THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, 1'A. . VYBni'PSDAY MORNIKH SEPT. I, I87. fJ- Letter From Union. . Hockton, August 25, 1873. Editor Republican s Dear Sm I have scon some print ed documonls, licajod "Domocratlo Convontion," calling for a convontion of dologutcs to moot lioroaftor at llio Court llouso, In CloarfieM, for tlio purpose of nominating a now lot of cnndidatos, to be voted for at tlio Oo tobcr olcolion. I cannot forbear giving you ray opinion on tho subjoct, in a very few words. Is it posaiblo tlmt tho Democ racy of our county has suffered to such an extent, from tho bad influ ences around us, that wo cannot make a satisfactory nomination any raoro and harmoniously stand by itf If thore was unfairness practiced or al lowed at our Primary Eloutiori In somo townships, it cannot be hclpod now, nor bettored by any such call of Con vention. I hopo whan you soo, as I have seen, that some of thoeo callBaro hoaded by tho numos of moo that novcr cost a voto with the Democrats nor novcr intend to do so, you will soo by the blossom, or even by tho bud, whon you so well know the root of the treo, what may bo oxpooted in tho fruit. Now, fellow oilizens, can any man be led to bolievo that any good can result from such a courso, aftor hav ing boon doluded so oflon by some of the samo men ? Whut wo can do that will result In any good to the pnrty, at this late period, is to stand shoul der to shoulder, more Grmly than ev er before, in the election of our can didates now nominated,and try to rem edy tho evils complained of botwecn this election and next full, so that we will not be found to err in tho same manner again. Unity, my friends, by all moans, and lot selfish motives and nil olso that can do our party no good, bo cast into tho background. Let ns all boar in mind that we have almost lost our glorious Govornmont, handed down to us by AVashington, Jefferson and othors, by boing split among our- sclvoe, until tho enomios of our coun try rodo triumphantly into power and have nearly dovastntod a great por tion of tho same. Now, sir, you nro at liberty either to give this a place in your valuable paper, or othcrwiso, whilo I remain your humble sorvant. A L'mom Democrat. A Michigan Lumberman, A paragraph in recent Michigan paper hug elicited from tlio Puntiuc Gazette the following respecting the landed wealth of a citizen of that Slate: "I)r. David Ward's great wealth routs in his immonso amount of cork pine lands in Michigan and AViacon. sin, amounting to over 150,000 acres, every forty of which he has been over himself, making a careful estimate of the number and dimensions of the trees, and noting all the characteris tics of soil. His land was nearly oil solected from close observation years beforo most pcoplo had an idea of their ultimate value, and the very best taken ; location upon streams and fu tilities for running the timber to mar ket were carefully considered, so that to-day he owns the finost tracts of re ally avnilublo and valuuble cork pine in tho United States, and tho moat of it. Ilia pino lands may be summa rized as follows: On the Saginaw, 30,000 acres ; on tho Manistee and An Saublo, 00,000 acres; on tho Chippe wa, in Wisconsin, 80,000 acres. To tal 150,000 acres. In addition ho owns 20,000 acres of tho very best hard wood timbered lands for farming in the central and northern part of tho Stato, bosides c'l his valunblo proper ty in Oakland county, and 13,000,000 feet of logs afloat. Placing the samo valuation upon big pine lunds alooo, as other persons are selling dotached tracts in the vicinity of his, and it ag gregates the sum of $0,500,000, and wo may here say that that umount of greenbacks slacked up would not ob tain the deeds of his pino property alone. The difference in pino land is vory groat, as between cork and oth er qualities, and acre by aero tho cork nets more than threo timos as much as any other variety." In Wisconsin fully a dor.on lumbormon boast that if thoir pice lands woro luid out into strips n milo wido thoy would reach across tho Stale, or ovor two hundred miles in length. A Wiru's Rusk. Tho llarylund Advocate says: A Pennsylvania lady has a most romantio and ingenious way of managing tho gentloman so happy as to bo her husband. Exas perated by her porsintont conversa tion, he ungnllantly boxed hor cars tho other day. Tho wretched woman cant but ono lingering, reproachful glance upon hor lord and fled, simply observing as eho departed that the briny