THE REPUBLICAN. CLEAKFIKLD, pa. ffEPNKSDAY MORNlItO RKPT. 8. 187S. Terms of Subscription. t'M In edvanee.or within throe months.,. -S 00 if Laid after three and before sll months,.,., t (0 Ji id after tn eapiration of nauntki... I 00 lUlLK.MHW NOTICE. Urthodlut TplTopal Chtirrli Rev. A. D. ',.. Pitfltor. I'ubllo Service avery Sabbath i A.M., end 7 P.M. qnbeth School at 9 A. M. Vntjer Meeting every Thnrsday, at 1 P. M. n0ltimunUn Service, first IS abb nth of every nth t ll4 A. M. M. Andrew Church ClcoplBer. n maw Ham.. Public Sorvioc Sunday morning Unlock, end at T P. M.-Sundey School at I p. M. Prayer Mootlug Wednesday evening t 7 o'clock VrenbyterUu Church Rev. II. B. J3nl.lirUb services morning and evening Sab bath School at I P. M.Pryer Meeting Weauea- 4Jt Frawcle Church Catholic Rer. P. J -jHsuioi--MaM at Itift o'clock A. M., on th cVuii and fourth Sundays of each month. Lrtheraii Church. Kcr. A, J. IUiitsock rmu-hing every Sabbath, morning and awning. f;lbth School at a. au Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Shoriff Pic ittfftin olfor a largo 4mount of real estate for sale, on the 22d of ihii iDulb a description of which will bo found ! ibis week's paper. i ' - "Contemptible .MciinncFs" acorns to be the flock in traJe in which the editor of the Tim indulge theie autumnal days. Ho la like a fob, bt like to revel in fail native element. m m State Stiporintondont Wickcrshnm id rises ecbool boards to publish accounts of thotr innual receipt and expenditure! without further Changed Bask. Landlord Fonts, of Curwensville, we learn, has purchased the "Na tiunftl Hotel, in Pumsutawney, fur the fum of 4,300, and takes possesion about tho 11th. Ho has a isle of personal property at Curwcusvillo oa the 1-th. He knows how to keep a hutvl , Tho PhiltpHburg Turk Association i headed by J. C. Allport a .President W. II. MtrCauiIand li Vice President, L. T. Munann it Secretary, K. Pcrka ia Treasurer, and the Direct ors are C. Munson, Win. R. Irwin, James Perks, F.teloer and G. H. Zclgler. The ground haa been secured, and every arrangement to push for ward the grading being made, the thing haa bo come a fixed fact ' ' . " ; Since. Lot-al Option bns closed up the bar-rooms, natty are the drviues employed to procure a little of the old rye. A trio of fellows, whom wa could name, while In Altouna tome daya ago, procured it in tbii Way i -B. HIUNDY. Oj. Take .a glassful every throe boura and put a little pepper in it. , M. I). Rather a Jtrge dose, we ahould think, Messrs. t?., It. and K. List of letters remaining unclaimed la the Poetoffioe at Clearfield, fur the week ending frptcmbar 1, 1S73 : Adams, Mi si Maggie. OniiH'S, Alexander. Amuierniiu, Mill Ode. Iliiching, Jltnry II. Barber, P. U. Jiicub, Mn, Kuima, Corp, Annie. Lt'titick, Cyrua. CUptuin, M. I'. A Co. Mobunald, John. (2) Campbell, John U. Iter. C. 11. Cocbron, Freeman. Pillitc, A. H. Uonuhue, Michael. K'gera, John L. Dunlap, Kev. 0. W. Beuf A. 8. Panlitiun, Charlea. . , Pcott, Jnmea. faulkncr, Lcroy, Wright, Jainra. P. A. l) A I'M 3, P. M. The Coleman Siktekh TnourE. Thia dranutio troupe will giro two txbibitiona In tka Court House, on Monday and Tuieday even- iagt, Sth and 9th I nit int. The a intra flro not itrangera to our poopln, and therefore need no in troduction to our roadari. In thia Inatance they will be aunported by a full dramatic company of chute and auperior perform eraf and wa boupcuk for then a full benae, to witneaa tho beautiful drama of Jennie Foater, the Hailor'a Daughter," perfunned aa no other troupe enn rtcrform It. Their tinging and maalo U of the highest order. Tb performance will close with an entirely new farce, in which the whole company appcari. Tick et Ao bo bad at the poat office. ' " mm a n i "Our Kxpkriknck." The editor of the Time ia a truth telling wan and a pbiloao- pher. .After eettibg up the word ftrpnitltca aix tcea timtt la one ooluun latt week, he givea bit readcri hia experience In establishing Dcwrpapcra. He tayi : Our experience haa alwaya been, In alerting a new papvr, eipecially where there ia one or more paper already in the ocuuty or diitrict, tht tiiere will be more or leaa jealiuay on the part uf uoae oiaer paper! toward the new emerprue. Unr eipcrlcnce haa only bca renew in ttiii eoaniy tu rough tne Ulearncu tteputtiicam. Wo iuppM from hia ago that he has establish- td a great many papers. He will benefit the hu man race greatly if be will only imitate Mr. Ureelty u4 put Id book form hia "Itcmill not ions of a Uuey Life." What a teacher expertcnoo la, anyhow, and boar hugely It devclopei some young Sittled at Last. Last week Bt Beltefonte Was the time fixed for the second trial sf J. A Lukcm, of Philipburg, fur the killing of Eichard Atherton, of the same place M'hco the eaie was ealled, the defendants oo ousel entered a pica of Involuntary manslaughter. After some debate botweea eounael, the eommoBweaHh ao- eepted the plea, and It waa so entered of record The maximum penalty Is 11,000 line and two years imprisonment. X'-te Pbllipaburg Journal la alluding to the eaae Bays : "The caM In all Ha bearings it a sad oor, differing In many respects from ordinary cases in which a verdict would be rendered. ' We refraio from expressing any opin ion ia the matterIt la useless to barrow old woonda further than that we bellcro Lukena' laoda to be entirely innocent of tutenti jnul blood hed, and the hope that he may be a subject of the utmost elemeany, executive and otherwise." , - 'i Tn iNtw KiHToR, In order tlint erft,U04 readers may learn aoraethio of the Bflaoocra and style of the gentleman who bns taken eharge of tho Uurwtosvllie Tiaes, we eepy enu ef his laat productions. It runs thus: The editor of the Kxruni.irAir has, by lung raciice, acquired tbe art of King to such a d fn that ft is altnofl impoaaihle to tell, by reed- g bta paper, when lie uoee ten tnetrutn. it owl hafr is meeki be io persecuted by the Kavnn.i.1 od t!ip Tuf.t He bad to ho two or Ilirrewooks to ceaeoot an article, last week be lies a uoi- o tiues to bo able to make a hole by wbiuh be P'gut pin tijiy crawl out when (lie tituc com' lor kimtodojo. The old Mvioe thnt when a boy a lie he will Invariably tell I wo- moro to get "tuorit is true in bis cane. Uuolliinur, why dutl't V(iO ali(.w iumn nf vmir nnrnnnMl. that vuu fa", io much about, le lair and bnrf, opco and e"-v0 Uaril, and tell the pcoplo that theno indc- jinrm pMpers truuiile you t-vrrvly , itiaiyut "ul mitt'fi rather bavo a r traiaht out itino "ie or Hipublican paper locatid here. Ho a hii me irutn, w . ...... . "ro aixuucn aatonianed at ido manncnem 'f th acribe iu Qucsiion ai wt were when woaaw heirtt California Jackass. It made a terrible "w, too. We ch:irgo nothing for the lllustra- , TlIB AdRiriLICBAL Kaib. Tim h ..i ll. i - ..i - in I II - .iinuiu ru onion oi lat carnwiu vuu. '!ncult,.I Sooirty will l hrld till. Jour on ,k 'ih of Srptrmhrr unr) the Int, J.l nJ 3d 'J' ofOrioiior, W Ihii work Uy tuforo our "w tho irnnium Hat, o1 k for It n .ttm lro... y,ry ib promiumi .r. offrroil nf l.ruilaollon of the I nnnor. Hie JUiiufiKlu- """J tin Mooh.nlo, anil It li th. Inlcwit of "1 one to pink, the ipiirnwliinf 'nl n f rmiiB it H wrr, 0f a( ,,. pr,(jacUof Cloorflilil 'nlT Ufeouri. 