THE KEVOBLjCAN. CLEARFIKLl), PA. WEDNESDAY MOUNINfl SKI'T. 17. W. Terms of Subscript . . i. firwitliin thro it finn. mnnlhs...i'3 00 fiHtiJ aflsr lhrwaa.1 before six month nonthi 3 60 month!.. . I 00 (paid ftt the .aulr.Una al ill HELIUIOUM NOTICES. Methodist Epl.eopal Church Rer. A. I. y, I'Mtor. I'uhlio SgrTloi Trj (Sabbath lm. a. m.i d n r. m. Sabbath School l . . MMtiDf vrv Thurlilay. at 71 P. M Communi.n Ssrvlc., Ant Sabbath of .v.rjr onth, at ins m. i. Andrew'. CluirrhF.ilcoplRT, Swam Haw.. Public Horrloo Bunduj morning w io o'clock, and at 7 P. M. Sunday School at t p. M. Prayer Mooting Wednesday evening al 7 O'clock. Presbyterian Church Iter. H. 8. -Snhbnth service! morning and .vening Hub Ulh School at I P. M. l'raver Mooting Wednoi- kJt'Tr'aiicIa' Church Catholicnor. P, J. Siiiriha. Man at lot o'clock A. M., on the ,.,.n.l and fourth Snndaya of each month. Lutheran Church. R. A. J. lURTaoea Trenching every Sabbath, morning anil evening. CabbaUi School at 0 a. m. Prayer meeting .very Wednesday evening. Thonentonooof tlie Bollcfonto court, I. the Lukeni cue wai a line of on dollar, the ooiti of prosecution and one ycar'i Imprisonment in the county Jail. The loss in buckets during tlio luto Ira wai heavy. YV. putOveout and got one back, If anybody baa a eedar bucket with bnuu hoopi and bale, and hai no particular uie for It, we can It. Vhon tlio town council of Tyrone couldn't enforoe 111 ordloauoe providing for the muitling of dogi It very leniibly repealed it. Xrraasos. What a Seiible and eoniiderate council thil li, anyhow. ' Cnuncii Dedication. St. Mary's Y'huroh, at Frenchville, will be dodicated on Wsdnesday, October S, 1S7S. Bishop Mullen, of trie, and a number of other eminent olergymen will be present. The public are cordially Invited to attend. Tlio Williamsport Hun says ! Philipiburg. Centroeounty, givel "grand hopl" on Sabbath evening!. A few missionaries are seeded over there. Ellsworth, go for that Bin-of-a-gun. Plaoe yiur town right upon the m'iral record. Tho County (.'omniissionors nro In aciiion thil week. Those In the vicinity or the borouih. who have .r.r bulincil to' lay before the Beard, had better attend to it thil week, ei Court week invariably brings bunncii enough from the diitant portion! of the county to engage their at tention. , Railroad Extension. Superin tendent Wilkini and nil foroea are actively al work grading and putting down the track from tbii place to Curweniville, and It looki ai thougk tbc road will be eompletcd westward, 'ai fait aa eircuuiitancel will allow, al far al Curweniville. The looner tho bettor, for all partici concerned. "Picking Cherries down," and "Happy Hours," are two now longi by the renowned Millard, both containing all of the ele ment! of popularity and both roally excellent. They can be bad at any muiio itore, fur the trine of forty cent! each, or will be lent free of pos'. age, on receipt of price, by the publishers. Lki A Wiliir, 022 Cbeitnut .tract, Philadelphia, Clearfield base ballists enmo to grief at Osceola, the leore standing So to 4.1. It ii ru mored we know not with bow much truth that tISOO wai betted on tbe gam.. Ai7inseurf Jour nal. lea, and there Ii another rumor, that after iirreeing to play atbo Clearfioldcn a game lull , week, the Oioooleanl got lick and failed to come to time. i Tho dedication of the new and 'beautiful M. E. Church, in Weit Clearflold, will 'Uie piaoe ucujoer no, into, a nuiuoDrui ui tieguiibed miniiten will be present on tbe ocea- lion, prominent among whom will bothellov. Dr. jj. MuKendro Kiler, of William. port, Fa. An eiceedingly entertaining and profitable time ii anticipated. The publie generally are most cor dially invited to attend. Honry Barnharl. un esteemed cili wn of Centre eonoty and well known to many of eur citlienl, died near Milrlburg.on the 4th Inst, aged 83 yean. The Uellcfonta H arcAmaa, In al kiting to hii widow, lays: The venorable Mrl. liambart, relict of the late -vudg-e Uarnhart. il now 83 yean of ago, and hill always resided within a hundred yardi of the .place where the il now living. She wai bern (here, wai married to the Judge there, aud has asver bad ber residence away from it. J his Is an instance of borne attachment milium met witn. Centennial Msetino AVo areitu- thoriaed to announce that a meeting of tbe eitl lenl of Clearflold oounty will be held In the Court Qouia, on Monday evening, SrpU 22d, for the porpoaeof organising our oounty in view of the approaching Centennial Celebration, which ii to some on In Philadelphia. ExQov. Tollock, of Philadelphia, and Judge Barrett will be present to addreia the clliieni. Let there be a general lam out of the people. The ladiei are particu larly Inritod to be present. Great Gab Well. The greatest gas well in the world u located on the Campbell farm, about two miles from Modoc City, Butler county, In a northeasterly direction. It is cer tainly one of the wonden of tlia world. It wai struck about three wocki ago, and a volume of jrfas has ever since been pouring forth with a noise like the rush of mighty waters. The gal comes at with nuit tmuandoui fore. The attempt made to lower a set of tools In the