by tbo fol lowing gentlemen I Spiritually, by J, Ncwoouieri Historically, h. J. Hurd, Q, 8. Totcr and James Ncff. The pruceediug. wore enlivened with musio by the band. With the oloilnw came, and with it a very suinptuoua repeat, eon al.tiug of everything that waa good, auch aa the mine oi newnurg ana vicinity know how to get up In the best of style. The supply was amnio. aU ttreeeut scorning not ooly to roli.h but enjoy it u tuiivit c.ieui. mis was me largo.t and moat reipectauie gathenug of the kind that ever asseraoiru in mi. place, II far exceeding any for m.. nlul.l(..n 'l-ku..)U. l ..... i . . , auu tcaouur. areuo- serving of great credit lor the manner in which they discharged their duties : tho oou.luot ur the children was unusually good : ao whispering or noise oi any xinag not as much as the snarl of a dog or the hiss of a cat to mar or disturb tho pro ceedings. It waa a perfect auccesa. It would bo doing injuatice not only to uiyaolf but to the whole community if I waa to close without saying a word concerning this Sabbath School. This is one of the oldest Sabbath Schools in the oounty. It dates back more than tweuty years. At ita commencement it must have been small, Indeed, oui nae grown in numoers, Intelligence and re .poctability till it will compare favorably with any other Sabbath School in the county. To that indefatigable oitixeu, Lewis J. Hurd, are tho peo ple and children mainly indebted for the suooess this school has attained. He commenoed with It in ita infauoy and baa been its polar star in all its vicia.itudea. Hia energy and bia puree haa kept it afloat until It haa grown a living monument to bleea hi. effort.. Never waa there a day m-re pleasantly spent. The attendance was large, re- speotatle ana orderly, May we all lira to enjoy many such festivals. V. 8. A CARD. CLitnrim.n, Sept. 29, Hf 3. Mn. EuiTon Dtnr Sir i The renort of the nro- oeedings of the Convention, which met hero on tha 16th, to nominate a ticket in opposition to tho regular llemooratie tiakct, mentions my name in such a way that It may be interred tbat 1 am in sympathy with Ibat movement. In order tbat my position might be fairly un derstood, 1 went before tbat Convention and ex pressly said tbat I reeoirnisod 00 Convention as having tho right to give me a nomination of the liemocratio party, as my nomination had been fairly made at the lemooratie Primary Election. and felt it to be my duly as a Democrat to sup port the regular ticket, and expressed my regret tnai too increment haa oceu unuertaken, as I thought a remedy could be found fur the wrona. complained of, without attacking the organisation oi me party. I desire to oecupy no ta-ertaia positioa aa a Democratic candidate, and wish to be fullv under stood. I trust the regular ticket will receive tho support oi ail true Democrats. - Very Respectfully, FRANK FIELDING "CioiNO TO tub Train." The Onco- ola RavniLLn, in alluding to the prufessiona train visitors In that borough, says i With the closing of the day, tho labors of all cease, and tha evenings are generally spent in restiugand In eonversntion with friends. With some it ia dif ferent. The evening train ia the causa of at tracting a motly crowd at the depot, a place where they have no business, and who are In the way and are a nuisance to these who have. The half grown boys only constitute a part of this crowd, foragirls of tho agea from twelve to sixteen are well rcpreeonted and their conversation none of the most chaste. A few evenings since we beard one of tbem, as she noticed an acquaintance get ting off the train, exclaim, "My God, he has eomo," aud then made a dive into the orowd, not to see ber "God" any more, but to aoo who next would turn up. The boya who congregate there have reduced profanity and obscene language to a aystem, and aome of them are perfect in the first etepe to the platform of the gallowa. Hundat ScnooL Convention. The third annual meeting of tho Clearfield County Sunday School Convention will bo held in Clear field, oommencing on Thuraday afternoon, Octo ber lib, and dosing on Friday evening, Oct. 10th. Speakers arc engnged to address the Convention on the subjects named in the