GEORGE B. GOODLANDEH, ' tmwt mo mormt'tm. CLKAIU'lELD, Ta. VVETJNESDAY - Democratio State Ticket. 81TRKMR JUDGE, JAMES E. LUDLOW, Philadelphia. BIATB THEASl'IlElt, ' F. M. HUTCHINSON, Allegheny. Democratio County Ticket. ASSK.M1II.Y, U R, T. J. HO V Ii E, or oi iiiriiLB. SHERIFF. YT. ROSS HcPIIEHIOIt, or cuunriELD. TREASURKTl, WIL1IAN W. W O R n A l L, or CLIlRrlMLI). COMMISSIONER. CLARK 1IHUWI, or LAWnsrei. DISTRICT ATTORNEY, FRANK FI til. Ul N G, or CLtinriiLB. AUDITOR, LEWIt C. II LOOM, 01 LAWBB.1CI, JURY COMMISSIONER, JOHN W, IIU(iAHT, or cLiiAnriiLS. CORONER, CCO ROB THORN, Or CLEARNKLD. Huntingdon eounty'l nrit Itepresentttlre to Hi Legislature, W. k. Burchinell, Ksq., wa, in the eity last evening. Altooua TribmM. No lio don't, llarry J. McAtoor Is the man who will Legiglula for the lluntingiloncrs. Ex Gov. James Pollock and Hon. Goorgo R. Durrctt will dolivor nd drcescs in tho Court room, on Monday, the 22d, on the propriety of celebrat ing oar one hundredth annivorary. Gen. Edwin S. ilcCook, a' member of tho celebrated Ohio McCook family, vas assassinated at Yankton, Pacota, one day lust week. Ho went through twenty battles and fill by the hands of an assassin. Meat Eaters. The Tribune says that the boarders at tho Logan House, Alloonn, alo 12,373 pounds of meat during tle month of August, at a cost of 82,403.12. This is certainly a nice little meat bill. The New York Graphic's balloon did not go up, nor did Prof. Wiso sui! 13.ui,v. IIv wllJitlj ..Milton tou sail on land a little longer. He is wise indeed, having concluded to cross the ocean at some other timo. - Tut His Foot in It. Grant lately removed a German named Klanprcct, who iiad been nppointod Consul at Stuttgart, TrusBia, and appointed a Florida negro, named Sammis, in bis stoad. This act has raised a rumpus among the loyal Dutch, and no ono knows where it will end. Whether Alio Germans will all turn Negro, or tho Negro turn to bo Gorman whites, remains to bo seen. Rovtep. Ben Duller, Gon. Grant and Simon Camoron were all defeated for Governor of Massachusetts. That is : Grant, Cameron k Co., mndo a trip down east to holp tho Beast nom inate himself, but tho witch hangers proved too strong for "tho govern ment" and its corrupt appliances. Tho riymoulh Rockers still entertain some "Stales rights heresies," when thoir own domicils are attacked by freebooters and political harlots, al though they scoff at the doctrine when somo other Stato than Massa chusetts Is invaded by tho crow. An exchange snys: "Abraham Lin coln's likeness is printed over the spigot hole of every keg of beer inanufac (nred in the United States." Well, that is right. His parly revered him very highly and used up moro Mack crape on the occasiou of his death than was ever tjonsBined by any ten funerals. Yot, ho could soon bo for gotten by his most ecalous partisans wore ho not constantly brought to tho notlco of his party in this manner. This likeness on the bocr kegs cm- balms him in the ejections of his tem perance friends. A Joke on Teachers. The pro trress of (he bl'o is wonderful. We notice that tho "loil" county superin tendent of Warren county has cngnged .our honorable salary grubl lug, Credit WohiKor Congressman,Glonni W. Sco- tficld, to address the tenchors of that county on tho 29tli. This is richness To employ a man w!k will lie nnd rob 'the public, too, and who coiiftescd 'himself an ignoramus ; bccatiso he minted in his Mercer county spocch a .year ago, wlicn interrogated about the Credit Mobilier fraud, that ho did not vcn know what tho words Crcdit- Mobilier meant, it was loo French for him to comprehend ! Yet, this public falsifier and Oiley Gammon domn goguo is poslod to lecture tho Teachers of his oounly on education and sound morals. Why not send for Collnx, the king of hypocrites, who added perjury to the crimes Bcoflold committed, if the object is to inculcnlo orimo in etenJ of morals. Wo shall not bo as tonished ti hear that somo confer. , enco or synod has employed Colfax to i opon their proceedings. Instead of those vilo men hiding Ihomsolves as most rogues do, they aro constantly popping up everywhere, lecturing tho people they l;nyo robbed nnd plun- The Old tVome. Tho Radical leaders of Massachusotts are following in the footsteps of thoir great-grand fathers, At thoir Into State Convention tho following among other resolutions was paused : JrWrral, That I ho Republican part Ii the party of temperance, order tod Inw ) tnat It favor, the honest and iminrllal exeoutlon in good faith of all laws, espeolally those for the suppression of crime, Intemperance and dliurdor. This urny bo considered Impudence or bragiidocia, but it amounts to about whut thoir ancestors indulged in noar- ly 150 yoars ago in tho samo Common wealth. They, "resolved, that we aro the pooplo of God,'.' and as such thoy banished liaptists, Quakors, Catholics, and tho communicants of tho Church of England. Thoy hung womon for boing witches, and cut tho cars olT those who returned alter being ban ished. They cut tho tongues out of Quakers' mouths, so that tboy could not preach sedition; nnd when some of the more ontorpming and determin ed roturncd to Massachusetts, with both thcircarsculofTund their tongues cut out, theso "pooplo of God" hung them like murdorcrs,and fir.aly silenced the "ungodly rabble," as they called thoio, in this manner. To-dny tho grand-sons of theso samo hypocrites declaro, In a publio con vention, that thoy aro the lomporanoo party and tho honosl defenders of law and order! Good heavens!! Yet, Uicbo self samo fullows have robbed tho United Statos Treasury, within the last five years, of forty-two millions of dollars through tho Credit Mobilier fraud and tho salary grab, and at tho samo timo plundered and robbod the pcoplo of ton Southern Stales of tvo hundred millions of dollars. Can knavo- ry and hypocrisy do more? It is true thoso men have banished nobody, but they have stolon everything from their neighbors that is worth securing. Thus while their pockets aro puffed out with plunder, those unmitlgatod scoundrels exclaim that they are tho only mon who favor tho "impartial cr ccution of law and order?" Tho Dovil alono will prove a match for these Judas Iscariots. "ror Goes the Weasel." The Philadelphia Press, in alluding to the Radical nominoo for Senator, In the Northumberland and Union district, remarks : r. VTagnnseller it a marketable local politi cian of tho lower ordor. and has, n idtr the favor of Simon Cameron, risen to tlio dignity of a drp- utv revenue officer. Ilil nomination mil t re jected by the lining Hepublicin oounties of Sny der and I ntnn. and especially oy too loruter county, where he rrililei, and In tbe county of l'crr ho will ha bvatrn several bmiilroda. Tho ncr.i-tent debauchery of the ltciiuhlirao organ itation in the Susquehanna region by the Camer on domination ba. eaeritlced that strong Repub lican district from year to year. Three Demo cratic Senators ( Messrs. Wallt, Reck and bill) have been elected in tueeosslon, and several mem here ol the House, overcoming: one thousand He- publican majority just becauw of the disgust of tbe honest voters l n ina inooinpoien. ami cor rupt candidates rnrcod on tbe party oy lamcioo. The Democratio Conferees in tho snmn distiict mot one day last week and unanimously passed the following resolution : llfolwd. That we present the lion. Andrew II. Dill to tbe voters of the 17th Senatorial dis trict of Pennsylvania for their suffrages with pride anil satisfaction. His course in tho Seol ate, to which ha was so flatteringly elected three years aflo, has merited the approbation ol all good eitisens and added lustre to bis name. lie bas been a faithful, untiring and efficient laborer in ttie counsel af the Commonwealth f and if modesty, Integrity and ability deserve considera tion, he will ba triumphantly returned to the Nrnatt. Of Mr. Dill's ro-olcction there is no doubt, because his opponent is proper ly photographed by tho editor of tho Press, and tho pcoplo of tho district know it. Wagonseller is tho mcro pur sonal tool of Simon Cameron, and cannot be elected, although ho has from 800 to 1,000 majority in his fiv vor to start with. Infamous Conduct. For moDth past tho Democratio delegates in tho Senatorial dUlrict composed of the counties of Centre, Huntingdon, Ju ninla and Mifllin, have boon trying to nominate a Senator, but have fnllcd Our liadiciil brethren In the adjoining district, composed of tho counties of Northumberland, Ferry, Snyder and Union have been playing a similu gamo. ilius showing mat tho tool aro not all dead yet, nor aro thoy con fined to ono party. Tho policy of al lowing a candidato lo select his own enn forces is wrong, and should bo abandoned by our party. l!y pursu ing this courso, tho delegates bocomo tho mere personal tools of tho candi dates, und are without nny represen tative capacity whatever, so fur as public or party IntcrcMs aro concern ed. Inelciitl of the pcrxoi,:.! interest of tho enndidutes being tlio first thrown into the scale, thnj should be the last. Yd, nt.less a C'tnivenlion selects tho delegates, sm h is tho ro suit, nnd if tho policy is not abandon ed it will vrurk injury to Iho purty and tho Stato. Tho personttl contests for (ifliee uro odious, nnd aro only fos. tend by men who havo moro tutibi. tion tli u fi good sense. I'OPIT.AR C'ONSIHTENCT. Adopting a constitutional ami iidment for tho pur pose of destroying tho power of tho Ironsury rinir, nnd thou seeking to up hold Unit power by supporting Robert W. .Mackey at tho hallol uox. Denouncing tho legislature for cor ruplion and bribery fur electing Rob on W. Mackoy Stale Treasurer, and then turning about at Iho first oppor tunity nnd voting for him. This may ba the loyal way of doing things, but can inconsistency go lurinori Tlio i'liilndeliiliia Democrat have phtccd in nomination the following ticket: Sheriff Dorjnmin F. Iloll. Clerk of tho Orphans' Court An drew J. Sterling. liecistor of Wills John Cndwal- der, Jr. City Troasurcr Wm. J. Ncol. City Commissioner Jos. Kiniko Tho Norfolk Journal snys: "That was a capital reply mudo by General Kemper to Colonol Hughes at War renlon the alher day. when Jluithcs aid his nartv (tho Rudicals) was tho nariv of relief. True, said Kemper, thoy havo rolioved the Soutlicrn peo Slctlttir of tlcmocrnlle County Committee. In obodionco to a call of the Chair man of tho Pomocrntio County Com mittoo, sitld Committoo mot lit the offlcd of D. L. Krebs, Esq., in tho borough of Clouifleld.on Tuesday, tho 0th dny of September, at 1 o olocK, p After considering tho objections to tho prcbont modo of making nomi nations, it was unanimously resolved that the Chairman order an election to be held in tho various townships and boroughs of Clearfield county, on Saturday, tho 20th inst., for tho pur pose of clooting U'o delegates at large for each district, and ono additional dolegate for every hundred Democratic voters, rejooting all fractions loss than fifty. .Said delegates to moot in Con vention, at tho Court llouso in Clear field, on Tuesday cvoning, Scptembor 23d, 1873, at 7 o'clock, p. m., for the purpoBO of changing or amonding tho present systom of mnking nominations. D. L. Krebs, Esq., offered his rosig nation as Chairman of said Commil- tee,and on his request it was accepted. A vote of thanks in behalf of the Dem ocracy of Clearfield county was ton- dored bim, ns a just appreciation of bis services in the cause of Domocracy. On motion of 0. M. Rriebin, Esq, Wm. M. McCullough, EBq, was ap pointed Chairman of DomocralioCoun ty Committo for the unexpired term of D. L. Krobs, Esq., resigned. To the Uemocrats of Clearfield Comity. In obedience to tho order of tho County Committco, 1 hereby diroct tho Vigilanco Committees in tho scv- oral townships aim boroughs oi mo county to hold an eloction on Satur day. September 20th. 1873, bctwoen tho hours ol 1 ana u o cioik, v. m., ior delegates to Iho Democralio Conven tion, to he held at tho Court Houso in Clearfield, on Tuesduy Evening, Sep tember 23d, 1873, at 7 o clock, P M The numboro! dolciratcs apportioned to the vurious districts aro as follows Reocaria, Bell, Itliiom, SlOnlich, 1 1 lloutsdale, 2 Huston, 8 Jordan, 4 Karlhani, Hoggs, Bradford, llrndy, llurnside, S hnol, S t t 4 Lawrence, Chest, Covington, I'lrarlield, Curwensville, Lumber City, Morris. New Washington, S Osceola, 3' Penn, SI I'iko, . ' 21 Union, S Woodward, 3Wallaeeton, llecatur, Ferguson, tlirard, tjlrahnin, Uosben, Thonamcsof tho Yiirilonco Commit tees have boon published by handbill, cnllins said election, and sont to encn election district in tho county. If nny of said committee shall full or ro- uso to hold said olocimn, ino 1'cmo- cratio voters present nro to Bolect ono or moro of thoir number to fill the vacancy, and hold the eloction. iho returns of said elections will bo for warded by tho Vigilanco Committoo, to the Chairman ol tho bounty iOin mittee at Cloarfield, on .'Tuesday, tho 23d inst. Wm. M. McCjm.ouoii, C'hm'n Dem. Co. Com. The colored persuasion have organ ized a revolt against the Itopublican nartv in Ohio. The brethren aro tired of being an clement, and want to go to hoiiBo-kocping on thoir own account, As it is not our funeral, wo feel scrono Chinese labor is about to be tried in Philadelphia, sixty-eight Chinamen being now on tho way to thnt city from Sacramento, where thoy hovo been engaged to work in a cutlery fuctory. Holt and Hinirham, who formed portion of the military tribunal which tried Mrs. Surratt. are anxious oven at this late day to wah hor blood from their hands. It cunn'ot be dono, It was a murder. 