THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, TA. 1VKPKKSDAT MOUNINOSKI'T. , 1871. Terms of Subscription, ''paid In advano.,or within three months. ..11 00 If paid nft.r ""M aad before til month...... 1 to (I paid aft" expiration of lil uiontl I 00 ri:i,h;h)js NOTICI. Mrthoillil Episcopal (hurrli Itev. A. I). Tenita, 1'astor. l'ublie Barrio arsry Eabbatli ilJA. H.,nTJP. M. Mbbslh School t A. M. Prayer Meeting every Thursday, at 71 P. M. Coniniinlsn Service, tret Hubbub of every nth, l ! A. tit, Andrew'! Rev. Qtotot Hall. Public Kervlos Sunday morning ,t 10 o'clock, ind at 7 P. M. Bnntl.y School at I r. M. Prayw Moating Wodnoiday avonlng at r o'olork. Presbyterian ChurchRev. H.'B. Ilt'Tt.en. w-dabhlh services morning and evanlnc Xab ksts. School at I P. M. Prayer Hooting Wednea er avening. tit. ITaiicIs' Church CatholicRev. P. J. Sniain. Mass at 10) o'clock A. M., on the trcunil and fourth Sundays of each month. I.itheraii Church Ker. A. J. manner Preaching svery Sabbath, morning and evening. Pibhath hcbool at a. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. The "colored troops," for railroad parposes, are being distributed in working squads hlon tho line of the railroad extension between tail ploe and Curwensvllle. Toola od Ibe racos at the coming fair will be iold on the Fair U round during the day, and at the boteli in the even Inge. The irons for tho now iron bridgo, at Corwcnsrille, are being transported from the depot to their destination, and will loon bo mount, ed eo the abutments. Wo underatand that the bridge Is to hare ft foot walk on each side. Notary. Gov, llitrtrunft has ap pointed Johnston Hamilton, of Luthersburg, No tary Public, in the room of Dr. Spackraan, who bai removed to Pennfield. "Johns," a he Is fa nillarljr called, will make an excellent officer. ' JjssiJrs, he if a good PtmocraL On Wednesday of Fair week, in addition to the regularly advertised races, there will be a oolt race of eolts four years old and nn dr, fora pureof fll)0. First, f 50; second, f 30; third, $20. Six entries wilt bs required, and terse to start. Kntry fee, 14 per cent, of porta. Ilocsg Burned. Tue dwelling of Mr. John Sehaffer, about two miles west of the Cherrytree, was entirely consumed on Tuesday of last week, with the most valuable part of Its eon teats. The Are was aocidental, supposed to bare eeught from a spark falling on the roof. Loss about $1,000 no insurance. Mill Burniu. On Thursday foro- noon a week, the steam sawmill of Andrews k Kent ly, situated on Fandy Lick, about eight miles shore Prookville, took fire, and was entirely de stroyed. This mill was quite a valuable one, and the loss to Messrs. Andrews t Keatly la heavy. We understand there was no insuranco. Outlawry. Somo Ignorant or ren- osouui -ems" ooa day last week tore three pages off the list of voters, of this borough, posted up ea the Court House door. It Is strange that any parsoa of sense should do such an unlawful aot. If it was done by a thoughtless boy, we advise him never to do the like again. It is as much a violation of the law as horse stealing. Temperatb. Wbo dure ouy Hint af ter the vote In this borough on Friday last that ws are not a temperate oeiauuuity, so far as drinking Is eonoerned. We have now voted ajaiost both whisky and water and have there fore planted ourselves squarely upon the tctotal platform. Whether our neighbors will follow our example, and In the future lead temperate lives, Is aot so eloar at this time. Our Court convened on Monday, at ten a'elook, all the Judges on the Ilenen. We uu diritend that the District Attorney bad some tventy or more liquor eases to lay befure the tsrandjury and about an equal number of as sealt and batter eases, bisides fifteen other casus sr the qoartersessions magnitude. It took nearly all afternoon of Monday to try one liquor case, and if the others prove to bo as tedious, this week's Court will be pretty well Iloeored. , . Pettlid. Friday laM, was tho timo fixed by our borough authorities to vote on the water question. The election did not open very oerly, and but little intrrest seemed to be mani fested until towards evening, when it became qnite lively on the corners about the diamond. The result was 145 votes for water and 140 voter against water, making 201 votes polled in a list of 442 registered voters leaving 1M, or over 38 per esnl., who did not roto on the question. Quite a ftember of the active water advocates mads it eonrenient to bo abeent an election day. . , ; Centennials The ludioo hare or ganised and are going vigorously to work to aol last subscription to the eapital stock of the Cen tennial Asaeoiatton. "The Women's Centennial Sxeentlva Committee" have appointed the follow ing Executive Committee for Clearfield County, with power ta appoint sub-Committees ! Mrs. Walter Barrett, Chnlrmsni Mrs. We. Killer, Mrs. T. J. Hover, Mrs. fiaionel Arnold, Mrs. Wu. U. Dill, Mrs. tleo. Urlsbln, Mrs. Thos. B. Murray, Mrs. L. C. tingle, Mica Klorie M. tvrahara. Miss May R. Wearer, Miss Annie ilar rotl, Miss M. J. Wallaoe, Miss Uussie P. Buiith, Our people will be waited upon by soma of the above Committee, and Invited to take stock in this Association. A Clearfieldkr Promoted. We