programme. Every Sunday School in the county is invited to send two dclegatos, one of whom, If possible, to be the Superintendent. All preachers of the gospol are considered delegates. Editors, Pastors and Superintendents will please give public notice of this meeting in every part of tho oounty. Christian workers, come with ns, and, with the blessings of Hod, wc will make thia third annual meeting of our County Sunday School Conven Hon the beat or all. A. M. HILLS, M. V., Prea t J. M. Stewart, Hec'y. List of letters remaining unclaimod in the Po.tnrnce at Clearfield, for tho week ending September 2Vth, 1873 Itsker, Samuel Melrin.Selden (S) Million, Mrs. Maggie McM asters, James Minan, Samuel Miller, John 11. Mulhcllrn, Taylor Nunan, Richard Polot, Aime Sbowaller, fJcnry Smith, Wm. Souaffer, tieurge Sylvester, John W, Sannders, Albert W aunts. Charley Baldwin, Uenry Creuwell, John G. Cunningham, P. Dickinson, n m. Daily, Wm. (2) Knnes, (I. W. K.ken, J. B. Fox, Orlando B. Fields. Robert (laugh, John W. tlray, James A. Horn, Mrs. Hell Hunter, Charles II. P. A. OAI LIN, PM F.ant Tyrone has lately boen erect ed into a borough and a full setol omoera cieotea. Thus wo have two thriving boroughs where lea years ago there was but one lllllo village and railroad depot. Aperitif. CENTENNIAL! CENTENNIAL! Tha Centennial ClothinX House of Kerr A Co. have opened tho largest stock of Clothing ever brought to tne conuiy. Hems; me mi uinr, it is, of course, the ( lll-.Ari.3l anu tue Below please find price lilt : Men's Cottoned. Suits, only KF.RK A CO'S. Men's Cassinette Suits, only H CO. at KERR A COS. Mca'a Pino Union Beaver Suits, only $10.00. t h Mill iu n. Men's Fine Ceasimere Suite, only 1 7.00, at kbrtlt a lun. Men's Fina Wool Caaaimera Soils, only, at hr.nri a ivB. Men's Fina Blue Dearer Baits, only (2 ,no, at KKHK A CO'8. Men's Fine Black Cloth Suits, only t2li.U0, at tun. Men's Pino Melton and Beaver Overcoats, from .oo to HO.Oi), at hr.Kii a t.u a. '.'hildren a Overcoats, In great variety, ai KKKK A CO'S. Children's Bulla, from tM to flfl.o at KKKR A CO'8. Youth'. Bulla, of all kinds, at all prions, at n r. n rt v The atuntleo of tbe neonle is called to tho fact that tboee first coming will be first served, and, of course, have the Aral choice. Rimemlier the nUM sr.nn vu. .L tj tV . . II.. .-I t'la,HmA P lorner oi me viu " lclu 1 - A Uise MeAlnlne. teacher of Musi Paintine. Cravoa and Iirawiog. Room at th Academy. - "2' n in Tnts Perxrns whocontcmi.late buildin will do well to call and eiamine our stock of III IUUMI MA1KKIALS. Wo have In stock a full lino of Iloildrra" Hardware, Naila, Painle, Oila, illaw, Putty, Calcined Plieter, Ac my2s 73 ii. r. mint. vo. Just received, a largo lot of non-explosive Lamps and Lanterns at n. 24-72 I'- T. A Co's. II P rtielee . Co. have lm making extensive additions to their stock of Hardware tha last few dars. Kverylhiog new In nriell Hardware, paa dlete' Hardware, Farmer.' Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, can be seen at their store. May 22. Aie. Hereoty 6re doaea Clearfield Wood- ehoppera Axea at :2i:;t. H. F. BIQLER Co's. RECAPITULATION. Bird Cages. Wood and Willow Wara. Household Goods. All hied, of Hardware, fapanned Ware. Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Calciaed Plaster, Wagoa and Carriage Makers' supplies. All of the above for .ale al the mammoth Hard, ware Store of II. F. Bigler A Co, Ueoond street, Clearfield, Pa. " fUwiu Diiisn'i Cross cut se, Great Amsriran Saw, Bovnlon'l Llghtulng few, at f j, ;J (I. f. Biolix A Co s. NEURALGIA, SICK HEADACHE, NERVOUINEH8, Dr. O roes' Neuralgic Remedy Is one of the great est bicsilogs ever bi.lowod upon uflrir-g human ity. It lias born carefully and patiently tried in a great numbor of oarn-s, aud has aeeeroil.rl in a slnglo Instanco to ellocl a cure, It contains no injurious sub.tanoes, being prepared entirely from carelully selected material.. Neither does it act like many remedies now in use, by blunting the nerves, aud tbua giving only temporary relief, but will act ojiiickly and surely. All who are sufferers from those diseases will llnd this an iulallllle remedy I and being anxious that it shall commend