deep should wuah away tho in sult. Leaving behind her everything mosl dour and precious to hor tho homo of hor married life lull of beauti ful and chctisod momorios this heart broken woman rushed frantically to tho canal, und, with ono purling sigh, throw in a largo stono which made a mighty spalttb. Then she went and hidhorsclf in tho bushes and giggled, whilo her husband and twonly other men lurried up, with horror depicted upon thoir countonnnces, and wildly drugged the canal for hor body. When tho injured wifo bct-amo convinced that tho wretch had suffered onouih. hIio appeared from behind the buithes ana led him homo a resigned and wil ling victim. To sco how eagorly a human being will catch at a straw, it is not neces sary to witncM a drowning. Tho pho- nonionon is now manliest chiefly with in stiloons, where ono ond of tho straw is immersed in a tumbler. "Och 1" says a love-sick Hibernian, "what a recreation it is to be dying in love; it sots the hokrt aching to doli- cntoly, tbcro's ro taking a wink of sleep for the pleasure of the pain 1" A Cincinnati man is said to bo train ing hitm.elf for his approaching mar riago by pasoing several hours a day in a boils r shnp. aaaicu gt'M cotte, (SttmUi, tt. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices! Tt TB are now opening np lb lot of the belt and f inoet onaennahle tiouda and Wmret arer offered In thli market, and at itrloee that remind one of the rood old dave of oheap things. Those who lack faith upon thla point, or deem our alle gations superfluous, need but V.1LL T OVil STOKE, Corner Front and Market streets, Where they ean see, feel, hear and know for them selves. To fully uodonland what are oheap goods, this must be done. Wa do not deem It nooessary to enumerate and Iteuiaa our slock. . It Is enough for us to slate that We have Everything that is Needed and consumed In thla market, and at prices that astonish both old and young. leoll) jlUttlsril HIIAW A BON. JQANIEL GOODLAKDEB, . LUTIIERSBPRO, FA, Dealer is DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, HATS CAPS and D00T3 4 SHOES. , . Tobacco, Grooorioi and Flita, NtUi, Hardwara, yueonatrar and Ulainwir. Mem tna Uoji' Clothing. Drag, I'.inti, Oils KoImioI, . . ft larg lot of Patent Mediotnci, Candtas. Nuti A Dried Frulti, Cheeie ud Crack- n, Kuck and ft. no rowaer, Flour, Grain and Potatoes, Clover and Timothy Seed. Sol Leather, Moroccos, Linings, Binding, and '1 bread, hhoctnakrrs' iuuis and , Shot finding.. No greater Tarlotr of goods In any store In th county. All fur sale rery loir fur cash or count rj produce at the Cheap Uurner. Aug. 11, l7J. J. M. KRATZER. Dt-XinAIII.RHTVI.EH of Cassimeres, Ae, forMonand Boys, at 1. M. KHATZKK'd. TIIHEE-PI.Y, Brussels, Ingrain and other Carpets, also, Door Oil Cloths, at reduocd prices, at J. M. KRATZBH'g. BEST ASSORTMENT of Wall Papar ever offored in this vicinity. 10c to $1 per pieoa, 6ne gilt paper, etc., at J. M. KHATZKK'S. fTMIP. MOST tionnl.r rnnk.. nf Vn.lln. Ph.t X fngn, Pillow Musline, Ae.,at asmall advance above cost, by the pieoe, at J. M. KHAiKH'H, AT E W CJOOIrH, NKW STYLES, LA ROB 11 ASSOUTNENT, LOW PRICK, all to be louod at J. M. MIA 1 it II H. LA 1)1 EH I)K EM iH)l)S, In ths greatest variety new spring shod. newest and must deiirable styles at J. SI. KltATZk'K'S. 1 VARIETY of Dress floods, suitable for iX mourning also orape veils, collnnt, Ae, cunitantly on hand, at J. II. KRATHKUS. Ik F.CEIVINO a large supply of Ladies' and Xt i nnuren s Mioee, tusrio to order and war ranted. A handsome Gaiter for (2.01) at mchit J. M. KRATZEK'S. HEr Orsnlta ware Tea Sots and Chamber Sets, Knives and Forks, Silver-Dialed Fork? aud Spoons, Table Linen, Kspkins, very rhsp, t mon J. M. hnAXi6r.n o. Oil AWLS, Starrs, Nocltles, Collars, Veils, kJ Hair Uoods, Ulorcs, Ac. Kid M loves at 74c aite tne josepntne Beainiess hid moves, at memo j. M. hKAIZLK s CHEAP GROCERIES! LUMBER, CITT. PA The undersigned announces to bis old friends and patrons tliat he has opened a good line of uu'ii i-.iuM a rum at the old stand of Kirk a Bpenoer, for which he solicits a liberal patronage. it. vr. bl'AAtCn, Lumber City, rs March 20-tr. rpo TUB FRONT! GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THK CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON I The nnderslinod havinjr iust fitted uo now. largo and comfortable rooms on Market street, near Third, respectfully informs the publiothat ha now drepared to accommodate them with everything in his