1 ELECTION" NOTI(;H. I J WnaaCAS, The petition of twelve eitlsons, electors of tbe borough of ClearBeld, has been nrescnted to tho Ilurgi-ss and lown Council, ask tng them toorder aa election to determine whether or not water woraa sunn oe erecira ior saiu our ouch in enmnhnnce with an act of assembly, at: proved the lHth day of February, A. U. 1871, aa titled "An Act authorising tho borough of Clew Slid to erect water works," ana a suppleiacn thereto, arnroved the tilth day ef May, A. 1) I S7 1, entitled "An Act autorlsing the borough ol Clearfield to erect water works," th-rofore, Hi il erifot'eerf, That laid election ba held In !h hnrnuih of UlenrAelil, on Friday, the lllth day of Hept. A. D. 187:1, by the election offlcere eliosen lo no o me aenerai eircinin in - orgh, in oouiplinnca with all the proalriooa of said act astern lily iwlating to saiu cieeuen. Ily ordor of the Iowa Council. AttmT! A. C. TATK, E. C. Joarsox, Clark. (j)2) llurgeu, t AUTIOSi. A II persons arc hereby eaiitlnncd i not to harbor or trust my wile, .m Ainu a A .MON. on mv account, we t will not pay debts of her contracting unless -compelled by lew. J auou A.viun. Eopt. IT, 18T3-3t pd. tNAOS MANIC rr I'lIB VICTOR HEWINO MAOfllNB CO, I waait reliable and energetic Agents in th CenntT. The V II I OK lea l orn suicn, rnui- tle Maohine, with Self-setting Needle, best Sn Islied and most perfect Mnchine offered. An in crease of ever H0 per aent. on sales of 1B73 over IS7I. Kor terms e., aoilress, VICTOR fEWIfid MACII'NE CO., 1117 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa 1 EONARI) HOU8K, Opposite Rnilrnnd penot, CUiiSrlEMI, P A. Plenssutly lsted and a flrst-class hotel In all respects. Ereukfast for passengers leaving on morning train. WM. H. 1IKAUI.KY, June II, 1973. Proprietor, SPECIALTIES BDILDKRtI' I1ARDWAKB, MECHANICS' IIAKDWAI1K, LUMBERMEN'S HARDWARE, FARMING VTBNSILS, MILL fUITLIR?, IRON a NAILS, rAINTR, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTERS' FINDISOfl, CALCINED PLASTER May , H7S. OIIIIKMAKr.H W ATI:l. The nmler jj slne.l, reiiding It New Washington, will gi nermenent emt' ovmcOl 10 a gooo wursnian. n ' . j ' l.ll 1 JOHN P. FEATII g,avfrti$ri.ti.t3. General Elecllon rroclamaliou. WHEREAS, hy an act of the General Asiem ki nr.i.A Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia entitled "As act to regulate thi Ueoerel Kl.nrlnn within this Coramonweallb,' It lien. Joined upon tba SherifTs of tha several eountiai to give publio notice of such election, the pieces where to be nem, anu ioe ouidi-.p w . TiiattironH, I, Ji sTia J. I'll, High feberlir of ClearSeld eouuty, do hereby give Publio No Ilea to the electors of the county of Clearlleld, thet a general eloetioa will b he.d on the Hsc oso Itupii or Ouroaca t, (being the Hih day ol tbe month.) at Iba teveral alaotlon dis tricts In said county, at whloh time and place the qualiSod voters will vote For one person for Supreme Judge or this Com mouwealtb. For une person for Plate. Treasurer of this Com uionweslib. M For one person lo represent theeonntyor itear- tleld jn tue nouse oi iv,.jrrww," v, ,, r,.,,nnn-.lih or one worsen for the offlca of Sheril of Clear- nlH eiiunlv. or one person ror tna omoo oi irvusurer ui Clearleld county. or one person for the orflce of County Commis sioner of Clearlleld county for three years. For one person for the offioa of District Attorney or cieerneia county. or one person for the office of Jury Commissioi- or of Clearfield county. For one porson for the offioa of Coroner of Clear- ncia county, or one person for the office of Auditor of Clear fluid flnuiitv. The voters In each borough and township are also entitled to vote for two persons ror Assist ant Assessors. The elrotors of the county of ClearilslJ will take utice that tbe (aid election will be held at the following ntaces. via I Ueccaria townstiip, at tna loioo uoiai, in uies one. Hell townsnip, at tne oouse oi bbmh mhhwj, ltlootn township, at the house of tho lato Jauies Bloom, br. Boggs tuwnskip. at the nouse oi Ainen. ltradford township, at the bouse of Jacob Pierce. Hrady township, at the house of Win. Schwem, In l.ntbersburg. llurnside townshin. at Young s school house. Chest township, at the public school house near imon rlorabaugn s. Ctesrfle d borouirk. at the court House. Covington townshin. at the house of J. Manrer. Curwensville borough, at the house of the lata Isaao lilooua. Decatur township, at Centre aebool bouie. Ferguson townshin. at the house of Johs Greg ory, formerly occupied by 'i'boe. Kobison, (Uroad. Uirftrd V oniirvu urn wnooi gwun .. .. s. Ouiilirn towmbin, at th publio school bouM at Bbawvil6. Oruhnui th honoT Jacob llubitr. Uulirb towofhip, at ttia pobli fcbovl bume, in anviTille. Hualon tornihip, at tb hooaa or JeM Wilion, lluuudala borouKb, at tba nubli bouMof Wa, rkr. in aeitl boruufrb. JorUnn towniuip, at too punno icnooi noui. ia muDTiua. Karlhaui towmhip, at Ilrnlfffn't ichool boun. Knux tuwmbip, at Turkr; li .11 ehM boaia. Lawrvnca townahiii, at the Court llouia. in tbt bopntiirh of t' .traffic. (J, Lamiwr CUT boruuirn. t tat public icnooi doum. the huiwa furtnar) oompiad by Thoina Kyler. Ntw Washington borough, at tha pubtltt nhool boaia. Utcoola bnmuxb, at tba public bouaa of Hilo Ilnrt. in faitl tmroub. I'tnn townohip, at tba botai formerly arpi j W. W. AndrMn. Pika townibiii, at tha bouaa of tha lata Iiaae ninoin. in tha bumurh of ( urwensvilU, 1'nion tnwnihip, at tha bouaa of I. Ii. ISraAkor. Wallaeotutt Lorougb. at the publio aebool bouia In laid boruugh. Wuoilward lowmbip, at tna noma of momai lli-ndprpon, A.N AT rerulntinr tha noda of Tot In at all clectiuna 111 Iba aeveral count im ol ttin tntn- ntonwralth, npproTed tba 3Utb da of March. A, D.. lmilV : FerTiox 1. iU it wnaetttl by ttia Rnaia aad IIuum of UoprcMntutlvM of tba Cum in on wealth of 'tiinmyUania iu uencraj ahmim'Ij uiei, anu u n irrftiT rnactrri iir amnoniy oi tua uuia, inai ine qiialilled votcri uf tba atveral count ic of thil Cummuuwealth. at all general. Uiwnahip. borough fucruil elections, arc beri'liv. bfreattcr autbr ixrd and requiivd to .otc, by ticket a, printed, or written, ar iiarttf nrintrd and partly wnttn, atf- erally elaMiBud aa fullowi: Ona tic ket eliall eia- braoa tbe nainci oi an juogea oi wurta fuiru wr, and to be labelled, outside, "judloiary ;" ono ticket hail embrace tlio utiuiea uf tha state fflMrt voted for. and ba labelled, "stale:" out ticket nail em race the natnci of ail count r nmceri voted fur, troltu41fv nnnk enatne. mmlifr. nA mMnKeM of amienibty, if voted for, and meiubera of Congren, if voted I r, and ba labelled, "county ;" one ticket shall embrace the nuinei of all tuwmbip officer! voted for, and ba labelled, "township ;" one tick et ihall embrace tbe names of all borough officers voted fur, and be UbclM, "txirounh ; and each alaM shall be deDouted In lcPVte ballot boles, II t the aol of Assembly oi I'-r.j, anowa as us Rriatrv Law. it ia nrovidcd as fullows : i. "hltetton onoera ara ia open lae pmn oe tween tba hours of Six and seven a. aa. on tne oay of election, lie fore six o'clock In the morning of second Tuesday of October they ara to receive from tba Lonnty tommissionori tne negnmrea List of Voters and all necessary aleetion blanks, and tli? are to permit no man to vote wbose mme is nit on said list, unlets be shall Biake triMf nfh.1 r irht to rote as follows r I. Tha neraoft whose rams II not en the list olaimina the rialit to vuteinuit produeoa qualifled voter of tbe district to swear In a written or print ad