ilielf to tha public I regain from further re marks. If uiied according to directions, a ouro i. guaranteed in every case. Price one dollar per bottle. Nona genuiue without the signature of rain a Aiwnni'HU, Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa. For aale -by all druggists and dealers In Clear, field ouuuty. scplO-om. Fisniaa TiriLB. Tho lulling season having commenced, lovers of this elegant aporl will be oa.ting about to find where to purchase tho neces sary requirement, in order to enjoyy the sport To all such we will say, go to the Hardware Sloro of II. F. lligler A Co., as they have the finest lot of Trout Rods, Lines, Hooka, liaakels, Hall flexes, Reels, Suoodn, Flies, etc., ever brought tn inn county, rnctr Trout lloiis are really ele gant, and every person eipeotiug to go trout-flsh- g mis summer snouiu uavo one. i-u AUtirRT FLOWER. Thia great Dyspepsia Panacea bas the laroest ssle of any other preparation In Ihewoild. Why? uccause wo say to every one mat Is afflicted wilb, Liter Complaint, Co.tlveneaa, llead aeho, llcartburn, Waterbrash. Sour Stomach. In dication or nny diacaso depending upon pure blood, healthy Liver and Stomaoh, to call at C. V) ataon'a Drug Store, In ClearMcId, and Ketone of our aample bottlea free of charge. Regular alio 75 oenla. Two or three doses will relieve any case Try iU 20ouk73t To tiis CtTittna or l'aaari.visu. Tour at tention ia respectfully iusited to the fact that the alionat lianka are now prepared to receive sub- seriptiuns to the Capital Stock of the Centennial uoaru oi nuance, ine runus realixea from this source are to be employed in the erection of tbe ouuuinga lor uio InternattonaJ Kxnibition, and he UbisM. eoaacotvd wilb the aauia. II la con fidently expected that the Keystone State will be reaentod by the name or every ettlicn alive to patnotlo commemoration or the one hundredth rtb-day of the natiun. The sharoa of etock are offered for 110 each, aud aubsoribera will reoeive baodsumely teol engraved Certiricato of Stock suitable for framing and preservation as a na tional memorial. Interest at the rate of six per oent. per annum ill be paid on all payments of Centennial Stock rrotn uate or parment to January I, 1K7q, Bubscnbers who are not near a Rational Bank can remit a check or po.tnOlee order ta tho un dersigned. FllKIlK. FRA1.EY, Treasurer, aug20 l)4 n alum bU, Philadelphia. Bird Cage a largo assortment at II. t. Big- Icr Co. 'a. Montour Slate Paints, for painting houses In- ilde and outside Cottasjrs, Farm Uuildinxs, Ae, Beautiful, durable aud economical, Uround In ure Linseed OIL my2S7J H. F. Biana A Co. ltarnioaaxTona. About Juno 5. 1873. U. P, Bigler A Co. will bars an assortment of Refrig erators. my23 7J Wood and Willow Ware of all descriptions fur saio oy ll. jr. lligler a lo. Save Time! Save Labor! Save Monro-1 Rave Clothes! The" Novelty Wringer "Is the best in tne market. Buy It; try It. For sale by 11. P. Biona A Co. A full line of Household Moods, Japanned Ware, a.c, for sale by 11. r. Bigler A Co. R. R. Wbeelbarrowi, Btby Carriages, Toy Ei- prrss Vt aguas and n ueulharrows, at mya 1 4 i. uiulib a vo a Faints, Oils and Varolsbea for salt bj 11. F. Klgler A Co. Noun to Waoos ad Cahmagb Maksibs. We bare just receiri-d a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of fphug: and Axles, wnicn we oner rnnap ror easb. ii. r. ii io lb a P 15TB AD P A ITtTK Hs' Flll?IOB. Our Stock of Faints and Painters' Materials is couiplrie, In oludtnr J, T. Lewis' Pure Wbile Lead. John Lu cas A Co's Pare Wbite I. F. H. A Co'i Huck Lead, aod a nnmlNY of rheaner brands of White Lead: also, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes of all kinds, a full line of U rushes, aud a full line of oolors, dry and in Oil. m?'".! II. . Htm -rn ro sua. On Sept. l'h, 1l7, af diphtheria, JESSIB, daughter of Wlixua and M. K. Rnxn, aged S years, 11 montha and 18 daya. On Rent. SSth, 1H7.1, of diphtheria, UAGOIE. daughter of Williah and M. K. Itnnn, aged 2 years, I months and 2S days. On Bentembcr 1.1. 1873, in Pike tp., MYRTLE daughter or Jon a. ana ALiia anans, ageu months and 17 dayl. "lHavtttS. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by Rirnann Mossor, 'rTholesala and Retail Uealer In Ury uoorls, urocertea, r re visions, ae.. Market street, Clearfield, Pa. CLuannuLn, Fa., rjeptember 2, H7J. Apples, green, OOQ, 40 Hogs, dressed...... Dried, a in io uiuce, green.. Apple butter, gal, 75 Hams 006$ Butter.. U0($ 26 Hhoulders... 00(a) 1 121 Beans tl 7 she 2 i iiles.. UO(-0 Boehwhcat 1 0 I.ard lo 121 Buckwheat lour lb, a Mess pnrk,t bbl...20 00 Beef, dried- " 'als 0b Beef, fre.h Kii 10 Onions I ,0 Boards, M 12 Otlldlt uu rotatoe - o(g 75 Corn, shelled.- 1 On Peaches, dried, fi.. 10 Corn, ear Oll'o) 40 Plaster, V bbl 1 1)0 Corn meal, V sack, 1 30 Rya- 1 10 Chop, cwtl 0(tj 2 40 Rags, ft 2 Cloverseed 00 Salt, sack.260 1 40 C heese- 211 Bhingles,18 in.l 4( a 00 Cherries, lb. 10(5) 1(1 Shingles,2 inl0(iy 14 00 Chickens, drsd, t, 14 Timothy seed 4 00 Kj-r. .,....... ID Tallow i'l Flaxsoed- 1 00 Wheat- 1 74 pioor... 8 torn) bo Wool 0 play 00 OOtd.22 00 Wood, V eord 4 40 I'eniiNyl vnnla Ilallrond TYRONE A CLEARFIELD BRANCH. O and after Monday, MAY 20th, 1873, the n. ... Train, will ran dailr texcent Hun- days) between Tyrone and Clearfield, aa follows CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVE EOl'TH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 40. r.a. Tyrone 25,A . hilipsburg.....4-AJ, Oaceols 10.35, Philin.bura...l0.40. OHiaola 4.40, Tyrone e.00 Clearlield 11.44,"; CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVB NORTH. Clearfield 4.40 a Philip.burg.- (.34 1 Osceola- 0 41 ' Tyrone T OO r. a. Intersection... 7. 12 ' Osceola H I ' Philip.burg ...0. 15 1 CleerfWId, ar...l.2 ' Intersection T.4S Tyrone.- . u PARK FKO.M CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefonte, Pa 23 0i Lock llaron. ........ 2 70 Williaiarncrt- 4 00 IMiddletown.. fi 00 Morietta- .. 4 bt ... 4 ft A 75 Lancaster Huntingdon . Lewietewn- . Marysvillc- ., UAKR1HBU1K1 . I DO PII1LADELPHI i HO Altonna . 4 50 Jobmtown.. .. 1 05 ... 2 80 ... 5 14 , 4 lilPriii-lH'Hd. Clo.e eonnectloos and Lock Haven. nade by all trains at Tyrone OEOROS C. WILKIN", gnperintendent. JAS. B. GRAHAM, dealer in Ecal Estate, Square Timber, BoardB, ftUtNOLES, LATH, a PICKETS, t:tli Clearfield, Pa, HKMOVAL. REIZENSTEIN Sl BERLINER, wholerale dealers la fiEMS' URMSlinG GOODS, Hare removed to 1'T Cbureh street ret ween Franklin and White it.., Hew Tori. Jy.H'72 J AMES MITCHELL, Square Timber & Timber Lands, 1.1172 CLKARFlKI.n, PA allTIOM. Allnersonsara hrrehv oanllened ly not to harbor or trust my wife, MARTUA AMON, on my aoconnl, aa I will aol pay any debts of ber contracting onie.. c..iri,..u l,w. JACOB AMON. Bcpt. 17, lS7J-.1t pd. 11HTRA V Straved f,om P"mlnes of tho j subMrilicr, residing in Pike township, about the first of Rei.lember, a while and red oow and .nr in. calf, the oow having a bell oa, aad be ing alibnt six years old. Any person giving any fuformatian. In rornrd to tbe whereabouts of tbo cow and anlf, will be liberally rewarded. pl.JI,';2-3l. W. .JOPI!f. U.3vfUaufou$. lUAUU IN RUKUPbl GREAT EXCITEMENT FRENCHVILLEI IN The bloody oontelt between France nnd Prua.ia ia at an end lor tbe proem, ao lur as tne siaugn terlng of men and the destruction of property I. concerned. Tho Royal Jugglers no doubt pride thouiaelvea and rejoice over tho re.utt, nut now nsigninonut is tbelr work when computed witn tue humane anu ehrl.tlan ettort. o( L. M. COUDRIET, who hi unilertiikeD to npply H tha eltlieni In tb lower xiA of tbe oounty with food ftnd raiment t eiPfttMllnK tow ratei from bis mammoth itor In Mil LHONUUHU, where he oan ftlwsyi bo foun.l read to wit upon eftlleri irni mppl thtm with Dry Goods of all Kinds, ; Such Clothi, flullnetti, Caailmerei. Muillnl, Delainei. Linen, Drillingw, Calieoei, TriinmitiKi, Klbbou. Lcf, Readv-nKvile Clolhlnif, Boot! and Shoct, IlaU and Cape all uf the ben material and uale to order- IWie. book, u lores, Aiutens. iaces, uibbuns, Ae. 0K0CEHIK3 OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Pork, Lioswd Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil, IlRrdware, Q neons war, Tinware, Castings, Flows and Flow Castings, Nails, Spikes, Oorn Cultiva tors. Cider r res mi, and all kinds of Axes. Perfumery, Faints, Varnlih, Glass, and