Holies by ths Falls City ( Nebraska) Journal that ear young friend, 8. A. Fulton, Kaq., son of Jas. Fellon, of Lawranea township, has received the Republican nomination for the office of Probate Jodge, of Richardson county. He received- 49 votes oat of the 00 delegates composing the eon- lion. JJisj nomination is equivalent to an elsetion. A Probata Judge, under the Constitu tion and laws of that State, has charge of all pro bate matters, together with sriminal jurisdiction for the trial of all eases of misdemeanor and ju risdiction In civil action to the amount of Are kandred dollars. The Journal, In Us account of the proceedings of the Convention which nomi nated him, says t "Fulton deserved popularity throughout the county and his unquestioned fit ness fur the oQce was admitted by all." We are pleased to note the promotion of Mr. Fullon. Bundat School Convention. Tho third annual meeting of tbe Clearfield County neaday School Convention will be held in Clear ield, eommoncinf on Thursday afternoon, Ooto W itb, aod aloalngon Friday avsning, Oct. 10th. Speakers are engaged ta address the Convention the subjects named in the programme. Every fissday school in tbe eounly is Invited la send o delegates, one of whom, if passiblo, to be tbe printendent. All preachers of ths gospel are iidered delegates. Editors, Pastors and Superintendents will please l"s public notice of this meeting in avary pert ef the county. Christian workers, eema with us, and, with the 'inii of Ood, wa will snake this third annual elir.s. of oar County Sunday School Conveo the best of all. , A. M. HILLS, M. I., l'rts'L . Stawauv, Beo'y. Fatal Accident. On Tuooday af- as the rreight train was approaohing the 'mil, between Wallaeelun and Uigler stations, ''! V7. Brstton, a brakoman, was thrown from '''eriend a portion of the train passed over msnsling hit llmhs In a horrible manner. m brought to this place and everything was that tuold be done to eave his life, but be- iae and ten o'clock, of the same evening, ' relieved him of Ms sufferings. Ills rmrly "pvperly eared for by tbe railroad officers and JM to his parents, who reside near llald Greece and Warrior's Mark. The decees M Mn,l,, , tUlvt n Jwt 0, iftli , lbs employ of the Company only about j,, . - " was losiieu wno loe urmge " Uiv the turwensville lirilge, wbieh was load 's i n ' "" '''h" '"'"n d tiB2 ever tbe imM .... k . ISI.I.J . - j Mrsitcj Ml between the ear) an CENTSNNIAL MEETINQ. . tb.o. y..' "?:" """r.tlonof 7 , "u anmversary f Atnejlo.n In- epondence, which I. toxom. off In WlUdrtpW. u K.0, ... held ,. tll. Courl nooni) n u . t, meotinsT was I ... Uen. ration, who nominated Hon. J. T LoJl for Prudent on motion S , -i-emoilll j Jobr;;ri:ruhaJ-1'ic,'';,'i'','"1' iSiSa-' William Murray, T. nWd"Kvle7'ol" EJ"1 nronoor, Loo- B. -VLit.,"v' Lwi'a wrJ- C1"k WlS?b,wim"A,brt'EJ''"J J:ii?J: j- Tur. c..i.d7rM;;:hard"i!ighJ.vob Mm1- ch-"- 8h.w,A7.lL''Morr;wI:-i'''l,",'EmIr"1'''A'B' .1 "JT V'""!.1" f J"hn'"I. K'l'na Fenron, Da, vld 8. Moore, Patrick Daley, JollB P,t. rn-.V:,,mlal1' Abr" ""'i"". Join Smith, David Chilson. ' MiVri.''"7J.T"n,,;,IUI, J' "IftlteOherg,,, V "yt John C. Henderson, L. O. Lingle. ' I'-U, Oy-John Russell, Jjr. D. A ietser Dr. J Ross, U II. Ly.le, Luther F.rg; ally, William 11. Wagoner, tleorge W. Smith. Robert Porter, Mitchell Reed, Levi llloom C. "K,""r.,"r,',0?J,,,", '',u,n. !' Crouch, frvL .- IfV .'If C" '.W; K' l''".rn, Col. Jno Henry kerns, Jamea Thompson, Haoa Tbomnaon WillUm"""1''' An,ulJ' Jj,viJ u"' ra,fyJ.eb Konls, It. n. Moore, R. V. Bpnekiuan, Daniel Ooodlander, Andrew Pent., brodnrick Arnold. ' i r"-Rulrt Mohaffuj, Thomas N. MoOee, II. L. Henderson. Ilenrv Ilr.,ih ' Kr.We-llorae Palehio, Matthew Irwin, James McMurray, Capl. James Dowler, James Am. Hos,',oior.Jhn M. Curomings, Dr. Samuel MoCune, Joseph tt. McMuMurray, Rou oen nolman. . ,. p''' J- llnH, Anthony Moflarvey, W. II. naaoner. Austin Cuerv. 1 uni.. Jordan Jauiea iloU.han, Henry Bwan. Ilobort Johnson. Veccorio-W. B. Dickoy, O. W. Olssgow, Jerry Cooper, Dr. Caldwell. Samuel H. .,. ' HWworif-W. II. HcLully, Tboe.'Heodcraon, John M.Chase, John Uoss, J.L.Shaw, Jainea Connelly. .Vnso John Moore, Oeorga Slraw, Martin n atts. n?ar-DaviJ c""!'' D. Aaron Wise, John Withrrow. to,';'"'lrl''k Tl'm' C,P1' J-8-McKiernan, William Whiteside.. Joetlon Hiram Woodward J IT T.l.e a II , SeoBeJd, (leorae Robaker, W. B. Hewitt. CUtrjttld JonAthan llovntnn. Xtll.l. ell, F. O. Miller, A. W. Lee, James Irwin, C. nn 1 uultle, Joseph Bhaw, I). W. Mc t'urdy, Capt. David Mctiaugbev, Win. V. Wright, Jaa. II. Uraham, A. I. Shaw, John M. Adams, Dr. J. a. llartswiek, Hr. R. V. Wilson, Jno. F. Wea vcr, William F. Irwin, Alexander Irvin, Jainee Mitchell. . ... On motion of W. W. Belt., Samuel J. Row, O. M. Brisbin, R. H. Brainard and Oeorge B. Good landor were elected Socretarios, The eleetion of officers being completed, Kx (lor. Bigler, Chairman of the State Uxocutire Committee, after a few preliminary remarks, In troduced Ki-Got. Pollock, of Philadelphia, who delivered a very ekqucnt and appropriate speech, reoeiving the plaudits of tha audienoe. At the conclusion of his remarks, Senator Wallace was introduced, who stated that he felt a little queer to