11 I. .it, .!1 lh.t th. F.rm- y 'ill Ink. Ik. utlr. rt I. nuking thr '" i It it ntnj for their Intorul " " un.,l mwtlnir. nr. h.l.l, hat nil elnw "ufMtarnt tni mfh.olci tn Ipvitvil to P tnd tI with meh other In th. different (J'"''ni.. Letorerr f.rmor, ui.oa n""' ""ni, bu.inuii toon and fuuilr In n '"'"X on. or mor. trllrlei to bo piacwi I.Mn,?.'."?.'' "'" P' " 'nH ,hrl' V"" Ik.,,,, '.i.of th xhlbitt..n ami If nr wnniT will ! thni in a nrae- ' .it 'I", 1 reilfi'V. ' LITTER FROM KNOX. Knox Towximp, Auguat 29, 1S7S. Mb, tnnon: llcing a eonntaut roader of your per, aa well at th. oihera nubliaiied in !,. county, and an impartial obwvor of the ii.uo. luai nave I rum lime lu luu. a-il.tod our pcoplo; and at there toiiuii to bo an uuu.uul aoliiily on the part of eorri'piiudenll in vurioun parti of tho ouunty, I thousUt I wuvld tW a hand at the uuMiiea.. i prciumo it n okiiunl in part by the untiling eftorti put foitb by th. Moduo ohhr and hit tribe., who hut. uuited lor tile purpoie of niatiaen ing the icAi'm nr.'t eandidatea and plun dering tho lKiuc.or.tio party of ita iiowcr in Olearfi.ld ooutity. 1 1 huve rimiainrd a ullrnl wllnem tliut far of tho aiMultl upon th. llelnocralio party. It wat not m. intention to notiea the lno.mfnt. mn lnn I ouuld souiittciiily Hand upon neutral gronndn. Thit I did, and wui juit congratulating myailf upon ine goou lorlune or hnox being "lit alone," when th. try, '-Lo.lhe Modoaehi.f, Captain Ja. k, it upon neutral ground," wat the tignal lor action in iiir di fente. Deeming, aa 1 do, that neutral rigUta have bocu iuvaded, I have learned tbut thoie who ttond npou nrutrul grouudt are made tho largnta of both ounltictiug partica, and I ad viae my fellow Democrat! who have atoud aloof to enter tho ranki, armed and equipped for aollun under the good old ling of Democracy. I will uut permit my political foot, who teck every opportunity to overthrow the free imtitu- tioot which have proxpered undi'r lite auipiuei of .'v...uv...,u ,,,,1-, iu piiiufr. me temple oi UDerty and dirido tho tpoili among their ohiefi. 1 hope that every man who pruietiot lo be a Democrat will at onoe take a ttaud againtt the bargain and tnlo busineit carrkd on inulur thn direction! of John the Fulford, in bi half of- the Kepuhlioan party, and Capt. Jack of the Mudoet. Have liemocraU rorgotten the pt hlitory of the party who now invito you, with open arms, into their ranktf Have they not repeatedly told you in tho tame maitoor they purpose doing this time t Did they not tell you last fall that Horace Ureeley wat imposed upon you, againtt your wisiics, oy your parly nailers, and thus luooeod in deluding many Democrats into their rauks and milking them the mercenaries with whom thee re. elected tlrunt, promising at the tamo tiino to tliaro wun inem tne spoils or utneor lly heeding their story of imaginary wrongs Inflicted by your party leaders, you allowed thcin to defeat the champion statesman of I'.nnsylra nia and elect in hit ttead a convicted nublic criminal in the eyes of tho world aa liovernor. ilics. glaring truths are lit fur o y.u to-day, warning you against the danger of coalescing with a party whose past history is on. universal chap ter of crime, rmutl and i'itriciVary. The Modoct a ho profits to bo your friends aud ask your aid iu reforming the Democratic party, are the hired ngents of this same rmrty, aetine as the secret emissaries and negotiating fur tho overthrow of uvmooratle power. 1 am personally acquainted with many of them, and politically they are of that clasa who are always dissatisfied with the decision of the majority, who by their constaut growling havo become unable to bark, and oooso qnently have been kicked behind the shanty, re alising th. truth of the aaying that "every dog bat bis day." At Democrats, it It our duly to abide by the decision of a majority, it it our duty to support the ehoioo of the party and personal preference should be set aside. I feel cotiudcnt the defeated candidates are willing to abldo by the choice of the party. Then why seek a new choice, sine you are not aonlorriug a favor upon your mends f I eougratulato your correspondents in J ordan, rhest and Curweiisvillw eu the frank manner lu which they havo shown up the Inconsistency and treacherous designs of the Moiloct and their al lies, and hope to bo able, with their assistance, to Lring the present contest to a speedy termination. Let all true Democrats unite in the determina tion that right shall prevail, and notwithstanding the desperate efforts of a renegade faction, give tbom such an overwhelming defeat that thit may be the latt attempt they will over make fo trifle witn pure, unadulteretl Democracy. a It is evident that the rultloantiko movoa eltewhere than on the barren.. On Mon day last, at Rev. Mr. Dill and hit family were coining down lb. ridge road, in their oarriago, near Mr. W. S. K.ed't, one of then, venomous reptiles lay itrctchcd across the road, making luu lie with his rattler. Mr. Dill, after some hesita tion, alighted Trimi hit carriage, dispatched the reptile, which wat about thru, feet long, and rob bed him uf hit rttllct. CiiANOE or rRooRAMiiK. Vi'o lonrn just befor. going to prras that Mist Bwnna has taken chargo of the female department of the Clearfield Aeadoiay, and that that department will be under her control in the future. It it well that th. Trustees have leeured her services. Keithcr srholart oor patront will lose anything by Ihe ehange. I!ov. Collins will preach In tho Lu theran church next Sabbath. At 8 p. at. there will be a children's niitsionury meeting. Mr. Cullint Lat oharui, picture! and idols, represent ing heathen worship. All are invited. Specials. A stranger, th. other day, after dinner, waa asking where he could got a good Cigar. Anoth er gentleman spoko up and said, "Why goto Alex. Watson's, on Market street, and yo. will got tno best Cigar you ever sinokcil. Mr. James