. tub ' CLEARFIELD; REPUBLICAN rciunio srist vsdkud.t, it COOOLANDER IIAGERTY, 1 CLEARFIELD, PA. ESTABLISHED IN 181. Tbe lr(tt Clrtulatlon of any Hewepaper In North Central Penmj Inula. Terms of Subscription. ..Id l advance, or within t month Wt ?! Said rt Mon o,,lh, 60 J! Mid after th eiplralloa of f months... 9 OO Bates ot Advertising. TtiMl"' advertlsementa, per square of 10 llnw or u.. 3 tlmM or Ini II Fur each subsequent Insertion Administrators' nd Executors' notioea..., Auditor.' notices Csstlons end Estrays................ m. rmiolutlon notices...... Profe.sional Cerde, i lines or less,l year. tccel aotloes.per line.... ......... YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. 60 S 0 1 1 to I 00 t 00 so 1 square. I .que res.. .,.tS 00 l oolumaM ......tss 00 ..16 00 ..JO 00 4 oolumn-,, 1 eolurnn. 46 00 00 00 Job Work. RLANKS. Slngls quire 60 8 quires, pr.qu re,il I ,iir..,pr,qoir.l I 00 Or.r 0, per quire, 1 60 HANDBILLS, ft ,heet,15orle.s,l 00 1 1 sheet,15 orlu,S 00 .heel 14 or low, 00 1 sheet, 11 or less,10 00 . . L 1... -. ...HlmUHlM Orer I 01 eecu ul r-"i , 0K0R08 B. UUUDl.AMU&K, KORUK UAOERTV, Publishers. ...... . a'amuT. P.mui. w. a ccaor, McENALLY & McCUEDY, ATTOKN KYS-AT-LAW, rlrerfield. Pa. se-7..el business attended to promptly with Sdeiity. Office oa Beoond street, above the First National Rank. 0:11:71 wn.Lt ah 1. w.il.ci. risuiiaa, WALLACE &. FIELDING, ATTORN EY8 - AT . LAW, Clearfield. Pa. ("Legal business of all kind, attended to with nromutuees and Oddity. Ofnoe In residence of William A. Wallace. janl:71 G. R. BARRETT, Attorney and Counselor At Law, CLEARFIELD. PA. Having resigned hit Judgeship, hal resumed tbe practice of the law in hit old office at Clear teld. Pa. Will attend the court, of Jefferson and Klk counties when ipeeially retained in connection with relident counsel. l:i:i. WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. arrOSce un .tain in Weitern Hotel ball JId. Local bu.inefi promptly attended to. Reel estate boagbt and lold. jell'73 J, W. BANTZ, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Clearfield, Pa. t-i Office no (tain in Western Hotel building, All legal busiuess entrusted to hii care promptly ettended to. July I, ISiJ. T. H. MURRAY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Prompt attention fir en to all legal business oitro.ted to nil oare in Clearfield aod adjoining soanties. Office on Market It., oppoiite Nangle'e J.welry Store, ClearOeld, 1'a. Jen A. W. WALTERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. fetvOfloe In the Court Home. dee3-Iy H. ,W. SMITH, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, eHl:l:T Clearfield, Pa. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cfflce oa Seoend St., Clearleld, Pa. noTll,6 ISRAEL TEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. M-Omca in the Court Home. Jyll.'tT JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. Office on Market St., orer Joieph Bhcwert Grocery More. Jan.,l7a. JOHN'L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. And Real Retate A Rent. Clearfield, Pa OAVe Third itreet. bet.Cherry A Walnut, -Reipeetfully offer, hli lerrlce. In lelllng and buying landi In Clearfield and adjoining eeantiei and with aa eaperienoe ol orer twenty yean aa a nrreyor, fiatten him. elf that he eaa render aaiuraetion. ireo. ao.xu, J. BLAKE WALTERS, REAL ESTATE BROKER, AID PIALia 1 Havr Ia-ogs mid Iuuiber, CLEARFIELD, PA. Met la Maeonlo Building, Room No. 1. 1:16:71 j. j. lingle, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Ml Osceola, Clearfield Co., P. y pd ROBERT WALLACE, ATTORNEY - AT-LAW, Wellerrlon. Clearfield County, Pcnu'a. kTaUAII legal buiineai promptly attendee: to, D. L. K REBS, Suoeaaor to II. B. Swoope, Law and Oollkction Office, Pdtl.l'Tl CLEARFIELD, PA. John H. Orrli. C. T. Aleiander. ORVIS & ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ilellelbnte, Pa. soplS,'6-y J. 8. BARN HART, ATTORNEY - AT LAW, Ilelleftillte. Pa. Will practise In Clearfield and all of the Court! of (ine 23tn judicial oisirioi. wi .' mm...." ad collection of claims made specialties, al 71 CYRUS GORDON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Market itreet, (north ilde) Clearfield, Pa. at- All legal buiinoii promptly attended to Js. 2t, "13. DR. T. J. BOYER, fUYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office oa Market Street, Clearfiold, Pa. -0Coe hour! I to 11 a a., and 1 to 8 p. m. E. M. J3CUEDRER, H0M(B0PATIIIC PHYSICIAN, Office In MasonU Building, April 14, 187J. Clearfield, Pa. DR. W. A. MEAN 8, PHYSICIAN SURGEON, LUTnERHDIIRO, PA. W attend professional oalla promptly. aogl0'70 J. H. KLINE, M. D., PHYSICIAN t SURGEON, HATINO located at Pennfield, Pa., offer! his professional servioas to tlJ Pnrl f tnAt fist, aod sarroundlng oountry. All eails pmmptly - " oct. 18 If. Pi- J. P. BURCH FIELD, o .""'(son of the 8Sd Regiment, Penniylranla Vol. fKotesra, baring returned from the Army, profssilonal lerrlcei te thaoltlieu JCIsarH.id aounty. Am ,w,""IDnai eain promptly aiienaeu so. !"l aa Bscond street, furmarlroaennied be "'.Weodl, ' r.n,4.'0.H Tt'H PHI aiTI ig IW LVVIt V tTtfUMlLTO y ' neatly eiecuted at thli office. CLE QOODLANDEE & HAGIRTY, VOL. 47--WH0LE NO Carfls. JOHN A. GREGORY, COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. Offioo in the Conrt linn.. ri1.IJ n- v Will always be found at homeoa the SECOND and LAST SATURDAY of each month. J. aoLiowaisa - BiTli CABir H0LL0WBUSH & CAREY, BOOKSELLERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, AND STATIONERS, aiS Market St., Philadelphia. H.Paper Flour Sack, and Bags, Foolieep, Letter, Mote. Wrapping, Partem wad Wall yP"a- fel24.70-1ypd GEORGE C. KIRK, Justice of the Peace, Surreyor and Conreyancer, -.utherabttrg, Pa. All business intrusted to him will be sromntlT attended to. Persons wishing to employ a Sur. reyor will do well to give him a call, aa he Hatters himself that he can render satisfaction. Deeds of eonreyanee, articles of agreement, and all legal papers, promptly and neatly executed. t0nor73 DAVID REAMS, SCKIVENER k SURVEYOft, Luthernburg, Pa. Till euboerlber offers hia eervioee to the publlo fa the eapaoity of Scrivener and Surveyor. All ealls for surveying promptly attended to. and pthomakingof drafts, deeds and ether legal Instru ments 01 writing, executed wttnont delay, and warranted te be oorreet or no charge. lv73 JOHN D.THOMPSON, JuttlM of tht Fwtoi and Scrlrtner. CurwensvUle, Pa togu Collection i mid and moner promntlT