he thus tandwitched in between two Ex-Uov-ernors, who had made for tboinselvcs honorable State and National reputations, but would do the best he eoold for tho cause, under the circum stances. When he closed, hi Gov. Bigler, who is conducting tha State campaign, took the floor, giving in detail tha Congressional and State leg islation bad upon the subject, and the programme adopted by the State Executive Committee, in order to raise the necessary funds to creel a forty acre building, or two, for the purpose of the Ex hibition. At tbe conclusion, of his remarks tbe meeting adjourned, giving full assurance that Clearfield's quota, $4,200, would be mora than raised within a month. Tbe Clearfield and Curwensviflc brass bands were both present, disouorsing tnusio In fine style. Tbe Court Room was crowded and a Hue display of ladies graced tha occasion. e esi ScnooL Books. We are heartily pleased to learn that we are approaching a peried when uniformity in school books will be the rule and net tho exception. The plan of having different series for different districts is a burlesque to begio with, and the exponse entailed upon pa rents heretofore by tbe frequent changes of text books bas been a heavy burthen upon tbe patrons of the aye'.eni. It is simply folly to have one se ries of books in Lawrcnoe distrlot, another In this borough and still another in Bradford, and so on, oufusion all tha way through. It is no wonder tbe school system is becoming unpopular under thta kind of management. Who ever hoard of progress In the midst of confusion ? Giro us uniformity in text books throughout ths eounty and half the ills of ths system will be cured. Wo understand that three-fourths of the districts In this county hare adupled the series published by Messrs. E. 11. Butler A Co , Philadelphia. What folly It Is, therefore, for the few remaining dis tricts to hesitate about tho matter. Wby not adopt them at oncef It will cost no more to make tho chauge this year thao next. Besides, we under stand that the Butler aeries Is the best and cheap est published. The introductory price is just half tbe retail price and by securing them they will answer anywhere In the eounty. The laboring portion of oureitlsens, who in this lumbering re gion often remove from one district to another, barn suffered tba Imposition and eost of purchas ing new books every year. As soon as tha few districts which are still hesitating adopt the ae ries In question, this embargo will be removod. We call the attention of our readers to the adver. Userarnt of Messrs. Butler A Co, in this issue of the RaroLican. Anotber Fatal Accident. Sam uel Crawford, an ostcemed citisen of Washington township, Jefferson eounty, and well known to many of our citisens in tha western portion of this eounty, was killed one night last week in Pittsburg. It appears he got up soma time in tha night and fell from a third story window of the hotel where ho was stopping. He died soon after he was picked up. It is supposed that the deceased arose in bed and thinking that the win dow, which was level with his cot, was the door, stepped out and fell to the ground, a distanoa of about forty-five feet, Mr. Crawford was a lum ber dealer by occupation, about 62 year, of age and leaves throe grown children. Lint of letter, remaining unclaimed in the Postoffioe at Cleaxleld, for ths week ending September JSd, 1x73 ! . ' Brooks, Mrs. Margaret Melson, John Braver, Marsb A Co, Moore, Mrs. Ilellen Cathcart, Simon Morrison, Wm. J. Ilounkins, Charles MoCune, Wm. S. Fonst, Wm. A. Owens, Patrick Hunter, Mira Anna Powell, Wm. Harper, Atuoa Phll ps, James Hughes, R. N. - Patterson, Alfred Johnston, Lacetla ! Rogers, Calvin Johnston, Mre. Rata Khedor, James F. Jenkius, Halter R. Spencer, Albert Lower, J. C. I. Syler, Dr. Lin Iguist, C. J. Snider, Cstharlna Meloueny, John Smith, Jainee O. McCraekrn, Wm. (2) Thomas, Joseph MeCullough, 11. W. Tapper, llrrtruda Mallin, Robert Turnor, Win. Marsilen, George Weaver, J. B. Miller, (I. A. . . P. A. OAl'LIK, P M . 1 Hptclali. Stewart A Son have had their storeroom paint ed and fixed np so nicely that one hardly recog nlses It as iho same place, and have also opened n new supply of Clothing Furnishing, lloods.Ac., to all of which tbey invite the atteulioa of per sona sisiling town. FiftT bosos of the host brands ef Tobaeco Just rooeived at K. II. Sbaws, which he will sell whole sale very cheap. . - ..1..1-. ..., r r,,.u Painting, Crayon and drawing. Room at the Academy. Ren Til ! Persons whaeonlemplateliulldlag will do well It call and examine our stock of (u.i u iTLUIll s We have In stock a IM'll.l'l.i'I .', ---7 - - , - full line af Builders' llsrdware, hells, l'.iuti. Oils. ile, ratty, i meiur. . CENTENNIAL I i vki v vv 7r h.!i"(;2'"r,,,,ui yaM n f co. brolKVl b X"t"'i '""!k f Clothing brought to tho oounty. Being the vnnr I "ra.r Is, of course, ih. CHEAPEST iil. tl'st. Below plciue find prloe list: Men's Cottonsdo Suit,, oij .!, ,t Men'. Cs.ln.ti. Bui,., "Jf C0U M..'s Vl.r i .. KI:IIH C0'- Men l Fln i Inlon Beaver Suite, only, , , a. ' ... , KBHH A CO B. Men s t me Cassluiere Suits, only ,12.00, at f.'. wi v., - KER 11 A CO'S. Men s Fine Wool Cusslinora Suits, only tlO.OO, at at.