Kerr, ef tho firm of Kerr A Co. will visit I'biladelfihia th. last of this week for the purpose of purchasing another supply of raelilonaul. nothing, and about tno nun inst. win havu on exhibition for the inspection nf pur chasers tho f nest and most fashlonabl. assort ment of Fall Ciothingand Furnishing Goods ever offered to th. Clearfield trade. Mr. K. inaket a specialty-of fashionable clothing, and by the time indicated will lie prepared lo please tvorynody Ho. wait uotil thai time and then call, .elect aud purchase. I fanre Just rocolved to-day from tho Kast tome real genuine Key West Cigars, Heidenhcrg k Co'e. ocst jiavanas. ai.kx. "ar.oi., Market bt., one door rant of Kerr A Co't. ritor.. A Cxtin. Miss MrAlnine, teacher of Music, Fainting, Crayon and Druwing. Kootn at the Academy. augJT ItBAiiTinal Fersoas who contemplate building will ilu well to call ami examine our stock ol 1)1 Il.lil.ScJ MATKI'.IALH, We have In slock a full tin. of ltuilders' Hardware, Ivails, Faints, Oils, lllasa, l'utty, Calcined Hauler, Ac my23 JJ ,-. II. K. lint aa A Co. Just received, a larg. lot of non-.xploslve Lamps and Lanierna at D-a4-7J II. F, Biw.B k Co't. II. t. Blgler A Co. ban been making extensive additions to their stock of Hardware the last few dart, everything new in t-helf Hardware, r"nd dlers' Hardware, Farmers' Hardware, ltuilders' Hardware, and Hardware uf all kinds, enn be seen at their ttore. May ZI. Axr.s. Seventy Hi dotes Clearfield Wood ohoppert Axel at :Vi:i2. n. F. DIOLER A Co't. RECAPITULATION. ' Hlrd Cages. . . Wood and Willow Ware. Household tlo-'da. - . All kinds of Hardware. Japanned Ware. Faints, (IPs, Vornlslica. ' f alcined Flaster, Wagon and Carringe Maker. luppUns. ' ' All of the above for sale at the mammoth Hard ware f lore of II. F. lltglcr A Co., Hccoud street, Cloarfiold, Fa. at Calcined Flatter for sal. by II. F. Blgler A Co. ' Raw.--Wslni's Cross cot Raw, Great AmerlciB Saw, Ititrnlon't Lightning taw, at lt-;i 73 II. F. A Co't, NoTira to Waoox n Cain.ioa Mi:ns. We have just received a general assurttuent of W agon nil Carnogs n noils, ni'o a lull line oi irpiingr ch"Wn roi II. F. 11 IOI.KB A Co. pAivra avn l'Alrr.!i' Funiina, Our stock of Faints and Painters' Materials is complete. In eluding J, T. Lewis' Pure W bite Lead. John Lu cas A LVs Pure White Lead, 1'. U. A Co s Hock Lead, and a number of cheaper bran, Is of While Lead; also, Linseed llil, Turpentine, Varnishes or all kinds, a lull line of llruehcs, and a full line of eulors, dry and In Oil. my!i'i3 II. F. Btfii.iB A Co. Fi.itt.n Taci.ij. The fl.hlnr season having oommenced, luvrra of this eli'Kanl spurt will be casting about to find where to pnroliaso til. ncees sarv reouiremcnts in order lo eiijoyy the spurt. To all such wo will lay, go to th. Hardware Hlore of II. F. lliglcr A Co., aa they have the Ancst lot of Tn.ut Rails. Lines. Jlookt, llaskota, llalt- lloxes, lleeli, tinnad., Fllee, ete., ever brought to thit .nunty. -Tliflr Trout lions nr. reany em. gant, and every person expecting lo gutrout-hsb nig thit luiliuur shuuld have one. 4 H A full line of H ousehold Omuls, Japanned Ware, Ac, for sale by 11. F. Iligl.r A Lu. R, 11. Wherlhtrrowt, Ilal.y Carrisgaa, Toy Ex press Wag ont aud lici-lbnrrows, al my2.'3 II. F. Iluar.a t Co't. AlUI KT FL0JVFII. This vreal Ilvsnniila Panacea has Ihe largest sale of ny other preparation i. Ih.wDild. W hyf ll.-eauae we say In every one that Is afflicted with Dvspepsla, Liver folnplaint, 5i..tlve.e.s, Ilead ae'he, llearlhurn, Walerbrasb, tfunr Stomach, In digestion sir anv dlseas. depending npnn pure bluod, hcnlthv Liver and, to call at 0. I) Watson's i'rug rllnre, ia Clearfield, and gel one of our samplo hottlei rn-e or charge. Regular site Tf cents. Two or Hire. dwc. will relieve any case. Try It. ftaitgiSy Palnt, Hilt and Varniil)ci for talo .l.y II. F. Dicier X 1,'u. ' FACTS FOB TUB FKOFLB. ' L. Flegal hat disputed of bis Furnishing floods r tho liuriiose of Ulakitiir mom r... II..I- IV... Hoots and rihues. ami ba. In.i .........I r-!.M ,i.i eastern eities with iha lKrL,..i i....l ....... i i. to th. county which he ,,11, nusl sell and ia- ,i.,.i.,ii,iili.L pnoea wunti will i.eiyunoj. ne mis on u ind a very large assort ment of th. llaltimore baud made Uaihrs, for aulas wtiar. t,uuis, to see IbtMu u to .be cuu ilioed that they ar. the shuts lo buy. Also, a ill line of th. Uicbnrdsun and A I water tlmira loots, which need no recnmiueiidatiou to Hie pub 10. Also, alariroliiieof Kastsrn Itiml. .ml Kl.nM llu all of which h. can dety competition in pricet. Alto, a oompleto assortment ff Iruukl aud Va lises. F. 8. Flegal layl goods aro oheap, that b. iuro iHvui t,Q mill, ami wiu sell tneui at prloct at will astonish everybody. Call and tee. Clcarllcld, July 2, 1SJ8. To Til R ClTISrM. OP I.KWV.vt v .at . V... -I tention is respectfully invited to tho fact that the atlunal llmika are now ltrennri.,1 t n,nili. .111.- scriptions to the Capital Blook uf the Ceulcnnial uunru oi nuance, i no limit, realised Irom this touro. are to bo employed in th. erection ol the uuiimngs lor ui. juternutiiuial uxliibliiun, aud Ihe expenses oonncctiiil with tho same. . it it con. fldently expected that tile Keystone Htato will be represented by the namo of .vary cillsi n alive to tat riot lo eoiiiiiicmoration of the on. hundri'dth irth-day of the uation. The sharea of atoek are offered lor f 10 taoli, and lot, sender, will receive a handsomely steel engraved Certiorate uf Stuck, auttaMo fur framing and preservation as a na tional memorial. Interest at the rate of tlx per cent, per annnm will he paid on all payments of Centennial rluiek from date of pnyment to January 1, IhTfl. Hubsoribers who are not near a National Bank onn remit a oheck or poslodice ordciwtA tho un dersigned. VKF.HK. FllAI.KV, Treasurer, sug-U D04 Walnut Bt., Fbiladelphia. Bird Cagot ler A Co.'t. , large ataortmoot at II. F. Big- iwi,-rarmcrs win find it to tlieir advantage to call iu aud examine our stuck of Pluws, Culti vators, Ac, among which will he found Single n. n ........... and noutile irun and Woodbhovel Plows, Iron and Wood Cultivators, The tlowamln Irun Beam Tlow, The Pittsburgh Klrcl Plow, The llaupt llellefolilo Plow, and o her patterns. niy27a II. F. Bioiaa A Co'. Munlour Flato Paints, for painting bouses--ln-sido and uutsiile Cottages, Farm Buildings, Ac. Beautiful, durable and eeonumiual. Urouud in pure Linseed Oil. 2"'JS II. F. BitiLxn A Co. RcrmaRnATona. About June 5, 197.1, II. F. Bigler. A Co. will havo an nssurtnicat of Refrig erator!. mv2873 Wood and Willow Ware uf all description! for -.1- I II T? s. si- 1 om 41. r. oilier a s u. Rav. Time! Rave Labor! Rave Money I Rave i luincl! ine" novelty Wringer" it the belt in Ihe market. Buy It; try it. For aale br 11. V. Bint ww A Co. Sttnnlftl. On Antrnst 28th. W, at Ihe rcaidrnce of the bride's parents, by Iter. M. L. (Iamop, Mr. RAN DIL T. 1II TI.KR lo Mi.s A.NMB K. THOMP SON, both of Paradise. 