paid orer. fshlJ571tf J. A. BLATTENBEEGER, Claim and.Collection Office, OSCEOLA. Clearfield Co., Pa. Conreyaneinf and all lrrl raperf drawn with aoouraor and dispatch, iirafti on and pai- age tick ati to and from an point in Europe procure a. ociojv-om SIO. ALKBRT Kllfnr ALBIRT-. W. ALBBRT W. ALBERT Sl BROS., Manufacturer! A exteafireDealenin Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, 5to,, WOODLAND, fENN'A. JtOrdert follolted. Bill filled on ihort notice and reasonable termi. Addreu Woodland P. O., Clearfield Co., Pa. je25-ly W ALUKKT A UKUS. FRANCIS COUTRIET. MERCHANT, Frencbvllle, tiearfleid Couuty, Pa. Reepi eonttantly on band a full aMortment of Dry Uootli. llardwarti, Urooeriei, aad everything OHually kept in a retail itore, which will bo lold, lor oasn, ai enenp ai eiiewnere in ui eounij. rrenenvtue. jane j, lsci-iy. THOMAS H. FORCEE, PUALIS ia GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CRAIIAMTON, Pa. Also, extensive manufacturer end dealer In Square limber and bawed Lumber of all kinda. Far-Orders solicited and all bills promptly filled. l'Jyl07J CHARLES SCHAFER, LAGER BEER RREWER, Clearfield, Pa. TTAVina rented Mr. Entree' Brewery he XX. hopea by striot attention to business and the manufacture of a superior article of BKKK to receive the patronage of all the old and many new ouatomera. "ujaugn J. K. BOTTORF'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. CROMOS MADE A SPECIALTY.-.. NEGATIVES made la eloady aa well as in elearweather. Constantly on band a good assortment of KRAMKS, STKRKOriCOI'KS and BTERKOBCOPIO VIEWS. Frames, from any style of moulding, made to order. aprJe-tf JEW. SCI1ULER,- BAEBEE AND HALE DEESSEE, Second itreet, next door to Flnt National Bank, nor72 Clearfield, Pa. JAMES CLEARY, BAEBEE & HAIE DEESSEE, SECOND STREET, y3 CIEABFIELD, PA. tl REUBEN HACKMAN. House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield. Penn'a. ?n.Win oxeente Jobs in his line promptly and In a workmanlike manner. aprs.nr G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. JM Pumps always on hand and made to order on abort notice, rnies nerea on reasouanie icrme. All work warranted to render satisfaction, and delivered if desired. roy26:lypd E. A. BIGLER & CO., nan.aas r SQUARE TIMBER, and manufacturers of ALL KINDS OV 8AH EI) LUMBER. Vli CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. . M eGAUOHEYA CO.'H RESTAURANT, Second Street. OLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Alwava on hand. Fresh Oysters, Ice Cream, Candies, Nuts, Crackers, Cakes, Cigars, Tobaceo, Canned Fruits, Oranges, Lemons, and all kinds of fruit in season. tVcr-llILLlAKU ROOM on seconn noor. Zini V. McUAUUHKY A CO. poll H TROUTMAN, Dealer In all kinda of FURNITURE, Market Street, One door east Post Office, augl'71 CLEARFIELD, PA. E LI II AMMAN, PRACTICAL MILLWRIGHT, LUTHERSBI'IIU, PA. A.ent for tha American Double Turbine Water Wheel and Andrewl A Kalbach Wheel. Can fur- iah Portable G rl it Mills on snonaoiiee. jyu n AR IT. II. VAN VAIiiAU ) OlDee rieit duos to llnrtswlek A Irwin's Iiwa.a BinM. tin lain. a iu aj p ,,ltf f. tt dm 7 l sUoAlir i cui'i a- n.r.R..r.w.-Ur. R. V. WiUon, Dr. J. 0. UarUwlck. KacoUj of Jvffertoa Mejical Collcy). H. F. NAUQLE, WATCH MAKER JEWKtiEB and dealer ta Watclies, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, &c, ,ie j3 CLEARFIELD, PA., ARPIEtD Publishers. 2337. Sheriff's Sale. BY Tlrtu. of wrlli of i.,rj ,., ,. sued out of ths Court of Common Pleas of C rfield county, and to me directed, there will be eipoaed to PUBLIO SALE, at the Court a ,i .. , 5 ooro1' " Clearfield, oa Mon- j,.... ..u oayoi fiepteinher, IH73, at 1 o'oli p. m., the following Real Estate, to wltt All that certain town lot aitu.te In the borough of Houtsdale, Clearfield oounly, Pa., on the sooth west corner of Uood and Clsra atreeu, frontina on Oood street 00 feet and running west 160 feet . .... ...or, .uu anown aa ut No. 00 in the ren eral plan of aaid borourh. g.l..d. t.l... i. ... p"coVml told as the property of Joseph Also, all that M krf.tn 1A I . - - -------...... u-.lui j iram aweuing . i. ia. oorougn oi Moulsuale, Clearfield ooonty, Pa, on lot No. I0, fronting 61) reel on Hue street and extending aouth along Oak alley 160 feet to Klk alley. Seised, taken in eie eution and to be sold as the property of Patrick Mcliugb. Also, all that oertain three-slory frame stripped dWMllinv knnu .i.t r . . ... r . of the lot and eurtillage appurtenant thereto as uo.ry .or me ordinary use thereof, situate in the borough of Houtsdale. Clearfield couoty, Pa., and known as lot No. 117 in said borough, and bounded on the south side by Mary street, 65 feet front and 160 feet deep, and adjoin- .... ... ..v. , , .uj lna Blt au.y. tj4s0(j f """"lion and to bo sold as the proporty Also, all that certain two-story frame stripped u welling nouse, 18i2I feet In siae. and eurti I... appurtenant thereto, situate la the borough of Houtsdale, Clearfield oounly, Pa., on lot No. 81, ,m -u ueorge sireet end extending back 160 fret to an alley, aad bounded north by William Welle and south by lot of Lawrence Cainphell. seised, taken in execution and to be . ea me property of Martin Hopkina. Tnnai or 8ilb. The price or aura at which the property shall he struck off must bo paid at or sucn etner arrangements mads aa will be annroved. etharwi.. ik. erty will be Immediately put up and sold again at the expense aad risk of the person to whom It was struck off, and who, la ea.aofdefiolency, at such re-sale, shall make good the same, and u instance win the Deed be presented In Court for oonllrmation unless the money Is so tually paid the Sheriff. JUSTIN J. PIK, Snseii-r'a Orrica Sheriff. Clearfield, Pe Sept. 0, 1873. j SherifTs Sale. T)Y virtus of writs of fttri Facia; Issued X ) out of ths Court of Common Pleas of Clear field county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to PUBLIC SALE, at the Court House, u ,., vuruogo oi vicarneia, oa Monday, the 22d day of September, 1SJ3, at 1 o'clock, p. m.. the following Real E tate, to wit i All Defendant's Interest ia a certain tract of ana situate In renn town.hip, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and described as follows : Beginning . - in ioe line ot Dpencer; tbence by lend sold D. Spencer north 60 degrees west 48 perches to a post; thence south 40 degrees eaat 0 parches to a post ; thence north 60 degrees west 34 perches to a chestnut; thence aouth 20 degreea east 74 perches along line of