a general assortment of stationery,, QOOD FLOUR, Or different brands, always on hand, and will V old al the lowest possible figures. L1QU0HS, snob ai Brandy, Wine, pin, Whisky,)-. eJsjnes MetMoinn, Huiletlers and nuuouiid s Liiters. ; 5000 pounds ot' Wool wsnted fur which the birbest price win Da paid, cmverpecfl on nanij aud (or sule at tbe lowest market price. Also, Aitnt for Strattonvllle asd CurweusTills Tbrasbins; Maebiaet. ttSfc-Call and see for Tonrselrri, Tou will And everything usually kept in a ra'ail store. . h. M. COUDRIET, Frtnohvilto P. 0., Marrh 1, 1H71. A. & W. D. 1RV1N, CORNER STORE, CURWENSVILLE, PA., RECE1VB FLOUR. AND XjT BY CAlt LOAD, And soil at mull advance, ii i i: BY TUE COIL, AND PACKAGE GOODS FOR LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLI ES SOLD CHEAP. August U, 18737:1.73 FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR BALE BY ir. F. Klgler Co. IRON DOUBLE-SHOVEL TL0W8. WOOD DOUBLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD SINOLB-6II0VEL PLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. GOWANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. PITTSBURG STEEL PLOWS. HAUPT'S BELLEFONTE PLOWS. ROBESON'S and THOMPSON'S PLOWS.. soT-Shares for all ol the above Plows con stantly on band. myJ5-7I rpiIE VICTOR REWING MACHINE CO., nt eliat,l and enereetin A cents in tbie I r....i. Tk. VlrTOR" .a Loch stttcn, rjnui tls Machine, with Self-selling Needle, best n l.hed and most nerfeel Machine offered. An In crease of over HI0 per cent, on sales of 1872 overt 1871. For Terms ac, uure.s, VK1TOR HEWING MACIIINB CO., 1227 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa: . . Full directions sent with each chart. Any p.r- . Sent poat paid on receipt sf no can u.e them. Sent rjo.t paid on receipt prices, vis : Lirj' Deans Cesar, cut, 21 rites, llnve'Hirn Coat CniliT. 11 .I.e., Va.TCnanr, cut. 21 sites and Ire styles. I.M each. Paare CitiBT. cuUJI alsea, all styles, Hn'i Sata Cot ''FX' .ch.r. .. . Ciiaot, euta 1 1 sue. ft Ml earn, or, run eh.rf, A OK NTS WANTED, luion l!n. Unwnvflle. Pa. Mra. J. E. Hamilton, agent far Clearfield, Cea fro and Clinton counties. P. 0. addre.s, Lulhcra bnrg. t'learfleld Co., Pa. ougf) gm' SpoKf s, Rims & now Handles. JOHN G. DAVIS k SON, IMM SI'OKE W0KKS, 8. W. Cor. LEOPARD A OTTER Streets, PHILADELPHIA aw-B.nd tor Price List. T.M V EONARD HOUSE, Opposite Rsltroad Depot, l't.i:lUPIl:l, I). PA Plrassnlly located and a nrst-ela.s hold la all re.peei. Breakfast f"' pawengers leaving on moraine train. TM. S, BBAUI.CT, June 1 1, IMJ. rroptiete,, rafcs HAsa 1073. FAIL AND WINTER I DRESS GOODS, la groat variety and all tho aowal shades. FLANNELS, WATEKPKOOK, CASSIME1.ES, SUAWLS, COATINGS, FUItS, CAKPETS, HAllfJAIXtt IT AYM. HEED'S, 1:24 Market Street, Cleartleld, Pa. September It, 1873. TJ jpLOUR, FEED, iC. THE BECCAR1A FLOURING MILLS. I uo'1"''1"'' w("1,'1 respeotfully give no uoe to weemxena or ueecaria lowuauip auu sur- ronndinff country, that ho has purchased the Bcccaria Flouring Mills and put everything in complete order, and Is manufacturing a flrst-olass quality of Flour, CUSTOM WOKK DONE, aud Flour In quantity enatantly on hand for sale. CHOP, COItS MEAL, BRAN, AC, AC, always oa hand and for sale wholesale or retail. Ojf T Ki ll IIISfil.E WANTED. ilX ll exchange Flour and Chop for 38 inoh cabiogles, or will pay part money, it desiied. 10:Mf BARNAUASARMfiTRONO. SAWS I SAWS I SAWS! DISTAN 8 CROSS-CUT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw, ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, ' For aalo ly octl2,7t II. F. BIOLKR A CO, C. D. WATSON, DEALER IV DRUGS & PATEXT KEDICHES, CONFECTIONERIES, TOYS AND VANKKE NOTIONS. r IA r, I tAU a tWASi r.u luriir. BUST BRANDS TOBACCO t 8F1ARR. riCiiooL uuukn a ei, Masonic Building, Second Street, dec4-72-ly CLEARFIELD, P T JINK, WHITE A ROAN LININtl SKIN8- Xjnst reeeiveo aoo tor wmim d? .. . u. .. .. ...... -.. . nfi April 20. Ih7e. - u. r. aiuksn m vi,, C L E 1073 j I We desira to call the attention of the citizens of Clearfield county to the fuel that we havo opened a MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD. Where we intend to constantly HAN0S, ORGANS AND MUSICAL Our slock of PIANOS will consist RAVEN & COMPANY'S PIANOS. Wfl.ra nrrnnred at all timeg I 1 ' , fav0raijlQ tCHUS RS tO priCCS RI1U Our stock of ORGANS will KYNOFR ORGAN, fwith Rymlor's Kneo Ticmolo nnd downward Kluutui ,( j AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S .i riv j . Jl0.iT OO IIHilll.1.1 o I'llU-liK-, nuu NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUDILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides these we furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. Wo sell on every plan known port LAR AND EAST LLASL. 