affidavit lo the residence of the claimant in the diatnot for at least tea day neit nrooeedinc said election, defining clear) where tba residonoa of the person was. I. J he part claiming in rigm in tow man also makt an eninavii, sianng 10 ina nasi n an kuoa ledge and belief where and when he ws born, that he is a eitiien of Fcnnalvania and o ha I'm ted States, that be has resided Id tfa 8 lata one year, or, il formerly a eitisei titcrem and removed therefrom that ba fats resided tkereia it months ne&t prvcttlms, said election, that b has not moved into tha district for the purpose ol voting therein, that ba bas paid a State or county tat within two ears, wtnen was aaseaaeu ai ieai Un days before the election, ana ina anmavitsuai state when and where tba tax was asaessca sn paid, and tha las receipt mast be produced unless the affidavit shall state tbat it has been loft or slroed, or that he reeeired none. 4. It tna ait Irani ie a naiuranieii eiuisn, u iuhI In addition to the foregoing proofs, state in his affidavit when, whore aod hv what ooart he was naturalised and produaa bta certiuoata of naturaluatiaej. b, Krarr person claiming ta b a naturalised eltiten, whether en tha rcijitry list, or prwduem affidavits aiorrsaid. tliall ba required to pnoduei his naturaliistiun ccrtifloate at the election brfore tot in f wiire be has been lor ten years eorseen lively a voter in the district where be offers to vote ; and on tba rote of sueb a peiaon being re ceived, the Election Officers are ta write or stsmp the word 'voted' on his certificate with the mntb and year, and na other vote ean bo east that day in virtue of said oertiflcate, except wbere sous are entitled to vote on the naturalisation of their father. 6. If tho parana efaianog to role who il not registered shall make affidavit that he Is a nslive born eilisen ol the united Mates, or, u Dorn eise where, shall produce evidence or bis natural. ia tion, or that he Is entitled to oitiaenship by reason of his father's naturalisation, and further, that be is between 21 and Si years of age, and has resided w th a tbe Htete one year, and in tne election ais- trial. Ua das next d raced In the election, b shaU be entitled to vote IhuugU ba shaJI not have paid faxes. nmiwm wm iwniiiir iieTorv'W 7 fr, all persons except Justices of tLa 1'aaea, who shall held an office or appoinUneniof traat under the government of the Cmtwi ritates, or ot tn Bute, cr af any Incorporated district, whether commissioned otlloer or otherwise, a subordinate oflUer or agent, who Is or shall be employed on dor the Leiriilatlve, Executive or Judicial da nartments of this Htata or of tha United fltates. or any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of tons res a, or oi tus mate Legislature, or of the common or select council of any city, or commii'sloncr of any Incorporated district, are by law lnmpaiie oi noiamg or exercising, at tha same time, the offlca or ap pointment of Judge, Inspeoinr or Clark af any election orints comrnonweniin. OF KLKtTlON OFFlCRRfl, 1 In eae tho person who shell have received the second htgbcat numnnr oi roies ior in-pector, snail not attend on the day f election, then the person who shall have received the second bigliest bum ber of votes for judge at tbe next procuding elec tion, shall act as uiMitor in nis piaee i and II cane the person who shall have roceired tho high est nmher of votes for Inspector shall not attcn the nersoo eUclcVjudiro, shall appoint sn inspoe tor in his placo; and incase the person elected jwitge shall not attend, then the inspector who ra- eeived the highest nuniter ol votes, snail appoi aludire In his plncc; or if any vacauoy shall j tinuc jn the board for the spnoe af one btmr after the Vmia Oxrd by bw for the opening of tbe elec tion, the quaii ned voters of the town pip, ward district for which such officer shall have been eleettd, present nt the place of election, shall se lect one out of their nutubrr to fill such vacancy, AImi, that where a judge, by slckncas er una voidable ecoidnnt. is unable to attend suoh m out ih g of Judges, thon the certificate or return shall be taken charge of by one of fh Intpertors or elerks of the election of dlut, who shall do and perform the duties required of said judge an able to attend. The Return JuJf s of tha respective dlsfrleti aforesaid aro rouuested to meet at the Court 11 on we. In the bornuch of Clearfield, on the fln Friday next after the said second Tuesday af October, (helng tha 17lM, then and there to those thincs rennlred of them by law. U1VKN onder m band sod seal, at Clearfield J'enn., this seventeenth day of September, IL. 8.1 in the year of our Lord ono thousand eJtbt hundred and seventy-three, and of tha Independsnra pjT lbs United fci tales the nine ty-seventh, 2Jw (U'frtisjmrntn. rpnovED school books. The attention of Hoards of Education, Superin tendent, and Teacher, I, Invited to tha followiog ArrnovED school books, PUBLISHED BY E. H. BUTLER 4. CO. ' rillLADELPIIIA, rA, a-MD UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED BY TUB CONVENTION OK DIRECTOK3, 1IKLD AT CLEARFIELD, JOSE 1, 1811, For the un of Fulilio School, of Clearleld Co. Also, tj tne STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION for all the Schools In the Slate of Vermont by tha Hoards of bducation or New York City, Philadelphia, Xaneaster, Heading, Huntingdon, llollidavsburg, d many other prominent towns and cities. MITCHELL'S NEW GEOGRAPHIES, The Standard Scries of America. LWAYS UP WITH THE TIMES ! nitaiL men 1 ilohell's First lesson, In Geography SO Mltehell's New Prltnarv Gooiranbv. 4to... ell ilohell's New Intermediate I jengrapby, 4to I iMitchell's New Kdiool Ueogrsphy Alias.. 1 Ml tMitoliell's New Physical (Joograuhy 1 05 Mitchell's .New Outline Maps and Hey, small series, on rollers, net 10 00 Mitchell's New Outline Maps and Key, large series, on rollers, net. m vv THE NEW AMERICAN READERS AND SPELLERS, Tba Latest and Handsomest Seriaa. THK BEST AND CHEAPEST SERIES ew American First Reader, ) BiatiaaT ...20 w American Becond Header, 1 ...BU ew American Third Header, D ...Ml cw Ameriean Fourth Header, 1 ...0 ew American Fiflh Reader, J Hit ...DO ew American Primary riieller 30 ew American Pronouncing fpeller 30 NEW PUBLICATIONS. The New American Etymology V0 xfurd Junior eneaker '3 Olford Beniof Speaker 1 Conlea can ha obtained upon the most liberal terms for introduction, by application to the pub- shore, or to V. W. I RIJ' luri, Ageni, Huntiogdoo, Pa. "Correspondence with Teachers and Direct- ore cordially invited. erpllO-Dni s TOKE HOUSE AM) GOODS AT PRIVATE SALE. W. 8. Dickey A Son offer their entire stock af tore Goods, In Klen Hole, at private sale. They also offer their House for .ale ar rent, to toil purchasers. The goods will be sold as they are on tha shelves cheap, and on aasy.tarms. If not eold by September Ifuih, tbey will no sold at cost. Hare bargains can be bad in Dry Mnmls. Notions. Doota aod hhoes. llardnorr, Ulaiswara. and in tact all kinds of goods. If not sold aulil October 1st., they will ba ottered at nation averv rielurdar we'll all ara disposed or. be Mouse i, tun best in Ulrn Hope, ana aging a m.d bu.ine.s. The ill hcellb ol H. . Jtlckcy ie tbe cause for selling. Call on or address Olen Hope, Sept. 17, l7-lm. 87G CEXTEXXIAL! 