0a August 2 th. is;.",. hv Juh. II. lluWLES. EsqH Mr. ALFRED SW. It TSWnnTII, of Lawrenne township, lo Mist FANNY F. BLOOM, of Pike township. On August 5.1,1, 1873, liv Tllouts Kvi.xn, Era., Mr, WALTKH STARDLHD to Mist JJKLLA ROACH. . .. . i ronl (Ivfitisfmrnts. SherilT's Sale. "I)Y virtue of writs of Levari Factnt. Is ll sued out of the Court of Common Pleaa uf ttearQed eounty, and to me directed, there will be expnged tu I'L IU.IC HAI.K, at the Court ilGuae in the borough of Clertrtield, on .Mon day, Ihe 2LM day of I ptetnWr, 187:1, at 1 o'clock, p. ui,, the following Hunt Estate, to wit: All that certain town lot aitusie in the borough of Jloulidiile, CUarfidd crunity, ou the south wt'it corner of Uo d and Clnra streets, fronting on (food street 60 (Vot nd runuion west J&O Uut to Pine alley, and known aa lot NV 60 in the j(n eral plan of anid borough. B. iifJ, taken In ex c ii i ion and to bo sold ui the property of Joaipb P. Cox. Alio, all that eertain two tory f-auie dwelling house, 24 xU ft-et in aiic, with curtillaire appurlc nant thnrcto, situate lu the borough uf lluutxilaln, Ckarflt liJ eouitty, Pa., on lot No. 1U0, frontintt 6U feet on Hue street and exteiidinj; winih along Unk alley 160 feet to Elk alley. . Seized, taken iu exe cution and to be aold as tUo property of 1'atrick Mcllugh. A lot), all (hat certain thref-dory frame stripped dwfllinjt house, sixtcrn feet aquare, with so ntuob of tho lot and eurtillage appurtmaut therute aa mny be neceswy for the ordinary use thereof, situate In tho borough of llnt!tKI;ilo, Clear-Held county, Pa., and known as lot No. 07 in aaid borough, and bounded on tbo south sido by Mary trert, 55 fct front and 10 I'cet deep, and adjoin ing lot No. fill, Pine ally and Klk alley. Suiiod, it ken in exeeution and lo be sold as the property of Timothy Uurman. AUo, all that eertnin two-itory frame stripped dwcllinit hone, lWt In site, nnd curliilae appurtenant tlitreto, r-itutite in the borough of Huuii'lRle, ItNinielil oouniy, I'a., on lot, fronting 50 ft-ot on tlcorge atrcct and extviiding brtik 160 feat loan alky, and bounded north by Will in in Well and aouth by lot of Lawrenoe Campbell. HcUed, taken in eieoution and to be slod as the property uf Martin llpkins. Tbrhs or Balm. The priee or autn at which the property shall be struck off must be paid at the time of sale, or such other arrangements made as will bo approved, oiborwiae the prop erty will be Immediately put up and ad again at the expenas and rtik or tne peraon to wnoa It wat struek off, and who. in ease of deficiency. at tuch re-sale, shall make good the sune.and In bo inataooo will the leed be preaentod In Court for confirmation nnleas the money is so tu ally paid the fcheriff. JLHJ1-N J. UK. SiiKnirr's Ovnvn I Bberiff. CWfiold, Pa.,8fpt. 3. 1973. f SherifTs Sale. 1Y Tirtua of writs ol fitri Fncin, linued I 1 out of the Court ol Common Pleas cf Clear- liuld county, and to me direoied, there will be exposed to PUU1.IC HAI.K. at the Court llouxe, in the borough of Clenrnold. on Alondny, tne 22 day of N'pteiiitjfr, at 1 o clock, p. m. the following Ueal K tats, to wltt All Defendant's Interest In a certain trnot of Innd aitUMte in I'cnn townfhip, Cloarfiold connty, Pa., Iiounded and i ascribed a fotlowa : lleginniug at a post In tho line of Spencer; thence by lanl aold l. Hpencer north 60 degrees weat 4H perchna to a post: thence south 4U oYgreoa ca?t 9 perches to a poat ; thence north dO degrees wt 34 perch- to acbentnut) tnrnoe enutn 211 acgrecs east 74 perches along line of drier Hell to w. oak f tlienoe noutb Jtll degrees pnt 70 perches to a hickory; thence north 8rt defrpfs eaut SO perches to cheat nut ; thonce smilh ti rlt-recs cnat 17 perches to a red (ink j thence north .171 degrees eatt IS pomlien to a hickory 1 thi'iice north 32 degrees west 27 pcrchra to a pnt ; thenco 37 di'gri'es en it .12 rcrcliw to stom.e; thence north 4U d grooa weat Oj per di s to piano of beginning containing aerea. Buixetl, taken in execution aud to be sjld as the property of Matthew llonry. Alan, all I'elYndant'a right, title and intercut In all that certain tract of Innd situate in Urahnra townships, Cli-nrAuld counlr, Pa., hounded and d se ri btil at lollowa, vis: Higinning at atono heap; th"nee went 170 pcrchra to a etonu heap j thence by l:iuds of Ilnnry fim-sil north 117 ft-10 pflrehca lo a atono heap) t licit ce by hind of John Baica! emt lit) pervues to a atone hr-tip; tlienoe ny uoo. Wntxil a (Met at ulh 117 0-10 perones to stones and 11 1 nee nf beginning containing 117 acres. Vn perches and allowance. Hoiicd, taken in execu tion and to be sold as the property of Darid W Crow ell. A lo, two Iota in Wen Hope, IlcccnHa lownalitp, CIcnrfliM county, Pa., both ilMtate on the rigl't hii tut aitle nf roi.d goirg Hum tJ if n Jlope up Ulimr field Creek to KciWaiia Mills. Iheone lut known aa No. I IV havinit a front of about f-fl feet on the road nnd extending tnek a of lfrt fret, more or Iras, nnd hounded on the upper si-It) li y hit No. 1(1. TI11 r.thcr lot knt.wn aa lot No. 10 having ahnnt ftfi ft of a front nn aaid msd and eU ntina hack a d;ataiiceof Iflrt fcct.nxtrcnr lets, and boundvd on the lower ai le by lot No. 1ft. Scio d. talicn in executiun and to bo sold as the properly of A. P. Flnnfgan. Also, all that cort.iin tract of land In fVst townnhin. Clrsrflcld on-inty, Pa., bounded on went by Ch' nt Creek and T. F. Dunbar, 00 north by Ilenj. V.'oods, on eat by land formerly ownt d by Mi-l.'ullougb, on touth by reahlue of the tract contmnhig about 011 area, reixea, inKcn in exc cution aud to le aold as the property of H. W Ilicrt. AIm, a lot of iro'tnil situate la Trmttrtlte, Cleurfli Id eont. Pa., fronting on turnpike and known a the .iIIcni-y prnporty, adjoining pro perty of Henry Hehneh and othem, baring a two minrv fr.iuM d Willing h une and ol her oui bu i Id leg" ihcrewa erwtrd. Stiawl, taken In eterution and to ho sold aa the property of laaao Mcllcnry and j vuu rnriiniii Trrui av 11 The rrloe or an in al which the property shall be strack off must be paid at the time of sale, or such o her arrangments made as will be approved, othsrwiso the pmpsrty wl'l be immsdiatcty put up and sold