1L.AIN. . a- nunw VSU VUI VU"I avaaaaar int will tend bo much to amount Lt7Ve shall be glad to hove.-u call and sec us, whether you ocl?3-'72-ly Jrj floods. 1873. I .1873. , - . ' t " " ; FALL AND WINTER 1 -i o n o S9 a . w P . w ro o O a -1 n w 9 e- o w '3 u a- rt 53. H o tt n' p WM. REEDS, Market Hired, Clearlield, ra. September 14, 1 873. O. I. c. 1 T.THERE to ut m DRT HOODS, ORO- If eerie., Queen. ware, (llas.ware, Drugs and Notions, Confectioneries, ac, oheap tor oaah. Tbe subscriber begs leave to Inform his old and new customers that he baa opened A VARIETT STORE IN GLEN HOPE, PA. And will sell goods at prices to suit tho timss. A liberal reduction will be made lo ou. turner, ouy ing at wholesale. Call and eiamine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. A liberal share of public patronage is solicited. C. J. KEAOT. Qlen nope, Pa., June 14, 171. WM. R. MORGAN, CLEARFIELD, PA. Agent for tha ATWOOD PLOWS. Farmers in need of Plow, will do well to tall at my farm in Lawrence township, and examine the improved At wood richl and left handed and aide hill Plewa. which 1 am selling very cheap for oasb. apl.10.Sm Iilvcry Wlable.. THE undersigned beg. leave to Inform the pub lic that ho ia now fully prepared to accommo date all in tbe way of furuiahlng Horaea, Buggiea, Saddle, and Harness, on tbo shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Residence on Locust street, between Third and Fourth. OKO. W. GEARnART. Ilearneld, April 11, lto7. II. F. BIGLER & CO. ' have for sale CARRIAGE & VAG0X MOODS, 8IIAFT3 AND TOLE8, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, io. Carriage aod Wagoa Makers ahonld make a note of thia and eall and examioe them. They will ho add at fair pricoa. may 21 72 ( QUN'SMITHING. G. W,WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSM1TLT. Shop on Third airael. over Riley's blsakamilh Jhop. CLEARFIELD, PA. All kinde of RiBea and Shot Guna nn hand. Repairing done in a Srat-olaaa manner aod at fair price.. MARKET STREET, A II T I K Id 1, P E keep on hand a full supply of & SONS' PIANOS, to furnish any of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most . -.r nnrnmnl ILTllia wt i iuvmi.. w consist of the new and popular to the trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the nnn rnn tin VA n rrnoil instrument, -j MAKE HOME HAPPY. jUiiliurry aiul nnrji Q)ooi$. 1873. 1873. FALL. AND -WINTER I CALL AT FOR T0UB LADIErV HATH aiial IIONNi:Tt4, as ha ha, tha best and abaapaat in tha country. ALSO, COLLARS and.CUPFH. TIES and MCARKft, HtMIlM aud NUniAS, HOMIER Y and GLOVKH, UNDERWEAR of all hinds. CORSETS and HtHlPHklRTS, esc, die. "be. AT AVM. HEED'S, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. September 15, 1873. R BAD THIS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The attention of tha of Clearfield and rlclnity ia directed lo the fact that (loojfellow A Boa are tho agenta of M. Niece-A Co., and have juat rcocired a half doien car loada ef Flour and Feed, which they oAer at the lowcat pouibla fig ures. A largo stock of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Corn In ear, 1c, As. Particular attention la died to M. Niece A Co.'s brand ef Family Flour, which ia tho beat in tbo market. Flour and Feed can and will ho sold cheaper then it can ha obtained eiiMia la viearnein wonnlT, unlr. . jMrStorc on Market street, next door to Hon. Alexsndcr Irrin's re.idence. UOODFELLOW A SON, jenlOtf AgontaforM.NieoeACo, F0R SALE! A larea and well Uniihed Brick Dwelling, situ ate on the river bank, in the borough of Clear field, con lain Icr eleven rooms, with goon