187G The New "CENTENlIAL" CLOTHING STORE! HI'.Kt SEE I Men', Suit, of Farmers Cassimera, only... I&.00 at KERR A CO. '8. Men', Suit, of Cheviot, only (.00 at KI.KK CO. 8. Men', Suits of Scotch Cheviot, only ... IS.00 at KEKll A CO.'B. Men', Bulla nf Engli.h Melton, nnly 18.00 at hfciui a tu.a. Men', Suit, of Fine Plue Diagonal.. tO.OO at K K It It A l O.'ti. Youth', Suits from $7.00 to li.00 at KKHR A CII.'H. Children', Fancy Knits, from 1 2 00 to. 10.00 at fctKR A 10. H. Gent's; Goods, best and largest stock in lown, at KE11R & CO.'8 Ngw Centennial Clothing Hotel, Comer Second and Market Streets. e-Oo and see for youwlvee. Th matt fm. OA's Ulalkifi Hantt ia CltarfirU. t JS-73 T. M. ROBINSON & CO., Dealer, la Harness, Saddles and Bridles, BLANKETS, BKUSI1E3, Fly Net", Collars, Whips, to. A large .lock of TROTTING GOODS of all descrlnuene. Also, aiarga itook of HARNESS TRIM MINUS. , jMr-Repairtng promptly attended to. Shop on Market .(reel, Graham', Row, la shop formerly occupied by Jamee Alolaneer. Clear6.l l, Pa., June ii, Wit. OOK AND READ! Saddle & harness makig ... JOHN 0. HARWICK, , Market St., CLEARFIELD, Pa., Ii tha ntnn to so to tf von wnt ft $i of new IIAHNKSS or nw BA UDLK, of mjtbtDd tin in th it t line, Ii turrit out m rood work m ti tlono ia any fhp in TonniylvAni, and bia prioM irt ry rtMoobio. LooiUoUy oa biiad full tint or TUOTTING GOODS, orh ah Trotting RndJIt-t, Quarter mttd Hhin Tlooti, Trotting Huller. Wbipi, tint Urubp nJ Combi, to. Anna twioritorni oi icii, jiuyfh itti, Knre lllinkfti, Iluffulo ItoWn, A., Ac, kept in vravon. In feet anything that bortieman nana in nl of In aln-ayi oa haii'l. All of which win ba told at wbo.iia or reiau at tha very falrcil ratci. Kapalniig irnm)tly aUaflrlad to. All wort 'rantcrtl, bhop in room formurly owunlf J ai oit Oflln. April t, 173. MfcMOVAL . REIZENSTE1N & BERLINER wholesale dealer, ia GEMS' FMMSMXG GOODS, Hare removed to lT Church etreet, belwean Franklin and White sis.,' New York. JyM'T! JAS. B. GRAHAM, dealer in Real Estate, Square Timber, Boards, , BUINULKS. LATH, A PICKITB, ;1Q7S ClraHleld, Pa, 11 NT HA Vr Cana IraapMitioR on las aninmoni j in Hell towmhip, aUmt tho 10th of July, a Uiirk UK OWN MAKK, from II to 16 yaara old Mid in bantti btfth. Tlia uana Ii on thr Irft aidr-, collar gald oa )lt ihoulritr and on tba riftht aida of the nfwk and a white epot on the left bind in kle. On the let day of Hcptfmher tba ban I came trtipaMing on my premiere, and f bare token her ttp, Tha owaor will pirate aona forward, prora property, pay charjiea and tata her away, or aha will be diapoead of ai tha law direete. CTirrl P.0., Jfji' . "f- fli'rrtisnncutjJ. E ELEVENTH ANNUAL FAIR , '- OF TUB ' CLEARFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, To ba held at CLEARFIELD, On Tl'ESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY, September Doth, and Oct. 1st, Id A 3d, 1871. Pn.inar-II. II. MORROW. Kianiinva Onnirrne N. HlriHEI,, (Chair man,) KRArTUS LIJTIIKR.E. K. SIIIRBY, 8. 11. JIIHDA.N and J. K. II 1,1 HI, VI. Tax ami nan HRl1 HKN Mi PI1ER80N. HrcnnTABT T. M. HOHINHON. Aswaiaar BrnaTAr-U. W. ELBERTY. Rules and Regulations. ramtlj tlchaU $2 0 Bin le tlokate, duriog fair. 1 00 Single adroit-ion tieketa J Children under ten year old, when acoompan led by their parente or guard i am, fre. Children under ten yeare of age not admitted nnleae aeoampanlcd by tbelr parents or guardiana. Brery pareuo wlibing to be enrolled aa a mem ber of thle Hooirty nuil apply on or be ft re tbt JTlh day of tba Sept., t7, and on tha payment of ona dollar to tbe Treaaurer ehall raeeire a oar .lfloie of neubenblp, aonulaiog tha naua of the applicant. Uvary parr on ao enrolled aa ft member enall, on tha preeenUtion of aucb certificate and the pay ment of one dollar In addition, receive a ticket which will admit hlinielf. wife and children un der ei Kb teen yoari of age during tha Fair. Life mcmbere of tha eoelety will recite a aimilar tickr-t. , All peraonamoat oa pre vide J with tieketa either Ijrned by tbe Prraidut or Chairman of tha Ex- ecu I ivo Com m it tea t obtain adm iuion, and which ean be bad from the El ecu live Committee. Treasurer or Secretary, or at tha offioa on tbe ground. Pereona acting ae Judges are expected to taoome members of tue aouiety. rersons iron other enanties ean become members by comply ing with tba above roles. Ladies can become members bv making application as above, and paviac Into tha treasury fifty cents, and the additional snm or one dollar ior a ucaei uunug the Fair. Exhibitors most bare their animals and articles entered on the Sec'ys. books on or before tbe first day of tbe rairi ard an aoitnais ana articles. except horses for pleasure and for tha trotting prises, must ba brought within tha enclosure as early as twelve o'clock on Wednesday morning, and all persons entering animals and articles for exhibition must procure eardtfrom the Heoretary, with tha class and number of entry of said arti cle. Dravinua ta niacins: eaid article on tha ground, nay anu straw win ooiurnitnea grans ror all animals entered ror premiums, ana gram will ba furnished at eost for thoso tbat desire to purchase Ao nerve snail na enierea or auowra prcmi um unless ha is free from disease, Hores wil be raoeived until Wednesday noon, but mast be entered previously. All persona who Intend to exhibit horns, eattlt, sheep or swine, or who Intend to offer Hock or any other article for sale, should not if j tbe Secretary of suoh intention, on or before tbe 1st of October, and have with bim a li"t and full desermlioa of the same. Tba number and class, and tne number la tna elans, v it U the asms of tbe article, will appeal tha card attached: but the ftanie of the ex hi hi tor will not ai.oear. Premiums aod diplomas will be paia on and after the first Monday after tha lair, but none until then, and nntu tbe 1st or Vucvtnbcr, ln3 a'ter which all motif y premiums unclaimed will ba considered as a donation tt tha Soriety. Tbe officers of tbe Society and members of the Com mittee cf Arrancrmenta must wear a bailee aes iKnatiDB their office. A select rolice lurce will ba in constant attendance for tha preservation of order and protection or property. The trotting course is well graded, ana one- half of a mile tn circuit. Amide arrangements will ba made for lie convenience aod comfort of visitors. Iiiatmrtlona to ludtfetw No animal or ar ticle oa exhibition for premium to recrir an award in mora than ane class. Ibis does not embraoo horses eoterad fur the trotting p re turns. Judi-cs ara eipressly reialred not to award premiume to over-fed animals. No premiums ara to n awarded to nuns, rows er new ere wnico shall appear to have been fattened, olt In the claisof Tat cattle, tbe otitect ol tne society being to have superior animals of this