well, tbe weight of which was twenty-lire hundred ponndl. Tbe attempt wai futile, for the gal forced them op and away from the hole. It Ii the intention te lay pipe, and run tha gaa into Modoe. Another Over the Hi ver. On the lath of August last, there expired, at the roil dene, of bn ton, Mark, In Bradford township, Jacob Kyler, one of the oldest aottleri, In tbeo3d year of fail age. The deceased was born in Frank, lin county, and In 170, with nil father, moved to Bellefonta, and, it Ii claimed, he built the fourth nouie emoted to that borough. In 180.1 tbe fern lly removed to thil county, near Philipiburg. Tbe deceased wai the father of fire lorn and four .diuguteri, all of whom iiuru t bun, aj well ai ."riistv odd mnd abitilren. Ills burial aU trattea tua largest humbar of people ever eern to, getber in that vicinity. We ara told that Mr. Ky let at onetime was personally acquainted with "try eitiien in this eounty. lie was a Democrat "neighbor who knew no guile, and for over 'itty yeari led an artive business aud politioal "Ia As a politician be wai very iralousend eon- "lent, and squared bis politics, ai ha did hii "iimesi, by a true moral code. "lUT w JIrink. Souio days mP a eitissa of our boroneh cent several spec! i cf water, now need by tha eltiseni of thii f'w, to Pb;tadrlpnia, to the well established - vi uoo:n iiorrett, for analysis, iielow is report i J A. W. WAi.raaa, Kmi, iar A7rr-We have v. , B cnemical examination of two waters Joe forwarded to ns by express, and whioh ...""''d on the loth in t. 1 he water marked til l'. w ''"""P ' Mansion House," eon k, 1? JM0 l"ln t "I'1' '"" V' It ii .r.' "enry Hnyder'l pump," yielded ".-'' grains lid matter. ' ' aonsider the two wateri as very similar, j""! consider boib waters objections lim by uuZ i1" " '"" Pr ga" of mild tie " "h ebjeotionalde for domes, the "ouot of the contents, especially ajJi? of """K "bleh are mllril,.ikl, to n, f! "' ""v naai.T nifiiran ""raVlKn," "''" atui Respeelfiilly Tours, , iiOOTII A LOllRETT. sad th 1',l,ld", ,'" Pi wsler fcund 1 1" ? Vmf" V'W"" " tk Wl u." ""'i ' pukei !. hi doei not prepare the mixture him- Ouu Kkcape. A litilu before lour ooiocn.on Jhursiliiy afternoon of last wick, tho alarm or lire I nrell win vireii bv the ou Mr. Wallaoe'i new building, on Front street. i.ikc an cieotrio shock, tbe alarm ipnad over the town, and mou all gathered In the vicinity of Ma eomber'a livery liable, where fie dauioi were bursting from the ruof. No hoolii no i.,i,i. and but few buckets were on hand. About tills time it loukod as though the whole square north of Market street and between Front and K,.m.n,l streets, including tbe Shaw House and Mansion House, nilght as well ha surrendered to the fire fiend. But aftur the nervei of the people loll led a nine, tnoy went to work, and bv herculean r. forts, stayed the fire from spreading southward to the stable! of the Shaw Iluuio and the Mansion House and the adjacent Luil.ll Dlfl OB Mar lent Hi Sheriff rU'i itable nt wood home, Juit twolve feet t IT from the burning Urcry itable. wki uirtl u a breastwork. Th flro burning the bo.rdi on the outilde. end the cltiiem deluging tbe tuitde wllh water nntll witor previiilcd. Ai ioou the Ore wiu itnyi'd in this direction the ma m moved to oncek It from anrcetlini northwurd. n. 1.. tbiitimeMr. Lonry'i and Mr. Wallaoe'i itablci wore enveloped In flumci, tod the heat become 10 Intense tlmt no one eould annroirh flf foot. Then It wai evident that the tin oould nut be oheuked until it iraehid Loouit itreet. Soon the handiomo law office and itabte of T. J. M- Cullough and ihe gymnanlam wore enveloped in nsmei. ibe itablei burned like tinder boxei, but Mr. McCulloukiVi office, the walli of whlh were 10 eompaotljr built, burned very ilowly, and a large portion of It wai torn down before it was ounnumed. and In thli manner hii large flro-proof aie wttj tared without iiutaining any Injury. I lack man A Green paint inop wai pmbed over anu roue a down J-ocuit itreet, out of reach of the Daoiee. and McOaugheY'i numn ibou wai demnl lihed by the Are men to aa to nrerant tha Ar frnm proading to Mr. Adain'i feed store. Mr. Nau- gie a iiaoie. on tbe west side of the alloy, opposite Mr. Pie'e. was alio turndown, thus i.ruvtaitim tlm (Ire from attacking Mr. Kow'i and the Shaw Homo siaoiei. ine proporttei consumed were Mr. Ma eomber'i livcrr itable, Mr. Leary's, Mr. Wallace's and Mr. MoCullough'i itablus and thelatter'ilaw oraoe anu me gymjuasinm. Tho "burnt district' looks very dciolate. Ten thouiand doMtira will not replace the buildings and the material do stroyed. Several families on tho west side or Sec ond street had all their furniture moved frnm their dwellings, having delivered them up to the ore. llatl there been any wind at all, we have no doubt tho whole square would have been burn ed up, and the salvation of at least half our bor ough li a miracle. Tho Are originated in thehay loft of the liverv atahl. and wbv that 111.11111, nn. cur In the middle of the afternoon, when ne light was needed, we cannot define. None of the prop erty destroyed wai Insured. Fire Water. Had onr town been blessed with water works, Thunday'i