cellar. water In the kitchen, and all the modern conve niences. Pantries, Bath-room, Clo'.hea-presses, Ac Lot sixty feet front and two hundred and thirty feet bark, with a twenty foot alley on the ea.t aide, baid building, with all the appurtenance, will be told cheap, with payment, lo auil purcha se. Annlleatioe, can be made to tbe uoder- aigned, or to A. C. Tate, E.q., who will give all orceasary Information to thoao who (earn io in apect , he property. Tuos j McCrLtocoH May 21at, 1873, If. Beale's Embrocation, (LATE TOW ELL'S,) For all diseases Incident to Horses, Cattls, and Human Flesh, req-tring tbe nse of aa a a tercel application. This Embrocation waa extensively assd by the Oorernment during the war. For sale by Uartawick A Irwlp, Clearfield Joseph R. Irwin, Cnrweneville. Daniel Good ander. Lnthersbur) ''Titration, Lumbermen! -Itf E ere now manufacturing our IMPROVED W PTKBL SOCKET DRIVING CANT HOOKS, superior to nny other In use. We have also In stock a large quantity of Canthooks suita ble for rafting purposes, which we are selling cheap foree.!.: AMOS A R. KENNARD. Clearfield, Pa., March 18. Ib72. X IV'As MERCHANDISE. of HAINES BROTI1EKS' PIANOS, Octavo Coupler,) OUGANS, , ti i nt tvv nnfMAis om.1 the and no other investment of liko desire to purchaso or not. ItYNDEIl'B MIMIC HTOItK. Jrntijtru. ANNOUNCEMENT OF TUE QREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES I BY 8. POHTEH BHAW, O. D. S. IMPORTANT TRUTHS i Having euooeedsd tn gettiug a lighter tariff oa) mateiiai, hence tbe lew aod eiederor. charge toa partial and full acta of Taeth. I aeo tho beat manufacture of teeth and other material. Ail o perationa regiatered aud warranted to giro aer vice and satistactlon. Friends, reflect that my charges ror me ins.r. Hon of artlloial and tbo saving of tha natural teelh are now tbe most reasonable in Pennsylvania, Preserve your teeth aad yea preserve your neaiia. Puttina of tbe natural teeth la a healthy, pro. serratire and useful condition la made a epocielty. Disease, and malformations com moa to too moum, law and associate parts, are treated and corrected with fair success. Examinations aud consulta tions rare. It would be well for patients from a distance la let me know by mall a few daya before coming to tbo office. It Is very important that children between tho ages of six and twelve years should have their teeth examined. Anesthetics are admiolslerea ana icetn rw oved without pain. lii.nnaiiinn. and character are Indeed by all tha world by tho expresalona of tbo faoe, hence how very disastrous may it therefore be for per. sons to indulge an expression of distorted features, even apart from a hygienic eiew. Now, to enjoy natural (not artiOeial) eomloru ana pleasure., respect aod obey natural simplicities aud instinct. r a u.utl-D ElllUI Ik II. M. .- - n. r i 1. 1 i.i. .-..ii.-, - Office In New Masonic Building, Second .treat, Clearfield, Pa. . mJl ' PENTALCARD, Db. a. m. hills VTonld sav to his natlents and the pub- lie generally, that, baring dissolved partnership wiih Dr. Shaw, hs is now doing tha entire work of his office himself, so that patients need not fear being pnt under the band, or any otner operator, Clearfield, March 20, I872 pd20mch7 J. M. STEWART, P. D. B., OBce over Irwin's Drag itore, CURWENSVILLE, FA. All dental operations, either in the mechanical or operative branch, promptly attended to aad satisfaction guaranteed. Special attention paid to tha treatment ef diseases of the natural teeth, gums and month. Irregularity of tha teeth sua. ceufully corrected. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Ether, and artificial teeth inserted or tbe best material and warranted to render sat isfaction. april2H'7l:lT x 1 HE MITCHELL WAGON, FOR ' Farm, Freight and Plantation Use, Universally known as Ibe '' - ORIGINAL RACINE V7AO0N. Made by experienced werkmen out of aa good material aa money eaa buy. We doaot claim to build the lowest priced Wagon., but our aim is to build a wsll nronortioned wagon in all Its parts, and excal in durability and hrht draft. For the oast quarter of a century the Mitchell Ti agon haa auoceeafully maintained the reparation of being the beat wagon to use, inerapiaiy inerewaing demand for tbem proves their superiority orer aU other wagons. Mitoaeil, Lewis vo., Manufacturers, nactne, Wisconsin. For sale by TUOS. REILT, Aug. , 17J. ' Clcarllold, Pa. ATEW LIME KILN I Xl NEAR CURWENSVILLE. The undersigned woold respectfully notify all person, intero.tod that be has just erected a new Lime Kiln, la Pike township, an! will keep oa band a first-class quality of Uray Lime, which will be furnished to farmsrs, builders and othera at lo cents per bushel, oash, at the ktln. jc2i-Cm . U. a CALDWELL. 