description for breading. Fat Cattle. The Judges aa fat eat us win I T particular attention to tha animals submit- te4 lor examination. It la believed, all other thinai beina eioal, thoea are tha best cattle tbat have tbe greatest weight ovtr tna smallest super- ftces. Tba Judges will require all la this alasa to ba weighed, and will take tneatnree to give tbe eupetfieea of each, and puMUh tha raiult with their reports. They will alao. before award log any premiums, require of the competitors full statements as to tba manner and eost of feeding aa required by tha regalatiuna af tha prsaiaia Ust, If there la but ona exhibitor, and ba may show aeveral animate in ona alasa, premiums will be awarded in accordance rllh tha merit of lha animal. The superintendent will take every araoaation In his pnwor for tba safety of stock and articles pa exhibition alter their arrival, and arrange soasut on the grounds, bui will not be responsible fur any loss or damage tbat may occur. Ibe tto. eiety desires exhibitors to give personal attenlioa to their animals and i rtieles, and at tbe close of tha Fair to atten i to their removal, as the Society eanaot take lurtber care ol tbem. Any article not enumerated in the above e lasses and placed upon exhibition, if worthy of notice, will be so i ta bit awarded. All articles may ba entered free or charge, except horses for pleasure, and for iba trotting Dremioma. Any Information desired rsa ba obtained by addreesing any of the oflicurs. LIST OF rEEMIDMS. Class I Ooa to aft brwdt mnd eonyvetftere. Best ball t 00 Ilest eow $8 00 2d best bull J Dt 2d brst euw... S 00 All breeds eome togcthrr In this class and com pete with earb ether, to be judged by their good points, symmetry oi irame, aoiiuy 10 laiwn anu tue store. iny win pronure, Clsiss 2 Or tit taUlt Qwtmd in lie munIjt. Best row for milk.. - v.$o 00 2d best cow for milk I H Best heifer, 8 years old I 00 Best calf under 8 months old. 1 00 Cliss J Mirfe. Beat fat bollock, eow or heifer raised and fat- tcued m tke county- . It 00 Class i-. T korngklrtd ioreee open m mtl. Best stallion, any breed $10 00 Best mar and colt, any breed, owned in Co. 10 00 Class 6 'atwiVy, draught and farm Aorses. Best single family horaa , , $2 Beat matched carriage hones... Heat span of draught horses or tnareo Best gelding or mare for work... Tbe exhibitor will be required to produce elalement from at least three responsible neigh bora as to working qualities of draught horses. to entitle aim to tue premiums in mis ciass. Best two years old eolt, Best three years old eolt - Best colt under two years old.-, Class i Trui$ ereee open fa alL Purse l?00. Best 9 In . mile beats In atari barneee. First horse, $ I U; Id horse, $60 ( d boras, $2(V, Entrance fee ten per cent, of the paree, and must accompany tha nominations V every rasa. There mast he Ova entries and three to start, or ao premiums will ba awarded. Class T 7Vffte Agrees oawrf in Ms eaMnly otf feastf ratrfy aTtwt aeora tt fair. Purse tiaO. Best S In . mile heats. In sin el harness. Klmt horse, $.0 1 Id hore,$-'10 td horse. $50. No premiums will be awarded In Ihit elase unless there ara five entries aod threw to start. Entrance fee to ba ten percent, of tbe pone and must accompany the aominatioa. ('lash For Aoeeee that Anew arr (rolled1 aelfer fAfia l.0 vpn la at. Purse lt?5. Best S In A. mile heals. In slnal harness. First borso, $70: 2d how, $35 j ltd horse, $?0. There mut be six entries and four to start, or no premiums will be awarded In th: elaee. Kntranco fro ten per rent, of puna and must accompany lha Botninauoiii. Class $ Citimrnt' pur$tfnt Aorses raiftd an c vitro in (As eotiivy. Parse $A0. Best 8 in 31, tot.'' Jaeais In nj.nness, First harsa. $.10 ; 2d aorae. $20; 81 horsa, $10 Thaxa must la six entries and four to start, or no arcaiuMns will be awarded In luis class, ton trance tee a7-iu, to accompany uio nomination. CLASS 10 tMsews'pra or sfaftoae raised1 aao? ountti a fas eooaty. Parse 170. Best 8 In , mile beats In harness. First horsa, $10 t 2d horse, $20 i ad horaa, $ Tbera muet be flv entries and three to start, or no premium will ba awarded. Entrance fee $K.00, to accompany the nomination. Cl.AM 11 Ifonainw rnfe opra la a(. Parse $160. Best 8 In I, mile heats. First horsa. $7Ai 2d horse, $60 i !id hone, $25, Rn Iranee fee lea per eent. of puree, to accompany nominations. 7 bora must ba seven entries an three to start, or no premium will ba awarded, Class II A'Aerp mnd ereoJ. Bast book, any breed .., Bet ewe, any breed... Best lamb , $1 00 , 8 90 1 00 Cut si 1 S Si a tptn tomtt. Beat boaM any broad - $2 Boat breading sow, any broed... , 8 Boat pig under I months old- 1 Class 14 Wiry. , Beat aoop II spring chickens .$8 Best$ turkeys, under I year I I Brst display nf chickens, not leas than II... I 00 j Bi'et hie ofehlfken' , , Cl.l.s 16 Agrinllmnl implmnUI. II.. I for atnbble or .ward.. t Ummt ih.antl nlnw 1 00 Beet elod crusher and roller combined.... Beet grain drill J llrst threshing maihlne, diploma and.- J Best ourn planter, diploma and- ' Heat boreo raao, uipiouia ana - Host hay pitching maehina. d Iplo ma Hast borso power, diploma and " Best original invention of agricultural impl t t m Ilest harrow Best fanning mi! ll. Hast cultivator.., 1 uo Best corn ehcller.. i 00 an .rtl.-lPB in th sc ans not manuiauiureu m the county will bo awarded ae mooied premium, but may receive a diploma. ClAsa 16 UiwtUantout farming imphmtnlt. Bestbca hive, 00 iiiimn machine ,,u Best grain cradle J 00 Beat lot of garden tool I 00 Bast display of garden tools owned by the exhibitor- IW vw This class subject to the rula tn elasi ia. CLAM H Parertf gruini, Beat 8 aorea of winter wheat $10 00 8 00 8 00 1 00 , I 00 8 00 Boat bushel of wioter wneau Ilest 3 acres of ryo. Best bushel of rye Best 8 acres or oats Best 2 acres of buckwbraU Best I acres of corn ' 8 00 6 00 t 00 2 M) be given to Best 3 acre of alover arod cat 1 bushel of potatoes.- Best buhel of timothy seed Cn.i.s beina equal prrlerenco win th om that yield I Us largest oet profit. Statements t furniahi-d bv tbe exhibitors. They mast be measured or weighed and a sample furninhed at a Fair. Applicants tor premiums wun lunmo the oommlttue with a statement signed by tbrm- elves, under pledge of veracity, ot too quantity f .rrata raised on the c round tutored for a pre lum, ana mom state aa oorrrcny in; n nd and aonditioa or tne previous crops ana iu nd and uuantity of tcd sown and the time and ode of pulting it In tba ground. Persona n- tariug field orops tor exnitmion, or inienuing w da ao. mav rive notice lo the Executive Commit tea at any time, aod have the field measured and examinedjby tba committee wniie growing. Class 18 Bread and eareafood est loaf of wheat tread.- 50 50 50 Beat loaf of rye bread . Best loaf of corn bread.. .w Best sponge cake Best itdly eake diploma diploma diploma diploma .-..diploma diploma ......... 1 oo ......... 60 , 50 Best pound cake ; ilest rniit cake Best coffee cake- Best lady rske Best oake of any kind, diploma and. Best preserves, diploma and............ Best Jelly, diploma and Beat display of preserves and jvllyv, Beat loa cream., .... 1 1 00 Clam If Bmtttr and cAeeae. Best 15 bounds or morc'of firkin batter, at leMt three months old . Best & pounds or more of butter ... 3 00 Best cheese, made by exhibitor- 3 00 1 ha exhibitor to make a eta lament of tbe man aer of preserving r kin butter and of making the aheese. CLAaa 30 rtour. . Best 50 pounds wheat. Hoar.. ....,.... ...$1 00 ... 1 00 Best AO pounds rye noar. M Best 50 pounds buckwheat flour...... M., Best 50 pounds oorn meal ... 1 ... 1 00 Class 31 Domrtti orlVea. Best box or jar of honey Beat 10 pounds maple eegar ......$! 00 8 00 1 00 .....diploma Best peacbas, put op air tight Best tomatoes, put up air tight- Itest hlackberries, air "gnu diploma diplopia Best fancy Jar of pirklee Best cured ham, diploma and..,, I vu 1 00 Beat dried beef, with mode of curing , Class 22 Dotnt$tit waa cruras, Best 10 yards flannel Best 10 yards satinet Best 15 yards woolen carpet Best 10 yards aloth Best 15 yards rag carpet (wool chain)-... ...S3 00 ... 3 00 ... 3 00 ... I 00 ... 8 00 Ben pair blankets . Heat wool fringed milts, diploma and-.... Itf-st woolen eorerlets ... 3 00 ... 50 ... 8 00 Best specimen ef knottiar, knitting, ar nee dle work iiy at na under 1 1 years old l uo Best pound linen sowing thread 1 00 Hest pound stocking yam 1 no Cet foot mat . 50 Best tidy mat- 50 Class 23 AVdVe, cAett mnd wax worfc, (e. Best specimen of needlework, diploma and- 50 Best specimen of machine sewing, dip. and 50 Best specimen flowrre in worsted, dip aod- 50 Pest specimen rmbrold'y In worstfd, dip and 50 Best specimen smbroid'y tn lace, dip and... 50 Deat specimen smbroid'y tn muslin, dip and 50 Heat tpeciiuen leather work, dip and. 50 Beat specimen wax flowers, dip and 50 Beat specimen feather work, dip and..,. 50 Brst speelmen ornamental work, dip and... 50 Best shirt by Miss under IS years, dip and 1 00 Brst bed quilt estimated fur work, dip aad 1 00 Class 24 Millinery and Drusmafang, Best millinery work, diploma and- ...$2 00 tiest areas making, diploma aad. 2 ou Clam 5 Artistic Work. Beat photograph taken on tho ground-. .-diploma Bcstlandfoape painting.. diploma Best pen to am hip . diploma Bent architectural drawing........ diploma Beat oil painting. . -....diploma Best portrait painting , diploma Best eat'le painting-..., M diploma Best painting In water col rs. diploma Heat ornamontal pointing of any kind. ...diploma Best farming seena diploma Clam 26 Dttignt. Best design for farm house aod stable. $5 00 Heet design far dairy bouaa . 3 00 Best design for (roil house ; - 8 00 Class 2iSletalie Fabric and Machinery, Beet cooking store. $5 00 Best parlor stove 8 00 Hest specimen iron tenca...,.n j vo Best display of tinware 8 00 Best specimen blaokimithing, diploma and 8 00 west specimen gunmuning, diploma ana. 2 vu Best speoimoa iron turning-. ,.. .,... 8 00 Best plate easting, diploma or - 8 00 Best shower bath 8 00 Bast original invention ia county $ 00 Best display Americas pocket and table cutlery- - A 00 Best display of edge too la -.. 8 M) Best display of farming and ield tools $ 00 CLAaa 28 TcAkci o all iiWi. Best family carriage- , $4 00 Best buggy M , 4 00 Beat farm wagon 4 00 Beat sleigh 4 00 Best lumber sled - , 3 00 Brst horse eartM.M...,H , 1 00 Best wheelbarrow - 1 00 The premiums in this elaas are intended ouly for articles manufactured In the county. Diplo mas may he awarded to articles not made in the eounty, if deserving of not me. This rule applies aiso to eiaas n . w Claii 29 Calirel-Mtre in txmnty. Best dressing bureau Bet extension table- , Brst variety of chairs Bst hedstead ..$5 00 3 00 .. 8 00 ,. 8 00 Beat waabstand 1 00 Best display of cabinet ware, diploma and- A 00 nest set oi parior lurniiure a vtt Beat Mt of chairaMU.M.Mt...MM. 3 00 Heat sofa.- A 00 Bast centre table. H,H 8 00 Bast lounge, diploma aod.,... ....... 00 Beit ofitoe chair- , 8 00 Beet rustic chair 8 00 Clam 30 Coopering anit Carpentering, man ufactured in tne eouAtjt Beat pine warn, tubs, stands, Ac $3 00 , 3 00 , $ 00 , 1 00 , 1 00 . 8 00 , $ 00 nssi set oi grain meaeuree... Bet window blinds Best lot of buekete , Best specimen of sash , Beit panel door Best pump of any kind Class 31 .floors and Qmden Vegetallre, Best I bushel rutabagas $1 00 I 00 50 Best i t nusnei carrots.. Hest 4 stalks oelerr.... Hest i bushel sweet potatoes Hrst f bushel table Ucts Ilest fi heads cabbage, diploma and Best 8 heads cauliflower, diploma and-.., Hest variety af melons, diploma and , Host so un sheit, diploma and Writ pumpkin, diploma and uau erg plant.,.. It must be shown that ail vere tablet hare beoa Cl.isi 32-Ounirr,, Saddleri and Slumaltrt. 11. .1 ,.r,' hnol, ana ,lioe,.. tist laities' boots and ehors Ilesl ui...jr of hool. aid sht,,. Hest rHin sailille for lail riding l.rl.ll, tod ma'nliiKale He.t side Oaiahrd harness leather Ite.t ll.ijh rob. made b aihibilor lisil earria,n harnre Ilest single harness , Hrst dl..l.t or saddlerjr Uesi side kip leather.. Hest tide sule leather ., Best tu, harorss H'.t r'nllrmaa's saddle '. Heat trarrling trunk Ileal ealfskin Best side upper leather Cum 33- TjUvj' I'phoUttri Best ,ul of elothea eixle by hand Best tent, ,nd rest mad. bf a lady.... lle.l eotl ojade y lad. H husk tnallrr.s Heel hair Mattress.. Beet stria eaattree, 34 Stmt War. on ... 1 oo oo ... I oo ... I oo .... I 00 ... 1 00 .... o, .... t 00 .... . 00 n ... 10 .... I 00 .... I 00 1 00 .... to .... to .... 00 .... I to .... t .... I .... 1 .... 1 Pst tai a,utlil s Class SJ ChmieaU and Chemical Acli w wi.jr. Ttest available manure at intiiUr. . ... j 'licet available manure for farm pw.dueli a J! Ii est vinegar wito moae oi making.., i n 1 M uesi aptwuncH vi auap.H Class 36 HoW and Ston. Best dreserd stone....,.- Bast buttor bowl Hest lot shingles not less than 50 Beat turned article ..$1 DO .. 1 be 1 u - 1 00 .. 1 Oft .. 1 00 It 1 w Beat floor boards worked. Best washing luavhiue-,,.., Bent butter ladl Best weather boards worked...... ' 37 Natural Mineraft. Bast suit of useful minerals of Clearfield county. Including coal $2 00 10 1 uO Best potter's clay Best collect ioo of fosiils., Best specimen of eoal 1 00 Best rabinat of minerals of Cloarfield and adjoining count toe, to be tho property of the Society A ia Beat limestone... j Beat Are clay , i Clam 38 hi if. Beat display and greatest variety of grafted fruit.- $4 00 Best display af pears, not leas than a peck. 2 51 Best quiaoas , , b9 Boat specimen of apples, one peck l 00 Best specimen of American grapes j qq, uesi natural grapes raised in county 1 w liest domestic grape wine j ua Best eurrant wine qq Best blackberry wine ('Lam 6f -Gentrat Lut, Bast display and greatest variety of flowers Zip. Beat display and greatest variety of plants- Ihp, Beat display of floral ornaments Best bankrt boquet with handle-...., Bin,' Best baadboqust H Bid ' Class 40. Beat essay aa tba eolture af erraal grains...