egala at the eipense and rlak of the poretn to whom It waa it ruc k off, and who, In oaae of deficiency at auoh resale, ahsl! make good the aame. and In no instance will the Deed be presented lo Court for continuation anlass the money le actually pidtodie Hheriff. (Uhli i. nn, fluaaiiT's Orrira, I Sheriff. Clearfleld, Pa., tkpt, S, 173. J TlhTU'I A COWTAIIal; VKK We hive printed a largo naiabor of the new I CR HILL, nnd will on the receipt of twenty live !tntff. ail a tKPl t addre.a. mtH Sheriff's Sale. ' : "l)Y virtue of writs of Venditioni Kxpoita; Issued I ) out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clear field eountr, and to me directed, there will be exposed to publie sale, at the Court Ilouae, In the borough of Clearfield, on Monday, the liza any or Brptemhor, 1973, at 1 o clock, p.m. the follow ing described real estate, to witi A eertain tract of land situate In Kartbaus tnwnatilp, Clearfield oouoty, Pa., bounded and de scrited as follows i llcginnlng at a locust post! thense north tt3 perahee te stones thenco weat 1M8 perchea to Stvnea t tUeooe S"Ull. I AH porch w along uie om 1 in mice ei 77 penibea to atones; thonoe eaat W porch oe to looutt and plaoe of be ginning oontaiuing 116 aorea and 2Ui perches, 7o aorus of which are cleared with a log house aud barn thereon erected. IS el ted, taken In exe cution and to be sold as the propurly of Hiram nuinonrger. Also, a certain trnot of land altuate In Decatur townahip, Clearfield county, Pa-, bounded front and aouth by tlertrude at rout, weat by Henry Cut ler, norm ny nuougn : being one lot ou feet front by 1T& feet deep in aaid town, having aiwo-atory plonk house thureon. Seised, taken in execution and to bo sold as the property uf Wia. Dixon. Alo, a certain trnot of land situate In Oaccola borough, Cleurfleld ouunty, Pa., bounded aud de scribed aa fnllowe, via t On tho south by Curt in airort, on the east by an alley, oa Ihe north bv an alley, nnd on the weat by lot No. 2(V, and known aa lot No. 207 in the general plan of said bor on li, and having a two-story plank dwelling house and other outbuildiugs thereon, 8lsed, taken In execution and to be sold as (be property of Jereininh Wagoner. Also, a certain tract of land situate In Orahara township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded weat by landa of Motes Kvana, north by lands of llu bler's heirs and James Myers, eaat by land of Kor coy aud llctti, and aouth by township road and lands of William j containing luu aerea and 02 perchea, and having about 80 aerea cleared and log houae, log barn and bearing orchard thereon. 8 1-1 icd, tuken In execution and to bo sold as the property of Alexander Wilson. Also, a certain traet of land situate la Decatur towmhip, C loarllold evunty, I'a., bounded and de ne ri bed as follows : On tho east by Ocrtrude street, north by street, on the weat and south by land of Jucob Btlncr, bviug 60 feet front and 176 feet deep, haviujc a two-story iilank houae t hereon. Seised, lukeo in elocution and to be aold as the property ol lValnh Copelln. Also, a eertain tract of land altuate In Osceola boiough, Clcarllcld county, Pa., bounded and do scrihrd aa follows, yisj On the rtorth-eaat eorner of Hale and Stone atreeta, being 50 fret front and running eaat liO feet to Kdward alloy, being des ignated and known as lot No. 0V la Ihe general ; plan of said borough, Seiwd, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Mrs. Margaret Mcllcnry. j Also, a eertain tract of land situate In Trout-1 villc, lirady townahip, Clearfield eounty, Pa., Iie ginuing at a corn or between said lot and land of Adam Knarr on the turnpike road j tbenee along line of Adam Knarr2lH feeli tbnnoe weat 100 fett along line of aaid Knarr to lot of Kunta; the nee I eaat along liue of Kunta 2 1H perches to turnpike ; ruauj lucuoa aiung lam (urnii jiu leot lo Uie beginning containing one-half acre more or leaa and having a plank houae and ahop thereon. i Scixed, tak-n in execution and to be sold as the j property of Frederick Jlayb. Alao, a certain tract of land altuate In llouts dale borough, Clear Hold eouuty, Pa., "bounded and dcijcrihed aa follow, ria t On the north-weat cor-1 ncr of Uoorge and Susan streets, being fifty feet ! front and running hack l.9 feet te an alloy, and 1 known as lot No. 2:1.1 iu the general plan of said I borough, and having a plank dwelling houae' thereon erected. Beixed, tnken la execution aad to be sold as the property ef Kdward Uoodmaa. Also, all that certain tract of land situate In Decatur township, Clearfield oouoty, Pa., bounded aoulh by the turnpike, caat'by land of Oeorge D. Morgan, norih by Heaver run and weat by J. I). Mctlirk, coutaining four and one-half aerea and baring a large two-story bote) and other outbuild ing Iheroou. Hoi led, taken In execution and to be sold aa tho property of Klias Walk. Alao, two certain tracts of land situate In Bovra township, Clearfield county, Pa., No. 1 buginulug ai poai corner on aoum ame oi turnpike aod on a line of the Win. Yard survey; thence eaat by said turnpike 17 perches tu a post : thence by land for merly of Wm. trvin, deceased, south V3 perches to a post ; thence weat by Hoe parallel with the line along the turnpike 17 perches to a noit cor ner on line of William Yard eurrcy; tbenoe by aaid line north 9j perchea to plane of beginuing, containing ten acres and fifteen perebea, neat measure, and baring a two-story plank dwelling bouiie, frame shop, trame stable and bearing or- i chard thuron. No. 2. The other tract thereof ad joining the land above deaerilwd, beginuing at a pust corner of I'bilip Miller lot; thence aouth 7v degrees eaat 14 perchea to a poat j thenee south li degrees weat II perches and 3f links to a post; thenee north Tt4 degrees west HJ pcrchei to a poat; thence north 14 degrees eaat to the place of bejrinniitg. containing one acre. Sol ted, taken In execution and to be sold as tbw property of W II- nam vt. cpeeuy. i Alao, a certain tract of land situate In Jaynes- ville, Uulieb townahip, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded on the wet by lot of P. i A. Flynn, on the eaat by Walnut street, on tbe north by an al ley and ou the south by lot of Wm. Bedgwick, containing one town lot and having a plauk dwell ing houae thereon erected. Soiled, taken in exe cution and to be aold aa tbe property of Franoes uyers. Also, all defendant's In'ercat In that oertain piece of Innd attunte hi Pike townihlp,'Cfoarfleld eounty, Pa., (now Ferguson), bryinoing at a post formerly hickory corner ; theuce by land of Adam Zautsiiigcr