-', wi r - K Ell It A CO'S. Men a Fine Blue Bcaror Suits, only 30,II0, at .,,, Klillll A COS. Men a Fine Black Cloth Suits, i.nlv a.oo, at ' !.. di , ' Eli 11 R A CO'S. Iw Jii . an,,M.l'l,M "Bar Overcoats, from 00 to :(0.00, ,t . . KERR A CO'S. niiiiren s Overcoats, in great vnrlctv, at r.L, . . KEltil A COS. Children's Sulla, from 3.00 to tio.ov at v .. , . . KERR A CO'S. Youth's Suits, of all kinds, at all prices, at . .. . KERR A CO'S. The attention or the people Is called to the fact that those Drat coming will be first served, and, o course, have the first choice. Remember the P'- KERR A CO., lorner of the old Western Hotel, Clearfield, Pa. If you want Fins Cut Chewing Tobeeon, of ths 1"', io b. 11. BUAW 8, Fall and Winter Clothiug at D. Stewart A Son's. Call and exauiine, If yon want Cigar, cheap, by tha wholesale, buJ of R. II. SHAW. R. U. Shaw keeps the best fire and ten cent Ci gars in town, lie knows what ha Is talking about. Go to D. Stewart A Son for Clothing. New stook Just opened. NEURALGIA, SICK HEADACHE, NERVOUSNESS Dr. Gross' Noiif.i.i. u..i i r.L . v -' liwuwui megroni- est blessing, ever beslnweil upon suffering huinan- umm nmn oarciuny ana patiuoiiy tried in a groat number of oases, and has neeer fniltd In a single instance to elect a aura. It eontains no injurious subitum,. k.ln .....! .ml..l. r carefully selected materials. Neither dors It aot iumuj rvmmiies now in use, ny blunting the nerves, and thus giving only temporary relief, but will net quickly and surely. All who are auncrors from these diseases will find this an Infallible remedy and being anxious that it shall commend itself to the public I refrain from further ro marks. If need according to diroolions, a cure is ffiiaranteed In iirv 1... j..ii. imtlle. one geouiue without the signature of -mi, hkwsscso, unemiet, I'nslaUelpUia, Pa. For sale by all druggists aud doalera in Clear Bold county. eepl0-3in. Just received, a largo lot of non-explosive Lamps and Lanterns at "-fa II. V. riiQLan A Co's. 11. F. Biglor A Co. have been making extensive unuions so meirstoea ot Hardware lbs last few days. Everything new in Shelf Hardware, Bad dlere1 Hardware, Fanners' Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, oan be seen at their store. klav 23. Axx. Seventy-five dosen Clearfiold Wood choppers Axes at i":7J. II. F. BIGLER A Co's. RECAPITULATION. Rird Cages. Wood and Willow Warn. ' Household Goods. All kinds of Hardware. : Japanned Ware. - Paints, Oils, Varnishes. : Calcined Plaster. ' ' ' Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies. All of the ahove for sale at the mammoth Hard ware Store of II. F. Biglor A Co., Second street, Clearfield, Pa. . . Jt Calcinrdlaiter for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co. Saws. Distan's Cross-cut Saw, Great American Saw, Itoynton's Lightuing Saw, at 0-24-72 11. F. Ilium A Co's. Novice to Waoov A.nCtnniAaa Mak. We have Just received a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of Spiings and Axlea, which we offur cheap for cash. t II. F. lliuL.a A Co. Pait A;n PiTi:nsf Finmxoa. Oor stock of Paints and Painters' Materials is couiplele, in cluding J. T. Lewis' Pure White Lead. John Lu cas A Co's Pure White Lead, F. R. A Co's Ruck Leail, and a number of cheaper brands of White Lead; also, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Vamishosof all kinds, a full line of Brashes, and a full line of colors, dry and in Oil. myzs ,3 11. F. Bioi an A Co. Fisuixa Tackli. The fishing season having commenced, lovers of this slegant sport will be easting about to find where to purchase tha neces sary requirements in order to enjoyy the sport. To all such we will say, go to the Hardware Store of II. F. Dirlcr A Co., as they have the Aucst lot of Truut Rods, Lines, Hooks, Baskets, Ilatt- Uoxes, Reels, Snoods, Flies, ete., ever brought to this eounty. Their Trout Buds are really ele gant, and every person expecling to go trout-fishing this summer should have one. 4-0 A full line of Household Goods, Japanned Ware, Ac, for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co. R. R. Wheelbarrows, Baby Carriages, Toy Ex press Wagons and Wheelbarrows, at myio 73 11. r. lituLxn A Co a. AUGUST FLOWER. This great Dyspepsia Panacea has the largest sale of any other preparation in theworld. Why' Itccause we say to every one that Is amieted with Dyspepsia, Livsr Complaint, Costivencss, Head ache, Heartburn, Waterbraeh, Sour Stomach, In- ligestion or any disease depending upon pure blood, healthy Liver and Sloiuach, to call at C. D. n atson's Drug Store, in Clearfield, and get one of our sample bottles free of charge. Regular sise 70 ecnls. Two or three doeea will relieve any case. Try 1L 20aug;9y Paints. Oils and Varnlihes for sale hr II. P. Bigler A Co. To vng CmssNS op J'eNisri.vAaiA. Your at tention is respectfully invited to the faot that tbe national Batiks are now prepared to receive sub scriptions to the Capital Stock of the Centennial Uoard of finance. I bo funds realised rroro this source are to be employed In the erection of the buildings fur the international Exhibition, and the expenses oonneetod with the samo. It is con- ndenliy expected tnal me Keystone btele win ne represented by the name