$5 CO Beet etiey on cheap and available fertilitara ' and their adaptation to tba tail of Clearfield eoonty- $ oo Theaa ta ba tha property of the beeietT vita the privilege of publishing them. VLASS !, Bast band ef music, diploma and $M (ft Bands may appear oa exhibition on anr dtr of tbe Fair, when tbey will ba J ad gad by a com mittee. liscretlonary premiums will be awarded for all articles of merit not embraced in the above, aid exhibited by meohanies ia all the various branch- as, aad it is hoped tbat a general exhibition a ill ba made, ror all improvements useful to tbe farmer, and having valuable properties, a!tboagk not meie In tha county, premiums may be award ed by the Executive Committee. In all eases of merit, diplomas will be awarded to exhibitors re siding out af tha eounty, and sack period sro oord tally invited lo attend tha Fair aad sihibit any articles tbey may choose. Tbey will recatrs very attention at the hands of tha afteers. Aa earnest appeal Is made to our awn people to make thia tba beat fair wa ever had. Lai the exhibition be worthy of our people and credit able to the county. It Is peculiarly a county in stitution. It should ba a farmer's society aad from them should receive tha most attention and encouragement. Its good effects have beaa fait and much mora good may be done. Township organisations are very desirable acd would do much ta adraaae the interest af tbsna eiety and promote the cause of agricaltare. Afay wa hope tbat before lha next exhibition each teat chip will have formed aooietiee and tbat we mty have reports from tbem. Surely there era a (sw gentlemen ia each township wbe will lend tfceir influence to aa important a work, tiomt eoa suit make the move. Cobuittxb or AaaABcaatSTS a Stth.M. W. Chilaon, I)avid Dressier, Edward Bavas. Jntid flaiefiiiga. Walter Sblrev, AJ.Mebeli, Mart Fulton, Mrs. M. F. Wallace. Airs. Juba Norris. Mrs. O. W. Klberty, Mrs. Itlaa Brsva,, Miss Hattia Kwan, Mrs. . fi. Bartman, M i. P. Oallagher. R..ITI,R' NOTICI Notice is hereby given that tbe following accounts hate et examined and passed by me, aad remain Sled af record in this office for tha inspectioa ef keirt, legeleee, creditors, and all others in any ether wi; interested, aad will be presented to tbe nsxt Or phans' Court of Clearfield county, to be held at tie Court House, in the borough of Clearfield, eosj- tn coving en the 4th Monday (being tbe 22d day) of Hrplember, A. l, 163. Account of Adam tfrctn and Josepk L. Csap. hell, executnre of the aatate of Mary S. Campbell, lata of Bell township, deceased. rinai areoantoi jonn njtnerow, axasaior sr Isabella Thomas, lata of Woodward township, deceased. Final account of W. B. Fhirey and William P. Irvin, administrators of Martha P. Irvia, lata sf Lawrence township, deeeaeed. Final artouat ef Joha Holt, sole surviving ex ecutor of Ueoge U.bmeal, late of Bradford teas ihtp, deceased. Final account of II. L. Edmunds, exeeatar ef John A. Kdmanda, lata of tha borough of Clear field, deceased. Account of Jamee Stewart, guardiaa of iaua da J. Kylrr, miaor child of Geo. J. Kvltr, deed. Final aoouunt of Joseph ratteraon, adminntra- tor of John McCully, late of Chest tp., dee'd. Partial account of hamuel Brett), exeeater er Samuel Brilhart, late of Burnside tp., dee d. rinal account or Amos llaoler, adsBiantraisr of imoa Catherman, late of Grab am tp., deed. Final account of Hsmuel Farber, execaior sf Susannah Farber, late ef Cbesl tp., deceased. rmal areount or John 1. btraw, exeeaier at Elita J. Wood, lata of Ferguson tp., deceased. Account of Adam Breth. survivinc administra tor of Witliam Hart! erode, la re of Bell tp , dt'4. Partial amount of Adam Breth. admiaistraur of Lavinia llartlerode, lata ol Bell la., dee d Kiutavaa'a Orrtca, A. W. LaB, Kefiiur. Clearfield, Pa., Kept. 9, IbTS-te. j Full directions sent with each chart. Anyptr- son can use them. Kent post paid on receipt sf prices, vis : Law as Bnaaa Cbakt, cuts 21 inst, HOTR tack Coat CHAnr, ll sisea, kstiris. outs 21 sisoa and five style, $1.C0 each. Pisrs Chaut, cuts 21 sixes, all styles, Man s Pack Co? Cnar, cuts 11 sitra. $1 .50 each, or, fall set, lr chart", $5. AOF.NT3 WANTED, I'nioa Chart Co., Ureenville, Pa. Mrs. J. . Hamilton, agent far Clearfield, Cen tra and Clinton counties. P. O. address. Lathers bwrg. Clearfield Co., Pa. aogO ls OOT AM) S110K MAKING. JOSEPH II. PKKIUNG. oa Market rl, la Shaw's Kow, Cl.arB.ld. Pa., ha. Just reeei' a una lot af French Calf kiu. and Kips, Ibe hast Ii th. market, and is no. prepared to m.s ofeoture eretjtblnf. In hie line, lit still war rant hit work to be at rrprtsenttd. Th. eitisent of I'lwfiild and viciailT art respectfully Inriud ta fire him a tail. Work done at thort notlea. l iri-v IXKCUTOK'H IkOTICK. Xoliee is J y hat Irllere testaaienlarr kttia hern ,rantrd to the tubtorihrr on th. eltsl. ALEXANDER BKATTY, deceased, lata of Be I township, Clearlleld county, Feonsjlrania, alt porsont indrhtnl to laid estate are rtqusitod U m.k. h.vtu.nt. and thtw. htriag olaiuit aKainst tbt rarae will present thsn dolj authenticated for settlement. Jl '1.1 A ANN BKalli. Repteuiber 14, IH73-0I. ' Kiwetni. IXKCITRIX ItOTH Iir-Nollceii Jt inrtTan that letters te.lam.ntary ot tka b.i.i. of AtUl'ttTUrJ I.KCONTK.deera.l.Ila Ar .11 I . .. . k ; , i : . i J Pent a , hating boen duly (ranted t. lha undeisiuowl, alf pereone indehtod lo taid estate will ples ""' paymeiil, and Ihoaa harinf elaimt tta will present tbem properly autnemirairu i" tletnenU . CAKUL1NK LtCuME, Kieriilrll. UeonU's Milla, Pept. IfiJ"1 - 10N1W VQll KALK.-The t ipr- I 1 fl.lil (Us Ccranan. Is offerinl Itt bon,ll an Investment, running from ono lo trn yi. nraring sit per crm. interr..,,. -nuai;y on tbt flrft days of Jannary and iJ The amount il limited to tUIMKXl, hri" one third of the tlooh of the eompnn.v, thus -log tha bonds . dniraMe and safe IniMtnsM They ean htd at either of the Hank, in " ough, .r at tha Ireasiirer', office. CIcarll.M, Sept. 10, l"7.-tf 0 T,l )l1 I'" 1 Agents waniw iV.) 10 CZJ Allel.ssrrof working prof'; of either let, yonng or old, make ' " work for us In their spare moments, or "'" than at anything elw. I'ertlcnlare ! A,., O.ltriatoa A Co., I'orllaud, Maine. aetSI'i'J1 I'TmTANNrAi. kxTiTiiTtion op t m . Hint. A(rrlruHurl Kotlrly for !'', b. held at tbe -ity ol trie, oomineo" a m. .i , a nt.n.L'uni't XOth. to enntinue lour dare, llookeof enlry'low,' P - 23d. Competition is co-ettenslre with 1 " j 8tat.t aud l-rorino, and lha oltisens of eral Ktale, and lha Kominlon are annual,? - to eompete for our prlsee. There is ne " " ' charged. For 1'r.iniutn i,i,..n tloo. arall to either of thr under, gnrd. " JACOB H. tin, IT"'""" P. W. San aa. Reoordlng Swrrtsry. ftrpIO Krle, or llamshnrM 1 - " ' " -.. TT - T. . . - . V..I ir. is hrt by gi.en thai loiters '?" ''"., b-n granted to Iho undesigned on ' , , i . Li a v n iiaa. neo.' i'rie.r.,1 1 wunty. l'.nnJ" ro oo 10 00 led Itri penont loiteoiwi .., . 1Buli he' ........ 1. 1 .r. rrn - mm mska luimaai,ia !".""",, , claims agauist th. saiw will prrtenl aath.uu.atrd for fuJ f ARA aviglHl I lh. 1 a ply or anorees., t -el. ple ol nearly an nicy uau.