drier Bell to w. oak ; tbenee south 33 drgrees ea.t 70 perehee tea hickory; thence north 30 degrees east 30 perches to chest nut ; thence south 30 degrees east 17 perches to a rcu oa ; uence north 3. j degrees east 28 perches to a hickory; thenoe north 32 degrees west 27 perches to a post; thence 87 degrees esst 32 rerches to stones tbence north 40 degrees west 06 perches to place of beginning containing 86 acres. Seised, taken la execution and to be sold as the property of ilatiliew ilonry. Also, all Defendant's right, title and Interest In all that oertaia tract of land altoate in Uraham township, Clearfield eounty, PaH bounded and de scribed ai follows, vis; beginning at stone beap; thenoe west 1 70 perches to a stone heap ; tbenee by landa of Henry Smcel north 117 A-IO perches to a stone heap ; thence by land of John Smeal east 170 perches to a stons heap; tbence by Meo. Wetsel's traot south 117 0-10 percnea to stones and plaoe of beginning containing 117 acres, 00 perches and allowanor. Ssised, taken In execu tion and to be sold as the property of David VY. Crowell. Also, two lots In (lien Tlope, Reeearia township, Clearfield eounty, Pa., both aituate on the riglit hand side of road going from Ulen Hope up Clear field Creek to liecoaria Mills. Theone lot known as No. 16 having a front of about 00 feet on the road and extending back a distance of 100 feet, more or less, and bounded on ths upper aide by lot No. 10. The other lot known aa lot No. Ill having about 00 fret of a front on aaid road and extending back a distance of 166 feet, more or less, and bounded on the lower side bv lot No. 16.- Seised, taken In execution and to be sold as the property of A. D. Flanigan. Also, all that eortaio tract of land In Cheat township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded on west by Chest Creek and T. K. Dunbar, oa north by BenJ. Woods, en east by Isnd formerly owned by McCallongh, on south by residue of the tract containing about 00 acres. Seised, taken in elo cution and to be sold as the property of S. W. Byera. Also, alt that certain lot of land, situate In Troutville, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and described as follows t being lot No. 16 in the plsn of said village, containing about one-fourth or an aare, fronting on Caroline etreet 60 feet and ex tending back to an alley, bounded oa the north by R. and J. Mollendry and on the south by an alley, baring a ainsll frame shop thereon erected. Seised, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Charles R. Sloppy. Taaai or Sit.a The price or sum at which ths propsrty shall be struck off must be paid at the time of sale, or such c her arrangmenls made aa will bs approved, otherwise ths propsrty will be Immediately put up and aold again at the expanse and risk of the person to whom it wss struck off, and who, ia sass of deficiency at such re sale, shsll make good the earns, and In no Instance will the Deed bs prssented ia Court for confirmation unlsss lbs money is actually paid to ths Sheriff. JUSTIN J. PIK, Snsmrr's Owe a, I Sheriff. Clearfield, Pa., Sept, 8, 1871. J SherifTs Sale. BY Tlrtaeofwrtdtof Venditioni Efponn,Untd oat of the Conrt of Common Pleat of Clear, field eonntr, and to mo directed, there will be otpoeed to pubtleeale, at tbo Court Home, In tho borough of Clearfield, on Monday, tbt S2d dav of Heiitembffr, 1873, at 1 o'elook, p.m.' the following deieribed real estato, to wit i Alio, a oertaia tract of land iltnato In Denatnr town-hip, Clear ft eld eoaotr, Fa., bounded front and touib bjr Oertrnde itreet, weft by Jlenry Cat- ter, north vy loovru t being one lot 00 foot front br 174 fet dwp In eaid town, having a two-itnrr plank boueo thereon. Beiied, takn in eitwntion and to be lold m tbo properl of Wm. Uuon. Alio, a oertain tract of land tllnate In Oieeola borough, Ckarlleld eounty, Pa., bonnded and de nrlbed a folluwi, vin On tho nuth by Curt in itreet, on the eait by an alley, on tho north by aa alley, and on the went by lot No. 20 and known ai lot No. 107 In tbo general plan of laid bor oucb, and having a two-ilory plank dwelling bun to and other tmtliuildingi tboreon. BeiieU, taken in esecution and to be told ai the property of Jeremiah Wagoner. Aleo, a oertain tract of land lUuate In Ore bam townahip, Clearfield eounty, Pa., bounded weat by landa of Moaee Ktani, north by landa of Hu bler'l brlra and Jamea Myrra, eaat by land of Fur ey and llctta, and aouth by townahip road and landa of William eontaioing 100 acrea and V2 perchoa, and having about 80 aerea eltrared and log boui9 log barn and bearing orchard thereon. Seized, taken in ea ecu I Ion and to be fold ai tho property of Aleiander Wilton, Alan, a oertain tract of land altnato In Deeatar townahip, Clearfield eounty, Fa., bounded and do aerlbed aa follow a i On the teat by Uertrnde afreet, north by itreet, on the weat and tooth by land of Janob Ktioer, being 00 foot front and 176 fret deep, having a two-atory plank home t hereon. Suited, taken In oxecntion and .to bo told aa tho property of Iaiah Cnpttlin. Alio, a oertain tract of land tltuate In Osceola botougb, Clearfield county, Fa-, bounded and do aorlt'rd at fnllowa, vii: On tbo north-oaat eorner of Hale and Ml one ttreatt, being 50 feat front and running oaat I AO feet to Kdward alley, being des ignated and known at lot No. 09 In tbo general plan of aaid borough. Seiaed, taken In execution and to bo told at tbo property of Aire. Margaret Mo Henry. Alto, a certain traot of land iltnato la TrooU rllle, Brady townahip, Clearfield eounty, Pa., bo ginning at a eorner between tatd lot nnd land of Andrew Miller on the tnrnpike road; thenoe along lino of Andrew Miller JIBfe!, thence watt 100 foot along Ifne of Adam Knarrto lot of Kuutai thence eaat along )fpp of Konti IIS ftet to turnpike road t thenoe along aaid turnpike 100 fort to tbo beginning containing toa-balf aore mora or Im and having a plank limine and ihop thereon. Seiaed, taken in eiecutton and to bo lold la tho properly of Frcderiok Bejh. PRINCIPLES, 'NOT MEN. CLEARFIELD, PA.,. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER Also, a certain tract of land situate la Houts dale borough, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and described aa follows, vlsi On the north-west cor ner of tieorge and Susan streets, being fifty feet front and running back 160 feet to an alley, and known aa lot No. 233 ia the general plan of aaid borough, and having a plank dwelling house thereon erected. Ssised, token in execution and to bo sold as tha property of Edward Uoodman. Also, all that certain tract of land situate In Decatur township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded south by the turnpike, east by land of Uoorgs D. Morgan, norih by Beaver run and west by J. D. MoUirk, eoutalnlng four and one-hair acres and having a large Iwo-atory hotel and other outbuild ings thereon. Soised, taken In eieeution and to bo sold as ths property of Eliss Walk. Also, two oertain tracts of land aituate In Bogga Oewaiulp, CloarOeld eoanly, Pa., . 1 beglnviug at post eorner on south side of turnpike aod on a line of the Wm. Yard survey; thenoe eaat by aaid turnpike 17 perehee to a post; thence by land for marly or Wm. Irvin, deceased, south 06 perches to a post; thence west by line parallel with the no. woug ioe lumpixe 17 perches to a post eor ner on line of William Yard survey ; tbence by .u ..u. .... .u .4 pernors 10 place or beginning, xuu.,mng ien acres ana nlteen percbee, neat measure, ana oaring a two-story plauk dwelling uuh.v. iram. auon. ir.n. aiaitia and ..-.... chard tberon. No. 2. The other Irmct tl,an.r .H Joining the land above describe,!, beginning at a p.i eorner oi rump inner lot; tbeucs south 70, degrees east 14 perches to a post; thence south It degrees west II perches and 8 links to a po.li thenoe north TW, degrees west 14, perches to a post; thence north I, degrees east to the plaoe of beginning, oontaining one acre. Seiaed. taken In execution anil to be aold aa the nronertv of Wit. II. W L' 1 - ' ' " Also, a oertaia traot of land ellnata In y.Tn.a. Ville, Uulich lOWU.Iiln. ClearAelrf ni. p. bounded on the west by lot of P. A. Flynn, on the east by Walnut street, on Ibe north by an al- a-j auu luo BOUIU UV lot Of Win. Hailaalnk oontaining one town lot and having a plauk dwell log nouse Uicreon erected. Seisad. taken In .... cution and to be aold as the property of Franoos Also, all defendant's Interest In that m.i. piece oi una situate In I'ibe township, Clearfield county, Pa., (now Ferguson), beginning at a post u.u.riT uioaorr corner! timnMi h i.nH r i ,i Zautslnger south 44 degrees ret to nerehea . rJ- i " "j rrmainuur oi same acuta 4V de grees weat 160 perches to a post ; thence again by residue of said land north .12 degree, west 17, perches to a post ; tbence along uriglnal Hue by Fox A Co-'a land north 88 degreea east 160 perches to ths niece or bcaionine. enntaininv Ini and 147 perches and alloa-aiioe, with bouse and barn thereon erected. Also, another piece ot land . twwu.nip, oeginning at post on north bank of river b) Lumber City lota north 30 degreea east 20 oerebos to a no.t ; ih.naa h i.. of Jas. Arthurs south 61 degrees east Il( perebes . uin. vaa j menu, oy mnu oi Jason Hlra south 16 degrees east 36 perches to white oak on bank of river; thence up said river north 43 degrees west 31 perches to plseeof beginning, eontaining 37, acre.. Seiaed, taken in execution and to be oio, aa ma property of Joba Henry. Tanul or SaLB.-Tha nrlfl. ne sum .1 htk the property shall be struck off must be paid at the tiu.0 of sale, or Such other arran.am.nt. made as will be approved, otbsrwiss ths proper ty will be Immediately put up and sold again at the expense and risk of the person to whom it was struck off, and who. in case of deficiennv at sueh re-sale, shall make good the same, and in no instance will the Deed be presented in Court lor eoonrmanon unless tne money Is actually u.iu iu in. nneriu. f US ril J. fltG, Suumrr's Orrtra, I Sheriff. Clearfield, Pa., Dept. , lsri. j T 1ST OF JURORS drawn for Sept. Term, JJ A. V, 1873, eommeoeing on tha fourth Aloa day, 22d day : QaaxD jvnona. Levi Sunderland Rell D. W. I'hilson Iiloom A. B. Shaw- Gosbsn Jacob Witbelm.,Uraham Henry Hngerty... Uulich Jas. II. Turner-. ..Bnggs Mark hylerH...llrsdroru U. Id. Thomi..on..lira.lT J. L. Shnir....Houtliale D. W. Wise Jordan I). E. MukeJ.- Knox James IrvinM M W. J. Kime.....Bumstila L. J. Kurd Chest L. Flood. ...... Covington Wm. Porter-... Clearfield W. P. Tate... Lawrence Jar. L. Stewart. ..Morris J. Savau;e..N.Waatiingln James B. risrk....i'enn Johnston Holdcn...Piks J. R. Arnold Union M. Hills.... E. L. Hughes.... Dooalur TRAViasa jrnoaa. L. Gearhart...,Boirri R. C. John ton. .Clear field L.tM.Coudrict.Covington Ira HhatTr,Carwrnavilla Jauiea Alberts... Decatur A brum Jloover..Oralinm 11. 11. Mtirrow..,.ioehen OcorgQ Stanley. ..Uulich Jacob Honey " Uriah Lilt- " John Liti Beccaria I). MchaiTcy Burnafdr R. K. Wilton..'. 11 Jat. M. Croery- M T. W. Hitrhen, Jaa. II. fiflinger, Jacob C Hnitb. (Jporge Horn Framnton Bell.., illiain liagnrty ' ..Brady Deo. Hneertv..Houti(lale Tliomaahtrong.e.Joraan Jamct .Mcneal... ' ....Bell A. A. Read Lawrenoe Henry Albert.. .Bradford Daniel Stewart, 11 Daniel Oraham, " John Hnrk M N. P. Wilaon... " John Smeed.... Cheat Tobiat Wcatover " EdwnrdWood " J.M'Uughlio..Clearfic1d A - i. Irvin..... W. 8. Bradley Cornel. Owent, T. 8packman.H " Wm. C. Duff... Job. II. Row let 41 S. II. Shaflner, " R. Spackman.. 11 John Campbell...0acen1a Jot. K. Hrpburn....Pcnn Jamet Arthort ' Win. II. Kreeraan.e.Pike John Anlmrr " Jamuel Mitore.. " Robl.Caraon, Woodward C0UET PROCLAMATION". YtTHEREAS, noo. 0. A. MAYER. President If Judge of the Conrt of Common Pleat of tho Twenty-fifth Jndieial District, eompoaed of tnt countiet or utearDeid, Centre and Clinton and Hon. William 0. Folkt and Hon. Joan J. Kbad, Atioeiato Jvdgti of Clearfield eonnty have laaued their preoapt, to mo directed, for tht holding of a Court of Common Pleat, Orphans' Court, Court of Quarter 8eietont, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Court of ti en eral Jail Deliv ery, at the Court Houao at Clearfield, In and for the county of Clearfield, commencing on tbt fourth Monday, Vid day ol tcpt., IM73, and to con tinue one week. NOTICB IS, therefore, hereby given, to tht Coroner, Jnttioi of tbt Peace, and Con sublet, in and for laid county of Clearfield, to appear la their proper persona, with their Records, Rolls, Inquieitioni, Kiaminatlona, and oiber Reman brancet, to do tbost tb'ngt which to their officii, aod in their behalf, pertain to bt done. GIVEN noder my hand at Clearfield, tblt Sd day of September, In tht year of onr Lord ont thouiaod tight hundred aod seventy. three. JUSTIN J. PIK, Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR'. NOTH l Notice It hereby given thtt letteraof Administration on the estate of ALKXA NDKR UKATY, deceased, late of Bell townnhip, Clearfield eonnty, Penn'a. having been duly granted to the undersigned, all person! indebted to it Id estate will please viko Immediatt payment, and thoto having elalmi or domandt will pretent them properly authenticated for teillament without delay. JAMKS BKAlY, Aogmt, 13, 1873 It. AdminUtretor. av; herebv given thai letters of adtninlstratica the eatete of HUM UNI) IIKAimi.N'tlER, dee'd, late of Covington township, Clearfield oonnty, Ps., having been duly granted to the undersigned, all parsons indebted te aaid ratals will plea.0 make payment, and those having claims or demand, wijl present them properly authenticated for sst tlement. EIiJKNK UKAIIRINtlER, Administrator. Leeonts's Mills, BepL 10, lTS.