south 44 degrees eaat tO perches te a post; I hence by remainder of same south 40 de gree. weat 140 perches tu a post ; thence again by residue of said laud north M decrees weit 17rt perches to a poat; thenee along original line by Fox A Co.'s land north f8 degree call 1A0 perches to tbe place of beginning, containing 102 acres and M7 perches aud with houae aad barn thereon erected. Alao, anothar piece of lead situate in Putin township, beginning at poat on north bank of river by Lumber City lots north 3il degrees cat 20 perches to a poat ; thenee by land of Jos. Arthurs noulh M degroca eaat 211 lie ro bos to black oak; thence by laud of Jaaon Kirk south 15 degreos cost 20 perch oi to whits oak on batik of river; thenco up aaii rircr north 43 degrees wert 31 perches to place of beginning, containing .174 aerea. Beixed, taken in rxcculluti and to be aold aa the property of John Henry. Tan i or Pat.n. Tho priee or sum at which the property shall be struck off uual be paid at tbe tlae or sale, or sucn omer arrange menu made as will be approyed, otherwise the proper ty will be Immediately put up and aold again at the exptnse aad rlak of the peraon lo whom It waa struck off, and who, In caae cf deficiency at snob re-tale, shall make good the same, and In no Instanoe will the Deed be presented la Court for confirmation unloss the money is actually psld to the Sheriff. JUSIIN J. I'lK, Snaairr's Ornoa, I Sheriff. Clearfield, Pa., Sept. 3, 1S73. J 1 IM1 MMTB ATOR'M NOTICI2-Notle J Is hereby iriven thit lettersof adioialstralloi on the eatnto nf flENJAMIN DAIKD, late of Hell towmhip, Clearfield county, Pa., deceased, having been duly granted to the undersigned, all f eraona Indebted to said estate will pleane make mmedlnte pnyment, and those having claims or demands will preaent theio properly authenticated lor settlement wttrtnnt deny. JAMKd A. CAMPI1ELL, aug27-t Administrator. 1AliTKi. All persons are herehj oaulioned aa;ainss ne)osiaiin) lor prnniipror 1,11 liven liv uio tojaeob Cioilh, of lirady townabip, n.lii..M r-. J.JI.r. ,7iilim ilntcil ill. 2l)lli da, of July, A. D. 1HJ3. Iiayalilo after sll tnoniDS at tne nanaing iiouaeoi r. . nmuiu A Co., Lulliorsbure;. Ai 1 a.ver received value for "aid not., I aui dettrmiuud Dot tc) fj It un less eomnellcd liy law. aug'J7.:it DAVID MiJUNNKY AK'IIMstTII ATOH'M NOTICI- Notice ia given tliat ef administration ou III. eitate of PKThH M. HMITrJ, deceased, lat. of Hell township, Clearfield eounty, I'onn'a., bat ing been duty granted to the undersigned, all persons Indclitcd to said tslat, will picas, make immediate payuient, and those having claims or demands will present them properly aulbtutioattd for lottlcuKnt without dclav. JOIIS C. CONNOIl, atl;n.flt- Administrator. VI.MINIITHATOH'M NTI I',Nullc Is hereby iriven that letters of administration onth.estal.ofALK.ANlKH I1KATV, deceased, Isle of it' ll township, Clearlitld county, I'enn'a. bavloit bt.n duly granted to tb. nndertiftned, all peraon. Indebted to taid tatal. will plena rah. immsdlltt payment, and thot. bavin, olaiini or drmandi will prtient th.m properly authenticated fur .tttltmeat without delay. JAMhfl BEATV, AukiiiI, 11, 1173 Ol. Adminlatrator. 1 iXl'.C:i;TOII' NOTICR,--Nolle, it bwe- A by Riven that letter! teslainenlary bavin Imt-n ftrmiti4 to the undersigned oa tbo .stat. uf Mrs. 1,1. IZA H.ANMIIA.V, dccea.r.1, Info of Clearlleld, Oearlielil ouunty, Pennsylvania, all persona Indclitcd tu taid estate are requested to mta. Immediate payment, and thus, having olaiina against the sain, will prrsont th.m duly autbuntioalod fur acUlntiirnt. JAAlKd 11. Q 1UII. AM, aiig13-6t Kiecutor. SpoLes, Rims & Plow Handles. JOHN G. DAVIS 4 SON, imo srokE U01IKS, g. V. Cor. LEOPARD A OTTER 8tre.ti, PHILADELPHIA. r-Rond for Prio. Lilt. T..10 TOSIU'H If. ItOWLKS, Juallco of ff the Peace and pfrlvrner In the upper end of Itewrmre townnhlp. ( oTIfrtloni iliade and money p.niflt'Hy fA ever f.J-Jf ; 1873. ; ; l ; 1873.;. j NEW : SPRING GOODS ! '. f--.'. AX WM, ltEKD'N. rniNTs, : : ' PA ItC ALES, . 01NOIIAMS, TICK1NU8, .! MI'BLINS, .;."- . ; -(jllKKTINUB, r ' " C0TT0NADE3, ' ' -: ' : ; ! BOY'S CA88IHBRR, MEN'S CA8S1MEBB. LINENS. ! ' DRESS GOODS, 1 . , , i . . ,' i ', to great variety and all th. ntwst ibadei. ' " Japanese Poplin., ' 1 ' : Japaneae Kllka, r aVrlped Popllne, ).. Mlk I'opllua, I'reucU Mohalra, lleruamei, Grenadlue., I.awna. 1 SPECIAL BARGAINS IN i Colored Silks! Colored Silks! , . - ) Black Silks! Black Silks I ShaMls! Shawls! Shawls! Carpet, Carpets, Carpet, Mid at tb. loweat oash prie. at WM. HEED'S, 3:2 Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. 73 May 14. 18?S. JLOUB, FEED, &C. THE nEt'CAM A FLOURING MILLS. The undersigned would respectfully glre no tice to the cltiiens of Beooarta township aad sur rounding country, that be has purchased tbe tteeearia Flouring Mills and put everything to complete order, and Ia manufacturing a flrst-elass quality of Flour. CUSTOM WORK DONE, aad Floar in quantity ooaitantly oa hand foraal,. CIIOP, CORN MEAL, BBAN, AC, 4C. always on hand and for tal. wholesale or retail. ) "INCH SIIIXCLM WAMTED. iO" J. Will eiehang. Flour and Chop lor " inch ribioglea, or will pay part money, If desiied. J0:Mf BARNABAS ABMSTRONd. SAWS I SAWS1 SAWS! DISTAN'S CROSS-CUT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR BAWS. Boynton'8 Lightning Cross-cnt Saw, At so, ' ' PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For sal. by oetU.rtl " II. F. Kint.ER A CO. C. I). WATSON, DEALER IN DRUGS & PATEXT MEI)IC1ES, CONFECTIONERIES, TOVS AND TANKE8 NOTIONS, FINK TEAS A ROASTED COFFEE, BEBT BRANDS TOBACCO A SKAARS, SCHOOL BOOKS A BTATIONERI, Masonle Building, Seoond Street. decl-7 ly CLEARFIELD, PA T)ISK, WHITB A ROAN LININO SKIN8- I Juat reeelv.a anil tor aale ny April tn. IhTe). II. f. BKIl.KR A CO, J. T. It A We TONE'S TOmE Jcsiro to cull the attention of tho citizens of Cloarfiold havo opened a ( MUSIC Where we intend to constantly ' HANOS, OKGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. ; s Our stock of PIANOS will consist of RAVEN & COMPANY'S PIANOS, STi:iNVAY & SONS' PIANOS, u HAINES DROTIIliUS' PIANOS. Wo arc prepnred nt all times lavorablo terms as to prices nnu icrins oi puj incut. Our stock of ORGANS will consist of tho now nnd popular RYNDER ORGAN, (with Rvnder's Knee Ticmolo nnd downward Tho SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides these wo furnish lo order Orgnns from any factory desired. We sell on every plan known POPULAR AND EASY LLASL. 