Una on abort actio and at all hours of tiie day. lie keeps oa hand EKESIi BREAD, BUSKS, ROLLS, PIES, CAKES, all kinds. ICE CUE AM, and a general assortment of CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, NUTS, e., Allofwbleh will be delivered to customers at their reeidenocs, when requested to do so. ICE CREAM, by the dish, served In a neatly fur nished room. Thankful for the generous patronage bestowed In tha past, ha hopes to merit and receive a eon tlnuonoe of tha samo from his old ensto msrs, and other. JOHN STADLER, June 19.'7S-lf. HAYES, COULTER & CO,, , . Buoceiiori to W. A. Arnohl, HAnrpAcTimitit- or Heaters, Ranges, Low Gralcs and UAIIUKLIZED SLATE MANTELS. So!e agents for tho celebrated C1IILSOX COOKING RANGE. fifSni for Catalogues. No. 1.101 Chestnut Street, June 25Hm PHILADELPHIA. JSAAC JOHNSON & SONS, Manufacturers anJ Dealers In ISootN it lid NIiocn! Ladles', Misses' and Children's Osltcrs, Men's, Boys' and Women's Hoary Boots, and urogans, aa., Aa. Store and shop on Second street, nearly oppo site -. a. uigier vs. s naruware store, Feb. 1, 1871 ly CLEARFIELD, PA. TJARGAINS IN MUSICAL IN XJ I STRUM HUTS I Organs, both new and second hand, at the Music Store, opposite (lulieh's Furniture Store. All persons interested are Invi ted to call and eiamlna a new style or Oraan now on eablhition. Sheet Music and Music Hooks constantly on band. aplli-fltf WILLIAM M. IIKMtY, Jvnrict or tmb Fiacb Ann ScfUYKwrn. LtlMDKU CITY. Cullectlont ttitd and noaov nroBiutlT MM rvr. Artirtnof AfrrocDient fend dftml. of j rcct ur A9 ohrg, . iyZi'H SIIAW HOUSE, V i (Cor. of Market A Front streets,) I'LKAHKlKl.D, PA. Thl. m.nin.i.nL Motnl Is antirelf new. earn- plute in all Its appointments, and oonveaient to the Court House. A ire uuinmu. run. u nu Irom tha Depot on the arrival and dnpartur of each train. MRS. K. O. CLKMENTS, April 10, 1ST. l-riiptletresi. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WA8IIINI1TON, PA. This new and well furnished houra has boon taken by the undersigned. He feels oonndont uf being able to rendor satisfaction to those who may favor him with a call. May S, 1H71. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. THE MANSION HOUSE. CornerofSeoondand Market Street!, f'l.KAIIKlLI). PA. fTiniS old aad eommodlons Ilotal baa. during M oil ymmt ' . vwu -" n -- gers and guests. Ths whole building has keen reiurnisn.u, INS U. nulli;ivi wi.a wvumw "v nains la render his lusill comfortable while eialog wiin bihi rTha 'Mansion House' Omnibus runs to ana rrom tna uepotoa ine arrival anu a.panvre of each train. JOHN DOUGHERTY, apr6-70 tf Proprietor. jJ-ONTOUR HOUIE, uppoatte tna uourt House, LOCK HAVEN, PK.NN'A. JeM'Tt riAUSEAL A KR0M, Prop's. TJHOCKliRIIOI K HOUSE, UULLlSrONXS, fA., D. JOHNSTON A SONS, octli'Tl Proprletora RAILROAD HOUSE, Main Street, PHILll'HllllRil, PENN'A. Table always supplied with tha beat tha market affords. The traveling public is invited to call. novl. tis. houhki uuiu. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Markot St, bet. Second and Third,) iLioAKb', y. The subscriber having becoma proprietor of this hotel, would respectfully ask a liberal share ef public patronage. api7 UHOitUB Lbirui.ui. SUSQUEHANNA nOUSE, CURWEN8VILLE, Cloarfleld county, Penn a. This old and wall establilhed Uot., beautifully situated on tha banks of the Susquehanna, in the borough of Curwonsville, has been leased for a term ol years by the undersigned. It has been entirely refitted, and is now open to the public generally and the traveling community in par ticular. No paina will be spared to render guests comfortable while tarrying at this house. Ample Stabling room for tha accommodation of teams. Charges moderate. Bept. 18, l70-tf. ELI BLOOM. JUATZER 4 LYTLE, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Dealers In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, Hardware and Queensyvare, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,&c. VBhoamakera supplied with LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS at reduced rates. ' SALT I SALT I SALT I at wholesale and retail very cheap. PAINTS, 0IL8, CALCINED PLASTER, A a. A liberal discount to builders. HOUSEHOLD OO0D8, CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS in large quaatitles. FISH, FLOUR, BACON, CORN VEAL and CHOP, always hand. faT'Alloftha above goods are purchased sieluilvely for cash, and tharefora eaa and fill be sold aa cheap aa the cheapest. febll 73 Errvhdr wuti to know which