-t DVIINIMTRATtlRH NOTIC'K. Nnties Is hsreby given that letlersof administration on Ibe estate of UKNJAMIN HA HID, lata of Hell township, Olaarfield eonnty, Pa., deceaRed, having been duly granted to the under.igued, all fiersons indebted to said estate will please nske mnediate payment, and those haviog olaims or demands will present them projietljr authenticated for settlement without delay. JAM KB A. CAMPDELL, augJ7-6t Administrator. AIlMINIXTRATflR'H NttTU'E. Notice Is hereby given that letlersof administration on the e.t.le of I'KThK M. HMIill, deceaard, lata of Rell township, Clearfield eonnty, Penn'a, having been duly granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate will pleane mass immediate payment, end those having slaims or demands will present them properly authenticated for seltl.m.nt without delay. JOHN 0. CONNOR, augfj-ftt- Administrator, ""OTICM. Application has been made te the 11 Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield county, Fa., to great a charter of Incorporation to the "Odd Fallows' Hall Association of (lien Hope, and ir no aufiisieni reaeua be shown to ths con trary, the same will be granted at the nest term r Court. A. C. TATE, s.plt-31 PfOthoaotary. THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 17, 1873. Democratic State Convention! A Sound Platrorm I Strong Candidates I The Salary-Grabbers Degounced most Emphatically I -vThe Old Spirit Arousod I This body nsgomblod at TTilkea- Barre, on the 27lh oi August, and at AW. n'lnt. A If II D -IT I. ten o'clock A. it., lion SnmuolJ. JUn dull, as Chairman of the State Con trol Committee, announced to Uie del egate that the time had come to call the Convention to order, and that he was ready to entertain a motion to proceed to a temporary organization. Mr. W. C. Carrigan then moved that Dr. Andrew Kehinger, of Philadel phia, be elected temporary chairman who w elected unanimously. .Messrs. P. (i. Meek, A. W. Fletcher and C'apt. Brock way, acting aa tem porary clerks for tho State Conven tion to facilitate tho organisation. Dr. Zollinger was conducted to the chair by Messrs. Carritran and Stran- aban, and then apoko as follows: tiiNTLEMEN : I know that accord ing to party custom, when an individ ual is culled to a position, such as that which I now occupy, be makos a nneech. Sometimes 1 have thoucht that tho custom was "more honored in the breach than in the observance." and if upon this occasion I wore to consult my inclinations I would not make a speech. Bui it would be en tirely unbecoming in me, standing here as your choice, your unanimous choice, for the position of your tem porary presiding officer, if I did not extend to you my profound thanks ior mo Honor you uavo conlerrcd up ... r on me. It may, howovcr, be proper for me to obsorvo that we have mot here at a time and under circumstances which may be regarded of vaBt importance lo tho great Dcmocralio parly. The words, "great Dcmocralio parly may, porunps, lull upon some ears slrarguly, because that great Demo cratic party, by Kcpublicnn party fraud and wrong, has not boen what it ought to be and whore it ounht to oe uppiausoj the ruling and the dominant party, not only of this State, but of the whole Union. I rnnent s.iiviciiieu, -ic yrcui jjemocraitc par' ty I" If we were to take a retrospect ive viow of our government, we would find that ho law, truly Democratic in itself, has ever been passed wbich bad not its origiifin the Dcmocralio par ty. If wo were lo take a retrospect ive view of the history of our govern ment, we woum and that tbere has not beon a singlo liberal measure of any importance that could not cluitn lor Us paternity tho Democratic par ly. Ot the territory which has been acquired by our government since its foundation, not a loot nor an inch has beon added except under tbeinfluonce oi ino iiomocrulio parly, whether in war or in peace, by treaty br by pur chase. This is a matter of record and tho lime for its recognition is ra approaching. Whether that time will lie delerred or hastened depends en tiroly upon the readiness with which we may secure unanimity of action. ana divest oursolvos of any dimen sions wbich may exist in our midst, and in presenting as our Btandard bearers men of intelligence, men of mark, and mon who are recognized, both wilhin and outside the party, as gentlemen competent to fill the plucos l!-L .1 I. r 1 io wuicu iuey arecaiiou. Long con unueu cniiiusmum J il.al is your worn upon tins occaxion. Gontlomon, may I bos you to set aside evorything personal, nnd to look only to tho great interests not alone oi the party those are secondary out ol ino iNalion and State, which aro of primary importance -Thanking you for the honor vou have done mo in calling me to preside ovor your uuiiDoralions, i am now ready, gentlemen, lo ontorlain any motion. On motion of Mr. Wright, of Lu- xerno, the following resolutions were adopted, nflor being modified upon the motions of Mr. Carrigan, of Phil adelphia, and Mr. Komlort, of Ilarris- ourg. ORDER OF HUSINKSS. Tho selection of a committooof one be named by the dolesatos Irom ench Senatorial dislrict (except those which are contested on contested seats. wnnso decision suuli bonnal. iho selection of a committee of thirty-throe members of this Conven tion to be named by tho dolegalos from each Senatorial district lo renorl res olutions upon platform to this Con. volition, lo which commillco all reso lutions upon plullorm shall be refer- red without debalo and without being re ltd. Tho soleclion of- ft committco of thirty three mombers to be named by the delegates from cucli Senatorial district to report permanent o Ulcers to this Convention. The list of dolcgatos was read, who answered to their names as follows : SENATORIAL. I. Philadelphia D. Andrew Kabinger. 