of every eitiwn alive to alrlolle eommeinoratlon nl the oue linndredtn irth-dar of the nation. The shares of stock are offered for lO each, and subscribers will receive a handsomely steel engraved Certificate of Stock, callable for framing and preservation a. a na tional memorial. nterest at the rate of aix per eent. per annum will be paid on all payments of Centennial Slock from date of payment to January I, lH7fl. Subscribers who are not near a Aational Bank can remit a check or postofllce order ta the un- uersirneu. ror.i'n. r n n 1. r. 1 , treasurer. augzo 004 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Bird Cage. a large assortment at H. F. Big ler A Co.'s. Pl-ows. Farmcrswill find tt to their advantage to call In and examine our stock of Plows, Culti vators, Ac, among which will be found Single and Double Iron and Wood Shovel Plows, Iron nl Wood Cultivators, The Gowanda Iron Beam Plow, The Pittsburgh Steel Plow, Tho Haunt Bellefoula Plow, and 0 her patterns. inyna i j ji. r jJUfiLswa is . Montour Slate Paints, for painting houses In side and outside Cottages, Farm Buildings, Ao. Beautiful, durable and economical. Ground in pure Linseed Oil. BUye 7? 11. r. 1.0. Ilr.rniasRATnM. aijoui June a, ic.1.1, 11. r. Bigler A Co. will here an assortment of Refrig erators. my273 Wood .nd Willow War. of all descriptions for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co. Fsve Time! Save Labor! Save Money! Save Clothes! Ths" Novelty Wringer" is the best in the market. Buy it try it. For sale by 11. r 11101 in 10. "iMarriffl. On September 18th, lR73,at the Mansion Honse, In Clearfield, by C. llowa. Esq.. Mr. 1 H KODORK WOMER, to Miss ELIZA IKE, both of Blair eounty, Pa. On September 0th, 1R7.1, hy Rev. Jonis M. Msisnan. Mr. JOHN r. ALEXANDER, of Clear- field, to M 'S SOPHIA KNARR. of Truutvill. On Krntemhrr lilh. 1173. In Morris township. JRN.MB MOVER, wife of Jacob Morse, agid 0 years, I months snd I day. On September 14th, H7J, In Morris township, iMlltKW KMIGII. son of JoAvnA and El. is Asnn M. E.inn, aged t yrr, I mos, and 0 days. On flrnlrmber H. IHTS. in New Washington, SADIE, oldest daughter ef Dr. Sawi'II. McCrar, aged 13 years, II months and days. siTH A Y-Came trespassing on the commons , I. 11,11 township, about tbe loih of July, a dark BROWN MARE, from II to If years old ..j is hands high. The mane Is on the left side, eollsr gold en lelt shoulder and on tba right aide of tbe noek and a while spot an the left hind an kle. Ow Ibe 1st day ot nepteenoerioe ooaei mm. trespassing on my premises, and I have taken her up. 1 lis owner win i'o.t ........ ... , r.--- property, pay charges and taka her away, or shs wtHb. dispose, osee-o..... MnTT fbsn r.o,-p'. i7- 4HisUaurous. IV nutty 1 van la Bta 1 1 road TY RONS A CLEAKFIKLB BRANCH. ON and nRer Monday, MAY 20th, 1873, the Passenger Trains will run daily (except Sun days) betweeu Tyrone and Clearfiold, as follows CLKARFIELD MAIL. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield S.40, r.u. Tyrone O.JS.A.u. OscecLi.., 10 90, " Philipsburg.,.10.bO, "' Clearfield 11.40," Phlllpsburg 4.3;., " Oneoola 4.60, " Tyrone 0.00, CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield t.40 a. a. Tyrono 7.00 p. a, Intersection ...7.12 " Osceola 8.10 " Phllipie)iarg...8.ili Clearlield,ar...0.i0 " Pbillpshurg.. 0.30 " Osceola fi.00 Intersection... 7.18 Tyrone 8.00 " FARE FJtOM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellrfnnte, Pa 00 Mldilletown fi 00 Marietta t 00 Lsncnater 0 Oft PHILADELPHIA 7 06 Alloona 1 Oft Lock Haven.. Wllllumsport. Huntingdon Lewistown.. ... ... 70 ... I 00 ... 1 00 ... 00 Marysvllle... 4 60 Johnstown I 00 HARRISBURG ... 4 70 PITTSBURG 0 li Close connections made bv all trains at Tvmnt and Lock Haven. OEORGE C. WILKINB, niylT-tr. Superintendent. J) H A C K IN EUROPUI art GREAT EXCITEMENT ., TN FRENCHYILLEI Th bloody ennteit between Fmnoe and Praiula it at an end for the present, ao fur a the ilaugh teriog of nen and tbe dtruetioD of property it -iucuriiru. ins iioym j tiggir! no Uouht prtde thcmirlroi ind rrjolce ovor tbe reault, bnt horn IniifPuiBcant ta their work when compared with aaav utaaunusj atlIU VUriBllRtD riHini Ul L. M. COUDRIET, who has undertaken ta supply ail the citisens la tbe lowor end of the oounty with fuod and raiment nt exceeding low rates from his intimmoth store in Ml'LSONHURG, where he oan always be found ready to wait upon callers and supply them witb Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such as Cloths, Satlnetts, Casslmrres, Muslins, Aieiainee, ijinen, minings, calicoes, Trimmings, Ribbons, Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cups all of tho boat material and made to order- Hose, hooks, IjIovos, Mittens, Laces, Ribbons, Ac. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugnr, Rice, Molasses, Fish, Salt, rure, binseeu oil, risn Ull, Uarbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware, Castings, Plows and now tastings, nails, huikes. Corn Cultiva tors, viuer i-roBies, and all Kinds of Axss. Perfumery, Paints, Varnish, Glass, and a general assortment, oi Dtatiouery, GOOD FLOUR. Of different brands, always on hand, and will be sold at the lowest possible Ogures. LIQUORS, such as Brandy, Wine, Gin, Whisky, eayoee oieoioincs, iiosieuers and llwifiand's Bitters. 