1 On our easy terms every one enn havo n good instrument, amount will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. HTWe shall be glnd to hove oct23-7M 1873. NEW SUMMER GOODS ! AT wji. it Fi :i-. BARGAINS! BARGAINSI BARGAINS! i j j i . . , i . . ; AI So, Browa Muslin. . k . At 10a, Brown Muslin, real good. At I2)o, Brown Muslin, yard wide. At 121o, Splendid Bleached Muslin, yd wide. At I8o, llanilsom. Poplin Plaid,.: At S5o, Jnpanel. Poplin. i At 25c, Blaolt and Colored Alpaca.. , ., , At 60c, Jap. nest Silk, worth 7 bo. At 11.00, Elegant Silk Poplin. ( f At (1.18, Oood Black Silk. , At $1.90, Splendid Black Bilk, wide. At 2 00, Black Silk, worth , ; At 10c, Good Whit. Plqua, or P. K. At r 1.25, Oood Honey -comb Qullta. , At tl.7i, $2 00,, Spltndid Marseille, QuilU. . SATCHELS, TRUNKS, OIL CLOTH, GENTS' UNDERWEAR, NECK TIES, SHIRTS, , EU8PENDERS, UANDKERCU'FS GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS,. and a full stock of Ladiea' Mitsei'and Children's riUOKS, at prieot to tuit tb. titoea. call t't sin ron rot nsni.r, at WM, ItEED'Sj Market Ktreet, Cleardcld, Pa. tlay 14, 1S73. O. I. c. "ITrnERB to buy my DRT GOODS, OR0- oeriei, Queencware, Glawware, lrufcs aod Notions. Confectioneries, Ae., oheap for caeh. Tha uriirrlht.r ttetri lrmve to Inform his old and new customers that he has opened A VARIETY BT0RB i IN QtES HOPE, PA. And will wll goods at nrices to suit the timet. A liberal red uc I ion will Le made to customers buy ing at wholesale. Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. A liberal share or public patronage is solicited. C. J. EEAGT. (lien Hope. Pa., June 1 4, 1871. w fM. R. MORGAN, CLEARFIELD, PA. Agent for th. . ATWOOD PLOWS. Farmer! in need of Plowi will do well to rail at my farm in Lawrence township, aad examine the improved Atwood right and left handed and id. hill, which I am telling very cheap fur eash. apl:il) 6ra , Uvery Ntuble. ' THE undernlgned Ws leare to Inform the pub lie thftt he is now fully prepnred to aocotumo date all in the way of furnishing llnrses, llugiftes, Saddles and Harness, on the shortcut notice and on reiasonshle terms. Renidenceon Locust streot. between Third and Fourth. UKO. W, GEARUART. 1leHleld, April 11, 1867. JJ F. BIGLER & CO. hare for sals CARRIAGE & WAG0 WOODS, SHAFTS AND I'OLES, IIUBS, Sl'OKES, FELLOES, &o. j Carriag. and Wagon Maker, tbonld mass a not, of this aod tall and detain, The, will b. (old at fair price,. . may 21 71 QUNSJIITHING. G. W.WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. Shop en Third street. ov,r Riley', blaoksmlth jhop, CLEAHFIKLI), PA. All kinds of Rifles and Shot Gun, on hand. Repairing done in a ftrtt-elau manner and at fair pricet. 3:2A'T8 M ARK E T' S T R E E 1873. It F I K li 1, 1' EXJf'A. STORE IN CLEARFIELD, keep on hand a full supply of . to furnish nny of the cheaper nmkes of Pianos to order on the most MASON & to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR LAiN. ,u call and see us, whether you desire to purchaso or not. flYZWEirH JHUNH5 NTOllE, "ilUUlafrit. 1873. 1873. FANCtf GOODS, r lir, WHITE GOODS, AT 1 WM. HEED'S. HiliVV IIATsJ aud UOKSiliTM, - tXOWErla) aud KIiniONX, NF.CKTIEH and PICHUH, ,, J , COM. Alia and lUI'Itl, , ,j ' .-. C'OHHICTS aud II OO PS K I II TS, Itl'STI.l and olher KIXIN'H, UM)KHWKAH of all kind., HOSIERY and Cil.OVIUt, IIANUKEUCIIIEPH, WHITE. THIMMINtiS, ' EMRKOIDEKV, . : ' 1 ' TOW ELM, .'- NAPKINS. ,'.( STANDARD TRIMMINGS. A FILL LIVE OF PARASOLS AND FANS. NEW WHITE GOODS. rtQDA, STRIPED MUSLINS, PLAID MUSLINS, SATIN STRIPES. ' ' '; MARAPOSA STRIPES, . AC, AC, AC. , , All will U told at tbe lowest price, at W-M..: HEED'S, . Market Street, Clcarllcld, Pa. ' May U. 1878. I- ' 11 BAD TUISl FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The attention of the eitltens of Clearfield and vieluity is dirocted lo the fiict that Guudftlluw k Son are tbe agents of M. Niece k Co.. and hare just received a half doicn car loads of Flour and Peed, which ihey oiler at the lowest posaible fig ures. A large atuck of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CUOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Cam In ear, Ac, At. Particular attention it tailed to M. Nlec A Co.', brand of Family Flour, which I, th, beat in tb. market. ' Floor and Feed can and witl be nld cheaper than it can b. obtained elsewhere in Clearlleld eountv. j:4r-Stor. on Market itreet, next door to lion. Alexander Irvin't residence. UOODFELLOW A SON, janlOtf Agents for M. Niece A Co. 17 K SALE! A large and well-flnirhed Brick Dwelling, alto ate on the river bank, in tbe borough nf Clear fir 11, oontniaing eleven roonm, with gotd cellar, water lo the kitchen, and all the modern conve nicnoei. Pantries, llatb-room, Clo'hes-preMe, Ac. Lot sixty feet fruut and two hundred aud thirty feet back, with a twenly foot alley on the east side. aid building, with all tbe appurtenances, will be told cheap, with payments tu mil purcha ser. Application can be made tu tho tindr signel, or to A. 0. Tata, Ki., Who will give til nrcesnary information to those who desire to In spect the property. TH0S. J. MlCI'LLOI'GH, May list, 1873, tf. Beale's Embrocation, . (L ATI rOWILl'8,) For all diseases Incident to Horace, Cattle, nnd Human Fleih, retiring the use of an external epplioetioa. Thia BmbroeaUon waa extensively ased bf the Government during the war. For sale by Uartswlek A Irwin. Clearfield Joseph R. Irwin, Carwonsvills. Paniel Uood- anuer. Lutaersburg. Attention, Lumbermen ! "11T"K are now mannlacturlns; our IMPROVED t 8TRKL POCK KT URIVINW CAN T- IIIKlKrl, snperior to any ether In ns. W. bav, alio in stock a large quantity nf Canthooks suita ble for raiting purposes, which we are idling rncap loreaan. Anno a i. sossfliiv.' Cleardcld, Pa., March 11. 1871. T, county to the fuct that wd Octave Coupler,) - ORGANS, HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the CASH, ON NOTES, or on the and no other investment of liko . BfUUistilf. -i ',tjt .'..'.' .1 ...Li J- -j LL-L-i ANNOUNCEMENT ' OF TIIK OUKAt REDUCTION OF PRICES I 1IY H. POHTKH KIlAW, 1. I. 8. IMPORTANT TRITHS: Having succeeded In gtting a lihtur tariff on matv.U!, hence the ttrit and muittruit charge fat purliul aud full sets of iecili. J use the butt niauurai'ture of teeth and other innteriul. All o poratlons rogUtcred and warranted to glre sef vice aud raticUction. Friend, reflect that tny charges far the tnierV tion of ertidoial and the aarlng uf the uaiural tcith are now tlir nioHtriaHcnHliloin pcnunylvmilii. lreiervo your treth anil yu presorve your health! Putting uf the nutural Uut a lu a healthy, pre servuti.vaiid uicful ounrlitiun is mudc a spvuiully. LfiseHsei and uinlfuraatl')nicuniinn totho inouth; aw and ajaouitile pnrts, aro t rented and correoted triih fair success. Kxaniinntlons and consulta tions rnrr. It would be well tor patient from a d Minnie 10 let me know by wall a few days befitre oonilng' te the ofliee. It Is very iuiportunt that chillren belwnen the ages of six and twelve years should bnte their tocth exainlued. Antoiihc-tics are aduilulstcred aud T6uth rt-mm-ed withont pain. . ; . - .