1. do F. L. Moore. . do A. II. Lailner. 4. do Thos. R. Klcoek. I. Chester and Delaware Porcipher Baker. 6. Montgomery L. Clayton. T. Rucks and Northampton W. V7. II. Paris. f. Herka Ueorge 8. Wander. . Lancaster Wm. P. Urinton. 10. Bchuylklll Mrer Slrouee. 11. Leblghand Carbon Jacob 8. Dillinger. II. Dauphin and Lebanon A. L. Roumforf. 13. Lussma, Monroe and Pike 11. H. Wright, J. II. bony. 14. Bradlord, fun)Uehanna, Wayne and Wyo ming R. II. Hawley. 15. Columbia, Montour, Lycoming and Sullivaa Peter Rnt, J. M. fllgglns. It. Cameron, McKaan, Poller and Tioga F. W. Knoi, 17. Snyder, Perry, Northumberland aad Union C. M. Lelienring, C. M. Hurley. Is. Clinton, Cambria, Clearfield and Klk J. P. Hals. It. Cumberland and Franklin J. II. Orabam, Jr. 10. Adams and York K. W. Btahlo. 11. Uedford, Pulton, Dlalr and Somerset B. F. Meyers. JJ. Centre, Juniata, JlilTlis and Huntingdon Jenjet NorUj. REPUBLICAN. 17, 1873. ... Allegheny J. C. Barr, J. A. Elder, J. II Hopkins, H. McKelry, i. 8. Hurray, W D. Moore. 74. Indiana end Westmoreland Wm. Donnelly, n. Payotte and Green David Oillmore. iS. Roarer, Duller and Washington Ueorge W. nui.r. 17. Clarion, Jefferson, Armstrong and Fore.t Clareuoe L. Barrett. 28. Lawrence, Meroer and Venango James A oiranauan. 39. Crawford Pearson Church. 3. Erie and Warren REPRESENTATIVE. Philadelphia 1. Charles M. Leisenrlng. " I. A. A. Laws. t 11 8. ftamuel Josephs oontesled. " 4. 8. ti. Thompson " 4. C. II. Dougherty. " S. Col. R. P. Deckert. " T. William Kendall. - - - a. Thomaa K. saakUL . D. R. Wolf. 10. B. M. Stable. " 11. C. Abel contested. " 13. B. Zulich " 13. John Boileau. 14. John Pewell. " 16. M. J. Higgin. " IS. Charlca W. Carrigan. " 17. Fred. O.rker. " 18. Bernard Keller. Adams Thomas 0. Keely. Alb'gheny Pittsburg, C. O'Donnell, J. P, Ilel.el, J. II Hopkins, C. Fe, W. 11. Reed, Jo- senn ll Armstrong A. J. Montgomery. . nearer, Uutler and Washington 1. J. II. McCreery. S. Jacob Zeigler. , 8. Samuel Ruth. 4. W. B. Dualan. Bedford and Fulton R. A. McDonald. Berks 1. Ueorae 8. Wonder. do i. Wm. U. Albright, do 3, Wm. Rosenthal). Blair T. W. Jackson. Bradford Fred. Wattles. II. B. MeKean, Bucks J. Album. J. B. WriihU (i. W. AleOaflr -auii.ria ii. a. Alrriee. Cameron, Elk and JefTerson Joha B. Wilson. Carbon and Monroe Robert Kloti. Centre Chester Robert H. Mngnahan, 8. P. Nirea. Clarion aad Forest A. U. Ban. Clearfield A. W. Lee. Clinton, Lycoming, Sullivan Jas. H. Oamblo, Columbia A. M. U. Millard. Crawford Pearaon Church, M. N. Allen. Cumberland James U. fireham. Dauphin and Perry Charles Rodermel, Jacob liccts. Delaware J. C. Leiper, D. P. Shively. Erie Alfred Short, D. C. Kcanedy. Fayette Richard CamobelL Franklin U. M. Nead. tlreene Joseph L. Mot'onnell. Huntingdon It. Milton f peer. Indlnna S. R. Rutlrdge. Juniauaad Mifflin Dr. A. II. Bhsaffer, Lancaster . S. Dstneiler, W. U. Eugle, I. 8. Hoover. Lawrence J. 0. MeConaghy. Lebanon Wm. B. llresliu. LehiKh Dr. H. J, Martin. W. J. Rothrook. Luserne F. A. Bcami.b, Dr. Fruit, Henry Bren- nau, j. ti. rtara. Mercer Albert Priee. Montgomery Lukens Clayton, F. M. Kane. Northampton II. W. Scott, A. W. Lerch. Northumberland and Montour J. W. Rvan, Lemuel phiptnan. Pike and Wayne Dr. Falmer. Potter aad McKcan C. Uollenback. Schuylkill W. 8. Thomas. Snyder and Union Somerset J. J. Hoffman. Beiouchanna and Wyoming R. R. Little, Abner Tioga John lineman. Veuaego Samuel Plummer. Warren ti. N. Paunleas. Westmoreland J. J. Johnson, U. C. Warden York A. 11. Ulats, E. D. Ziglcr. Thcro was an effort mado to post pone tho appointment of the Commit tees on lioHolulions and Permanent Organization, until tho contested seals were disposed of, but every motion ior inui purpose was lost. M. Carrigan offered a resolution in cliect to allow I tee Philadelphia dole gation to sottlo thoir contested soats themselves, wbich was discussed by Messrs. Wright, Carrigan, Hopkins, aioore, duit, itumion, Aloneiron. &iir. lor, Dougherty, Iluverns aud others, and al'tor numerous motions and amendments, was lost, The committee on contested Boats was then named as follows! COMMITTEE ON CONTESTED SEATS. 1 J. 11. Hevern 10 J. R. Anderson I T. E. Oaskill 17 Lent. Sbipman 3 Maj. Stahle IS A. J. Mcl'ike 4 C. W Carrigan It I. II. Uraham, Jr. t Pereifer Baker .. 10 A. II. Hints t Frank M. Kane II T. W. Jackson 7 11. Wi Rootl 11 0. W. MoCoffy tl. S. Wonder 13 Conleated W. II. Eagle 14 R. A. Rutladge 10 Miobael Itonney 16 J. M. McCoancll 11 Wm. J. Rotbroek 10 I. H. McCreery II 0. Rodimal 17 C. L. Barrett 13 F. A. Beamish, J. B.19 Albert Price Stark 1 P. Church 14 Abner Urifrllh 80 Alfred Short It 8. M. Oamble Gen. Davis, of Bucks county, then onurcd tne lollowing xfMofenf, That the Committee oa Contested 8eats retire immediately and report as soon as practicable, and that meanwhile the names of ths committees on remanent Organisation and lies. olntions be handed In, leaving out all districts In which there was a eonte.t, which shall be added by the delegation, after the Committee on Con tested beat, elial! have reported.' Agrecu to. The following committoe on resolu tions was thon selected. COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTIONS, 1 Dr. A. Nebingcr 1 Thomas E. Uaskill 8 A. H. Ladner 4 Thoma R. Klcoek IS John R. Anderson IT JaoiiB1 Leisrnring IS James B. Hill 10 Samuel Eminger 10 A. U, Zclgler 11 J. J. HoOmaa 11 A. H. Sheaffer ' 1,1 Contested 14 C. F. Warden 15 Richard Campbell IA Capt. I. Zeigler 17 J. B. Wilson IS J. A. Slranahan 10 M. P. Davis 80 0. M. Paruialoe I R. K. Moneghan 8 t'harloa Heist T W. W. II. Davit 8 Wm. Rosenthal 8. 