0000 pounds of Wool wanted for which the highest price will be paid. Clorerseed on hand and for sale at the lowest markst pnoa. Also, Agmit for Strattonvills aud Curwcnsrllls Threshing Machiues. feSA-Call and see for yourselves. You will find srerytning usually kept in a retail store. L. M. COUDRIET, Frenebville P. 0., March 1. 171. Y A. & W. D. IIIV1N, CORNER STORE, CUEWEHSVILLE, FA., RECEIVE FLOUR AND SALT BY CAlt LOAD, And soil at email advance. R O V E BY THE COIL, AND TACKAGE GOODS FOR LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES BOLD CHEAP. August 13, 10737:1.78 FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE BY II. 1 Rlglcr A Co." IRON DOUBLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD DOUBLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD SINGLE-SHOVEL FLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. GOWANDA A IRON BEAM PLOWS. riTTSBURG STEEL PLOWS. nAl'PTS BELLEFONTB PLOWS. ROllKSOX'S and THOMPSON'S PLOWS. say-Shares for all ol tha abore Plows son slantly an hand. my2S-7! mint VTr-Tdtl hRWtNa M AfHIJiB CO ( ountjr. lhi"VK iun in isora aiuon, ou lie Machine, with flrll eelting Nrr.Me. bit Hn i.k.J ntnmt nswratftl Mtuihirisi ffprA. An ID erfate of orer O0 per eent. ol laleaof 1 97 J orer 1PT1. For Ternin nii'irfa. VtrT(U HKWIMO U A 'lit K R m. 1227 Chfitnat Pt.( Dii IaieTrh in, Tr 1073. -, I . 1873., FAIL AND WINTER ! DRESS GOODS, In great variety and all the news! shadss. . FLANNELS, . WATERPROOF, e- a) . ' . ' . CASSI MERES, . ' SHAWLS, .1 . i COATINGS, i '"FURS, ' ' ,,' CARPETS, ISAKCoAINM AT WM. REED'S, 3.U Mnrkot mreet, CleRrfield. Pa. 73 September 1&, 187S. JpLOUR, FEED, &C. TUB DECCARIA FLOURING MILLS. Tha nndenignetj would renpeotfullj give no tice to theoitiiem of Beeearla towoihip and tur ruonding country, that he hai rarohaaed the Beeearia Flooring Millf and pot ererytbing in oomplete order, and ii manufacturing a firat-claji quality of Flour. CUSTOM WORK DONE, and Flour In qnantityeonitantljoa hand for laid CHOP, COliS MEAL, BRAN, AC, AC, altvaji on hand and for ial wholesale or retail. OP TNCII flllrC;LI' WANTED. ym X Will esobanfte Flour and Chop lor 26 Imek KhiHU or will y part sauoey. it dceiied. I;I-tf BARN AUA8 A R.MSTRONG. SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! DISTAN'S CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELKCTRIC SAWS, For sal. by II. F. BIGLER A CO. C. D. WATSON, DEALER IN MIGS & PATEM HEDICHES, CONFECTIONERIES, TOYS AND TANKER NOTIONS, FINS TKAS A ROASTED COFFEE, BEST BRANDS TORACCO A SKOAR8, SCHOOL BOOKS A STATIONERY, " Masonl. Building, Second Street, deet-71 ly CLKARFIKLD, PA. )IXK, WHITS A ROAN LINING SKINS- Jnst reeeived .nd for sale hy April tt. lira. II. P. BIGLER A CO. Wo desire to coll the attention of tlio citizens of Clearfield county to the fact that we ' " , havn nponpH MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Where we intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of HANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL Our slock of TIANOS will consist RAVEN & COMPANY'S TIANOS, . ........... . . r-f.Ti . rt a a-c W nm nrrnnrrd at nil times favorahlo terms as to prices and Our stock of ORGANS will UYNDFlt ORGAN, fwith Ryntlcr's Knno Ticmolo and downward s ills cil list NEW HAVEN MKLODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, 1 EMi'LE and UIUHU1 jkiaas. 1 . : I ' Besides theso wo furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. wl .n n nv,,. nlnn known IIU Dll VII wv--. , ! POrtlLaR 4ND CAST LLAbb I LsAiN.. w.s urn -:' amount will tend so mucn to DCTWo shall le glad to have ocl?3-'7J -ly 1873. FALL AND WINTER! Drj Goods ei O s to - o CD CD O a a 5 WW ' S9 B CK . O ' CD ' KM O e . sr CD to to -a -to o n CD in to to to u to es is WM." REED'S, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. September li, 1S73. O. I. c. "11TJIERK te buy my IRT QOOUB, GltO If eerie, Queenaware, Jlaiawar, Drogi and Notioni, Confcfitioneriei, Ic, cheap for caah. Tbe lubacriter brtfi ev to inform hit old and new citatum ere that he hai opontd A VARIETY STORE IK GLEN HOPE, PA. And will tell goodf at price, to uit the time. A 11 te ml reduclioa will be made to ouatomen buv- ing at wholeaale. , Call and eiamine my itork before pnrehaeing el a where. A liberal ihare of public patronage i lulicited. C. J. KEAQY. Glen Tlope, Pa., June M, 1871. w M. It. MORGAN, CLKAHr I KLO, PA. Agent for tha ATWOOD PLOWS. Farmer in need of Plows will do well to call at my farm in Lawrence townahip, and txeosine the iioproTed At wod right and kft handed and aide bill Plow, whioh I am Mlling very cheap for oaih ap)0-6m 11 very Wlnble. r.PITR nttdfrslffned ben IraTe to Inform the pub JL lie that he is now fully prepared toaccommo diite all iu tbe way of fumiahiua; Horses, BuftRica, Saddles and Harness, oa the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Reaidenoaoa Locust street, between iniraana rouno. GHO. W. GRARHART. Clearfield, April U, U67, II. F. BIGLER & CO. h.i. for sal. . ' 1 CARRIAGE & WAC0X WOODS, ' 8IUFT3 AND TOLE8, I1UBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, Ac. Carr?ae and Wajton Mak.r. showld . not. of tbi. .nd rail and ai.min. then. 1 hey will be .old at fair prices. sa.y2i Jl QUSSMITIIING. G. W. WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. Shop on Third street, over ltiley's blacksmith shop. CLKAHHK1.I), PA. All hinds of Hifles and Shot Guns on hand. Repairing done in a first-class manner and at fair priees. S:A'iS 1873. MARKET STREET, CliEAItFISLD, PElfN'A. HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS. to furnish any of the cheaper makes of Piunos to order on the most terms of payment. consist of tho new and popular niuui.iv...' ' - " MASON & to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR have a irood instrument, .,:,. r,,-nii.hiiv mam. iiuml. iiin i. .,u call nnd sco us, whether you desiro to purchase or not. ItYNWEIVH M1J8I MTORK. pilUnfi-jj ana nnry (SoofliJ. 1873. 1873. FALL AND WINTER I CALL AT , fOR Y0UK LADIES' MATH and DOKNETfl, as h. has th. best and aheapest in tha aonntry. ALSO, COLLARS and. CUFFS, T1E8 aud SCARFS, noons aud Mini AS. HOSIERY and CLOVES, UNDERWEAR or all kinds, CORSETS aud UOOPSKIRTS, sic., aVc., en AT WM. HEED'S, Market Mtrcel, Ctt arflcld, Pa. tcuibr 15. 1873. It BAD TUIS1 FLOUR & FEED DEPOT! The attention of the eitiirnir of Clearfield and vicinity ii directed to the fart that Uuodftlluw A Son are the agpnta of M. Niece k Co., and hare just recti fed a half doieo car loud of Flour and Fred, which tboy offer at tba lowest possible fig ures. A large stock of FLO UK, COKN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CRAX, Potatoes. Shelled Corn, Corn in ear, Ac, Ac, Particular attention la called to H. Niece A Co.'s brand of Family Flour, which ia tha best io tha market. Floor and Feed can and will be sold cheaper than it ean be obtained elsewhere in Clearfield oounty. I Store on Market street, next door to Hon. Aleiander Imn s irnilfne. UOODKKLLOW k SON, janlOtf A(enta for M. Niece A Co. JOR SALE! li A lars;e and well-flnlihed Brick DwelllnfT, situ ste on the riveiv bank, in tbe borough of Clear fit Id, oontaininK eleven rooms, with good cellar, water in the kitchen, and all (ho modern conve nience. Pantries, Bath-room, Clobe-preasea, Ao. Lot slaty feet froot and two hundred and thirty fret bark, witb a twenty foot alley on the east side, Said building, with all the appurtenances, will be Hld cheap, with payments to suit purcha ser. Application can be made to the no Irr sijrued, or to A. C. late, Kq.t who will glre all niceeaary information to those who desire to in spect the property. THOS. J. UcCVLLOUGsU. May 21st, 1873, tf. Beale's Embrocation, (L ATI PO WELL'S,) For all diseases Incident to Horses, Cattle, and Unman Flesh, req-.ring tha me of aa oiternal application. This Kmbrooavlon was extensively vied by th Government during tha war. For sata by Hartswlck A Irwlc. Clearfield Joseph R. Irwin, Cwrwensville. Daniel tiood ander. Lutherabarg. tf. Attention, Lumbermen! "TE .re nowmannleMarlnir our IMPKOVRI) STfKL-SUl'KKT LRlVINtl CANP. iiii-.ta : .. l .... W . s.-- . i i- s- i .r r it. i. ...... Irnj in tiist-n IBTfCT " j .si v,aail i llinrskp un.- hle for rafting purpose, which we are selling .1 sr. t. lUAd A. Ih L'VWal 1 II ll Clearfield, Pa., March 1.1. 1873. MERCHANDISE. of Octavo Couplor,) . . -. 7 HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the CASH, ON NOTES, or on tho and no other investment of like 5cuti9trn. AN iN O UN CM KM T OF HIE OREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES I BV 8. POHTKR NHAW, D. D. . IMPOIITANT TRUTHS! Having s at needed In get tins; a lighter tariff oa material, hence the iow aud mudtratt charge for partial and lull sets ot leeth. i use the best manufacture of tth and other material, All oj.trations reentered and warranted to give sar vce and aaiutuctioti. Krieuda, reQeet that tny chartes for tbe InscN tion oi artificial and the savin uf the natural " teeth aru now the most reasonable In Pennsylvania. Preserve your teeth and you preserve your health Putting of the net oral tettb In a healthy, pre serve Li re and useful condition ia mad a specialty. Diseases and mllurniaUnsootniuon to Ibe inouut. aw and associate parts, are treatrd and corrected, with fair suooess. KiaminaUoni and consulta tions raea. It would be well for patients from a distance to lot ma know bj mail a few days before ooming ta th offioa. It Is rerv Imnortant that children between tb ago of sii and twelr years should hare their tooth em mined. Antrnthftios are administered and Teeth re moved without pain. .Disposition! and character art judged hy all the world hy the expressions of tba face, bene how Tery disastrous may ft therefor be for per sons to indulge an expression of distorted fitaiurt, ven apart from a hygienic riew. .Now, to enjoy Datura! (not artificial) notaforts and pleasures, respoct and obey natoritl simplicities and instinct. B. fUHTKK hllAW, V. U. B. Office In New Masonic Building. Seoond street. Cloartkld, Pa. . iuayl4'73 DENTAL CAEDs Db. A. ai. hills Would say to his patients and the pub lic generally, that, having dipaolTed partnership with Or. Bhew, he is now doing the antlr work of bis oOtco himself, so that patients need not fear being put undnr tbe hands of any other operator lleartielci, March Z), 1H7Z