fire would have destroyed 00 more property than Mr. Ma oombor'i stable, and we have no doubt but that the fire would have been drowned out before It got Into the lower itory of that. Let the reador Imagine 1 fire plug at each end of the alley, and iu ten minutes from tho time the alarm of fire wai made, hose would have been attached to each, and two it roam of water would have burn flow ing. llcildes, two linci of hose would have bocn brought aerosi tbe loti from Front and Second street!. By such an arrangement fire in an ordi nary liicd building would be drowned out In twenty minutei after tbo hose would be put In operation. Reader, rocolleet that should our water works bo put in operation, it will not take half an hour to Are up an engine before water oould be thrown on a Are. Not only is tbe cost and dtltty of an engine ditpcnied with, but from the immense fall, 176 feet, nature U lubstituted and water forced orer the highest building in town, and ao powerful would be the stream that it would knock a man off the Court House roof. should It strike him. Hundreds of towns which have erected water works, arc compelled to pay fmro $7,000 to $10,000 for engines, in addition to the cost of water works, before the water can bo made available in caso of fire, from the fact that they cannot obtain fall or head enough to raise the wa ter even to the pavements. With 01 It would be far different. Juit as loon ai the bose would be attached to tbe fire plug, water would begin to flow and with a force far exceeding that of an engine. M. K. Conference. The novon- tcenth annual sen ion of tbe Erie Conference closed Its leislon at Broukville, Jefferson county, on Thursday last. The following are the appoint ment! in the Clarion district, l'reiiding Elder, J. It, J.yon: Brookvillc, R. R. Royd. JlroekwayTillc, h. 1. Merrill. Corsica, J. C. Rhodes. I.utbersburg, l. W. Warn pier. Clarion, O. M. SacketU Troy, C. Wilson. Perrysville, J. M. (Drove. Washington, J. W. Martin r.iiixnuiawney, M. Miller. Rutneyville, M. L. Kshbaugh. Warsaw, Win. M. lav lor. Rimornlmrgh, J, M. Zielie. Curllsville, C. C. Hunt. Callcnuburffh, J, X. Clover, Reynoldsvtlle, R. Peate. Shippenrille, K. R. Knap p. New Retblebem, J. li. Lecdom, Clarineton, 8. L. Wilkinson. K. Hull, Agent American IHMe Foeiety, and member 01 l'urrysville Quarterly Conference. Centennial. Tho ladies have or- ganUed and are going vigorously to work to eob lect iitbsariptions to the capital stock of the Cen tennial Association. "The Womnu'c Centennial Executive Committee" have appointed tbe follow ing Executive Committee for Clearfield County, with power to appoint sub-Committees: Mn. Walter It arret t. Chairman: Mrs. Win Riglcr, Mrs. T. J. Hover. Mm. Wm. II. Dill, Mrs. tJeo. Jlrtahin, Mrs. This. II. Murrav, Mri. L. C. Lingle, MIPiFlorie M. Urahim, Miss May R. Weaver, Misa Annie Barrett, Mist M. J. Wallace, Mlsi Uussie r. Hinitb. Our people will be waited upon by tome of tbe above Committee, and invited to take itock In thii Allocation. Moving. Tho ciiicers of Pike township In the vicinity where tha new bridge acroii the river was f wept away last spring by the Ice flood, hare raised nearly $1,000 toward rebuilding the bridge, appointed their committee and are basily at work, at though tboy were In earnest. Tbe abutment! are to be raised five feet higher, and they have hauled all the timber! of tho Curweniville bridge, fit for use, upon the ground, and expect to have the bridge ready to or obi within two months. Mr; Hurry Hoover hai the contract for putting the itructure npon the abutments. Thf rebuilding will cost between six teen and eighteen hundred dollar!. -n 1 1 List of lotteri remaining unclnimod In the Pnstnfne at Clearfield, for the week ending hrptemoer loth. Ini3; Chandnrd, W. II. lilies, Tbomai Crusitman. Win. Kline, Clara A. Crawford, Harry I.ydifk, 12. R. tfarhart. Thompson D. Mcflonhy, Jainni Frampton, Jatnei O'IMIoran, Rody (.Imrow. Turner l'ardre, Jcmo llobits, John W. ' root .r, Mi-i Mary Ilol'bs, A. W, 1' rntor, Mins Our tie Ilnnpon, .1. Fiolt, Abelard llcibet. Wm, Wriirht. A.L. V. A. GAl'MN, P Balloon Ascension. IVof. Lhi will make bii litMb ascension, In his mainmotb balloon, from tho Fair (J round of the Indiana County Agricultural Society, during the Fair, which commences on tho 30in of September and will continue throe days. v-W W" Pooj)lo cxpoclintx to bo in town during Court we k will do well to read Kerr t Co'i, adrerlUetnent and h1 noticel In thil Kerr A Co. havo received a large stock of t loin ing. R. I!. Fhaw bu J'"t returned fntm the ant with the latft-n't and brat stork of Tobacco, Ci gars, Meerschaum and Hriar Pipes, Cipar flimik ers, Cigar Tubes and' iiaeea, with the fullest line of smoker 1 anirlee ever nrougni it town, wblehhewlll wholesale and retail at prices that defy eompetitioa. KNOLTPII MKLTON 0VERC0AT3 ONLT $16 AT KKHR A CO S. FINN 1IKAVFR OVERCOA To i;o Al KFRH ( OH. PINK CAXTOR RRAVKR OVKRCOATll 0N- I.Y $la AT KKRR A CO S. People it!endin Court will do well (0 esTl am) NEURALGIA, SICK HEADACHE, NERVOUSNESS r, Uroii' Neuralgic Remedy is one uf the gieat est hii'HsTiiiarH livnr,.H.l .... ...n...: i ... - . , ' auiivru-g uuiiiAU- Ity. It bus been carefully and patiently tried in a great nuuiuvr of uars, aud hui NcecriiiM iu a '"H,u maianoo o eneei a euro. It contains no IniuriiiiiB inhaintiiiM k..