1,1t,H BALK -The anderelgnad offer, for aale a valuable Inwa property ia the borough of Clearfield. Lot "Oilisb feet, with a good two atory plank honae thereon erected, with three rooms down stairs and sour bed rooms up stairs. Also, sewing room and bath room on second floor. Houee flni.bed complete from cellar to attic Uood double perch and good water.. Prion rea sonable and pavmenta easy. Jiaug73 WM. M. McCULLOUGU. ? durational. c LEARFIELI) ACADEMY. MALE DEPARTMENT, THE FALL TERM of fourteen weeks will eommenee MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th, 1879. Terms of Tuition. Reading, Writing, Mental and Written Arithmetic, Orammar, Geography and History - W ' Natural Pbilosophj, Physiology, aad Sin gle Entry Book-keening It 00 For Instructions in Double Entry Book. keeping andComraercial Arilbmetio, spe cial terms to oe arranged. Tbe undermined having charge of the Male Department is an experienced teacher. He is a graduate of Iron City Commercial College, and has bad several year.' practical experience as aa accountant. He is firenevefl, en moderate terms, to give tuca Instructions in penmanship and Book-keeping aa are n.ually obtained only nt Commercial Collegee or in actual bu.inaaa For particulars respecting the school apply to Ug?7tl K.X. BUSSAIH,!. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. THE FALL TERM of fourteen weeks, will commence Monday, September 1st, 1672. - TERMS OF Tl'ITlOsf. Reading, OHhography.Wrltlng.ObJact Lee- eons, rrimary Aninmeiie anu rnaaaij Ueograpby- - - ' lll.torv. Local and descriptive Ueograpny wilb Map Drawing, rare mar, atental and Written Arllhmetio.. I Algebra aad the Science .... 12 In.lrgcliJjn In In. trumenUlmoilc. .......,. It Oil painting, 24 lessons... 12 Wax work I M For foil particulars saad for Circular. Clearfield, Aug. tj, 16IJ. 7:To-y The Bell s Run Woolen Faelory, Pcna township, Clearfield Co., Pa. BURIED OUT! BURNED U PI The subscribers hare, at greet expanse, rebuilt a neiehhorhood necesritr, In the erection of a oral- claas Woolea Maaufactory, with all the mod era improvements attached, and are prepared lo maae all kinde of Clothe, Ca.aimeree, Satinelts, Dlea kets, Flannels, Ac Plenty of goods oa hsnd to supply all our old and a tboasand new eu.tor.ere, whom we a.k to come and examine onr etock. Tbe be.ineee of CARDIN9 AND FULLING ;il receive our especial altenlioa. Proper arrangement, will be mude lo receive and deliver Wool, to soil customers. All work warranted and dune upon tbe shortest notice, and by strict atten tion to business we hope to realise a liberal skara of public patronage. IO,fMHI POI NDS WOOL WANTED! Ws wilt psy the highest market price for Wool and sell onr manufactured goods as low as similar good, sen be bought In the county, aad whenever we fall to render reawaabl. satisfaction we eaa always be found at home ready to make proper explanation, either In person or by Utter. JAMES JOHNSON A SONS, apriliatf Bower P. 0. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE! The Reuse and Lot on the corner cf Mar ket und Fifth streets. Cleared.!, Pa., Is for sale. Tbe lot contains nsarly ae acre of ground. Tha house Is a Isrgo double frame, eoetaining nine rooma. For terma and ether Information appty ta the subscriber, at tbe Post OIBee. a,, i j p. a . oa rLrw. CTOSE'S SAW GUMMERS AND SAW UPSETS. We have received the agency for the above and will sell tbem at wiennfeetcrer'e prlcea. Call aad examine them. They nr. the beat. ).! . . n. F. ktlULER A CO. TraTK E- tOESTABLKH HE We have printed a large number of the new FEE BILL, and will oa the reeeipt ef twewlj. tveeimaflefewyreeaedeTee.