8. Detweller 10 Mver Sirouse 11 Major It. Kioto 11 A. I.. Ronrarorl, " H. II. Wriihl 13 P. F. Fulmer 14 E. B. Hawley 1 J'eter hot The following committee on organ ization was then selected : COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATION. I R. P. Dechert IS J. R. Anderson 1 Jamea Atwell 17 Dr. Charles Wilson 8 John V. Powell 1, C. S. Mol'rrniiok 4 C. Y. Carrigan 10 R. M. Kead 8 John C. Laipiar 80 E. W. Stahle t Leikens B. Clayton II R. F. Myers 7 Nalhan C. Jonaa 11 James Worth 8 J. I., tirts 1.1 t'ontestid 0 W. P. Brinton 14 J. J. Johnson 10 W. tl. Thomaa 11 J. L. M. t'ooaell 11 O. L. Dross 2 U.W. Miller II J. II. Hlets 17 A. R. Ilarr 13 II. J. Ilrannen IS II. P. Plumer J. B. Doney 10 H. V. tloetehini 14 II. B. McKean 30 li. N. Pennies 18 Mordecai Millard Atlhis time the President announced that tho soleclion of temporary Sec retaries had been inadvertently omit ted. On motion, tho present temporary Secretaries, Morsrs. P. Gray Meek and A. W. Fletcher were retained. The Convention thon look a recess until half past two o'clock. jty way or paronlheais, It may bo here stated that tho Committee on Contested Seats organized by select ing A. II. Glats, of ott county, chair man. In the matter of the contest be tween Alddrman J nines McColgan and Snmuol Josephs the comiuilloo sus tained Josephs by ona vole, tha votp being: josopns ii, .ticuoigan ia. ji as given out mtii .ir. josopbs was sustained simply la coDS(iauenc oj'MunaghkD slowly arose until il tow TERMS $2 per annum in Advance. NEWSERIES-VOL. 14, NO. 37. Aldorman McColgan belonging to an- oiiior district, (ino nun) when by the rules tho contestant must come from the same district as the man bo OPHOBC8. which is the Third di In the Fifl h Philadelphia disl ricl con test me seat as a delegate was given to Chas. II. Doughorty over John O'Neill. In tho Allegheny county contest tho committco decided to admit five of each of the delegates wbo favor Hutch inson or Barr for Slate Treasurer. Tho temporary President decided the maltor promptly, and, amid pro testations, Mr. Josephs took bis seat as a member of tho Convention. The Convention here took a recess of 80 minutes, at tho expiration of which time tho Committee appointed to roport on pormanont officers of the Convention presented tho result of their deliberations through the Chair man, Col. Itobcrt P. Dechort, of Phil adelphia : AFTERNOON SESSION. The Convention ro-assombled at 8 o'clock, with tbo temporary Presi dent, Dr. Androw Kehinger, in tho chair. The Chirman of the Committoe on Contested Scats then presented their report with the addition that in the oontest botween the Philadelphia con testants, Wm. Kendall aud George 8. Coburn, from the Seventh District. tho seat awarded to Mr. Kendall. .Afler the rendcrinir of the report Mr. James II. Jleverin, of Philadel phia, moved its aoceptunco, when the tton. oeorgo s. v under, ol Berks, quickly roso and obioctcd to Mr. Samuel Josephs being admitted s a memoer oi tho Uonvontion. FOB PERMANENT PRESIDENT, R. MILTON SPEER, Tho eceno which followed the nom ination of K. Milton Speer, for per manent President of tbe Convention ill never be foriroltcn by any one who witnessed it. For twenty min- utos ociore mo committee on perms nent organization entered tho Ii nil. il was known that Mr. Spocr's friends nau succeeded in having a roport mado up in his favor. Tho rumor run from lip to lip, and the announcement was received with mingled incredulity and indignation. Following thcannounce- mont came a rumor that a movion would be mado to reject the report of the committco, and this was received with unmistakable and almost univer sal signs of approval. heu the chairman of tbe committco handed in his report there was breathless si lo nco in the convention. 1 he an nouncernont thut Mr. SnoAr hurt hon. recemmendod by the committee for the position of permanent chairman did not brook Ihe solemn and portcn tious pauso. Quietly, in a tono of voice wbich was decidedly low, but with measured enunciation that made every syllablo audiblo in tbe romolest corners ot tbe lurgo court chamber. A. litestand t.lalz, ot lork county. moved that tho report of the commit- teo, so fur as it related to permanent president do non-concurred in. Jn brief phrase, without circumlocution, Mr. Gluts announced thut bo made tho motion becauso ho had been rclia bly Informed that Mr. Speer had taken duck, pay as a congressman. As Mr. (ilate took bis seat a murmur of ap plause rose which swelled until it filled tha room. It was not boisicrouB, but the spectator could roadily porcoive tnni it indicated the opinion ot a ma only ot the delegates. .Mr. Spcor must, nave noticed this, lor bis luce was gbuslly in its palor as be roso in hi soul and addressed the chair, lit was well known to most of tbo mem bcrs of tho convention, having beon a regular attendant at Sluto conven tions. Ho possesses tho advantage of a tall Dgure and a commanding pres ence. With a high forehead, a pro fusion of black hair and marked fea tures, be is a man who would attract allonlion in any assombly. Here ho win among bis friends and intimate acquaintances, men whom ho hud known for years, men wbo had trusted and conhded In him It ia safo to sot that thero was not a man upon the floor of the Conven tion or among the crowds in tho ainles and galleries wbo entertained tho slighlvnl feeling of personal animosity towards mm. tin tho contrary, bo had the sympathies of tho assemblage with him Tho delegates sat there im pressed with Ihe samo sense of respon sibility which weihes down a tender hearted judge when ho is called upon lo pass the sovorest sentence upon an offender who has elicited bis sympathy. Tho silence was profound when Mr. Spcor began his remarks, and it con tinued so lo such a marked extent thai Iho xpenkor could bo heard lo draw his breath botween the periods of bis pcenh. 'lucre was a quaver in his voico as ho begun wbich continued until near tho close, when bo turned towards Mr. Glutzand hurled defiance al him, accompanied by recrimination. Thon his voice grow harsh, as he made harsh charges and then a flush of in dignation swept over his blanched eks. Once or twice during the pee ch of Mr. Spoer sorqe of the I'hiltt- Iphia delegation chipped their hands nd alamped with their foct, and this Itompl at nppluuao mot with a faint response Irom scattered delegates throughout tho hull. For the most art, however, the delegates and audi ence preserved a complete and rospocl- nil, Dut an omimnus and dishearten ing silunce. Mr. Spoor did not defy puhlio sentiment. His speech was an earnest and very hum bio plea in his own Dclialf. llo made no demands, bo asserted no rights, bo merely irn- ored and begged the convention lo pare him from tho threatened humili ation. As ho turned from side to ido, as he appealed to dolegalos by name, bo could not help seeing thai in the breasts of a vast majority a sense of puhlio duly was repressing and smotiioring ths sympathies excit ed by personal friendship and the emotions which his bosoeching tone would have enkindled under ordinary circumstances. Mr. Speer occupied some twenty minutes in making his piea. Prom a seat close to thorhair of the prosidont tho form of Kabert K ' crod abovo tho ordinary slalaro tl man. Mr. Monaehun is a Dornocro of tho old school of tho straiphlcf soot, and ho is a standing dolcpnt from Chester county. Kvorybud; knows