(nh ..v. ---- wiuK rri'nrau cniirwiy 1(0(11 carefully aeleeted uiateriali. Neither duea it act like many remedies now In ue, by blunting the norves, and thus giving only temporary relief, but will act quickly and surely. All who are iullvrori from theo dinases will find this an infallible remedy and being anxioua that it shall commend Itielf to the public 1 refrain from further re marks. If uiod according to directions, a cure IS BrOfirkll teMWl In mvmrw hsh Del.. .i . . II - . bottle. None genuine without the signature of nKWNoi'Hu, i. nr in lit, fhilailelphia, Pa For sale by all drugglila and duulera In Clear Acid oounty, eeplO-jlu. The finest and the best lot of OVERCOATS ev er offered fur sale, at Korr A Co.'s new Store. Kraticr A Lvtlu'i Ptore. on Miirknt itiW. lm bow boinirtfllid up with one of tho largeat stacks of Fall Uoods, of all kinds, ever brought to thii town. And being bought right, they can be sold vory cheap. Uivo them a call and you will be convinced, not only that they are flrst-ulan fol lows, but that they know bow to sell goodi and irvui ounumeri A CARD. Miss MeAlitinn. trhr at M.ia.A Painting, Crayon and drawing. Room at the ncautniy. aug27 - RRAuTntNt Persons wbooontemplate building will do well to chII and examiue our stock of lil'ILUlNtl MATKHIALS. We have in stock a full line of Ruilders' Hardware, Nails, Paiuts, uns, uinss, l'utty, Calcined .Master, Ao. my2873 H, F. RiuLan A Co. Just reoelred, a large lot of non-explosive uuib tou lantern i at 9 -26-73 II. F. RiQLKtt A Co'i. IT. F. Digler A Co. have been making eitensfve additions to their stock of Hardware tbe I a it few days. hvcrTthinc new In 8 ho If Hardware, Pad dlers Hardware, Farmers' Hardware, Ruilders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, can be seen at tneir itore. Way 22. Axm.-Beventy-flve doicn Clearfield Wood choppere Axel at V:":71, 11. P. HIOLER A Co'i. RECAPITULATION. Rird Cages. Wood and Willow Ware. Household Uoods. All kinds of Hardware. Japanned Ware. Painti, Oils, Varnlshet. Calcined Plaster. Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies. All of the above for sale at the mammoth Hard ware Store of If. F. Bigter A Co., Second street, Clearfield, Pa. 3t Caloined Plaster for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co. Saw. Di stan's Cmss-aut Paw, Great American Saw, uoynton'i Lightning Paw, at 0-26-72 II. F. IIiglkr A CeV NoTtm to Wacom hd Carhiaob Ma kirk. We have just received a general aasortiuent of Wagon and Carriage Woods, alio a full line of Springs ana Axiei, wuicn we oner cheap tor easn. H. P. BlOLRR A Co. Paint. An Paiktrns' Fisnixi. Our alock of Paints and Paintora' Materials U complete, in cluding .1. T. Lewi' Pure White I.iad. John Lu cas A Co'i Pure White l.rad, F. R. A Co's Ruck Lead, and a number of cheaper brands of White Lead: also, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Varnixhes of all kinds, a full line of Urualu, aud a full line of colors, dry anu: in Oil. my2H'73 II. F. IIiOLER A Co, F ih Tack I,. The fl.hing season having commenced, lovers of thii eligaut sport will be casting about to find where to uumiaoetna neces sary requirements in onlor to enjoy y the sport. To all mch we will say, go to the Hardware Biore of H. F. Dicier A Co., ai they hare the flnent lot of iruut nods, Jjinei, Jtooks, Ifaiket. Uait- Roxee, Reels, Pnoodd, Klics, etc., aver brought to tnts county. Their irout Knits are really ele gaut, and every person ex peel ing to go trout-flsh- ing inn summer should bare one. -v A full line of lfnUf,hold tloods, Japanned Ware, do., for sale by il. r. Rigler Co. U. R. Wheelbarrown, Hnby Carriage!, Toy Ex prere Wngous and Wheelbarrow, at m2s ;j II. F. Bniistn A Co'i. ACULPT FLOWKU. This rreat Panacea has tbo Inrsritt sale of any other preparation inlheworld. Why? Ik-cause we ray to every one thai is aiiiicicu witn l'.vepepnia, Liver Complaint, Coativencai, Head ache. Heartburn, Watcrbrafh, Pour ritomacb, In digestion or any disease di-pcnding upon pure blood, branny Llreranu rioniarn, to call at L. I. Watson's lnia: Ptore, in Clearfield, and get one of our sample bottles freo of charge. Regular sise 76 cents. Two or three doit-e will relieve any case. Try IU 2Uaug73y Painti, Oils and Varniibei for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co. FACTS FOR TUB PROPLK. L. Fie gal has disposed of hii Furnii hing floods for the purpose of making room for Hats, Capa, Roots and rboes. and has Jut returned from the eastern cities with the largest stock ever brought to the county whirb be milt til, mm! itll and is rteternnnrd to Mil at pneri wuicn will autumn everybody. He has on band n very Inrge assort ment or the Miiltiitiore nana-made u alters, lor Ladies wear. Ladiei, to ice them is to be con vinced tbat they are the shoes to buy. Alto, a full line of the Richardson and Atwater Kltuire Roots, which need ao recommendation to the pub lic. Also, a large line of Kamern Roots and Stioes. On all of which he can defy