-impositions aud eharnoler are judged by all tho world by the cxpromiiuns of the Ine, hcuco bow very disaatrous may it tburefnro be for per' sons to iodulgu ao epH inn of riUtorttd fi aturtsj even aiiart from a hyificnie view. Now, to enjoy natural (not artificial) comforts and ploasurcs, respect and ubty nnturiil implicit. and iualinot. . 8. POttTKIt SHAW, D. 11. 8. Office In New Musonio Uuilding, Second street Clearfield, Pa. niayli'TS DZNTAjCAED. Dii. A. M. II1LL3 ' U7....1J a 1,1. si.ll.nri nmt Iha nil.- ' I I r " '"J " 'S-' I lie gcnorally, that, having dissulwd partierahi0 wiih Dr. ISbnw, he is now doing Ihe entire word of his office himself, nn that patients need nut ffar ueiTig pui unirr uip uniiir w hj uuirr yvi Clearfield, March 1872 pdl!i'Uioh73 J. M. STEWART, D. D. 8., JJJiK UfDoe over Irwin's Drug Store, CL'RWKXSVILLE. PA. All dental operations, either In the mechanical or operative branch, promptly attended la aad satialaction guaranteed, hpeelal attention paid to the treatment of riisuapes of the natural teeth, gums and mouth. Irregularity of the teeth sue ocsflully corrected. Ttcth extraoted without pain by the uee of P.thcr, and artificial tcefh fnseiHea of tbe bot material and warranted to render sat is fnl iitn. apriiat'71-lr E A C E IN Ul'ROPEI-i aut ' ' . GREAT BXCJTEMiJl.N IN FRENCHVILLEI The bloody contest bet worn France and P'uisla is nt an end for the prciM-nt, so fur an tho clitigh tering of men and the destruction of property i4 ooncerueil. Tlie Royal Jufrgltrs no doubt pride thrnt wives nnd rejoice ovtr the refult, but how tnnigiiifleant is their work when compared with the humane and christian efforts of . . L. M. COUDRIET, .1 who haa andertnken to supply sll tho cltitens ill the lowor end of the county with foo 1 and raitiiPltt at rxooedintt low rat ei from bisiuttnmoth ititro in Ml leSOXlU Hd, vthiro ho can always to found rvady to wait upon callers and supply them With Dry Goods of nil Kinds; ' Such as Ctothi, Patinctts, Caf!mrre, Nusttni, Delaines, Linen, I'rillnipii, Cancoes. Trimmings, Hibbous, Lace, Ready-made Clothing, Boots aod Shoes, Tints and Caps all of the best innteriul and mad. to order uoe, cwa;, moves, rumens, i.aces, uiDons,o. GROCKH1E3 OF. ALL KIXUS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Vjcn, 'Wi'Mti?'. Fith. Salt, Pork, Unsocd Oil, Fish Oil. Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queen own re, Tlnwnre, OitJ'fin'ff', Plowl and Plow Cartings, Narli, Kptkea, Corn Cultivn tors, Cider Presses, arid all kinds of Axes. Perfumery, Paints, Varuioh, Glass, and a gvnefal aasoiiuent ol etationt'iy, GOOD' FLOUR, Of different brands, always on hand, nnd will ba aold at the lowest poinblu figure. , LIQVORS, sueh as Rracdy, Wine, Gin, Whisky. Jayues Memi'ines, ll (Utters and ilo'.fUnd's Hitters. 6006 pounds of Wool wanted for which the highest priee will be paid. CljTGrtw J on hand and for sale at the lowest markoi price Also, Arfrnt for Slrattuavtlle aad Corwcniville Threshing Alachiuea. ... :.,' cuCall and so for yourslvea. Von will fiod everything atual!y ktpt in a retail store. L. M. COUDRIET. Frenehville P. O., Marrh 1, 1871. LKARFI ELD A(tIK3I. MAKK DKPARTMKNT. TIIR KALI. TKRM 6r fourteen w-eeks will commence MON'DAy. SKPTKM HER Sth, 1S73. Term a of Tuition. Reading, Writing, Mental and Written Arithmetic, t.rnmumr, Ueography and History $9 00 Natural Phitottophj, Physiology, and bin- gio ho try u-Hik-kecpiug For Instructions in DouMe Kntrv llxik- 13 01 beeping andCommereinl Arithmetic, pe ' ' eial terms to he arranged. -". 1 . - . The undersigned having charge of lite Mala Dt-parttneul is aa experienced haohcr. lie is a gradate of Irtin Oily Cuuirnerctal College, and has had several years' practical experience as an accountant, '' ' ' ' j lie is prepared, en notliTnte terms, to give suvli iustructinni in PiniuMimliip and Hotk-hoping ae aro usually obtained only at Commeirial t'ollsges or In acsaal business For particulars respecting the auhoel apply tv 1 , . - augiitf R. M. MuKNAl.LT. ' .MISS H. S. SWAN'S ' .! SCHOOL FOR GIRLS n.Knprf:i n. vk. ' fpiIK fALT, TERfl of f.mrlicn ir'nla, win I oomtnenoo Muntlar, f (i(itrnilM.r 1st, 197S. TKHJIS OF TUiTIO. floaillng, OrllmgrajiliT, Writing. Olject Lcl- '! inns, Primar, Arithmetio and Prlmar, Unis;rapfa.r.... tl H Ilistur, Local anil tlcaoriptiv. U.ograibj . with nlau Dravrinp;, tlraiiimar, lt-utal and Written Arithmetic (a Alffahra and 111. Soi.nrf. .,.... IS fH Instruction lo Instruru.ntal musi.M. 10 01 Oil painting, 21 lessons 1 0(1 Wat work , t Vt Far full iiartirulart for Circular. UlcarOtla, Auf. 0, 1873. :7l0 -y The Hell's Run Woolen Fnclory, Tcnn Uiwnilitp, ClrarfloM Co., I'a. ,. It II R N UI) II1ITI err kot BUR NED U PI The sul)eriHen have, at great cxpna, rebuilt a netgblxirhoud nvoovnity, in the ertciion of a flrsU elsf's Woolen MmiuftM'tiiry, with all the ntodrrn impniveuicnte nltsi'hed, and are prrpsn-d to make all kind of Cloths, CaKPiinores, hutinetta, 111 an. kets, Flannels, Aa Plenty of goad oa hnnd to supply all nurold and a thonanii-l new riiFtomeri whom we ank to come and examine our stock. Tho bnvlnrss of CARDKVO AKD FCI.USO will revive emr eupcelal attention. Proper arrangements will be made te rcutiva and deliver Wool, lo suit (.usiouiers. All woik wnrrantud and done upon the nhnrli'M notire, nnd by strict atten tion to ltuin'i we h pe to rtallse a liberal share ef publie patronage. , lt,HK ToUNPfi WOOL WAXTKDl We will pay the hi (theft nwtrkei price fr Wool and sell our manufarturi'd gooda aa low ait similar goods ran bchnogM in the oottntr, and whenever we fail to rrnder rmfonalile sallirnctlon wo can alwaya be found at hone ready to make proper' explanation, either In pr-rivm or by leuer. JAM Ed J0UNS0X A aprllSdtf Unwet P. 0. HOTtSK AND LOT FOR SALK! The House and lit on lite corner of Mar ket and Ptftli streets, ClrarA?d, Pa., Is for tab. The lot cnnU.OK nrartv an . of giout d. The house Is a Isr double frmn,-oontairung nine rooms. Per let mi Sjrt Mher Infornatloa apply .- . k- ...I i.H.a. tka I'xal (t(mnM W (IIP rrUPKIW a M a.. -Iff U I flllltV