ti th bait .H&cn in. Tlio Llghl-Runnlns Domestic aaswera this questloa. Call at tha store of J. Shaw at Bon and see tha Machine. R. NEWTON SU AW, May II, lS7J-Sm Agent. BR1CKI BRICK! BRICKI A SEW MICK YARD. T 8. PLUMMKR A CO., hnvlnj ttartud ft new ml tjlv Brick Yard In Clrftrfield, r nrtim.rrd to make ooatniRli for first olr.nn Ktd Brick, In larire or miill ntiantilipi. itruort nu oorrffnorulcnro oolicitrtl. lnrormft tlnn cn be obUinid by sailing at liyndcr'i Ma- io Mure, or fcj 'iiireina w.s. pluMMrn a co., my7-tf Clenrfleld, Pa. MARBLE AM) ST0E YARD ! Mai. 8. S. LIDDKLL, Having engsfrod In tha Mirbla business, desires to Inform her friends and the public that alio has now and will keep constantly on hand a targe and well solected stoekof ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARRLR, and Is prepared to furnish to order TOMBSTONES, DOX AND CRADLE TOM US, MONUMENTS, Curb! and Tost, for Cemetery Lota, Window Sills and Caps, also, BUREAU, TAHI.B AND WA.SU STAND ' TOPS, Ac, Ac S. YM on Reed street, near the R, R. Depot, VIWDSHl, s a. jeT,7a 8. I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER Vill'! AD MUIB I fsMWalohos, Clockt and Jowolry, Oppositt Court Ilousa, Fecond Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. All kiuds vf repairing in my line promptly adcd to, April 23, 1873 II. F. BIGLER & CO., . s , Baaiaaa 11 Ill AB WAKE, Also, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. 7 ARMING IMI'LEMENTS of all kinds fur sale by II. F. BIO LEU & CO. JAILKOAD WUEELBARKOWS for sale by II. F. BIGLER i. CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Nails, etc., for sale by II. F. BIGLER ft CO, TTARNESS TRIMMINGS k SIIOE 1A Findings, for sale by II. F. BIGLER ft CO, QUNS,PISTOLS,SWORADCNES . , for sals by H. F. BIGLER ft CO, gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Biies, for sale by II. F. BIGLER ft CO. RON I IRON I IRON I IRON I Tor sale by H. F. BIGLER ft CO. TTORSE SHOES & HORSE SIIOE SAILS, for lata by II. F. BIGLER ft CO- ULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And best Manufacture, for sal, by II. F. BIGLER ft CO. MIIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE . BOXES, for sals by H. F. BIGLER ft CO. pODDER CUTTERS for salo by Men 30-70 H. F. BIGLER ft CO. THE IE017SI2-3 TIN AND STOVE STORE! G. S. FLEGAL, riiilipstaiff, Co&tre Couaty, Pa. rriflS inderslgoed raspactfully announces to X the public that be baa on nana: a car, fully-aeleoted and wall assarted stock of STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, nOLLOW - WARE I TIN, COPPER AND SHEETJRON ' WARE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE I Bit stock of Cooking Stores consists of HIE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which have never failed to bring peace and prosperity into lamiliea where it is used, Diamond Stat, Parmer, Herald, Charm, Spears' California tool stove, b pears' AMI. Dust, (jes Burning Cooking Stovse, Victor, Reliance aad Union Ranges, Bpeart' Cooking Ranges, Ac, arc. W.Tk Tta and Sheet Iron ware give with the rjtov.s le made of tha heaviest and best material, and warranted to give perfect satis factloa. Eis Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves It larger, batter and cheaper than aver before exDiDita to toe puouo . -consisting ol Speare' Revolving Light Illuminating Store, epcara' inll imii uas-unrning I'arlor Stove, Spears' Orbicular .Oas-Buralng Parlor fcitovo, Spears' Parlor Stove, Boquct, Pearl, (Jam, Ida, Sun, Tropic, Nevada, Ac, Ac Vulcan, Elm and Victor Dealers, Spears' Re yoiving bigot ueatert. Ha la also prepared to famish a complete assortment or Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Woodon and Willow 'Waro; flee, Wholesale or retail, manufactured neatly and with tha sole view to aervloa, from aba feast ma terial in tha market. PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN-LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of ovary daeerlptloa aonstantlj on haad ORDERS FOR SfOUTING, HOOFING And ether work belonging t kls bualness will be promptly Blled by aiperloncd and skillful workmen. BRASS, COPIT.K, OLD METAL, RAGS . AND CASII Taken Id exchange for goods geT-TIe especially Invites tha attentloa of Merohants wishing to purohasa at wholesale, as they will dud It to their advantage to examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere.' Look ont for tho Rig Pirn opposite tha resi dence ef Mrs. Dr. Poster. All Goods WiaiaXTiD At RiraisaTto. CI. 