competition in prices. Also, a complote assortment of Trunk! and Va lises. P. P. Flegal nays goods are cheap, that he bought Ihem on Iruut, aod will sell them at prices tbat will aMonitb everybody. Call and lee. Clearfield, July 2, 1H74. . To THH ClTIXKRI Of PBNtSVLV ARIA. Your at- tention is respectfully Invited to tho fact that tbe National Ranks are now prrpan-d to reoeive sub scriptions to the Capital Ptoek of the Centennial Board of Fioance. Tbe funds realiied from this source are to he employed in tho erection of the buildings for tbe International Kihibilion, and the expenses connected with tbe samo. It is con fidently expected that the Keystone Ptate will be represented by the name of every citisrn alive to palriotie oommemuratton of tbe one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares of stock are offered for $ 10 each, and subscribers will receive n handsomely steel engraved Certificate of Ptoek, suitable for framing and preservation as a na tional memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum will bo paid on all payments of Centennial Ptoek from date of payment to January 1. I 7fl. Hubeeribera who are not near a National Bank can remit a check or ordir t the un dersigned. FRCHK. FRALKY, Treasurer, aug20 m Walnut Pt. Philadelphia. Bird Cages a large assortment at H. F. Big ler A Co.'a. n. . 17......M a;il flnil It tnttinlr rlt-anlftirai to call In and examine our stock of Plows, Culti vators, Ae., among which will be found Pitifle ml hnuMa Iran and Wood Phovel Plows, lroo and Wood Cultivator, The Oowamla Iron Ream Plow, The Pittchurfrb Hleel Plow, Tha Hnunt Rcllcfunte Plow, and o her pattorni. tayio in n. r. .mulsh m v. . Montonr Slate Paints, for painting house! In side and outside Cottages, Farm lluildings, Ac. Heaiitiful, durable and economical. U round in pure Llnfeed Oil. Cv2e'73 H. P. Rkilir A Co. RurniflRATons. About June 6, 187.1, II. Rigler A Co. will bare an acsortmcnt of Refrig erators. my23'73 WrA mnA W'.Hnm Wmi nf all dcScrllitlons for sale by . F. Bigler A Co. Piivo 11114)1 nura .jnu'ir; rw ' " Clothn! The" Novelty Wringer" li tbe beat in e rt! i a y -t I q... U,.irl C. tne maricm. xiuy it j iry ii. For sulw hy li. r. inni rn m m, lUarvlcd. 0 Jul. l?ih, lxr.1. Iiv J. W. Ti-axra. Ksq., Mr. W A II II K.N IIOOVKH lo Mm AilAMiA lIX(.V, Imlh of Graham lownship. On Anii"t J.'i'h, 1H7S, at Ihn Trontvllla fir sonarr. ky lh ! F. Il'irmaia, Mr. JOHN I'DI NUH la Miss II. M.KhHK, bothof Hun, Jrircrson eouiify, I'a. iicl On Auttist .10th. In Mil., Us v. J. w lliiKI-l KII.H. Tianirtsl sun ot Ihs lata Kiv. j. II. Ilullin.lrr, of l.aiiraslor, I'a., and ynnngMt brothrrof K.v. V. t . uunia.wr, m ironivii.. In Oiili-n lownship. nn falnnla.v mnrnlnf, I lih, IIOWAIII W:HMi, In- fajil nhiM nf K. P. ami M. It. Hinw, agi-J Iwo m' nlhs anil two wim-Ii.. Spokes, Vims & flow Handles. JOHN G. DAVIS k SON, niox srokE works, g. W, Cor.LHOPARD t 0TTKR Plroali, rillLADELrillA. hFeil tor Prle, Llt. J AMES MITCH ELli, triira ii Sq uare Jimbcr k Timber Lands, j.n rj riEAnrfrin, ta. JjJ" A. & AV. D. IRVIN, CORNER STORE, CURWENSVILLE, PA., UKCEIVB FLOUR AND SALT BY CAll LOAD, And soil At small advance. it b i E BY THE COIL, AKD PACKAGE GOODS . FOR LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES BOLD CHEAP. August 13, 1873 7:1 7S A UCTIOX! AUCTION 1 GREAT 6ALB 07 FURNITURE! $10,000 WORTH to be told At COST! We respectfully Invite the publie, and especial ly parlies attending Court, to eatl at our ware rooms and eaemine onr large itock of (in in hod ware, eoncisting In part of orer 3UO llt'.l) MTaKADH French. Japanese, Union. Cottage and common styles. Uen.leu.en attending Court, or Ti siting town at any time, had I fetter Toad np their wives In their wagons and bring; them along to examine our stock, as Ihey may nerer bare another chance to till their honses with new fur niture for so trifling a sum of money. In addition to our larga assort moot of Bed steads we hare on band 30. CHAMBER BET. 11 INTENSION TAI1LK4, Fifty open and enclosed Wenhitands, 100 Teapoys and faney 8 lands, 40 Corner Cuoboards, 60 Dretklast and Dining lables, U Centre Tables, 41) Draining and Common Bureaus, ('hairs by the gross, aueh as Wiadnor, Cane-seat, lloeking, (Kb on, ( hil- dren's, Dining aud liar room. Alio. Book Cases, Wardrobes, Bide Roar. U, Sinks, Dougbtrays, Towst Kaekt, Hewing Stands, Lounges, Foot (Stools, Cradles, Cribs, llee Hives, Window Blinds, Ao., Ac, Ae, All.thii furniture Is made out of well seasoned wood and put np by Irtt-elase mechanics, for OUR HOMH MARKET. Call and aiamlne the fiirnitare, anyhow;lfyen do not want to purchase any this year, yon may want some the neit. Country retail dealers will do well by calling and interriewlng us, because wo ean soon satisfy them that they eaa purchase ohoaper from us than in the easL The A at-lion Sales will open at 8 o'clock, morn ing and evening, during Court Week. TKHMd AND CONDITIONS.