him, nnd everybody knows, him lo be ono of tho raobl thoroughly boncBt and fearless men living. Ho ia a fine spoakor, but so vehoment when excited that ho somoliinos shiv ers bis voice and bocomcs inaudible to' distant hearers. At tbo close of bin aentonces Mr. Monagbnn's fuco indi cated that bo suffered almost as much as Mr. Speer. Ho one wbo beard him doubted tbo extreme reluctanco with which he took part in the discussion. From tbe lime he began by alluding pathetically to tbe close and long con tinued friendship which existed be twoen him nnd those whom a stern sen so of duty com polled him to criti cise until ho closed with an earnest appeal to Mr. Spocr, urging him to relievo the oonvonlion by withdraw ing, Mr. Monaghan did not trans gress the bounds of courteous dobato in any respect. Ho did not indulgo in a single harsh epithet. Ho review ed tho course of tho offonding Con gressmen with an air of sadness mixed with profound regret. Ho placed bimsolf in the position of tbo tax rid den masses, looked at the back-pay through the spectacles of a Pennsyl vania 'farmor, who Gnds it bard to make both ends moot, adjusted the glasses to tbe eyes of his follow. motn- bers and bade them seo as their con stituents saw. Mr. Monaghan's speech ' was profoundly impressive, bee huso ho was profoundly in earnest. Tiroo and again bo was interrupted by out bursts ot applause winch shook the solid walls ol' tho building, and, whoa bo took bis seat the result was no lon ger doubtful. MONAOHAN'S SPEECH. No synopsis of tho speech of Mr. Monaghan would do justice to him. Ho said that it was the most unpleas ant duty of his life to oppose tbe ele vation of one who had always been his warm personal friend lo an bonor- ablo posiiion. -Nothinir but regard for the best interest of tho Democratic parly, and through it the best inter ests of tho country could induce him to opon his lips. - Back of this Con vention slood tho hard fisted yeoman ry of the State, the farmers, tho me chanics, tbe working men. Whether these Congressmen wore wilhin con stitutional limits wben they went to tho national treasury and took from it tho money of the peoplo was not tbe point at issue. Tho moral aspoct of the question was what the Convention musl consider. Tho indignant masses could not bo expected to pause over the cobidoralion of legal technicalities in such a case. They wont directly to the matter in hand, and determined it by the commonest rules of common honesty. If they hired a man for so much a month they did not expect him lo put his hand in their pockets and tako out ono third nioro. They would not tolorato that, and they had a very short and homoly name for such a transaction. Tho taxpayers feel thut Ihcy have been wrunged by what they call tbe Congressional Sal ary grab. Turning lo the agricultural districts we find a general gloom rest upon tho pooplo. Heavy taxation taxation increased that officials may livo in luxurious chso, sucn expendi tures as are involved in tins grub tiv brought a weight of debt upon tho farming classes. Go to the Court House in Chester county, and there, four times in each year, you will find a list of SherifTs sales, reaching front ceiling to floor. In my own county, men who have worked hard since they loft their cradles, till now that tbey are tottering into their graves, are being sold out by tho Sheriff. Tbey turn lo our servants for they are1 our servants and not our masters and find that they who were sent to Congress have opened tho public treas ury and r.elpcd themselves, iou, sir; you, sir, Jlr. ppcor, and tho rest ot Ihoso men, took (15,000 lor a few months' service, while old men, your' constituents, have not mado so much in a long lite ot honest toil. Shall this man come hero and ask us to advanco him and outrago tbe mil lions whom be has wronged f Many voices, "No." In Gods name I an swer No 1 As one who loves the peo ple and docs not caro for offico-holders thnl is my reply. I have been noti fied by a member of Congress, that I might make tho most of this; that tbey were going to drive this Ihing through the Convention. Let the issue conio riglit hero. 1 say unless- we stand straight on this record we will be defeated most overwhelmingly. Let us tell the peoplo thut we are on their sido, and not on tbo side of tboso who have robbed them. These inert. aro, I am glad to say, still young men young enough to repent of this, tho mistake of their lives. IxH them re tire and do penance. Lot us huvo some man of. perfectly unspotted re cord to presido over the deliberations of this convention. 1 appeal to my' friend Mr. Speer, and bog that ho will-' magnanimously withdraw his name. bile Mr. Monaghan was speaking. J.' Lawrence GcU, ex-Congressmatt from Berks county, could not keep his scat. At least half a dozon times be leaped from his chair and callod out -Mr. J. resident in a weak voice, which was almost smothered by agi tation. His fuccshowod that ho was suffering all the pangs of intense men--tal torturo, and somotimos ho seemed to lose all presence of mind. A friend stood by and tried lo calm him, but wilhouteffect. F.vory time Monughan . paused to gather breath, Gelz bound--ed to bis feet and called out "Mr. President" in tones which sounded like a hoarse whisper. The Presi dent did not seem to hear bim, nnd Mr. Monsghnu either failed to see hiiu or persistently refused to nolico his at tempted interruptions. P inal!y,when Monaghan hud concluded Mr. Gcta succeeded in attracting the attention ot tho President. Commencing in a. low tono of voice ho proceoded to pro-- nonnco a eulogy upon Mr. Speer, but had not proceeded far until ho an nounced that he had gono further than Mr. Speer without violating his con victions of right, that he bad not only taken the buck pay but voted for ii. It needed no more. That nnnonnro. mont was followed instantly byasibi lation of hisses that filled the largo' hall with a sound so peculiar and au- startling that all who heard will re- member it while lilo lasts. Then through this undertone of intenso in dignation thoru broke a yell of wrath which swept around the largo auditori um, until its echoes filled every nook and recess and extended through tbo outsido aroa to tho streets beyond. while through the cjrolipg sound, like missilea through the smoke of battle camo the nlereingeryol "lliiel i IMtj: I thief 1 1 1 Ho" Duller might have stood up agaiqst that storm, though) he bus uover encountered opposition Concluded on l'ort Tajs