8. H.F.CAL. Phlllpsburg, June S, 1870. , aug 68 Lime for Sale I ' rpiIK nndcrn.jrned, roaiding noar the dppnl fiai .JL mada oompleto arrangninanli with Lima Humeri aaat of the mountain, whnrel.y ha le ana bled to kaep ooaatantly on hand a large quantity of , PURE LIME! whleh ha offers to farmers snd builders at a Irlfle above cost. Those In need of the artinle would do w.ll to giro ma a call, or address ma by letter, be fore negotiating thalr lima. UKO. 0. PASSMORB. Clearlcid, Pa., June t, I Mil. J. R. M'MURRAY wiu, srtpn.Y von with ant article OK MRRCIIANDIHR AT THK VERY LOVTFHT PRICB. COMB AND SEE. (.4.78;y) NEW WASHINGTON. $xp ana Utlirliifs. IIIB LATEST MOV El TIIE LATEST MOVE ! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To their sew building on Second Street, nearly opposite tna store oi nearer m setts, CLEARFIELD, PA., Whr they will eotiHou to funptr their old d m man j nw outtumeri ai ma oume, with PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALSl POARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Including all new romedios,) Patent Medicines, Paints and Oils, Olast and Putty, School Hooks, Stationery, Paper, Ac.j also, a full line of Drug, gists' Sundries, Ilslr Tunics, Cosmetics, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Brushes, loilot soaps, rocket noons, Ac, all or the best quality. PURE WiyES AXD LIQUORS, tot medletkt t ucrnmeotal parpowi only, Par Wbit Le-J, Colon of all kinds Raw and Hulled Liniwd Oil, VarnnhM, lurpaa Una. Coal Oil. Piint t Varniii. liraabcp, FlftToring Extra I i. Contact! oDerlof, Bird Red, 8tlca, ground and tin ground, oi u aiuiu. SMOKERS AND CIIEWERS Will (nd our stock of Chewing and Smoking Tobaoco, Imported and Da. mestia Cigsrs, SnuS and Fine-cut to be of the very best brands in the mariee. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kinds of GLASS WARE, GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimmings of every variety. Having a long ciperienoo In the business, and an extensivs and well eeleoted atock of medicines, we are enabled to fill Physicians' prescriptions at the shortest notics and on tha most reasuuabls terms, day and night. nARTPWICK A IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa, May II, IH7I-U, c LEARFIELD rLANING MILL COMPANY. TMR nndrmifrned, race mm n to KKFD A POV KLL. har rarrhatd tba CLKAR F1ELD PLAMNU MILL, and rafittcd It for doing an xtiDiiva boninm. All tha machinery will ba ad lrd noefwary to tnaka it ona of th most complete eitab iihmenti ot tha kind la tha State. Tury are now prepared to rewira order for any work In that Una. They will gtrenpocial attention to an materials tor ooute Duiiamg. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, BH.1CKETS, TIOi,ife, OF ALL STYLES, always oa band. WORKED BOARPS. and all article! owifi ry for huilriin. will be axohanaM for 1'HY Ll'MPKR. to that peranni at a dietanoa may bring their lumber, exchange It for, and return homo witu tlio manutaotured article, The Company will alwayi hara on hand a large toe ot dry luvber, ao aa to oa able, to nil an order on tbe ehortett notioa. Only tha beet and most ikillful bandi will ba employed ao that tbe public may rely upon good work. Lumbar will bo worked or told ai low aa It nan be purehaaed anywhem, aad warranted to gire Mtiiiaetioa. Aa the builneoi will ba dona upon tbe eah prinotpte wa aan afford to work for imall proflta. DRY LUMBER WANTED! Ropeelally ona and-a-half and two (nrh panel tun, lor union a iinerai price win ba pat J, Tha baiineii will be conducted under tbe name of tho "tlearfiold Planing Mill Co." O. R. Merrell will personally superintend the Du.incss. Orders rosnsctfully solicited. O. J. MPRRKLL. 11. B. TAYLOR. HAVID McHAluniKV. At. U. II II OWN A UHO. ClcarAcId, Pa., January 8, 1871. The Lightning Tamer. TUB undersigned ara the tola Agents In this enuntT for the "North American (lalranlsed LIO IITNINO RODS." These are tbaonlysafe rods now In nsa, and ara endorsed by all the scientific mon in th country. Wa hereby notify tha eltitene of tha county that we will pat them np a better rod, and for lest money, than Is charged by tha foreign Bfrftntt who annnally tra Terse tbe eonnty and carry off onr little cash, nerer to return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Those wishing Lightning Rods erected a their buildings need bnt address us by latter, or call In person. Wa will put them up anywhere In the county, and warrant them. Tha Rods and Fixtures can ba aeon at any time by calling al our store. II. P, BIGLER A CQ. Clearaeld, March 10, l70-t( TIIE CLEAHFIKLD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! 