-All sales of a less amount than f 10, cash ; all sums over $10 and uuder $2 j, two month eroditf all sums over $26 will be made payable on tbe lit of June, 1874. Approved security will be required in erery in stance, and no jrundi will be removed until these oonditiuni are complied with. CIMCII da JACKSON, Market itreet, one square east of Lafttyette Hall, ( Pie's new building), Clearflold, Sept. 10, 187. FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR f AI.K BY II. F. Klgler A Co. IHOJJ DOIBLR-SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD DOUIILK-SMOVKL PLOWS. WOOD SIMILK-6110VKL PLOWd. IB0S CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. OOWANDA IRON BEAM PLOWS. PITTSBCRa ETEEL PLOWS. IIALTT'S BKLLEFONTS TL0W8. ROBESON'S and THOMPSON'S PLOWS. MSbarrl for all of th. abov. Plnwl enn slsutlj on aand. nv2d-?l KRATZEK & LYTLE Tnrpentine. I (Nails, P.ity, Paints. i WILL SELL YOU Oils, I French, Richards Si Co.'s Buck Lead 'AND Calcined Plaster VERY CHEAP. ImmMiM ilorl on hand. Cl.arAold, Pa., Juns i, I87S. s TONE'S SAW GUA1MEKS AND SAW UPSETS. W. hava tM,lv,d tha ari'noy for lheahnviand will aril thpia at manufaolurrr 'i prical. Call and sxamlnv th.m. Tnry an th. Iw-.t. ii. r. uiui.hH a tu. TltHTIURH A COJUTAnLIK' ftFM W. hava nrlntd ft lari;. nattilw of tb. ntv TER HILL, and vill an th. rwlpt of twmtv- fiv. ..nil, avail a fob ta an? addraas. bdv?I 1873. I . 1873. FALL AND WINTER ! DllESS GOODS. In grtat variety and all th, niwit shade!. FLANNELS, WATERPROOF, . , CASSIJIERES ,. -'SHAWLS, COATINGS, ' -FURS, ' CARPETS, AT WM. REEFS, 3:28 Market Street, ClearHeld, Pa. T3 Repli'mlj.r IS, 1873. pLOUR, FEED, 40. THE BGCCARIA FLOURING MILLS. The undersigned would respectfully gi re no tice to tbeeititens of Beocaria township and sur rounding country, that he baa panhased the Beocaria Flouring Mills and pnt ererything In complete order, and is manufacturing a flrst-elaas quality of Flour. CUSTOM WORK DONE, and Fluur In quantity eonitantly on hand forial.. CUOr, CORN MEAL, BRAN, 4C, AC. always on hand and for sale wholesale or retail. Q TNCU S1IIC:H:S WASTED U"1 Will eiohanaa fluur and Chop fur 2(1- invb riliinglea, or will pay part money, Il dualled. 10:Mf BARNABAS ARMSTRONG. SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! UISTAN S CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAO AND CIRCULAR BAWS. Boynton'B Lightning Cross-cut Saw, AL80, PATENT PERFORATED ELKCTRtCBAWS, Por sale bj oetU.Td ' II. P. DIOLER k CO. C. D. AVATSON, DEALER IN DRUGS & PATEXT MEDICIXES, CONFECTIONERIES, . TOYS AND TANKER NOTIONS. PINK TEAS ROASTED COFFER, BEST BRANDS TOBACCO A 8EOARS, BCIIOOL ROOKS A STATIONER!, Maionle Building, Beeond Street, d4 TJly CLEARFIELD, PA. )INK, WHITB A R0A! LININd SKINS- Just rooelved and for sale hy April id. Ii To. 11. F. HIHI.KR A CO. C Ia K A We desire to call tho attention of the citizens of Cleurfield county to tho fact that we have opened a MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Where we intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of PIANOS, OllGANS AND MUSICAL Our stock of riANOS will consist of RAVEN & COMPANY'S PIANOS, STEIN WAY & SONS' PIANOS, HAINES BROTHERS' TIANOS. We are prepnred at all times to furnish any of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most favorablo terms as to prices and terms of payment. Our stock of ORGANS will consist of the new and popular RYNDER ORGAN, fwitli Rymlcr's Knco Ticmolo and downward Octavo Conplor,) Tho SMI 111 AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS, MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUD1LEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides theso we Cirnish to order Organs from any factory desired. Wo sell on every plan known to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the porpLAR and east LEASE PLAN, f)n nnr msv fermn cvorv ono can have a nood instrument, and no other investment of like amount will tend so much to' OCT Wo eliall bo glad lo liovo pci?3-'72-ly 1073, I 1873. FALL AND WINTER I Drj (ioods B-I o iu o rs o a S3 S3 rs o O a C3 cn o ' rs o -t o 5s 'lltMip A.10A WM. HEED'S, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Srptember IS, 187.1. 0. I. c. XTTnERR to boy my DRT QOODS, ORO- oeries, Quecnaware, Qlaniware, Drugs and Notions, Confectioneries, lc,( cheap for cash. The suhscrihrr beg leave to Inform hit old and new customers tbat he has opened A VARIETY 8T0RB in GLEN HOPE. PA. And will sell goods at prices to auit the timet. A liberal reduction will be made to customer! buy ing at wholesale. Call and eiamlne my stock before purchasing elsewhere. A liberal share of public patronage is solicited. C. J. KK0Y. Glen Hope, Pa., June 14, 171. V. It. MORGAN, CLEARFIELD, PA. Agent for th. ATWOOD PLOWS. Farmers In need of Plows will do well te cftU at my farm in Lawn nee township, and ciemiue the improved Atwoud right ana lett banded and side bill Plows, which i am selling very cheap for caah. apKtO-om Ijivery Stable. fTMlR undrrsigned begs leave to Inform tbe pnb- lie tiiai ne ts now iniiy prvnarf a 10 aeeommo date all In the way of furnishing Horses, Buggies, Saddles and Harness, on the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Residenoe on Locust street. between IbirU ana rourtn. UKO. W. GEARUART. Olearneld, April 11, 1867. II. F. BIGLEU & CO. hare for sale CARRIAGE & WAC0S WOODS, 6UAFT3 AND rOLE8, DUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, io. Carrlair, and Wagon Mskera should nsV, a note of this and eall end alanine then. They will be .old al fair prices. nayl 71 QUNSMITUING. G. W. WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. Shop nn Third street, orer Hiley. blacksmith jhoti. CLKARFIKI.D, PA. All kimis or mors and Moot uunionnana. Repairing dona In a flrit-elan manner anil at fair prices. S:2"l MARKET STREET, II F I E L I), 1" E MAKE HOME HAPPY. .