p(Uimch73 J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S., WJl.rUjj, OIBo. ov.r Irwin's Drug Store, id crBWEN.svin.n pa. All dental operations, either in tbe mechanical oroperatiia brunch, promptly attended to aad satisfaction guaranteed, bpaelal atteulioa paid to the treatment of d mease of the natural teeth, gums and mouth. Irregularity of tho teeth sue ceM fully corrected. Teeth eitraeted without pain by tbe use or JUhnr, ana artittoiaX tocth I riser ud of the bent material and warranted to render sat Iffartinn. pril2(.'71 :1 T rjIIB All TCII ELL WAGOX, FOR Farm, Freight and Plantation Use. Cnlrerially known as tha ORIOI5A0 RACINE WAOOX. Made by experienced workmen out of as good material as money can buy. We do not claim ta build th lowest priced Wagons, but our ana it to build a well proportioned wagn in all Hi parts, and excel in durability and lip tit drift. For tha past quarter of a eentary tho Mitchell Wagon bas successfully maintained th repetition of being the best wagon in un. Tb ropidly increasing demand for them prorc (heir superiority over all oilier wagons. Milahcll, Lewis A Co., Manufacturer, Racine, Wisconsin, i-ur lala by THOS. REILY, -Aug. (5, 1873. Clearfield, IV "XfEW LIME KILN 1 ll NEAR Cl'RWENaSVII.LB. Tbe nndersigncd would respectfully notify all tersons interested that he has jut erected a now ime Kiln, in Pike township, and will keep on hand a Bnt class quality af Uray Lima, which will be furnished to farmers, builder and other at 15 cents per bushel, oasb, at tbe kiln. jeSA-nm O. B. CALDWELL. I.OK bAI.K, The undersignrd offer for sale a ralaAble town property in tbe borough of Clearfield. Lot 6xlS5 feet, with a good two story plank house thereon erected, with three rooms down stairs and four bed rooms up stairs. Also, sewing room and bath room oa second floor .loupe finished complete from cellar to attic. flood double porch and good water. Price rea ennbl and payments ear. , ' 2taug7i WM. M. McCULLOUQII. tfitucatiouala QLKAHFIELD ACADEMY. . MALE DI.PARTMEM. THR FALL TERM of fourteen week will oomiaenao 41 ON DA V, NEPTEMBKR 8ib, 1873. Term a of Tuition. Reading, Writing, Mental aad Written Arithuictio. li rem mar Geography and liisto'y. J) Of) Natural Philosophy, Physiology, and Sin gle Kntry Book-keeping IS 00 For Instructions in bouhla Entry book keeping and Commercial Arithmetic, sp cial terms to be arranged. The nndersigncd having charge of Ih Mala Department Is an experienced teacher, lie is a graduate of Iron City Commercial College, aud bas had several years' practical xporieno as an accountant. He is prepare '1, on mndemteterras,to aire such instructions in Penmanship and Book-keeping as are usually obtained only at Commercial Colleges or in actual business 1' ur particulars respecting th school apply t ug27tf R. M. McKNALLT. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. rplIK FALL TERM of fourteen weeks, will X. commence Monday, September lrt, 1673. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Writing, Object Lea ions, Primary Arithmetic aud Primary Hmgraphy $T M History, Local and descriptive Ueography with alrvp Drawing, (J ram mar, Moulal and Written Arithmetic t 00 Algebra and the Sciences It 00 Instruction to Instrumental msicuw...... 10 00 Oil painting, 2-4 lessons....... ...... II 06 Wax work I Ot For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield, Aug. 0, 173. 6 T:T0-y The Hell's Run Woolen Factory, Fena township. Cleartelil Co Pa. RVINED OH Tl ' art hot B UR NED UPI The subscribers hare, at great ex pens, rebuilt a neighborhood nfeesity, In the erection of a first- elacs Woolen Manurantory, wita all th modern improrementa attached, and are prepared to mako all kinds of Cloths, ('a Mi me res, fiatinetts. Blan kets, Flannel n, Ac, Plenty of goods oa hand to supply all onrold and a thousand new eu stem err, whom we ask to com aad axauin ar stock The business of CARDING AND FULLING will reoeiva our spectal attention. Proper arrangements will be made to reset v and deliver Wool, to suit oligomers. All work warranted and done upon the shortest nolle, and by strict atten tion to business we hop to realise a liberal shar of public patronage. ItMHHI POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wo will pay the highest market price for Viml and sell our tnanntVtured goods as low as similar goods can bxm(ht in the oounty, and whenever we fail to render reasonable satisfaction we ean always be found at bom ready to make proper explanation, either In person or by letter. JAMES JOHNSON A H0N8, aprll.ftlf Bower P.O. HOUSE AND LOT FOH SALE! Th. Ileus, .nil Lot oa the eoraeref Mar ket ami Fifth streets, Clearfield, Pa., Is for sale. The lot enatalas nearly an a ore of gror4. Tie fa. as. is a Urg. double frame, containing alri. rooms. For tsrui. .nd other information apply to the sithserllier, at the Post Office, noris e. A. OAPtTH OTONE'S SAW GUMMEI5S AND SAW UPSETS. We hav. the aireni-y for the ehovearl will sell them at men.fnelurer's frie... Call aad eaamlne loom. They are the heel. j.ia.;i jl. F. 1HUI.KR CO. TimTICM' CO?,lTAIM,EV ftKH W. hav. printed a tars:, nambwaf th. a.w KKB nll.l.. and will aa tha reeeipl tf tweatt. tv. aent,, saatl a a.. la an? addra. '