4 , Manufactured especially for TJIE CLEARFIELD TRADE, rna sn.a sr II. F, BIGLER A CO. ugJ7 Itorflivarr," STinunrr, Sr. SUKLTT & SCIIRYVER, ctitaas la IIARDWAI1E, and manufsclursrs of Tln.Coppcr & Sheet Iron Ware, Second Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. ' Having largely Increased oar stock of Hard ware, we Invito tbe public to examine our stock anu pnoes. Carpenters and persons who contemplate build ing will do well to examiuo our TOOLS ft BUILDISO EABCWAKE, which Is new and of tha best manufacture, and will ba sold low lor cash. NAILS, UliASS, j?UTTY, GLUE. LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, SCREWS All hinds of Bench Planes, Saws, Chisels, Squares, stammers, iiatenels, I'lomhs and Levels, . Mortised A Thumb Uuages, Revels, Ilracea A Hilts, Wood and Iron Bench Screws, and the best Boring Machine in the maruot. . Double and Single Bitt Aies, POCKET CUTLERY, Ac. Agents for Burndl't Iron Corn Sheller, warranted. Also, agents for Richards' GOTHIC FLUE TOPS, which effectually cure Smoky Flues. Farmers' Implements and Garden Tools of ovary acsortption. A large variety of COOK STOVES, " which wa warrant to gtra aatiifaoUon. Vortabte Itange$ and 'urnace$ tuRoofing, Spouting and Job Work dona on reaaonable ferine. AU order, will receive prompt attention. June 11, 1873, Jru (Coon's, (BrowUs, (Sit. ED. AV. GRAHAM, SEALER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TiyiiEU & LDICER, CLEARFIELD, TA., lias just opened, at tbe KEYSTONE STORE, a wnptci siuca Ol .r c if o o v s, of every description. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, - HARDWARE BOOTS AND 8HOF.S, CLOTUIJiQ, fc., ffx. IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR. MEAT, SALT, RYE, OATS, CORN ALWATS OX IIAXJ) AXD FOR SALE ATA SMALL ADVANCE FLOUR Iteeetrnd by tha ear load, and eold at a imall adraaoe. A luppTj of ROTE oonitaotly on band. Fpeolal Induoenaanti ofTered to thoeo getting Oat Square Timber and Loga. aa wa deal largely In Lumbermen'a Sepptiee, and ara pre pared at all tlmea to purohaae tim ber and lumber. EI). W. GRAHAM, "KEYSTONE STORE," Second Street, CLE A II TI ELD, TA. Ock 13, 1873. i T. waavaa ....W. W. 1ITTS. WEAVER A I1CTTS CLEARFIELD, PA., Ara offering, al the old stand of 0. L. Rood A Co. tbclr stock of goads, consisting of DRY-GOODS; GROCERIES, BOOTS A EII0ES, UAT8 A CATS, HARDWARE, QUEKNSWARB. FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., &o., At the most reasonable rates for CASII or In exchange for Square Timbor, Boards, Sldngios, U.; OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Advances made to thore engaged In get ting out square timber on the most advantageous terms. pdtljanT.1 s. L. K1KK, SON k CO., W IIOI.KMI.K C.HOCI H, No. V0 North Third Ptreot, corner f Cherry, Philadelphia. Hare in store and oftur lor sale at the lowest market prices, and on the most reasonable terms, a large and well selected stock ol Urocerir. Tra. Spine, Fish, Cheese, Ac. lecUd In this, New lurk and Jlaliimura markets, to which attention of country dealers is nartieularly rinjucstcd. nnvl.H-ly FAIRBANKS' STANDARD MNCXJ'r'H' or ait, niani) Baggage Barrows, Warehonsa Trucks, Copying Presses, Improved Honey Drawer, Ao. ton iili ar II. F. BIGLEtt k CO., Dcalrra In Hardware, roMilfl JO If Perond Street, ClearXrld, Ta. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (Successors to Boynton A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS If anufaoturera of P0ETAELE &, STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Conor of Fourth and Pine Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. f.,. .1.. .... ... l. 'l j-- -1 ; P. .-.14 l.-. ..i HAVING engaged In tba manufacture of first class MACHINERY, we respectfully Inform tho public that we aro no prepared to 111 all orders aa cheaply and as promptly as ean be done Id any of tbe cities. We maaofaetara ud deal in Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Dead Blooks, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, Gilford's Injector, Steam Oaugca, Steam WhisUea, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks, Air Cocks, Globe Valves, Cbeek Valves, wrought Iron Pipes, S'eam Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Anti. Friction Metres, Soap Stona Packing, Gum Pack ing, and all kinds of MILL WORK J together with Plows, Sled