-u call and see us, whether you rJcsiro to purchase or not. nYNDlSIVH Ml MIC HTOlftK. lllliarry ana i nary Doofl.4. . 1C73. I 1873. FALL AND WINTER! CALL AT FOR TOUR 1 1 LADII."' HATS aud DOM NUT, as h, has th, best and cheapest in th. country. ALSO, COLLARS and;CCI I'!l, TIF.H and MCARI-'H, HOODS (lid M ill AS, HOHlEnY aud CiLOVUH, UNDIiRn iiAR or all klude, COltBL'.TS aud IIOOPHK.IBTS, ic, Ac, Ac, AT WM. HEED'S, Market Street, Clcnrfirld, Pa. September 16, 187.1. 11 HAD THIS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The attention of the cltiitnt of Clearfield and vicinity is directed to the fat that UiMidfellow A Ron are the rnrmts of M. Niece A Co., and have just a half doton car loads of flour and tttil, wtnrn Iney oner ai ine lowest puMsme ng ures. A Urge stook of FLO UK, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Corn In ear, ., Ae. Partirolsr attention Is called to M. Niece A Co.'s brand of Family Flour, which is tha best in tha market. Flour and Feed can and will ha sold ehcaper than it ean be obtained elsewhere In Clearncld oountr. jr-S(ore on Market street, next door to Ron. Alexander Irvin'l residence. OO0HFKI.L0W A SOX, janlOtf " Agent! for M. Niece A Co. OK SALE! A large and well finiihed Drirk Dwelling, situ ate ou Ihe river bank, In the borough of Clear field, containing eleven moms, with good cellar, water in the kitrben, and all the modern conve niences. Pantries, Uatb-room, rio'hes-prentes, Ao. Lot siity feet front aud two hundred and thirty feet back, with a twenty foot alley on the east tide. Haid building, witb all tbe appurtenances, will be sold cheap, with payments to suit purcha ser. Application ean be made to the under signed, or to A. C. Tate, Eff.twho will giro all neceenary Information to those who desire to in spect tbe property. TII0S. J. McCULLOl'GH. May 21t, 187S, tf. Beale's Embrocation, (L ATI POWELL'S.) For ill diseases Incident te Horses, Cattla, and Human Flesb, retiring the ns of an eiternal application. This Embrocavion was eitenslvelr used by the Government during tbe war. For sale by Uartswick A Irwte, Clearfield Joseph R. Irwin, CarwensvllU. Daniel Good, ander. Lulbersburg. tf Attention, Lumbermen! "ITfg are now msnntectnrlng our IMPROVED 8TKKL. SOCKET HR1VINU CANT IIOOKS, superior to any other In use. Wa have also in stock a large quantity of Canthooks suita ble fur rafling purposes, which we are selling -hop for cash. AMOS k H. KENNAKU. ClearBcId, Pa., March II. 187. Ti W A . MERCHANDISE. gfttttSttiT. ANou,cEMEN OF1 TUB GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES if BV S. POKTl.R HHAfV, U. D. - . .. IMPORTANT TRUTHS: llavlog eueoeeded Id getting a liglitcr tariff u material, beo tbe tow and modtrait charge fur aartial aod fall set of Teeth. I use the bast bi anii fart are of teclh apd other material. , All o peratloiii rngttvred q1 warrauioU to give ser rice and satiiiaotioa. friends, re flro I that my charges for the loser tiun of artificial aod tbe saving or the natural teatb are now the most reaapnebls in i'ennijlvenia. Preserve your teeth and yuu preserve your health. Putting uf the natural teetb iq a health, fra lervatlve and useful oonditlon Is made a speelalt r, Dieemws and walforcnationi oonnoi Ut tbe (noutb( )aw mnd associate parts, are treated and corrected witb fair success. Examinations and eoniulta tiona rnr.w. It would be well for patients from disUnee to let ma know bj mail a few tlnji before coming to the office. It Is rer Important that children between the agrc of ilx and twulre years should have their teeth examined. AnwBthrtiea are administered and Teeth re moved without pain. Dispositions and character ere judged by all the world by the expressioni of tbe faoe, hence bow very disastrous may It therefore be fur per sons to iodulgo an expression of distorted features, even apart from a hygienic view. Now, to enjoy natural (not artificial) eotnfurts and pleasures respect and obey natural simplicities and inMlnoU B. POUT EH Ml AW, 1. D. fl. Office in Vew Masonic Building, Second street, Clcarfteld, Pa. mayH'VS DENTAL CAED; Pr. A. il. IIILL3 , Would ear to his patients and the pub lio generally, that, having dissolved partnership wiib Dr. Kb aw, be If now doing the entire work of his office hi in self, so that patient need not fear being put under the hands of any ot her operator Cloarfiold. ilirch 20, 1872-d20incb71l J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S.f Office over Irwln'i Drug Store, . CURWENSVILLE. PA. All dental operations, either in the mechanical or operative branch, promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. (Special attention paid to the treatment of diseases of .the natural teetb, gums