Soles, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. ay-Orders solicited and filled at city prices. All letters of Inquiry with reference to machinery of onr manufacture prompt ly answered, by addrea- ing as at Clearfield, Pa. deell70-tf BIGLER, YOl'NO A CO. JECOKSTRUCTED. DANIEL STEWART & SON flaring purchased the Chaip Clothing IToua of Ittaaa L. Iteitrnatcin. have the lnrrart and ht aatortment of Manufactured Goodi ia theeountr. and can aell tbeir READY MADE CLOTIIIXG, fur Men, Boy i and Children, 2 PFJl CFT. CHEAPER Tbttn any other house In the eonnly. They wilt always keep on hand a larjra and el egant ajeortmont of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, COLLARS, TIES, TRUSK3, VALISES, Ac, Ac. OF TOE LATEST STYLES AND PATTERNS. If yoa want to get good aad atylish Clothing, at low figures, do not tail to call at tbeir estab lishment before spending your money elsewhere. Rcininler the place. aug7'7 I) A MEL STEWART A SON. fVUE LARGEST . ASSORTMENT OF STOVES I STOVES I ever brought to the eounty, are being received at tbe Hardware Establishment of II. ! . Ult.l.KR As CO., comprising the following Cook Stoves : SPEAU'S CALORIFIC. susyu til ANNA, KEGULATOR, NOBLE, EXCELSIOU. TKiujirn. GOV. PENN. BEADING, NATIONAL RANGE, 4C. AC. Also, tha following Heating Stoves t srEAU'3 ANTI CLINKER, SPEAR'S ANTI DUST. SPEAR'S ORBICULAR, SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, MORNING LIGHT, BON TON, GITSEV, VCLCAN, SUNBEAM, RUBY' DAUPHIN EGG, CHESTER EGG, VOLCANO, PUOENIX, HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE ROOM STOVES, AC. CloarBcld. Sept 15, 1 8! J. I ( LUMBERMEN! FERFECTtON" Iff CANTHOOKSI Tha Clearfield Excelsior Canthook will not wear out or hrenk, being oonitractcd with one solid band from clip to point. It Is pronounced by all practical lumbermen uho have examined It to be tha most perfect Canthook over Invented. Amos Kcnnard, Patented Manufactured by Aioi Kaasaao A Co, at CLEARFIELD, PA. . ."A." eve)ete promptly attended to. nM'TO JJ0SHANN0N LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY, OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, suxurACTt;ni LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS aae sSitrl A Patent Ribbed Shingles.' TI. II. BIIIMIKOPOIID, President, 0oa Forost Place, No. 115 g. 4th at,, Phll'a. JOIIS LAWSUR, General gup't., Osceola Mills, Clcardeld oounty, Pa, Aua Tfilf w I ats - t- .1 . . Hv.w iu in in. oorougn ofUaceola, Ai so-Keen the I.AHHK3T Af ROIITMRNT orti,,i, n f)er(.d Mu,, ,t tnclr Mmn,,i Cl"re In Orrools, ' V. UHrtUaiwous. rnilK AUTOMATIC Kitlttiug 3In'hinc! This Knitting Mschlna Is one of lbs most ttrv ful Inventions of (he age. By nolirlng tHont and ingenious experiments tba Invemnr ha, aebieveU what thousands have unineef,ruy tried to attain. That is, a K.NIiTI.Vl ma. CHINK, tlist will kultasoek la seven lalaates heel and toe, eemplute. Narrows and wirfrsi Knits all grades ol yarn. M ubies, Tidies, rTMls Men's Knit Jackets, Hosiery of all ilirn, .ad al most an endless vaiiely of Lsefol and Ornnarnt al Uoods. It will knit from a Watch Uusrd to a Sleigh Robe, and does it with neatness and dai patch. I'trsons that era iucupaciatcd fram bard work, oan earn from 83TO3l)OI.L,AIt.S Per Day with tha Knitter. Thli Mnchina ha taken tha highest PrrniBma at tbe Principal Kxpoiitioni, Stale and County Fain. It it simple and durable In eon tcruet ion, and will wear a life-tima. Aa It li oomtructed with tha finest mechanical exactness, snd fur general range of work 1T HAH NO EQUAL," and Is only limit ad la bean ty and style by tbe Imagination and Ingenuity of tha operator. MlHTJiL PItlCEy $10.00. For reference tha nubile ean address oreall op. on the fallowing resident or Clcarfteld aouoty r Julian Thompson, Jonathan 11 art (horn, John' Norris, D. 1. KitwCf, John V. Ptull, Carwensrille; Lewis J. IlurJ and John Orr, Hard p. 0.: Kith Johnston, Abraham BptScer, K'iiha fsntoa,' Grampian Hills P.O., Joseph Kirk. John Ow ans, Jatncs Curry, Lumber City. Bamuel Jenkins. Esq., at Curwensrilte, Is tba General Agent fur Clear told and Jefferson conn tie. All necessary information ean b obtained by oalling upon him. . April 10, f73-tf. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market Ht.. Clearfield, (at tba Poet Office.) f I1UB anderalgned begs leave to annoanee to X thecltiaene of Clearfield and vioinity.that he has Sued ap room and has just returned from tha city with a large amount of reading matter, consisting In part of Bibles and Miscellaneous- Boob, B!nk, Accent and Pass Books of ovary de scription i Paper and Envelopea, Freneh pressed and plaint Pans and Pencils! Blank, lgal Papers, Deeds, Mortgages i Judgmsnt, Exsmn. Hon and Promissory note, t White and Parclj ment Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, and Bill Cap , Sboet, Music for either Piano, iiute or Violin constantly oo hand. Any booka or statioasry desired that I may not hare on hand, will be or. ordered by first express, and sold at wholesale or retail to auit customers. I will also keep periodical llteeature, sack as Magaslnee, News, papers, Ac p. A. OAULIM. Clearfield May 7, ISAS-tf JbjEW BTOKE AXD NEW GOODS JOS. SIIAW & SON Hive just opened Nitr Storj, on Main St.,CLsriLB, Pa, lately occupied by Win. F. IRWIN. Tbeir atock consists of Gkoctnu of the beat quality, QuEENswARE, Lioots and Shoes, and every article neccaearT for one'i comfort. Call and examine our atock before pur chasing elsewhere. May 9, IRC6-tf. DAVID YOUNG, Stonc-CuUer and Stone-Mason, XT TILL eentt nil work In nil Una t m&n rat price and in FIRST-CLASS itjU Arcliitectural Ornaments In ALL STYLES. Ston Dreln of nrerv dtjicriitlon, and nil kinds of anion work torn- trnoted ror In orontof ln eonnty. Any jwrMti witbinjt to hivn rFpctbl bhoi work and tono-euttlng done, will And it to thlr Interert to call upon ni I would alro Inform the pub IU that I ean dcliror any quantity or cltn of ton deilrod, ai I am tb ownor of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUABEY Orders for work eaa be addraaaad to DAVID YOU NO, anariS.Tt Cleartsld Pa. Clearfield Nursery. EXCOUItAGE nOME INDUSTRY. TIIE enderilgned, having established a Rat aery oa tha 'Pike, about half way belweea Clearfield and Curwenivllle, Is prepared to fur nish all hinds of FRUIT TRKE8,(staadardsad dwarf,) Kvorgreena, Shrubbery, Grapa Vines, Gooseberries, l.awtoa Blackberry, Strawberry, and Raabcrry Vines. Alio, Siberian Crab Trees, Quince, and early aearlet Rhubarb, Ac Orders promptly attended to. Address, d. D. Hiuutii. aoplO 8-y Carweasvills, Fa ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, 1TAXGISG VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept constantly on hand. STOXE AD EART1IEX-WARE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTS1 CROCK?: Plaher'e Patent Airtight rJclf . Heal: c Km It tans I BUTTER CROCKd, with lids, CREAM CROCKS, MIl.K CROCS. APi'l.K ni'TTKR CHOCKS, PICKLE CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIE DISH"-. STEW P0T8, And a great many oilier things too numoroi.' t mention, to be bad at FRED'K. LtiTZ.'fJGER'S STONE - WARE rOTTEKY. Corner ol Cherrv and Third Streets, Cl.FAKr-IKI.I), PA. si.. Clearfield County Bank. rilllE Clearlcid County Baak as an Inrort -X tod Institution has gone eat of ealsterrs the surrenderee lis charter, aa May 19, !' All Its stock Is owned by tha subscriber.. willoontinuo the Banking buslacaa al tr.e nn place, aa private Bankers, under tbe arm r.srr. af the "Clearaeld County Bank." We are r sponslblefor the debts of the Bank, and will'1 its cotes on demand at tha eountar. Dcr ' received and Interact paid when money li IcO 'r a (xed lima. Paper discounted at six r t ss hcretrfora. Onr psrsonal rastoniiltilii) i pledged for all Dot osits reoctved end t.jFivr transacted. A continuance of tha libernl ' ronsfre ef the business men of tho count? 1 r speotfolly solicited. As President, Ct'tucr " cOloers of tba lata Clearteld County lUt.t. require the notes of said Bank to bs ro.-.':. for redemption. JAS. T. I.KONARD, RICI1ARD FIIAW, VVM. PORTKR, JA8. B. OR tHAM, O. L. RKBD, WM. A. WALI Al The business of tha Baak will ba oon lucu l' John M- Adams., Kiq., as Casblsr. I 1 ' County National B OK CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Maonlo Building, one ,1..t nj'y U. 1). Watson's Drug Store I'ssfiigu Tickets to and from Llvt rt f.,.1, 0'" tewn, tllmgow, London, Paris and t'..i.i.ii'.. Also, Draft, for snleon tbe Royal B uk oi Ir aad Imperial Bunk of London. J AMI'S T. LK0NA1U, Pr. t W. M. SIIAW, Cashier. 'il l.' J. D. M'Hirk. Edw.'r.l IVrl BANKING & COLLECTION HOD' OP McGirk & perks. Huooeasors to Foster, Parks, A Phllli.burg, t outre Count , I't. WHKIIE all the business of a B'l ' ( wil oa transacted promptlj ai I most favoraolo tertna ,; ' ' DREXEL & CO., No, i llatith TUIrd mreel, V'.lln'.l Antj Dealers In Government Seem it Application by mail will receive i" ' tlnn, and all Information ehee' t '' Orders solictcd.