and mouth. Irregularity of tbe teeth suc cessfully corrected,- Teetb extracted without pain by tbe use of Ether, and artificial teeth inserted of the boat material and warranted to render aaU lifWti'in. pril2fl'71:ly rpiIE HE MITCHELL WAGON, FOR Farm, Freight and Plantation User Universally known ai the 0RI0INAL RACINE WAGON.' Made by experienced workmen out of ai rood material as money can buy. We do not claim to build the lowest priced Wagons, but our aim if to build a well proportioned wsgon In all its parte, and excel in durability and lijfht draft, lor tha; past quarter of a century tbe Mitchrll Wagon ha euocposfully maintained the reputation of being the beL wagon in use. The rapidly increasing demand for Ihem proves their superiority over all other wagons. Mitchell. Lewie t o.. Manufacturer, Racine, Wisconsin. For fule by THUS. UKILY. Aog. 6, 1873. . Clearfield, Pa. XTEW LIME JCILNT , Il NEAR Cl'RWKNSVILLK. Tha undersigned would respectfully notify all persons interested tbat be has jutt erected a new Lime Kiln, In Pike township, and will keep on band a first class qnatity of Uray Lime, which will he furnished to farmers, builderf and otbera at IS cents per bushel, cash, at tbe kiln. IOST The subscrlbflr lot, hii f ockfo-book J on Thursday, Ancust 2Stb, on puMio road U'uiling frnm Anionville to llegerty'f X Roads. The Pocket-book is a hlack one, and contained 517,01 Id bill, as follows : Three bills j ont $5 bill ; one (2 bill, and two 25 cent pieces. Al so, oue fromissory now, drawn to niy order, or Fortv-lWe dollars, signed by Joseph Ames j a, credit on laid noto for $10, paid by John With erow. The note was due in April, 1873, A lib eral reward will be paid to the finder by leaving tbe same with me or at Johnston's Store, t Ao tonville. likNRY WHUtUvW. 8ept, 3, 1873-t. ' . I"VR H A I, Iv. The undersigned offers for siUe a valuable town property in the borough of ClearfUIrt. Lot 601! ftet, with a good two story plank house thereon erected, with three1 rooms down eta ire and four bed rooms up stair. Also, sewing room and bnth room on second' ttoor. Houe finished complete from cellar to attic (loud donhle porch and good water. Trim rea sonable and paytnenre easv.1 20aug73 ... .WM. M. MeCULLOtTQH. CL1 LEATlPlELD ACADEMY. male: ii:pabtmdnt. TIIR FALL TERM of fonrteen weekf wilt commence MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th, 1873. Ter me of Tultlou. Reading, Writing. Mental aod' Wiltten Arithmetic, Oram mar, Geography and History t9 00 Natural Philosophy, Physiology, and Sin gle Entry Book-keeping IS 00 For Instructions in Double Entry Book keeping and Commercial Arithmetic, spe cial terms to be arranged. The undersigned having charge of the Mala Department is an experienced teacher. lie if a graduate of Iron City Corameroial College, and baa bad several years' practical experience as an accountant. He is prepared, on moderate tertris, to give lucfa instructions in Penmanship and Book-keeping aa are uaually obtained only at Commercial Colleges or in actual business. For particulars respecting tha school apply to aug.rtf B. M. WoKNALLT. . MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. TUB FALL TEH.V of fourteen weeks, will commence Monday, September 1st, 1873. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Writing, Object Les fons, Primary Arithmetic and Primary Geography..... m. $7 00 History, Local and descriptive Geography with Map Drawing, Grammar, MenUl and Written Arithmetic 9 Of Algebra and the Sr. lea oca If 0e Tnst motion in Instrumental ausie.... 10 00 Oil painting, 24 lesson.,, It t0 Wax work 8 00 For full particulars send for Circular. Clearflrl.l, Aug. tf, 1873. . :7:70-y The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, P.nn township, Clearflold Co., Fa, BVRHEP OVTI let ot BURNED UPI The subscribers have, at rreat ex pens, rebuilt neffihborhood necessity, in the erection of a first class Woolen Mnnnfaeiory, with all tbe modern improvements attached, and arc prepared to maka all kinds nf (Moths, t'aesimerea, hatinetts, Blan kets, Flannels, Ac l'lenty of goods 00 hand to supply all our old and a thousand new customers, whom we ask to onus and examine our stock. The business of CARDING AND Ft'LLIXO will receive our especial attention. Proper arrangements will be made to receive and delivet Wool, to fuit customers. All work warrant ml and done upon the shortest notice, and by strict atten tion to business we hope to reallio a liberal shara of public patronage. ) IIMMMi POl'.VDfl WOOL WANTED 1 W will pay the highest market price for Woo and sell our manufactured goods as low as aimilar good can be bought In the eounty, and whenever we fail to render reasonable satisfaction wa can always he found at home ready to maka proper explanation, either In person or by latter. JAMES JOUNHON A HONS, sprllJfltf Bower P. 0. nOUS R AND LOT FOtt SALE! The House and Lot on the corner of Mar ke and fifth streets, Clearfield, Pa., Is for fale, 1 be lot contains nearly an acre of grourd. Tha faouea tf a large double ftsime, containing ulna rooms. For terms and other information apply to the subit riber. at the Past Office. nevii p. Asd-mm,